Read chapter 7. Summarize the chapter. What was the most surprising thing you learned? If you had to rate yourself as high, medium, low, on the various social needs, what would those ratings be? How do those various levels manifest themselves in your life? Choose one social need and discuss how it motivates some of your specific behaviors.
Provide a
list of terms at the end of your post that you used from the chapter.
500 words
This chapter was all about social needs. It briefly talked about quasi-needs; which are needs that arise when wants and desires are induced and go away when they are satisfied. The three other topics that are addressed throughout the chapter are achievement, affiliation and intimacy, and power. Throughout the chapter we learn why these needs arise and how different people are able to satisfy these needs.
One thing that I found very interesting was the meaning of effort. For me I have always perceived effort as a positive thing that helps you to conquer a task that may be more challenging for me. In this chapter, I learned that there are different theorists who perceive effort differently. An entity theorist sees effort as a negative thing; which for me was a new way to look at it. The quote “the more you try, the dumber you therefore must be,” was puzzling to me. I think if we have this viewpoint we could easily decrease one’s motivation much more. Instead of supporting them and encouraging them to keep trying essentially this concept tells them to give up if they have to put in any effort towards the task. I am much more in line with the other theory; which focuses on the idea that with effort comes learning. For me we should encourage effort because it pushes people to keep going even when the task at hand may seem too difficult. By putting in this effort, they are in turn learning and gaining skills.
The first need is achievement. The need for achievement is the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence. In terms of a standard of excellence it is any challenge to a person’s sense of competence that ends with an objective outcome of success. I believe I have a high level of achievement. This could be tied to the fact that growing up my parents provided an environment for me that pushed me to do well and encouraged me as well. Another factor is cognitive influences. I think this stems from one’s ability to tell them selves that they can in fact do something and their ability to keep an open mind. For me I always enjoy a challenge. In high school, sports provided that challenge for me, I was able to develop this achievement thinking style because I saw myself making progress and had the support necessary to be successful. Next is affiliation and intimacy. I would say I have low affiliation. I do not aim to please people and do things because I want to or find enjoyment in them. In all honestly, whether or not a person likes me really doesn’t matter. If a person doesn’t like me that is their issue and I won’t go out of my way to fix their opinion of me. My intimacy is medium level. I enjoy the close relationships I have an can easily exhibit a warm exchange with something that I genially care about. I do care about my social involvement when it comes to those I have connections with. My relationships with friends and family are important and I will go out of my way to make sure they are happy. The final one is power and reflects on one’s ability to impact other’s lives. I would say my level of power is also low. I don’t have this need to force others to follow my ways because I feel we are all different and will never all agree. I do enjoy helping though which is an aspect of power. By having a job that allows me to influence people I am able to establish a sense of power. I want to be an occupational therapist and through this I will be able to shape people and influence them to better themselves after rehabilitation.
Achievement is the one need I can most relate to. If you think about it life is one big competition. We are always going against someone or something in order to conquer some goal. That is how I am able to relate achievement to my life. By having this outlook I am able to stay motivated to keep working. When I know I have several things due throughout the week I set goals for myself. If I write in my planner that I want to have it done by Thursday I will challenge myself to see if I can have it done earlier than that deadline. By doing so, I am able to demonstrate to myself that I am capable of getting things done on time or even ahead of time. I also do so to make sure that I am putting forward my best work. This goes in line with the concept of performance goals because I want to do well and by giving myself time to look over my work I am also giving myself the time to make sure I am performing well.
Performance goals
Chapter 7 was all about social needs. What was most surprising in this chapter was that there are two kinds of acquired needs: social needs and quasi-needs. Social needs originate from preferences gained through experiences, socialization, and development. They exist with in us as acquired individual differences as a part of our personality. A need is any condition with in the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth and well-being. Quasi-needs are induced wants and desires that are not actually full blown needs in the same sense that physiological, psychological and social needs are (need for new trendy tech or fashion). They do resemble true needs in a way though because they influence how we think, feel and act. No one is born wanting a new car, power, or a high GPA, but these are quasi-needs. I also think of quasi-needs as when I would go shopping with my mom for new clothes for school she would always say “that’s a want not a need”, and now I can tell her it was a need in some way.
If I had to rate myself in social needs, I would say I am high in achievement. I like doing well and proving my potential. I do agree though that being high in achievement is a double-edged sword. Sometimes I am excited to live up to my standards, and other times my standards can cause me stress. I look forward to doing well on exams, but when I have three in one week, it stresses me out that I cant focus all my attention on just one class so I know I would be getting the best grade I could get. I am very high in socialization. My parents taught me how to be independent, they gave me realistic standards for excellence, and I have had a wide range of experiences. A few years ago when I went to London with my mom, I had to navigate us through the city and figure out the underground railway system. At first I wasn’t very good, but by the end of the trip, I knew what train went where and how to navigate the city for us. It left me with a sense of pride and I knew that if I ever travel overseas myself, I will be able to do it. This summer I went to Iceland for two weeks with my family and my sister and I had to guide our parents on what roads to take in order for us to get to the next town. This was a challenging task considering the language is different and most town names seem very similar, so when I would navigate us to the right town, it satisfied my need for achievement. Traveling to London, Paris, and Iceland has opened me up to many experiences and cultures and I cant thank my parents enough for those opportunities. I would say I am medium on intimacy and affiliation. I am a person who hates conflict and will try to do anything to avoid it, but I will not let people walk over me and will not hesitate to defend myself if I am not in the wrong. But I do not avoid competition or asking people to do imposing things. I am medium in the need for power. I like having control over my environments, but I don’t like being in charge of others unless I am the best fit. When I got promoted to a manager at my job, I felt weird at first because I was now in charge of my friends. But after awhile I got over it because I knew I was better for the job than they were.
One social need that that motivates some specific behaviors is my need for achievement. I do well on quizzes, exams, project and presentations because I put in the time and effort into making sure I know the information and that I practice. I want my parents to be proud of the fact that I am graduating a year early with good grades, and that is a motivator for me to achieve.
Terms: Acquired needs, social needs, quasi-needs, needs, achievement, socialization influences, intimacy and affiliation, power,
Social needs are acquired needs, as opposed to psychological and physiological needs, which are innate. Quasi-needs also fall under the category of acquired needs. Quasi-needs are urgent wants and desires that appear to be needs. For example, the desire to use an umbrella while it’s raining is a quasi-need; it appears to be a need, but it is not essential to life.
Social needs come from preferences a person learns through experience and development. Social needs include achievement, affiliation and intimacy, and power. Achievement is the desire to do well. People who have a high need for achievement have previously encountered a standard of excellence and was energized by it, so they continue to pursue these high standards of excellence. People with a high need of achievement approach challenges with hope and pride, whereas people with a low need of achievement avoid challenges with fear and anxiety. Because achievement is developmental, a person’s level of need can change over time. This makes achievement quite complex.
I found the classical model, Atkinson’s Model, very intriguing because Atkinson turned achievement into this equations: Ta = Ts – Taf = (Ms x Ps x Is) – (Maf x Pf x If). Essentially, a person is more likely to achieve if their tendency to approach success is stronger than their tendency to avoid failure. I am very analytical in the way approach and understand concepts, so being able to view a social need in a mathematical way made it a little easier to understand. However, as we learned from Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close, “People are not like numbers.” It’s more complicated than that.
The contemporary model explores the differences between mastery and performance goals. Finally, an integration of the classical and contemporary model explains achievement through mastery goals, performance-approach goals, and performance-avoidance goals. Mastery goals focus on self-set standards and making progress. Performance goals focus on proving one’s competence and doing better than others.
This led to the explanation of entity versus incremental theorists, which is what I found most interesting/surprising in this chapter. Entity theorists believe people either have intelligence or they don’t and focus on performance goals. Incremental theorists believe intelligence can change and focus on mastery goals. This differentiation is why people have different views on effort. Entity theorists believe that effort means one lacks knowledge of skill. Incremental theorists believe that effort is a tool to learn and succeed. I can highly related to the latter.
If I had to rate my level of need for achievement, it would be high. I grew up in a family that achievement and effort were highly emphasized. This chapter listed several things that parents can do to instill a high need for achievement in their children, including independence training, realistic standards of excellence, positive value of achievement, and stimulation potential. My parents did all of these things. For example my dad taught me how to read before I started kindergarten, and ever since there were always books available to read (stimulation potential). Another example is related to realistic standards of excellence. Some parents are insistent that their children get straight A’s in high school, which would be a performance-approach goal. A lot of times these students would fear getting F’s, which is a performance-avoidance goal. My mom, on the other hand, always just told me to do my best, as long as I tried my best and learned something, she would be happy. This is a mastery goal, and because she encouraged me in this way, I have always loved to learn (just for the value of learning). Mastery goals fuel my need for achievement. My need for achievement motivates so many of my behaviors, like pursuing two (unrelated) degrees, doing all of my assigned readings, practicing instruments, reading for fun, and so on.
Affiliation is the need for approval, to establish relationships. Intimacy the need for warmth and closeness within those relationships. These two parts work together to build relationships that satisfy this social need. Affiliation usually comes from negative sources, like the fear of loneliness; it’s deficit-oriented. Intimacy usually come from more positive sources; it’s growth-oriented. If I had to rate my level of need for affiliation and intimacy, I would say my need for affiliation is medium, but my need for intimacy is very high. I don’t need a lot of relationships, but I definitely need close ones. Being a fifth-year student, a lot of my friends have graduated and moved away. This year I’ve been striving to make closer relationships with friends that are younger than me.
Power is the need to make others conform to one’s own desires and plans. Power involves impact (establishing power), control (maintaining power), and influence (expanding power). It revolves around dominance and maintaining a good reputation. Leadership, aggressiveness, influential occupations, like business executives, and prestige possessions, like a convertible are all conditions of power. If I had to rate my need for power, I would say its medium-low. I have a weird relationship with power. I don’t like being “in charge” per se, but I like to be in control. I feel like power has a negative connotation to it, so I don’t like to say I need power. However, I want to be a teacher to have an impact on students. In that sense, I have a higher need for influence, or power.
Terms: social needs, acquired needs, psychological needs, physiological needs, innate, quasi-needs, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, power, Atkinson’s model, classical model, contemporary model, mastery goals, performance goals, performance-approach goals, performance-avoidance goals, entity theorists, incremental theorists, effort, impact, control, influence
Chapter 7 introduces us to two acquired psychological needs: Quasi-needs and Social needs. The first part of the chapter discusses quasi-needs, which are “wants and desires that are not needs in the same sense as physiological, psychological, and social needs” (pg. 173). Quasi-needs originate from situational demands and pressures. An example of this would be having an upcoming test and needing to study. The quasi-need fades away when it is satisfied. The sense of urgency that arises from the situational demand or pressure leads us to becoming motivated. The rest of the chapter focuses on the social needs that we obtain through experience, development, and socialization (Pg. 174). The four social needs we are introduced to are achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power.
The need for achievement is defined by the text as “the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence” (pg. 175) People can rate high or low for achievement. High need for achievement people respond with approach-oriented emotions and behaviors while low need for achievement people respond with avoidance-oriented emotions and behaviors. I would rate myself medium in the need for achievement because I fall between high need and low need. I take pride in my work but I also fear failure.
Affiliation and Intimacy are similar, however, the need for affiliation involves establishing, maintaining, and restoring a positive relationship with others, rooted from fear of interpersonal rejection (pg. 192). High need for affiliation people tend to interact with others to avoid fear of disapproval and loneliness while low need for affiliation people tend to have little fear of disapproval and loneliness. I would rate myself low in the need for affiliation because I am not a “needy” person and I do not fear loneliness. The need for intimacy expresses itself with the need to engage in warm, close, positive relationships (pg. 193). High need for intimacy people enjoy social groups and stable/long-lasting relationships. Low need for intimacy people are not satisfied with developing relationships. I would rate myself high in the need for intimacy because I enjoy self-disclosure and having deep conversations with my friends and boyfriend.
I am motivated by the need for intimacy because I enjoy growing and building relationships with others. I prefer a close-knit group of friends that I can trust and know that they trust me as well versus friendships I am unable to connect with.
The need for power is “a desire to make the physical and social world conform to one’s personal image or plan for it” (pg. 195). High need for power people desire to have impact, control, or influence over another person. They seek to become leaders with a take-charge style. I would rate myself medium in the need for power. I am a fairly laid back person and I do not like leadership positions. However, I am one to make goals and go after them and get the job done.
I was most surprised by the section under Effectiveness of U.S. Presidents. I thought it was interesting that five variables could define presidential effectiveness. Presidents Kennedy, Truman, Wilson, and both Roosevelts were all considered strong by historians. I thought it was interesting that they also scored relatively high in need for power and low in need for affiliation.
Terms Used:
Quasi needs
Social needs
Social needs is a psychological acquired process that comes from interaction with one’s environment. One’s socialization history activates emotional responses to a particular need-relevant incentive throughout their lives. These need-incentives could be achievement, power, affiliation, and intimacy. The main points of the chapter involve explaining how social needs are present within achievement, power, affiliation, and intimacy, and the theories, formulas, and approaches that have been formed in order to figure this out.
The most surprising thing I learned was people with fear of failure tend to regulate their behavior in ways that interfere with performance, persistence, and emotionality, which can also be explained as these people adopting performance-avoidance goals. Over time, this negative relationship may lead to implications of personal adjustment, meaning the more avoidance goals a person harbors, the poorer their well-being becomes in regards to low self-esteem, personal control, life satisfaction, and psychological well-being. This continuous action of avoiding activities that may be embarrassing because of fear of failure leads to depreciating well-being because of these performance-avoidance goals that are being adopted more frequently as time goes on. In regards to fear of failure, when I played basketball in high school I would constantly avoid trying to shoot the ball because I feared that I wouldn’t make it. I would frequently pass the ball to someone else and let them take the shot. I was less worried about being recognized and more focused on decreasing the chance of failing, or embarrassing myself. My coach would frequently tell me “Caitlin, you need to get rid of this fear of failure.” Over time I did and I developed a way to get over this fear, which I believe has helped my well-being in many aspects because the sport is not longer able to diminish my interest in succeeding becauses of fear. Thus, this topic is most surprising because the second I read this I instantly looked back on this part of my life and realized this is what happened to me.
If I had to rate myself on these social needs, I would rate myself as high on achievement, low to medium on affiliation, high on intimacy, and medium on power. I rate myself high on achievement because I crave competition within nearly every task I do. I want to be excellent in everything. Growing up I played volleyball, basketball, and ran track, I did well in all of my classes. I have a deep need for success and for the success to be displayed so that people know what I’ve accomplished. I believed developmental influences had a lot to do with my high achievement goals because my parents, grandparents, and other close family members were constantly pushing me to be a better me. I rate myself low to medium on affiliation because on the low side, I rarely form relationships in order to avoid the negative emotions of loneliness or disapproval. I am perfectly content hanging out by myself and doing my own thing and not feeling lonely. But occasionally I will have moments that the reason I affiliate myself with a group of people is because I seek reassurance, and I strive for acceptance and approval from that group, but this does not happen often for me. I ranked myself high on intimacy because ever since I started forming friendships at the more serious level, I have been viewed as someone people can talk to for reassurance, guidance, or just a big hug to ease the pain. I see myself as medium on power because I like to have influence over people and be in charge, which usually leads to me being the leader of groups projects, but I don’t want so much power that nobody else has any say. I like the positions that come with power but not the dominance over others.
