Cinderella Man



This movie has concepts from Chapters 11-13. Though as usual, you can also remark on other concepts from other chapters.

Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Your comment should be an in-depth analysis of one or more principles from your text. You should use scenes and characters to provide examples of textbook concepts. Your comment should reflect that you are in an upper division, university level Motivation and Emotion course and clearly link elements from the movie to the textbook.  This is a comprehensive assignment (linking course lectures, textbook, and the movie) and you cannot do that in just a few short paragraphs.

BE SPECIFIC. At the bottom of your comment, please put a list of the ME terms you used.



I have seen this movie millions of times and I absolutely love it. Watching it this time, however, I was able to look for different aspects of motivation and emotion from chapters 11-13. If we start with chapter 11, we could definitely see basic emotions evident in all of the characters. One of the basic emotions is anger. Anger is described in the textbook as being the most passionate emotion. It also has the ability to increase people’s sense of control. When Jimmy finds out Mae sent the children away he exhibits anger. He automatically leaves and finds some way to get them back. In a very powerful scene, he asks those who can afford it to lend him some money to pay the bill and get his children back. His sense of control was increased and he thought “I have to do something.” His anger at not having his children was motivation for him to come up with the money to pay the bill and get them back. Another basic emotion we see in this film in sadness. If we take the same circumstance, we can see that Mae’s sadness over her children not being able to be kept warm motivated her to send them away. The textbook states “. . . sadness motivates the individual to initiate whatever behavior is necessary to alleviate the distress-provoking circumstances before they occur again.” We see Mae’s sadness expressed through her breakdown outside when she realizes she cannot keep them in this state any longer.

If we move on to chapter 12, we can see the concept of appraisal prevalent throughout the film. Jimmy and Mae both appraise the Max Baer fight differently. Mae appraises this fight as being dangerous to her husband (possibly killing him). She knows that if her husband dies she’ll be left as a single mother of three and her appraisal causes her to perceive the circumstance as harmful. Mae’s felt emotion is one of anger, fear, and sadness. If we take this further and look at complex appraisal and the ideas of primary and secondary appraisal we can see that Mae’s primary appraisal is that this fight puts many things at stake including, but not limited to, Jimmy’s life, her financial state, and her psychological state. After things have settled a bit and she’s able to reflect on this circumstance, Mae’s secondary appraisal says she is unable to cope with this harm or threat. She gets very upset and tells Jimmy that while she’s stood by him this whole time, he does not have her back on this one.

Jimmy, on the other hand, experiences the appraisal process differently. He knows this fight is dangerous, yes, but he sees the possible financial and psychological benefits as outweighing the physical dangers that may result. He perceives the fight as worth it and his felt emotion is one of interest (if we had to choose one of the basic emotions). Jimmy’s primary appraisal says that yes, there’s a lot at stake here, but that the potential benefits outweigh the risks. His secondary appraisal, after he’s had time to reflect, doesn’t change.

If we move on to chapter 13, we are able to see the personality differences among the characters as they develop throughout the movie. The character of Joe definitely exhibits the most extraversion. He displays this through his loudness, happiness, assertiveness and sociability. He is constantly yelling/swearing and gets very excited (even more so than Jimmy) when they win. For the most part, his mood seems to be very happy and upbeat. When we witness conversations between Joe and Jimmy, Joe is typically the one doing most of the talking and this is true when we see the conversations between Joe and Jimmy Johnston as well.

Though it may be a stretch, I do believe Mae displays a rather high level of neuroticism. The text defines neuroticism as “a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy.” Although the circumstances in this movie provoke negative affect (the great depression, Max Baer fight, etc), Mae seems to display this personality characteristic more than the other characters. For example, when it comes to the Max Baer fight, Mae thinks as pessimistically as you could about the entire situation. I think she truly believes Jimmy will die and this brings about anxiety and fear. Joe and Jimmy, however, don’t seem to think this way and don’t display neuroticism. Throughout the film’s entirety, Mae seems more unhappy than happy.

Also within chapter 13, if we move on to arousal we can see that Jimmy has a high need for arousal. He is motivated to fight partially for the money, but also because, I believe, he feels an insufficient level of stimulation and underarousal. Fighting brings some kind of excitement into his life in the great depression. Jimmy is a sensation seeker and he is constantly taking risks each and every time he fights. Mae, on the other hand, is definitely not a sensation seeker. She does not enjoy risk taking and we can see this when she sends the children away and when she tries to persuade Jimmy not to fight.

Finally, in chapter 13, we can see the concept of control in Cinderella Man. The main character of Jimmy has a high perceived control. He sets high goals for himself (defeating Max Baer) and also persists in the face of difficulty (broken hand, bruised ribs, the great depression, etc). He is constantly looking for ways to succeed and overcome difficulties whether it be through asking for money, trying to get shifts at the docks, or re-watching the Max Baer boxing film clip. These things lead to Jimmy’s strong performance as a boxer and as a person.

Terms: anger, sadness, basic emotions, appraisal (primary and secondary), extraversion, neuroticism, arousal, control, perceived control

I thought Cinderella Man was a great movie! I've never seen it before because I thought it was literally only about boxing, but I realize now that it's more about motivation and hard work. This movie relates great to chapters 11-13. Concepts from chapter 11 over emotion really hit home for me when I was watching the scene on when Jim's family had to go without electricity to the point where Jim's wife sent the kids away. That was a significant life event for Jim and his emotion of anger and sadness came to life after making a promise to his son that he would never send them away. He felt sadness because of the experience of separation AND failure at the time. It pushed him over the edge to the point where he had to go to the boxing commissioners and beg for money to get his kids and electricity back. To me, that was an emotional scene because he was at his lowest point to where he couldn't think of anything else to do but beg and hope for the best just to keep his family together.

Jim's motivation to keep a roof over his family's head was so strong that he was willing to fight anybody for money. Even when he broke his hand he tried covering it up with shoe shiner to continue work. He showed determination in the ring and will power out of the ring (giving his food to his daughter instead of eating it). Even through these hard times though, I would say their families set level of happiness was fairly high. They may not have had money but it's clear to see that they had their family, friends, and love that made them happy. Jim's personality characteristic can be seen as extraverted because he had sociability and liked being around his family and friends. He showed assertiveness in which he had tendency towards social dominance with others and he also showed venturesomeness to seek out exciting stimulating situations which was boxing.

In the scene where Jim is fighting against Art Lasky, Jim gets his ribs broken in several places and seems to be fighting weak. He ends up getting hit really hard in the face and everyone thinks he's going to be knocked out or disoriented, but Jim has a flashback to his significant life events from his family and all the hard times they had been through and this motivates him and his arousal level increases, also increasing his intensity and the quality of his performance to the point where he ends up beating Art Lasky. When he returns home from his fight, Mikes wife, Sarah has come to his family asking for help because Mike has been missing for three days. Jim decides to go find his friend in Hooverville and ends up finding him injured and getting taken to the hospital. He ends up dying and during the scene where they are about to bury him, I can tell that that Jim's wife is thinking about how this could someday be Jim's grave and she is experiencing fear/sadness.

During the press conference we can see that she is experiencing even more fear when a reporter asks her how she feels about Max Baer (the guy that Jim is about to fight for the title) killing two guys in the ring already. She doesn't respond to the reporters question but her facial feedback says it all. She ends up breaking down after having dinner at the Ritz and running into Max. Max comments on how she's too pretty to be a widow and she expresses her anger by throwing a drink in his face. At home, she gets pushed to her limit after seeing Jim teaching his kids how to box and ends up yelling at her family because she's scared. She has so many emotions at this point before Jim's big fight and I think this motivates Jim to want to win even more.

The main reason Jim decided to take the fight against Max Baer was because he was in high need of desire for control. This is in which people strive to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and enter situation in overly prepared ways. He told Mae that he wanted to have the choice and make his own way for their family and this motivated him even more in the ring during the last scene. In the last scene, he put up a great fight and never gave up and ended up beating Max Baer, making his community, his family, and himself proud. This was such a great movie to watch and I'm glad I could learn more about the concepts because it related so well.

Terms: emotion, anger, sadness, happiness, sociability, assertiveness, venturesomeness, set-level, performance and emotion, arousal, fear, facial feedback, Desired control

This was the first time that I had gotten the chance to see Cinderella Man. I thought that it was a wonderful movie, and I was happy to see that it portrayed multiple concepts that we have learned both from the textbook and from lecture.

The first concept that was present in the movie was that of arousal. One of the very first scenes shows Jim in the boxing ring during a fight. It shows the crowd cheering and getting all fired up, and it shows Jim getting in the zone and putting on an optimal performance. According to the textbook, arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation (p.374). During these beginning fights, Jim was undergoing a moderate level of arousal, which coincides with optimal performance and the experience of pleasure. Jim was not aroused too little, nor was he aroused too much, and this is obvious because he appeared to be alert, but not tense.

Another concept that came to mind while watching the movie was risk taking. Boxing is definitely an activity that could elicit aversive consequences, and Jim is deciding to continue on doing it regardless of what may happen to him. He knows that it is dangerous and that he could get hurt, but he believes that winning the fights and getting the money for his family outweighs the risk involved with boxing. Jim is both intrinsically motivated and extrinsically motivated to continue boxing and to keep winning. He wants to box because he enjoys it and is very good at it, but he also likes the fact that winning the fights rewards him with money, which counts as extrinsic motivation. All of this combined pushes Jim to carry on with his boxing career.

Something else that was obvious throughout the movie was the concept of physiological needs. Cinderella Man takes place during the Great Depression, so people were out of work and pretty much had no way of providing for themselves and for their families. It was a time of need for everyone. Since people were low on money, it made it very hard to have a constant supply of food and water around. This depletion of resources led to the hunger and thirst of a multitude of people, including Jim and his family. Jim had to have public assistance help him, and at one point he even begged some of his older, wealthier friends for more money. This was all brought on because homeostasis was not being reached in terms of hunger and thirst, so he was pushed to act in the ways that he did. Jim would have done anything to be able to meet the physiological needs of his family.

I also thought that control played a large role throughout the movie. According to the textbook, control is made up of both perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control refers to the beliefs and expectations a person holds that he or she can interact with the environment in ways that produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes (p.384). All throughout the movie, Jim believed that he could continue boxing to get money for his family and then ultimately get them out of debt and live a comfortable lifestyle like they did prior to the Great Depression. Perceived control beliefs predict how much effort a person is willing to exert (p.384). Jim was willing to put everything on the line, including his life, to save his family. He put forth all of his effort into boxing, and it ended up having very positive results for him and for his family because he went all the way to winning the world heavyweight championship. The desire for control is defined by the textbook as the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over the events in their lives (p.386). People with a high desire for control, like Jim, are not content with taking whatever life throws at them. He wanted to make his own decisions, prepare for situations in advance, and to avoid dependence on others. That is why he decided to get back into boxing. He took his training into his own hands, and he persevered through every tough opponent that he went up against. Also, while he may have depended on public assistance for some help earlier on in the movie, he ended up repaying them for every cent that they let him borrow. There was even a point in the movie where Jim said, “I’ve got to believe that I’ve got some kind of say over our lives”. All of this proves that Jim was high on the desire for control. All of this is pretty inspirational, especially during the Great Depression, because of the fact that it left many people feeling as though they had zero control over their life outcomes.

Another concept that played a big role all throughout the entire movie was emotion. I was able to see many different facial expressions that covered a multitude of feelings and emotions. I saw sadness and anger when Jim’s electricity and gas got shut off because their bills were overdue. I saw frustration and distress when one of their kids started getting sick, when Jim wasn’t able to pick up work shifts, when Jim kept losing fights and got his boxing license revoked, and when Mae wanted Jim to quit boxing because she feared for his life. Things began to turn around after a while though, and that is when I witnessed happiness. People were so happy when Jim was allowed to pick up another fight. This was a big fight, and he ended up winning it. This made Jim happy, it made his friends and family happy, and it made his community and his fans happy. It instilled a sense of hope in everyone.

I think that hope is an important idea that is present throughout the movie. These people were living during the Great Depression, which led to a lot of people feeling like they had no options in life. It led to a ton of learned helplessness. It led to people having an external locus of control rather than an internal one. People were dying left and right from not having the resources to sustain life because they didn’t have their jobs anymore. It was a hard and trying time for every single person involved, which is why having someone like Jim push through and fight back made the whole community hopeful that things could change. During the heavyweight championship, Mae went to the church to pray for Jim. When she got there, pretty much the whole town was there because they were praying for Jim too. They said that they felt like Jim was fighting for them. It was pretty neat to see that the whole town had a sense of hope because of the gestures that Jim was making for his family throughout this rough period of time.

I truly enjoyed this movie and thought that it was very inspirational. I would recommend Cinderella Man to anyone! I was also pleased that I was able to make so many connections between the movie and the concepts from the textbook and lecture. It made me feel as though I know quite a bit about motivation and emotion! I am looking forward to moving on and learning more.

Terms: arousal, optimal performance, pleasure, risk taking, aversive, consequences, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, reward, physiological needs, needs, hunger, thirst, homeostasis, control, perceived control, desire for control, effort, motivation, emotion, facial expressions, feelings, sadness, anger, happiness, hope, learned helplessness, external locus of control, internal locus of control

It is never a bad thing when I have to watch this movie. Cinderella man is so good. Russell Crow is such a great actor, it just adds to the movie. After seeing it multiple times before, this time was different because I was looking at it in a different light. I was looking at the concepts of motivation and emotion. When looking back on the three chapters that are relevant for the movie, emotions and personalities run wild. There are so many different episodes of emotion and obviously personalities are played throughout the movie. The most impacting emotion in the movie is anger/distress. When Jimmy breaks his hand, it forces him to leave the sport of boxing. Obviously he is not too happy about this, but now their family lacks the income that they once originally had. So now the injury impacts not only his own career, but his family too. Anger is described as the most passionate emotion. This hits home with me when Mae sends the kids away. This became a life-changing even for Jim and his emotions started to get the best of him. Not only was their anger, but confusion, sadness, the feeling of being overwhelmed as well. All of these hit Jim and now at the lowest point in his career, he had to do something about it. Soon Jim realizes he has to cope with it or else he is running in place. His emotions did not just occur out of the blue, they occurred for a reason. He was going to have to figure out how to cope with this. As the book would put it, Jim had to figure out how coping functions will allow him to prepare himself to adapt effectively to his important life circumstance.

Jim’s admirable determination to get things “right” again is astounding. He decides to get back in the ring and this time, he is willing to fight whatever stands in his way. Any chance for money, he is taking the opportunity. When he was receiving any money possible, he was benefiting from feeling good. There was a sense of satisfaction. As a family, they did not have all the money in the world, but there was a sufficient level of happiness. Their family thrived on their positive relationships amongst each other and among their friends. The positive reinforcement they were around continuously helped them.

