a little extra time since this is being posted late:
Your reading blog for this week is over Chapter 13. Your blog should summarize this chapter.
Next, go out on the internet and research a topic of interest to you that you found in chapter 13. Report on what you found, and include at least 2 links to that information.
Next, go out on the internet and research a topic of interest to you that you found in chapter 13. Report on what you found, and include at least 2 links to that information.
Chapter 13 breaks down and explains personality. One point to remember before getting into the basic components is that most people are within normal ranges of the following components, which leaves only a few people in the extremes.
The first component is happiness, which has a set point for positive and negative emotionality. Positive emotionality is determined by the level of extroversion (levels of enjoyment, assertiveness, and thrill seeking in social settings). Extroverted people tend to feel positive, because they are sensitive to rewards from the behavior activating system in their brains, which stimulates approach behavior. Although extroversion has been indicated to be genetic, introverts are not doomed to lives without positive feelings. There is a difference between hedonic (pleasurable) feelings and eudemonic (pursuit of meaningful experiences), in which introverts are capable of the latter to get enjoyment out of life. Negative emotionality is determined by the level of neuroticism (chronic unhappiness). Neurotic people tend to feel negative, because they are sensitive to punishment from the behavior inhibition system in their brains, which stimulates avoid behavior.
The second component is arousal, which can be described by the “Inverted U” model. The principles of this model state that arousal is a function of the environment, individuals behave to increase or decrease this arousal, and the particular behavior is done to enhance the individual’s performance, depending on whether they are over or under aroused. The model itself looks like an upside down U, with arousal level on the X axis and performance on the Y axis. As indicated by the U shape, under aroused individuals tend to be bored and have low performances, an increase to moderate arousal stimulates challenge and interest to increase performance, and over aroused individuals tend to get over stressed and hurt their performances. It’s easy to understand why over arousal would hurt performance, but why under arousal? This question was explained by a study in which participants went through sensory deprivation and were tested to indicate performance. Their performances dropped, which they said was due to extreme boredom. This answered my earlier question, because it indicated that without any sort of stimulation, the brain gets lazy as a muscle would (like Sherlock Holmes). Furthermore, it is believed extroverts are under aroused and introverts are over aroused, which contributes to their characteristics. However, the “Inverted U” model isn’t without its criticisms. Primarily, some people argue it doesn’t explain the reasoning behind how the relationship works and that it’s only relevant to people within the extreme ranges of arousal. However, the second criticism was challenged by a study in which introverts and extroverts were tested after taking either caffeine or placebo. The over aroused introverts on placebo and under aroused extroverts on caffeine did better than the introverts on caffeine and the extroverts on placebo, demonstrating how the “Inverted U” model was applicable to general people. Another topic for arousal has to do with sensation seeking. This is different among individuals based on baseline internal levels and their reactions to particular stimuli. It’s indicated that high sensation seekers crave new experiences and risks, because they have low serotonin (inhibits these behaviors) and high dopamine (stimulates these behaviors) levels. This also relates to affect intensity (capacity for emotional change) in that these individuals may be insensitive to arousal changes.
The final component is control, which is defined by perceived control and desired control. Perceived control contains the beliefs of obtaining an expected outcome, which determines one’s effort and persistence. It also is reflected in one’s engagement (if high) or disaffection (if low). Desired control has to do with the motivation to control life events. People with high desired control tend to succeed in controllable environments, because they put forth more effort and persistence. However, they fare worse than people with low desired control in uncontrollable environments, because their motivation takes a harder hit when they realized they can’t control their surroundings. Other disadvantages to having high desired control is tendency for unrealistic goals and overuse of time on things.
Sensation seeking comes in part from one’s natural baselines, but is also affected by the environment. One particular way to affect it is with R rated movies, which have shown to be correlated with risks such as adolescent alcohol use. One particular study actually found that the movies did not affect high sensation seekers much, but made a significant impact on low sensation seekers with increasing alcohol consumption. However, it’s not clear whether the movie contributes to risky behaviors, or attracts them. For instance, studies have indicated that males with high aggression and low empathy tend to be attracted to horror movies. Personality traits and testosterone levels are also predicted to be related to one’s movie choices. Thus, it isn’t entirely clear whether movies make specific sensation levels, or one’s sensation levels leads to choosing specific movies.
Terms: personality, happiness, positive emotionality, extroversion, behavioral activating system, approach behavior, introversion, hedonic feelings, eudemonic feelings, negative emotionality, behavioral inhibiting system, avoid behavior, neuroticism, arousal, Inverted U model, over aroused, under aroused, sensation seeking, serotonin, dopamine, affect intensity, control, perceived control, desired control, engagement, disaffection
Chapter 13 is all about personality characteristics. The chapter started by talking about why some people are happy and why some people are unhappy. They talk about personality characteristics as being able to reliably predict why people are different in terms of emotion. After introducing the topic of personality characteristics, they talked about individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control. Pretty much the whole chapter was centered around each of these things but it first introduced them before going into detail. The main thing to take from this part is that few people are at either extreme when it comes to certain characteristics. The first characteristic that it talked about happiness. Most people see themselves as happy or characterize themselves as happy. Even if you are in a low income group you still feel for the most part happy. It expands on this idea and talks about how money does not determine someones happiness. They talk about former lottery winners and how they are not as happy as you would think they would be after winning so much money. They then talk about how there are two set points in happiness. Those are positive and negative emotionality. Positive is happy and negative is unhappy as you would think. The chapter then goes into talking about extraversion. The way that most people define is in three ways. They talk about sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness. Sociability is preference to be around people. Assertiveness is tendency toward social dominance. Venturesomeness is the tendency to seek out and enjoy exciting. Most of the time extroverts are more happy introverts. Neuroticism is the next thing they talk about. This is defined as the predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. In other words neuroticism is who is unhappy. These people experience greater stress, more negative emotionality, and a steady stream of negative thoughts. Arousal is the next thing talked about. It represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. It talks about how performance and arousal are related very close to each other. Low level of arousal produces relatively poor performance. It is represented in an inverted-U curve. Sensation seeking is also related to arousal. A high sensation seeker prefers a continual external supply of brain stimulation, becomes bored with routine, and is continually in search of ways to increase arousal through exciting experiences. These people are always searching for new experiences. They also take more risks. This section also talks about affect intensity. This concerns people's capacity to become aroused emotionally. The last thing they discussed was control. One thing under control is the desire for control which concerns the extent to which epople strive to make their own decisions. There is also perceived control which concerns differences in people's preperformance expectancies of poccessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes.
The thing I decided to research about was risk raking. I found this interesting because there are many different types of risks. I have also found why some people are more riskful than others is pretty cool. The first article talked about intelligent risk taking. It talked about a couple of different ways to take risks without losing a lot. They talk about some of the most intelligent risks is where the downside is limited. The next article was particularly interesting. It was on a website about livestrong which is the organization that Lance Armstrong started. I thought it was cool cause it encouraged risk taking. It talks about things like roadblocks and some steps to be an effective risk taker. I had no idea that they would have that on a website like that but I found it pretty cool.
Terms: Personality Characteristics, Happiness, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Arousal, Risk Taking, Control, Perceived Control, Desire for Control
Chapter 13 focuses on our personality characteristics. The personality characteristics that this chapter focuses on are our happiness, arousal, and control.
Happiness is the first personality characteristic described. The book states that pretty much our events in our life predict our emotions, which then predict our happiness. I thought this was interesting because it talked about the lottery as one example, and as we probably all know we just experienced the biggest lottery in history just this past weekend. You would expect a lottery winner who just won over a million (or way more than a million) dollars would be on average happier than the average person, or say someone who had been in a traumatic accident. Yet, according to researchers, there was really no difference. Yes, the levels of happiness may change right after those events, but people text to go back to the same level of happiness as they were before that life event happened, which was very interesting to me. Extraversion and happiness is the next topic introduced, which explains three facets that go along with it. These are sociability, wanting to be with others; assertiveness, having social dominance and venturesomeness, enjoying things that are exciting. Extraverts are on average happier then introverts because they usually feel pleasurable emotions more often. On the flip side, neuroticism deals with people who are unhappy. These types of individuals suffer when it comes to emotions, and experience more negative emotions then positive ones. There are personality tests that can examine someone’s happiness. Some of these are the NEO personality inventory scales, the Big Five Inventory, and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. By examining these scores, a psychologist or researchers can find out many things about an individual such their level of happiness, excitement, and how they experience rewarding situations.
Arousal deals with a mixture of different processes. These are an individual’s alertness, wakefulness, and activation. The processes that go along with these are the cortical, behavioral, and autonomic mechanisms. The book used the U curve to explain arousal. If an individual has low arousal, they will most likely do poorly when it comes to performance. On the other hand, individuals who have high levels of arousal will most likely have better performance, and quality of performance. Stimulation is also something that affects our levels of arousal. We can have high or low stimulation. It states that low stimulation results in boredom, but high stimulation results in stress. Both of these are aversive feelings, so how do we get to a happy medium? When people are experiencing low levels of stimulation they need to go out and find something more exciting. Yet when people are under high stimulation, they need to experience something more soothing and avoid the too high of stimulation. It also explains the difference between insufficient stimulation and underarousal as well as excessive stimulation and overarousal. The credibility of the U curve is also discussed with arousal. There are people who have criticisms towards the hypothesis. Some of the criticisms are that the U curve only works in extreme cases, when people have extremely high or extremely low levels of arousal. Also, it states that it does not apply to everyday experiences.
Control is the third characteristics explained in the chapter. There are many different types of control that could be illustrated. Personal control beliefs, locus of control, perceived control, causality orientations, etc are all different types of control that a person may experience. Desire for control is one of the main ones; this is when individuals are longing for control over things, and striving to make their own decisions. This then relates to perceived control. Before someone can know that they have control over something, two things need to be true. The first is that that person needs to be able to achieve the outcome. The second is that the situation the person is in needs to be predictable. Desire for control is something that usually everyone wants to achieve sometime. People are have high DC usually approach situations and ask themselves if they will be able to achieve something, and they are more likely to go for it. Individuals who are low in DC usually do not feel comfortable going towards certain things and tend to avoid certain situations or responsibilities. Losing control is something that many people face, and it usually aversive. For example, people who are in high DC can sometimes experience anxiety and stress when it comes to situations where they are not in control of. The example used in the book was going to the dentist office. Yes, this seems like such a simple example but it definitely made sense showing how someone does not feel in control anymore.
The topic I chose to focus on was happiness. The first website I found was about the psychology of happiness. It gave some statistics about happiness, and also 13 steps to be happier! According to the article, 50% of happiness comes to a genetic set point, such as our predisposition of happiness. 10% of our happiness is determined by our circumstances such as age, race, gender, and wealth. The other 40% of our happiness come from intentional activities, which include what we can and cannot do. I thought this was interesting to see some actual statistics. Also it was nice to see that it connected to the text. I still think it was very interesting knowing that our circumstances only contribute to 10% of our happiness. This relates to the example in the book that explained the individuals who were involved in a bad accident and individuals who had wont the lottery. Within a year of these events, on average their happiness levels are the same. The rest of the article states ways we can be happier. I thought this was nice because even though people are ‘happy’ there are probably ways to still boost that happiness. Some of ways for an individual can increase their happiness level is to foster close relationships, have sex, get regular exercise and good amount of sleep, join a group, don’t dwell on the past, and of course do not compare yourself to others, which I think is something too many people do.
This next link I found was a clip. This was a lecture done by a Professor at Harvard named Dan Gilbert. The link has certain clips that you can chose to watch, or the whole thing. Gilbert talks about how we are poor in predicting our happiness, and that everyone thinks happiness depends on things such as money or events in our life. He stated that in a study done, if someone was in a significant bad event, within three months (of course depending on the circumstances) it will have no effect on your happiness.
TERMS: personality, happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, sociability, assertiveness, venturesomeness, pleasurable, emotions, neuroticism, negative emotions, positive emotions,
NEO personality inventory scales, the Big Five Inventory, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire,
cortical, behavioral, autonomic, stimulation, aversive, underarousal, overarousal, personal control beliefs, locus of control, perceived control, desire for control (DC)
Chapter 13 focused on happiness, arousal and control as motivational concepts that lead to personality characteristics. Depending on the individual’s happiness, the arousal felt, and their perception of how much control they have will dictate how they respond in certain situations. The first principle discussed was happiness.
Happiness is something that everyone has. It has been found that some individuals will always have a higher or lower “set point” of happiness than others. Specifically, there is a positive emotionality set point and a negative emotionality set point. These two set points are separate from each other rather than on one continuum. From these set points, it is learned that individuals will stay around that point even after major positive or negative life events. The personality characteristic that is associated with happiness is extroversion (sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness). Extroverts are happier than introverts because they’re more conscious of the rewards that come along with social experiences so they are more open to positive emotions, which means they have a stronger BAS system. The BAS system creates an approach technique used by the extrovert. The personality characteristic that is associated with unhappiness is neuroticism. It is described as having a negative affect while not feeling satisfied with one’ life. Like extroverts have a greater capacity for positive feelings, neurotic people have a greater capacity for negative emotions. They are more prone to negative behavior because they have a more sensitive BIS (behavior inhibition system). That makes the neurotic individual avoid and withdrawal. Another important aspect of happiness is that there are two types. The two types of happiness are hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic is what people normally associate with happiness. It is the well being of a person in a happy life. The second is eudaimonic which is the self-realization and finding what is worth doing in one’s life.
The second principle discussed in the text is arousal (alertness, wakefulness, activation). The brain, skeletal muscular system and the ANS are the motivation behind arousal. It can be linked with motivation through four principles. The person’s level of arousal depends on the level of stimulation in the environment, people choose to behave in a certain way to either increase or decrease arousal (under arousal leads to increasing the stimulation because they are more pleasurable; over arousal leads to decreasing the stimulation because it becomes aversive). This creates the inverted-U relationship between arousal and performance. When one is moderately aroused that is when the performance will be at its best. Under arousal and over arousal will lead to poor performance. Sensation seeking is also an important part of arousal. It includes searching for new experiences (food, TV, music, drugs), and risk taking (smoking, skiing, sky diving). This derives from a biological experience. Sensation seekers have high levels of dopamine, which motivate them for these risky behaviors. The final main point from arousal was the difference between affect-intense and affect-stable individuals. Some people go day to day and their mood doesn’t change dramatically. They are not as sensitive to changes in their mood. These individuals are affect-stable. Affect-intense individuals are hypersensitive to their mood changes with intense feelings.
Control is the final principle discussed in chapter 13. Control is described in personality characteristics by perceived control (expectancies) and the desire for control (striving for). For one to have perceived control, one has to be able to reach the goal as well as having a predictable situation. Depending on these two factors will show how much effort one will put into a task. The perceived control is needed for one to determine their competence, efficacy and ability in the task. It also has an affect on the person’s engagement in the task. Individuals with high perceived control persist longer and are able to critically problem solve during problems during the task than low perceived control individuals. As stated before, the desire for control is also very important. This describes people who are motivated to have control in and over their lives. People with high desire for control tend to believe they have control over situations that are controlled by chance. Like high perceived control individuals, these people also persist longer, put in more effort, and don’t give up.