The social need of achievement is constantly motivating my behaviors in school and work. As a first time cashier at Blain’s in April of 2017, I strive to learn every aspect of thee cash register. I asked questions, payed attention intently, and made sure to check and recheck that what I was doing was correct. Because I did this, I was promoted to Head Cashier within a mere month of being a cashier. I am now in charge of paperwork (daily, monthly, and yearly), answering questions the cashier’s have and helping them, counting money on the registers throughout the day, managing schedules, and much more tasks involved in bookkeeping. My high level of achievement within work led to a promotion within my department (which partly comes from my need for power as well). I also and high motivated within the achievement of my classes. I work hard to get good grades, to set myself apart from everyone else, and to achieve tasks that not many do.
Terms: Social Needs, Performance-Avoidance Goals, Fear of Failure, Affiliation and Intimacy, Achievement, Power
Chapter seven discusses many kinds of social needs. Acquired needs (social and quasi) are needs that people are not born with. These needs are picked up and developed based on experiences and demands. Examples of social needs include intimacy, power, achievement, and affiliation. Examples of quasi-needs are needing money, needing warm clothes in the winter, or needing an umbrella in the rain. The text explains that quasi-needs are situational needs that people could most likely live without. These needs mimic real needs by changing our behavior in different situations. Social needs are said to be acquired earlier in life and developed as we grow older based on incentives in our environment. When an incentive is positive after a social need is met, we are more likely to exhibit that reaction at a later time.
There are a few different social needs that are highlighted in the chapter; one such need is achievement. The text describes achievement as the desire to do better than a standard (or better than the average). Within this idea, there are three types of competitions: Competitions with a task (like a one-person game), competitions with the self (like beating a personal best time when swimming), and competitions against others (beating another person in a wrestling match). The standard of excellence that the person is trying to beat is different for most people, but we all have it common that we want to be better than such standard.
The need for achievement has been thought to relate to parenting styles; this idea is called a socialization influence. Children who have high needs for achievement are thought to have parents that provide independence, high aspirations, realistic standards, and many more.
The cognitive influences to achievement are listed and can be viewed as a continuum. A few examples include mastery orientation (versus a helpless orientation), high expectations for success, and strong valuing of achievement. Developmental influences show how being developmentally mature can affect achievement. For example, children often have unrealistically high expectations of themselves. Sometimes they are not developed enough to complete simple tasks that they see others doing. Once children hit middle-childhood, they pay more attention to detail and get better at many tasks.
The two ways that help us understand achievement motivation are the classical model and the contemporary model. The contemporary model leans heavily on cognitive influences, and the classical model is Atkinson’s model of achievement behavior. Within this model is the dynamic-of-action. Atkinson said that achievement needs don’t perfectly predict behavior. Instead he argued that probability of success also played a big role. If the person has a low probability of success, they are unlikely to act in that way. He also added the incentive for success; if the incentive is not worth the cost, people will not act.
The dynamics-of-action model includes three forces that show a stream of achievement behaviors. Instigation causes people to approach others more because of past rewards. Inhibition causes people to avoid more due to past punishment. Consummation says that each tasks brings different feelings and strivings. Along with this model, task difficulty plays a factor on achievement-motivated actions. Moderately difficult tasks are better for high-achievers, but easy tasks are simple for both groups. Moderately difficult tasks cause one to think and can assist and improve cognitive development. Competition promotes approach behaviors, positive feelings, and better performance in high achievers but not in low achievers. For the low achievers, competition is anxiety-provoking and causes stress that reduces performance. The second topic under task difficulty is entrepreneurship. A longitudinal study was done on college-aged individuals with various achievement styles. The high achievers were much more likely to be business owners and founders and less likely to be service personnel.
Finally, the need for affiliation and intimacy and rooted in fear of being rejected. People want to be included and intimate because they do not want to be pushed away. A contemporary way to look at affiliation is to look at the need for approval and intimacy. People simply do not want to be alone and looked upon as outsiders.
Acquired needs
Social needs
Atkinson’s model
Dynamics-of-action model
Task difficulty (competition, entrepreneurship)
Chapter 7 takes us through the environmentally-acquired social needs that further dictate our motivated behavior. The chapter begins in a general summary of the two major kinds of “acquired needs” (social and quasi). It goes on to explain that these are not innate needs we are born with, but rather acquired through the environment. We then moved on to further define quasi-needs and social needs. Social needs are further divided into four categories (Achievement, Affiliation, Intimacy, and Power), which the remainder of the chapter talked on. It first discussed achievement, its origins (social, cognitive, developmental), theories on how it works (Atkinson’s Model/Dynamics-of-Action Model, Achievement Goals, Integrative Model), and how your implicit theory of characteristics (entity vs. incremental) affects achievement. It then moves on to cover the needs of Achievement and Intimacy, which it combines due to their similarities, but also to better point out their differences. After discussing their causes and satisfying conditions, the chapter concluded by talking about the need of Power. It discussed the characteristics of those with high power needs, the four telltale conditions that people with high power needs display (Leadership & Relationships, Aggressiveness, Influential Occupations, and Prestige Possessions). The chapter concluded on discussing what makes an effective leader and, by comparison, what makes an effective United States President.
The most surprising thing the chapter touched on was the social need of Achievement. Considering it comprised a good amount of the chapter, there was quite an abundance to learn about during this reading. However, to focus down a bit, I believe the most interesting is the Implicit Theory discussion.
As a brief reminder so it doesn’t look like I’m just throwing words on a page (especially now since it is confirmed that the TA’s do, in fact, read my posts), Implicit Theories are internal thoughts that people have about their own personal qualities (IE: Intelligence, competency). There are two types of implicit theories, entity and incremental. Entity theory is the theory that people are born with fixed and enduring characteristics that are impossible to change. Incremental theory is the theory that those characteristics are malleable, and that the right amount of effort will change your characteristics for the better. Since, if you’re reading this far, I assume you’ve also read the Chapter 6 Blog that I posted last week, you’ll remember I’m a bit of a pessimist. As such, I’m certain you can guess which theory I subscribe to.
While the chapter did give me much to think about regarding my own personal cognitions, I still believe that I fully adhere to the entity theory. We have a set potential that we live up to, live our lives with it, and then off we go. Our ability to learn is not due to effort, it’s because we merely had that within us just waiting to be used. For example, my writing style. Around middle school, my writing style began to take the form that it is now. However, around Junior year of high school, it stalled out and has since remained constant. I hit my natural limit, my predisposition for writing.
Despite my arguments though, I cannot deny that this chapter is correct. I do happen to take a rather performance-oriented achievement goal approach. Other people’s opinions terrify me, mainly because I was raised in a rather “gossipy” world, so opinions were everything. As such, the performance is a performance. I use these opportunities to show off my desirable traits, I’m a showman. Like my roommates tell me, “Max, sometimes you need to stop caring. We already know you’re smart, yet you always act like you have something to prove.” I assure you it was more profanity-filled than that, but I’m not going to subject my fine readers to Adam and Ryan’s lovely vernacular. Profanity and pride aside, it hurt that they were correct because I didn’t want to prove anything, but that’s just the way my life is. From one show to the next, every paper a performance, every conversation a stage play with an improvised script. However, before this gets too long and too philosophical, perhaps we best move on.
For my Achievement Need, I would rate myself as a Medium. I have a strong urge to feel competent, and as I said previously in Chapter 6, I suffer from an incompetent cognition. As such, though I feel the need, that desire to achieve, my fear of failure often gets in the way. As the Integrated Model of Achievement Behavior states, to truly succeed and to feel the positivity of achievement, you must choose the Mastery Goal approach to task completion. However, to choose this approach, one must hold the correct motivation and perceived competency for doing so. One must also not allow fear of failure to override the other two, which I often due, partially because, 1) I’m usually hard to motivate to perform, and 2) I perceive myself as incompetent. This makes fear of failure the strongest by default, leading to either Performance-approach goal or Performance-avoidance goal-oriented behavior.
As for my Affiliation Need, I would rate myself as a High. The fear of rejection also dictates my life greatly, as Affiliation is a deficit need that seeks to avoid negative feelings such as loneliness and rejection. As such, I became a people pleaser. To quote Adam (roommate) once more, “You can’t just become a rug Max, otherwise people’ll just walk all over you.” This time, he was being genuine and not as many profanities were used, so this is closer to a direct quote than the prior one. While I hopefully don’t come across as “needy” or “clingy,” I seek to ensure that everyone feels happy when they are around me, perhaps as some subconscious way of making them attribute their happy feelings to me (Thank you Freud). And when people get genuinely upset with me, I overcorrect like no one’s business. I emotionally recede immediately and begin to try and bridge the gap as soon as possible. That feeling of the rejection eats away at my heart like no other feeling I’d ever care to feel. It feels like that guy from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom who reached in and physically pulled a man’s heart from his chest.
My Intimacy Need, therefore, is also very high. Because I want to be attributed with good feelings, I want my relationships to be warm, reciprocal, and enjoyable. I want people to think of me as the nice guy, because it makes me feel better. For example, I earned the lovely nickname “Lurker” because I have a bad habit of eavesdropping. I only do this out of love though, as I am usually waiting for a part of the conversation that I could possibly jump in on and further connect with the speakers.
The Need of Power I do not have in any way, if there was a “No” option here, I would say it. However, because there is no “No,” I’m forced to say Low. I personally feel we all are endowed with some form of free will, and that forcing my own onto other is wrong. I’ll gladly help whomever asks me for it, but I would never force my own problems or directions or ideas onto others. If prompted, I will say them, but I would never force my way into conversation just to ensure that everyone could visually notice me and take my opinions into account. If there was one part to attribute the power need to me, perhaps it would be the influencing aspect. I like to be a positive influence, and I occasionally use this influence to “friend hop,” where the friends of friends ask to meet me because my current friends have such good things to say about me. However, this works out for the best, as the chapter also states that to be in power means to be a leader, and to be an effective leader (The Leadership Motive Pattern section, Pg. 198) one must have a low Affiliation/Intimacy Need. Also, I lack the aggression, desire for influential occupations, and “prestige possessions” that are associated with High Power Need individuals.
Finally, I’d like to touch back on the “Lurker” portion of the Intimacy Need section for my specific behaviors. I’m going to, once again, reference my lovely roommates, who have essentially become my guinea pigs for psychological study, especially in terms of social phenomenon. For the fist three weeks, we never said a word to one another. They had begun classes halfway through the semester, so I came back to ROTH after winter break to find two more names on my door. They seemed nice enough, didn’t spread out, didn’t move around any of my things. However, we just didn’t communicate. I should state that neither of them has a very high intimacy need, or at least they do not show it. I, however, wear my heart on my sleeve, so the lack of warmth in the “friendship” was absolutely killing me. So, I began to sit out in our common space while they sat in their room. From there, I could hear every conversation they had, and would wait for the correct moments to strike. It was a slow start, but like a vulture waiting for an exhausted animal to collapse (Great analogy, I know), my patience paid off. I should point out that this treatment started in the second week, and by the fourth week, we were eating at the Piazza together and regularly hanging out on the weekends. Confessions were made, feelings were shared, and I finally received that satisfaction that warm, reciprocal relationships give you in satisfying the Intimacy Need. Also, the “Lurker” nickname was given to me by Adam because he was the first to catch on that I was eavesdropping in the living room.
Terms Used:
Quasi-Needs – Pg. 173
Social Needs – Pg. 174
Achievement – Pg. 175
Atkinson’s Model of Achievement Behavior – Pg. 178
Dynamics-of-Action Model – Pg. 180
Achievement Goals Model – Pg. 183
Mastery Goals – Pg. 183
Performance Goals – Pg.183
Integrated Model of Achievement Behavior – Pg. 184
Performance-Approach/-Avoidance Goals – Pg. 185
Implicit Theory – Pg. 189
Entity Theory – Pg. 189
Incremental Theory – Pg. 189
Affiliation – Pg. 192
Intimacy – Pg. 192
Power – Pg. 195
Leadership Motive Pattern – Pg. 198
Prestige Possessions – Pg. 198
Chapter seven provided us with a lot of information. The main focus of this chapter had a main theme of social needs. To start, the book explained the two different acquired psychological needs, which include both quasi-needs and social needs. According to the text, quasi-needs are situationally induced wants and desires that arise out of a psychological context of tension and urgency to meet some specific environmental demand, while social needs are more enduring. Once a person acquires social needs, they act as emotional and behavioral potentials activated by situational incentives. The second half of the chapter talks about the social needs that we get with experience, development, and socialization. The last thing the chapter leaves us with is what makes a good leader, and also what makes someone a good U.S. President.
I think that the most interesting thing that I read is that need for things like achievement, or power are not innate. I would have assumed that that is something we are all born with, because who does not want to succeed? The fact that these needs are something that we acquire honestly shocked me. I am a person who strives for achievement for as long as I can remember, and I really just thought it was something I was born with, but it turns out I was wrong. It became clear to me that experience teaches us to expect positive emotional experiences and this leads us to keep furthering these experiences.
Achievement is doing something well to show personal competence. Like mentioned before, if I had to rate myself on this, I would rate myself high. I have a fear of failing or not doing well, so I have a strong desire to do well. If I do not feel I did something well enough, I will re do it until I feel I have done it successfully. Affiliation is the opportunity to please others and gain their approval. Intimacy is having a warm, secure relationship. For these two , I would probably also rate myself higher rather than lower, but probably somewhere in the middle. I think that opportunities to get to know people and build those relationships is probably one of my biggest priorities in life. I really like to get to know people on a close and personal level, but I do not need to do this to feel okay and I do not feel lonely if I do not, so I would rate myself in the middle. Power is having an impact on others. I do not know where I would rate myself on this because on some things I really like to be a leader, but other times I enjoy sitting back and working with people and not being in control.
One social need that is constantly motivating my behaviors in school is achievement. I am highly motived to do well in school because I want to get into graduate school eventually, and if I don’t achieve good grades and achievements outside of the classroom, I will not be getting in. I have to achieve things that are different from other people, because schools look for people who can offer different things to their programs. Another social need related to this is intimacy, because I need to get that personal relationship with people who work at the schools I am applying. If I have a better relationship with them, but do not necessarily have achieved the grades I need, it will help motivate them to help me out.
Terms used: social needs, fear of failure, affiliation, intimacy, power, achievement, quasi needs, acquired needs, innate, psychological needs, competence, wants
Chapter 7 is a chapter that focuses on the various social needs ( Achievement, Affiliation, Intimacy, Power) and what those various social needs look like. There are four social needs and they are achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. All of these coincide with each other in our everyday lives to make up our social needs that we have as humans.
The most surprising thing I learned in Chapter 7 was the tendency to avoid failure. According to the textbook Understanding Motivation and Emotion the tendency to avoid failure is , “ The tendency to avoid failure motivates the individual to defend against the loss of self-esteem, the loss of social respect, and the fear of embarrassment.” (Reeve 2009, pg 179). I thought this was interesting because I didn’t know as humans we have this need to avoid failure. I know that I personally do not mind failure because it allows room for me to grow in the future but the I never really saw failure being this thing that could damage self-esteem, social respect, and make the individual overall feel embarrassed.
