Read Chapter 4
Summarize the chapter. What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter? Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now? How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation? What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
This chapter discussed the physiological needs of thirst, hunger, and sex. The chapter focused on Hull's biologically based drive theory. Seven fundamental processes were discussed including: physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extraorganismic influences. The chapter discussed thirst, hunger, and sex as they relate to each of these processes.
I think the most interesting thing I learned in this chapter had to do with the section on "Facial Metrics." It is intriguing to me to learn about what men and women think are attractive and why they think that. It is interesting to think that we find faces attractive if they are metrical. On page 101, figure 4.10 portrays this concept well.
Physiological needs are the are the physical requirements for human survival. Thus, it is motivating to drink water when we are thirsting, or eat when we are hungry. Physiology tells us if we wait to long to do those things then we will suffer and could ultimately face death. Survival is the motivating factor.
Physiological mechanisms are different than brain mechanisms because physiological mechanisms focus on how we function when faced with certain situations such as feeling thirsty or hungry. Brain mechanisms control everything we do, but as it relates to motivation and emotion, the brain takes into consideration the tasks someone is completing and how they feel about that task. These responses are triggered by the release of chemicals. Physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms are related, but they are very different concepts.
Chapter four takes an in-depth look at physiological needs focusing on the drive theory. This theory has seven biologically based processes including: Physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms. Our motivated behaviors depend on the intensity of our hunger, thirst, or need for sex.These three things (thirst, hunger, and sex) are influenced not only by physiological and psychological forces, but also by external environmental ones. This chapter was much easier to understand than chapter 3, and more intuitive.
The most interesting thing I learned was the effects dieting has on the human body. Because dieting is under physiological control, cognitively trying to affect it creates physiological imbalances. When a dieter consumes a high-calorie food, it unleashes bingeing.
Psychological and physiology reactions occur because our homeostatic balance and survival depend on them. This relates to motivation because the need for water, food, or sex (motivational states) depends on psychological and physiology reactions to create the drive and energy to fulfill those needs. There are many motivating elements that create our physiology balance.
Physiological mechanism differ from brain ones because they focus on certain actions that we must take to fulfill our needs instead of unconscious biological processes determining our motivations and emotions. Brain mechanisms are affected by a host of stimuli, but are set into motion by chemical reactions. Physiological mechanisms are inherent within the strivings of human nature and healthy development. The two are related in that brain mechanisms produce the motivation to fulfill a physiological drive for hunger, thirst, or sex.
Chapter four focuses on how physiological needs, biological systems and motivational states effect on another. It also targets specific needs such as thirst, hunger and sex.
The most interesting part of the chapter for me was the section that focused on the dimensions of a person’s face and how its features and where they are placed can deem them attractive or not. (Pg. 100) This section went on further to explain what makes men’s and women’s faces attractive to others. For women their most attractive physical, facial features are their neonatal features. (Large eyes, small nose, small chin.) For men the most attractive facial features are their sexual maturity features. (Thick eyebrows and prominent chins.)
Physiological and psychological reactions both relate to motivation. Physiological needs include thirst, hunger and sex. For example: If you’re dying of thirst and there doesn’t seem to be a source of water anywhere you will go and search for a water source until your thirst is satisfied. Psychological needs include autonomy, competence and relatedness. Everyone has these three states within them. For example: Relatedness is basically the need to belong. Regardless if you are an introvert or an extrovert you need to be accepted by other people.
The difference between Physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms is that the brain controls things that we do and also processes how someone feels about what they’re doing and considers the task at hand in general. Physiological mechanisms are more about how someone functions in a particular situation. (Ex: If someone is starving to death or is extremely dehydrated.)
Chapter 4 focuses on the physiological needs of humans, and the psychological processes that occur in the brain. The chapter focuses on specific needs such as thirst, hunger, and sex, and the reasons that we partake in these actions. This chapter uses Hull's drive theory, and the stages of motivation to satisfy a need. The process which is discussed is one that will regularly repeat throughout the entire life of a person. The seven fundamental processes introduced in chapter 4 were: physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs, intraorganismic influences and extraorganismic influences.
I thought the most interesting material covered in chapter 4 was that of facial metrics, it breaks down the subconscious thought processes we undergo countless times throughout the day. It was interesting to learn the psychology behind attractiveness, something we rarely think in-depth about, and usually base it more off of impulse and emotion.
The only thing that seems confusing is the different figures in the book, such as figure 4.6 which depicts the homeostatic mechanism, and figure 4.7 which depicts the comprehensive model of hunger regulation.
Psychological and physiology needs are those which we need to fulfill in order to survive thus, survival is our motivation, which is required for those needs to be satisfied . According to drive theory, our homeostatic balance is threatened when our physiological needs are not met, and in order to satisfy them we become motivated and moved to action by using energy to complete and action.
I think the main difference between physiological mechanisms and psychological mechanisms is that physiological mechanisms are largely in the unconscious of our brains, we are driven to do things that satisfy those needs without really giving much thought to the actions they require. For example if we are hungry, the physiological mechanisms in our body are really only concerned with the necessary nutrients acquire by the food in order to stay alive/maintain homeostasis. On the other hand, the psychological mechanisms in our body are concerned with the environmental factors of influence, such as calorie count, appearance of food, the taste preference.
* Chapter 4 discussed the seven fundamentals of regulation within the body: physiological need, physiological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic mechanism and extraorganismic mechanism. Three physiological needs are thirst, hunger, and sex. In addition, the drive theory was explained as Clark Hull developed it. Drive is the psychological discomfort that an individual experiences which then causes them to be motivated to act in a certain way. For all three of these physiological needs there are both intraorganismic mechanisms and extraorganismic mechanisms. Intraorganismic mechanisms explain the role of the brain, hormones, and organs that affect the rise and fall in drive, and the extraorganismic mechanisms explain the environmental influences that affect the drive, such as social, cognitive, environmental, and cultural influences. Thirst was explained in that it has negative feedback systems: the mouth, stomach, and cells that regulate when to stop drinking, and the Hypothalamus and kidneys are responsible for the psychological and biological sources that motivate on to drink. Hunger was explained with three models: short-term physiological models, long-term physiological models, cognitive-social-environmental models. Each of these models went into detail about the initiation, factors, and environmental influences of appetite and hunger. Sex was discussed in regards to hormones that regulate and are responsible for the physiological reactions as well as the brain structures that are the source of the motivation. The chapter also discussed the attractiveness of men and women and how those factors are related to an individual's drive for sex. Certain faces are defined as more attractive than others. And then also, men and women have different sources for sexual arousal: men are focused more on the physical aspect and women are more focused on the relational intimacy. Finally, the chapter talked about the consistent failure of people who try to regulate their physiological needs. It said that to have success, one should focus on realistic standards, long-term goals, and monitoring ones state.
* The most interesting thing I learned was about hunger. As I was reading it, it made me think about times that I have eaten for reasons besides being physically hungry, and I thought of times where I was truly deprived of food for long periods of time. It amazed me that there are so many factors related to hunger and appetite: short term, long term, environment, peer pressure and social context... I have never thought about all of those facets before!
* Physiological reactions relates to motivation in that we all have physiological needs that need to be satisfied. Depending on how depleted or satisfied we are in those needs causes us to experience a drive to either add or take away from those needs. Our brain structures, hormones, and organs all react to how satisfied those needs have been met and give us motivation to act.
* Physiological mechanisms are different than brain mechanisms in that the thirst, hunger, and sex needs are biological needs essential for life, growth, and well-being and they are satisfied and initiated by sources other than specific brain structures. Brain mechanisms each have a specific function and source for an aspect of motivation. These influences are a part of the motivation process for physiological needs, but physiological mechanisms such as the hormones and organs are engaged in the process as well.
Chapter 4 presents that physiological needs, biological systems, motivational states, and behavior act together in order to maintain stable physiological regulation. Motivational states work to move the body into action in order to prevent biological and psychological damage. Therefore the essential condition that is necessary for growth, life, and well-being is called a need. Motives arise to prevent physiological damage, such as sex, hunger, and thirst. Motives also arise to prevent psychological damage so it can continue to grow and adapt. There are also social needs that arouse the motivational states. In order to keep our relationship to the world, we keep our identities, values, and interpersonal relationships alive. A need can be something you need less of, not only need more of. They can be deficiencies or growths. The model of need-drive-behavior sequence is a cyclical pattern that plays out the rise and fall of the psychological drive. The psychological need occurs when there are tissue and bloodstream deficits that are unmet and intense. They create life-threatening emergencies. The psychological drive adheres to the emergencies and motivates the individual to goal-directed behaviors that will reduce the drive. The goal is to maintain homeostasis, or a state of equilibrium. Negative feedback stops the behavior, such as when a person has slept enough or has eaten enough. Multiple inputs/Multiple outputs where drive arises from a number of courses (inputs) and motivates many goal-directed behaviors (outputs). Intraorganismic mechanisms are the biological regulatory system that acts together to activate, maintain, and terminate the physiological need that underlies the drive. Extraorganismic mechanisms are the environmental influences that work in activating, maintaining, and terminating psychological drive.
I found it interesting that due to set-point theory, each individual has a biologically determined body weight homeostasis or “fat thermostat” that is set by genetics. Therefore, hunger satiety and activation depend on the person’s size of fat cells, not the number of fat cells. That is a reason why when someone sees an obese person they should realize much of their problem may be genetic, not because the person is “lazy.”
I was confused when I read about how needs differ through its directional effort on behavior. It claimed out a hunger need is different from a thirst need because its direction and action toward seeking out food rather than water. I can only assume that the physiological need for hunger is more overpowering than the need for water. Both are quite essential and I’ve never been that deprived that I could compare if the need for water or food is more overpowering than one another. So I sort of understand but it is kind of fuzzy.
When a physiological need is in a state of life-threatening emergencies, it kicks in motivational states that override the unconsciousness. Physiological needs include biological systems, such as hormones, brain circuits, and bodily organs. The drive theory motivates the psychological drive when the physiological deprivations/deficits create biological needs. The psychological discomfort stems from the deficit in the biological need and the discomfort is persistent and underlies the physiological deficit.
