Why do today what could be put off until tomorrow? Perhaps the most common form of self-sabotage, procrastination is a concept that we are rather familiar with as college students.
Psychology Today offers us ten insightful reasons as to why this has become one of our favorite ways to avoid doing those things that we would rather not do.
For some of us, it has become a lifestyle choice. We miss out on many things we would have enjoyed because the opportunity has passed us by. While many could deem this a personality trait (e.g. Jim is just the kind of person that is never on time), it does seem to have a significant impact on others that "have their lives figured out." My favorite example demonstrating this would be how one does their Christmas shopping. There are those that get it done six months beforehand, those that do it right after Thanksgiving, and others that leave it until the night before.
The article goes on to say that we as a society do not take procrastination as a serious problem. It is an issue of self-regulation. By not calling people out on their ways, we are allowing for the behavior to continue. Also, procrastination isn't an issue of time management. Procrastinators are aware of the time but are somewhat optimistic about how much they can get done. The example given here is that giving a procrastinator a daily planner is like telling a depressed individual to cheer up--it just doesn't work.
We must also take into account that procrastinators are a product of their environment. They were not born to act as they do, but they do not directly develop these behaviors from their parents. It could be that an individual displays procrastinating behaviors to rebel against what they are being forced to do by an authoritarian household figure. They may internalize what they are "supposed to do" and never learn how to regulate their own behaviors. Often times these individuals turn to friends who are accepting of their excuses for help. It must also be noted that these self-regulation problems are related to a greater probability of disengagement and substance abuse issues.
Procrastinators lie to themselves. They tell themselves that they will be more up to completing their assignment the next day when in all actuality, they know that they wont. They justify these behaviors by saying that it isn't that important that they do the task anyway. It is just a five point assignment. What difference is five points going to make? Another common excuse used is that we "work better under pressure." I have personally experienced this form of procrastination, and I find that it causes me more stress than anything else. For some reason though, I can convince myself that my best work is done right before it needs to be handed in for a grade. Perhaps I am squandering my resources as the article says?
In addition to this, there are always so many things that need to be done besides the task of priority. There are dishes in the sink to be cleaned, laundry to be folded, and rooms to be straightened up. Why on earth would I want to write an essay when I'm surrounded by this mess? We do this as a way to distract ourselves from the fear of failure we feel by putting things off until the last possible moment.
Most interestingly, there are three different types of procrastinators. First are those that seek the arousal or thrill of meeting a deadline just in the nick of time. Next are those that avoid the fear of failure or success. They are very concerned about what others think of them and would rather be blamed for lack of effort than ability. Last are those that just can't seem to make a decision. By not making a decision one way or another, they can't take the blame for the outcome of their circumstances.
To conclude, procrastination is a topic that should be taken seriously. College students demonstrating procrastinating behaviors were found to have more compromised immune systems, gastrointestinal problems, and greater instances of insomnia. Others will suffer due to our choice to put things off--in the workplace and in the classroom. In the end, we must remember that we do hold the power to change our behavior and doing so will have a great impact on how we lead our lives.
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