If I had to rate myself as high, medium, low, on the various social needs, my ratings would be high in both affiliation and intimacy, medium on achievement and low on power. I say I would be high in power because according to the textbook it refers to power is having impact on others. I find that I like to be associated with others and make others happy over myself and get approval from them to make sure I am doing the right things to make them happy and leave an impact. I also would say that I am high in intimacy because I really try to keep warm, happy, a secure friendships and relationships. I try really hard to keep my friendships but more specifically my relationship with my fiance really close, secure, and mutual. These social needs manifest in my life by affecting how I treat my friends, family, and partner. I try really hard, sometimes way to hard of being warm and overbearing so I do not lose friendships but that in the end could just make things worse. So I think it is a blessing and a curse. I would say that I am medium on the social need of achievement. Achievement in my understanding is doing something to show that I am capable of interacting with my environment. I would say that this is medium because while I like achieving things and getting things done in my environment, it isn’t as high as my need to have social interaction and friendships with other people. This level of social need manifests in my life because I feel good when I complete something such as this paper or any paper for classes I am taking this semester. By writing this paper I am showing that I am interacting with my learning environment by writing about things I have learned. The last and lowest social need I have is affiliation. Affiliation is this need to please others and gain their approval. This is my lowest because I do not feel the need to please others because I don’t feel the need to have others approval. This while it is the lowest of my social needs it does tend to creep into my life. Sometimes when it comes to my gender identity I feel that I need to put myself in a box so I can be approved of others, but other than that I do not see much need for affiliation.
One social need that motivates me most of the time is power. Power again is that having impact on others. I find this motivates a lot of my behaviors because a lot of my friends and fellow people of the LGBTQ* community come to me to talk about things in hopes that I can help solve their problems that arise. So my behavior by giving them the help they seek can influence the way that they act if they choose to take my advice.
Social Needs
Failure Tolerance
Chapter 7 covers social needs. The chapter starts off by explaining to us the two types of acquired needs. Social needs are gained through your experience and are a learned part of our personality. Quasi-needs are situational induced wants. The book gave an example of this to be a boost to self-esteem or an umbrella when it is raining. Some of the social needs the book talks about are achievement, affiliation, power, and intimacy. Achievement was an important need talked about in the book. People who had a high level of achievement had done well in the past and found that they get a boost from doing well. They attack challenges with a sense of hopefulness, whereas people with a low sense of achievement get nervous when they have a new task in front of them. Another interesting part of the chapter came from Atkinson’s Model which allowed an equation to be used to predict levels of achievement.
What surprised me the most was the idea of quasi-needs. Throughout most of my life, I have understood the basic concept of what a need is and what a want is. I have understood that needs are things that I must have or else I will very greatly suffer if not die. With this in mind, I had never been able to understand the idea of people thinking they absolutely need the newest Iphone, or something else in the moment. I had never been able to understand others inability (and sometimes mine) to differentiate a need from a want. Learning about quasi-needs and how they are situational wants that are strong enough to feel like needs was interesting to me. It allowed me to realize the phenomenon that I and many others were going through when we had this strong sense of need for an object or feeling that, in reality, we didn’t need for our well being whatsoever.
If I had to rate myself on the various social needs, I would say my need for achievement is medium, my need for affiliation is medium, my need for intimacy is high, and my need for power is between medium and high. The need that was hardest for me to scale in this activity was achievement. The book used an example of people who are low in achievement tend to be nervous or fearful when beginning new tasks. I am that way frequently, but I also feel the need to overcome that fear and fulfill the task in front of me.
Power is very motivating for me in a lot of my behaviors. On page 195, the book states, “The essence of power is a desire to make the physical and social world conform to one’s personal image of plan for it.” This quote in my opinion was a good example of what power is. Many people think power is ruling the world, or making everyone listen to you. While that is an example of power, it is not the only thing that fits. The idea of power is just being in control of your life and making sure the world around you fits into how you want to live. To me, this shows daily in my life by the choices I make, the friends I keep, and the things I surround myself with. I like to live a more quiet life that is slower paced. I am exercising power by working three jobs, getting into trouble, or anything that would make me lose my power and as a result, make my life more fast paced. I also keep friends around me who enjoy similar things and allow me to live my life the way I want to and they will still be my friend. I show my need for power by making sure I am still in control of how I want to live my life. This chapter was very enlightening and showed me that I didn’t know much at all about the concepts of social needs.
Acquired Needs
Social Needs
Atkinson’s Model
This chapter focused on categories of acquired psychological needs: social needs and quasi-needs. Quasi-needs are ephemeral, situationally induced wants that create tense energy to engage in behavior capable of reducing the built-up tension. These kind of needs originate from situational demands and pressures. Social needs are an acquired psychological process that grow out of one’s socialization history that activates emotional responses to a particular need-relevant incentive.
Need for achievement is one of the main social needs. This need is the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence. A standard of excellence is any challenge to a person’s sense of competence that ends with an objective outcome of success versus failure, win versus lose, or right versus wrong. I would say that I have a high need for achievement. Like I have mentioned in previous posts, I have certain goals for myself when it comes to school and achieving those goals means a lot to me, so that would be how this need manifests its way into my life. The book mentions that all types of achievement situations have in common is that they person who encountered a standard of excellence and has been energized by it, largely because they know that the forthcoming performance will produce an emotionally meaningful evaluation of personal competence. This would explain why I also have a high competence as well.
Need for affiliation and intimacy is the need to engage in warm, close, positive relations (intimacy need), and the anxious need to establish, maintain, and restore interpersonal relations (affiliation need). I would say that I have a medium need for affiliation and intimacy. I do strive for those close and warm relationships, but when I have them I am very anxious all the time because I have such a low self-esteem, so that would be how this manifests its way into my life. I can definitely see how this need has positive and negative aspects.
Need for power is a desire to make the physical and social world conform to one’s personal image or plan for it. People with a high need for power desire to have impact, control, and influence over another person, group, or the world at large. I would say that I have a low need for power. I think that people have the right to be in control of their own lives because then they are responsible for the outcomes that come into play. The only what I can see that manifesting its way into my life would be with my dog. I am trying to train her right now and I obviously try to assert a type of power over her.
If I were to discuss one social need and how it motivates my behavior, I would have to choose the need for achievement just because I am highest in that need over the others. Because I have the goal of getting straight A’s, this needs to achieve these grades motivates me to study more and harder. It motivates me to actually complete the readings for class and take my own notes so I have a better understanding of the information.
The most surprising thing that I learned in this chapter was that there is a need for power. I know that some people want power and they strive for it, but I didn’t know that it was actually a common social need that people have. During negotiations, high power individuals are more likely to express anger, and in this strategy often gets them what they want, largely because they are seen as tough negotiators who win concessions from others. This seems like a need that a lot of country leaders might have, especially in communist areas.
Terms: need for achievement, power, affiliation and intimacy, motivation, social needs, quasi-needs
This chapter was about our learned psychological needs which are quasi-needs and social needs. Quasi-needs are essentially situational needs that temporarily occur while social needs are more long-term and derived from personal experiences. The four social needs include achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. This chapter also touched on Atkinsons’s model of achievement which has two views: classical and contemporary. The classical view basically states that a person is more likely to achieve something if their tendency to approach success is greater than their tendency to avoid failure. The contemporary view looks into mastery and performance goals. Mastery goals are used when the person facing the standard of excellence seeks to develop greater competence and overcome challenges using persistence. Performance goals are used when the person facing the standard of excellence seeks to demonstrate or prove competence. Essentially, individuals with performance goals just try to do better compared to others. This chapter also talks about implicit theories which include two types of people, those who think personal qualities are fixed, known as entity theorists, and those who think personal qualities can be increased through effort, known as incremental theorists.
The most surprising thing I learned from this chapter is that social needs are more than the need for human interaction. Before reading this chapter, I would’ve described social needs as how often someone desires to interact with others and I would probably bring up extraversion and introversion. Now, I would describe social needs as learned needs through experience, development, and socialization. The four social needs include achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power.
I would say I have a high rating of achievement because I like to be challenged. Succeeding at a challenge or difficult task makes me feel very competent. I would rather try a difficult task and learn a new skill or ability than complete an easy task that anyone could do. I am pretty persistent if I enjoy the learning process of a new skill or ability. An example of this would be my dimensions of well-being class of volleyball. I am so bad at volleyball and it is challenging to learn how to do a good pass, but I continue to put in effort because I enjoy the game and the learning process. For affiliation and intimacy, I would say I have a medium rating because I like to please others and gain approval to an extent. I would much rather have a small, close group of friends than a big group of friends that are more of acquaintances. I am very good at maintaining close relationships and I can make new relationships if I have to. My rating on power would probably be between medium and high because I am very bossy and I like to be in control of the situations I am in. It is hard for me to go with the flow because I like everything planned out the way I want to go about it. However, I do not have a problem letting other people lead as long as they are of actual high power. This will probably be shown in my occupation because I want to work in a situation that I can effectively lead in.
These levels manifest themselves in my life and influence how I treat those around me. If I share an achievement goal with others, I will work cooperatively with them to try and satisfy the goal. My affiliation and intimacy need influences how I talk and respond to others. I always try to be genuine and develop warm relationships. I make a lot of jokes which I think draws a lot of conversation from those around me. Making jokes is usually how I make friends in my classes. Power is used in my life because a lot of my friends are indecisive so I usually make decisions about small things, like where to eat or what activity we should do.
The need achievement motivates my level of effort. I will put in a lot of effort if I am involved in something I really want to achieve. For example, I study hard and do all of my assignments because I have a high need of achievement when it comes to academics. I like to receive good grades and master the material I am being taught because I know that I will have to use what I am learning now at my job someday.
Quasi-needs, social needs, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, power, Atkinson’s model, mastery goals, performance goals, competence, entity theorists, incremental theorists, effort
Chapter 7 talks about acquired psychological needs which include quasi-needs and social needs. Quasi-needs are “situationally induced wants and desires” and affects “how we think, feel, and act” (Reeves, 173). Social needs are “acquired psychological process that grows out of one’s socialization history that activates emotional responses to a particular need-relevant incentive” (Reeves, 173). There are 3 social needs achievement, affiliation and intimacy, and power.
I thought that the section “Achievement for the Future” was the most interesting part of this chapter. One reason I liked this section is because it shows how important future achievement goals can be on achieving present goals. Being a sports fan, I instantly thought of many different great athletes that use future achievement orientation. One example comes from LeBron James. One of my favorite quotes of his is when he said “I have short goals, to get better every day, to help my teammates every day, but my only ultimate goal is to win an NBA championship. It's all that matters. I dream about it. I dream about it all the time, how it would look, how it would feel. I would be amazing” (Brainy Quotes). LeBron’s future achievement strivings is to win NBA championships and by focusing on the improvements of himself and his teammates will allow his team to have the best chance to reach the NBA Finals and compete for the championship trophy.
I would say my achievement level is medium. When it comes to competition I have am in the middle of high-need-achieving and low-need-achieving depending on the task or skill that I am using. When it comes to the classroom I follow more into the low-need-achieving because even when I must do an assignment or am taking an exam and am prepared to do well, I tend to feel a certain level of anxiety or avoidance when it comes to competition evaluation. When it comes to mastery and performance goals I feel like the achievement goal style I have adopted is performance goals. I don’t mind taking on challenging tasks where I can learn from but have typically preferred easier tasks in which I can show my high ability. When it comes to learning strategies, I have learned more into memorizing than relating information to existing knowledge. Although I feel that I have adopted performance goals I also have adopted some mastery goals. I am more intrinsically motivated than extrinsically motivated and whenever I am faced with a problem I usually look for help or information from others to continue to work on my own.
I would say my affiliation and intimacy level are both high. The textbook says that “the need for affiliation is rooted in a fear of interpersonal rejection” (Reeves, 192). I have always had dealt with a certain level of anxiety and because of my anxiety I have experienced the fear of creating negative emotions within my relationships. I have always valued experiencing “warm, close, and communicative exchange with another person” and when there are times when I haven’t seen or heard from some of my friends in a while I feel a sense of loneliness. When I feel loneliness, I am always trying to find people to talk to or be with and have came off as “needy”. I have felt at times not good enough for people due to feeling social isolation. Although I have experienced anxiety and loneliness when it comes to friendship I am very good at establishing interpersonal networks. I have always valued my ability to meet new people and “initiate new friendships”. I love spending time interacting with people and forming long-lasting relationships and get a sense of satisfaction when the relationships become more stable or personal.
I would say that my power level is low. I feel like a have desire to “impact, control, or influence” people, groups, or the world, but it I don’t have the level of desire as people with a high-power-need. I think I main reason my desire isn’t high is because I don’t strive to “establish, maintain, or expand/restore power” (Reeves, 195). Instead of seeking to become a leader that “interacts with others with a forceful, take-charge style” I would rather be a leader if needed, but a team member that follows a leader, but I am not afraid to take-charge in a task and enjoy being in charge of a group project. Although I am more of a low-power achiever, if someone asked me to recall peak experiences in my life I would recall events that were “associated with strong positive emotions that occurred because of my impact on others. An example is when I tried out for chamber choir and I looked the opposite way from the class because I was nervous. When I turned around everyone applauded and told me that I did an amazing job. I experienced an elevated level of positive emotions after that tryout and that motivated my need for power and achievement in choir for the next 3 years.
Social Needs
This week’s chapter focused on a variety of social needs. These needs included achievement, affiliation, and power. In reading the descriptions of each, it was evident that these social needs were linked to the psychological needs such as achievement was like competence, affiliation like relatedness, and power like autonomy. This connection helped me to expand upon how I see each of these in myself and the importance I place on each. Furthermore, there were many points that I found surprising, interesting, and/or confusing. Throughout this post, I will explore these areas in more detail.
I will begin by explaining the different points that I found surprising that were connected to the social needs of achievement and power. When considering achievement needs, I was intrigued by the definition of standard excellence, developmental influences, and the meaning of effort. Firstly, the textbook defined standard excellence as “an objective outcome of success”. This was interesting to me because I believe there are times when success can be subjective and individual’s may perceive the outcome of an event differently. For many things, I believe that the definition is correct but I think an individual may see an outcome as successful even if many people would think otherwise. This is commonly due to seeing an outcome as a positive because it provided a learning experience or a success that was different from that which was expected. Another aspect of this need that I found interesting was the difference in how development impacts people’s sense of achievement. The textbook explains that children are inexperienced at correctly estimating their own abilities where as teens are more aware of how to assess this. I think this is interesting because it reminded me of the difference in how kids and teens address their ability to be artistic. When I was a child, everyone seemed to feel that they were good at art but as I grew up more and more people began saying things like “I can’t draw”. I think this difference is due to growing up and performing comparisons that make one person’s artwork seem less than another’s. Lastly, the entity theorist approach that “high effort means low ability” reminded me of how, in high school, people were judged by their amount of effort by other students. For many, if an individual put in more effort it did, for them, meant that that individual had low ability because they had to work harder. This is interesting to me because I still find myself making assumptions like that because there are many assignments that I spend less time on and do the same, if not better, than someone else.
On the other hand, when considering power needs, I was interest in aggression, prestige possessions, and the ability to forecast wars. First, I was intrigued by the textbook’s explanation that the aggression that comes with the power need are often presented as impulses because overt aggression is controlled by society. This concept reminded me of the movie, The Purge, because in this film there is one night a year that is dedicated to releases all of this pent-up aggression. Next, I found the idea of prestige possessions silly because of the description of such items that might be owned by college students high in the need for power. These items included things like a car, television set, and putting their name on the dormitory door. I do not consider myself high in this need and yet I own and do all of these things. Due to this, I do not feel that these are prestige possessions but rather just the norm.
Next, I will consider the different social needs and how I would rate them in my life and how they manifest through my behavior. In comparison to my psychological needs, my rankings for social needs are different despite the similarity in concepts. For psychological needs, I considered autonomy most important and competence the least important. For social needs, I decided that I consider affiliation the most important and power the least important. I can not pinpoint why these differ but I think it is likely to the difference in how I perceived the concepts. Due to my high need for affiliation, I agreed with the textbook that I make more of an effort to avoid conflict and consider tightening bonds of friendship as a positive aspect. Next, for achievement, I find that I am in between high and low need status and, therefore, have experiences on both ends of the spectrum. Last year, I was especially low in this need and found that I had an issue with avoidance which effected my mental health. Lastly, for power, I do possess different prestige possessions but also can see how it effects my leadership style. Due to my high need for affiliation, I struggle to be a leader that is willing to put personal relationships aside when necessary.
