People's Choice
Based on your reading from Tuesday (Chapter 14), choose one specific topic from the chapter you read that you would like to know more about. Do some intensive googling to find high quality information about your topic. Provide a detailed summary of your topic, and include 3 high quality links to more information.
Subliminal messaging involves presenting a stimulus for a very short time and an individual whom is unaware of its presence. The point is to get their unconscious mind to register it, while their conscious mind is unable to detect it, which Freudian unconscious, adaptive unconscious and implicit motivation theorists all agree works. The major source of subliminal messages today is in advertising. However, researchers have found that although the unconscious mind may recognize the stimulus, it does not act on it. Therefore, the book is suggesting that subliminal messages do not influence one’s behavior.
Subliminal messages were first known to have been used in whisper therapy, which consisted of suggestions made in which the patient didn’t consciously register, so it would enter the unconscious mind. Later research indicated variability amongst peoples’ limits between the conscious and unconscious mind. This threshold was demonstrated by "subliminal electrical stimulation," in which impulses were conducted at different intensities to change the brain activity. When a stimulus goes into the unconscious mind, there are no reasoning skills to evaluate it, and thus is assumed to be true. Currently, subliminal message use is illegal in the U.S. by regulation of the FCC, but is also difficult to spot. The most common way to sneak a message into an advertisement unknowingly is by flashing an image onto a screen in frames (1/3000th of a second every 5 seconds). Other ways include words hidden in images, images hidden in images, and words hidden in background music. With new information, the question remains, just how influential are subliminal messages?
In 1994, researchers Kirk Smith and Martha Rogers studied the effects of subliminal messaging to answer some of the questions it raised. They wanted to be able to detect whether or not participants could consciously recognize the subliminal message, to compare effects of recognized and unrecognized messages, see if unrecognized messages had effects on informed participants, and finally to indicate the successfulness of subliminal messages on viewers.
The researchers found that subliminal messages which go consciously unrecognized by viewers are only slightly more (if at all) successful than recognized messages for both informed and uninformed participants. In fact, they indicated regular advertising to be more successful in viewer influence than subliminal advertising. Furthermore, they found the subliminal effects on memory to be very low, which concludes that subliminal messages have little effect on influencing viewers.
Through ongoing research, the subliminal information pool increased with news that there may be some other effects to it. A study was done with participants with electrodes to measure brain activity, in which they viewed threatening and non-threatening words subliminally as well as normally. The results indicated that threatening words elicited activity in the amygdala (negative emotion) compared to non-threatening words. Although consciously recognized words elicited a stronger response, subliminal words still enacted a response. These results indicate that by stimulating emotions, subliminal messages may influence our motivations. However, it still is not clear if they have stimulations strong enough to do so.
Defense mechanisms are ways in which our unconscious mind protects out ego from anxiety. The most popular and highly used mechanisms are Denial, fantasy, projection, displacement, regression. The list goes on and on. This is a highly debatable topic in psychology. Contemporary psychoanalysis still use these today and the debate continues.
Psychology Today published an article called the Essential Guide to Defense Mechanisms. In this article they argue that defense mechanisms are an everyday occurring wither you believe in them or not. This article points out nine commonly used defense mechanisms some of which are included above. The article states that this is the most common way of coping with anxiety and treats against our ego. The article also talks about the more 'mature' mechanisms are the most adaptive. These include internationalization, sublimation and rationalization. According to research done by George Valliant, defense mechanisms can leads to better family and social lives.
My next article i found was about more information explaining the mechanisms in more detail. This website cites Anna Freud as the founder of the defense mechanisms. This also points out three different types of anxiety. Reality anxiety is more basic form rooted in reality. Neurotic Anxiety stems from a fear that the ID will take control at inappropriate times. This is driven by a fear of punishment. Lastly we have moral anxiety. This is anxiety which results from violating moral,and societal codes. This article talks more in depth about the different types of mechanism and how they work on solving the anxiety problem.
The last article i found was about motivated forgetting. This is in debate about it's existence. Motivated forgetting is a concept that says people forget memories either consiocuslly or unconsicually. This is the broad topic that includes suppression and regression. This website while it may be a Wiki article does cover a great deal of information about the topic and is relatively correct. This article also goes over the history and ciritsims. the reason this mechanism has been crisitced is because this can be used to input a memory that one has never had. A good example of this is in Chapter 14 the first paragraph about the psychologist putting the memory of a stolen newspaper into your friend's head. Issues like child abuse can come up when none was really present and the question is can one actually repress that information.
The topic that I chose to research about a little more would be Freud’s Id and Ego. I think these are both interesting because it relates to our lives so much, and also I thought it was interesting about the section in the book that was talking about if they really did exist. While searching the web there were multiple websites that really helped explain the topic better and made me think of things in different ways.
The first website was from simplypsychology, which is actually a website that was extremely helpful. It seems like it is exactly what is says, simple, yet it does a good job in explaining things, and of course I am a visual learner, and this website used pictures to show the differences and what id and ego really mean. This site also explained superego, which was not really discussed in this particular chapter, but it was something that was nice to look over and review. If you look at the site, you can see that the pictures are childish, but sometimes that is nice because you want the average person to really understand, and sometimes things can be too confusing for the average person and then they will just give up on the topic. This is one reason I really enjoyed this site. This website also related to chapter 14 because the eros and thanatos were also explained when it comes to the Id, which were actually two names that I am not sure if I had heard of before reading the chapter. It explained that the Id is inherited or biological stuff, while the ego is something that relates to how we are influenced. It explained how the ego can sometimes be defined as weak compared to the Id, since that is something that is usually predetermined.
The second website that I looked at was Wikipedia. I know something Wiki does not get good reviews and people believe it is not accurate information, but I compared the information from this website to the book and other sites I looked at and the information seemed to be very good quality. It explained exactly what Id and Ego were, the correct definition and how we can relate it to the real world. This website also really explained the structural model and how all of the psyches relate. Even though the superego was not really explained in the book, it was explained in this website, but it definitely explained how all three are different.
The third article I looked at was definitely very interesting because it was talking about a topic that many people, especially psychologist had talked about. It was called Freud or Fraud? And It explained the id, ego and superego and how some people believe Freud was just a little full of it! It explained the question of if the id and ego are both on an unconscious level. It kind of put some things in a different perspective for me. If explained that if the id is at an unconscious level, and the ego is at a conscious level then how can one thing (id) can fight against something that is conscious when it is unconscious. Also, it then explained that some people believe that they are both unconscious; but then you have to think how we ever make our own choices if we are unconscious. So who makes our choices? Or id? Ego? Or something else. I think it was nice to see things in a different perspective. Yet during the article it does explain things correctly which relates to the text.,_ego_and_super-ego
Being a huge fan of Freud as well as human sexuality, I wanted to learn more about his sexual and aggression approaches towards understanding internal motivation.
The first website I googled across was wikipedia. It states that at first, Freud developed The Seduction Theory after claiming that unconscious memories of child molestation of clients was a precondition to psychoneurosis. What's interesting is Freud later got rid of this theory and claimed that these memories of sexual abuse that did not actually exist were just imaginary sexual fantasies. Instead of the actually event of molestation causing later neurosis, Freud claimed it was the actual suppression of these sexual fantasies that are the preconditions. These leads into his psychosexual theory.
The second website I found gave an overview of Freud's psychosexual theory. His theory was that children go through five stages of sexual development: the oral phase (fixation on the mouth from nursing), the anal stage (bowel and bladder movements, the phallic stage (discovering genitals, developing the Oedipus complex), the latency stage (dormant sexual feelings), and genital stage (matured sexuality). During each of these stages of sexual development, children will acquire the necessary development to become a well-adjusted adult. If a child stalls during a particular stage, called a fixation, it may cause problems in their adult life in terms of love, dating, and marriage. For instance, a fixation on the anal stage may cause a person to become anal retentive (excessively neat and tidy) or anal expulsive (reckless, messy, careless) depending on the fixation.
The third website, once again wikipedia, is about Karen Horney. She argues against Freud's traditional sex beliefs about women and their want of a penis, known as "penis envy". She argued that Freud used this as an excuse for women's jealousy of men's power in the world, and there are other ways for women to motivate themselves into dating men and granting their sexual wishes. She argued with the term "womb envy" must exist as well for men then in order for Freud's penis envy theory to be confirmed. She claimed that men must also envy women in some way, and that is the ability to have a child.
Overall, I think Freud's beliefs are very intriguing and I understand Karen Horney's arguments against Freud on his penis envy theory, but I think Freud would have strongly agreed with Karen's theory as well. I like to believe that men and women are always curious as to what it would be like to be the opposite sex. I think gay people experience this penis envy or womb envy at a young age that causes them to develop a unique sexual orientation and display it in their sexual behavior. Freud or Fraud? Just like some of his theories, neither can be proved but only argued.
For this assignment I chose look delve deeper into Freud’s idea unconscious dream analysis. Freud believed that while a person was unconscious and dreaming their dreams could be interpreted through symbols. The id will release at these times information that normally is held back by the ego. The id from day one of life reacts to biological desires. The ego has to allow for desires from the id to be met, but also pay attention to the situation in which the individual is. At age five the superego is developed which handles the moral dilemmas. This website describes the inability to remember dreams as work of the superego. As the moral protector, the superego protects the individual from remembering the id’s desires that could at times be harmful. During the analysis of these dreams, Freud would use free association. This would entail expressing to the subject a dream symbol then the subject would in turn say the first thing that came to their mind. Freud believed that once he started the free association that it would lead to the subject let more of their unconsciously thoughts and feeling flow freely. An example of this was if the word was bird it may lead to the subject reflect on their childhood when they had many birds as pets.
After he analyzed the free association along with the dreams he would group the dreams to interpret them into five processes. They are displacement, projection, symbolization, condensation, and rationalization. Displacement is described when the desire for an object is symbolized by something different. Projection is when the subjects desires are placed upon another person. Symbolization requires the subjects repressed urges and desires symbolically. Condensation makes the dreams objective less obvious by the subject hiding their feelings. Finally, rationalization is the final stage of the dream. This is when the mind creates the dream in an organized fashion.
Freud also listed his dreams under three categories. These three categories were the satisfaction dream, the impatient dream, and the comfort dream. One website described what Freud came up with as commonalities between dreams of many different individuals. From those similarities he found that a house in many turns related to a human. If the house had a balcony or awning, the person was normally a woman. Kings and queens were many times used as symbols for the individuals parents. He also found traveling and journeys as the person describing dying. The final items I found interesting, and so did Freud (obsessively) was his many examples that his subjects would come up with as symbols for the male and female sex organs as well as many symbols for intercourse. The male sex organs were converted into symbols that displayed objects that could penetrate, objects from which water flows, objects that defy gravity and animals. Female sex organs were objects that could hold other objects, objects that represent breasts and others such as bushes, and shrubs. Freud was a twisted man.
The topic that I would like to learn more about is object relations theory. Central to the object relations theory are the infant’s need for attachment to the caregiver and the adult’s subsequent interpersonal connectedness to the important people in his or her life. Freud defines this study as “how people satisfy their need for relatedness through their mental representations of and actual attachments to social and sexual objects”. Object relations theory focuses on the nature and the development of mental representations of the self and others and on the affective processes associated with these representations. In particular it focuses on how childhood mental representations of one’s caretakers are captured within the personality and persist into adulthood. What persists into adulthood are those mental representations of self and of other significant people. I found this to be interesting because I just got a job at Lutheran Services of Iowa working as a Youth Specialist. Many of the children that I will be working with have been abused and or neglected. Their personalities may be wilder than most children and they are likely to act out. This theory is one way to explain why some kids seek more attention than others.
