Chapter 9 - Personal Control


Read chapter 9. Summarize the chapter. What was the most surprising thing you learned? How do personal control beliefs serve to encourage (motivate) or discourage behavior? Provide an example of each (an encouraged and discouraged behavior) and specifically discuss how personal control beliefs would influence those behaviors.

Provide a list of terms at the end of your post that you used from the chapter.


This chapter discusses how we are motivated to have personal control over ourselves and our lives. It begins by distinguishing between the two types of expectancy: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation is “a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action” (pg. 231). In this type, we evaluate whether or not we can perform in a particular way. An outcome expectation is “a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome” (pg. 231). In other words, we evaluate whether or not our behavior will elicit a particular result. If both of these types of expectations are high, then we exhibit motivated behavior. This chapter also discusses self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, and reactance theory. Self-efficacy is the judgment we make about ourselves when we are trying to determine how well we will do in different circumstances. It emerges from four sources: personal behavior history, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. Mastery beliefs “reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones” (pg. 242). In other words, those with mastery beliefs feel like their actions control their outcomes, while those without them feel like their actions have little to no effect on outcomes. Those with learned helplessness believe that factors outside of their control produce outcomes. Reactance theory states that when our freedom feels threatened, we react and behave in a more active, aggressive manner, than we would if we felt like we were in control.

The most interesting thing that I learned is that depressed individuals do not have a warped sense of personal control, but rather accurately judge when they do and do not have control. Those of us who are not depressed actually misjudge the control we have over our lives more often! The book says that non-depressed individuals “believe they have more personal control than they actually have” (pg. 253). It also says that non-depressed individuals tend to recall only positive events (or mostly positive events) in their lives, rather than balancing the good with the bad.

Personal control beliefs make us more likely to either approach or avoid certain situations, depending on how well or poorly we think we will perform. Those with strong self-efficacy are more willing to “put forth effort and persist in facing difficulties when activities require such action” (pg. 237) than those with learned helplessness, who are more likely to simply give up. Rather than accepting a challenge, those with low self-efficacy may avoid situations where they know they might become overwhelmed; for example, they may opt out of a difficult class, or choose to avoid dating. Likewise, those with learned helplessness behave more passively, rather than actively trying to obtain a modicum of control, which is descriptive of people who are not helpless.

An encouraged behavior for me is planning for graduate school. I know that I can do it (efficacy expectation), and I hope that the efforts that I put into my applications will get me accepted into the programs that I want (outcome expectation). I have a lot of self-efficacy when it comes to academics, which motivates me to pursue education beyond my bachelor’s degree. Within my personal behavior history, I was accepted into every undergraduate program that I applied to, and obtained a number of scholarships to help me along the way. I watched all of my friends get accepted into undergraduate programs that they wanted, and I also have a lot of friends that were accepted into grad programs last year. Both of these are vicarious experiences. My family, friends and teachers all encourage me and believe in my competence (verbal persuasion), and the application process makes me just tense enough that I am motivated to complete the process in order to relieve myself of that tension, but not to the extent that it causes anxiety (physiological state). All of these sources of self-efficacy motivate me toward a particular behavior: actively pursuing graduate programs.

I experienced a discouraged behavior after high school graduation, when I came to UNI. I danced at a studio for 12 years and wanted to join the UNI dance team, but I had very low mastery beliefs at the time, and did not think that I was good enough to make the team. Instead of working to make myself better so that I might make the team, my negative attitude caused me to shy away from the challenge. I had extreme motivation deficits, and I gave up without even trying out. This is my biggest regret from college, because I know now that I could have made the cut.

Terms: efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, reactance theory, personal behavior history, vicarious experience

Chapter nine develops the concept of motivation to control personal outcomes. Everything a person is involved in contains an outcome and further more expectancy for that outcome. Two types of expectations exist for personal control beliefs. Efficiency expectations include that a given action will have a given outcome. Outcome expectations are based on how much a behavior will cause an outcome. It is the basic battle between can I do it, and will I do it well. When expectations are high there is a goal created and energy develops. Motivation is key to personal control. Perceived control is the relationships between the behavior process of self, action, and control. Self creates the idea of how one will behave in a particular situation, Self-Efficiency. It intrigued me to read this paragraph, because they stressed the importance of the reactions to bad circumstances. When taking this idea to my personal life I have seam many people struggle with bad circumstances and turn self efficiency into self doubt. However, when a person behaves positively with bad circumstances the amount of self efficiency rises. Each individual has different sources for self efficiency, and each individual has the recourses to continue to grow and expand their sources. Another aspect of this chapter that was very interesting was how much behavior history is the most influential along with persuasion.

Many needs play into the idea of personal control. The humanistic needs have a clear category for social need, therefore, the power of persuasion is large when observing self efficiency. Persuasion leads to motivation and then establishes an ideal personal control. I have in the past observed that persuasion can make a large difference in behavior of self efficiency. One’s psychological state also plays a role in the behavior. Many individuals make a choice in every behavior that effect efficiency. The selection of actives and environment is based on behavior history and can have a long term effect. The text informs that most people make the choice to interact with and activity or environment based on known high self efficiency. The choice in behavior challenges a person’s effort and persistence based on the need for competence.

The way that a person copes with failure or low self efficiency also contains a large aspect of self control. The idea of control outcomes is based on a person and how they overall behave based on a perceived outcome. When a person fails and still contains high efficiency it then raises empowerment and confidence. Three characteristics help to restrain personal control: motivation, learning, and emotions. Helplessness and depression have the same characteristics for analyzing low self efficiency based on three approach styles. The styles are as follows; explanatory, pessimistic explanatory, and optimistic explanatory.

An example of my encouraged behavior would be playing volleyball. It is encouraged based on behavior history. I know I will do well and I am motivated to do so. A discouraged behavior would be singing infront of a large crowed. I know I am terrible and I cannot do anything to physically be sufficient. Based on history and my coping skills it would not be a good environment nor activity for me to engage in.

Key Terms: Personal Control, efficiency expectations, outcome expectations, behavior, motivation, goal, energy, perceived control, self-efficiency, history behavior, verbal persuasion, effort, persistence, helplessness, depression, explanatory, pessimistic explanatory, and optimistic explanatory

The chapter talks about how well we can or cannot control our actions. We make choices usually because we expect the outcome to be good. If we expect the outcome to be really good the more motivation we will have to make that choice. We ask ourselves if we can do the task or not and if you do, will it work? It’s the efficiency and outcome expectations that help us make our choices. The higher our self efficacy is the more confident we can be with the choices we make. Self efficacy is higher in some people and lower in others. If it is high, people tend to apply the skills it takes to reach their goals. The chapter talks about sources of self-efficacy and how it comes from personal history, vicarious experience (observation), verbal persuasion (couches, parents), and physiological state (pain, tiredness). These are the things that go into self-efficacy, but what comes out of it are the choices that we make, the effort that goes with those choices, what types of emotions can be experienced and how focused you can be. The Mastery Modeling Program helps empower people through self-efficacy training. It recognizes ways of coping as well as how to stay focused even if you fail. This encourages motivational behavior by driving you to persist in your goal. The chapter expresses that helplessness is learned and can happen when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. It also expressed the deficits that can occur in our emotions, learning, and motivation. We can be pessimistic about an outcome, not want to try anymore or at all, or get depressed. This discourages behavior and can lead to individuals not persisting in their goal or giving up when they fail. When someone does feel that they cannot control the outcome they may act out in resistance to it. This is called the Reactive Theory. For example you may get an F on a test and instead of pushing forward and not giving up you feel you can’t control your abilities after this point and give up. You may act out and say the test was unfair or simply not try anymore, thus reverting to helplessness. Being optimistic about the test allows you to view the F as a learning opportunity. You tell yourself that you will try harder next time thus reverting to the mastery program.
What I liked about this chapter is it made me think about myself and where I fall on the self-efficacy continuum. I realized that learned helplessness is something that I want to steer clear of and being optimistic will bring me more rewards. I found the length of the chapter aversive. I feel it could be cut down a little and still portray the intended information.
Terms: motivation, helplessness, mastery modeling program, aversive, optimistic, pessimistic, self efficacy, reactive theory, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, emotions

Can I do it? The little engine that could believed in himself even when the going got tough. Had he not, that train would never had made it up the mountain. Chapter 9 discusses our perceived control. More specifically, it discusses our beliefs on whether or not we can attain a specific outcome. There are many factors that play into our beliefs about our abilities. First off, the book talks about expectancy. There are two types of expectancy. The first being efficacy expectation: can we do the task? The second being outcome expectation: will what I do work? Both play into our motivation to make the decision to do a particular task. Do we feel as though we are capable of completing the task?
Self efficacy differs from efficacy expectation. Self efficacy is tailored to more specific situations. You may know that you can do something but in different situations how confident are you in your ability to succeed? Our self efficacy is based off of four things: personal history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and psychological state. All of these factors contribute to our belief on whether or not we feel confident in our ability to perform a task. If our self efficacy is high, we give more effort at something and will persist at it longer and even through many setbacks. When people lack self efficacy they lack effort to try. Empowering individuals enables their self efficacy. In order to empower them you need to find a way to increase their overall judgment of their self efficacy. This can be done by addressing all four factors of self efficacy (i.e. personal history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and psychological state). Bolstering self efficacy boosts confidence in ability and in turn increases the likelihood that a person will perform a task.
When you encounter a task, there are two general ways of going about approaching this task. There is a mastery belief in which you desire to master a skill in order to achieve the task or there is learned helplessness which centers around the idea that nothing we can do will make a difference. These are two very opposite ways of approaching a situation. When a person with a mastery belief mindset encounters setbacks in their strivings they do not get downtrodden. They see these setbacks as further challenges to accomplishing their goals. They may even welcome these challenges to test themselves in order to master something. Individuals with a helplessness mindset often see setbacks as personal failings and will become less confident in their abilities and will avoid the task for fear of failure. Learned helplessness is a horrible cycle. It decreases motivation (why would you be motivated to do something that you feel you have no control over), it leads to learning deficits (learn that nothing you do has any impact on the outcome so why even try?) and it causes negative emotions (you cannot change you fate and that is a sad sad thing!).
In the section on learned helplessness and depression I was surprised to learn that individuals with depression actually accurately assess the influence that the external world has on the outcome of a particular task they are doing. It is the nondepressed individuals that actually overestimate the control they have on their outcomes.
Here is an example in my life of personal control beliefs. Later this weekend I will be competing in a rock climbing competition. It took me awhile to decide whether or not I wanted to do this. I realize now that I initially didn’t want to compete because of my low feelings of self efficacy. I feel competent in my ability to climb but I was and am uncertain of my ability to compete as a climber and to do well when others are watching. I have no previous history in competing so I have no personal behavior history to judge how I think I will do. Because this is my first time competing how I do this weekend will likely have a great influence on my self efficacy. I hope though that even if I do poorly I will still have a desire to “master” climbing and not shy away from it just because I think I am not capable or that I am not confident in my ability in a given circumstance. So, initially I was worried about failing and was planning on not competing, but after some solid verbal persuasion I came to the conclusion that this would be a fun experience. I really could not have done it though without persuasion. Right now I’m also trying to get myself into the mastery mindset. I want to have the desire to do something in order to master it. I should not care what others think of my failure if I do in fact fail. With a mastery mindset I would not be overly held back by setbacks that I will face. If I push myself I will encounter setbacks and failure. If I have a mastery mindset then I will desire to challenge myself and to overcome setbacks.
Terms: efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self efficacy, empowerment, mastery belief, learned helplessness, personal behavior history, verbal persuasion,

Chapter 9 was about personal control beliefs, more specifically self-efficacy and learned helplessness. The chapter starts out by distinguishing between two different types of expectancy: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation is described as “a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action” while an outcome expectation was described as “a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome.” It is stated that both of these expectancies must be high in order for one’s behavior to become goal directed.

Self-efficacy is the next section discussed in this chapter and is defined as “one’s judgment of how well (or poorly) one will cope with a situation, given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces.” There are four sources of self-efficacy and these are listed as 1) one’s personal behavior history 2) vicarious experience (i.e. observations of similar others) 3) verbal persuasion (such as pep talks) and 4) physiological state (such as a racing heart). The first two sources are the stronger sources of where one’s self-efficacy beliefs typically stem from while the later two are less influential, but still important nonetheless.

Next, the effects of self-efficacy on behaviors are discussed. Self-efficacy can influence an individual’s choice such that he/she may choose the activities they want to pursue and the environments they want to spend time in. Self-efficacy also influences effort and persistence, especially in the face of obstacles. Thinking and decision making are also influenced by self-efficacy in that people with high self-efficacy remain “efficient in their analytic thinking during stressful episodes.” Lastly, emotionality is influenced by self-efficacy as well.
The difference between self-efficacy and competence is described in the next section of the chapter while the topic of empowerment follows. Empowerment is defined as “possessing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives.” The book gave the example of women who took a self-defense class because they were afraid for their safety.

Besides self-efficacy, chapter 9 also discusses the concept of mastery beliefs. According to the text, “mastery beliefs reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones.” Within this section, seven ways of coping are listed and discussed. These include approach vs. avoidance, social vs. solitary, proactive vs. reactive, directive vs. indirect, control vs. escape, alloplastic vs. autoplastic, and problem focused vs. emotion focused.

The next big section of the chapter deals with learned helplessness. In order to show the reader what this really is, the authors described the famous inescapable shock experiment that included dogs as the participants. A few experiments that involved the application of learned helplessness to humans were also gone over. Next, the three components of learned helpless were listed and described. These include contingency (“the objective relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcomes), cognition, and behavior. In addition, the effects of helplessness were discussed. These include motivational deficits (such as a decreased willingness to try), learning deficits, and emotional deficits. The link between learned helplessness and depression was the topic of the following section.
Following that was the description of explanatory styles, namely pessimistic and optimistic styles. An explanatory style is a person’s reasoning for why bad things happen to them. Those with a pessimistic explanatory style react to failures by giving up while those with an optimistic explanatory style increase their effort and try harder in the face of failures.

The last section of chapter 9 talks about reactance theory. This theory says that people experience reactance only if they expect to have some control over what happens to them.

The most surprising thing I learned while reading this chapter was dealt with the link between helplessness and depression. I was shocked to learn that depressed individuals actually hold an accurate judgment over how much control they have over certain situations while those who are not depressed inaccurately perceive themselves as having more control than they really do. I found this shocking because I feel like a lot of the previous literature describes depressed individuals as being the ones who are “misperceiving” their worlds. Instead, it is those individuals who are not depressed who are misperceiving.

Personal control beliefs serve to both motivate and discourage behavior. They motivate behaviors by providing the individual with a sense of hope and agency. They discourage behavior when an individual doesn’t have hope and feels helpless. For example, the personal control belief of self-efficacy would serve to motivate an individual to graduate from college. If this person feels they have what it takes to graduate then he/she will be motivated to do so. This person’s self-efficacy will provide effort and persistence despite setbacks or obstacles. In addition, the person’s personal academic history will greatly influence his/her self-efficacy as well as vicarious experience. If the student sees other people around him graduating from college, he will believe that he can do it too.

If we use the same example of graduating from college, we can begin to see how an individual might be discouraged instead of motivated to graduate. If the person’s self-efficacy is low due to personal academic history (failing classes, not graduating from high school) then he will not feel hopeful of graduating from a college. In addition, if the person is surrounded by people who never graduated college then he will not feel that he can do it either (vicarious experience). The person’s low self-efficacy will not enable the person to persist, especially in the face of obstacles. This individual may not even be motivated to apply to college in the first place as opposed to the first individual.

Terms: self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, reactance theory, behavior, cognition, vicarious experience, personal history, verbal persuasion, physiological state, empowerment, emotionality, contingency, motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits, explanatory style: both optimistic and pessimistic

Chapter 9 is about personal control beliefs and how motivation is used to exercise personal control. The text states that when people believe they ” have what it takes” to influence their environment and the environment will be responsive to their influence attempts, then they will try to make things happen for the better – they will be motivated to exercise personal control over life’s outcomes.

