Recently in Prosocial Behavior Category

I recently read an article from The New York Times that spoke negatively of a practice we as a society routinely engage in--small talk. It seems to be difficult for us be comfortable with silence, and instead of talking about deep topics like the state of the world or life's meaning, we talk about petty things that have no real breadth or substance (e.g. Did you see American Idol last night?). Dr. Matthias Mehl, a psychologist with the University of Arizona, has recently published a study on the topic. He is quoted as saying, "By engaging in meaningful conversations, we manage to impose meaning on an otherwise pretty chaotic world, and interpersonally, as you find this meaning, you bond with your interactive partner, and we know that interpersonal connection and integration is a core fundamental foundation of happiness." The happiest person in his study had twice as many substantive conversations, and only one-third of the amount of small talk as the unhappiest. Could this be true, or do we simply have deeper conversations with those that we have already established deeper relationships with? Dr. Mehl suggests that we attempt to have one substantive conversation a day for the next five days and see how happy we feel. In what ways do you feel you can positively enhance your everyday social exchanges?

Check out this site for a Guide to Having More Meaningful Conversations.

Moral Superiority at Wal-Mart


Chapter 10 in Reeve (2009) discusses the self:  defining and creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self. 

Becoming a fair and pro-social person is generally thought of as part of the quest of defining and creating the self.  However, a recent New York Times article reviewed a study published by Science that studied how large-scale institutions affected fairness.  This article seems to show that fairness and pro-sociality may be more due to relating the self to society.  The article can be found at

The study used three different experimental designs to determine the effect of large-scale institutions, such as markets and major world religions have on fairness.  These experiments were then carried out in 15 diverse cultures across the world.  The presence of large-scale institutions was determined by the percentage of calories that were purchased - the higher the percentage the higher the market integration.


The study found that the greater the market integration in a community the more fair its citizens were.  The participation in a world religion increased punishment for unfairness in a community.  The authors argue that this is because in market society would not work if everyone were only out for himself or herself.  For market integration to be successful the society must have underlying norms to be fair and trusting with people beyond each individual's social circle.  They found that by having institutions like Wal-Mart our communities have actually become fairer.  The researchers believe that our modern pro-sociality is not solely due to innate psychology but also due to the norms and institutions that have emerged over human history.

Cultural Influence on the Self

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I read a very interesting article for my Psychological Anthropology class today that pertains to our class.  I could not find the link to the article anywhere on the internet, however the main point of the article was that our idea of the "self" comes from cultural norms and beliefs.  A person's schemas about the world can be influenced by communication with peers and in turn influences our culture.  Reeve talks about internalization and integrating self.  He discusses this idea of society on page 283.  Reeve talks about how the needs and interests of the self grow and develop throughout life.  However, our need for relatedness keeps our "self" from straying too far from the beaten path.  Behaviors, emotions, and ways of thinking originate in the self and also within the social context of society. 

Therefore, people in society are forced to transform an external way of behaving or valuing into an internal one.  This happens as a result of individuals wanting to have meaningful relationships with friends, family and even co-workers.  Internalization also occurs from an individual's desire to interact effectively with the social world.  Overall, "internalization is motivated by the need for competence" (p. 283).  

What this makes me wonder is how much of our "self" is actually an innate part of who we are.  How much more of it is based on societal pressures to conform?  If we are highly motivated by a need for competence and relatedness, are these needs more important than our need for individualism?  I think that overall, we as Americans feel that we are a very individualistic culture, but in reality this is not always true.  We have many other human needs that override our need to be individualistic.  In conclusion, I wonder what others have to say about the idea of "self".  Also, do you think the society structures us to fit into the culture in which we live or do we as Americans follow this individualistic ideal that we think we do?

