Ch 1 & 2-Introduction and Perspectives


Read Ch1 and Ch 2 in your textbook. Don't worry so much about your answers being beautifully written (yet!); focus on reading and understanding the material and then communicating that understanding to us when answering these questions.

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.


Motivation is determined by the person. Certain things motivate different people. Motivation affects how people behave. Different theories bring different explanations for what motivates people like needs, cognition, instincts, and drives. These theories are brought together and it is seen that they all have something to do with motivation.
Cognition is a way of motivating. People’s different thoughts leads to different amounts of motivation.
It was interesting to look at how we should not look at what people are doing but why they are doing it. If you think about it, everything we do has motive behind it. There are reasons we do everything. Motive plays a huge part in our lives.
I also found it interesting how instinct had to do with motivation. People do things because of their instinct to do so.
Drives are another way of motivating. In Freud’s drive theory, Freud looked at how behavior was driven by our needs.
I found it surprising that the studying motivation recently started. Motivation has so much to do with our daily lives and people don’t really stop to think about it.
Terms used:
Cognition, Freud’s drive theory, instinct, motivation

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

Motivation is very interesting topic to study, as everything is driven by the presence (or non presence) of motivation. I see it as the core to understanding people. There are many types of motivation. I think that factors such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are very interesting, especially intrinsic motivation as it sometime evades myself. There are so many facets to motivation and that is what interest me the most, all of the ways we might not be aware of it.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

Motivation is the want or need to do something. Motivation is a compelling force that drives all behaviors. It is used as the explanation for behaviors and the understanding for behaviors as well.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

What I find so memorable about motivation is the great amount of information and depth that it all goes into. It seems that it should be something apparent, should be simple. Though the things that appear to be the simplest are often the most complicated. With all the information just introduced for the most part in this chapter I think it will be interesting to get more in depth as the semester goes on. Something that also seems surprising is the short length of time that motivation has been studied compared to other components in psychology. Motivation and emotion seem to be huge part of life and have been a factor in life since it began, it seems strange that it has only been looked into in the last hundred years or so.

Terms: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
The topic I find most interesting came in chapter one. The fact that motivation needs supportive conditions is interesting to me, because when you think about it, what I consider supportive may not be what you consider supportive. The chapter talks about how being able to motivate is an art and not all people are good at it. I find it interesting to know what makes a person supportive and a good motivator? Can it be taught?

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
I would tell them motivation is the underlying reason to why someone does or does not do something. It explains why we make the decisions that we do and how we go about getting ourselves to perform those behaviors. Everyone’s personal motivation is ever changing with the time of the day, our physical state, our feelings, thoughts and needs. Motivation could explain why my roommate, who I who got similar grades to in high school, was practically failing out of school while I was excelling. Motivation would explain why I have been talking about losing weight for 8 years and am still just talking about it. Motivation could be used to understand pretty much everything. The difficulty becomes understanding motivation because as stated in the book “Motivation is a private, unobservable, and seemingly mysterious experience.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
The most surprising part of the reading that in the 70’s the study of motivation was almost nonexistent and a research field and that is wasn’t until the 90’s that it came “back to life”. I would think this subject would be at the base of many questions within psychology. The most memorable part of this reading is just the overall complexity of, the seemingly simple subject of motivation. Looking at motivation in more of a “which kind” way rather than a “how much” way is something I never even took the time to consider. I never thought to tie motivation to things I would naturally do like take care of a head ache.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.

After reading the chapters, a few of the things I found interesting were all of the different theories that either have existed or still exist today about how people become motivated. For example Freud’s and Hull’s drive theory, or William James’ instinct theory. I also found it interesting how motivation is expressed in four different ways like behavior, engagement, brain activation and physiology, and self-report. I also read how there are also eight aspects of motivated behavior that include attention, effort, latency, persistence, choice, probability of response, facial expressions and bodily gestures. Before taking this class and reading into the chapters, I would have never thought that the word motivation could have so much meaning and detail to it. During my reading, I also thought that the brain and physiological activity was interesting. Last semester I took biopsychology, and although it was a difficult class for me, I still found everything that I had learned interesting. The brain is such a complex and amazing piece that I find it very intriguing to learn more about. I think it would be fun to learn more about how neurotransmitters and hormones play a role in a person’s motives and motivation.

What is motivation? If I had to describe what motivation is to someone who is not taking the class I would say that it is the study of the processes that give behavior its energy and direction. Energy implies that behavior has strength and direction implies that behavior has a purpose. It is the responsibility of a theory to explain what those motivational processes are and also how they work to energize and direct a person’s behavior. So according to this definition there are different theories to why people do what they do and why the act the way they do that contributes to the amount of motivation that they have.

The most surprising or memorable thing I learned in this reading was actually a couple of different things. When I was reading about the expressions of motivation and was in the engagement section of it, it talks about behavioral engagement which represents the extent to which the person displays on-task attention, effort, and enduring persistence. I found this funny since I was having a hard time trying to stay on-task and be motivated and every time my cell received a text, I instantly stopped reading and grabbed my phone. So in the process of trying to stay on task, I was reading about a type of engagement that involves just that. I also found figure 1.4 on page 15 was interesting in how they used different environmental events and used asterisks to represent the intensity of the aroused motive. For example, the environmental event was a book, the aroused motive was interest, the motive-relevant course of action was to read the chapter and the motive’s urgency got 1 asterisk, which means it was on the low end of urgency. However if the environmental event was a headache, the aroused motive was pain avoidance, the motive-relevant course of action was to take aspirin, which meant the motive’s urgency got 5 asterisks since the motive was to get rid of the headache.
Drive Reduction Theory
Grand Theory of Motivation

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
I find that the origins of motivation to be the most interesting. I am an Anthropology major and find that the origins of thoughts and their counterparts to be extremely interesting. Culture and various other social structures are built off of people and their interactions. So, in order to have those interactions, they have these inner processes. And the motivation behind their actions and interactions can be fascinating!

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

Motivation involves the processes that encourage or spark behaviors. In order to a behavior to occur it must be “motivated” to do so. Motivation is made up of 4 main processes involving the cognition, needs, emotions, and external events. Motivation is expressed by behaviors, engagements, brain activations and and physiology, and self-reports.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

Many theories seem to emphasize that motivation stems from biological means. There are some behavioral theories but most have a large focus on biology.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.

Grand theory. Emotion. Motivation. Behavior. Intrinsic. Extrinsic. Grand Theories.

I found the first chapter, or the introduction, to be the most interesting. It is somewhat easy to think about the concept of motivation, but it is hard to explain. This chapter gave two very important questions posed to people studying motivation: 1.What causes behavior, 2. Why does behavior vary in intensity. You can ask someone "why did you study" and their answer could be "because I want to get good grades." Obviously, their motivation is to receive the grades, but there is more motivation that is not so easy to see. If you're thinking about what causes behavior, another good question to ask is "why does behavior start?" Everything that someone does is driven by some kind of motivation whether because of internal motives or external events. Internal motives are those that direct our behavior. Every individual has the same needs for food and water. External events are those that are environmental, social, or cultural. The second important question to ask about motivation, it "why does behavior vary in its intensity?" Some individuals are motivated by certain events or things while others are not. For example, some people take school very seriously and in return, study a lot. Others do not care as much about school, and therefore do not study as much. It all depends on the individual and how important they view the event.

If I were to explain what motivation is to another person, I would originally say that it is what drives us to do what it is that we do everyday. After reading the chapters, however, I would have a more in-depth definition of motivation. In order to explain why people do what they do, you need a theory of motivation. The purpose of the theory is to explain what gives the behavior its energy and direction. If someone is motivated to do a behavior, they have the energy to do it: it keeps us going even when we want to give up. The direction gives the idea that the behavior has a purpose: there is a reason behind what we are doing.

