Sensory Integrative Dysfunction in Young Children - Web Article


All of us depend on adequate sensory integrative functioning in order to carry out daily tasks in work, play and self-maintenance. Disorders in this domain can greatly influence our ability to function, but also can be so subtle that they easily go unrecognized. Particularly in the young child it is easy to attribute behaviors and reactions to other causes ("He's stubborn, lazy, or doesn't want to do it," or "She's spoiled, shy, or headstrong.") or to consider it within the norms of the wide range of personality and developmental characteristics of young children. However, it is important to identify and address sensory integrative dysfunction to enable the child to function at his or her optimum level and to minimize disruption in family life. This article will explain ways of addressing sensory integrative problems within the context of family life and the child's normal activities.



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