Physiological mechanisms differentiate from brain mechanisms by activating the psychological drive in order to motivate the individual’s behavior to fulfill needs. The physiological mechanisms arouse the brain mechanisms in case of life-threatening emergencies or the verge of emergency. Whether it is a deficit need or a growth need, the psychological mechanisms communicate with the brain mechanisms in order to motivate behaviors to activate, maintain, or terminate psychological drive and ensure. They work together to ensure survival.
Terms: physiological needs, biological systems, motivational states, psychological drive, need, motive, physiological deprivation/deficits, set-point theory, model of need-drive-behavior, psychological need, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, extraorganismic mechanisms
The body has many self-regulatory guides, and when these guides are upset, ignored, or outright rejected, motivational states arise. Such motivational states (hunger, misery) will continue, and intensify, until the individual acts to correct the upset regulatory guides. Chapter 4 emphasizes that physiological needs, biological systems, motivational states, and behavior act in concert with one another to achieve stable physiological regulation. A person’s physiological needs include thirst, hunger, and sex. A need is any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. There are different types of needs organized within a need structure. Physiological needs (thirst, hunger, sex) are inherent within the workings of biological systems. Psychological needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness) are inherent within the strivings of human nature and healthy development. Social needs (achievement, intimacy, power) are internalized or learned from our emotional and socialization histories. The regulatory process for thirst, hunger, and sex, the chapter presented seven fundamental processes: physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feed, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extraorganismic influences.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
The most interesting thing in chapter four was the section about evolutionary basis of sexual motivation. It’s intriguing how sexual motivation and behavior have an evolutionary function and basis. It’s clear that men and women have different views when it comes to sexual motivation. Compared to women, men have shorter-term sexual motivations, impose less stringent standards, value sexual accessibility cues such as youth, and value chastity in mates. Compared to men, women value signs of man’s resources (spends money, gives, lives an extravagant lifestyle), social status and ambition, and promising career potential. Men find physical attractiveness and youth important in selecting women partners, while women find earning potential important in selecting men partners.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
The concept that was a little confusing in my opinion was the section title, hunger. I found this chapter really helpful, even if it was a little unclear, because people spend millions of dollars on weight loss pills and pills that regulate your appetite. Hunger and eating are affected, by cognitive, social, and environmental influences. It is so mind blogging that so many factors can regulate how much food a person consumes. I guess that is why obesity is a big problem in the U.S., it’s estimated that 65% of American adults are overweight with 35% of all adults qualifying as obese or as morbidly obese.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Together, physiological and psychological provide a range of motives that serve the individual’s overall life, growth, and well-being. The distinction between physiological and psychological needs are psychological needs exist within human nature and are, therefore, inherent in everyone and physiological needs involve biological systems such as neural brain circuits, hormones, and bodily organs. Physiological needs constitute life-threatening emergencies and therefore generate motivational states that can dominate consciousness. Psychological needs involve central nervous system processes.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms?
The brain controls all your bodily functions and all motivational and emotional states involve brain participation. The physiological mechanism is what we do in certain situation, like thirst, hunger and sex. The brain has cognitive and intellectual functions, such as thinking, learning, and decision making. The brain also generates cravings, appetites, needs, desires, pleasure, and the full range of the emotions. Physiological needs describe a deficient biological condition. Physiological needs occur with tissue and bloodstream shortfalls, as from water loss, nutrient deprivation, or physical injury.
Chapter four specifically discussed physiological needs. These needs include hunger, thirst and sex. These needs are essential for life, growth, and well being. Within these needs, when they are not met or satiated, motivational states provide impulses to act before damage can occur to our psychological and bodily well-being. This chapter introduced the cyclical process that has seven fundamental processes: physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic influences and extraorganismic influences.
An interesting fact I learned when reading about thirst was the, “cultural prescription” to drink eight glasses of water a day. However, there is no scientific evidence to back that up because 20% of our water intake comes from food while the other comes from any other beverage. I think that nutritionists and health experts “prescribe” eight glasses of water to prevent people from ingesting other beverages. If we drink eight large glasses of water, we may be too full to eat food we don’t need or drink a pop that has harmful chemicals and sugar in it. Another interesting fact I learned was how the temperature, specifically cold, can affect appetite, which is why restaurants are often chilly to make the consumer hungrier.
When I read about the cyclical pattern and the seven core processes, I became slightly confused about multiple inputs/multiple outputs involving drive. I think I just need to find a different way of defining how drive intervenes in the input stimuli to direct the output responses.
Physiological reactions relate to motivation because they include three essential needs: hunger, thirst, and sex, that are essential for the human body to function. When these physiological needs are not met and are in danger of damage, motives arise from the psychological part of our body to motivate us to satisfy the need.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms from brain mechanisms is that physiological mechanisms have a circular process that involves levels of deficiency and growth. Hunger and thirst is a physiological need that our bodies need in order to survive, when that need is deficient, our brain then sends signals that include hormones released into our bodies to motivate us to satiate these needs.
Terms: Satiated, Cyclical Process, Physiological need, Psychological drive, Homeostasis, Negative feedback, Multiple inputs/outputs, Intraorganismic influences, Extraorganismic influences, Input stimuli, Output responses, Motives, Deficiency
-This chapter focused on the relationships between the needs your body experiences and the behaviors which arise from some of these needs. The three main types of needs are social, psychological and physiological. The line between social and psychological can oftentimes be very similar, but I distinguished the differences as being those of ones that are interpersonal and intrapersonal. I know that is an over-generalization, but it works for my own understanding.
-Needs can arise from the physiological state in many patterns. One pastern can be summarized by a behavior (not eating) causing a chemical response (release Gherlin) causing a reaction and interpretation in the brain (must get more calories), releasing more chemicals (I am hungry!) causing a new behavior to emerge (eat unhealthy high caloric foods). Another pattern is stimulus to senses (attractive individual walks by) causes a chemical release in the brain (hello, testosterone!), which then causes arousal (increasing the testosterone and my goodness, they are looking attractive!) which increases desire (I neeeeed you!) and leads to a behavior (we should.. um... hangout... maybe?). Sometimes I need to create my own humor to make sure I don't fall asleep when I am reading. -I consider the brain to be the leader and main operator in the body. The brain analyzes all the various stimulus and does not have time to be paying attention to how much food or water is being taken in. Thus, we have these physiological mechanisms that allow the brain to have a break. The physiological mechanisms exist to, evolutionarily speaking, give us an edge by enabling us to focus on more important things in our environment for our survival. If we were constantly monitoring our body's homeostasis we could not focus on predators or threats, likewise, we could not focus on the positives of life like our families or sexual needs because our minds would be preoccupied with self-regulation.
-Key Terms: Needs – Psychological, Social, Physiological. Testosterone. Arousal. Desire. Behavior. Stimulus. Homeostasis. Mechanisms. Self-regulation.
This chapter discusses the physiological needs including hunger, thirst, and sex. Seven physiological needs are discussed using the drive theory as well. Motivation works to move the body into action in order to prevent aversive situations or states and to grow and adapt. The whole goal of the body is to maintain homeostasis. It achieves this balance through negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, and intra- and extra-organismic mechanisms.
An interesting part of this chapter for me was the section about the evolutionary basis of sexual motivation. Men tend to have short-term sexual motivations when compared to women and also tend to impose less stringent standards on their partners. Men look at a woman's sexual accessibility cues like youth and number of sexual partners. Women tend to look more at a male's resources, social status, and career goals. Men focus more on looks and good genetic cues in order to pass along their DNA--their family name. Women are looking for a man who will be able to raise and support her and her children.
The part of this chapter that was slightly confusing for me was when it discussed how needs differ through their directional effort on behavior. The example given was hunger and how it is different than thirst because it's direction is towards the seeking out of food instead of water. While this concept makes sense to me I would think that because both states are designed to give the body essential resources their directional effort would be the same.
Brain mechanisms control our behavior but the drive behind this behavior are emotions and motivations. Physiological mechanisms differ in that they deal with needs on a more physiological level
Terms: Brain mechanisms, physiological mechanisms, directional effort, sexual motivation, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, and intra- and extra-organismic mechanisms, homeostasis,
Summarize the chapter.
Every person has needs, which are the conditions that are necessary for life, growth, and well-being. These needs can be divided into the physiological, psychological, and social needs. Chapter 4 focuses on the physiological needs, which include thirst, hunger, and sex. Thirst is considered to be a physiological need because our bodies continually lose water through perspiration, urination, breathing, bleeding, vomiting, and sneezing. Hunger is affected by cognitive, social and environmental influences. With thirst and hunger there are different parts of the brain that release hormones to notify the person when they are full, hungry, thirsty, or no longer thirsty. Hormones also influence human sexual behavior. Androgens contribute to the sexual motivation of males while estrogens contribute to the sexual motivation in females. Within sexuality, there are two different explanations for a person’s sexual orientation and they are due to genetics and the environment.
Towards the end of the chapter there was a section on self-regulating physiological needs. It discusses that people are said to fail at self-regulation for three primary reasons. 1. They do not consider how strong the biological urges can be when they are not currently experiencing them. 2. People can lack, have inconsistent, conflicting, unrealistic, or inappropriate standards. 3. When distracted, preoccupied, overwhelmed, or intoxicated they do not adequately monitor what they are doing.
