Chapter 6 - Psychological Needs


Read chapter 6. Summarize the chapter. What was the most surprising thing you learned? If you had to rate yourself as high, medium, low, on the various psychological needs, what would those ratings be? How do those various levels manifest themselves in your life? Choose one psychological need and discuss how it motivates some of your specific behaviors.

If you had to make a guess, what's the deal with the fish picture? How does it relate to this chapter?

Provide a list of terms at the end of your post that you used from the chapter.


Autonomy, competence and relatedness. Those three words sum up chapter 6 very nicely. Chapter 5 discuss how autonomy and competence are related to intrinsic motivation. Chapter 6 expands on these needs and also includes relatedness as a psychological need for people. We are influenced by our environment. We react to situations and conversations at a psychological level and behave based on how these situations affect us. Our autonomy, competence and relatedness needs must be met and if they are not will will feel stifled, incompetent and lonely. Just like we do for our physiological needs, we strive to meet our psychological needs.
I really enjoyed both the section on autonomy and the section on competency and how to create an environment that fosters both autonomy and competency. While reading about how we achieve autonomy (via perceived locus of causality, volition and perceived choice) I thought about how I think we often fool ourselves as humans into thinking we are doing something based purely on our own will. For instance, the book mentioned an example of reading a book. Sometimes we read because we truly enjoy reading while other times we read because we are told we must. Sometimes, I think we think we are doing things because we want to when really we are doing them to achieve some sort of reward or praise. Sometimes we chose to do things in order to impress others or achieve a social benefit (i.e. reading a book that everyone seems to be reading so that you don't stick out as weird or so that you are seen as being cool or something). While the person might be choosing to read a book or dress in a certain way, it might not always be their true internal desire to read that book or wear that dress. A lot of times we "chose" to behave in a particular way because of some indirect social pressure to do so yet we think we usually perceive that we are making the choice solely for ourselves.
Moving past that, I'd like to talk a little about perceived choice. Perceived choice: do we feel like we can make the decisions we want to or are we prevented from doing what we would like? I have thought about this a bit lately. My favorite grocery store in town (Roots Market), closed recently. Roots was a great little place to buy groceries. They had most of the items that I wanted and many of them were organic and locally grown items. Just as I really started to seek out more locally grown and organic products, Roots had to close for financial reasons. I initially agonized over the loss of this great little market. Now I shop at HyVee. They don't have many organic options nor do they have that many local options. I am unable to buy what I want and it's frustrating. Even if I find an organic food item that I am looking for there is generally something about it that I am not 100% happy about (e.g. it is an overly packaged produce item...something else that annoys me). Grocery shopping has become a frustrating process because I no longer have much choice in what I buy. Sure HyVee has a lot of selection but not really of what I am looking for in food. There really is very little I can do and it is so frustrating! Oh, one little thought I was having while reading the beginning of chapter 6 was: does the need for autonomy differ across cultures? Just a curious thought.
I also want to delve into a specific area of competence: flow. When we feel competence we feel like we are able to succeed in a certain endeavor. When we feel competent we often enter a flow state or a state in which we are highly concentrated and consumed in a task or behavior. Flow is a sweet thing to experience. It results from the delicate combination of your personal skill and the difficulty level of the task you are undertaking. In other words: optimal challenge. In my own life, I seek to find that optimal challenge when I rock climb. If I climb something that is too easy, I don't feel that accomplished. On the other hand, if I climb something that is just too difficult, I feel worthless and disheartened. When I find route that is pretty tough but is still doable, I feel so great while I'm doing it and after. I can get into that flow state which is just so awesome. Like the book says, with optimal challenge, there should be just as much of a chance for failure as there is for success. That's why it is the perfect challenge. You want to push yourself by doing something difficult but you want to know that you can eventually succeed at doing it.
If I were to rank my psychological needs I would rank them as a high need for autonomy, a medium need for competence and a low to medium low need for relatedness. I don't know for sure how I would rate relatedness I guess. It's always been something I haven't considered much of a need of mine but I think I also take it for granted because I am often in situations where I have friends or family around.
Poor little fishy. In order to survive he must live in a bowl. He has no choice and therefore his autonomy is stifled. While this fish has just about succeeded in freeing himself from the constraints of the bowl, he will soon realize that he needs the bowl (the water) to survive. So really, he has no choice if he wants to live. He must remain in the bowl. Autonomy= not reached. Sad.

Terms: autonomy, competence, perceived choice, flow

The focus of chapter six is the human psychological needs and the relationships that support versus neglect the needs. The three needs that the chapter stresses are: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy is the need to have self-direction and control of one’s behavior. Competence is a desire to be good at all tasks an individual is involved in. Relatedness is the need to belong in a social aspect. Motivation also plays a large role in this chapter based on the use of approaches to reach needs. The organismic approach is directly affected with the environment, while the mechanistic approach is based on the person’s reactions to the environment. And the overall theory is that we all posses the skills to adapt to our needs. The chapter also explains many aspects of the environments affects on motivation based on psychological needs. Many areas cover in-depth use of feedback, structure, and choice. I learned to understand individuals better after reading and studying this chapter. What is surprising to me is the fact of how different each person’s needs are. For example I have a friend that very much needs relatedness and am very affected when social interaction and her relationships are not at peak. I personally think it is important to have social interaction, but my independence overcomes the need for social interaction. I do think long term I would be affected but short term it would not affect me. I was also interested in the structure to provide that can affect meeting needs. I have a large position in my sorority on campus and learning what to do to provide maximum optimal challenge and flow. Supporting others in their needs is a large key to successes.
My personal ratings of my needs are ambiguous. My personality is independent and driven, however my needs change based on my environment. Overall I would rate them as follows; autonomy, relatedness, and competence. I want to be in charge of what I do and have determined my behavior. Each action I do I want a natural drive to do so, if not I commonly can be careless. Autonomy helps me achieve optimal functioning. Relatedness is another need that I find very important to be at my best. It is the desire to belong and maintain positive relationships. What is good if you cannot share it with others? Competence comes last because when autonomy and relatedness is achieved competence comes natural.
The goldfish picture is an insight of the needs above. He wants relatedness and cannot find it inside a fishbowl alone. His autonomy is taken by being controlled by his ownership and environment. And he cannot reach competence because there is no challenge. Maybe this is why their lives are so short.

Key terms: Psychological Needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, organismic approach, mechanistic approach, oranisimic theory, optimal challenge, flow,

Chapter six was a discussion of psychological needs. Psychological needs are what drives and motivates us into certain behaviors, whether it is the need for interactions with others, the need for food or water, or the need to make our own decisions, all are a part of psychological needs. Psychological needs are often referred to as organismic psychological needs meaning these needs provide the motivation that supports initiative and learning such as the motivation behind people exercising or reading a book. Psychological needs can be broken down into three subparts, autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy is the psychological need to experience the intuition and regulations of ones own behaviors, along with the need to experience self-direction. These wants and desires to make ones own decisions and choices leads to a perceived locus of causality (PLOC). PLOC is and individuals understanding of the casual source of their motivated actions. Being able to have choices and understanding where our motivation comes from to make those choices is a huge part of autonomy. The next aspect of psychological needs is competence. Competence is defined as the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment and reflects the desires to exercises ones skills, and generates the willingness to seek out optimal challenges. What this means is that want to participate in certain activities that pose somewhat of a challenge to us, but at the same time want the challenge to be within the range of the skills we currently possess. The book discusses the concept of optimal challenge and flow. What this is discussing is how we want to achieve optimal flow (a pleasurable experience that people often repeat to achieve the same amount of enjoyment they did in the first time doing the activity) and that being over challenged or over skilled in a specific task or activity can create emotion problems such as boredom and the want to give up on that task. Competence also relates to the challenges and feedback we get everyday in our day to day interactions which and help and hinder our competence in different ways. Providing feedback often helps promote competence in the need to better ones self in a certain aspect or task. The final division of psychological needs is the need of relatedness. Relatedness is our psychological need to want to belong. It is our need to establish different relationships and close emotional bonds within those relationships. This need for relatedness is what causes us to gravitate towards people that we trust and care for and what pushes us away from people we don’t trust or don’t care about their well being. To create satisfying social bonds there needs to be a sense of care about the welfare of the other in the relationship, and the mutual feeling of “liking” someone.
One thing that stood out to me was the discussion of communal and exchange relationships. Communal relationships are those between people who care about one another. Exchange relationships are those that are between acquaintances or people who do business together. The fact that surprised me about this was the books definition of the distinguished differences between the two of is the giving and receiving benefits such as money. It was just interesting to me to see relationships being defined in large part by the exchange of money. I never have thought about that as a descriptor of any type of relationship. My need for relatedness is one of the reasons that drove me to want to become a Residents Assistant in the fact I was looking to make more lasting, meaningful relationships in college through not only my resident but also my fellow RA staff members.
When it comes to rating myself as high, medium, or low on the previous psychological needs, I feel that I rate fairly high in the autonomy and relatedness sections because for the most part I feel that I fulfill the aspects of those needs. When it comes to competence however, I feel that I would rate myself as in the middle because I know I sometimes struggle with fulfilling these needs and these need aren’t necessarily always met.
When it comes to the fish in the picture, I feel it could be interpreted in multiple ways whether it is the fish is looking to meet the need of relatedness by jumping into another fish bowl, the need for competence and being challenged to get out of the bowl, or the suppressing the need for autonomy by choosing to no longer be trapped in the fish bowl. The possibilities are endless.

Terms: Psychological needs, organismic psychological needs, autonomy, perceived locus of causality, optimal challenges and flow, relatedness, communal relationships, exchange relationships.

Chapter 6 defines and describes human psychological needs. The organismic approach to motivation acknowledges that environments constantly change and thus, organisms need flexibility to adjust to and accommodate the changes. Another theory on psychological needs is that of the person-environment dialectic. This theory states that the relationship between person and environment is reciprocal in that both the person and environment constantly change. The ever-changing environment offers challenges, provides feedback, and contains relationships that support the psychological needs of the ever-changing person. Both the environment and the person feed off each other in order to support the other. Organismic psychological needs are define as: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Autonomy is the want to make our own decisions for ourselves; it is the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. The text states that there are three qualities that work together to define autonomy: perceived locus of causality (individual’s understanding of causal source of his/her motivated actions), volition (unpressured willingness to engage in an activity), and perceived choice over one’s actions. Supporting autonomy comes from the environment that provides opportunities for self-direction.
Competence is the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges. As stated in the text, the key environmental conditions that involves human need for competence are “optimal challenges, clear and helpful structure, and high failure tolerance from others.” The environmental conditions that satisfy our need for competence are those environments containing “positive feedback and the perception of progress.” According to the text, the essence of enjoyment is traced to the “flow experience.” Flow is the state of concentration that involves holistic absorption and deep involvement in an activity. This occurs when a person uses his/her skills to overcome a challenge; flow emerges when challenge and skill are either moderately high or high.
Relatedness is the psychological need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people; it reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved in warm relationships. In order to satisfy the psychological need of relatedness, a person needs to confirm that the emerging social bonds with other people involve aspects of both caring and liking (e.g. communal relationship).

The text concludes chapter 6 by providing social contexts that support our psychological needs. The social contexts collectively include: autonomy support, structure, and involvement. According to the text, “when people experience psychological need satisfaction, they experience the [psychological needs] necessary for active engagement, having ‘a good day,’ and subjective experiences of vitality and well-being.”

The most surprising thing I learned in this chapter was how we are able to sort psychological needs of all humans into three broad categories. After learning more about each need, it is easier for me to understand and see why these are essential to human life. It is interesting to me to apply the three needs into my daily life and to look for them in such places as magazines or the media. PostSecret was a great website to search in depth for the psychological needs of humans all over the world.

I found it a bit challenging to rate my psychological needs. I would definitely rate myself as having a medium-high need for relatedness. I find myself very lonely sometimes and only wish to connect with others or to spend a few hours with a close friend. My relatedness need is almost always filled, but I still feel that my need is quite high to feel related and socialize with others. In contrast, there are times when I feel being alone is the best option – maybe to think or to be personally productive without outside distractions). For my need for autonomy I would also rate myself as medium-high. I am incredibly, extremely, annoyingly indecisive. I always look to others for their opinions and feedback and I find it hard to make decisions myself. However, there are plenty of things that I am capable of making my own decisions about. At times I love to give my personal opinions and to have a sense of choice throughout my day. Even though I have a hard time/do not particularly making decisions, I still have a need to have control over the decisions made. I look to other people’s opinions and ultimately take them into account when I make the final decision for myself. I attain a great sense of autonomy when making the decisions myself. As for the psychological need of competence, I would rate myself as medium to high once again. I love meeting personal challenges and gain a great sense of competence upon achieving goals. I enjoy exercising my abilities and skills as well. I feel that my need for competence is readily available depending on the situation or the environment.
The three psychological needs indeed manifest themselves in my life as they are all interconnected. It is hard for all of my needs to be met if just one need is being sacrificed. A specific psychological need that motivates some of my specific behaviors is the need of relatedness. I absolutely love making friends, and I try multiple methods of gaining a sense of relatedness wherever I go. (Relatedness is an inviting need for me and meeting that need proves my competence and shows that I am able to make my own decisions and portray a sense of autonomy).

Poor fish! It must be lonely swimming by itself in a boring bowl. This fish is trying to meet its need of relatedness by jumping out in hopes of finding other fish it can have a relationship with. Being alone in the bowl does not satisfy the need of relatedness. The fish has no autonomy in its bowl. It must succumb to the schedule of its owner as to when it is able to eat or gets to swim in a clean bowl. The fish’s need for autonomy is met in this picture however, as it has made a decision to escape and jump from the bowl.
Competence would come into effect as the fish understands and meets the challenge to free itself from the bowl. Competence would not be met if the fish were not able to fill its needs of relatedness and autonomy.

Terms: organismic approach, person-environment dialectic, autonomy, perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice, competence, optimal challenges, flow, positive feedback, and relatedness

Chapter six discusses three psychological needs based on the organismic approach to motivation. In organismic theories, it is suggested that people interact with the environment to survive, grow, and adapt as the environment around them changes. The organismic psychological needs are autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Autonomy is a person’s ability to be able to drive their own lives. An autonomous person takes control of their actions, decisions, and other aspects of their lives. In order to have a high level of autonomy, one needs to have several things. People need to understand why they are engaging in such behaviors, also called perceived locus of causality (PLOC). Having an internal PLOC simply means the person is driven from within themselves, and there is not an environmental incentive such as money or rewards. These environmental incentives would be referred to as external PLOC. Other aspects of autonomy are volition and perceived choice. Autonomy supportive behaviors and giving people choices are important to increase ones autonomy and intrinsic motivation (pg. 147).

Competence is another psychological need that allows us to interact and use our skills and abilities with the environment. Competence allows us enter a state of “flow.” Flow is when we are zoned out, involved in an activity, and we are fully engaged. For example, a pitcher may be in a state of flow during a baseball game. They are concentrating on their task while keeping track of the situation they are in. They are constantly trying to outthink the hitter and get them to swing and miss, or make poor contact with the ball. Whenever we are in a state of flow, we often seek out optimal challenges. The pitcher may try and play competitive baseball, challenging his skills. Sometimes these optimal challenges are successfully completed, and at times they are not. Failure tolerance is when someone fails at a challenging task. If the talent of competitive baseball is too much for the pitcher, he may be motivated to quit playing at that level because he has a low failure tolerance.

The last psychological need is relatedness. Relatedness is a persons need to have relationships, attachments, and connect with people. As discussed on page 162, “relatedness is an important motivational construct because people function better, are more resilient to stress, and report fewer psychological difficulties when their interpersonal relationships support their need for relatedness.” If a person is experiencing difficulties, having a relationship offers comfort, someone to talk to that can give you advice, listen, and give you sympathy. Relationships can vary in form. There are communal relationships, such as those between family members and good friends. These people care for each other. Exchange relationships are those between people who are acquainted by work, school, etc. One aspect that I found very interesting was on page 163, when it talked about loneliness. Everyone interacts with people just as much as everyone else, it’s just the type of interaction that exists. Many people have close-knit relationships, therefore there need for relatedness is satisfied. On the other hand, people that are lonely don’t have that closeness with their peers as other people do, and their need of relatedness is left unsatisfied. That is why they experience loneliness.