When it becomes time that Jim is going to fight Max Baer, many things start to take form. Just between Jim and Mae, they have two different concepts of appraisal for it. Mae despises Max and at one point even throws a drink at him. Mae feels anger and fear toward him. For Jim, this is his shot of a lifetime. It is now Jim’s time to take this opportunity and run with it. The primary appraisal for Jim is he has the title at stake. His name can be etched in the record books. This is what the fight entitles for Jim. The secondary appraisal is the person’s assessment for coping with the possible outcome. On this hand, this could mean (worst case scenario) Jim gets killed inside the ring and leaves his wife as a single mother with financial issues.

At the end, you finally see the level of happiness reach max point between Mae and Jim when the fight is over. Jim is the champ! The suffering is no more. Their lives have taken a 180 and it is for the best. All along Jim took this fight with Max Baer because he wanted to have the choice and make his own way for their family. This reflects his high need of desire for control. With this, it motivated him even more inside the ring. He was always constantly looking for anyway to overcome the difficulties and succeed in life. By becoming a champ, I think he just did that.

Key Terms: emotions, anger, coping functions, happiness, positive reinforcement, appraisal, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal

It is never a bad thing when I have to watch this movie. Cinderella man is so good. Russell Crow is such a great actor, it just adds to the movie. After seeing it multiple times before, this time was different because I was looking at it in a different light. I was looking at the concepts of motivation and emotion. When looking back on the three chapters that are relevant for the movie, emotions and personalities run wild. There are so many different episodes of emotion and obviously personalities are played throughout the movie. The most impacting emotion in the movie is anger/distress. When Jimmy breaks his hand, it forces him to leave the sport of boxing. Obviously he is not too happy about this, but now their family lacks the income that they once originally had. So now the injury impacts not only his own career, but his family too. Anger is described as the most passionate emotion. This hits home with me when Mae sends the kids away. This became a life-changing even for Jim and his emotions started to get the best of him. Not only was their anger, but confusion, sadness, the feeling of being overwhelmed as well. All of these hit Jim and now at the lowest point in his career, he had to do something about it. Soon Jim realizes he has to cope with it or else he is running in place. His emotions did not just occur out of the blue, they occurred for a reason. He was going to have to figure out how to cope with this. As the book would put it, Jim had to figure out how coping functions will allow him to prepare himself to adapt effectively to his important life circumstance.

Jim’s admirable determination to get things “right” again is astounding. He decides to get back in the ring and this time, he is willing to fight whatever stands in his way. Any chance for money, he is taking the opportunity. When he was receiving any money possible, he was benefiting from feeling good. There was a sense of satisfaction. As a family, they did not have all the money in the world, but there was a sufficient level of happiness. Their family thrived on their positive relationships amongst each other and among their friends. The positive reinforcement they were around continuously helped them.

When it becomes time that Jim is going to fight Max Baer, many things start to take form. Just between Jim and Mae, they have two different concepts of appraisal for it. Mae despises Max and at one point even throws a drink at him. Mae feels anger and fear toward him. For Jim, this is his shot of a lifetime. It is now Jim’s time to take this opportunity and run with it. The primary appraisal for Jim is he has the title at stake. His name can be etched in the record books. This is what the fight entitles for Jim. The secondary appraisal is the person’s assessment for coping with the possible outcome. On this hand, this could mean (worst case scenario) Jim gets killed inside the ring and leaves his wife as a single mother with financial issues.

At the end, you finally see the level of happiness reach max point between Mae and Jim when the fight is over. Jim is the champ! The suffering is no more. Their lives have taken a 180 and it is for the best. All along Jim took this fight with Max Baer because he wanted to have the choice and make his own way for their family. This reflects his high need of desire for control. With this, it motivated him even more inside the ring. He was always constantly looking for anyway to overcome the difficulties and succeed in life. By becoming a champ, I think he just did that.

Key Terms: emotions, anger, coping functions, happiness, positive reinforcement, appraisal, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal

The movie “Cinderella Man” is probably one of my favorite movies from this semester. I have seen it many times before, enjoying every aspect of the film. This time around, I watched the movie and pointed out many scenes that I felt were the best examples of some motivational terms used in our textbook. One thing the movie displayed was numerous emotions. This was a very emotional movie for the characters because it was a battle for survival.

One thing that was very evident in the movie was emotions leading into motivation (primary motivational system). On page 301 of our text, it says “emotions energize and direct our behavior.” The best example of this came during the Lasky fight. Lasky went on a hot streak where he kept hitting Jim with jabs, then finally came with the strong right hand and hit Jim so hard that his mouth-guard fell out. During the scene there were a few concepts that can be applied. First, when Jim put his mouth-guard back in, he started to visualize his family and their struggle for survival during the depression. Jim Braddock’s emotion at that time, anger, energized and directed his behavior to fighting back. Jim came back strong and beat Lasky. This is a great example of a coping function, because Jim turned his anger emotional state into something that energized his behavior, and gave him that extra boost to win the fight. Pertaining to the same scene, when Jim was picking up his mouth guard, he had kind of a smirk on his face. The scene is a great example of facial feedback (facial feedback hypothesis) because one hand, Jim had a look on his face that relayed a message to his opponent saying that it was going to take a lot more to knock him out. On the other hand, the look on Lasky’s face was priceless, because he had the stunned, surprised look. Because of Lasky’s surprised look, Jim started an offensive attack, leading him to victory.

Another emotion being displayed throughout the movie was the emotion of fear. Despite the continuing fear throughout the movie that Jim and his family would not be able to provide for their family, fear was perhaps best displayed when Mae was at Jim’s interview for the last fight. In that scene, the media asked Mae if she was worried because Baer had already killed two men in the ring. Mae was frightful from that moment on, that she would lose her husband in the fight against Baer. Mae displayed neurotic behavior during the events leading up to the fight because she experienced negative emotions (fear) and worried what would happen to her and the family.

Happiness is also displayed in the movie, even though it seems as if life is rough for people during this time. In the scene where Jim and Mae got the kinds back, it was clear to me how happy Jim was. Jim never wanted to give his away, and he even promised one his sons that he would never leave them. Mae sent them off because of a lack of money, and Jim desperately went to the emergency relief and the boxing managers, representatives for money. Upon receiving enough money to maintain their housing, Jim and Mae got the kids back and it was evident the joy felt by Jim.

In the last fight versus Max Baer, Jim displayed his control over the match. This is best shown towards the end of the fight when Baer hit Jim with a hard punch, and Jim went down clinging to the ropes. In this scene Jim had a flashback of when he was watching one of his earlier fights (watching film), and remembered that Baer would come back for the knockout punch while he was at the ropes. After studying this, Jim knew what was coming, and therefore he could react accordingly. Jim dodged the knockout punch delivered by Baer, and went on an offensive attack that would capture his victory as the judges ruled unanimous in favor of Jim. Jim displayed his perceived control over the fight. He knew what he was doing the entire time. Jim lured Baer into going for the win, and Jim, because he had control over the situation, was able to counter-act to the move.

Another reoccurring concept from the movie, although it isn’t from chapters eleven through thirteen, is the basic needs of hunger and thirst. Throughout the movie the family is struggling to make enough money to have a home, and keep food on the table. The scene where Jim’s son had stolen salami clearly allowed us to see the importance of the need for food was. The family was always hungry and often the children had little to eat. Another scene came at the beginning of the movie when the daughter wanted another slice of meat but Mae refused to give her another because they needed to save the rest of the food for the other family members.

Terms: perceived control, neuroticism, facial feedback hypothesis, coping function, fear, happiness, anger, emotions, hunger, thirst, primary motivational system

I loved this movie. I’ve never seen it before, but I heard how good it was and was excited to watch it. The reviews definitely did not disappoint. It definitely took you on an emotional roller coaster, which in return makes tying concepts from the movie to concepts from chapters 11-13 rather simple.

I decided to find a concept from each of the chapters and then tie it in with one of the concepts from the movie. Chapter eleven is all about emotions and the nature of emotions. One of the things chapter eleven asks is “What good are emotions?” The answer comes with discussing the function of different emotions. The chapter tells us that there are at least eight distinct purposes that emotions serve. One emotion, which is also one of the basic emotions, is anger. A stimulus situation that elicits anger is an obstacle. In the movie, Jim and his family face the obstacles that the Great Depression brings. Mainly, they are struggling to make ends meet from the lack of income they’re receiving. In order to over come this obstacle, Jim gets angry which provides him with motivation to box like he once used to be able to. The function, or the purpose, that the emotion of anger serves is destruction. Basically, the destruction of the opponents is what Jim’s anger is accomplishing him. With this destruction he receives cash, which in return helps his family stay afloat in these desperate times.

In chapter twelve, one of the things we learned about was the cognitive aspects of emotion. “The central construct in a cognitive understanding of emotion is appraisal.” Appraising a situation is the act of determining the event’s personal significance. Basically asking yourself, “Will this effect my health and/or happiness?” A situation Jim has to face where appraisal is a very hard to decide is whether or not he should fight the heavy weight champion of the world. This heavy weight champion has killed two men before in the ring. Obviously Jim has obligations, like his family, where he can’t just leave them on their own in this depression. However, by this point in the movie Jim has also became a hero. He is a symbol of hope for the people of New Jersey through these tough times and he does not want to let them down by backing out of the fight. According to Arnold’s Appraisal Theory of Emotion, the structure goes situation > appraisal > emotion > action. With this particular case, the theory seems to be somewhat contradictory. The situation is the impending fight between the heavy weight champion and Jim. Though a tough decision, Jim must admit to himself that the appraisal of the situation is bad; it is harmful for him to take on this fight, yet he makes a great point that so is any boxing match. So even though this is bad, his emotions are positive. Jim likes boxing, and he knows how important it is to not only him but now so many American’s looking up to him. Finally we have action, and Jim decides to approach the situation and take on the fight. Good thing he did, because he ends up winning even though I almost was sure he was going to die!

The example I used above with the final fight of the movie also ties in with concepts from chapter thirteen. One of the thing we learned about in chapter thirteen was risk taking. No one likes taking risks, because there is a good probability that the emitted action will result in aversive consequences. However, when people take risks they do it because the small chance of obtaining the reward is worth the risk to them. Jimmy knows that even though he may die during this fight, he must do it for the chance that he’ll win. If he were to win, it would mean so much money for his family. It would also mean showing the people of New Jersey that there is hope in this world. It would show them that no matter how bleak it may seem, we can still overcome this most impossible of obstacles, including this Great Depression.

Stimulus situation, appraisal, Arnold’s Appraisal Theory of Emotion, emotional function

I really liked Cinderella Man a lot! I cried quite a bit, especially at the end, but I can’t believe I had never seen this movie before. I think in this film, there are several examples from chapter 11, which talks about two basic emotions, fear and anger. Fear is a reaction when one is facing a situation that may be dangerous or a threat to their well-being. One example of fear from this film was when Braddock’s wife, Mae, refuses to go to his final match against Baer towards the end of the film. She did not want her husband to fight, and knowing that Baer had killed two men previously in matches, she was very fearful of her husband’s life, so much so that she wouldn’t go watch the fight or even listen to it on the radio. Anger is another basic emotion that I believe ties into this particular part of the film as well. Anger is a very widespread emotion and one that people seem to encounter very frequently. It can arise from restraint, feeling betrayed, being unable to control outside forces, and many other reasons. At one point in the film, Baer is telling Braddock that after he kills him in the ring and he is buried and dead, that he is going to sleep with his wife. You can see how upset Braddock is when hearing these remarks, and he most likely uses the anger he feels here by listening to these things in the ring with Baer when he finally wins. This is another example of how an emotion can be used as motivation.

Motivation is another strong message that shows in this film. Chapter 12 discusses how a person brings personal motives into a situation, and when those are at stake, the individual is that much more motivated to succeed. Braddock had to think about so many things that were riding on him winning that last fight with Baer. He was fighting for his family, for income, for justice of the things Baer had said to him and his wife, to give people a sense of hope during the great depression, and he was fighting for his life. Lazarus states that the individual’s motives lie at the core of the emotion process, and even though the individual is constantly making primary and secondary appraisals, those motives never change if they are strong enough. I don’t think I have ever had motives for doing something that were as strong as Braddock’s.

In this film, emotional socialization is something that would be incredibly difficult to deal with if you were living in the great depression. Emotional socialization happens when parents or adults try to teach children about emotions and why they happen. To hear the adults in the film discussing that they may have to send their children away because they cannot afford to take care of them, makes me so sick and sad. As a parent in that situation, you can see how impossibly hard it would have been to explain to your children that they have to go away, and why you’re doing it.

Terms: fear, anger, motivation, emotional socialization

Cinderella Man is a true example of the struggle to maintain well-being and motivating behavior based on emotion. Many aspects of this movie portray the topics in the past chapters and several scenes can be analyzed. Emotion is subjective, biological, purposive and social. The emotions in this movie relay each aspect of motivation based on emotions.

The first part of the movie shows the family at a low state of well-being. The family is running low on their needs. Many things happen in this scene that are based on the current state the family is in. The boy steals meat based on the environmental factor of seeing one of his peers being sent away. The environmental factor then produces a cognitive understanding of his situation to create emotions which lead him to behave in a goal directed behavior. The stealing of the meat served as a opportunity to adapt to his current social challenge. The kids don’t do or say much throughout the movie, however, they are a common cause for motivation. The basic emotions are involuntary and are expressed in a distinctive way while being mostly predictable. Mae, Jim’s wife, portrays her emotions very easily to be read. The way the viewer can predict her emotions is by facial expression and body language. Also the emotions she feels are the same anyone would imagine would be the social norm for a spouse of a boxer. Chapter 11 states that all basic emotions arise from the same circumstances for all people. Fear would be the main emotion that Mae has, she many times creates defense based on her emotion. Fear comes from being vulnerable and overwhelmed by danger, this is a definite emotion that Mae relayed to the viewers. For this family I think emotions are their basic source for survival, they are constantly adapting based on their situation. Their emotions are a coping mechanism, they use emotion to create motivation to direct a behavior. Jim’s emotions are most present throughout the movie.

Emotions best describe a mood. Many times Jim’s emotions direct a behavior much needed, he copes many times in this movie. One of the first scenes about Jim that stood out to me was when he went to ask for money to turn his electricity back on. In that scene his emotions relayed; fear, anger, disgust, and sadness. He came home to his wife and came to the realization that the children were gone. Directly after learning the environmental event he acted on a goal directed behavior. Jim then approaches the relief office, and yet that amount is still not enough. He then goes to a group of people in the fighting business for collection. This is Jim’s lowest point in the movie. This is when he realized what he was truly fighting for. Shortly after Jim is presented with a fight and the movie takes a turn for the positive side. In the second half of the movie the viewers start to understand more of Jim’s personality characteristics. His responses to the situations he is in are a direct reflection of his personality.

