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Have you ever noticed how often your mind seems to drift towards the negative over the positive? Much of the research done in the realm of positive psychology suggests that we are that way because these feelings reflect more urgent claims to us. However, if there was a way to improve the quality of our lives most of us would probably jump at the opportunity.
An article written by Donald Latumahina suggests that the strength of our thoughts are increased as we pay more attention to them thereby self-enforcing the negative thought patterns we are experiencing. A small issue can quickly be blown out of proportion--an occurrence that frequently consumes us. Latumahina suggests that the best way to overcome this brutal cycle is to shift thoughts to something more positive in nature. This would, in turn, reinforce the positive thoughts while diminishing the negative ones. He goes on to provide tips to readers wishing to think more positively in their daily lives.
One of these includes realizing that thinking negatively about someone leads to you also treating them negatively. We must consider that the appropriate efficacy expectation required for personal control in this situation is the individual's determination of whether or not they can think positively about this individual instead. The author offers up the idea of shifting attention to a positive side or something else that's altogether constructive. Another component to behavior regulation is that of outcome expectancies. In this situation, an individual must also judge that the positive shift will have an effect on the outcome of the situation (that it will resolve the ruminations experienced because of the negative thoughts). In other words, will it work to do this? Once the self has a desired mediating efficacy expectation in place their actions will reflect it. Outcome expectations will then arbitrate the relationship between the action and the individual's perceived control.
Another tip offered was to read an inspiring book. Spiritual books are indicated as a good source of inspiration to those aspiring to make self-improvements. The verbal persuasions these devices offer readers work to the extent that it supplies a temporary and provisional efficacy boost to produce the needed motivation to try again. Spirituality is a fundamental component driving the connection between perceived control and desired outcomes in a majority of religious based improvement books.
We also must make ourselves comfortable with failure as it is a stepping stone in the learning process. In order to succeed and develop a mastery orientation, we must know what it's like to fail and not fear it. "If you find yourself thinking negatively about a situation, decide that you won't give up even if the worst happens. Prove yourself to be a tough opponent. You are a winner." Our self-efficacy beliefs influence how much effort we are willing to exert and how long we are willing to exert it in hard times. Effort and persistence are key components to overcoming setbacks and challenges, and in accepting that you will more than likely make mistakes. What can you do to think more positively?
I found this to be a rather interesting article. I think it directly relates to the material we studied in Chapter 3 (dealing with the emotional brain). One of the main reasons I found it interesting is because it seems to go against common sense, or at least against conventional wisdom. Many of us have undoubtedly heard others tell us not to go to bed angry, but this study suggests that "brain activity (specifically in the lateral prefrontal cortex) is a far better indicator of how someone will feel in the days following a fight with his or her partner." Generally those who had high activity in this area had a better mood than those who had low activity in this area. I believe what helps set this recent study apart is that it did not take place entirely in a laboratory, but also involved real situations/relationships. In other words, one can probably be more confident of its external validity.
In our textbook (starting on p. 61 in Chapter 3), Reeve writes about the relationship between the prefrontal cortex and affect. Here it mentions that, "the limbic system receives incoming sensory stimulation (that) activate rather automatic emotional reactions... stimulation of the cortex can generate emotional states." Reeve also makes the point that one must make a distinction between the left and right side of the prefrontal cortex because each is qualitatively different from the other. Reeve also makes reference to the Behavioral Inhibition System, which includes the two dimensions of personality, one of which is "how sensitive versus stable a person is to threats, punishments, and the experience of negative emotion (Reeve 2009, p.61)."
I was actually rather impressed with the physiological measures used - researchers used an fMRI, recorded facial expressions, and tested cognitive skills. As I mentioned before, the researcher (Hooker) found that the level of activity in their lateral prefrontal cortex may be a significant factor in predicting a person's experiences, ability to bounce back, etc.
The main reason why I chose this article and wanted to share it with others is because I am rather fascinated by the unconscious activity that takes place in the brain. As others probably have heard, there have been studies that suggest people actually have a tendency to make better decisions having slept on it - I think I heard about this in Social Psychology. I believe I also heard data that supports this in my BioPsychology course. While sleeping, our brain continues to process information. It's very interesting to think of the possibility that being angry while we go to sleep may actually help us better deal with our problems, confront them face on with our subconscious attention. This may be drifting a little bit from Motivation and Emotion, but I find it very interesting how I have often woken up with solutions to some of my problems that I had never thought of before - I believe my mental activity throughout the night has sometimes helped me come up with effective solutions.
