Nervousness, excitement, insomnia,
flushed face, psychomotor agitation, rambling flow of thoughts and speech...with
all of these symptoms you would think you were looking at the definition for a disorder
according to the DSM.As a matter of
fact you are...these are symptoms for the psychological disorder of Caffeine
Intoxication. Caffeine intoxication sounds like a made up disorder but it is
very real and does appear in the DSM. Surprisingly enough, Daniel Nobel is
being evaluation to see if that is what caused him to hospitalize two University of Washington students last Monday when he
hit them with his car that morning. Can it really be that something as simple
as caffeine is altering our behavior so much that it is considered a psychiatric
disorder that can alter how we operate a vehicle just as alcohol can? According
to researchers this is exactly what happened to Nobel when he was charged with
vehicular assault and a hit and run on the by the University of Washington's
Police. Blood tests are not back from the lab yet but from my understanding of
the article alcohol consumption was rule out therefore there is some underlying
cause as to why Noble was acting in such disarray that morning. Investigators
and researchers predicted that Noble consumed approximately 2g of caffeine
which is 10 times the amount an average person consumes a day (200mg). Normally
people develop a tolerance to this drug and do not see such drastic results;
however, there are clinics and treatment centers designed to get people "clean"
from the addiction of caffeine.After
reading this article I became very interesting is this concept. Never have I
heard that someone was driving recklessly due to caffeine overdoes. I am
currently in a course at UNI called Drugs and Individual Behavior. In this
class when we talked about stimulants we discussed caffeine and the effects is
has on our body and in turn on our behavior. This article makes me think...if I
was evaluated this case would I deem that Caffeine intoxication was a severe
enough diagnosis that I would accept this for the reason for this ridiculous behavior
that place two people in the hospital? For some reason (even after learning
about how caffeine is a drug and can alter how the brain functions) I can not
seem to link it in the same category as anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, and
diseases such as alcoholism.
Earlier in the semester we talked about the brain and how certain hormones influence or are activated due to emotions. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphins are just a few that have been shown to influence mood and emotion. What we did not go in detail about was the parts of the brain that make contribute to moods, emotions, and behaviors. I found an article that discuss' this very topic. Arousal is a process that involves cortical, behavioral, and autonomic mechanisms (Reeve, 2009, p. 374) This article talks about the cortical (activity of the brain) part of being aroused and the emotional reactions that can evolve from being aroused. Reeve (2009) lists four principles to explain arousal's contribution to motivation. There are two that relate to the study explained below: 1) A person's arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is. 2) People engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal. A new study was done to test if the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) was a region of the brain that could help people control emotional reactions such as negative moods, rumination (not being able to get something off your mind), and substance abuse. After having several people in stable, healthy relationships journal daily and have brain scans done while viewing positive, negative, and neutral facial expressions of their partner, it was found that LPFC activity did predict how one would react to an interpersonal conflict. When there was a day of no interpersonal conflict, the LPFC activity was not related to the next day's mood or behavior. On the contrast, when there was a day when interpersonal conflict did occur LPFC did predict mood and behavior the next day. Low levels of LPFC activity was related for high levels of negative moods, rumination, and substance abuse. This study is helpful when talking about coping with stress. To avoid bad coping strategies like over-eating or substance abuse, people can become aware and learn to introduce positive strategies such as counting to 10. If you are a person who has low LPFC function, it is possible you may become more susceptible to such behaviors. Link:
I found an article that discusses how many universities have taken up new policies with regard to informing parents about their children's underage drinking. They stated that most colleges will alert parents for major problems, such as being hospitalized or taken to the police station, however they do not involve parents for minor transgressions such as being caught with alcohol in their dorm. Some schools have decided to inform parents of every alcohol or drug related issue that involves underage students. Their reasoning behind this is that alcohol abuse on campuses has become a major issue and they feel that parental intervention could be one way to prevent it. Many students simply do not agree with this policy.
I don't know about you, but I would have been very scared to be caught underage drinking if I knew the school would notify my parents. My parent's and I have a very open relationship and they pretty much know what I do, but they would be very disappointed if they received a letter or phone call from the school. I think that this is pretty normal and I think a lot of people would greater fear the negative repercussions of underage drinking if their parents were involved.
I think that the greater problem here is people's motivation to not only drink, but to actually abuse alcohol. The percentage of people on campuses that do abuse alcohol is actually much smaller than what many people think. I think that a lot of times the media and even peers make excessive drinking seem very normal and like it is something that "everyone is doing", however this is not necessarily the case. It is important to change people's perceptions of drinking to reduce the cases of serious alcohol problems.
This relates to the idea of cognitive dissonance, if people's beliefs of student's drinking activities do not match their actions they will become very uncomfortable with their actions. Therefore, if people did not have the idea that everyone was out drinking every weekend they would probably not be as likely to engage in this sort of behavior.
The idea of including parents in student drinking is something that may or may not be effective. This idea is assuming that every student would be extrinsically motivated not to drink based on fear of negative repercussions from their parents, however the negative repercussions already exist in the form of trouble with school and law enforcement. The fact is not that student's do not fear getting in trouble, this is simply not enough motivation for them not to engage in their illegal activities because the chance of getting caught is just that, a chance. Many student's that take the chance of drinking underage are not influenced by extrinsic factors, such as getting caught. Their motivation likely lies within themselves and therefore change needs to be based on internal factors, not external such as calling mommy and daddy.