Drive was also another topic discussed within this chapter. The cyclical pattern of psychological drive involves need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
I found the information on the male and female facial-metrics to be the most interesting. This is where people judge the attractiveness of another person’s facial characteristics. From some of these characteristics, people determine the level of attractiveness within three different categories—neonatal features, sexual maturity features, and expressive features. Neonatal features are associated with the newborn, such as large eyes and a small nose. These features are associated with attractive nonverbal messages of youth and agreeableness. Sexual maturity features are different for males and females. Prominent cheekbones for both genders and thick facial and eyebrow hair are associated with messages of strength, status, and competency for males. A person is believed to display expressive features if they have a wide smile or mouth and higher-set eyebrows, and these individuals are believed to have more likely to express happiness and openness.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
I was able to follow and understand most of the information from this chapter, but I am a little confused about the concept of physiological regulation when it comes to thirst.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Our physiological needs, such as thirst, hunger, and sex, involve the biological systems of neural brain circuits, hormones, and bodily organs. Each of these needs generate energy. This energy is needed to help a person continue to exist. Without these needs being satisfied, an individual could face discomfort or death in extreme cases. The physiological needs are the basic necessities to survival. This chapter informs us of the parts of the body that is functioning to obtain the physiological needs. From this, we can imagine begin to imagine what a person would do if they were starving or dying of thirst.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
Both physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms are important. The main different between the two are that the brain is actively controls the general processes and monitors thinking, feelings, and emotions, etc, while the physiological mechanisms can determine how a person seeks to satisfy different biological needs. With physiological mechanisms there are different parts of the body involved in helping a person realize they need something. For example, the kidneys are engaged in informing the person when he/she is dehydrated. The hypothalamus monitors intracellular shrinkage, which releases a hormone into the blood plasma to signal a message to the kidneys to conserve water by producing urine that is concentrated.
First this chapter looks at hunger and how it’s more than your body needing food, it also has to do with things like taste and smell. It talks about how it’s hard to gain weight since your body fights it and it’s very uncomfortable. It’s even harder though to loss that weight back since your body tells you that it wants food. It also looks at physiological, social and psychological needs and their differences. Sexual motivation relies on multiple factors and is different for men and women.
I thought it was interesting that it’s actually even hard to gain weight. It’s harder to lose weight but when you try and gain weight, your body will fight with you.
I was a little unclear on what they were talking about with intraorganismic mechanisms and extraorganismic mechanisms. I get that extraorganismic mechanisms has to do with environmental influences but I was a little unsure on what intraorganismic mechanisms are and how they relate to each other.
Physiology and physiological reactions play a part in how motivated you are. If you biologically need something, it makes you have more motivation to do it since your bodies sending you signs that you need it.
Physiology is something your body you biologically need like hunger and thirst. Brain mechanisms are what happen in your brain to make you motivated.
Summarize the chapter.
This chapter went over physiological needs and how those needs lead to psychological drives that influence how we decide to interact with the world to satisfy those needs. The needs discussed included thirst, hunger and sex/attraction. The chapter also discussed how these needs can be activated or deactivated as well as how social factors can play a role in our behaviors.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
The most interesting thing I learned in this chapter was that being in the presence of others can make a person consume more food than if they were alone and that things such as food consumption/appetite are not governed entirely by physiological processes.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
Right now I don't feel I fully understand settling points. I think that it places a heavy emphasis on external factors like culture/society instead of set point theory placing an emphasis on internal factors such as genetics. However I don't feel I fully understand the differences between them and whether or not settling point theory would assert that on some level eating habits are choices people make.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiological reactions are very important to motivation. In order to maintain health our body needs things in order to continue living and functioning properly. Physiological reactions are the ways in which our body is able to communicate these needs to us. For example if we experience being thirsty, we know that our body needs water and the experience of being thirsty (also depending on how thirsty) will lead us to have the psychological drive to act or interact with the world in such away that we can satisfy that thirst. Our physiological reactions would also help inform us of when we need to stop drinking so as not to disrupt our body's homeostasis. These physiological reactions also allow humans to be motivated to eat/stop eating and motivate humans to have sex.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
Brain mechanisms dealt with how the brain gives humans their ability to think, have needs, desires and emotions.
Psychological Mechanisms deal with how physiological states of the body can influence the brain to in turn give us certain needs, emotions, desires and drives.
Chapter 4 explores the relationship between our physiological needs and our behavior. Physiological needs involve our biological systems, which work to regulate a stable environment within our bodies. The physiological needs discussed are thirst, hunger, and sex. The Chapter discusses how a physiological need creates a psychological drive, putting a behavior into action. There is a cycle of seven core processes which impact behavior; need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms. This process is continually repeated to meet physiological needs. When we try to exert mental control over our physiological needs it is called self-regulation. Self-regulation is only successful when realistic standards, long-term goals, and self-monitoring are imposed.
I was interested to learn that when the mass of fat stored increases above its homeostatic balance, adipose tissue secretes leptin to reduce food intake and promote weight loss motivation. I thought this was interesting because it seems much easier to override this motivation than it is for the opposite scenario, where the body recognizes there is not enough fat mass and feels hunger, even though both are physiological needs. The body is very resilient. It’s unfortunate for the obesity epidemic that leptin therapy will not work due to our ability to quickly develop a resistance to leptin.
Physiology and physiological reactions have a large impact on motivation. The body has a natural tendency to maintain a stable internal state, this is called homeostasis. When the body needs something to maintain this stable state it causes us to be motivated toward a certain behavior, such as feeling hunger to eat or thirst to drink. Unmet physiological needs can mean death; therefore these motives can be very dominating in order to preserve the body.
When comparing brain and physiological mechanisms, brain mechanisms consider more motives from different variables than physiological mechanisms. Physiological mechanisms are specifically concerned with survival. Brain mechanisms involve emotions, the brain cares about whether you want to do a behavior and what your mood is while doing it.
This chapter dealt with a person's physiological needs and how that relates to our motivation. When these needs are not met, our body is not at homeostasis and certain motivations come up. A needs is any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. When these needs are met, a person's well-being is upheld. If, on the other hand, the needs are not met, damage is produced that disrupts the body's physiological and biological processes. An easy way to think of this is to consider what happens when someone experiences thirst. There is a certain process that takes place and that can be thought of as the process of regulation. After someone drinks some water, they are satisfied and no longer are motivated to drink anymore. Once the calories are expended and the water evaporates, physiological imbalances begin. If the imbalances are left alone, the body begins to crave water. Over time, the need for water can intensify so tension and restlessness are experienced. Once they are motivated by the drive, they engage in drinking behavior. The need is satisfied and quiets the physiological drive through drive reduction.
I found the section on multiple inputs and multiple outputs to be interesting. A drive can be satisfied through a variety of ways. The example given in the book is what a person does when they are cold. They can either put on a coat, turn up the heat, cover up with a blanket, or shiver. All of these have the same end product which is to raise their body temperature. I also found facial metrics to be really interesting, although that is one of the things that was kind of confusing to me. When you think of what makes someone attractive, you really don't think about their facial features cuing a perception of youthfulness/agreeableness, strength/happiness.
The main thing that was unclear to me was the facial metrics. I also found the whole hunger section to be confusing. The chapter discussed the difference between short-term appetite and long-term energy balance. The short-term appetite cues the body to eat or to initiate meals, how big your meal is, and when you decide to stop eating. The long-term energy balance was unclear to me, but the authors tied it into set point theory. Set point theory states that every person has a specific weight that they should be at, essentially. There are many individual differences with genetics and weight, and with this theory, it is not about the number of fat cells in the body, but the size of those cells that activate hunger or satiety.
Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation because there are individual differences. Every person has the same need to satisfy hunger and thirst, but everyone is motivated differently by what their body is telling them. If our physiological needs are not met, our body can be damaged. When we are experiencing life-threatening emergencies, it is motivating to do something about that to stop it from happening.
Physiological mechanisms focus more on how we respond in a certain situation or event. If we are thirsty, we drink because it is satisfying to us and to our bodies. Brain mechanisms are more affected by chemical reactions in our body. We respond a certain way be the chemicals that are released.
Terms: homeostasis, need, drive reduction, multiple inputs, multiple outputs, facial metrics, set point theory
This chapter is all about what makes a certain need physiological. The main physiological needs are thirst, hunger, and sex. We experience things beyond our control when the body is going what it can to satisfy our needs. Needs are “any condition essential and necessary for life, growth, and well being. These uncontrolled experiences would be grumpiness or drowsiness when the body needs to eat. Then the chapter goes on to discuss “drive theory”. This theory includes negative feedback meaning drive activated behavior, but negative feedback stops it. This is very important. Think about being thirsty. You drink, but it nothing in your body told you “Hey, I’m not thirsty anymore!” you would never stop. Drive theory applies to thirst and hunger similar to the way it applies to sex. There is a sexual response cycle and women usually have more complex sexual motives. Paying attention to your bodies needs is important. Trying to consciously have mental control over your bodies’ physiological needs usually does more harm than good according to the book.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
I found the most interesting that physical attractiveness is the strongest external factor that can affect sexual motivation. That makes sense because no one would want to have sex with someone they thought was ugly, but I’m surprised that is the strongest factor. What is so interesting about it all is that attractive means something different in different cultures and how women rate male attractiveness less strictly than both sexes rate women attractiveness. It is interesting to me what makes up the difference and how that changes our sexual motivation.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiological reaction relates to motivation, because satisfying you physiological needs created the ultimate motive. Motivation to stay alive is usually going to happen whether you want it to or not. Physiological reactions create a need to be motivated to stay alive. Need for sex is included in that because without sex our species as a whole would dissipate.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
Physiological mechanisms are different than brain mechanisms because they are reacting to actually bodily needs. They are your body reacting to what it needs to do to stay alive and well. Controlling such things could be dangerous. Brain mechanisms are set off by and environmental event causing you to want something. Brain mechanisms are focused towards completing a task that may seem important, but is not something the body must have to live, grow, and have a well-being.
This chapter introduced physiological, psychological, and social needs and emphasized the physiological. Describing thirst, hunger, and sexual appetite, the chapter walks the reader through the whole process: Satiation, physiological deprivation, bodily need, psychological need, goal-directed motivated behavior, consummatory behavior, and reduced drive. Even though physiological needs are the least complex in terms of motivation, they are increasingly more difficult to understand once we introduce the impact of psychological and social needs on our physiological needs. In the real world, these motivational factors are so intricately connected that it can be difficult to completely extract them. The chapter, for example, describes the physiological process of hunger, but if and how we satiate this desire depends on psychological factors like competence (e.g, "I am dieting, I should be competent enough to follow through and eat healthily") and social factors (e.g., "Society says I should have X body type and I need to eat accordingly").
