Ch 4 Physiological Needs


Read Chapter 4

Summarize the chapter. What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter? Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now? How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation? What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)? 500 words.


12 Graphs that Show Why People Get Fat


This was by far my favorite chapter so far because it focused on topics that I find very interesting. Our needs are basic and generally the same across the board for all humans so it was a very easy chapter to relate to in a number of ways.
The topic I found most interesting focused on hunger and the different hypotheses associated with it. The first hypothesis I found quite interesting that provided what I felt was an acceptable explanation is the Lipostatic Hypothesis. In this hypothesis is the concept of a “fat thermostat” which is the idea that genetics determines the number of fat cells a person should have thus making it vary depending on the person. This would mean that hunger’s main goal is to defend the number of fat cells we have; which has already been predetermined. This concept is so interesting to me because it can help to explain why there are some people who are just bigger built and no matter what they do cannot change the number of fat cells they are suppose to have. I believe it would serve as a more positive explanation for people who sometimes begin to feel down about themselves when they do not look a certain way.
A physiological reaction is an automatic reaction that triggers a physical response to a stimulus. This stimulus can be a number of different things and sometimes we may not even be aware that we are reacting to them. Knowing this I think these reactions play a bigger role in our motivation to do a certain activity than we realize. An example in the text was dieting and how this can actually override our physiological regulation. Instead of simply eating when our body tells us we are hungry, when dieting we choose when we eat and how much we eat. If instead we choose to respond to the physiological response we will eat whenever our body is hungry and continuing to eat until we feel full. In this sense, when we feel hungry we are motivated to seek out food or something to curb that feeling of hunger; whereas, if we are not hunger we generally will not have the motivation to seek out food if we are busy with another activity. Other needs such as thirst will also lead to us being motivated to seek out a way to satisfy the need.
Brain and physiological mechanisms are alike in several ways but I believe I have somewhat of an understanding about them in order to explain the difference. Brain mechanisms are triggered by neurons in the different parts of our brain. Unless we experience a defect in this mechanism it cannot be changed. A physiological mechanism is controlled by our response to things in our environment. If we are in a different environment then this may change. We are also capable of overriding these mechanisms to do something other than what they are telling us. The brain tells us what needs are not being met and then our physiological reaction generally leads us to finding a way to meet these needs in order to satisfy the brain mechanism

Lipostatic Hypothesis
“Fat thermostat”
Physiological reaction/regulation

The most interesting thing about this chapter is how strong our needs are. We have needs that drive our appetite, growth and adaptation, and our relationships. A need is any cognition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. Physiological needs avoid tissue damage and maintain bodily resources, so thirst, hunger, sex. If a person hasn’t had water all day, they body reacts to that and tells the brain that they are thirsty and need water. Same with hunger, the body monitors blood glucose levels and when it senses low levels, it sends ghrelin hormones to the brain to get us to eat. Psychological needs are used to orient ones development toward growth and adaptation. When starting a new job, you may not feel comfortable with new equipment or programs, and that might make you nervous or anxious about job performance. But after a week, you get the hang of it, and you are now used to the program and have adapted to the new setting. Social needs are used to preserve our identities, beliefs, values, and interpersonal relationships. When starting at a new job, you want to make friends with the other employees. After a few days you may have two or three new friends and that can give you the feeling of achievement.
The concept of set point or settling points was unclear to me. In the sea analogy, the body is constantly changing hunger and thirst levels. So the body has a set point that allows the body to get to that level before wanting to restore them. I just feel that the book didn’t explain the difference between set point and settling points.
Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation because the body is always trying to maintain homeostasis, or a steady state of equilibrium. When the body is low on water, we drink. If the body has low blood sugar, we eat. Negative feedback helps in this because this system controls our drive activating behaviors. This keeps up from sleeping too long or eating too much. Drive arises from a number of different sources and motivates a number of different goal directed behaviors. Deficiency needs generate tension-packed, urgent emotions. If a person is homeless and doesn’t know when their next meal will be, their sense of hunger is more urgent than someone who is able to eat 3 meals a day. Environmental influences also effect physiological motivations. Water is tasteless, so there is no incentive value besides replenishment and homeostasis, but flavoring water can change drinking behaviors. Now a person is drinking water because it is sugary and has a taste. While it can be good that they are drinking more water, only drinking sugary water can have negative health consequences. Human sexual behaviors is influenced by, but not determined by hormones. As discussed in chapter 3, hormones kick start puberty, and cause changes in the body. The purpose of puberty is to allow humans to reach sexual maturity so that they are able to reproduce. The physiological need of sex arises from hormones. The body wants to reproduce, but the person has the choice of engaging in sexual activities or not engaging in them.

Terms: need, physiological needs, psychological needs, social needs, homeostasis, negative feedback, drive, deficiency needs

Jon Lutz - section 01

The chapter begins with the separation of human needs into three categories: Physiological, Psychological, and Social. Also Reeve makes a distinction between deficiency motivation and growth motivation. Growth motivation is more associated with goal directed behaviors. Deficiency motivations are typically more immediate and salient. We readily attribute hunger and thirst to this category of motivation. The importance of homeostasis, the optimal state of any biological structure, is not to passed over lightly.
Thirst, the first of the three physiological needs, is more simple but particularly fragile. The deficiency, drive, and satiation of the thirst need is straightforward. Either we experience osmometric thirst which the lack of water in our cells, which then send signals to the brain. Or, volumetric thirst where we lack water in our circulatory or intestinal systems which our kidneys respond to. Either way the final signal ends up in the hypothalamus, propagating the experience of thirst. Two thirds of our body is water. We begin feeling thirsty if we are down two percent and dehydration begins at three percent loss of water.
Hunger, the second physiological need, is less fragile but much more complicated. The intra organismal mechanism include constant glucose measurements by the liver, gut expansion, gut peptide cholecystokinin, and the release of hormones from adipose tissue (ghrelin and leptin). The latter mechanism is used for long term appetite, and the first three for the momentary or short term appetite. The sensation of hunger arises from lateral hypothalamus stimulation while the ventromedial hypothalamus terminates and satiates hunger. Hunger is heavily influenced by social norms, environmental circumstances, and food availability/variety. These extra organismal mechanisms play much less a part in thirst. Although the presence of excessive sweet taste or addictive chemicals (alcohol, caffeine) have been shown to lessen the termination of drinking fluids.
There was little surprising content in the section on sex, the third physiological need. Men are heavy influenced by the hormone testosterone and follow a highly regular desire, arousal, orgasm, and resolution cycle. Women are influenced by estrogen and derive arousal from more emotionally intimate details. Both sexes prefer youth, health, reproductive viability, and show a desired body shape, although women have a wider range of body types they prefer. Men prefer more physical attractiveness while women prefer high providing potential. Although, people who are interested in other characteristic for themselves are more likely to deviate in the way they view potential mates. Reeves brings up the concept of mating budgets. The greater a person meets with in the category of another’s “necessary traits,” the more leeway they will have on more flexible characteristics, “luxury traits.”
I found it interesting that temperature did not make the short list for physiological needs, or there wasn’t a larger section on harm or sickness avoidance. All these things seem salient in my life. Also I take a certain measure of apposition to drive theory. It places too much weight on conceptual flow charts. As technology improves so will our ability to view microscopic thresholds. Hopefully then we will not have to depend on animal testing and correlational studies.
Deficiency motivation
Growth motivation
Osmometric thirst
Volumetric thirst
Long term appetite
Short term appetite
Lateral hypothalamus
Ventromedial hypothalamus
Extra Organismal Mechanisms
Sexual Budget

There are three types of needs in humans. These are physiological, psychological, and social. The physiological needs of humans are built into our biology at birth, and must be met in order to sustain life. Psychological needs involve consciousness, meaning they are needs that people are aware of for the most part and meeting these needs helps people feel important in the environment. Lastly, social needs are formed through experience, thus arise over one’s life within society. This means that social needs vary from person to person. The term psychological drive is also introduced, which come from physiological needs not being met. Psychological drive is made up of seven core processes: need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms. Next we look at the biological reasons behind thirst, motivation, and sex, as well as the motivations behind wanting to drink, eat, and have sex.
I found this entire chapter to be the most interesting thus far this semester. The most intriguing parts of the chapter for me were those on the motivation behind eating and sex. I generally found reading about the environmental factors that influence eating to be engaging. There are so many factors that go into how much someone eats in a sitting. Some of these factors being how many people are present, how many choices there are, and how available the food is to them. All being important factors that influence how much people eat. I also enjoyed reading about how to diet correctly and how certain situations affect dieters and non-dieters differently. Specifically, it is more often that dieters tend to binge eat more often than non-dieters. Binge eating among depressed dieters typically leads to them gaining weight whereas non-dieters who are depressed typically lose weight. Bringing the need for food under a more cognitive control rather than a physiological control is what makes dieters so much more susceptible to this binge eating when depressed, anxious, or stressed. This section on eating taught me the best ways to diet, even though I don’t diet, and I really enjoyed this because now I can show my family and friends some reasons behind the holes within dieting.
Secondly, I found the idea of physiological arousal and psychological desire being different among men and women to be very interesting. Not only was it interesting, but it also helped fill in so many gaps on knowledge of the topic, which was nice! Overall, sexual behavior among men is stimulated by physical motivation, whereas sexual desire among women beings with intimacy and emotion. Both sexes have different forms of motivation to have sex, and the route both sexes take to become aroused are completely different, but both have a motivation towards the same outcome.
Most of the concepts listed within the chapter were very clear to me. I think this is because I was genuinely intrigued about these topics.
Physiology and physiological reactions mostly come from motivation. Yes, evolution have taught us that we must eat, drink, and reproduce to stay alive, so our bodies typically aren’t motivated to do these things simply because we have to. But when we’re hungry, we want to eat, and when we’re thirsty, we want a drink, and when we’re turned on, we want to have sex. So I say physiology and the physiological reactions that occur are because of motivation. People are motivated to keep existing and because of that motivation, we participate in the actions required to continue living.
I believe the difference between physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms is that the brain mechanisms are all of the places that these actions come from whereas the physiological mechanisms are what help us carry out these processes. For example, the amygdala is our primary source for responding to emotion and motivation. The amygdala being the brain mechanism that stores the ways in which we can respond. But then when your with a friend and they persuade you to go out to eat ice cream with them, even though you’re on a diet, this would be an extraorganismic mechanism, or physiological mechanism.

Terms: Physiological needs, drive, homeostasis, extraorganismic mechanisms, intraorganismic mechanisms, physiological arousal, psychological desire, environmental factors, motivation, emotion, amygdala, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs.

According to the Drive Theory, physiological deprivations and deficits give rise to bodily need states, which in turn give rise to psychological drive, which motivates the consummatory behavior that results in drive reduction. These events occur in a cyclical pattern that depicts the rise and fall of psychological drive. This cycle involves seven core processes: need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms. Surprisingly, there were not really any concepts or main points that I was confused about. This chapter did a pretty good job explaining the concepts and making them easy to learn and understand.
The thing that I found most interesting to learn about was the cognitively regulated eating styles. These styles come into light when someone’s physiological regulated body weight is not measuring up well to their personal or cultural aspirations. So these cognitive controls type to supplant, or override, physiological controls. Someone who is dieting often tries to deaden their responsiveness to internal cues and substitute conscious cognitive controls for unconscious physiological ones. The problem with this is that cognitive controls do not feature a negative feedback system, making individuals who diet have a high vulnerability to bingeing when situational events interfere with cognitive inhibitions, such as anxiety, work stress, relationships problems, etc. I think it would be awesome if everyone just started living and eating based on their physiological needs and not try to conform to society. I know lately, I have been letting my body make all of my decisions for me, I haven’t really been watching what I’m eating. I understand you still need to eat healthy and exercise so you can live longer, but I think that dieting just hurts our bodies more than it helps.
If you think about the definition of ‘need’ which is any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. So if our needs are neglected, the need’s thwarting will produce damage that disrupts biological and psychological well-being. This creating a motivational state which provides the impetus to act before damage occurs to psychological and bodily well-being. Damage can be to the body, the self, or to one’s relationship to the social world. Together, physiological, psychological, and social needs provide a range of motives that serve the individual’s overall life, growth, and well-being.
Physiological mechanisms consist of the intraorganismic mechanism which is a part of the cyclical pattern of physiological drive. Intraorganismic mechanisms include all of the biological regulatory systems within the person that concert to activate, maintain, and terminate the physiological needs that underlie drive. For example, when it comes to hunger, the principle intraorganismic mechanisms include the hypothalamus, glucose and insulin hormones, and the stomach and liver. Together, bodily mechanisms affect each other in different ways that explain the physiological events that create, maintain, and terminate the physiological experience of drive. Although the brain does work in part of the physiological mechanisms, brain mechanisms are more of the hormones, neurotransmitters, and other structures of the brain that help regulate certain responses. There are specific brain structures that generate specific motivations. The brain structure involved in the termination of meals is the ventromedial hypothalamus; when stimulated, the VMH acts as the brain’s satiety center - that is the short-term appetit’s negative feedback system. The VMH gets stimulated by the liver’s detection of high levels of glucose, stomach distensions during eating, and the release of the gut peptide cholecystokinin.