If I were to rate myself on autonomy, competence, and relatedness, I would rate myself high on all three, maybe very high on competence. For autonomy, I feel like I drive my own life. No one can tell me when or what to do something if I don’t want to. Sure, going to school and playing basketball give have given me plenty of schedules that I’ve made my routine, but I want to do all that. It was my choice because those things intrinsically motivate me. I feel I am very competent. I’m one of those persons who have to be good at everything they do. For example, my roommates and I like to play tennis in our free time. None of us have played much tennis in the past, but when we do, we take it very seriously. I always feel the need to be good at whatever I do, whether it’s school, sports, and just everyday hobbies of mine. Generally, I’d say I do pretty well in the things I engage in. For relatedness, I would rate myself as high because I have always thought of my close friends and family to be the most important part of my life. I feel like I have to always keep in touch with them. Without knowing that I have their love and support, it would be hard for me to do what I do. The psychological need that most drives my behaviors is my need for competence. Like I said, I try to be the best at everything I do. Like school, I am motivated to learn and get the best grades possible. Teachers give us all the information we need to get good grades, it is just a matter of effort on our part to get that good grade. It bothers me when I don’t do well because I was too lazy to pick up a book. That is why I strive to do well in school.

As for the fish, you could apply all three psychological needs in this picture. The fish needs to satisfy his autonomy because he does not have the choice of where he lives, activities he does, or when he gets fed. The fish may need to get out of his restricted environment to gain freedom, where there are no barriers and he can drive his life. He may need to satisfy his competence to prove he can jump, or leap, that high or out of the fishbowl. The fish may need to fulfill his relatedness because he doesn’t have any relationships, or contact with anything else in his bowl. If he can get out of the bowl, say to another bowl or another body of water, and then he can encounter other fish and interact and form communal relationships with.

Terms: intrinsic motivation, autonomy, flow, engagement, optimal challenges, failure tolerance, relatedness, communal relationships, exchange relationships, competence, Perceived locus of control, autonomy supportive behaviors, volition, perceived choice.

Chapter 6 was about three core psychological needs. The chapter starts off by discussing the organismic approach to motivation. This approach is made of up theories that acknowledge that a changing environment causes organisms to adapt to and be flexible to those changes. With this thought comes the person-environment dialectic. This was discussed as a two way relationship between the individual and the environment. Next in the chapter the three psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness were discussed in depth.

Autonomy was described as the desire for choice. Three qualities work together to define the experience of autonomy, according to chapter 6. These three are perceived locus of causality, volition, and perceived choice. Next, a discussion of the difference between being offered a choice and the experience of “true” choice was discussed. The attributes that make up an autonomy supporting person and an autonomy controlling person were talked about. A person that is autonomy supporting will nurture inner motivational resources, rely on informational language, provide explanatory rationales, and acknowledge and accept negative affect. A discussion of the benefits of autonomy support wrapped up the autonomy section of the chapter.

Competence was next and was defined in the chapter as the desire to improve our skills and capacities. The discussion of the Flow Model was next. The four quadrants of this model were talked about and examples were given of different people who would fit into these different quadrants. The interdependency between challenge and feedback and how important structure is to a person’s competence were discussed. In addition, the concept of failure tolerance in relation to competence was mentioned. The ideas of positive feedback and the pleasure of optimal challenge were the last thing to be discussed related to competence.

Finally, relatedness is described as the psychological need to connect to other people. Interactions with others, social bonds, communal and exchange relationships, and internalization were the ideas associated with relatedness. The chapter wraps up by discussing social contexts that support these three psychological needs such as engagement, having a good day, and vitality.

Something that surprised me in this chapter was the characteristic of an autonomy supporting person in which they provide explanatory rationales. I know from past experience that parents typically provide the phrase “because I said so” as a rationale for telling their children what to do. Obviously as children we hate this explanation but many children grow up to use this same rationale on their children. However, if we want to support the autonomy of our children then we’re much better off providing an actual reason for asking them to do a certain task rather than saying “because I’m the mom and that’s why!” I was surprised by how many times I have encountered rationales typically given by controlling people. The book gives the example of “Just get it done” and I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve heard that from parents, teachers, coaches, and managers.

If I had to rate myself on these needs I would say that I am high in relatedness and medium in both autonomy and competence. Like so many other people would say, family and friends are very important to me. I dislike being alone for extended periods of time and I love creating emotional bonds with other people. I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m an out-going person, but I do like to form close relationships with few people.

I said I’m mostly medium on autonomy because although I like flexibility and being able to make my own decisions about things, I can be a very indecisive person and I enjoy structure in my life. I tend to think of myself as an organized person, so I like when things go a certain way throughout my day. I don’t like sudden change but I do enjoy a certain level of flexibility, especially between work and school. In addition, I’m also one of those people that, if given multiple options, will probably take forever to decide on just one because I’m so indecisive!

I also rated myself medium on the psychological need of competence because although I enjoy challenges, I tend to not give myself enough credit and approach tasks that are too easy for me. For example, at work they always give me a huge list of things I need to get done within a small time frame and I’m always so worried and afraid that I won’t be able to get them done in time. Whenever I express these thoughts to my managers they always say “don’t underestimate yourself, you’ll be fine.” It almost always turns out that they’re right and I tend to get everything on the list checked off with time to spare!

I started to in the previous paragraphs, but to give examples of how relatedness motivates some specific behaviors of mine, I would say that I hate spending the night alone. In addition, I have a job that includes interacting with customers and with my coworkers on a daily basis. A big example of my need for relatedness would be the fact that I’m engaged. I also am close to my mom and I talk to her every day on the phone. And lastly, I typically talk to my close friends frequently!

If I had to make a guess about the fish picture I would say that the fish is jumping out of the bowl because 1) he’s alone in the bowl so he’s jumping out to possibly find other fish and satisfy his need for relatedness 2) he wanted to take the optimal challenge of jumping out of the bowl so as to increase his feelings of competence and 3) he wanted to jump out of the bowl to prove that he does have a choice in where he lives or dies to improve his feelings of autonomy

Terms: autonomy, relatedness, competence, failure tolerance, organismic, person-environmental dialectic, autonomy supporting, autonomy controlling, flow, optimal challenge, communal and exchange relationships, engagement, and vitality

This chapter discussed the three psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness, all of which fall within an organismic approach to motivation. Autonomy refers to an individual’s initiative and regulation of his own behavior; he does things that he wants to do, when he wants to do them. Competence is “the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and it reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges” (pg. 155). In order to feel competent, we must feel moderately challenged, and feel that we succeeded in overcoming that challenge. Relatedness is our psychological need to feel attached to or close with other people; in order to have this need satisfied, we must feel like others both care and like us.

The most surprising thing that I learned is that we feel more competent when we overcome a moderate challenge than if we overcome something that we find too challenging. This is called optimal challenge. I would have thought that the opposite was true, but I learned otherwise in the section that talked about optimal challenge and flow. The book states that “flow is a state of concentration that involves a holistic absorption and deep involvement in an activity” (pg. 156). The book discusses that when a task becomes too difficult for our skill level, we begin to worry, which threatens our competence; however, if a challenge matches our skill level, we often feel the “flow experience,” which is enjoyable. This often causes us to repeat the activity in order to feel the flow experience again and again.

In regards to autonomy, I would give myself a medium rating. I like to be able to do things that I want to do when I want to do them, but I am usually not bothered when others assign me tasks to be completed by a certain time. I can also be very indecisive, so having someone tell me what to do is a relief from time to time. I would give myself a high rating for competence, as I become highly motivated to accomplish difficult tasks if I feel like I am not doing them well. I can also become very competitive if I feel like someone else is more competent in something than me; I will work even harder in order to prove to myself that I am equally – if not more – competent than they are. This especially holds true in my classes, as I am always motivated to be one of the highest scoring students. Of the three psychological needs, competence is the most important for me. I would give myself a medium rating for relatedness. I care deeply about my relationships with my family, boyfriend and close friends, but beyond that do not feel a strong desire to spend all of my time with people. In fact, I rather enjoy having time to myself. When I came to college my need for relatedness was very high, but after spending months abroad, I became more content with myself and no longer need the constant contact with others.

The fish in the picture is showing its need for autonomy. Instead of living its life within the confines of its bowl – as its instincts demand – it is choosing to finally make its own decisions instead of letting the environment decide for it. The fish’s need for autonomy was so high that it was motivated to jump out of the water, which is something that it physically needs, in order to feel free and experience psychological well-being. I bought a beta at the beginning of the year that must have had a similar desire. I told everyone that it committed suicide; now I know better. ; )

Terms: autonomy, competence, relatedness, optimal challenge, flow

Everybody has interests and activities that they love to do. It may be a sport or reading books. Either one is driven by a form of psychological needs. Chapter six is all about the different types of psychological needs. These needs are motivated by exploration and challenges, not by things like food and water in physiological needs. There are three different categories of psychological needs: Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness. Autonomy refers to the need of being able to choose things for ourselves. Everyone wants to be able to do things on their own without someone having to decide for them. There is a sense of self-gratification that comes along with being independent. People like to make unpressured choices of what activities they will be involved in, which are called volition. This is one way our psychological needs are fulfilled. Another category is competence. This is when people feel like they are efficiently accomplishing goals or tasks in life such as at work or school. People like to feel like they are worth something and not just around to take up space. This is why competence is a need is psychological activating. Being able to find something that is challenging and then to do well at that thing that is challenging makes a person feel very competent. An example would be someone who likes to play football because they have to work hard everyday to be able to get touchdowns and win. This is how people feel competent. The last category talked about in chapter six is relatedness. This refers to people wanting to belong socially. Everyone wants to have friends and be liked. Social interations are rewarding when people understand you for who you are. A person can be either highly engaged in a relationship with others or they can be not very engaged. Engagement is when people show that they are intensely or emotionally carrying out an activity. People who are highly engaged in a social aspect are ususally more satisfied and enjoy their relationships more. All three of these categories help explain what psychological needs are and that is what chapter six is all about.

The most interesting part of chapter six was about the failure tolerance. This is when something that is challenging becomes too challenging and the pesron dreads that they may fail instead. I guess I kind of knew this was true, but I never really actually thought about it because most people do like a good challenge. There are a small few people who stray away from anything challenging because they think they will just fail. I can relate this failure tolerence because I tend to stay away from anything that has to do with being in a team sport. I have always fial at being a good sports player because I always felt like I was letting the team down because I am just not very good at volleyball or basketball. I did not realize I was doing this because the challenge of feeling competent had been overcome by dread of failing.

If I had to choose which needs I considered myself to be high or low in, I would say that I really feel the need for competence more than I do autonomy or relatedness. I like to feel like I am worth something and that I am always doing well in school, work and all of my relationships. I may try to hard to be the best at everything instead of focusing on one thing and being just good at that thing. I can honestly say that my weakness is that I am a perfectionist and if I dont do one hundred percent on something like a test I think about how I could have done better, even if I only missed one or two questions. This shows that I try to challenge myself all the time in life and that is sometimes not the greatest thing for me to do. The need that I would rate myself as low in would be autonomy. I really do not always like to make my own decisions and like to hear input from others around me before I go do something on my own. I do like to think independently, but I always feel like I may make the wrong decisions if I do try to do something on my own in life. For example right now I am trying to figure out which graduate schools to apply to and I have to ask more than one professor what they think and then I need to ask all my siblings what they think. So overall I do not use high autonomy in my life. Relatedness would then be the medium ranked need in my life. I do like to feel like I belong, but I do not always need human contact. I love my alone time and I also like to do my own thing alot of the time. It can get lonely sometimes also, so having friends and people to relate to is a plus.

So if I had a guess at what the picture of the fish and the fish bowl has to do with this chapter, I would say that it represents autonomy and competence. It shows that the fish can make its own decisions to leave the fish bowl and is competent enough to get out of the bowl on it's own. It is no longer being forced to stay in that boring place called its "home". I actually had first saw this picture in another psychology book of mine and I never could figure out what it had to do with psychology. Now I can say I understand it!

Terms: psychological needs, autonomy, volition, competence, relatedness, engagement, failure tolerence

Chapter 6 discusses the psychological needs and how we get more interested in an activity that satisfies our needs. The three main needs that are discussed are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy has to do with giving us freedom in our decision making and freedom to do what we want. Sometimes it isn’t that autonomous, for example if someone asks you if you want chocolate or white cake, there isn’t a lot of freedom to choose. There would be if the question was simply do you want cake? Competence is the need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and it, reflects the desire to exercise ones capacities and skills, and in doing so, seek out and master optimal challenges. It talks about how relatedness is the desire for relationships with individuals extends to relationships with groups, organizations, and companies. For each one of these 3 needs there are supportive motivation styles that provide more value and meaning to the need. The chapter also talks about how we as individuals react to the environment and if the environment changes we change as well (orgasmic theories of motivation). On the flip side, the mechanistic approach says the environment acts on the person and the person reacts, for instance when the environment gets cold you shiver.
The most surprising thing I learned from this chapter was that autonomy to choose isn’t always that autonomous. You think just because you got to choose what color of cake you want you are getting rewarded and are given a lot of autonomy. However, you would be given more autonomy if you would have been asked do you want cake, pizza, or steak.
I rate myself high with all 3 needs. I have a lot of autonomy at my job and find myself making decisions and choices constantly on my behalf. I also have it at school considering I can make the decisions to do or not do my homework and when to turn it in. Let it be known although I rate it high considering that’s what my life is like right now, I don’t feel like I really need it that much. It can sometimes be stressful and aversive but for the most part I find it desirable. I am high in competence whether it is at work or school; I am always trying to better myself. Taking classes each semester to graduate helps satisfy this need. At work I am constantly taking training courses as well as traveling to training sessions. I feel that I score high in relatedness for the fact that I find it desirable to be in many different clubs here on campus and be a part of different organizations that pertain to my job. When I succeed at any or all of these it reinforces my desire and drive, for them what makes me focus more attention and effort on them.
The need of competence motivates me to emit the behavior of going to school and furthering my education. At work I have an appetite to soak in as much information as I can to help offenders succeed in the real world. I can’t see my need for this to go down anytime soon.
The fish obviously wants to satisfy his need for relatedness. He’s stuck in the bowl by him/herself all day long with no motivating factors until food is sprinkled in. Now it seems as if he has built up enough drive and emotion to get out of pit of despair and make some friends.
Terms: motivation, competence, relatedness, autonomy, desirable, aversive, drive, desire, appetite, psychological need, orgasmic motivation, mechanistic motivation

This chapter discussed organismic motivation, which is when we acknowledge that our environment constantly changes, thus we need flexibility to adjust to and accommodate to those changes; organism’s also need environmental resources to grow and to actualize their latent potentials. We basically adapt to changes in our environment so we can be successful. Autonomy, competence, and relatedness are involved in the concept of organismic motivation.

We all want the freedom to construct our own goals as well as to decide what is worth our time and what is not. We have the need for autonomy, for example I want to graduate college with good grades and in order for me to do this I have made several decision’s that impact graduating. Thus I was able to construct my own goals and ideal of what I want to accomplish. An interesting aspect of autonomy is the idea that external events, environments, social contexts, and relationships vary in how much or how little they support an individual’s need for autonomy. It’s interesting that there are so many forces that impact the decisions we make, when we make them, and how. Something I have always wondered is why coaches can be so mean and aggressive towards their players. In the book the idea of controlling motivation style answers this question. Being very controlling adds interpersonal behavior to suppress and even deaden an individual’s inner motivational resources. This can cause the individual to not take part in the activity because they are no longer intrinsically motivated to do so.

Everyone wants to have the ability to interact effectively with their surroundings; this idea is known as competence. We all want to develop skills and improve our potential so we become better at the task. Thus when we achieve a goal or a difficult task we feel satisfied. Structure is a very important aspect that influences our ability to become competent. Structure is the amount of clarity of information about what the environment expects the person to do to achieve a desired outcome. We need guidance on how to complete a task successful or to at least make progress. For example if an individual wants to learn how to ride a bike they need to be put in an environment where they are likely to succeed or make progress. You don’t want to teach the individual on a gravel road, they probably won’t be able to complete the task successfully.

We all have a need to belong, we desire social interaction and we go out of our way to form and maintain these relationships with others. This idea is known as relatedness. We strive to create relationships whether they are personal, work, or related to school. For a relationship to be successful according to the book, the other person needs to care about my welfare and likes me. Overall we seek to form and maintain relationships with other because we have a need to relate.