In any case, this study does provide insight and understanding into physiological activities, such as the activation of certain brain structures and subsequent impact on emotional states. For the reasons I have mentioned, I actually believe this type of research is very important and may lead to more effective interventions for people facing certain problems, such as depression.
The article ends with the following...
While Hooker acknowledges that more work must be done to develop clinical applications for the research, it may be that lateral prefrontal cortex function provides information about a person's vulnerability to develop mood problems after a stressful event. This raises the question as to whether increasing lateral prefrontal cortex function will improve emotion regulation capacity.
Lately I have noticed I have become more irritable by people and little situations. Normally, I like to think, I am outgoing and most situations do not annoy me. However, the last couple of daysI am feeling spring-fever, I want the snow gone and warm weather to arrive. Because of my current negative mood, I decided to research and find ways to improve my current frame of mind. I found this article...
According to Dawn LaFrance, Psy.D., associate director of the Counseling Center at Colgate University, it is actually common to get down in a "winter funk". However, it is important to know the difference between a winter funk and a more serious version, seasonal affective disorder. The difference of course is the winter blues usually last a couple of days and then you find some pleasurable stimulus in your life. Whereas, seasonal affective disorder is much more severe and characterized by clinical depression, anxiety, and changes in weight. This article provided 6 ways to beat the winter blues and help the readers find something positive in their lives.
The first option was Pinpoint What is Getting You Down. Once you realize what is bothering you, it is easier to cope and/or improve your situation. The second choice was Don't Let Your Mood Dictate Your Plans. It is important to keep in contact with your friends, relatedness is a key factor in deciding if you have had a good or a bad day. The third alternative was Watch Your Diet. It is easier to slack and eat unhealthy foods in the winter months, which could result in weight gain and a more serious form of depression. The fourth suggestion was Work Out. Exercise will keep you motivated and help you avoid the winter blues. The fifth option focused on Getting More Light in Your Life. Light gives you health benefits and light therapy is actually used to treat seasonal affective disorder and some mild depressions. The sixth choice was Don't Make Life-Changing Decisions. You do not want to make any rushed life-changing decisions when you are not feeling your best.
Another reason I thought this article was interesting was because in class, we recently discussed aspects that must be met to fulfill your psychological nutrients needed for a good day, positive well-being, and vitality. These aspects included daily autonomy, daily relatedness, and daily competence. If you do not feel in control in some aspects of your life, it may begin a snowball affect. I know this is definitely true for my room mate and myself. Currently, we are applying to grad. schools and are both freaking out because our future plans are in the hands of committees deciding if we would make a good addition to their program.
Color is something that is constantly in our lives that is not really consciously thought about. When watching a professor give a lecture, do you really take the time to think about what color the background of the powerpoints are, or the color of the text? Color is all around us and we cannot escape from it. It has always interested me that people with synethesia (crossing of the senses) can associate colors with emotions, moods, and even sounds. Often these associations are very similar across individuals (within a culture). Is there a reason your favorite color is blue? Why does blue mean sad? Why did you buy a green guitar? Is color culturally specific? I have always been interested in questions like these.
This is a rather extensive international survey about color including information about associations, preferences, education, and even preferences for online activities. This is a study published in the form of a webpage as opposed to a traditional journal article, which is in view, easier to both view, find pertinent information, and navigate. Color is the hue, lightness, and saturation of any object. Isaac Newton was the first person who laid a scientific foundation about color by showing that a prism could break up normal light into a full range of colors which he dubbed the "spectrum". The spectrum was continuous, but decided to use seven color names by analogy with the seven notes of our musical scale. (Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Indigo, and Violet)
Color is actually much more complicated than I had previously thought; it has complicated mathematical ways to measure it. Light and the creation of colors are also very intricate. After detailing all you need to know about colors, it lays out the methods using clear precise tables and graphs. A number of things were laid out and people were asked to choose what color represented what to them. The first item trust was curious to me, most people said blue at 34% then white at 21%, I definitely would have said white. This was interesting to me because I thought blue represented sadness. Regardless of my take, blue dominated all positive characteristics, and was virtually nonexistent on negative. It is no wonder that blue is by far people's favorite color. Another interesting point was that red dominated fear and terror but also courage and bravery.