Social Needs
Psychological Needs
Standard of Excellence
Prestige Possessions
Leadership Style
In this chapter, we discuss acquired needs. Acquired needs can be broken down into two categories: quasi-needs and social needs. Quasi-needs are the desires that arise due to something situational. These desires often go away with time or go away once satisfied. On the other hand, social needs are a bit more in depth. Social Needs can be broken down into four ideas: achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Achievement is one's desire to do well, relative to the standard of excellence. The standard of excellence is more or less subjective to the person seeking achievement. Affiliation is the desire to feel accepted, the desire to please those around you. While intimacy is the reflection of one's emotions and feelings, the deep stuff. Power is the desire to have people conform to your wishes, to impact someone in a way that is your own.
The most interesting thing I learned in this chapter was the difference between classical and contemporary achievement and Atkinson's model of achievement. Classical view on achievement is when someone achieves something out of fear that they will fail. Achieving in order to avoid failing simply put. Contemporary achievement is different though, in that it revolves more around the mastery of a skill. The contemporary view requires persistence after failing, and learning from your mistakes. The idea that there are two completely different reasons for why a person accomplishes something is perplexing to me. It makes me wonder how often I achieved something because I didn't want to fail, or somebody else didn't want me to fail and I did it for them. It also makes me pick out the various things in my life that I achieved through perseverance and dedication, and because it just meant a lot to me.
If I were to rank myself on these 4 social needs. I would start with a high sense of achievement. I have a high sense of achievement because of pride mainly, which isn't a very good reason. I enjoy achieving things because it reflects well on me and makes me feel good when my work culminates and pays off. When I go too long without feeling a sense of achievement I can slip into a funk where I get lazy and a little down. I think meeting a high sense of achievement is very important in someone's mental health and that everyone should work towards something every day. Affiliation is probably medium to high for me. I enjoy socializing very much it makes me feel really good to have conversations with friends and be around people. I'm not a person who thrives while isolated very long. I feel independent as if I can take care of myself, but at the same time being around people reduces the stresses of the day drastically. When it comes to intimacy I would say I'm at a medium level. I have only had a few very meaningful relationships with people in my adult life that haven't been with family members. I don't really feel the need to vent my emotions to people and have them reciprocate it. In fact sometimes people approach me with their feelings and in a way I sort of reject them, in that I don't follow up with my feelings. That's not to say I don't have a need for intimacy because without the relationships I have with my parents I don't know who I'd talk to about how I'm feeling. I have had a few close friends that we reciprocated emotion, but even then it certainly isn't an everyday thing. Lastly I would say I have a medium level of need for power as well. When it comes to making people conform to how you want them to act, I don't really have much of a desire. However, with some exceptions. I have a 14 year old sister who I don't control how she acts, but I will intervene and say something to her if I think she's going to do something she'll regret. My need for power I guess could more be summed up in that I want to impact people's lives. I would like to leave my impression on those around me.
The need for achievement is very obvious in me. I play golf here at UNI and it is apparent that I am very competitive. Achievement and winning in something I love is what I spend all the hours practicing and training for. I do not enjoy the training aspect for the most part, but the thrill of achievement is enough to keep me working hard.
Social Needs
Effort(Contemporary/Classical Views)
Acquired Needs
Chapter seven focused on social needs, as opposed to the physiological and psychological needs discussed in the last chapters. Social needs are acquired needs, because we are not born “needing” this in order to survive. The chapter talks about quasi-needs and how these are essentially wants or desires that come off as needs, but we do not actually need them. For example, the book mentions a career path, which may be helpful but not necessary. The chapter then moves on to talk about the three main types of social needs: achievement, affiliation and intimacy, and power, and how our social needs in these areas affect our behavior. It explains that achievement has to do not only with how a person performs, but how a person sets goals or competitions for themselves, and how high their (or others’) standards may be. Affiliation and intimacy are explained as being able to form and maintain relationships, and the higher you are in this category, the more approval you seek from those you are close to. Power is explained as a desire to make a person or people conform to your ideas. The chapter ends by allowing us to look at US presidents, and how effective they were utilizing the three social needs explained above.
I would rate myself as medium on the achievement level, because although I have high expectations for myself in certain areas, I don’t feel the need to compete or prove myself to anybody, and I am okay if I don’t make it to the goal I, or others, set for me. I also have a tendency to procrastinate. In affiliation and intimacy, I would rate myself lower than average, because I cannot relate to the things in this category. I am okay being with myself, and I have never been a person to seek reassurance from those around me. While I feel secure in the relationships that I do have with people, I don’t believe that I NEED to have that security that’s described in this section. This affects my life in the sense that unlike many people around me such as my roommates, I am not motivated by the need to impress or get approval from my relationships, and this means I have to be more of a self-starter. When it comes to power, I would say that I am the highest in this section. I do tend to strive for leadership roles, which motivated me to apply for (and get) a supervisory position at a place I had only worked at for a year. I also have a tendency to appoint myself a delegator and have a very in-charge personality. I think that being high in this area has allowed me to not only move up in my job, but also to aim for prestige in both my day-to-day life and materialistic possessions, such as a house full of things that I insisted on buying myself, when I have three roommates willing to help out as well.
The most interesting thing in this chapter, to me, were the implicit theories surrounding personal qualities, and how entity theorists believe that personal qualities are “fixed and enduring.” It’s interesting to me that some people believe our qualities do not change throughout our lives. Entity theorists, believing we are the way that we are and have little to no change, believe in setting performance goals, while incremental theorists believe that we are always able to improve or change, and tend to set “mastery goals”, or goals that we are always able to improve or get a better grasp on.
Social needs
Entity theorists
Incremental theorists
Performance goals
Mastery goals
Chapter 7 focused on social needs for every individual. This chapter gave insight to to what social needs consists of, preferences gained through experience, socialization, and development. Social needs as acquired needs, unlike the previous chapters. Social needs can be divided into four sub categories, including achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. All of these will go together to make our everyday lives through social needs. Need for achievement was discussed in chapter 7 as the desire to do well on a standard of excellence. It explained that a desire of excellence is anything that is a challenge to an individual’s sense of competence. I believe that I would rank high on achievement, whether it be school, sports, or anything that involves success or failure. I think that achievement is definitely gained through our environment. I have seen this personally, being that I grew up in a very competitive grade, everyone always wanted to be the best at everything from grades to sports. When I was surrounded by others that wanted to have success I did as well. I then look at my older brother’s grade and he did not have as many people who were competitive, and he was average in school as well as sports etc. This chapter also discusses the need for affiliation and intimacy, being in close and positive relationships and restoring interpersonal relations. I think that I would also rank high in both of these as well. I am super close with my family and have a strong need to have them in my life. I often will go home because I miss them, or because I want to watch my little brother’s High School sports. I have an older brother who lives in Maryland and it is hard for me because I do have a need for relationships with others. I also am engaged so that is another close relationship that I have. Power is the one social need that I would rank myself lower on, even though I do not think I rank super low. The book explains that power is the desire to have control, influence, and impact on everything and everyone around an individual. I believe that for the most part I only try to control my own life and I am pretty relaxed about what others are doing. I do not try and tell people how to live their life and I try not to be judgmental about their decisions. The only person that I may show power and the want to have control of are with my finance and I. I want to have a plan and know what we will be doing, I do not like going with the flow I am a very scheduled person. If I were going to to pick one of these social needs that influences my life the most I would pick achievement. I am always wanting to do good on whatever I am doing, and it is what controls my life. I think that ranking high on achievement can be very good but it can also be bad. I know that sometimes I get overwhelmed by the amount of pressure I put on myself to do good on everything. I found a lot to be interesting but the fact that some people’s qualities do not change over their life was crazy. Entity theorist believe that there is little to no change over an individuals lifetime. I am not sure how I feel on this theory because I feel that I have changed a lot already, but then again my personality traits are still there. When I think of this I think of someone who is outgoing is usually always going to be outgoing. Overall this chapter was interesting and can relate to everyone!
Entity theorist
Chapter 7 focuses on social needs. There are two types of psychologically acquired needs: social needs and quasi-needs. Quasi-needs are situationally based needs. Such needs are if it is 50 degrees one day you might need a jacket but the next day it is 70 degrees and warm enough to go without one. These needs are typically neutralized once the need is satisfied. Social needs are those that are acquired through development and age. These needs are capable of changing or developing over time. Social needs are achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Achievement is the desire to do well in regard to a preset standard. Levels of achievement can be influenced through social means, cognitive means, or developmental means. Those with high levels of achievement choose moderately difficult tasks and put more effort in than those with lower levels of achievement. Atkinson’s model of behavioral approach versus behavioral avoidance multiplies the need for achievement times probability of success times incentive for success. This formula is the tendency to approach success. Tendency to avoid failure is the motive to avoid failure times probability of failure times the negative incentive value for failure. When the tendency for achievement is higher that the tendency to avoid failure, a person will approach a task as a test of their skills but when tendency for achievement is lower, a person will avoid the task. The need for achievement can be satisfied if a task is moderately difficult or if there is competition. Entity theorists believe achievement qualities are fixed whereas incremental theorists believe that they can grow and change over time. To entity theorists, hard and persistent work indicates low ability whereas to incremental theorists, it means a person is experiencing learning and growth. Affiliation involves developing relationships. Intimacy is the need for developing and maintaining close, intimate relationships. Power is the need to make to conform others to one’s personal beliefs and ideals. Power involves impacting others, maintaining control, and expanding influence. Men who have a high need for power are found to more aggressive. A pattern is found with high power individuals in leadership in which they have a high need for power, a low need for intimacy, and high inhibition.
It was surprising that individuals who perform a task as a means of performance do not do as well as those who perform a task to master it considering that achievement is defined as “success in competition.” For me, I am high in intimacy, medium to high in achievement, medium in affiliation, and medium in power. Power is not something I deeply desire. While I like to be in control, I do not go out of my way to assert myself. For instance, in groups projects, I like for others to express their opinions because they might have some insight I do not. There are certain instances in which I prefer to be in control. I hate letting other people drive me around. It terrifies me, and I believe I am a superior drive. When other people drive, I constantly tell them what to do and what they are doing wrong. I can become verbally aggressive because I believe them incompetent and I fear for my life. I also like to be in control at work. It drives me insane when others are not working or doing their job correctly and I often find myself correcting them or telling them what they are doing wrong. In my daily life, I would say my need for power is low or medium at best but in these specific circumstances, I find myself deeply desiring to be in control.
Terms: Affiliation, intimacy, power, achievement, Atkinson’s model, aggressive, quasi-needs, social needs, inhibition, incentive, entity theorists, incremental theorists
Chapter seven of the textbook discussed the social needs that individua strive to satisfy. The four type of social needs discussed in this chapter are: Achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. It is interesting to note the manner in which these four types of social needs affect the motivation of individuals.
The first social need known as achievement is defined as the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence. This social need is split into two types of individuals known as approach-oriented and avoidance-oriented people. Approach-oriented individuals have a high sense of achievement which is why they respond with positive emotions such as hope and pride while individuals with low sense of achievement tend to respond with negative emotions such as fear of failure and anxiety. An example of an approach-oriented individual is when they are provided with an opportunity to express their knowledge or skill in front of an audience or crowd. These type of individuals have a high desire to demonstrate their skills and as a result are motivated to perform to the best of their abilities. Using the same scenario, avoidance-oriented individuals will have a sense of fear or anxiety due to their belief that they may embarrass themselves in front of an immense crowd. Entrepreneur and athletes are perfect examples of individuals with high achievement needs. The desire to demonstrate a knowledge or skill to an audience or company is pivotal in order to attain a positive reinforcement.
The second and third type of social needs are known as affiliation and intimacy. These two social needs are grouped together because of the fact that they share similar attributes. Affiliation and intimacy are described as a desire to belong or to establish a relationship with a group, peers, or significant other. This chapter described that many people have a fear of loneliness or the desire to belong to a certain group. Individuals who have a high need of affiliation and intimacy typically experience anxiety due to the fact that they desperately want to make a connection with a group or with another person. The desire to be accepted drastically effects the manner in which they communicate with others. An example of this can be when someone is in a group setting and they desperately try to keep a conversation going and as a result may disrupt the flow of the conversation. People with high affiliation and intimacy needs may come across as needy which may be a detriment to fulfilling this type of social need.
The final social need discussed in this chapter is known as power. Power is defined as the desire to make the physical and social world conform to one’s personal image or plan. This social desire is split into three different categories known as: impact, control, and influence. Individuals with high power needs typically have a desire to establish a form of dominance. An example of this is when an individual wants to take a leadership role in a company or organization. Leadership roles allow someone the opportunity to attain a level of power that satisfies their needs. Leaders of companies or organizations are provided with an opportunity to establish dominance, control their environment to an extent, and are able to influence others to listen to their opinions and beliefs. Chapter 7 explains how negative connotations may arise when the desire for power is not met. People may act in aggressive manners in order to attempt and establish a form of dominance and attain the power they desire. Although aggressiveness may at times provide a sense of power, it may also result in negative outcomes such as destroyed relationships and abuse of drugs and alcohol.
My rating for social needs vary depending on the category. My rating on power is at a medium level due to the fact that at times I may want to have power in situations such as group project and team events. However, this social need is not a high priority in my life. My rating of intimacy and affiliation would also be at a medium level. I currently have established relationships with friends and my significant other and believe that this social need is being met. The one social need I believe plays a big role in my life is achievement. I constantly desire to prove my skills in competitions and in the classroom. I have a very high competitive nature and believe that it influences and motivates me to prove my skills when provided with an opportunity.
-social needs
This chapter talks about the social needs that humans need for survival. Common social needs include achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. All of these stem from social situations, hence social needs. Feeling a sense of achievement can come from either beating another person’s record, or even beating your own record. Affiliation is the relationships and communication we have with other humans. Intimacy is the attachment to another individual with a hint of lust.
The most surprising thing I learned in this chapter would be how many different influences create a sense of achievement. There are the socialization influences, cognitive influences, and the developmental influences. Socialization influences are based on achievement through the environment, mostly coming from other individuals. For example, beating someone’s record in a game of basketball, or lifting more weight than your friend. Cognitive influences to achievement is the perceptions of high ability, mastery orientation, high expectations for success, strong valuing of achievement, and optimistic attributional style. The perceptions of high ability comes from persistence as well as performance. When one performs to a high degree and stays consistent in their efforts, they start to understand how well they perform and feel a sense of achievement. Mastery orientation has to do with choosing more difficult tasks than easier due to their skill. When people master a craft, they tend to try and learn more or compete at a higher level to show mastery. Having higher expectations for success shows confidence as well as dedication. Developmental influences are based on the learning and development through childhood.
I would say I’m very high in all the social needs. For achievement, I hold myself to high regards to performance as well as persistence. In the gym, I strive to beat PR’s (personal records) constantly as well as feeling a huge sense of achievement when one is completed. For affiliation, I love to be in groups and am extremely extroverted. I try to fit in with each group that I am associated with. For intimacy, I try to be “best friends” with most people I come into contact with, and very much enjoy when things go right! For power, I’d like to think I have a strong impact on others. When I influence other people, it gives me a good feeling of achievement, like “Hey I did it.”