The terms that I found to be interesting and I looked further into was the sensation seeking concept. It’s interesting to me because I am very much NOT one of these people. One website describes sensation seeking further as inhibition in social situations, experience seeking, and boredom susceptibility. It even linked it to neuroticism, which was also linked with negative affect and low happiness. The website describe male’s risk taking behaviors including drinking and sex, but women were not as easy to target. This article also describes the use of illegal drugs to be a higher sensensation seeking than the use of legal drugs and legal drugs in higher than drinking alcohol. It can be explained by looking at it from an evolution perspective. Homo sapiens had to have a sensation seeking need to hunt game as well as reproduce with sex. This was the most interesting explanation that I found from this website. Another website used MRI’s to show the difference between high and low sensation seeking individuals. High sensation seekers found more activity in the insula when exposed to an arousing event. There was also more control and consistency in the low sensation seekers part of the cortex that regulates emotions.
Terms used: extroversion, happiness, hedonic, eudaimonic, positive emotionality set point, negative emotionality set point, neuroticism, BIS, BAS, arousal, inverted-U relationship, sensation seeking, affect-stable, affect-intense, control, perceived control, desire for control
Chapter 13 is about personality characteristics; happiness, arousal, and control are the three motivational principles that are of highlighted. Happiness is our first characteristic presented.
We learn that overall, more people are happy most of the time regardless of their backgrounds. It seems people have a happiness set point where there is a range of positive-emotionality and negative-emotionality. People do not deviate from these numbers too much when looking at the totality of their life. We can better measure who is happy with the concept of extroversion. Someone who would measure high in extroversion would be seen has highly sociable, assertive, and venturesome. Extroversion correlates with happiness. This can be explained by the idea that extroverts have a stronger s BAS (Behavioral Activating System), a biological motivational system. This would indicate that people are born with a certain level of happiness. Neuroticism is the personality characteristic associated with being unhappy. It is the tendency to typically experience negative affect and feel persistently discontent. This leads to increased levels of stress and greater anxiety and irritability. Neurotics have a stronger Behavioral Inhibiting System (BIS). BIS energizes avoidance-orientated behaviors. This makes neurotics highly responsive to signals of punishment.
Arousal symbolizes the varying methods that control alertness, wakefulness, and activation. There are four principles that explain arousal’s contribution to motivation. Simplified, they are as follows, arousal level is determined by environment, people behave to either increases or decrease arousal, when over or under aroused, people seek to bring the level back to a comfortable range. People who are sensation seeking seem to need to engage in increasingly risky, complex, and novel behaviors. Affect intensity is a person’s capacity to become emotionally aroused. People who are affect-intense are more psychologically sensitive to change than affect-stable people.
Control can be best explained through the concepts of perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control is the belief a person has that they can interact with their environment is a way that can produce desired outcomes and prevent unwanted outcomes. Desire for control refers to the extent which people are motivated to take control over their life events. People with a high desire for control like to be independent of others, prepare in advance, and make decisions on their own. People with a low desire for control avoid responsibility and are comfortable with others making decisions for them. Those who have a higher desire for control are better at establishing control. They also have stronger distress reactions when they perceived they have lost control over a situation.
I decided to research the topic of happiness. The first link provided is a TED talk on happiness by psychologist Dan Gilbert. He talks about some of the same things that were in the textbook. He presented two groups of people, one who won the lottery and another who became who paraplegic. A year later he asks which group is happier. The results are that both groups are equally happy, this is more evidence that we have a sort of happiness set point that we return to no matter life circumstances. The main point of his talk was that natural happiness and synthetic happiness, or the happiness that we create when we don’t get what we want, are of equal value to the person. So in a sense we can create our own happiness.
The second link is also from TED talks. It is a lecture given by psychologist Daniel Kahneman. He talks about the differences between our experiencing selves and our remember selves. Depending on your frame of reference, your subjective experience of happiness varies. Your psychological present experiences happiness differently than when you look back on the same experience. This has to do with the variable of time and the story we create when looking back on an experience. Also, the idea of a future experience as thought of as an anticipated experience will influence how you experience and remember things.
Terms: Happiness, extraversion, BAS (Behavioral Activating System), neuroticism, Behavioral Inhibiting System (BIS), arousal, sensation seeking, affect intensity, control, perceived control, desire for control
Chapter 13
This chapter was about personality characteristics and how they relate to a person’s level of happiness, arousal and control. When psychologists look at happiness they have found that most people are indeed happy regardless of their circumstances. They also have found that each person has their own level of happiness that doesn’t seem to change much over long periods of time. For example if someone were in an accident and became paralyzed they would eventually deal and become as happy as they once were. This is oddly comforting because it lets us know that we will or can get over just about anything and be as happy as we once were. Along with each person having their own level of happiness it was found that some people are generally happier than others. An inborn trait that seems to make people feel happiness more is extraversion. Extraverts tend to have greater sociability, greater social dominance and greater venturesomenes. While it is not thought that these qualities cause greater happiness, it allows the individual to feel positive events to a higher degree and makes them more sensitive to feeling positive emotions. However, if you are an introvert you can still be happy because there are two types of happiness. One is hedonic, which is the totality of a person’s pleasurable moments and it is what most people think of when they think of happiness. The second one is eudaimonic and this is a more self-realization where one engages themselves in meaningful pursuits. While feeling happy is great, people also feel unhappy. This is not the opposite of happiness but instead its own independent strand of emotion. It even has its own personality trait that makes people more prone to experiencing negative emotion. This trait is neuroticism. People who are neurotic tend to experience more stress, anxiety, fear and are just more sensitive to the negative emotions then others.
Arousal was another important aspect of this chapter. Arousal includes a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. The book explained how arousal can affect performance and the inverted-U curve explains how. With the inverted-U if someone is under aroused they will not have very good or high performance. This also applies to some who is over aroused; they will have lowered performance as well. The best performance comes when a person is moderately aroused. When dealing with arousal some people prefer and need to be generally more aroused. These people are called sensation seekers. These people need more stimulation from the environment and will do things to get it. These are the people that may drive excessively fast, use drugs or have a lot of sex partners. Sensation seekers are the people that tend to be the risk takers.
Control was the last main topic covered in this chapter. There are two types of control that are important personality characteristics; they are perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control is the belief that you can interact with the environment in ways that produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes. This is a very important belief because it leads to how a person will act. For example a person with high perceived control will put forth more effort and persist longer. Having a high belief in perceived control is also key because it leads to other positive beliefs such as perceived competence, self-efficacy, and perceived ability. Desire for control is also an important trait to have. This is when a person is motivated to gain control over the events in his or her life. A person with a high desire for control is not content to just deal with whatever life throws at them but instead is motivated to influence what happens and take charge. This is important because these types of people make their own decisions, take responsibility and assume leadership. When establishing control, people with a high desire for control often dominate the conversations, talking loudly, interrupting and even guiding what direction the conversation takes. While this is effective and useful in task situations, it can be a problem in relationships. High desire of control people however, are usually the ones who can take control of a situation and get harder goals and tasks accomplished. Losing that control for these people can also have some pretty negative effects such as distress, anxiety and depression. People who desire control but get put in situations where they can’t obtain it become very anxious and in these situations they can become more of a motivational liability then a help.
The topic I found interesting from the chapter that I wanted to look more up on was sensation seeking. I feel like I am split when it comes to this. I prefer routine and I eventually would like the traditional family where you stay in one place and settle down. However, I also have desires to try new things like sky-diving and I like to travel when I go on vacations. Of the two sites I found the first one described how different sensation seekers can be. Some prefer to engage in extreme sports while some resort to drugs and promiscuous sex. There was also a little section that said neuroticism. This was the personality trait that was associated with negative affect in the chapter. The second website was just a sensation seeking scale where you could answer questions and figure out where you fell.
Terms: happiness, extraversion, hedonic, eudaimonic, neuroticism, arousal, inverted-U curve, under-arousal, over-arousal, sensation seekers, control, perceived control, desire for control, establishing control, losing control
Situational events affect happiness, arousal and control. Based on the components of extraversion, extraverts are happier because they are more likely to experience positive emotions through greater sociability, social dominance and venturesomeness. Although this makes it sound like introverts are incapable of happiness, there are two types of happiness: hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic happiness is associated with what we (society) perceive as happiness. Whereas eudaimonic happiness is associated with self-realization and pursuing what is meaningful in life.
Along with extraversion, increased levels of arousal are related to better performance. However, intensity and quality performance improves when arousal levels are moderately increased. When arousal is high, the effects are equivalent to low arousal states. Human beings seek arousal when they are sensory deprived through social interaction or a change of environment.
I thought it was interesting to read about risk taking or “risk accepting” because I am a bit of a risk taker. I am currently saving up right now to go skydiving. Although there is a chance that I am paying $300 to plummet to my death, life is short anyway.
I decided to research monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors because I think it is intriguing that a genetic predisposition to MAO is correlated with sensation seekers. Therefore someone born with low level of MAO are more likely to be sensation seekers, and are more than likely extraverts. MAO inhibitors metabolize neurotransmitters like Dopamine and serotonin. Low levels of MAO would mean increased levels of dopamine and serotonin. This explains why there are some sensation seekers and some sensation avoiders, because dopamine guides our approach oriented behavior. Interestingly, bipolar patients tend to have low MAO levels and higher dopamine levels that are observable through their moods of extreme highs and low. Conversely, chronic schizophrenic have reportedly had low levels of MAO, yet seem to be sensation avoiders. Another study observed monkeys with high and low MAO levels. They found that monkeys with low levels of MAO were more active in both sexes.
Terms: Sociability, social dominance, happiness, arousal, control, components of extraversion, extraverts, introverts, hedonic eudaimonic, risk accepting, sensory deprivation, monoamine oxidase,
Chapter 13 is about personality characteristics. The individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control make up the personality. Happiness is high levels of sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness. Sociability is the performance for and enjoyment of others and social situations. Assertiveness is tendency toward social dominance. Ventersomeness is tendency to seek out and enjoy exciting, stimulating situations. Extroverts tend to have high levels of all of these. The personality characteristics that deal with, “who is happy?” is extroversion. They tend to be more emotionally happier and have positive moods. They have more positive feelings because they have a more optimistic outlook on life. However, happiness includes two parts. Hedonic well-being is the totality of a person’s pleasurable moments. Eudaimonic well-being involves engaging yourself in meaningful pursuits and doing what is worth doing. If both of these are achieved, then happiness will be accomplished. A person can still be happy even if they are not extroverted. Each person is different in what makes them happy.
Neuroticism is the personality characteristics that deal with, “who is unhappy?” It’s also a tendency to experience a negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. These people suffer emotionally because of their greater ability to experience pessimistic emotions. Therefore, bad life events cause them to hold on to the troubling thoughts, which stick around for long after the event is over.
Arousal is a variety of processes that direct alertness, wakefulness, and actiation. The book explains that the “inverted-U curve” shows the relationship between felt arousal and people’s performance and well-being. Is someone have low levels of arousal, they are not that interested, so in turn, they don’t do well performance wise. Also, they get bored with low stimulation activities, but tension ans stress arises from high stimulation activities. Sensory deprivation is a person’s sensory and emotional experience in a rigidly unchanging environment. An experiment was done where participants were paid to lie in a bed for as long as they wanted. They soon got irritated and bored, so they left the bed. This is because we need arousal to continue.
Control has two parts; perceived control and the desire for control. The first deals with differences between individuals ideas of how their performance will turn out with the need to do them well. Desire for control deals with how much effort is put into striving to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and come prepared for situations.
The first website I went to was http://salestony.com/Personality%20Disorder.html. This is about the neuroticism, which caught my attention. This site explained how people say “the personality disorder and the neurotic” referring to how people are one or the other. It’s about responsibility coming up. The personality disorder person would say that whatever went wrong was “your” fault, whereas the neurotic claims it’s “my” fault. If a person blames problems or situations on others, then they have a personality disorder. However, they are a neurotic if they blame everything one themselves. This website says that there really isn’t just one or the other, but rather we have a mixture of both. I believe this because for me, when I’m angry, I blame everyone but myself; the, once I realized it was my doing, I have a pity party for myself and blame everything else on myself. Whether or not the other parts had anything to do with me, I find that my upsetting mood causes me to find a way to make it my fault.
This next website goes into detail more about what neuroticism really is. The first thing I read was, “A psychologist will tell you that neurotic behavior or thinking, while distressing or painful to the individual, does not include any loss of contact with reality or behavior that is dramatically outside the social norms.” It goes to explain that worrying and such are normal to an extent. Neurotics push these boundaries based on their drive from underlying anxieties, fears, or other feelings. One example that was given explained that everyone wants to feel loved; however, if a person takes it to the level that everyone must like them or else, this becomes neurotic. This impacts self-esteem greatly because they are setting themselves up to fail. People are hurt when someone doesn’t like them. I can only imagine how crazy it would feel if I felt, and cared, that no one liked me.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3923733
Terms Used: happiness, sociability, assertiveness, venturesomeness, extrovert, hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being, neuroticism, arousal, sensory deprivation, perceived control, desire for control,
Chapter 13 focuses on individual differences in personality characteristics and the three motivational principles that are directly related to them. The various personality characteristics explored in this chapter are: extraversion, neuroticism, sensation-seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desired control, while the three principles related to the various characteristics of personality are: 1) happiness, 2) arousal, and3) control.
At the beginning of Chapter 13, we are asked to keep in mind that most individuals are relatively happy and of average level of the other two characteristics. In other words, there aren’t too many people out there who are extreme sensation-seekers, in high need of arousal, and desire the highest level of control, etc. this also applies to the lower end of the spectrum-a small number of individuals are in no need for sensation, control, or arousal. In fact, the majority of people fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum regarding individual levels of personality characteristics.
Happiness is something most people want to achieve, or remain in the state of. While the majority of people are relatively happy, there are those who are unhappy for an extreme amount of time during each day. People are said to be within “normal” range if they have both positive and negative emotions regarding happiness/unhappiness, but not overly excessive amounts of either. However, our textbook also states that no matter what happens in our lives, we will most likely return to the same state of happiness we were meant to be in, or our happiness “set point”. So, for someone who has a major event happen in their life, such as inheriting a fortune, the level of happiness normally felt by him/her will be temporarily replaced by a high level of happiness, but will return to its “set point” after a certain period of time. Chapter 13 points out that we actually have two of these set points; one is related to our differences in extraversion, a personality characteristic associated with those who are happy, and the other is associated with neuroticism, which is the characteristic associated with the unhappy emotions experienced.
Along with extraversion, we have introversion, which is the characteristic involved when people are not considered sociable or assertive people. Our book states that emotionally speaking, extraverts are generally happier than introverts, and that this may just be the way those people are. Extraverts may have a greater capacity to be emotionally more positive than introverts. Also, extraversion is associated with the BAS, which motivates individuals to experience approach-oriented behavior.
Neuroticism is the negative side of happiness. Neurotics feel unhappy and dissatisfied constantly, suffering emotionally. The BIS is associated with neurotics and affects the avoidance-oriented behavior, triggering escape and withdrawal for example.
Arousal affects our motivation to be alert, awake, and active. Environment plays a part in arousal, namely the level of stimulation in one’s environment. A certain amount of arousal is needed for adequate performance level. Too much or too little stimulation in the environment can affect a person’s emotional level/arousal, thus affecting her/his performance. This relates to the inverted U curve, or the bell-shaped curve I learned about in a previous class. We want to be somewhere in the middle of the curve, therefore maximizing performance levels. This bell-shaped curve also correlates with stress levels. The more stimulation experienced, the more stress. This leads to the release of cortisol, which aids in managing stress.