Inspiring children to do good


Last week I commented on a post that focused on the website This week I decided to go back to and see what I could find. The video that stuck out to me is the one I posted above. In the video Kiran Bri Sethi, an Indian school teacher, discusses a way to blur the lines between education and the real world. She suggests that if you teach the children through experience then they will comprehend what was learned and incorporate it into their lives outside of school. The first example she showed was having her children make small utensils all day. In her own words "they worked until their backs were broken, then they understood that child labor was unacceptable." The children took the knowledge that they had freshly obtained and translated it into their community. The children are shown advocating the importance of abolishing child labor to the adults in the community. Kiran Bri Sethi and her students decided it was time to show the rest of the schools and the rest of the community how much of a difference this type of learning can make. They marched into city buildings and took the town by storm. The city ended up closing down the busiest streets for a day each month in order to allow for children to play. The children were alloted an enormous amount of space to put on plays and use their imagination. Soon the community decided it was time to show all of India all of the power that this idea was made of. It was looked at foolishly by many school teachers. However, children embraced the idea of making a difference. In the end, all that was needed was the drive of the children. They held auctions, went door to door, and did anything that they needed to do to show that they could make a difference and would be heard. And they were. The non-believers were put to shame, they only had one question left. How are the students preforming on paper?

It turns out that the children that were involved in the program had better grades that those that were not in the program. Not only were they doing good, they were doing well. Which is just about all that a parent, educator, or citizen can ask of the children that are the future of their country.

Obviously, we are all in a class that integrates learning into our lives in a way that most of our other classes have not. So, we have all experienced a dramatic shift in types of education. How did this video make you feel? Do you think that this class, like the classes in India, blurs the line between an educational institution and the real world? Though, we are not preforming the same "do good" activities that the children in India are preforming, and I'm rather certain that Cedar Falls does not intend on closing down Hudson Road so that we can all bounce of a trampoline for the day, I still feel like the point of our hybrid classes are to learn more about how the real world reflects what we are learning.



I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this article, but it is about 5 things that will supposedly make a person happier. In short, they are...


1. Be grateful

2. Be optimistic

3. Count your blessings  

4. Use your strengths  

5. Commit acts of kindness


     Although this first one is rather obvious, there is some merit to mentioning it. I believe that trying to get into the habit of putting a positive spin can make life more enjoyable, but as we have read, each person has homeostasis level that will be resistant to change. (The researcher here seem to admit that people generally have certain dispositions and stable personalities throughout their life, but they argue that a significant amount of happiness can also be attributed to pro-active approaches to increasing one's happiness.) In any case, I suppose making an active effort to appreciate what you have may cause at least a minor increase in feelings of happiness.


Being Grateful  - One rather interesting note is that this finding of the study is largely based on an activity where people wrote letters expressing gratitude. In case you are thinking there might be a confound, such as relatedness or affiliation playing a role, I thought of that as well, but it was found that there was an increase in happiness even if people did not actually send the letters out.


Be optimistic - In the study, researchers actually had participants visualize "an ideal future" which included imagining having a loving, supportive partner and a great job. I am not sure if this strategy would necessarily lead to long term happiness though - the researchers did not mention whether or not this was exclusively short term happiness in their summarized report. The reason I say this is because I think over time significant cognitive dissonance would arise (people could become delusional) if there is a strong focus on a "perfect" life. If interpreted this way, this finding would actually seem to be in contrast to the first. If you are being appreciative of what you have, you will not be constantly focusing on the perfect, ideal life. I have heard that some studies have found striving for excellence can be much better than striving for perfection. I know the "being optimistic" strategy could probably be taken on a more moderate and healthy level, but I think the activity the researchers used does not necessarily seem healthy over the long term.


Count your blessings - I do not believe this one merits any further discussion because this "additional" finding seems to be very similar to "being grateful." In fact, there is no separate research mentioned for this in the article.

Use your strengths - The participants in the study (that contributed to this finding) focused on strengths such as using humor to increase others' happiness. I think this is perhaps related to competence, achievement, and relatedness - all concepts that we have recently mentioned in class. Being able to successfully use's one's abilities to accomplish a goal would lead to feelings of competence and achievement. Having someone identify with your achievement (in this case humor)

Commit acts of kindness - although we have not yet talked about pro-social very much in this class, this finding makes sense, and I think it also has something to do with relatedness.

Why do people go to college?

When I started to think about what I wanted to blog about today, I first thought of what motivated people to do things, anything, which eventually lead me to wonder what motivational principles underlie peoples need to attend college. 

The first, most obvious answer would be a need for achievement.  Many people feel a strong desire to achieve their maximum potential and the most readily available outlet in which to to this is by attending college.  Many people with a high need for achievement would be very god students and likely in fields in which their job outlook would be something in which they could help people or feel good about themselves for what they are doing.  I think that this is the reason why everyone should be in school, but that is simply not the case.