These social needs levels manifest themselves into being a very extroverted, enjoyable person. I strive off of being in groups and relationships. Achievement, affiliation, intimacy and power represent themselves intertwined throughout my personality. I do what I want which gives me a source of happiness.
The strongest social need I have is achievement. This is the main reason why I am a weightlifter. I love to challenge myself every day with the desire to beat last week’s numbers. Very often that doesn’t happen, but persistence is gold. When I do smash those numbers, I get a strong dopamine rush as well as the biggest form of achievement and energy. When I fail lifts, I get pissed off because I know I can do it. It’s a double edged sword when it comes to lifting. Either you put up good numbers or you have a day where you feel weak. The energy and commitment suffers immensely when you feel weak, but having the strive to be better than you were and the persistence in accomplishing personal achievements is what fuels my flame.
Social Needs
Socialization influences
Cognitive influences
Developmental influences
Chapter 7 was all about human’s social needs and how these needs motivate our behaviors. The chapter began by describing social needs and quasi-needs as two separate categories of acquired psychological needs. Both of these needs have social origins rather than innate origins, meaning they form based on experiences and development within the environment a person is raised in instead of being needs that a person is born in possession of. Quasi-needs can be defined as the situationally induced wants that motivate our behavior, such as the want for a band aid when a person is bleeding or the want of an umbrella when it is raining. These are more of wants that actual needs that a human must satisfy for growth and survival, therefore they are referred to as quasi-needs. The reflect true needs in the way that they motivate our behavior and affect how we think and feel; therefore, they are included in Chapter 7 because of their resemblance to true needs.
Regarding the second category of social needs, there are four main needs within the category. These main needs are the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, the need for intimacy, and the need for power. With the need for achievement, a person has a strong desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence. This standard of excellence is measured by any challenge to a person’s sense of competence with the outcome of success. Strong needs for achievement can be created within children who have parents that provide independence training, high performance aspirations, realistic standards of excellence, high ability of self-concepts, and more.
The next main social need is the need for affiliation and intimacy. These two social needs can be somewhat related, as they both have to do with social interactions and relationships. The difference between the two is that affiliation needs are more deficiency-oriented motivations focused on the lack of social interactions, while the intimacy need is a growth-oriented motive that is focused on enriching one’s relationships. When a person is high in the need for affiliation, it is surprising to find that they are often a person who is less popular than someone who has a low need for affiliation. People who are high in this need are perceived as needy by others. People who are high in the need for intimacy are associated with characteristics such as active listening, self-disclosure, and frequent conversations. These people care about the relationships they are in and developing them deeper.
Power is the last main social need discussed in the chapter. This need expresses itself in people as the desire to have control, influence, and impact over others. They are often found in leadership positions because of their control-taking style and assertiveness.
The most surprising and interesting thing I learned in this chapter was the difference between the need for intimacy and the need for affiliation and how they differ. It was surprising to see the differences in individuals and how they are perceived when they have different levels of these needs. If I had to rate myself on the four main social needs, I would say I am medium in power, low in affiliation, high in intimacy, and high in achievement. I know I take a leadership-style of assertiveness in aspects of my life such as school and group projects, so I believe I am a medium with the power need. I believe I am low in affiliation because I do not need to approval or acceptance of others to be happy or satisfied. I would also rate myself as high in intimacy because I care about the depth of my relationships and self-disclosure is an important aspect of that. I rated myself as high in achievement because I have both performance and mastery goals in my life, especially in my education. Specifically the need for intimacy motivates my behaviors in the way of my interactions with old and new friends. I actively listen to what my friends are telling me, and often ask questions that evoke deeper self-disclosure to help develop those old friendships deeper as well as increase the closeness of newer friendships.
Social needs
Deficiency-oriented motives
Growth-oriented motives
Performance goals
Mastery goals
Chapter 7 talks about social needs. There are four of these, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Achievement is the desire to do well. Achievement has two subcategories, approach-oriented, and avoidance oriented. Approach oriented individuals are those who have a high sense of achievement and respond with positive emotions while those with low sense of achievement respond to things with a negative response. Positive emotions would be like pride, and negative emotions would be something like having fear or anxiety. Approach oriented people when provided with an opportunity show that they have skills. Avoidance oriented people have fear or anxiety because they believe they will mess up and fear embarrassment. Next we have affiliation which goes along very closely with intimacy. These both explain the desire to belong or have relationships with other people. This could be intimate relationships or just friendships. We learned during this chapter that there are many individuals who fear being alone and feel the need to have a relationship with a person or group of people. Those who have a high need for affiliation and intimacy tend to show fear because they need and want to be with people. They need feel as though they are accepted and not an outcast. They are highly dependent on these relationships. Lastly there is power, which is when you want to make the physical and the social world look like your personal image. This can be seen most in leadership roles, these type of people have a plan for how they think things should look or be and they go about a way in doing this to where they can get others on board an to go along with their plan that they have already made up in their own mind.
Atkinson’s model of achievement was also discussed in this chapter. This model shows two views, classical and contemporary. Classical says that a person is ore likely to achieve a goal if their approach is greater than their tendency to avoid something in fear of failure. Contemporary looks into performance and mastery goals. Another point discussed in this chapter was implicit theories which contain people who think their personal qualities are fixed and those who thing their personal qualities can be increased through effort. These are known as entity theorists and incremental theorists.
I personally have a medium rank of achievement; I like to be challenged but when it becomes too much I often back down. This is either in fear of failing or it can be laziness as well. When I succeed at a challenge I do feel good about it, but not as great as others feel. I often find it easy to move on to the next thing. An example could be I always like to apply for leadership roles in anything that I am apart of, once I get these I think to myself “that was challenging but now its over” I don’t reflect on how hard it actually was and how luck I am to be apart of that role. When it comes to affiliation and intimacy I am quite high, I am very high. I need other people and I depend on other people a lot. I love being in a relationship knowing I always have someone to confide in. I also love having my very close friendships for the same purpose. Power I am on the low end, I often do not like to be the leader or think that I have a specific plan that I feel is correct or superior. I think I have a high level of anxiety when I try to reach for the higher end of the scale. I think the most surprising thing was learning we are not all born with these needs, they come with experience and are situational. Its crazy to think that we can all differ so much on something so basic and simple.
Terms used
Social Needs
Classical and contemporary
Psychological needs
Chapter 7 talks about social needs. There are four of these, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Achievement is the desire to do well. Achievement has two subcategories, approach-oriented, and avoidance oriented. Approach oriented individuals are those who have a high sense of achievement and respond with positive emotions while those with low sense of achievement respond to things with a negative response. Positive emotions would be like pride, and negative emotions would be something like having fear or anxiety. Approach oriented people when provided with an opportunity show that they have skills. Avoidance oriented people have fear or anxiety because they believe they will mess up and fear embarrassment. Next we have affiliation which goes along very closely with intimacy. These both explain the desire to belong or have relationships with other people. This could be intimate relationships or just friendships. We learned during this chapter that there are many individuals who fear being alone and feel the need to have a relationship with a person or group of people. Those who have a high need for affiliation and intimacy tend to show fear because they need and want to be with people. They need feel as though they are accepted and not an outcast. They are highly dependent on these relationships. Lastly there is power, which is when you want to make the physical and the social world look like your personal image. This can be seen most in leadership roles, these type of people have a plan for how they think things should look or be and they go about a way in doing this to where they can get others on board an to go along with their plan that they have already made up in their own mind.
Atkinson’s model of achievement was also discussed in this chapter. This model shows two views, classical and contemporary. Classical says that a person is ore likely to achieve a goal if their approach is greater than their tendency to avoid something in fear of failure. Contemporary looks into performance and mastery goals. Another point discussed in this chapter was implicit theories which contain people who think their personal qualities are fixed and those who thing their personal qualities can be increased through effort. These are known as entity theorists and incremental theorists.
I personally have a medium rank of achievement; I like to be challenged but when it becomes too much I often back down. This is either in fear of failing or it can be laziness as well. When I succeed at a challenge I do feel good about it, but not as great as others feel. I often find it easy to move on to the next thing. An example could be I always like to apply for leadership roles in anything that I am apart of, once I get these I think to myself “that was challenging but now its over” I don’t reflect on how hard it actually was and how luck I am to be apart of that role. When it comes to affiliation and intimacy I am quite high, I am very high. I need other people and I depend on other people a lot. I love being in a relationship knowing I always have someone to confide in. I also love having my very close friendships for the same purpose. Power I am on the low end, I often do not like to be the leader or think that I have a specific plan that I feel is correct or superior. I think I have a high level of anxiety when I try to reach for the higher end of the scale. I think the most surprising thing was learning we are not all born with these needs, they come with experience and are situational. Its crazy to think that we can all differ so much on something so basic and simple.
Terms used
Social Needs
Classical and contemporary
Psychological needs
In chapter 7, Reeve discussed how social needs motivate behavior, specifically achievement needs, affiliation-intimacy needs, and power needs. In essence, achievement needs influence us to either strive for excellence, improve, and learn new things or avoid challenges and display competence. I believe intimacy and affiliation needs were described best as “being-love” and “deprivation love” by Abraham Maslow; they motivate us to either approach deep, warm, and non-judgmental relationships out of mere care and concern, fill voids of loneliness, ease tension (such as in support groups or when you are scared), and avoid interpersonal conflict. And last but not least, power needs influence us to take action, seek leadership roles, and unfortunately be more aggressive.
The most surprising thing I learned is that high power men tend to do poorly in relationships because they tend to assert their power in interpersonal relationships, whereas high power women tend to do fine because they don’t assert their power as much in interpersonal relationships. Women tend to assert their power more in leadership roles than in their personal lives, whereas men are more prone to argument, aggression, and even sexual misconduct with their partners. However, what I found most interesting was when I looked up the study is that responsibility (having younger siblings, having a child) moderated this effect and was a better predictor of how power is expressed in relationships than gender.
Achievement: high (e.g. seeking higher education, being active hobbies, exercising, and engaging in meaningful mastery-oriented employment)
Intimacy-affiliation: slightly above average (e.g. I like praise and attention; I have few close bonds rather than a large group of friends)
Power: slightly above average (e.g. somewhat argumentative in small groups, competitive in academics, seeking a job that has some influence over others--psychology)
I believe achievement needs contributes more to my behavior than the other needs, especially when it comes to pursuing higher education. When I became interested in pursuing excellence my education in high school and began doing well in psychology, I wanted to master the craft and even considered making a career out of it. I never cared much about meeting the performance goals in school and did pretty poorly up until that point. However, I managed to find intrinsic motivation to pursue my studies. I seeked to improve myself and be competent as a budding psychology major, applying myself in class and also being curious in everyday life in order to explain and optimize my behavior and others as well. I also seek employment that lets me use and develop the skills and knowledge that I have learned in my major, again always seeking optimal challenges. As a testament to that, I have been so bored as dissatisfied with jobs that don’t challenge me that I have quit. Now, I am planning on going to graduate school to further master the skills necessary to be competent in psychology. My pursuit of higher education exemplifies my high need for achievement.
Achievement needs
Affiliation-intimacy needs
Power needs
Optimal challenges
Abraham Maslow
Chapter 7 is the focus on needs when it comes to the social aspect of life and some of the topics that were covered were quasi-needs, and social needs and why we do what we do when it comes to relationships with people and being social with people in general. The first big one mentioned is quasi-needs and as mentioned in the book these are needs that we as humans don’t ultimate need but when around them or influenced by them we think we need them. Something that I thought of right after reading this was when it comes to eating food with friends there will be times in which I’m not really hungry but if other people are eating food I all of the sudden feel the need to eat as well. This also made me think of one time that really stuck out dealing with friends and being social and feeling the need to fit in when my friends were all allowed to go swimming somewhere that was illegal and they wanted me to come so they told me to turn my tracker on my phone off so that my parents wouldn’t even know where I was and the social need to fit in with my friends was so high that I thought I needed to turn my tracker off and go against what my parents said in order to fit in. That for me was for sure a social need since it was in the moment and for that situation I felt it was needed to go against my parents and fit in with my friend group. Social needs I feel are ones that everyone really goes though when it is around the junior high teen years because they want to fit in with certain groups is so high and kids can be so rude and with today’s social media world and friends’ preferences and thoughts it can really effect a person. Social needs can also play a large role when it comes to motivating certain behaviors. For me in my teen years my social needs lead me down some paths I should not have traveled because I wanted to be like my friends and everyone else. We as humans also have senses that help us such as positive and negative feedback when it comes to social needs we learn based on what is around us and what we either receive or don’t receive from around us which makes us either keep doing something or find a point in which we stop. Just like the social need for behavior there is also the social need for achievement. The need for achievement can be different for each person some people may have a higher drive for achievement while others of us not so much. Some of the drive for achievement can come from parents or family life or also peers around us. The drive for achievement is what makes us accomplish what we do in life such as going to school, having jobs etc. Although many people need those things to pay for life and get jobs we also have the drive to go and do something within our lives. Another thing that gives us the drive for keeping jobs, or doing homework or getting places in life is the competition and tasks that come up in our lives. Having other peers around us at jobs and schools are what pushes us to keep going and bettering ourselves.
Social needs
Motivating behavior
Chapter 7 was all about social needs. Social needs are one category of acquired needs while quasi-needs are the other category. Different from the other needs we have discussed, these two categories form from social rather than innate beginnings. Our social needs come from experience, socialization, and development whereas quasi-needs are more situationally induced needs. Quasi-needs form out of a deficiency of something like when you’ve been doing homework for hours and need a break.
Social needs emerge and change over time. These needs may appear when a potential either emotional or behavioral appears, and we respond to them in a way that suits our preferences. Four social needs were talked about in this chapter.
The first and most detailed was achievement. This is the desire to do well and on a relative standard of excellence. Those high in need for achievement usually have an approach-oriented emotion, and those who are low often have avoidance-oriented emotions. Needs for achievement are influenced by socialization, cognitive, and development. Parents are big influencers for children and their achievement strivings. Those with more achievement related cognitions tend to be higher in the need for achievement. As we grow and develop, we begin to pay attention and develop a need for achievement. Atkinson’s Model is used to predict approach versus avoidance tendencies in different situations and also includes the Dynamics-of-Action Model. This model looks at achievement behavior as it takes place in ongoing behaviors. Different situations can satisfy the need for achievement. High-need achievers will outshine low-need achievers on moderately difficult tasks but not on easy or difficult tasks. Competition offers a lot of appeal to high-need achievers. Those with high-need achievement were more seen in occupations that represented entrepreneurship. Achievement has two main goals: mastery and performance. Mastery goals are more for bettering oneself and not outperforming other people as performance goals do. When it comes to certain personal qualities, there are two ways of thinking. One is that these qualities are fixed (entity theorists), and the other is that these qualities can change and expand over time (incremental theorists). Entity theorists often adopt performance goals and think little of effort, and incremental theorists often adopt mastery goals and believe that effort is necessary.
Affiliation and intimacy are the next two social needs. Back in the day, affiliation was believed to be “establishing, maintaining, or restoring a positive, affective relationship with another person or persons.” Today, it’s more related to approval and intimacy. Affiliation is known as a deficiency-oriented motive because it arises from a lack of social interaction. Intimacy is a growth-oriented motive because one grows by maintaining one’s relationships. Those with high intimacy and high affiliation are more likely to spend time with others and maintain those relationships with others compared to those with low intimacy and affiliation. Social acceptance, approval, and reassurance help satisfy affiliation needs while close, warm, reciprocal relationships satisfy the needs of intimacy.