We all have differences on how much autonomy, competence, and relatedness we have whether it is high, medium, or low on organismic motivation. I feel I am high in autonomy, high in competence, and high in relatedness. These ratings are shown every day through the different activities I take part in. for example I prefer to make decisions on my own and to have the ability to do what I want, thus I have high autonomy. I feel I am high in competence because I strive to be successful in everything I do and I want to constantly improve my actions. In relation to being high in terms of relatedness, I enjoy being around and interacting with other individuals.

As for the fish picture I would say that there are several ways of interpreting it, but I would guess that the fish has lost its sense of autonomy because it does not have a choice on being in the bowl, thus why it is trying to escape. The fish probably does not feel satisfied or competent living in a bowl because it is not able to interact in its environment. Also, it is not able to relate to anything else because it is alone.

Terms: Organismic Motivation, Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, Controlling Motivation Style, Intrinsic Motivation, Structure.

Chapter 6 discusses our psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness and how they motivate us every day. We are interested in activities that involve these psychological needs, and feel enjoyment when the activities satisfy those needs. Energy generated by psychological needs is proactive, unlike energy from physiological needs that motivate us when they are depleted. Psychological needs motivate us to explore and challenge ourselves, which in turn provides learning, growing, and developing. Autonomy is the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. In other words, we want to be in control of what we do and how we do it. When our behavior is based on our interests, preferences, and wants, we experience autonomy. Competence is the need to be effective in interactions with the environment. It reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and, in doing so, to seek out and master challenges. In other words, we want to be good at what we do. Competence drives us to find activities that challenge us, and when we develop skills and master those activities, the need is satisfied. Relatedness is the psychological need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people. If we find relationships that continually provide warmth, care, and mutual concern, we will satisfy our need for relatedness. Activities that have autonomy support, structure, and involvement provide a supportive environment that will increase people’s engagement, enjoyment, and psychological needs.

Something that surprised me was the factors that go into the psychological need for relatedness. Before reading the chapter, I assumed that just social interaction would fulfill our need for relatedness. However, simply being around and talking to people is not enough. To be satisfying, the social bonds need to involve genuine care and liking. More importantly, the relationships need to involve self-disclosure. When you are able to show your true self and feel important to another person, you will experience relatedness.

I would currently rate myself as high in autonomy, high in competence, and medium to low in relatedness. I would like to talk about my experience with autonomy and how it has shown up in my life recently. Being in college obviously provides a ton of freedom. I get to decide what I do, when I do it, how I do it, and when I will stop doing it. Last spring I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, and for a while, I felt my need for autonomy drop very low. The doctors instructed me that in order to be healthy, I would have to drastically change my eating habits and altogether stop drinking alcohol. This type of environment neglected and frustrated my need for autonomy. I hated that someone else had control over what I could eat or do in my social life. It took me a while to figure out how to deal with it, but I finally solved the problem. My body is my own, and my life choices are up to me; doctors cannot physically force me to do something. However, I did want to be healthy. So I made the choice for myself - I decided to eat healthy and limit alcohol because I wanted to. Doing these behaviors for myself, and not because someone else told me to, changed my perspective and attitude completely. Autonomy is a very important psychological need, and sometimes changing your perception in a situation that you feel you don’t have control can make a huge difference.

I have found that school is a great place for me to satisfy my need for competence. Last year I changed my major and also changed my attitude and work ethic when it came to my school work. I found that once I found something I was interested in, I was able to apply and devote myself more to my classes. My grades also increased dramatically and I felt competence like never before. Knowing this level of competence was possible motivated me to continue to work hard and challenge myself. When faced with a challenge, such as reading a confusing journal article or writing a paper, I give it my full attention. I am motivated to grow and enhance my skills and my knowledge.

The fish could be motivated to jump out of the fish bowl for all three psychological needs. He may feel like he has no control or freedom in his current home, and jumping out of the bowl would satisfy his need for autonomy. He may feel a lack of competence because he has no challenge or skills to master inside his fishbowl. Or perhaps he is lonely and seeking fulfilling relationships to satisfy his need for relatedness.

Terms: psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, optimal challenges, communal relationships

This chapter discusses 3 psychological needs which are sometimes refered to as organismic psychological needs. The text states that organismic theories of motivation acknowledge that environments constantly change so organisms need to be flexible to accomodate these changes. The first psychological need discused is autonomy. Autonomy is the psychological need to experience self direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one's behaviors. Providing people with a choice is the most common way to help support someones need for autonomy. The text states that there are different actions that show how people can be supporting of autonomy. These things include listening carefully, allowing others time to talk, encouraging effort, and praising progress. People that are controlling tend to do pretty much the opposite of these actions.

The next psychological need discussed is competence. Competence is the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and it reflects the desire to exercise one's capacities and skill, and in doing so to seek out to master optimal challenges. According to the text, "the key environmental conditions that involves our need for competence are optimal challenge, clear and helpful structure, and high failure tolerance from others, and the key environmental condition that satisfies our need for competence is positive feedback and the perception of progress." Flow occurs when a person uses their skills to overcome a challenge. This produces a good feeling and motivates the person to perform a certain task over again. Structure helps the need for competence it offers clear goals and guidence. Positive feed back is something that helps to support competence.

Relatedness is the last psychological need that is discussed. Relatedness is the need of feeling like you belong. It is the need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with others, and it reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved in warm relationships. Interacting with others is the main way to experience and satisfy the need of relatedness. Relatedness also provides the social context in which internalization occurs. It helps us to internalize different values and experiences that we share with others.

If I were to rate these needs in regard to myself, autonomy would be low, competence would be medium, and relatedness would be high. I have always struggled somewhat socially. I used to have very high social anxiety and it was difficult for me to make new friends and relate to people. Now that I am older I do not struggle with this as much. I find it very important to feel related to people. Having a feeling of relatedness with someone or a group is a very good feeling. I think that a lack of relatedness can make you feel lonely, which can be extremely hard on a person. I experience relatedness when I can share similar feelings with family or friends. I feel closest to people when I feel like they are really listening to and understanding me. I get a lot of satisfaction out of feeling related to people. Having a lot of friends isn't whats important to me. Having GOOD friends is what's important. Having a need of relatedness motivates me to go out and do things with my friends, and sometimes meet new people. It also motivates me to try and talk to my closest friends at least once a day. Even if we only talk for a short time, or only send a few text messages, it's a good feeling knowing that at some point they thought of me durring the day. I hope that my friends feel the same way when I contact them or make and effort to see them.

I believe the poor little fishy is trying to satisfy his need for relatedness. He's all alone in the bowl, and has decided to leave his safe, watery, environment to find other fish with whom he can relate to. Little does the fish know that he will meet his demise by jumping out of the bowl to find other fishy friends. Poor little guy. ;)

Chapter 6 examines the three organismic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. These three needs provide people with a natural motivation for learning, growing, and developing. This chapter also describes how people find themselves in environments that support and nurture their psychological needs, then positive emotions, optimal experience, and healthy development.

Autonomy can be described as the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one's behavior. The three experimental qualities that define autonomy is perceived locus of causality, which refers to an individual's understanding of the causal source of his or her motivated actions. I play sports because I like hanging out with friends and because it also keeps me in shape. It's more of a personal choice (internal PLOC) and self-interest. Volition is an unpressured willingness to engage in an activity centered on how one feels vs coerced people feel while they are doing what they want to do. Whenever I have a test coming up, I will say to myself "alright, I'm going to study a couple days earlier because I need to do good." But that's usually never the case. I usually end up studying the night before because I have to due to my test. The last concept that makes up autonomy is perceived choice which is that sense of choice we experience when we find ourselves in environments that provide us with decision-making flexibility that affords us many opportunities from which to choose. At my internship, I feel like I have a pretty flexible perceived choice. There is a lot of task variety available and although sometimes projects I'm given have a deadline I can usually choose when I want to do it and don't have to feel rushed. Autonomy is very important as a psychological need in anything a person does, in school, college, career, and even growing up as a child some autonomy can be good. External events, environments, social contexts, and relationships all vary in how much or how little they support a person's need for autonomy. If I had to rate autonomy as high, low, or medium in my life, I would probably rate is as being medium. I think autonomy is very important but we can't always control or have a say on our choices in our life and sometimes I even like being told what to do because I'm a pretty indecisive person.

The second psychological need described in this chapter is competence which is the psychological need to be effective in interaction with the environment, and it reflects the desire to exercise one's capacities and skills, and to seek out and master optimal challenges. Competence is a huge psychological need in the role of performance management in organizations. It also increases performance management. The key concepts of competence are optimal challenge, clear and helpful structure, and high failure tolerance from others, and the number one concept that satisfies our need for competence is positive feedback and the perception progress. Feedback comes from one or more of the following: task itself, comparisons of one's current performance with one's own past performances, comparisons of one's current performance with the performance of others, and evaluation of others. Feedback can be a very positive motivation when doing almost any task, even the simplest ones. It can also act as a reinforcement reminder. For instance, whenever I forget my my key at home and I go to work and come back I always think right before I get out of my car, "Crap I forgot my house key, I hope the doors aren't locked." There's been one time where I was locked out and now I remember my key all the time. If I had to rate this psychological need I would rate it medium. I'm more competent in different areas of my life than I am or should be in others. It all depends on the situation.

The last psychological need from this chapter is relatedness which is the need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people and it it reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved in warm relationships. This is very important motivation construct because people function better, are more resilient to stress, and report fewer psychological difficulties when their interpersonal relationships support their need for relatedness. One main characteristic of relatedness is interaction. People usually seek positive interactions and interaction partners and in doing so, gain the opportunity to involved the need for relatedness. We form many types of relationships with people but only communal relationships satisfy the relatedness need. This relationship is between people who care about the welfare of the other (family, friends, romantic relationships). If I had to rate this psychological need in my life, I would definitely say high. I'm a very open person and I need to feel relatedness towards certain people in order to be able to talk to them. I also have very close bonds with my family and friends which increases my relatedness.

The psychological need of relatedness is probably the most important need in my life. I do take concern for my friends, family, and I guess if a stranger were to come to me, for them as well when it comes to their concerns. I truly enjoy being around people all day, every day. At my job right now, I get to be around people and help them with their problems. I would say when I'm around people I engage in emotional engagement which is interest or enjoyment. I enjoy meeting new people and relating to them is very important. I think relatedness motivates me to be more outgoing. It makes me happy and according to the book, being happy motivates us to do tasks more promptly and more effectively. I'm actually motivated to write this entry because I was currently in a happy mood before writing this. I'm also listening to good music right now so that's also motivating me to write more because the music is upbeat and it relates to my attitude. Overall, this chapter was a good chapter over the 3 organismic psychological needs.

Terms: Autonomy, Perceived Locus of causality, internal PLOC, volition, perceived choice, feedback, interaction, communal relationships, competence, optimal challenge, emotional engagement

Oops! Terms: organismic psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, flow.

I think the picture describes the fish as being highly motivated to get out of the bowl because of the lack of autonomy it is experiencing. It didn't have the choice to live in a bowl so now it's retaliating by jumping out of the bowl.

Chapter 6 was all about psychological needs. It was centered around three major psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Before even getting into these three needs, the chapter focused on both the organismic approach to motivation, which essentially means active exchange with the environment, and person-environment dialectic, which means that the relationship between person and environment is reciprocal. The organismic approach emphasizes the person-environment dialectic.

From here, the chapter begins to discuss the psychological need for autonomy. Autonomy is the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior (p.146). This means that we, as humans, want to be able to decide what we are going to do, where we are going to do it, and when we are going to do it. Within autonomy, there are two different motivating styles. One is autonomy-supportive and one is controlling. The autonomy-supportive motivating style is about accepting and valuing others’ perspectives and personal growth. This style makes others feel more autonomous during an activity or task. The controlling motivating style, on the other hand, involves pressuring others and using social influence techniques to achieve a certain outcome. Essentially, autonomy-supportive style motivates others by nurturing their inner motivational resources and controlling style motivates others by using outer motivational resources. It has been found that autonomy-supportive style is a stronger motivator than its counterpart, controlling style.

Next, the chapter moves into discussing the psychological need for competence. According to the textbook, competence is the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and it reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges (p.155). We all want to be good at the activities, work, and relationships that we pursue. The textbook goes on to discuss that we reach a point of flow during optimal challenge. We are not as happy or satisfied if we are presented with a task of minimal challenge or maximum challenge if our skill level does not match. Being overchallenged threatens competence, and being underchallenged neglects competence. People derive pleasure from optimal challenge, which presents them with positive feedback when they are able to do something correctly and competently.

Finally, the chapter switches its focus to the psychological need for relatedness. Relatedness is the psychological need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people, and it reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved in warm relationships (p.162). Everyone wants to feel close to people and form relationships. This section of the chapter then goes into discussing communal relationships and exchange relationships. Communal relationships are the ones that satisfy the relatedness need, whereas exchange relationships do not. After that, the section goes into discussion about internalization, engagement (intensity and emotional quality), and finally vitality.

By far, the most surprising thing that I learned from reading this chapter was about flow and optimal challenge and that if you are underchallenged, you neglect competence. This struck me as odd because I presumed that if you were presented with an easy task, you would feel good about being able to quickly do it or solve the problem at hand. I was apparently wrong, because the textbook stated that skill level and challenge should be about the same to reach flow.

If I had to rate myself as high, medium, or low on the various psychological needs, I would definitely have to say that I am at a high level of autonomy. I like making decisions for myself and having the opportunity to choose. I think that I have a high need for competence as well because I always feel the need to be as good as I possibly can whether it has to do with work, school, relationships, or any other task I am doing. In terms of relatedness, I feel as though I have a medium need for it. I love forming close relationships and being emotionally attached, but I definitely cherish my alone time too. I really like having chunks of time to myself. These needs definitely manifest themselves in my life and are prevalent on a daily basis.

The psychological need for competence motivates a lot of my behaviors. For example, I work as a direct service provider at a group home for special needs children. It is by no means an easy job. It gets very frustrating at times, but it is so rewarding that it makes it all worth it. My need for competence motivates me to show up to work every day and do my personal best. It motivates me to strive for excellence and help the kids that I work with achieve as much as they possibly can. Another example that shows how the need for competence motivates me is school. My need for competence motivates me to go to class, do all of my homework to the best of my ability, score good grades on exams, and to study my butt off. This shows my need for competence daily because I am constantly working to better myself in school.

If I had to make a guess about the fish picture, I would say that it has to do with all three of the psychological needs covered in this chapter. It shows autonomy because the fish is making its own decision to get out of the bowl. Nobody is picking it up and taking it out. The fish is choosing to leave the bowl on its own free will. It shows competence because it portrays the fish wanting to interact effectively with its surroundings outside of the bowl. And finally, it shows relatedness because the fish is alone in the bowl and probably wants to leave to seek out close relationships and emotional ties. Therefore, all of the needs are applicable to this specific picture of the fish jumping out of the fish bowl.

All in all, I learned a lot from this chapter about the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. I am excited to move forward and learn more about motivation and emotion!

Terms: psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, organismic approach to motivation, person-environment dialectic, autonomy-supportive motivating style, controlling motivating style, flow, optimal challenge, skill, positive feedback, communal relationships, exchange relationships, internalization, engagement, vitality, needs, motivate, emotion

Overall, the chapter was about three basic psychological needs. These include autonomy, competence, and relatedness. There are two important assumptions that go along with these three needs. The first assumption is that people are inherently active whereas the second is that a person use inherent psychological needs to interact in the environment. In an organismic approach to motivation, people have an innate motivation to learn, grow, and develop in a way that is good for their bodies. This growing takes place when their psychological needs are satisfied. The book defines autonomy as the need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. It also states that instead of always relying on external sources of motivation, people want to have inner resources for motivation. The main concept of autonomy is self-determination. Competence, however, is the need to effectively interact with the environment around you. If a person doesn’t get to use their capacities and skills or work on improving them, they are not satisfying their need for competence. Optimal challenge, high structure, and high failure tolerance are three main components for competence. Also, when people experience flow, or a psychological state characterized by maximal enjoyment, concentration, and absorption in a task, they have high personal challenge and skills interacting in the environment. Lastly, relatedness is described as the need to establish close emotional ties and attachments with others around them. This is the internal need to be interpersonally connected as well as emotionally connected with others at some level. These social bonds must include some extent of caring and liking.