Object relations theory is similar to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory that emphasizes interpersonal relations, primarily between the mother and child. “Object” actually refers to person; “relations” refers to interpersonal relations and suggests the residues of past relationships that affect a person in the present. Object relations theorists are interested in inner images of the self and how they manifest themselves in interpersonal situations. One criticism that goes along with this theory is that many times social norms are not considered. For some studies, social norms are not considered. Object relations could be considered a superficial approach to the relationship between mother and child.
Melanie Klein’s work is commonly identified with the terms “objects relations theory”, even though it is portrayed as a Freudian idea. However, Freud’s psychoanalytic theory closely relates to this theory. Klein believed that when an infant realized it needed its mother for more things than milk, it became overwhelmed and felt threatened, which results in conflict. This conflict is then reflected later in the adult’s personality. This sounds very Freudian to me. No one can trace back to how they felt as an infant, so no one can really prove either of them wrong, it just sounds ridiculous.
The topic I chose to search was Ego Defense. Anxiety and overwhelming feelings create a need to defend. When anxiety occurs the mind responds in two ways. First, problem solving skills are amplified. Second, the ego-defense mechanisms come into play. These mechanisms can operate unconsciously and can alter, change, or falsify reality. When reality is perceived in a different way anxiety decreases and the psychological tension of an individual is reduced. Forces that allow us to keep painful thoughts away are known as defense mechanisms. These mechanisms are involuntary and out of our control. They are natural, normal, and occur in every being. Repression is a type of defense mechanism that can prevent unpleasant thoughts from becoming conscious, and can prevent unwanted memories from resurfacing. Being cut off from these feelings is known as alexithymia. People who repress can begin to feel anxiety and stress build up. They are conflict avoidant and are unwilling to work things out with others. They remember very few negative events to the extreme where they believe they had a happy childhood when in reality they did not. Projection involves attributing ones owns thoughts and feelings to another person. People who project are often caught up in blaming others. They often harbor shame that interferes with social information processing. These people miss opportunities for growth by not seeing the negative in themselves. Without realizing unwanted behaviors they cannot change. Denial involves a person’s unwillingness to handle a situation; blocking out external events from their awareness. The defense mechanisms I just discussed were among a list of many immature tactics. Mature defense mechanisms include sublimation, humor, anticipation, and suppression. Defense can be termed as “self-protection.” Defense mechanisms help us deal with stress however; they can keep people from showing their true selves.
I chose to discuss suppression. This web site stated a very interesting point; suppression is used to stop people from doing something stupid. Some impulses that we have are very inappropriate, but just the thought of it is harmless, so we purposely forget about it. If we were to act upon it, we would be considered socially unacceptable. However, suppression is found to be unhealthy also. People force themselves to forget things, but this hinders their ability to handle situations correctly. They may have an urge to lash out of rage from all the anger kept inside.
In the second web page, a study was done where people were asked about previous partners that “still fires the imagination” verses ones that don’t. He referred to them as ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ flames. The researcher felt that the hot flame partners would be easily suppressed be the person had more practice, where as the cold flame partners would be hard for the person to suppress. When there is no interest in the past cold flame, the people never had a reason to suppress anything. However, when they were brought up, since suppression had not been practiced, the past emotions cued thoughts of them. I found this very interesting to explain this. I thought it would have been the other way around, with the hot flames hard to hide the thoughts. But after thinking of this reading, I understand how this works.
This last site discussed the typical “don’t think of pink elephants” test works. The people had it on their mind, so it kept popping into their heads. This is a different aspect of suppression than previously mentioned. This states that even if people try really hard not to think about something, they do .So, I feel it is opposite of what we learned in class. However, I could be different depending on what the topic is. When its pink elephants, there is no emotion, so it’s just another topic to think about. However, if a person were to have been in a horrible car accident, they wouldn’t want to think about it. Therefore, the thoughts would be suppressed because the emotion is not wanting to be dealt with appropriately.
The topic I chose to look into more was part of the Freudian unconscious mind. I realize that this whole chapter was about unconscious motivation but I enjoy learning about how our id, ego and superego's are developed.
The first article I found starts off with Freud's saying that we are all born with the id factor. The id section is a very selfish part of the unconscious mind. Although, as a baby you obviously do not know that. The id is only worried about it's needs. When the child wants something it tries it's best to get it, whatever it takes. Next, in line is the ego factor within three years of the id. The job of the ego is to make sure that the id's needs are met but also realizing that other people have needs as well. This is when you realize you're not the only person with needs and wants. The superego becomes present around the age of five or six. The caregivers of the superego help shape the superego into what it becomes. The superego is developed from our morals and values. This website said that the ego is the strongest in a healthy person because it doesn't want to upset the superego but has to meet the needs of the id.
According to my second website everyone's personality is shaped by their id, ego and superego. Those three behaviors shaped who we all are. Since we are all born with our id's then Freud thinks that it's the most important and main component to personality. The id is known as the pleasure principle and if not catered to soon enough than tension and anxiety might become present. This article states that immediately satisfying our needs may not always be possible right away. The ego is known as the part that deals with reality and is the most realistic. I would consider the ego the more responsible unconscious thought. Freud said that the ego develops from the id and manages the id so that it's acceptable in the real world. Like the id, the ego is known as the reality principle keeping everything put together. The last part of the personality developed would be the superego. The superego is known for it's morals that were learned from our parents and society. The superego is present in every state, such as; conscious, preconscious and unconscious.
My third website that I found starts out stating that the three parts of the unconscious are all systems, and in no way physical. The id is consisted of our biological components of personality. The id system responds to it's instincts, so when a child is hungry they are going to cry until they get fed. When the child is fed they experience pleasure and are somewhat satisfied for the moment. The ego is developed next. The ego is developed so it keeps the unrealistic and the real world on the same page. The ego knows right from wrong and tries to keep the id in line. Next is the superego. The superego is developed during the phallic stage. The superego strives for more moralistic goals and also strives for perfection. Guilt can arise when the superego falls short of an ideal state.
Although I learned a lot from chapter 14 I also learned more information from these three websites. I'm glad I did some extra research because even now I have a better understanding of the id, ego and superego systems and how they are developed.
I decided to further research defense mechanisms because I found them interesting and could relate it to everyday life. Defense mechanisms reduce our anxiety about certain things and explain strange aspects of behavior when we can not define it ourselves. There are three types of anxiety: reality, neurotic, and moral. Reality anxiety is the basic form of anxiety and is based on fears of real and possible events. For example, if you fall from a ladder you might be scared of heights later on in life. Neurotic anxiety is the form that comes from the unconscious fear that impulses of the Id will take control of the person, which leads to punishment. Lastly, moral anxiety is the form that comes from the Superego in the form of violating values and moral codes. This might appear as guilt or shame. Defense mechanisms appear when anxiety occurs and the mind responds with a problem-solving, rational way of thinking to get out of that particular situation. This mechanism helps the Ego deal with the Id and Superego. These defense mechanisms tend to be unconscious and can distort or falsify reality.
I found an interesting article that discussed how emotional processes affect our physical health and well being. It took on an perspective that I had never previously thought about. Basically the author states how he looks at some of the latest research of emotional experience and health as well as healthy ways to deal with that emotion. One study had found that those who repress their emotions suppress their immune response as well. This makes them vulnerable to illnesses of all severity. More specifically, those patients with serious medical conditions such as cancer, kidney failure, or diabetes who did not comply with medical advice of their doctors also showed a strong use of defense mechanisms. Other studies showed that those who avoided sharing their feelings and life experiences died sooner and in greater numbers compared to those who did share their feelings. One example said that the more deeply the patient experienced anger, the greater relief of pain the patient reported. I thought this was interesting because it makes sense - if you try to lessen your mental anxiety by sharing your emotions you will probably experience less physical pain as well. While I do believe that there is physical pain you cannot stop, I do believe that a lot of pain and suffering is mental as well and if you can control it you will feel better.
The last article I found discussing defense mechanisms was in Psychology Today. This article clearly states that the concept of defense mechanisms was rejected from academic psychology years ago but there is new research in cognitive, developmental, and social psychology where evidence for them has shown psychological functioning. This article pointed out the differences between coping and defense mechanisms. They are differentiated by their status of conscious or unconscious processes and being intentional or non-intentional operations. They are also different by whether they are determined by the situation or disposition and whether or not they can be hierarchically arranged. The defenses found in cognitive psychology include memory without a conscious awareness which can be considered an implicit motivation, decision making outside of awareness, and selective attention. Defenses in developmental psychology include attachment and abuse, self esteem, moral development, and emotions. While I was reading through this section I found that a lot of these "defenses" were broad and unclear. They did specify differences between coping and defense mechanism, but I feel like this is pushing it a little too far. Lastly, they also discussed personality defense mechanisms. This included identity and identity status and gender role conflict with sexual identity. Again, I can't say that I agree with them completely because there are so many other ways to address these issues that are recognized by the APA.
People’s Choice
The concept I found most intriguing in chapter fourteen was that of suppression. Suppression when defined in the book was the act of stopping a thought and trying not to think about it. The book then went on to say that the more you tried to not think about this thought the more you actually did. In class, however, suppression was defined as actively trying to forget a situation or event. This effort can actually be successful. For example if something bad happened on a family vacation and the family choose to never talk about it and never wanted it brought up, over time the event itself can become foggy and hard to remember.
The in-class definition was what came up most when I went looking under suppression. The first site I went to said that depression was a defense mechanism and said it was also a form of denial. It is used when people are faced with a reality that they cannot handle. This website claimed that denial was a function used to protect the ego from things that the individual was unable to cope with. Therefore saving that individual from higher degrees of anxiety and pain.
The second site I looked at explained a study in which scientists tried to figure out how the human mind could suppress a memory. The article then went on to describe a two-step process in which people could accomplish actively suppressing a memory they wished to forget. The first thing they researchers discovered was that when someone is actively trying to forget something the prefrontal cortex activates. This is the part of the brain that is involved in cognitive functions that control our thoughts. When watching the prefrontal cortex they discovered that two regions of this area were working together to forget the memory. First, the sensory aspects of the memory were blocked and then the emotions associated with that memory were blocked. With this two-step process accomplished by the brain the memory itself could then be suppressed.
The last website I looked at went over the positives and negatives of suppression. The positive was that suppression allows us to avoid material our ego is not ready to handle on a day to day basis. The negative aspects included things like distorted memories, having the complete information no longer available to our consciousness, and not being able to handle certain things in a constructive manner because suppression is a form of denial.
The topic that I chose to research was subliminal messaging. Subliminal messages are messages that are conveyed to someone through their unconscious. They are presented at a weak level to an unsuspecting research participant. Marketers have been using this phenomenon for awhile now. They were made popular in the 1960's by a local theater that would briefly flash mesages of eat popcorn or drink coke that would attract the attention of the people in the audience and these people would want those things. What is funny about subliminal messages is that you don't even know that you are being presented this information. Researchers have tested to see if subliminal messages work and they found that people do not act on the subliminal messages.