There were two kinds of expectancy listed in this chapter. Expectancy is the subjective prediction of how likely it is that an event will occur. The first type of expectancy is efficacy expectancy; this is when the judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action (“can I do it?”). Outcome expectancy is the second type of expectancy which is defined as the judgment that given the action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome (“will what I do work?”). A model of perceived control is described as self (person)--> action (behavior)--> control (outcome). An example of this model is “if I can run a mile every day this week…” “then I will lose two pounds.” The expectation here is the outcome based on the action by the individual. Self-efficacy is addressed next as a more generative capacity in which the individual organizes and orchestrates one’s skills to cope with the demands and circumstances they face. The sources of self-efficacy arise from one’s personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior, when observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasions from others, and physiological states such as a racing heart versus a calm heart. Self-efficacy beliefs affect the choice of activities and the selection of environments, the extent of effort and persistence put forth during performance, the quality of thinking and decision making during performance, and the emotional reactions, especially those related to stress and anxiety.

Continuing, the text describes and defines mastery beliefs. Mastery beliefs reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. The amount of mastery someone exercises over outcomes depends on how they decide to cope with the situation at hand. With a mastery motivational orientation, a person responds to failure by remaining task focused and by being bent on achieving mastery in spite of the difficulties and setbacks. On the other hand, with helpless motivational orientation, a person responds to failure by giving up and withdrawing, acting as if they have no personal control over the situation. Learned helplessness is defined as the psychological state that results when an individual expects that the outcomes in life are uncontrollable. Helplessness is indeed learned and its theory has three basic components: contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency in the learned helplessness model refers to the objective relationship between someone’s behavior and the outcomes of the environment. Cognition is broken down into three elements for better understanding: biases, attributions (explanations of why we think do or do not have control), and expectancies (as stated above). The effects of helplessness include: motivational deficits (decreased willingness to try), learned deficits (acquired pessimistic set that interferes with one’s ability to learn a new response), and emotional deficits (effective disruptions in which lethargic, depressive emotional reactions occur in situations that call for active, assertive emotion). The text states that learned helplessness is a model for depression. Learned helplessness and depression are similar in that the same expectations cause both: the individual expects that bad events will occur, and that there is nothing they can do to prevent the bad events from occurring. An explanatory style is relatively stable, cognitively based personality variable that reflects the way people explain the reasons why bad events happen to them. There are two main types of explanatory style. The first type of explanatory style is optimistic and is defined as the tendency to explain bad events with attributes that are unstable and uncontrollable (“I lost the contest because of a poor strategy”). The second type of explanatory style is pessimistic and is defined as the tendency to explain bad events with attributions that are stable and uncontrollable (“I lost the contest because I am too small to compete”).

Reactance theory is the next big topic in chapter nine. Reactance is the psychological and behavioral attempt at reestablishing (“reacting” against) an eliminated or threatened freedom. Reactance theory predicts that people experience a reaction only if they expect to have some control over what happens to them. Thus, both reactance and learned helplessness theories focus on how people react to uncontrollable outcomes – but the two theories suggest that people act in very different ways. The text states that there is strong support for the ideas that (1) both reactance and helplessness arise from outcome expectancies, (2) that reactance is rooted in perceived control, whereas helplessness is rooted in its absence, (3) that a reactance response precedes a helplessness responses, and (4) that reactance enhances performance, whereas helplessness undermines performance.

Lastly, the text makes the point of the importance of hope. “When people have both the motivation to work toward their goals and when people know ways to achieve those goals, they experience hope.” The first part of hope involves high agency (“can do” belief) relating to confidence or efficacy. The second part of hope involves clear pathways relating to the belief that one has multiple and controllable pathways to goals. In this chapter, agency represented self-efficacy whereas pathways represented mastery motivation. “Together, high self-efficacy supports confidence while a mastery motivational orientation supports optimism.” Thus, hopeful thinking emerges only out of both agentic and pathways thinking.

The most surprising thing I learned was the numerous criticisms and alternate explanations of the learned helplessness theory. I learned that the expectation of failure, rather than the expectation of uncontrollability actually induces helplessness. I learned that failure actually produces positive motivation and that it is the expectation of uncontrollability, not the expectations of failure, that causes learned helplessness deficits. I also learned that when life’s rejections, losses, failures, and setback are perceived to be both uncontrollable and unpredictable, that people are vulnerable to learned helplessness. The criticisms of this theory were very interesting to me and they were definitely something surprising that I learned in this chapter.

Personal control beliefs serve to encourage (motivate) and discourage behavior in numerous ways. According to the text, “when personal control beliefs are strong and resilient, the individual perceives a strong causal link between actions and outcomes” (page 242). However, when “personal control beliefs are weak and fragile, the individual perceives that personal initiatives and actions produce little effect on what happens” (page 242). An example from the text on how personal control beliefs serve to encourage/motivate behavior is with a mastery motivational orientation in which the person “responds to failure by remaining task focused and by being bent on achieving mastery in spite of difficulties and setbacks” (page 243). A personal example of personal control beliefs serving to encourage or motivate my behavior would be when I tore my ACL and meniscus in my right knee in high school. Even though I was not allowed to play soccer for quite some time after my reconstructive surgery, I still strived to achieve my goal of playing soccer again. Through mastery beliefs (how I reflected the extent of my perceived control over attaining my desirable outcome – to play soccer again) and my coping strategies (such as taking proactive action) I have since been able to organize an intramural team here at UNI in which I can continue playing soccer. The text also provides an example on how personal control beliefs serve to discourage behaviors through helpless motivational orientation in which the person “responds to failure by giving up and withdrawing, acting as if the situation were out of his or her control” (page 243). A personal example of personal control beliefs serving to discourage my behavior would be when I was first deciding on my major. I have never really like math and in turn completely ruled it out as a possible major without giving myself a chance to attempt to succeed. Here, I was, “shy[ing] away from challenges, fall[ing] apart in the face of [my setback]”…and had begun to “question and then outright doubt [my ability]” to perform well or even excel in math (page 243). My self-efficacy was low based on my personal behavior history (most influential) of my memories of having a difficult time with math and not enjoying it as a subject in school.

Terms: expectancy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self --> action --> control, self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation, learned helplessness, learned helplessness theory, contingency, cognition, attributions, motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits, explanatory style, optimistic explanatory style, pessimistic explanatory style, reactance theory, hope, high agency, and clear pathways

Chapter 9 was centered on personal control beliefs. The big areas of discussion included: motivation to exercise personal control, self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, and reactance theory.

The first section, motivation to exercise personal control, stated, “the desire to exercise personal control is predicated on a person’s belief that they have the power to produce favorable results” (p.231). People will be motivated to exercise personal control over life’s outcomes when they (1) “have what it takes” to influence their environment and (2) the environment will be responsive to their influence attempts to make things happen for the better. The section then delves into discussing expectancy. There are two different kinds: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectations are judgments of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. They estimate the likelihood that an individual can behave in a certain way. Outcome expectations, on the other hand, are judgments that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome. They estimate how likely it is that certain consequences will follow once that behavior is enacted (p.231). The section states that both efficacy and outcome expectations have to be reasonably high for behavior to become energetic and goal directed.

The next main section is on self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the judgment of how well or how poorly one will cope with a situation, given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces (p.233). It means that one is able to make improvisations during stressful or unpredictable situations and yet still have an effective performance. The opposite of efficacy is doubt, and the extent of either self-efficacy or self-doubt is the motivational variable that determines the extent to which a performer copes well or poorly when their skills and abilities are stressed (p.234). The section goes on to discuss the sources of self-efficacy, which are: personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological state. Personal behavior history and vicarious experience are the stronger sources of efficacy beliefs out of the four total. Next, the self-efficacy effects on behavior are discussed. This section states that once formed, self-efficacy beliefs contribute to the quality of human functioning in multiple ways (p.237). If someone believes that they can perform an action adequately, it will make them more likely to put forth effort and persistence. People tend to choose to participate in activities that they know that they will be capable of doing. They will also exert more effort and persistence in the face of adversity if they have strong self-efficacy beliefs. They will also be more stable in their thinking, decision-making, and emotionality.

Next, the chapter begins the section on mastery beliefs. It starts off by getting into different ways of coping and then delves into the topic of helplessness. People with mastery motivational orientations respond to failure by remaining task focused and by being bent on achieving mastery in spite of difficulties and setbacks, whereas people with helpless motivational orientations hold a fragile view of the self during encounters of failure. These people respond to the failure by giving up and withdrawing because they think that the situation is out of their control (p.243). Next, learned helplessness is discussed, which is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable (p.244). There have been multiple studies done on both animals and humans in regards to learning helplessness, and there are three components (contingency, cognition, and behavior) that explain the motivational dynamics that unfold as experience teaches people to expect that the events in their lives will be beyond their personal control. The effects of this learned helplessness involve motivational deficits, learning deficits, and also emotional deficits. All of this plays a role in the possible link between learned helplessness and depression and also explanatory style.

Finally, the chapter wraps up with a section on reactance theory. Here, it discusses why people do the exact opposite of what they are told as opposed to learning helplessness. Reactance has to do with reestablishing an eliminated or threatened freedom, and people experience reactance only if they expect to have some control over what happens to them. The chapter then goes on to put all of the pieces together in a section about hope. When people have both the motivation to work toward their goals and when people know ways to achieve those goals, they experience hope (p.259). Individuals with high hope are able to tap into their motivational resources of confidence, self-efficacy, optimism, and a mastery motivational orientation, and in doing so they are able to find the motivational support to overcome life’s challenges and obstacles (p.260).

The most surprising thing that I learned from reading this chapter was when it discussed how results on a study of learned helplessness comparing both depressed and non-depressed college students revealed that depressed individuals accurately judged how much control they had over each situation, whereas non-depressed individuals did not do so in the no-control situation. The depressed people accurately judged that they did not have any control, whereas the non-depressed people overestimated their perceived control. These results tell us that people with depression are not more prone to learned helplessness deficits. Instead, it is the individuals who are not depressed who sometimes believe they have more personal control than they actually have (p.253). This information truly startled me because it means that depressed people see personal control in more of a realistic sense than the rest of us. Their memories for positive and negative events in their lives are balanced and equal, whereas memories of non-depressed people are misjudged. That was crazy to learn!

Personal control beliefs definitely serve to both encourage and discourage behavior in certain ways. For instance, if someone feels as though they have personal control over their life outcomes, they will have more self-efficacy and confidence than one who does not feel that way. They will approach more difficult situations and fare better if they happen to fail. They will be able to keep a cool, calm, and collected self in the face of adverse situations and circumstances. They will have hope for the future and will be able to apply themselves to situations with the knowledge that they have an optimistic outlook and can encourage themselves to push forward. People who do not feel this way, on the other hand, will be more reserved when deciding whether or not to take part in an activity. If they think that they are not capable of doing it, then they most likely will not. If they do decide to do an activity and end up failing, they will be more likely to withdraw themselves and just give up. This leads to learned helplessness, which can be applied to all types of activities throughout life. Learned helplessness hinders one’s ability to be confident and full of self-efficacy, which can be looked at as problematic. When someone believes that they have personal control, the outcomes appear to be much more positive than for someone who does not believe that they have much, if any, personal control in life.

An example of an encouraged behavior would be graduating from college. Personal control beliefs have a lot to do with encouraging this behavior. If someone has the goal to graduate from college, chances are that they will be intrinsically motivated to do so. With this motivation comes a sense of self-efficacy, which means that the individual will put forth a great amount of effort, persist through difficulties and setbacks, and attain a feeling of hope. These characteristics of this individual can be applied to the courses they decide to take, the amount of studying they do, the grades that they achieve, the extracurricular activities they decide to join, and more. With an optimistic explanatory style, this person will most likely be able to attain their goal of graduating from college. It is obvious that personal control beliefs would influence this behavior.

An example of a discouraged behavior could also be graduating from college if a person feels as though they do not have control over the final outcome. Low self-efficacy aids in creating learned helplessness, which would not be helpful if the person feels as though the goal to graduate from college is not attainable. This person may take on a pessimistic explanatory style, which would mean that reactance to failures, such as getting bad grades, not finishing homework, and missing out on class, would entail less effort and deteriorating performance in school. This person is more likely to give up or quit, which is definitely discouraging when it comes to such a great goal like graduating from college. Although this is somewhat sad, it sets up an example that allows you to see how personal control beliefs can influence both encouraged and discouraged behaviors.

All in all, I felt that I really learned a lot from reading this chapter. It was pretty interesting and it held my attention, and I am excited to move forward and learn more in the weeks to come!

Terms: personal control beliefs, self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, reactance theory, motivation, expectancy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, coping, self-doubt, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, effort, persistence, emotionality, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation, contingency, cognition, behavior, motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits, depression, explanatory style, hope, intrinsic motivation, optimistic explanatory style, pessimistic explanatory style

Chapter nine was a discussion of personal control beliefs and the motivation to exercise personal control over what happens to us. The first thing that is discussed in this chapter is expectancy. Expectancy is defined as a subjective prediction of how likely it is that a specific even will occur. This event can be an outcome of specific behavior or a course of action that brings the outcome to pass. There are two forms of expectancies, efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectation is a judgment of and individuals own capacity to execute a particular act or action. Outcome expectation is a judgment that that a given action, once completed, will cause a specific outcome. These two expectation are separate determinates to the initiation and regulation of specific behaviors and both must be reasonably high before behavior becomes energetic and goal directed for the individual.

The chapter then goes on to discuss the concept of self efficacy. Self efficacy is a more generative capacity in which an individual organizes and orchestrates their skills to cope with the demands and circumstances that they may face. It is also defines as how well a person will cope with a situation given the skills they already posses and the circumstances they face. Self efficacy isn’t merely the ability to do something it is possessing certain skills and know how to put them to use in difficult situations. The opposite of self efficacy is doubt in which a person creates negative thinking, confusion, and anxiety when they feel that their capacity to deal with certain situations isn’t high enough to deal with the issue at hand.

Self efficacy comes from four main sources. The first is personal behavior history which is when people learn their current self-efficacy form their interpretations and memories from past attempts to execute the same behavior. The second source to self efficacy is vicarious experiences which when seeing others perform masterfully at a specific task, it enhances the observers own sense of self-efficacy. Third is verbal persuasion which is receiving a sort of pep talk to encourage an increase in self efficacy. Verbal persuasion however only works to the extent that it provides the performer with enough of a temporary efficacy boost to generate motivation in the performer. The final source of self-efficacy is physiological state in which physical pain, fatigue, mental confusion and other things causes a psychological trigger that signals to the individual that a specific task may exceed their self- efficacy. When it comes to these four sources, history and vicarious experiences are generally the strongest of the four when it come to self-efficacy beliefs.

The beliefs in high or low self-efficacy can affect our behaviors I a number of different ways. Self-efficacy beliefs affect our choice of activities selection and environmental settings, the extent of effort put forth during performance, the quality of thinking and decision making when completing an action, and can be related to stress and anxiety. When people chooses not to partake in a particular activity due to a doubt of personal competence to participate is known as self-destructive process which can jeopardize their future interactions and participation in certain events/ activities.

The second main topic of discussion in this chapter was the psychological need for competence. The psychological need for competence is more a developmental constant that can motivate people to seek out and master new challenges. Empowerment involves possessing the knowledge, skill, and beliefs that allow people to exert control of their lives, and gain a need for competence. The opposite of this concept is learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. Helplessness is a learned psychological state in the fact that individuals experience a situation in which their future actions will have little or no affect on what happens to them. Learned helplessness features three different components including contingency, the objective relationship between a persons behavior and environmental outcomes, cognition, the difference between actual and objective environmental contingencies, and behaviors that attain or prevent outcomes. Learned helplessness can have lead to motivational deficits, leaning deficits, and emotional deficits along with many other issues.
The most surprising thing I learned in this chapter was the discussion of self-efficacy and how intricate our decision making can be and how so many other things affect the way we act in our day to day encounters.

Personal control beliefs serve to encourage and discourage behavior in many ways. One in which can do both is verbal persuasion. Verbal persuasion from coaches, parents, teachers ect can be motivating to a certain extent and to certain people where as sometimes it can do the exact opposite and cause people to not be motivated by what is being said and not want o complete or become better a specific task. Personal control beliefs can influence behavior in the fact that that is affects specific people in different ways.

Terms: Expectancy, Efficacy Expectation, Outcome Expectations, Self Efficacy, Doubt, Personal Behavior History, Vicarious Experiences, Verbal Persuasion, Psychological State, Psychological need for Competence, Empowerment, learned helplessness

Chapter 9 examined personal control over one's outcomes as to how much or how little influence they have in producing desired events and preventing undesired events. People learn about expectancies in life as they try to control certain events. Efficacy expectations is a judgement of one's capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. An outcome expectation is a judgement that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome. Efficacy expectations refer to our confidence and outcome expectations refer to once we do something, our beliefs on if it worked.