One of the things I found most suprising or memorable was the list of motivational reasons to exercise. There are so many reasons for such a simple thing. For example, someone could exercise just for the enjoyment of it. This would be an intrinsic source of motivation. If they are paid to do so, it is an extrinsic source of motivation. If a person decides to exercise because they are in a good mood, it is because of positive affect. The weather could be particularly nice on that day and that would put them in a good mood and therefore motivating them to exercise. Another thing that I found suprising was that the first motivation textbook was not written until 1964. It is weird that such an interesting and complex topic was not studied too much prior to the 1960s.

Terms: internal motives, external motives, motivation, postivie affect.

What interested me the most from the reading are the answers to one out of the 2 perennial questions; “what causes behavior?”, the fact that motivation is unobservable and that we can tell someone is motivated through their behavioral manifestations and the antecedents known to give rise to motivational states, the 8 behavioral expressions of motivation; attention, effort, latency, persistence, choice, probability of response, facial expressions and bodily gestures, and the history of the study of motivation/the grand theories; will, instinct, drive (Freud’s Drive Theory and Hull’s Drive Theory).

Motivation is an internal feeling or urge (biological or not) that we get either from internal forces or external forces. Through our external behaviors is how we satisfy our internal feelings or urges. The internal feelings that we get is the urge to do something (which is acted out through behavior).

What surprised me the most is the section in Chapter 2 that discusses the history of motivation. I didn’t realize that motivation is a newly studied topic within the last 100 years, and that there have been a number of grand theories to try and describe it.

Perennial, Behavioral manifestations, Antecedents, Attention, Effort, Latency, Persistence, Choice, Probability of response, Facial expressions, Bodily gestures, Internal forces, External forces

The topic in these chapters that was most interesting to me was the "Motivation Science" section of Chapter 1, pages 3 & 4. This caught my attention because the example that was used dealt with reasons why people exercise. This example is very relevant to me in my role, and I was able to relate to it; thus, I found it easy to apply the knowledge to other areas in my life and other sections of the book. I especially found Table 1.1 interesting because it explained different examples and types of motivation. I also enjoyed reading the section on "What Causes Behavior?" The five questions that were asked really made me think about how complicated motivation really is.
1.Why does behavior start?
2. Once begun, why is behavior sustained over time?
3. Why is behavior directed toward some goals yet away from others?
4. Why does behavior change its direction?
5. Why does behavior stop?
Along with this I found the Heirarchy of the Four Sources of Motivation very helpful to explain the internal motives: needs, cognitions, and emotions.

If I were to describe motivation to someone not in this class I would first start by stating that motivation is complicated in the sense that people are motivated for different reasons and by different things. The book described these as sources of motivation. Some examples include: intrinsic motivation, flow, goal, value, opponent process, etc. Many theories and mini-theories have attempted to describe motivation, such as: Will, Instinct, Drive and several mini-theories (theories that limit their focus to certain components of motivation). A more vague definition would be describing motivation as the reasons people are energized to behave a certain way.

An area of this reading that most stood out to be was the topic about how motivation is always changing. This was something that I did not necessarily think about until after reading this section. Motivation is dynamic. The example that the book gave was about and student studying at their desk. Their motivation to complete their reading changed throughout their time at the desk because of an an aroused motive caused by an environmental change. For example, the student got a headache and was motivated to get rid of the pain. I related this to my role as a fitness instructor, and I thought how I am more motivated to teach a fitness class in the morning because I am rested than I am in the evening after a long day.

Terms: motivation science, Heirarchy of the Four Sources of Motvation, internal motives (needs, cognition, emotion), sources of motivation ( intrinsic motivation, flow, goal, value, opponent process), theories (will, drive, instinct), motivation as dynamic

I was really interested in the section talking about engagement. As a marketing major, engagement is one thing that we really focus on when we are designing an advertisement. Customer engagement is the holy grail of marketing. Probability of Response is probably the most important Behavior Expression of Motivation in terms of my future career goals as the goal of marketing efforts is to encourage the customer to purchase our product over the other products available. Motivation is the science of understanding of “why people do things” to put it in simple terms. This includes the study of intrinsic and extrinsic variables, environmental factors, and biological factors. One thing I didn’t really think about was that there is not only motivation to do something but also motivation to avoid something. In the section talking about approach and avoidance tendencies I thought it was interested to think of motivation to avoid something that is aversive or painful such as exercising or dieting. Although those are positive things, people often avoid them in order to avoid the aversive and negative things that go along with them, over powering their motivation to get in shape or lose weight. I also thought that the section describing the Grand Theories of motivation: instinct, will, and drive was very interesting because it really makes sense if you think about it in terms of common sense. You’re hungry, you eat. That is an example of drive motivation. You are seeking a specific goal, you make a plan to get there. That is an example of will. You see a bear in the woods, you hide. That is an example of instinctual motivation. Overall, I think it is really important to study and understand motivation, especially in our very competitive society.

Terms: engagement, probability of response, behavior expression of motivation, motivation, approach and avoidance tendencies, instinct, will, drive, grand theories

The most interesting portion of this reading was the brief section on brain activations and physiology. As I am interested in Neurological Psychology, this was the section which piqued my interest. When I signed up for this course I had never thought about the role of biology would play—but of course it plays a large role. Our neurons are continually changing and adapting to our environment so we do not waste energy on unnecessary input. This illuminates reasoning to why people are motivated to act a certain way. As a future researcher, accounting motivation into biological studies would be beneficial in understanding the entire picture.
When people study motivation they are studying a science of understanding “why”. When I think of motivation, the first thing which comes to mind is marketing and murders. Why do people purchase certain items and how can we get them to want something they truly do not need? Why do people kill others or why are some people fixated on certain morbid acts? Much of what comes to mind has to do with drive. According to Hull’s Drive Theory “drive was a pooled energy source composed of all current bodily deficits/disturbances”. I find this to be a great basis to work off of when someone is questions to what motivation means.
There are many theories associated with motivation and like other major disciplines, Occam’s razor is enforced. The grand theories of motivation as discussed in chapter two have been broken down into simplistic term of instinct, will and drive. Stepping back from complex terminology and delving into the basics allows for research to flourish. One thing I didn’t really think about was how plastic the study of motivation was. From the Aristotle period to the new paradigm, motivation as a discipline has evolved throughout the years. For some reason I thought of this as a neo-science, but in actuality the understanding of motivation has been around for centuries. Motivation has changed from simplistic theories and reasoning to why people act the way they do, to complex empirically driven understandings of motives.

Terms: Brain activations and physiology, (in respect to the science of motivation), motivation, Hull’s Drive Theory, Occam's razor, grand theories (instinct, will and drive), new paradigm.

Throughout reading the first two chapters in the text, what I found most interesting was the amount of detail and in-depth breakdown of what truly signified motivation and what it is all composed of. For instance, previously I would define motivation as a universal idea in that taking a quote from Michael Jordan for instance would in and of itself define what motivation is to everyone. However in my reading I learned that it is much more complex than that. The study of motivation and emotion is what is known as a behavioral science in that it requires an extensive study of data, empirical evidence, and analyses to formulate how different motivational processes work given numerous hypothesis and tests. For instance motivation from an athlete may very well differ from motivation from a veterinarian. With this we can understand that motivation revolves around two fundamental questions 1.) what causes behavior? And 2.) Why does behavior vary in its intensity (why is one motivated to work out yesterday morning, yet less motivated the following day)? In summary, motivation is the study that concerns those processes that give behavior its energy and direction. Further, What starts one’s behavior and/or how is that character sustained over time? Why is Bob’s behavior as an athlete directed towards some ends but Paula’s as a Veterinarian is completely different? What are the underlying factors that determine this difference and what forces give person A more motivational direction than person B? The questions of this sort are ones that I never even began to ponder previous to reading the chapter, yet I fully understand how they are essential and necessary to answer in order to understand what motivation fully consist of.