Arousal is related to sensation-seeking behaviors. Some people are always searching for a higher level of stimulation equaling more arousal. They want to try things they have never tried, and go to heights others have not, so to speak. These sensation-seekers are usually involved in risky behaviors, due to their low levels of MAO (monoamine oxidase). MAO is the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of serotonin and dopamine, and without this enzyme, those excitement levels remain high, and inhibition is low.
Affect intensity is the level at which individuals become emotionally aroused. There are those people whose emotions rarely affect their attitudes, behaviors, or judgments. Imagine never being able to determine whether a person is angry or excited- this is the result of a person’s affect intensity level.
Finally, chapter 13 discusses the principle of control. Some characteristics listed under the topic of control in our text are the locus of control, mastery versus helpless orientations, perceived control, and desire for control. The last two listed previously are the key components to control. When we want to accomplish something, we strive for it, utilizing the desire for control. The expectancy we possess regarding the positive outcome of an action is perceived control. If we believe and expect we can do something, we perceive control over that action, and over the environment, exerting more effort. When perceived control is absent, we experience learned helplessness, as discussed in a previous chapter. However, we all want the exact opposite, to have or establish control in our lives. We desire it.
Unfortunately, the desire for control (DC)can sometimes lead people to overestimate their abilities, causing an illusion of control and leading even more so to a loss of control. Therefore high DC individuals look for the lost intense challenges and reach for the highest standards, which also can lead to higher distress levels and depression.
I looked at a couple of websites that discussed sensation seeking personalities. The first site, listed above, states that high sensation seekers are more likely to try drugs than low sensation seekers. Also, some studies are showing evidence that individuals with high sensation seeking behaviors have a different brain than others. Research has shown that there may be differences in the hippocampus of those with the need for more arousal. According to this site, thrill seekers “may have a lower set-point for fear extinction—meaning they can more easily turn off, or at least tamp down, the physiological response to a fearful event”, and may also have the cognitive ability to decipher between those risks which will harm them and which cannot. It is kind-of beneficial I would think, to have the ability to deter anxiety and fear and just have a “go-for-it” attitude at times. Then again, it may get a person into trouble.
The second website I found was Psychology Today online. This caught my eye because it stated a correlation between hand-grip strength and sensation seeking levels, as well as other personality traits. The interesting aspect of this article is that it states there is a direct correlation between testosterone levels and sensation seeking and testosterone levels and hand-grip strength (HGS). More so, there was evidence also linking HGS and sensation seeking behaviors; that it “was positively correlated with…the thrill and adventure seeking subscale (of either hands). In other words, the stronger a man's HGS, the more likely he is to engage in high sensation-seeking activities (e.g., bungee jumping).” Very interesting information I thought.
TERMS: happiness, extraversion, introversion, control, arousal, perceived/desired/locus of control, affect intensity, sensation seeking, stress, neuroticism, performance, emotion, stimulation
Chapter 13 focuses on personality characteristics and breaks it down into three motivational principles, happiness, arousal, and control. There are scales that people rate in these principles, but it is noted that most people fall I n the normal range and only the very few exceptions fall into either extreme.
The first characteristic is happiness. Happiness is something that most everyone has. There are two set points that affect our happiness. A happiness set point which comes from our differences in extroversion and the unhappiness set point which comes from our differences in neuroticism. What I found interesting was that a study showed that people who were happy in their 20’s were happy in their 30’s, and people who said they were unhappy in their 20’s, were still unhappy in their 30’s. This is due to the happiness set point (like our weight set point) and it regulates our well-being and overall happiness. Extroversion is defined in three parts; 1 sociability (enjoying others), 2 assertiveness (social dominance) and 3 venturesomeness (seek out and enjoy new situations). It is said that extroverts are happier than introverts, however it is stated later in the book that there are two types of happiness. 1 is hedonic which represents a pleasant life and 2 is eudemonic which involves engaging the “true self” and focusing on self actualization. Neuroticism is usually defined as suffering because they perceive many more negative emotions and have a more pessimistic thinking system. They have a higher motivational incentive towards avoidance behavior because they experience much stronger negative effects like anxiety, fear and irritability.
Second is arousal which powers how alert and awake we are. We engage in certain behaviors to increase or decrease our level of arousal. When under or over aroused try and find the most pleasurable environmental stimulus. The inverted u shows the relationship between arousal and performance. If it is too high or too low it causes uncomfortability. Low causes boredom and high causes stress and tension. An interesting research that shows the consequences of being under aroused is sensory deprivation. When your environment is unchanging, it causes the inability to think clearly and must rely on cognitive and behavioral processes to change it. If over stimulated emotional disruption can occur with many feelings of anxiety, anger and frustration as well as cognitive disruption causing confusion, lowered concentration and forgetfulness. Sensation seeking is related to arousal. A high sensation seeker constantly searches for a new experience and taking risks to constantly create excitement in their lives.
The last characteristic is control. Perceived control concerns the differences in how people expect themselves to do in a certain activity. To perceive control over a situation the person first must be capable of obtaining this outcome and secondly the outcome should be a little be predictable to not be discouraging. People with high perceived control chooses more challenging tasks, makes a smart plan and sets sophisticated goals. This person will also have high concentration and exert effort in their actions. People with low control will choose easier tasks and give up easier. There is this desire for control that helps motivated people to do something about certain situations in their lives. High desire causes a person to be more prepared for situations, avoid dependence and be more motivated in their lives actions. The desire for control can diminish if they lose or feel like they are losing control. When a person with high desire for control has to go to the doctor, they don’t have control what they do so they may feel anxious or nervous. Also crowding makes these people feel more vulnerable because they can’t control others and if they make it to where they are going on time
I decided to look more into control. I am one of those people that likes to control as much as I possibly can. I am always thrown off when I’m unprepared for something, and I hate crowds! I have a high desire to control my situations around me. The first website I looked into talked about how to control emotions which will help you focus more on the situation than let emotions cloud your judgments. The first step is to accept your feelings; by accepting these feelings you can start to take action by understanding them and changing them. Second is to know your feelings and when you are starting to feel the physiological responses, than change them. Third, if you stay well fed, well rested and exercise you will be able to build up an “emotional immune system” that can push off emotional triggers. Fourth, practice control by taking deep breathes or a couple minutes to reflect than to change it. Lastly, sometimes you need to let your emotions out when it is most convenient to you.
The second website was about establishing control in your business world. Establishing control is becoming more public and many people are trying to control their weight, their life situations, their job and their emotions etc. This site talks about controlling emotions and how it is detrimental to your health and well-being. When your emotions are out of control panic and worry set in, taking over everything. A strong mind can help refuse and patch up the pain that a bad event has caused. Do not keep going over the bad event constantly because this creates more worry and upset. Being able to stay calm in stressful situations is a great skill to have, but it takes worst to have mastery over this skill. This site also does say it is good to let go and vent every now and then and then calm will set in.
This chapter discussed the personality characteristics related to happiness, arousal, and control. It explained how personality differences arise and what implications they might have for motivation, emotion, and everyday activities.
First we looked at happiness. The personality characteristics that define this were extraversion and neuroticism. An extravert is a person who is generally happy - happier than an introvert would normally be. This is because they have a stronger behavioral activating system (BAS) that is more responsive to the signaling of rewards within an environment. A person can be an introvert and still be happy because there is more than one kind of happiness. The first is hedonic, which is a person's pleasurable moments in a lifetime. The second kind of happiness is eudaimonic, this is the self realization of happiness where a person will engage themselves in meaningful endeavors. On the other hand, a neurotic person is someone tending to be unhappy with a stronger behavioral inhibiting system (BIS) that is more responsive to signals of punishment within an environment. For example, an extravert will be social and outgoing looking to make friends. Someone who is neurotic might be hesitant to make friends because they see how it could punish or harm them. Extraversion is linked with positive emotion and an approach temperament while neuroticism is linked with more negative emotions and avoidance temperament.
Arousal is associated with the personality characteristics of sensation seeking and affect intensity. Sensation seeking is the need for varied, complex, and intense sensations and willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experiences. Once a person seeks these new experiences, like sex or drugs, this promotes the risk accepting behavior. This just promotes them to try more things because it was associated with an approach oriented behavior. For example, this is why people gamble. Once they try it and win a hand of blackjack they want to bet more to win more since it worked the first time. They aren't avoiding the risk anymore, it becomes fun and exciting to do. The other personality characteristic associated with arousal is affect intensity. This is the strength of emotions that a person experiences. Some people tend to have strong emotions and can be hyperactive in a emotional way. This person would be extremely happy in one moment and very sad or mad in the next. Most people are going to be pretty stable where their emotions are mild and show minor fluctuations in emotional reactions.
The last topic the chapter discussed was control. Perceived control and the desire for control were the personality ihen a person has a high desire for control they approach situations by wanting to totally control what happens to them. This can be helpful and harmful. It is helpful when they embrace their high standards with high effort when they are challenged because it helps them self serve and enhance their control. On the other hand, they might feel threatened or lost and exhibit reactions such as depression or distress when control is not present. This might occur when a person visits the dentist and can't control what happens to their teeth. They have to leave it in the hands of the professional and this makes them very uncomfortable.
I decided to look more into arousal for my research topic. The first article I found talked about swallowing your fear and accept it because it will help you overcome your emotions. When you focus your attention on your body and your surroundings, your sense of action becomes the only focus. For example, when you are in a canoe in white water you have to keep your body loose and balance in order to not tip the boat. If you let your emotions overcome you then you won't be able to manage this task. If you push through it with the willpower you are showing yourself that you can accomplish it even though you were screaming inside your head. If you can manage your emotions in this extreme situation you can manage them in real situations. This deals directly with affect intensity. You have to remain mild mannered and emotionally stable on the outside . It can also be considered a kind of sensation seeking that you might have thought you would never have but it introduced you to risk accepting behaviors.
The second article I found talked about why teenagers act as crazy and rebellious as they do. Their brains are still evolving and they take risks to make a leap from home life to independence. Once teens develop a mature frontal lobe they tend to be less reliant on their parents. When teens take risks the effects can be especially harmful because their brains are not fully developed. For instance, a teenager who decides to drink and drive and then gets in a car accident with a head injury. This could possible result in permanent brain damage affecting them for the rest of their life. Teens don't realize the impact it could actually have on them. There is a reason why we have a legal drinking age - although many don't stay true to it, it does save lives. This again goes along with the crazy sensation seeking and how teenagers don't need added influences of alcohol to feel like they have taken a risk.
TERMS: personality characteristics, happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, neuroticism, BAS, BIS, approach temperament, avoidance temperament, eudaimonic happiness, hedonic happiness, sensation seeking, affect intensity, risk accepting behavior, affect intensity, perceived control, desire for control, self confirming cycle
Chapter 13 focuses on the different characteristics of personality. This chapter first discusses why some people are happy, while others are unhappy. This is relation to three motivational principles to personality, happiness, arousal and control. People’s emotions and motivational states vary due to personality characteristic such as extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control.
There are two personality characteristics associated with happiness, extraversion and neuroticism. There is also two set point s in correlation to extraversion and neuroticism which is dependent on individual differences. Extraversion can be defined as three facets, sociability, assertiveness and venturesomeness. Extroverts are seen as being happier than introverts because extroverts possess greater capacity to experience positive emotions. Neurotics are usually unhappy and pessimistic. Neurotics have sensitivity to BIS, this is a source of negative emotions such as fear, anger, depression, anxiety etc.
Arousal represents many processes such as alertness, activation and wakefulness. The introverted-U curves measures the relationship between arousal level and performance/well-being. Low arousal produces poor performance. People all differ in arousal levels. Sensation seeking is related to reactivity and arousal. Sensation seekers search for new experiences since they have a greater frequency and variety. Sensation seekers tend to be risk takers, they voluntarily engage in activities such as motorcycle riding, skydiving, etc. Affect intensity is the strength in which people experience their emotions, affect-intense individuals experience their emotions more intensely and strong, they tend to show more emotions while affect-stable experience mild emotions and show little emotion.
Perceived control and the desire for control are two personality characteristics. Perceived control is a person’s expectations of how they will react in a certain situation. Desire for control reflects how strong a person’s motivation is to control a situation. When perceived control is strong a person positively engage in situations when it is weak people doesn’t put in their all. The desire for control is seen as a positive thing when seeking achievement. . When a person is in an environment in which they can’t control they become depressed and vulnerable.
I found sensation seeking and risk taking to be equally interesting. I tend to stick to the same routine because it feels safe but it would be nice
to do things differently and be more extroverted.
I found this article about risk taking to be very interesting and helpful
This article about sensation seeking had a lot of similarities to the book.
Key terms: personality, happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, perceived control, sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness, emotions, anxiety, negative emotions, unhappiness, sensation seeking,
Chapter 13 talks about personalities. It goes into depth about three important personalities, happiness, arousal, and control.
Happiness is something that everyone has; people just have their own “set point” which is the balance between positive and negative events in one’s life. Extraversion is a key component of happiness because extroverts are usually happier than introverts. That is because of three factors, sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness. There are two types of happiness, hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic is one’s pleasurable moments. Eudaimonic involves self-realization and engaging oneself in meaningful pursuits and in doing what is worth doing. The negative side of happiness is called neuroticism. Neuroticism is defined as a predisposition to experience negative affect and to fell chronically dissatisfied and unhappy.
Arousal is the second personality the book talks about. Arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Arousal is measured by an inverted-U curve, with, low arousal being represented in the lower left and increasing as you move to the lower right where high arousal is located. Low arousal proceeds to boredom, high arousal leads to tension and stress. When under aroused people seek out activities that offer increased stimulation, opportunities for exploring something new, maybe even take a risk. On the other hand, when high arousal is present a person will avoid environmental stimulation.
The third personality the book talks about is control. Control can best be described by perceived control. Perceived control concerns differences in people’s perperformance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. The desire for control comes from the extent to which people strive to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and enter situations in overly prepared ways.
I chose to look more into perceived control. I found a nice article by a bunch of Vanderbilt professors. I also looked at an article by Art Markman. In this article it was interesting because he was talking about how one morning all the Obama signs in his neighborhood had been taken and all the McCain signs were left back during the 2008 election and how it didn’t really matter what signs were taken because they were in Texas where McCain was going to carry whether the Obama signs were taken or not.
Terms Used: happiness, extraversion, hedonic, eudaimonic, neuroticism, arousal, inverted-U curve, control, perceived control
Chapter 13 was pretty well laid out in three main sections that Reeves focuses on. They are happiness, arousal, and control happiness. All three of these motivational principles can occur in any given situation. The principles are guided by several personality characteristics that include extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control. These characteristics give us the basic understanding of why people react emotionally and motivationally in different ways when presented with the same situation.
Happiness comes in several forms and generally most people would say they experience happiness the majority of the time. It is said that many people experience a set-point just like in body weight. Most people tend to hover around a similar level of happiness all of their life even after growing through many stages of life. The same is true for negative emotion and both happy and unhappy feelings tend to be indicators of well being and not polar opposites. Most people agree that happiness emerges from extraversion level of personality and unhappy feelings emerge from neuroticism. Extroverts have been classified into three areas: Sociability, assertiveness, and adrenaline seekers. However extroverts don’t need to be the leader of a group, with a lot of people, or about to seek a thrill all the time. Those who are extroverted are simply more prone to feelings of a positive nature. Their Behavioral Activating System (BAS) are much stronger towards rewards in the environment than introverts. The unhappy people experience higher levels of neuroticism and tend to suffer emotionally from events that occur in life. They tend to be more introverted and due to this have a stronger BAS towards punishments of the environment.