Jim is a sensation seeking individual. He enjoys arousal and activity as well as interacts with high risk experiences. The risks he takes throughout this movie are all the exact examples from the text including; physical, social, legal and financial. He is continuously directed by his emotions to be aroused. Arousal is based on the stimulation of the environment and can benefit functioning. Jim functions the best with the most arousal. His stress levels appear to not interfere with his functioning. He also maintains a controlled deal of perceived control based on his engagement, emotion, coping, and the challenged he is seeking. Happiness is another aspect addressed in the movie. The family has several low points, however, I would not say they were as unhappy as others would be. The individual measure of happiness is unique. The family is sensitive to small rewards, in which leads them to maintain a happier life. Jim is an eudaimonic style of happiness. He experiences true self in his pursuits. This movie overall was a great expression of emotion and personality characteristics. Jim is an all American hero and a sensation of hope.

Key Terms: Well-being, motivation, emotion, subjective, biological, purposive, social, need, environmental factor, cognitive, goal directed behavior, fear, basic emotions, defense, coping functions ,mood, adapt, sensation seeking,eudaimonic, rewards, arousal,

Cinderella man is an emotional movie. There are many different feelings going on throughout the whole movie that make you, as a viewer, experience them as well. What I would like to do is take a couple of concepts from the chapter and explain how they related to the film. They are the benefits of feeling good and managing emotions. The first one I would like to talk about is the benefits of feeling good.

James Brooks at the beginning of the movie was experiencing a rough patch. Many people in this time period were going through the same thing and trying to balance the little money that they had to try and get by. James struggled for a little bit with his hand breaking, trying to come up with ideas on how to support his family, and just how to get work in general. An opportunity came up however that boosted his positive affect and gave him an opportunity to show people he was still a good boxer and to make some money. This opportunity was to fill in for a fight. He won, and continued to win with more fights. He started to feel good and benefits cam with that. First, in the book it talks about how one benefit might be you are more likely to help others. James paid back started to pay back the government for what they gave him. Something not desired for most people back then. The benefits of feeling good also help us persist in the face of failure feedback. There was a lot of this going on especially with his wife and the last opponent he fought. The guy was known to kill people and he made it known to James wife. There was also negative feedback in the media. Just the 10-1 odds themselves put a damper on self esteem and motivation to do well. Since James was feeling good however he didn’t let it bother him. He used his positive effect, self esteem, and happiness to motivate himself to push forward and accomplish a goal.

There was a lot that this family was experiencing in the movie, poverty, hunger, work, family, and much more. Both James and Mae did a fair job in managing their emotions through this time. Mae did not like it at the beginning or end of the movie when James had to fight but she knew it was important. She seemed to manage her emotions in a good way until Bear said too much and throws the drink at him. James was better at managing emotions. He seemed to have a level head once he broke his hand, he cried a little but it was controlled. It didn’t seem like he was going through a huge breakdown. I feel like the best example for managing emotion is the last part of the movie where James has to stay under control at all times in spite of the verbal threats Bear is sending him. Bear is saying threatening things to his wife as well, he is intimidating constantly but James holds the emotions in until the fight. I feel he used avoid the contact strategy. He kept to himself and tried to avoid the remarks and confrontation the best he could. This level of control for many of us would be hard if not impossible. Somewhere along the line he learned how to cope which I feel helped him win the fight.
Terms: motivation, negative feedback, emotions, confrontation, opportunity, goal, positive effect, self esteem, happiness, benefits

On the surface, “Cinderella Man” may look like another boxing movie. About 15 minutes into the movie, you realize this is not a sport movie; this is a movie about how the great depression has affected a family and the country. It’s an amazing picture about the fall of man, his life at the bottom, and his rise back to the top. We face many things in our life that bring us fear, sadness, anger, joy, and many other kinds of emotions. This movie takes us back to a time when people had good reasons to be fearful and sad. Personally, I felt this movie was absolutely amazing—for what I saw of it. I feel that I am going to go out and buy the movie online or wherever I can find it. The concepts of sadness and depression are so well done. As Jimmy and his family fall and rise you start to feel an emotional connection with them and truly care for them.

There are many motivation and emotion concepts in this movie, so let’s start with the ones from Chapter 11. One of the first concepts that I observed in the movie was the concept of fear. After the opening fight, James’s manager was telling him that he has no fear. Another time I observed fear was how James’s wife, Mae, feels about his boxing. She mentions that “Every time you get hit, it feels like I’m being hit.” She really worries about Jimmy’s health being a boxer because even though he is a good boxer and wins his matches, he is still being hit every time. I can’t forget to mention the scenes after Jimmy has his license revoked after breaking his hand. He goes home with no money from the fight, he no longer has a job, and Mae wants to send the kids away. This completely breaks Jimmy, and he wants to do anything he can to fix that he can no longer work.
Chapter 11 also has many good examples of fear and sadness outside of the Braddock family. The United States is entering into the great depression, and the people living in this movie are feeling the effects. The Braddock family has to water-down their milk because they are past due on the milk man. They can’t pay their bills, and their oldest son stole meat from a butcher. You can observe how people are living on the streets. Groups of people are standing outside the factories every morning hoping to get work, but the factories can’t hire all of them.
One giant concept of anger and sadness was when Jimmy finds out Mae has sent his children away. This absolutely devastates him because he promised his son he would never send them away. He gets a ferry to the city and talks to the boxing commissioners. Jimmy does everything but get down on his hands and knees to get some help. This is when Jimmy realizes he has reached the bottom, begging to the people he was so close to. Jimmy, in tears, gets the money and is able to get his kids back. Jimmy may not show it very well, but he shows a lot of joy being able to bring his kids back. Jimmy finally gets an opportunity to fight a very professional heavy-weight contender for $250. I’ve never seen more joy in someone.
After Jimmy wins his fight, in a major surprise, Jimmy is extremely joyful. For once, he feels no fear about his financial situation.

As the movie plays, concepts from Chapter 12 also are boldly shown. Jimmy is someone that is feeling the concept of appraisal. Jimmy knows that boxing hurts him, but he feels it’s significant because it feeds his family. Even though Jimmy is a boxer and needs the calories to keep him healthy, he focuses on feeding his children and keeping them healthy and comfortable.

In conclusion, this movie was amazing displaying emotions. The actors very accurately portrayed the feelings of the great depression.

Terms: Fear, sadness, appraisal, emotion, anger, joyful

Cinderella man was a movie full of positive and negative emotions. This movie went along very well with chapters 11 through 13. Each of these chapters describes different types of emotions and how a person displays them and why. In the movie each of the basic emotions listed in chapter 11 were portrayed at one point in time. This was such a powerful movie that I also felt each of these emotions throughout the movie. Fear was present during the end of the movie when everyone thought that Max Baer was going to kill Jimmy. The fear was especially present in Mae, Jimmy’s wife. She did not want to listen to the radio and she went to the church to pray and found that everyone else was praying for Jim too. Anger was also present in the movie when Mae was upset that Jimmy was going back to fighting after being done for a while. She wanted him to be around more often and was really angry that he was doing this to her and the kids. Disgust was shown when Mae threw the drink in Max Baer’s face; she wanted nothing to do with him and just wanted to get away. There was a big amount of sadness through the entire movie. The part that probably made me express great sadness was when Jim went to New York after being done with fighting and having to ask the rich men for help to pay for his electric to be turned back on. I know this was one of the lowest moments for Jim and it showed great sadness that he had to resort to begging for money from the people he used to trust. Joy was later shown in this movie at the very end when Jim won the fight against Max and was a hero to all of New Jersey during the sad times of the great depression. The last basic emotion is Interest and Jim’s boxing manager Joe was the one to show interest in Jim getting back into fighting. He never truly gave up on Jim and knew that he would be able to get back to being the best and all Joe did was show interest in Jim’s career. All of these basic emotions were portrayed very well and even made me feel like I was part of Jim’s life.

This movie also did a great job of connecting with chapter 13 because Jim had showed all of these unique personality traits that go along with happiness, arousal and control. Happy people are known to be extraverts. Extraversion is a trait that consists of a preference of being social, assertive and more likely to seek out exciting situations. The character that I associate extraversion the most is Jim. He is the one that seems to stay happy throughout most of the movie even though he is going through a rough time in his life. He is always being social and seeking to have that next exciting match in the ring. He would also just be happy being with his wife and kids. He loved them very much even when others around him were giving up on their marriages and families.

Another personality trait described in chapter 13 is arousal in the form of performance. Arousal is a process that combines alertness, wakefulness and activation. This was also portrayed by Jim when he was boxing. He always started off a little too relaxed and it took him a little time in the ring to finally be completely alert and activated to win the match. Jim also loved the feeling that he got when boxing, when he had to work on the dock during the time he was not boxing, I could tell he was under aroused and wanted something to do that would bring back that wakefulness and alertness. His performance was enhanced once he started boxing and training again. He gained the strength back in his hand and he was able to throw left jabs a lot better after working on the dock. His arousal went hand in hand with his performance as a boxer.

One last personality trait that was described was control. Control is broken down into two types: perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control is a person’s expectancy of possessing the needed capacity to produce a positive outcome (p.383). Desire for control is the extent to which people strive to make their own decisions and influence others in a prepared way (p.383). These two parts of control were displayed in the movie when Jim and Joe both believed that by coming back to boxing all he needed to do was win his first couple of fights and then he was back for good. They both expected positive outcomes and prevented the negative outcomes by practicing and knowing the other opponents weak sides. Jim had also showed desire for control outside of the ring when he was struggling to afford anything for his family. He was highly motivated to establish control over the situation of no longer having electricity. He was triggered by the fact that his kids would no longer be able to stay together as a family unless he could pay for electricity and he was not ok with that fact. He had no other option than to see if others would help him out. He had desired to take control of the situation at hand.

Overall, Cinderella man was a wonderfully emotional movie and I had no idea that I was going to cry as much as I did. I usually do not get too emotionally with movies, but for some reason when Jim went in to Madison square to beg the rich people to help him, I just started crying my eyes out. I am really glad I saw this movie and I truly saw and felt all the emotions that were being played out in this movie.
Terms: Fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, interest, extraversion, arousal, perceived control, desire for control

This movie rocks! So many great examples of motivation and emotion throughout. I would say all of the basic emotions were shown in this film. Starting mainly with anger. Anger is described in chapter 11 as an "ubiquitous emotion". The book says anger is brought on when one finds that some out side source is coming in and disturbing goals and visions. Obviously this movie was set in the great depression and James, the main character, is facing great turmoil trying to keep his family afloat. He was a boxer, a very good boxer, and was making great money doing this but was forced to leave because he broke his hand. This is a prime example of the spark that lit his fire. He had goals for himself, for his family. These goals were fueled by the money he was making while fighting. They were uninterrupted by him breaking his hand and the boxing head committee making him leave. He was very, very angry and didn't really know what to do but try and get work when he could.
We see fear all over Jame's wife's face throughout this movie. Fear, as described in the book, is an interpretation of one's own situation, whether dangerous or a threat to their well-being. James's wife, Mae, hates that James boxes. She can't even watch him fight because she doesn't like to see him get heart. She fears for the worst during his last, breakthrough fight when he fights against a man who has a rank of 10-1 and has killed 2 people in the ring. This is dangerous and creates so much fear for Mae (as it would for me too!!).
A big question to me would be, why isn't James look the slightest bit scared during his last fight? I would be TERRIFIED! My question is answered in chapter 12. When dealing with cognitive aspects of emotion we heavily look at the idea of appraisal, which is an estimate of ones significance of an event. For example when James goes into this ring, it is pretty much all or nothing for him. If he wins this match he gets a LOT of money, which will bring his family back together, and well we see what happens. But this is what motivates him, his appraisal of the fight. His appraisal motivates him to be focused and fight for what he feels is right, his family.
Finally chapter 13. Happiness, arousal, and control. I see all of these in this movie and the book says that all three of these are a product of any given life event. We see happiness, generally, between Mae and James. They are in love and have high hopes for their children and their lives. Happiness is what motivates them to do the best they can because they want to be a happy family. Arousal is explained in the book as process that start alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Obviously, when James is going in for his last fight, his arousal level is very high. He is very in tune to what he needs to do, very alert and active. -- if he wasn't, I think he would be pretty SOL. Control is a big one in this house. He feels the need to be in control of his family, especially his kids. Perceived control is the beliefs and expectation a person holds that one can interact with the environment in ways that produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes, according to the book. James wants his kids. Unfortunately Mae took them to their extended families house where they could be warm and have food. James did not like this. He felt out of control. He had no power. He needed this psychological need of autonomy and control, which is the need that he make decisions for himself.

Terms: Fear, anger, appraisal, happiness, arousal, control, psychological need, autonomy, power

James Braddock was a character full of motivation! His story was very inspiring! One of the reasons he was able to turn his life around was because of his persistence, and that persistence came from a strong sense of perceived control. He made his son Jay return the stolen meat even though his family was hungry, because he felt like he had the capacity to provide for the immediate needs of his family. In this part of the movie, Jay exhibited a weak sense of perceived control; he did what he thought he had to in order to keep his parents from sending him and his siblings away. James also had a strong sense of perceived control when his wife sent the kids to stay with family members. James went to collect relief funds, and even went to the rich men at Madison Square Garden to obtain the money that he needed to afford heating and electricity again. Even though these acts tore at his pride, James knew his behavior would result in having his family back together again.

In addition to perceived control, James also had a strong desire for establishing control. This was evident as he rose to fame in the boxing ring; he would never have won those matches if he hadn’t established himself in the position of power. While James was pursuing his control in the ring, his wife Mae was losing her sense of control in the midst of his fight against Baer. She feared James’ death during that match so much that she told James to find a way out of that fight – even if it meant breaking his hand again.

James’ fight against Baer is the greatest example of risk taking in the movie. James went into that match knowing that Baer had killed two other people, and that there was the possibility that Baer would kill him, too. However, James was a high sensation seeking individual, so he walked into that arena and faced Baer anyway, despite the potential repercussions. Another example of risk-taking behavior was James’ recruiter, Joe, who sold his possessions in order to fund James’ training, even though he didn’t know if James would succeed or not.

Throughout the film, James was a relatively happy character. The opposite of happiness – neuroticism – was displayed by James’ friend Mike, who worked shifts with him before James returned to boxing. There was the birthday party scene where Mike was drunk and shouting at his wife, which exhibited his unhappiness with how his life had turned out. Mike’s unhappiness eventually caused him to disappear, which caused his wife Sarah to ask James to find him. Mike’s neuroticism drove him to the environment that ultimately caused his death, just after he and James were reunited.