I found competence to be the most interesting topic to me because I didn’t realize how important competence is to people. I realized that autonomy and relatedness are important aspects of a person’s life, but to not be able to use your skills and abilities didn’t register to be as important to me. I see now that it is, however, and I’m seeing it in my everyday life. For example; I’m learning how to speak up and be part of conversations in bigger groups and meetings (class, for example). A year ago, I never would’ve intentionally talked in class or taken part in conversation. However, I recently discovered that I can do this with confidence and have been aiming to excel at it. For work I had to go to a meeting full of board members. And since I’m new and it was the first time I had been to a meeting, I decided it probably wasn’t my place to speak up and provide input quite yet. Thus, I wasn’t able to exercise my newfound skills and therefore, I felt incompetent.

Overall, I would say I have a medium need for relatedness, a medium need for competence depending on the situation, and a medium to low need for autonomy. I love to be around my friends and family but too much relatedness for me just becomes overwhelming. I love to be alone but I love to be around people as well. My competence just depends on the situation, because sometimes I feel that I am using my abilities to interact with my environment, and sometimes (like the situation I described above) I feel like I need to be doing something more to further my competence. Autonomy is kind of a tough one for me. I have an awful time making decisions for myself and tend to look at how others view the decision. It’s not a very fun time, but it’s been working for me anyway. I also like the satisfaction of making a decision for myself, too however so it varies.

I discussed above how competence motivates me to speak up in class and use the knowledge I have learned in college and in life overall. It’s fun especially in psychology-related situations because I feel like I have learned many skills and can provide appropriate input. Competence also relates to school work, working out, and many other aspects of my life. I feel as though I have learned skills and have the abilities to carry these things out so with my competence I am able to carry these things out.

It took me a while to figure out what the fish had to do with anything. But I decide he probably is being neglected of all his psychological needs (given that a fish has psychological needs). He’s stuck in his solitude so he has no relatedness except with the faces outside the bowl. He has no way to use the skills or abilities he has because he’s in a tiny little bowl with nothing to do but float. And he has no autonomy. He doesn’t get the luxury of making choices for himself or carrying out any actions for himself because he really doesn’t have an option. It looks to me like he's trying to break out of his bowl so that he can attempt to go and fulfill his psychological needs. This was a good chapter though I enjoyed it!

Terms: Autonomy, competence, relatedness, optimal challenge, structure, failure tolerance, flow

Chapter 6 discussed the three psychological needs autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The chapter starts off by talking about the organismic approach to motivation. The organismic approach to motivation acknowledges that environments constantly change and organisms need flexibility to adjust to and accommodate those changes. Another organismic theory is the person-environment dialectic. This theory states that the environment acts on the person and the person acts on the environments. Both the person and the environment constantly change.

Autonomy is the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. Behavior is autonomous meaning it is self-determined. It is autonomous when out interests, preferences, and wants guide our decision-making process to engage or not to engage in an activity. There are three experiential qualities that work together to define the subjective experience of autonomy- Perceived locus of causality, volition, and perceived choice over one’s actions.

Competence is the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and it reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges. The situations we find ourselves in can involve and satisfy out need for competence, or they can neglect and frustrate this need. Flow is a state of concentration that involves a holistic absorption and deep involvement in an activity. People want to repeat the activity that gives them flow because it is a pleasurable experience. The most surprising thing I learned in this chapter was flow and the optimal challenge. If your skills are higher than the challenge you are bored have that reduces your concentration and you task involvement but if the challenge out-weighs your skills you have performers worry or anxiety. Flow happens when the challenge matches your skills, that’s when flow occurs.

Relatedness is the psychological need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people, and it reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved in warm relationships. To satisfy the relatedness need, relationships to be involve caring, liking, accepting, and valuing the other person.

If I had to rate myself on a scale of low, medium, and high for each psychological need I would rate myself medium in autonomy, high in competency, and high in relatedness. I rated myself medium in autonomy because I like to make my own decisions but I can also be very indecisive. I rated myself high for competency because I am a really driven person. I like to do my best on everything. At work I am being trained in every area because I want to become a supervisor there someday and in school I try doing my best on exams and homework assignments. I also rated myself high in relatedness. My relatedness need is pretty fulfilled but I’m very outgoing and love making new friends. I always put my family, friends, and boyfriend first before myself.

The fish is really lonely in that bowl :( . He spends every day by himself so he is jumping out of the bowl to try to fulfill is relatedness need. Little does he know by jumping out of the bowl he probably won’t find another fish friend…

Terms: Physiological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, organismic approach, person-environmental approach, perceived locus of causality, volition, flow.

Chapter 6 discusses how we are affected by our psychological needs. This chapter focuses on the three different psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. These are also referred to as the organismic psychological needs. This means that what we are dealing with is alive and is reacting to the environment around them. These are the basic fundamental needs that the environment provides for organisms like food, water, cognitive stimulation, and other needs. This also says that we must learn to adapt to the constant changing environment. The opposite, mechanistic, the environment acts on the organism, and it must react. Our first psychological need is autonomy. Autonomy is our freedom to be able to make our own decisions. The next psychological need is competence. Competence is our ability to build our skills whether they are in sports, school, music, or whatever the individual is interested in. The third psychological need is relatedness. Everyone needs social interaction. People will always strive to have more relationships and more meaningful relationships.
The most surprising thing in the chapter was the fact of exchange relationships. I wasn’t surprised like it was the first time I had heard of it, it’s just that I can think of many examples of people I know that have those. It was one of those “A-ha!” moments. There are many relationships like that especially in Hollywood. How often do we see a Hollywood star marry a regular person compared to Hollywood stars that marry other stars? Maybe they are not receiving any monetary value from the marriage, but when these stars are on tabloids they still receive attention. Any publicity is good publicity (Kim Kardashian).
My levels of psychological needs vary greatly between the three categories. I would rate myself as a medium in autonomy. One example I can think of is my job. I definitely like to be a decision maker and leader at work, but I have no problem receiving constructive criticism, suggestion, and orders in general from a boss. I would rate myself as a low for competence. One poor aspect of my personality is that I am not as headstrong as I could be when it comes to learning new things. The things I know how to do I strive to master, but if something does not spark my attention right away, I will not be interested in it. I am definitely a high on relatedness. I love having friends, period. I strive to be friends with all of my coworkers, and I am just a very talkative guy in general.
I think that relatedness influenced my decision on the part-time job that I have right now. The first two years I worked at Hy-Vee, I worked as a checker and bagger. I switched over to Chinese Express because I was able to communicate with my coworkers more and it was all around a more social job.
I think that the fish picture is describing autonomy. The fish is not going with the crowd; he is making his own decisions. Obviously he is doing it in a humorous way because if you were to take this picture seriously, then you would be thinking about how the fish is going to die.

Terms: Psychological need, relatedness, autonomy, competence, organismic psychological needs

Chapter six is over psychological needs, which our autonomy, competence, and relatedness. It starts out talking about autonomy, which is, when we are faced with a stimulus of sorts that involves some kind of motivation to undertake such task, we ask our selves, 'what's in it for me?'. We want choice and flexibility in what we do, and we want everything to be our own idea. It's like riding a horse, it's hard to get the horse to do what you want it to do, unless you can make it seem like it's their idea to do it. Also the same as a small child. If they believe it's their idea to eat vegetables, it will be more likely that they will eat them, rather than some "mean" adult making them. This rolls into what they call an autonomy-supportive motivating style. When someone is tuned into anothers interests whilst trying to motivate them, they are using an autonomy-supportive motivating style. The complete opposite is, controlling motivating style, which is forcing or pushing someone into doing something. Not making it their decision, or swaying away from their own personal interests, which completely deadens ones intrinsic motivation, in most cases. Autonomy support nurtures the psychological need of autonomy, which strengthens the needs for competence and relatedness, and our intrinsic motivation as well. Competence is another psychological need that humans strive fore. Competence is the psychological need for effectively doing "things" in our own environment, whether it be school, our job, cooking, playing sports, etc,. We all want to do well in what we put our minds to. The book goes on to talk about flow. Flow is a state of mind that one get's into when we use our skills to get a task done. We "lose" ourselves in the task and don't know any sense of time. Boredom is non-existent. The third and final psychological need expressed in this chapter is relatedness, the need to belong. Everyone needs to belong, according to our book (pg. 161). Relatedness is the psychological need to gain emotional, close bonds with other people.

The thing that surprised me most about this chapter was the idea of flow. I have been in this kind of state with several things in my life, and have always described as "in the zone". I never knew it was an actual thing that has been studied and that I am now reading about in my text books! I now have a better understanding of what my attention is when doing a difficult task. Hopefully, maybe, this might help me focus my attention more now that I understand what my brain is doing. Making things like this more conscious in my mind might help me recognize, and re-group. Instead of just wasting away time on facebook when I should be getting "in the zone". :)

I have pretty high autonomy when it comes to a lot of things in my life. I like to do things that I want to do, usually. Although, a large part of my life is to help others, I know this will give me a sense of enjoyment for myself because it was my idea to do it, and my "what's in it for me"-o-meter is always on. My competency is probably a medium when it comes to most things. When I do homework, for example, a lot of the time I am in such a big hurry to get it done that I am not really thinking about doing my best. (but of course, not on my blogs;).) I would rate myself with a medium level of relatedness. I am generally an introverted person and if I am close to just a few people in my life, then that is totally okay with me.

I play the cello in our orchestra here at UNI. When it comes to the cello, I have extreme levels of competency. If I do not sound good on what I am playing, I MUST play it over and over and over until I get it right, or until I believe it sounds good. The motivation to get it right and succeed with my cello playing is very abundant, and it definitely comes from the psychological need to be competent.

If I had to guess about the fish picture, I would guess, seeing that the fish is all alone in the fish bowl, it is lonely. The fish, in my opinion, is jumping out of his fish bowl because he has a high psychological need for relatedness. He is striving for a close, warm relationship with another fishy friend. This may not actually be true about gold fish, but if you were all alone in a fish bowl, wouldn't you want a friend? It's funny when a family has one dog and they insist that the dog needs a friend because we as humans recognize the psychological need for relationships that we push these beliefs onto our furry (or in this case, slimy) animal friends. :)

Terms: psychological needs, autonomy, autonomy-supportive motivating style, controlling motivating style, competence, flow, relatedness

Ch. 6
We feel and are aware of our sense of interest and enjoyment. From this awareness we gain a “willingness” to partake in an environment that will “nurture” our psychological needs. This chapter the big three psychological needs: Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness. Which is based off of an organismic approach to motivation that and are often referred to as psychological needs.
The idea of the organismic approach starts from the base word organism, which is anything that interacts with the environment. By saying this we can also understand that in order for this organism to survive it really depends on the environment resources that are offered. An always changing environment really needs a flexible organism to survive. Bringing the focus back to how the organism adapts to the environment and the ability to understand, change, and grow as a function of “those environmental transactions.” The person- Environment dialect is the idea that the environment and the organism are reciprocal and constantly changing by acting on each other. And we start to see intrinsic motivation coming into play from chapter 5 on why the person interacts on the environment and curious to change it. The person- Environment dialect also brings up that environment events do affect the organism, that contains relationships that support or frustrate the psychological needs. Here is where it gets important as it is key to take note that the ability to develop skills can only go as far as the environment around the organism allows it to develop. Tailing into Competence, Autonomy and Relatedness giving us organisms natural motivations for learning, growing and development.
Autonomy, this inert ability that makes us desire to choose everything we do in our lives. “Behavior is autonomous” as we determine what coincides with our own interests, and then comes our own decision of engaging in a particular activity or not. On the other hand though we cannot determine something outside of our control; caused by the environment. All choices do not fulfill autonomy. A more specific definition to choice as defined by a “true choice” which involves a choice that is meaningful to the persons life. When people are offered “unrestricted choices” they are more likely to have intrinsic motivation and begin to reflect their own personal values giving this psychological need to satisfy that specific autonomy. As we begin to work in the field of counseling or social reactions, I feel that we will be using an autonomy supportive base to begin and instue conversations. As we listen we will understand these people inner motivations and we can identify and nurture these interests. This is also used in teaching and it is important because it will eventually turn into competence and a sense of relatedness.
Competence... our need to be the best we possibly can. This ability to challenge ourselves, and wanting to grow, with this we feel satisfied and happy. A psychological need to be affective in a chosen environment, and the desire to “exercise one's capacity” and master the challenge. It is very important that the challenge gains the optimal experience otherwise it will not be as effective. Through Flow which is when a person is able to overcome a challenge through their skills. Through optimal experience the person gains competence and wants to achieve and participate more; on the other hand if the challenge is overwhelming or someones skills are too good for the challenge, it challenges our competence which manifests into emotions (like worry or anxiety). Just because the skills maybe balanced does not mean that competence will gain; for example if someone has low skill and is given a low challenge they will just be bored and gain nothing from the experience. Flow works best when both skill and challenge are moderately high.
On to our last psychological need Relatedness, the need to belong. Being human makes us want to be liked by others and also have the ability maintain warm and affectionate relationships. Making us the organisms willing to interact with others and create social bonds. People seek an emotionally positive interaction with other people. Based off of general principles of warmth, care and mutual concern. Through this people can form bonds and eventually create affectionate relationships that the person shows their one “true-self.” When relationships are involved people don't care about how many friends they have but how good their relationship with their friends are “quality over quantity.” Through friendships we satisfy this need to want to belong. Exchange relationships are considered more professional relationships; while communal relationships are friends and families that care for your livelihood. The main difference between the two are giving and receiving benefits (ie money or emotional support).
These psychological needs play off each other motivating through the subject of curiosity (Autonomy) and striving for the optimal result (competence), going back to the original motivation to be involved (relatedness). I feel that I have a high autonomy as my inspirations and understandings motivate my direction. My competence on the other hand has been hurting lately as I feel the challenges presented and my skills don’t always match up (procrastination?). My relatedness is fairly high though as I am engaged to get married and my group of friends satisfies really everything I need. I think these levels manifest themselves in my life by making me look stupid, as I have the motive and understand and support behind something but my competence or skill may be lingering behind.
I am going to reflect on Autonomy and how it “motivates” me. I wake up with a decision ahead of me to get up or go back to bed, which then I prevail to the shower and to eat, or not to eat breakfast. this goes on all day but it all reinforces the fact that everything I do is motivated by my decision, and the intent behind the decision. It is a direct effect and I see my decisions outcomes usually instantly which therefore affect my competence and relatedness.
I feel that the fish jumping out of the bowl is a combination of all three psychological needs. Starting from autonomy which gives the fish the ability to jump from the bowl and then clearly moving to competence as this challenge is presented towards the fish. Which leads me to my final point and the reason why the autonomy was chosen as the fish felt the need to “belong” to whatever it wanted to belong to.