Arousal is made up of three components that include alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Alertness is governed by the cortical processes developed by the brain. Wakefulness is a behavioral process that is controlled by the skeletal muscular system. Activation is an autonomic process that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Performance arousal is very simple. Not enough arousal makes for a dull and slow performance. Too much arousal creates tension and anxiety. There is a middle ground where arousal creates an alert and positive performance that is enjoyed by the individual. Overstimulation in a person can create many problems both cognitively and physiologically. Debilitating immune system and a confused brain result rather quickly from over stimulation. Those who need a high level of arousal tend to be more risk takers than others which is contradictory of what our biology guides us to do as risk taking is bad for the survival of the species. The affect intensity is a term used to describe people’s capacity to become emotionally aroused. Those who have a high affect intensity tend to experience wild emotion during a highly stimulating event like for example, a rollercoaster ride. Those who have low affect intensity don’t react strongly to the same level of stimulation. They would just sit on the rollercoaster and not scream, laugh, or show much emotion.
There are two type of control that describes most of the general population well, those who like perceived control and those who desire control. Perceived control refers to the belief that a person holds that they can choose how to act in the environment to receive positive results. Those with a high level of perceived control are highly motivated to complete the task the need or want to. Those who think they have no control is a sense “half-ass” their way through each day. Desired control on the other hand is the effort people are willing to put forth in order to control their lives. When a person with high DC enters a situation they try to regain threatened control or they work to establish a desired level of control. When the DC is lost there are negative reactions like distress and panic. Those with low DC can flow with many situations they are placed in like a crowded room or a surgery table. However on the flip side those with low DC will tend to give up earlier when they feel they have been defeated.
We have all heard the phrase money buy happiness. Well after searching the internet I did find that to be true. Most summaries of research include data that shows money can buy a little happiness, but not in the form we probably were thinking. It doesn’t make you happy directly, but rather takes away worry about finances or a future. Also they were reported increased levels of stress and tension. This is due to the creation of budgeting issues, new tax brackets, and diversity in the money. So money may take some stress, but it leaves behind a trail of new stress that one must learn to deal with. Even our book stated that those in the poor class reported good levels of happiness with what they had.
Terms Used: happiness, arousal, control happiness, motivational principles, set-point theory, Behavioral Activating System (BAS), alertness, wakefulness, activation, cortical processes, behavioral process, autonomic process, affect intensity, perceived control, desired control.
Chapter 13 is titled Personality Characteristics. This chapter focuses on going in-depth about individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control. Any situational event allows all three of these subjective experiences to be affected. The personality characteristics discussed in this chapter are extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control. These characteristics help explain the differences between motivational and emotional states even in the same situation. An important thing to remember when discussing which characteristic an individual is classified as, is that people rarely fall on one extreme. These characteristics are on a spectrum and constantly changing based on the situation.
Generally speaking, most people are happy. If a dramatic event was to happen for an individual that caused extreme happiness and a different life event occurred for someone that caused extreme sadness, they would be on different ends of the happiness spectrum. However, a year down the road, if you were to measure their levels of happiness, they would be relatively close to the average person. People have a happiness “set point”. This means most people return back to an average level of happiness for themselves after events whether they are positive or negative. When in comes to extraversion and happiness, extraverts are happier than introverts because they possess a greater inherent capacity to experience positive emotions. They benefit from more frequent and intense signals of reward that leave them anticipating situations with excitement, feeling happy, and wanting to approach situations. There are two types of happiness; hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic is the totality of one’s pleasurable moments. It reflects a pleasant life, and in represents what most people think of as happiness. Eudaimonic concerns self-realization; it involves engaging one’s self in meaningful pursuits and doing what is worth doing.
Arousal represents a variety of processes that harvest alertness, wakefulness, and activation. These processes are cortical, behavioral, and autonomic mechanisms. The activity of the brain, skeletal muscular system, and autonomic nervous system together constitute most of the motivational construct of arousal. Four principles that explain arousal’s contribution to motivation are; 1.) A person’s arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is. 2.) People engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal. 3.) When under aroused, people seek out opportunities to increase their arousal levels, because increases in environmental stimulation are pleasurable and enhance performance whereas decreases are aversive and undermine performance. 4.) When over aroused, people seek out opportunities to decrease their arousal levels, because increases in environmental stimulation are aversive and undermine performance whereas decreases are pleasurable and enhance performance.
Control beliefs are most commonly displayed through perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control concerns differences in people’s pre-performance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. The desire for control concerns the extent to which people strive to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and enter situations in overly prepared ways. To assess individual differences in perceptions of control, researchers use questionnaires that contain the following items; 1.) If you decide to sit yourself down and learn something really hard, can you learn it? 2.) I’ll bet you don’t like to get bad grades. Can you do anything to keep from getting any? 3.) Let’s say: You decide that you’re not going to get any problems wrong (like on a math or spelling paper). Can you do it?
I went on to further research hedonic happiness, also known as a hedonic treadmill or hedonic adaptation. It is known as the supposed tendency to return to relatively stable level of happiness, despite major positive or negative life events. This theory is still relatively new so not much research has been done. Research tends to support a three factor model where our level of happiness is 50% determined by genetics, 10% determined by outside circumstances, and 40% determined by intentional activities. The last factor is the focus of positive psychology because not all activities are equally effective at helping others reach their higher level of happiness. One topic of controversy that goes along with hedonic happiness is the set point. The set point is different for every individual and may be more based on genetics than the specific situation. People also tend to focus more on negative things than positive things which can also alter the set point. Drug use can also alter an individual’s set point of happiness. Hedonic happiness is subjective well-being that involves the presence of a positive mood, absence of negative mood, satisfaction with various domains of life, and global life satisfaction.
Terms: personality, characteristics, individual differences, extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, desire for control, set point, happiness, arousal, control, positive, negative, hedonic treadmill, genetics
Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill -
Chapter 13
Chapter thirteen was about two personality characteristics related to happiness and well-being, arousal, and control. These characteristics for each help explain how personality differences arise and what implications they have for motivation, emotion, and everyday life. Extraversion and neuroticism are the two characteristics related to happiness. Extraversion answers ‘who is happy?’ Extroverts are happy because they have a stronger behavioral activating system that makes them highly responsive to rewarding signals in the environment. Neuroticism answers ‘who is unhappy?’ Neurotics suffer emotionally because that have a stronger behavioral inhibition system that makes them highly responsive to signals of punishment in the environment. Basically extraversion is emotionally positive and causes approach-oriented behavior whereas neuroticism is emotionally negative and causes avoidance-oriented behavior. The characteristics related to arousal are sensation seeking and affect intensity. Sensation seeking is the need for complex and intense sensations and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experience. Sensation seekers seek new experiences in sex and drugs and engage in risk-accepting behavior such as gambling. Affect intensity is the strength of emotions that individuals experience. Affect-intense people experience emotions strongly and show emotional hyperactivity in emotion-eliciting situations whereas affect stable individuals experience their emotions only mildly and show only minor fluctuations in their emotional reactions. Lastly, the two characteristics for control are perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control concerns the capacity to initiate and regulate the behavior needed to gain desirable outcomes and to prevent undesirable outcomes. When perceived control is strong, people engage in tasks with active coping and positive emotions. This increases the probability that the person will attain the outcomes that they seek. When perceived control is weak, however, people engage in tasks half-heartedly and show passivity and negative emotions. This decreases the probability that the person will attain the outcomes that they seek. Desire for control reflects the extent to which people are motivated to control the events in their lives. Individuals who have a high desire for control approach situations by wanting to control what happens to them, so they strive to establish control and to restore it when it is lost or threatened. These individuals embrace high standards and aspirations, put forth high effort when challenges, overly persist during difficult tasks, and interpret success or failure feedback in a self-serving and control-enhancing way. These individuals exhibit distinct reactions such as distress or depression when control is lost or threatened.
Sensation seeking has always been an interesting topic to me. I would like to think that I have a decent amount of control over my life, so hearing about people who destroy their lives just to feel a certain sensation has always been unclear to me. It seems to be related to excitement but also seems to relate to negative outcomes such as drug abuse. One website even compared it to people who watch horror movies for entertainment and those who fear and avoid such movies. There seems to be a difference in the brains of high sensations seekers and low ones when it comes to arousal and regulation. I also came across a website that brought up the possibility of sensation seeking being present in a person’s genes. This would be due to genetic mutations in the brain’s dopamine system. Even though this study is in the early stages, I think it could definitely be a possibility. It would make sense if the parents were sensation seekers or drug addicts that the child would have a high probability of obtaining those genes as well, but it would be difficult to determine if it was due to genetics and biology or the nurturing and observation of the child.
Terms: personality, happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, neuroticism, behavioral inhibition system, behavioral activating system, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, desire for control
There are two main personality charachteristics that are related to happiness; extraversion neurotocism. Extraversion explains more of who is happy. These people are happier than introverts because they have a stronger behavioral acting system (BAS) because of the way they respond to reward. Neurotocism explains more of who is unhappy. These people suffer more emotionally because of the same BAS, however theirs makes them repond more to punishment rather than reward. When entering these situations, neurotics negative emotions and therefore show avoidance seeking behaivors.
The two personality characteristics that this chapter talks about related to arousal, performance and mood are sensation seeking and affect intensity. Sensation seeking is the need for varied and intense situations and the willingness to take physical, social, legal and financial risks for the sake of the experience. These are the people who jump out of airplanes, place big bets, engage in risky behaviors such as drugs and risky sexual situations. Affect intensity individuals have strong emotions and show emotional hyperactivity in situations where emotions are elicit. Someone who is affect-stable would be oppoisite and only experience their emotions midly and not have a big fluctuation of emotions. I would think of someone like this as being non-chalant, just kind of doesn’t care, hard to read.
This chapter also talks about the two personality characteristics that are related to control being perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control is the belief a person has that he or she can interact with the environment and have control over what they want to happen and what they do not want to happen. When someone has a strong belief in perceived control, they engage in tasks with positive emotion. For example, if I think I have complete control on whether or not I get an A on a test, I am going to study hard for it and go into it thinking I will get an A. However, if the person’s perceived control is weak, they go about things more passively and negatively. If I don’t think I have control over a grade I get, I am not going to go into it with much confidence and probably not study hard or try hard, because it doesn’t matter, its out of my control. Desire for control is the extent to which people are motivated to control the events in their life. If someone has a high desire for control, they want to control a situation and have high standards, therefore put forth a lot of effort when challenged.
The sensation seeking section was of interest to me, and I found online a sensation seeking scale. I took a little quiz that said I am low sensation seeking, and I believe this now, however, if I would have taken this quiz before I became a mother, I know I would have answered a lot different and thought of different experiences when reading the questions. Here is the quiz:
the other thing I looked into was to see if drug abusers are more impulsive or more sensation seeking type of people. I found there is a difference between being impulsive and being a high sensation seeker. This article gave some good info.
Terms used: happiness, extraversion, neurotocism, arousal, performance, introverts, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, desire for control
Chapter 13 discusses personality characteristics. The three that the chapter goes into detail about are: happiness, arousal, and control. Most people consider themselves to be happy, but there are set points for positive and negative emotionality. The level of extroversion predicts the amount of positive emotionality. The chapter explains that extraverts are happier than introverts because they possess a greater inherent capacity to experience positive emotions. Extraverts are usually very social and outgoing, but they are mainly happy because of how they are more sensitive to rewards in social situations. The level of neuroticism predicts the amount of negative emotionality. Neuroticism is known as a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied or not happy. Neurotics have troubles with emotions because they possess different levels of sensitivity to underlying biological systems.
The next concept discussed is arousal. Arousal represents a variety of processes like: alertness, wakefulness, and activation. There are four principles that can be organized under the inverted-U. The four principles are: 1. A person’s arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is, 2. People engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal, 3. When under aroused, people seek out opportunities to increase their arousal levels, because increases in environmental stimulation are pleasurable and enhance performance while decreases are aversive and undermine performance, 4. When over aroused, people seek out opportunities to decrease their arousal levels, because increases in environmental stimulation are aversive and undermine performance while decreases are pleasurable and enhance performance. The goal is for a person to be aroused, but not too aroused, so a good happy-medium. A moderate level of arousal makes people experience a feeling of pleasure. If a person is over aroused they can feel stress or frustration. If a person is under aroused they can feel bored or restless. These different levels of arousal happen because of affect intensity, which is the strength in which people typically experience their emotions.
The last component is control. There are two parts of control: perceived control and desired control. Perceived control describes the differences in people’s preperformance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. If perceived control is low people don’t actively involve themselves in the activities as much as they should. Desired control is the extent to which people strive to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and enter situations in overly prepared ways. If people don’t have the level of desired control they want they can feel helpless or under stress.
I feel like most others, that I am a happy person over all. But I decided to research more of what I could do to make myself happy. I found an interesting cite explaining the happiness project. They give you ideas of what you can do to make yourself or your life happier. You can sign up for the challenge but I did not go that far, I just read about things I could do. One thing they suggest is going on vacation. My family has not taken a vacation in a long time, but I am getting the chance to study abroad this summer in South Africa, so I have a feeling that will make me happy. This also explains why I always feel happier when I come home from spring break, taking a vacation relieve stress. The cite explains how to make vacation less stressful, like not over packing and just have fun goofing off.
The next thing I found that uses social media to display and explain happiness is a whole website designed for happiness. It has poems about happiness, different trivia, recipes, and things to laugh at. It reminds me of a typical housewife magazine to subscribe to. It is telling you how to make your life better and make you the happiest you can be. Their happiness tip is to become a better listener or comforter. It will make you feel good inside and help someone else be happy also. Happiness can be something we can fake from the outside, but to be truly happy a person needs to start with the inner feelings.
Terms: happiness, arousal, control, positive emotionality, negative emotionality, inverted-U, neuroticism, perceived control, desired control, over aroused, under aroused, extroverts, introverts
Chapter 13 covers the topic of personality characteristics of happiness, arousal, and control and differing levels of each. Happiness is largely associated with extraversion because these people have more positive moods because they’re more sensitive to the rewards inherent in most social situations than those who are introverts. This is so because extroverts have a stronger behavioral activating system, or BAS. Therefore, they have a stronger incentive motivational state. The book states that happiness is just as genetic as it is environmental. The opposite of happiness would be neuroticism. These people have a predisposition to experience negative affect and more likely to have anxiety, fear, and irritable mood states. Contrast to extroverts, neurotics have a strong behavioral inhibition system, or BIS. Therefore, they have an avoidant-oriented motivational style. Arousal produces optimal performance when it’s at a moderate level. If it’s too high we experience stress, yet when it’s too low we experience boredom. As humans,vwe rely on a variety of cognitive and behavioral stimulation to increase our arousal level if it’s too low because our brain and nervous system prefer a continual and moderate level of arousal. However, if we’re overstimulated it impairs our cognitive and physiological processes. But we need to take into consideration that individuals differ on their baseline of arousal. A high sensation seeker prefers a continual external supply of brain stimulation, while a low seeker prefers less brain stimulation. High and low sensation seekers therefore experience different characteristic in their behavior. For instance, high seekers are more likely to search for new experiences, accept risks, and become bored with routine. We should also take into account the individuals emotional intensity. Affect-intense people show strong emotions towards various good or bad events, while affect-stable people have mild emotions. Control has two types of main beliefs: perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control refers to the beliefs and expectations a person holds where they can produce desired outcomes by way in which they interact with the environment. It also predicts how much effort a person is willing to exert. High perceived control individuals initiate action, has effort, concentration, and can persist. Low perceived individuals select an easy task, set lower goals, and generates simple plans, which over time may lead to a more pessimistic view. Desire for control reflects the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over the events in their lives. These people prefer to make their own decisions, avoid dependence on others, and assume leadership roles in a group. They do so by speaking loudly and rapidly and interrupt others. However, when their control is lost they suffer from distress, anxiety, depression, and assertive coping.
