I found this article on how to know if a guy is "Mr Right"
and I think that the points made are pretty good. They are things that would be
red flags to me that a relationship is not going to be compatible. The first
point is one that I think is important, if your friends approve of him. I think
this is important because they know you very well and can sometimes so things
that you are unwilling to see in a relationship. The second is that he gets
along with your family, because it is going to be hard to be in a relationship with
someone if they do not get along with such an important part of your life. Number
three was if he listens to you, which I thought was a pretty obvious one. Who
wants to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't listen to them? Number
four is if you share most of the same major values; I think this will just make
a relationship easier, but not necessarily be a deal breaker. Numbers five and
six are that he is someone you would be friends with and he is trustworthy.
These also seem pretty obvious to me. Number seven on the list is he makes you
feel special, I think this is important. Having that spark in a relationship and
getting that good feeling from a person is important in keeping things fun and
fresh, especially in a long term relationship. The eight point is if he is
willing to talk about the future. This is important to me eventually, because
in the end almost everyone is looking for their future "perfect" person. Number
nine is finding a partner who is financially secure. I am not so sure about
this point. It would be nice to find someone who is secure, but if everything
else works with the person I would not write them off because of financial
reasons. The last one is that he loves you for who you are. Overall this
article seemed pretty good, and I think it could apply to both sexes as things
to look for in a partner.
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