Terms: Drive Theory, Motive, Motivation, Physiological Mechanisms, Need, VMH, Intraorganismic Mechanism, Hormones

Chapter 4 looks more in depth on the topic of physiological needs and how it influences motivated behavior. It begins, as most chapters do, with a brief overview of what a “Need” is, along with some reminding definitions (IE: Clark Hull’s Drive Theory) that we would need to recall so that we could follow along with the remainder of the chapter. After nailing down definitions, the chapter began and concluded on discussing the three main needs that arise in humans: thirst (osmometric vs. volumetric), hunger (short-term appetite vs. long-term energy balance models), and sex (gender differences, orientations, etc.).

The most interesting concept that was presented to me through the whole chapter was the concept of sexual orientation. To begin, I am a homosexual raised in a rather conservative environment, so talks on orientation were nearly 100% avoided. As such, I find any time that I get to expand my knowledge on psychological understanding of sexual orientation extremely interesting. Being completely out of the loop, the only way I have come to understand orientation is through my own personal experiences. I knew the popular idea of today’s society is that your orientation simply is how you are and is not a choice or a phase. However, this chapter brought up an interesting point. It states that orientation exists upon a continuum that spans from fully heterosexual to bisexual to homosexual. To say that one is not mutually exclusive from the other, but that we all wander an ever-expanding grey area between seems to be, to reference Kuhn once more, the big paradigm of science today. From the days of old psychology where thought and behavior could only be born of one thing to today’s psychology when we realize that all schools of thought were technically correct, they just were incorrect in attempting to answer all of psychology’s questions with one answer. Also, I’m going to look up more on this prenatal hormonal development research that the chapter brings up at the very end of the orientation discussion. While no theories (I guess) have yet been proven about those of homosexual/bisexual orientation, the hormonal development theory sounds close to correct. Heck, I’ll take being called hormonally imbalanced over being labeled with “Sexual Orientation Disturbance” back in 1973.

Through the reading, I was a tad bit confused about the resurgence of drive theory into the discussion, From the history in Chapter 2, I assumed that we would discuss the theories of the past and move on. To bring back the drive theory confused me because I thought the chapter had said new ideas had since made the topic irrelevant. However, I went back and skimmed over Chapter 2 to ensure that my suspicions were correct. Then I read over the Grand Theory vs. Mini-theory argument once more and realized that no theory of psychology has entirely died. In fact, most of those theories were used to answer certain mini-aspects of psychology. The entire premise of Mini-Theories is that science, especially regarding motivation and emotion, must be answered in smaller increments and not in one, all-encompassing theory. Besides that, this chapter seemed rather straightforward to me, and no other confusing aspects really presented themselves.

Our physiology is essentially why we are motivated to do anything. If we remained in a state of constant homeostasis, all our needs satisfied constantly, we wouldn’t have any reason to move, adapt, or improve. Motivation is born of a need, and the need is born of a physical deficit (IE: Starvation activates the Hunger motivation). The need activates when the deficit is prolonged, and upon being born, the need continues to intensify. When the need becomes too intense, the body takes notice, and the conscious mind realizes that it must act to satiate the need, and the motivated behavior occurs to quell the need.

To use my above example, starving yourself for one day is going to result in motivated behavior to satiate that hunger. The physiological occurrence is the body is starved of food. It needs fuel to survive, and the loss of this fuel presents a clear and present danger to the body’s well-being. We consciously experience hunger (the need) as a deficit of food within our body, so we become motivated to satiate that need. Upon satisfaction, our body monitors how much food we are intaking, and deploys certain negative feedback measures (IE: Leptin) to ensure that we do not eat ourselves to death like the Gluttony victim from Se7en.

The relationship between the brain and physiological mechanisms is one of cooperation. They both work in the same body, and it is in their best interest to keep their body alive and well. This chapter presents the physiological mechanisms as sentries. Organs like the liver and kidneys monitor the body for signs of impending disaster and work as a first-alert system. Upon noticing deficits within the body, the organs will send messages to the brain through hormones. The brain then reciprocates by motivating the body to solve this deficit and unites the body in that common effort. Without these physiological organs and parts, the brain would be completely powerless to perform any function. As is the case with any supercomputer, the functioning is only as good as the data it receives. Without data, a computer is just a fancy light box you keep (oftentimes) embarrassing yet (partially) funny pictures on. Likewise, without the data coming from the organs, the brain is just a small lump of neural fibers sitting inside a bone dome atop a six-foot-one meat sack.

Terms used:
Grand Theory – Pg. 26
Clark Hull’s Drive Theory – Pg. 30
Mini-theory – Pg. 35
Thomas Kuhn’s Paradigm Shift – Pg. 39
Need – Pg. 77
Homeostasis – Pg. 80
Negative Feedback – Pg. 81
Thirst – Pg. 83
Osmometric Thirst – Pg. 84
Volumetric Thirst – Pg. 85
Hunger – Pg. 88
Short-Term Appetite Model – Pg. 88
Long-Term Energy Balance Model – Pg. 90
Sex – Pg. 96
Sexual Orientation – Pg. 102

In summary of the chapter, physiological needs (namely hunger, thirst, and sex) are a complex interplay between physiological, psychological, and social influences that promote life and well-being. Based on Hull’s Drive Theory, a biological deficiency or a need causes a psychology drive to satisfy that need. For example, when glucose levels may drop there is an alert sent to the liver and lateral hypothalamus (LH) to feel hunger and seek out food (glucostatic hypothesis). This is an intraorganismic act of homeostasis or our body’s tendency to maintain a stable internal state. However, other events can influence our hunger motivation, such us how we view daily calorie consumption, the smell of food, or how much meat our gender should eat (extraorganismic mechanisms). All these factors make up multiple input and outputs for our drive to eat and our eating behavior. The same concepts can be applied to thirst and sex.

The most interesting thing I learned from this chapter were the nuances of sexual motivation. For example, I found it really cool (and oddly relatable) how sexual scripts change when you're not dating to when you are. As a man, this change means going from a sexual script tightly bound to the sexual cycle (desire, arousal, and orgasm) to a sexual script that revolves around a coordinated team-based script with my partner. I also found it super surprising that ⅓ of all adolescents have participated in a homosexual act, and more so in boys and girls! I’m also curious how they got the participants to feel comfortable revealing that information, especially amongst the boys because of the “no homo” culture. One last thing about sexual motivation I found interesting was that the author complicated the standard understanding that women value status and career potential and men value attractiveness. For example, speed dating behavior outcomes did not tend to match their dating ideals and women tend to rate women with moderate masculinity most attractive.

Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation in so many different ways, but overall, they regulate our biological needs to keep us alive and well. Physiological reactions tell your brain what you should do and are complicated by our environments. For example, we need drink because we would die if our cells became dehydrated (or too hydrated), so we have a system for that. Our mouth, stomach, and cells monitor incoming water. They signal our brain when we need more or need to stop (negative feedback). The hypothalamus monitors intracellular shrinkage and if detected sends a signal to the kidneys to concentrate urine or release water reserves, as well as to signal a psychological drive to seek water. Thirst is then complicated by flavor, mainly sweetness which causes us to overdrink, and drugs, which also cause us to overdrink. Also, cultural influences like “drink eight cups a day” can influence our drinking behavior, even if the idea is unsupported (which it is unsupported).

The difference between this chapter and last chapter is that the last focus more on motivation as unconscious mechanisms that can not be controlled or even explained very well by the people who do the behaviors (i.e. heat and aggression). However, this chapter focuses more on how are motivations are regulated and and even offers advice for self-regulation in terms of behaviors like eating. The main advice being to work on prevention and maintain a healthy lifestyle (self-regulation, mindfulness of environment, and exercise) rather than “just lose weight”.

Hull’s Drive Theory
Glucostatic hypothesis
Lateral hypothalamus
Intraorganismic mechanisms
Extraorganismic mechanisms
Multiple inputs and outputs
Sexual scripts
Negative feedback

Chapter 4 took us through how the physiological needs of us as humans impacts our motives and behavior. Of course our physiological needs being thirst, hunger, and sex, which are all needed to survive and reproduce. We learned how physiological needs turn into psychological drives, which then motivate us to bring our bodies back to a state of homeostasis or balance. This innate ability of our bodies to actively monitor and maintain an optimal state of balance is quite amazing, as the book refers to this feat as “The Wisdom of the Body”. This reminded me of a statement that a professor of mine once told the class. He stated that our bodies are constantly trying not to die and that they will do just about anything to avoid death. I feel this statement correlates well with this desired state of homeostasis.

I found the section on face metrics interesting mostly because of figure 4.9. This figure shows a generic face broken down into specific parameters and each one relates to a segment or landmark on a human face which could alter how attractive someone perceives a person as being. This brings to mind how important first impressions can be. For example, going into an interview. The first time the interviewer sees your face they have likely already created their own perception of what type of person you are. The facial features most associated with beauty in women were the neonatal features, which are youthful characteristics. For men, the facial features that correlated with physical attractiveness are related to sexual maturity. While the prefered features for each gender may be different, both men and women are seen as being more attractive, at least at face value, when showcasing positive facial expressions such as higher eyebrows and larger smiles. Happier looking people come off as being more attractive.

I also found it interesting that who we look for in a partner and/or mate tends to reflect ourselves and our own lives. If you hold your own physical fitness to a high standard, say you’re an athlete, then you will likely look to date someone who is also into physical fitness. Same goes for wealth, appearance, etc. What we look for in potential significant others is typically what we also possess ourselves, or at least desire. The book refers to this as “likes attract”.

A somewhat unclear section for me was the discussion on hunger in relation to adipose tissue, or fat cells and their size and number. According to set-point theory, each person inherits a certain amount of fat cells via their genetics and then their hunger and satiety depend on the size of the fat cells and not the number. From my knowledge and background of study as a Movement and Exercise student, both would potentially be a factor, as by shearly having a larger amount of fat cells would directly impact how much each fat cell holds. The body wouldn’t add more fat cells for storage unless it needed too, likely due to the existing fat cells being full. This is more of a physiological misunderstanding rather than a psychological one, and really I’m just being picky. In general, the concept of set-point theory in relation to fat and hunger is confusing to me.

Physiology and physiological reactions go hand in hand with the body’s desire to maintain a state of homeostasis. We experience different physiological forms of encouragement when our bodies are lacking something relevant to our survival. These deficits develop gradually over time and progressively increase the amount of psychological drive we possess for satisfying each need.

I don’t believe that there is a whole lot of difference in the brain mechanisms and the physiological mechanisms. The brain and body are an intricately connected system that should be looked at as one unit rather than two separate entities. Without the brain, all of the physiological signals will not be processed and monitored. Without the body, there are no organs, muscles, peripheral and central nerves, and all the other good stuff that allows us to function. The brain controls the body but the body nourishes the brain. Neither one truly exists without the other.

Terms Used:
- Hunger
- Set-Point Theory
- Neonatal
- Physiological Needs
- Psychological Drive
- Homeostasis

Chapter Four in Understanding Motivation and Emotion the overall focus was on physiological needs that we have as human beings. Physiological needs are all biological factors that have motivation properties that help humans fulfill these needs we have. If we are not motivated to fulfill these needs it could cause damage, as far as death. Examples of physiological needs are hunger, thirst, and sex. I never really thought these things like that and that brings me to my most surprising fact which was that I never knew that these were all biological/ physiological needs to survive. I knew we needed to eat and knew that we needed to drink water in order to function and work but I never thought that sex was this physiological needs to survive. This also brings me to the question of this concept being unclear.
Sex I never saw as a physiological need to survive. Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community, the need for sex/ being sexually attracted to someone is a spectrum. There are people that are not sexually attracted to anyone also known as asexual. There are people that moderately experience sexual attraction which could be considered greyasexual or demi sexual. Lastly, there are people that do experience quote unquote sexual attraction “normally”. So my biggest unclear thing is that if these ideas are present in our society, how for an asexual individual, do they physiologically need sex? I understand that gender identity, gender expression and sexual attraction are a spectrum but I didn’t know how that related to the physiological need to have sex. I understand that there could be elements of motivation behind it and everyone has different levels of motivation but I just want to know where the line is for this physiological need.
Physiology is, from my understanding, deals with how we functions as humans. Our physiological needs then would be our things that we need to function as humans and survive. Motivation falls into this because physiology is the fact that we function as humans and then we are motivated or have a reason to complete these physiological needs. So an example would be that I am hungry. As a human to function properly I need to eat some food during the day, so then my motivation to fulfill that need is to find the food or make the food to survive until my next meal. This connection of motivation isn’t just for hunger but for all the physiological needs such as thirst and sex.
The last thing to be discussed is the difference between physiological mechanisms sand brain mechanisms. Physiological mechanisms are the processes and things that work to keep the human body alive and functioning. Brain mechanisms are the biological parts of the body in which the brain accomplishes its function. The biggest differentiation in physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms is motivation. Physiological mechanisms are things that we, the human, have to do. An example is like if we are hungry, we have to get the food, if we are thirsty, we have to get a drink, etc. Unlike the brain mechanisms where they just automatically do it when the body needs the mechanism to do its thing.