Explaining to an individual what motivation is all about:
In the study of motivation we are primarily concerned with what processes drive ones behavior via its energy and direction. In regards to energy, we focus on what sparks the behaviors purpose such as intensity or persistence. Why might I be fully motivated to wake up at 5 A.M. every morning to run five miles as opposed to my friend waking up at the same time to lift weights? What gives me that energy to run whereas my friend it is to lift weights? The energy implies the behaviors strength. Further, the direction denotes why ones action has a purpose, why one has energy to achieve some particular goal whereas mine is much different. With motivation we understand that through processes we as humans individually have distinct personal drives that arise from both environmental and internal experiences. Internally we refer to needs, cognitions, and emotions that shape an individual’s approach whereas environmental or external events such as culture or social structure shape our long-term mindset’s course of action. In unison, energy and direction lay at the basis to define what motivation truly is, yet is not simply a formula that works for everyone in that it is only through science and its study of behavior by which we can ultimately establish what motivation is all about.

The most memorable piece of information that I took from the reading was the emphasis on the Internal Motives involved with motivation and emotion. I was aware of the ‘Needs’ that every individual needs, but the in-depth analysis of how ‘Cognitions’ and ‘Emotions’ also played a vital role in shaping ones process of motivation was something that I hadn’t previously thought of. For instance the ‘Cognitions’ refers to the mental events, such as thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and the self-concept. These sources of motivation consistently revolve around the individual person’s way of thinking. Given that it is all too obvious that we all have different opinions it really shines light on the idea that motivation is not something that can be derived from a universal antidote, each and every one of us demands much different sources of energy and direction; hence explaining why it is considered a behavioral science.

Terms: behavioral science, energy, direction, Internal Motives, External Motives, Needs, Cognitions, Emotions, Intensity.

The section that I found to be probably the most interesting was the section in Chapter 1 about engagement. Personally, I had never thought of engagement as something so complex, and that’s why it interested me. It amazed me that there were so many facets of engagement, including behavior, emotion, cognition, and voice. All of these aspects of engagement are connected and they are all important factors as to how much a person is motivated during a certain event or activity.

To describe motivation in the simplest terms, I would say it is the reason someone does or does not do something. However, it is much more complicated than that. Two important aspects of motivation involve what is causing the behavior displayed by the person, and why does that behavior have different intensities? When these questions are answered, we can better understand motivation.

One thing that surprised me was the fact that courses in motivation have not been around that long. They have been around less than 100 years, so they are fairly recent. However, there have been many theories of motivation and it has been constantly changing. Progress has been made in studying motivation and it was surprising to see how much the theories have changed.

Terms: Engagement, Behavior, Emotion, Cognition, Voice, Motivation, and Intensities.

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

From the reading, the most interesting topics for me to read about were the different forms of motivation and ways of viewing it. Often people want to consider ways to improve motivation among themselves and others. If a person’s goal is to achieve success, than they are more likely to outperform another equally able individual who has a goal of avoiding failure.
I also found expression of motivation to be interesting. We can make assumptions about why someone behaves in a certain way, but in all honesty, we have no clue as to why they did it. It is a private and mysterious experience for viewers to witness a person’s motivation.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

Motivation varies for each individual and within each situation. In terms of how much a person can have, it can be nonexistent, low, moderate, high, or very high. In addition to this, it is vital to remember that humans are motivationally complex, which means that individuals are and can be motivated for completely different reasons.
When considering motivation, it can be broken into Internal and External Motivation. Internal motives are a process that occurs within the individual, where the needs, cognitions, and emotions exist to shape behavior. Needs are the aspects that are necessary for maintenance of life and well-being. Cognitions are the expectations, beliefs, and self-concept that occur in a person’s thinking. Emotions are short-lived expressive phenomena that illustrate how an individual feels or reacts to important occurrences in their life.
For External Motivation, it can occur from the environment, social, and cultural sources to energize and direct behavior. It can be but is not limited to money being a major form of External Motivation for people.
Motives have the ability and power to affect our behavior and direct our attention to a certain aspect over others. If a person was trying to give a presentation and they were very thirsty, their attention may shift to their thirst and make it difficult for them to continue with the presentation.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

I found it surprising that although Motivation has roots from the ancient Greeks and other philosophers, that courses and studies of motivation have not been around very long. There were three grand theories of motivation that existed prior to 1960s—will, instinct, and drive.
Will was difficult to explain and very mysterious. Descartes believed that bodily needs, passions, pleasures, and pains excited the will. Instincts express themselves through inherited bodily reflexes. The final motivational concept that replaced instinct was drive. Drive is the instrumental way to service what the body needs. It was acknowledged that to understand motivation and gain progress, individuals would have to step away from the grand theories and consider alternative ideas. As much as the perspective of motivation has changed, it is important to remember that each motivational agent—needs, cognitions, emotions, and external events—all interact and influence one another.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.

Internal Motives
External Motivation

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
The most interesting part of the reading for myself was the history and background on the study and views of motivation. I enjoy learning about how things started and the original views on them. It's intriguing to compare those views to the views we have today. I also enjoyed reading the different types of motivation and viewing it from different angles. Each person uses motivation for different reasons and in different ways. I enjoyed reading about the different kinds of motivation and being able to think about and relate it to my own life.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
I would explain to someone not in the motivation and emotion class that motivation is what drives someone to do something. I really enjoyed the book's explanation of this by saying the energy (or strength) and direction (or purpose) for one to do something. I also found reading about the internal experiences and external experiences of motives as a great definition for this. There are different types of things that cause a person to do something such as needs and emotions or social and cultural. Why does someone do what they do? Why do people want what they want? Learning about motivation will help to understand what aims or guides a person to achieve a certain goal or outcome.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
The most memorable thing in the reading for me was about the different types of motivation. Intrinsic motivation verses extrinsic motivation, achievement verses avoid failure, and autonomous motivation verses controlled motivation are things that I had never thought about before. It was interesting to read about the different types of motivation in different situations. This was memorable to me as I can now relate it to my own things in life.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.
Motivation, emotion, energy, direction, internal experience, external experiences, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, achievement, avoid failure, autonomous motivation, controlled motivation

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

From these two introduction chapters, I think what I found to be the most interesting was the concept of behavior itself. The book described behavior as not being just one single entity, but actually being composed of multiple aspects of motivation. I never really saw behavior in from this perspective. I will be interested to learn more about how these aspects of behavior (attention, effort, latency, persistence, choice, probability of response, facial expressions, and bodily gestures) play into our everyday behaviors.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

If I were to describe motivation to someone, based on these chapters, I think I would say that motivation is that inner force that drives a person to act and make the decisions that they do. This force may come from some sort of physiological response or even from some other internal motive or external event.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

What I thought to be both surprising and memorable was the history of the study of motivation and emotion found in chapter two. History is not something I usually find all that interesting or exciting, but in this case I thought the connection made between Plato and Freud’s theories made this part of history stick with me. As a psychology major, we have been taught all about Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and the unconscious motivators of the id, ego and superego. However, until now I did not realize that this theory dates all the way back to Plato’s time. Plato’s philosophy regarding the triparitite composes the same characteristics of Freud’s theory. The appetite aspect deals with one’s basic desires (the id); the competitive aspect takes into account social standards such as honor and shame (the superego); and finally the calculating aspect of this theory involves reasoning and decision making (the ego).