Affect intensity deals with the amount of emotional arousal one feels in response to certain events; in other words, it is how strongly one feels their emotions. The man in charge of Madison Square Garden had low affect intensity. He was very indifferent when he revoked James’ commission to box at the beginning of the movie, and he displayed no emotions when he showed Joe and James the films of Baer killing his opponents in the boxing ring. When Joe commented on his indifference, the man told Joe that “his emotions are for his family,” and that they had no place in the business world. On the other hand, a character who showed high affect intensity was Mae; it was very easy to read her emotions. One scene where her emotions got the better of her was when James was working with Jay on his boxing. Mae was upset about the possibility of losing her husband during his match with Baer, and asked the boys to stop boxing in the house. When they didn’t, she threw the dishes that she was cleaning in the sink and unleashed her emotions on her family, telling the children that they would go to school and would never become boxers like their father.

Terms: perceived control, establishing control/losing control, risk taking, sensation seeking, neuroticism, affect intensity

This was my first time watching “Cinderella Man” and I thought it was a great movie! I did not think that I would like it at first because I absolutely hate watching boxing, but the story line was wonderful. I will definitely be watching this movie again!

Chapter 11 has many concepts that can be applied to the movie “Cinderella Man.” First is emotion, which can be defined as short-lived, feeling-arousal-purposive-expressive phenomena that help us adapt to opportunities and challenges we faced during important life events. If one endures a significant life event, then emotion occurs. This is present in the film in numerous scenes. One example of emotion is when James Braddock’s son steals from the butcher. He does this because he does not want to be sent away to other family members like his friend. His friend being sent away was a significant life event and thus led to many emotions such as fear, anxiety, worry, and panic. He acted upon his emotions when he stole from the butcher for his family (this occurred because with emotions comes motivation - if you take away emotion, you take away the motivation). Moving on, anger is a ubiquitous emotion and arises from restraint, betrayal of trust, being rebuffed, etc. Anger is present in the movie when James finds out that his wife, Mae, has sent their children to live with their relatives. He felt that the decision should have been made together and is angry and upset with Mae. He claims that he will be able to get enough money to turn the electricity back on and thus returns to the street to get their children back. His motivation is his love for his family, wanting to stay together, and not letting the depression tear his family apart. Sadness is also present in the film and can be seen through Mae in multiple scenes. Sadness is also known as distress and arises primarily from experiences of separation or failure. An example of Mae’s sadness in experience of failure is when she realizes how sick, cold, and hungry her children are becoming. She is overwhelmed and cannot bear to have them remain sick and unhealthy. She is motivated to send her children to relatives in order to keep them safe. An example of Mae’s sadness in experience of separation is when James boxes in general, but especially when he goes to box his “final match” against Baer. Mae knows that there is a good chance that James will not survive the match and is overwhelmed with the thought of losing him. She is motivated to no longer allow “boxing” in the house and at first does not support James in his quest against Baer. Joy is also an emotion that is present in the film and is emotional evidence that things are going well. This can be seen when James comes home to announce that he has won a boxing match, and him and his children cheer and laugh and his victories.

Chapter 12 also has many concepts that can be applied to the film. Appraisals are estimates of the personal significance of an event. The people of the town and Mae appraise James’s match against Baer as the time and place of his death. They know how dangerous Baer is and how he had recently killed two other men that he was boxing against. Because they are appraising the situation as bad, dangerous, and deadly, they immediately are filled with emotions to meet the appraisals. They dislike the situation but know how determined James is and how he wants to give hope to his family and his town. Primary appraisals involve an estimate of whether one has anything at stake in the encounter. The people of the town and Mae’s primary appraisal are that James’s health, well-being, and life are at stake. They dislike the situation and do not wish for James to potentially sacrifice his life. Secondary appraisals occur after some reflection and involve an assessment for coping with the possible benefit, harm, or threat that the situation is presenting. The townspeople and Mae realize the harm and threat to James, but they cope with the situation in the form of support. They support James in his quest and cheer for him throughout his match. Emotion differentiation process is also present in this film. Emotion differentiation process is defined by how people experience different emotions to the same event. A great example from “Cinderella Man” is between Baer and James and their match. Baer is excited to beat James and is not worried about the possibility of hurting or killing James. He welcomes the “weak/old” boxer and prepares himself to dominate the match. On the other hand, James is worried about how his family and his town will cope if he does not survive the match. He worries about his wife and children as well as his own safety. He prepares by thinking of his end goal - to bring hope to his family and town during the depression. A final concept from chapter 12 that can be applied to the film is that of emotional contagion. Emotional contagion is the tendency to automatically mimic and synchronize expressions, vocalizations, postures, and movements with those of another person, and consequently, to converge emotionally. This can be seen in the scene in which James asks his manager as well as his manager’s acquaintances to support him in his quest to pay for his electric bill. As soon as one man begins handing over some money for James, the atmosphere in the room changes and everyone synchronizes expressions, postures, and movements and thus converge emotionally. The action of the first man causes a ripple effect and promotes the other men to support James in his financial crisis.

Finally, chapter 13 also supplies numerous concepts of which can be applied and described from scenes in the film “Cinderella Man.” Happiness is displayed through James when he begins to win boxing matches again. He is happy that he is able to support his family once again, and to be able to give hope to his children and Mae for a better life ahead. Mae however, seems to become more unhappy as the film progresses. This progress can be described as neuroticism which is the predisposition to experience negative affect and feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. She continually worries about her family and about James in his dangerous career. She is dissatisfied and unhappy that he takes part in such a dangerous profession and just wants him to be safe and home. (She stated that she would rather suffer more by him working at the docks than to suffer less and have him boxing). Arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. An example from the film is when James begins to win boxing matches again. He has a low to moderate level of arousal which in turn increases his intensity and quality of performance (which is a contributor to him winning more matches). James experiences optimal performance here as it is a function of him being aroused, but not too aroused. Affect intensity is people’s capacity to become aroused emotionally. Mae is a great example of an affect-intense individual. These people are those who experience emotions strongly and show emotional reactivity and variability across many different emotion-eliciting situations. Mae becomes upset and shows emotions of sadness and grief when she has to send her children away, as well as when she decides to ban boxing from the house - an outlet for her anger and fear of James’s life. Mae also shows emotional reactivity when James wins and survives his final match. She begins cheering and jumping up-and-down in excitement. Perceived control is defined as the differences in people’s pre-performance expectancies of possessing needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. James has perceived control as he believes he has a chance at winning against Baer. He also has perceived control as he will do anything to bring hope to his family. He is willing to possibly die in order to give hope to his family and his town. Desire for control is also present and is defined as the extent to which people strike to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and enter situations in overly prepared ways. Desire for control reflects the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over events in their lives. James is a perfect example of the desire for control from the movie “Cinderella Man.” James desires to take control over his life and his family’s life by assuming a leadership role (boxing for money even though it is dangerous) as well as influencing others (influences his manager and the other men to support his family – defines James’s desire for control). James has desire for control throughout the movie because he wants what is best for his family and he does not want the depression to separate his family. We know that James has a high desire for control because when one has a high desire for control and their control is threatened or lost altogether, they exhibit distinct reactions such as distress, anxiety, depression, dominance, and assertive coping. When James’s control is threatened (or ultimately lost altogether) – such as when Mae sends away the children – he exhibits distinct reactions such as distress, anxiety, and depression over the loss of his children, as well as dominance when he acts assertively to attempt to bring his children back home (leaving Mae to talk to his manager and the other men).

Terms: emotion, anger, sadness, joy, appraisal, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, emotion differentiation process, emotional contagion, happiness, neuroticism, arousal, low to moderate arousal, optimal performance, affect intensity, affect-intense individuals, perceived control, desire for control, and losing control

Cinderella Man is a movie filled with emotions. Not just mundane dull emotions but intense and heart wrenching emotions. I loved watching this movie. It’s no surprise that strong emotions would be present in a movie set during the Great Depression. When money was lacking, so, then, was food. Russell Crow’s character, Jim, struggled through many emotions. Sometimes his emotions were conflicting. His immense love for his wife really conflicted with his desire to fight against Max. She was adamant that he should not fight. Though he loved his wife and wanted nothing more than to please her, he felt that the best thing he could do for himself but mainly his family was to fight the fight. Emotions are high during this stressful time in life and it shows in this movie. The personality characteristics in the movie are quite varied as well.
The biological perspective limits the number of human emotions to no more than 10 emotions. I find it hard to constrict our emotions. Emotions are so varied and the same emotion (sadness for instance) can look so different depending on the situation. The cognitive perspective’s take on the innumerable amount of emotions is more appealing to me. Our appraisal of situations lends to highly varied emotional experiences. Cinderella Man shows the depth of human emotion. I don’t think the biological perspective can explain the emotions present in this movie. They are just too complex and based on cognition rather than simply biology. Sure, there are aspects of emotions that come from biological processes, but I think our true emotions and our understanding of the situation that is causing us to react emotionally mainly comes through cognitive processes.
Our emotions do motivate us. When Jim and his wife were at a dinner prior to Jim’s big fight against Max, Jim’s wife threw a drink into Max’s face. Not only was she driven by anger at Max’s comments to both her and to Jim, she was driven by fear. She felt the fight and possibly Jim’s life were out of her control. She feared for her husband’s life. Her fear for her husband’s life and her lack of control lead her to react to Max’s comments with anger. Her anger then led to the behavioral response of throwing a drink in his face. Her fear had been building up inside of her and she reached a tipping point with Max’s comment. She could no longer compose herself.
Anger acted as a driving force for Jim as well. This was definitely not his main motivation in fighting max but, as the book says, it did stir passion within him and energize him when, physically, it appeared as though he could fight no more. Max had been making comment after comment that, not surprisingly, began to energize Jim through the anger they instilled in him. Jim’s anger also motivated him at another time. When his family hit rock bottom in the movie and could no longer pay their utilities and heat their home, Jim was driven by a sort of anger at himself for not providing for his family and reneging on a promise that he had made to his son. Jim had promised his son that he would never send him away and yet when Jim could not provide for his family his wife sent the kids to stay with her sister for their children’s own health and well being. This anger at himself led him to do something that was so unlike him. He went to get money from the government and even went and basically begged to people he had known from boxing. Perhaps anger was not the main motivator her, though. From what I can tell, Jim was mainly motivated by his selfless love for his family.
The cognitive side of emotions is highly based on appraisals. Our appraisals lead us to action through this set of connections: perception to appraisal, appraisal to emotion, emotion to action. Jim’s wife, for instance, perceived and appraised the comments that Max made as negative. Her appraisal of the comments and the situation led to her to feel anger. This anger then led to the action of throwing a drink in Max’s face. Because of the depth of our emotions, I don’t think that we can simply adhere to the biological side of emotions. We go through cognitive processes when we encounter emotionally stimulating situations (whether we are consciously aware of our cognitive processes or not).
Cinderella Man has an array of different personalities. While it might seem like Jim should be unhappy because of the hard work he has to put in to keep his family alive, he truly does seem happy. Though he is happy, I wouldn’t describe him as extroverted. I also don’t think his happiness is the typical happiness that we think of when we imagine happiness. I think he represents an individual who has more eudaimonic happiness. That is, he is living as his true self. He knows who he is and what he is fighting for (i.e. his family). When asked by reporters why he is fighting, Jim responds by saying that he is fighting “for milk.” Initially, I’d say he was motivated by an external reward, but upon further assessment, I believe his motivation is wholly internal. Sure, his direct motivation is to be able to purchase food, but he wants to be able to purchase food in order to feed his family. Jim is willing to put his life on the line in order to provide for his family because of his amazing love for them.
I believe that Jim’s wife desired to have more control in her life than she did. She wanted to have more of a say in the life her husband lived. Not in an overpowering sort of way though. She had a deep love for him and did not want to see him hurt (for himself or for the sake of the family). There was very little she could do. She couldn’t force him to not fight. She also couldn’t control Max, the man her husband was going to fight and the man that was capable of killing Jim in a match. When Jim didn’t obey her and decided that he would fight, she grew upset and fearful. Eventually, though, she learned that she could not control these things. What her husband needed the most was her support. Though she really did not want him to fight, she did what he needed and stood behind him.

Terms: desire for control, eudaimonic happiness, external reward, extroverted, cognitive perspective, biological perspective, appraisal, anger, fear

Cinderella Man was a movie full of inspiration, determination, and tons of connections to both motivation and emotion. You can’t discuss the relation to this movie to motivation and emotion without first looking at the extrinsic motivation the main character James (Jimmy) Braddock. At the beginning of the movie, Jimmy is a well off boxer before the great depression boxing more for the sense of intrinsic motivational purposes, doing it because he is interested in it and wants to master optimal challenges. After the Great Depressions strikes, Jimmy looses everything he had at the fall of the stock markets and begins to fight just to provide food, heat, and electricity to his children and wife. Jimmy is then extrinsically motivated to box for the environmental incentive of money he gets for doing so. The incentive, and environmental event that attracts or repels a person towards or away from initiating in a particular course of action, of a paycheck is what keeps bringing Jimmy to the ring to face opponents he is most likely going to lose to.

When relating this movie to concepts from chapter 13, a few that stood out for me were that of over arousal, sensation seeking and risk taking, and control. When first introduced to Jimmy Braddock, we see a successful boxer. Being a boxer, I would say that Jimmy has a sensation seeking personality. People who are sensation seeking seek out varied, novel, complex, and intense sensation experiences and are willing to take physical, social, legal, and financial risk for the sake of the experience. Along with having a sensation seeking personality type comes risk taking behaviors. High sensation seekers voluntarily engage in physically risky behaviors to produce a sensational experience which Jimmy does with his career of boxing.

As the movie progresses and Jimmy loses his life savings during the Great Depression, his personality characteristics of control really start to show through. There are two characteristics of that capture most of the control beliefs people, including Jimmy, experience. Those two characteristics are perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control, which is more relatable to Jimmy’s character, is the difference in people’s pre-performance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes and refers to the beliefs and expectations a person holds that they can interact with the environment in ways that produce a desired outcome and prevent undesired outcomes. In order for someone to perceive they have control over a situation they first must be capable of obtaining the desired outcome and the outcome needs to be somewhat predictable and responsive. Jimmy shows a high perceived control because of his displays of his exertion of effort, in both boxing and providing for his family, focuses his concentration on how to provide for his family, and maintains a positive emotional state even in a time of distress. Desire for control, the other aspect of control, is the extent to which people strive to make their own decision, influence others, assume leadership roles, and ender situations in overly prepared ways.

Terms: Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Sensation Seeking, Risk Taking, Control, Perceived Control, Desired Control.