So I wonder, what could schools do to intrinsically motivate students not to engage in these dangerous activities? My advise would be to change their perception of the amount of student's drinking, but I wonder what else could be done?
Here's the link if you would like to read the article:
Here is an article from the Associated Press about a journal
article to be published this April. The subject is how boredom affects our
health. Researchers have found that people are more likely to participate in
unhealthy behaviors when bored, especially if the boredom is chronic. These
behaviors will then lead to other health complications and an earlier death.
So, basically it's alright to be bored occasionally but if it's all the time...Get
out of the funk and find something that engages your brain.
February 10, 2010 (LONDON) --
Can you really be bored to death?
In a commentary to be published in the International Journal
of Epidemiology in April, experts say there's a possibility that the
more bored you are, the more likely you are to die early.
Annie Britton and Martin Shipley of University College London caution
that boredom alone isn't likely to kill you -- but it could be a
symptom of other risky behavior like drinking, smoking, taking drugs or
having a psychological problem.
The researchers analyzed
questionnaires completed between 1985 and 1988 by more than 7,500
London civil servants ages 35 to 55. The civil servants were asked if
they had felt bored at work during the previous month.
and Shipley then tracked down how many of the participants had died by
April 2009. Those who reported they had been very bored were two and a
half times more likely to die of a heart problem than those who hadn't
reported being bored.
But when the authors made a statistical
adjustment for other potential risk factors, like physical activity
levels and employment grade, the effect was reduced.
experts said while the research was preliminary, the link between
boredom and increased heart problems was possible -- if not direct.
"Someone who is bored may not be motivated to eat well, exercise, and
have a heart-healthy lifestyle. That may make them more likely to have
a cardiovascular event," said Dr. Christopher Cannon, an associate
professor of medicine at Harvard University and spokesman for the
American College of Cardiology.
He also said if people's
boredom was ultimately linked to depression, it wouldn't be surprising
if they were more susceptible to heart attacks; depression has long
been recognized as a risk factor for heart disease. Cannon also said it
was possible that when people are bored, dangerous hormones are
released in the body that stress the heart.
Britton and
Shipley said boredom was probably not in itself that deadly. "The state
of boredom is almost certainly a proxy for other risk factors," they
wrote. "It is likely that those who were bored were also in poor
Others said boredom was potentially as dangerous as stress.
"Boredom is not innocuous," said Sandi Mann, a senior lecturer in
occupational psychology at the University of Central Lancashire who
studies boredom.
She said boredom is linked to anger
suppression, which can raise blood pressure and suppress the body's
natural immunity. "People who are bored also tend to eat and drink
more, and they're probably not eating carrots and celery sticks," she
Still, Mann said it was only people who were chronically bored who should be worried.
Since my December 18th knee surgery, I have been on numerous pain killers to manage the pain and discomfort while recovering. Many of them making me nauseous to the point of vomiting or extremely lethargic. I have switched prescriptions several time. About two weeks ago, I slipped on the ice here on the UNI campus and went from being weeks ahead of my physical therapy schedule with little to no pain, to a swollen, painful, non-weight bearing knee joint with very little ROM (range of motion). I scheduled an appointment with my surgeon right away and he took an X-ray and an MRI. The MRI came back normal but the X-ray showed that a small bone fragment that had been inside the knee joint all along had been forced out laterally (to the outside of the knee joint) by the pressure of the fall. The pain was constant and severe even with the influence of the current narcotics I was taking, so I was prescribed a pain killer patch that would distribute a regulated amount of pain medicine for 3 days at a time, and then a new patch is applied. This pain patch is typically prescribed to cancer patients and is highly addictive after lengthy periods of use. Because of my common reaction of getting sick off the pain pills, I started taking an anti-nausea pill again, which is on a 6 hour regiment. I was also recommended to take 800 mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours to reduce swelling, and of course, I went back to my original 3 day a week schedule of physical therapy after being reduced to 2 days a week for good progress. So far, this blog is sounding more like a sob story on my part so I'll get to the point. On Tuesday of this week, when it was time to switch patches, I did not apply a new one to see if the pain is now tolerable without the relief of pain killers. I was also beginning to notice a change in my breathing patterns after a new patch had been on for the first 3 to 6 hours. Since the patch was regulating the medicine into my body in portions throughout the 72 hours, the medicine remained in my system even after the patch was removed. I began feeling abnormally tired beginning Wednesday morning and although I was still taking the anti-nausea pill every 6 hours, I had no appetite and was beginning to feel sick to my stomach by Wednesday afternoon. My knee pain is noticeable but relatively tolerable. But today, Thursday, I feel 10 times worse than the previous days. I feel like I've been hit by a truck, chicken noodle soup, saltine crackers and water have been the ONLY items on the menu for me & I'm beyond tired of them, it's the only thing my stomach can tolerate. Not to mention, my knee is killing me. It's possible that during the time that I relied on that patch to take physiological care of my knee pain, I developed a dependence and my brain became content letting the medication do its job. Now that the medication patch is no longer administering the medication, my body is struggling to find a resolution to the withdrawal of the pain meds, and I am paying the price. We talked about this briefly in class, in regards to many psychological medications to treat depression and other conditions. As if the last 2 months haven't been bad enough, this experience may be worse than the initial post-op recovery.