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.

Behavior, Motivation, attention, effort, latency, persistence, choice, probability of response, internal motive, external event, Plato, Freud, triparitite, appetite/id, competitive/superego, calculating/ego

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
I found it very interesting how young the study of motivation is as a science. While the very original ideas that created the desire to learn more came from Plato's time, the first class in the subject appeared less than one hundred years ago! Additionally, the study of motivation itself has come a long way in the past century. When philosophers attempted to use the concept of will to fully explain motivation, they found it very difficult to measure objectively or even to characterize it at all. Researchers have now moved on to studying mini-theories, as opposed to using Grand ones to attempt to describe every fact of motivation.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
Motivation is a force that drives us as animals to act and behave in a particular way. This force induces processes that give behavior its energy and direction. It lies not only within the individual, but can also generate from external factors such as life-threatening weather (where action is necessary to survive) and a beautiful, sunny day (where one could be motivated to spend the day outdoors). In humans, it has been found that motivation can also be intrinsic or extrinsic in nature, meaning that the actions we take are not solely based on what our body needs, and we have multiple other reasons for being motivated. Motivation itself is unobservable, but we can often observe the action that takes place when motivation is present.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
In the beginning, philosophers and psychologists believed that motivation thrived in a purely physiological basis. That is to say, the only reason we do things comes from an innate need; external factors were not originally part of the equation. Additionally, in Freud's theory, motivation was thought of as an “an emergency warning system that action needed to taken.” This approach made motivation appear as a reactionary system, which we now know today to be false. I found it interesting that, in such a short amount of time, we have gained much knowledge in the field and now find it commonplace to describe motivation as a force that can come from anywhere and for any reason, not just observable reactions.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.
Will, motivation, mini-theories, Grand theories, energize,direction, behave, physiological, intrinsic, extrinsic, external factors

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

Motivation and Emotion are two topics that are very broad and very hard to put into a concise statement. I think Expressions of Motivation was my favorite topic for this chapter. I find it interesting that they break down and analyze some basic understanding of motivation. Example is page 9 where they map out two different kinds of motivation; Internal Events and External Events. Also another favorite part is on page 12 when they explain the fundamentals of Brain activity and Physiology of Motivation. I never would have thought though that Physiology would play some kind of part in someone being motivated.
If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
Motivation is not a simple definition; there are different affects that play into people being motivated. There are internal factors and external factors that influence us to be a motivated individual. Examples of getting motivated are driving down the road, getting up in the morning, work etc. All of these examples are called Motives, which provides the basic thought that, “Motives direct attention and Prepare Action”. Motives are always changing, always rising and falling in different various ways. At one moment I could be motivated to go bowling or at the next have little interest in it.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

The most memorable thing that I have learned is that there are different types of motivation. I originally thought there was only one way of being motivated and that was just etheir wanting to do something or not. They explain in the book that if you watch a doctor work on a patient, athlete practice, and an employee work you will notice a difference in their intensity of motivation. Different experiences call for different types of motivation, obviously if I am an athlete I want to be experienced at being motivated to practice my skills so I can get better

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.

Motives direct attention and Prepare Action

intensity of motivation

Brain activity and Physiology of Motivation

Expressions of Motivation

Internal Events and External Events

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

I think the most interesting thing about the two chapters would have to be much of chapter 2 because there are just so many different theories and opinions on what causes motivation and how motivation can cause something else to happen. The main one that caught my attention was of Darwin's instinct proposition stating that motivation causes adaptation to certain experiences and environments. Later William James, a psychologist, used many of Darwin's ideas to use as a bases for human instinct theories.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

Describing motivation is very difficult to do because so much of what motivation is becomes very difficult to even comprehend since it is not just one thing that causes motivation there are so many factors such as behavior, social norms, family, wants, needs, etc. Though describing motivation is very hard to speak or write about the best way I can describe it would have to be motivation is an accumulation of emotions or thoughts caused by many different factors that drive animals and humans to say or do what they do.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

The most surprising thing about reading the chapters was for every section of the chapters there were so many questions being asked since motivation is such a hard topic to really explain it's even difficult for experts to properly understand it. The most memorable thing I learned about is just how so many people whether or not they were describing motivation directly or indirectly from past leading up to today a few being Plato, Aristotle, Darwin, Woodworth, and so on try so hard to understand why living organisms do what they do. So many theories had been made over decades even centuries to try and give an understanding to something that no one may every be able grasp entirely.

Terms used: motivation, instincts, adaptation, behavior, social norms, emotions, and psychologist

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

I found the two perennial questions to be the most interesting. Before, I thought that motivation could be a fairly simple question to address when in reality it is not! The two questions they ask are 1) What causes behavior? and 2) Why does behavior vary in it’s intensity? There is so much more information that is needed to explain motivations and behaviors associated with them, I really am excited to learn about these processes. I was impressed that they demonstrated to us that there were many different approaches, or grand theories, that attempted to completely explain motivation. Using the will, instinct, and drive it was very difficult for individuals to explain what is was as a whole. Therefore, they use mini-theories to explain different aspects of motivation which is much easier to do! I am also excited to learn more

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

I would probably explain motivation as a particular urge or drive to do a specific activity. For example, If someone is hungry, their body is going to send them impulses that triggers their brain to tell them that they are hungry. Once that is triggered, they are going to sense those urges and probably get something to eat. There are also different influences, including intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Which means that motivation doesn't necessarily come all from within your body, other factors could influence your motivation as well.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

The most memorable thing I learned about in this reading was learning about all the different kinds of motivation. Before taking this class, I didn't realize that motivation could be such a hard word to explain in psychology. I thought I knew a good definition but reading this chapter definitely changed that definition. I am eager to learn more about motivation and the various aspects that affect it.

Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, will, instinct, drive, grand theories, mini-theories

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

The topic I found most interesting was how motivation is not static. What motivates one to do something at one time may not be as important at another time and how needs and desires shift.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

From reading this chapter I would describe the study of motivation to be about the study of what moves and drives people to behave in the ways they do and how that process functions.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

I had always thought about motivation being completely intrinsic and not seen the distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.

Intrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
Motivation is a complex, rich topic, and I find it fascinating that, for example, there could be 14 different (scientific) explanations for why someone would exercise. I think it’s interesting that motivation is “a constantly flowing river of needs, cognitions, and emotions” (p. 15) and that although several different motives may be vying for an individual’s attention, one may dominate the others even when the others may seem more pressing in another situation. It’s a system so complex that it reminds me of something we learned in Intro to Counseling. No one theory explains what is “wrong” with a person or why they feel the way they do. Sometimes one theory makes more sense at one time, while another client may benefit from the structure of a different theory. (This is why many counselors say the theory they use is “eclectic.”)
If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
I would say motivation is the reason we do things, stop doing things, do things for a certain period of time, or do things at a certain intensity. I had a hard time with this part of the post, but I think I will be better able to answer it after we talk about the text in lecture. There are a lot of concepts to internalize.
What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
I can’t say I was necessarily surprised by the fact that motivation can’t be observed, since that is completely logical, but it kind of framed for me the idea of studying motivation. When we study motivation, we’re not hooking people up to EEGs or looking at their GSR. It’s about a very internal process involving that constant flow of variables.
TERMS: motive, motivation, behavior

I thought Chapter 1 was quite interesting in general. Although it was a general introduction to the topic of motivation and emotion I found this quote to be particularly interesting “motivation is a private, unobservable, and seemingly mysterious experience”. That quote in itself got me to start thinking about what motivation really is. Usually and possibly also generally speaking, motivation stems from an emotion and emotion stems from motivation. An example might be that I want a Keurig, so I need to save up money to get the Keurig. The idea or motivation factor to work is so that I can get money to buy the Keurig. Emotionally and motivationally I have to be engaged in the idea and process of going to work so that I can be paid money so that I can save up and buy a Keurig. I also found the list of themes of motivation really interesting as well.