Cinderella Man is a great movie to watch to examine different emotions and how they provide motivation for behaviors. Not only is motivation and emotion relevant in this particular story, but the time period of the Great Depression breeds many different emotions discussed in the text.
Chapter 11 discusses how emotions also function as motivation to certain actions and behaviors. Without emotions, there is not a strong motivation to do much of anything. Even though some emotions cause discomfort and unpleasant feelings, they all serve a helpful purpose. There is a lot of sadness and unhappiness in this movie because of the time period and the difficult situation the family is in financially. Fear is one of the emotions experienced by Jim during his “comeback fight” against Corn Griffin. He was knocked out at this point, I think he was on the ground and became fearful of losing. Fear is defined by the book as “a danger and a threat to one’s well-being” and this was obviously the case while he was down on the ground with one of the best heavyweight boxers in the world ready to knock him out. He may not admit to being fearful, but fear was definitely a factor in his burst of energy/motivation in the fight. This fear facilitates learning which may have been a factor in the momentum shift in the 3rd round of the fight. Jim’s autonomic nervous system experienced arousal and told him to “fight” rather than proceed in a “flight” behavior. Jim may have also known this was his last chance to become a top tier fighter again and this could have motivated him to do something that he did not even know he was capable of doing.
Chapter 12 discussed the how facial expressions are used to express emotions and what purpose the facial expressions serve. In the fight that allowed Jim to be the number one contender, he was nearly down and out when his ribs were broke and his mouthpiece was knocked out. Contrary to what one would think, Jim actually smiled and appeared to be visibly happy. He obviously was not happy but his smile and body language lead his opponent to perceive he was experiencing joy. This caused his opponent to display a facial expression that was similar to disgust expression form the online simulation. He probably became concerned after Jim smiled after he got hit because that is not what the average individual would do. His opponent’s appraisal of the situation leads him to become concerned.
After Jim got his mouthpiece knocked out, he was mentally picturing his family and all of the hardships they have experienced. After this happened the announcer even said “this shows tremendous determination” when he stood back up and continued to fight well. This is another example of emotions being the root of the motivation to complete tasks that are not easily completed otherwise.
Earlier in the book we discussed basic needs and the physiological aspects of motivation. Jim loves his family very much and does not want them to be deprived of their basic needs. From an evolutionary perspective, Jim has motivation to protect his family and provide for them. This leads him to experience emotions that are extremely unpleasant such as shame and guilt. When Jim asks his boxing companions for money, his facial expressions clearly exhibit embarrassment and he even says sorry when he asks the last guy for money. This is an example of how facial expressions are useful socially. They allow others to see emotions which themselves, cannot be seen. Without this ability, it would be a guessing game as to which emotion a given individual is experiencing. Because of this emotional expression, his friend was able to detect he was in great need and that he should probably help his friend out.

Terms: emotions, motivation, behavior, sadness, fear, autonomic nervous system, fight-or-flight, joy, appraisal, happy, facial expression, shame, guilt

I have never seen Cinderella Man before but I really enjoyed this movie! This movie was very emotional and had a lot of concepts from the chapters. The emotion that was present throughout the entire movie was fear. Jim experiences fear multiple times during this movie. He feared for his life and his family’s life when the electricity was turned off because they had no money and his kids were sent away. He was fearful of what would happen to his kids and his family. The fear motivated him to beg for money and also to keep fighting to earn some more money.

His wife also experienced fear throughout the movie. She hated that Jim boxed because she was worried about his safety. When she was asked how she felt about Max Baer already killing two men that he had fought she broke down. She didn’t even go to his boxing match because she went to church and prayed. She was also scared that if he was killed during his boxing match she would be left alone as a single mother and would have no way of supporting her or her kids.

Arousal played a huge role during this movie. Arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. As arousal level increases from low to moderate, both the intensity and quality of the performance improve. As Jim’s arousal level at the start of the match increase from low to moderate, his intensity and his quality of his performance improve. Since he was at a moderate level of arousal he was experiencing pleasure from fighting. He reached his optimal performance and was able to win because he alert but not tense.

Another concept that was present during the movie was risk taking. Jim is taking a huge risk every time he fights. He risks getting hurt or even being killed every time he steps into the ring. For Jim, taking this risk is worth it because he will be rewarded with fame but more importantly money. He takes a huge risk when he decides to fight Max. Max has already killed two men during fights but Jim is determined because he knows if he wins he will receive the money that him and his family desperately need.

Control was also present throughout the movie. Perceived control and desire for control are two personality characteristics that capture most of the spirit of control beliefs. Perceived control refers to the beliefs and expectations a person holds that he or she can interact with the environment in way that produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes. Jim believes that he can continue to box and win the money that him and his family needs. Perceived control beliefs predict how much effort a person is willing to exert. Jim is a person with high perceived control. He initiated action, exerted a lot of effort, focused his concentration, and persisted in the face of difficulty.

Jim also had a high desire for control. Desire for control reflects the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over the events in their lives. A person with a high desire for control prefer making their own decisions, prepare for situations in advance, avoid dependence on others, and assume leadership roles. Jim wanted full control over his life. He was not going to give up and he was going to do everything in his power to get money for his family. He prepared for his last fight by training extra hard and learning how Max boxes. He avoided dependence on others because he did not want to ask others for money or help. He definitely assumed a leadership role in his family by earning money and in the boxing ring by defeating his opponents.

Terms: Emotion, fear, arousal, perceived control, desire for control, risk taking.

I always love a good underdog movie and Cinderella Man definitively proved to be that kind of movie. This is a classic boxing movie where a man is forced to retire only to come back later to fight for important reasons (financial). As I looked back at chapter 11, 12 and 13 I found that emotion personality characteristcs really play a huge role in this movie. Chapter 13 plays well with this movie because James Braddock and his wife are struggling in the depression which intern makes them unhappy. The emotions come to play in this movie from the struggles of retiring and coming back from boxing, the hard ships of being in poverty, the excitement/joy of winning, the fear of losing everything, the disgust by Mae when Baer proclaims he might kill Braddock in the ring, etc. This movie has a lot of different emotions that can be found in a variety of scenes.

I thought one of the most moving clips of the movie was when Braddock goes to beg for money so that he can get his kids back who have been taken away because there’s no heat in the house. You can tell that it’s very difficult to go in front of all these people he knows and ask for money just so he can keep his kids. The scene is truly special when he goes to Joe and asks for money and Joe says he has nothing to be sorry about and helps help with the rest of the money he needs to get the kids back. As we know, emotions are feelings that we have when something happens to us to stimulate them. When Joe offers Braddock money, the biological side of emotion came out of Braddock and he couldn’t control what he felt. He cried tears of Joy but I think mostly sadness because he was put in this situation. This is why I think emotions are mainly biological. Braddock has been depressed over this situation; he blames everything that has happened on himself. Cognitively he knows what he is feeling and tries to hold back because it’s just his type of character. The thing is though, his whole body is broke down from everything that is happening and when Joe offers him money he can’t do anything but to fall to the emotion his body feels. It’s a great scene to see someone so proud and tough, fall so far and back down to the ground.

Another good scene out of the movie was obviously the ending when Braddock wins his fight over Baer and becomes the new heavy-weight champion. This scene is so pivotal because there is so much riding on him winning. He has a family to support and care and the only way he can do that is if he keeps winning these fights and ultimately winning the championship fight against Baer. I thought that the term appraisal had great significance to this scene. An appraisal is an estimate of the personal significance of an event. Obviously this event is the most significant of the whole movie. Once an event has been appraised as good or bad, an experience of liking or disliking follows. Liking generates a motivational tendency to approach the emotion-generating objet; disliking generates a motivation tendency to avoid it. In Braddock’s situation he had no choice but to like the situation he was in because it was and all or nothing deal. Braddock either wins the fight and supports his family, or he loses everything. When well-being is at stake, people then evaluate the potential harm, threat or benefit they face. This can be seen by Mae, because she refuses to watch the fight in fear that Baer will kill Braddock in the ring. The primary appraisal for Braddock in this film would be supporting family; mainly keeping his kids. Braddock’s secondary appraisal would be Joe. This is because Joe has helped him get through these fights and has almost been his backbone in a way. This whole movie is a great example of motivation for one character to beat odds to save his family.

As for chapter 13, I would say that Braddock fits someone who has a high desire for control in his environment. Obviously as a boxer you need to have control of your opponent, otherwise you will lose the match. I believe this carries over into the characters personal life too. As the man of the house, especially back in those times, it was understood that the men would take care of their families. Obviously back in the depression, this was a hard thing to do because there was an economic crisis going on. This was even harder to swallow for Braddock because his desire for control in the ring also came out of the ring. Desire for control reflects the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over the events in their live. When high desires for control people lose control, they tend to experience high amounts of anxiety and stress. This can be seen again when he goes to beg for money to get his kids back. You can tell that the last thing he wants to do is going in front of these men to ask for money but he’s been backed into a corner and has no other choice. High desire of control people usually select harder tasks as well. I think for Braddock to try and save his family through boxing is probably one of the hardest tasks he could do. He’s a complete underdog throughout the movie but he continues to win. His motivation will remain high in tasks like these which usually leads to success.

Terms- desire for control, motivation, control, appraisal, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, emotions, fear, joy, disgust, sadness, cognitive, biological.

I had never seen this movie but it was really good! There are a ton of motivational and emotional aspects to this movie. There are a lot of concepts from chapter 11 which talks a lot about anger as well as fear. Anger is one of the basic emotions in which people can express their emotions or negative emotions. Anger can come about from many different aspects of life. It can occur because we are unable to control outside events. This is what is seen during this movie and portrayed throughout. Jim gets angry and upset when his wife makes his children go to their relative’s house. He was angry because he kept working and trying to get money but it was never enough. He shows this anger not by slamming doors or hitting things, but by not saying anything to his wife who he very clearly loved to death. I think he felt very betrayed by her and helpless and the only way he knew how to react was anger. I believe his anger came out on the boxing floor as well when he was offered the first match for 250 dollars. It seemed to me that everything was exploding from him. All the pain he had encountered and all of the things he could not control during the great depression were released into something he could control.

Fear is also portrayed all throughout this movie. Fear is the reaction that takes place when someone has a threat to their well-being or when something is dangerous in their lives. A large aspect of fear throughout the movie obviously dealt with the great depression and their inability to pay bills or make enough money to even eat. Jimmy lived in constant fear for his children. He went to try and get work every day and had a very nervous facial expression whenever he was waiting at the gate. He knew that was the different between getting a good meal and paying their electric bill. When the electricity went out Jimmy’s wife was extremely fearful for her children. She was very nervous and fearful about her son who was becoming more ill. She felt very helpless because she could not work and therefore she did not have the resources to help her son recover from his illness. She was worried about him dying which is one of the main reasons I assume that she sent all the kids away to live with relatives.

These emotions that Jimmy experiences create motivation for him to find work and to work even through his broken hand. I believe it also helped him become motivated to work hard to win the boxing matches. The first one he won that got him started again was a very huge guy that he shouldn’t have had a chance against. However, his emotions created physiological responses that helped him win the fights. His heart rate always had to adjust to the situation and this most likely increased his motivation even more. Jimmy had a low perceived control but a high desire for control. He didn’t feel like he could control anything external that was taking place in the great depression, but he was extremely motivated to try and fix the problem with not having money. This motivation is what drives him throughout the entire movie and without his desire for control, he wouldn't have been able to succeed throughout the fights or make it through the great depression with his family still together.

Terms: anger, fear, facial expression, helpless, physiological response, perceived control, desire for control

This is the first time I have ever seen this movie. It was boring for me at the beginning and the end, but the middle of the movie I was actually interested in. It was a really long movie, but it wasn't a bad one. The first thing that really stuck out to me was what Chapter 11 talks about, which is fear and anger. Fear was displayed when they were living in the great depression and didn't have money to pay for the bills. You see Mae begging the guy to not turn it off because she has her children, but the guy states that he can't afford to be fired and he has children himself. That shows her fear, and also the guy's fear of losing his job. Mae was also very fearful when she realized how sick her son was and she was all alone trying to make do with what they had. It shows her going outside to cry, so not to upset her children. Fear is also displayed at the end when Jim is up to fight for the championship against a guy who had previously killed 2 people. Mae is afraid and doesn't want him to do it because she doesn't want to live without him. Jim is afraid because he doesn't want to lose and he wants to be able to provide for his family.

Another concept displayed was risk-taking. Jim being a risk-taker makes him have a sensation seeking personality. Jim did a lot of risk taking when it came to fighting any match that he did. There were a few of them where he should have been down, but with the fear of failing and an adrenaline rush, he managed to pull through and fight to the end. Jim was also demonstrating risk-taking behaviors when he went to work on the docks, even though he had a broken hand. He knew that his hand being in a cast could jepoardize his chance of getting picked to work, but he still went down in hopes of getting chosen.

Happiness and sadness were both present in the movie as well. Jim and Mae were both very sad when they were living during the great depression and when they didn't have enough money to keep the power on. Jim demonstrated his sadness by yelling and being angry, especially when he found out that his kids had been sent away so that they would be able to live better. That was the thing that pushed Jim over the edge and he went to his friends to ask for money. His friends were nice and gave him some and you can see how deeply he valued his friendships. Happiness came with each fight that he won and the money he was able to provide with the family. Especially at the end of the movie when he became the world champion.

Mae is a great example of an affect intensity in people. Affect intensity is people’s capacity to become aroused emotionally. These people experience emotions strongly and show emotional reactivity and variability across many different emotion-eliciting situations. Mae is upset and shows emotions of sadness when she has to send her children away, as well as when she decides to ban boxing from the house. Mae also shows emotional reactivity when Jim wins and survives his final match. She begins cheering and jumping up and down in excitement.

Terms: Fear, anger, risk taking, happiness, sadness, affect intensity, emotions, elicit, sensation seeking

I can’t believe I have never seen or heard of this movie before! The emotions in this movie made me feel like I was actually experiencing them as well! From chapter 11 one of the first concepts observed was fear. The wife Mae feared boxing. She hated that Jimmy boxed. She worried about him all the time. She worried about his health. The last match of the movie she feared she may never see her husband alive again.

The beginning of the movie shows the family at a low state of well-being just like many other families were facing during this time period. The family is running low on everything. They can’t receive any more milk until they pay their bill, there short on food, the electricity and heat is about to be turned off and they have nothing left to sell for money. One of the little boys steals meat from the meat market because he is seeing his friends being sent away and is afraid he may be next if he doesn’t help contribute. After that scene in the movie the kids don’t do much but still play a huge part in this movie.

Many of Jimmy’s emotions directed his behavior. He experiences many different emotions throughout the movie. Jimmy experiences sadness and anger when he finds out his wife has sent the children away. I think this really angered him because it was as if he couldn’t provide for his family. He had also promised one of his sons that he would never sent him away. This is when Jimmy hits his all time low. He goes down and gets some aid relief from the government. The women helping him said “Jimmy, I never thought I would see you here”. I am sure that comment didn’t help the situation or his feelings for that matter! He then takes a ferry to the city to talk to the boxing commissioners. He begs his closest friends for help. You can tell by the tears in his eyes that this is the hardest thing he has ever had to do. His friends chip in with the money and he is able to get his power and heat turned back on as well as bring his children back home. He is extremely happy and joyful to have his family back together. Jimmy gets the opportunity to fight for the heavy weight champion after working his way back into the ring. The winner of this fight wins two hundred and fifty dollars. After Jimmy wins which was a surprise to many since he was the underdog he shows a great deal of joy. For that moment he feels on financial pressure.

