What does this tell us about sensation & perception?
See more of these ads at - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/creative-ads-from-att-wireless-international-roaming/
(Thanks to Laura for sending)
What does this tell us about sensation & perception?
See more of these ads at - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/creative-ads-from-att-wireless-international-roaming/
(Thanks to Laura for sending)
These adds are pretty awesome to say the least. The drawings on the hands draw attention away from the phones. Also, the drawings are selected to represent a certain country.
The addes really draw attention to themselves and represent the different countries very well. I also believe that they are simple enough that while looking at the ad, the onlooker doesn't just notice the pictures, but notices what is being advertised as well. What this says about perception, however, is that we can perceive an entire country out of paintings on a hand and can perceive a whole idea out of a simple painting along with a few words. I think this was an awesome and very creative idea to draw people's attention.
I think this has a lot of Gestalt psychology in it. It is kind of a bistable illusion because not only can we see the elephant and the other images but we can also see the hands.
Like on the elephants, the blackets, bring our eyes to a different perception of hands. It is a sign of Gestalt, that the pieces bring the hands and their shape into a whole new scene.
I think that this a pretty interesting idea for taping into a large market such as India. I am unsure if the elephant illusion will be a hit with people in India.
Really cool. International roaming, the drawing hands represented different countries brings attention more than on the phone I think.
This ad is pretty amazing. The website didn't work for some reason so this was the only one I saw. It definitely tells us something about sensation and perception because even though we know that the elephants are hands, our brain has a hard time telling the difference.
I love these ads. I didn't really pay attention to the phones but I really like how they used the pictures related to the countries around the world. For some of the adds i had to look for a while to realize where the parts of the hand were. It just really looked like a picture. I also do not think our brains were expecting that the picture was on a hand because thats not something you see everyday.
Definately based in Gestalt. Props to the artists, and to the hand models that had to hold that position while the artists painted. I'm sure it was difficult
The images for India, Jamaica, and China were amazing to me. In those three specifically it was easy to see both the hands and the pictures to represent the country. In chapter 8 it discusses how attention can help enhance the processing of a specific stimuli. The example they give is looking for a specific type of coin out of a bowl of change. When you're looking for a specific coin they become more noticeable. I think it relates to these images. When you want to see the images as hands you can do so, but when you want to notice the pictures, the hands disappear and become the international images.