Motivation is the drive or behaviorally driven action to achieve something that is wanted by personal individuals. Motivation is the key factor that explains most of our behaviors and can be used to help us understand why people do what they do.
What I found most surprising about these chapters is how much in depth information the books goes into. As psychology students we may have heard or learned some of these words and maybe even a random person off the street can describe what they believe is motivation, but to actually go into detail of the types of motivation or how they direct our actions was pretty cool.

TERMS: motivation,

* From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

There are many topics that are interesting to me from chapters 1 &2. The first one being that there are four sources of motivation: needs, cognitions, emotions (all three being internal motives), and external events. I have learned about internal and external motivations before, but never explained in this way. It is interesting to me that external motivations, not only include specific events, but also include environments: physical or mental environments. I was then able to think about that of my own life, of how I am affected by environments and act or change my behavior based on them. The other topic which I found especially interesting was the drive theory of Freud and Hull. In trying to discover the source of behavior, the topic of drive is very interesting. I especially liked the quote of "drive, cue, response, reward". It definitely helped me understand the concept and made it clear.

* If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

Motivation is the source and answer to the question "why?". It studies why we do the things we do, what sources push us to act, and the different aspects and degrees of behavior.

* What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

It surprised me how many theories there are of motivation and the sources of behavior. The history of motivation and the theories involved is incredible, and how the theories have been proven, or have faded away, or have been built upon, is interesting in how they all relate and point to the question of "why?".

* Terms: Motivation. Needs. Cognitions. Emotions. Internal and External Motives. Drive theory. Freud. Hull.

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?

The topics of Motivation and Emotion are quite broad as it is difficult to put into a concise statement. I find that Expressions of Motivation was my favorite part of this chapter. I enjoy the way that they analyze some basic concepts of motivation. Example of this can be found on page 9 where they break down this process into two kinds of motivation; Internal Events and External Events. The expression of motivation is particularly interesting to me. Even though we are able to make assumptions or educated guesses as to why certain people do certain things. All in all, we are unable to accurately to know why a person did a particular action.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

I would explain that motivation is a driving force or need for an entity to engage in an activity. An example of this might be if someone is injured. Let’s say such as soft tissue damage such as a laceration, or cut. This would trigger a person to cover the injury to guard this cut from further injury as well as to keep other debris out of the wound. There are also different influences. There are two types: Intrinsic Motivation, which is personal satisfaction derived through self-initiated achievement. Using the previous example this would be putting anti-biotic cream to sooth the pain or taking pain killers. The second type is Extrinsic Motivation, which is where outside influences determine one’s actions. In the example this might be someone either telling you to get stitches if the cut is deep enough.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

The most memorable part of this reading was different types of motivation. Although I was aware of both type of motivation as I have been through Basic combat training, in which you are externally motivated quite a bit by a mean looking individual. The reading reminded me that we are motivated not just internally but externally as well. In the book that I noticed a difference in intensity of motivation depending on who is trying to motivate you (Such as a Doctor or A Drill Sergeant). Different Situations call for different types of motivation, Especially when it come to a life and death situation or just asking if someone would like a salad with their dinner.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.

Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, need, Motivation,

Many terms can be applied to describe motivation: inspiration, drive, and enthusiasm. Motivation is a feeling or emotion that you get when you feel the need to strive for an accomplishment. In chapter one is the mechanics of motivation.

The hierarchy of the four sources of motivation explains that motivation comes from two sources internal motives and external events. There are three different sub-branches in internal motives called needs, cognitions, and emotions. Needs are conditions within individual that are essential and necessary for the maintenance of life and for the nurturance of growth. Hunger and thirst are great example of motivational needs. Cognitions refer to mental events, such as thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and the self-concept. A professional athlete motivation is be the best is a great example of cognitions. Emotions are short- lived subjective-physiological-functional-expressive phenomena that orchestrate how we react adaptively to the important events in our lives. External events are environmental, social, and cultural sources of motivation that have the capacity to energize and direct behavior, for instance, to motivate someone with money as reward for doing something.

In chapter two, it explains some of the theories that pasted psychologist and philosophers have had about motivation. The grand theory is an all-encompassing theory that seeks to explain the full range of motivated action- why we eat, drink, work, play, compete, fear certain things, read, fall in love and so on. The three grand theories of motivation chapter two focuses on are will, instinct, and drive. Ultimately, it became clear that if we were going to fully understand motivation we had to go beyond grand theories and explore mini theories. Mini-theories seek to understand or investigate one particular: motivational phenomenon, particular circumstances that affect motivation, groups of people, and theoretical questions. Three historical developments explained this evolution. “First, motivation study rejected its commitment to a passive view of human nature and adopted a more active portrayal of human beings. Second, motivation turned decidedly cognitive and somewhat humanistic. Third, the field focused on applied, socially relevant problem. To sum up the chapter it is a comparison of the different views and theories motivation.

Terms: Motivation, Internal Motives, needs, cognition, emotions, external events, grand theory mini theories

After reading these chapters a few topics stuck out to me. For instance, Freud's and Hull's Drive Theory sounds interesting. Motivation itself is an extremely interesting topic. What motivates humans, intrinsic or extrinsic factors? Both at the same time? It is a very interesting idea. The section about brain activity was also very interesting. I have always loved anatomy and physiology and how biological forces influence our actions and personalities.

If I was to explain motivation to someone I would say that motivation is a feeling or urge that is satisfied through acting upon those urges, our behavior. We are motivated through internal (biological) as well as external (goals, wants, desires, etc.) forces. I would also tell them that motivation is unique to every person. What motivates one individual may be aversive to another. However, most of us respond to intrinsic motivation the same.

I was surprised by how new this topic is in psychology and the surprising amount of information obtained in 100 years. The fact that people are motivated to do the same thing for different reasons stuck out to me. I never really thought about the fact that some people do things for different reasons. Another memorable thing in these chapters was the different types of motivation besides intrinsic and extrinsic. Such as achievement vs avoid failure, and autonomous vs controlled motivation.

Terms: Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Freud's and Hull's Drive Theory, Motivation, Aversive, Achievement, Avoid Failure, Autonomous, Controlled

Many terms can be applied to describe motivation: inspiration, drive, and enthusiasm. Motivation is a feeling or emotion that you get when you feel the need to strive for an accomplishment. In chapter one is the mechanics of motivation.

The hierarchy of the four sources of motivation explains that motivation comes from two sources internal motives and external events. There are three different sub-branches in internal motives called needs, cognitions, and emotions. Needs are conditions within individual that are essential and necessary for the maintenance of life and for the nurturance of growth. Hunger and thirst are great example of motivational needs. Cognitions refer to mental events, such as thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and the self-concept. A professional athlete motivation is be the best is a great example of cognitions. Emotions are short- lived subjective-physiological-functional-expressive phenomena that orchestrate how we react adaptively to the important events in our lives. External events are environmental, social, and cultural sources of motivation that have the capacity to energize and direct behavior, for instance, to motivate someone with money as reward for doing something.

In chapter two, it explains some of the theories that pasted psychologist and philosophers have had about motivation. The grand theory is an all-encompassing theory that seeks to explain the full range of motivated action- why we eat, drink, work, play, compete, fear certain things, read, fall in love and so on. The three grand theories of motivation chapter two focuses on are will, instinct, and drive. Ultimately, it became clear that if we were going to fully understand motivation we had to go beyond grand theories and explore mini theories. Mini-theories seek to understand or investigate one particular: motivational phenomenon, particular circumstances that affect motivation, groups of people, and theoretical questions. Three historical developments explained this evolution. “First, motivation study rejected its commitment to a passive view of human nature and adopted a more active portrayal of human beings. Second, motivation turned decidedly cognitive and somewhat humanistic. Third, the field focused on applied, socially relevant problem. To sum up the chapter it is a comparison of the different views and theories motivation.