Power is the last social need the chapter talked about. This is the desire to conform the physical and social world to that of their own. Four different conditions can help satisfy these needs. The first is leadership and relationships. People with high-power needs tend to stick to small groups and have an influential tone over one of intimacy. Aggression can satisfy the power need but is often weakened by society but when these inhibitors are taken away, those who are high-need in power tend to be more aggressive. Influential occupations and prestige possessions are the other two ways of satisfying the power needs.
People with high power, low affiliation, and self-control typically are effective leaders and managers. When looking at past presidents, those who had those specific qualities, were viewed as strong leaders to historians.
I found the concept of achievement goals interesting. Educational psychologists are looking at ways that teachers can promote mastery goals instead of performance goals. I think this is really cool, but I think it could be difficult if other areas of their lives aren’t promoting mastery goals and are instead promoting performance goals. I think that in order for teachers to be effective at promoting these goals, other areas of the children’s lives need to be focusing on these goals as well.
If I had to measure myself on all of these needs, I would say that I am medium on achievement. I enjoy a challenge then and again, but I also like being able to do easy challenges, too. I do enjoy competition because I am very competitive and like to win. Being able to beat someone at something that I may or may not be good at is very rewarding. I think that I would be medium in affiliation because I can spend a lot of time away from social interaction and be completely fine, but I do work to maintain my relationships. I think I would be medium on intimacy. I have my really close friendships and relationship that I feel a sense of warmth and care from. For power, I think I am medium-high. I like to make the rules and be the leader of groups. I tend to be influential in my job and take pride in my possessions.
The social need that motivates a lot of my behavior is achievement. Like I said, I am most likely medium-need for achievement. Because of this, I tend to choose my classes for the semester based on how difficult the classes seem. I do fairly well in difficult and challenging classes, so I like to add a couple to my class list, but I don’t want an overload of difficult classes, I add some easier ones to even out my semester. I have done a good job over the years to create schedules like this that I have never had too difficult of a semester or needed to drop a class. As I was growing up, I had five older siblings who were out in the world achieving really huge things, and so I learned early on that achievement is something to strive for, and I have strived for my whole life. Because of my need for achievement, I continuously work hard to master skills and concepts so that I can use them in the future whether that is in a career or just everyday life.
Social Needs
Achievement Goals
Chapter 7 concisely talked about social needs and how these needs are important for all of us. It went into details of talking about quasi needs. Quasi needs can be defined as a need based on intent or purpose and not on a deficit of essential biological nature. The chapter also talked about three other important topics that include, achievement, affiliation and intimacy and power. This chapter taught us that why these needs are important. Not only that, how they originate and what things that we all do same/differently to fulfill these needs.
As we all grow up, we are told by our elders to make an effort to achieve whatever you want. In this chapter what I found most interesting was how the word “effort” is defined. For me personally, I have always thought that “effort” has only positive and definite meanings. But, the chapter talked about many theorists who observe this a lot different than each other. A perfect example of this would be what’s mentioned in the chapter is “the more you try, the dumber you therefore must be”. This phrase was definitely so complicated for me to understand at first because aren’t we all told to try harder and keep trying no matter what? I think this is a point that can play a role in demotivating someone. Because instead of being supportive and motivating someone to reach their goal no matter how hard they have to work, this phrase is pretty much saying that don’t try many times unless you want to look dumb (if you don’t get it the first couple of times). I personally support believe in the other theory that states “more you try, more you learn”. I personally think that effort should be encouraged enough to motivate people to achieve their goals that they want to regardless how difficult something is.
Moreover, the first need that chapter talks about is achievement. The need for achievement is the eagerness to do well relative to a standard of excellence. I could relate to this very well. I grew up in an educated family. I was always surrounded by people with medical professions. I was so encouraged and motivated to see them around that inspired me to do well in school. Another important aspect would be the cognitive influence. Cognitive influence can be defined as one’s ability to tell themselves that they can perform a certain task and their capability to be approachable and impartial. I personally like being challenged. We all have heard phrases like ‘tell me I can’t do something and I will work twice as hard to prove you wrong”. This has been the biggest motivator in my life I must say. I have always told by many people that I can’t do this or that, and not to brag, I have always proved them wrong because I know, the track I am currently taking, is the road to success and pleasure.
The next point that book talked about is the affiliation and intimacy. I definitely feel that I have low affiliation because I don’t chase or beg people to stay in my life because “it would make me happy” or if someone has an opinion about me or my lifestyle, that is absolutely not my concern because no one really knows what we all come from, what are some of the obstacles we been through and why are the way we are. I believe in “you can’t please anyone. The best thing to do is believe in yourself and do what you think is right for you”. Next, is intimacy. I would say my intimacy level is definitely high. I really enjoy the company of people who are very close to me. This include being around my friends and family because this is something I genuinely care about. Also, I would do anything to make sure that I am always there for them whenever they need me and make sure that they are happy.
The final main point that the chapter talks about is power. Power can be defined as the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality. I would say that my power level is medium. I know you can’t really change someone or tell someone to follow your way, but you can always encourage them to the right way. I’ve never really asked someone to follow what I do, but I always tell others the positive reasons to follow something that I am following. However, I feel pleasure when I help someone, which is a facet of power. This is something I really enjoy doing. I volunteer at Sartori Hospital and it truly makes me happy when I assist others in every way I can. Moreover, this knowledge is something that I could apply to my future profession. I want to go to medical school and become a physician or an OB/Gyn. I will be able to apply my expertise when I am dealing with patients and helping and encourage them to do certain things that will help them get better.
In conclusion, achievement is the need I can mostly relate to because I am working towards getting a medical degree and I think of everything as a challenge. We all do something that is wrongful and improper to someone but, we still have to do this in order to achieve our goals and reach our destiny. There are many challenges I have to overcome and deal with many obstacles to achieve something. That’s what’s a challenge to me.
Term Used:
Quasi need
Achieving goals
This chapter was focused on needs that arose out of socially mediated or socialized values and expectations, as well as ephemeral, situationally-induced wants, or “quasi-needs.” Social needs (the former) focused on are achievement, affiliation and intimacy, and power, with most of the attention focused on achievement. The commonalities to both quasi-needs and social needs are that they are not innate in a person, but grow out of personal experience, socialization, unique developmental history, and environmental reinforcement. In a sense, we come to value certain things at differing levels based on our history and upbringing rather than because there are some essential need that either originates in our biology or is roughly standard across the species. Early childhood experiences (especially how we are parented) tends to create higher drives for one or two social needs than others, and this can be reinforced or stimulated by long-term exposure to an environment that values one of those needs (e.g., being in a workplace that values assertiveness increasing later drive for power).
The achievement manifests in mastery goals (satisfaction from doing the task well, and is more intrinsic), performance-approach goals that are done because they lead to positive rewards, or performance-avoidance goals (done to avoid punishment). So, just because someone has a strong achievement need, they may behave differently depending on which of these goals they have been socialized to value. Further, whether or not they take on an activity, and how they approach the activity can depend on the relationship between their motivation (fear of failure, desire to master, or desire for recognition), the level of challenge, and the expectation of success. There are two models used to understand achievement behavior: Atkinson’s classical model, which focuses on how need is modified by predicted probability of success or failure and the incentive for success or failure, and the Dynamics-of-Action Model, which contends that a stream of behavior is determined by environmental stimuli associated with past rewards that increases approach tendencies (instigation), environmental stimuli associated with past punishments that increase avoidance behavior (inhibition), and the increasing likelihood that as we perform an activity we will at some point want to terminate it (consummation), and expectation that current success will lead to future goal achievement.
High achievement need is driven by early childhood socialization (esp. parents training a child to be self-reliant, encouraging high performance aspirations, giving clear and reasonable standards of excellence, positive valuation of achievement activity, and high ability self-belief/self-concept), cognitive factors (e.g., one’s self-perception of ability, expectation of success, mastery orientation, and optimism), and developmental factors (we move from overly optimistic to more realistic self-assessment as we develop through childhood, as well as become more peer-oriented). High achievement needs individuals tend to be stimulated by moderately difficult tasks, competition with others, and have tendency to be more entrepreneurial.
Intimacy and affiliation needs are related aspects of our desire to be in relationships with others. Affiliation is more driven by deprivation and fear of being rejected, such that we seek it out others when we are anxious, and we work to establish, maintain, or restore a positive relationship in order to avoid isolation and soothe ourselves when we are afraid. Intimacy is the need to engage in warm, close relationships which hold little fear of rejection. Intimate relationships tend to be growth-oriented rather than deprivation driven, and the focus is on quality of the bond. Those with a high affiliation need will tend to work to establish and maintain interpersonal networks to increase the probability of meeting future affiliation needs being met by an influx of new relationship opportunities.
Power is the desire to physically or socially influence the world to conform to our desires or plans. It is a positional need, driven by achieving dominance, status, and reputation. It tends to be marked by increased aggressiveness, a desire for visibility in group settings, preoccupation with high-status occupations and possessions. Those with a strong “leadership motive pattern” tend to have a high need for power, low need for intimacy and affiliation (i.e., they do not worry about being liked a lot), and high inhibition (i.e., they are well-controlled and disciplined).
The most surprising things in this chapter for me had to do with thinking through the odd mixture in the power need of seeking out group settings, but at the same time, not having strong affiliation or intimacy needs. This makes sense once you think about it, as affiliation means doing what you can to please others in order to avoid the fear of rejection, but it helps to differentiate social-oriented behavior as driven by very different needs and leading to markedly different ways of relating. I was also struck by how much more focus there was on achievement, than the other social needs. Was this because more work has been done in this area? It does not seem to be a more significant motivational force in people’s behaviors.
I would rate myself as relatively high in the achievement need, with a mixture of strong mastery-orientation with a touch of fear of appearing to fail. This latter is connected to my moderate affiliation need, in that one of the aspects of social rejection that I tend to be most sensitive to is rejection based on being judged less than in achievement terms. I have a decently high intimacy need, which helps explain my interest in mental health counseling. My power drive is relatively low, as I tend not to worry much about relative social standing, and find a lot of those who do sort of shallow and ridiculous.
My achievement need has driven my drive for education, having done the graduate school route now twice, and I tend to not be satisfied with merely showing results but mastery over a subject. Hence I tend to write very long, thorough blog entries that do not just let things go when I think I have produced something that will achieve a certain score (sorry for putting you through this :-). At the same time, I take pleasure in being recognized for my achievement. My career as a college teacher can be connected to the achievement need. My desire to not just get A’s for grades by do a complete job at a task and to be recognized as excelling.
Terms: social needs, quasi-needs, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, power, mastery, performance-approach goals, performance-avoidance goals, Atkinson’s Model of Achievement, Dynamics-of-Action Model, instigation, inhibition, consummation, growth-oriented, deprivation, interpersonal networks, leadership motive pattern, dominance, status.
Chapter 7 talked about the social needs that we have as humans: achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. We as humans obtain knowledge about our social needs through experience and this helps us in choosing future environments in which to place ourselves. Achievement is the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence and a standard of excellence is any challenge to a person’s sense of competence that ends with an objective outcome of success versus failure, win versus lose, or right verses wrong, I would rate myself at a high. When trying to figure out the origins of the need for achievement, it started as observing children and their parents’ styles when raising them and then studying them again once they get into early adulthood. they found out that their findings were only partly successful because they found that achievement strivings can change from childhood to adulthood as well as from decade to decade. There are different ways of thinking that help influence things such as hope, pride, persistence, and things of the like. Next the chapter talked about Atkinson’s Model. Atkinson’s model had two different theories. Theories 1 was the classical view. The classical view is Atkinson’s model for achievement behavior. This includes the dynamics-of-action model which is a model that states that achievement behavior occurs within a stream of ongoing behavior determined by instigation, inhibition, and consummation. Instigation is anything that cultivates an increased hope for success. Inhibition is anything that cultivates an increased fear of failure. Consummation states that performing an activity brings about its own stop. The second theory of Atkinson’s Model is the contemporary view which is a cognitive approach that centers on the goals people adopt in achievement situations. Atkinson’s Model can be expressed by the formula: Ts = Ms x Ps x Is. Atkinson’s Model states that achievement behavior can be defined as the tendency to approach success (Ts). Ms is a person’s need for an achievement, Ps is the perceived difficulty of a task, and Is is the incentive for success. There is also an equation for a person’s tendency to avoid failure. This equation can be expressed as: Taf = Maf x Pf x If
Taf is the tendency to avoid failure, Maf is the motive to avoid failure, Pf is the probability of failure, and If is the negative incentive value of failure. These two tendency equations can be combined to make the equation:
Ta = Ts – Taf =(Ms x Ps x Is) – (Maf x Pf x If)
Where all variables are the same as listed above with the addition of a which is the tendency to achieve. Within an achievement situation one can have up to three different types of goals in order to satisfy the social need of achievement. These goals are performance approach which is predicted by ones need for achievement. Performance avoidance goals are predicted by one’s fear of failure. Mastery goals are predicted by one’s competency expectancies. Following this the chapter begins to talk about implicit theories which have different views on he people feel about their personal qualities. Entity theorists think that people’s qualities are fixed whereas incremental theorists believe that some qualities can be increased. Affiliation can be conceptualized as establishing, maintaining, or restoring a positive, affective relationship with another person or persons. Affiliation and intimacy are paired together in the same section in this chapter. Intimacy can be conceptualized as the willingness to experience a warm, close, and communicative exchange with another person. If you are establishing and maintaining personal relationships then you typically fulfill your intimacy needs at the same time. The essence of the need for power is a desire to make the physical and social world conform to one’s personal image or plan for it. Those that have a high need for power are people that you tend to see in top leadership positions.
The most surprising thing that I learned was that power-driven men have higher aggression. Alcohol alters our perceptions and it can make us feel more powerful. So, when power-driven men are stressed they tend to drink in order to feel more control and more power over the things in their lives. This is in turn tends to increase this man’s aggression. The mix of alcohol and aggression lead power-driven men to physically abuse their significant others because it makes them feel even more powerful. However, this is not the same case for power-driven women.
Since the need for achievement is the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence and a standard of excellence is any challenge to a person’s sense of competence that ends with an objective outcome of success versus failure, win versus lose, or right verses wrong, I would rate myself at a high. The reason for this is because I am a very competitive person no matter what the competition is or who it is against. Affiliation can be conceptualized as establishing, maintaining, or restoring a positive, affective relationship with another person or persons. I would rate myself at a high for affiliation. I do not like it when people are mad at me so I try to avoid conflict in order to keep a positive, affective relationship with others. Intimacy can be conceptualized as the willingness to experience a warm, close, and communicative exchange with another person. I would rate my intimacy as high. I do not have tons and tons of friends but I have close and meaningful relationships with each friend that I do have. The essence of the need for power is a desire to make the physical and social world conform to one’s personal image or plan for it. I would rate my self t a medium for power. There are times were I like to be in control and then there are other times when I could care less what is going on.
Achievement manifests itself in my life in the form of competition. I am very competitive. When I have classes with friends I always want to do better than them in the class. When I coach I do not want my team to lose because I cannot stand losing. Affiliation manifests itself in my life in the form of conflict avoidance or conflict resolution. I do not like when people are mad at me. If I have the chance to avoid conflict I will and if I cannot avoid the conflict I am usually the one to apologize or to reach out and fix things in order for there to not be tension between me and other people anymore. Power manifests itself in my life in the form of being in control. I like to be in control when working in groups with people that I know and feel comfortable around or if I am forced to be in a position where I have to be in control such as with coaching. However, when I am a part of something that I do not really care about all that much, I do not care if I am in control. I would rather sit back and let someone else handle the bossiness. And finally, intimacy manifests itself in my life in the form of my personal relationships producing positive affect. Like I stated earlier, I am very close with all of the friends that I have. I would rather have a few deep meaningful relationships than have a ton of superficial relationships where I do not know more than my friends name.