The most surprising fact I learned from this chapter was in the study on sensory-deprivation. The participants were restricted from sensory information from touch and were told to sit in a room, only to leave for meals and the restroom. Over some time, they reported blank episodes of thought or let their mind wonder. But the most interesting thing I thought was that nearly everyone reported dreams and visions while awake. This intrigued me because it goes to show that without the environmental stimulation, our brains save themselves by making up its own stimulation through dreams and visions in the waking hours. It’s amazing how our brain and body feed on external stimulation, yet in the absence of that we are able to create our own. Therefore I decided to do more research regarding sensory deprivation. http://www.physorg.com/news175504269.html - at this website, it explains that sensory deprivation can produce hallucinations within 15 minutes. A study was done where participants sat in a sensory-depriving room for 15 minutes. Each one reported hallucinations, depressed mood, or paranoia. The researchers even tested for those who were prone to hallucinations and those highly prone, and they found that each group still experienced some level of hallucinations. Scientists concluded that hallucinations are produced through faulty source monitoring, where the brain misidentifies the source of its own thoughts as arising from outside the body. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb5TV8uHmQ0 – this video clip from “gateways to the mind” explains and demonstrated that the brain is stimulated by external factors. They then observed a sensory deprivation experiment where we could see the person in a small room covered in blankets and cases to block out sensory stimulation. They explained that each subject couldn’t handle it for more than 24 hours and each lost touch with reality. As time went on, the participants who stuck it out the longest experienced intense hallucinations of animated figures, or hearing voices, and they became frightening. I enjoyed watching this video because it shows what the experiment looks like, which allowed me to better understand the circumstances for which sensory deprivation may occur.
TERMS: happiness, arousal, control, extroverts, introverts, BAS, neuroticism, BIS, sensation seeker, baseline, affect-intense, affect-stable, perceived control, desire for control, sensory deprivation
The main focus of chapter 13 is about the three motivational principles (happiness, arousal, and control) in relation to personality characteristics. The personality characteristics that show through the three motivational principals are: extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control. Depending on the situation and how stimulating and arousing they are, as well is how controllable they are, people will experience various levels of happiness, arousal, and control which are presented through the characteristic listed above. Most people’s personality characteristics can be gauged on a spectrum, where most people fall in-between the extremes. If a person we to say that people were either one extreme or the other they would they fall prey to typologies. Typologies categorize a person to be one type of personality or the other, which then oversimplifies the contribution of personality process in motivation.
Happiness is the first motivational principle and it is where the personality types of extraversion and neuroticism appear. Extraversion is seen as the explanation of what make a person “happy.” Extraverts are generally happier than introverts because they have a stronger behavioral activating system (BAS). By having a stronger BAS it makes extraverts have a higher response to signals of reward within their environment, and which then leads them to have a more positive emotionality. Neuroticism on the other hand is seen as what makes a person “unhappy”. People with neuroticism will have a stronger behavioral inhibition system (BIS), which makes them highly responsive to signals of punishment in the environment. It also leads them to be more negative emotionally and have an avoidance temperament/behavior.
The two personality characteristics of the principle of arousal are sensation seeking and affect intensity, as well as the inverted-U curve of arousal, performance, and emotion/mood. People that are sensation seekers need a wide range of complex and intense sensations as well as the willingness to various types of risks to gain some sort of experience. They will go to great length to get the feeling they want and engage in risk-accepting behavior. Affect intensity is the strength within a person with which people experiences their emotions. If a person is more affect-intense they their emotions strongly and show hyperactivity in emotion-eliciting situations. However, if a person is affect-stable they have a milder emotion experience and only have minor fluctuations in their emotional reaction.
Perceived control and the desires for control (DC) represent the two personality characteristics related to control. Perceived control is the capacity to initiate and regulate the behavior needed to acquire wanted outcomes and inhibit unwanted outcomes. Perceived control is associated with engagement because depending on the level of perceived control determines how much effort a person applies to a task to produce self-confirming outcomes. DC reflects the magnitude to which people are motivated to control the events in their lives. If one had high-DC they want to have a large amount of control so they strive to establish control or regain it if they feel like they have lost it. Also, a person with high-DC is more likely to strive for higher goals and go after harder challenges and interpret success/failure feedback in a self-serving and control-enhancing manner. If a person with high-DC is forced into situations that takes away their power to control they feel distressed and depressed.
The topic that interested me the most was the topic of happiness. According to http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200910/the-secrets-happiness there are multiple things that are associated with what makes a person happy. This article lists: self-esteem, optimism, extraversion, and personal control are the secrets to a happy person. The researchers said that those qualities are generally seen as being imbedded into a person biological make up, but they can change over time depending on the influence a person’s culture has over them.
The next article I read looked was titled The Happiness Chronicles I: Is There a Dark Side to Happiness? (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/under-the-influence/201203/the-happiness-chronicles-i-is-there-dark-side-happiness) This article discuss that being too happy may have a negative affect on a person. If a person experience to may positive things it may increase risk-taking behavior, or could reflect characteristics such as mania and psychopathy. One may also experience the wrong type of emotions during certain times which could prevent the person from understanding the seriousness of a situation where they should be fearful, or it could make a person appear to be vain/narcissistic.
Terms used: happiness, arousal, control, personality characteristics, extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, desire for control, typologies, behavioral activating system (BAS), behavioral inhibiting system (BIS), introverts, avoidance behavior, inverted-U curve of arousal, performance, emotion/mood, risk-accepting behavior, affect-intense, affect-stable
Chapter 13 examined personality characteristics, namely happiness, arousal, and control, and their roles in motivation and emotion. The topic of happiness was the biggest portion and it primarily examined who is happy and who is unhappy. Studies support the idea that extroverts are as a whole the happier people than introverts. The biggest reason for this seems to be that extroverts Behavioral Activating System (BAS) is hypersensitive. What this means is that their willingness to take approach oriented behavior is very high. When our BAS is hypersensitive it causes individuals to see all the pros to engaging in a behavior and not pay as much attention to the possible negative consequences. Those who are unhappy tend to be neurotics. Neuroticism is when individuals tend to view events as negative and to be unsatisfied. Neurotics, when compared to extroverts, have a hypersensitive Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). This means that their tendency to avoid participating in a given activity is high. When our BIS is hypersensitive it means that we are looking for the possible punishment that may accompany a behavior. For example, if you go to a party and your BIS is highly activated you will probably think of things such as what if a fight starts, what if the cops show up, nobody really wants me here, or I’m probably going to pass out and die if I drink too much. All of these events serve as punishers even though they are highly unlikely.
The next section of the chapter examined arousal. The Inverted-U curve explained to us that people like to be moderately aroused most of the time. If we are under aroused, like in the sensory deprivation studies, we are unable to think clearly, become easily agitated, and boredom. If we are over aroused we become stressed and anxious and cannot think clearly. Our brain functions best when we are at a moderate level of arousal and allows us to think clearly and be able to complete tasks efficiently. People seek to find the moderate level of arousal by changing their environment. People who have sensation seeking traits are bored easily with routine and are always seeking a new environmental stimulus. This is definitely my personality type.
The last section of the chapter looked at control which can be broken up into perceived control and our desire for control. Perceived control is how competent or how able you think you are and whether or not you can complete a given task. People with high perceived control tend to be more willing to approach a behavior because they think they can do it. People with a low perceived control would rather avoid a given behavior because they don’t think they can reach their goal or their environment is not predictable or they haven’t tried it before. Individuals also exhibit a certain degree of desire for control. The best aspect of having a high desire for control is that it helps people persist in tasks, choose to pursue more difficult tasks, and attribute success to yourself and perceive failure as being caused by something aside from yourself.
One thing that interested me was discussed under the Control portion of the chapter as a positive attribute of having a high desire for control. If you fail and have a high desire for control then you will view success as being attributed to your own hard work, effort, and abilities. When you fail and have a high desire for control you do not attribute it to yourself but rather to outside circumstances. However, one downside may be that you may develop the illusion of control when in fact you do not have control. One website I found http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2011/10/03/the-illusion-of-control/ explored our illusion of control a bit further. This individual took a look at how we often think that we have control over areas that we in fact cannot control. They said that depressed or neurotic people do not have this ‘problem’. They tend to have a much more realistic view of life and do not delude themselves with the illusion that they can control things like many people do. This was really interesting to me because I feel as though we often look at depressed people in a negative fashion when they can be ‘better’ than average people in cases like these. The second website was http://www.virtuailes.com/THE-INVESTMENT-ENVIRONMENT/investment-illusion-of-control.html . This website looked at how when investors have a high desire for control it often does them in. Just like in our textbook it stated that for us to develop a high perceived control have to feel as though they have a sense of control and that they have some idea of the expected outcomes. Investors sometimes get too sure of themselves with some investment choices they make. If their investment continues to do well over time they may develop the illusion of control over something like the stock market, which is foolish. Seeing these two articles discuss our illusion of control over many aspects of life is humbling to realize how little we do actually control.
Chapter 13 is about differences in personality characteristics. The characteristics examined are extroversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control and desire for control. The motivational principles that relate to these characteristics are happiness, arousal and control.
Most people are happy regardless of their situation. Interestingly, people who win the lottery and people who suffer extreme accidents are relatively as happy as the average person. It seems that happiness is as much in our genes and personalities as it is experiences. People have 2 happiness set points, a positive emotionality (happiness set point) and a negative set point (an unhappiness set point). The happiness set point derives mostly from extraversion and the unhappiness set point relies mostly on neuroticism. Extraverts have a greater capacity than introverts to experience positive emotion and a more sensitive behavioral activating system. Thus, they are generally happier. Extraversion is identified by 3 facets; sociability, social dominance and venturesomeness. Extraverts are more likely to approach potentially rewarding experiences, because they are more likely to detect reward in the environment.Neurotics have a greater capacity than emotionally stable individuals to experience more negative emotions and a strong behavioral inhibition system. Neuroticism is defined as a predisposition to experience negative affect and feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. Neurotics suffer emotionally because they tend to dwell on bad life events and bring up other bad thoughts because of them. Neurotics engage in avoidance behavior because they are eager to avoid potentially punishing behavior.
Arousal is a measure of how activated an individuals cortical, behavioral and autonomical mechanism are. In other words, how stimulated someone is. People engage in behavior to increase or decrease levels of arousal so that they are moderately aroused. Being underaroused or overaroused is unpleasant. The inverted-U hypothesis shows how levels of performance efficiency and affect relate to low, moderate and high levels of arousal. Performance is at it's peak during moderate arousal. High arousal inhibits performance through emotional disruption, cognitive disruption and physiological disruption. When a person is exposed to a stressful and overstimulating environment, they react poorly. When an individual experiences sensory deprivation their performance decreases as well. When sensory and emotional experience is unchanging, people are motivated to increase arousal through behavior.
Control was the last motivational principle discussed. Perceived control is the individuals belief that he or she can produce desired outcomes from the environment through behavior. In order to perceive control in a situation, the person must be capable of obtaining the desired outcome and the situation must be somewhat predictable and responsive. People learn that their actions and efforts have no effect in unpredictable and unresponsive situations. When their environments are predictable they do not necessarily put forth more effort, because individual perceptions of control intervene. So, perceived control beliefs dictate how much effort a person will put forth in a situation. Desire for control reflects how much individuals are motivated to control events in their lives. They are not content with settling, but instead are motivated to influence their lives and experiences. High desire for control generally has positive influences over productivity. However, if situations are not controllable there can be some negative effects.
What i found most interesting was the explanation early on in the chapter that if you ask people in their 20s if they are happy or unhappy, you will very likely have the same answer if you ask them again in 10 years if they are happy in their 30s. This was kind of disheartening for me, because I'm not a generally happy person and haven't been my entire adult life. While I'm relatively open, conscientious, agreeable and secure in my relationships, I'm really neurotic. I don't want to stay that way forever. So I decided to find information on personality change. The first website I visited (http://www.livescience.com/9507-study-personality-change.html) had an article titled 'your personality can change, and probably should.' This website explains that if you can change beliefs about control of abilities and characteristics (such as intelligence) than personality change can take place. The next website I visited (http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/personality-change) had a small paragraph informing that it may be difficult to change core personality traits, but easier to change behavior.
Chapter 13 focuses on three motivational principles that go along with personality characteristics. Happiness, arousal, and control are the three. We look at these principles on a continuum; some people are very high in one area and low in another. However, most people fall somewhere in between. Most people are generally happy in life. Our happiness can be looked at as a set point. It fluctuates at different life events, good and bad, and then usually settles back to its normal state. The book gives the analogy of it being like our body weight. Just like our body weight, happiness is something that is hard to control or change. A generally happy person is considered an extrovert. Extroverts are social, assertive, and seek out stimulating situations. They are happier than introverts because they are more sensitive to life rewards in social situations. This makes them more likely to experience positive feelings. Extroverts BAS is higher than introverts. Because of this they are more goal-directed and approach oriented. A person who is “unhappy” is considered to be a neurotic. Neurotics experience negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and irritability in their everyday life. They have a high BIS that triggers these negative emotions. Arousal is the second principle discussed in the book. Arousal is brought on by collaboration of the brain, skeletal muscular system, and automatic nervous system. Arousal levels are examined by an inverted-U. As arousal level increases from low to moderate, intensity and quality of performance rise. When arousal level keeps increasing to high, performance quality and efficiency drop. Low arousal gives rise to boredom, and high arousal level creates tension and stress. It is best to have arousal levels at a medium state to avoid both boredom and overstimulation. Sensation seeking is a personality characteristic that coincides with arousal. A person with high sensation seeking levels looks for ways to increase arousal. A person with low sensation seeking levels likes routine and doesn’t search for stimulation through new experiences. A sensation seeker searching for new experiences is looking for a boost in arousal; also found in risk taking. Affect intensity is a continuum of a person’s capacity to be aroused. Those who are affect intense experience strong emotions that change frequently. Affect-stable individuals have mild emotions that have only minor fluctuations. Control is the third principle discussed. Control is broken down into two parts; perceived control and desired control. Perceived control is the belief and expectation a person feels that they can interact with the environment in ways that will produce the desired outcome. It predicts how much effort a person will put in and how high their goals will be. Desire for control refers to the extent at which individuals are motivated to establish control over events in their lives. A person with high desired control wants to make their own decisions, prepare for situations in advance, and hold leadership roles. This type of person sees a difficult situation as threatening their desire for control. Therefore they are more likely to persist longer than those who have a low desire for control. When they completely lose control however, they show distress, anxiety, depression, dominance, and assertive coping.