Something common to efficacy expectations is something known as self efficacy in which the individual organizes and orchestrates their kills to cope with demands and circumstances they face. In other words, how well one copes in a certain situation given their skills and abilities one possess. At my internship, I have to have good communication skills and be able to relate or get along with employees and strangers. When problems arise, I have to think quickly and act efficiently as possible. I partake in these situations with confidence when these kinds of situations do arise and I cannot be confused, anxious or doubtful. I would say when it comes to helping others, or just talking in general I am confident and have fairly high self efficacy.

Because of my self efficacy in these situations at work, I am also fairly well at verbal persuasion. When someone comes to me with a problem or needs help, I'm a great pep talker and give pretty good advice to those who need it. Verbal persuasion works to the extent that it provides the performer with enough of a temporary and provisional efficacy boost to generate the motivation necessary for another try. The book states that people who believe strongly in their efficacy for solving problems remain remarkably efficient in their thinking during stressful episodes, and people who doubt think erratically. Strong sense of efficacy allows performers to remain task focused and I believe this is true. With my high efficacy of communication and relatedness to others, I have never felt like I couldn't help someone or relate to someone in stressful situations.

The chapter also discusses mastery beliefs vs helplessness. Mastery beliefs reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. Helplessness motivational orientation refers to a fragile view of the self during encounters of failure. In other words, those who have a mastery motivational orientation will try harder and change their ways to meet the task at hand and those with helplessness motivation orientation will shy away or give up the task at hand. Helplessness motivational orientation people are scared of failure that they focus too much on why they are failing instead of ways to make the situation better. I have some friends who are like this. To me, these are just people with a pessimistic view while mastery motivational orientation are people with optimistic views.

The most surprising thing that I learned from this chapter was that narcissists hold a grandiose sense of self importance, tend to exaggerate their talents and achievements, and expect to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements. I think I learned this in another one of my classes a couple years ago but it surprises me still because when I think narcissist I think of an angry person who doesn't really get along with anybody, instead they like to brag about their talents and act as superior. I believe my ex boyfriend was a narcissist. Even though he wasn't really angry, he possessed all of these characteristics. He thought he was above everyone else, thought he was super athletic, smart, and talented (yeah right) and didn't even graduate college because he thought getting a job was the most important thing ever for him and thinks he's the shit for having a low-paying job.

Personal control beliefs serve to encourage and motivate behavior because one can feel more in control and confident when it comes to whatever goal or task they are trying to accomplish. When personal control beliefs are strong and resilient, the individual perceives a strong causal link between actions and outcomes. People who realize their self efficacy and strengths are the ones in which personal control beliefs work best for. One example would be Michael Phelps. He loves swimming and has overcome many challenges in the Olympics (and outside of the Olympics). He has gotten into trouble by getting caught smoking out of a bong and because of his outstanding reputation, people were angered by his actions. Because of his discouraged behavior, some people wanted him to fail while others wanted him to overcome the event and because Michael enjoyed swimming and competing, he took control of his life and worked even harder than before, breaking the medal count of 22 medals as an Olympian. He was motivated more than ever in his life because he seeked out a goal and had strong personal control beliefs about swimming. He took control of his actions and had outstanding record breaking results because of it.

When personal control beliefs are weak and fragile, the individual perceives that personal initiatives and actions produce little effect on what happens. Sometimes people think this way when it comes to hard classes and tests. Some people may think it's almost impossible to get an A on a test because of what they've heard from other students or maybe even from their own professor and it makes their beliefs on getting a good grade very weak. This results in people not studying as much because they just think there's no point in wasting their time if you're already going to do bad. This isn't a very great example but I do know of a few people where they have even studied and think they wasted their time for studying and they aren't going to study nearly as much for the next one because of the difficulty. Even so, this is an example of when personal beliefs can be discouraged and of course it results in not meeting an outcome. A lot of the way people think about how little or how much control they have is because of contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency refers to the objective relationship between a person's behavior and the environments outcomes. Cognition consists or our biases, attributions, and expectancies in given situations, and behavior refers to how we cope with certain situations to attain or prevent outcomes. All of these are important when it comes to personal control beliefs.

Terms: Personal control beliefs, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, verbal persuasion, doubt, mastery orientation, helplessness orientation, narcissist, behavior, contingency, cognition

Chapter nine deals with exercising personal control, and how we are motivated to do so. There are certain environments where we have the ability to push for our preferred outcome. People will try and make more appealing outcomes more likely and less appealing outcomes happen less. The chapter explains how this happens by saying Person affects behavior which affects outcome. When a person wants to do a specific behavior they ask, “Can I do it?” When a behavior affects an outcome, it must answer the question, “Will it work?”
One of the big points that are expressed in the reading is self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is when we ask ourselves if we can do well at a specific task. “Am I qualified for this job? Do I have what it takes to be a parent?” These are the kinds of questions that someone asks themselves when they are engaging in self-efficacy.
Mastery beliefs are the extent to which we can control the environment to attain our preferred outcomes and having fewer outcomes we don’t enjoy. In other words, someone that has high mastery beliefs believes that they can affect their outcomes. This could play a very large role in a job. Someone that believes that they can increase their job performance has more of a chance that the preferred outcome will happen as opposed to someone that does not have mastery beliefs.
The last point is reactance theory. This is when we feel as though our freedoms are being limited, so we do the opposite of what that person wants us to do. This can explain why some children or teenagers act out. When they feel like their parents are taking away their freedom, they are more likely to do something that their parents don’t approve of. I personally feel that this is why teenagers are more likely to act out at school. They feel that their personal freedom is being taken away, so they like to cause trouble.

The most surprising thing that I learned while researching this chapter was learning how all these personal control factors can affect our lives. I take my job for example and see how all these points can make me a good worker and how I can improve my job performance. Mastery beliefs were especially surprising to me. People that go into a job or a test with a positive attitude are more likely to succeed than someone that does not have a positive attitude.

Terms: personal control, motivation, person, behavior, outcome, self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, reactance theory

Chapter 9 discusses our motivation to exercise personal control. The chapter begins discussing the two kinds of expectancy. They are efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficiency expectation is a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. An outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome. The question is between “Can I do it?” and “Will what I do work?” Efficacy expectations estimate the likelihood that an individual can behave in a particular way and outcome expectations estimate how likely it is that certain consequences will follow once that behavior is enacted. Both efficiency and outcome expectations must be reasonably high before behavior becomes energetic and goal directed.

Self-efficacy is similar to efficacy expectations. Self-efficacy is a more generative capacity in which the individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances he or she faces. Self-efficacy arises from personal behavior history or trying to execute that particular course of action in the past, observations of similar others as they execute the same behavior, verbal persuasions form others, and physiological states such as a racing hear versus a calm one. Once formed, self-efficacy beliefs contribute to the quality of human functioning in multiple ways. The more people expect that they can adequately perform an action, the more willing they are to put forth effort and persist in facing difficulties. Self-efficacy beliefs affect choice of activities and selection of environments, extent of effort and persistence put forth during performance, the quality of thinking and decision making during performance, and emotional reactions. Also, self-efficacy predicts ways of coping that can be called “competent functioning” or “personal empowerment.” Empowerment involves possessing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives.

The chapter then discussed mastery beliefs and learned helplessness. Mastery beliefs reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. When personal control beliefs are strong and resilient, the individual perceives a strong causal link between actions and outcomes. Then they are weak, the individual perceives that personal initiatives and actions produce little effect on what happens. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that events in his or her life are uncontrollable. Helplessness is learned and depression share common symptoms.

The chapter ends by talking about the reactance theory and hope. Reactance theory explains how people react to uncontrollable life events. When confronting a situation that is hard to control, individuals show an initial reactive response by becoming increasingly assertive in their psychological and behavioral attempts to reestablishing control.
Hope emerges out of an integrated two-part cognitive motivational system. When people have both the motivation to work toward their goals and when people know ways to achieve those goals, they experience hope. The first part of hope involves high agency, or the “can do” belief. The second part of hope involves clear pathways, or the belief that one has multiple and controllable pathways to those goals.

I was surprised to learn that people with depression are not more prone to learned helplessness deficits. Depressed individuals accurately judged how much control they had over each situation, as did nondepressed individuals. I was also surprised to learn that nondepressed individuals overestimate their perceived control. Before reading this chapter I thought that depressed individuals would be bad at judging how much control they have in a situation.

Terms: efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, empowerment, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, reactance theory.

I found chapter 9 very interesting to read. Chapter 9 deals with personal control beliefs. Basically it’s predicting what will happen and in trying to influence what happens, people try to make desirable outcomes more likely and undesirable outcomes less likely. The desire to exercise personal control over one’s life is the key to being successful. Expectancy is a subjective prediction of how likely it is that control of an event will occur. Two types of expectancy exist; efficacy expectation and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectation is the ability to judge one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. Outcome expectation estimates the likelihood that an individual can behave in a particular way. These lead to perceived control of thinking. Perceived control is how the self can exert control over a situation.

Self-efficacy is a more generative capacity in which the individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances a person faces. Basically means how well a person can cope with a situation. If a person has high self-efficacy, they’ll be able to bounce back from a failure. If they have low self-efficacy or doubt, anxiety and confusion will take place. People learn self-efficacy through their interpretations of their memories. Our memories will tell us how good we are at a behavior and either producing positive or negative self-efficacy. Vicarious experience involves observing a model enact the same course of action. Basically, it means we watch other do the same task as we are supposed to do and judge ourselves compared to their task. Verbal persuasion, which are “pep talks” to help us through a task are useful in busting efficacy. Someone tell you can do it, or telling yourself that you ace this test would be an example of this. Physiological states can affect your efficacy as well. Fatigue pain, muscle tension, mental confusion, etc. are all things that can interfere with coping. Self-efficacy effects are behavior in the fact that the more people put forth the effort to do something the more likely they’ll persist in the face of difficulties.

Difficulties can lead us to choice selected activities. People will avoid difficult tasks and environments as a self-protective act for guarding against the possibility of being overwhelmed. High self-efficacy will help people bounce back from failures while low will make them avoid the failure all together. If you have memories of doing something well or almost right than your self-efficacy will boast your chances of doing that behavior again. If you think too much about a task you can affect your emotionality. This can lead to either optimism, and interest or deficiencies and visualizing defeat. All of this can lead to empowerment. Empowerment involves possessing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives, all qualities of someone with high self-efficacy.

Mastery versus helplessness is a key battle in obtaining high self-efficacy. Master beliefs are when a person responds to failure by remaining task focused and by being bent on achieving mastery in spite of difficulties and setbacks. Helplessness is when we have a psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. One’s behavior exerts little or no influence over one’s outcomes. Our behavior is guided by factors outside ones control. Learned helplessness contains three components to it. Contingency refers to the objective relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcomes. Cognition takes place between the actual, objective environmental contingencies that exist in the world and a person’s subjective understanding of the personal control in such environments. Behavior helps to attain or to prevent out-comes also exists on a continuum. Helplessness can go along with depression as well. The same expectations cause both the individual expects that bad event swill occur and there is nothing they can do about it.

Pessimistic and Optimistic Explanatory styles are things that reflect why we do something bad. Pessimistic style manifests itself as the tendency to explain bad events with attributions that are stable and uncontrollable. Optimistic explanatory style manifests itself as the tendency to explain bad events with unstable and uncontrollable situations. Learned expectations ultimately cause learned helplessness. Ultimately we want hope to motivate us. When people have hope, they have the motivation to work towards their goals and find ways to achieve them. High hope individuals tap into their motivation resources of confidence, self-efficacy, optimism, and a mastery motivational orientation. They find the motivational support to overcome life’s challenges.

Terms: Hope, helplessness, optimistic style, pessimistic style, learned helplessness, explanatory style, depression, behavior, cognition, contingency, mastery style, empowerment, emotionality, effort and persistence, physiological state, self-efficacy, verbal persuasion, vicarious experience, personal behavior history, expectancy.

Chapter 9 discusses personal control beliefs and the motivation to exercise self-control in different situations. The first topic of the chapter talks about expectancy and the two different types of expectancy. The two different types are efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation is how well one thinks they can complete a certain task. An outcome expectation is asking oneself will it work if I can complete the task. Both of these concepts need to be high to actually create motivation that is energetic and towards a certain goal.
Another concept discussed in more detail was efficacy and self-efficacy. Efficacy is how well a person can perform on a certain tasks and different situations that accompany that task. Self-efficacy, however, is how well a person will cope with a situation given the skills they have already. Efficacy could be considered an antonym for “doubt.” I think this analogy makes the concept of efficacy easier to understand. The text discusses four sources for self-efficacy. They don’t arrive randomly, they arise from one’s personal history in trying to execute the behavior, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasions from other people, and physiological states like sweaty palms or a faster heartbeat. The more people expect to accomplish, the easier it is to put forth proper effort towards the task at hand. Avoidance tactics will be used if someone thinks the task will make them unsuccessful. This concept seems similar to competence to me, but the badminton example in the texts explains how the need for competence precedes the measurement of self-efficacy.
The next major portion of the text included discussion on mastery beliefs which is the amount of personal control one believes to have over a situation. If this is high in a person, they will believe their actions make a strong difference in the outcome of a situation and will be more likely to achieve it. Helplessness sometimes overcomes mastery when tasks become more difficult and if this happens, the person is most likely a helpless-oriented person. Helplessness is learned when negative things continually happen that are out of the person’s control. After a while, the person will think they have no control over their fate. The learned helplessness theory has three components. These include contingency (objective relationship between behavior and outcome), cognition (the effect on the interpretation between what actually happened and what was perceived to have happened), and behavior (actions varying from very passive to very active). People must feel like they have some control over their fate in order to be motivated enough to actually set goals and be energized about obtaining those goals.

The part that surprised me the most was the difference between competence and self-efficacy. At first examination it would seem that the concepts would be the same, but the book describes otherwise as I stated earlier.
A person’s belief they can accomplish something is vital in encouraging behavior. Without this belief that a goal can be effectively completed, the person will become discouraged and this comes with many negative effects. An encouraged behavior for me would be writing and thinking creatively. These are things that I am good at and a large reason I decided to become a psychology major. A discouraged behavior for me would be anything to do with numbers and this also contributed to my becoming a psychology major. I prefer to write rather than work with numbers so I am more likely to reach goals pertaining to writing rather than with numbers.
Terms: expectancy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, mastery beliefs, helplessness, physiological state, contingency, cognition, behavior, behavior history, avoidance, competence, behavior

The chapter began talking about personal control and how the motivation to exercise this control over life’s outcomes stems from expectations people have on how much influence they believe they have in creating their desired outcomes. Efficacy and outcome are the two types of expectations. Efficacy expectations are what people believe their capacity is to efficiently carry out a certain action. It’s the belief about whether or not they think they can do it. Outcome expectancy, however, predicts whether an outcome will be achieved once an action has been carried out. This is the belief about whether or not it will work.

The next topic in the chapter is self-efficacy. This is the person’s belief that they can cope effectively with the overwhelming demands of a certain situation. This can come from personal history, other people’s behaviors, verbal persuasions, or physiological states. This can affect selection of activities and environments, amount of effort, persistence and resiliency, decision making, and emotional reactions. Learned helplessness occurs when a person assumes or expects that events in his life are uncontrollable. Mastery motivational orientation occurs when people see that their actions can play a greater role on their outcomes than external influences. The reactance theory explains how people react to these uncontrollable life events. People who experience controllability encourage reactance and vice versa.

I think the most surprising/interesting thing I learned was that hope is a conglomeration of different aspects of motivation. Self-efficacy and mastery/helplessness work together in ways to provide direction and energy for efforts in coping. People who have high hope have strong mastery motivation and resilient self-efficacy. These individuals often outperform those with low-hope in many areas. These can include academics, athletics, and illness. It was interesting to me to learn about all of these new ways to think about hope when it’s such a simple term I’ve learned all my life.