Terms: Psychological Needs, Organismic Approach, Organism,The Person- Environment Dialect, Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness

Chapter 6 focused on three psychological needs which include autonomy, competence and relatedness. Humans have a need to experience all three of these psychological phenomena also called organismic psychological needs. It also discussed the different approaches to studying these three psychological needs. One set of theories, organismic theories, emphasize the two way relationship between the environment and the person. This relationship is reciprocal according to this theory and both parties are constantly changing. The opposing theory, the mechanistic theory, states there is not a reciprocal relationship between the environment and the person. The person only reacts to the environment’s actions. When using the organismic method, three psychological needs emerge and these are autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
The first third of the chapter discussed autonomy and how it is psychologically necessary. Autonomy is the need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. Basically, people want to be able to do what they choose to do and don’t want to feel like they are being controlled. Autonomy is comprised of three components; internal perceived locus of causality, volition, and perceived choice. Internal perceived locus of causality is how much an individual understands what caused them to act in a certain way. The two ends of the spectrum are external and internal PLOC. Volition is unpressured motivation to participate in an activity and perceived choice is the sense of choice when there are flexible decision-making options. Autonomy supportive environments, environments that support choice, produce better results. When people are pressured by dates or authority figures, their autonomy is reduced and that decreases productivity.
A second psychological need is competence. No one wants to feel like they are unable to accomplish something they attempt to accomplish. Competence includes the desire to show off one’s skills and feel like have mastered some sort of challenge. Skill level should match the level of challenge to prevent anxiety and increase cognition. Flow is a state of concentration that exceeds normal concentration when someone is completely in sync with an activity. It could also be thought of as being “in the zone.” If the activity is too easy for an individual, he or she will get bored with it. If it is too hard, the person will fail a lot and get frustrated with the inability to complete the task.
The last portion of the chapter discussed relatedness which is the need to establish close relationships and emotional bonds with others. This is not as difficult as it may seem. Studies have shown that location and spending time together is all it takes to form relationships with others. We also have a desire to fulfill relatedness by pledging to keep in touch with friends after moving away or changing schools. A relationship must involve caring, liking, accepting, and valuing, to satisfy the relatedness need that humans possess. Communal relationships satisfy this need and this means the people care about the well-being of the other person. Exchange relationships are less serious than communal relationships and do not satisfy the relatedness need.
One thing that surprised me was the ease that I was able to categorize almost every behavior in only these three categories. It seems a little odd, but almost all actions I came up with when I brainstormed this could be put in one of these three categories. They are pretty broad categories so it is understandable but still fun to think about.
If I rated myself on these three needs I would say I am medium for relatedness and high for autonomy and competence. It really bothers me when I am unable to complete a task no matter what it is and how high my skill level is in the subject. I am almost annoy myself with how persistent I am with tasks that really don’t matter. For example, I spent two hours at my summer job at a golf course trying to stack three golf balls. I finally got it and satisfied my need for competence, even though the task was insignificant. My need for competence combined with my boredom at work lead me to perform this task which ultimately did not benefit me in any other way. I am pretty independent and don’t mind being alone sometimes and usually like to make my own decisions which explains why my need for autonomy is high. I think the fish wants to be able to make his own decisions because his autonomy is severely restricted in the small fish bowl. He is also alone and unable to satisfy relatedness.
Autonomy, competence, relatedness, organismic psychological needs, mecahistic theory, perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice, flow, communal relationships, exchange relationships

Chapter 6 dealt with the psychological needs we have in our life. When an activity involves our psychological needs, we feel interest. When an activity satisfies our psychological needs, we feel enjoyment. So, we feel and are aware of our sense of interest and enjoyment. Psychological needs have three major components which are autonomy, competence and relatedness. Autonomy is the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. Basically we decide what we want, when we want it, how to do it, and when to stop it. Competence is the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment and it reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and in doing so to seek out and master optimal challenges. Competence is basically when seek out challenges in which we engage in activities to get some sort of satisfaction. Relatedness is the psychological need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people, and it reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved in relationships This means we tend to relate and gravitate to people who we trust to care for our well-being and drift away from those who don’t.

The thing I found most surprising was the comparison between controlling and autonomy supportive motivation. I liked the chart that showed things that autonomy support would say (listen carefully, allow others time to talk, provide rationale, encourage effort, praise progress, mastery, respond to questions. While controlling people would say hold/hog learning, show correct answers, tell correct answers, speak, directives, commando, should, must have to statements, asking controlling questions, seem demanding. When I think about all my educational experiences, they mostly been controlling. Just imagine if teachers allowed for a more intrinsic environment in their classrooms. Students could learn so much more because they actually want to do the learning. It’s the something they can relate to and want to explore. I think all learning should be like this.

If I had to rate myself in psychological needs, I would say I’m high on autonomy, high on competence and medium on relatedness. I love to explore and learn about the thing I like. My autonomy is very because of this. I’ve struggled with things I don’t like in my educational settings. When I finally found what I liked and was good at suddenly everything was easy. I found school to be simple and my grades were drastically better. I rated myself a high on competence because I’m a very competitive guy. I love things that challenge me and I’ll go above and beyond what I have to do to achieve my ultimate goal. Whether it be training to beat my friends in a race or just playing a game until I’m the best, I just plain don’t like to lose. This has benefited me greatly because I acquire a large amount of skills and confidence. I rated myself a medium in relatedness because I don’t really look to people for emotional bonds. I’ve always done everything on my own so I don’t have many close people in my life. I have my family and friends that I can rely on but usually it’s just me and I’m fine with that.

I really don’t have much of a clue about the picture and what it supposed to mean. If I had to take a guess it’s probably relatable to autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The fish has no autonomy in the fish bowl because there’s nothing to do in it. It can’t explore any interests that it might have because it can only swim around. It can compete and challenge itself because there’s no one else around. Finally, it can’t related or fall back on anybody because the fish hasn’t established any close connections to other people because it’s alone. I’m assuming it’s jumping out to experience what life has to offer; to live a life worth living.

Terms: autonomy, competence, relatedness, controlling, autonomy supportive, intrinsic motivation,

Chapter 6, on psychological needs, covers the three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. These needs rely on the organismic approach to motivation that makes two core assumptions. These assumptions are that first, people are inherently active. Second, in the person-environment dialectic, the person uses inherent psychological needs to engage in the environment and the environment will either support these inner resources or frustrate them. The organismic approach to motivation says that human beings have a natural motivation to learn, grow, and develop in a way that is healthy and mature, and they do so when environments involve and support their psychological needs.

The first psychological need covered is autonomy. This is the need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. This reflects a person’s desire to have inner resources, rather than environmental events to determine someone’s actions. When we are self-determined, behavior emanates from an internal perceived locus of causality, feels free, and flows from a sense of choice over our actions. The extent to which someone is able to satisfy their need for autonomy depends a lot on how supportive versus neglecting and frustrating his or her relationships and environment are perceived to be. If someone has autonomous behavior, as opposed to controlled by others, they show positive outcomes, including a gain in motivation, engagement, development, learning, performance, and psychological well-being.

Competence is the need to interact effectively with the environment. This reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and seek out master optimal challenges. The need for competence generates motivation to want to develop, improve upon, and refine skills and talents. Principal environmental events that involve the competence need are optimal challenge, high structure, and high failure tolerance. When personal challenge and environmental skill are both high, people experience flow, which is a psychological state of maximum enjoyment, intense concentration, and full absorption in the task. Principal environmental events that satisfy the competence need are positive feedback and the perception of progress. The more the environment satisfies the need for competence, the more willing people are to seek out challenges that allow them to develop and grow.

Relatedness is the need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people and reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved with others in warm, caring relationships. Just having some interaction with others is sufficient for the need for relatedness. However, to satisfy the need, a person needs to conform that the social bonds with other people involve both caring and liking. A communal relationship represents the type of relationship capable of satisfying the relatedness need. Relatedness is important because it provides social context that supports internalization, which is when one person takes in and accepts another’s belief, value, or way of behaving as their own.

I would rate my autonomy medium. In my own life, I am lucky to have people with an autonomy-supportive style. For example, my fiancé sometimes tries to motivate me to engage in certain behaviors that I do not find personally interesting, such as homework assignments for the classes he is more interested in than I am. Even though I display resistance, he listens to my expressions of negative affect and resistance and accepts them as valid reactions. He then works with me to solve the underlying cause of the negative affect and resistance, which could be that I’m tired, or busy with other things, etc.

I rate my level of competence as high. An example in my life is in the workplace. I just recently started a new job and was still in a period of training. On my second day, when I was still training, there was a problem with the schedule, and I ended up being on my own. I did not think I was ready and was freaking out, but I used my skills and knowledge from the training I had received and completed the work that needed to be done. Flow occurs when a person uses his or her skills to overcome a challenge, such as the challenge I had at work.

I would rate my relatedness as high. I spend a significant amount of time with other people, including my family, friends, and fiancé. To be satisfying, social bonds need to be characterized by the perception that the other person likes you and cares about your welfare. I believe I have those kinds of satisfying relationships.

As for the fish, I think that the fish is a combination of all three of these psychological needs. The fish has a need for relatedness, which he is clearly not getting being alone in a bowl. The element of competence is there because this is a challenge presented to the fish to see if his skills will allow him to reach his goal of getting out of the bowl. The autonomy is there because the fish is using his inner resources to make this decision.

Terms: psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, organismic approach, optimal challenge, failure tolerance, flow, internalization

This chapter was devoted to explaining psychological needs using three terms: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy can be described as the desire to have control over what you do. This means we want our behaviors connected to our interests, performances, wants, and desires. We want to decide for ourselves how we spend our time. Competence is the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and it reflects the desire to exercise one’s skills to seek out and master optimal challenges. Therefore, when we engage in a task with a level of difficulty that is right for our skills and talents, we feel a strong interest in that task. Relatedness can be described as the need to belong. Everyone desires social interaction and everyone wants friends. We want others to accept us and be responsive to our needs. I think once you have a firm understanding of these three terms, chapter 6 becomes easier to understand.

One surprising thing I learned in this chapter was that the satisfaction of our psychological needs can whether we have a “good” or “bad” day. For instance, a study described in the text showed that individuals who experienced higher levels autonomy and competence also had better days. The more you satisfy your psychological needs, the better you feel on a day-to-day basis. This goes to show that a daily dose of autonomy, competence, and relatedness can make your life more enjoyable and turn your bad days into good ones.

I recognize the importance of all three psychological needs, but I would rate my need for autonomy as high and my need for competence and relatedness as medium. I have a high need for autonomy because I am a much happier person when I’m doing things I want to do versus things I’d rather not do. Having a need for autonomy has also caused me to get familiar with rationales. For instance, I can’t always participate in the things I want to and sometime must do things I’d rather not do, this is where rationale comes in. I can rationalize the benefits of doing something I don’t want to do, which leads me to have more of autonomy perspective in regards to that task. I view my need for competence as medium because I recognize its importance, but I don’t overdo it. I challenge myself with things I have a better chance of accomplishing. I don’t waste my time trying to understand things that aren’t relevant to me. My need for relatedness is also medium because I recognize the importance of interacting with others and I view myself as an outgoing person. However, I feel like I have already been exposed to the most important people to me therefore my need for relatedness isn’t high.

Autonomy motivates my behavior more so than the other two needs. It pushes me to do what I want to do and it makes me happy. For example, I volunteer because it’s something I want to do and I genuinely enjoy the feeling it get from doing it. Another way autonomy motivates my behavior is through working out. The reason I workout is because I enjoy spending time in the gym and it acts as a major stress reliever for me.
I think the fish picture represents all three needs discussed throughout this chapter. It portrays autonomy by showing that the fish has control to change its surroundings and do what it wants to do. It represents competence by showing the fish has greater skills than what its environment allows, therefore it’s leaving its environment to seek bigger challenges. Lastly, the picture represents relatedness by showing the desire the fish has to interact with things outside of the fish bowl because they fish bowl doesn’t offer any social interaction. All in all, I think the picture shows how important each of these needs is and that we should all be willing to fulfill them for our own well-being.

Terms: autonomy, competence, relatedness, rationale, optimal challenges, psychological needs

Chapter six revolves around the human psychological needs. There are three needs that the chapter has us focus on: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. These are the three key terms that primarily sum up the chapter. Autonomy is the need to have self-direction and control of one’s behavior. Competence is a desire to be good at all tasks an individual is involved in. Relatedness is the need to belong in a social aspect. The chapter expands on each of these terms and goes more in-depth with each one of them. The chapter really delves into each term and breaks apart to find out sub-topics and other miscellaneous information. In the chapter you will learn that if these three are not being fulfilled then there are consequences such as loneliness and incompetency. Therefore, our mindset must be to meet our psychological needs.

I understand this class is called motivation and emotion, so you would like to think everything would be revolved around these two terms, but it again surprises me that the idea of autonomy, competence, and relatedness rely on an organismic approach to motivation. It just continues to amaze me that this idea of motivation, in which, me (personally) do not think about it for one second during the day yet it has SO much effect on everyday occurrences. It is astonishing to me. We as human beings possess a natural motivation to learn, grow, and develop in a way that is healthy and mature. This all happens when environments involve and support our psychological needs.

When rating my psychological needs, I would rank them as follows: competence, relatedness, autonomy. I feel like I am high or medium in all three of these so it is not like I think I am low in autonomy. For my sake, I seem to always want a natural reason for doing what I do. I tend to at least have some logic behind my actions whether or not they can sometimes be reckless as well. Relatedness is a need that I find that I truly appreciate. It is a focus, for me, to belong and maintain social groups. This includes extracurricular events and maintaining positive relationships during the process. Autonomy helps me achieve optimal functioning.

The goldfish picture has a nice touch to this concept. The fish seems to have no relatedness by being alone in the little fish bowl, so he is jumping out. For the fish to live, he has to stay in the water, so he has no autonomy. Soon enough, the fish will realize the reason he/she is supposed to stay in the fish bowl. That is the way to survive. So in reality, fish have no other choice than to appreciate the water and just live in it.

Terms: human psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, self-direction, control, incompetency, organismic approach, environments, optimal functioning

I found this chapter to be very intruiging. It discusses our three psychological needs: autonomy, competence and relatedness. Humans have a natural process of being motivated to learn, grow, mature and they do so in an evironment where it supports their psychological needs.

The first psychological need is autonomy. Autonomy is the need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in initation & regulation of one's behavior. When it's self-determined behavior emanates from a choice instead of actions. People who live autonomy-filled lifes, have more positive outcomes and gains in motivation, engagement, development, learning, performance and psychological well-being.

Competence is the need to interact effectively with the environment. The need for competence generates the motivation to want to develop, improve upon and refine personal skills and talents. When the challenge is high and the skill is high, people experience flow. Flow happens when a person reaches maximal enjoyment and intense concentration.

Relatedness is the need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people. This is simply the desire to be emotionally and mentally connected with someone. We cannot just relate to anyone though. We have to know that those we are getting close to are both caring and liking and that we can trust them.

I breifly knew everything that was mentioned in this chpater before I read it. Nothing was a real surprise for me, but I found relatedness to be the most intersting. This talked about the basic concept of how we have the natural desire to be close to people. In order to be close, we interact with others by hanging out with them a lot and building a trustworthy relationship. A social bond is also needed; having someone who likes you and cares about your well-being.

I would definitely rate myself as high on the relatedness and competence levels and medium on the autonomy level. I have a lot of friends, and a handful of true friends that I share everything with. These friendships did not just build over night. It took a lot of hanging out, and setting boundaries to create these true friendships. As for competence, when it comes to a new skill, like getting a new job, I will try as hard as I can to complete the task, and positive reinforcers help me do so. I love my job and am pretty good at my job, so going to work isn't a negative thing for me. The reason I rated myself as a medium with autonomy is because I'm the kind of person who will just go along with the flow of the group. I didn't rate myself low on autonomy, because there are some tasks that I want that I will go achieve by myself.

I like to think of myself as a pretty competent person. I enjoy learning new tasks and I'm a social person. I get along well with others, but that doesn't mean I always like working with others, especially group projects! I enjoy drawing and never thought that I was all that good at it. I decided to continue doing it anyways, especially when I'm stressed, and saw that by continuing to draw, I have built my skill and have gotten better.

I believe that the fish is being deprived from relatedness. It's all alone and doesn't have a "friend", which is why it is jumping out of the water. It's psychological desire is so over-powering that the fish isn't even focusing on the fact that it cannot live out of water. Or maybe it knows that, but just doesn't care. He also demonstrates competence because he is testing his own ability to see if he can accomplish getting out of the bowl and all of these desires come from the autonomy. Therefore, the fish demonstrates all three of the psychological needs.

Terms: Psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, motivation, flow, social bond, positive reinforcer

Chapter 6 is all about psychological needs. Things that we think of as being enjoyable are typically satisfying our psychological needs. Those needs motivate our interactions with our environment past the base physiological needs. This group of needs is considered organismic, meaning they are constantly adapting and changing based upon the needs of the organism in its environment. The first of three psychological needs is autonomy. We have this need to feel like we control as many decisions as possible in our lives. We want to be the one who picks what to do, how to do it, when to do it, if we do it at all and all sorts of variables. We as humans don’t enjoy others telling us what to do. We typically find the most enjoyment in those things that we choose to do for ourselves with no one else directing us towards it. In autonomy, there are three categories that lead us to feeling the satisfaction of the need, perceived locus of causality (PLOC), volition, and perceived choice. The PLOC is a range of internal to external and measures how much a person feels their behavior is coming from inside ourselves or from environmental sources. Volition is how much freedom one has in doing or not doing an activity, if there is pressure from themselves or other sources, their sense of freedom is threatened. Perceived choice is the ability to pick when given options as opposed to having a sense of strictness about our actions. Some ways of supporting autonomy satisfaction are using informational language, providing explanations, and accepting failure. The satisfaction of the need for autonomy can improve learning, engagement, and overall well-being.