I thought the discussion between the differences in introverts and extroverts was quite interesting. I came upon a website that gave information on misconceptions of introverts, and how successful they can be. First off, it stated that many people think introverts are anti-social. However, they simply just need less stimulation than an extrovert, giving them a different way of being social. Their idea of being social might be having a glass of wine with a group of friends over going to a loud, crowded party. Shyness is not a quality of an introvert. Shyness is the fear of social situations, which could be found in an extrovert or an introvert. What I found extremely eye opening is how the work force in America is directed toward extrovert’s success. Most office buildings are open and focus on total teamwork. However, for an introvert they will be much more successful in their own office doing the work on their own. The next website I found was just kind of fun but gave the names of some successful introverts including; Charles Darwin, Larry Page, Eleanor Roosevelt, Steve Wosniak and more.
Terms: happiness, arousal, control, extrovert, BAS, neuroticism, BIS, arousal levels, inverted-u, sensation seeking, risk taking, affect intensity, control, perceived control, desired control
Chapter thirteen was about the aspects of personality. The three main components of personality that the book talked about are happiness, arousal, and control. Each person has different levels of each and all three relate to a persons motivation.
Happiness is something that each of us experiences on a daily basis. The main thing to remember about happiness is that there is a set point and some people have more happiness than others. There are two main types of happiness and those are hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic happiness relates to the totality of one’s pleasurable moments. Hedonic happiness is generally what people think happiness truly is. Eudaimonic happiness is the self-realization of engaging oneself in meaningful pursuits and in doing what is worth doing. This form of happiness comes from doing things that you feel are better for yourself and those around you.
Extraversion is a personality characteristic associated with happiness. Extraversion is a combination of sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness. Extraverts are generally happier than introverts and enjoy more frequent positive moods. Extraverts are happier than introverts because they possess a greater capacity to experience positive emotions. Extraversion and introversion are also a set point in that some people have more than others.
Neuroticism is the personality characteristic associated with unhappiness. Neuroticism is a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel dissatisfied and unhappy. Neurotics experience greater stress, anxiety, fear, and irritability and have more negative emotionality than others.
Arousal is a combination of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Arousal is controlled by the activity of the brain, skeletal muscular system, and autonomic nervous system. The four principles of how arousal effects motivation are: a person’s arousal level is a function of how stimulating the environment is, people engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal, under aroused people seek out opportunities to increase their arousal, and over aroused people seek out opportunities to decrease their arousal level. These four principles are best described by an inverted u curve.
Sensation seeking is the personality characteristic that is related to arousal. A person with a high level of sensation seeking is always looking for something to keep them aroused. These people will engage in activities that involve social, physical, legal, and financial risks. People with a low level of sensation seeking on the other hand will not look for activities that include these risks. Low sensation seekers prefer less brain stimulation and tolerate routine.
There are two types of personality characteristics that the book relates to control and those are perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control is the belief that a person holds that he or she can interact with the environment in ways that produce desired outcomes. The person must be able to obtain the desired outcome and the situation needs to be somewhat predictable for a person to have any sense of perceived control. Perceived control relates to motivation because it predicts how much effort a person is willing to exert. If a person feels they have no sense of perceived control, they exert less effort and are less motivated.
Desire for control is the extent to which an individual is motivated to establish control over the events in their life. People with a high level of desired control prefer to make their own decisions, assume leadership, and prepare for situations in the future. People with low levels of desired control avoid responsibilities and are comfortable with others making decisions for them.
The topic from the chapter that I found to be the most interesting was sensation seeking. I personally am one of those people who likes to try new and crazy things and will do anything once. I have been known for doing some pretty stupid things and when asked why I did it, I never really had an answer. After reading this section of the book I can say that I have a high level of sensation seeking and am looking to increase my level of arousal.
The first website that I found was a scale that measures your level of sensation seeking. I thought that the scale could have included more questions but overall I think it measures sensation seeking quite well. The scale included questions about experience seeking, drug use, the need to disinhibit behavior, and routine behavior. I personally scored 36 out of 40, which is a fairly high score, and I can agree with that. I feel that this website gives an insight into exactly what is included in sensation seeking and puts a real life spin onto the information in the chapter.
The second website that I found was an article about risk taking behavior. The article started off with an example of an extreme risk taker and broke down the basics of sensation seeking. The only really new information on this website was the fact that smoking, drinking, sex, and drugs work in tandem with each other. If someone partakes in one of those behaviors, they more than likely do one of the others.
personality, happiness, arousal, control, hedonic happiness, eudaimonic happiness, extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, perceived control, desire for control
Chapter 13 focused on personality characteristics within three motivational principles: happiness, arousal, and control. It is these personal characteristics that explain why given a certain event that people have different motivational and emotional states. These differences can range from extreme to mild, but relatively few people are at either end of the characteristic putting them in the middle.
The first motivation we come upon is happiness, a state that most people experiences irrespective of their life circumstances. People can’t always be emotionally happy which leads to the two independent emotional set points, positive emotionality (happiness) and negative emotionality (unhappiness). To be happy one has to have the characteristic of an extraverted person; to be socially enjoyable (sociability), have a social dominance (assertiveness), and to be able to seek out and enjoy exciting situations (venturesomeness). Due to their reward inherent sensitivity extraverts are generally happier than introverts when they approach potentially rewarding situations. This is possible due to a stronger BAS (behavioral activating system), a function that energizes approach-oriented, goal-directed behavior supplying the extravert with a steady stream of motivational and emotional states. In regards to happiness there are two types; hedonic – a flash back of pleasurable moments and state of what happiness people portray and eudaimonic – involving oneself in meaningful pursuits (self-realization). The characteristic that falls on the opposite side of happiness is (neuroticism), a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. They suffer emotionally due to a greater capacity to experience negative emotions a result from harboring disturbed and troubling thoughts. On a more biological level neurotics have a highly strong and sensitive BIS (behavioral inhibition system) a system that uses forthcoming punishment as a source of negative emotions (fear, anxiety). The BIS functions in a way that energizes avoidance-oriented, goal-directed behavior.
Arousal represents a variety of processes; cortical (brain), behavioral (skeletal muscular system), and autonomic (nervous system). The rise and fall of arousal can be represented into an “inverted-U curve” by comparing the relationship between arousal and performance/well-being. Within this representation there are three levels: moderate, low, and high. A moderate level of arousal is that of an orgasm where as a low level coincides with boredom and restlessness, leading the person to explore something new or even risky (increase stimulation). High stimulation produces tension and stress, when this happens it creates a negative effect. Drawing people’s attention to a more calm environment (vacation, quiet walk) anything to decrease the stimulation. When one is over stimulated in a stressful environment the three processes stated above get impaired. The emotional turmoil manifests itself in feelings of anxiety, irritability, and anger. Cognitive disruption comes off as confusion and impaired concentration. Whereas physiological problems develop in the sympathetic nervous system (high blood pressure). Sensation seeking is the next personality characteristic that is linked to arousal (baseline level) – how aroused a person is without external stimulation and reactivity – arousal reaction to exposed external stimulation. A high sensation seeker prefers a continual external stimulation through exciting experiences such as sex to avoid falling into a boring routine.
The final motivational principle come down to control. Control covers a wide range of personal control beliefs, but only two are really worth talking about. Perceived control, the beliefs and expectations a person holds that they can produce a desired outcome and prevent undesired ones. In order for this to work an individual has to fill they are able to obtain the outcome and second the situation they are attempting to control has to somewhat be predictable and responsive. This all predicts how much effort a person is willing to exert; those with a high perceived control set higher goals and plans on how to succeed, whereas the low end select easy tasks and set lower goals with fallback strategies. Desire for control (DC) reflects the motivation of an individual to establish control over the events in their lives. What sets these two control beliefs apart is the high-desire-for-control that people want over their fates, regardless of how much control is currently had and irrespective of how structured or responsive the situation appears to be. The manifestations of these personal control behaviors comes from the desire to establish control and to restore control, “the desire for control feeds into the illusion of control”. The one down side for individuals with high-DC is they tend to overestimate how well they will perform, usually interpreting success and failure feedback in ways that feed an illusion of control.
Terms: happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, introversion, neuroticism, sociability, assertiveness, venturesomeness, BAS, BIS, hedonic, eudaimonic, inverted-U, cortical, behavior, autonomic, sensation seeking, baseline level, reactivity, perceived control, desire for control.
The area I decided to read more into was the rick taking in sensation seeking. More to the point of the side effects or down fall of too much ricking taking. As I was searching I found that there are a lot of different types of rick taking, some that lead to success and others, well not so much. For those who took the risk that didn’t turn out so well, were the ones that are more likely to take a risk in the wrong direction. Such as drugs and alcohol which can lead to the abuse of such substances, and another big manifestation that was talked about in our text was also talked about in the articles I found, sex. A risky behavior indeed, one that leads to multiple sex partners and the spread of HIVs and other STDs. As one article put it the shame and guilt that can come from these behaviors can cause depression and family problem due to interpersonal problems.
Chapter 13 discussed individual differences in three motivational principles (happiness, arousal, and control) as related to the personality characteristics of extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control.
“When researchers ask lottery winners and accident victims if they are happy a year after their dramatic life event, people who won large sums of money and people who experience debilitating injuries did not differ much from the average person” (370). To me, this suggests that the question being asked is meaningless; Reeve, however, claims that individuals have positive and negative emotional ‘set points’ that generally determine their overall emotional state (regardless of circumstances).
Two personality characteristics related to happiness and well-being:
Extraversion -> Happiness: extraverts are happier than introverts because they are open to experiencing more positive emotions.
Neuroticism -> Suffering: neurotics have a stronger than average Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS), which detects and regulates environmental punishers, and energizes avoidance-oriented and goal-directed behaviors; i.e., they are more open to negative emotions such as fear and anxiety.
Two personality characteristics related to arousal:
Arousal -> Performance: a low level of arousal produces boredom; a moderate level of arousal produces pleasure; and a high level of arousal produces stress.
Arousal -> Sensation seeking: some individuals crave a higher level of stimulation/arousal than others (low MAO may be the biological basis for this). They are also more accepting of risk in order to achieve this stimulation.
Affect intensity -> Arousal: affect-intense individuals are more sensitive to changes in arousal than affect-stable individuals.
Two personality characteristics related to control:
Perceived control -> Engagement: self-efficacy beliefs impact how much effort the individual will exert.
Desire for control beliefs -> controllable vs. uncontrollable environment -> Performance: high desire for control (DFC) individuals perform better in a controllable environment than low DFC individuals, yet may be more negatively impacted in an uncontrollable environment than low DFC individuals.
I chose to look for more info on the idea that, rich or poor, everyone is equally happy.
Poor People Happier Than Rich People for the First Time in History, David Henry Sterry
I thought that this article dodged the real question, because it spoke of rich people who had lost everything vs. poor people who had lost nothing, not rich vs. poor.
Only The Poor or Super Rich Say “Money Can’t Buy Happiness”, Financial Samurai
This article seems to arrive at its conclusion by utilizing different measures of happiness for the poor and rich than it does for the middle-class.
Terms: individual differences, motivational principles, happiness, arousal, control, personality characteristics, extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, desire for control, set points, suffering, Performance, pleasure, stress
Chapter 13 talks about personality characteristics. It starts out by talking about why some people are happy and why others are not. It talks about personality characteristics as being able to reliably predict why people are different in terms of emotion. The chapter also talked about individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control. Few people are at either extreme when it comes to certain characteristics. The first characteristic the chapter talked about was happiness. Most people view themselves as happy. It goes further into this idea and talks about how money does not determine someone’s happiness. It says that there are 2 set points in happiness, which are positive and negative emotionality. The next thing chapter 13 talks about is extraversion. The way that most people define it is in three ways. They talk about sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness. Sociability is preference to be around people. Assertiveness is tendency toward social dominance. Venturesomeness is the tendency to seek out and enjoy excitement. Most of the time extroverts are happier than introverts. The chapter then talks about neuroticism. Neuroticism is defined as the predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. These type of people experience greater stress, more negative emotionality, and a steady stream of negative thoughts. They then turned their attention to arousal. It represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Low level of arousal produces relatively poor performance. Sensation seeking is also related to arousal. A high sensation seeker prefers a continual external supply of brain stimulation, becomes bored with routine, and is continually in search of ways to increase arousal through exciting experiences. These are the people that take more risks. The last thing they discussed was control. One thing under control is the desire for control which concerns the extent to which epople strive to make their own decisions. There is also perceived control which concerns differences in people's preperformance expectancies of poccessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes.
TERMS:Personality Characteristics, Happiness, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Arousal, Risk Taking, Control, Perceived Control, Desire for Control
Chapter 13 was a very interesting chapter 13 about individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control. The chapter discussed how extroverts tend to be happier people than introverts. This is due to the extroverts tendency towards sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness. They are higher in happiness because of their sensitivity to rewards that come along with social situations. Extroverts also have a stronger behavioral activating system which energizes the approach-oriented, goal-directed behavior. On the other hand, introverts have a stronger behavioral inhibiting system which detects and regulates environmental signals of punishment, which in turn energizes avoidance-oriented, goal-directed behavior. People often try to regulate the amount of arousal they experience which is reflected through the inverted U curve. The four basics to explain arousal's contribution to motivation are: 1) arousal level is a function of how stimulating the environment is 2) people engage in behavior to increase or decrease arousal 3) when underaroused, people seek out opportunities to increase arousal 4) when overaroused, people skeep out opportunities to decrease arousal. Being over aroused or under aroused can have negative effects on performance. When it comes to control, those high in perceived control tend to seek out more challenging situations, set goals, and exert the effort to obtain them. Those with a desire for control tend to try and establish control over certain events in their lives. They like making their own rules, whereas someone with a low desire for control would not mind being told what to do.
This chapter was of particular interest to me because I recently wrote a literature review on dispositional optimism and its benefits on our overall health and well-being. This topic correlates well with the topic of extroversion discussed in the chapter. One article I read was "How to Be Popular at Work". I found that this article related to extroversion in the fact that extroverts are the ones who seek out and prefer the presence of other people and social situations, and they have a tendency towards social dominance. The article talks about ways to become everyone's favorite person at work and one of the ways is to treat others as honored guests, and another is engage in conversations that build friendships. I feel as though these would be very easy things for those high in extroversion to do since these skills are already a part of their personality.
Another article I read related to the control section of the book. This article was called "3 Beliefs That Create Success". These beliefs were as simple as "I am confident...I am committed...I am in control." As the book discussed, those who feel they are in control are more likely to take the steps to obtain and reach their goals. These thoughts may seem so simple but getting yourself in that mindset and acting on it is what will really benefit you. If you feel like you are the one in control, you will provide yourself with the motivation necessary to achieve what you set out for.
Terms: happiness, arousal, control, extroversion, introversion, BAS, BIS, approach-oriented, avoidance-oriented, inverted U curve, perceived control, desire for control
The main topic of Chapter 13 was personality characteristics, which focused mainly on happiness and neuroticism, sensation seeking and arousal, and desire for control.
One of the main connections made with in the chapter was the connection between happiness and extraversion. Studies show that extraverts are more likely to be happy than introverts. Overall, extraverts are more likely to experience positive feelings and are more likely to engage in social events and as an outcome have more rewards for doing more things. Another connection made in the chapter was between neuroticism and unhappiness. Neurotic people suffer emotionally and have unstable emotional control, which leads to unhappiness.