Terms: Motivation, Internal Motives, needs, cognition, emotions, external events, grand theory mini theories

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
*Internal Motives are the most interesting to me from this week’s readings. I think it is very interesting that our internal process energizes and directs behaviors and includes needs, cognitions and emotions. It is very interesting to me as well that all of these internal behaviors aid in how we react to different situations. The Cognitive Revolution was very interesting to me. It is very interesting to see how much science and research has come along. Motivation used to just look at drive, homeostasis, and arousal, but with research, the internal mental process has become of importance.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
*Motivation aides in individual behaviors and helps to understand why people do what they do. Motivation doesn’t only influence behavior but influences individual thoughts and feelings.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
*I think the most surprising thing within the reading is how much our internal selves represent our behavior and why we do what we do. Also another memorable thing is how far research has come. With the advances in technology and more research being conducted, we have learned more about humans (and motivation and emotion) and continue to study those things.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.
*Motivation, Cognitive Revolution, Emotion, Homeostasis, Arousal, Drive, Internal Mental Process

Which topics are most interesting to you?
The most interesting topic for me was the origin of motivation. I like that the chapter made me think about what motivates me in my life and what motivation actually is. The example that chapter one uses with exercise gave me a clear and new perspective of what motivation is. I also never realized that there were fourteen reasons why people exercise but then again people have lots of reasons as to why they do things. Those different reasons are both intriguing and interesting to me.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what motivation is what would you tell them?
My definition of motivation is a strong need to conquer a goal or to feed a necessary need. Someone who is motivated is also very disciplined and ignores the fear of failure.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
The most memorable thing that I read was in chapter two. The section that talks about a person’s drive really captured my attention. It talked about how we as human beings need have bodily needs such as food and water. Drive can also be something else other than nourishment too. Drive and motivation combined are internal needs that reach for something that will fill the soul.
(That last line was mine. Not from the book.)

Motivation and Drive

*Most interesting to you
I think that Freud's Drive Theory was by far the most interesting thing in these chapters. I really enjoy how simple it is. When I read it, I kind of thought to myself "huh, that seems pretty obvious". But I enjoy the fact that he has put it into words and there are even four steps that are followed. The example they give in the book is someone experiencing hunger. Then the body will go throught the steps. In order, the steps are source, impetus, object, and aim. The source is the thing that happens to make the person realize they are hungry. The impetus is when the person becomes consciously aware that they are hungery. The object is the act of the person eating, or doing something to hopefully satisfy that need. And the aim is when the craving has been satisfied for a certain amount of time, and then the cycle starts over.

*What is motivation all about?
I think of motivation as a drive. It is something that drives a person to carry out actions. It is something that makes us behave in certain ways. Motivation depends on different things to different people. If someone wants to have a "beach bod" by the time school is out for summer, that person is more likely to be motivated to work out. There are several different things that can motivate someone to do certain things and act in certain ways. Some people might call themselves "lazy" or "unmotivated", but maybe that's just their way of saying they don't think they are motivated about the right things. I usually have no motivation to do my homework, but I'd like to have that motivation. Since I desperately want good grades, I can find the motivation to get things done when I need them done.

*Most surprising/memorable to you
The most surprising and most memorable information that I read in these chapters was the section on emotions. Before I read this, I always just assumed that emotions were happy, sad, angry, etc. I looked at it in a very clear cut, black or white type sense. You were either happy or you weren't. The book describes emotions as a type of "phenomena". There is a lot more to it than I had originally thought. I also never realized how much your emotions can influence other things around you. Emotions can deal with feelings, physiological preparedness, function, and expression. This all makes such sense, I had just never seen it in that way. The physiological preparedness is something I had never even considered. I should have realized this before, but now its easy for me to actually wrap my mind around that concept. When someone gets scared, or nervous, they might begin to sweat or shake. The person's body will start to prepare them for whatever it is that seems scary. This part in the book was the most memorable to me. And it made me realize there is a lot more to our emotions and our behavior than meets the eye.

*List of terms at the bottom of post
Emotion, Feelings, Physiological preparedness, Function, Expression, Behavior, Motivation, Freud's Drive Theory, Source, Impetus, Object, Aim

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
Something that I found surprising or interesting was the internal motives, specifically what it said about emotions. Emotions are short lived subjective phenomena that orchestrate how we react to important events. I thought it was interesting how they broke up emotions into aspects of experience. Feelings – subjective descriptions of experience, Physiological preparedness- how our body reacts to meet situational demands, Function – what we specifically want to accomplish at the moment and Expression – how we communicate our emotional experience to others. I thought this was interesting because I had never thought to break down emotion into important aspects.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
Motivation is a process which gives reason to a certain behavior. It is whey people do the things they do. It can give explanations to certain behaviors and can change for many different reasons. An example of motivation could be what energizes us to make our goal, whatever that certain goal maybe. I could also tell that person that motivation can be expressed by behavior, engagement, brain activity and self report.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

One thing that I did find interesting was how motivation was originally thought of so many from a biological view. I especially found the instinct factor to be interesting. Where he thought motivation force came from in the first place. I liked his thoughts that motivation was inherited by biological urges, impulses and appetite

Emotions, Feelings, Physiological preparedness, Function, Expression, motivation, engagement, brain activity, behavior, self report, biological,

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
Something that I found surprising or interesting was the internal motives, specifically what it said about emotions. Emotions are short lived subjective phenomena that orchestrate how we react to important events. I thought it was interesting how they broke up emotions into aspects of experience. Feelings – subjective descriptions of experience, Physiological preparedness- how our body reacts to meet situational demands, Function – what we specifically want to accomplish at the moment and Expression – how we communicate our emotional experience to others. I thought this was interesting because I had never thought to break down emotion into important aspects.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
Motivation is a process which gives reason to a certain behavior. It is whey people do the things they do. It can give explanations to certain behaviors and can change for many different reasons. An example of motivation could be what energizes us to make our goal, whatever that certain goal maybe. I could also tell that person that motivation can be expressed by behavior, engagement, brain activity and self report.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?

One thing that I did find interesting was how motivation was originally thought of so many from a biological view. I especially found the instinct factor to be interesting. Where he thought motivation force came from in the first place. I liked his thoughts that motivation was inherited by biological urges, impulses and appetite

Emotions, Feelings, Physiological preparedness, Function, Expression, motivation, engagement, brain activity, behavior, self report, biological,

After reading chapters 1 and 2, I found the topic discussing how motivation varies in different individuals and even varies day to day in one individual, going from high motivation one day to low motivation the next. I found this interesting because finding motivation is hard for almost anyone some days and if we can figure out how to help regain motivation that could really benefit others and myself. The second topic I found interesting was the grand theories discussing the, “will.” Past philosophers tried for many years to understand the will but it was later, psychologists found that it wasn’t necessarily willpower that made people behave the way the do, but goals and strategies.
If I had to describe what motivation is all about to someone not in the class, I would describe it as the amount of energy that is directed toward a specific goal that emits certain behaviors by individuals that vary in intensity due to personal needs, antecedents, and outside factors.
The most memorable thing I learned in this reading is that motivation is not just a simple definition. It took years and years for philosophers, physiologists, and psychologists to find numerous definitions to just get a grab on what motivation entails. Motivation is a hierarchy that includes internal motives and external events. Within the internal motives, needs, cognitions, and emotions all play a role in the strength of the motive.