Arousal is discussed in chapter 13 and is also seen throughout this movie. I feel like Jimmy has a high need for arousal. He is motivated to fight for the money. The motivation is also what helps him work with his broken hand that he tried to hide by using shoe polish so it wasn’t as noticeable down at the boat docks. I also think he fights because fighting brings stimulation and excitement to his life during this unpleasant time period during the great depression. Fighting brings joy and arousal for him.

Chapter 13 also talks about control. Jimmy has control. He sets goals for himself and goes after them no matter the circumstance. An example of a goal he has set for himself is to beat the defending professional heavy weight champion Max Baer. He persists in this goal and doesn’t back down. An example where he could have backed down and quit is when he had a broken hand, he continued to fight through the pain. He also didn’t quit when he had broken ribs or through the difficult times of the great depression. He is always trying to better himself and the life for his family. He asked to watch the Max Baer film over and over so he could find a weakness to attack him with. He also tried to better his families live by asking for money and trying to get shifts at the docks day after day of getting turned down he continued to return.

Terms used: arousal, control, persistence, fear

I had previously never seen this movie, but had heard about it numerous times. It’s truly inspirational and correlates well with chapter 11-13. The first concept that stood out to me in the film was the basic emotion of fear covered in chapter 11. The best example of this from the film is Mae. She stands behind Jim in all of fights up until his last one. She fears for her husband’s well-being and struggles supporting him in his title match. Her husband a major underdog in the fight and he literally put his life on the line accepting the fight. The texts states that most common fear-activating situations are those rooted in the anticipation of physical or psychological harm. In this case, Mae’s fear was brought on by anticipating the risk her husband faced in the ring. She was anticipating the worst (e.g. death). However, once she realized how important the fight really was for everyone suffering from the depression, she managed to get past her fear of losing her husband and support him during his title fight.

Another basic emotion that came to mind while watching the film was anger. I think the character from the film that best illustrates this was Mike. Although he wasn’t a main character in the film I think he showed his anger the most. His anger derived from the fact that his plans, goals, well-being, and career were all gone due to the great depression. In the film he spoke of creating a union or some kind of force to act out against what was going on. There was also a scene of him having a dispute with his wife on the street which highlights all the anger he has built up inside. The majority of the people in the film were affected by the depression, but they managed to maintain. This wasn’t the case for Mike. He let his anger get the best of him and as a result ended up losing his life.

A concept from chapter 12 that was present in the film was appraisal. Jim had to make a decision of whether or not the title fight was worth it and if could improve his well-being. Although he recognized the dangers of accepting the fight, he realized it was something that he had to. Primary and secondary appraisals played a role in Jim’s decision. Primary appraisals are used to determine what’s at stake in a given situation, which includes things like health, financial state, respect, and the well-being of a loved one. In Jim’s case all of these factors were at risk by accepting the fight. He realized he could be severely injured or even die during the fight (health), he realized his family could really benefit from the money if he were to win (financial state), he realized that he was giving the people of New Jersey hope during a time of need (respect), and he realized that he was putting the well-being of his family on the line. To cope with everything at stake Jim used secondary appraisal. He used the hardships he had faced due to the great depression to cope with the potential benefits, harm, or threat from the fight. However, it was these same hardships that motivated him to accept the fight. He wanted a better life from himself and his family and wanted to give the people of New Jersey something to cheer about during a time when they literally had nothing. These motivators were enough to overcome the risk and they ended up paying off in the end.

A concept from chapter 13 that can be associated with the film is arousal. This concept can also be applied to Jim. During the great depression Jim’s boxing career seemed to be over which created insufficient stimulation in Jim’s life. Boxing was the only he knew and once it got taken away his life was filled with the same day to day tasks. Although Jim seemed to always remain in good spirits given his situation – you could tell he was devastated when the boxing association wouldn’t allow him to box anymore. However, when Joe offered him a “one time” fight Jim’s arousal increased. Once he won the fight he was inducted back into boxing, which increased his arousal even more. His increased arousal fueled his performance and would eventually result in him becoming the heavyweight champion, which seem like an impossible task to accomplish.

Terms: basic emotions, fear, anger, appraisal, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, arousal, insufficient stimulation, well-being

This movie was fantastic, I really loved it. It was funny at the right times and heartbreaking in others. It’s the story of second chances, the real Cinderella inspirational kind. The fact that it’s based on a true story makes it that much better. The character of Jimmy Braddock is so charming and you can’t help but root for him and his family, along with his manager, Joe Gould. I borrowed a copy from my brother and I’m not surprised he bought it anymore, I’m more surprised nobody ever told me to watch it!

The part that resonates the most with the chapter (13, most recent and my focus) for me was the character of Jim Braddock and how he refused to let their hard times ever put him down. He comes home to his wife, Mae, alone during the Depression years. She’s sent the kids off to her family so they can get back on their feet but he’s not about to let that happen. He takes off and loses all semblance of pride to beg for money from the men he used to work for while boxing. Here we see him almost at the point of losing control; he’s at the end of his rope. When individuals high in the desire for control lose control, they can become depressed. Desire for control is the extent to which an individual is motivated to establish control over their life. In events where they have little to no impact on the outcome, they can feel anxious and stressed. We see these emotions in Jim when he appeals to the boxing men. He is what I would consider high in desire for control and not having his kids makes him realize all his trying hasn’t helped. When he comes home from work and says, roughly, if he worked 26 hours of every 24 they still wouldn’t have enough money, it shows how much he wants to have control. However, even without the money, they are still happy.

Jimmy’s family means more to him than anything. As long as they’re together, we see him happy. He and Mae don’t really have fights until she sends the kids away. Even after the Depression hit, they adapted and came back to the happy family they had been before. Just like the book mentioned in the example of lottery winners and accident victims, their level of happiness is affected directly after the event most significantly. A year later, they show similar levels of happiness to pre-occurrence levels regardless of whether they had a positive or negative event.

Joe, Jimmy’s manager and friend, is what I would definitely call affect intense and an extravert. Affect intense is someone who experiences emotion strongly and are very sensitive to changes in arousal. We see this in his animation during the boxing matches, swearing or cheering, and always knowing exactly what to say to Jimmy to keep him going. His witty comments to Baer are another example that come throughout that section of the movie. He is easily goaded into it, tossing remarks back and forth once provoked. His emotions run hot. When Jimmy shows up begging, his facial expressions say so much about how sad it makes him and how much he wants to help. This is one character with a lot of facial feedback. The look on his face shows the emotion he is feeling accurately to facilitate social functioning. Secondly, an extravert is someone who is sociable, assertive, and adventurous. His job is all about people. His fighter, his fans, his boss, all need Joe in the middle to keep them happy. He likes a challenge, he convinces the board to give Jimmy a second chance on the first fight and then convinces them yet again that having a sentimental favorite will make them loads more money.

Jimmy involves himself in a lot of high arousal situations, arousal being the processes in charge of alertness and activation in the mind and body. Boxing, obviously is highly arousing. So is his job on the dock, it’s very hands on, fast paced. He tries to do whatever he can to make money but also keep himself from being bored. Boredom in the time of the Depression was luxury, I’m sure. He wanted to be useful, to benefit his family and he wouldn’t let himself sit around. As far as going to the extreme of boxing, that was pre-Depression and more likely attributed to sensation seeking. When someone prefers to be in a constant state of arousal, they would fall into the category of sensation seekers. This type of person takes risks that others would not and believes them to be worthwhile. When boxing Baer becomes a very real risk to his life, he keeps going, wanting to fight. The risk to his life was worthwhile to him for the potential win and the sensation he got while fighting such a challenging opponent.

Terms: desire for control, happiness, affect intense, facial feedback, extravert, arousal, sensation seeking

One concept that is obvious in the film is perceived control. Early in his life the boxer had some successful experiences, as shown at the beginning of the film. Both of the criteria required for perceived control were met. He obtained the desired outcome, and the process of fighting for prize was predictable and provided feedback. Although he was removed from the stage when he was injured, he still believes that he is a good fighter if he is healthy. His belief motivated him to make efforts toward his goal. He accepted challenges from formidable opponents, practiced hard to prepare for the fight, and persisted through tough tortures inside the ring. He kept the lesson from a recorded fight in mind, and counteracted strategically at the critical moment. All these actions depend on perceived control.

We can also see some basic emotions in the film. The most relevant emotion during the Great Depression would be fear. The wife of the boxer already feared for his health while they were still rich. After poverty struck the son of the boxer stole food in fear of hunger. After the electricity was cut off and the child became ill, the mother sent her children away in fear of losing her child for good. The father feared that he would never bring his children back home, so he collected welfare funds and begged from his former employers for money in order to restore electricity at home. These cases demonstrate how fear motivates people to start new coping strategies and avoid threat in the future.

When New Jersey residents gathered in homes and churches to listen to the match broadcast, they showed interest to the novel and uncertain event. This shift of attention gave them a break from the harsh reality. When the result came out they also experienced a great amount of joy, which served the function of balancing the frustration and disappointment in their lives.

The film demonstrates the process of appraisal when the boxer is threatened with the possibility of death. He engaged in primary appraisal when he realized that his health and the well-being of his family are at risk. Then he engaged in secondary appraisal as he said that he was as much likely to be killed when he worked at a dock. He planed his course of action during this stage of appraisal. Though he did not express his emotion, the experience of emotion and the formation of coping strategy took place inside him in that brief moment.

Terms: perceived control, basic emotions, appraisal, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal

Cinderella Man is about a man who has to go to great lengths during the Great Depression to support his family. His name is James Braddock and he is a boxer who everyone thinks is washed up. James Braddock overcomes many obstacles throughout the movie. He is an underdog that you cannot help but root for. I really enjoyed this movie. I think this is my favorite movie that we have watched all semester. I saw this movie before when it first came out and it was just as good when I watched it this time. I personally love underdog stories with a happy ending.

There were many examples of motivation and emotion concepts from chapters eleven, twelve, and thirteen throughout the movie. There were examples of emotion including the feeling arousal, purpose, and expression. Motivation played a big role in this movie when it came to Braddock being motivated by his need to support his family. Personality characteristics such as happiness also played a role in this movie.

Emotion was demonstrated in the movie when Braddock has to go to his friends that he used to hang out with. The friends who once respected him and he had to ask them for money to turn his heat back on. Braddock was so desperate to get his kids back that he had to beg his friends for money. That was something that you could tell was very hard for him to. He was almost in tears towards the end of it and he had his head down the whole time because he was ashamed, but he loves his kids more than his pride. His kids mean everything to him.

That brings me to another motivation and emotion example, which is motivators. For James Braddock his family is his ultimate motivator. He fights through the pain during his fights so that he can make money to support his family. He fought through the shame of asking for money from his friends because he needed to get his heat turned back on in order to get his kids back.

There was also examples of managing emotions discussed in chapter twelve in the movie. His opponents throughout the movie are taunting Braddock, but especially when the guys starts talking about Braddock’s wife is when you can tell he gets angry. However even though you can tell that he is annoyed and angered by the mans remark he chooses to manage his anger and keep control because he knows that is exactly what the man wants.

An example from chapter thirteen would be happiness. Braddock always appeared to be pretty happy throughout the movie especially for his kids. No matter what was going on he would have a smile when he was playing with his kids. Probably because he wanted to make them feel at ease about everything that was going on. He could have been like some of the other characters in the movie that would go and drink their problems away, but instead he chose to keep a positive attitude and work hard to make ends meet.

There was also an example of a life event that elevated Braddock from his set point from of happiness. When Braddock won a fight and he was able to make some money to feed his family and keep the heat on he was happier than usual. It really made me think how lucky I have been to never have had to live through anything like the depression. I honestly think that my so called set point is probably higher because of that fact. I have never had to go through any really terrible life events. For that I am pretty lucky.

Terms: Motivation, emotion, managing emotions, happiness, happiness set point, positive, negative

One of the most obvious aspects of "Cinderella Man" is emotion, and their abilities to energize and directly motivate behavior. Anger is probably the most present of the basic emotions within this movie because it motivates individuals to do what they otherwise would not do. Anger arises out of the belief that an individuals situation is not what it should be, and in this case Jim did not want to 'ship his children off' because he could not afford to pay the electricity bill. In the fight against Laksy Jim is 'beginning to wilt' as the announcers say, and then he is motivated by his anger and frustration due to his inability to provide a steady and sufficient income for his family. It is this anger that energizes and motivates Jim to push harder, hit harder, fight harder so he can eventually win the match.
Fear is another crucial emotion when discussing "Cinderella Man." In almost every scene Mae is in, she is either afraid Jim will get hurt/killed, or worrying about the children and their well being (the scenes where her son is sick, the press conference, when she talks to Jim before his big fight, etc.) Fear arises due to an individuals assessment that their situation is a threat to their well being. Fear motivates defense, and displays itself through physiological characteristics such as trembles and nervous tension which Mae displays often throughout the movie.
Another major point of the movie is Jimmy's sensation seeking. Sensation seeking is related to arousal, and is based on the fact that the individual becomes bored with the routine and actively seeks out stimuli. Though Jimmy is content with his job at the dock he jumps at the first chance to fight, not just because the money is good, but because deep down he wants to fight. He seeks the thrill of the fight, the cheering crowd, the feeling of getting hit. It is these types of stimuli that Jim actively seeks out. Later in life, Jim is still seeking those additional stimuli, and ends up serving in World War II.
Lastly is Jim's desire for control, which is the extent to which individuals attempt to "make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and enter situations in overly prepared ways." When the electricity is turned off, Mae sends the kids to stay with her family, however Jim promised the children they would never be sent away. It is in this situation that Jim realizes he has lost control over his family and becomes frustrated before being forced to beg for money from the rich men at the boxing stadium. Jim even says himself in the scene in the boxing stadium offices that if there were any other option he would not be there, but he has such a strong need to control his family and his life that he is forced to do what he must in order to regain that control.

Terms: Emotions, Anger, Fear, Sensation Seeking, Desire for Control

I can say that I really enjoyed watching this movie, which I had a good feeling I would, because a lot of the actors and actresses in this movie are some of my favorites to watch. Especially Ron Howard (whose the director) I’m a big fan of his work both when he acts and directs. Along with Russell Crowe and Renee Zellweger. Overall, this movie had a whole range of different emotions from happiness and joy to fear that were expressed by the main couple, Mae and Jim throughout this movie.