Key Concepts:
Physiological Needs
Biological factors
Physiological Mechanisms
Brain Mechanisms

Chapter 4 of our texts discussed the various physiological needs of individuals. These physiological needs were categorized as: hunger, thirst, and sex. The chapter focuses on explaining the various factors that enhance or decrease these physiological needs among different people.
One of the topics that I found interesting in this chapter pertained to the section that discussed hunger. Although I knew basic information pertaining to hunger and hunger stimulation, this chapter went more in depth about the types of hunger and the manner in which our body stimulates it. Short-term appetite was discussed as the moment in which your blood glucose stores drop and the liver sends a signal to the lateral hypothalamus in order to provide your body with the sensation of hunger. I found it interesting to note that there are two separate sections of the hypothalamus that control hunger. The lateral hypothalamus stimulates hunger, while the ventromedial hypothalamus suppresses it. I also found it interesting that the hormones of leptin and ghrelin ensure that our bodies don’t overeat and are able to consume efficient amount of calories to function. The lipostatic theory and set-point theory were two theories that I found difficult to understand. I wasn’t quite sure on what the lipostatic theory was describing in terms of fat stores in the body. I would also want to know more about the set-point theory and other research that supports this particular theory that individuals are born with a set weight and fat stores.
The other physiological concept that I found interesting was the physiological regulation among both males and females. I found it interesting that aside from hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, there are other factors that affect the behavior of individuals. It was also interesting to note how facial metrics can also effect the perception that one person has over another. The different facial characteristics such as youthfulness, happiness, and strength that certain facial characteristics demonstrate was fascinating. Although facial characteristics were an important factor in determining a possible mate, this chapter also discussed other characteristics that were crucial such as education and earning potential.
Physiological reactions are an important factor in the manner that people choose to act under various circumstances. One example is the fact that we have a need to eat and drink, and as a result we may choose to consume large amounts of water or food depending on how hungry or thirsty we are at the given time. Environmental factors also play a role in our physiological reactions. Chapter 4 discussed one study in which people were put in a room alone or with a group of people while eating ice cream. The individuals who were in a group ate more ice cream than those who were secluded. This study showed that environmental factors may motivate an individual to eat more or less. When an individual is thirsty, they will need water as a type of rehydration. However, if an individual is presented with a sweeter alternative such as tea or a type of alcohol, the may be motivated to drink more than they would had it just been water.
The difference from physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms can be described as the manner that motivates action. An example of this is when someone feels hungry, the hormone ghrelin will receive a signal and as a result will provide the sensation of hunger. This brain mechanism motivates an individual to eat. The physiological response is for an individual to begin eating, however their motivation to eat may differ depending on the circumstance which can be seen from the ice cream example.

Environmental Factors
Physiological needs
Brain Mechanism
Lateral Hypothalamus
Ventromedial Hypothalamus
Lipostatic Theory
Set-Point Theory

This chapter was all about how our body and brain senses and utilizes physiological needs. The three physiological needs include thirst, hunger, and sex. This chapter defines a need as any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. All needs generate energy in order for us to be able to satisfy them. This chapter did a really good job outlining the differences between a physiological need and a physiological drive. Physiological needs occur with tissue and blood stream deficits, which includes water loss, nutrient deprivation, and physical injury. If these needs are not met, the consequences may be life threatening. However, a physiological drive happens when a need continues unsatisfied. This drive is psychological while the need is biological. Our bodies have these needs to maintain homeostasis which is when the body tries to maintain a steady state and the means to generate motivation that is necessary to energize and direct behaviors. This chapter talked a lot about how our bodies generate the needs for thirst, hunger, and sex as well as what happens in the body when these needs are satisfied. Environmental, social, mental, and biological sex determines and influences many of these factors.
The most interesting thing I learned in this chapter is how self-regulatory strategies are often dangerous to the body because we are supposed to listen to our body’s physiological needs rather than cognitions about eating. In the hunger section, the book talked about how the body defends its weight and that successful dieting involves the dieter substituting conscious cognitive controls for unconscious physiological cues. This is essentially following the mind over the body when it comes to hunger. The reason I found this so interesting is because of the fact that when using cognitive controls rather than internal cues means that there is no negative feedback system. Many diets fail because the dieter relapses and binges because they have listened to their mind over their body.
At first, I was confused about the biological basis for hunger and thirst because there are many parts of the body that influence these needs. The concepts I had to read a couple times included all the hunger theories and hypotheses including the glucostatic hypothesis, self-point theory, and lipostatic hypothesis. I read through these a couple of times, but I cannot seem to understand them. The only take-away I got from these concepts are that the body is predispositioned to have a certain amount of fat that the body needs and that this regulates the balance of food-intake, energy expenditure, and body weight. I am also a little confused on the differences between short-term appetite and long-term energy balance.
Physiological needs are created by the body releasing hormones, which creates a drive to put an end to the need. This drive is the psychological motivation to deal with this need. Once the need is intense, psychological motivation becomes fixated on trying to reduce the intensity of the need.
Physiological mechanisms are influenced more by environment whereas brain mechanisms are influenced more internally. Physiological mechanisms also start in the body and travel to the brain, but brain mechanisms stay within the brain. Brain mechanisms are also a little more conscious because dopamine lets you know when you’re happy and you know when you are stressed. Physiological mechanisms are fairly unconscious until the need is intense enough to create a psychological drive.
Need, physiological needs, physiological drive, negative feedback, glucostatic hypothesis, drive, motivation, self-point theory, lipostatic hypothesis, short-term appetite, long-term energy balance

Chapter 4 was all about our physiological needs and how they influence our motivation. During the chapter, three types of needs were discussed, and those are physiological needs, psychological needs, and social needs. The chapter also described the difference between intraorganismic mechanisms and extraorganismic mechanisms. Intraorganismic mechanisms are the internal biological regulation systems in the body that manage physiological drive, while extraorganismic mechanisms describe all the environmental influences that motivate psychological drive. The chapter also discussed facial metrics and judgements of attractiveness in males and females. This was the most interesting section of the chapter for me, and I was curious to learn what differences of attractiveness were found among males and females. This topic relates to relationships and interactions of humans, which is what I am interested in for a career, so this section of the chapter was helpful in teaching me about how facial features specifically create attraction.

In the section of facial metrics, the term was defined as the study of people’s judgments of the attractiveness of facial characteristics. Within this field of study, three categories were found to describe attractive faces; these categories are neonatal features, sexual maturity features, and expressive features. Neonatal features are associated with youth and agreeableness, while sexual maturity features were found to be associated with strength, status, and competency. Expressive features, on the other hand, were found to be associated with characteristics of happiness and openness. The chapter makes the statement that “youthfulness, status, and happiness-openness are beautiful, and faces just happen to be a conduit to communicate that information about the person.” I found this claim very interesting in the fact that we are attracted to personality traits, not necessarily facial features of attractiveness.

One concept that I am still a little confused about is the difference between a drive and a need. A need is defined as a condition which is essential for life and growth, but how exactly a drive differs from that is unclear to me. I am understanding it is a motivation that is created from the need, but am not 100% sure. Based on this understanding, I can say that physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation by the fact that our physiological needs motivate us to act in a way that satisfies those needs, such as the need for food or water. The chapter talks about the motivation for drinking stems from the need for water. Thirst, a psychological experience, comes from a physiological need for water, and this psychological experience generates the motivational urge to drink and satisfy the physiological need. Physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms differ in the way that they create motivation. Brain mechanisms, the hypothalamus for example, send messages of awareness to other brain mechanisms when a physiological mechanisms is in need. For example, if the intraorganismic mechanism (internal body regulation) is in need of water, that physiological mechanism triggers the hypothalamus (brain mechanism) to send a message that motivates the body to satisfy the feeling of thirst. The chapter describes how these mechanisms all work together to motivate the body into action.

Terms: Need, physiological need, intraorganismic mechanism, extraorganismic mechanism, facial metrics, attraction, neonatal features, sexual maturity features, expressive features, drive, hypothalamus

Chapter four discusses physiological needs (including thirst, hunger, and sex) and the process of self-regulation. This chapter also discusses how self-regulation failure happens and how it affects a person. The body has intraorganismic mechanisms that help regulation. These are biological systems like the brain, endocrine system, and organs that adjust feelings in the body that make someone wants to drink, eat, and reproduce. The extrairganismic mechanisms are external factors that affect how we feel. An example of an extraorganismic mechanism would be the smell of food affecting how hungry we are.
The first big point of the chapter is thirst; the textbook says that once the volume of water in the body falls around two-percent, we start to feel thirsty. Our cells need water in order to operate. When they do not get hydration, a message is sent to the brain letting it know that they need water. The brain then sends a message to the body saying that water is needed. This will cause the tongue to get dry and signs of dehydration (after about three-percent of water volume is lost. Once a person starts drinking water, they do so until it feels like they need to stop. Studies were done on animals to find out where the stop regulators were located in the body. The mouth, stomach, cells, intestines, and bloodstream were all tested to see if they provided a way to tell someone to stop drinking water. It was found that all of the above played a part in sending the stop message. The most interesting part about thirst was how many body parts rely on water and how each part will send separate messages to the brain to let it know that it is in need. Something that is hard to understand is why the body causes pain in some cases when dehydrated, but it can affect each person differently.
The second big point of the chapter was hunger; eating is much more complicated than drinking because it can be affected long-term by eating habits now. It was found that someone who diets and forces themselves to avoid eating would have a stronger desire for foods, while someone who overeats will have a stronger desire to stay away from foods. This is primarily because of the messages the brain receives from fat masses and blood sugar levels. When blood pressure gets low, messages are sent to the brain saying that it needs more to function properly. The most interesting part about this part was how restraining or releasing yourself can do more harm than good. A point that is still unclear to me is how someone can effectively regulate eating style without doing harm to some part of the body. It seems like avoiding certain types of food will always harm at least one part, but excessive amounts of any food should be avoided.
The third and final big point is sex: Animals are driven by sex as a need to reproduce. Humans are driven by hormones (androgens; testosterone and estrogen). Attractiveness is one of the big reasons people desire sexual contact. The textbook shows how symmetry is seen as attractive to humans and refers to this as facial metrics. The processes that go into sexual activity can look different for each person. Something that was really interesting to me in this part was how evolution can motivate someone to desire to reproduce. Some psychologists says that sexual behavior is even effected directly by genes. A part that was confusing to me was how attractiveness changes from person-to-person. If symmetry is the goal, why are people attracted to different kinds of people?
The main difference that I can see from physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms is that physiological mechanisms are reactive and brain mechanisms are proactive. An example would be thirst: When physiological mechanisms are used here, it is because it is reacting to the lack of hydration. Brain mechanisms release hormones that make the body act in a way that will generate cravings prior to running low on fluids. Another difference is that organs and parts of the brain are constantly sending and receiving many messages to physiologically stimulate needs while hormones levels are increased and decreased to stimulate brain mechanisms(but never really stop).
Water volume
Brain mechanisms
Hormones; androgens; testosterone; estrogen
Physiological mechanisms
Brain Mechanisms

Chapter four explains to us what a need is. Needs are necessary for life, the growth of an individual, and also the well-being of that individual. If these needs aren’t met, damage can occur to our bodies. Motivation steps in before this happens, however, and drives us to fulfill these needs before we get to that point. This chapter focuses on the physiological needs such as hunger, thirst, and sex. Physiological needs involve biological systems. When all of these needs are met at one time, our body is then in a state of homeostasis.
The idea of extraogranismic mechanisms was a somewhat unclear idea to me. I understand the concept, it just doesn’t necessarily make sense to me how it works. I can see how outside influences such as the cultures opinion on calories could persuade you to take in less, I just find it hard to understand how these ideas or beliefs can play a role in our needs. Our bodies are hard-wired to survive and do anything they can to survive, so if you are hungry, I would think that your drive to eat would outweigh the risks or fear of becoming overweight.
Physiology relates to moviation because when these needs aren’t met, our body creates a drive. I think that the need-drive behavior sequence from the book does a good job of explaining how this relates to motivation. When our body is deprived from a physiological need, we slowly become more fixated on the idea of obtaining whatever it is that we are deprived of. After so long of that need not being satisfied, we obtain a physiological drive for that need and it begins to consume our thoughts. Instead of focusing on work or school, we sit and focus on how hungry we are. We only care about getting something to eat. It consumes our thoughts are we are motivated to obtain what we need. Number 5 on that list states that when we are deprived enough of the need that we have “Goal-directed motivated behavior that occurs as an attempt to gratify a drive.” Needs are all things that when ignored, will cause motivation to occur. This is part of our body’s attempt to survive and continue to thrive.
The difference between a physiological mechanism and a brain mechanism is that physiological mechanisms lead to brain mechanisms working. For example, when we are hungry or low on water, our hypothalamus releases hormones into the blood that tells different organs to different things; such as telling the kidneys to reserve their water resources. Without this need to water, our bodies would never create the psychological state that tells us that we are thirsty and need to find something to drink soon. Without physiological needs, the way our brain would work to motivate us in many aspects would be much different. People would likely only eat or drink for pleasure, instead of doing it because our physiological needs say that we need to do it in order to survive.