Another reason for going to college would be a need for power and money.  In our society if you do not go to college this is seen as a failure of some kind.  In reality, this is because there are simply no other outlets in which people can excel.  Going to a 4 year university has practically become a pre-requisite for many job opportunities, especially if the many goal is that of power and money.  From my stereotypical image of business majors, if you asked them why they were in school the likely outcome would not be to change the world or help others.  If your a finance major your reason for being there is in the title, finances.  I would love for someone to give me another opinion on this topic because I know it's stereotypical, but it only comes from my experiences.

Finally, I feel that many people go to college because of societal pressures.  Many families, like mine, do not see going to college as an option, but a requirement.  Even if I wouldn't have wanted to go to college I wouldn't have had a choice.  I see so many students that are just letting college pass them by, trying to get passing grades, without any real focus or passion for what they are doing.  I think that it's a shame that our society puts so much pressure on people to go to college, when in reality, college is simply not for everyone.  

With this being said, I think that the fact that college has become the norm has made college very different for our generation.  In many instances, college has become too easy.  I know I have classes where all I have to do is study for a test every 4 weeks and then I can forget the material and move on with my life.  What does it say about college if I get mad when I get a B? Or when I get extremely upset when I get a C? Historically, C was the average, but from what I have encountered, most students would not feel very average if they were getting C's, they would feel more like they were failing.  This, in turn makes an A the only really good option for students and makes a D just as bad as failing.  

I wonder what others have to think about this.  Am I just a crazy student that wants to feel like my college degree actually stands for something? Am I being too harsh on the school system? And honestly, do you feel like a college degree is something that is a serious commitment and something that is hard to accomplish?

Millionaire gives everything

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This articles describes a millionaire that gave all of his money away. All of it. He was raised in a poor family and he was taught to work hard to earn what he wanted in life. He worked hard his whole life, thinking that a little more money and material possessions would finally make him happy, only to realize that it didn't. So, he gave it all away.

His story interests me for several reasons. His display of charitable behavior is one that many people applaud and see as highly altruistic. It's true that his action was extremely generous and will help many orphans gain a quality of life that they couldn't have without his help, but his actions are not altogether altruistic. The reason he gives his money away is because he is still seeking happiness. He first thought that making money and having stuff would make him happy, now he thinks that giving all of his money to people that need it more than him and living a very simple life will make him happy. While his latest search for happiness is definitely beneficial to many people, was his giving out of altruism and generosity alone, or was it motivated by seeking his own happiness?

I would argue that his generosity is still motivated by selfishness, making his giving not entirely altruistic. By no means am I saying that he shouldn't have done it, because I think it's wonderful that so many people in need will benefit from his action, but I think the most basic driving motivator in this case was still seeking his own satisfaction or happiness.

Do you think this decision will result in lasting happiness? Or will it, like the pursuit of money and material possessions, only last in the shorter-term scheme of a lifetime?

Chameleon Effect


I found this great blog about the chameleon effect.  It is about how mimicking what another person does will make them like you more.  The blog talked about an experiment that was done by Chartrand and Bargh (1999).  In it the researchers wanted three questions answered about the chameleon effect.

First: Do people automatically mimic others, even strangers?

                It was found that yes people do automatically mimic others, even strangers.  It was found that the participants in the present of a confederate did mimic their actions, face touching went up by 20%, and foot movement went up by 50%.

Second: Does mimicry increase liking?

                It was found that you do like someone else more if they are mimicking your behavior.  Participants were asked to rate how much they liked the confederate, when the confederate was mimicking the participant, the participants liking of the confederate went up.  However the liking did not go up by much.  On average the rating went from 5.91 to 6.62.

Third: Do high-perspective-takers exhibit the chameleon effect more?

                When they were talking about perspective takers they are referring to the degree to which people naturally take others' perspectives.  They found that people who were perspective takers did in fact mimic more than others.

Here is the blog website  On the website they also go into detail as to how they performed the experiments and what the results showed in more detail.  I found this article to be highly interesting because I had always heard that if you were more like someone that you liked each other better.  This experiment helped to prove that, but if you mimic someone their liking of you only goes up by a little bit.