Terms: motivation, grand theories will, willpower, emits, antecedents, internal motives, external events, cognitions, and emotions.

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
When reading chapter one and two I found myself very interested in both readings. I think what sparked my attention the most were how and why people are motivated. When reading the introductory chapter you realize that a lot of people are motivated but not everyone have the same motives to continue to push them toward their specific goal. For example I work hard to get good grades so I can graduate and go to graduate school but other students could be motivated for other academic reasons other than mine. You realize that motive plays a role in everyday life, but everyone’s motive change.
What causes behavior was also very interesting because understanding behavior also correlates with five specific questions.
1.) Why does behavior start?
2.) Once begun, why is behavior sustained over time?
3.) Why is behavior directed toward some goals yet away from others?
4.) Why does behavior change its direction?
5.) Why does behavior stop?
Those five questions help you understand why persons motivated, explain ongoing motives and also explain the different positive and negative influences of each motive. Not only should you ask these questions but understand behavior as well as thoughts, feelings, dreams and intensity of the motive.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
Motivation in my opinion is a goal or dream that you have set with outside motives such as feelings, thoughts, values and morals that push you to fulfill the goal/dream. Motivation used to achieve something that you think is of some importance, willing to work and push yourself harder than you would for something else.
What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
I didn’t realize how hard it was to understand or define the word “motivation” I never had taken the time to try and explain it or question my own motives and goals. I think the most interesting part of the reading was learning how the study of motivation had just recently begun. Now that I have started to learn more about motivation I would have thought more research and time were dedicated to the better understanding of the term motivation.

Provide a list of Motivation and Emotion terms that you used in your comment at the bottom of your post.
Internal Motives

In Ch.1 I enjoyed reading about how motives vary over time. I started thinking about how motivated I felt when I sat down to read the chapter and then after a few pages how I was easily distracted and was losing the motivation to keep reading. Being able to instantly relate helped me to understand and remember the information in this section. I am interested in learning more about how supportive conditions can help motivation flourish. I am a group fitness instructor and am also looking into the field of health coaching as a career, so I would like to better understand how to create these supportive conditions for others. In Ch.2 I felt the history of how the study of motivation evolved from more simplistic ideas such as a person’s will, and then instincts, and then drive, to a complex study of how all aspects of a person create a behavior was very interesting.

If you asked me to describe motivation before I read the first two chapters I would have had a simple answer such as ‘Motivation is a drive or desire to do something’. After reading these chapters I understand there is a lot more to it than that. Motivation is the source of all behaviors. Many different factors determine motivation, including both internal factors and external events. A person may have many different motives or factors influencing their motivation at one time, and the greatest of these at a specific time determines their behavior.

I have never thought about basic needs being motives. I suppose that is because they feel like they require little to no motivation. When I feel hungry I eat, and when I feel tired I sleep, but never felt that I was motivated to eat, or motivated to sleep. I have always thought about motivation as something you have to conjure up, such as finding the motivation to go exercise or write a paper. What also surprised me is how many different aspects there are that contribute to motivation. It is a word I use so much in my vocabulary but realized it is so much more complex than how I usually think of it.

Terms: Behavior, drive, external events, instincts, internal factors, motivation, motives, needs, will

I was most interested about the physiological aspects of motivation. The text listed several physiological responses the body has to stimuli and many of them I never would’ve considered. For example I had no idea electrodermal activity was even studied so it was surprising to know it is affected by motivation. I also didn’t know that saliva is affected by changes in hormones which is another response to motivation. Other physiological activities mentioned were cardiovascular changes, activity in different areas of the brain, ocular activity such as change in pupil size, and skeletal activity through various bodily gestures. I also thought the grand theories of motivation were interesting. Will, instinct, and drive are all broad theories others were based upon.
After reading this section I realized that motivation is much more than just why people do what they do. However, based on what I read I can now describe motivation as internal factors (such as needs, cognitions and emotions) and external factors (environmental, social, and cultural) that stimulate desire and energy in people to participate in a task.
The most surprising and memorable thing about this reading was simply how many questions the author asked. Honestly sometimes I didn’t even read the entire paragraph because all it said was a bunch of questions that didn’t explain anything; it only asked more questions and was kind of frustrating. I know it was designed to get readers to see that there is more to motivation than just why people do what they do. There are far more aspects of motivation than I originally thought. I was also surprised by the number of different theories there are regarding motivation and how they have been created, accepted, modified, and discarded throughout history.
Brain activity, Ocular activity, Electrodermal activity, Skeletal activity, Internal factors, Cognitions, Emotions, Needs, External factors, Grand theories, Will, Instinct, Drive

After reading through the first couple chapters, the section I found the most interesting was the topic of how motivation study reveals what people want. The reading describes how everyone possesses the same potential to achieve the things they need or want to do in life, but it all comes down to motivation. Our motivations are learned from cultural and social experiences.

If I were to describe to someone that wasn’t in this class what motivation was all about then I would explain to them how motivation is always changing. Motivation is a “constantly flowing river of needs cognitions, and emotions.” Motivation can come from intrinsic or an extrinsic force. It is the process that gives us the energy and direction that we need in order to fill our voids.

The thing I found the most surprising to read was the history behind the different themes and theories used to describe motivation. The ancient Greeks and European Renaissance believed in only the will and physiological needs which then eventually got rid of “the will.” As time passed, and the study of motivation became to evolve; the grand theories were pretty much gone from existence. Terms used: Motivation, cognition, emotion, intrinsic, extrinsic, physiological, Will, Grand theories, cultural, potential.

The topic in the book that was most interesting to me was the topic of "engagement". The reason I find this interesting is because there are so many tasks we all do each day that we do half-heartedly, yet there are other things we do with such passion. For example, at work, most of the male bartenders stock glassware and bar supplies just so they fit, while the female servers generally make sure everything is perfectly in place. While we see the task as something we must do before we leave, they tend to be motivated to make everything organized.

If i had to explain to someone not in this class what motivation is all about, I would say: Motivation is the reasons someone has for behaving in a certain way, either for intrinsic reasons or extrinsic reasons. Intrinsic motivators come from withIN, such as a feeling of task importance, while extrinsic motivators come from outside sources, such as receiving money for doing a task.

I think the main thing that was so surprising in this reading is just understanding how much complexity is behind the idea of motivation, and how many different theories there have been and studies done on this very topic. Its also surprising that there are so many different perspectives on motivation, as there have been for a long time. Motivation is often talked about but probably used without the appreciation of what lies behind its history and theory.

Words used in previous comment:
Motivation, intrinsic, extrinsic, theory, behavior, task importance

A topic I found interesting was to think of physiological activity as expressions of motivation. When I thought of motivation I always thought it being mental/cognitive/emotional, but not really considered the changes in the body’s hormonal activity, ocular activity, cardiovascular activity, electrodermal activity, and skeletal activity before performing even a small behavior. Another topic I never really broke into classifications was on the processes that give behavior and direction. Needs, cognitions, emotions, and external events give behavior its strength and purpose. Three major ways of thinking are observed to study motivation—will, instinct, and drive.

If I had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, based on my understanding of this chapter, I would tell them that it is the underlying factor that moves an individual into certain behaviors. Motivation differs from person to person. The amount of motivation a person has for something drives the amount of energy and its direction. Motivation can be led by a person’s needs, cognitions, or emotions.

I found it memorable when I read the definition of Emotions – “are short-lived subjective-physiological-functional-expressive phenomena that orchestrate how we react adaptively to the important events in our lives” (pg. 9). It reminds me that we have emotions to motivate us in order to adapt to our environment and that they play a large part in the direction of our lives. They are too important to ignore.