Extraogranismic mechanisms
Physiological Mechanism
Need-Drive Behavior Sequence

This chapter explained how physiological needs like thirst, hunger, and sex all motivate us. Everyone has needs and when we satisfy those needs, we thrive. The drive theory has the belief that when our physiological needs are deprived, a biological need will arise. Many processes go along with the drive theory which are need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms, which are all essential for maintaining our bodies and allowing us to fulfil the needs to a certain point.

We become thirsty when our bodies have a deficit of water. We lose water by sweating, going to the bathroom, and even when we breathe so we become thirsty which is known as osmometric thirst. We also become thirsty when we lose water through bleeding, throwing up, and even sneezing, which is known as volumetric thirst. Our bodies are made up mostly of water and that water is inside intracellular and extracellular fluids which are inside and outside of cells. Most of our thirst comes from dehydrated cells(osmometric). Negative feedback is important for our thirst need, so we do not drink too much, which can be damaging.

Hunger is a lot different than thirst and has a short-term process and a long-term process. The short term process is much like the thirsts need of depletion and repletion of water but instead of water it is sugar and calories. The lateral hypothalamus and the ventromedial hypothalamus are involved in the experience of hunger and telling us when to stop eating. The long-term process is associated with fats. The lipostatic hypothesis explains that when the fats stored in our body drop, fat tissues secrete hormones that increase one’s motivation to eat. A theory called the set-point theory believes that everyone has a biological “set-point” body weight that comes from genetics around the time of one’s birth.

Sex is the third physiological need this chapter talked about. Sex is the innate behavior to reproduce. Men have a more physical motivation for wanting sex, whereas women are more motivated by emotional connection. Both men and women are influenced by hormones like testosterone and estrogen, which is ultimately controlled by the hypothalamus. Physical attractiveness is one aspect that can influence sexual motivation. Faces are one way of measuring someone’s physical attractiveness. A face that promotes youthfulness, strength or status, and positive emotions are considered universally attractive. Evolutionary themes show that women are typically attracted to men who have higher status and are powerful whereas men look for women who are young and attractive.

One thing that I found interesting was the set-point theory. I find this interesting because this could be a way of acceptance of one’s body if someone has body images. Knowing that their body has a determined body weight, they might be able to find ways to use that to their advantage and take care of themselves better and not worrying as much on losing weight but maintaining their weight healthily.

I am a little unclear on the multiple inputs and outputs. An input is source and an output is a goal-directed behavior. The book uses the example of being cold and either putting on a jacket or turning up the heat which results in a raised body temperature. Does this mean that the source(input) is the cold and the behavior(output) is turning up the heat or putting on a jacket?

Physiology and its reactions are important to motivation because without them, we would not feel the urge to eat, drink, or reproduce. Because our bodies are constantly aware of the state that we are in, certain parts of our bodies will motivate us to replenish our bodies with water or food to give us energy and to fulfil the sexual urges that are also a part of us.

The difference between the physiological and brain mechanisms is that the brain is where these needs are aroused and stimulate from, but without the physiological mechanisms, we would not be able to put any behaviors to work. For example, the hypothalamus lets us know that we are thirsty, but without our physiological behaviors, like drinking, we would not be able to fulfil that need.

Set-Point Theory
Negative Feedback

The information in chapter 4 was very intriguing. Needs are conditions within the person that are essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. We are then motivated to satiate these needs, fulfilling either a physiological, psychological, or social need. Motivational states then provide the force and energy to fulfill our needs before any damage could occur to our body if we neglected them.

The most interesting thing that I learned in this chapter were the different categories of needs based on the need structure. Our physiological needs consist of thirst, hunger, and sex. These needs can induce life-threatening emergencies generating many motivational states that demand our consciousness. For example, as I am writing this assignment my stomach is growling because I haven’t eaten yet. If I were to continue ignoring this need, it could be damaging to my body. After the need has been met, it is forgotten about until I get hungry the next time. The psychological needs are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Similarly to our social needs, which are achievement, affiliation and intimacy, and power, our psychological needs involve central nervous system processes. These needs will always be present in our consciousness, even to the littlest extent. These needs are satisfied in environmental conditions that the individual deems worthy. Unlike our physiological needs, psychological and social needs satisfaction is objective to the individual.

Some concepts that I was confused on were intraorganismic mechanisms, as well as extraorganismic mechanisms. I understand that the 3 main categories of the intraorganismic mechanisms are the hypothalamus (brain structure), glucose and insulin hormones (endocrine system), and the stomach and liver (bodily organs). In the book it states that they activate, maintain, and terminate physiological needs that underlie drive. Essentially these mechanisms are what create our drives? Extraorganismic mechanisms are similar in the sense that they also activate, maintain, and terminate drive although this mechanism works for psychological drives opposed to physiological?

Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation through drive reduction theory, multiple inputs/outputs, as well as drive being an intervening variable. The reduction of drives is the primary force of motivation in the entire human body, whether that be through satiating hunger, thirst, or just getting warmer. The book gave us an example of how drive has multiple outlets as well as inputs that will trigger behavioral responses that will satisfy our drive. When we are cold, we can put on a jacket, turn our heaters up, exercise, or shiver. Every behavior achieves the same outcome of being warm, but with different inputs. We are motivated to warm our body temperature up to fulfill our physiological needs. If we use pain as an intervening variable, it explains the motivational process that occurs immediately after encountering a dangerous situation on a physiological level. Getting your hand hit by a hammer yields an immediate response of shaking said hand to try and remedy the pain.

Our physiological mechanisms require our consciousness and effort. Our brain mechanisms will tell us the needs that aren’t satisfied, generally leading to a physiological response to solve the problem.

Need Structure
Extraorganismic mechanisms
Intraorganismic mechanisms
Drive Reduction Theory
Multiple inputs/outputs

Chapter 4 talks about the physiological needs that motivate us. Thirst, hunger, and sex are the three physiological needs. Chapter 4 introduces 7 fundamental processes that outline the regulatory process for all 3 of the physiological needs. They are physical need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extra organismic influences. Because the body can experience damage, needs physiological needs help avoid tissue damage and maintain bodily resources. All three of the physiological needs are all different.
One thing I thought was very interesting was were the two of the physiological needs thirst and hunger. For thirst I thought was interesting when it pertains to water is that we become thirsty when our water volumes fall by only 2% and we become dehydrated when we lose 3% water volume. To me that sounds like a small percentage of water volume to become either thirsty or dehydrated. Before reading this chapter, I decided to go to the WRC and lift and I found myself going to the drinking fountain many times due to feeling thirsty, so it makes sense that thirst as a physiological need occurs when we are continually losing water through perspiration, urination, breathing, etc. Although it wasn’t that surprising I thought it was also interesting that hunger is more “complex” than thirst. I Something that ties in with thirst and hunger that I found interesting was the failures to self-regulate physiological needs. I have always thought it was important to exert conscious mental control over these needs and didn’t know that it can be more harm than good. Out of the three ways people fail to self-regulate the one that fitted me the best was the last one. I am terrible at monitoring what I am doing and get easily distracted. I also like to drink alcohol on the weekends it makes sense that my self-awareness at times is lower than it should be. I think what interested me the most about thirst and hunger is that once you understand how physiological needs like thirst and hunger and know how to self-regulate these needs then you can see positive improvements.
After reading the chapter I don’t have any questions about physiological needs in terms of motivation and emotion. I think a big reason why I haven’t had questions on any of the 4 chapters is because the textbook does an excellent job at explaining the terms and topics and the topics, so fare is very interesting!
When physiological needs (thirst, hunger, or sex) are unmet or neglected the body constitutes life-threatening emergencies which then generates motivation that can dominate consciousness. When our needs are met they give us energy and the amount of energy generated differs with the need. Another way physiology and physiological reactions create motivation is through a certain type of motivation called deficiency motivation. When you experience a state of deprivation, you become motivated to interact with the world that will help you deal with the deprivation. Due to growth needs there is a motivational state that will both energize and direct your behavior that will help advance development.
One-way physiological mechanisms are different than brain mechanisms are that brain mechanisms like the amygdala detects and responds to emotional and threatening events and is also involved in the impression of other’s emotions, facial expressions, and in our own mood. On the other hand, physiological mechanisms deal with needs that help nurture and satisfy the body to positively grow and live a healthy life.
Physiological Needs
Physiological Mechanism
Brain Mechanism

Chapter 4 talked a lot about our physiological needs in terms of hunger, thirst, and even sex. Hunger, thirst, and sex, are three major needs that drive human behavior. Chapter 4 introduces seven fundamental processes for motivation which are physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic/extraorganismic mechanisms, and the homeostatic mechanism all work together to fulfill our needs as humans in terms of hunger, thirst, and sex. Thirst was the least complex idea in my opinion. Thirst is mostly motivated by biological needs to replenish water that you are losing constantly from day to day. However, there are some environmental influences that cause drinking such as taste or even peer pressure. Hunger is dependent on short-term and long-term regulation. In both theories a lack of glucose and lack of size in fat cells cause hunger. Once you begin to eat and glucose levels rise and fat cells grow huger begins to go away. As with drinking, there are many, many environmental factors that influence eating that are not hunger. This includes but is not limited to taste, availability, variety, and social situations. Sex is more or less gender dependent. Males crave more of the physical action of sex whereas women crave the intimacy part. Men and women are attracted to different things in their sexual partners. For men its youth and physical attractiveness but for women it is earning potential. Which makes sense when you start talking about sex and how things differ in arousal and the actual act of sex between men and women.

The most interesting thing that I found in this chapter was the gender differences when it came to sexual scripts and sexual partners. It was interesting to me that men have a high correlation between an erection and a strong desire to participate in sex whereas the correlation for women between vaginal lubrication and a high desire to participate in sex is low. It was also very interesting to read about the differences between the Traditional Sex Response Cycle for men and the Alternative Sex Response Cycle for women. How the Traditional Sex Response Cycle goes from desire to arousal to orgasm followed by resolution. The Alternative Sex Response Cycle is more complex. It goes from intimacy needs to sexual stimuli to sexual arousal to sexual desire to continue followed by enhanced intimacy. After reading the differences between these two cycles it makes more sense as to why there are so many gender stereotypes out there when it comes to sex and desires.

This chapter very briefly touched on sexual orientation. It sort of talked about why people have the sexual orientations that they do. One concept that was not necessarily unclear to me, but did not really touch base on would be the sex response cycles for homosexual males and females. Do these cycles remain the same based on gender? I’m sure there are going to be males that follow the Alternative Sex Response Cycle and females that follow the Traditional Sex Response Cycle, but does this change with sexual orientation? Likewise, how do things differ between what heterosexual males and females are attracted to and what homosexual males and females are attracted to.

Physiology and physiological responses are sort of a drive that motivate us to do things. When we are thirsty or truly hungry, our physiological needs become more and more noticeable to motivate us to take care of these needs. They then go away once fulfilled and come back when they need to be fulfilled all over again. We are more conscious of physiological mechanisms than we are brain mechanisms. When were thirsty or hungry or even want sex, our bodies have a way of clearly telling us what we want. The brain is more of a background player. It likes to stay in the shadows and be more of a subconscious player.

Key Terms:
physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic/extraorganismic mechanisms, the homeostatic mechanism, advances sex response cycle, traditional sex response cycle

Needs are an essential way of life, and are cross-cultural. Everyone has the same basic needs, with varying degrees. We feel better as people when our needs are met, and when they are not met we hurt our well being. Needs have an heavy impact on our motivation when it comes to meeting them and affect our overall life. When I think of needs, I think of Maslow Hierarchy of needs from previous classes. The need for water, food, and shelter are the base blocks. Then you move up the pyramid when you meet the needs to be able to advance, with the ultimate goal being self actualization. Needs can be physiological, like the need to hydrate, due to the result of water loss and are biological. When the bodies system is in equilibrium, it is often called homeostasis. Motivation is important for homeostasis, as it helps us not die. If we are thirsty, we are going to more than likely drink something. If we are hungry, we will eat. An example you said in class was that if we were actually dying from starvation, we would eat anything, compared to not eating what sounds good. If our body is out of sync, then we will feel those effects.Thirst, hunger, and sex are three physiological needs that humans need. The other two types are psychological and social needs. Hunger follows a depletion-repletion model, while thirst you need water to replenish fluids lost through urination or sweating. The book says that hunger is more complex, but you can’t go without water for two days, while food you can live without for a week or two. An interesting fact about water, is that if you are indeed in a situation where drinking cold or warm water for survival, that the body is able to take in the warm water faster than the cold water.
Something I found interesting was that the kidney, when low on fluid will release water. I also know from previous classes that sometimes after eating, the brain tells the body that it is still hungry. This could mean that the brain instead wants water, and is currently having issues with identifying the issue to satisfy it. Another thing I found was that when our water volume falls by about 2%, we feel thirsty. While 3% is dehydration, how the 1% of our volume of water in the body can be so impacted by 1%.
Some differentiations of physiological and brain mechanisms are their processes and functioning. Physiological mechanisms are the basic functions that just tells the body what it needs to do to essentially survive. Brain mechanisms are the more advanced processes that are interconnected and work with other parts of the body to help achieve homeostasis. So the Hypothalamus and the kidneys working together when it comes to water and fluids I’d consider a brain mechanism as the brain helps signal an activation, while the physiological mechanisms are just the initial process saying that you need this.

