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Movie Assignment tips from TA


Movie Assignments

Note: these are general guidelines that are intended to assist your writing. You may find it helpful to follow these steps and use these hints but it is not required to do the assignment in the way listed below. Find out what works for you and stick with it. You may also open this attachment to view and print this paper:

Movie Assignments.docx

Steps I took:

1.       1) Review the movie by reading a summary about the film-this will give you a general idea of what the movie is about and what type of terminology it may contain.

2.       2) Go through the chapters and locate terms that you find interesting and note the terms that you think may be present in the film.

a.       Note: The majority of the terms should be from the chapters that are selected for the particular movie. However, some of the terms may be from other chapters. As long as terms are appropriately related to the film, their use will be accepted.       

3.       3) After deciding which terms you would like to include, write them down on paper or in a Word document on the computer.

4.       4) While watching the movie, take notes and write down the times of particular scenes where you feel that you observed particular terminology. This will allow you to review certain scenes when writing your assignment.

5.       5) After finishing the movie and taking notes, decide what you would like to include in your blog entry.

6.       6) Transform your notes in to a blog entry by organizing them in to categories. The majority of the terms relate to one another so it is not difficult to decide how to group your terms together to form paragraphs.


Hints and Reminders:

A.     A) Write your assignment in a Word document first then copy and paste it in to the blog. To prevent the loss of an assignment, save your document before submitting it. In the event that your blog entry does not post, you can open your saved document, copy and paste the entry, and re-post it.

B.      B)  It is unnecessary to summarize the movie and give your opinion on what you thought of the movie. However, it is necessary that you give your scholarly opinion on how you believe particular scenes or characters relate to terminology in the book. You will describe parts of the movie and/or the characters involved in it but do not need to summarize the entire movie.

C.       C) It may be helpful to pause the movie while taking notes so you can take necessary time to relate it to specific terms.

D.       D) Initially the comments are more broad and general. Eventually comments become more in-depth and discuss more specific terminology.

E.      E) Although this process seems complicated, it gradually gets easier and easier after each film.

Other notes: Examine the length of each film before viewing to ensure you have adequate time to view it and take notes. Because each assignment is due at 10 pm, you will have time to view the movie the day it is due and submit the blog entry before 10 pm. However, I encourage everyone to plan ahead in order to give yourselves appropriate time to complete each entry.In the event that you are having difficulty finding terms to discuss in the entry, review the chapters, look over other submissions, and ask the instructors.

How To Watch Movies / Blog Tips

First and foremost if any of you have any questions you can reach me at, or find me on facebook. I like many of you check it religiously.

Through a process of trail and error throughout the semester I eventually developed what I found to be the most effective way to get the most out of the movie and have the most content for my paper and post. Though you will not have the exact same requirements I had, these tips will still save you time and effort. 

The first thing to keep in mind whether you are doing a blog comment or post is to always do it on a word processing program first and save it. I saved mine with a title and a date to help keep them organized. Many times even though the blog autosaves your work, I fell victim to computer mess-ups and had to re-write my posts. Then when finished simply copy and paste your work into the create entry page.

The next important thing that will save you time is reading the chapter before you watch the movie. You should also write down a short list of the key concepts presented in the chapter, and a brief definition if you are still uncomfortable with the terms. Then while viewing the movie it is very easy to jot down reminders of scenes that illustrate those concepts most effectively. This will save you having to re-view the movie because you can't remember specific examples. It will also help you apply the knowledge you have learned in the chapter making it much easier to recall in the future. 

For example after reading about the three types of needs, when I viewed Cast Away it was very easy to write my paper and blog because I had written down examples from many scenes next to each type of need in my notes.


This movie corresponds exactly to what we talked about in class about the three levels of needs. On his stint on the island he is presented with a lack of all three, and it depicts his struggle to maintain equilibrium on these three aspects.

Physiological: The need for water, food, and sex. 
In the beginning he struggled to get even coconut milk, by the end he had leaves and half coconuts set out to catch the rainwater. 
He learned to fish, and catch crab, after not being able to stomach it raw, after many tries built a fire to cook the food.

Psychological: The continuing theme was control, how when he went to the island, he had no control, but by the conclusion he had realized he did do things to maintain control. He did not open that last package he built the raft to leave.

Social: After time started passing, he need for affiliation was the most apparent. He created the volleyball with the blood face naming it Wilson, and it nearly crushed him when he lost it after all those years.

So don't be afraid to take the extra couple of minutes to take notes about concepts while reading the chapter because it definitely will save you time and effort in the long run. Obviously the explanations need to be more in depth than the ones above but that should give you a pretty clear idea about how to get started.