Terms: Energy; Direction; Needs; Cognitions; Emotions; External Events

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you?
My favorite topic from chapters one and two would have to be the section on will in chapter two. I’ve always been interested in the philosophical concept of will. Do we as humans express true, free will, or is this just an illusion. This topic is very interesting to me, and I would like to read more about will in relation to human motivation.

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
In layperson’s terms, motivation is what drives you to act the way you do. “Why do you go to school?” In other terms, “What motivates you to go to school?” There are factors and influences to affect your decision making process with that behavior. For instance, your parents may make you go to school and you avoid punishment by going to school. Identifying these factors can help laypersons easily understand the actions of other people.

What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
There was nothing overly surprising in either chapter. If I must say that something stuck out above the rest, I would have to choose Freud’s views on motivation. I always enjoy learning more and more about how Freud thought people operated, so it’s easy to see why that section would stick out more than the other sections. I enjoy the way Freud broke down many of his views on the psychology of humans. In terms of motivation, he stated that humans were motivated through four components: source, impetus, aim, and object. This makes learning about Freud’s views easy, and it makes them easy to remember.

Tags for the previous post:
Will; free will; motivation; drive; learning

From your reading, which topics are most interesting to you?
I didn’t realize there was so much depth that went into the definition of motivation. First of all, the study of motivation revolves around providing the best possible answers to fundamental questions like, “What causes behavior?” From here we can decide how motivation affects behavior’s initiation, persistence, change, goal directedness, and eventual termination. In addition, motivation and emotion also influence our own thoughts, our feelings, and our dreams and aspirations. It is interesting to find out that there are decades of research that have went into figuring out peoples motives toward certain goals.
If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?
Motivation is a want or need to do something. Whether it be eating because you are hungry, or exercising because it’s fun; motivation is what drives a person to reach these goals. Motivations first perennial question is, “What causes behavior?”
What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned about in this reading?
Again, I am very surprised that there is so much depth behind the meaning of motivation. I have never really taken the time to think about motivation until now. It seems crazy that there are so many theories on motivation and behavior that follows. These thoughts go back to the Greek ages with Plato giving its earliest ideas on the meaning behind motivation. Motivational concepts have philosophical origins.
Also, it is interesting that motivation went from instinct, to drive, to incentive and arousal. The concept of instinct is unlearned, automated, mechanistic animal behavior. The concept of drive motivated whatever behavior was instrumental to servicing the body’s needs. An incentive is an external event(stimulus) that energizes and directs approach or avoidance behavior.
List of Motivation and Emotion terms used.
Motivation. Instinct. Drive. Incentive.

The topic in the reading that was most interesting to me was the explanation of the theory motivation. The theory maintains that there is an interaction between a person’s physiological predisposition to certain behaviors and the environment that person lives in. Each person has the potential to achieve many things in life, but our experiences shape our desires, which, in turn, determines our level of motivation.
If I were to describe to someone that wasn’t in this class what motivation was, I would say it is an intrinsic individual force for each person, and how they use it determines how much they achieve. Motivation can be either a conscious effort or a subconscious desire and is shaped by our own experiences. Motivation is the link between our extrinsic actions and our intrinsic intentions.
The most surprising things I read were about the historical perspectives on motivation. The ancient Greeks seem like they eventually adopted an evolutionary perspective in which they believed the physiological needs of a person mostly drive their motivations. Terms used: Motivation, intrinsic, extrinsic, physiological, potential.

Most people know what it means to be motivated, though they don't typically dig deep enough to really think about what it entails. As we are learning in this class, there is an entire field of study dedicated to this concept of motivational science, which is the main focus of this class. The book elaborates: the study of motivation concerns those processes that give behavior its energy and direction. Our motivation is highly affected by our emotion, which help coordinate our feelings, physiological preparedness, function, and expression. One thing that I found fascinating that I found in both the book and in class lecture was the list of different ways people are motivated. Certain types of motivation "work" better for different people, and I'd love to learn about the "types" of people who are more apt to be motivated by different styles. For example, why kind of person is most lkely to respond best to extrinsic motivation, and who is more likely to be most influenced by their possible self? (More than likely, the type of task that needs motivating is the most influencial factor, not the person-- though i am interested in reading psych literature to figure it out.)
Another thing that really interested me is the philosophical part of motivation. I think it's beneficial to speak of will, instinct, and drive separately. They have different origins and philosophical backgrounds that's worth learning about. Only after we have identified these differences can we move on to elaborate on how these differences pan out in the real world.
Lastly, I liked to see how motivational science is a subfield of the different schools of psychology. Of the students in our class, we all have different interests and plan on pursuing different fields after graduation-- some going on for masters and PhDs. Since psychology is such a diverse field, it's captivating to see how motivation and emotion can be applied to all its areas of specialization. As a student with a particular emphasis in cognitive and social psychology, it's interesting to see how the study of motivation can play into this field of interest. This relevant use of information thus makes it more memorable (motivation and emotion in practice!)

Terms: motivational science, motivation, energy, direction, emotion, feelings, physiological, function, expression, extrinsic motivation, possible self, instinct, drive, will.

I thought the section on brain activations and physiology was interesting in chapter one because it related to my biopsychology class I’m taking now. I had no idea that researchers used so many tests to measure neural and hormonal changes, one being a saliva test. We talked about instinct in animals in biopsychology and my professor said humans have a similar inner activity in their mind, but we refer to it as motivation. I had never thought of instinct and motivation being interchangeable, but maybe that’s just her opinion.

I think of motivation as being the reason why we engage in certain behaviors. There are four processes that give motivation strength and meaning: needs, cognitions, emotions, and external events. Needs are what are necessary for an individual’s life, development, and well-being. Cognitions are like beliefs and they represent our thoughts. Emotions are expressive, temporary feelings that are responses to the environment. Lastly, external events are environmental gains that direct our behavior to engaging in positive events and deflect us from aversive ones.

I think the most surprising thing from these chapters was about the different theories of drive. I had read about Freud in other psychology classes, but never associated him with his drive theory. It was interesting to see how he had four components of source, impetus, aim and object. I thought it made sense though according to the book it had criticisms. Reading about Hull’s drive theory kind of gave me a headache because it used formulas and that reminded me of math and I don’t always understand formulas in the psychology field.

Terms: motivation, needs, cognitions, emotions, external events, behavior, brain activation and physiology, instinct, Freud, Hull, drive theory

From your reading, which topic(s) are most interesting to you? What was the most surprising or memorable thing you learned from in this reading.
The topic I found most interesting was actually the overall summary of chapter one, the framework of understanding the study of motivation. I knew it took more than psychological thought to put in motion motivation for an organism to do something. But I had never really thought about everything it takes to influence motivation (Needs, cognitions and Emotions). I have taken behavior modification in which we analyse how a subject behaves under certain conditions (reinforcements and punishments). I find it fascinating to go into more depth about what motivates the individual to react the way he or she does. The most memorable thing i learned from this chapter was the different types of source of motivation and how they could be illustrated. I hope to go more in depth about the different sources later in the book. (such as Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation)

If you had to describe to someone not in this class what Motivation is all about, what would you tell them based on your understanding of this chapter?

You can think of Motivation as an umbrella term to describe the feeling and thought process of actually doing something whether its from getting lunch because you are hungry(biological motivation) or exercising because to lose weight( value motivation). It takes needs, cognition, and emotions to form motivation towards something. It is also something that is not always constant it rises and falls throughout the day. For example when one feels hungry, the need your body feels motivates you to get lunch, and once you have done so the feeling of hunger is no longer there.
Terms motivation, intrinsic, extrinsic, needs, cognition, emotions, behavior modification, value motivation, biological motivation

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