This is awesome! This just shows how our visual system interprets what we are seeing in a way that makes the most sense in reality. Although we know that there are many different strings of light that are working together to create this image, our brain only shows us one image.
This is really cool! I clicked on the next image after the clip was over and it showed the world's largest 3d display. While it was pretty cool, it goes along with what was said above in that our eyes pick out and inerepret what we are seeing to make some reality out of the situation. In the world's largest display, there was no apparent theme so it was a little bit more difficult to pick out what was being shown on the display. It had some flower and start shapes that we really had no way of predicting what it was going to be whereas with the first clip, we were able to tell that someone was dancing because of the sequencing of the image and the music at one time.
I found this video interesting because it appears to be human even though it is just a variety of LED lights patterns. This seems to have relation to biological motion. We perceive the motion as a human because it mimics what we see when humans move.
This video reminds me of biological motion, although there were lights on her whole body, not just the joints. This also reminds me of Gestalt and the phi phenomemom, which is the illusion of movement when lights move in succession. Just shows you the power of our minds!
This is an example of how our brains are good a filling in gaps. We know that this is just a bunch of individual LED lights be it looks a person is dancing, just simply amazing. This is a cool example
I thought this was a really neat video. Its funny how even if you try to see bits and pieces that make up the whole you really cant break down what you are seeing. And the music also helped fool our brain bc we just expect the figure to be dancing bc of the music and movement.
This video yet again shows how much brain works in ways that we take for granted. A LED truely brought a dancing person to life! Its amazing how complex this LED display had to have been but even more amazing how our brain only sees it as one thing. I could not imagine a world in which our brain did not simply things for us. Our head would explode if we really saw every single thing that was going on in this display. Our brain takes what is really pieces and puts it into a whole for us. Amazing!
The first thing I thought about when watching the video was biological motion. But then I started thinking about how our sensory systems work together. I had my husband watch the video with no music without knowing what it was supposed to be. It took him a little bit to determine that it was a person dancing. When you watch the video and hear the music it seems obvious. But with out our hearing it's a little harder for our brains to make sense of.
This is a really neat video to watch! I was looking at it in the library and didn't even know it had music util I started reading the other blog posts. At first I just thought it was a person walking but then I saw the dancing. The human brain is such a cool place. Why does our brain take tiny lights and make them into whole images that replicate what we see in the world. These types of examples are the reason I love psychology!
This is awesome! This just shows how our visual system interprets what we are seeing in a way that makes the most sense in reality. Although we know that there are many different strings of light that are working together to create this image, our brain only shows us one image.
This is really cool! I clicked on the next image after the clip was over and it showed the world's largest 3d display. While it was pretty cool, it goes along with what was said above in that our eyes pick out and inerepret what we are seeing to make some reality out of the situation. In the world's largest display, there was no apparent theme so it was a little bit more difficult to pick out what was being shown on the display. It had some flower and start shapes that we really had no way of predicting what it was going to be whereas with the first clip, we were able to tell that someone was dancing because of the sequencing of the image and the music at one time.
I found this video interesting because it appears to be human even though it is just a variety of LED lights patterns. This seems to have relation to biological motion. We perceive the motion as a human because it mimics what we see when humans move.
This video reminds me of biological motion, although there were lights on her whole body, not just the joints. This also reminds me of Gestalt and the phi phenomemom, which is the illusion of movement when lights move in succession. Just shows you the power of our minds!
Our brain create the image of what we want to see. The move combining with the music give us the image of someone dancing! Btw I like the song!:)
This is an example of how our brains are good a filling in gaps. We know that this is just a bunch of individual LED lights be it looks a person is dancing, just simply amazing. This is a cool example
I thought this was a really neat video. Its funny how even if you try to see bits and pieces that make up the whole you really cant break down what you are seeing. And the music also helped fool our brain bc we just expect the figure to be dancing bc of the music and movement.
I wonder how vague a researcher could make a similar set of LED lights and still have people perceive it to be a human.
This video yet again shows how much brain works in ways that we take for granted. A LED truely brought a dancing person to life! Its amazing how complex this LED display had to have been but even more amazing how our brain only sees it as one thing. I could not imagine a world in which our brain did not simply things for us. Our head would explode if we really saw every single thing that was going on in this display. Our brain takes what is really pieces and puts it into a whole for us. Amazing!
The first thing I thought about when watching the video was biological motion. But then I started thinking about how our sensory systems work together. I had my husband watch the video with no music without knowing what it was supposed to be. It took him a little bit to determine that it was a person dancing. When you watch the video and hear the music it seems obvious. But with out our hearing it's a little harder for our brains to make sense of.
This is a really neat video to watch! I was looking at it in the library and didn't even know it had music util I started reading the other blog posts. At first I just thought it was a person walking but then I saw the dancing. The human brain is such a cool place. Why does our brain take tiny lights and make them into whole images that replicate what we see in the world. These types of examples are the reason I love psychology!