During a $250 match Jim was fighting in he tells his opponent,“Welcome to New York.” Jim says that to his opponent after he jabs him in the face, twice before the end of the bell rings. After of course getting hit by a few good swings by his opponent. He popped him a few good times and his opponent fell down. People and the announcers seemed to start believing in Jimmy, when they had said earlier in the night he wouldn’t last past two rounds. He won against the number two competitor in the world. During the fight Jim started to show a higher amount of performance level, where he started out slow and low, and gradually moved up his stamina as he went into more rounds, and so his punches became more intense and his performance and emotions were all in check as he hit his opponent where it hurt him and won. He also expressed some happiness after the win, and said, “Imagine what I could of done to him if I had a couple of steaks.” Clearly, he was happy he won, but also completely content with the win and not over boosting about the fight he had just gotten through with. You can tell that Jim has extraversion towards his career of fighting, because it’s something that he has always enjoyed doing, and for him it’s a very stimulating situation he finds himself in. Before Joe got this one fight for Jim to get him back in the system of fighting, when he wasn’t in the ring, you could tell he was unhappy and facing some signs of neurotics where he seemed to have greater stress at making ends meet when it came to money to help support his family.

Jim had the best kind of motivation to do well when his wife and kids were involved in the picture. His fights were always focused on winning for them, so they could survive for a little longer. His wife, Mae, told him as he was reentering into the ring, “I’m always behind you.” Showing that she may not always agree with his decisions, and she doesn’t always look the happiest of wives when it comes to her husband’s decisions to fight, but she will support him no matter what, because she loves him. During some of his fights when he was on the verge of losing he would have flashbacks to his kids and they would motivate him to have great determination and control in his battles to pull out and win. Another example of a good motivator Jim had would be when he needed to turn his heat on, he was ashamed he couldn’t make ends meet, so he asked his friend if he could help him out, so he could get back his kids.

One thing Jim was good at was being a risk taker, in his fights and in his job working on the docks. From this he had the sensation seeking personality. Many of his fights when he reentered he should of lost, but because he had a fear of losing, he was able to keep his head up and win as the last bell rung to end the rounds. When he worked on the docks, he knew he would have a slimmer chance of being picked to help out the other guys, because he had a broken hand. But he still kept his hopes up of being picked. Along with fear at the end of the movie you can tell that Mae fears for her husbands well being in this fight, because his competitor has killed two opponents before, while Jim was in fear of not being able to provide for his kids due to the fact he could lose this match. But he ends up winning in the end, where both him and Mae express joy and excitement.

Terms: performance, emotion, happiness, extraversion, neurotics, motivator, control, risk taking, sensation seeker, fear

I really liked Cinderella Man, in fact, I saw it in theaters when it first came out, although when I saw it for class, I thought it was a different movie. This is a great film to talk about emotion and all that encompasses the last three chapters we read. I will definitely be watching this movie again in the future. I apologize in advance for the rest of my post being kind of all over the place.
Chapters 11, 12, and 13 have many concepts that can be applied to Cinderella Man. Emotion is defined as a short-lived feeling that helps us to adapt to challenges and life events. James Braddock is a sensation seeker. A sensation seeker can be defined as one who is willing to take physical, social, legal, or financial risks to meet their need for varied, novel, complex and intense sensations. Because Braddock boxed, he is willing to take physical risks to have novel, complex, and intense sensations, and also to meet his need for financial security for him and his family. Braddock desires control, and is very motivated to try and control his families’ financial security and to keep the family together. When Mae sends the kids away to live with her sister, Braddock is motivated to get the electricity back on and goes to try and get relief money from the government to get them back home and even goes as far as to go to his former friends at the boxing association to get money from them to get enough money to do so. Braddock is angry that Mae did this, while Mae is overwhelmed and scared for her kids, who were sick and coughing. Anger arises from restraint, trust being broken, and a number of other things. Being overwhelmed means that someone is deeply affected by what is going on, and typically doesn’t know how to deal with it. Being scared is fear, which can be defined as unpleasant emotion that is caused by the belief that something or someone is likely to cause harm, pain, or be a threat. Before this, the last fight Braddock had before the commissioner pulled his boxing license, he had perceived control of the fight. Perceived control can be defined as the capacity to start and regulate the behavior to needed to get desirable outcomes while avoiding the undesirable ones. His perceived control is week, however, and he engaged in the fight sort of half-heartedly, only wanting to get a paycheck out of the match. He is a passive fighter in this match, and ends up breaking his already messed up hand. When Mae is told about what happened, she is both sad and relieved because she doesn’t like Braddock’s chosen profession, and worries about him when he goes to box. She is sad because she is worried about how they are going to make ends meet, but she doesn’t want him working and messing his hand up more. Sadness is distress and comes usually from experiences of separation and failure. Mae is sad when she feels like she has failed the children when they become sick, and also when Braddock goes to his final match against Braer, when she thinks that he could easily die from boxing him. Happiness is also evident in this film, both at the beginning, and when Braddock finds out that he has another chance of being a boxer. Appraisals are the estimates of the personal significance of an event. When Braddock gets his first fight after getting his license revoked, his primary appraisal is that he can get 250$ for his family, and help them out as much as he can. Primary appraisal is when you evaluate whether or not anything important is at stake, and although his physical well-being was at stake, it was still more important to him because his financial security was suffering so much. Secondary appraisal occurs after some reflection and revolves around coping with the potential benefit or harm. Braddock’s secondary appraisal was that he got to do one last boxing match, show everyone what he was made of, and say good-bye to Madison Square. As Braddock continues to get more fights, he uses a technique called facial management, to not show that he’s hurt or tired to the other boxers, to confuse and intimidate them. Facial management is when someone intensifies or reduces their emotional experience by exaggerating or suppressing their facial actions. Emotion differentiation is when people experiencing the same event feel differently about it. When Braer and Braddock face off, Braer is confident and joking around at the beginning of the match, trash talking Braddock and sort of horsing around, while Braddock is serious and down to business, worried about facing off with Braer and what the outcome of the match will be, because his life is, literally, riding on this match. Mae seems to have neuroticism in the movie, which is the predisposition of negative affect and feel dissatisfied and unhappy. She is not happy when Braddock boxes, she is not happy to be poor, she is dissatisfied with the way her children play in the house, and a litany of other instances. Arousal is a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. When Braddock begins to win matches again, he goes from a low level to a moderate level of arousal and increases his intensity and quality of performance. He is shows elasticity when he breaks his hand, by learning to compensate with his left, and that’s what also helps to make him a better boxer. Affect-intensity is a person’s capacity to be aroused emotionally. Braddock’s manager is an affect-intense person. When Braddock is doing good, he’s yelling and screaming, and trying to rile his boxer. When he is not doing so good, he’s urging Braddock to stay in and fight. He experiences emotions strongly and shows emotional reactivity and variability. Braddock is more affect-stable, in that he doesn’t get angry easily and shows his emotions mildly. He does this throughout the movie, being typically even-keeled, even when being razzed by Braer at the hotel.
Terms: Emotion, sensation seeker, desire for control, perceived control, motivation, anger, overwhelmed, scared, sad, appraisal, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, facial management, emotion differentiation, neuroticism, arousal, affect, affect-intense, affect-stable

In the film Cinderella Man, Jimmy is a passionate and driven boxer and was on top of the boxing game until the onset of the Great Depression hit his home. He lost money and control of life situations. However, he did what he could to maintain as much control as possible, especially for the sake of his family. Two concepts from the chapter that were apparent to me in the film are arousal, more specifically, sensation seeking, and control.

According to chapter 13, arousal “represents a variety of processes [cortical, behavioral, autonomic mechanisms] that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation.” Sensation is one of these governed states, which contributes to the personality traits of sensation seeking or sensation avoiding tendencies. Sensation seekers are those individuals that prefer greater brain stimulation and like new and novel situations, rather than mundane daily routines. Sensation avoiders, on the other hand are those individuals that prefer routine and less brain stimulation. They often become distressed or anxious in stimulating circumstances.

Jimmy in Cinderella Man was characterized a sensation seeker. He was a boxer. He time he stepped into the ring he had a new opponent who may have been more or less skilled than the last. His brain was highly stimulated from the exhilaration he received from stepping into the ring. He also had to use his brain a great deal in order to strategize the best way to knock his opponent out. By participating in the sport of boxing, he was putting himself at great risk for injury. He even broke his hand but was he still wanted to continue boxing. He faced financial risks because if he didn’t put on a “good show” or if he lost, he faced the prospect of not getting paid. He could have faced social ridicule, and did due to his performance in the match that he broke his hand. Those who had betted on him or those who even came to the match just for a good show were disappointed and he received taunts and boos from the crowd. But none that stopped him from wanting to box. Nothing stopped him until he broke his hand and the Great Depression hit.

At that point, he had to deal with control, or the loss of it. The point in the movie when Jimmy realized he had very little control (or at least from an outsiders perspective) was when his children were sent to relatives because they had no heat in their home and did not have enough money to turn it back on. It was then that he realized that he had to do something. Jimmy possessed high engagement. Engagement “captures intensity and emotional quality of a person’s participation during somewhat difficult undertakings to control the outcomes that matter to them.” Jimmy was highly engaged because he had to deal with a difficult undertaking (finding a means to quickly obtain money) to produce an outcome that he desired (getting the heat turned on so he could have his kids back). He knew people with money that would possibly be willing to help him. He perceived that he still had some control over the situation because he felt that by interacting with the environment (those he knew with money) he could obtain his desired outcome. Because he was highly engaged and had at least some perceived control, he went to the people he knew with money to ask for help and they did help. He was able to get enough money to get the heat in his home turned back on so his kids could come back home.

Terms: arousal, sensation, sensation seeking, sensation avoiding, control, perceived control, engagement

I had never seen this movie before and I absolutely loved it! I was constantly thinking why that is happening, what he is going to do, etc. Jimmy and his wife had to deal with some pretty hard situations which caused them to deal with some emotions they may have never dealt with before because they previously were not poor. Emotions energize and direct behavior, an example of this was when Jimmy begged for money from his previous employers so he could get his children back and turn the heat in his apartment on. His emotions motivated him to get money so he was able to care for his children again. Emotions also help us adapt to situations so we are able to work through them and cope. Being able to cope with a situation will help an individual to overcome their problem. For example in the movie we constantly saw a huge amount of support the couple had for each other even though they were going through a very hard time. This is how they coped with their situation, they knew that as long as they supported each other they would be fine and everything would eventually work out. A biological aspect of emotion is when an individual prepares themselves to cope by activating the heart, lungs, muscles, glands, hormones, limbic brain structures, and neural activity. We saw the mother go through this process when she realized that her son was becoming more and more sick every day. She realized that without heat he would not get better. Thus causing her to have to leave the apartment for a few minutes because her body was reacting to the situation in term of biology.

Happiness was expressed in a completely different way in the movie than what some individuals may classify it as. Even though the family was dealing with a tough situation they appeared to be happy because they were able to cope with their situation. We all view happiness in different ways and we all have different expectations on what we expect our happiness to be like. A specific example from the movie would be when they realized they didn’t have any milk left. They felt sad as well as if they had let their children down. However once they moved past it and started to think of ways to solve the problem they became happy once again. I view happiness as strongly correlated with how we cope with situation. If we are able to work through a situation without completely freaking out it is more likely that we will return to our baseline of happiness.

Jimmy was an extraverted individual he was constantly seeking social situations, he was assertive, and he would seek out activities that made him receive positive feedback. The primary social situations he would seek were time with his family and boxing. We saw him be very assertive several times in the movie but one situation stood out the most to me. During one of the first fights where his hand was broken we saw him explain why he thought he should still be able to box. He was very assertive and gave good reasons as to why he should have his license still, even though he was rejected. It was interesting to see Jimmy’s attitude change when he began to get more and more fights. This was because he was receiving positive feedback though an activity he enjoyed. Jimmy’s wife was more of an introverted individual we did not see her seeking social situations or being assertive, she focused on the tasks she had to get done in order to maintain her happiness as well as her husbands and children’s.

Arousal is a variety of process that governs alertness, wakefulness, and activation. An individual’s arousal level is a function of how stimulating their environment is. When an individual’s environment is highly stimulating their arousal level rises and vice versa. We saw Jimmy become over aroused when he was in his first comeback fight. Because he had not fought in a while his body was not prepared for the high amount of stimulation it was receiving. His coach was constantly telling him he needed to relax and focus. A result of overstimulation is upsetting emotional states, impairs cognitive activity, and accelerates physiological processes. During his fight we saw this occur however once Jimmy realized what was occurring wasn’t going to help him win he began to cope by relaxing and allowing his body to return to its baseline.

I think to a certain extent Jimmy was a sensation seeker because he wanted to constantly be stimulated by things other than his daily activities. When he would box he would become very stimulated and when he wasn’t boxing he was constantly hoping and looking for ways to box. He also took risks in his life that impacted him and his family. For example the very last fight when the possibility of him dying was a possibility. He was willing to take that chance because his family needed money, and also because he wanted to fulfill his sensations seeking activity. It was very good to see that the wife was able to have a good sense of control over her situation. She realized that in order for Jimmy to win he needed to know that his family would support him. She expressed her desire for control when she told Jimmy she didn’t want him to fight the last time. Perceived control refers to the beliefs and expectations a person holds that he or she can interact with the environment in ways that produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes. I think she had a good sense of perceived control though the entire movie, except the very last fight. She was able to exert more effort because she knew there would be a positive outcome if she remained in control of her situation. Overall this movie was very interesting to watch from a motivational standpoint!

Terms: emotions, motive, coping functions, biological aspects of emotion, extrovert, introvert, arousal, over arousal, risk taking, sensation seeking, control, perceived control.