I learned a lot in this chapter. Though in anatomy classes we might learn about the functions of different organs, we don't necessarily learn about the order of the process at large. The most interesting part of this, however, is the relationship between these systems. The "Multiple Input/Output" theory shows that more than one factor is at play, even once we escape the psychological and social models. The processes of hunger and thirst are a lot more complicated than I would have thought-- multiple parts of the body work together to inform the individual that he has consumed enough fluid, and hunger is influenced by the short term appetite resulting from differing glucose levels and the long term energy balance of lipids. Even so, the healthy body is sophisticated enough that it organically returns to homeostasis whenever shifted too far past the threshold.
I'm unclear about a few things I read at the beginning of the chapter: First, it was difficult for me to see some of the constructs listed under "Psychological Needs" as being purely psychological. It's easy for me to see how relatedness, for example, is a social need. After all, if there weren't other people around, with whom might one relate? Another question I had related to the notion of growth-based needs and deficiency-based needs. The chapter says that deficiency generates tension, while growth needs generate positive emotions. It seems that this chapter is discussing deficiency in terms of physiology and growth in terms of personal psychological development. Either way, the term "growth-based needs" contains the word "needs". We cannot posit that these needs will necessarily be met. Insofar as they are not, why would they prompt "interest, enjoyment, and vitality"? I may have a growth-based need to flourish in my academic, personal, and social life, but that doesn't inherently give me pleasure until those needs are met.
Physiology plays the most primitive and prominent role in our motivation. To put needs into perspective, I think of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. One cannot afford to work on self-actualization when basic needs such as water are food unmet. These physiological needs will effectively *shut down* any psychological and social needs in and create a kind of tunnel vision for the individual experiencing physiological deprivation. Since only more evolved creatures have psychology, it makes sense that it's reserved for higher order functioning, with the assumption that basic survival needs are met. Still yet, psychology can play a prominent role on physiology and even impact (to some degree) what kind of physiological acts we take part in. One may work on the direct voluntary behaviors the book described such as self-regulation and mindfulness to limit his physiological needs. Similarly, another person may limit the way he responds to sexual stimuli due to psychological feelings like guilt. (Think of Freud's superego)
The difference between brain mechanisms and physiological mechanisms is that the physiological mechanisms deal specifically with basic survival needs. The brain concerns itself with all the functions of the human being-- which involves every function and motivation: physiological, psychological, social, and perhaps other realms scientists have yet to identify.
Summarize the chapter.
This chapter discussed our basic physiological needs as humans, and the steps that our body takes to alleviate them. These basic physiological needs involve thirst, hunger, and sex. To achieve homeostasis, we are driven both physiologically and psychologically engage in activities that satiates a biological need. When the need is fulfilled, the body receives negative feedback, telling it to stop. These bodily systems make up our intraorganismic mechanisms, and environmental influences that play a part in our drive are known as extraorganismic mechanisms. As humans, we have limited control over our base drives for thirst, hunger, and sex, and this is called self-regulation. Unfortunately, self regulation is very difficult to maintain for an extended period of time.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
I found the set-point theory of hunger interesting. It states that at a very young age, our body genetically decides what our weight “should” be. Because of this, those who “programed” to be a particular weight will find it incredibly difficult to deviate far from that weight, either above or below. If an individual is attempting to diet, the body will go into starvation mode and make it very difficult for the person to ignore the physiological cues; the body is commanding them to eat. The opposite is true for someone trying to gain a large amount of weight as well. The body will turn off its appetite if too much food is consumed. As interesting at this theory is, I find the “settling points” theory to be more realistic. This theory states that consummatory behavior, as well as cognitive, emotional, social, and cultural conditions, all play a role in a “settling point” that contributes to the weight of an individual. I believe that this second theory is a more accurate portrayal of human weight, and helps to paint the picture of the obesity problem in America.
Were there concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
I was able to follow the content in the chapter with little issue. The only aspect that was more difficult for me was keeping the roles of the different brain structures separate.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
According to drive theory, when we are physiologically deficit in something (such as food or water), our brain sends us signals that warn us to remedy the situation quickly. For example, when our total water volume falls by 2%, our brain tells us that we are thirsty. After receiving the message, we consciously act in a behavior that will alleviate the drive to drink. If this message is left unattended, dehydration can occur. The physiological reactions in our body motivate us into acting in ways to satisfy these urges.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms?
Physiological mechanisms are fired up when something is actively needed in the body, such as food or water. These mechanisms are not under our conscious control, and are therefore unconcerned with what kind of liquid or nutrients are ingested, as long as they are present and the need is satisfied. Brain mechanisms, on the other hand, can differentiate whether eating a healthy meal or a greasy pizza is a better option for ingesting said nutrients. Brain mechanisms allow us to engage in a healthy amount of self-regulation.
Terms: Homeostasis, satiate, negative feedback, intraorganismic/extraorganismic mechanisms, self-regulation, set-point theory, settling-points theory, drive theory
This chapter focuses on physiological needs such as thirst, hunger, and sex. According to drive theory, physiological deprivations and deficits give rise to bodily need states, which in turn give rise to psychological drive, which motivates the consummatory behavior that results in drive reduction. This cycle repeats itself. This chapter also introduced fundamental processes like physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extraorganismic influences. People try to exert conscious mental control over our physiological needs and often fail. This is because they underestimate how powerful a motivational force biological urges can be when they are not currently expecting them. In addition, people lack standards or have inconsistent standards. Also, people fail to monitor what they are doing, as they become distracted from their cognitive regulation and default to pent up physiological needs.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
I didn’t know there was something called facial metrics-which is the study of people’s judgements of the attractiveness of facial characteristics. I would say that facial symmetry is universally beautiful. I think it’s interesting that this is an in depth research subject. I also found it interesting that sexual orientation can occur as early as in the womb, by being exposed to specific hormones like androgens and estrogens.
Concepts/Ideas I’m unclear on.
Homeostatic mechanism figure 4.5 and figure 4.7
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiological needs (thirst, sex, hunger) involve biological systems such as neural brain circuits, hormones, and bodily organs. When these needs are unmet, physiological needs constitute life-threatening emergencies and therefore generate motivational states that can dominate consciousness.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
Brain mechanisms include cravings, appetites, needs, desires, thinking, learning, and decision making, among other things. The brain basically controls all bodily functions, whereas the physiological needs describes a deficient biological condition. For example, when a person is thirsty, this really means that his/her body (cells) is dehydrated.
Terms. Drive theory. Facial Metrics. Physiological Needs. Brain mechanisms.
Summarize the chapter.
In chapter 4, the book discussed different aspects of motivation. The book discussed different ‘needs’. A need is a condition within a person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well being. If a need is neglected, it can cause damage to the body. All people have different kinds of needs. We have physiological needs which would include human needs such as hunger, thirst, and sex. Psychological needs, autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Also Social needs. Social needs include achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Chapter 4 also references Clark Hull and his theory. He created a biologically based theories of motivation. He explains that if a need is unsatisfied it becomes a ‘drive’. A drive will energize the animal into action toward those particular behaviors.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
I really enjoyed this chapter, more than any of the previous. There were many things that interesting, but I did find the facial metrics particularly interesting. Facial metrics is the judgments of the attractiveness of facial characteristics. What I thought was the most interesting in this topic was the differences between the genders. Women’s facial metrics most associated with physical attractiveness are the neonatal features ( large eyes, small nose, small chin), Sexual maturity (cheekbone prominence and thinness), and expressive characteristics (eyebrow height, smile height and width). For men the facial metrics associated with attractiveness are the sexual maturity features (thick eyebrows, and prominent chin length) and expressive features (smile height and width)
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
There was not very much about this chapter that was unclear. I thought the author did an extremely good job explaining the physiological needs and how it relates to motivation. I thought it was all fun to learn about. The one part of the chapter that was the most unclear would be the comprehensive model of hunger regulation. I tried to make more sense of it by using the diagram that was on page 91. (figure 4.7) I was still mostly confused about the whole thing.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiology and physiological needs are needs for the body. Hunger and thirst can be extremely motivating. These are necessary for the well being of life. When these needs are becoming depleted, it gives us a drive to fulfill and replenish the needs.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
Differences between physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms are that brain mechanisms are motivated by chemical reactions. These are affected by stimuli that trigger responses from the brain. Physiological mechanisms come from basic needs from hunger and thirst.
Chapter 4 is on Physiological needs (thirst, hunger, and sex) and emphasizes their importance and role within our lives. Simply explained in the early portion of the chapter we understand a need to be any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. It must be noted that it is a priority of ours to listen to these needs for when they are satisfied the quality of life is enhanced, yet if we ignore them we put ourselves into danger. These needs are found in the biological systems of our structure and can be influenced by a number of things. Clark Hull introduces a theory of motivation relating to this very idea known as the 'drive theory.' Simply it states that physiological deprivations and deficits create biological needs and if unsatisfied, our biological system alerts itself and promotes 'drive' or psychological discomfort (tension) to intensify our motive in satisfying that need. It is unlike Psychological needs that remain constant, it is a process that works like a cycle, a 7 step process: need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms.All of which help keep our body in sensible balance. Further, the chapter expresses the drive's relevance in that our conscious mental control over our physiological needs often does more harm than good. We fail to consistently regulate our bodies whether it be due to our ignorance of how powerful our 'needs' demand to be met really is or simply by underestimating there very importance. If we are not careful damage can be done, without the savior of the motives arisen from physiological needs we would be unable to live a life that is well balanced and enhanced.
What I found most interesting was the actual theory that Hull proposed. I was aware of our body letting us know when we are thirsty or hungry, but was not aware how the actual drive or urge originated. The cyclical process descried in the chapter was very informative and eye opening. Its beyond amazement how our body works to keep itself in check, promoting motivational states if needed, and make it a priority that we can never dismiss our 'needs' for too long before our physiological drive takes control to be satisfied.
Both physiological and psychological needs relate to motivation in that they both work in an organized manner beneficial to the body. Psychological needs exist in nature (autonomy, competence, and relatedness)and are reactions that link to motivation in that they make one strive to be healthy and develop in a positive fashion. Physiological needs on the other hand involve biological systems (brain circuits, hormones, and bodily organs) of which monitor stability internally, generating motivational states that take over consciousness if needed to maintain regulation. Although they differ in that they vary upon which direction their motivation influences behavior, they work complementary to one another to keep the body on a path of life suited for well-being. Further, Physiological mechanisms help enforce and create motivational states into the awareness of the conscious mind, whereas in brain mechanisms, we see a latent process that is continually surveying the body to make sure all bodily organs are performing as necessary; they act within an individual to activate, maintain, and terminate the physiological needs that underlie drive. On the contrary, physiological mechanisms work with the conscious awareness of the individual increasing or decreasing the motivation to help regulate what is needed, which is relayed on by the brain's mechanisms. Although different, they work together to help the system reach and maintain its overall necessities.
