Visual Agnosia



This video kind of broke my heart. You could see that the woman was trying so hard to name the objects but just couldn't get a grasp on what they were. As we learned in the text agnosia is the inability to recognize an object even though you can see them. Agnosia is generally caused by damage to the temporal lobe. There are several forms of agnosia which can be specific to certain things such as human faces. The video did a great job showing how hard it is for people who suffer from agnosia. The woman looked like she really wanted to be able to answer correctly but just couldn't come up with the correct answer. Once she had the object in her hand she was able to answer. I assume this is because she was able to feel it and then add the information together to create the correct answer.

This video is pretty amazing, but not in the positive way. Agnosia is the inability to recall the names of items. I wasn't aware that people with this condition are also unable to grasp the location of the object and touch it. I feel bad for people with this condition because I can imagine how frustrating it would be to be able to see an object and know that it's an object but not know the name.

She was not able to recognize the object visually, once she took the thing in her hands she could easily tell what it was. There are different types of agnosia, inability to recognize the objects or faces. It is a lack of sensory input to the brain that is cause by eye damage or optic nerve. She could describe an object, shape, color, but could not tell what is was.

I felt so bad for the woman in this video! That would be impossible to deal with. As was discussed in the textbook, agnosia is the failure to recognize objects in spite of the ability to see them. This can be due to brain damage. She couldn't even place her hand on the object. You could tell she was really thinking hard about what the object was, but just couldn't put a finger on it (mentally and literally). She couldn't place a name on the item she was seeing in front of her. However, once she held it in her hand it seemed to come easier for her. This shows the relation to the visual system and the temporal lobe in the brain.

This is a really sad video. You can tell that the woman was becoming very frustrated and upset. Agnoisa is an inability to identify an object that the can see right in front of them. This can be due to brain damage. I cant imagine what that would be like. A disability related to this is anomia which is the inability to name things like colors on an object but but doesnt know what the actual color would be. I found the video to be interesting because not only could she not identify the object, she couldnt really grasp the object either. Also that she could identify it only while holding it.

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