Personal control beliefs discourage and motivate behavior in many ways. If a person has strong personal control beliefs they believe their actions influence outcomes. For example, a person might believe they can get good grades, so they are motivated to do so. Thus, they end up getting good grades because they believed it was possible. Thus, it encourages the behaviors of studying and doing homework. The mastery beliefs let that person conquer what they want to accomplish. However, if a person has weak personal control beliefs the opposite occurs. Behavior is discouraged because they feel as though they cannot accomplish what they would like. For example, a person might feel as though they aren’t going to do well on a test no matter how hard they try. Thus, the behavior of studying is discouraged because that person feels as though it won’t matter anyway. This learned helplessness takes away a behavior that might have helped originally.

Terms: personal control, efficacy, outcome, expectations, self-efficacy, learned helplessness, mastery motivational motivation, reactance theory, hope

Chapter nine was about personal control beliefs. The desire to exercise personal control is predicted on a person's belief that they have the power to produce favorable results. This expectancy is a subjective prediction of how likely it is that an event will occur. Two types of expectancies exist: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation revolves around the question, : Can I do it?" while an outcome expectation revolves around the question, "Will what I do work?" Both efficacy and outcome expectations must be reasonably high before behavior becomes energetic and goal directed. Take away either of these positive forecasts and reluctance and avoidance become rather logical ways of acting. Self-efficacy is a more generative capacity in which the individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances he or she faces. It is not the same as ability. The opposite of efficacy is doubt. Doubt creates anxiety, confusion, negative thinking, and so on. Self-efficacy beliefs arise from personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological state.Self-efficacy leads to a quick recovery of self-assurance following setbacks such as failure and rejection. High self-efficacy leads to better thinking and decision making processes, determination, optimism, enthusiasm and interest. Any increase in efficiency means a corresponding decrease in anxiety. Self-efficacy expectations provide the cognitive-motivational foundation underlying personal empowerment. Empowerment involves possessing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives. Master beliefs reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. The main sign of helplessness is how quickly and empathetically someone gives up. Helplessness is learned. Learned helplessness can be understood by the strength of the perceived relationship between the person's behavior and the person's subsequent fate, or outcome. The theory is made up of three components: contingency, cognition, and behavior. It leaves three reliable deficits in its wake: motivational, learning, and emotional. Reactance theory explains how people react to uncontrollable life events. Hope provides energy and direction for on'es coping efforts.
The most surprising thing that I learned was how important self-efficacy is and how many sources it comes from. Self-efficacy is very important to motivation. It is one the main concepts underlying whether or not someone is motivated enough to do something. If one has any doubt in themselves when it come to completing a task, their motivation will decrease because they will make themselves anxious and worried to the point where they over-think things and become questionable of their abilities. Then again, one's self-efficacy comes from four main sources, all of which contribute to the overall efficacy. Past behavior affects self-efficacy because people learn from their interpretations and memories of past attempts to execute the same behavior. Vicarious experience also contributes to self-efficacy because if someone has little to know experience with something, they will rely on what others do and say to form their own opinion. Verbal persuasion is also necessary because it generates enough temporary provisional efficacy to boost motivation. Finally regulating one's own physiological state is important to self-efficacy because it serves as supplemental opportunities to alter pessimistic self-efficacy beliefs.
Personal control beliefs serve to encourage behavior when one has high efficacy expectations. When the efficacy is high, the expectation is high but attainable, and the sources of the efficacy are all present. There are many encouraged behaviors. One would be extra credit for classes. Teachers encourage students to complete this so that they will increase their grade, but they are not requiring it to students. Therefore, it is only optional and encouraged. Some will have a high efficacy to complete this, maybe because they have done it before and seen how much a little bit of extra credit can help. Others may have a low efficacy because they haven't seen the positive effects and don't think that it is worth it. However, when one has a low self-efficacy, they have doubt and are not fully confident in themselves or the task, they are discouraged from that certain behavior and are much less likely to engage in that behavior. An example of a discouraged behavior is staring. Although this is a behavior that happens frequently, whether conscious or unconscious, it can be seen as rude and disrespectful and therefore is discouraged. This is an action that can apply to past experience. If staring had gotten someone in trouble in the past, then one is much less likely to stare at anyone.

Terms: personal control beliefs, expectancy, efficacy expectation, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, doubt, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, empowerment, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, reactance theory, hope

This chapter is about personal control beliefs. The chapter begins by discussing 2 types of expectancy which are efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. According to the text and efficacy expectation is, "a judgement of one's capacity to execute a particular act or course of action." An outcome expectation is, "a judgement that a given action, once performmed, will cause a particular outcome." The text also states that efficacy expectation estimate the likelihood that an individual can bahave in a particular way, and outcome expectations estimate how likely it is that certain consequences will follow once that behavior is enacted. In simpler terms an efficacy expectation asks "can I do it?" and an outcome expectation asks, "will it work?"

Next the chapter discusses perceived control. The text states, "preceived control revolves around how the Self (Agent) can exert Control (Ends). Self efficacy is a persons ability to organize and orchestrate their skills to cope with the demands and circumstances they face. Self efficacy becomes important when different situations test our abilities. One example would be when we have to do something like driving in the snow. The opposite of efficacy is doubt. Doubt can interfere with effective thinking and planning and can make the situation we are in even more difficult.

The chapter then discusses the sources of self efficacy. According to the text, "Self efficacy beliefs arise from one's personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasions from others, and physiological states such as a racing heart versus a calm one." Our self efficacy comes from all of these sources. Every thing that we do and learn helps to shape our self efficacy. Our personal history also helps to shape our self efficacy. Things that we remember doing well on raise self efficacy. Things that we remember doing badly lower our self efficacy. Our psychological state is something that also affects our self efficacy. According to the text things like fatigue, pain, muscle tension, mental confusion, and trembling hands are all physiological signals that the demands of the task currently exceed our capacity to cope with those demands. Self efficacy also effects our behavior.

Next the chapter discusses effort and persistence. The text says that as people perform, self efficacy beliefs influence how much effort they exert as well as how long they put forth that effort in the face of adversity. People with high self efficacy are persistent with coping skills aimed at overcoming setbacks and difficulties. Doubt has the opposite effect. Onced self efficacy is formed it effects the performers extent of effort, persistence, and resiliency.

Learned helplessness is then discussed in the chapter. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when someone expects that events in their life are uncontrollable. This is most obviouse in abuse situations. Especially women who are abused. They develop learned helplessness and feel that they are powerless over the abuser and they do nothing to try and escape their abuse. Three components explaine learned helplessness. They are contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is the objective relationship between a person's behavior and the environment's positive or negative outcomes. Cognition is all mental processes the individual has to translate objective environmental contingencies into subjective personal control beliefs. Resistance theory explains how people react to uncontrollable life events.

The most interesting part of this chapter for me is learned helplessness. To anyone that is not in an abusive situation it seems absolutely rediculous that someone would stay in an abusive situation. We ask ourselves why any normal person would choose to stay with their abuser. Unfortunately it is a completely real thing and it can be very hard to overcome.

Terms: efficacy expections, outcome expectations, control beliefs, precieved control, self eficacy, effort, persistance, learned helplessness.

Chapter nine discusses how personal control over one’s life can alter whether or a not the desired outcomes are achieved. This chapter starts off by talking about the two types of expectancies: Efficiency and outcome expectancies. Efficiency expectancy is how a person judges if a particular action can be executed successfully. Outcome expectancy is whether or not the desired outcome will happen after a particular action is performed. These two forms of expectancy help people determine what they will do and if it will end up working in their favor. Another form of efficiency is talked about in this chapter and that is self-efficiency. This type of efficiency is when a person personal looks at their own skills and abilities to determine is an action is worth doing. This is different from the other type of expectancies because it is only looking at the persons own skills and not about the whole situation in general.

Self-efficiency does not just show up out of nowhere. It is formed from a person’s own behavior history, experiences from others, verbal persuasion and physiological states. These for things play a role in how well a person can control their life situations. Behavioral history is when a person looks back at their past actions to form their new reactions to certain similar situations. An example of this would be a boy riding his horse as a kid and the horse bolts because it is scared. The boy learns that by pulling back on the reigns the horse slows down. Then that same boy encounters a similar situation as a young adult and knows that pulling back on the reigns will make the horse stop. Another part to self-efficiency is experiences of others. This is when a person watches someone else perform the same action that they are about to perform and will hopefully see the correct way to go about doing that action. The third part to self-efficiency is verbal persuasion. Verbal persuasion includes pep talks from others and themselves convincing a person that they can complete a certain task or action. The last part to forming good self-efficiency is the physiological state that a person is in. Some ways of showing an unstable physiological state is trembling, pain, muscle tension, mental confusion and fatigue. These all are expressed by a person who does not have good self-efficiency or control during a particular action. All four of these aspects are ways of showing if a person has formed good self-efficiency.

The other part of chapter nine talks about how helplessness is learned as an unsuccessful way of coping with failure. The term used throughout this chapter is called learned helplessness. There are three components to the learned helplessness theory: contingency, cognition and behavior. Contingency is the relationship between a person’s behavior and environment. A question a person can ask to declare contingency is how a person’s voluntary behavior affects the outcome in a certain environment. The next component is cognition. This takes part in learned helplessness by comparing a person’s actual environmental contingencies and how that person understands their own control in that environment. Such cognitive beliefs can be biases or expectancies the person has, which in turn influence how the person learns their helplessness. The last part to learned helplessness is in a person’s behavior. The way that a person actively copes with a situation is how behavior plays a role in learned helplessness. If a person is assertive and active with coping they are not certified as helpless, but if they are passive and giving up they have become helpless. Overall, chapter nine goes into great detail of how a person can take control of their thoughts and behaviors and how a person can also give up in a certain situations.

The part of this chapter that I found to be the most surprising was on how learned helplessness has many similarities to unipolar depression. I never thought about how much these two aspects of people’s lives are so similar. Usually a person who can see that they have no control over what is happening to them is more likely to fall into a depression. If only those people who feel like they have no control over life got over that feeling of learned helplessness, then maybe they would not fall into a depressive state of mind. Research had found that people with depression are not more prone to learned helplessness, but that those who were not depressed believed that they had more control than they actually had in a certain situation. This is definitely surprising because it is the depressed individuals who are thinking more realistically than the nondepressed.

Personal control beliefs are used by people to either encourage a certain behavior or discourage a certain behavior. When a control belief is strong and the link between certain actions and outcomes strong, this shows an encouraged behavior. When control beliefs are weak and the action and outcome are perceived as not having any affect on one another this shows a discouraged behavior. When a person has a mastery motivational orientation they tend to respond to failure by not losing sight of the task at hand and never giving up on achieving that task which in turn encourages that behavior in the future. On the other side of the spectrum, a person with helpless motivational orientation views a failure as their own fault and gives up on trying to achieve a certain outcome discouraging them from that certain behavior. An example of an encouraged behavior would be when a person does badly on their first test in one of their hardest classes and instead of giving up that person is encouraged to study harder and do better on the next test. That person uses their control belief to encourage positive outcomes for the next time. An example of a discouraged behavior would be someone who played their first high school basketball game and ended up scoring in the other team’s basket. That person starts to doubt how good of a basketball player they are and asks the coach if they can sit out for the rest of the game. This person is using their control belief to discourage themselves from playing basketball again and believes that no matter what they do, their action of playing basketball will never improve.

Terms: Efficiency expectancy, outcome expectancy, self-efficiency, behavioral history, verbal persuasion, physiological state, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation

Chapter nine discusses personal control beliefs, which is how we perceive ourselves and our surroundings. Personal control can be due to how strong ones expectancy is. Expectancy, our prediction of how likely something will occur, can be broken down into two types. Efficacy expectations are a belief of our ability to carry out a particular action. Outcome expectations are judgments that a given action, which we execute, will cause certain outcomes.

Chapter nine talks a lot about Self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is how we are able to organize our skills to meet the challenges we face. For example, back in 2010 when Northern Iowa beat Kansas in the NCAA basketball tournament. Clearly, Kansas was the bigger, more athletic, skilled team. But, UNI strategized by watching film, having practices and found ways to execute their plan to beat their opponent. Self –efficacy can come about in numerous ways. According to the Personal Behavior Theory on page 235, individuals learn their self-efficacy from their interpretations and memories of past attempts to carry out certain behaviors. One way people can learn self-efficacy is from vicarious experiences. For example, if you are trying to learn a new game, but you sit out for a while so you understand what it going on, then you hope in the game. Seeing someone succeed at the game would give you self-efficacy because you believe you can do it as well. This can also work in a negative way too. Another source for self-efficacy is verbal persuasion. AN example of this would be a head coach for a sports team giving a motivational talk before a game. The coach makes the performers think about their strengths as opposed to their weaknesses. Physiological state is another source of Self-efficacy. For example, athletes get tired during performance. When they are tired and sore, these give the individual a sense of inefficiency, while a lack of these components would do the opposite.

Self –efficacy helps us predict our coping methods, which are called empowerment. Empowerment is when we “possess knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives (pg. 241).” Mastery beliefs can reflect our perceived control over certain behaviors. The mastery motivational orientation suggests that individuals, who encounter failure will remain focused on the task at hand, strive to achieve despite difficult challenges. Contrary to the mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivation orientations suggest that individuals quit in the flight of failure. These people believe they have no control over the situation, have no empowerment.

The most surprising and interesting thing I learned was the section on learned helplessness. I found it very surprising that helplessness can be learned. In the animal study, it showed that dogs can learn helplessness when they experimented with electric shocks. Helplessness has three parts to it. Contingency, which is the relationship between one’s own behavior and the environmental outcomes, varies between the controlled outcomes and the uncontrollable outcomes. The other two components of helplessness are our cognitions and behaviors. I also found it interesting how learned helplessness and depression are very much alike. The expectations one has can cause both helplessness and depression.

Personal control beliefs can both encourage and discourage behavior. They can encourage behavior because if someone has a high self-efficacy, then they are likely to strive to accomplish their goals. If someone is low on self-efficacy, that person may try and avoid certain activities due to previous failures. The previous experience can turn into a helplessness belief of that person. An example of an encouraged behavior would be a baseball coach giving his team a pep talk before the game. The coach motivates his players and tells them if they play their game, they will have a great chance of winning. For a player, this can translate into a motivated behavior because it is a source of self-efficacy (verbal persuasion). An example of a discouraged behavior would be a baseball player coming off the bench in the ninth inning, who just watched both of his teammates strike out, and so he wonders, “If they can’t get a hit, I won’t be able to either.” This source of self-efficacy, vicarious experience. The baseball players self-efficacy is lowered by watching his teammates fail. This could lead to a discouraged behavior because the player doesn’t want to try succeed anymore.

Terms: self-efficacy, outcome expectations, efficacy expectations, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, empowerment, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior

Chapter Nine is about personal control beliefs. It covers self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, and reactance theory. The chapter focuses on the motivation to exercise personal control over what happens to you. When people try to control events, they learn expectancies about their control. There are two types of expectations: efficacy and outcome. Efficacy expectations are judgments about one’s ability to execute an act or course of action. Outcome expectations are judgments that predict weather a particular outcome will be achieved once a given action is executed. Both efficacy expectations and outcome expectations must be high before people are willing to put in strong efforts to exercise personal control.

Self-efficacy is someone’s belief that they have what it takes to get together the resources they need to cope effectively with possibly overwhelming demands of a situation. Self-efficacy can arise from a few things. It can arise from personal behavior history of trying to execute that course of action in the past. It can also arise from observations of similar others trying to do the same behavior. It can arise from verbal persuasion by others, or physiological states. One self-efficacy is formed, it can effect someone’s choice of activities and selection of environments. It can also effect effort, persistence, and resiliency. It can effect the quality of thinking and decision-making or emotional reactions.

Learned helplessness is the psychological state when someone expects that events in their life are uncontrollable. Helplessness is a learned behavior. When people learn that their behavior exerts a stronger influence over outcomes than outside influences do, they learn a mastery motivational orientation. When people learn that their behavior exerts little or no influence over outcomes and outside influences control what happens, they learn a helpless motivational orientation.

There are three fundamental components that explain learned helplessness effects. These are contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency if the objective relationship between behavior and the environment’s positive or negative outcomes. Cognition is the mental processes that an individual relies on to translate objective environmental contingencies to subjective personal control beliefs. Behavior is a person’s voluntary coping behavior.

Reactance theory explains how people react to life events out of their control. When someone’s expects controllability, reactance is fostered, and expectations of uncontrollability foster helplessness. When confronting a situation that is difficult, individuals show an initial reactance response by becoming assertive. If reactance efforts do not establish control, individuals will then show a helplessness response.

