You are encouraged to attend this important meeting of the psych club. If you attend and blog about your experiences you can use this for class credit - something that you can add to your portfolio....
Please announce the following in classes, as appropriate:
"The UNI Psychology Club will be holding its April meeting in Room 112, Seerley Hall, at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, April 5. The meeting will feature election of officers for academic year 2010-2011, details regarding the upcoming volleyball tournament (scheduled for April 24), information about the Psi Chi induction ceremony April 11 at 2:00, and the popular "Registration Gossip" session discussing Fall classes and professors (no faculty allowed!). Free pizza and pop will be provided. Any questions should be addressed to President Lisa Hickman:"
I attended the psych club meeting last night. As an officer, I helped to plan the meeting and lead the voting of electing next year's officers. Luckily, we did get all of the officer positions filled with capable leaders. Psych club is also very busy right now planning for Psi Chi inductions which will take place on Sunday in the Union. This is a very exciting event as it honors students who strive to achieve, as well as recognizes the newly elected officers all the tasks they will be asked to perform next year. As always in the spring, we then held our gossip session over spring classes with upperclassmen advising underclassmen on preferable professors and classes. As well as giving student's an opportunity to vent about classes they've had a negative experience in, and assignments that have made their lives more difficult. The meeting lasted roughly an hour, and went very smoothly with lots of pizza and pop left over for officers to take home and enjoy.
I also attended the meeting last night. I found the meeting to be very beneficial for those who are taking classes at UNI next year. A gossip session was held so students could get information on what teachers are the best to take and what classes are worth taking. As a senior, it wasn't that helpful to me, but I did give my thoughts on a few classes that I have taken and professors that I have liked or disliked. Also, information and tips on grad school and what students should be doing to prepared themselves was talked about. Finally, elections for new officers were held. All officers had to be Psi Chi members and then the rest of the club voted on who they wanted in office. Pizza and pop was served like usual and the meeting went from 7 until a little after 8.
I also attended the meeting. It was odd that there were so few who did. In the past (even in April), I remember seeing more people at the meetings. Hardly anyone even wanted to run for office. Everyone who wanted an office got one.
I attended the Psychology club meeting last Monday night. As one of my duties as officer, I helped plan the meeting and I was the one who supplied the very much appreciated pizza! We first help elections for the officer positions for next year. I'm glad we were able to fill all the positions since no current officers were running again. It seemed that the club would be in good hands next year; a lot of the officers had previous experience with running a club.
We then help a gossip session about the classes for fall and the professors. Hopefully everyone found it beneficial and made it easier to register for classes. We also mentioned that we were holding a volleyball tournament Saturday April 24; so anyone that would like to play a fun game of volleyball is welcome to come! There is an open facebook event that you can check out for more information.
It's sad to say that the psychology club is coming to an end for the year but it was a great time! I hope everyone that attended this year got some good information and found it helpful.
I attended the Psych Club meeting. In this meeting we had our annual gossip session about what teachers were good and bad and the pros and cons of each of their teaching styles. We also talked about grad school and the things you should to do prepare for grad school and things that look good on a resume. In addition, we also elected new officers for psych club and psi chi. It was a very informative meeting.