Peoples favorite colors weighed in at
Blue 42%
Purple 14%
Green 14%
Red 8%
Black 7%
Orange 5%
Yellow 3%
Brown 3%
Grey 2%
White 2%
A lot of good information is contained within this research, though it didn't have as much emotion/personality connection as the link advertised, it was still an interesting and useful site.
Arousal is a process that involves cortical, behavioral, and autonomic mechanisms (Reeve, 2009, p. 374) This article talks about the cortical (activity of the brain) part of being aroused and the emotional reactions that can evolve from being aroused. Reeve (2009) lists four principles to explain arousal's contribution to motivation. There are two that relate to the study explained below:
1) A person's arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is.
2) People engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal.
A new study was done to test if the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) was a region of the brain that could help people control emotional reactions such as negative moods, rumination (not being able to get something off your mind), and substance abuse. After having several people in stable, healthy relationships journal daily and have brain scans done while viewing positive, negative, and neutral facial expressions of their partner, it was found that LPFC activity did predict how one would react to an interpersonal conflict. When there was a day of no interpersonal conflict, the LPFC activity was not related to the next day's mood or behavior. On the contrast, when there was a day when interpersonal conflict did occur LPFC did predict mood and behavior the next day. Low levels of LPFC activity was related for high levels of negative moods, rumination, and substance abuse.
This study is helpful when talking about coping with stress. To avoid bad coping strategies like over-eating or substance abuse, people can become aware and learn to introduce positive strategies such as counting to 10. If you are a person who has low LPFC function, it is possible you may become more susceptible to such behaviors.
How do images and music create intense feelings in people? You've probably received an email forward that had an automated powerpoint presentation with incredible photos and either uplifting or tear jerking music. Well this website, Moodstream, allows you to control basic affect elements and then will show images and play music that matches the specific 'mood' you've specified. Try it. What do you think? Did you feel differently given the different settings you tried? What real (ie, scientific) aspects of mood and emotion is it tapping into? The main webpage says that these different mood streams can affect behavior in terms of brainstorming and creativity. What do you think?
I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this article, but it is about 5 things that will supposedly make a person happier. In short, they are...
1. Be grateful
2. Be optimistic
3. Count your blessings
4. Use your strengths
5. Commit acts of kindness
Although this first one is rather obvious, there is some merit to mentioning it. I believe that trying to get into the habit of putting a positive spin can make life more enjoyable, but as we have read, each person has homeostasis level that will be resistant to change. (The researcher here seem to admit that people generally have certain dispositions and stable personalities throughout their life, but they argue that a significant amount of happiness can also be attributed to pro-active approaches to increasing one's happiness.) In any case, I suppose making an active effort to appreciate what you have may cause at least a minor increase in feelings of happiness.
Being Grateful - One rather interesting note is that this finding of the study is largely based on an activity where people wrote letters expressing gratitude. In case you are thinking there might be a confound, such as relatedness or affiliation playing a role, I thought of that as well, but it was found that there was an increase in happiness even if people did not actually send the letters out.
Be optimistic - In the study, researchers actually had participants visualize "an ideal future" which included imagining having a loving, supportive partner and a great job. I am not sure if this strategy would necessarily lead to long term happiness though - the researchers did not mention whether or not this was exclusively short term happiness in their summarized report. The reason I say this is because I think over time significant cognitive dissonance would arise (people could become delusional) if there is a strong focus on a "perfect" life. If interpreted this way, this finding would actually seem to be in contrast to the first. If you are being appreciative of what you have, you will not be constantly focusing on the perfect, ideal life. I have heard that some studies have found striving for excellence can be much better than striving for perfection. I know the "being optimistic" strategy could probably be taken on a more moderate and healthy level, but I think the activity the researchers used does not necessarily seem healthy over the long term.
Count your blessings - I do not believe this one merits any further discussion because this "additional" finding seems to be very similar to "being grateful." In fact, there is no separate research mentioned for this in the article.
Use your strengths - The participants in the study (that contributed to this finding) focused on strengths such as using humor to increase others' happiness. I think this is perhaps related to competence, achievement, and relatedness - all concepts that we have recently mentioned in class. Being able to successfully use's one's abilities to accomplish a goal would lead to feelings of competence and achievement. Having someone identify with your achievement (in this case humor)
Commit acts of kindness - although we have not yet talked about pro-social very much in this class, this finding makes sense, and I think it also has something to do with relatedness.
