Book Selection


by Tuesday 

There are several options for you to choose from to do your book report. They are: Kite Runner, Mind at Work, Lives on the Boundary, Talent is Overrated, The Happiness Project, Intrinsic Motivation at Work, The Long Walk. You should choose a book that you are genuinely interested in, and consider this an opportunity to read something that you enjoy (even though it is also for a class). You can read reviews and summaries of these books at Amazon.

Each of these books are available at University Book and Supply next to the texts for this course. Many of these books are available at the UNI library and our local Cedar Falls and Waterloo Public Libraries. You may also purchase them at a local book seller like Barnes and Noble in Waterloo, or online at Amazon or other online merchants. Amazon also has digital options for your IPhone, Nook, or Kindle.

You should order/get your book THIS WEEK.

Guidelines for the book report are here: and also linked under the Course Resources tab of this website.

Review your calendar and respond to this blog post with a THURSDAY deadline sometime throughout the semester, and the title of your book.

On your due date, you will bring me a copy of your paper to class. Given that you are choosing your own deadline, no late papers are accepted. You may change your deadline throughout the semester as long as you provide 2 weeks notice. You must email your request to me, and if I approve it, include a copy of the email with your final report. You will also turn in a copy electronically to (information about this is linked under the Course Resources tab).

Allow sufficient time to read your book and write your report.

For this assignment: log in and comment with your book title and your due date


Book: Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: Talent is Overrated
Due Date: March 2nd

Book: Wild
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: Man's Search For Meaning
Due Date: March 29th

Book: Man's Search For Meaning
Due Date: March 29th

Book: Talent is Overrated
Due Date: March 29th

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: The happiness project

Due Date: March 29

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: Talent is Overrated
Due Date: March 29th

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: April 5th

Book: Talent Is Overrated
Due Date: March 29th

Book: The Long Walk
Due Date: April 5th

Book: Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: Wild
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: March 8th

Book: Wild
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: April 19th

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: March 22nd

Book:The Happiness Project
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: Wild
Due date: April 5th

Book: The happiness Project
Due Date: March 9th

Book: The happiness project
Due date: March 29th

Book: Talent Is Overrated
Due Date April 5th

Book: Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: Wild
Due Date: March 22nd

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: April 19th

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: March 29th

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: March 29th

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: April 5th

Book: Kit Runner

Due Date: March 8th

Book: Book: Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Due Date: March 1st

Book: The Happiness Project

Due Date: April 19th

Book: The Happiness Project
Due Date: March 26

Note: there were issues with the first attempt to create an account, so I sent this via email before the deadline.

Book: The Long Walk (I'm presuming this is by Rawicz, as there are several books with the same title).
Due date: March 29

Book: Talent is Overrated
Due Date: April 5th

Book: The Kite Runner
Due: March 2nd

Book: The Happiness Project
Due: April 5th

Book:The Long Walk
Due: April 5th

The Happiness Project

Due: April 5th

Book: The Happiness Project
Due: April 5th

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