The first article that I found was very interesting. It was about different types of subliminal messages that advertisers use to sell their products. The first type is sex sells. Sex sells is one of the big ones and we here about it all the time. The article talks about how advertisers spelling out the word sex to try and sell their products. The next type is backmasking. This is when you play an audio backwards so the message doesn't come out clearly but so that the subconscious still understands it. The third type is quick flashes. This is when advertisers flash to buy their product very fast. These messages aren't noticeable to the eye but the subconcious can pick up on these messages.
I found another article that was very interesting. It talked about political candidates using subliminal messsages to try and get voters. In this article, it was about Mike Huckabee who ran for president in 2008 trying to subliminally use a bookshelf that was shaped like a cross to try and get voters. It was for a christmas themed commercial that aired in 2007. Obviously Huckabee denied using subliminal messaging to sell himself to voters but there was some evidence of what people were saying.
The last article I found was one on psychology today. It talked about advertisers using subliminal messaging in their big movie blockbusters. It talked about when these subliminal messages actually worked. They used the example of drinks. They don't work when someone is not thirsty. They also don't work when you are thirsty but have a preference for something already. They do work when you are thirsty and don't have a preference for a certain drink but when you see the drink that the advertiser wants you to buy you tend to go towards that item.
After our discussion in class about the Id and Ego I decided to research it more to see how valid some others think it is.
The first place I found information about the id and ego explained that our personalities are a result of the power struggle going on within up between the id, ego, and super ego. The id is the initial urge or impulse that a person feels when we want something; this is the start of a drive or motivation. They described the id at the little devil that sits on our shoulder whispering temptations into our ears. Even though it’s compared to the devil don’t think it’s a bad thing because it’s what helps us have desires and we wouldn’t be at to do anything without desires. The ego works as the mediator between the id and the pressures of the world around us. They describe the ego as a sports agent because the ego works with the id to get what it wants without costing it too much in the long run. The id needs the ego to make good rational decisions. We should thank the ego for that!
There is a lot of talk if the id and ego actually exist. The next place I looked described the ego. The two points they gave are this: our actual true nature in the immediacy of now, which is awareness, consciousness; there is no separate entity or sense of ‘me’ in that. And the set of concepts that are the self image which is the ego, the ‘me’, our human sense of self, based on a cherry picked version of the past. They explain that the ego can’t stand alone. They discuss a lot how can you get something if you can’t see it. They argue that the ego doesn’t exist because we can’t see it. They feel that it can’t be scientifically proven and therefore we shouldn’t take it seriously. They give the analogy of asking someone to go to the ocean and get a bucket of blue water, we know it’s blue but in the bucket it won’t be blue, therefore how can we be sure we want to trust the ego.
With all this talk of the ego I decided I wanted to learn a little more about the ego development. The ego starts with an infant being born. At that time the infant is a being. The being does not have knowledge or consciousness. But over time, through experiences of pleasure and pain, memory traces are made and then self-representations form. The ego then becomes stable after learning through experiences. It is very important for a being to go through different stages of ego development because then it can form to how it is desired. They say that the self stays mostly stable throughout most of one’s life. When it is not constant is when we can discover mental disorders.
Terms: id, ego, super ego, drive, motivation, conscious, ego development
I chose to look further into the topic that I thought was extremely interesting. Years from now, as I stated in my Chapter 14 blog, I will most likely remember vividly the subject of subliminal messaging.
I did some reading on a few websites regarding subliminal messages and found interesting information. According to the website, the word "subliminal" is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "below the threshold of sensation or consciousness …not strong enough to be recognized" (Sampson and Wiener, 1989, p. 40). The Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language defines "subliminal" as "too weak to arouse sensation...too small to be perceived [and] existing or occurring outside of the personal consciousness" (Neilson, Knott, and Carhart, 1959, p. 2511).
So if this is true, then how do we know there are hidden messages in advertisements we see on TV, the internet,in magazines and so on? I found the example given in Chapter 14 involving subliminal messages, the very one I recall hearing about in a previous psychology class, on a Coke experiment at a movie theater. states that there is a modern urban legend explaining where subliminal messaging actually originated; one version claims that there was an experiment conducted in a movie theater (some years ago now) where messages were flashed on the movie screen while the show was being viewed by patrons. During intermission everyone who had watched the movie felt compelled to buy popcorn and Coca-Cola. The increased sales of popcorn and Coke were attributed to the power of the subliminal messages which experimenters claimed had reached into the unconscious minds of the unsuspecting movie audience.
Another website I spent some time on was The author of this article, Bill Chapman, evaluates the writings and research of Wilson Bryan Key, a psychologist, researcher, and former advertiser, who has studied subliminal messaging. Although some of this research is a bit dated, Chapman states ideas regarding subliminal messages that are still relevant today. In the article, “Sex and Death Among the Ice Cubes: Subliminal Messages in Advertising”, (2005), Chapman’s theory is that advertisers who spend incredible amounts of money on their ads utilize hidden subliminal messages to either consciously or unconsciously persuade viewers and readers to buy their products or whatever it is they are trying to convince the public of. If this theory is correct, for them to work, it is necessary that our subconscious minds "see" them while consciously we ignore them, states Chapman. He goes on further to explain that Key believes we are all taught at an early age to repress thoughts and feelings regarding the taboo topics of death and sex, therefore, ad execs take advantage of this knowledge and use the fears or avoidance we have against these two subjects to manipulate our minds.
Dispute has been long-running surrounding the topic of subliminal messages. According to, most of the people who have heard of this type of manipulation are educated, and “as a hypothesis, it [subliminal perception] is unique in having initiated what is surely one of the longest lasting, most acrimonious, and, in terms of research done and papers published, time-consuming controversies in the history of psychology” (Dixon 1971) (p. 3). There are some psychologists who argue that if the conscious mind does not interpret any particular information, then that information does not have an impact on an individual’s thought or actions, rendering the topic of subliminal messages a disproven one. However, Key has an opposite belief on this subject. In Chapman’s article, he summarizes Key’s main points; a few of them are in opposition to the before-mentioned psychologists’ views and are as follows:
a. Human minds instantaneously perceive all information transmitted through our senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste).
b. The conscious mind filters out those things with which it is unable to deal (either psychologically or because of the sheer volume of sensory experience), and constructs an acceptable and meaningful mental image from those stimuli made conscious.
c. The remaining sensory inputs are stored (at least for a time) in the unconscious, where they can effect conscious behavior.
d. Advertisers have found that subliminal messages in advertising can motivate purchases.
Another website I discovered was the UK Telegraph, where a story written by Science Correspondent Richard Alleyne discusses subliminal messages and whether or not they actually do work entitled, “Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists” (2009). In his article, Alleyne states that during the so-called experiment conducted by James Vicary some decades ago, results were fabricated. However, scientists now claim that messages conveyed subliminally are real and can alter an individual’s mood or state of mind quite effectively. Negative messages and word usage were especially effective at changing a person’s thinking and affect. One scientist, Professor Lavie, believes that the human’s ability to subconsciously pick up fleeting signals, such as those from subliminal messages, may have developed over time as a way of picking up fleeting warnings, maybe a defense mechanism of sorts.
Whether subliminal messages are real and effective, or a hoax, proven false time and again, research and findings will most likely remain controversial regarding this topic for years to come. Either way, it is a subject which I will continue to find fascinating and worthy of experiment and thought. news/6232801/Subliminal-advertising-really-does-work-claim-scientists.html
TERMS: unconscious, conscious, subconscious, subliminal
Many people experience the stages of mourning and death. It is nearly impossible to escape the loss of a loved one whether it be a relative or a favorite pet. There are five stages of normal grief. They were first proposed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her 1969 book “On Death and Dying.”Sources will vary on whether there are five or seven stages of grief, but I will talk about those that are. Stages that Reeves listed in the book that also showed up on the websites are the common denial, anger/projection, bargaining/rationalizing, sublimation/acceptance. Almost everybody uses one or more of these stages of grief no matter how prolonged or slight they are still felt and define our reactions.
To start I will talk about the most common defense mechanism, denial. Life is full of surprises and they aren’t all good, like death. When most people hear the news they are in a state of shock and they can’t believe it. Death is so tough to face that many people say it didn’t happen and they deny, deny, deny until they come to the realization that it really happened. Even though this is usually a temporary thing many people turn to this strategy first because, just like water, they want to easiest way out while facing no struggle.
After denial there is an onset of anger and projection. We start to blame others for the loss. Because the person knows they didn’t cause this it must be somebody’s fault so they can be angry and release the pent of energy. People begin to blame their god first because many believe they was divine intervention that played a role. After that people will typically become short-tempered and snap at people even when they mean no threat. This is because are defenses tell us to shut down to the world and that it will be the best way to cope. Some people will even blame to deceased for their pain because if they were still alive than the pain would be gone. Logical, but ultimately short lived and useless.
Many people try to rationalize or bargain to make the death seem easier or less painful. This stems from a high level of vulnerability. Some common rationalizations are . . .
If only we had sought medical attention sooner…
If only we got a second opinion from another doctor…
If only we had tried to be a better person toward them…
Secretly, we may make a deal with God or our higher power in an attempt to postpone the inevitable. This is a weaker line of defense to protect us from the painful reality.
Not everybody reaches the last stage of grief which is acceptance or sublimation. Reaching this stage can provide a huge sense of unburdened relief. Of course this is not to say that the person is happy to be rid of the deceased, but rather they know that it may have been for the best or maybe good things can stem from the death. This is when people take the hurt and pain and take it to a new level of rejuvenation, growth, and development of a deeper appreciation for life.
No matter the defense there will always be death and it will get to people on a very deep level and many will see the stages for short or long periods of time. The truth is many people will get through them no matter how hard it turns out to be.
Terms Used: Defense mechanism, denial, projection, regression, sublimation,
One of the concepts that I was interested by was Freud’s idea of how our unconscious wants, needs, etc. were manifested in dreams and then lead Freud to use dream analysis of his many patients. Dream analysis is occurs by having a patient to report what they remember from their dreams and what events took place, then after they report what they remember the therapist would share their interpretation of what they believed the dream meant. Many people to this day still believe that dream analysis is valid and consider it to be a way to understand what is happening in their life and that there is meaning behinds what is seen/occurs in their dreams. For example according to if you see or eat dill (like what’s used to make pickles and dips) in your dream(s) it “represents spiritual and emotional protection. You are not letting the negativity get to you.” However, it seems odd to my why dill would represent that, but I digress.
In the first article I read from mentioned that Freud wrote the book The Interpretation of Dreams, where he analyzed people’s dreams in order to understand a person’s personality as they relate to pathology. Freud believed that no matter what a person did it never happened by chance. There was always an intention behind what they did due to their unconscious trying to emerge in some way or shape. Therefore, when a person was awake they would try to suppress their id (the center where a person’s impulses, pleasures, desires, unchecked urges and wish fulfillment was kept) with the use of their superego (the censor of the id, and is where a person’s enforced morals of the ego). However, Freud believed that the id appeared in people’s dreams when they had no control over their thoughts. Then when a person would wake up from their dreams with little memory of what happened is due to the superego suppressing what appeared during a person unconscious thoughts.