Chapter 4 focuses on need, fundamentals of regulation, thirst, hunger, and sex. The definition of need is any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. If a person's need is neglected then it has a negative impact on their biological and psychological well-being. The damage from neglecting one's needs can affect physiological, psychological, and social motives. Physiological needs consist of thirst, hunger, and sex. Psychological needs consist of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Finally, social needs consist of achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Physiological needs involve biological systems like neural brain circuits, hormones, and bodily organs. When these needs are neglected they can cause life-threatening consequences. Psychological and social needs are involved with the central nervous system. All of our needs create energy in our body. There are two different types of needs in which all of these generate. The first is a deficiency need. Deficiency needs allow your life to go along until a state of deprivation begins making you make up the deficit. An example of this would be waiting a long time to eat until your stomach is growling so loud you need to eat. A growth need energizes you and directs your behavior towards developmental advancement. Deficiency needs cater towards anxiety, frustration, pain, and stress. However, growth needs cater towards positive emotions.
The drive theory is a biologically based theory of motivation created by Clark Hull. According to this theory, physiological deprivations cause biological needs which can cause psychological drive if left deprived long enough. There are seven steps to this theory: need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms.
Two-thirds of human bodies consist of water. Dehydration occurs when a person loses three percent of water volume. Thirst is known as a physiological need because our bodies are constantly losing water through various activities. A person would die in only two days if they did not replenish their bodies. Water is carried in two separate parts of our bodies. Water is found in intracellular and extracellular fluids. 40 percent of our body weight is from water found in our intracellular fluids, cells. 20 percent of our body weight is from water found in out extracellular fluids, blood plasma. Osmometric thirst occurs when there is depletion in intracellular fluid. Volumetric thirst occurs when there is depletion in extracellular fluid. This usually occurs after throwing up or bleeding. Many tests were done to lab rats concluding that osmometric thirst is the primary cause of thirst activation, meaning thirst comes from dehydrated cells. The negative feedback system is also a major important process in one’s body. Replenishing the body’s water supply is important but it is also vital to not drink too much water. The negative feedback systems are located in the mouth, stomach, and cells inhibiting too much drinking. Taste also plays a major role in how much a person will drink. A person is more likely to overdrink sweet water, homeostatically drink plain water, and underdrink sour, salty, and bitter water. Drinking occurs for three main reasons: water replenishment, sweet taste, and addiction or attraction to what is in the water substance.
Hunger is much more complex than thirst. Hunger is affected by three models: short-term physiological models, long-term physiological models, and cognitive-social-environmental models. Short-term hunger happens most frequently. Our short-term appetite initiates our meals and the size of our meals. The lateral hypothalamus monitors glucose levels and signals when we are hungry. The ventromedial hypothalamus controls the termination of meals. It signals us when we are full. If people did not VMH has a major effect on obesity. People and animals without a VMH are often chronic eaters and obese. The brain has a lot of control over a person’s hunger, but the stomach is the main non-brain regulator. People become hungrier faster after eating low-calorie meals rather than high-calorie meals. Long-term hunger is affected by adipose tissue. The lipostatic hypothesis affects long-term factors that regulate the balance between food intake, energy expenditure, and body weight. There are also many environmental that affect a person’s eating behavior. These include the time of day, stress, the sight, smell, and appearance of food. Obesity is a mjor issue in today's society. 65 percent of American adults are overweight and 35 percent are considered obese.
Sex is a very interesting topic. Sexual behavior are influenced a lot by hormones. Our sex hormones are androgen and estrogen. These hormones are controlled by the hypothalamus. Our sex hormones decline as we age and pass young adulthood. Men and women differ alot with their reactions to arousal. Men's reaction to physiological arousal and psychological desire is high, whereas women's reaction to physiological arousal and psychological desire low. There are many factors that people are attracted to each other including smell, touch, voice, and appearance.
Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation because our needs are what drive what we do. Our body needs certain things in order to function and survive. When we are unable to meet those needs we gain motivation to find them. For example, when we are thirsty our body signals we need something to drink and we gain the motivation to find something to drink.
Physiological mechanisms differ from brain mechanisms because our brain controls many of our physiological mechanisms. For example, our hypothalamus plays a major role in our physiological need to eat, drink, and have sex.
Clark Hull's drive reduction theory brought awareness to the three basic physiological needs of thirst, hunger, and sex. The regulatory process is understood through seven fundamental processes; the most important being homeostasis. Homeostasis is described as the way bodily systems maintain a consistent state of equilibrium. The chapter ends with a section on how we are doing more harm than good when we try to take control of our physiological needs.
The section I found the most interesting was the part on thirst satiety. It described an experiment that was done to determine where the thirst’s negative feedback systems could be found. The conclusion was that thirst was satisfied after a certain number of swallows, instead of a designated amount of liquid. This is not what I expected and found it to be surprising how our bodies tell us when we are full by using different negative feedback mechanisms.
The only concept that I found to be confusing was the alternative sex response cycle. I understood the traditional cycle, but the alternative one didn't make complete sense as it seemed to be unorganized.
Our physiology and physiological reaction s relate to our motivation in several ways. They are the basic necessities to life and therefore we strive to fulfill our desires whether it is through thirst, hunger, or sex. We are motivated through our physiological cravings and how extreme those cravings are, is what determines how motivated we are. The difference when it comes to physiological and brain mechanisms is the added element of emotion. Emotion triggers us to eat something when we already ate, or drink an alcoholic beverage to reward ourselves. Physiological mechanisms have more to do with our will to survive whereas brain mechanisms can be triggered from any number of things.
Summarize the chapter.
This chapter basically summarizes how humans are motivated through physiological needs. This is the bottom of the pyramid in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, followed by safety, love and belonging, esteem, and lastly self-actualization. Humans biologically have needs for regulation, such as homeostasis and organic needs, water, food, and sex. These are the absolute most essential elements for the human species to continue.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
I thought the most interesting section was the section about sexual orientation. I hadn’t previously known that hormones were in part responsible for the development of sexual orientation. I knew that genetics and environment were responsible in its development, but the addition of hormones adds another dimension to the possibility of developing an abnormal sexual orientation.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
If there’s anything that isn’t exactly clear to me, it would be sexual scripts. What’s the purpose of defining these sexual scripts? It appears to me just to be clutter and near meaningless research. Perhaps there is a good reason, but the authors don’t really explain that reasoning in the textbook.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Much of our motivation is derived by physiological processes. We are hungry, so we eat; we are thirsty, so we drink. These processes are regulated by the interaction of the brain, the nervous system, and the physiological organs themselves. For example, human sexual behavior is influenced by hormones. Testosterone and estrogen are two hormones that are released into the bloodstream, thus creating the psychological feeling of sexual desire. These hormones are released through the control of the hypothalamus.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
Brian mechanisms are processes that occur from within the brain. For example, the hypothalamus regulates the release of hormones. Physiological mechanisms involve the endocrine system and the bodily organs themselves. These are controlled by the brain but do not happen in the brain. For example, the hormones travel through the bloodstream. This will create effects in the body. In males, the eyes will dilate, the penis will become erect, and so on. In females, the nipples harden, the body sweats, and so forth.
Tags: physiological; biological; sexual orientation; sexual scripts; hypothalamus; endocrine system
Summarize the chapter:
This chapter discussed the physiological needs humans have. The text began by talking about Clark Hull’s biologically based drive theory of motivation. This theory states deprivation of things humans need leads to a physiological drive that provides motivation for action to satisfy the need. This is a cyclical process involving seven main stages: need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic actions, and extraorganismic actions. Need occurs when an organism has an insufficient amount of something biologically necessary. Need leads to drive, a psychological and conscious phenomenon, which initiates action to satisfy the need. When the need is satisfied, the body returns to homeostasis. The body’s cue to end processes it carries out to achieve homeostasis comes in the form of negative feedback. Negative feedback occurs when homeostasis has been reached and it tells the body to stop doing the actions used to achieve homeostasis. The drive for action is initiated by events referred to as inputs which then stimulate behaviors, or outputs, which are the actions used to achieve homeostasis. Intraorganismic mechanisms are biological things inside the body that deal with needs and extraorganismic mechanisms are environmental stimuli that deal with needs. The chapter went on to apply this theory to events such as thirst, hunger, and sex. On the issues of thirst, the chapter mentioned different ways the body satisfies thirst and environmental influences to drink such as taste, addiction, and societal guidelines. Also, the brain releases hormones from the hypothalamus which tell the kidneys to conserve water to control thirst. Hunger was explained with three models: short-term physiological models, long-term physiological models, cognitive-social-environmental models. The main reasons for hunger and eating included glucose deficiency, shrunken fat cells, and the sight, smell, and taste of food. There were also distinctions made between hunger and eating behavior. Sex was also discussed in this chapter. It talked a bit about what makes people attractive such as facial metrics. It also covered motives for sex and the difference for it among genders. The chapter ended by discussing self-regulation of our physiological needs.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
The most interesting thing I learned from this chapter was the different forms of negative feedback the body uses to stop drinking, mainly through stimuli in the mouth, stomach, intestines, bloodstream, and cells. Specifically though, I thought that through the mouth drinking stops after a certain number of swallows even if the liquid doesn’t reach the stomach, intestines, bloodstream, and cells. I also thought it was interesting to learn about the different ways the body goes about achieving homeostasis; it’s really amazing if you think about how so many complex processes occur even when we aren’t aware of them occurring or think we’re making decisions to act on our own conscious accord.
Were there concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
I was familiar with a lot of the content of this chapter from biology classes I’ve taken in the past but I don’t really understand the restraint-release theory. I also don’t understand set points and settling points.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiological reactions are direct causes of motivation. Hull’s theory of motivation shows that direct relation and explains how physiological processes lead to motivation.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms?