Also I always watched movies with a friend and we usually talked about it for a few minutes afterwards and compared notes. With many things going on and so many concepts it is easy to miss something that may be interesting to write about.

Another tip if you sometimes are forgetful or have a friend who didn't quite send the netflix disc back in time, is that most of these movies are also available for purchase on itunes. They are a bit more expensive, but I did use it as a last resort.

Read other peoples posts! Check out the blog, see what people are writing about and how they are doing it. It is an excellent resource. 

Finally.. Ask Questions! If your really having trouble understanding something there is a very good chance someone else doesn't get it either. Send myself or Dr. MacLin an email!

That is all I can remember for tips as of now. I will keep adding them as I run into more things.

How to be persistent in reaching your goals...



This article is very helpful for all of you people with the lack of motivation and persistence (we've all been there, myself included).   But is there something out there that you have always wanted to happen but you just can't quite make it there?  Maybe it has to do with exercising to feel healthy-- we all know we should but how many of us actually keep with a routine workout schedule?   This article defines persistence as "...not allowing anything to stop you from an activity once you start it unless it's something really severe."

Some helpful tips from the article included

1) Even if you feel like quitting, keep with it!

2)Keep your goal in sight

3)Don't ignore small situations-- be persistent with even the small tasks. 

4)Be flexible

5)Be confident in your ability to reach your goal

Reeve states in Chapter 8 (p 224) that when people are in the persuit of a goal, they may come across certian obstacles involving disctractions, demands of their time, or some other form of interruption.  THis article helps you focus on what is important in your persuit toward your goal.  Also, Reeve shows on page 221 that goals are to be more reachable if you know the process you will have to take to reach them.  This relates to number 3 from the article- Be persistent with the smaller tasks, because eventually those small tasks add up to the large goal in mind. 

The only question i had regarding this article, was how can you make someone want to be persistent with their goals?  Of course these are helpful steps, but they won't help much if the person is  someone with little motivation to set goals. 

True Love: how to find it


I know a lot of people especially girls want to get married someday, and want to find their true love so I researched what motivates us to find true love and found this article which I found very interesting.

Helen Fisher the women who dedicates most of her life on How to find true love believes there are four personality types.

"all of us conform to one of four personality types, which are controlled by different chemicals in the brain. These chemicals mould us, and cause us to be attracted to people who complement our personality types (see panel). There is the Explorer, a sensation seeker ruled by dopamine; the Builder, a respecter of authority driven by serotonin; the Director, analytical and ruled by testosterone; and the Negotiator, intuitive and fired by oestrogen. Negotiators need to connect with others on a deeply personal level, are very trusting and good at talking."

What personality type are you? and if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend are they compatible with you according to Helen Fisher?

MVP- Mentors in Violence Prevention


MVP is for both men and women (athletes), trying to motivate others to join their prevention program so more people can be aware of abuse faced by both genders. It also allows victims to share their stories, which can be a very emotional process...having to replay everything in their mind again, as if it were yesterday. Men might not agree with it, because they believe if they don't abuse a women or another human being, then they aren't responsible for other men who do inflict pain on women. But this is False, this is what you call the bystander approach. By being a bystander and knowing how to get away from that approach, men all around the world can help women who they see or know being abused either physically, mentally or emotionally and how to step in. Here is a link from a site that gives a little bit about what MVP does.

here is also another link on how men can help prevent violence on women

So how should you go about finding information to post on the blog? Well first, think about where you get your information about the world, and what kind of information you typically seek out. Are you a political junky? Do you prefer entertainment news? Do you read mostly websites? Listen to talk radio? Read magazines or newspapers? Do you watch television news programs? Or do you prefer cable tv programming? Whatever the source, even if it is a hard copy newspaper or a network television show, they will almost always have an internet component to refer to. So the next time you hear, read, or see something that you think relates to the class, find that information on the internet and post it!

Now the above strategy is a great one if you already are tapped into some news sources, but you may not hear, read or see something related to the course as often as you would like or need. So then you have to seek out some information. You can seek out information in one of three ways:

1) Increase your exposure to information about the world by starting to read, listen, or watch more and different programming/sources than you currently do.

2) Google. (  Learn to google effectively, and using the variety of options to make your searches better (good key words, using the image, news, or google scholar tabs).

3) Stumble Upon. ( Stumble is a website where you designate your interests, and when you click on the stumble button, it will pull up a website related to those interests that it thinks you'll like. If you do, click thumbs up, if it's not quite right, click thumbs down. It will become better at finding sites the more you use it.

Have a favorite source of information you want to share with others? Post it here as a comment.

Happy surfing, and posting!