Finally, hope integrates the personal control beliefs by showing how agentic thinking and pathway thinking work together to provide energy and direction for one’s coping efforts.

What surprised me most about this chapter was how personal control beliefs were applied to humans after the first experiments were done on animals. The early experiments on learned helplessness were done on animals because the events used in these studies included traumatic events, such as electric shock. I’m not a big fan of animal experimentation, because animals don’t have the ability to deny such experiments. It was only after animals were tested that later studies found a way to test how helplessness applies to humans.

I think that personal control beliefs serve to encourage and discourage behavior. People are constantly making choices about what activities to pursue and which environments to surround themselves in. When looking at self-efficacy, people will often choose to avoid tasks and environments as a self-protective act for guarding against the possibility of being overwhelmed by demands and challenges. When someone is expecting something to be overwhelming or confusing, doubt overwhelms efficacy and produces an avoidance decision. As I enrolled at UNI, I had first planned on being a Biology major to be Pre-Vet. However, I looked over the course list and expectations and I thought that it was going to be too hard, so I avoiding the situation by changing my major to Psychology. Avoidance choices exert detrimental long-term effects on a person’s development. In my situation, my choice to switch major’s actually turned out to be a good thing, because if I hadn’t switched my major I would have never met my now fiancé in Psych and Law.

Self-efficacy beliefs influence how much effort people exert in the face of a challenge. I am putting forth much effort right now as I prepare to apply go graduate school. I had not planned on going to graduate school in my early years at UNI, so I slacked off. Now I need to make up for it by putting in a lot of effort.

Terms: self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, reactance theory, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, contingency, cognition, behavior

Chapter nine is important as it deals with our personal control beliefs. Which involve quite a few points I am going to begin with expectancies. There are two types of expectancies; I am going to start talking about efficacy expectations. I can clearly define it as the expectation of being able to execute a particular act or course of action. Outcome expectation is that action performed will give the preferred action. The two expectations correspond with each other as one defines the action wanting to take place (efficacy) while outcome expectancy looks at the consequence of the action and try to align them to your original oriented goal. These terms are really interesting as they go along with everyday struggles. We use the term self-control quite a bit while we try to strive for personal goals. These are two terms that are used in the model inside the book to help explain the interrelationship with self - action - control. Showing the steps of expectations through oneself, as the model works and begins with self and the development with efficacy expectations which then lead to the action, developing the outcome expectation then finally leading to the control or the end of the expectation.
Self-efficacy is a coping term to deal with the environment. In other words it is ones own opinion of him/herself on how well they will emotionally or mentally do in a situation. On a side not the opposite of efficacy is known as doubt. Self-efficacy beliefs come from four different factors. The persons prior history in that particular behavior. The persons gained knowledge through observation and how well the person being observed does; also known as a vicarious experience, like explained before is someone observing and modeling the behaviors that are seen. Pep talks or verbal persuasion is a persuasion technique to help a person see their strengths and focus less on their weaknesses. The last factor is the physiological state and how it affects the person's capacity to handle demands. With more demands may cause the task to exceed the possible capacity causing: fatigue, pain, muscle tension, mental confusion, etc.
Learned helplessness is as easy as expecting an outcome while thinking it is uncontrollable. The person behavior and fate are the key essentials that derive learned helplessness. Ones behavior exerts little or no influence over ones outcome, as it factors outside one's control determines the outcome. Pretty much what this means is that a pre-conceived thought of failure or success from contextual circumstances, over-rides ones expectations and eventually leading to the outcome. Learned helplessness kind of reminds me of self-fulfilling prophecy as a person’s outcome is directly affected by the person’s prediction.
The most important thing I learned from this chapter is how much possible control we have our environment, and how subconsciously the expectations we have for ourselves. While they aren’t only subconscious with efficacy and outcome are coherent thoughts being perceived and understood. The reason I think this is the most interesting is because it helps you step back and look at your situation, and try to see the consequences for yourself an your emotions.
I feel that personal control is very motivating for both positive and negative outcomes. The reason I think this is because the ability to control ones behaviors and understand what they are doing, is very inert and helps or hinders someone’s ability to perform. Like we learned with efficacy and outcomes, we think before we do and with thoughts may cause actions and with actions may cause a person to not want to do something do to their pre-determined consequences. I feel that this question is an opinion and is subsequent due to context.
Well an example of an encouraged behavior would be a positively reinforced action. Tonight I was involved in an activity that I havnt done for quite a long time, it is known as lazer tag. This game was a little bit different than I remembered but the concept was still the same, our team ended up winning. Which shows that both of my expectations have been supported through winning. While first listening to instructions I was thinking of how I was supposed to do the future activity. While I was thinking I was hoping for a victory! And boom we won and this evidently supports my behavior. On the other hand we can discuss something that may not support my behavior. I am going to use an example of a failed test experience and how it may have been determined through learned helplessness. I was experiencing learned helplessness due to the fact that this test happened to be on the same day that I was quite sick. This is a factor that is out of my behaviors control as my mind did not want to think. The only thing I could control was going and taking a test with the idea that I could make it through, but I had no control of my cold and it eventually led to me failing. Giving me a negative encouraged behavior.

Terms: Expectations, Efficacy, Outcome, self-efficacy, vicarious experience, Learned Helplessness

Chapter nine talked a lot about personal control. Personal control is just what it says – having control over yourself and your actions. What motivates our personal control is how much or how little influence we have in making things happen and making sure certain things don’t happen. Through experience, we gain expectations. There are two different types of expectations: efficacy and outcome. Self-efficacy deals with how much confidence an individual has in his or herself. Outcome is the actual outcome that occurs. These two components influence how much personal control we believe we have and exert. When personal control is low, we run the risk of experiencing helplessness. This also puts us at risk for learned helplessness. This is when we believe we have no control over the outcomes of our actions. There are three different components of learned helplessness: contingency, cognition, and behavior. I talked about these with my video blog this week and the example of Angela’s behavior (or lack there of) when talking to Mike about her husband’s whereabouts. Another aspect of the chapter that somehow relates with learned helplessness is the reactance theory. The reactance theory explains how people react to uncontrollable life events. Unfortunately, sometimes learned helplessness comes from people reacting poorly to these particular life events they can’t control. Finally, the chapter ends on a more cheerful note: hope. All you need to have hope is motivation to achieve your goal and to know how to achieve your goal.

Rarely do I ever read the little gray boxes in the chapter. I know that is a terrible thing to admit in a homework assignment, but I am just proud of myself that I’m reading the chapters at all. You have to start somewhere right?! Anyways, for some reason, I read the gray box this time. I think it was the title that caught my eye: Is Personal Control Always Good? Coming from someone who lacks in the self control department BIG TIME, my first thought was “duh”. Therefore the conclusion to this section was the most surprising thing to me in chapter nine. It discussed how people strive to have control. Many studies and books have been written about how the more control you have, the better. However, there is one major problem with this conclusion: they are assuming that the world is a controllable place. We know from this chapter, yet even better from our own experiences that this is not the case. Since we cannot completely control the environment, it is important to realize this and not strive to have complete control since it cannot be achieved.

Personal control, as I stated above, is your views on how much you can control the outcomes of your behaviors. As I just learned after reading the little gray box, this can be a good thing but can also sometimes be a bad thing. There are many situations in life that, fortunately, we are able to control. Here it is important to have high personal control beliefs. However, we also know that there are many situations in life that are uncontrollable. Here is where having high personal control beliefs can become dangerous.

Having high personal control beliefs in situations you can control can be very motivating. Efficacy expectations can be very motivating. When you believe you have control and you have confidence in yourself and abilities, it makes your goal obtainable. Seeing your goal as easy to reach will motivate you to get there that much faster. Outcome expectations can also be extremely motivating. Basic knowledge can give you solid outcomes as to what certain behaviors will produce. When we desire something and outcome expectations tell us exactly how to get it, motivation comes right along with the package. Both types of expectations come with high personal control beliefs, and therefore high motivation. A good example of how personal control beliefs can be motivating is trying to lose weight by eating healthy and exercising. Efficacy expectations can encourage us and provide us with motivation by believing in ourselves that we are able to eat these foods, workout this long, etc. Outcome expectations are very motivating: we know that if we eat healthy and exercise, we will lose weight, guaranteed (to some extent). Having high personal control beliefs is very motivating in situations we can control, and will more than likely motivate us to work all the harder in order to achieve our goal of losing weight.

However, having high personal control beliefs can also be very discouraging. There are some situations we cannot control. When we believe that we have absolute control of outcomes due to our behaviors, motivation can diminish very quickly when the expected outcomes don’t occur. A great example of this would be a hard working teacher. If the teacher works hard and is great at her job, she should keep her job, right? However she can’t control that the school needed to make budget cuts, and she was too new to be kept on. If the teacher has high personal control beliefs, this can be very discouraging. If she reacts poorly, which could easily be the case, she could unfortunately be at risk into falling into learned helplessness.

Personal control, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, learned helplessness, behavior, cognition, contingency, reactance theory, hope,

Chapter 9
Obviously chapter 9 is about control, but the chapter goes further in depth and discusses how we have personal control over ourselves, and that if we personally think something is obtainable, than we can achieve it. Throughout our everyday life we all have expectancies; you don’t want to go throughout your day expecting the worse things possible to happen to you, like I don’t want to go to class expecting to fail my test; not wanting to fail that test however can be motivation for myself to exercise my own personal control. Its human instinct to make desirable outcomes happen and undesirable outcomes not happen, for me to exercise this control thought I need to belief that I have the power to produce that desirable outcome. This chapter made me think of the word optimism, and that having goals and personal expectancies can increase the outcomes of a specific desire. There are two types of expectancy, the first one being an efficacy expectation, or the “can I do it” question. This is a judgment of your individual capacity to execute an act of action. The second type is outcome expectancies, which is the question “will what I do work”, in other words it’s a question of whether or not the action being performed will have a positive outcome or negative outcome. I feel as if efficacy expectation is easier to talk yourself into because if you repeatedly tell yourself you can do something than your building up your own self-efficacy; which is the judgment we make about ourselves when we are trying to determine how well we will do in different circumstances. On the other hand I feel as if outcome expectations can be more of a “common sense” decision. I can repeatedly tell myself to do something, but as soon as I’m about to do it, that “what if” question always pops into my head, this is how I think of these two terms anyways. The chapter then continues on with different sources of self-efficacy: personal behavior history, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological states.
Something that interested me would have been the section on mastery beliefs, or the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. This was interesting to me because it made me think of people who are in a state of depression. The book stated that when personal control beliefs are strong and resilient than that person obtains a strong link between actions and outcomes, but when the personal control beliefs are weak then that person perceives initiatives and actions with little effect on what can happen. Often times when people are in a state of depression, people who don’t understand will make the comment that those people just need to pick themselves up and find something to be happy about. But that just made me think that if on a personal level, an individual belief that whatever they do or whatever their surroundings are has no effect on them what so ever because that personal bond essentially is not present. Now obviously depression is much more complicated than this section on mastery beliefs, but I found this topic to give me an “a ha” moment in better understand the concept of depression.

Personal control beliefs does two things, it either makes us approach or avoid a given situation, depending on how we perceive our outcomes or performance to be given the situation. This is where self-efficacy comes into action; those people who throughout their lives have had a strong will to do something or put forth effort, are more likely to go after difficult situations. Someone who has learned helplessness will most likely find a way to avoid an undesirable environment or to simply give up once a situation becomes difficult. Someone with low self-efficacy may look at a list of classes they can choose from and immediately cross off two of them because the name of the class looks difficult; example being, “psychological statistics”.
An encouraged behavior for me would be getting into graduate school and becoming a counselor, I know I can do it( efficacy expectation) there is no doubt in my mind that I can’t achieve that goal, but I need to put in the hard work and everything that comes with getting into graduate school if I actually want to be accepted, because obviously it’s not the easiest thing in the world or everyone would be doing it. I would say I have self-efficacy when it comes to an education, I don’t personally believe that receiving an “A” or a “C” in a particular class means I’m less intelligent on that subject, to me it just means I have more motivation in the other class because it’s most likely something that interests me. I receive a lot of verbal persuasion on my strengths and even my weaknesses which I find very beneficial, especially when I’m trying to decide which field I want to go into.
A discouraged behavior would be my statistics class that I’m in right now, first off it’s a requirement otherwise you wouldn’t catch me dead even looking at a statistics book, not to mention the fact that it was required royally pissed me off, so from my freshmen year until now I have been pissed and constantly putting off taking this class. What it comes down to is that I have always been horrible at math, personally I feel as if it stems from my brother being a complete genius in the math field and instead of being motivated to excel like he did, I pulled away from the idea because I knew I could never live up to his ability. I have had a huge lack of motivation in this class, I do my work but when it seems every time I get a test or worksheet back it just reassures me that I have no clue what I’m doing, no matter how many times I read over the chapter.

Terms: expectancies, motivation to exercise personal control, efficacy expectation, outcome expectancies, self-efficacy, mastery beliefs

Chapter Nine is all about personal control beliefs such as self-efficacy and learned helplessness. Expectancy is the projected probability of an event occurring, and is further divided into two categories; outcome expectation and efficacy expectation. An efficacy expectation is an understanding of ones ability to achieve a certain action or actions, the "can I do it?" while outcome expectation estimates the probability of certain outcomes based on ones behavior, the "will it work?". Both of these contribute to an individuals motivation, and gives their actions energy. Self-efficacy is the competence with which an individual attempts to produce effective performances under difficult or trying circumstances. Self-efficacy beliefs are based in 1)personal behavior history- past events and previous outcomes 2) vicarious experience- observations of others performance 3)Verbal persuasion- persuasion and reassurance from another and 4)Physiological State- the physical state at the time of activation. Self-efficacy also effects behavior in a number of ways, from persistence, to decision making, and avoidance.
The text continues to discuss mastery beliefs, which "reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones." Mastery motivation orientation occurs when an individual continues to persevere in their drive towards success, remaining task focused. An individual driven by mastery become re-energized by defeat. On the reverse, helplessness occurs when an individual has a weak and fragile view of themselves and their ability during failures, and expect themselves to fail. An individual driven by helplessness shies away from difficult activities, doubting themselves, and are discouraged easily. Helplessness is learned, and occurs when an individual feels they have no control on the outcome of their life. Learned helplessness is divided into three components according to the textbook: contingency (the relationship between behavior and environmental outcome), cognition (cognitive interpretation of actions), and behavior (passive to active coping actions). Learned helplessness produces three defaults: motivational, learning, and emotional deficits. Explanatory style is a "relatively stable, cognitively based personality variable that reflects the way people explain the reasons why bad events happen to them." When a less than ideal event occurs, an individual reacts differently based on their explanatory style. An optimistic explanatory style exemplifies itself by giving reasons based on unstable and controllable conditions in the face of negative events. Meanwhile a pessimistic explanatory style exemplifies itself by giving a reason of uncontrollable or stable conditions. The reactance theory suggests that when an individuals freedom is threatened, they counter that limitation in an attempt to maintain control.
To me the most interesting part of this chapter was the similarities between depression and learned helplessness. The individual comes to the conclusion that there is nothing they can do about their situation in order to prevent undesirable occurrences. Though there is a relationship between helplessness and depression, there is no causation concerning depression and learned helplessness. Additionally, individuals who suffer from depression actually have a more accurate understanding of their abilities in situations of no control than individuals who do not suffer from depression.
An example of encouraged behavior would be playing soccer. I have personal behavior history playing soccer, and have done well, thus I have confidence in myself and my abilities. Additionally, I have the support of my teammates cheering me on, and verbally persuading me to do well. A discouraged behavior for me would be playing first person shooter video games like Halo and Modern Warfare. I know from my personal behavior history that I do not do well, I do not have the coordination to control my character. Based on this alone I have no confidence in myself and my abilities that I do not even attempt to play first person shooters anymore. Because of my failed attempts in the past, my physiological state concerning these types of activities is low, and thus I fail to feel effective at this activity.
Terms:Self-Efficacy, Expectancy, Outcome Expectation, Efficacy Expectation, Mastery, Helplessness, Explanatory Style, Optimistic Explanatory Style, Pessimistic Explanatory Style, Reactance Theory

Chapter 9 was all about personal control beliefs. The two main things discussed were self-efficacy and learned helplessness. There are two types of expectancies: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation is a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act of course of action. An outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome. Both of these expectancies must be high for someone’s behavior to become goal directed. Self-efficacy is one’s judgment of how well one will cope with a situation, given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces. Self-efficacy beliefs can come from personal experience, watching someone else experience the behavior, verbal persuasion from others, and physiological states. Self-efficacy can influence an individual’s choice of activities they participate in and the environments they spend time in. It also influences effort and persistence in the face of obstacles.