In my intro to psych class I remember my professor made us hold a pencil between our upper lip and nose for one minute. Then we had to hold a pencil between our lower lip and chin for one minute. We were then asked how we felt after doing both these exercises. The point my professor was trying to make was not to make the class look like idiots, but to explain the importance of smiling. More importantly, she was trying to get us to understand the facial feedback hypothesis. Chapter 12 of our textbook explains this hypothesis by saying that we don't' smiling because we are happy, we are happy because we smile. While this might not seem right to some people, I found a pretty hilarious video of a girl whose situation might have been improved if she had tried smiling. This clip is of a band member of Boise State who may be stuck on a less than desirable instrument, but her lack of emotion and motivation is clearly displayed on her face. The facial feedback hypothesis would say that if she smiled and displayed some positive emotion on her face, it might trigger further cognitive and bodily participation to prolong the perceived emotion of happiness.
I started to think about think hypothesis and if I think it really works, and I for one do think smiling helps. I wouldn't go as far as to say that smiling helps in all situations, but at least smiling gives you the appearance of being happy. If I smile it not only makes me feel better, but I think other people around you feel more at ease also. Are there any situations where smiling even though you were in a bad mood has helped you? Does smiling motivate us to be in a better mood?
Here is the link to the two page article:
For a lot of people it may be that time of year when they start feeling a little down and just generally crappy. This article provides a couple of tips that can help you feel better by boosting your brain through some very simple behaviors:
1.Ride a roller coaster- gives a norepinephrine boost
2. Berries in chocolate - dopamine increase
3. A day at the beach - serotonin increase
4. Massage, with love- oxytocin increase as a result of touch
5. A big, wet kiss - testosterone increase
6. Hit the seafood buffet - omega 3 increase may also increase serotonin and dopamine
7. Take a hike - increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor, associated w/ memory; also not mentioned in the article exercise can stimulate endorphin release which can reduce the effects of stress and improve mood.
While 1 and 3 may be out of the question during February in Iowa, the others are easy and hopefully enjoyable (I'm thinking 4 & 5). This article describes how these behaviors affect hormones and neurotransmitters. Dopamine can be involved in almost all of these if they are seen as pleasurable experiences. Oxytocin may help deal with stress by way of a tend and befriend response, which might lead to other positive behaviors/ interactions that can improve one's mood. Testosterone is associated with sexual motivation, but can increase competitive drive in general, which can motivate many behaviors.
Anyone think these tips could work? Anyone already do some of these things? Anything that could be added or removed to make the list better?
*note: this article is referring to mild depression
I found this article to be rather interesting, the study suggests that weekends have a significant effect on the body. Researchers suggest that, "simply being in charge of your own day, spending quality time with family, provides better mood, greater vitality and (fewer) physical ailments from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon."
While the results of this study are probably to be expected - most people are visibly happier on the weekends - it is interesting to hear about what they believe specifically causes physiological changes, such as hormone release, and a more positive attitude overall.
They attribute some of these changes to higher feelings of autonomy. At first, I wondered if this effect was mainly seen in those with relatively low paying jobs (those with consistently low autonomy throughout the week), but the effect was found regardless of occupation, age, gender, or relationship status.
I actually found it very interesting that even those with high status jobs experience this effect on weekends. I have generally thought that workers with high status already tend to have significantly higher levels of autonomy and leisure, so the presence of the weekend would not make as much of a difference to them. According to this study, I may be wrong.
I wonder if another reason for this affect is that people are often able to rest more on weekends. In BioPsychology I remember the author (John Pinel) mentioning that over time people can gradually reduce the amount of time they sleep to as little as two hours per night with only minor effects, but I have not yet looked at the studies on which he based those statements. I wonder how much of a role (perhaps 2 additional hours) additional sleep can play in improving one's mental and physical condition. I find studies involving sleep to be among the most interesting, and from what I have read it seems like much more research needs to be conducted in this area.
Another question I have is, "Why don't the effects seem to carry past Sunday afternoon?" I suppose the answer may lie in their original report, but if it does it would be rather odd for them not to have included it in the article. I have often heard people say that they will be revitalized and refreshed for work after the weekend, but in my experience I'm not sure people tend to be any better or any worse at their jobs whether it is a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. In any case, I think some of the questions that arise from this article merit further research.
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