Cinderella Man
One key concept that I saw in the movie Cinderella Man that I thought was in the chapters was how happy his family was with each other even during the family hard times. The wife never made her husband feel like less of a man because he couldn’t box in the beginning of the movie due to his broken hand and the kids wanted nothing more but to stay together as a family even if it meant having little food to eat and needing to share a birthday cake with all the little kids. I think in the movie you can see the happiness when the kids played with their dad and when wife would talk and kiss her husband. I think you could also see perceived control and desired control in the movie when James would fight or get ready for a fight. I think he knew he was a good fighter but when he watched the film of the fighter killing the man, you could see it playing in his mind and him wanting control over his upcoming fight. During the last fight when James was on the ropes, he replayed the video in his mind and wanted desired control of the situation and it worked. James was able to manipulate his opponent and got control over the fight. I think in the movie James personality was driven by control. He wanted control over how many shifts he could work at the doc and he was motivated to be a good worker even with a broken hand and he longed for control over his families living situation and he didn’t have it. You can tell this bothers him in the movie when he has to go beg for money from the boxer sponsors. He cried and could barely look at the men as he told them about his situation and how he could not provide for his kids. You could also tell that it really hurt him to have to say that they sent the kids away. I think when he had to go borrow money from the building that gave out government assistant it really bothered him as well. He kept his head down and didn’t want anyone to see him, even though there was hundreds of people who had to do it and wouldn’t have judged him for it. I think he feels a lot of guilt and shame, frustration and disgust for himself as a man, husband, and dad. James ends up turning these emotions around and uses them as his motivation and drive to win and be a good fighter. You can see this in the movie when he has flash backs of the empty milk and the past due statement. He also ends up paying back the money to the government that people borrowed and when the new reporter asked him about why he did it you could tell he had pride in his response. I think people could sense his pride as a man who was able to go from being like everyone else during the depression and having nothing but love from his family to a man who still had the love of his family but also wealth and the ability to provide as a man for his family again. I think with James knowing that so many people looked up to him also helped him become his desired self and desired fighter. I think in the movie when he talks about upcoming fights and the fighter he wants to be shows possible self. I think the movie also shows cognitive dissonance because James is a boxer and gets physically hurt, yet he does it anyways. I think in the movie James has higher self- esteem than what he had during the beginning of the movie.
Terms: possible self, drive, motivation, cognitive dissonance, happiness, desired control, and perceived control

Cinderella Man was a good movie. I have never seen it before because I thought it going to boring, but it turned out pretty good. In chapter 11 we are ask five question pertaining to emotion. In section three the book covers “How many emotions are there.” According to the biological perspective, human beings have somewhere between two and ten basic emotions. The cognitive perspective however states that human beings possess a much richer, more diverse emotional repertoire than just the basic emotions. I am not sure which perspective I would follow yet but these perspective to have the ten basic emotions in common, which are interest, joy, fear, anger, disgust, distress, contempt, shame, guild and surprise. During the movie one can see a quite bit of these emotions come out, especially in the wife’s role. While her husband is out there boxing, she is at home wondering if he will survive this match, her actions and facial expressions can be concluded that she fears for her husband’s life, especially during the last fight of the movie. The book defines fear as an emotional reaction that arises from person’s interpretation that the situation he or she faces in dangerous and a threat to one’s well-being. The wife is in great fear for her husband’s life, after her and their children walk him out to the car she immediately goes to the church to pray for his life. After she gets back from seeing her husband, she goes to be with her children and she finds them listening to the fight. While she was listening you could see the fear in her face and in her body language as she was pacing back and forth. After the fight is done and her husband did not die, he actually won, the whole family, along with the audience, we jumping for joy. Joy is the emotional evidence that things are going well, and the book also states that when people feel in a positive affect state they feel good and are more productive. I think that after this fight the family will feed of the victory so much that they will not be miserable for a while, like they were in the beginning because they had no food to survive. Chapter 13 of this book discusses personality characteristics and list three motivational principals one of those being arousal. Arousal has two personality characteristics sensation seeking and affect intensity. I think that the fact that he is a boxer and would give anything to still fight shows how he has a need for sensation. Sensation seeking is the need for varied, novel, complex and intense sensations and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risk for the sake of such experience. We can see this in the movie, at the beginning, his family is struggling to make ends meet, and he did not eat his own food because his daughter was still hungry. He tried to go to work but no one picked him, so instead he went to go fight, the wife did not like this idea of him fighting, not only did it scare her, but it was also not bringing home enough money for his family to survive. I feel like he knew what was going on but because he loved to box, even though in doing so was taking a financial risk; he did it anyways because it was sensational to him. When he got fired from boxing he wanted to know why and asked for a second chance, and when that did not happen one can see that he was miserable, that should show how much he loved to box, how much he wanted to be in that ring, because of how he felt when he was fighting.

Terms: Fear, Joy, Arousal, Sensation Seeking, Personality Characteristics, Affect Intensity, Facial expression

Cinderella Man was a fantastic movie. It was done very well, and seemed very realistic to the time of the Great Depression. It was very emotional--I cried once or twice. There was never a time where I couldn't see and feel the emotions of the characters in this movie. Russell Crowe played Jimmy Braddock, a famous heavy-weight boxer, also known as Cinderella Man. He is the character through which I saw the most concepts of the chapters in the book.
In the beginning, Jimmy had everything going for him. He had a beautiful wife, three great kids, wealth, and success in his profession. I would say that he was an extremely happy man. And then, all of a sudden, we see their new life during the Great Depression. They are in a gross little home, they can't afford their bills, their kids are sad, and happiness level is definitely down. One of Jimmy's sons even steals some meat in hopes that he can feed his family. Jimmy hasn't been able to box in a while because he told he "had already done what he was going to do". He was struggling to find work and pull any money in that he could in order to keep his kids at home and not send them away. It is obvious that Jimmy assumes control of the family. He has the desire for control not only for himself, but for his family as well. He takes it upon himself to find money, work, and keep everyone healthy, but when his kids start getting sick, and they can no longer come close to affording their bills, Jimmy feels completely responsible, so he reverts to his own coping functions which solely revolve around providing for his family. His wife sends the kids to her sister's house while Jim is away, and Jim stoops to begging his old friends for money. I would say that this is a point where he is highly overaroused. He is seeking out any opportunity possible to decrease his stress levels. He is so concerned with finding money and bringing his family back together, that he drops everything else to do so. He is easier anxious, irritable, and angry--his frustration is very overwhelming. During this time, Jimmy's wife is also very unhappy. Not only does she have to be home with her kids, watching them suffer, but she can't work or do anything to help. She has to rely on her husband and watch him beat himself up for everything that does not go their way. She has a desire for control, but all she was able to do was protect her children from more sickness by sending them away.
When Jimmy gets the opportunity to return to boxing for one more fight for $250, he regains hope. He becomes highly motivated to do whatever it takes to win the money for his family. Once he wins and restarts his career, I believe his happiness is at its peak. Once again, he is able to support his family, while being successful at what he loves to do. He becomes a little bit of a risk taker in order to make sure that he continues to provide for his family, and keep them happy. He fights a boxer that has a record of killing people in the ring. He only does this for the purpose of providing for his family. When he comes out on top, emotions run very, very high. The facial expressions are what make the end of the movie so great. The sign of relief as Jimmy leans his head back upon hearing his name as the winner, the tears of joy after the intense fear that his wife had on her face, and the kids smiling bigger than they had throughout the entire movie. I think this movie shows exactly what is worth smiling about, and where happiness is truly found. It was an incredible, touching movie that discussed many factors of motivation and emotion.

terms: happiness, control, desire for control, coping functions, arousal, overarousal, risk taking, facial expression

Cinderella Man is a great feel good movie. As I always do, I have to first talk about my favorite part of the movie before I get in to the meat and potatoes of the assignment. My favorite part (this is unusual) comes from the end…no not the heavy weight fight where he wins against all odds…it’s the part at the end when the graphic appears and it says that Braddock and his wife use the money he won from fighting and becoming the world heavy weight champion to buy a home and live happily ever after…who does that??! That’s fricken awesome, so not only did was he inspirational during the meaty portions of his life where he was the Cinderella Man but he also was inspirational afterwards in how he lived and what he did with his winnings. Good for him!
Alright, anyways…I was completely surprised at how this kept moving and kept going after all that happened to him. Living thru the depression is bad enough and being a lowly dock worker doing back breaking work is terrible in itself. BUT when he started going back to fighting and broke his right hand but continued on, I think that just showed how strong his lotus of control really is. Control is what I stuck out at me when I was watching this movie. Braddock’s desire to take control of his life in an especially low point shows that his perceived control appears limitless. When he broke his hand, instead of being depressed or saying ‘oh whoa is me’ he looked at it as he has one really good left hand and it has made him able to perfect it. If he had been low in perceived control, he probably would have quit right there or at least dwelled on what bad luck he has. Cripes, I don’t think anyone would have blamed him for thinking he had bad luck, most of the people in his life seemed to do it for him. It would have been so easy for him to give up and just say “you know what, I tried” and everyone would have backed him. But he didn’t, he didn’t settle for anything short of being a champion and what’s more, he had the desire to control the things he knew he couldn’t control in his perception of control. His desire to not settle and to not live the way he had made him an inspiration to those that had already decided they could do no better than where they were and I think most actually expected it to get worse. Yes, he was stubborn and tough and had skill and had the ability to have worked at the docks making his left hook that much more devastating (so he had a lot of things in his corner) but he also had way more things against him with his right hand, his age, being out of shape, the list could go on and on. But he viewed all of those negative and positives as things he could control. He could control that if his right hand wasn’t the best his left hand would be elite, if he wasn’t in shape then by god he would be in shape or at least the best shape that his age would permit, if he was too old then that just meant he had more experience in fighting. The man was an optimistic, control (perceived and control) machine. This movie was a grade A movie and I was happy to see it. Another obvious motivator was his feeling of arousal. Who wants to work on the docks for the rest of their life, and even though he and his family was suffering too much to actually call it ‘boredom’ I think that he had a low level arousal. Boxing let him be stimulated with something that he was good at and enjoyed while also letting him get some of his frustration out. You could say that the quiet happy ending that I stated in the beginning that I liked so much could be a factor in why they turned out how they did. After having such a low arousal as a dock worker, he certainly had enough stimulation to last him forever during his fights as a champion. This over stimulation compared to what his life had been before could have caused him to lower his arousal and live quietly with his family in his home. It certainly didn’t hurt that he came from nothing and his family almost starved so they probably also took nothing for granted but let’s just say for psychology and this class sake that it had a lot to do with arousal.
TERMS: lotus of control, perceived control, desire of control, arousal, stimulation

I am a daddy’s girl and my dad really likes Cinderella Man so I have sat through it a few times. I do not care for boxing at all but with this movie it just has so much more than that. I love history and the Great Depression era. This was the first time I really paid attention to the whole movie. I really liked it once I got into it and focused not just let it play because my dad likes it. I love the cast of this movie! This by far has been my favorite movie we have had to watch. Cinderella Man has so much that we have talked about in class in it. Each character has a lot of awesome traits and they all come together to make this great movie based on a true story.

I think the most important part of this movie is the concept of family and a man’s role in the 1920 to be the provider. The Great Depression was a hard time for everyone and some people got it worse like the Braddock family. Before the Stock Market Crash Jim was a boxer and a well off man. After, he was poor almost living on the street with his wife (Mae) and three children. Every month it was a struggle to get by and keep the children feed. When he hurt his hand and could not fight it got even harder and the children got sick. He was forced to work on the dock and in the process gets stronger than ever. By a miracle he is asked to return to boxing and ends up winning the heavy weight championship.

Jim is a great man and father. He gives up everything for his children. One scene that always stands out to me is when he is hungry and they do not have every much food. His daughter says she is hungry so he gives up his breakfast to her. This demonstrates that he is putting his own physiology needs (hunger) aside for his children. He may be hungry but to him his family is more important. It is Jim’s nature and personality to be giving and caring. He is driving and motivated to provide for his family. His drive even puts him have in the ring to fight which is dangerous.

Boxing has so much to do with what we have been talking about. People who box have to have the flight or fight state of mind. Yet the will put themselves in harm’s way to make money because money is a quasi need. This means that it is needed but when the need is met it goes away. When Jim had no heat and his children were about to be sent away money became a great need. Boxing is a really intense sport they I personally cannot stand watching since I do not like blood and violence. It takes a lot to be a boxer. Jim was old and facing a man who was known to kill people named Baer. Yet because of his arousal, anger, and drive he was able to win. He put himself in a really high arousal sport that makes a person have to perform well. Jim had been through so much that he would use the anger to fight. He knew if he lost there was a chance of no food or heat and he could lose his children. These things motivated him so much to put his own life at risk. When he won he would get his children respect and they were so proud of their dad. He felt achievement and power since he was able to prove he was the strongest.

Relationships were another big factor in this movie. Jim and Mae had a great relationship. Even though they were going through a really hard time, they stayed together. They loved each other. They were intimate and you could tell they liked being around each other. Mae was stressed a lot. She worried about Jim and the children all the time. She was afraid of losing Jim in a boxing fight. She knew Baer was a killer and did not want Jim to fight. She knew they needed money but would rather be poor and have her husband.

All throughout the goal Jim had goals. I believe the biggest one was not biased on boxing but on family. He promised his son they he would never let the family get split apart. Jim worked so hard and fought so hard to keep this promise. That was his goal and he would do whatever it took to keep his family together. At one point Jim had to go beg for money and lose power to his friends just so his family could stay together in a warm house. Boxing was just a way to make money to keep his family together. Each fight was more for the money then the actual win. It was all for keeping his family together every action he did was for this reason. All Jim wanted was to give his wife and children the best life they could. He was driven by fear of what would happen if they were split up. Jim knew that he did not have much autonomy about the economy but he was going to have control over his family. He had a desire for control. He needed to prove he was not powerless.

Even though it was the Great Depression, Jim managed to keep his family safe and happy. The children always seemed to know they were in finical trouble and yet would still smile and play on the streets. That is why I liked this movie so much. It was real and was not weird like American Beauty. This more relatable going through the same struggle people have today in this economy. The action and why Jim or Mae does them are so obvious and yet simple. It is all about survival and keeping a family together.

Terms: hunger, physiology needs, power, fear, autonomy, fight or flight, arousal, fear, motivation, personality, happiness, desired control, intimacy, drive, goal

This movie has a lot of concepts dealing with emotion. Jim has to deal with a lot, especially during a difficult time in our history. The concept of arousal has to do with Jim’s motivation. There are four principles that explain arousal’s contribution to motivation. These are that a person’s arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is. Jim is facing a very troubling environment. First he breaks his hand and is unable to compete in the event that he surrounded his life and income on. Second, he is living during the Great Depression and work is scarce. This environment is not very motivating. The second point is that people engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal. After Jim broke his hand, he needed to engage in a working behavior. However, this was made difficult because there wasn’t much work available and he was injured, which slowed him down. The third point is that when people are under aroused, they seek out opportunities to increase their arousal levels. Increases in environmental stimulation are pleasurable and enhance performance while decreases in environmental stimulation are aversive and cause performance to decrease. Jim had thought his fighting career was over, but when his manager comes to him with a fight, he immediately jumps back into it, looking for that environmental stimulation that he had been missing. The final principle that explains arousal and motivation is that when over aroused, people seek out opportunities to decrease their arousal levels. These four principles together make an inverted U relationship between arousal and performance.

Arousal and performance go together with the inverted U curve. The inverted U curve shows that a low level of arousal produces relatively poor performance. As arousal level increases from being low to being moderate, both of intensity and the quality of performance improve. When arousal level continues to increase to high, performance quality and efficiency decrease. This means that optimal performance is a function of being aroused but not too aroused.

Humans all differ in their genetic baseline level of arousal and in their reactivity to environmental stimuli. Reactivity is someone’s arousal reaction when they are exposed to external stimulation. Sensation seeking is the personality characteristic that is related to arousal and reactivity. Someone that is a high sensation seeker would prefer a continual external supply of brain stimulation and becomes bored with routine, and is continually searching for ways to increase arousal through exciting experiences. I would say that Jim is a sensation-seeker.

Another big factor that I noticed in the movie was risk-taking. Obviously Jim’s profession as a boxer is dangerous, however, risk taking does not mean that Jim likes risk. As I said above, Jim is a sensation-seeker, and these people voluntarily engage in physically risky hobbies, which in this case, is boxing.

Terms: arousal, inverted U curve, sensation seeking, risk-taking

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