From what I gathered from both chapters, brain mechanisms are unconscious events that stimulate physiological reactions which are conscious events.
Summarize the chapter: This chapter explained the physiological needs of hunger, thirst, and sex. It went into detail about each of those three needs and how these needs are satisfied within the body. The chapter also discussed Hull’s biologically based drive theory. This theory states that physiological deprivations give rise to bodily needs and those turn into drive, which motivates the behavior that satisfies that need.
The most interesting thing I learned was the part about the facial features and what kinds of features are seen as attractive. I thought it was neat to learn, by using facial metrics, which types of features men and women were more or less attracted to.
Physiology and the physiological reactions are associated with motivation because these physiological reactions create our bodily needs. Our body needs certain things and according to the drive theory, these needs turn into drive and then we are motivated to satisfy that need by acting on some behavior.
Brain mechanisms differ from physiological mechanisms in the way that they (brain mechanisms) have to do with chemical reactions and the hormones in our body. The physiological mechanisms are brought about by bodily needs and we must respond to those needs.
Chapter fours main focus is on drive theory. Drive theory really emphasizes the inborn drives of human beings such as hunger, thirst or procreation. The chapter also talked about Hull’s theory which is related to drive theory. The seven fundamental processes that the book mentions were physiological, psychological, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic and extraorganismic influences. The chapter discusses the internal and external influences on thirst, hunger, and/or sex.
I’m really interested in what drives decision making. As a marketing major, seeking a career in marketing, consumer motivation and behavior is really important to me. It’s really interesting to understand how hunger, thirst, and the appeal of sex could and does affect the consumer decision making process when it comes to choosing product X over product Y.
I recently took biopsychology and have always been interested in drive theory so I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on the concepts outlined in the chapter. The section that I didn’t really understand was the part about directional behavior. I guess I don’t understand why hunger and thirst are different behaviorally because both are seeking to fulfill a basic need in the human body. As we’ve learned from previous chapters, a lot of motivation is found in the brain. When it comes to thirst, hunger, and sex, these all relate to survival and furthering the species. Physiological need is more focused on survival, whereas brain mechanisms are focused on behavior and controlling the behaviors to fulfill the motivations created by physiological and psychological needs.
Terms: drive theory, hunger, thirst, sex, Hull’s theory, seven fundamental processes, physiological, psychological, homeostatis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/outputs, intraorganismic and extraorganismic influences, internal, external, consumer motivation, behavior, directional behavior, survival, brain mechanisms
Thirst, hunger, sex—all roles of the hypothalamus in the limbic system, as learned in chapter three. These are all primitive actions and needed for success/survival. The limbic system is also a primitive part of the brain (old brain), meaning the limbic system is also in our ancestors/other species; even your cat! Hull’s drive theory was highly expressed in chapter four. In Hull’s theory, physiological deprivation leads to needs and wants of the body. This is a cyclical process as physiological deprivation occurs, consumption follows, time passes and the process begins again. This cyclic process involves seven fundamental processes: Physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences and extraorganismic influences.
Thirst is a conscious motivational state we all experience. We consciously experience thirst and take motivational steps toward depleting this state. This state is activated through cellular processes, where the cells are quenched and water replenishes these cells.
Hunger and eating is more complex that thirst and drinking, but the system is also influenced by social cues. Hunger and eating are influenced by short-term physiological, long-term physiological, and cognitive-social-environmental models. The latter is less researched, as the previous are biologically driven and easier to study.
It was interesting to be reminded about social influences with our perceived physiological needs. One being drinking behavior (or eating behavior). Drinking behavior does not always assimilate to the physiological state of thirst, and it requires different motivational expression than thirst. For example, drinking eight glasses of water per day is social motivation toward drinking behavior, rather than the physiological state of thirst as a motivation toward drinking behavior.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiology is related to motivation by means of survival. Our physiology allows us to understand the motives behind physiological reactions. Our physiological needs must be met in order to maintain survival. As in the example of thirst, our cells must maintain the proper balance of hydration in order to maintain homeostasis. Our cells quench for hydration and we are motivated to drink water. Chapter three gave a nice understanding of the brain structures and their roles. Chapter four sets the tone for why we study the brain.
Terms: Thirst, hunger, sex, hypothalamus, limbic system, Hull's Drive Theory, needs and wants, Physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences and extraorganismic influences, short-term physiological, long-term physiological, and cognitive-social-environmental models,physiological needs, physiology, motivation.
Chapter 4 talks about the physiological needs of thirst, hunger, and sex using Hull’s drive theory. According to this theory, physiological deprivations or deficits give rise to bodily states of need, which in turn give rise to psychological drives, which then motivates consummatory behaviors that result in the drive to subside. Thirst is consciously experienced when the human needs to replenish its water supply in the body. The drinking behavior is reinforced by such factors as taste of water, water availability, addictions to alcohol, and caffeine. Hunger and eating habits help with short term and long term regulation. This behavior is influenced by environmental factors such as sight smell and the taste of food. Dieting is a behavior that is an attempt on the person part to control their eating habits voluntarily. Some problems can occur when this voluntary action becomes an issue such as bulimia or other eating disorders. Sexual motivation arises and falls in the response to a host of factors such as hormones, external stimulation, external cues, and cognitive scripts. Most of the time if we try to exert a mental wall over our physiological needs, it usually leaves us far worse off than when we began.
One of the sections that I found interesting was the section about the human sexual drives. Human sexual behavior is influenced but not controlled by hormones. Controlled by the hypothalamus, androgens and estrogens are released into the bloodstream. These levels rise and fall during life and usually the older you get, the more these levels decrease. In men, correlation between physiological arousal and psychological desire is high. In women, these factors are low, for the most part, women dwell on relationship factors such as emotional intimacy. Sexual scripts are ones mental representation of the sequence of events that occur during a sexual encounter. These scripts include certain aspects that is in essence what they expect to happen during their sexual encounter. For females, these scripts are much more looser in the sense that they imagine more of the factors leading up to the sexual encounter or the more relationship factors included in the sexual encounter rather than the actual act.
Physiological processes differ from brain mechanisms because physiological processes are those that are needed for the human body to survive. Brain mechanisms are the biological processes in the brain that use chemicals to make us do things motivationally or emotionally. Brain mechanisms have to do mostly with tasks that we want to have completed and the motivational processes that we have to do to complete the task and reach the end goal.
TERMS: brain mechanisms, physiological processes, thirst, hunger, sex, drive theory,
Summarize the chapter- Thirst, hunger and sex are all physiological needs. The basis of this chapter was based on the drive theory. According to the drive theory, physiological deprivations and deficits give rise to bodily need states which in turn give rise to a psychological drive which then motivates the consummatory behavior that then results in drive reduction. The regulatory fundamental process for thirst, hunger and sex are as follows, physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extraorganismic influences. There is one concept that has dominated motivational neuroscience for the last 50 years and that is homeostasis. Thirst is the consciously experienced motivational state that readies the person to perform behaviors necessary to replenish a water deficit. Hunger and eating involve a complex regulatory system of both short and long term regulation. According to the lipostatic hypothesis, shrunken fat cells initiate hunger, whereas normal or larger fat cells inhibit it. Sexual motivation rises and falls in response to many factors that include hormones, external stimulation, external cues, cognitive scripts, sexual schemas, and evolutionary presses. Finally trying to exert conscious mental control over your physiological needs often does more harm than good because people fail to self-regulate their bodily appetites.
The most interesting thing I learned in this chapter was actually a lot. I learned that the body kind of knows what weight it should be at, which blew my mind since one week I could eat everything in sight but then the next week, I barely eat. Another thing I found interesting was that food intake alone provides 20% of your total water intake since researchers say to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I also found that cold temperatures actually increase your hunger, so now everyone has an excuse to why they gain weight during the winter. The last thing I found interesting was that depressed dieters typically gain weight whereas people who are not dieting and are depressed typically lose weight. In a way this makes since because people who are suffering with depression sometimes do not even have the energy to want to eat or claim that they are just not hungry, so they just don’t eat. There was not anything in this chapter that I was unclear about.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation? One way that physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation is the thirst and hunger motivation. If water is below an optimal homeostatic level, then that creates the physiological need of thirst. Thirst arises as a physiological need because our bodies are continually losing water through perspiration, urination, breathing and even through things like bleeding, vomiting, and sneezing. Another way that physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation is by hunger. Hunger regulation involves both short and long term daily processes operating under homeostatic regulation. Hunger and eating are further affected by cognitive, social and environmental influences. The understanding of hunger and eating requires 3 things; short-term physiological models, long-term physiological models, and cognitive-social-environmental models. Hunger is based on the amount of blood glucose and fat mass.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms? Physiological mechanisms are things like how cold temperatures stimulate hunger, or how each person has a “fat thermostat” that is set by genetics either at birth or shortly after, or at least that is what is assumed by the set-point theory. Also that genetics create individual differences in the number of fat cells per person. Another physiological mechanism is environmental influences that can also affect eating behavior, which include things like the time of day, stress, and the sight, smell, appearance, and taste of food. However brain mechanisms include things like dieting. Dieting is attempting to bring eating behavior under cognitive rather than under physiological control. For example, people who are dieting “decide” on when they are hungry or when they want to eat. People try to self-regulate themselves, even though many fail. They fail because of three reasons, one is because people routinely underestimate how powerful a motivational force biological urges can be when they are not currently experiencing them. Second, people can lack standards and lastly, people fail at self-regulation because they fail to monitor what they are doing as they become distracted, preoccupied, overwhelmed, or intoxicated.
Summarize the chapter: Chapter four discussed the physiological needs on a human. There are three main physiological needs - thirst, hunger, and sex. The chapter discussed how each of these physiological needs affects the human body, why it is caused, and what happens with it.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
The most interesting thing in the chapter to me was the portion on thirst. I thought it was really interesting to read about how our bodies can regulate thirst, cause thirst, stop thirst, and absorb water on different levels.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
One concept that is still unclear to me right now is the portion on hunger. It was harder for me to comprehend and stay along with than reading the other portions of the chapter.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation because it explains some of the reasons we do things that we need to do. Being thirsty and hungry are things that happen to us each and every day and are needs to live. Because of the things that occur within our bodies from the physiological reactions, it creates a motivation for us to eat or drink to satisfy the emotion.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms?