The social need that I chose to discuss is affiliation. My personal level of affiliation motivates me to make myself into a person in which people enjoy. I am constantly making jokes and making people laugh. I like to do nice things for people just so that they may be happy. I value the happiness of others over my own happiness which is a double-edged sword because it tends to cause me to be walked all over from time to time.
Key Terms:
Social needs, achievement, atkinson’s model, tendency to approach success, tendency to avoid failure, dynamics-of-action model, competition, achievement goals, implicit theories, affiliation, intimacy, power
This chapter discusses the aspects of our social needs along with a brief rundown of what quasi-needs are. The four primary social needs are achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. A quasi-need is more of a momentary want or desire than a need. With a need being something that is necessary for life, a quasi-need is not necessary for life.
I found the various types of achievement goals to be interesting as I was determining which of the goal types I most often encounter in my life. I think that everyone has at least one grand mastery goal that they are constantly working towards achieving. For myself, a mastery goal is to become a weight training “guru” so to speak. I possess a lot of intrinsic motivation when it comes to weight training and coaching in general so becoming very proficient at those things is a mastery goal of mine. As for performance goals, I encounter these as well and typically on a most regular basis. For me, performance goals tend to come in the form of keeping a certain grade point average or lifting a certain amount of weight. I view mastery goals more as an ongoing project for an individual to work on persistently over a very long period of time. Performance goals seem more brief and short term as they typically can be obtained in a shorter amount of time than a mastery goal.
I possess a high need for achievement. I feel that the definition of, “High-need achievers prefer just about any occupation that offers challenge, independent work, personal responsibility, and rapid feedback” accurately depicts my preferences. When it comes to achieving, I don’t necessarily need to show other people that I am competent at completing a task. I am more concerned with showing myself that I can accomplish what I set my mind on. I crave achieving the goals that I have set for myself and if I fail at accomplishing something it usually bugs me to the extent that I will analyze why I failed and then reattempt the goal. The majority of my need for achievement comes from competitions with myself, instead of competition with my peers.
I would score my need for intimacy and affiliation as being medium. To rate the two needs seperately I would say that I possess a higher need for intimacy than I do affiliation. I don’t enjoy having a large circle of friends as I prefer to just have a few very close relationships. I prioritize warm and meaningful friendships and relationships a lot more than I do fitting in with crowds and being rejected by groups of people. I don’t enjoy conforming, even though I’m sure I do it to some extent subconsciously. I really enjoy these words from Abraham Maslow, “the need for affiliation revolves around the deprivation of love, whereas the need for intimacy revolves around being love itself. I have noticed that I tend to enjoy being a sort of “love hub” and I don’t feel as though I am being deprived of love to any large extent.
According to the definition that the book provides, power is the need to make the world conform to one’s own ideals and intentions. With that definition I don’t want to be powerful at all in relationship to this social need, therefore my rating would be low, which is ironic because I compete as an amatuer “power”lifter. The text also states that individuals with a high need for power tend to be more aggressive as they are on the hunt for recognition and positions that reflect their superiority. In my mind these things all hint at power being a negative thing associated with people that are far too eager and selfish. I would argue however that there can be powerful individuals that aren’t “control freaks” or on the hunt for recognition rather, they take a more positive stance towards being powerful. For example, I possess a desire to have a positive impact on people that I encounter. I don’t feel like this impact opens the gates to allowing me the opportunity to take control over said individual. I strive to make people feel happy and competent with themselves as I don’t like putting others down or boasting about my own personal accomplishments or ideals just for the sake of recognition. However, I feel that I myself have a powerful and strong personality that does not pertain to control and dominance. Instead, I am powerful because I possess the ability to help lift others up via social interaction. With all of that being said, I think using power in a negative, attack focused, and aggressive way is not ideal. I believe that humility and social power can coincide.
Overall, I found that a lot of my own unique social needs share a similar theme. That theme being that the majority of them contain a growth-oriented motive. I cherish my own personal mastery goals which pertain more to self improvement than performing better than others. I crave more intimacy than affiliation which is reflective of an introspective view on relationship success and meaningfulness. Of course, then there is my long spiel on humble power. I tend to think of myself as someone that is constantly undergoing a sort of personal remodeling as I try and approach each day with the intention to be better than I was yesterday. It was very interesting to gain some more insight into what my social tendencies reflect about me as a person.
Terms Used:
Mastery Goal
Performance Goal
In chapter seven, social needs are discussed in great detail. Two acquired needs, quasi needs and social needs, are both important; however, quasi needs resemble true needs, but they are only temporary needs. Social needs on the other hand are the constant need for achievement, affiliation, and power. Achievement is encouraged because people know if they complete a certain task it will produce an emotionally meaningful evaluation of personal competence (pg. 176). People also have a need to avoid failure because failing may lead to a loss of self esteem and respect from others. Another motive for succeeding and avoiding failure is to gain achievement in the future, such as academic scholarships for earning a 4.0 grade point average in high school. Affiliation, in this chapter, is brought up in the context that people who strive for affiliation are less likely to be popular in school because they appear to be needy, instead of friendly or sociable. Power, the last of the social needs, is described as the desire to make the physical and social world conform to one’s personal image or plan of it (pg. 194).
If I had to rate myself as low, medium, or high for the three social needs I would rate myself as high for achievement and medium for affiliation and power. I have extremely high standards for myself and I dislike failure greatly. As for affiliation, I do not particularly care if I am liked by everyone. I do my best to be kind to everyone but sometimes that is not enough to please people. If I am not liked by everyone, I do not particularly care. And I do not have the strong desire to obtain power in any aspect of my life really. I enjoy being a part of plans and such, but I would prefer if someone else was ultimately in control.
These various social needs manifest in my life in several ways. For example, I received all A’s my freshman year of college, which resulted in me getting a 4.0 grade point average. My sophomore year of college, I received a “B” and I was extremely disappointed in myself. This reflects my need and strong desire for achievement. Affiliation manifests itself in my life because I like when people like me, but it does not ruin my day if they do not like me. Power exemplifies itself in my life for I like to have a say in things; however, I would prefer for someone else to be in control and make important decisions.
Achievement motivates a plethora of my specific behaviors. For example, my desire to maintain a grade point average above a 3.0 is motivated by my desire to meet my own personal standards and for the potential to receive rewards, such as scholarships, in the future. I also push myself physically in dance in order to dance in state and national routines. It is especially prestigious to dance on the stage at a national level, for thousands of people will see me perform; being nationally recognized as a dancer brings me great joy and pride.
Quasi Needs
Self Esteem
Social Needs
Jon Lutz - section 01
The chapter opens with a definition and description of social needs. Social needs fall under the category of acquired needs, acquired by a personal history with social interactions. The learned nature of these needs is the biggest distinguishing variable between social needs and psychological needs. The text also notes the existence of quasi-needs, which are situational and deficiency oriented but create a significant amount of energy to relieve associated tensions.
A significant portion of the chapter used to cover achievement, the first aspect of social needs. This seems to be the most practical of the aspects, especially in our academic setting. Researchers distinguish between a classical approach and a contemporary approach. The Atkins model makes up a bulk of the classical understanding. Using equations to calculate tendency to avoid success and tendency to avoid failure, a final tendency to achieve can be calculated through the Atkins model. The dynamics of action model adds to this model by incorporating consummation, behaviors quality of self cessation. Still these models are very rigid and oftentimes fail to predict real life behavior. The contemporary approach is cognitive and inspects the difference between mastery goals and performance goals. While the contemporary method maps onto reality better it fails to identify the underlying variables as to what makes a person form one goal or the other. Like most psychological dualities, the text offers a nuanced combination of the two approaches as better than either on its own.
Though less mathematical explanations are given for affiliation/intimacy and power, we discover similar themes. All three aspects a influenced by approach oriented emotions(positive) and avoidance oriented emotions(negative). The research favors model that maximize mastery oriented, growth oriented, and intrinsically motivated outcomes. For achievement mastery goals beat out performance goals, intimacy tends to reach better results than affiliation, and those high in power tend to trade leadership positions for increased aggression, alcohol consumption, and unsuccessful romantic relationships.
I would consider my highest aspect to be intimacy. A significant amount of my schedule facilitates my participation in close relationships. I look to the warm satisfaction of intimacy for a large portion of my well being: whether it’s playing board games with the boys, watching Netflix with my girlfriend, or even the personal interaction I get with coworkers. Though I do recall seeking relief from fear and anxiety through affiliation, I appreciate smaller closer groups more than larger associates. I would consider myself lowest in the need for power. I have worked the same crappy job for over four years now and not once have I asked for a raise. I am one of the least aggressive people I know, and my girlfriend says I’m a good boyfriend.
Achievement is the trickiest of the categories to pin down. I very much prefer to win when playing any kind game and very much prefer when it is over other people. Some of my peak experiences were athletic victories and receiving awards, all of which were very public. At the same time there very easy tasks at which I dread terribly and simply fail to do. Making appointment for doctor checkups or oil changes. Scheduling classes often terrifies me and even after all is down I feel stressed. A prime example is my attendance of the career fair the other day. My interactions with the different booths were awkward and disheartening, and I went into it with these expectations. It is fair to say my Pf and If were unrealistically in this situation. Call me a incremental theorist, but I’m glad I went and I would go again. I acknowledge the value confronting challenges. Let’s just hope my persistence persists.
Social needs
Psychological needs
Acquired needs
Atkins model
Approach/Avoidance emotions
Incremental theorist
Ch 7 covered social needs and their role in motivation. The four social needs are achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. These four sections of needs are what lead us in our social experiences and desires. Together these are what drive us to get into the social situations we like, and avoid the ones we do not.
The most surprising thing to me was the section on effort and its effects on results. Someone with high effort is much more likely to complete a difficult task. High effort is also linked to higher performance, that is if someone with high skill did not put in any effort, but someone with a lower skill and high effort was more likely to complete the task. For college students this is applicable because though some students may not be gifted academically, they are more likely to succeed if they try their best. This is true as well when a gifted student in high school gets to college and struggles, because they are used to putting in no effort.
For achievement I would rate myself as high. Things I spend time on I would like to be rewarded for, whether that be a good grade, a cool project, or just a new skill I have learned. I would rather not spend the time on something if I am never going to learn how to do it, because there are other people who can do it. Time better spent getting better at something I care about, because when you care about something you put in effort and pay more attention to details. I would rather have someone who is emotionally invested working for me than someone who is outright skilled. An example of achievement affecting my life would be my scholarships from high school. I earned them from good grades, but to keep all four years I need to have good grades here too, which motivates me to keep studying.
For affiliation and intimacy I would rate myself a medium. The relationships I have with people are positive ones because at the point I am in negative people can be avoided, that is, I just do not need to talk to them during my day. For a real job I may have to work with them, but for now I can skirt around it. I cheer for my sports teams heavily, and though I would not be the guy fighting another fan in the crowd I feel apart of the community when I am watching the team. When they win I am happy, when they lose I am disappointed. The book talks about interpersonal rejection, which is what causes people to be extroverted and have many friends. I do not have this fear, at least very much because my friend circles are tight but small. Most of them I have known since kindergarten. An example of this in my life would be when someone I hung around in high school with moves away, I do not get worked up because if they want to keep in contact they will.
For power, I would say I am medium. Most people like to have power in some way, especially over the things they care about. I would not want to be the leader of a country, but I would like to own a business or be high up in a company. Of the three listed factors, impact, control, and influence I think impact means the most to me. I would like people to see what I am doing and do the same, rather than boss other people around and tell them what to do. An example of this in my life would be when I help others with hobbies of mine. Hockey players are great about telling the new people some tricks and tips, and I would like to keep that going. When someone is struggling on the ice I would say it feels good for me to see them succeed where they were falling short.
One social need that motivates me greatly is achievement. I come from a racing background and the old saying “If you ain’t first yer last” was said a lot. We always try to get the best out of what we do, and if we do not get the result it does not feel so good. That being said when in defeat it only motivates us to get back out there and try to finish better.
Acquired needs
Affiliation and intimacy
Interpersonal rejection
Chapter 7 focuses on human’s social needs and how we acquire our psychological needs, quasi-needs and psychological needs. These needs are social origins, which means they form based on experiences and development within the environment a person is raised in instead of being needs that a person is born in possession of. A quasi need is a need based on intent or purpose, but can seem to be more of a logical want than an actual need. A quasi need for me would be saving enough money to get my car fixed. I cannot get anywhere without my car, but I also have a purpose for why I would save this money and intend for it to be put towards fixing my car.
For our second psychological need, we have our social needs and within that, there are four main needs. Achievement, affiliation, intimacy and the need for power makeup our social needs. This chapter also introduces the Atkinson’s model of achievement of two different views including classical and contemporary. Classical is when the person has a tendency to approach success rather than their tendency to avoid failure. The contemporary view looks into mastery and performance goals.
The most surprising aspect of this chapter was the basic definition of social needs. When I hear social needs, I would split the two words and take the definition from each to make one. My definition before reading this chapter would have included something along the lines of wanting or needing something while being exposed to a social environment. After this chapter, I would describe social needs as experience, development, and socialization through needs. These four social needs include achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power.
To rate myself on high achievement, I would choose medium. I feel that I am competitive and love to succeed on that spectrum, but when it comes to academic awards, I have a hard time finding the motivation to achieve on a high level. When I receive a grade, my mentality is to focus on the next assignment rather than getting caught up in the good or bad grade that I just received. This is something I wish I could change about myself, because it would result in persistence. For now, I have just focused on succeeding outside of academics.
I would put both affiliation and intimacy on a high level because I value strong relationships and friendships with others. When I have feelings, I feel the need for reassurance. I like to give out reassurance and receive it so that I know that I am always on the same page. I enjoy meeting new people and creating connections with others and I think affiliation and intimacy reflect that.
I think my level for power is between low and medium. I enjoy being a leader and a role model for people, but do not necessarily like being in charge and telling others what to do. I am shy but I am able to come out of my shell when need be, and do a great job of leading and influencing others. Being at a low to medium power is something that I have focused on throughout my life.
Social needs
Quasi needs
Atkinsons model of achievement
Chapter 7 emphasizes social needs, whereas previous chapters have emphasized psychological and physiological needs. Social needs are nonconscious needs that drive people toward social incentives and are based on previous experiences. There are three types of implicit motives: achievement, affiliation, and power. Affiliation is the social need to gain peers approval and acceptance by building strong relationships. Achievement is a spectrum of emotions from excitement, happiness, to emotions of fear of rejection, and avoidance known as the “standard of excellence”. when given a difficult challenge. An example of achievement is investing time and money into training for the Olympics and challenging yourself to win gold. Olympians experience of a variety of emotions within the standard of excellence. Oftentimes people develop reactions based off of past experiences of achievement, criticism, or failure; known as developmental influences. The final motive that the book lists is power. Power is the need to feel dominant, have a high status within jobs, community, and friend groups. A person who achieves a high status of power feels satisfied when their peers recognize that they are the leader.
One of the things that I found surprising to read about was the social conditions of people who are high-power-need individuals; leadership/relationship was the most surprising. It was interesting to read that men are less successful within their relationships because men want to achieve power within their interpersonal relationships, whereas woman who are high-power-need tend to separate interpersonal relationships from their power needs—making women more successful partners in relationships and marriage.
My level of affiliation in my life is medium. I say this because even though I value reaching out to people and create new friendships or repair weaknesses of current friendships. However, when it comes to intimate relationships I find myself being within the majority of fearing rejection.