If you want to read the actual article about the experiment it can be found at

The Behavior of Lying



For better or worse, everyone lies.  There is a show on Fox called, "Lie to Me," which I've always found to pretty interesting. This guy helps solve crimes and other problems by reading people's actions and the behaviors they emit. It's fun to watch and would be awesome to be able to do if the process was actually foolproof as it seems to be on the show. So this got me interested in the behavioral aspects and characteristics of lying. Why exactly do people lie?  What motivates them?


In my mind, people lie because they oftentimes are reinforced for manipulating their environment. It obviously must work more times than not as people continually do it in all kinds of contexts (whether to a family member, someone at work, or a stranger), even after sometimes being caught and punished. It is a behavioral trait seemingly impossible to extinguish amongst humans, however.

Here is a site which talks about various aspects of lying including some signs one can look for within an individual who is lying:

There is no foolproof way as it may seem on televison, but there are often clues you can see in behavior that should make you suspicious:

Avoidance of eye contact: Usually someone makes eye contact at least half the time they are talking to you. If you notice them avoiding eye contact or looking down during a specific part of a conversation, they may well be lying.

Change of voice: A variation in pitch of voice or rate of speech can be a sign of lying. So can lots of umms and ahhs.

Body language. Turning your body away, covering your face or mouth, a lot of fidgeting of hands or legs can indicate deception.

Contradicting yourself:. Making statements that just don't hold together should make you suspicious.

Here is a video I found discussing the premise to Fox's show "Lie to Me." It introduces the idea of reading facial expressions which people can make inferences from, i.e. lying to determine their true behaviors. Also, it discusses the validity as well as use of the new hand-held polygraph test which is being used by the US government. The speaker uses a clip from "Lie to Me" to demonstrate his point on their usefulness or lack there of when trying to elicit "truthful" responses from their subjects.

Overall, the behavior of lying in part of the human experience.  We use deception, oftentimes in countries such as the U.S., to enhance to our social status and image.  If you think about it, one is constantly working (motivated) to shape his/her perception within their group of friends, etc.  While for some people this may be more evident, it is a social need of ours to feel this sense of affiliation and belonging. 


    This article talks about sociologists who set out to determine which types of gossip travels the fastest (whether people prefer good news, bad news, etc). The researchers studied a list of the New York Times' most emailed articles "checking it every 15 minutes for more than 6 moths... and controlling for factors like placement in the paper or on the Web Home page."


        The main researcher seemed to hypothesize that stories about sex and politics would be among the highest ranked. To his surprise, the stories that were most emailed actually tended to be those emotional in nature, with positive (those that "inspired awe") faring better than those that were negative. Those that are intellectually challenging and lengthy are also more often emailed. There were also a surprisingly high number of scientific articles that made the most emailed list.


       I was rather surprised by some of these results at first, but after thinking about the potential reasons behind the results I believe I understand this data better. Or, perhaps I am suffering from hindsight bias. In any case, I think it does make sense that people would want to send positive, awe-inspiring articles to their friends and loved ones because we very much want to increase others' feelings of happiness. Emotion is at the very core of our being. There is such an abundance of negative news presented on television, perhaps emailing positive articles is a way to help offset cable news' generally negative tone.


       The researchers made a quick observation about how one might have expected articles consisting of financial advice to be more popular. Their thinking was that if Person A gave person B great advice, then person B would return the favor at a later point in time. Another possible motivation they theorized was that some people might just send articles to "show off" and let others know that they stay well-informed.  


      I also found it a little surprising that articles a bit longer in length and "intellectually challenging" would be among the most popular. I have always been rather hesitant to send lengthy articles to friends because I worry that saturating them in an abundance of information that they might not even find remotely interesting could just make them mad. It does make sense though, that longer articles would be more likely to contain some type of interesting information in them than short articles. I wonder if social networking sites present a confound problem that creates a bias in favor of long articles - for example, if I read a short, interesting story and want to summarize what it said for my friends, I will often just post it on my facebook status.  


        The popularity of science articles was a bit baffling at first, but I think it does seem to make sense to me now. I believe people enjoy reading interesting science articles because they help us think in a new and different way. Scientific discoveries help us gain insight and perspective about the true physical and emotional nature of ourselves and our surrounding environment. I think reading about science can evoke feelings of transcendence - there is much we do not know and there is much we will never know, but with each additional step we take in studying the world, we come that much closer to solving the problems we face and that much more connected with the world around us.