Along with the first article, the second article from goes on to describe dreams as having latent and manifest content. Manifest content is what actually happens in a dream and what seems to be apparent. Latent content is what Freud believed to be what the dream was actually trying to say. Freud believed that the goal was to breakthrough what the manifest content was trying to cover up from the latent content, which could be done through free association and then they could uncover the mental disturbance a person was experiencing.
To interpret the messages that were being shown in dreams Freud would use five processes to help sort out what people’s dreams were trying to say. The first stage of the process was displacement, which is when something or someone symbolizes the desires a person has for one thing or a person. Then there is projection, which is when the dreamer propels their wants and desires onto another person. The next step in the process is symbolism, which is when the dreamer's repressed urges or suppressed desires are acted out metaphorically. This was the most popular view used in dream analysis. Condensation another aspect of the process in which a dreamer hides their feelings or urges by contracting it or underplaying it into a brief dream image or event. Therefore, the meaning of a person’s dream imagery will not be apparent or obvious. Lastly there is rationalization which is where the dreamer’s mind organizes an incoherent dream into one that is more comprehensible and logical.
The next two websites (, both go on to describe the sexual symbolism that Freud usually believed to be was trying to break free in a person’s dreams. Freud believed that certain objects, arrangements and relations are represented the sexual symbols that a person was trying to repress. Example of symbols include mountains, trees, snakes for male genitalia; closets, snails, and apples represented female genitalia; and dancing, riding, and threatening represented sexual intercourse. Overall, Freud’s ideas lead people to be more confused and didn’t necessarily help the patient in any way.
My topic of interest is suppression. In the textbook suppression is defined as the process of removing a thought by conscious, intentional, and deliberate means. It is also stated that the ability to stop a thought given by an external source is beyond our power. And what is more, attempting to suppress such thoughts can actually make it worse. Studies have shown that when people are asked not to think about a specific thing, they generally think of it even more, sometime to levels of obsession. It is as if until we resolve such thoughts, they remain with us. So it is best to let our conscious mind contemplate such thoughts until it achieves a sort of comfortable resolution, and then it can discard the idea to the unconscious and more on to other things. It seems people are innately aware of this fact so they use the defense mechanism of denial to rid themselves of unwanted thoughts. People simply will not acknowledge the unwanted thoughts and find others things to occupy their thoughts instead.
A Wikipedia entry thought suppression gave some good leads as well as empirical research of suppression. It was stated that although the white bear experiment is a valid one, there are criticisms to be made with the results. The first being the object of suppression was a simple one. Most people when wanting to suppress something have a target that is more complex in nature. Second, is the sort time frame set in the parameters of the study. Over a longer period of time you will see different results of suppression efforts. This entry led me to find articles written by Daniel Wegner, who is the lead psychologist cited by the book that led the white bear study. It turns out Dr. Wegner has done extensive research of the subject of suppression. He is social psychology professor at Harvard University. Among his research interests and contributions to the field of psychology include his work on thought suppression and idea of free will. He has given us the concepts of ironic process theory and transactive memory. He argues that free will is an illusion and has done numerous studies to investigate the illusion of control.
Dr. Wegner has done several following up studies on suppressive thought and appears to be the authority on this subject within the field of psychology. Anyone who wants to look at his complete of published work in the field can visit the second link below. In a 1994 study, he looked to see what the effects of chronic suppression of thought would be. He developed a reliable method to measure individual’s chronic tendency to suppress thoughts. As suspected, chronic suppression is correlated with obsessive thinking, depression, and anxiety. It was also found that the levels of chronic thought suppression within individuals can predict the future development of obsessive thoughts, but not compulsive behaviors. It was also predictive in finding whether individuals who desired not to be depressed would become depressed.
I think it is quite clever and useful that Dr. Wegner was able to expand so much on the idea of thought suppression. He has concluded that thought suppression leads to obsessive thinking, and not the other way around. He not only found ways to measure it, but also ways to make this information useful by linking it to future consequences, such as anxiety and depression.
One of the concepts that I was interested by was Freud’s idea of how our unconscious wants, needs, etc. were manifested in dreams and then lead Freud to use dream analysis of his many patients. Dream analysis is occurs by having a patient to report what they remember from their dreams and what events took place, then after they report what they remember the therapist would share their interpretation of what they believed the dream meant. Many people to this day still believe that dream analysis is valid and consider it to be a way to understand what is happening in their life and that there is meaning behinds what is seen/occurs in their dreams. For example according to if you see or eat dill (like what’s used to make pickles and dips) in your dream(s) it “represents spiritual and emotional protection. You are not letting the negativity get to you.” However, it seems odd to my why dill would represent that, but I digress.
In the first article I read from mentioned that Freud wrote the book The Interpretation of Dreams, where he analyzed people’s dreams in order to understand a person’s personality as they relate to pathology. Freud believed that no matter what a person did it never happened by chance. There was always an intention behind what they did due to their unconscious trying to emerge in some way or shape. Therefore, when a person was awake they would try to suppress their id (the center where a person’s impulses, pleasures, desires, unchecked urges and wish fulfillment was kept) with the use of their superego (the censor of the id, and is where a person’s enforced morals of the ego). However, Freud believed that the id appeared in people’s dreams when they had no control over their thoughts. Then when a person would wake up from their dreams with little memory of what happened is due to the superego suppressing what appeared during a person unconscious thoughts.
Along with the first article, the second article from goes on to describe dreams as having latent and manifest content. Manifest content is what actually happens in a dream and what seems to be apparent. Latent content is what Freud believed to be what the dream was actually trying to say. Freud believed that the goal was to breakthrough what the manifest content was trying to cover up from the latent content, which could be done through free association and then they could uncover the mental disturbance a person was experiencing.
To interpret the messages that were being shown in dreams Freud would use five processes to help sort out what people’s dreams were trying to say. The first stage of the process was displacement, which is when something or someone symbolizes the desires a person has for one thing or a person. Then there is projection, which is when the dreamer propels their wants and desires onto another person. The next step in the process is symbolism, which is when the dreamer's repressed urges or suppressed desires are acted out metaphorically. This was the most popular view used in dream analysis. Condensation another aspect of the process in which a dreamer hides their feelings or urges by contracting it or underplaying it into a brief dream image or event. Therefore, the meaning of a person’s dream imagery will not be apparent or obvious. Lastly there is rationalization which is where the dreamer’s mind organizes an incoherent dream into one that is more comprehensible and logical.
The next two websites (, both go on to describe the sexual symbolism that Freud usually believed to be was trying to break free in a person’s dreams. Freud believed that certain objects, arrangements and relations are represented the sexual symbols that a person was trying to repress. Example of symbols include mountains, trees, snakes for male genitalia; closets, snails, and apples represented female genitalia; and dancing, riding, and threatening represented sexual intercourse. Overall, Freud’s ideas lead people to be more confused and didn’t necessarily help the patient in any way.
For this assignment I decides to look further into Freud’s theory of unconscious dream analysis. For Freud the tensions of our daily life continue to build in the unconscious and are vented during a dream state. Only during this dream state are we allowed to access our unconscious core. Due to the disturbing content, could only be expressed in a symbolic form. It was at this point that Freud decided to categorize the mind into three parts: id, ego, and superego. That while we are awake the unconscious (id) is always sending impulses and desires that, some that can be disturbing and even disrupt social life. That is where the superego comes into play, suppressing those impulses and desires before they ever enter into consciousness. The same goes for our dreams, for when we are dreaming we get a glimpse into our id. At the same time you are more vulnerable to the id’s true desires which can lead to psychological harm that can entire the conscious mind and wake the individual. The superego steps in and censors and translates the id’s content into these symbolic forms, before emerging in the ego. Which is one of the reasons we very seldom remember our dreams and have a hard time deciphering our dreams.
As a way to break through the cryptic symbols and nonsense and analyze our dreams, Freud come up with a technique known as free association. A way of taking the first symbol one remembers from their dream and then systematically taking what comes to mind next to see where it leads. Once the free association was completed he proceeded with grouping and arranging the images acquired into five processes: displacement, projection, symbolization, condensation, and rationalization. Displacement is the desire for something or someone in a different form, projection is putting one’s own desires into another to see how they play out. Symbolization is the acting out of urges that are repressed were as condensation is the opposite, hiding ones true feeling or urges to make them less obvious. Lastly is rationalization, or otherwise known by Freud as the “final stage of dreamwork” the coming together of a dream in a more meaningful form (secondary revision). To Freud most dreams occurred due to sexual content in one’s life, were anything long and narrow represented the male genitals and anything with an open cavity represented the female genitalia.
I also looked into what types of dreams are out there and what they may mean. I found that there are ten basic categories, but I found the following the most interesting in part due to I myself have had these kind of dreams. Physiological dreams, were the dream is in direct contact with the ego to illustrate the conscious world. An example would be that in your dream you are tossing and turning around may just mean that you are not tiered enough to go to sleep. Another kind is recurring dreams, were the dream is repeated due to the fact that we are ignoring the message the id is trying to tell that can affect our conscious life. Compensatory dreams are the dreams that reveal what some may call “different side”. It’s the part of ourselves that we keep hidden from others, like a college law student that dreams of adventure and mystery. These are ways to balance personality and to seek experiences we wouldn’t normally.
I chose to research the topic of defense mechanisms because I have always been aware of the term but never truly understood the concept. The psychological term basically means the manners in which we behave or think in certain ways in order to protect or ‘defend’ ourselves. That seems pretty broad, so another way I found to think of it was a way of looking at how people distance themselves from full awareness of unpleasant thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. One interesting fact that I found was that the earlier a defense mechanism exists the more effective it is short-term, but not at all in the long run. Adults who cannot cope with stress or traumatic events well will also resort to these early defense mechanisms. Majority of the time we don’t realize when we are using defense mechanisms. Psychotherapy is a method that could help a person becomes aware of the mechanisms they are using, how effective they are, and how to use more effective ones in the future. The first 7 primitive defense mechanisms are denial: when someone refuses to accept reality and acting as if a painful thought or feeling does not exist, regression: the reversion to an earlier stage of development in the face of unacceptable thoughts or impulses, acting out: performing an extreme behavior in order to express thoughts or feelings that the person feels incapable of otherwise expressing, dissociation: when a person loses track of time and instead finds another representation of their self in order to continue in the moment, compartmentalization: parts of oneself are separated from awareness of other parts and behaving as if one had separate sets of values, projection: the misattribution of a person’s undesired thoughts, feelings or impulses onto another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings or impulses, and reaction formation: the converting of unwanted or dangerous thoughts, feelings or impulses into their opposites. After these early 7 stages there are 5 more mature stages that usually take place as an adult but are not ideal ways of dealing with stress or anxiety. The 5 stages are repression: the unconscious blocking of unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses, displacement: the redirecting of thoughts feelings and impulses directed at one person or object, but taken out upon another person or object, intellectualization: the overemphasis on thinking when confronted with an unacceptable impulse, situation or behavior without employing any emotions whatsoever to help mediate and place the thoughts into an emotional, human context, rationalization: putting something into a different light or offering a different explanation for one’s perceptions or behaviors in the face of a changing reality, and undoing: the attempt to take back an unconscious behavior or thought that is unacceptable or hurtful. The last 3 steps of the 15 common defense mechanisms are the mature mechanisms. They are sublimation: the channeling of unacceptable impulses, thoughts and emotions into more acceptable ones, compensation: process of psychologically counterbalancing perceived weaknesses by emphasizing strength in other arenas, and assertiveness: the emphasis of a person’s needs or thoughts in a manner that is respectful, direct and firm. Defense mechanisms are learned from our childhood which can be a good thing because as adults we can learn new and better ways of dealing with certain situations.
