This video is interesting because of the fact that without even really knowing what the dots are, we are able to figure out that it's a person once they move. I think this is probably something that is evolutionary because it would be very beneficial to be able to recognize a figure out in the wild. Of course, they wouldn't have dots on their joints but if we are able to figure out who or what is around us, we're better able to protect ourselves.
I foudn the topic of biological motion to be very cool and very basic. THis is soemthing that we never think about. It is very interesting that when we put lights on someone we can only tell it is a person when it moves. When the person is just standing there it just looks like a bunch of lights. It is only when that person moves that we can tell it is a person. In a sense, that person comes to life. We know the way people move (its kind of weird). The brain uses the information about realitive movment and tells us that a human being is moving. It gets even more intersting at the very end when the scientist talks about our brain being able to tell the difference between two people dancing.
This video is interesting because of the fact that without even really knowing what the dots are, we are able to figure out that it's a person once they move. I think this is probably something that is evolutionary because it would be very beneficial to be able to recognize a figure out in the wild. Of course, they wouldn't have dots on their joints but if we are able to figure out who or what is around us, we're better able to protect ourselves.
I foudn the topic of biological motion to be very cool and very basic. THis is soemthing that we never think about. It is very interesting that when we put lights on someone we can only tell it is a person when it moves. When the person is just standing there it just looks like a bunch of lights. It is only when that person moves that we can tell it is a person. In a sense, that person comes to life. We know the way people move (its kind of weird). The brain uses the information about realitive movment and tells us that a human being is moving. It gets even more intersting at the very end when the scientist talks about our brain being able to tell the difference between two people dancing.