Recently in Sexuality Category

Semen... Good for You?!

So, first off - let me tell you - I don't go Googling things about semen.  Lol.  I actually Googled "crying," and this article came up.
Also, I do not condone unsafe sex.  Let's not forget everything we remembered in Sex Ed during middle school - having unprotected sex can result in pregnancy and STDs.  

Kary, T.  (2002).  Crying over spilled semen.  Psychology Today, September 2002.

This article discusses how women who have unprotected sex are actually less likely to be depressed and attempt suicide.  Although we have learned from Reeve (2005) that sex is one of our physiological needs, due to the hormones released from our hypothalamus (p. 89), Kary describes a study that expands this to include that semen contains additional hormones.  The study also demonstrates that these hormones are absorbed, and have been shown to increase mood.
Gallup's study used 293 college women.  The major findings were that, not only does unwrapped sex decrease depression and suicide attempts, but that once women have unprotected sex, they become more and more depressed the longer they don't "get some."  Interestingly, however, women who always used condoms don't have the same affect when a time lapse occurs between sexual encounters.
Even more important, Gallup's finding that women who had been having unprotected sex tend to search for new partners more quickly suggests that the hormones in semen can create a chemical dependency.

In our text, Reeve (2005) discusses how our hormones (androgens, estrogens) motivate our behavior to engage in sexual activity.  He also discusses that there are significant differences between men and women - basically, men have higher arousal and desire for sex than women (p. 90).  This article, then, is different and important, because it goes a step further to suggest that, in addition to having sexual urges, once we fulfill our need for sex, there are physiological changes that take place that reinforce sexual behavior.  

This article can be found at

Kissing = FUN!!!


I chose this article because it explains the physiology behind one of my favorite past times: kissing / making out.  I was goofing around on the web the other day and through (great website - go to it!) I found the website below.  It's an article called "Why We Kiss: the Science of Sex." It's fascinating, so I wanted to share this article with you.


The article explains that although the use of pheromones to create attraction is thought to not work for humans, chemicals are still used in communication.  The article outlines how women are more attracted to the scent of a man who can help them to produce healthier children.  It also explains that twice as many adults turn their head to the right than the left while kissing.  (You're all thinking about which side you prefer, aren't you?)


Another cool topic covered by the site is that men and women see kissing differently.  Most women would never have sex with someone without kissing them first but most men would.  And men are more likely to initiate French kissing because saliva contains testosterone, and testosterone can increase arousal.  Indications show that men can also gauge the amount of estrogen a woman has (indicator of fertility) via this method.


However, the most fascinating part of the article (for me) was kissing's effects upon hormone levels.  In general, kissing releases a ton of hormones that make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but the site focuses on the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and oxytocin (the bonding hormone).  In long-term relationships, cortisol levels dropped after kissing. And oxytocin levels increased ONLY in the males.  My girlfriend wasn't too happy to hear this, but I now understand partly why I enjoy kissing so much.


During a quick search for more information, I found the other link.  At, they have a lot of information about how kissing works, its history, effects, and the anatomy of a kiss. It also includes more information on kissing's effects upon dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline, too.

MDMA's effects on the brain.

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This is a great resource to find information about many drugs from effects on the brain to addiction treatment.

For those of you that don't know MDMA, ecstasy or 3,4-Methylendioxymethamphetamine is a DEA schedule 1 substance.  Schedule 1 means drugs under this category have no medical use and a high potential for abuse. It is classified as a psychoactive amphetamine, meaning it has both psychedelic and stimulant like effects. Known for its relationship with Intimacy, it also diminishes feelings of anxiety, fear, depression and emotions run wild. The positive effects include mental stimulation, emotional warmth, empathy towards others, and a general sense of wellbeing.

 Before being made a schedule 1 controlled substance, ecstasy was actually used in psychotherapy, couples therapy and to treat anxiety disorders as well as clinical depression. Though there were no formal, documented clinical trials or FDA approval.  Therapists called it "penicillin for the soul" saying it allowed the user to communicate insight about their problems.  Though DEA still deemed it schedule 1 eventually, in late 2000 FDA actually approved MDMA for 2 sessions of psychotherapy for those experiencing PTSD.  Ecstasy was actually criminalized in all members of the United Nations in a UN agreement; this is for manufacture, sale or production of the drug. There are limited exceptions for scientific/medical research.

MDMA first broke out in the club scene, mostly at long extended dance parties called raves. It was mostly used by adolescents and young adults, but this typical profile has been changing. There is now widespread use outside of the club scene. Recent research has also shown the drug is moving from predominately white users to minority users. It also appears to be a rising trend in the "urban gay male" scene. This is a rising concern because of the existing high level of sexual activity in gay males; it causes an increase in high risk behavior that may lead to many sexually transmitted diseases. The first question is why? Perhaps they seem to frequent urban dance clubs in higher numbers. Also, why the movement away from white adolescents and young adults?

Ecstasy has incredible effects on the brain with just one or two tablets. Though its mechanism of activity is not fully understood in its simplest sense it alters the activity of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine by increasing their production. Though the process involving serotonin is more complicated due to the fact that it is not only a combination serotonin reuptake inhibitor, but also a serotonin-releasing agent, in addition to the other two transmitters it makes MDMA a neorepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor and a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine releasing agent. Confused yet?  

More specifically the effects of the drug cause all the previously mentioned positive effects of the drug. The excess release of the serotonin causes the brain to become depleted of this key transmitter. This is the largest contributor to the "hangover" effects that users can experience for several days after taking the drug. More research is needed, but it appears that this serotonin damage in humans can cause  long term effects such as confusion, depression, and significantly impact the memory and attention process.

So even with more research needed, the fact people still choose to do these drugs is very interesting to me. Some are ignorant, but others completely willing to take the risk despite their knowledge of the effects. The drug also can be addictive, the body can develop tolerance, and the brain changes to compensate for the difference in chemical production. Are people attracted to the emotional state they reach after doing the drug, or is it simply a chemical dependency?