I would say that different actions and reasons are what differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms. Physiological mechanisms happen as a need for survival. Brain mechanisms were explained more as why we do things we want to do and what gives us the feeling from the activity before and after it happens. I would say that these areas overlap though. Brain mechanisms play a part in physiological mechanisms. For example, the hypothalamus plays part in the physiological need of thirst.
The author explained the importance of understanding the difference between the three types of needs: physiological, psychological, and social. Each of the three needs is important for life, growth, and well-being. The chapter focused on physiological needs, specifically thirst, hunger, and sex. These needs are highly regulated within the body. Clark Hull created a biologically based theory which he named drive theory to explain how the body regulates these needs. There are seven important processes recognized in his theory. They are need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms and extraorganismic mechanisms.
I think the most interesting things in this chapter were the mention of extraorganismic mechanisms as a part of the motivation one feels to meet these needs, and the section on obesity. I think that especially in a biological sense, extraorganismic mechanisms are often forgotten. For example, often, when there is little to do in my environment, I get something out to eat. If there is a lot of stuff going on, I may forget to eat and not really feel hungry because I am concentrating on other things.
I thought the part about obesity was interesting because it goes a little against the ideas of homeostasis and negative feedback. Homeostasis means the same. It is the body’s goal to keep all conditions unchanging as much as possible. When a person eats in excess, taking in too many calories, the body should send signals through negative feedback for the eating to stop before the person eats too much. The problem with this system and obesity is that psychological thoughts and extraorganismic mechanisms can be stronger to a person than their body’s signal to stop.
Physiological mechanisms are deeply related to brain chemistry and brain mechanisms from chapter 3. The brain takes a part in homeostasis and in negative feedback, doing the part of sending and receiving signals to be motivated to start, stop, or continue a behavior such as eating or drinking. The difference in that physiological mechanisms do not happen primarily in the brain but throughout the entire body. Your stomach sends out a chemical to tell you to stop eating when stretch receptors feel that it is full. The same is true for your bladder to affect when you go to the restroom. There are glands throughout the body that excrete chemicals to let other parts know what to do.
Summarize the chapter.
Motivation is driven by needs. These needs can be categorized into three realms: physiological, psychological, and social needs. This chapter explores the nature of our physiological needs, specifically the needs of thirst, hunger and sex. In order to explain regulation of these kinds of needs, drive theory suggests that physiological deprivations create biological needs. For example, the loss of water volume in our bodies creates the need for water to satisfy thirst. Regulation of our biological needs is very important. Failure to do so can cause a person to lack certain standards, underestimate the power of motivational force behind biological urges, and also fail to monitor his or her actions in times of distraction, intoxication or overreaction.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
I found facial metrics to be pretty fascinating. It seems obvious, the characteristics most people find attractive in others, but the physiological reasoning behind this concept is what I really find interesting. Physical attractiveness is seen as the most potent external stimulus of sexual motivation, although smell, touch and vocal cues are also important. Physical attractiveness, however, can be broken down into three categories. Large eyes and a small nose are neonatal features in that they express nonverbal messages of youth and agreeableness. Prominent cheek bones and male facial hair represent sexual maturity and send the message of strength and status. Finally, a wide smile and high set eyebrows express positive emotional features, hence they are categorized as expressive features.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
I think I am having a more difficult time understanding the difference between set points and settling points. Both seem to be very similar to me and I am having a hard time understanding their uniqueness and importance.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiology and physiological reactions occur because one’s survival depends on it. Thus, survival acts as our motivation. The physiological needs of thirst, hunger and sex motivate us to find the energy to fulfill these needs. For example: Say a man is lost in the woods and is beginning to starve. He will be motivated to search for any kind of food source, a physiological reaction, which is needed to satisfy his hunger, a physiological need.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
The difference between physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms is that the physiological mechanisms of thirst, hunger and sex are essential for life and growth. On the other hand, although brain mechanisms do not directly satisfy these needs, they serve as a source of motivation by activating, maintaining or terminating specific behaviors. Together, these two mechanisms help ensure survival for an organism.
Terms: drive theory, regulation, physiological needs, facial metrics, neonatal, sexual maturity, expressive features, set point theory, settling points
This chapter focuses on the physiological needs of thirst, hunger and sex. Also this chapter focuses on Hull’s Model of Need-Drive-Behavior Theory. There are seven processes looked at in this theory consist of need, drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms.
The most interesting thing I learned in this chapter is the male and female facial-metric parameters. I think it is interesting that face metrics predict attractiveness ratings among men and women.
Physiological and physiology needs related to motivation because they are the things we need to survive and are inherited within. In times of thirst and hunger, it motivated use to eat and drink. These needs also help to regulate homeostasis.
Brain mechanisms control our motivation and emotion and are brought on by stimuli. The brain controls cognitive, thinking, learning and decision making. Physiological mechanisms are controlled in the situation. Out body tells us when we are thirsty or hungry or when injury occurs in/on the body. Physiological occurs in the current situation and the brain functions on motivation and the drive to do something.
Physiological drives are part of our everyday life, which are present to keep a homeostatic state within ourselves. The seven regulatory processes that had the most importance to discuss about in chapter four were: physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs, intraorganismic influences and extraorganismic influences. To really emphasize on the regulatory process three physiological needs really caught some attention which were thirst, hunger, and sex. Many believe that thirst, hunger, and sex drives are just products of our physiological and psychological desires but actually the environment can play a role at intensifying these urges or drives. The chapter focused on Hull's drive theory to explain the reasoning for our behavior towards physiological needs. Many people go through daily life just following these physiological states, but there are those who try to resist which can cause failures in self regulation of needs.
-Most interesting to you?
I would have to say the most interesting thing that I read about in this chapter would have to be about how someone can fail at trying to control their needs almost accomplishing this sometimes but then biological factors will kick in and mess with those who try to go against their needs. Three reasons were giving for a person failing as well which I believe was actually very accurate.
-Concepts unclear of?
After reading the chapter I really had not thought about some of the factors in a person’s regulatory processes, but after reading the chapter it made enough sense that I am actually quite clear on a lot of aspects in motivation from chapter four.
-How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
They relate to motivation because they are a major cause in the drive of a motivation. Physiology and physiological reactions such as hunger, thirst, and sex must be regulated. If one of these drives becomes out of balance than physiology and physiological reaction kick in increasing our motivation towards one of these aspects to put them back in a homeostatic state.
-What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
Brain mechanisms and physiological mechanisms were different in how they act on the body. Now there were some similarities in away such as hunger which both focused on creating a satiated feeling, but chapter three about brain mechanisms really focused on the hormonal pleasures after giving in or receiving something. Chapter four was more about just getting to a neutral state in our daily lives.
Terms: Physiological, homeostatic state, physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs, intraorganismic influences and extraorganismic influences, Hull's drive theory, and environmental influences
This chapter discusses over everyone’s basic biological needs. They talk about two terms that interested me; Negative feedback and Psychological Drive. In which they both coincide with each other. Everyone has basic physiological needs; examples are sleep, food, water, companionship. The psychological drive motivates us to obtain these needs in order for us to quell that hunger or thirst. An example they use in the book is low blood sugar, if your blood sugar is low then your body tells the brain that it needs food so it can keep its daily cycle going.
Negative feedback is the process in which our body tells the brain that the resource we needed, we no longer need. Example would be when our need for water has meant its fill; our body tells the brain to stop drinking water. In the book they break down the physiological process of how our body tells our brain it needs water or not. The dehydration of the cells tells our brain to obtain more water, but the hydration of the cells tells our brain that our body has had enough water. So the process of Negative feedback motivates our body to stop the psychological drive process.
Physiological and physiology are related to motivation because our basic physiological needs motivate our brain to meet those needs of thirst, hunger, and sex drive. Example is that when we get hungry our body will drop our blood sugar levels to indicate to our brain that we need food for energy. Another is sleep, our body will tell our brain that it is tired and needs rest so it can revamp the system back to normal. Both are physiological traits that use motivation to make us meet our bodies demands.
Brain mechanisms control our everyday activities. The brain tells us what to do and how to live, it helps us think and process our deepest inner thoughts as well as regulate emotions. Physiological mechanisms however motivate us to meet our most basic functional needs, like drinking water and eating food. I think these two are best related due to the fact that they both are essential to our survival. They both motivate different parts of the body, but work dependently on each other to achieve the same goals; thirst, hunger, and sex drive.
Summarize the chapter.
This chapter focused on physiological needs specifically looking at clark hull’s drive theory and all its components – physiological need, psychological drive, homeostatsis, negative feedback, multiple imputs and outputs, intraorganismic/extraorganismic mechanisms. It covered human needs for thirst, hunger, and sex.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
I thought the most interesting thing in this chapter was the different factors that can influence why people eat such as social, environmental and emotional states. Which explains why some people eat food to comfort themselves when upset.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
What seems strange to me is when people try to with hold themselves from needs. I understand people trying to diet, but what about people who choose to be celibate. Its innate to human nature but not in the same way the hunger and thirst are needed to survive day to day.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
It relates in the way the body recognizes needs. The brain sends signals when the body is in need of something. Once the need for something becomes great enough it becomes a drive and the person becomes motivated to fulfill their need.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms?
The difference between mechanisms is that brain mechanisms influence how we feel and motivation. While physiological mechanisms give rise to drives, to meet physical needs.
Terms: physiological need, psychological drive, homeostatsis, negative feedback, multiple imputs and outputs, intraorganismic/extraorganismic mechanisms, drive theory, physiologic mechanisms.
Needs drive motivation. There is physical, psychological and social areas of needs. This chapter was on the physical, or the bodies needs. Examples are hunger, sleep, sex, addictions basically but some are more wants than needs. Our body tells us we are thirsty when we have lost enough water in the body that it starts to change and shut down without the correct amount.
