


When I first read about akinetopsia, it seemed impossible to imagine not seeing the movement or translation between the individual sites. However, after watching the clip about high speed camara, I realized how much of details motion we actually miss. We never really "miss" these detail through. Our brain makes up for these lacks naturally. We make sense out of what we see and hear.

I really liked the first video. It did a great job of showing what akinetopsia is like. Akinetopsia is a rare disorder with no visual perception of motion. This is often due to damage or lesions of the posterior visual cortex. I couldn't imagine living without perceiving motion because it is so vital to everything we do.

The second video actually made me dizzy. I can't imagine having no perception of motion! But if it was present from birth I wonder if it doesn't bother them as much since it's all they've ever known. I'm sitting at my desk right now watching cars go by and watching television; both involving motion. It makes me very thankful for my good eyesight!

I was writing my blog about akinetopsia because it seemed to me so weird to not be able to perceive motion!Those videos show that it is so hard to live with akinetopsia, those people who suffer from it cannot function in a normal world, they have trouble with simple task like fill up the coffee in a glass or trouble with cross the street. Sad.

I thought that these videos did a good job of showing a difficult topic. I think it is really hard to understand what akinetopsia is like, but these videos did a job of giving me an idea of what it is like.

Having this condition would be so confusing and frustrating. Living your life only being able to see frames would be difficult. I feel like it would be hard to do almost anything. It's a neurological disorder so we know that the perception of motion takes place inside the brain rather than in the eyes.

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