How does this relate to size constancy? What does this tell us about relative size? Does the tall guy make the small guy look smaller - or the other way around? Guess the heights of each person - did one influence the guess the other?
How does this relate to size constancy? What does this tell us about relative size? Does the tall guy make the small guy look smaller - or the other way around? Guess the heights of each person - did one influence the guess the other?
I think that the smaller man makes the larger man's appearance overall larger. I noticed right away the larger man's hands, face, feet, broader shoulders.....all of these are larger in comparison to the smaller man. questions whether it is truely the small man making the larger man bigger overall; or is it the larger making the small man smaller over. If I had to guess the heights of each man I would guess that the smaller man is 3"3' vs. the larger man at 8"3'. I do think that the size differences between the two men had a great impact on my heighth judgement.
Also if you really look at the small man in the can tell by the physical characteristics that he is a Little Person. So that also added to my assumption that the small man is approximately 3"3'. Also I was looking around to find out characteristics that classify a person with Dwarfism and found this site.
Also if you really look at the small man in the can tell by the physical characteristics that he is a Little Person. So that also added to my assumption that the small man is approximately 3"3'. Also I was looking around to find out characteristics that classify a person with Dwarfism and found this site.
I also agree that the smaller man makes the larger man's appearance seem larger. However; it makes me wonder why its not the other way around. Why doesn't the larger man make the smaller man appear smaller. Now i'm curious to know if its a perception characteristic that is flawed or something else that helps us distinguish whether the small man makes the larger man appear larger or the larger man makes the small man appear smaller. If I had to guess approximate heights I would say that small man is approximatly 3'6" and the taller man is approximately 8'9". I find it very interesting though how their heights are completely opposite and it makes me wonder about height consistancy and how height consistancy plays a part in the general population.
I actually think that the tall man makes the little guy look smaller. I think that it would be interesting if there was also an average sized person in the picture to compare them to and if that would change who to me looked taller/shorter.
when I looked at this picture it took me a while to try guessing these men heights because there is no point of reference in the picture to compare them to. Since they both have extreme heights both influenced my perception of their heights; the taller man makes the smaller man look smaller and vice versa. I think it may be weird for both of them to stand next to the each other, for Sultan may be like He is a baby and for He may be like Sultan is a giant. Makes me think on how everything we see in the world makes sense to us but only in reference to our own height, our own body, our own mind. So who can really determine what is tall or what is small? when I was younger I remember thinking that 10 story buildings were tall in reference to my size but when i saw the Sears tower... I couldn't find a word to describe it, it escaped my schemes of height.
I think influenced the perception of their heights. The small man makes the tall man perceive even taller and vice versa.