Another topic discussed in the chapter was arousal and sensation seeking personality characteristics. When people are not being stimulated enough, they will sometimes participate in sensation seeking behaviors to deal with their under arousal. An important part of arousal is affect intensity. If we highly experience our emotions we are high on affect intensity. It is best to be mildly aroused and have affect stability. Performance for tasks are affected by arousal and moderately arousal helps to have the most efficiently completed tasks.
The last part of the chapter discusses control and desire to have control as a personality factor. People emit behaviors that have desirable outcomes and try to prevent outcomes that are undesirable. When people feel that they are going to have positive outcomes from this behaviors and that they have actively controlled the situation then they generally have more positive feelings. In the same sense, if a person is having negative feelings about a situation it may contribute to an undesirable outcome.
The topic I choose to do some more research on is sensation-seeking behaviors. I began by taking the sensation seeking scale test. I thought I would result as high on sensation seeking because I do like to try new things and be adventurous, however I resulted at 47%, which is average on the scale. I was a bit disappointed that I wasn’t high on sensation seeking, however it just shows that I am a pretty grounded individual. The second thing I looked at was an article that talks about how sensation seeking could be in our genetic make up. It explains how dopamine controls sensation-seeking behaviors and how genes can mutate overtime to increase the likelihood that someone would participate in these kinds of behaviors.
Two Links:
Terms: Personality characteristics, happiness, neuroticism, sensation seeking, arousal, control, extraversion, extraverts, introverts, positive feelings, social, rewards, unhappiness, stimulated, under arousal, affect intensity, affect stability, performance, emit, outcomes, sensation seeking scale, genetic make up, dopamine.
Chapter 13 discusses the personality characteristics in people that allow individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control. Different people have different motivational and emotional states in the same situation. This is due to different personality characteristics. Some of the personality characteristics discussed in the chapter includes extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control. For the most part people are not in the extreme end of these characteristics, but rather most people are somewhere in the middle. Generally most people are happy almost irrespective of their life circumstances. People seem to have a happiness “set point” and an unhappiness “set point”. These set points are independent indicators of well-being. The happiness set point emerges mostly from individual differences in extraversion. The unhappiness set point emerges mostly from individual differences in neuroticism. The personality characteristic associated with happiness is extraversion. Extraverts have greater tendencies toward sociability, assertiveness, and being excited. Extraverts have a greater inherent capacity to experience positive emotions. There are two types of happiness discussed in the chapter. The types of happiness discussed are hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic well-being reflects a pleasant life. Eudaimonic well-being, in contrast, concerns self-realization; it involves engaging oneself in meaningful pursuits and in doing what is worth doing. The personality characteristic associated with unhappiness is neuroticism. Neuroticism is a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. Neurotics have a strong and highly sensitive behavioral inhibition system. In the BIS, signals of forthcoming punishment are the source of negative emotions such as fear and anxiety. For this reason, neurotics are more vulnerable and more susceptible to negative emotions. Arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. These processes are cortical, behavioral, and autonomic mechanisms. The activity of the brain, skeletal muscular system, and autonomic nervous system together constitute most of the motivational construct for arousal. A low level of arousal produces relatively poor performance. As arousal level increases from low to moderate, both the intensity and quality of performance improve. If the arousal level continues from moderate to high, performance quality and efficiency (but not intensity) decreases. This is because low arousal produces boredom and restlessness, and high arousal produces tension and stress. Sensation seeking is the personality characteristic related to arousal and reactivity. Sensation seeking is defined as “the seeking of varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experience. Personal control beliefs include the personality characteristics perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control concerns differences in people’s pre-performance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. The desire for control concerns the extent to which people strive to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and enter situations in overly prepared ways.
The subject from chapter 13 that I chose to look further in to is that of neuroticism. The first information that I found was from “Psychology Today.” This literature discussed how complainers and comedians who are self-deprecating are more prone to depression, anxiety, hypochondria, and self-consciousness. Just as discussed in class this literature also discussed how neuroticism exists on a continuum, and if you are able to laugh at your hang-ups then you are probably not that neurotic to begin with.
The other article I found was title, “People Can Smell Your Neuroticism.” This article talked about a study that was performed to determine whether personality traits could be discerned through body odor. In this study, 30 men and 30 women each wore a white cotton shirt for three consecutive nights. The participants were not able to wear deodorants, fragrances, or use soap. After the three days were up, the shirts were collected to be rated by 100 men and 100 women. Raters were asked to smell the shirts and evaluate five personality traits of the donors, on a scale of one to ten. While the judge’s matches were far from perfect, the personality traits of extroversion and neuroticism were about as accurate as participants in a different study that predicted personality traits based on a video depicting a person’s behavior.
Terms: Happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, desire for control, hedonic, eudaimonic, behavioral inhibition system, cortical, behavioral, autonomic mechanisms, sensation seeking
There are three main personality dimensions discussed in Chapter 13 that pertain to motivation: happiness (extraversion and neuroticism), arousal (alertness, wakefulness, and activation) and control (perceived control and desire for control). An important point regarding personality characteristics is that they are normally distributed, meaning that most people have a moderate level of the characteristic. Few people lie on the extremes (such as a “neurotic” or “extrovert”), but instead they show some level of the characteristic.
The first personality characteristic is happiness, which seems strange at first glance. Many people may not know that happiness (or positive emotionality) has a set point as well as unhappiness (or negative emotionality). The set-points are independent of one another. The idea behind set-points is that people have a consistent mood that may vary with environmental situations, but is still relatively stable. These sets-points can be explained by two personality characteristics: extraversion and neuroticism. Extraversion is the tendency toward sociability, assertiveness, and being exciting. Sociability is the preference for and enjoyment of other people and situations. Assertiveness is defined as the tendency toward social dominance and venturesomeness is the tendency to seek out and enjoy exciting and stimulating situations. These three traits together create the construct extraversion. Extraverts tend to be happier and experience more positive emotions than introverts because they have a higher sensitivity to the behavioral activating system (BAS), which is the brain region responsible for the positive emotions associated with rewards. This means that extroverts are more likely to seek out environments that provide potential rewards. The fact that extraversion is linked to brain functioning suggests that this is a genetic trait, which has been supported by twin studies. I will explore this topic in depth in the second part of this assignment.
On the other hand, neuroticism is the personality characteristic that determines the negative emotionality set-point. Neuroticism is defined as a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. Like extraversion, it is thought that neurotics are prone to negative emotionality due to a higher sensitivity to a specific brain region. In the case of neuroticism, it is the behavioral inhibition system (BIS), which is a brain system that regulates environment signals of punishment. A high sensitivity to this system results in avoidance-oriented behaviors.
Arousal is the second pertinent personality characteristic discussed in Chapter 13. Arousal concerns three different constructs: 1) Alertness, or the activity of the brain (cortical activity), 2) wakefulness, or the skeletal muscular system (behavioral activity), and 3) activation, or the autonomic nervous system (autonomic activity). In general, people function the best when there is a moderate level of arousal. This is referred to as the Yerkes-Dodson Law. The idea is represented by an inverted “U” graph, which illustrates that low arousal leads to decreased performance due to boredom and restlessness, moderate arousal leads to increased attention and effort, and high levels of arousal leads to emotional disturbance and anxiety. If arousal is not at an optimal level (moderate), then people tend to either approach or avoid the sources of arousal. An example of this is sensory deprivation, which is an individual’s sensory and emotional experience in a rigidly unchanging environment. Studies on sensory deprivation illustrate that we seek moderate arousal and that we have ways of counteracting insufficient stimulation such as mental imagery and social interaction. On the other hand, excessive stimulation and over-arousal can lead to emotional, cognitive, and physiological disruption. The take away is that people seek moderate arousal which leads to optimal performance and positive emotionality.
People differ in their baseline level of arousal, or how aroused a person is without external stimulation (similar to a set-point), and reactivity, or one’s arousal reaction when exposed to external stimulation. These traits are related to the sensation seeking, which is a personality characteristic that is defined as “the seeking of varied, novel, complex and intense sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experience.” A common name for people with this personality characteristic is “adrenaline junkies”. These people prefer continual brain stimulation and are constantly seeking out new experiences that will provide that stimulation. Interestingly, studies suggest that this extreme approach-oriented behavior may be caused by an imbalance in neurotransmitters (namely, dopamine and serotonin). Another arousal-related construct is affect intensity, which concerns people’s capacities to become aroused emotionally. Affect-intense people have high reactivity and variability in their emotional states whereas affect-stable individuals tend to be pretty steady in their levels of emotionality.
The third and final personality characteristic discussed in Chapter 13 is control. There are two personality traits that cover most of control beliefs as they relate to personality: perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control concerns differences in people’s performance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. In order to feel that you have control over the situation, two things must be true: 1) the self must be capable of obtaining the available desired outcome and 2) the situation in which one attempts to exercise control needs to be at least somewhat predictable and responsive. A person’s personal control beliefs predict the level of persistence and engagement in an activity. Engagement captures the intensity and emotional quality of a person’s participation. Interestingly, the tendency for people with high control perceptions to have higher levels of persistence and engagement leads to a self-confirming cycle because the increased effort typically will result in success, which will contribute to the high control belief. The other personality trait is the desire for control. A person high in desire for control prefers making their own decisions, prepare for situations in advance, avoid dependence on others, and assume leadership roles in group settings whereas a low desire for control person prefers to “wing it”. This personality trait has important implications for achievement.
The thing that interested me the most from this chapter was the idea that our set-points for positive and negative emotionality may be determined by our genetics, which is suggested by the twin study in the textbook. I decided to do some more research on this topic. The first article I found (Lake, Eaves, Maes, Heath, and Martin, 2000) was an impressive twins study that had 45,000+ participants. It concluded that family resemblance in neuroticism can be explained through a fairly simple genetic model. The article also made a point that I had not thought of before. Lake et. al. state, “Neuroticism represents … an attractive target for association and linkage analysis to identify major genes underlying anxiety and depression (pg. 224).” I find this exciting since neuroticism is linked to many disorders that affect millions of people (such as anxiety and depression), and neuroticism is a fairly easy trait to measure. The second article I found looked at the different models to explain the relationship between extraversion/positive emotionality and neuroticism/negative emotionality (McFatter, 1997). This article was interesting because it made an important distinction between the frequency of positive or negative emotions and the intensity of those emotions. He found that when intensity was measured rather than frequency, stronger correlations were found between the constructs (extraversion and neuroticism) and emotionality. Another interesting point made in the article is the distinction between two types of negative emotionality: fear or sadness (or withdrawal-oriented emotions) and anger (approach-oriented emotions). In his analysis, McFatter separated these types of negative emotions and found differing results (for instance, anger correlated with extraversion, suggesting that they are approach-oriented in nature). I found this interesting since it was not mentioned in the book, but it does make sense that anger has different motivational characteristics than other negative emotions, such as sadness or guilt. In summary, I find this topic to be very interesting. With that said, those articles were a pain in the butt to read because they used very esoteric terms that only experts in the field understand. While I understand this is the nature of research, it makes it difficult to about other fields when you may not be familiar with some of the theories or terms used by professionals in that area.
Lake et. al. can be found at: http://www.springerlink.com.proxy.lib.uni.edu/content/x6040h6763wt7228/
McFatter can be found at: http://www.ucs.louisiana.edu/~rmm2440/Publications/McFatter_PAID_1998.pdf
Terms: happiness, arousal, control, normally distributed, positive emotionality, negative emotionality, set-points, extraversion, sociability, assertiveness, venturesomeness, BAS, neuroticism, BIS, arousal, alertness, wakefulness, activation, Yerkes-Dodson Law, sensory deprivation, baseline level of arousal, reactivity, sensation seeking, affect intensity, affect-intense, affect-stable, perceived control, engagement, self-confirming cycles, desire for control
Chapter 13 was over personality characteristics. This included Individual differences in Happiness, Arousal, and control.
Happiness talks about how most people are happy and that is their normal mood. We may get sad or angry but we generally return to happiness. People seem to have a happiness default setting. Extraversion and happiness deals with those who perceive themselves as extroverts. Those that are extroverted are seen as more happy because they take pleasure in social situations and where ever happiness can be found. The process a greater inherent capacity to experience positive emotions. This happens because extroverts are more sensitive to an underlying biological motivation system called BAS. Introverts are more sensitive to BIS or behavioral inhibition system. This brain system detects signals of possible punishment in the environment. There are also two types of Happiness, hedonic which means well being is based on total pleasurable moments and eudaimonic which is well being in terms of self realization.
Arousal is a process that governs alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Inverted U theory says that being under stimulated is bad because it leads to boredom and overstimulation is also bad because it is stressful. This affects performance and emotion. Some people are sensation seekers and look for opportunities to receive certain positive sensations. They also search for new experiences and take more risks than non sensation seekers do. MAO's are the brain's chemical that regulates arousal.
Control is about controlling one's environment. There are two beliefs in control, perceived control and desire for control. Desire is the extent to which people strive to control their environment and perceived control is how much control a person believes that have over the situation and can interact with the environment to produce desired outcomes. Perceived control predicts how much effort a person is willing to exert. P.C. influences the individual’s engagement, emotion, coping and challenge seeking. High P.C. leads to greater productivity. Desire for control has two types high DC or low DC. High DC is people who need to control their environment and low DC is those that sort of just roll with it; High DC has been shown to be more productive but too high and it can lead to stress. When people face situations where they have little to no control they can experienced learned helplessness.
Terms: Learned Helplessness, control, High DC, Low DC, Desire for control, motivation, emotion, engagement, coping, perceived control, control, arousal, risk, sensation seeking, stimulation, u theory, performance, extrovert, introvert, happiness, self realization.
The topic I decided to look at ways is extroverts really happier. I know I am an introvert but I have bursts of extroversion. I know that I am pretty happy and I enjoy my solitude. This first article talks about how the brain is better set up for extrovert and happiness but also lists 5 alternative forms of happiness. As an introvert I find these to be very enjoyable and although extroverts may be happier I don't really know by how much. The second article I found explained it really well. It states that because introverts are more likely to suffer from neuroticism and "have less friends" which I don't agree with that they are easier to put into a bad mood. Extroverts have like a shield around them and it is much harder to put them into a bad mood.
Chapter 13 relates personality to motivation and emotion. The main motivational principles related to personality are happiness, control, and arousal. It seems that everyone has a set point of happiness. People go through the ups and downs of life, but they return to the same level of happiness as time passes. It is suggested that happiness may have a genetic component to it. We have two set points; one for positive emotions and one for negative emotions. Extraversion is a predictor of the happiness set point, while neuroticism is the predictor of the unhappiness set point. Extraverted people seem to experience positive emotions more often than introverts because they are more sensitive to the rewards of social situations. There are two different types of happiness. Hedonic happiness is the total amount of happiness in an individual’s life. When people think of happiness, they are generally thinking of hedonic happiness. The second type of happiness is called eudaimonic well-being. Eudaimonic well-being regards how a person makes their life meaningful. Neurotic people seem to be unhappier in life. Neurotic people generally think of negative and distressing thoughts. This makes them more likely to be irritable, moody, unsatisfied, and stressed. Neurotic people have a sensitive behavioral inhibition system, making them more sensitive to punishment. The behavioral inhibition system energizes avoidant behaviors like withdrawal and escape.