This chapter was super interesting and I found it to relate to a lot of our basic human needs. Needs in this chapter can be explained as necessary for the growth of an individual. If these needs are not met this can cause someone to have damage to their body. Everyone has these needs and when we satisfy these needs we succeed. We learn through this chapter that the drive theory has a belief that when our physiological needs are not met our body has a biological need that will start to show There are seven fundamentals that are involved with the regulatory system including psychological needs, physiological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extra organismic influences. This chapter talks about basic human needs, and the categories are physiological, psychological, and social needs. The chapter discussed physiological needs, and this is described as survival needs. Survival needs are things such as sleep, food, air, and sex. The first main physiological need focused on was thirst. Thirst was described as either osmometric or volumetric. Osmometic is the lack of water in our cells while volumetric is lacking of water in our circulatory or inguinal system. This chapter gave a more in depth description of how hunger played a role in physiological needs. I thought this part of the chapter was extremely interesting. I was interested in all the motivation that goes behind eating, and with this the information given about dieting. I was able to relate some of the body functions from last chapter with this chapter, including hormones like leptin and grehlin. I found that these hormones are used to make sure that the body does not overeat and makes sure we eat the right amount of calories needed to function. Sex was discussed in this chapter as the behavior to reproduce. Men have a more physical motivation for wanting sex while females are emotional when it comes to sex. When it comes to hormones that influence these sexual behaviors, men and women both have them. Men’s hormones are influenced by testosterone while females are influenced by estrogen. Another part of this chapter that stood out to me was the part about relationships. Chapter 4 showed figure 4.9 which was a face broken down into smaller spaces, and each of these spaces on the face represented some type of attractiveness. The book shows that the most attractive features for a female is things that show her reproduction feature whereas the male’s most attractive features show physical features. The book gives insight about what we do when we look for a partner, and it tells that we look for someone who reflects ourselves. I never had thought about this, but as I look through who I dated I ended up being engaged to the person who most similar to me. When reading this chapter, I have found that physiological mechanisms will be more influenced by environmental while brain mechanisms will be more influenced by internal factors. Overall this chapter was fun to read and I was able to correlate a lot of the information learned with my life.

Psychological needs
Physiological drive
Negative feedback
Multiple inputs and outputs
Intraorganismic and organismic influences

Physiological needs are around us all and are what motivate us to do what we do. They are what stem our needs and satisfy them at the same time like our essentials of life and growth of our good beings. The book states within the first few chapters that a need is a condition within the person is essential and necessary for life, growth and well-being. The book also breaks it down and talks about the needs structure. There are the social needs that are different for each and every person because they depend on the person and they type of environment they are in as well as who they interact with. Then there are the needs that involve the biological system like bodily organs that do what they need to do to keep us functioning as a person we don’t have to tell our liver or kidneys to work they do on their own and they need to work to keep us alive and functioning well. Part of the biological system is also our brain which as many functions some of which are involved in telling us what our bodies need or what our bodies don’t need. The brain is one of the biggest system that really controls needs VS wants. Also part of the need structure it talks about which ones are more important of needed such as our physiological needs coming first. These are the needs in which are thirst and hunger and sex. They are things that everyone needs whether we think about them all the time or not our brain and body organs let us know when we are thirsty or hungry. Then there are the needs in which we need but not to live everyday lives. The needs of feeling as though you can do things on your own and feeling like you can achieve what you want to in live. How our body regulates these types of things is part of the drive theory which was talked about in the previous chapter. The drive theory states and talks about how if we are deprived from things that are needed like hungry and thirst then it causes more problem within our structure of needs and causes us to have issues.
Another chunk of topic that was talked about within this chapter is the way the boy handles thirst and hunger. It talks about different ways of eating like have small meals or have larger meals and how that effects the boy as well as thirst. If you are extremely thirsty and grab a drink that is high in sugars or bad for your body you may end up drinking an amount that is unhealthy and could cause problems because your body is needing to satisfy its need for thirst so you are going to drink more then you should. It was also talked about the different brain mechanism that control your body’s hunger and need for thirst and how it can be effected and changed. The part of the brain that is in control of that is your VMH this controls if you are hunger and when you are not it is sensed off at a certain point when your body is full so that you know to stop eating. It was mentioned how some animals may get to a point where there VMH isn’t working as it should which then causes them to double in weight. I found this chapter to be very interesting and I still wonder when it said the environment plays the role in what sounds good to eat or what someone chooses to eat but I also wonder if it plays a role when it comes to humans and causing obesity. The brain is a very complex object and I feel as though it is crazy how it can effect so many things in the body.

Physiologic needs
Structure of needs
Drive theory

Chapter four mainly focuses on physiological needs. Essentially, this chapter was based off of Hull’s Drive theory. This chapter starts off with explaining needs and the need structure. After this, the chapter goes on and explains the seven fundamentals of regulation such as physical needs and drives, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, and the different mechanism we have. After this, the book describes to us the three basic needs we have as humans (thirst, hunger and sex). The chapter ends by explaining the failures to self-regulate physiological needs. This chapter explains how our needs go along with our motivations and emotions.

To me, the most interesting part of this chapter was the part about facial metrics. I think that the whole section was interesting to read, but one thing really stuck out more than others. The book stated that different cultures have different views on attractiveness. However, there are some things that are “universally attractive.” I found it interesting that even though there are totally different standards in different cultures, the three things that everyone could agree on is health, youthfulness, and reproductive capacity. This was not very shocking to read that these are the three things, but it was, but it was interesting to read considering how different cultures can vary.

This chapter had a lot of information, with a lot of different subtopics. After reading, one thing I am a little confused about still is the inputs and outputs. I do not fully get the example of using drive as an intervening variable. Other than this part, I think this chapter did a good job at explaining in detail most of the topics, so I do not have any questions from this chapter, but maybe when we talk more in class, some questions will be generated.

Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation because of the drive theory. Without these physiological needs, we would not feel encouraged or motivated to do things like eat, drink or reproduce. Our body needs these things, so it creates this drive for motivation. We might not realize it on the daily basis or constantly think about it, but our body does it for us. Because we need these for survival, our body creates the motivation for them, which is pretty cool.

The difference between physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms is that the physiological mechanisms are essentially where the motivation of the needs come from. The two have to work together to make things work, but they come from different sources. The brain mechanisms come from inside motivation, and the physiological comes from more of an external motivation. So, the physiological mechanism is like physically going to get a glass of water, and the brain mechanism is like telling you are thirsty (without really thinking). Although these are slightly different, both of them are needed to maintain the homeostasis in our bodies, which is important to surviving.

Terms: drive theory, homeostasis, thirst, hunger, sex, mechanisms, facial metrics, needs, negative feedback, physiological needs, drive, attraction

Chapter 4 Physiological Needs

This chapter starts off by talking about our “Need Structure” These are physiological needs which include thirst hunger and sex. Psychological needs include autonomy, competence and relatedness. Lastly there are social needs which include your achievement, affiliation, Intimacy and power. The differences between deficiency motivation and growth motivation are also mentioned, letting us know that growth motivation is related to goal directed behaviors and deficiency motivations are more immediate, these are things such as hunger and thirst. The chapter then goes into how our needs fit with motivation and emotion
Like many people, sex peaks my interest and often makes it easier for me to pay attention so I enjoyed learning about our facial metrics. I thought it was interesting to learn that smell, touch, the sound of a voice and sight all play such a huge role when thinking about a sexual partner. I thought it was interesting when it said that both males and females rate slim females as more attractive, but there isn’t really a clear line when determining that for men. Facial metrics is the study of how people judge attractiveness of people’s facial characteristics. I have never really thought about this, but I guess there are probably many similarities in people faces that I find attractive, this to me was odd and interesting to think about. I am still a bit confused about sexual scripts… this could be because I have never heard of such a thing. I also have always only heard of girls playing out step by step how they think things will go so it was interesting to see that men do too, and that this is all kind of unconscious thinking (If what I interrupted while reading is correct). I also really enjoyed learning more in depth about hunger and thirst, I have never really known what it is the brain and body does when we experience one of these needs. I also want to know why exactly it is that men like big eyes, small noses, prominent cheekbones, and a small chin. I know the book said that it was neonatal features… but why is that so attractive? Differences between physiological and brain mechanisms are what it is that they do. Physiological is based on the basic things that your body needs to pretty much survive. Brain mechanisms is the advanced processes that go on. Such as your hypothalamus working with your kidneys letting you know that your body needs water right now so it can survive. Our physiological needs require us to be conscious, our brain mechanisms tell us even when we are not consciously thinking about it that there is something that needs to be fulfilled, such as we need water in us right now because we are dehydrated. Without physiological mechanisms we would not be able to put any of our brain mechanisms to work. We first need our physiological mechanisms and then that leads onto the brain mechanisms.

Brain mechanisms

This chapter focused on separating our needs into three different categories, such as physiological, psychological, and social needs. Physiological needs are all about thirst, hunger, and sex. Psychological needs are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. While social needs are for achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Reeve also touches on deficiency motivation and growth motivation and how hunger and thirst fall into this category. The chapter gives details about homeostasis and how important thirst is.
Which brings me to what I think is the most interesting point throughout this chapter. Our bodies start to feel thirsty when we are down two percent and lead to dehydration at three percent. We lose water by peeing, sneezing, bleeding, and condensation. When we are thirsty, it is a different kind of motivation than when you are hungry which is why with a water deficiency for more than two days we would die. I have always understood that our bodies are two-thirds water, but the process of losing water and taking in water to maintain homeostasis has always confused me. Another important part of the chapter that sparks an interest in me was hunger. I find it oddly satisfying knowing and learning what it takes for motivation of hunger. There are many environmental factors behind influencing hunger. Some of those are how much someone eats in a sitting based on how many and who is present, how much different kinds of food there is, and how available the food is. The reason that this class and specifically this chapter is interesting to me is because of how relatable the consequences and the motives for the actions are. If I were to go to a buffet for dinner tonight, I would probably end up eating a ton of food. That food would not necessarily be healthy food, but it is readily available to me, there are many different kinds, and I would probably be with a friend who is just as hungry. If I were to go on a date to a fancy restaurant, I would not eat as much due to the motives that I am experiencing.
Physiological mechanisms consist of the intraorganismic mechanism, which is a part of the cyclical pattern of physiological drive. They include all of the biological regulatory systems within the person to activate, maintain, and terminate the physiological needs that underlie drive. Different brain structures generate specific motivations. The ventromedial hypothalamus; is the brain structure involved in termination of meals. This structure is the short-term appetites negative feedback system. The ventromedial hypothalamus gets stimulated by the liver’s detection of high levels of glucose, stomach distensions during eating, and the release of the gut peptide cholecystokinin.
To relate this chapter back to last chapter and pick out the differences, I would say that they differ from the way they talk about motivation. Chapter three was more about the ways the ways we use motivation unconsciously and chapter four uses motivation as a way to help and talk about why you do something, and then what you can do differently.
Terms: Motive, motivation, physiological mechanisms, ventromedial hypothalamus, intraorganismic mechanism, homeostasis, hunger, short term appetites negative feedback system

This week’s chapter focused on physiological needs and their relationship with motivation. The chapter explored this topic by considering what needs are, the fundamentals of regulating needs, and examples such as thirst, hunger, and sex. Lastly, the authors explored reason why people fail to self-regulate their physiological needs such as underestimating the power of biological urges, lacking appropriate standards, or becoming distracted. Throughout this blog comment, I will consider different points from the reading that I found interesting or confusing and explore how physiology relates to motivation and the concepts presented in chapter three.

To begin, there were several concepts in this chapter that were interesting to me. Firstly, the authors quote research on obesity that says, “A person’s chances of becoming obese increases by over 50% if he or she has a friend who recently became obese.” I thought this was an intriguing statement that I could understand based on the social importance placed on eating food. It mainly prompted me to wonder if this could work in reverse. For example, could a person’s chances of becoming healthier increase because a friend recently became healthier. Secondly, I was intrigued by the author’s explanation of why dieting is so difficult. He suggested that, primarily, the issue is that cognitive controls do not have a negative feedback system. This system is a component of homeostasis that stops the drive that motivates action. Although we can have some willpower that may act as a negative feedback system is entirely dependent on our cognitive ability and not on an automatic process such as negative feedback. Lastly, the research on various elements of sex for men and women was very intriguing as it confirmed some beliefs that I already had. For example, the finding that there is a low to non-existent correlation between women’s physiological arousal and psychological desire seemed very fitting to my own personal understanding of this issue.