I chose to find out more about Freud's dual-instinct theory. Freud thought that there were too many different bodily needs to list, so he emphasized two general categories: instincts for life and instincts for death. The instincts for life, or Eros, maintain life and ensure individual and collective survival. These instincts include things such as food, water, air, sleep, etc because they all contribute to the life and survival of an individual. The death instincts, or Thanatos, push the individual toward rest, inactivity, and energy conservation. Freud gave primary emphasis to aggression. When focused on the self, aggression manifests itself in self-criticism, sadism, depression, suicide, masochism, alcoholism, drug addiction, and unnecessary risk taking such as gambling. When focused on others, aggression manifests itself in anger, hate, prejudice, verbal insult, cruelty, rivalry, revenge, murder, and war. These bodily based instinctual drives toward life and death provide the energy to motivate behavior. Instinctual drives provide the energy for behavior, while the ego provides its direction.
The death drive was an extension of Freud's earliest writings, having to do with conservation of energy in the organism, and was also the latest version of the dualism that was a constant in his work. In Freud's earlier thinking, mental conflict had originated among component instincts of the libido. In the new conception, all these previous instincts were subsumed under the libido, or Eros, and opposed to the death instinct. According to the logic of the pleasure principle, energy was to be conserved at all cost. Freud saw evidence of the death drive in his observations of primary masochism and of hate, which he thought preceded any feeling of love. Freud believed that the death drive was expressed as aggression, and that it was frequently joined to libidinal energy. Freud's dual instinct theory left unanswered the key question about how and when the instincts conflict. He considered increases in aggression to be due to frustration of instinctual wishes. Freud abandoned this theory in 1920, and replaced it with the theory of life and death instincts, in which aggression is considered necessary and normal in fusion with the sexual instincts, the representatives of the life instinct.
The topic from this chapter that I was interested in is hearing some other opinions on repressed memories. The first article I found was a debate between the two sides. In the article there were both sides, but in the end really only finding that Does that mean they firmly believe that repressed memories are as prevalent as once claimed, or exist at all? No, they just don't believe literature examples can disprove amnesia.They conclude, "Literature can provide important information about human experience, but it cannot prove or disprove traumatic amnesia any more than it can prove or disprove the existence of bacteria or dragons.
I enjoy reading the different aspects and perspectives on this debate, and enjoyed looking further into it. When people say that repressed memories of past experiences, such as sexual abuse from early childhood, come to conscious memory, I have always wondered if this is possible and are these memories real or imagined? In this article, Bruce Narramore Ph.D. doesn’t go as far as to say they are real or imagined, or as a counselor could ever really say that, but he does give some guidelines that I found interesting… He says… First, I have absolutely no doubt that many people repress traumatic and painful childhood experiences for many years and only remember them much later in life.
Second, I also have no doubt that some people imagine or make up supposed repressed memories.
Third, unfortunately, some counselors seem to find childhood abuse behind most personal problems and suggest to patients that they were abused. This is very poor counseling.
Fourth, a competent therapist takes considerable time, if and when a patient begins to have some apparent memories, to find out if they are real, and doesn't jump to quick conclusions..
There were a few other guidelines in this article that seemed to make sense
I also wanted to know how therapists went about “retrieving” these memories and found out from this article some disturbing facts. Some psychotherapists believe that childhood sexual abuse is the specific cause of numerous physical and mental ills later in life. Some term this Incest Survivor Syndrome (ISS). “Therapists attempt to "cure" ISS by engaging patients in Recovered Memory Therapy (RMT), a hodge-podge of techniques varying with each therapist. The purpose of RMT is to enable the patient to recover into consciousness not only wholly accurate recollections of ancient sexual traumas, but also repressed body memories (such as physical pains) that occurred at the time of the traumas.”
“In actuality, RMT produces disturbing fantasies which are misperceived by
patient and misinterpreted by the therapist as memories. Mislabeled by the
therapist and patient as Recovered Memories, they are actually False
The subject I chose to seek out more information was on the Freudian dream analysis. First of all, Freud believed that dreams have a functional purpose for the unconscious to vent its wishes and desires. Freud also believed that a dream’s storyline represents its manifest content and the symbolic meanings of these events represent its latent content. These are ways that the unconscious can express its impulses without awakening the dreamer. He used a free association technique in order to understand the significance of the events in the latent content, or symbolic. Freud’s interest in dreams sparked more intense research on the topic. Today, we recognize that dreams are indeed function, yet serve neurophysiological activities, memory consolidating, stress-buffering or copings, and a problem-solving function. The problem with Freud’s ideas was that they were too limited in that dreams actually serve multiple purposes.
This website describes this topic in a differently and more detailed. It explains that these unconscious desires being acted upon during sleep are those of the ID. These desires may be pleasurable or harmful and the unconscious transforms these feelings into a symbolic language. To Freud, the reason we cannot remember our dreams when we awake is because the superego protects the conscious mind from the harmful desires of the ID. This site also describes the difference between the manifest content and the latent content. The manifest is what the dream is literally saying, while the latent content is what the dream is trying to say. To understand these images, Freud developed five different processes consisting of displacement, projection, symbolization, condensation, and rationalization. Displacement is when a desire is symbolized into something else. Then, projection happens when the dreamer projects their own desires onto another. Next, symbolization is when the dreamers repressed and suppressed thoughts are acted out. Condensation is when the dreamer hides their urges. Lastly, rationalization occurs as a secondary revision, where the dreaming mind makes a dream more logical or and comprehensible. This site is also a great source of acquiring more knowledge about Freud’s interpretation of dreams. According to Freud, dreams were simply a conscious way for the unconscious to satisfy its fantasy. These dreams represent a wish fulfillment developed in early childhood before thoughts were repressed. This website also shows a diagram of what Freud imagined the mind to look like. To him, it’s divided into unconscious, preconscious, and conscious. It’s also divided into the Id, Ego, and Super-ego. I also took a look at the non-freudian theory of dreams on the same site. Even though the meaning of dreams is still a controversy, new research has found it serves as a broader purpose than those proposed by Freud. More research has been on the different sleep cycles, especially REM. The Activation Synthesis Theory proposes that during REM sleep the brain activates itself and then synthesizes the information generated into dreams. It was developed after the discovery that the brain stem sends messages to the visual cortex during REM, similar to wakefulness. Basically, the brain takes the messages being sent from the pons and tries to make sense of them. Freud used dream analysis along with hypnosis and free association in order to understand the unconscious’s hidden desires. His work on dreams opened the doors for dream research and studies. This site describes an interesting perspective of the sleep cycle. In order to fall asleep we must remove ourselves from the distractions of the environment by lying in a dark room with warm comfy blankets. Yet, our brains do not have an off switch, so it’s still active during sleep, thus producing dreams. This site also describes Freud’s sexual meaning of these dream symbols. He believed that the latent content of the phallus is symbolized into either male or female organs, masturbation, and sexual intercourse. This site also offers information about the types of dreams, including repetitive dreams, predictive dreams, nightmares, and lucid dreams. This is an example of just how much of an influence Freud was in this topic. There are also scans, such as the electroencephalograph, which can measure the activity of the brain during sleep. I also enjoyed the interactive psychological tests on this site, such as the dream test, which determines what kinds of dreams I usually dream about. Overall, it is evident and clear that Freud had a huge impact on dream research, which has also been used as a treatment technique in psychoanalysis.
I choose to look further into Object Relations. It still amazes me, even though I am taking Developmental Psych and Human Development, that when we are infants we are building the mental capacity that will be used the rest of our life.
On Sanoma State University’s page they talk about Klein’s take on object relations by using a breast. It talks about how an infant learning between fantasy and reality. How not all breast give off milk and a breast that gives milk is a good breast and one that doesn’t is a bad breast. Then the good breast becomes the focal point of the infant’s ego.
In the Wikipedia article it talks about Kleinian’s object relations theory, and during the Unconscious phantasy stage, you build your first memories. One thing I have always found interesting is, does anyone really know their first memory. Obviously you can remember things, but what is your first memory. I would struggle to figure out my first memory because I have seen pictures and heard stories, but none of those are really memories, as much as stories and pictures.
The unconscious mind is unobservable and it is difficult to prove anything about it. However Freud believed that people repressed traumatic memories into inaccessible areas of the unconscious mind. Most common traumatic events that are repressed involve physical or sexual abuse. Surprisingly, individuals that have experienced traumatic events that don’t recall what happened are still affected by it. How can something you don’t remember affect you? For instance, children of abuse often “forget” the event(s) taking place, but often have trouble forming relationships in the future. I wonder how accurate repressed memories are. If they have been repressed for years and suddenly resurface from an outside stimulus, I think it is plausible that the mind can continue to create ideas in your head.
In one case, a daughter stood trial against her father for a gruesome memory that had been repressed for 20 years. She was playing with her children when they asked her a question and suddenly she started remembering detail after detail about her father raping and murdering her best friend at the age of 8.This brings up much controversy and as a result, The False Memory Syndrome Foundation formed in 1992 by a group of families damaged by false accusations of child abuse. There is clearly not enough evidence about repressed memories and their accuracies to measure them as reliable, yet psychotherapists eagerly accept the concept and accuracy of repressed memories. Curiously, if these detailed memories are not true, where do they emerge from?
Suppression on the other hand has more evidence to back it up. It is impossible for someone to choose not to think about something. The more they tell themselves not to think about it, the more they start thinking about it. If you are worried about something, like your weight, you can’t just decide that you aren’t going to think about it, because environmental stimuli will inevitable trigger your thought. If you were trying to forget about an ex-boyfriend, certain cues may remind you of him, such as his name, if someone else were to mention him, a picture, something he left at your house and so on. In fact, when purposely trying to suppress something, it has an opposite effect. Don’t think about unicorns, although you weren’t thinking about them before, you are now and it will be hard to get unicorns out of your head. Instead of thinking that we are able to control our minds process, it is more realistic to think of suppression as a temporary store for memories that can easily be retrieved.
Overall, repression and suppression are commonly confused. The difference lies within the unconscious (ID)and the conscious(EGO)mind. Repressed memories are involuntarily stored in an inaccessible place and commonly referred to as “motivated forgetting”; whereas suppressed memories are voluntary and we attempt to forget certain things, which usually fails.
The thing that I would like to know more of is defense mechanisms. The ego is vulnerable and to protect it from anxiety, it uses defense mechanisms. Defense mechanisms are a conscious way for the ego to deal with the id and the superego. People use defense mechanisms in their everyday lives. The defense mechanisms are: denial, fantasy, projection, displacement, identification, regression, reaction formation, rationalization, anticipation, humor, and sublimation.
Sigmund Freud did not define the defense mechanisms, Anna Freud did. This article talks about denial, repression, regression, displacement, projection, reaction formation, intellectualization, rationalization, and sublimation. Denial underlies the other defense mechanisms. Reaction formation marks the more advanced defense mechanisms. In sublimation, develops over a long period of time. The defense mechanisms that are more adaptive are intellectualization, sublimation, and rationalization.
