"Sayaka Kajita Ganz is an artist that creates amazing unique sculptures made from a different plastic pieces like spoons, forks, toys and similar. She creates sculptures of different animals from a thousands of plastic pieces."
These are pretty interesting.. goes along well with Gestalt theory and the whole being different from the sum of its parts. In one close up picture you could just see all the stuff that it was made of and it did not resemble a horse at all, but from a distance you can not distinguish the individual parts that make it up, just the animals figure as a whole.
Very cool artwork. Shows how creatively the mind can work! As Anna said, we are able to look at these sculptures closer and appreciate how intricate the seperate materials are all put together and then from a distance you are able to see the shape of the animal, not even realizing what all they are made of!
The thing that I found interesting about this art work is that it use's cooking utensils to show the image of a the two horses as a sculpture, the fact gestalt theory is using different shapes of utensils show a it produces a horse is something such as the use of camouflage in a sense plays a role as well, based on the the colors that they choose to do it, and then the back ground paint color also plays in making the sculpture pop out in the sense of using different such as lighting and the clear, black, and white colors in which the artiste used.
Her art work definately caught my eye and not until I went to the article and saw all her designs of animanls which are so unique and beautiful, but the creativity this woman has is unbelievable...spoons, fork, knives? now that takes patience, talent, creativity and I'm sure brain activity. I wonder if she just visualizes all this in her head and then creates these masterpieces? Now this is something that I would pay money for, because Its so unusual and pretty and it stands out compared to artwork which is 1D or 2D.