I found this very interesting interview/transcript from Dr. Drew, who most of us are familiar with. In the transcript, people ask Dr. Drew various questions about all kinds of addictions. Dr. Drew makes a very clear statement about addictions in the beginning stating that the term "addiction" is used very inaccurately. Dr. Drew defines an addiction as "a specific biological disorder of the reward systems of the brain that permanently alters the survival system and thus the motivational priorities." Basically, addictions are based predisposed by our genes. If someone does not have a certain "addiction gene" they cannot possess an addiction. He mentions that people are often seen as having an addiction, when they simply have bad habits, or a dependency. I previously saw "addictions" as something that one partakes in regularly. We obviously overuse the word "addiction" in everyday language which leads to misconceptions. The article is sort of long, but it covers all addictions from online gambling, sex addictions, and of course drugs and alcohol. Does this article change your view towards addiction? Or was your perception of addiction similar to this? What did you find interesting in the interview?
Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life's problems.Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times and an impaired memory.Sounds like an awesome weekend, but some people (like doctors) call these "damaging effects on the brain."Fun haters.This article talks about the effects that alcohol has on the brain.For some, like binge drinking college students, alcohol can cause addiction.But I'm guessing no one in our class has a drinking problem.We drink, we get drunk, not a problem.Anyway the article not only talks about effects on the brain it also talks about....oh yeah, blackouts.I forgot what I was gonna write right there.It throws out some comparisons between the effects that alcohol has on men vs. women.Overall, not a bad read.
The question is how many of you think about the effects of alcohol on your brain when you're in the championship game of a beer pong tournament?I'm guessing not too many.But, how many of you think about the effects of alcohol on your brain when you wake up in your closet naked?
This is a great resource to find
information about many drugs from effects on the brain to addiction treatment.
For those of you that don't know
MDMA, ecstasy or 3,4-Methylendioxymethamphetamine is a DEA schedule 1
substance.Schedule 1 means drugs under
this category have no medical use and a high potential for abuse. It is
classified as a psychoactive amphetamine, meaning it has both psychedelic and
stimulant like effects. Known for its relationship with Intimacy, it also
diminishes feelings of anxiety, fear, depression and emotions run wild. The
positive effects include mental stimulation, emotional warmth, empathy towards
others, and a general sense of wellbeing.
Before being made a schedule 1 controlled
substance, ecstasy was actually used in psychotherapy, couples therapy and to
treat anxiety disorders as well as clinical depression. Though there were no
formal, documented clinical trials or FDA approval.Therapists called it "penicillin for the
soul" saying it allowed the user to communicate insight about their
problems.Though DEA still deemed it
schedule 1 eventually, in late 2000 FDA actually approved MDMA for 2 sessions
of psychotherapy for those experiencing PTSD. Ecstasy was actually criminalized in all
members of the United Nations in a UN agreement; this is for manufacture, sale
or production of the drug. There are limited exceptions for scientific/medical
MDMA first broke out in the club
scene, mostly at long extended dance parties called raves. It was mostly used
by adolescents and young adults, but this typical profile has been changing.
There is now widespread use outside of the club scene. Recent research has also
shown the drug is moving from predominately white users to minority users. It
also appears to be a rising trend in the "urban gay male" scene. This is a
rising concern because of the existing high level of sexual activity in gay
males; it causes an increase in high risk behavior that may lead to many sexually
transmitted diseases. The first question is why? Perhaps they seem to frequent
urban dance clubs in higher numbers. Also, why the movement away from white adolescents
and young adults?
Ecstasy has incredible effects on
the brain with just one or two tablets. Though its mechanism of activity is not
fully understood in its simplest sense it alters the activity of dopamine, serotonin
and norepinephrine by increasing their production. Though the process involving
serotonin is more complicated due to the fact that it is not only a combination
serotonin reuptake inhibitor, but also a serotonin-releasing agent, in addition
to the other two transmitters it makes MDMA a neorepinephrine-dopamine reuptake
inhibitor and a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine releasing agent. Confused yet?
More specifically the effects of
the drug cause all the previously mentioned positive effects of the drug. The
excess release of the serotonin causes the brain to become depleted of this key
transmitter. This is the largest contributor to the "hangover" effects that
users can experience for several days after taking the drug. More research is
needed, but it appears that this serotonin damage in humans can causelong term effects such as confusion,
depression, and significantly impact the memory and attention process.
So even with more research
needed, the fact people still choose to do these drugs is very interesting to
me. Some are ignorant, but others completely willing to take the risk despite
their knowledge of the effects. The drug also can be addictive, the body can
develop tolerance, and the brain changes to compensate for the difference in
chemical production. Are people attracted to the emotional state they reach
after doing the drug, or is it simply a chemical dependency?
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