Just the overall depth of how physical attractiveness or recognition was. Smell, sound and touch are part of physical or at least somewhat. I know a little more than the chapter explains because sometimes I get bored and browse the web on how to communicate with people calmly or be more attractive to the opposite sex.
Nothing unsure.
Ur life is dependent on the physiological reactions and the changes that the correct or incorrect to your physiology can have on them.
Physiological mechanisms are in my eyes true needs, if you do not satisfy them you can die. Brain mechanisms are merely triggers that activate the motivation.
Drive theory, physiological needs.
This chapter was about the physiological needs that are thirst, hunger, and sex. The chapter was basically based on Hull’s drive theory. According to his theory, there are seven main processes: psychological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extraorganismic influences. The chapter then went into detail each of the psychological needs as they relate to the seven main processes.
I thought the most interesting part of this chapter was about the facial metrics. It is very interesting to learn why men and women think certain facial features are more attractive than others. The book displays the different features in figure 4.9 describing each facial feature. I never thought it took that much thought to determine whether or not someone was attractive.
There wasn’t any concepts or ideas that stood out to me as unclear in this chapter.
Physiological needs are those that occur when your body needs it. It happens with water loss, nutrient deprivation, or physical injury. Your body is focused on survival. If your body detects water loss, it is going to compel you to drink some water. Or if you are deprived of nutrients, it is going to compel you to eat something.
Psychological mechanisms are things like thirst, hunger, and sex, which are all things that are needed to sustain life itself. The brain mechanisms relate to directly influences motivation and emotion. Each part of the brain controls a certain emotion which leads to ultimately motivates you to go get a drink of water or eat something.
Motivation and Emotion post #6
Summarize the chapter.
Chapter 4 is based on the one of three types of needs. The three types of needs are Physical, Psychological, and Social needs. Physical needs might include, but are not limited to: Thirst, Hunger, and Sexual satisfaction. The physical needs of hunger and thirst constantly provide the necessary fuel to the body. This allows the body to function as water is secreted and calories are used the body searches for more calories in order to nurture its muscular system. When muscles are nurtured and provided the correct amount of fuel or glucose the body is more able to provide the other two needs. Sexual satiation is another of the physiological needs. This is a part of the reptilian brain in which the need to reproduce is found in the parasympathetic nervous system. In summation, when the body is deprived of these needs it triggers an appropriate need state, a motivated state. This motivated state gives rise to physiological arousal and drive in order to satiate the appropriate need. This causes the body to engage in consuming behavior satiating the need as the drive itself reduced. As time passes and the body uses resources, the need is triggered once again. This is a cyclical process in which the body regulates itself.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
The part that was most interesting part of this chapter for me was how facial features have been studied in order to find out what makes an attractive face. On page 99 of the text book it shows figure 4.9 and has a detailed diagram of facial features that combine to make up a face. I enjoyed learning about the distances between facial land marks. I was reminded that a key part of social interactions and even intimacy is based on physical attraction. In most western cultures we cover up most of our body so the easiest way we identify one another is facial features.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
As of the moment it is difficult for me to apply sexual satisfaction to a physiological need. Even though I partially understand that we as human being have a sexual drive and much of our world, culture, clothing is based on sexual desire and attraction. I find it slightly difficult to put sexual satisfaction as a need. A drive and a want definitely. I also look at those whom have vowed chastity for their entire life or even until a milestone has been met in their life, such as marriage. Obviously they still have the drive to do so, however they are resisting it and can do so for an extended period of time.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
Physiological needs can produces chemicals which activates systems in the body such as the hypothalamus in the case of hunger. This creates the Psychological event of hunger. The body looks for a way to keep itself at constant levels and cycles, called homoeostasis or satiation. The physiological signals of your stomach being empty and finding low levels of glucose in your system cause signals to be sent to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus secretes hormones which creates the psychological need hunger and therefore motivates you telling you that you should seek out sustenance.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
Physiological mechanisms are linked to brain mechanisms as described in our text. We as human beings have systems that are interconnected. However there are distinctions that must be made in order to separate these systems. Brain mechanisms are different in that it is mostly hormonally based and happens in a centralized area. Whereas physiological mechanisms are linked to the brain mechanisms as it sends and receives messages from the brain. But physiological systems run through and involve the entire body.
The chapter focused on seven fundamental processes including: physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs and outputs, intraorganismic influences, and extraorganismic influences. The chapter went on to discuss how thirst, hunger, and sex relate to those things. To sum up bodily needs, the body is seeking to maintain homeostasis.
The most interesting thing I read in the chapter was about sexual motivation on an evolutionary basis. When the main function of humans is exposed, scientifically, we are only on Earth to reproduce. And because men have many “seeds” to plant, they seek short-term mating partners. Because sex for women requires a long-term commitment to the gestation period, she is naturally more selective in her partner seeking. Women look for men who are successful because that increases the odds the man will be able to provide for the woman.
Physiology ensures that we have physical needs in order to survive. Those physical needs in turn drive our motivations, because in the end humans are very motivated to survive. Our physiological reactions are all things that improve our chances to survive and be successful.
Physical mechanisms are simply an extension of our brain mechanisms. The chemicals and nerves in the brain alert us as to when we are hungry or thirsty, and then our body’s carry out the neccessay acts to satisfiy those needs. In this way we can see how the mechanisms are different, and also how the needs of one part drive the actions of the other.
Summarize the chapter.
This chapter discussed the psychological needs that contribute to thirst, hunger and sex. This chapter talks about the drive theory that was created a half century ago by Clark Hull. Hull’s drive theory involves seven core processes, which include need, drive, homeostasis, feedback, multiple inputs, multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms and extraorganismic mechanisms.
What was the most interesting thing you learned in this chapter?
The most interesting part of the chapter was reading about how attractive someone is due to the dimensions in their face. Facial metrics show and link facial metrics with sexual motivation and attraction.
Were their concepts or ideas you are unclear on right now?
Homeostasis was a hard part of hulls theory to understand in my opinion.
How does physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?
It relates because its what the body needs and wants. Physiological reactions are causes of motivation. Clark Hull’s theory of motivation shows correlation and explains how physiological processes lead to motivation and to stay motivated by outside forces.
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms (from chapter 3)?
The differences in the chapter were the Physiological needs are those that your body wants and needs. This is what your body uses as a method of survival. If you’re thirsty your brain is going to make you want to hydrate yourself. If you haven’t eaten all day, it’s going to make you Hungary. Physiological needs are mint to remind you of all the things you need to survive. Psychological mechanisms are things like thirst, hunger, and sex. These three things are what make you happy in life. These three mechanisms are what you need to help motivate yourself and keep yourself motivated. It is what drives you to continue your goals.
Terms: drive theory, drive, homeostasis, feedback, multiple inputs, multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms and extraorganismic mechanisms.
Chapter 4 Summary:
This chapter was all about the different things that our bodies need physiologically. Our bodies have many needs, and this chapter covered the physiological ones. There are also social and psychological needs, but those will be covered in later chapters. There are three main physiological needs that we all have to satisfy. They are thirst, hunger, and sex. The chapter covered all of these needs in great depth and talked about what our bodies go through when we need them, how we act when we get them, and what happens when the need is satisfied.
Most interesting to me:
The part of this chapter that really grabbed my attention was the section on sex and what attracts people to one another. I was first shocked to find out that sex was an actual need. I also didn't realize there were so many factors that played into whether someone is attracted to another person or not. The one that shocked me the most was the facial metrics. I couldn't believe that there were that many things that played into how someone's face looked and whether it is attractive or not. I also thought that the sexual scripts were interesting to learn about. I had no idea that men and women were so different when it came to the act of having sex. Women are more about the intimacy of the relationship, and men are more about the actual sexual activity during. This was very intriguing to me.
Concepts I am unclear on:
Homeostasis, multiple inputs, and multiple outputs were all kind of hard concepts for me to rap my mind around. I especially got lost when I started reading about the multiple outputs/multiple inputs.
How do physiology and physiological reactions relate to motivation?:
When the body needs something, it will be motivated to get those things. These physiological needs will lead the body to react in order to satisfy them. When a person is hungry, they will feel that hunger, and their body will go through biological changes. The person will then realize they are hungry and they will get the motivation to do something to fix the hunger (ex: eat).
What differentiates physiological mechanisms and brain mechanisms?:
Physiological mechanisms are what tells us that our body needs or wants something. If our body is hungry, then our physiological systems will tell us that we are hungry. Brain mechanisms is more involved with the chemical and emotional aspect of it all. If we are feeling sad, it is because we are lacking some sort of chemical (like dopamine), and we need to replace it.
Physiological, Sex, Hunger, Thirst, Facial Metrics, Sexual Scripts, Brain, Dopamine, Needs, Wants, Homeostasis, Multiple Outputs, Multiple Inputs
Chapter 4 focuses on the physiological needs of humans, and how these needs occur in the brain to maintain stability physiologically and psychologically. Chapter 4 focuses on specific needs such as thirst, hunger, and sex, and the reasons why we emit these actions. The chapter uses Clark Hull biologically based theory of motivation to explain the “drive” an individual goes through to maintain regulation. This is called the seven fundamental processes of regulation, they are as follows: physiological need, psychological drive, homeostasis, negative feedback, multiple inputs/multiple outputs, intraorganismic mechanisms, and extraorganismic mechanisms.
I thought the most interesting material covered in chapter 4 was the facial metrics, I had heard about it briefly in social psychology. It was interesting to learn that physical attractiveness can be broken down into simple metrics of body parts. It was also interesting to read about the study where men and women were correlated between physiological arousal and psychological arousal.
Both psychological and physiological aspects have to deal with motivations, I understand it to be intertwined within each other. For example, when you are hungry your body releases chemicals to the brain to produce the psychological pains of hunger. Motivating your body to get something to eat.
Psychological mechanism differ from brain mechanism because they focus on specific actions that we must emit to fulfill our needs. The brain mechanisms on the other hand controls all your bodily functions and all motivational and emotional states involve brains involvement; Using cognitive functions such as thinking and intelligence.
terms sex, hunger, thirst, facial metrics, needs, homeostasis, physiological need, psychological need, motivational states, emotional states, brain