Learned helplessness develops from outcome expectancies. When people are engaging in a behavior, they make a subjective prediction of how controllable or uncontrollable the outcome is. When people expect the outcome to be unrelated to their behavior, they develop learned helplessness. This is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. Learned helplessness leads to motivational deficits, learning deficits, and emotional deficits. The chapter also describes reactance theory, which predicts that people experience reactance only if they expect to have some control over what happens to them, and in turn do exactly opposite of what they are told to do.

The link between helplessness and depression surprised me. I was not aware that people who are depressed actually have an accurate judgment of how much control they have in certain situations. People who are not depressed actually over-estimate the control they have. It’s shocking to realize that healthy, happy people are the ones with the skewed perception of control, while depressed people are more realistic about it.

Personal control beliefs motivate as well as discourage behavior. The motivate behavior by providing someone with a sense of hope and agency. They discourage behavior when someone doesn’t have that hope, and consequently feels helpless. For example, if a person’s self-efficacy were high about passing a class or getting a good grade, they would be motivated to work toward that goal. They would also have ways in mind to achieve the goal, giving them hope. This would give them effort and persistence when difficulties and setbacks get in their way. If they have had success in a similar class before, they will use that personal experience to boost their self-efficacy. However, if they have failed a previous class or heard of other’s who have failed their current class, they will not feel hopeful. Their low self-efficacy will prevent them from putting forth their best effort and persisting when challenges and obstacles arise.

Terms: personal control beliefs, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, verbal persuasion, learned helplessness, reactance theory, hope, agency

The chapter first describes efficacy and outcome expectations. These two terms fit in the model of perceived control. Then the sources and effects of self-efficacy are explained. Figure 9.3 summarizes these elements. By the way, the word "persistence" is misspelled in the figure. Did anyone notice that? Then the methods of empowerment and coping are described.

A large part of the chapter concentrates on reaction to failure. People can be oriented towards mastery or helplessness in their reactions. A section of learned helplessness follows, where the components and effects of helplessness are described. After tapping into depression and explanatory style, the chapter describes the motivation to reestablish freedom in the reactance theory.

I am not really surprised by the content of the chapter, but the section about coping seems to stand out from other topics. There is only one paragraph in the section, but this topic really deserves more attention. Maybe it could be a longer section, or it fits better in another chapter. In any case we could use more information about this topic related to personal control.

Vicarious experience can promote self-efficacy, which in turn encourages approaching choices and efficient decision making. For example, if my friends and relatives graduated from college and found good jobs, I would also think that I can graduate and find a good job. I would be more likely to meet course requirements, and would plan my studying so that I can get into a career I love.

Behavior history can also affect self-efficacy, which may discourage subsequent effort and persistence. For example, if I always get a C in classes I took, I would be less likely to study harder for a better grade. If I encounter a difficult assignment, I would be less likely to put much effort in the task. The lower grades would make me unwilling to go the extra mile toward higher achievement.

Terms: efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, empowerment, coping, learned helplessness, depression, explanatory style, reactance theory, vicarious experience

Chapter 9 was about personal control beliefs. The main focus of this chapter is the motivation to exercise personal control over what happens to oneself. Expectancy is a subjective prediction of how likely an event will occur. There are two kinds of expectancies, efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. The difference between these two expectancies is efficacy estimates the likelihood that an individual can behave in a particular way and outcome expectancy estimates how likely it is that certain consequences will follow once that behavior is enacted. The book then discusses self-efficacy which is defined as one’s judgment of how well or poorly one will cope with a situation given the skills one possess and the circumstances one faces. When reading something that is most surprising to me, I tend to pick the most surprising part in the chapter when I can relate it to my life. I think I can relate to self-efficacy, when I got to high school, I begun to play softball and within that sport we had to think of every situation before it happened. Before the ball was even pitched I had to look around and see if any runners on base and if there where that meant depending on how fast I field the ball, I would have to make a decision on where to throw the ball. So before every pitch different scenarios would run through my head, and even though I planned out what I was going to do, a slight mistake or change might cause me to switch to a different plan and within seconds I had to make a decision or that could cost the game. The chapter goes on to discuss the four sources of self-efficacy, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and physiological state. Personal behavior history and vicarious experience are promising therapeutic possibilities, while verbal persuasion and regulating physiological states serve as supplemental opportunities to alter pessimistic self-efficacy beliefs. There are also four effects of self-efficacy on behavior which are choice, effort and persistence, thinking and decision making and emotion. As the chapter goes on it starts to compare self-efficacy and outcome expectancies which is like learned helplessness. The chapter talks about how helplessness is learned by experiencing failure and focusing on why they are failing. Personal control beliefs encourage people because it gives hope that a person has multiple and controllable pathways to reach their goals. It’s just like hitting a road block in my plan to graduate, if I were to fail a class, it will set me off track and instead of giving up and getting discourage, I will look at my different options. I could take an extra class the following semester, I can try to clep out of it, I can take the course again over summer, instead of giving up I will look at my personal control beliefs which tell me no problem I can change my plan, set it back for a semester, and get what I need done. One might get discourage by learning helplessness. For example if someone kept failing on a specific skill, like a sport (volleyball), say the person couldn’t hit it over the net and couldn’t figure out what was going on. The person would just realize it was hopeless, and so would the coach, and she would be subbed out before it was her turn to serve. She would never gain the skills to serve over the net.

Terms: Personal Control Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, Learned Helplessness, Expectancy, Efficacy Expectations, Outcome Expectations, Personal Behavior History, Vicarious Experience, Verbal Persuasion, Physiological State,

Chapter nine focuses on our motivations that we have on our personal control over our lives. It starts off with talking about two types of expectancies. The first one is efficacy, the book states that it’s the judgment of your own capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. Basically this is where we are able to evaluate ourselves whether we will perform in a particular way. On the other hand outcome (the second expectancy) is based on the behavior and how much that behavior gives out to its outcome. The questions of, “can I do it and will what I do work?” come to mind when dealing with these expectancies. If both motivations are high, then the behavior of being energetic and goal directed can come alive. This chapter continues to go unto self-efficacy which is where the judgment of how well or not so hot someone decides to deal with particular situations. It arises and is very crucial when certain events tests our own abilities. However, if the person has doubt, then they will face setbacks, difficulties, negative thinking, and bodily tension. I’ve had a pretty hard time in the beginning of my college life due to certain family matters, so my self-efficacy was low, and my grades definitely showed how much my personal life was getting in the way of my school/college life. But eventually I was able to heal over time and focus on being happy with what I have to live for, which is family and friends. So my self-efficacy has risen to an all-time high, especially since I’m almost done with my college career. This was something that was surprising and refreshing for me to learn more about, especially since the definition of self-efficacy hit a soft spot in me, that I was able to relate to it.

After a few pages of describing more about self-efficacy and how if their beliefs are strong enough, they will be more stable in their thinking, decision-making, and emotionally stances. Then empowerment is brought up to help discuss mastery beliefs. These beliefs are a perceived control that a person has when wanting to attain desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. People can cope by either being proactive or reactive. So they either take action upon the event, or walk away and avoiding the problem all together. With mastery motivational orientation the person is able to respond to failing, by keeping focused, despite of setbacks and difficulties. On the other hand a helpless motivational orientation is when the person automatically gives up without a fight, saying it was out of their control. Learned helplessness theory has three components; the first one is contingency, this is the objective relationship with a person and their surrounding environment’s outcome. The second is cognition, here the interpretation of the actual, objective environment and subjective understanding of personal control in environment takes place. There are three elements in cognitive, first is biases, second is attributions, and third is expectancies. Then lastly the third helplessness theory deals with behavior people can vary from being either very passive to very active when dealing with dramatic events.

The chapter ends with explanations of different styles and reactance theory. In explanatory style people are better able to give an explanation of why they believe bad things happen to them. Optimistic explanatory style are attributes that are unstable and controllable. Pessimistic explanatory style are attributes that are stable and uncontrollable. In an reactance theory people tend to do the exact opposite of what they are asked to do when it comes to learning helplessness. Reactance refers to reacting against an threatened freedom. People tend to experience reactance if they expect to control the situation that’s at hand for them. Hope comes alive when people have both the motivation to work toward their goals and when people know ways to achieve those goals. High agency is the first part of the “can do” belief that deals with hope, while clear pathways is the second part of hope where multiple and controllable pathways are goals.

Terms: personal control, efficacy & outcome expectancies, self-efficacy, empowerment, mastery beliefs, coping, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation, helplessness, contingency, cognition, biases, helplessness theory, attributions, explanatory style, optimistic explanatory style, pessimistic explanatory style, reactance theory, reactance & hope

Chapter nine; how we control our personal beliefs through self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, and learned helplessness. First, self-efficacy, being able to form and organize one's skills to cope with whatever demands life throws at us in certain situations. Second, mastery beliefs, which are the reflections of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones, says our textbook. Basically, when we believe in ourselves (our personal control beliefs) we have a good idea that our actions are positively correlated with the outcome. Thirdly, we have learned helplessness as a personal control belief. This is an idea that one has no way of controlling the outcome. What ever one does in action towards a goal, their belief is that it will not do anything to accomplish it, thus failure of motivation and leading down the path towards depression.
It was most surprising and interesting to learn that personal behavior history (the extent of experience one has at the given task at hand, previously) and vicarious experience (seeing others do a mastery task before you do it to gain confidence) are said to be the stronger of the four self-efficacy beliefs. The other two being verbal persuasion, or sit down pep talk to pump up the person and give them positive words of advise or strength, and physiological state which is what is going on in our own mind, our own self talk and how our body is reacting to the challenge. I always thought a good pep talk got me going, but when I incorporated these few sources of self-efficacy in my past life challenges, it really helped to tell myself "I have done this before", and "if they can do it, so can I". This really creates good intrinsic motivation as well, which, from chapter five we learned is a growth of positivism inside of ourselves that we create within. Thus motivating ourselves very organically through our own beliefs and ideas. Reminding ourselves of events using our hippocampus (the part of the brain related to memory) we create motivation in ourselves, giving ourselves a state of self-efficacy that will help us with the challenge at hand.
More specifically, say a student athlete has a big race coming up. They are getting excited by building up their self-efficacy. They are nervous because it is going to be very cold and windy the day of the race, says the weather channel. They start to remember that last year, around the same time, they had ran a race in similar conditions and did very well. Here, they are using personal behavior history to motivate them. This is an example of a personal control belief used to encourage or motivate a person into action.
Same example, this student does very well with this race and their coach decides to put them in a longer race with students who are clearly stronger and can run faster then them. The student tries to train but loses interest because they cannot achieve the right speed to even come close to getting a good place in the race. The student gives up on training. This is an example of learned helplessness, a personal control belief that discourages behavior. The student was doing well, but when challenged to a higher degree, they tried, but got discouraged and lost motivation.

Terms: personal control beliefs, learned helplessness, self-efficacy, physiological state, verbal persuasion, vicarious experience, personal behavior history, hippocampus, mastery beliefs

“Believe in yourself!” “Try and you will succeed!” There is tons of little saying and posters telling us that we can accomplish our dreams and goals. We just have to believe we can do it. Although we know believe we can do something doesn’t mean we can it is a foundation of where to start. Chapter 9 is about just this Personal Control Beliefs. It talks about self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, and reactance theory.
The chapter begins with telling us there are two types of expectation. There is efficacy expectation, and there is outcome expectation. Efficacy expectation is the question of can I do it? It questions your ability to be about to a certain task or meet a certain goal. Outcome expectations, on the other hand, is a question like will what I am about to do work. It does not question you but the task you are trying to accomplish.
The next main topic the book cover is self efficacy. This is the question of can I do this? If things go wrong can I still do it? This is not the same as ability. Those are skills we have and can do well. We have to know our limits. The book gives an example of diving we might be good at it, but if the road gets icy it changes things. We have to know if we can do it and then have confidence we can. If a person does not believe they are able to do a certain task they are doubtful. With doubt comes fear, and people will not be motivated to do that task. People we do not have self efficacy will become stress, and not think as clearly making the hard task impossible. But if they stay calm believe in them self the task will be easier.
Where do people get their ideas of self efficacy from? Life experiences are a big factor in this idea of what you can or cannot do or believe you can or can’t do. If you have done a task before a failed you do not want to do it again. But if you can done the task successfully before then you have faith you can do it again. Also you learn from not only your past but the actions of others. If someone tries a task and you see them fail then you will get nervous and think that you cannot do it either. This is called vicarious experience seeing how someone else does. Another way is encouragement from the people around you. You may have your doubts but if people tell you that you can do it! Then you will start to have more faith in yourself. This can be teacher, coach, friends, parents, etc. The last place people get their self efficacy from is from their physiological state. How they are feeling often determines what they think they can do. If they feel sick, tires, stressed, then they might not want to try to climb a rock wall.
Mastery beliefs are the next major topic discussed in this chapter. This is the idea of how much you can control the situation. If person feels more in control of a certain situation they have perceived competence and feel that they can succeed and make the situation change to meet their needs. If a person feels like they have no control, they give up and do not try if there is nothing they can do. When they fell helpless they do not participate in that activity. They stay away from challenge. A person who believes they have control will face challenges, and get energized by setbacks.
Learned helplessness is when people believe that their actions and behavior have little influence on the outcome of a task. They believe that outside circumstances affect a situation more. They feel helpless and do not try to accomplish a task or goal since no matter what they do it won’t matter. They feel like is out of their control. This is a dangerous idea and stops people from trying their best. They are not motivated to try. People with this out look of helplessness, are often depressed.
The last major topic was Reactance Theory. This is a theory of why people do not take the advice of others. They ignore what others are telling them and can make some decisions that are not the best. When they are told no to a task they want their autonomy (they decide what they do, when they do it and how). Their freedom is challenged. This also leads to the feeling of not being in control. These people instead of backing off from the uncontrollable will go toward it with an even greater enthusiasm then before they we were told they could not do the task.
The most surprising thing I learned this chapter was the Reactance Theory. I had never heard of it before and yet have always wondered why people do the opposite of what you tell them. I have a friend who will always ask me for advice and then do the exact opposite. It frustrates me! I always wonder, “What was the point of asking me?” This theory could explain it. She had an idea in her head and when I told her not to do it, she is even more motivated to do that task. It gives her that little extra push. I really like this theory. I plan on working with children and they are always doing what they are told not to. They are just trying to explore and learn. I have always thought it was biased on wanting to be independent and wanting freedom. Now I actually have a theory for it.
Personal Control Beliefs greatly affect how we act. It is a building block for motivation. It we do not feel we can do a task or what will do will do matter, we will not try to accomplish the task. We will let outside forces take over and not hold our actions and behaviors accountable. I think of some people who want to lose weight but have failed. They think it’s too hard, or I can’t do it. They might even blame the food instead of their self eating it. A person who believes they can do the task will try harder, will not be as stressed, and not give up when they have struggles. These people know that what they do matters and they can accomplish what they want to accomplish is they keep trying.
I know for me I am determined to lose weight as I have said in many other assignments. I know they I will not lose weight is I sit around eating scratch cupcakes. My and actions determine if I meet this goal. I have people supporting me. There will be set back, but I will not give up faith in myself. I need to believe I am strong enough and then go to the gym and workout.
A task that is hard for me is public speaking. I have messed up in the past and I know that it is not an action I like doing. I am not motivated to do it. I do not believe I am in control some time. I say I get nervous it is too hard. I blame to task not me. I feel helpless like no matter how much I practice, I will not do better. I have a lisp sometimes, that will never change and I am helpless when it comes to that. I am getting better now. I know that I will be nervous and will make mistakes but practice does help. If I try I can improve. I cannot blame outside factors for me not trying or practicing.
Self- efficacy, mastery beliefs, and learned helplessness as play a major role in rather someone is motivated to do a certain task. A person needs to have faith in themselves and have a positive outlook in order to succeed.
Terms: Personal control beliefs, Self efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, Reactance Theory, motivation, autonomy, vicarious experience.