This article talks about the different levels of defense mechanisms and how they are adaptive in life. Level one defense mechanisms are denial, distortion, and delusional projection. distortion is a reshaping of external needs to meet internal needs. Delusional projection are delusions about external reality. These are found in psychosis, dreams, and childhood. Level two defense mechanisms are fantasy, projection, hypochondriasis, passive aggressive behavior, and acting out behavior. These are found in severely depressed, personality disorders, and adolescence. Level three defense mechanisms are short-term and sometimes cause long-term problems in relationships, work, and enjoyment of life. These include: intellectualization, repression, reaction formation, displacement, and dissociation. Level four defense mechanisms are the most mature and the healthiest long-term. Defense mechanisms in level four give the person feelings of mastery. The defense mechanisms are sublimation, altruism, suppression, anticipation, and humor. Immature levels of defense mechanisms (1-3), can lead to poor adjustment as adults, higher divorce rates, poorer friendships and relationships, higher cases of mental illness, and poor health. The mature defense mechanism (level 4), can lead to happier life, job satisfaction, healthy friendships and relationships, and better health.
This article takes the defense mechanisms and the ways addicts use them. Addicts use defense mechanisms to maintain additives behaviors and thoughts. The more addictive a person is, the more rigid the defense mechanisms are. The defense mechanisms that an addict use are: denial, isolation, rationalization, blaming, projection, and minimizing
After reading chapter 14 about unconscious motivation I was most interested in learning more about defense mechanisms. Being that these are used by everybody I thought it would be interesting to explore many different defense mechanisms and to see if some were used more often than others.
I need to take a short break to applaud UNI and Rod library for their vast array of online journal articles. Thank you, you’re awesome. Anyway, the first journal article I found was one that sought to test the validity of a psychological test to determine defense mechanisms. It ended up being congruent with other research done in the field and came to some interesting findings. They determined that there are some significant differences between defenses used by males and females. Men, according to this article, are more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism. They are also more likely to isolate themselves from those around them as a coping mechanism. The researchers decided that this is probably due to the fact that this is a socially learned behavior with some biological aspects as well. Women on the other hand turn to social support and prescription drugs more often than males. This is yet again probably a culturally learned behavior with some biological aspects as well. Females also participate in a coping mechanism called “pseudoaltruism”. This means that they satisfy their internal need through helping others, therefore, it is not really altruism because they are getting something in return. In the discussion bit of this paper it suggested that suppression is another defense mechanism that is considered to be a ‘mature mechanism’ because it isn’t developed until later in life. This then spurred me on to explore age and defense mechanisms.
I found another journal article which explored that very topic. They compared young adults(17-29) to older adults(60-85) on their TAT scores, which measure defense mechanisms. After the tests had been compiled there were many significant differences in the two groups. First off, young adults scored significantly higher in maladaptive defenses such as inhibition, passive aggression (indirectly expressing anger), and regression (returning to an earlier stage of development) when confronted with stressful events. Secondly, the only defense mechanisms the older adults were significantly higher in were pseudoaltruism (helping others to help yourself) and denial (unpleasant external realities are ignored or their acknowledgment is refused) and those were both neutral defense mechanisms; not good, not bad. Lastly, young people were significantly more likely to exhibit affiliation (seeking help from other people), fantasy (gratifying frustrated desires by imaginary and omnipotent achievement), and somatization (experience bodily reactions to stress and seek medical attention). The basic assumption of this data can be that as we age we grow into more positive defense mechanisms and drop off more immature /destructive mechanisms.
The third site I visited simply defined these various defense mechanisms because I couldn’t decipher from the studies what they meant. In addition to the defined items above there were a few others that were really interesting and I could see them in other peoples lives, which may be me projecting these ideas, haha. One of these was deflection, which is when an individual redirects the attention to another and often happens in group settings. Another is devaluation, which is something that I certainly do very often especially with failures I encounter. Devaluation is when individuals cope with failures by attributing negative qualities either to themselves or to others. The last defense mechanism I looked at is restitution which is just like it sounds; it is relieving the mind of guilt by paying back for the perceived wrong in their mind. This allows them to move forward and to escape the guilt they have been feeling.
It’s crazy how much we are motivated by our subconscious.
Segal, D., Coolidge, F., & Mizuno, H. (2007). Defense mechanism differences between younger and older adults: A cross-sectional investigation. Aging & Mental Health, 11(4), 415-422.
Watson, D., & Sinha, B. (1998). Gender, age, and cultural differences in the defense style questionnaire-40.Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54(1), 67-75.
I chose to research defense mechanisms. This topic is interesting to me because I see people using them every day. When I think of defense mechanisms, I think of an episode of friends when Phoebe was dating a psychologist. This man tells Chandler that he is using humor as a defense mechanisms so he doesn’t have to deal with his parent’s separation. That was the first time I really thought about what defense mechanisms are and what they accomplish.
One article stated that all defense mechanisms have three common things. They are pathological, immature, and neurotic. According to this article, there are several levels of defense mechanisms. The first level consists of things like denial, distortion, and delusional projection. These three allow the person to rearrange their reality into something that they like. Level two defense mechanisms are more intense and create more tension for the people around the person using the mechanisms. Things such as creating a fantasy, using projection, and acting out cause the focus to move off of the situation that the person is not dealing with. Repression, dissociation, and displacement are some of the mechanisms that make up level three. These things have short term advantages but often cause friction in relationships. Level four is made up of the healthiest and mature defense mechanisms. These strategies are less harmful to the social life and mental health of the person. Sublimation, Altruism, and humor still detract from the negative situation but in a less obnoxious way.
Freud believed that all defense mechanisms were formed in the ego. The ego and the id were what Freud believed controlled someone’s personality. The id was something that you were born with, but the ego slowly developed as you got older. Freud stated that conflicting wants developed in the ego, hence why defense mechanisms started in the ego. Most of Freud’s theories were centered on the war between the wild demands of the id, and the social demands of the ego.
The most interesting mechanism that I read about was the concept of reaction formation. This involves projecting the opposite emotion you are feeling because you are afraid of social scorn. An example of this would be someone who loudly complains about how awful Justin Beiber is, but listens to his music constantly when alone. This defense mechanism is often the topic of any given sit-com. The episode normally involves a main character bashing a group or artist at the beginning and getting caught at a concert by the end. This illustrates just how far people will go to be accepted.
I found that the Object Relations Theory was very interesting and it was something that I'm not very familiar with so I decided to look more in depth into this topic. I found in our class discussion yesterday that stereotype theory which can influence how we perfrom and intereact with others to be very interesting.
The main focus behind object relations theory is forming relationships between others and the reason we connect with others. This website talks about the problems that could happen in our life if we fail to make important realtionships, especaially within our family. Melanie Klein had the basis behind this theory in the alte 1800's. She used to be full on psychoanlytic and believed in all of Freud's theories, when she became a transitional figure in pscyh. Fairbrain also had a large part of this theory, he had more of a personality focus, so it combined these two together. THey said that object relations theory started out with the infants parents and their bond. This website focuses on the beginning of psychology with Freud's instincts and how it led to the object relations theory and how it is important to the adult, if the caregiver and the child develop a strong bond and attachment. They have all of the contributing psychologists and researchers who helped make this theory come to life and not so much analytic.
The next website is a paper on the infant relations with the mother and how object relations theory has a play in it. This paper has the basic stuff of what object relations theory is and the main people that contributed to it. It talks about how the object is named for the "agent" the person. Emotions grow out of the object, in this case the mother and connect (or don't) with the mother to create the bond. This is a very important bond because it can be a predictor for how one will be able to socialize later down the road. If there is a negative bond, this child may have lower leveld of confidence, self esteem and reliance issues. It creates relationship problems and can cause failed marriages. The paper continues into the history of the theory and its background. That it came from Freud's psychonalytic theories and it grew into something that is more rational and realistic, instead ofbeing focued around intincts for life and death. Which in my opinion is a little silly becuase there are aspects behind that theory that I agree with, but not with the names of instincts for life or death. But this paper emphasizes that object relations theory is a very important part to socialization throughout life.
The Stereotype threat is something that has been getting more research. It is related to object relations theoory because it talks baout the social environment and how it can affect your personal life. This is a threat that you will confrom to a negative stereotype of the group you are in. This most often has to do with race. Steele and Anderson have been studying this type of threat in experiments to give possible reasoning for low scores on certain types of tests. They found that scores had shown some difference between race, when race was emphasized before the test. They found that the most vulnerable to the steroetype threat is in academic situations. This stereotype can harm whomever feels inadequate when it comes to taking the test. One of the examples is that females are bad at math, so when this stereotype is emphasized before a math test, or a test with a math portion, there is a drop between men and women in scores. When nothing is mentioned about the stereotype there isn't a signifigant difference. They have also found situations that can create or enhance the stereotype effect. Researchers are trying to figure out what causes this affect and they are trying to find ways to reduce it happening and with people identifying with it. This website went thorugh all of the situations and how they are tyring to reduce stereotypes adn the threat they can cause on people. When a person or gourp of people accept the stereotype, than they are causing detreimental outcomes on themselves.
I chose to research the topic of subliminal messaging because it has always been a fascination of mine ever since I learned of some of the messages present in Disney movies. Subliminal messaging is using sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception to activate unconscious information. This practice is mainly used in marketing and business but has its foundation in the field of psychology.
The first article that I found was a couple of years old but its information is still in agreement with today’s study of subliminal messaging. What this article said was that the brain showed activity in the occipital lobe when presented with images that you weren’t aware of. The article went on to describe the study that they conducted at the University College of London and the procedure that they used. This study is proof that subliminal messaging does in fact have an affect on our unconscious thought but does not prove causality of our actions.
The second web site that I came across had to deal with legal forms of subliminal advertising that most of us don’t even know exist. The first example on the web site talked about how the weight of a certain product can affect our purchasing habits. The example that they used involved a study with television remotes. People who were given a lighter model of the same remote found it less appealing because they thought it was inferior and not as high of quality as a heavier remote. This shows that things such as weight affect our purchasing habits and how certain companies go about designing a product. The other example on the site that I thought was interesting involved the use of music in a wine aisle at a supermarket. The store played a combination of French and German music and found that people bought more French wine when French music was playing and vice versa. After being asked why they bought that particular brand of wine, only 1 even acknowledged the music in the aisle. This goes to show that music also affects our subconscious and not just images. After looking through this site, I realized that subliminal messaging is involved in our everyday lives and in many different forms.
The third website that I found was about how negative subliminal messaging may be more effective than positive subliminal messaging. The study that the article talked about involved a combination of positive, negative, and neutral words that were shown briefly on a computer screen. The participant was then asked to say whether it was emotional or neutral and their confidence level in their choice. The results of the study showed that people answered more accurately when responding to negative words. This study does have flaws (guessing, bias) but it is a start to determining the exact effect of subliminal messaging on the human brain.
I'm interested in learned helplessness as it relates to or is effected by socioeconomic status. Learned helplessness is when person has faced failure eneough times to assume that failure is a general outcome. They believe they cannot impact their environmhent in the manor they wish too. I have observed that socioeconomic status affects willingness to take on challenges, such as advancing in education or managing a healthy lifestyle, and also effects academic performance. I wondered if this was partially effected by learned helplessness as a result of growing up feeling less advantaged.
