"What does an average French woman look like? Here's your answer and a whole lot more, where thousands of faces have been averaged into a composite face for each of 41 different countries.
Face Research created the software, asking its user to define a dozen points on a face, and then it's possible to determine an average face when comparing two photos or thousands."
(Thanks to Andy for sending)
Pretty sweet stuff. It was fun to "play" with the faces , I was trying to see how does get the "average" face from many different countries. There are comments that the software is not very accurate with taking the average face in each country. Mostly, talking about African skin's color that should be a little darker or lighter dependently what exact country it is.
Also, if thats how the average face in each of these countries look like I must agree with the rest of the people who comment on that website that average is beautiful then.
It was a lot of fun to mess around with. I read the comments from the original article and it talked about how if you choose the "least attractive" people it averages out to be rather nice. I went through each option and chose the ones that I felt had the least desirable traits (big ears, crooked nose, large forehead) and when averaged the picture looked perfect. I don't quite understand how it's considered average. One thing I noticed was that each of the averages I did had pretty much the same facial shape. I went through and chose people who had a square facial shape and the average turned out to be someone with a round face shape. It seems extremely odd to me. I believe there system is faulty.
No way...there is no way those are the average faces of women. Average of what they are all 20-26 years of age.
I thought this was very interesting, but I have to agree with Tony they need to do all age groups not just the younger population because that is not technically the average (only for that part of the population). I too went through and selected girls who had similar face structure to mine and hair color to see what the average would look like and in some there is very little difference. I guess from these sites that the average face is attractive because that is what our society/culture is used to.