Although the majority of the chapter was interesting, there were some points that were more confusing than intriguing. I found the comment “little or no research supports this claim” was used on two points that I am certain have research to back them up. Firstly, this was stated after saying that there is no research proving that losing weight has health benefits. Secondly, this was also stated after explaining that there is no proof that drinking eight glasses of water a day is helpful. I wondered if this was due to the age of the textbook or that the research I have seen is not statistically sound.

When considering how physiology relates to motivation, it is clear that physiological need, homeostasis, and the negative feedback system play the most important role. Firstly, physiological need stems from a lack of something that is biologically necessary such as food and water. These changes create need because they put the homeostasis out of balance. Due to this, physiology uses motivation to drive you to return to homeostasis. Once there, the homeostasis’ negative feedback system eliminates the drive and motivation for the necessary action. The ability for this process to work is because of the brain mechanisms at work that were explored in chapter three. The difference between brain mechanisms and physiological mechanisms is that the former is purely internal while the latter produces physical results.


Physiological Needs
Cognitive Controls
Negative Feedback System
Psychological Desire

Chapter 4 focuses on the physiological needs: thirst, hunger, and sex. The text describes a need as “any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being” (pg. 77). We learn about the drive theory, which is allows our bodies to regulate and maintain a balance. The Drive Theory states that “physiological deprivations and deficits create biological needs, if the need remains unsatisfied, the biological deprivation generates psychological drive” (pg. 79). Thirst is a physiological need because our bodies are losing water through perspiration, urination, breathing, bleeding, vomiting, and sneezing. Hunger is more complex with short term and long term regulation. Short term operates under homeostatic regulation while long term operates under metabolic regulation and stored energy. Sexual motivation is influenced by hormones, external stimulation, external cues, cognitive strips, sexual schemas, and evolutionary presses (pg. 106). We also learn about what happens when people fail at self-regulation. When we try to consciously control our physiological needs, we are doing more harm than good. People can fail at regulating bodily appetites by underestimating the power of a motivational biological forces, inconsistent standards, and fail to monitor what they are doing.
The most interesting part of this chapter to me was the section about Facial Metrics. Facial Metrics is the study of people’s judgements of the attractiveness of facial characteristics (pg. 98). Health, youthfulness, and reproductive capacity are physical characteristics that are viewed as universally attractive. There are 24 structural characteristics being judged to determine level of attractiveness. I found it interesting that they are split into three categories: neonatal, sexual maturity, and expressive features. The neonatal features correspond to youthfulness and agreeableness. The sexual maturity corresponds to strength and status. The expressive features correspond to happiness and openness.
The concept of set point or settling points is unclear to me. After reading the sections, it seems that it is also an important question for behavioral neuroscientists and motivation researchers as well. Physiological motivations rise and fall and that is why Robert Bolles liked the idea of settling points, or settling level. How do they determine these homeostatic points/levels for drive and satiety?
Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation because our bodies need to maintain homeostasis. Our bodies have the amazing ability to maintain a stable internal state (homeostasis) as well as generating the motivation necessary to direct homeostasis-restoring behaviors. Motives arise from physiological deprivation, which creates needs. As the need intensifies, a motivated behavior occurs and a consummatory behavior occurs to satisfy the need to avoid damage to the body and maintain well-being.
The brain mechanism is involved with regulating physiological needs. There are structures in the brain that detect the physiological needs: hunger, thirst, and sex. Physiological need describes a deficient biological condition. Neural brain circuits, hormones, and bodily organs that detect life-threatening emergencies.

Terms used:
Physiological Need
Drive Theory
Facial Metrics

Chapter four begins by giving an example of how our bodies adapt to a certain style of eating and living. It explains how our bodies have a predisposition for how much our body should actually weigh. This meaning that if we were to simply live every day without watching what we were eating and not working out or exercising to lose weight, our bodies have a self moderated guide to what our body weight should be. The chapter as a whole explains how our body’s “physiological needs, biological systems, motivational states, and behavior” all come together to allow us to maintain a stable physiological regulation.
The chapter continues to elaborate on the the concept of needs. It highlights our physiological needs (hunger, thirst and sex), psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) and also social needs (achievement, affiliation and power). The author explains how physiological needs differ from psychological needs by how it is simply more biological and use brain processes to keep things moving. As the chapter continues it explains how we have a need-drive behavior the is affiliated with seven processes. Some of these include, physiological need, drive, and homeostasis. The chapter continues to explain the processes of hunger and thirst and the different mechanisms behind each of them. The author explains why we feel thirst and hunger and how our bodies and brain activate the desires to drink and or eat.

The chapter was sadly cut off by a few pages because they seemed to have been torn out of the book.

The most interesting thing that I learned in this chapter was the subsection that described facial metrics regarding sex. Personally, I have written many papers and done a lot of research regarding the beauty ideal so this immediately drew my attention. I had not really been exposed to the idea that we physiologically and psychologically have a preference for certain features simply because of the culture that surrounds me. I thought this was interesting because I had not really ever thought about culture and how we develop the desire to select a partner based on culture and facial features.

A concept that was mentioned in the book that were unclear to me was the section that explained the wisdom of the body. I understand how the body itself works on maintaining certain levels of need, drive and other regulatory factors but the idea of homeostasis did not make much sense to me. I presume it was simply the term homeostasis that caused confusion.

From the chapter, as a whole, physiology and physiology reactions relate to motivation by how we are driven to perform tasks biologically. Physiology are more of a biological component to how we have desire or needs based on the body and how it reacts to hormones that are released. The overall difference between physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms is that the brain mechanisms are what causes someone to actually have the motivation to perform a certain task. On the other hand physiological mechanisms are the core to why our bodies have the need to react in a certain way such as hunger or thirst.

Need-drive behavior

Ch 4 discussed physiological needs, and how the body controls them. The body needs its basic needs met, and will send messages to control our motivation based on what it needs. Things like thirst, hunger, sex, and what to do if these needs are not being met. The body is in a constant state of regulation, and keeping it as close to homeostasis as possible will help the species stay healthy and reproduce. The responses the body gives will be stronger and more urgent if the body needs it now, for instance the desire for water when a person wakes up in the morning is much stronger than sitting in class. When you wake up, you may go right to the sink and guzzle some water, but when you are thirsty in class you may be able to wait, because it is not as urgent.

The most interesting part of this chapter to me was the section on failure to regulate physiological needs. Many people fail to meet their goals because either they have standards that are too high, or ones that are conflicting. It is easy to lose motivation when it does not seem like you are making any progress toward your goal if it is set too high. Alcohol also has a lot to do with failure, whether it be because it decreases their self control, or their self monitoring. The key is to set attainable goals and feel the motivation of setting higher ones once a person reaches them. Rome was not built in a year, and remembering to keep pushing is one way to achieve a seemingly impossible goal.

One concept that is unclear is the section on facial metrics, and attractiveness. There are so many factors that go into attractiveness, it is hard to understand. Face, body, voice, and build are all things that go into whether or not someone is attractive, without considering personality. These factors are related to keeping the species going, and features found more attractive are ones that are more likely to help the species survive.

Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation because physiological reactions are internal motivations that lead to better physiology. When the body needs something, it has a reaction, e.g. the feeling of hunger, to correct the problem of a lack of food. When we go through the day, we use up some of our desire to stay away from things that we know are bad, but since we had such a rough day the extra soda and pizza does not look like a bad thing.

Physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms are different in that brain mechanisms are what tells the body to feel a certain way, and physiological ones are motivations for survival. Though they are intertwined, and have many similar outcomes, brain mechanisms are more like feelings. When we are scared we feel it because the brain releases transmitters. Physiological mechanisms give us the desire to engage in a habit to keep the body functioning, while brain habits are internal motivations.

Self Control
Physiological Mechanism
Brain Mechanism

Humans have three types of needs: physiological, social, and psychological. Physiological needs are biological needs such as hunger or sleep. Social needs are those that exist within our environment such as intimacy or popularity. Psychological needs are those which exist within ourselves such as autonomy or personal growth. These needs produce energy and drive the behavior that is created in order to satiate the needs. The body has built in regulation systems such as needs, drives, homeostasis and negative feedback systems to fulfill the needs. A drive brings attention to the needs and attempts to engage the person in a behavior that will fulfill the needs. Homeostasis is a mechanism that keeps internal conditions, such as water level, at a constant state. A negative feedback system is a signal that tells a person they are full to stop them from eating in excess. There are three major needs: thirst, hunger, and sex. Thirst is activated when intracellular and extracellular fluid is depleted. Thirst is primarily derived from intracellular depletion. There are many negative feedback systems to keep a person from drinking too much such as the stomach or the hypothalamus. Hunger, on the other hand, has to processes: short-term regulation and long-term regulation. The short-term appetite is activated when glucose drops, sending a signal from the liver to the lateral hypothalamus which in turn, indicates hunger. The ventromedial hypothalamus is activated when the liver indicates high glucose and sends the signal to stop eating. The long-term hunger has a homeostatic balance in which fat cells are monitored and the body fights to return to the same level when fats cells increase or decrease. Sex is highly influenced by hormones. Androgens help regulate sexual motivation. For men, sexual desire and sexual arousal are linked. When a man is aroused physically, he is most likely aroused psychologically as well. Women, on the other hand, experience a relationship between sexual desire and relational factors. Physiological arousal is a very poor predictor of women’s sexual desire. Sexual attractiveness is influenced by facial metrics. A person’s facial dimensions, depending on the culture, can portray attractiveness to potential partners. Neonatal features, sexual maturity, and expressiveness can all indicate attractiveness.
One very interesting fact in this chapter was that we begin to feel thirsty when 2% of our body’s water is depleted. It does not take much for us to begin to feel thirst. Hunger is very complicated and unclear. There are many reasons a person cannot lose weight. Hunger can be influenced by social cues, biological factors and psychological factors. People can attempt to lose weight consciously but there are mechanisms in the body that fight to keep the body exactly the way it is. Small social cues can set off binge eating behavior in a person. Hunger has many different factors that play into it and it is difficult to decipher the underlying motivator behind hunger for it could be more than one.
Psychological and physiological reactions produce drives and needs within a person that create energy. This energy causes motivation. It pushes a person to complete a goal or satisfy a biological need. A difficult concept, as many of these reactions are ones we are not always aware of. When we have a conscious goal to do homework in a timely manner, completing the homework is on the forefront of consciousness and the goal creates the motivation needed to actually do the homework. With psychological and physiological needs, such as intimacy, we may stand and talk longer to a person we desire to be friends with or with thirst, we may reach for a bottle of water periodically throughout the day. These actions are ones we are not always aware of yet all the same they create and energy that must be released. Throughout our day, we are unconsciously motivated to structure it in way that fulfills these needs such as eating three meals a day or spending time with friends.
The brain mechanisms that inspire motivation are a result of an environmental event that releases a neurotransmitter which in turn stimulates a brain structure. Physiological mechanisms are a constant within the body. The body is always attempting to maintain a perfect level of water or make sure there is enough food in the stomach. Brain mechanisms are temporary and sporadic whereas physiological mechanisms are a constant.
Terms: Thirst, hunger, sex, drive, needs, homeostasis, motivation, psychological need, physiological need, social need, negative feedback, ventromedial hypothalamus, lateral hypothalamus, intracellular, extracellular

A need is any state that is essential for life, growth, and well-being. Needs fall into three categories: physiological, psychological, and social. Chapter four focuses on three physiological needs: thirst, hunger, and sex. Before diving into these needs, some concepts of motivation must be established.
The type of motivation influences the outcome. Deficiency motivation originates from the urge to quiet a deficit. For example, hunger is deficiency motivation that originates from the urge to quiet a food deficit. This usually generates negative feelings, such as anxiety, pain, and stress. Growth motivation originates from the urge to advance development. For example, the need to seek out challenges is growth motivation. This type of motivation generates positive emotions, like interest and enjoyment.
Drive is the psychological urge that stems from a physiological deficit. Drive activates behavior, but negative feedback is what stops behavior. Negative feedback is the signal to the body that the physiological need was fulfilled, so the motivation ceases. Homeostasis is also a really important concept. Homeostasis is the body’s automatic maintenance of a stable state. For example, the bloodstream maintains fairly constant levels of oxygen at all times. Two more factors influence physiological needs. The first is intraorganismic mechanisms, which are all the biological regulatory systems. The second is extraorganismic mechanisms, which are all the environmental influences on physiological motivation. This can include cognitive, social, and cultural influences.
Returning to the main three physiological needs, thirst develops out of deficiency motivation because it’s the urge to consume water to fulfill the deficit of water that occurs through sweating, peeing, and so on. Intracellular fluid is the water within cells, and extracellular fluid is the water outside of the cells. Thirst usually develops because of an intracellular fluid deficit, or dehydrated cells. This only explains one of three reasons to drink, water replenishment. The other reasons people a driven to drink are sweet taste and addiction to a substance within water, such as alcohol.
The second main physiological need is hunger. There are three different models of hunger, which are short-term physiological models, long-term physiological models, and cognitive-social-environmental models. I thought the environmental influences were most interesting. Environmental influences include time of day, stress, sight, smell, and taste of food. If there’s more variety of food available, food intake is higher. If there is just more food available, food intake is higher. Plus, one is more likely to eat more food when eating with others versus eating alone.
The final main physiological need is sex. This was, by far, the most interesting need for me to read about because I love learning about differences between men and women. Sexual motivation in men is regulated by androgens, such as testosterone. For men, there is a strong correlation between physiological arousal and psychological desire. Sexual motivation in women is a little more complicated. Estrogen regulates sexual motivation for women, but there is a weak correlation between physiological arousal and psychological desire for women. Instead, psychological desire has a stronger correlation with emotional closeness, or intimacy, with the woman’s partner. This also impacts what men and women find attractive in a mate.