The first website I looked at explained that children below the poverty line don't often develop attachments as secure as their counterparts. This effects school performance, causing children to give up on challenges quickly. It also explains that children of this socioeconomic status have more stressful homelives which reduces motivation, determination and effort.
Thi website stated that students from low socioeconomic status are at the highest risk for
dropping out of highschool. It also explains that socioeconomic status is the clearest indicator of academic performance. This could be due to learned helplessness is both task-oriented and performance oriented school work.
I got some intereting information on wikipedia. It explains that learned helplessbes becomes a cycle in families stricken by poverty, being passed on from parent to child and is referred to as the "development trap." It causes 'situational poverty' to become 'generational poverty.' It went on to explain that beyond lack of monetary resources, individuals confidence in achievement is hindered by the education they recieve. When schools perform poorly, they are more likely to hire underqualified educators.
The topic I choose to delve into more was the Unconscious Mind. This is something that really intrigues me. I find it very fascinating that there is a lot more going on in our minds than what we consciously perceive. Our minds are constantly interpreting environmental data around us and assessing each situation way before we are consciously aware of it. After doing some intensive research on the unconscious mind, I have found a lot more information on it and now have a better understanding of it. First and foremost, it’s important to note that Sigmund Freud made the psyche (conscious, subconscious, and unconscious) popular. Freud was very interested in the different conscious levels of the brain and dedicated a lot of his career to “peeling-back” the layers of the mind. Freud also contributed to the term known as Freudian slips, which I thought to be very interesting as well. These slips are supposedly the unconscious thoughts making their way to the conscious, causing us to do something we wouldn’t have otherwise. One thing that helped me understand just how deep the unconscious mind was Freud’s example of the iceberg. Freud compared the mind to an iceberg. The part of the iceberg above the water is the conscious mind, and like we all know, there is a lot more to an iceberg than what just breaks the surface. So, the part of the iceberg underneath the water was deemed the subconscious, and the very lowest part, the unconscious. Now, it’s also explained that there is a lot of neural activity going on within the subconscious and unconscious. One of these articles mentioned that the subconscious and unconscious is very, very active. It’s always working, and suppressing at that. Freud and many modern psychologists believe that there are many inappropriate and disturbing thoughts present within the unconscious. The mind is constantly suppressing these thoughts to avoid danger to the body or something that would cause undesirable consequences. Freud, along with some others, believe that our dreams are subtle hints of what’s going on in our unconscious mind. Others however, think that our dreams are just random thoughts that have no meaning. I tend to side with Freud, I think our dreams have some sort of meaning. If not meaning, I think they resemble what’s going on in our unconscious to a certain extent. One article also describes current research methods that are trying to uncover what’s going on unconsciously in someone’s mind. Or in a simpler explanation, researchers are trying to access it. One of these ways are arithmetic methods and another method is imagery. Neuroscientists believe they can access the subconscious by making experiments that put the subject in situations that could only be solved with the help of the unconscious. The last article I read describes the brain as a battleground. Consciously we want to suppress our secrets but when the chance arises to tell our doctors or therapists we jump at the opportunity and feel a lot better afterwards. This is because suppressing secrets supposedly releases a stress hormone. The brain is trying to battle this release of stress hormones by getting us to tell our secrets, that way the stress hormone is stopped.
Overall, I’m glad I choose this topic. I have a greater understanding of the unconscious mind now and plan to delve deeper into this in the future. The websites I used to research the unconscious are listed below.
Upon reading chapter fourteen, one of the topics in the chapter that I found to be most intriguing is that of adaptive unconscious. The story in the chapter was about a man who had his hippocampus removed, and as a result he had amnesia leaving him with no memory of the days before. So every time he went to the laboratory to work on his motor skills it was as if he had never been there before, though he had been there quite regularly. Even though he couldn’t remember the previous therapy sessions, the man still showed much improvement of his motor skills. This was due to adaptive unconsciousness.
Wilson discusses adaptive unconscious as a process that is intimately involved in how we size up our world, perceive danger, initiate action, and set our goals. It is the unconscious that allows us to learn our native language with no conscious effort, recognize patterns in our environments while we think about something else, and develop reliable intuitions to guide our actions. Wilson discusses how people can gain insight into their adaptive unconscious. One of the ways listed is to take the stance of an outside observer, inferring our unconscious feelings and motives from what we do. The example discussed in the article talked about a person who thinks that they are more altruistic, but when examined from the outside stance, they realize that they don’t give money to charities or volunteer their time. At this point, by carefully noting what they do or fail to do they could revise their theories about their own personalities. If people recognize that their conscious narratives about themselves do not match their unconscious tendencies, they can take steps to mold their unconscious into something better.
The adaptive unconscious controls automatic thinking which has five defining features. These include non-conscious, fast, unintentional, uncontrollable, and effortless. The adaptive unconscious can trigger fast reactions, and can detect and learn patterns quickly. This however, can be a disadvantage, because it does not unlearn patters well and therefore can influence out behavior in rigid ways. The conscious mind develops slowly and never quite catches up, especially with pattern detection. People have to stop and think in order to evoke the conscious and reflect on the direction the adaptive unconscious is sending us. This may be one reason why racial and sexist stereotypes remain pervasive, including in people who consider themselves open minded.
In Lehrer’s article, he discusses a test that was performed where different groups of people we given options such as which of the five cars was the best, which apartment is most attractive and other options such as these. The first group had to make a decision immediately, another group could take time for conscious deliberation, and the other group was allowed to sleep on it which allowed them to engage in unconscious thought. By the end of the study, the subjects who were allowed to engage in unconscious thought made better decisions. This showed that if you have a decision to make, use you conscious mind to acquire all the information you need for making the decision but don’t try to analyze the information. Instead, let you unconscious mind digest the information for a day or two. Whatever your intuition tells you is almost certainly going to be the best choice.
Terms: adaptive unconscious, goals, automatic thinking, personalities, conscious,
I chose to look into thought suppression. Suppression is when a thought has occurred and an individual tries to remove it. The thought, however, cannot be stopped completely. Suppressing a thought can only last for a very brief amount of time. When it is suppressed, it stops in our consciousness and lingers there more than it would have had it been let go. The reason a thought will get suppressed is because the thought occurs before something that we do not want to happen. The example the text mentioned is that trying not to think about a candy bar ultimately results in the unwanted act of eating the candy bar. Thought suppression may also be used to withhold information from others or to gain control over pain and fear. Thought suppression is important because it keeps us from blurting out things that shouldn’t normally be shared. Too much thought suppression, however, may lead to obsessing over the thought.
Almost everything that turned up when I searched “thought suppression” involved white bears. The bears were either mentioned in the article or the cover of a textbook. The white bear study done by Wegner is clearly an important part of thought suppression research. Actually, the amount of white bear material that turned up leads me to think that more studies need to be done researching thought suppression since there is only one study that scientists are referencing.
The first article I found discussed how the research on thought suppression was being applied to postpartum women. These women were trying to suppress their thoughts, thus making their symptoms worse. The part that I found interesting and useful was ways in which to deal with thought suppression and let the thought go. The article discussed first, accepting the presence of that thought or mental state and second, embracing or forgiven yourself for your vulnerability in that state. It is essentially the idea of forgive and forget. However, instead of ‘forget,’ it is forgive and accept. One example the article gave was in the case of a parent dealing with an empty nest. Instead of trying to forget that they have an empty nest or clinging on to the remnants, the parent needs to accept their emotions over it and accept the fact that they have an empty nest. After accepting it, they will be able to move forward with their life.
The second article discussed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and thought suppression. The article discussed that learning to manage thoughts through cognitive behavioral therapy does not work for people with obsessive compulsive disorder. These people begin to compulsively analyze their thoughts. The article discusses the importance of teaching people the OCD to accept their thoughts. This was called “mindfulness.” It wasn’t so much accepting the thought itself but accepting it’s presence in your mind and then moving on from it. I really liked the example the article used. The article discussed that you plan to have a day at the beach but it is rainy. Instead of being angry and dwelling on the fact you can’t go, you use mindfulness and accept that it is raining so that you can move on with your day. The article emphasized that the most important part was to NOT try to control those thoughts.
The third article began discussing the white bear study. However, it focused more on the rebound effect where you try not to think about it and it just keeps coming back. The fascinating part of this article is that it discussed emotions. Emotions are more prone to the rebound effect when we are trying to suppress them. The article discussed a later Wegner study that looked into people’s romantic history because it was thought that the white bear study may have the results it does because a white bear is such an unusual thought. In this new study, people’s past romantic partners were either described as ‘hot flames’ or ‘cold flames.’ A hot flame was a previous partner that there were still some thoughts there for. A cold flame was a past partner where there was no longer any interest. It was found that people had more difficulty suppressing thoughts about their cold flames. The idea, then, is that the reason people had more difficulty suppressing thoughts about a cold flame is because they had less practice suppressing those thoughts. The article discussed that substance cravings, intrusive memories, and depression will experience the rebound effect with a vengeance when those thoughts tried to be suppressed. The article summed it up and said that anything involving pain, trauma, or obsession come back with much more impact than before.
Article One:
Article Two:
Article Three:
I decided to do some additional digging into Object Relations Theory, because I thought it was an interesting theory that we develop our mental representations of ourselves and others at a very early age based on the relationships we have with our primary caretakers (usually the mother). The general idea is that if we have adequate care, such as a responsive mother who satisfies our needs but allows for enough separation to grow our autonomy, then we will develop to have healthy representations of our self and others and will have generally healthy adult relationships. On the other hand, if we receive inadequate care as an infant (such as an unsupportive/unresponsive mom or an overbearing mom), then we will develop an unhealthy perception of “self” and “others”. This will manifest itself in future relationships. An example of this could be someone who is afraid of intimacy or someone who is overbearing.
There are many theories that look at the infant and caregiver relationship, including Object Relations Theory, social learning theories of dependence, and theories on attachment. Object Relations Theory differs in that it maintains that the link between the infant and mother (or caretaker) is based on drives or instincts. When a baby becomes hungry, a growing tension forms and the baby may begin to cry. The mother then feeds the baby, and the baby then goes back to a satiated state (this state is sometimes call narcissistic or objectless stage). Once the baby is able to distinguish itself from others, it will begin to associate the mother with the comfort/frustration of its environmental needs that may or may not being met. These positive or negative feelings towards the mother (object) will form the foundation for interpersonal relationships.
I found that while the core of Object Relations Theory is clear, there are many off-shoots of the theory. It seems that this happens frequently in psychoanalytic theories because of disagreements about underlying causes. For instance, while some of the theories were pre-occupied about the oral fixation between mother and infant during this period, others were more concerned about the development of autonomy (or ego) as the child is able to individualize and separate from its mother. One interesting thing I read is that this theory receives some criticism because it aims at explaining our social relationships in the context of one dyadic relationship (namely, infant and mother). Can our schemas truly be determined at such an early age? This is determinism is characteristic of psychoanalytic theory. While I think that this theory is interesting and may have some validity, I do think that it is very narrow in scope.