This chapter discusses the motivation to exercise personal control over what happens to you. The desire to exercise personal control is established by a person’s beliefs that they have the power to produce favorable results. As people try to control events in their lives, they learn expectancies about their control. These expectancies come in two types: efficacy and outcome. Efficacy expectation refers to a person’s ability to competently enact a particular course of action (e.g. “Can I do it?”). Outcome expectations determine whether or not a particular outcome will be achieved (e.g. “Will it work?”). Both efficacy and outcome expectancies must be reasonably high before people are willing to exert personal control. Self-efficacy is an individual’s belief that they “have what it takes” to cope with the overwhelming demands of certain situations. Gains in self-efficacy eliminate anxiety, doubt, and avoidance – making it easier to achieve.

This chapter also discussed learned helplessness, reactance theory, and hope. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when individuals expect that events in their lives are uncontrollable. Learned helplessness effects are explained using contingency, cognition, and behavior. The reactance theory explains how people react to uncontrollable life events. Hope also plays a role in personal control. For example, high-hope individuals (people who possess resilient self-efficacy and strong mastery motivation) will outperform low-hope individuals in areas such as academics, athletics, and physical illness.

Something that was surprising to me in this chapter was the people with depression aren’t more prone to learned helplessness. This was surprising because learned helplessness and depression are similar. Therefore, it’s easy to assume that depression stems from individuals thinking they have less control in the events that happen in their life compared to people who aren’t depressed. However, this isn’t the case. Individuals who aren’t depressed are the ones who actually believe they have more personal control than they actually have and depressed people recognize the true amount of control they have. The difference comes from non-depressed individual’s ability to recall more of the positive events in their lives whereas depressed people equally recall positive and negative events.

Personal control beliefs motivate behavior through efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. When personal control beliefs are strong and resilient, the individual perceives a strong link to action outcomes, which motivated them to control what happens in an effort to help them accomplish a goal or difficult task. When personal control beliefs are weak and fragile, the individual feels as if their actions have little effect on what happens (outcomes), which discourages them to exert effort resulting in failure. However, individuals respond to failure in different ways. People with mastery motivational orientation respond to failure by remaining task focused and motivated to achieve despite obstacles and setbacks. On the other hand, people with hopeless motivational orientation respond to failure by giving up or withdrawing.

An example of encouraged behavior for me personally is doing well in school. I have high-hopes to achieve academically, which means I possess resilient self-efficacy and strong mastery motivation. This motivates me to achieve my academic goals, even when I encounter setbacks because my personal control has a desired outcome. An example of a discouraged behavior is giving up on a scholarship opportunity I had in high school. I needed to complete a certain number of community service hours to fulfill all of the requirements for the scholarship. However, when I realized the deadline to submit my hours was much sooner than I had previously realized, my motivational orientation became helpless. I gave up on obtaining the scholarship because I felt it was no longer in my control, despite the effort I had already put towards it.

Terms: personal control beliefs, self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, reactance theory, motivation, expectancy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, coping, self-doubt, mastery motivational orientation, depression, high-hope, low-hope, contingency, cognition, and behavior

This chapter is tied around the idea of personal control. It breaks it down into the ideas of how me are motivated within our personal self and self efficacy. It starts off by breaking down expectancy into two parts: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy is the judgment of one’s ability to execute a specific act (Can I do it?), while outcome is a judgment that once an action is performed, a particular outcome will occur (Will it work?). Both of these expectations must be high before our behavior becomes energetic and goal directed.

The idea of self-efficacy is a big part of the chapter. Self-efficacy is the thought that organizes and orchestrates his/her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances he/she faces. It is defined as one’s judgment of how well (or poorly) one will cope with a situation, given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces. Self-efficacy is just as important as is the ability because performance situations often are stressful, and as one performs, the circumstances continue to change. This is important because you have to keep a level head in distressed times, and another main concern is to think clearly to avoid anymore hardships. Self-efficacy arises from one’s personal history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasions, and physiological state.

Another important aspect of the chapter was learned helplessness. This is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that events in his/her life are out of their control. This happens when people expect desired outcomes or undesired outcomes are independent of their behavior. For controllable outcomes, an established one-to-one relationship exists between behavior and the outcome. On the other hand, uncontrollable outcomes exist with a random relationship existing between the behavior and the outcome. In the end as people begin to acknowledge what their behavior entitles for their outcomes, they learn a helpless motivational orientation.

The most interesting thing that I learned in this chapter was the Reactance Theory. This was very intriguing to read about. The reactance theory states that when our freedom feels threatened, we react and behave in a more active, aggressive manner, than we normally would if we felt like we had control on the situation. In other words, why do people sometimes resist another person’s well-intended favor? Why do people occasionally do the opposite of what they are told? These are two questions that revolve around the idea of the Reactance theory. This theory predicts that people experience reactance only if they expect to have some control over what happens to them.

Depending on how well we perform a task, personal control beliefs makes us more likely to be approaches or avoided in certain circumstances. Those who are determined and willing to put forth an effort have a sense of strong self-efficacy. People with low self-efficacy may be more apt to avoid or be absent during a situation they feel overwhelmed at. For example: When a professor asks a question and the person may not know the answer, they do nonverbal cues that show they do not want to take part in answering it. This means they may lack eye contact at the instructor.

An encouraged behavior that I have set for me is my plan after graduating college this upcoming spring. I hope that all my hard work the last four years ends up paying off (outcome expectation). I only have a semester and a half to go. I know that I can stay focused and not let “senioritis” get the best of me. I have gone for over three years so I know I am capable of staying on task (efficacy expectation). Plus the fact that I have high self-efficacy toward my schooling helps as well. With this, internally I am motivated to stay on-task and achieve this. Not only am I telling myself I can accomplish this, but my family and peers too. My friends and I talk about graduating quite often when we are together. We discuss what is going to happen after we all go our separate ways. My social support is very good for me (verbal persuasion).

I definitely experienced a discouraged behavior a couple semesters ago. It was when I was taking a Humanities III class and I was struggling in it. The first test was not too kind to me and the homework was kicking my butt. There just seemed to be something about that class that I could not accomplish a passing grade. My master beliefs were quite low during my time taking this class, which did not help one bit. With this, I began to quickly have a “BA” toward this class. Eventually, I was afraid of not passing this class, so luckily I was able to drop the class and not let it affect me.

Key Terms: personal control, personal self, self-efficacy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, vicarious experience, verbal persuasions, physiological state, learned helplessness, Reactance theory, encouraged behavior, discouraged behavior

To begin, chapter 9 stated that personal control is “predicted on a person’s belief that they have the power to produce favorable results.” The more likely an individual feels they are able to manipulate the environment to produce favorable results, the more personal control they believe they possess and vice versa. Our perceived power over results is based on two expectations: efficacy expectation, one’s ability to perform a particular action, and outcome expectation, that said action will produce a specific outcome. To be effective, that is, to create energy and goal directedness, both of these expectations must be high. A large focus of the chapter was self-efficacy, or and individual’s perception of how well or poorly they will manage a situation with changing circumstances. High self-efficacy is correlated with feeling that one can cope with changing situations, while low self-efficacy is known as doubt. Doubt creates anxiety, fear, and often avoidance behavior. Higher self-efficacy motivates one more often to try, whereas doubt leads one to avoid.

An individual’s self-efficacy is based on their personal history of how well they executed a behavior, observations of others performing the action, verbal persuasion, and physiological states (arousal vs calm) that occurs or has occurred in previous experience. Personal history has the largest impact on an individual’s self-efficacy. If one performed a similar action well in the past, they are more like to feel they can execute the new action in a new context. If they experienced failure in the past, they may more likely feel doubt toward their ability to perform the new behavior. Vicarious experience, watching others of similar ability execute the same task, also has an influence on one’s self-efficacy. It is the “if they can do it, I can do it” mentality. Verbal persuasion and physiological state are smaller influences, but important nonetheless because they can and do impact a person’s self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy affects behavior in many ways. It influences an individual’s choice in activities and what they pursue, the effort and persistence they put in to their performance, the way they think and make decisions during the activity, and how they react emotionally to various stimuli during their performance. The higher one’s self-efficacy, the more variability they will have in choosing activities, the more effort and persistence they will put in, the better their thinking and decision making abilities, and the more positive their emotional reactions. Low self-efficacy or doubt will have the opposite effect on these behaviors.

Mastery beliefs are beliefs that “reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones.” Mastery plays a role in self-efficacy. Those with high mastery beliefs are more apt to persist or try again in the face of failure. On the other hand, helplessness beliefs often lead to individual’s giving up on a task, feeling that they have no control over the outcome. Helplessness can be linked to doubt. Helplessness is learned. It is when an individual’s believes that outcomes are out of their control. This learned helplessness stems from the learned expectation that even one’s own voluntary and purposeful actions do not have any effect on the future outcome of a situation. Helplessness can have many adverse effects including motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits, and it can be linked to depression.

Finally, reactance theory suggests that individual’s react in an attempt to reestablish an “eliminated or threatened freedom.” It also suggests that people will only experience reactance if they believe that they have at least some control over outcomes in their lives. Reactance behavior occurs if an individual perceives that their coping behavior has an effect on the outcome of a situation. If they do not believe that the coping behavior has an effect, they experience helplessness. All in all, it is important to establish self-efficacy for positive motivation.

The most surprising thing that I learned was that helplessness is a learned behavior. However, after reading the chapter, the research, and the explanations, it makes sense how it can be learned. When an individual experiences failure after failure and begins to feel that the outcome is out of their control, they will feel helpless. It can be thought that helplessness is learned through operant conditioning. When an individual’s voluntary actions and behaviors are constantly being punished (failure), they will often cease to perform those actions and behaviors.

Personal control beliefs encourage behavior when a person has higher self-efficacy and mastery beliefs. Those people with these two characteristics feel higher levels of control over situations, leading them to seek out a wide range of activities and to persist in those activities, even when they encounter failure. With the master belief, rather than thinking that they lack the ability to perform a task, they think of what they need to do to improve in order to succeed. For instance, an encouraged behavior would be to persist in the face of changing circumstances and to not give up because success is within one’s control.

Personal control beliefs discourage behavior when an individual feels doubt and helplessness. These two characteristics are established when one perceives they have little or no control whatsoever over the outcomes of a situation. Doubt and helplessness lead individuals to feel high levels of anxiety, fear, and, ultimately, avoid situations or give up. When faced with failure, people who have doubt and helplessness think that they lack the ability to complete the task and, therefore, will give up. A discouraged behavior would be to continue to persist in the face of adversity or challenge, especially when an individual encounters failure, because the situation is out of their control and no matter what they do, they will not be able to have a positive effect on the outcome.

Terms: Personal control, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, doubt, personal history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, mastery beliefs, helplessness, reactance theory.

Chapter 9 discussed several interesting aspects involving personal control beliefs. I have always wondered what motivates us to do things in terms of our own personality characteristics. For example our expectancies of what will happen and our expectancies of how well we can cope with what happens have important motivational implication. If would be very difficult to complete college if I did not think I would graduate. We are less likely to complete a task if we automatically think it will never happen, thus it is important to think more positively.

No matter what occurs in our lives we have control over it. The desire to exercise personal control is predicted on a person’s belief that they have the power to produce favorable results. If I believe I have what it takes to run a marathon and I am motivated to do so it is very likely that I will accomplish my goal. In more general terms when we anticipate events and outcomes, we rely on our past experiences and personal resources to make forecasts about what the future will hold as well as how we will cope with what the outcome is. I have always done this; I like to know what is probably going to happen so I can prepare myself for any discrepancies.

There are two kinds of expectancy efficacy and outcome expectations. Efficacy is the judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. While outcome expectations are a judgment that a given action, once preformed will cause a particular outcome. We are constantly asking ourselves can I do this? For example there are situations where I have questioned if I am able to complete the task. Both efficacy and outcome expectations have to be reasonably high before a behavior becomes energetic and goal directed. Self-efficacy is one’s judgment of how well or poorly on will cope with a situation, given the skills one possesses and the circumstances on faces. Self-efficacy becomes very important when circumstance rise to test our abilities. For example driving a car during the winter when the roads are slick, our ability to drive safely is tested. However the opposite of efficacy is doubt, when this occurs we feel anxiety and negative thinking.

Self-efficacy beliefs come from our personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasions from others, and physiological states such as a racing heart vs. a calm one. An interesting aspect of self-efficacy effects on behavior is that the more we expect that they can adequate perform an action, the more willing we are to put forth effort and persistence in facing difficulties when activities require action. If I were to assume that I was not going to do well on a task then it is very likely that I will not put any effort into it. If we really want to complete a task then we will try harder and put more effort into it.

The most surprising thing I learned was the idea of learned helplessness. I had heard of the concept but I did not previously know much about it. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. I find this interesting because I think about individuals who have anxiety problems. These people often feel this way and I wonder if we can teach or give those ways to cope or to not learn helplessness.

Personal control beliefs encourage behaviors based on a person’s personality in a way. For example if there is a task that I really want to complete successfully I am more likely to complete it if I feel it is important. Thus I am more likely to put the extra effort in to complete it. An example would be graduating college, if I did not plan to graduate then it is very likely that I would not complete or even try to complete my task because I would not be as motivated. An example of how personal control beliefs discourage behavior are seen when we assume that something is not worth our time. For example if I did not plan to graduate from college and all I wanted to do was take some classes then it is very likely that I will not because I am not motivated to put the extra effort in.

Terms: personal control beliefs, expectancy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, doubt, personal history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, effort, persistence, learned helplessness.

Chapter 9 is about personal control beliefs. This chapter discusses expectancy, self efficacy, demand, skill, coping, helplessness, and many other terms that deal with personal control beliefs. There were many useful things in this chapter that I can relate back to my own life.
There are two kinds of expectancy. The first one is efficacy expectations, which is when you ask yourself, “Can I do it?” The second is outcome expectations, which is when you ask yourself, “Will it work?” You can pretty much apply this to an goal you have ever had. For example if you wanted to start running a mile a day to lose weight. The efficacy expectation would be, “can I run a mile a day?” The outcome expectations would be, “If I run a mile a day will I lose weight?”
Self-efficacy is when you judge yourself on how good or bad you will do in a situation. It pretty much means you rate how well you are going to do in a certain situation. Some things to consider would be the demand and the skill. Some examples of this would be asking for a date or laughing. Those two things would be the demand and the skills you would need would be assertiveness and a sense of humor. Sources of self-efficacy are personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological state. Those are all things that you will take into account when judging self-efficacy.
Empowerment is something that is very important. Empowerment is possessing the knowledge, skills, beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives. I think this is a very important thing for everyone to experience. When people feel empowered they have higher self-efficacy.
Something that surprised me were the many different ways of coping with your situation. Most of these made sense to me, but I never realized how many different ways there were to cope with different situations. Some of the different ways are approach vs. avoidance, social vs. solitary, direct vs. indirect. I would personally say out those few options the best way to go about your situation would be to approach the situation directly. Whether you decide to go about the situation socially or solitary would probably depend on the situation and the person. The point is that they are many different ways for someone to take care of or cope with their various situations in life. Life is all about the choices you make and those choices shape you into the person you are.

