Recently in Punishment Category

I ran across this article and couldn't believe it at first.

Overdue Library Books

Basically, libraries around the country are turning to the police to help them retrieve property (books, dvds, etc.) that people have not returned despite several notices from the Library. Eventually, they are sent a summons to appear in court, and if they fail to do so they are arrested for that and fined. Libraries are apparently facing some budget problems, and everything that isn't returned can add up to significant losses for them (assuming they have to replace it). Apparently, some people really don't care (low energy) about returning their books to the library. The library considers this theft of public property and soon the police get involved

Reading this article reminded me of a Seinfeld episode where Jerry has a book that has been overdue since high school, and he gets confronted by Mr. Bookman the library detective:

Seinfeld: Library Detective

This is a clear-cut case of the use of a punisher (fines, arrest) to reduce the frequency of undesirable behavior (not returning library materials). But, how effective is this? Does it have the general deterrent (affect others) capability that I assume the libraries think it has? It is probably an effective punisher for the individual (specific deterrent), but I would imagine only in the sense that they will probably never go back to the public library again. Basically, could be a better way to get people to return their library materials without using punishment? Should the libraries even get the police involved in the first place, or is it their right to track down uncompliant borrowers?

Motivators in Business

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I found this youtub ckip about movtivators in business.  It discusses Extrinsic versus Intrinsic Motivators, and which one was best.  It also discusses a reward/punishment thoughts we have when working and if you reward people for their work, that they will work faster and better, when this isn't actually the truth.  It goes on discussing how only in situations does this work.