I chose to do my blog on defense mechanisms because this is one of Freud’s theories that has credibility and is still used today. The first site that I looked at was interactive and had hyperlinks on each defense mechanism and gave a better description and information about it. I chose to look into repression which is pushing an unpleasant memory or experience to a subconscious part of the mind. This can be a positive thing since it would be overwhelming to constantly be thinking of all of our painful memories all the time. This was one of the original defense mechanisms that Anna Freud theorized. In order for an individual to cope with this the memory needs to be brought back to the conscious level or it can build up and create greater problems. I also looked at denial which is the refusal to admit something has happened. It is said that denial is a form of repression and that everyone experiences these to an extent. If an individual is experiencing this you can either just go along with them and comply with their wishes to deny it or depending on the situation it may be best to get them to acknowledge what has happened and get them out of the denial.
The second website that I looked at started out by saying that the defense mechanisms were first theorized by Anna Freud which I think is a very good way to start because she does not seem to get the credibility that she deserves for this theory. This is a theory that Freud is respected for, but he owes the credit to Anna. This article also went through and described different defense mechanisms by giving examples and a description in a way that is more based personally and looking at your own behaviors. I chose to look at displacement which is taking negative feelings and taking them out on someone else. For example if I am frustrated from getting a bad grade on a test I might take it out on my roommate when she really didn’t do anything. This site also added in some comical substance that said that this defense mechanism might protect you in your situation on occasions but if you try to take anger out on a wall or window it will not protect your hand.
The next article was very interesting because this was a how to site on using humor as a defense mechanism. This site goes through 5 different ways to use humor to help protect yourself. I don’t think this is a positive thing to do since it is a fake way for self-protection, but I did find it very interesting. The first way was to laugh at yourself when you fall short or feel humiliated because then people will laugh with you instead of at you. The second was to giggle and laugh in anxiety causing situations so that people won’t take you seriously. The third is to learn everything you can about pop culture so that you can quote and bring up popular things as humor. The fourth is to laugh in every situation (even funerals) so that you do not become emotionally vulnerable. The fifth is to point out your friends flaws causing them to be defensive and you to gain control. This site was completely serious about wanting to help people use humor as a defense mechanism which I felt was completely ridiculous and is terrible advice. It is very interesting to see Freud’s defense mechanisms used today and basically used to improperly give someone control and security.
Subliminal messaging is a signal or messaging embedded in another medium designed to pass below the normal levels of a human’s limits and mind perception. These messages are unrecognizable to the conscious mind but aimed to influence the unconscious mind. Subliminal messaging can be used in positive and negative ways. Many people seek subliminal messaging as a way to improve their personality, quit smoking and enhancing Memory. The most common use of subliminal messaging is subliminal advertising.
There are two ways in which subliminal messaging can occur, visual and auditory. Visual stimuli are flashed before the brain has time to process them. Visual stimuli can be found almost anywhere ads, television, magazines etc. Visual auditory usually attempts to persuade people to buy things or do something. Audio stimuli are audible volumes such as sound bites or back masking which is when a message is played backwards.
People can easily be convinced to partake in a certain action or avoid a situation through subliminal messaging. Subliminal messaging dates back to the 5th century B.C. In the 1920’s many people thought that the radio was sinister, but BBC wanted to change the negative connotation about radio so they masked certain phrases in their jingle to convince listeners that radio was a positive thing. They added a jingle which said “this is not a noose, really it’s not” played backwards. They believed that the unconscious mind could pick up the subliminal message.
Advertisers target the unconscious mind in hopes that the unconscious mind will remember that logo that flashed many times. So that next time you want to buy a car your unconscious mind will bring up the logo and you will then remember the car.Subliminal messaging in todays society aims to promote products, so that the consumer will be drawn to the product and want to buy them.
I would like to learn more about ego, in particular the ego defense mechanisms. Until this chapter I never realized how vulnerable to anxiety and distress our thoughts and feelings really were. I am someone who tends to have high levels of anxiety so it is interesting to look at ways in which our id and ego, conscious and unconscious selves help to defend against internal and external anxieties.
I learned the most about defense mechanisms and the ego from the about psychology page on the topic. This page broke down the idea into extremely simple terms that allowed me to gain an even better grasp of the topic. Defense mechanisms are simply ways that we protect ourselves from various things in our lives that we don’t want to deal with. Denial and reasoning/rationalization are types of defense mechanisms that are frequently looked at in psychoanalytic therapies and studies. Freud looked at ego as being the part of the brain/conscious that deals with reality. Defense mechanisms come into play when there are conflicts between reality (ego) and our wants, our needs, and our impulses (id) as well as our morals (superego). This first website does a great job of talking about Freud’s idea of the ego and defense mechanisms. It also helps to dumb down and increase the clarity of the idea or purpose of defense mechanisms. It explains that anxiety is what results from failed defense mechanisms or a failure to cope with anything that changes our reality, threatens our morals, or blocks our desires. Anxiety is what signals the activation and increase of the various defense mechanisms that we have.
More interesting I thought was that this webpage also addressed Freud’s three categories of anxiety. I found these interesting to read about and to consider how they affect our defenses. The three types are neurotic, reality, and moral anxiety. Neurotic anxiety is a worry about giving in to our impulses and urges and acting inappropriately. Reality anxiety is more “normal” as it is a few of naturally threatening things or real-world events going wrong. And moral anxiety is a fear of having to violate one’s morals or having your morals violated. I think that the three types of anxiety that Freud and this website presented are interesting and useful when looking at defense mechanisms.
This site looks at a Psychoanalytic study that explores overall defensive functioning in humans, as well as coping functioning. Coping is something that goes hand in hand with defensive functioning as it is the step that follows with defensive mechanisms fail. For this reason, coping is equally interesting when exploring defensive mechanism and psychotherapy. The study in at that can be read and access through the following site determined that short-term dynamic psychotherapy improved defensive functioning of the individuals who underwent the therapy. It showed that our conscious and ego naturally desire to first work on and focus with defensive functioning and spend less time and focus on functioning. This shows the importance of defense mechanisms. The importance that the study give defense mechanisms makes it and interesting and worthy site of exploration when looking at defensive functioning and psychoanalytic therapy.
Kramer, U. , Despland, J. , Michel, L. , Drapeau, M. , & de Roten, Y. (2010). Change in defense mechanisms and coping over the course of short-term dynamic psychotherapy for adjustment disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66(12), 1232.
This site addresses the fact that defense mechanisms and interpretations are frequently used by clinicians. However, interestingly the site also talks about how the specifics of defensive mechanisms lack empirical research and exploration. This site further attempts to conduct and empirical study for the support of defense methods we naturally use. In a sense, they used meta-analysis of studies that look at defense mechanisms and built on it to support today’s interpretations of defenses that our body uses. I think this is important as the original idea of defense mechanisms and the ego came from Freud who made many assumptions lacking research and evidence.
The goal of the study presented on the site (citation to follow) was to identify specific ways from interpreting and finding defenses that people present and methods of working with defenses in psychotherapy. The study looked at both positive and negative outcomes of defense mechanisms. It also looked at frequency of defense mechanisms and how they affected the positive or negative outcomes that may follow. The summary of the article seemed to believe that defense mechanisms are a positive part of keeping the mind (both conscious and unconscious) guarded against anxiety.
Olson, T. , Perry, J. , Janzen, J. , Petraglia, J. , & Presniak, M. (2011). Addressing and interpreting defense mechanisms in psychotherapy: General considerations. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 74(2), 142.
Summary of my findings from above articles: It seems that the underlying purpose of defense mechanisms is to prevent, manage, and cope with anxiety. Naturally, this is incredibly important for daily successful functioning.
Terms: ego, defense mechanism, anxiety, internal/external, unconscious, conscious, id, distress, thoughts, feelings, psychoanalytic therapy, superego, reality, morals, desires, Freud,
Chapter 15 was about positive psychology. Positive psychology seeks to build people’s strengths and their competencies, or potential, in order to cultivate psychological wellness. This chapter states that it is best to look at the individual as a whole rather than as separate parts. This ensures that you are seeing the big picture and are holistic. This is also called the “top-down” approach. Self-actualization is on the top of Maslow’s need hierarchy. It is not experienced by younger people and is the least important of the needs. The bottom of the hierarchy consists of survival needs and transitions into growth needs at the top. From bottom to top, the hierarchy includes physiological needs, safety and security needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. The bottom levels are deficiency needs and indicate that the individual is deprived of food, job security, group membership, or social status. Maslow called this deprivation human sickness, as it is a failure of moving toward growth and actualization. Growth is possible when the deficiency needs are met. When the individual is free of these needs, he or she can focus on fulfilling his or her personal potential. The growth needs they seek to meet, or “metaneeds,” include a sense of wholeness, aliveness, uniqueness, truth, playfulness, and meaning. I found the self-actualization and growth needs interesting because they are individual. Everyone experiences growth needs in varying degrees. If you deprive someone of a “metaneed,” they feel incomplete, out of control, robotic, or easily replaceable. Criticisms of Maslow’s need hierarchy include the idea that age does not matter for which needs are more important.
This chapter also talks about how to encourage self-actualization. This can be done through six steps, including making growth changes, being honest, situationally positioning yourself for peak experiences, give up defensiveness, letting the self emerge, and being open to experiences. The self learns the conditions of rejection, including how to gain acceptance and how to avoid rejection. According to Rogers, the self lives in two worlds—the inner world, or organismic valuing, and the outer world, conditions of worth. The Rogerian Model of the Process of Self- Actualization sums this up. Interpersonal relationships that are caring, genuine, accepting, and confirming support the actualizing tendency. This chapter also talked about good and evil and discussed benevolence and malevolence. The chapter ended with positive psychology therapy. I found this to be interesting and plan on trying out a few of the “happiness exercises.”
I found the section on perfectionism to be the most interesting. I am somewhat of a perfectionist, so reading this section helped me evaluate where I lie on the spectrum. It surprised me that there are three different types of perfectionism; I had always thought of perfectionism as a single thing. The three types include self-oriented, socially prescribed, and neurotic perfectionism. Characteristics of self-oriented perfectionism include an unwillingness to accept personal flaws and failure. Socially prescribed perfectionism is the belief that others have unrealistic standards for the self that are difficult or impossible to meet. From this view, the self must meet these standards to gain acceptance and approval. Perfectionism is problematic because it is unattainable and not achieving the impossible standards can lead to anxiety, helplessness, and suicidal thoughts. However, in combination with supportive and nurturing relationships, these types of perfection can be beneficial. If not in combination with support and nurturance, they can lead to neurotic perfectionism. Neurotic perfectionism is the intense need to avoid failures. No performance is good enough and the individual does not gain any satisfaction from even well-done jobs. The individual feels inferior, self-criticizes, self-attacks, and generally feels negatively. This type of perfection is associated with depression and eating disorders and grows out of childhood experiences with parents whose love is conditional on how well the child behaves and performs. The parents encourage the child to do better and the child never hits the mark to gain his or her parents’ love. The child strives to avoid making mistakes and the harsh parental standards become internalized. The self becomes very critical and uses the withdrawal of self-love as a form of punishment. I have experienced the spectrum of perfectionism so it was interesting to read about the ways it affects performance and affect.
Terms: positive psychology, holistic, top-down approach, self-actualization, deficiency, human sickness, Maslow’s need hierarchy, survival needs, growth needs, “metaneeds,” organismic valuing, conditions of worth, Rogerian Model of the Processes of Self-Actualization, perfectionism (self-oriented, socially prescribed, neurotic)