Terms: need, thirst, hunger, sex, deficiency motivation, growth motivation, drive, negative feedback, homeostasis, intraorganismic mechanisms, extraorganismic mechanisms, intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, androgens, testosterone, estrogen

I want to start this off by saying that this chapter was very interesting one. I had a very good time reading it plus it talked about a very important topic, needs. I think that needs are very important and it is an essential way of life. It is also a simple fact of life that we all have certain basic human needs. Most importantly, I think understanding these needs are very important because they help us to reveal what drives human behavior and what makes us want to achieve things in our lives because needs have an excessive impact on motivation. It effects on our ability to do something in order to accomplish a goal which then affects on our overall life. If these needs are not fulfilled, there can be many problems to our body and mind. In this chapter, we learned by the drive theory that if these physiological needs are not met, it will then trigger our biological needs. The book talks about seven fundamentals that are involved with the regulatory system which includes, psychological needs, physiological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extra organismic influences. Our textbook goes to even more in details about physiological, psychological and social needs. Physiological needs are mentioned as “survival needs”, which means that these are the most important ones that we all need to fulfill. These needs include, eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing fresh air, and sex. The book talks about thirst as one of the first and important physiological need. Thirst was described as osmometric and volumetric. When our cells are lacking in water, we describe the as “Osmometric”; whereas when cell in volumetric, it lacks water in circulatory or inguinal system. This chapter then talked about how hunger plays a very big and important role. It went into a lot of details of that and then it talked about dieting, which I thought was very interesting and I can personally relate myself to this too. I learned about leptin and ghrelin, which are the two important hormones that plays a very important role when managing our body heat and they also make sure that we are taking in the right amount of calories in. Then, the chapter went into details of sex, which is a way to reproduce. We learned that women have more of a emotional need to have sex; whereas, men have a physical motivation. We all, men and women, have the need to have sex when meeting our physiological need and our hormones in that part also a plays a role which influences these sexual behaviors. Females and males have different types of sex hormones. Females’ bodies produce estrogen and males’ bodies produce testosterone. Moreover, this chapter gave a perfect example of relationship that really stood out to me, and I found it very elaborating how they mentioned it in the book. One of the table in this chapter presented different things that we find attractive in an another person. The most interesting thing was to me that when the book mentioned that women find physical features to be attractive in men, whereas, men find females’ reproductive features to be more attractive. I can definitely see how accurate and relevant this is in today’s society. This chapter also gives a very good understanding of what we do when we are looking for a companion. Overall, I had a very good experience while reading this chapter. I learned many things I did not know about. Everything in this chapter was well-written and well described. It was easy to understand the concept and I do not need any further explanation. However, the interesting thing that I found in this chapter was that the brain structure would be more influenced by the internal aspects and physiological structures will be influenced by our surrounding and the habitat we all live in. This information was definitely very interesting and important and I surely can see myself interacting with it as well.

Terms Used:
Biological factors
Negative feedback

In this chapter the main concepts revolves around our physiological needs, which are necessary for life, growth, and well being. The structure of these needs are dependent on how they are maintained and satisfied to protect the damage that will occur if these needs are neglected. The force of motivation helps the body and mind act so damage can be prevented. The three basic physiological needs include thirst, hunger, and sex. Although this chapter focuses mainly on physiological needs; psychological and social needs also contribute to supply a person’s overall life growth, and well being.

The biological systems in which these needs are met and motivated by include neural circuits, hormones, and bodily organs. The distinction of physiological needs apart from psychological and social needs is that if the basic physiological needs can only fail to be met for a certain period of time until the body dictates consciousness in a state of emergency. Because all types of needs generate some sort of energy, they differ between each other not by the amount of energy that is produced but by the different abilities to direct that energy to where it is needed to satisfy those needs.

Out of these different needs come two different ways in which motivation occurs. Deficiency motivation happens when things are fine and regulated until some state of deprivation which can produce emotions such as anxiety, stress, or relief. Growth motivation takes effect to enhance or develop a specific drive, like improving self discipline or relational values.

The book describes seven core processes in which the body psychologically maps out a sequence of need, drive, and behavior. These processes include need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms. This cycle of processes start with a satiated state, then physiological deprivation develops gradually, the prolonged physiological deprivation produces bodily needs, the needs intensifies and gives rise to psychological drive, then goal directed motivated behavior occurs as attempt to gratify drive, the consummatory behavior occurs and the drive is reduced. This cycle happens and is displayed frequently in our need of thirst, hunger, and sex. The rest of the chapter goes into each one of the needs and how they are activated and gratified psychologically and physiologically.

This chapter clearly laid out very clearly how our physiological needs are met without even being completely conscious of the drive and motivation that helps us survive. I found the topic of drive really interesting because the complexity of our bodies and minds consistently lives and survives on the basis of what drives us. Whether what drives us to do something is physiological, psychological or social. Last chapter, the brain mechanisms were explained to help us understand how our brain works to motivate behavior and emotions, whereas this chapter explained physiological mechanisms to help us understand where the drives and needs come from that communicate to our brain that we need to do something to satisfy a specific need, like thirst, hunger, or sex.

Terms: extraorganismic mechanisms, intraorganismic mechanisms, drive, need, deficiency motivation, growth motivation, thirst, hunger, sex, self regulation, homeostasis

Chapter 4 covers the three physiological needs that humans need to continue throughout their lives are: thirst, hunger, and sex. These three needs synchronize with brain structures, organs, and different hormones in order to keep a person’s body well regulated. A well-regulated body is known as homeostasis. The homeostasis of the body can be misplaced by changes in the environment, or by one’s own diet and fluid consumption. If the body tends to experience imbalances or become unregulated relating to hunger, thirst, or sex, the body will send signals to the brain that there may be a potential threat to the body’s well-being and life. If the body does send signals relating to abnormalities, then drive tends to kick in due to the deficit that the body is experiencing. As the body’s drive kicks in during crisis to stabilize homeostasis, eventually the body will run into negative feedback. For instance, if someone hasn’t eaten a meal in 18 hours and sits down at the dinner table to eat, the person will begin eating at a fast rate. Unconsciously, after a few minutes the body will begin saying, “okay bro, we good to slow down!” Without realizing it, the person will begin eating their food at a slower rate.

When reading through chapter 4’s information regarding thirst, I found the difference between osmometric thirst and volumetric thirst to be interesting. Before reading the chapter, I always assumed that when consuming fluids, it went to cells in the body in general. The hypothalamus and kidneys play a large role in osmometric thirst by monitoring the intracellular shrinkage of cells. When cells do shrink, a hormone in the plasma of blood sends a message to the kidneys to conserve what water is currently stored in the body—this leads to the body produced concentrated urine, and is often how we can “tell” that we should be consuming more water during the day. As I continued to read through the environmental reasons related to thirst, I related to the non-thirst related attraction to water on a personal level. I am guilty of being the person who thinks, “Yeah, I should probably drink some water—I’ll get an iced coffee though, that’s a balance.” I think some of this is the attraction to drinking coffee, but also have an addiction to drinking coffee. An interesting section under thirst was the statistic stating that if human bodies fall under 2% of our total body of water volume, humans begin to feel thirsty.
When reading the chapter, it was very clear to see how physiological needs play a role in everyday motivation. The hypothalamus was a reoccurring structure of the brain related to thirst, sex, and hunger. Relating to sex, the hypothalamus plays a primary role in sending messages to the pituitary gland in secreting sex hormones in the human body.

ME terms: homeostasis, hunger, sex, thirst, negative feedback, osmometric thirst, volumetric thirst, hypothalamus, drive, endocrine system, pituitary gland

Word count: 489

Chapter four is full of interesting information pertaining to topic of need. The body has endless needs that need to be met in order for the body to function properly. A few of these needs include but are not limited to thirst, hunger, and sex. However, these are only physiological needs. The body also has psychological needs which include autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Humans also have social needs such as achievement, affiliation and intimacy, and well as power. All of these needs need to be met in order for a human for function healthily and happily.

The most interesting thing I learned in this chapter is that how water tastes impacts how much of it humans drink. If water is tasteless humans will drink a standard amount of water; simply enough to replenish their thirst and maintain a healthy level of fluids in their body. Suppose sugar is added to water, giving it a sweeter taste, humans are inclined to drink more of it because of its pleasing taste. On the opposite side of sweet, if water is bitter or sour, humans will not be motivated to drink a standard amount of water which may lead to dehydration in extreme cases.

There are no concepts or ideas that are completely unclear; however, I would like to learn more about intraorganismic and extraorganismic mechanisms. These two topics seem complex and I would like to learn about how they work inside the human body.

Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation in several ways. Firstly, if there is a physiological deprivation a biological need will be created, which means the human will be motivated to fulfill this need whether it pertains to hunger, thirst, or sex. Once this need is met, the motivation the human once had will deplete until the need occurs again. Secondly, and lastly, if a physiological deprivation occurs and the need is not met, the situation suddenly, and sadly, becomes life – threatening.

Physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms are different from each other because the term physiological mechanism refers to a behavior and the action used to carry out that behavior. The term brain mechanism relates to the actual structures in the brain such as neurons and regions within the brain, such as the amygdala and the hippocampus, as well as hormones within the brain. These two topics differentiate from each other because one, physiological mechanisms, refers to the physical action taken to fulfill the need of the human whether it be a physiological need, psychological need, or social need. The other, brain mechanism, refers to the brain telling the body there is a need that needs to be met.



I enjoyed this chapter a lot because it was all about our body and physiological needs and how motivation ties into different needs. The chapter began by explaining what a need was, and then went on to describe the three main needs: physiological, psychosocial, and social. Our main physiological needs fall under either hunger, thirst, and sex. The chapter goes on to explain intraorganismic and extraorganismic mechanisms. Intraorganismic mechanisms are the things inside of our bodies that help push our drive or motivation. These include things such as our brain and organs. On the other hand, extraorganismic mechanisms are any outside influences that help further (or lessen) our drive and motivations. These can include environmental influences, social, and cultural influences. The chapter ended talking about being able to regulate our physiological needs, and what happens when we are not able to self-regulate. For example, the book on page 105 discusses hunger, and how most of the time we are not feeling ravenous, and therefore we are able to regulate that specific physiological need. However, what if we were stuck in the forest with no food? After a while, we would begin to lose the ability to self-regulate our hunger needs, because we have no way to satiate our hunger. Another reason we can fail at self-regulating is that as humans, we may have unrealistic expectations, such as an ideal BMI, or a certain look that we may not be able to attain genetically.
One thing that I found very interesting in the book was the idea of a sexual script. Apparently, both men and women have an idea of how their typical sexual encounter will go. While men usually focus on the three main points of a sexual encounter, while women have looser scripts but tend to focus on more emotional intimacies. It interests me that two people’s scripts have to subconsciously match up, otherwise the sexual encounter will end up awkward and not good for either person. It interests me a lot that “sexual chemistry” is a real thing and not just something that we hear about in magazines such as Cosmo or Vogue. Sexual orientation was another short topic in the book that interested me and how there are so many rejected hypotheses about how a person’s sexual orientation develops. They mention that is a continuum, but I wonder what moves us up or down the continuum, is it genes or maybe societal and cultural factors?
I would like to learn more about extraorganismic mechanisms, such as societal pressures and how they affect our drives and motivation. What else do outside factors help influence? It was a good choice to read about the way the brain affects our drives and motivations in the last chapter, to follow it up with how our physiological needs are just as vital in our desires and needs. We cannot have one without the other and that is interesting that two completely different and complex systems can work side by side simultaneously so seamlessly.

