Videos Related to Color


Seeing in Color



Color, What? What Color?


How do these videos relate to what you have been learning about color vision?


I found the first video very interesting. I wanted to learn more about the topic of synesthesia, so I did a quick google search. We learned in the video that those who have synesthesia have senses that are crossed in a way. They can taste shapes and words, feel and hear colors, etc. I found out that the word synesthesia literally means "joined perception". One of the most common forms of synesthesia is having different colors associated with different letters and numbers, this was given as an example in the video clip.

One thing that I was curious about while watching the video was if the color the women saw while playing the music was inside her head or out in the world around her. Apparently, things like this are projected into the world around them. Another thing that I found interesting was that women, and lefty's are more likely to have it and it is hereditary in some way.

One interesting study found that "colored-hearing synesthetes have been shown to display activity in several areas of the visual cortex when they hear certain words. In particular, areas of the visual cortex associated with processing color are activated when the synesthetes hear words. Non-synesthetes do not show activity in these areas, even when asked to imagine colors or to associate certain colors with certain words." I find this relates to what we have been studying in class because we have been talking about the visual cortex, and I find it interesting that when they hear a word they show activity in their visual cortex.

That's amazing! Can see letter in different colors and "see" he music. As the women said, it is a gift to see colors while playing. So, for each note the same color appears.
For the other video, one thing about being colorblindness, simple tasks might be very difficult for those people, like Michael said, find his car in the parking lot is so hard for him. But with little practice, you can get use to it.

I find synesthesia to be the most interesting topic that has come up. I knew about the condition before the video but it was interesting to see people who experienced it discuss it. One of my sisters classmates in med school has the condition which is where I learned about it. From what I understand she can taste colors. Her condition as well as the ones we heard about it the video doesn't seem like it would be that much of an issue for every day living. I think it would just add to your perceptual experience and make life more interesting.

The video about the boy who was color blind was also interesting. It seems like he's adjusted fairly well with just a few minor changes in his life. For example, putting a flag on his car is an easy way to be able to distinguish which car is his. The clothing situation would be a little more difficult. I've heard of people labeling clothes to help them figure out which goes together to make life easier.

The first video was one of the most interesting topics I've come across in this class yet I think. It's amazing how a persons brain can be kind of crossed so that the person's senses can be mixed up. When a person played the piano the notes came up as colors. What was even more interesting was that every time she played the note, the same exact color appeared. It wouldn't be so interesting to me if the colors changed every time because that could just be a coincidence. So all in all, Synesthesia was the most interesting topic to me.

I thought that the first video about synesthesia was amazing. The fact that these people can see things in color is almost hard to believe. However, in one of my topical blogs I discussed the medulla oblongata that has thousands of wires bundled and that sometimes the crossing of them can cause normal things to change. It would seem that if this is a plausible cause for some things that it could be a cause for synesthesia. I definitely don't think it's something to worry about though. I wouldn't mind have the condition!

The second video about color blind was entertaining but the information is nothing new. I was close with a boy who was color blind and there were few things in his life that he had troubles with. Part of me thinks that the video was exaggerated to make his situation more humorous and problematic than it may be. If the boy in the video only had problems with red (like he mentioned), then he wouldn't have that many issues with picking out his clothes. It also doesn't seem very logical that he would have really bought a red car if he knew he couldn't see the color.

I found this video to be very interesting. It made me think to myself "what if my senses were blended like this?" The concept of seeing music and tasting color is far off from what I am use to. It is strange to think about the reality that some people live this. The first video talks about the blending of the senses. In the Video, Laura the lady playing the piano sees colors as she plays each piano note. THe scientest in the video says that people with the disorder have a brain that is wired differently. This is a medical mystery that I will never really understand. It is shocking that this is something that happens to you and nothing that you do to make it happen. It is also interesting that one of the ladies sees it as a gift from God. I know I am guilty of preceiving color so easily. Our visual system is really like magic but these ladies in the first video have it different. They really do have that "added demension".

I want to comment on the second video because I believe color vision is something we all take for granted. The way Micheal found out he was colorblind had to be hard. Little things like clothes not matching is something we dont even stop to think about. It would be difficult to have to wake up your mom every morning to make sure you are matching. Another very difficult thing that Micheal pointing out how difficult it was to find his car. Micheal goes on to talk about how difficult everyday little things are. This really made me realize how blessed I am because I can see colors. From things to food we order to flowers we see, I cant imagine it all being taken away from me. Micheals photoreceptors ar messed up. One of his three color cones has to be defected.

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