My level of achievement is high. I came from a family where I am a first-generation college student, so performing well for straight A’s wasn’t ingrained in me from the day I started kindergarten. However, in high school and college, I have had to challenge myself with countless hours of studying and time management. After my first year of college, I began looking in a future time perspective, by integrating my studying habits and grade point average into my future of attending a graduate program after achieving a BA.
Rating myself on power, I would have to rate myself as low. I am someone who is not competitive whatsoever in positions at my job or playing sports. I have no desire to boss other people around all day and see that as my “dream job”. I can also say that I am someone who doesn’t value prestige possessions. I could care less about have a luxury vehicle, or paying a mortgage on a mansion until the day I die. I would much rather spend my money on traveling, my future kid’s activities, and for the benefit of my family.
Currently, I am in the process of writing letters and completing applications for future scholarship and assistantship positions while earning a masters degree. I am trying to develop a high-power-need in order to express my strongest traits, and why the board should choose me for the positions I am applying for.
Social Needs
Standard of Excellence
Developmental Influences
Future Time Perspective
Chapter seven in our textbook describes two more needs that we have as individuals: Quasi-Needs and Social Needs, with the former not actually being full blown needs. This is the case with quasi needs because they “resemble true needs in some ways” (pg. 173). These needs affect our thought processes, emotions, and the way we act. These arise from different situations and fade away once the demand is satisfied. For example, when we get a bill in the mail, a demand is induced and once we obtain that money for the bill, the need goes away. Although this process doesn’t make these full-blown needs, they are still essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. On the other hand, social needs are acquired through experience, development, and socialization. These needs are not set at an early age. Rather, they emerge and change over time. A person’s unique set of social needs will determine whether they react positively or negatively to different social situations such as taking a test or going to a high school dance. The chapter goes on to supply four types of social needs. These are achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power.
One section I found particularly interesting was the “Effectiveness of U.S. Presidents” section. This described a framework comprised of five variables that can determine different attributes of a certain president. These variables were direct presidential actions, perceived greatness, performance on social issues, performance on economic issues, and international relations. It was interesting to read about how the presidents that were scored high by historians were Kennedy, Truman, Wilson, and both Roosevelts
If I were to rate myself on the different social needs, I would rate myself low to medium in achievement, medium in affiliation, high in intimacy, and medium to high in power. My achievement rating is on the lower end because although I want to do well in the things that I do, it has never really been the prime motivator in my social interactions. I’ve never been that competitive, but during my soccer career as a captain, I was a quiet leader and led by example in the things I did do well, and that’s why I rated it toward the medium end as well. My affiliation was rated as medium because I have always wanted to please as many people as I could and gain their approval, since it plays a part in my self-esteem. However, as I’ve grown older I soon learned I can’t please everyone so my affiliation rating has dropped because of that. I am high in intimacy since, going off of what I mentioned with affiliation, I have that need to form close relationships because I feel it’s an important part of life and it’s nice not to take on life by myself. Finally, my need for power is a medium to high because being a psychology major, I have a need to help others and counsel them in their times of need. To me, if we don’t contribute to society and leave an impact on others’ lives, even if it is just one person, then we did not fulfill our purpose in life. This need on its own has manifested its way in my life greatly because of what I was taught and how I was raised shaped me into an individual who wants to impact others positively and have a voice. It has led me to have an idea of what I want to do for an occupation and leads me to new opportunities. Last summer, I worked at Boys Town over in Omaha supervising kids who come from troubled backgrounds. Throughout the summer, I witnessed first-hand the impact I was having on these kids’ lives and seeing them be more motivated in doing their summer activities, which is hard to understand unless you work there yourself. This is why the social need of power has been a big influence in my behavior.
Quasi Need
Social Need
Leadership Motive Pattern (pg. 199)
Chapter 7 introduces us to two categories of acquired psychological needs, which are social needs and quasi-needs. Social needs are originated from preferences gained through experience, socialization, and development, being acquired individual preferences. Quasi-needs are more ephemeral and include situationally induced wants, coming from situational events that promote a psychological sense of tension, pressure and urgency. Both, social and quasi-needs, have social origins and, when acquired, manifest themselves in thought, emotion, action and lifestyle. Social needs manifest in action by arising and activating emotional and behavioral potential when need-satisfying incentives appear, making people react to events by learning the emotion-laden incentive value that could be positive or negative. Four social needs that function as personality characteristics are: achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. The social need for achievement is the desire to do something well to show personal competence and end with an objective outcome of success versus failure.
Affiliation is the need to “establish, maintain, or restore a positive, affective relationship with another person or persons” (Atkinson, Heyns & Veroff, 1954). Affiliation is considered (by the more contemporary view) as having two facets: the need for approval and the need for intimacy. The need for intimacy is the willingness to experience a warm, close, and communicative exchange with another person.
The need for power is the desire to have impact, control, or influence over another person or group. Impact allows to establish power, control allows to maintain it, and influence allow individuals to expand or restore power.
The most surprising thing that I learnt on this chapter is how aggressiveness is shown in some people produced by their lack of power. I found very interesting that men with the highest need of power drink the most. After thinking for a moment, I could see how this is related to some people I know, being alcohol a good source to gain a release from societal inhibitions and acting more aggressively. I think that more people should know about this fact about alcohol, warning (as it is done with tobacco warnings) the population about its side effects like the inflation of sense control, power, and risk-taking behaviors. In my opinion, this action could avoid many issues in today’s society like abuse or sexual harassment.
If I had to measure myself in the different social needs: I would consider myself in a relatively high need for achievement as I normally face standards of excellence with approach oriented emotions like hope, pride, or anticipatory gratification. I am a person with good social skills, and I always need to maintain relationships with many people in order to create affective relationships, so i think I would rate myself as very high in Affiliation. It is hard for me to figure out how high my need for intimacy is; I think I have a high need for warm and secure relationships because I value them very positively in many contexts, but on the other hand, I have trouble getting attached to people who I can have close relationships with. This (probably high) need manifests in my life with a behavior that allows me to be open to meeting new people.
For my power need, I would rate myself as very low: I have never wanted to feel responsible for controlling, impacting, or influencing other people and even less for dominance, status, or position reasons.
Terms used:
Psychological needs
Social needs
Standards of excellence
Approach oriented emotions
Chapter 7 is about how social needs play a huge role in an individual’s human existence, but also how all humans coexist. There are four main areas focused on social needs such as achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. The chapter explains that achievement is some kind of accomplishment or the desire we have to accomplish some task. There are two opposite categories to achievement which are approach oriented and avoidance oriented, that individuals fall in to. The approach oriented people go out of their way and work hard to accomplish some kind of task or goal as well as responding to the success positively. These people are usually confidence and believe they have the competency to perform a task successfully with a job well done. The avoidance oriented people will do the opposite by avoiding to accomplish a goal or task and will respond to it negatively. These people are usually anxious or worried that they will not perform a task successfully or well at all, believing that they do not have the competency.
The next area of focus in social needs is affiliation which also ties in a lot with the intimacy area as well. Affiliation is basically the need or desire for one to feel like they belong or are affiliated within some kind of social group. If you are affiliated with someone it means that you socialize with them in some way making the individual feel less lonely. Intimacy is basically having close relationships with other people associated with good feelings social attachments. These are important social needs, because they cannot be achieved by an individual themselves. Other people have to be involved for these kind of things to occur or take place. The fourth and last area of focus is power which is basically the ability to make something happen in a certain way. Any kind of leaders will have a position of power, because they call the shots about how things are going to be done. Those that are not in a position of power are to obey and validate the authority, because one would not have any power without it.
The most surprising thing I learned in this chapter was learning about Quasi needs and how they are basically things that we want really bad and think we need. These are situational needs that mimic our actual needs when they have already been met. I believe this is more common in the 21st century considering everything is so much more advanced than it was even 15 years ago. An example of this could be the need for more money to go shopping with so we can buy more things. In reality we may only need a certain amount of money to get all of the supplies that we genuinely need for survival such as some food. We think that we need more money so that we can buy an abundance of food or maybe throw in some household appliances that we already have plenty of. I used to always think that I needed more accessories for my hair, but more hair accessories would have nothing to do with an actual need for survival. It’s funny how we convince ourselves that we need to have something or our lives will be sad without it.
A specific social need that motivates some of my specific behaviors would be achievement. I chose this one over the three others, because the majority of things in my life, especially at the moment have to do with achievement in some way, shape, or form. When it comes to school, achievement is all I think about all of the time. I do feel this way about final grades, but almost more so the assignments or individual exams that are given. It’s like I am constantly trying to think of ways to better my assignments or what I need to do before the next exam to improve my school. I am confident in my competence to accomplish a task and to do it well when I put in all of the effort. In this setting I am completely approach oriented, because I am ready to take on the tasks and try hard to do it well. At work I also enjoy achieving things such as professionalism, performing new tasks, learning new techniques, etc. Here I am also approach oriented, because I want to continue to improve and am always looking for more ways to achieve. There are times where I am avoidance oriented when it comes to achievement in ways such as making friends, communicating with strangers, trying new things, etc. In these areas I believe that I lack the competence to perform these tasks well so I spend more time being anxious and worried about it. This being said my achievement is better when I do things alone rather than when I have to complete tasks socially and or for more intimate reasons.
If I had to rate myself as high, medium, or low on the four social needs, my achievement would be medium. This is manifested in my life in the way that I am approach oriented in some situations, but also avoidant oriented on others. There is an evenly distributed balance here, because I like to perform my own tasks in school and constantly think of ways that I can improve my grades. On the other hand, I do not take group projects lightly, because I am not completely the one in control of how we will achieve. I am only 1/3 or so a part of the grade that the group receives as a whole. I like to go out of my way to make things run quickly and accurately at work, but I also avoid making friends quickly and accurately. There is a lot of give and take, push and pull with this one, because I am very competent and confident in a lot of things, but I am also the opposite in others. As for affiliation and intimacy I would rate myself as low. This manifests itself in my life in the way that I do not care as much to be affiliated with a certain group or be intimate with anyone in particular. Of course I need to have some kind of socialization with my family or coworkers or whatever, but nothing super inclusive. I believe I do not need as much of this as others would. A sense of belonging is nice, but I do also like to spend a lot of time alone and random interactions with others is good enough for me. Finally, when it comes to power I would rate myself as high. This manifests itself in my life in the way that I would really enjoy being in a position of power myself. All my life I have hated answering to others and being told what to do and when to do it. My main goal is to one day be my own boss and maybe make decisions on what everyone else should do. I have known people that abuse their power so I would never do that, but I definitely do not want to answer to others for the rest of my life. Those that are in power also tend to make the most money which is also what I would like to see in my near future. I would use my power for good and not evil, by helping others and doing what it best for the group.
Quasi needs
Social needs
Chapter seven of this text focused on the concept of social needs. The chapter breaks down the concept into different sections. These sections elaborate on acquired needs, achievement, affiliation and intimacy and also power.
With acquired needs the chapter defines the both quasi and social needs. The author describes quasi needs as simply the desires that (affects our cognition and emotions) that we as humans tend to see as needs. For example, as a musician I have the quasi need for new instruments or a possible future within this field. These needs are much different then that of social and psychological needs. With social needs we see needs that are developed out of our social settings and surroundings. We create these needs based on what goes on around us that causes us to create certain emotional responses. For example we have the social need to achieve goals and to be successful or be intimate.
As the chapter continues it discusses achievement within the topic of social needs. The author explains how we as humans have the need to be successful and to achieve goals that we set both consciously and subconsciously. With have the need to achieve we see many social, developmental, and cognitive influences that drive us to have this need. With these in mind the chapter elaborates on the Altkinson’s model. This model elaborates not he concept that humans develop achievement behaviors based on tasks that we feel we can be successful at and receive a positive reward for. Within achievement we also see that the chapter highlights some components regarding the conditions that mold our desire to achieve. Some of these include the difficulty of tasks, competition, and entrepreneurship.
Along with achievement the chapter continues and elaborates on affiliation and intimately within the realm of social needs. Affiliation can be seen as the ability to belong to a particular group. With this topic we see how people can often refrain from meeting their needs to socialize and create intimate friendships and relationships due to the fear of rejection. The need for being affiliated is very high for most people and is often thought of as simply the need to be accepted by a group. Thus, rejection having the ability to completely destroy ones desire to fulfill the need of branching out. With affiliation and intimacy the chapter explains some of the actual instances where affiliation and intimacy are seen. Some of these are anxiety and fear, establishing interpersonal connections with groups, and also exposing oneself to new individuals or organizations. These have such a high level of affiliation need because of the fact that we want to feel accepted in social setting where we are establishing social networks and interpersonal networks.
Lastly with power we see how the chapter elaborates on the conditions in which we satisfy our personal need for power. This is seen through becoming leaders, establishing relationships, using aggression, and holding prestigious positions. These are all realistic examples of how we satisfy our power because most people have the desire to be at the top and “over rule” in a sense, and we see this through the examples. Power can be defined as the ability to impact, control and influence a group or position. In this reading the most surprising thing that I learned was the difference between the different types of needs. I originally understood need overall but was shocked that we do actually have physiological, psychological, social, and quasi needs. Only really hearing of a two of these, I was very shocked.
quasi needs
social needs
alkinsons model
This chapter talks about social and quasi-needs, which are acquired psychological needs. Social needs are broken down into four sections: achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Quasi-needs are based on urgent situations that can dominate consciousness and sometimes take precedence over other needs. Social needs are gained through experience, development, and socialization. Childhood situations and social environments influence people long into adulthood. Social needs are reactive. They aren’t constantly active; they come into play when a potentially need-satisfying incentive brings up the social need.
The thing that most surprised me in the text was the use of formulas to explain the Atkinson’s Model and Dynamics-of-Action Model. I was surprised that the information was broken down and explained by mathematical formulas because it seemed to make a fairly simple concept much more confusing. Yet, it did make it easier for the two models to directly compare to one another. For example, instigation is equal to Ts (tendency to approach success) and inhibition is equal to Taf (tendency to avoid failure). Personally, the formulas were not very effective for my learning.
With social needs, my levels of achievement, affiliation, intimacy and power vary. In general, I rank pretty high in achievement, which likely stems from growing up with two highly achieving brothers and having a mother who had high expectations of me. I was constantly challenged by moderately difficult tasks, not getting overly frustrated with failure, yet feeling a healthy dose of success when I would complete a challenge. My level of achievement also depends on the situation. I’m high in achievement for learning and education, but I’m more moderate to low in my achievement toward sports. I am not good at the majority of sports, and when someone puts too much pressure on me through competition or setting me against levels of excellence that I don’t feel I can achieve, I get very anxious and shut down. Generally, I’m moderate to low in affiliation. I am very autonomous and like to go about things in my own way. I am very honest, and many of my friends say they come to me when they want the truth, knowing I won’t sugar-coat it or sneak around the truth. Still, I would call myself moderate in affiliation because people and relationships are important to me, and I like to gain people’s approval in specific settings, such as gaining approval from a supervisor in the workplace. Approval from others also influences my feelings of competence, which plays into my high need for achievement. I’m definitely high in intimacy. I tend to listen closely and love fully; close relationships are of the highest importance to me. I’d rank myself low to moderate in my social need for power. I like to have a positive impact on people, but the impact I prefer is through intimacy and supportive close relationships. I do not care much for exerting power, unless I am educating people. Even then, I try to lessen the exertion of power, encouraging people to see me as more of an educated equal, rather than a person exerting power.
Terms: Dynamics-of-Action Model, Atkinson’s Model, Quasi-needs, social needs, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power