Terms: expectancy, self efficacy, demand, skill, coping, helplessness, personal control, empowerment, efficacy expectations outcome expectations

Chapter nine was about personal control beliefs. The chapter first talked about personal control and what motivates people to exercise personal control. People are able to figure out predictable aspects in the environment and are able to exert control over it. People are able to exercise personal control over a situation and the strengths in their expectancies which is a subjective prediction of how likely it is that an event will occur. There are two types of expectancies, one is efficacy expectations, which is a judgment of ones capacity to execute a particular act or course of action and two is outcome expectations, which is a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular action or outcome. These are casual determinants to the initiation and regulation of behavior. The chapter also talked about perceived control and how self, action, and control contribute to this. Self-efficacy was also talked about in the chapter and how we can use our skills and adapt them in different situations. The chapter talked about the sources of self-efficacy and how they can stem from four different things. The chapter talked about effects self-efficacy has on behavior and how if I person does a behavior more and more the likely hood of them performing the same behavior when presented with the situation will likely do it. The adequate a person can perform an action, the more willing they are to face the difficulties involved in the action and do it. This leads into the next part of the chapter which talks about a person’s effort in a given action and how persistent they will be. The same efficacy expectancies are the same for learned helplessness. I think the dog experiment explained this very well with the three groups performed but it made me sad to think of learned helplessness and how the dogs just got use to the shock and didn’t do anything after a while because they couldn’t, so they just dealt with the shocks. It also makes me think of kids who are constantly abused and they just get use to the abuse. I guess that’s what comes to mind with learned helplessness. I guess I have never been in a situation where there was no way out of stressful situation and I just had to deal with it other than dealing with death. As much as I would like to get away from the stress, there is nothing you can do and you just have to deal with it. I don’t think this is the learned helplessness though that the book is talking about. A part in the book that I didn’t understand was the part where it talked about contingency, cognitions, and behavior. I didn’t understand the contingency part of it. One thing that was very surprising was that they link learned helplessness and depression. I suffer from depression but I guess mine is being treated affectively because I don’t always expect the worst anymore and that I can’t do anything to produce the desired outcome. I can see how these are linked though thinking back to when I was in high school and the lack of motivation and drive lead to a feeling of helplessness in everyday activities. The last part of the chapter talks about hope. There are two parts in hope and when a person is achieving a goal they will first have high agency and confidence and second they will have multiple pathways that they can control to get them to their goal.
Personal control beliefs serve behavior because it is the motivation a person will exercise over personal control on the outcomes in life and the expectations people have about an event or action and whether or not the outcome is desired or not. I think that if we didn’t have personal control beliefs we would all be the same and do the same behavior. I think an example of personal control beliefs and a desirable outcome would be practicing for a marathon and actually running it and finishing it. Not everyone does this so there is a personal control belief for that person to practice and want to run it and when they do run the marathon and finish it is a desirable outcome or if they practice and don’t finish the marathon it is a undesirable outcome. This is also a desired behavior. I think an undesired behavior and personal control belief would be when war happens and you have to kill someone or do something that the outcome is undesired to you personally but you have to do it to live.
Terms: personal control beliefs, expectancies, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self, action, control, Self-efficacy, learned helplessness, efficacy expectancies, personal control beliefs, cognitions, contingency, behavior, motivation, and drive.

Chapter 9 talks about how we are motivated to exercise personal control over what happens to us. The chapter starts off by talking about the two types of expectancy: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectation is a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. Efficacy expectation estimates the likelihood that someone can perform in a particular way. Outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome. Outcome expectations estimate how likely it is that certain results will follow once the behavior is performed.

Self-efficacy is different from efficacy expectation because self-efficacy is how an individual reacts in a specific situation. Self-efficacy influences how much effort individuals put into something that is difficult to accomplish. Each person’s level is different. Self- efficacy is based is based on 4 things: personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and psychological state. Self-efficacy is everything we do and learn. IT helps us shape ourselves from all of the items listed above.

Learned helplessness happens when people expect that their behavior will produce little or no effect on the outcome they wish to obtain. Learned helplessness is a learned behavior. I found that surprising but after further reading the chapter it made more sense. If someone is failing over and over again, they will become discouraged. If they are discouraged they will except that same out come again and again.

I found it interesting that depressed individuals do not have a change sense of personal control and accurately judge when they do and don’t have control. The book said people who are not depressed actually misjudge the control they have on their lives. Non- depressed people believe they have more personal control than they actually do. I found this interesting because I thought depressed individuals changed their personal control levels.

An encouraged behavior would be graduating in May. Four years ago I never thought it would be possible, it seemed so far away. In reality these past four years have flown by and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. After this semester is complete I only have four remaining classes I need to complete. That is encouraging. I know I need to keep trying my hardest and I will succeed.

A discouraged behavior would be statistics class that I have been avoiding ever since I arrived at UNI. I am HORRIBLE at math and the name of the class alone scares me! It doesn’t help that I have no choice; I have to take the class to graduate.

Personal control beliefs influence these behaviors because we all have personal control. We have control over ourselves. We can make or break it. It’s all what we make of it. I am already discouraged about a class I haven’t even taken yet. That is my own fault. I have personal control to change that behavior. We that being said I will try to go into the class with an open mind and work my tail off to receive the grade I think I deserve!

Terms used: personal control, learned helplessness, self-efficacy, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation

Chapter nine discusses how as humans we desire the need to control our lives and the outcomes that we want. The chapter discusses how people have two types of expectations, which are efficacy and outcome. The efficacy part of our expectations is that we wonder if we can achieve something or not, and the outcome is whether we will achieve or not. We have developed motivation when we have high expectations of what we want the outcome of our goal to be. The chapter also covers heavily on self-efficacy, which is how well or how poorly one can handle the situations that arise, and how we use our resources to handle the situations we may face. It also states that self-efficacy is important when certain situations rise to sort of test our abilities. Our perceived control is best defined as self, action, and control. When certain obstacles come in our way of achieving a goal we can test our self-efficacy and see where our motivation takes us. Do we give up or do we try harder?
One of the topics in this chapter I found interesting was the self-efficacy effects on behavior. I thought that it was interesting that the more we truly believe we can take on a certain task or achieve a goal; the more likely we are to put forth effort and to work past the obstacles that might come in our way. If a person doesn’t believe that they can achieve their goal, they aren’t likely to try as hard or they may not try at all. It is interesting because I think about certain people in history that have had their odds stacked against them, but it is almost as if they lacked self-efficacy altogether and just ran blindly in the direction of something they wanted, a good example of this might be Martin Luther King Jr. The racist culture he lived in at the time seemed to most people like something that would never change. He didn’t know if he could change it but he just felt like trying anyway.

An example of an encouraged personal-control belief for me is when I decided to get back into school after taking a year off. I had been so burned out from going to school since I was six and felt I needed a break. I wasn’t trying as hard and I didn’t want it as bad at the time. I took time to reflect, figure out how I could improve, and what I wanted to accomplish in my life. I had a lot of voices around me telling me that if I took time off I would never go back. I used those negative voices as motivation to get back into school and not only get passing grades but to do better than I had before. I came back with a goal and a reason and I knew what I wanted and I knew that it was attainable now that I was in the right mind frame.

An example of a discouraged personal-control belief is when I did not apply to any Universities once I graduated from high school. I did not even discuss the option with my parents because I assumed I wasn’t smart enough and that we couldn’t afford it and so I settled for community college. Neither of my parents continued their education after high school and so I did not have anyone pressing me to try. Now I am in my senior year at UNI and I am graduating in May. At the time I lacked the motivation and I did not see a positive outcome for trying to apply to better schools. I only feared rejection.

Terms: personal-control belief (encouraged and discouraged), efficacy, outcome, self-efficacy, motivation

This chapter was about personal control beliefs and self efficacy. Personal control is basically the belief that an attempted influence on an environment will be responded to by that environment and how that impacts whether you act on the environment or not. People evaluate their situation beforehand and use efficacy and outcome expectations to do so. Efficacy expectations are the ability involved expectations; whether or not the person can accomplish what they hope to. Outcome expectations are the likelihood of a successful attempt having the desired impact on the environment. Both of those expectations should be high before action is motivated. Self efficacy is the personal assessment of how one can deal with a given circumstance. Ability and self efficacy are similar but not the same as self efficacy is how ability is used effectively. The opposite of self efficacy is doubt. There are four sources of self efficacy and each is important. The first and most obvious, personal experience, is how past experiences tell us a lot about future performance. There are also multiple effects from levels of self efficacy, the biggest being the choices we make. People seek out activities they are capable of handling and avoid those they don’t believe they can accomplish.

Empowerment is increased by self efficacy and is the belief that one has control over their life. Mastery beliefs also come from strong self efficacy and leads to perception of causal links between action and outcome. Mastery oriented people seek challenges and overcome setbacks when they occur whereas helpless oriented people avoid challenge and doubt their abilities when setbacks occur. Learned helplessness is a problem based on outcome expectancies where people believe they have no impact on the outcome no matter their actions. The most interesting part of the chapter was here for me. The experiments with the dogs and the corresponding human experiments with similar outcomes were very intriguing. The learning conditions that couldn’t escape shock (in the dogs) didn’t escape the shock when the option arose because they gave up too early. This shows the deficiencies of learned helplessness; motivation decreases, learning decreases, and emotions are impacted toward depression and apathy.

Personal control beliefs mediate behavior in how we view its impact on our situations. If someone has learned helplessness, they perceive their actions as being independent of the outcome and tend to avoid challenge. That trend in activity only spirals them into more negative behavior because they never allow themselves chance to prove their abilities.

Terms: personal control, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self efficacy, personal behavior, empowerment, mastery belief, learned helplessness

Chapter 9 is all about control. Either learning to take control, staying in control and coping with failures and setbacks. It talks about having the ability to take personal control over the behaviors and actions around you and how that motivates the individual. In this process, outcome expectation and efficacy expectation are extremely important. Outcome expectation is determining if a specific action will have the desired outcome in the end. Efficacy outcome is determining whether or not an individual (whether it is others or themselves) can behave in the necessary way to achieve the desired outcome. Both of these are simultaneously calculated when creating goals or plans. Self-efficacy is correlated with the resiliency, the capacity to achieve the desired function, and the ability to cope with failures. In essence, it is how strong a person is inside. Will they crumble under pressure, under failure or never even try because they don’t believe in themselves enough. Coping with failure is something that all are forced to endure at some point in their lives. The way they cope can depend on their self-efficacy. They can either exhibit mastery where they respond to failure by remaining on task and remaining focused and motivated. They can also cope with learned helplessness. The book says that efficacy expectations are the building blocks of self-efficacy, outcome expectancies are the building blocks of learned helplessness. If they find that something is unavoidable the expectancy of that failure makes them feel helpless and they lose the ability to feel empowered. Empowerment is possessing knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives. Those high in empowerment feel very in control over the things that are going on around them. They probably have a high perceived control. That is, if they believe in their self then they believe that the action they do will result in the desired outcome. Those high in helplessness can have it effect behaviors and even moods such as depression. I can hypothesize that the feeling of helplessness has a correlation with explanatory style. This style is the way cognitively a person explains the reasons why bad events happen to them. Those that have a pessimistic explanatory style have a higher degree of feeling helpless (they have high academic failure, social distress, physical illness and impaired job performance). On the flip side, an optimistic explanatory style can result in a person feeling higher degrees of empowerment.
These control beliefs affect our behavior by either encouraging or discouraging us. Those that have a high self-efficacy and have an optimistic explanatory style can enjoy more empowerment and perceived control. Those people will strive to make goals and enjoy self-motivating qualities that bring about positive behaviors and because they have these positive behaviors will enjoy positive environmental outcomes. Those that have a low self-efficacy and have a pessimistic explanatory style more than likely will feel higher degrees of helplessness. This can result in more negative behaviors, and can lead to high academic failure, social distress, physical illness and impaired job performance. Granted, most do not experience either one end of the spectrum or the other, but the relationships of one will usually somewhat determine the degrees of another. In this way, self-efficacy, empowerment/helplessness, and explanatory style are highly related. I like to relate all of this to something that I know very well, gymnastics (because I was a gymnast for 12 years and I coach it). Self-efficacy is very important; if you don’t believe in yourself then you’re going to hit a block on progression and achievement. Those that lack high self-efficacy get left behind. If they start getting left behind and they never try something then result in pessimistic explanatory styles. For instance, falling is just something that happens in gymnastics. You’re bound to fall, you’re bound to get hurt, it’s just a part of the sport. Those that can look at it and explain it in a optimistic explanatory style will attempt the skill again, despite what had before because they know the outcome doesn’t always happen that way. If they believe in themselves and they do the desired action, most times the outcome is positive. However, if you look at it from a pessimistic explanatory style, they lose self-efficacy and belief in themselves if they outcome is not what they want. The ability to get back on the horse is very empowering, especially when you do it and achieve the desired outcome. Those that never get up on the horse again to try that skill start to feel helpless because eventually it seems like they can’t do anything because they are too afraid to try the skills that resulted in a negative outcome…even if it is just one time.

Terms: personal control, self-efficacy, coping, perceived control, outcome, outcome expectation, efficacy expectation, empowerment, mastery, learned helplessness, depression, explanatory style, pessimistic explanatory style, optimistic explanatory style

Chapter 9 discussed the personal control beliefs. It started out talking about expectancies. There are two types of expectancies. They are efficacy and outcome. Efficacy expectations are about one’s capacity to competently enact a particular course of action. An example of this would be a person asking himself/herself, “Can I do it?” Outcome expectancies are forecasts that a particular outcome will be achieved (or prevented) once a given action is adequately executed. Perceived control consists of the self, action, and control. It revolves around how the self (agent) can exert control (ends).
Self-efficacy is the individual’s belief that he/she has what it takes to cope effectively with the demands of a specific situation. Self-efficacy is not quite the same thing efficacy expectations. Self-efficacy is defined as one’s judgment of how well (or poorly) one will cope with a situation, given the skill one possesses and the circumstances one faces. Self-efficacy beliefs enable productive ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Therefore it serves as a model for personal empowerment. Gains in self-efficacy can prevent anxiety, doubt, and avoidance.
Learned helplessness happens when an individual expects the events in his/her life are uncontrollable. Helplessness is learned. When people learn that their behavior has more of an influence than outside influences on the outcome, it becomes mastery motivational orientation. When people learn that their behavior has little or not impact over the outcome while outside influences do, they learn a helpless motivational orientation. The fundamental components that explain learned helplessness effects are contingency, cognition, and behavior.
Contingency is the relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcome. Cognition is the mental processes the individual relies on to translate objective environmental contingencies into subjective personal control beliefs. Behavior refers to the person’s voluntary cooping behavior.
Personal control beliefs affect behavior by either making us approach (mastery) or avoid (helpless) the situation. When someone have a mastery motivational orientation, they will welcome the challenge and try to master it. For example, if someone is learning how to ride a bike and they keep failing, they will keep trying until they have learned how to ride a bike. When someone is helpless motivational oriented, they will shy away from a challenge. For example, when someone is learning to ride a bike but they fail, they will not likely keep trying and say that they can't do it.
terms: self-efficacy, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, empowerment, mastery, helpless, learned helplessness,

Chapter nine deals with personal control, effectiveness of actions and their influence on the individual. It also deals with coping mechanisms for failure and the effects of helplessness.

Vicarious experience is interesting. Naturally, we model behavior based on what we see. Those without any experience wouldn't understand as many of the subtleties involved. It would look easy, no matter how hard if everyone you saw made it look that easy. I wonder if it would be proportionally disheartening to fail badly at something that everyone else made look easy. It would start the first instance of the activity within personal behaviors history on a low note. A more interesting corollary would be because one's opinion of their skill at the behavior would appear to grow more quickly. There is more improvement to be made. If one got over the initial disappointment of that first failure, they would be quick to accept the term of a fast learner and it would appear to be accurate. It's kind of a subconscious reaction to improve one's perceptions of their own skill. It falls in line with one's tendency to see their own actions as more positive.

Learned helplessness and helplessness in general is also incredibly interesting to me. It's the darkest part of personal control beliefs. The inescapable shock dog experiment is terrifying to me, not just for what it is but for what it means. As painful as those experiences may be, some human beings go through worse. The data that I'd be more interested in with the inescapable shock experiment is the time in which to took to de-condition the learned helplessness from the dogs.

If I had to guess, learned helplessness would be de-conditioned at the point where instances of personal experiences with positively controlled situations outnumbered helpless situations. The number would have to be adjusted according to the instances of highly successful controlled situations or incredibly powerful helpless situations. They would naturally add more weight to their perspective ends. Another important part of this theory would also extend to resurgence of learned helplessness at any time because the weight of the successful controlled situations would be much closer to that of the helpless situations.

Learned helplessness also extends to specific behaviors rather than a mood state. Learning deficits like this happen when one individual repeatedly failed at a task, they could develop a mindset which contributed to their continuing failures. After a certain point, they feel helpless to succeed at a task, and therefore, likely to give up on it.

High self efficacy causes individuals to look for opportunities to engage in behaviors they believe themselves to be skilled in. This generates a loop where the skills they are good at continue to improve while the skills they believe themselves to suck at are rarely exercised. It's an utterly self fulfilling prophecy.

If a person is raised with the idea that their intellectual prowess will be stunted because they come from an area where no one graduates high school, they are less likely to graduate. The idea that they have no control over their environment and that their environment controls their success will lead to a lack of motivation to attempt to exceed that environment in most cases. When that idea changes, and that same youth determines that he is able to overcome his environment if he works hard enough, not only is he more likely to succeed than those with the control belief that they have little to no control, but the environment itself gives that student something to strive against.

Personal Control
Vicarious Experience
Learned Helplessness
Learning Deficits

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