Birds, Brains, and Bits Robert Cook - Tufts University |
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Evolution of the Avian Visual System Scott Husband & Toru Shimizu - University of South Florida |
Development of Pecking in Ring Doves Peter Balsam & James D. Deich - Barnard College of Columbia University |
Hierarchical Stimulus Processing in Pigeons Robert G. Cook - Tufts University |
Object Recognition Kimberly Kirkpatrick - University of York |
Stimulus Control in Complex Arrays Michael E.Young & Edward A. Wasserman - Southern Illinois University & University of Iowa |
Attentional Processes in Compound Stimulus Processing by Pigeons Jennifer E. Sutton & William A. Roberts- University of Western Ontario |
Avian Visual Attention in Science and Culture Charles P. Shimp, Walter T. Herbranson, & Thane Fremouw - University of Utah |
The Perception of Similarity Donald S. Blough - Brown University |
Motion Discrimination and Recognition Winand H. Dittrich & Stephen E. G. Lea - University of Hertfordshire & University of Exeter |
Learning Strategies in Matching-to-Sample Anthony A. Wright - University of Texas Health Science Center |
Anticipation and Short-Term Retention in Pigeons Douglas S. Grant & Ronald Kelly - University of Alberta |
Exemplar Memory and Discrimination Sheila Chase & Eric G. Heinemann - Hunter College |
Visual Categorization in Pigeons Ludwig Huber - University of Vienna |
Categorization & Acquired Equivalence Peter J. Urcuioli - Purdue University |
Landmark-Based Spatial Memory in Pigeons Ken Cheng & Marcia Spetch - MacQuarie University & University of Alberta |
Birds' Judgments of Number and Quantity Jacky Emmerton - Purdue University |
Cognitive Strategies and Foraging in Pigeons Patricia M. Blough - Brown University |
Visual Control of Sexual Behavior Chana K. Akins & Melissa Burns - University of Kentucky & Texas Christian University |
Chunking and Serially Organized Behavior in Pigeons, Monkeys, and Humans Herbert S. Terrace - Columbia University |
Imitation in Animals: Evidence, Function, and Mechanisms Tom Zentall & Chana Akins - University of Kentucky |
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