Competence is the second psychological need mentioned in the chapter. It is the desire to be effective in our interactions with the world around us. It involves mastering challenges and exercising and developing our skills. Flow state falls into this area and it is the optimal conditions between challenge and skill. Flow is a state of optimum concentration that is brought about by equal levels at medium or higher skill and medium or higher challenge. To prove competence we require some sort of feedback, either from the activity itself or from an outside source. There should also be some structure to guide towards the expected goal. Failure is a big part of being challenged and without some failure tolerance no one would push themselves into challenging positions. With a real challenge, there will always be some occasional failures but they are helpful if in the right environment. By providing the above listed things, feedback, structure, and failure tolerance, the environment should be beneficial to satisfaction of the need for competence.

Relatedness is the third and final psychological need we discuss. This is essentially a desire to belong and have connections with other people. Close bonds are essential to our lives as humans. Relatedness is the need for those bonds to be intimate and caring instead of just acquaintance level. This shows a difference between types of relationships, one satisfies relatedness while the other does not. Communal relationships are those that satisfy relatedness by being intimate and caring and reciprocal. People in communal relationships check up on each other and have genuine liking for one another. Exchange relationships are not satisfying to the need for relatedness, they are simply acquaintance or business relations with no actual care for the others well-being. In communal relationships, not exchange, there can be internalization, or the acceptance of another’s ideas as one’s own.

I personally am fairly well into the medium category for relatedness. I have a few good friends but I don’t feel the need to be surrounded by people all of the time. Competence I would rate myself higher on, and medium again on autonomy. I don’t mind doing tasks others set out for me, so long as I see them as being worthwhile. My personal desire to do well and show competence has always been high, I set fairly high pressure internally to do well and unfortunately the failure tolerance growing up wasn’t there. I had to do well and that caused a lot of lacking in my need satisfaction. That’s one way these needs have manifested in my life. The need for relatedness shows up when my boyfriend is traveling for work. I won’t see him except on the weekends and when I have to work all day Saturday, I’m not a happy person. I don’t enjoy working with customers as I usually do because the exchange relationships they represent mean little to me when my communal relationships are not provided and not satisfying for me. The fish picture is very confusing to me. I suppose he may have gotten bored in his little fishbowl. His need for relatedness wasn’t satisfied as there were no other fish in his bowl. His need for competence wasn’t satisfied as there wasn’t anything difficult about swimming all day for a fish. His autonomy was also not satisfied since he had no choice but to keep swimming around or just sit there. All of those psychological needs were lacking and he may have decided to hop out to see if outside could be better satisfying. Maybe he’s jumping off a ledge into the ocean below and will satisfy all his needs there.

Terms: psychological need, organismic, autonomy, perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice, competence, flow, relatedness, communal relationship, exchange relationship, internalization

Chapter 6 is all about psychological needs. Things that we think of as being enjoyable are typically satisfying our psychological needs. Those needs motivate our interactions with our environment past the base physiological needs. This group of needs is considered organismic, meaning they are constantly adapting and changing based upon the needs of the organism in its environment. The first of three psychological needs is autonomy. We have this need to feel like we control as many decisions as possible in our lives. We want to be the one who picks what to do, how to do it, when to do it, if we do it at all and all sorts of variables. We as humans don’t enjoy others telling us what to do. We typically find the most enjoyment in those things that we choose to do for ourselves with no one else directing us towards it. In autonomy, there are three categories that lead us to feeling the satisfaction of the need, perceived locus of causality (PLOC), volition, and perceived choice. The PLOC is a range of internal to external and measures how much a person feels their behavior is coming from inside ourselves or from environmental sources. Volition is how much freedom one has in doing or not doing an activity, if there is pressure from themselves or other sources, their sense of freedom is threatened. Perceived choice is the ability to pick when given options as opposed to having a sense of strictness about our actions. Some ways of supporting autonomy satisfaction are using informational language, providing explanations, and accepting failure. The satisfaction of the need for autonomy can improve learning, engagement, and overall well-being.

Competence is the second psychological need mentioned in the chapter. It is the desire to be effective in our interactions with the world around us. It involves mastering challenges and exercising and developing our skills. Flow state falls into this area and it is the optimal conditions between challenge and skill. Flow is a state of optimum concentration that is brought about by equal levels at medium or higher skill and medium or higher challenge. To prove competence we require some sort of feedback, either from the activity itself or from an outside source. There should also be some structure to guide towards the expected goal. Failure is a big part of being challenged and without some failure tolerance no one would push themselves into challenging positions. With a real challenge, there will always be some occasional failures but they are helpful if in the right environment. By providing the above listed things, feedback, structure, and failure tolerance, the environment should be beneficial to satisfaction of the need for competence.

Relatedness is the third and final psychological need we discuss. This is essentially a desire to belong and have connections with other people. Close bonds are essential to our lives as humans. Relatedness is the need for those bonds to be intimate and caring instead of just acquaintance level. This shows a difference between types of relationships, one satisfies relatedness while the other does not. Communal relationships are those that satisfy relatedness by being intimate and caring and reciprocal. People in communal relationships check up on each other and have genuine liking for one another. Exchange relationships are not satisfying to the need for relatedness, they are simply acquaintance or business relations with no actual care for the others well-being. In communal relationships, not exchange, there can be internalization, or the acceptance of another’s ideas as one’s own.

I personally am fairly well into the medium category for relatedness. I have a few good friends but I don’t feel the need to be surrounded by people all of the time. Competence I would rate myself higher on, and medium again on autonomy. I don’t mind doing tasks others set out for me, so long as I see them as being worthwhile. My personal desire to do well and show competence has always been high, I set fairly high pressure internally to do well and unfortunately the failure tolerance growing up wasn’t there. I had to do well and that caused a lot of lacking in my need satisfaction. That’s one way these needs have manifested in my life. The need for relatedness shows up when my boyfriend is traveling for work. I won’t see him except on the weekends and when I have to work all day Saturday, I’m not a happy person. I don’t enjoy working with customers as I usually do because the exchange relationships they represent mean little to me when my communal relationships are not provided and not satisfying for me. The fish picture is very confusing to me. I suppose he may have gotten bored in his little fishbowl. His need for relatedness wasn’t satisfied as there were no other fish in his bowl. His need for competence wasn’t satisfied as there wasn’t anything difficult about swimming all day for a fish. His autonomy was also not satisfied since he had no choice but to keep swimming around or just sit there. All of those psychological needs were lacking and he may have decided to hop out to see if outside could be better satisfying. Maybe he’s jumping off a ledge into the ocean below and will satisfy all his needs there.

Terms: psychological need, organismic, autonomy, perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice, competence, flow, relatedness, communal relationship, exchange relationship, internalization

Chapter 6 was about psychological needs. There are three psychological need, autonomy, competence and relatedness. The psychological needs fall under the organismic theory basically is the environment is constantly changing and the organisms need flexibility to adjust to and accommodate those changes. Autonomy is an experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. Competence generates the willingness to seek out and master optimal challenges. Relatedness needs establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people. They chapter introduces two motivational styles, supportive and controlling. The difference between these motivational styles are supportive is one’s person’s willingness to take the other’s perspective, while controlling is one person pressures the other towards a given outcome. These motivational styles are what I found most interesting. I always grew up with choices, it was either this or that, or do this because I said so. I had no idea that there was a term for it. My dad was the biggest contributor to this kind of style. Although sometimes I felt like I got to make my own decisions I know can look back and see how the decisions I picked we skewed. A lot of the time when I question something, I never got a supportive motivation style reply; it was more like the controlling style. Looking back I heard that quite a bit, you’re going to do it because I told you to and I right. If I had to rate my psychological needs, I would say that autonomy is my highest because of the fact that it is important to me to make good grades that way I can go back home successful. Competence would be my medium rate, because it’s just part of my everyday life, I am always challenging myself especially towards sports. It’s important to me to achieve things that I feel like I cannot because it feels great and gives me that confidence boost I need. Relatedness would be my last, I know we all have a need to belong but sometimes I am just fine staying in my room and not talking to people for a while. I think if I could do that a lot more I would. Competence would be the psychological need I see most when I thinking about how it motivates my behaviors. I would say that I am always up for a challenge, I sometimes get lazy but I would rather be challenging my mind or body in doing something I know I can accomplish. Like today the fact that we played our softball playoff game, it was so important that I pitch a great game, so I went out and challenged myself and I did great. The whole team kept complimenting me it felt so great, its six hours later and I still feel great. I would say the fist is showing all three psychological needs, he decided (autonomy) to jump out of the fish bowl because it was a challenge (competence) because he wanted to be close to someone (relatedness).
Terms: Psychological Needs, Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, Organismic Theories, Supportive Motivation Style, Controlling Motivation style

Chapter Six focuses on psychological needs, focusing specifically on autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy concerns an individuals desire for independence and flexibility when making decisions. Individuals make autonomous decisions focused on pleasing their interests. As the textbook points out, "we want freedom to construct our own goals...the freedom to decide what is important, and what is not worth our time." Autonomy is based on three subjective qualities; internal perceived locus of control, volition, and perceived choice over one's actions. When an individual is pressured or forced into making choices their sense of autonomy is low. However when an individual is offered meaningful choices they experience high autonomy. The textbook continues, stating that when 'external events, environments, social contexts, and relationships' either nurture or hinder an individuals autonomy, increasing their autonomous motivation. When an individual has high autonomy, not only is their psychological need met, but also increase other psychological needs. One of these needs is competence, which refers to the psychological need to effectively interact within ones environment. The textbook discusses the Flow Model and 'flow experience' by Csikszentmihalyi. Flow refers to an individuals deep involvement, concentration, and mental absorption into an activity. According to the flow model, when challenge outweighs skill in an activity, low competence leads to worry. Reversely, when skill is high and challenge is low, the individual feels under challenged, leading to boredom. Thus an individuals interest, competence, and engagement is highest when skill and competence are equal. The final psychological need discussed is relatedness, which is an individuals innate emotional desire for relationships with others and within groups. The textbook points out that "interaction with others is the primary condition that involves the relatedness need, at least to the extent that those interactions promise the possibility of warmth, care and mutual concern." It is important to note that "when it comes to relatedness and relationships, quality is more important that quantity."
To me the most surprising thing about this chapter was that an individuals competence is effected just as much when they feel over competent as when they feel incompetent. I had always realized that when people feel incompetent or over challenged, they are much more likely to give up on the task and suffer a decrease in their psychological needs. I had not realized however, that when the individual is equally overqualified to perform the task their boredom causes an equal decrease in engagement and involvement.
For me, I think I would rate highly on autonomy and relatedness. In both of these categories I feel like I successfully interact with and belong to several groups of people around me. I also have a high sense of autonomy because I think I am able to make decisions based on what I want as opposed to because I feel like I am pressured to. However when it comes to competence I am often challenged, and sometimes struggle in order to complete them
It is because of relatedness that I am involved in the Textile and Apparel (TAPP) Association within my major. I have a psychological need to relate to individuals similar to me (ie individuals interested in the same major as myself).
As far as the picture goes, the fish is trying to escape the fish bowl because his psychological needs are not met. He has no sense of relatedness because there is no one to relate to when he is isolated in the fishbowl. He may be displaying his competence at jumping by jumping out of the bowl, and he obviously wasn't pressured into escaping the fishbowl because there is no external force pushing him out.

Terms: Psychological Needs, Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, Subjective Qualities of Autonomy, Flow

The chapter begins with the current view of motivation emphasizing the organism. This approach asserts that there is an interaction between the person and the environment. This interaction works both ways so the two ends change each other constantly. The author then describes the three psychological needs that lead to intrinsic motivation, as shown in the previous chapter. The three needs are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The experience of autonomy includes three qualities: perceived locus of causality, volition, and perceived choice. The text introduces several methods to promote these qualities instead of controlling the person. In the description of competence, the author uses research results on the term flow. Structured challenge and positive feedback can support competence. Finally, communal relationship promotes satisfaction of relatedness. Besides these psychological needs, Figure 6.6 also shows a comprehensive model of engagement.

I am not really surprised by this chapter, but I could still say that I didn't expect the author to get into an in-depth discussion about the term flow. I suppose competence is a necessary component of pleasure, but the connection between these two factors is still not entirely clear to me.

I probably have a high need of autonomy, a medium need of competence, and a relatively low need of relatedness.

I like to live a free life without boundaries, and hate those restrictions imposed on me. Freedom should be my middle name. I suppose this trait brought me some troubles that other people don't have. I don't like to compete with other people, but I get things done within my ability. If I become edgy that is usually because my autonomy is threatened. I am not a very social person. I think I am lonelier among a group of people than in the wild by myself. That is kind of weird. Maybe I enjoy the autonomy of adventure more than communicating with people.

Autonomy is quite an essential need in my life. Before I had a car, I used to take city buses to school. Yet the buses in my hometown really sucked. In Skinner's term about reinforcement, those buses showed up according to a variable interval. What made things worse was that the interval range was huge, so you really could have no idea when the bus would come. When it finally came, it was often crammed with people, and you would only wish you could take the next one. So after many times of irritating experiences, I started to walk instead. Surprisingly I could get home only a little bit later than the bus did. You can tell how bad the service was from this. This is also why I was so happy when I got my car. I drove everywhere as I pleased, and was so glad that I didn't need those buses anymore.

That picture reminds me of the movie Finding Nemo. In the movie those fishes in a tank don't want to be killed by human, so they try to escape. This particular fish probably doesn't like the tank either, so it wants to get out.

The escape can relate to the need of autonomy, since the organism makes a decision to change the environment it is in. The action can also relate to the relatedness need because the fish may find company in its new environment. However, this attempt is not likely to succeed according to the picture shown here.

Terms: psychological needs, intrinsic motivation, autonomy, competence, relatedness, perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice, flow, engagement

Chapter six is all about autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This is based on the organismic approach to motivation, in which two things occur. First, that people are inherently active, and second that the person uses the environment for their psychological needs, but sometimes the environment doesn’t support these needs, when in other circumstances, it does. Autonomy is the desire to express direction and personal endorsement in the beginning and continuation of a person’s behavior. Competence is the need to effectively interact with the environment. Relatedness is the desire to establish emotional bonds and attachments to others, and reflects the need to be connected and involved with others in warm, caring relationships. The engagement model of motivations illustrates how social contexts and relationships involve and satisfy our psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness, and competence.
The most surprising thing I learned was that all of our psychological needs can fit into these three categories. At first, I was really surprised, but then I as I read more about how involved autonomy, competence, and relatedness really are, I found that it made more sense that our psychological needs do truly fit into these three categories. I now see how people’s basic psychological needs play out in everyday life, watching people talk to one another, and at work, and even in the classroom.
If I had to rate myself on these three psychological needs, I would rate myself as high for autonomy. I have a pretty good sense of myself and where I want to go in life, and tailor my behaviors quite well to where I want to go. I want to get my doctorate in psychology, and strive to do well in my classes, attend class, as well as try to further my college experiences by being involved in other activities as well as working a job. I would probably rate myself as high in competence as well, as I seek out challenges within my environment that help me grow as a person. I am in the flow with my environment most of the time, as I feel enjoyment, concentration, and full absorption in various tasks at hand when I do them. I do my homework, usually on time, and find it easy to concentrate on it, especially when it’s something I enjoy. I would rate my current state of relatedness as medium to high, as I have many close, emotional attachments to people. A majority of my relationships with others are warm and caring, with a mutual sense of liking. I have communal relationships with others, which is how my relatedness psychological need is met. I have strong emotional bonds with my parents, and several friends here at school as well as back home. Because I have a desire to have relatedness with others, I try new things that are interesting to me, and meet people through those venues, such as UNI Dance Marathon, and Psychology Club. I tend to associate myself with people that have similar interests as me, and therefore we can be more congruent in establishing an emotional bond.
The poor fish’s psychological needs are not being met, because there isn’t another fish to help him with his relatedness! He is competent in his ability to flee from his neglectful and frustrating environment and is hoping to land in a fishbowl with another fish so that he can establish strong emotional bonds with that other goldfish. Hopefully, it’s not a beta bowl he’s jumping in, as they don’t do so well with relatedness!