Physiological needs
Psychosocial needs
Social needs
Sexual script
Sexual orientation

Chapter four spends majority of the time discussing our basic physiological needs which include hunger, thirst, and sex. A big chunk of our motivations as humans are to satisfy these three basic needs. It is very rare for a person to go an entire day without having anything to eat unless they are purposely avoiding it or they are distracted by other motivations to get things done. There may be days where I hardly eat anything at all, but I always eat something. Our bodies have a high motivation to eat food in order to provide an energy source for us to be able to function properly. It is also rare for humans to go without any kind of fluids in a day’s time span. We need to keep liquids in our bodies because we run out when we urinate or sweat. I am bad at drinking liquids unless I need it to wash down my food, but I will drink something at some point. Finally, sex is a basic need because we constantly have hormones secreting throughout or bodies. There are environmental cues and as a species we are basically here to reproduce to keep our species going. The chapter explains that the brain mechanism responsible for our three basic physiological needs is due to the hypothalamus. This brain region also focuses on maintaining the body’s homeostasis and involves emotional activity.
One of the most surprising or interesting information I learned in this chapter is that our bodies as a human species have a predetermined average weight that we are supposed to be at. This does make sense because almost all doctors probably have a chart that takes your height and then it says what your average weight should be. This also helps scale underweight, overweight, and obese for those that may need help with their body size problems. The average weight that it says basically means that your body is sitting comfortably in the way that it’s not working extra hard to either get its nutrients or energy or that it’s not working too hard to keep a steady heart rate and pump blood throughout the body. The biology behind why a person should be at a certain weight for their height makes sense and is really important which is something I should work on myself.
An interesting yet confusing concept to me is the part of the chapter that describes the facial metrics within the different sexes. I have learned in the past that one of the main aspects of physical attractiveness is symmetric features on the face such as eyes being the same size and having a proportionate nose. This makes sense to me, because it would be odd looking if a person had different sized eyes or something, but it is hard to realize that that the face is the main seller for being physically attracted to someone. This is surprising because there are a lot of other aspects that are important as well such as mind, body, skills, and so on. One part of this that does make sense is that in order to reproduce and keep our species going you may want to be with the most attractive person you know. This is that will create attractive offspring and so on so that others will keep wanting reproduce with them. I’ve also had a hard time understanding what is so attractive to men about a woman with an hour glass shaped figure. I know that it means they may seem more fertile (again the sex and reproduction basic needs), but I’m not sure what is so wrong with other bodies. Personally, I do not care if a guy has huge muscles or abs or has a perfect body. This may have to do with majority of men being a little more shallow and narrow minded when choosing a partner than women are. Women tend to care a lot more about status, finances, and overall good, protective personality.

Brain mechanisms

In chapter one, we learnt in the Hierarchy of the Four Sources of motivation that our internal motives are directed by needs, cognitions and emotions. Chapter 4 shows us what some of this internal motives arise from: 1) physiological needs that avoid bodily damage and maintain resources, 2) social needs that preserve our identities, beliefs, values and relationships and 3) psychological needs that orient people’s development toward growth and adaptation. We all share the same physiological needs because they are inherent within the strivings of human nature but psychological and social needs vary considerably from one person to the next. Psychological needs depend on the environment people were raised in, currently live in or attempt to live in and social needs are shaped by emotional or socialization histories.This chapter mainly focuses on the three physiological needs of hunger, thirst and sex.
The term drive is introduced and refers to a psychological discomfort that energize and direct our behavior in order to cover our biological deprivations and deficits. Our physiological needs follow a cyclical pattern with seven core processes, which are: need, drive,homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms and extraorganismic mechanisms. I am a little confused about some sections in this cycle, like in the multiple inputs/multiple outputs where in the example of the party, it mentions “our motivated behavior depends on the intensity of our hunger (drive) and not on the lure of the popcorn or on the easy availability of the food”. I understand that there are many other different variables that are hard to control or measure, but I do not understand why it directly considers the intensity of hunger as the main cause of the action.
I find a lot of analogies between physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms. The brain is a well structured organism with different parts that have specific functions and work under the influence of chemical messengers (neurotransmitters). The body works in a similar way, for example, in the short-term appetite mechanism, a body organ (the liver) monitors level of blood glucose and sends excitatory signals to the lateral hypothalamus which is the brain center responsible for generating the psychological experience of hunger.
The most interesting thing that I found in this chapter is how different males and females are in our physiological arousal and psychological desire. When sexual desire emerges from an arousal trigger, men show a triphasic sexual response cycle which consists of desire, arousal and orgasm. Women’s sexual desire cannot be predicted or explained in the context of their physiological need or arousal, but for highly responsive factors such as emotional intimacy.
To summarize, physiology and physiological reactions are very closely related with motivation; motivational states provide us the impetus to act in order to cover our needs.

Terms used:
hierarchy of the Four Sources of motivation
internal motives
physiological needs
social needs
psychological needs
psychological discomfort
negative feedback
multiple inputs/multiple outputs
intraorganismic mechanisms
extraorganismic mechanisms
lateral hypothalamus
physiological arousal

Chapter 4 described our basic needs as humans and the fundamentals of regulation regarding those needs. These needs are broken up into sub-categories of physiological, psychological, and social needs. Physiological needs such as thirst, hunger, and sex are inherent within our biological systems from the day we are born and therefore they are the same for everyone in order to sustain life. Psychological needs such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness derive from simple human nature, and deals with consciousness. Finally, social needs such as achievement, intimacy, and power arise from our personal experiences and therefore are fairly different from person to person. This need personally offered an insightful perspective on how we are different because I generally thought of human needs pretty uniform for us as humans, yet after reading this chapter I’ve learned they can be quite different. All of these needs generate energy, but they differ from each other further in their directional effects on behavior. The chapter went on to discuss how we regulate these needs throughout our daily lives and how these regulations are different depending on what category of need is being fulfilled.
One of the most interesting things to learn from this chapter was all the different factors that can play into driving our motivation to fulfill a certain need. One particular example of this was the environmental influences section discussing hunger on page 91. It explains that many environmental factors such as time of day, stress, and the sight, smell, appearance, and taste of food can change the way humans eat to satisfy their hunger. I also learned from a different source that even our sense of hearing can have a play in our satisfaction with eating. For example, when subjects were told to eat samples of both crispy and chewy bacon, subjects reported they had a better satisfaction eating the crispy bacon simply because of hearing the “crunch” while they consumed it. Whether it’s credible or not I do not know but it sort of makes sense. Anyway, it was interesting to learn that these factors can make eating food in a way that is different from just satisfying hunger. Another concept and really an integral part of the chapter was reading about Hull’s Drive theory. It’s fascinating to learn of the psychological cycle and how the deprivation of a need creates a drive to fulfill that need and the motivation behind it all is really enlightening.
To keep using the example of hunger and also dieting, the drive for hunger is mostly an automatic physiological reaction. When dieting is brought into the equation, it changes the motivation behind simply satisfying a biological need. Instead, people are motivated to control what they eat and how much of it to not only satisfy their hunger, but to meet new ends such as a nicer body, less stress, and an overall better health. The differences between physiological and brain mechanisms was personally difficult to understand for me. But from what I read, I believe it’s the fact that brain mechanisms basically tell our body the needs that are not being met and our physiological mechanisms give the road map and tools to achieve these needs.
Drive theory
Physiological, Psychological, and Social needs
Environmental influences
Physiological mechanisms

Physiological needs are about sustaining life, growth, and well-being, and is especially driven by a need to avoid damage (to the body, emotional or social damage). We can divide the motivational energy of physiological needs into deficiency versus growth motivation. The former are associated with unpleasant emotions we strive to relieve, while the latter with pleasant emotions we strive to get or sustain. Drive theory, following Hull, focused a great deal of attention on understanding the regulating mechanisms at play in physiological need. The actual bodily need (e.g., hunger) produces a psychological drive to meet that need. Still, the body tends to try to maintain homeostasis in functioning (a relatively stable equilibrium), and uses feedback mechanisms to send signals that motivate behavior towards meeting a need and avoiding the potential dangers of too much need fulfillment. So when one’s cellular water volume drops it creates osmometric thirst which leads to fluid seeking behavior to avoid the dangers of dehydration. Yet, too much water can be life threatening as well, so there are negative feedback mechanisms that inhibit continued efforts to find and consume fluids once water volume levels are restored to the homeostatic level. The causes of thirst can be multiple (e.g., a hot environment, exercise, or an extended period going without consuming), as can the means to satisfy the need (e.g., whether I consume food with high water content, drink water, stop exercising, or get out of the heat). The drive mediates between these multiple inputs and outputs. Beyond some of the internal regulatory mechanisms that send signals that drive psychological drive to meet a need, needs are impacted by other internal and external triggers that can impact behavior. For instance, I do not have to have low blood glucose levels to be motivated by hunger to consume food, but food appearance, the abundant availability, diversity of food, peer norms, can all lead me to consume even if I am no longer hungry.

With each of the three main physiological needs discussed (thirst, hunger, sex), there were often multiple regulatory mechanisms and processes, combined with environmental cues, that impacted motivational energy, direction of behavior, its intensity, changes in behavior, and at times disruption of the homeostatic regulating functions. Often the monitoring of homeostasis takes place in some organ peripheral to the brain (e.g., blood glucose being monitored by the liver or adipose tissue releasing the hormones ghrelin and leptin based on fat cell size dropping below or rising above homeostatic levels), which in turn send signals to the hypothalamus in the brain. But with thirst, the reading seems to imply that monitoring of cellular water volume is done in the hypothalamus itself. The hypothalamus in both cases is then triggering the motivational feeling of hunger and thirst. Yet even in the case of thirst, there are other internal signals being received that influence the motivation or inhibition to drink, such as number of swallows. Further, many environmental cues that motivate behavior are largely brain mediated (e.g., social expectations and pressure like some of the group eating dynamics) or are not as directly connected to the main organ system responsible for homeostatic monitoring (e.g., feeling cold increasing appetite).

I have had a lot of prior interest in hunger, and have read up a lot, so while this is an interest, there was little new to either pose a puzzle or pique my interest further. Thirst was more intriguing, especially when it came to the way in which osmometric thirst seemed to be significantly more important than volumetric thirst. While this made sense, I was a bit curious about the connection between the hypothalamus’ signals to the frontal lobes in the neocortex, as this later part of the brain is some of the more uniquely human comparatively. Given that thirst operates in animals without this evolutionarily newer structure, I wanted to know more about what particular wrinkles this caused in humans and other primates. I was also left wanting to know more about the connection between thirst and alcohol consumptions, as I work with clients with alcohol use disorders. Alcohol can both satisfy and trigger thirst, depending on a number of factors, and I found myself trying to think through the implications of the basic information the reading gave and wishing there was more detail that might be clinically useful.

The discussion of sex was both very interesting, and a bit unsatisfying. For instance, a lot of the studies cited seemed to be very culturally specific and not necessarily generalizable to humans as a whole. The facial metrics research, while it seems to indicate that there are some universal tendencies in what we find attractive across racial and ethnic differences, did not specify if the studies were done in the U.S., or had been replicated in non-Western cultures where norms of beauty are mediated through mass consumer culture. Similarly, the studies that looked at gender differences that both heterosexual and homosexual individuals would seem to more class, ethnicity, historical, and cultural specific than the studies cited seemed to imply. Again, I wanted to know how much this was considered in the studies. Finally, I struggled to try to reason out how sexual scripts worked. At one level, having the partners’ scripts match up or not leading to greater satisfaction of the sex need made sense. At another, I was puzzling the extent to which this scripts were malleable or resistant to disruption and reconfiguration? What about the sexual schemas and therefore sexual identity? Do they tend to remain fairly stable, and if they change, is this a relatively constant process or more sporadic responses to environmental cues or life stage changes?

physiological need, psychological drive, Drive theory, Hull, thirst, hunger, sex, regulation, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs, multiple outputs, hypothalamus, liver, osmometric vs. volumetric thirst, deficiency vs. growth motivation, facial metrics, sexual scripts, sexual schemas, alcohol, internal vs. external.

This chapter introduced us to the three types of needs (physiological needs, psychological needs, and social needs), giving a brief overview of the three types of needs, then focusing on explaining physiological needs. Physiological needs are vital to survival, and when the needs are not met, it can be dangerous and even life-threatening for the person experiencing the deficiency. The beginning of the chapter explained physiological needs through examples of hunger and thirst, and the end of the chapter focused more on sex. Physiological mechanisms deal with deficient biological conditions, utilizing drive and negative feedback to motivate people to start and stop behaviors. Brain mechanisms utilize neurotransmitters to send messages, and hormones affect motivation, emotion, and behavior. Hormones also influence sexual behavior, which falls under the physiological mechanisms. Physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms are both impacted by the environment and social situations.

There were quite a few things I found interesting in this chapter, one of them being the idea of the body regulating itself and homeostasis, specifically the part where it states that the body has a guide to how much it should weigh. When the person was in the weight study from the beginning of the chapter, it was interesting to think about the effects of hunger and feeling full as being motivators for the body regulating itself and getting what it needs to function properly. I also enjoyed the study where there were three groups of rats; they overfed one group, fed one of the groups normally, and restricted the diet of another group of rats. After being on the different diets, I was surprised to see that the rats eventually evened out to a normal weight. If there were no social influences, would this also happen with humans? I would be interested in knowing more about this idea, especially in relation to humans. If a body “knows” how much it should weigh, why do humans have such differing body weights? Are people who are not in the “normal” range ignoring their needs and drive or are their needs and drive somehow calibrated differently? Is it due to some people moving through the Need-Drive-Behavior Sequence faster or slower than others? Is it a lack of negative feedback? Do they differ in their stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus and ventromedial hypothalamus? I understand that it can be harmful to try to take conscious mental control over physiological needs, but how is a person supposed to maintain a healthy weight if their body is not set to maintain a healthy homeostasis? How do we know what's "healthy"?

Terms: Drive, needs, homeostasis, lateral hypothalamus, ventromedial hypothalamus, physiological needs, psychological needs, social needs

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