Terms: Psychological needs, relatedness, autonomy, competence, flow, engagement model of motivation, organismic approach

Chapter 6 deals with our physiological needs, also known as organismic. Autonomy, competence, and relatedness are the big three needs that this chapter discussed. Autonomy is the need to experience the intuition and regulations of ones own behaviors, along with the need to experience self-direction. Competence is the need to be effective in interactions with the environment and reflects the desires to exercises ones skills, and generates the willingness to seek out optimal challenges. Relatedness is our need to want to belong.
Autonomy is where people want the right to choose what they want to do without the feeling of being controlled by somebody or something. Internal perceived locus of causality, volition, and perceived choice make-up the three components of autonomy.

First, internal perceived locus of causality is the understanding of what caused an individual to act in a particular way. External and internal PLOC are the two ends of the spectrum. Volition is where the need to participate is considered unpressured motivation when involving an activity. Perceived choice is where flexible decision-making options come to play. Autonomy also has a supportive motivating style where one person’s willingness to take the other’s perspective and to value personal growth of opportunities during activities. If you have the autonomy-supportive motivating style is help to nurture other with their inner motivational resources, while controlling style motivates people by using their outer motivational resources. If people get positive autonomy support they engage in higher efforts to do well with positive emotions, along with enhancements of development, performance, and psychological well-being.

Competence is the need we have to want to be effective in interactions with the environment. When we are able to develop our own skills, we have a strong need-satisfying sort of satisfaction that occurs. Positive feedback and the perception of progress are key environmental conditions that are able to satisfy our need for competence. Flow is where you’re in a state of concentration that exceeds normal concentration when the individual is aligned just right with the activity they have chosen to do. Being overchallenged can bring out worry in somebody because they aren’t able to do a certain task. While being underchallenged makes people bored with the activity they are doing. But when a challenge matches the skill to an individual is when it matches up and they are able to feel the satisfaction of flow.

Relatedness is the need where everyone is in desire of having social interactions. Everyone wants someone, it’s the feeling of being able to belong. People generally are looking for emotionally positive interactions. In friendships we are able to satisfy our need to belong because at least in my case my, “true-self” plays a big factor in my friendships where we all express ourselves honestly and don’t judge each other for it. exchange relationships are considered to be more on a professional level, while communal relationships are where our relationships are found with our friends and families. Something that interested me in this chapter was the communal and exchange relationships, I like learning about what each one meant and then figuring out that most of my co-workers would fit under exchange relationships because I don’t really see too much of them outside of work.

I feel that I have high autonomy because the knowledge that I know about life and the confidence I have in myself helps push me forward in a positive direction where I’m in control. I’m one of the best procrastinator around and I’m afraid I’m going to keep on being one as the next semesters roll by, so my competence level is a little lower, because of that. However my relatedness is high because I keep in contact with all my close friends whether they are out of state or live just down the street from me.

Relatedness plays into my everyday life, because I do truly want to be accepted by my peers and family members. When somebody puts me down in a jokingly way, I get slightly hurt from it, but I wouldn’t dare tell that person that their comment offended me because they are just trying to lighten the mood in their own way that they feel is funny. I have many communal relationships with my family members, I like to know how they are doing, even though we all leave about 3 hours away from one another. It helps me feel satisfied in knowing they are doing alright.

The poor fish is just swimming around in the bowl by its lonesome. This poor guy isn’t having his need of relatedness being satisfied, so it’s trying to jump out of the bowl to see if it could find something more to connect to in the outside world. This fishy has no autonomy swimming in this bowl because the owner of it has total control of when it get feed, the water gets cleaned, all the fish has is his own control of deciding whether to swim around or just stay in one position during the long days. But by jumping from this bowl a little part of this fish’s autonomy is being satisfied. Competence is being met and satisfied because this fish is making a challenge for himself to escape.

TERMS: organismic approach, autonomy, perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice, competence, optimal challenges, flow, positive feedback, and relatedness

Chapter 6 discusses the psychological needs of motivation from an organismic approach. The three psychological needs are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. In the organismic approach to motivation, it is assumed that people are inherently active and that the person uses it to engage in the environment.
Autonomy is to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in one's behavior. It is like being able to make your own decisions for what you want and having control. The extent of satisfaction of one's need of autonomy depends on how supportive the relationships and environment are perceived to be. People who are autonomous show positive things in motivation, development, learning, performance, and psychological well-being.
Competence is the need to interact effectively with the environment. Its being able to show your abilities and testing your limits. The need of competence come when you want to extend your limits further and seek out thrills. The more the environment satisfies need of competence, the more willing one is going to seek out challenges that will allow them the grow and develop their skill.
Relatedness is the need to create close emotional bonds and attachments with other people. It's the desire to be emotionally connected and involved in warm, caring relationships. Satisfaction of relatedness comes when a person confirms that the bonds with other people are both caring and liking. A communal relationship is a good example of satisfying the need for relatedness.
I would rate myself medium for autonomy. I like to make my own choices and I feel better when I have more of an influence in a decision, but I will listen to other when it comes to making a decision. Competence would be medium. I am pretty content the way I am, but I really enjoy challenging myself, whether it be in sports or school. It also feels good to have my competence acknowledged. Relatedness would be medium also. I enjoy being around my friends and those close to me. I would rather hang out with my friends than be alone a majority of the time. But I do enjoy being alone and having time to myself sometimes.
I would say competence is what motivates me the most. I am always up for a challenge and something to better develop my skill. I also enjoy simple things that are helping increase my skill. For example, I enjoy shooting my bow with my friends (relatedness), but at the same time, I am practicing and getting better at shooting my bow.
In the picture, I think the fish is trying to escape because its psychological needs are not met. There are no other fish in the bowl that he can satisfy the need of relatedness. Maybe he doesn't want to be in that bowl, so he is not satisfied with the need of autonomy. Or maybe he enjoys jumping out of fish bowls that he want to keep jumping higher and higher to test his skill, thus satisfying his need for competence.
Terms: psychological need, autonomy, competence, relatedness, communal relationship, organismic approach

Chapter 6 is about the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy is the need to choose your own actions and regulate your own behavior. When an individual has autonomy, their perceived locus of causality, or where the person believes their motivations are coming from (external or internal), becomes internal. This gives that person a sense of freedom and control over their lives, since they are motivating themselves instead of the environment doing it for them. People with autonomy display better motivation, learning, and psychological well-being.
Competence is the need to interact effectively with the environment. It comes from an individual's desire to exercise and improve upon their skills or talents. Competence can be satisfied with positive feedback on an individual's performance and the individual's perception of progress, or how much that person thinks they have improved. The more that an environment satisfies a person's need for competence, the more that person will seek out challenges and work towards mastery of their skills.
Finally, relatedness is the need to create close, warm, caring relationships with other people. A communal relationship, one where both members of the relationship care for each other with nothing expected in return, is an example of a friendship that can form when the need for relatedness is satisfied.
I would rate myself as medium on autonomy, high on relatedness, and high on competence. When it comes to autonomy, I feel that I don't have a lot of freedom to make my own choices. I am living on my own, however, with that comes the extra burden of funding your life on your own. I want to travel or move someplace else, but that requires money, of which I have very little of at the moment. However, I would rate myself as very high on relatedness, since I have many very close friendships that I would classify as communal relationships, and a very deep and satisfying relationship with my girlfriend. Also, I believe I am very competent in most things I try. Last semester I believe my competence was at an all time high because I was taking very difficult classes and doing very well in them, plus I was interested in the topics. Because of this, my internal motivation to achieve in these classes was very high, and I felt very satisfied with myself.
The fish has zero autonomy and zero relatedness, since he is stuck in that bowl with no other options and no one to socialize with, therefore he has decided to escape the bowl regardless of the consequences. In this, his competence must be very high, because he is demonstrating and mastering his ability to swim up and out of the bowl. This self-esteem boost will probably only last until he hits the floor though.

Terms: Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, Perceived Locus of Causality, Communal Relationship

Chapter six was all about the psychological needs of motivation. There are three main psychological needs we all possess: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy is feeling like we can make our own choices, the feeling of control, and the sense that we have a say in our decisions. Competence is making sure you’re performing at a desire level and feeling like you are good and adequate at certain tasks and skills. Finally, relatedness is being able to relate to others and having healthy relationships with those around us. Looking at motivation with an organismic approach, we understand how our psychological needs provide a drive to emit certain behaviors in order to fulfill these needs. Then when people’s psychological needs are satiated, it helps with their overall happiness and well-being.

The most surprising thing I read was the last little blip that explained how the three psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) are what it means to feel vital. Vital, in a sense, means alive. So initially when I think of the word vital, my mind goes to a biological sense. I think of things like “Am I feeling healthy today?” or “Am I sleep deprived? Hungry?” I didn’t think about how feeling vital could relate to your psychological sense and needs until reading this chapter. Studies show that when we satiate our psychological needs, we then have psychological nutrients. These nutrients provide us with the feeling of vitality.

I found it kind of difficult to rate myself on how high my psychological needs are. I would say the lowest of my needs is autonomy. Though everyone needs some control over their lives, as we’ve all just learned form reading our text book, I am okay with others making decisions for me. I’m a very indecisive person, as a lot of women are, and so I sometimes enjoy it when someone else makes a decision for me so I don’t have to go through the difficult task of making it for myself. An example would be of deciding where my boyfriend and I should go out to eat. I really rather him make the decision, even if that means we go someplace that isn’t my favorite. Next I’d probably say competent. Right now I’m in the process of applying to grad school and I am definitely stressing out and afraid of my incompetence’s. Finally, I would say that my highest need would be relatedness. I am a very social creature and like to interact with others rather on a frequent basis. One example of how it is obvious how my relatedness need is very high is when I’m in a car, I either want to be on the phone or talking to the others in the car. I rather talk with my passengers than listen to the radio, and I love music! I will turn down the radio, or even turn it completely off, so I can hold a conversation with the others in the car. Sometimes they don’t like that so much. So there is an example of how a psychological need motivates my behavior.

Psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, organismic approach, satiated, drive, vitality, psychological nutrients

Ahh! I didn't read all of the requirements! My bad! As far as the picture goes... Well, since I just talked about how I have a high psychological need of relatedness, I'm going to go with that so does the fish. Look at him in his small little bowl all by himself - he is lonely! Therefore he is tapping into his psychological need of autonomy and making his own decision to jump out of the bowl in order to go find others and fulfill his relatedness need. He is on his way to build relationships (or so he thinks).

Chapter six was about psychological needs. It dealt with the autonomy, competence, and relatedness. All three of these things are our psychological needs. These needs are referred to as organismic psychological needs. Organismic theories of motivation show that the environment around us is constantly changing and we have to be able to adapt to our changing surroundings. The psychological needs autonomy is basically our desire to be in control of our own lives. We want the freedom to make our own choices and decisions. Competence is the psychological need to effectively interact with the environment to the best of our ability. Relatedness is the psychological need to build close emotional bonds and to have warm relationships.

The most surprising thing that I learned from this chapter was when the book discussed what makes for a good day and vitality. Someone who has a day that they feel autonomous, competent, and interpersonally related is more likely to feel like they had a positive day. When I read that I stopped and thought if that was true. I was thinking that I could have a good day if I just had one of those, but in reality if we were to experience two of the three psychological needs I probably wouldn’t have a great day because I would be missing or focusing on the third psychological need that I did not meet. For example if I experienced autonomy and competence in my daily activities I would still be lacking that the psychological need of relatedness.

I think I would rate myself high in autonomy, competence, and relatedness. I consider myself to be a very independent person so I would be high in autonomy. I like to make my own choices and feel like I am the one in control in my life. I would also rate myself as high in competence because I am a very outgoing person and I like to do my best at everything I do. I tend to feel bad if I don’t feel like I did my best. I would definitely rate myself high in relatedness because I am a big people person. I love having close relationships with people. I take pride in having many friends that feel that they can trust me to talk to about their lives.

I would say that relatedness is a big motivator in my life because I do take so much pride in being trustworthy and good friend. I strive to be the best friend that I can possibly be to others and I would do anything for anyone of my friends. I would say that my psychological need of relatedness motivates me to be the best person I can be because I want to be someone that people want to be friends with and someone that people feel comfortable with and can trust.

I would say that the picture of the fish would deal with all of the psychological needs because the fish is making his own decision to try to jump out of the bowl. By trying to jump out of the bowl the fish is demonstrating competence because he is pushing his ability to try to jump out of the bowl. Finally it also has to do with relatedness because the fish is all alone and had no other fish to build relationships with.

Terms: vitality, psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, organismic theories, motivation

Chapter 6 was all about psychological needs. The way we process and motivate ourselves in our daily lives. This is broken down in to 3 different types: organismic approach, person-environment dialectic and oragnismic psychological needs. The organisimic approach includes the 3 basic needs of an organism…food, water and social support. A person needs food and water for nourishment and to keep his body going biologically but to stay psychologically healthy, a person needs to have social support as well. Person-environment relationship is very important, the person is intrinsically motivated to seek out changes in the environment and the environment then, in a way, reacts back and offers things that can end up extrinsically motivating an individual. Organismic psychological needs is split up in to autonomy, competence and relatedness. Autonomy is the choice and freedom to decide what we want to do instead of someone else doing it for us. This, believe it or not, is a psychological need, and one we hold very important…even though at times in our society we tend to take it for granted. Competence is a need because everyone wants to be able to be competent in the things we do on a daily basis. No one wants to just walk around clueless and not know what they are doing or what is going on. This need is important in all aspects of our lives: school, work, relationships, etc. Relatedness is a need that has to do with our social needs as well. We want to feel like we belong, for people to understand us and acknowledge the things we do. The chapter went on to talk about internalization. Internalization is the process when someone makes an external value in to their own internal value. For example, someone needs to take showers and baths so that they don’t stink and stay clean for health and they accept this and put it in VOLUNTARILY to their daily lives.
In thinking about rating myself on the different psychological needs, I realized that if I actually thought about it I was high on all of them. They push me and effect my life always because that is how I am motivated and what effects the decisions that I make. For example, my need for autonomy is probably the highest need I have. If someone tells me to do something, even if it is something that I thoroughly enjoy, I don’t enjoy as much as if it was my decision to do it. I figure that is what happened the first time I went to college. The first time, many moons ago, I went to Hawkeye for their photography program. Photography and art has always been one of my passions, however, I realized that I got burned out in a hurry from it and ended up dropping out of the program. I believe because I didn’t choose to do the assignments myself but was assigned them, I lost the enjoyment of it all. Internalizing things is also very important in my daily life. I have a very busy life being a single dad, fulltime student and fulltime gymnastics coach. The things that I need to do NEED to become internalized so that I am able to feel like I am making the decisions myself so that my need for autonomy is met and I can happily go about my day instead of feeling like I am forced to do everything throughout the day. Everyone must make some time for themselves throughout the day and if I don’t think of the things I do on a daily basis as my time then I would be stuck feeling overwhelmed and possibly depressed because of not being able to find time for myself…if that makes sense.

Organismic approach, person-environment dialectic, organismic psychological needs, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, autonomy, competence, relatedness, internalization

People are draw to activities that they enjoy and be around people that care about them. Chapter 6 is about Psychological needs. The three main topics it discusses are autonomy, competence and relatedness. People’s lives are always changing and we are growing and learning every day. Chapter 6 starts with telling the reader about how our environment effects what we do. What is around us affects what we can do, our opportunities, and our goals. This is called person-environment dialect. Where we are and the environment around us is always changing and yet we have a drive to meet and conquer the things around us. We want to learn and explore.
The first main concept is Autonomy. This is when a person get to decide what they want to do, when they want to do it and how they do it. We want this freedom to feel in control of our own lives, not the environment telling is what to do. The feeling of freedom is called volition. In autonomy we decide what activity to do, or not to do, no one is telling us we have to or we can’t.
Competence is the next main point Chapter 6 makes. Competence is the act of getting to know their environment and being able to interact effectively with it. As said, the environment around us is always changing. Rather it is home, work, or school, we need to understand what is around us and be able to adapt and be able to fit in with our surrounding. One of the most important ideas with competence is flow. Csikszentmihalyi theory of flow is all about finding the tasks that are not too easy or too hard. If you are doing an activity that is really easy for you, you will be bored. If the activity is to hard then you are nervous and anxious. A person needs to find an activity that they enjoy and can complete without stress but is still a challenge to get the full effect of competence.
People need people. That is a plan and simple fact. All humans need to be able to interact with other humans. It is not just interacting it is also about having close relationships and social bonds. A social bond is when someone cares for us and looks out for us. They like us for who we are. A person can have people around but without social bonds they do not have as much relatedness as they need. Relatedness is the last topic in Chapter 6. Relatedness is simply the need to belong and have friends. As we will see in the movie American Beauty, just having people around is not enough. We need personal connections and love and respect from the people around us to feel truly happy. We just want someone to love us for whom we are.
The most surprising thing about chapter 6 to me was how easy it can be to stop someone’s autonomy need. We all want to make our own choices sometimes the environment stops us but lots of time it is other people. If someone enjoys something but we give them a negative reinforcement we just stopped them from doing what they want and hurt their competence level. The book talks about choices. With little children I work with I usually give them two choices. I did do realize that I am hurting their Autonomy need. I thought I was helping them by giving them options but by limiting what they can do to only two activities really stops that freedom. Also if neither activity is something they want to do then they are forced to do something they do not want to do. This whole idea bout choice is called, “The conundrum of choice”. Still there has to be some structure with children so it is a little difficult to figure out where to draw the line.
I feel that at this point in my life I am about medium in autonomy, competence, and relatedness. In college my days are set on what I was to do most of the time Get up go to class, eat, sleep, homework, and work. There is some free time though. I feel like those hours I am very in control of what I do but the rest is just set. I feel like I have mastered competency pretty well. Having been at UNI for more than a year I have figured a lot out about college life and the campus. I can navigate around school, work, and my dorm well. For relatedness I feel like I need to work on this. At my old college I was surrounded by lots of friends and close friends and my parents were only a half hour away. Here at UNI I feel alone most of the time. I can count my friends on one hand. Yet I do have two really close friends that I can go to and the rest are only a phone call away.
I feel relatedness does drive what I do a lot. Since I have so many friends at different colleges, I find myself going to visit a lot. I feel like I cannot live without my phone to connect me with all of them. One of the biggest way relatedness dictates my life is I will plan to do home work or go running, yet someone will ask me to play volleyball or racquet ball. I want to be around people not just by myself so I say yes. Doing things by yourself is alright, but I would much rather be around people.
Words: Autonomy, person-environment dialect, volition, Competence, relatedness, Csikszentmihalyi theory of flow, relationships, social bond, the conundrum of choice.

I believe the picture of the fish jumping out of the bowl represents how the fish want to be free. He wants to make his own choices and do what he wants not be stuck in the little bowl. At this point he has mastered the bowl and knows about it. He needs a new challenge some place new to go and find an adventure. Plan and simple he is bored. He is very competence with his surroundings. Also since he is alone in a fish bowl he might be wanting to find more fish to get the feeling of relatedness.

Chapter 6 talks about psychological needs. Psychological needs are what motivates and engages us in an environment that we expect will be able to nurture our psychological needs. The three needs this chapter talks about are autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Autonomy is the need to express independence and freedom. Competence is the need to be effective in interactions with others. You need to possess a required skill and knowledge about interactions. Relatedness deals with everyone wanting to belong. Everyone needs social interactions to some extent. Many of us go out of our way to maintain relationships with others. We want to be acknowledged by others.

I thought the flow model was most interesting. I have learned about this model in my leisure youth and human service classes and thought it was interesting how my classes are all tying together. The flow model occurs whenever a person uses his or her skills to overcome some challenge. When doing an activity you need to make sure the activity isn’t too easy or too hard. You want it to be somewhere in the middle. If the activity is too easy you will become bored and uninterested. If the activity is too hard you may become anxious or frightened. Flow is the state in which we feel competence and feel as if we can succeed in certain tasks. When we enter a state of flow we are highly concentrated. An example of flow that I have experienced is riding my bike on RAGBRAI. Riding my bike for that long of distance for seven days straight is the hardest thing I have ever done but once I had completed the ride, it was the best feeling in the world! There were many days I wanted to just quit but I somehow stayed motivated and at times was so concentrated on finishing I forgot about the pain and pushed through.

One thing that surprised me was communal and exchange relationships. I didn’t know there were actual names for different types of relationships. Exchange relationships are those between acquaintances. You know the individual but you aren’t close with them. In communal relationships you are involved with an individual. You care about the person and make sure there doing alright. You want this relationship to last. This works both ways; you need support from everyone involved in the relationship.

To rate myself in the various needs I would rate autonomy as low. I feel like I know how to act and how not to act in certain situations. There is a time and a place for certain behaviors. Competence I would rate myself a medium. When my friends come up to me and are emotional I am not very good at knowing how to handle the situation but in all other aspects of interaction I would say I’m good. Lastly relatedness I would rate myself high. I don’t deal with being alone well. I need social interactions. I often get homesick and need to be around other people.

I think the picture relates to this chapter because this fish is trying to escape from the fish bowl because its needs aren’t being met. The fish is jumping out of the bowl which is expressing its need of freedom which is autonomy. It’s using competence to get out of the bowl and relatedness because its social needs aren’t being met and it’s lonely.

Key terms: psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, flow

Chapter 6
In chapter six, I think the one thing that was interesting to me was how we are born with the ability to fill our organismic psychological need. I thought it was interesting when the chapter went in depth with a child at play and how throwing a rock was not only motivating challenge but also fun. I like how the book said a child would motor about from one place to another with no direct motivation other than wanting to be somewhere different. Children are very independent and do not like to be told how to do things or and they just want to do it themselves. I think it is also interesting how children will have attitudes based on the people so close around them but also will pick up their values. I think that a adolescent may change their perceptions on values as they get older depending on how their parents displayed their values. I wish the book told about what age in children this psychological need really starts to be expressed in children. As babies, I feel like it’s the mothers/ parents job to take care of the baby and other then play and curiosity and a little bit of independence, I think it really takes hold of a child in the 3 to 5 year range but I could be way wrong on this. I’m just going off the observations being around a little girl for the past few years I can really see this Organismic psychological need really being expressed.
I think I have a very high psychological needs over all but I think it varies. I show high competence to do well at work and I strive to get better at the hobbies I enjoy like snowboarding but with school I think I show low levels of competence and I think it’s because my lack of motivation doesn’t affect anyone but me. My parents don’t know anything about college because they didn’t go so they are not active in what I am doing or accomplishing her, my teachers are not as personal with the students like in high school. I think I show high levels of competence when my skills affect others like at work or when my skills get praised like in high school I did really good and had high levels of motivation to get A’s because our teachers would show obligation and push me towards a prescribed course of action. I think my level of psychological need is low also when it comes to college because it is almost to much autonomy. We don’t have people pressuring us to get our work done. We don’t have teachers pressuring us or parents pressuring us to get our work done. I think it’s almost too much of a drastic change from going from adolescent life of having little autonomy to being an adult and in college and having a lot of autonomy.
I think one psychological need that motivates very specific behaviors in my life is relatedness. I am always wanting to make friends and be in social setting. I grew up with a twin sister and we were very close we never liked being mad at each other and we never liked anyone being mad at us. I think this also carried over to adult hood because I am very close with everyone I interact with on a daily bases. I could tell you at least ten facts about each of my coworkers and their families. I would like to think that the people I spend most of my days with do respect me as a person and my well-being. I never understood how people could say that these people or my “work family” but know that I am away from my family it is very true. We are their for each other even outside of work. My friends I count on very much and I know I am a more passive friend and I might not always agree with them I think I just want to belong and not fight or lose a friendship over unimportant things. As far as my relationship with my significant other I think the psychological need for relatedness is low because my boyfriend has and even higher psychological need for relatedness so I find myself being almost opposite and very aggressive in making decisions in the relationship and to get him to make dicisions. I almost take away his autonomy because I use so much internal and external leverage in his decision making. This is one thing really opened my eyes when reading this chapter because I never realized how much I did this with my relationship with my boyfriend but with no other relationships in my life like with family and friends. I hope I can explore this more in this class and find answers.
I think the fish in the picture is like the expression people use when life is hard, “A fish out of Water”, but maybe this fish likes the challenge of being out of water versus having a simple life.

Chapter 6 discusses the role that three psychological needs play in motivation. These psychological needs are known as organismic psychological needs, organismic coming from the term organism meaning “an entity that is alive and in active exchange with its environment.” The main premise of organismic theories is that the person-environment is reciprocal, they exchange with one another. The three psychological needs are autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
The first psychological need discussed was that of autonomy. Autonomy is the psychological need associated with personal freedom and choice, the choice to initiate behaviors and actions. Perceived locus of causality (PLOC), volition, and perceived choice are three factors that contribute to an individual’s feeling of autonomy. An individual’s PLOC is determined by their understanding of whether the causal source of their motivated action is internal (personal) or external (environmental). Individuals who participate in a task willingly, without pressure, are working on high volition. Lastly, perceived choice is high when an individual encounters and environment that allow decision-making flexibility and many options and opportunities to choose from. To maintain an internal PLOC, high degree of volition and perceived choice, we need autonomy support. People who show autonomy support provide a wide range of choices for individuals and the freedom to choose as well as use informational language and explain the purpose of tasks.
Competence, put simply, is the feeling that you are capable of completing a task and feeling effective. The drive to fulfill the psychological need of competence is what motivates us to seek out optimal challenges. The chapter discussed the experience of “flow” as part of the psychological need of competence. We experience flow when we are completely absorbed in the activity and it produces a pleasurable feeling. It occurs when our personal skill and the challenge are either moderately high or high. If challenge is too high, we can experience worry or anxiety. If challenge is too low, we can experience boredom. In order to feel competent, we evaluate the positive feedback we receive from the task itself, current performance compared to past performance, current performance compared to others’ current performance, and the evaluation of others.
According to the textbook, relatedness is “the psychological need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people, and it reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved in warm relationships.” To fulfill the psychological need of relatedness, we must interact with the people around us at the very least. But, we need more than just interaction to satisfy the need. We need to create social bonds, which are characterized by mutual care for the welfare of each individual and liking, each other. We are only satisfied in communal relationships. That is, relationships that exchange care and love, rather than just material items or thoughts.
My ratings for each of these three areas would vary depending on the task. Overall though, I would say that I feel medium autonomy, high competence, and high relatedness. I feel medium autonomy because I feel like I do have the freedom to choose different courses of action, but I also feel limited by societal and family pressures at times. I feel high competence because while performing and completing a task, I receive positive feedback acknowledging my capabilities. I also feel like the opportunities for challenge are comparable to my skill level, although, as I previously mentioned, this may not apply to all tasks and activities. Lastly, I feel high relatedness because I engage in many active communal relationships in which I share social bonds with others.
Competence is the psychological need that motivates me to participate in a wide variety of activities. It has motivated me to seek out leadership roles in organizations to challenge myself in terms of how effectively I can lead a group of individuals or organize an event. Succeeding in my various leadership endeavors motivates me to seek out more challenging leadership opportunities. I receive positive feedback from completed the term of my position, comparing my performance to previous positions held, comparing my performance to previous individuals who held the position, and receiving evaluation from others who give me high marks for my contributions and skills. It is also very rewarding to participate in a wide variety of organizations that do so much for the community around me.
I see the fish jumping out of the bowl as a representation of the psychological needs discussed in this chapter. More specifically, the psychological needs of autonomy and competence. The fish is trying to fulfill the need for autonomy by releasing itself from the limitations and boundaries of the fish bowl. The fish is freely choosing whether or not to remain in the bowl. It also represents satisfying the need of competence by showing that it is capable of taking that challenging jump out of the water and even out of the bowl. It could even be receiving positive feedback from its comparison of its current performance with its past performance, which may have been the inability to jump out of the bowl. I believe it is actually a good representation, demonstrating out empowering and satisfying it can be when all three psychological needs are fulfilled allowing us to feel a sense of freedom, like a fish taking a leap out of water.

Terms: Organismic psychological needs, organism, autonomy, perceived locus of control, volition, perceived choice, competence, flow, positive feedback, relatedness, social bonds, communal relationships.

Chapter Six discussed psychological needs, specifically the three organismic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. We are interested in and enjoy activities that involve psychological needs, but the underlying reason why we engage in these activities is to satisfy our psychological needs. They promote exploration and challenge-seeking so they are seen as growth needs (rather than deficit needs). Autonomy is the desire for choice and decision-making flexibility when deciding what to do. Three experiential qualities work together to define the subjective experience of autonomy: an internal perceived locus of causality (an individual's understanding of the causal source of his or her motivated actions), volition (unpressured willingness to engage in an activity), and perceived choice (the sense of choice we experience when we find ourselves in environments that provide us with decision-making flexibility that affords us many opportunities from which to choose). There are four autonomy-supportive motivating styles: nurtures inner motivational resources, relies on informational language, provides explanatory rationales, and acknowledges and accepts negative affect. Competence is the desire to interact effectively with the surroundings, whether it be in school, at work, in relationships, or during recreation and sports. It reflects the desires to exercise one's capabilities and skills and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges. When talking about competency, pleasure is derived from optimal challenge. Relatedness is the psychological need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people, and it reflects the desire to be emotionally connected to and interpersonally involved in warm relationships. Experiences that involve and satisfy psychological needs generate positive emotion and psychological well-being.
The most surprising thing I found in this chapter was how big of a role autonomy plays in each person's life. The need for autonomy is present in external events, environments, social contexts, and relationships, but all in different ways, and each context promotes a different kind of motivation derived from autonomy. For example, when the environment imposes a deadline, it interferes with autonomy because you don't get to choose when you complete the task, but when it provides opportunities for self-direction, it supports autonomy and motives you to make the deadline.
If I had to rate myself on the levels of my psychological needs, I would say that my need for relatedness is the highest, closely followed by autonomy (both high ratings), and competency is the lowest (medium rating). I am very dependent on relationships in my life. My friends and family mean the world to me, and if I ever feel that something is not being reciprocated, or if I am upset with a family member or friend, I am very affected. I feel that sometimes my need for relatedness sometimes takes over. At the same time, I am an independent person when it comes to my morals, lifestyle, and decisions. I like to make my own decisions, complete tasks on my own time, and ultimately take the wheel for most things regarding myself personally. I much prefer to live with my friends than with my family because I have much more of a sense for my autonomy. Competency is a little bit lower on my list because it is not something by which I feel overtaken. I do have a competitive side when it comes to grades; I challenge myself to do better than my peers. I also like to win small arguments; so I get kind of competitive while arguing something I believe to be right. Generally, however, autonomy and relatedness play a much bigger role in my life than competency. When it comes to motivation, I would say that autonomy motivates me the most. I rely a lot on extrinsic motivators that support autonomy.
I think that the fish picture represents the absence or relatedness and the need for autonomy. The fish has nothing in the bowl with it -- not even rocks! There is no sense of relatedness at all in this bowl, and it is needing autonomy. It has no choice but to stay in the bowl or it'll die, but he is bored and just wants to do something. So I think his psychological needs get the best of it, and it decides to free itself of the boring bowl, which will have very very sad consequences.

Terms: organismic psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, internal perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice

Chapter six focuses heavily on the three psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness, and competence. Autonomy is need to experience self-direction and focuses more on wanting the inner resources of oneself to help them and not environmental ones. Relatedness is the need to build close relationship with others around you, whether it is one person or an entire community. Humans feel the need to want to be part of the group. Competence is the need to interact effectively with you environment. The higher the challenge that is reached, the more enjoyment a person feels reaching something called flow. The most surprising thing I learned from this chapter was that when we have good days and bad days these days are based on whether or not our psychological needs have been met. Although this makes complete sense it is funny to look at it that way. If you are going through a bad break up, most of your days after will not be good days because your psychological needs are not being met, for example, competence. I think with autonomy I would rate myself as medium, and that would be the same with competence. With competence I think it manifests in that I am constantly going back and forth between work and school and the ultimate goal with those needs is to be successful. I wouldn’t put in the time and effort to fail and either of those things. I think that I would rank high on the relatedness scale because I am always looking for ways to relate to people when making new friends or thinking about whether someone would be a good significant other for me. I tend to be very picky on the relatedness scale because sometimes I find myself even just looking at a person and thinking “it won’t work”. Unfortunately, that probably causes me to miss out on meeting a lot of nice and interesting people in my life, but I still like just having a small and close group of friends. I think that this picture with the fish has to do with relatedness and competence. The fish wants to get out and be with more people like him rather than being isolated to an empty bowl. I think that this picture also related to competence because he wants to interact effectively within his environment, but in this bowl there is hardly an environment to interact with and he feels the need to get out into a more challenging experience.
Terms: competence, autonomy, flow, relatedness

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