There are four principles that tie arousal to motivation. First, a person’s arousal level depends on a stimulating environment. People actively behave in ways that increase and decrease their arousal levels. Third, when people are not aroused, they try to increase their arousal because the rise in environmental stimulation are pleasurable and assist with performance. Lastly, when people are over aroused, they try to decrease the environmental stimuli because it is pleasurable and helps with their performances. People perform the best (ex: in tests, sports, and job interviews) when they aroused to the right level. The best performance comes from being aroused, to avoid boredom, but not too aroused, to avoid stress. When people are under aroused, they go through blank periods where they run out of things to think about. Their mental functioning decreases, making even simple math problems difficult. Major life events are a shock to the body’s nervous and endocrine systems. Typical, everyday stressors build up a taxing effect on the systems. When an environment is overly stimulating, negative emotions, like anger, stress, and irritability, are created, cognitive abilities decrease, and physiological processes accelerate. Everyone has a baseline of arousal. The baseline is how aroused someone is without any stimulation. Reactivity is how someone responds when they experience stimulation. There is a personality characteristic that is tied to arousal. The characteristic is sensation seeking. Sensation seekers seek highly stimulating environments. They do not like routine. Sensations seekers search for new experiences and take risks. They are low on monoamine oxidase, an enzyme in the limbic system. It breaks down dopamine and serotonin. Since the brains of sensation seekers do not break down the dopamine as much, there are more approach behaviors (seeking new experiences and taking risks). Affect intensity deals with how strongly people experience their emotions. Someone that is affect stable feels content when someone who is affect intense is feeling overjoyed.
Perceived control and desire for control are two personality characteristics that tie in closely with control. Perceived control refers to the expectations a person has that they will interact with the environment in ways that will be conducive to desirable outcomes. Perceived control is a big predictor of how much effort a person will put into an activity. There is a continuum running from engagement to disaffected for engagement in the effort to gain control over an important outcome. When highly engaged, people put a lot of effort into their activities, and they are more persistent. When disaffected, people are passive and experience negative emotions. Beliefs of control contribute positively to effort, which in turn enhances performance, which fuels gains in perceptions of control in that area. This cycle is called a self-confirming cycle. Desire for control is the extent individuals are motivated to exert control over the events in their lives. People with a high desire for control set their goals high, persist when challenged (to the point of stubbornness when overly challenged), and have an internal locus of control. When their control is threatened, high desire for control individuals become distressed and depressed.
I decided to research further into happiness. I stumbled upon a website with many different articles about happiness. One that caught my eye was called “Does it matter if you’re single with no kids?” I found this interesting because I am stereotypical about those people. I view single people with no kids as lonely and depressed. The article talked about research that proved the lonely, depressed, and alone stereotype was actually the exception, rather than the rule. In a study of people of different marital and parental statuses over the age of 51, it was found that across all marital statuses, people with no kids were less likely to be depressed. Another article I found was called “The Happiness Chronicles II: Does Money Buy Happiness?” In this article, they pointed out that money makes people happier when they are in absolute poverty and cannot afford their basic needs of food, water, and shelter. They then pointed out that satisfying intrinsic goals is what brings the most happiness, as it is something the individual finds meaning and purpose in. I also learned that inequalities in wealth bring about unhappiness because there is less trust in others. This strains social relationships, causing unhappiness.
Terms: Happiness, Control, Arousal, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Hedonic Happiness, Eudaimonic well-being. Behavioral inhibition system, Arousal baseline, Reactivity, Sensation seeking, Monoamine oxidase, Affect intensity, Perceived control, Desire for control, Engagement, Disaffected, Self-confirming cycles, Locus of control, Intrinsic motivation
Chapter 13 talked about personality characteristics. Three motivational principles we discussed in relation to personality. Happiness, arousal, and control are these three characteristics. Happiness varies from person to person. We have individual set points for negative emotionality and positive emotionality. Differences in extraversion determine our happiness while differences in neuroticism determine unhappiness. Extraverts have a greater capacity than introverts to experience positive emotions. They also have greater sociability, social dominance, and venturesomeness. They talk more, interact with people more, and are more willing to try new things. Arousal is determined by how stimulating the environment is. A low level of arousal is associated with low alertness and low interest, as well as poor performance efficiency and affect. A high level of arousal is associated with emotional disturbance, anxiety, and low performance efficiency and affect. A moderate level of arousal leads to the greatest performance efficiency and most positive affect. High perceived control is beneficial and is associated with goal setting, task choice, effort, concentration, persistence in the face of difficulty, positive emotional states, problem-solving strategies, performance, and creativity. A happy medium is ideal for the level of stimulation in an environment. If there is too much of a stimulus or too little of a stimulus, emotions, cognition, and physiological processes are impaired.
I looked up sensation-seeking on the internet. I am very low on the sensation-seeking scale. The personality characteristic of sensation-seeking is linked to high levels of dopamine and low levels of serotonin. This leads to little sleep and constant approach tendencies. One article stated that sensation-seeking individuals have different brain chemistry. We talked about this in class and said that sensation-seeking individuals need more change in arousal than others. In addition, there are different outlets for these individuals, such as drugs, intense sports or activities, or art. This article also stated that sensation-seeking has been linked to addictions and behavioral disorders. As sensation-seeking is determined by the genes, it is inherited according to this article. The second article stated that sensation-seeking individuals like experience for the sake of experience and are willing to take risks for experiences. They are easily bored and need high levels of stimulation. They might do well in a very large and busy city because there is a lot going on.
Terms: happiness, set points, negative emotionality, positive emotionality, extraversion, neuroticism, introversion, sociability, social dominance, venturesomeness, arousal, perceived control, stimulus
This chapter takes a look at motivational principles that are related to personality characteristics. These are happiness, arousal, and control. Most people are happy and experience happiness. However, how happy and how unhappy we are, are independent of each other when looking at our well-being. Extraverts are considered more happy than introverts. The reason is because they are more sociable, tend to have more social dominance and seek out exciting situations. Also, extraverts have a natural tendency to experience positive emotions. There are two types of happiness. Hedonic well-being is a pleasant life and eudaimonic well-being looks at going for meaningful pursuits. Neuroticism is a predisposition to feel unhappy. Neurotic people are emotionally unstable.
Arousal is the second motivational principle related to personality characteristics. Arousal represents how stimulating the environment is that they are in. It is motivational because people do some sort of behavior to either increase or decrease their level of arousal. In the Inverted-U curve we see that low and high arousal both show low performance efficiency and that we are at our peak for performance in moderate levels of arousal. Also, as we go from low to moderate arousal, we become more alert and interested. In going from moderate to high arousal, we experience anxiety. When people are underaroused, they begin to daydream and will try to change things to increase arousal. When overaroused, people try to counteract that by getting out of the situation. There are some sensation seeking people that desire continuous brain stimulation. These people search for new experiences, take more risks, and have higher levels of dopamine.
The third and final motivational principle related to personality characteristics is control. Perceived control is how much control a person thinks they have. Desired control is the amount of control a person wants in making their own decisions. In order to perceive control, the self must be able to achieve the desired outcome and the situation in which they are trying to achieve control must be relatively predictable and responsive. Desire for control is how motivated people are to take control over the events in their lives. People with a high desire for control try to take charge of their life rather than waiting to see what will happen. In situations where high desire for control people have little control, they become depressed and experience learned helplessness.
I was fascinated by sensation seeking and decided to look into it. The first thing I found was a questionnaire that you fill out and it will calculate your percentage and tell you where you rank on a scale of how high your sensation seeking disposition is. It is called the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire. I completed it and found out that I am 53% which is in the average range for sensation seeking. One of the major things in there was how impulsive you are and that is not me. I consider myself to take risks and look for new experiences. However, I do have to think things through and don’t do very many things spur of the moment. The second webpage I found had an article on how sensation seeking may be genetic. The article discussed how some people are genetically predisposed to do sensation seeking behaviors. It also mentioned how many, but not all, people with this gene will have behavioral disorders.
Terms Used: Personality Characteristics, Happiness, Arousal, Control, Well-Being, Extraverts, Introverts, Emotions, Hedonic Well-Being, Eudaimonic Well-Being, Neuroticism, Motivational Principle, Inverted U-Curve, Sensation Seeking, Dopamine, Perceived Control, Desired Control, High Desire for Control
First Website: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/licensing/tests/driverqualificationtest/sensationseekingscale/index.html
Second Website: http://www.webmd.com/brain/news/20101006/sensation-seeking-may-be-in-the-genes
Chapter 13 is all about personality characteristics and the break down and explanations of personality. It looks into reasons why people are happy or unhappy. The chapter looks at the differences in emotions and personality characteristics. Very few people are at an extreme for any certain characteristics. The main characteristics the chapter focuses on are happiness, arousal, and control.
Happiness is a point of positive and negative emotionality. Positive emotionality is based on the degree of extroversion. Levels of extroversion are determined by: levels of enjoyments, assertion, the amount of thrill seeking an individual has in social situations. These different levels of extroversion support the idea that extroverts may be happier as they are more sensitive to rewards in their environment. Extroversion is a aspect of happiness that is likely genetic. However, Introverts find enjoyment through the pursuit of meaningful experiences or eudemonic feelings. As opposed to positive emotionality, negative emotionality is about the level of neuroticism. Neuroticism is defined as chronic unhappiness. People who are specifically characterized by neuroticism are more likely to feel negative. Neurotics have a stronger behavior inhibitions system in their brains that makes them more sensitive to punishment. When a neurotic is sensitive to punishment, they are also prone to avoidant behavior.
Arousal is characterized by an inverted U model. Arousal represents processes of alertness, wakefulness, and activation. The model for arousal looks like an a bell or inverse U. The axis represent the arousal level (X axis) and performance (Y axis). When someone is under aroused they are more likely to be bored or have poorer performances. Moderate arousal is ideal. Moderate arousal stimulates adequate challenges and interest that make performance great. Over aroused or stimulated individuals tend to be extremely stressed and possibly even panicked. Over arousal hurts performance as individuals are unable to perform at their best and full potential. Arousal is based a lot on the stimulation in the environment and how aroused we are as a result of our environment. The level of stimulation in the environment is what leads to the type of arousal being experienced. (Relating back to happiness and extroversion/introversion, introverts tend to be over aroused and extroverts are under aroused.)
Control is the final characteristic of personality. Control is about the desire for people to make their own decisions. People want to have control over themselves. Perceived control is part of how people perceive or view their performance before they do the task. Essentially, it is their expectations. Expectations are an important part of control that helps lead to positive outcomes. Perceived control is assists in individuals level of persistence. Motivation to control the events of one’s life is called desired control and it can be engaging/high or disaffected/low. A high desire for control in one’s environment leads to more persistence and more effort. People with a low desire for control in an uncontrolled environment tend to be less motivated because they feel like they have no control in their environment, however they may also be less disappointed with the results. High desire for control on the other hand may lead to realistic goals. There are ups and downs to both levels of control.
I decided to look at extroversion as I am an extrovert and I found extroversion and it’s relationship to happiness to be very interesting. The first site I looked at talked about how extroversion is one of the big 5 personality traits and it is all about being social. I believe that the high need for social stimulation is what leads to increased levels of happiness and the Psychology website describes extroversion as being highly social. http://psychology.about.com/od/trait-theories-personality/f/extraversion.htm
I also google searched information on extroversion and happiness. I found that nearly every site agrees with the text in discussing a high correlation between extroversion personality characteristics and happiness. It does not say that introverts are unhappy, but rather extroverts are more happy or more easily happy. I found this incredibly interesting. This link goes to a literature review from the University of Oregon about happiness and extroversion and related studies. All of which support what the book summaries that the approach behavior and rewards for extroverts contribute to increased happiness. https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1794/3032/Relationship%20between%20Extraversion%20and%20Happiness.pdf?sequence=1
Terms: Happiness, arousal, control, personality characteristics, negative/positive emotionality, levels of enjoyments, assertion, thrill seeking, personality, extroverts, introverts, eudemonic feelings, neuroticism, punishment, behavior inhibitions system, avoidant behaviors, perceived control, expectations,
Chapter 13 talks about personality and all the things that go into what makes personalities different. This chapter explains the difference between how extraversion n affects and introversion. These two concepts have a big effect on how we each view certain situations.
Different states of arousal were also talked about it. The book discussed how much arousal in necessary in order to be very productive. I had just assumed that the higher the level of arousal, the better. I was wrong. Although a low state is very bad, a very high state can be just as inhibiting. Moderate arousal is ideal in most settings.
Sensation seeking was also a key point in this chapter. Different things go into why people take risks instead of staying where it is safe. The two biggest factors are seeking new experiences and also wanting to take a risk. These behaviors can be caused by different levels of hormones in the body.
The topic I chose to look into more was the concept of risk taking. The thought of doing something just to feel the rush makes no sense to me. In the two articles I read, both mentioned the word “addict”. I thought this was very interesting. The release of dopamine was described as the feeling you get when you are full, have a success or are just really happy. The reason certain drugs give people a “high” is because they cause the dopamine to leave the cells, which makes the person feel happy.
Just like people can be addicted to drugs, they can also become addicted to the feelings they get when dopamine is released. This implies that the term “adrenaline junkie” is more than just a saying. Just like any other addiction, after a while, you need more to achieve the same affect. In the case of someone who is addicted the dopamine rush, this means taking greater risks. When once riding a roller coaster provided a big rush, now the person needs something more.
The thought of people being “addicted” to danger is mind-blowing and somewhat scary. If you need to feel that rush, how far will you go to get it? In a society that is focusing more and more on being able to do the extream, I sometimes feel we are creating a generation of adrenaline junkies.
Chapter 13 talks about personality characteristics and the individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control. People have a happiness set point and an unhappiness set point. Extraversion is the personality characteristic that is associated with happiness. In extraversion there is sociability, assertiveness, and venturesome. Extraverts are greater in these three things that introverts. Extraverts have a stronger behavioral activating system (BAS) than introverts, which is why extraverts have a greater capacity to experience positive emotions than introverts. The personality characteristic that is associated with unhappiness is neuroticism, someone who feels dissatisfied and unhappy most of the time. Neurotics have a greater capacity to experience negative emotions. Neurotics have a sensitive behavioral inhibition system (BIS) that signals punishment as negative emotions like fear and anxiety.
Arousal can mean alertness, wakefulness, and activation. The brain, skeletal muscular system, and the autonomic nervous system work together to create the motivation of arousal. The four principles to explain arousal's contribution to motivation are: the level of arousal is mostly determined by how stimulating the environment is, behavior is engaged to increase or decrease the level of arousal, people look for ways to increase their arousal level if they are underaroused, and people search for ways to decrease their level of arousal if they are overaroused. Sensation seeking is the personality characteristics related to arousal and reactivity. A sensation seeker will get bored and will find ways to increase arousal. Sensation seekers will take physical risks, social risks, legal risks, and financial risks to increase their level of arousal.
Under the category control, there are two personality characteristics, which are perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control are the beliefs a person has that they can interact with the environment and will produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes. The person must be capable of getting the desired outcome and the situation needs to be semi predictable and responsive for a person to perceive they have control over the situation. The desire for control show a person's motivation to establish control over the situations in their lives. People who desire control want to make their own decisions in situations, not because life throws something at them. The desire for control relates to experiences and behaviors that are essential to personal beliefs like: learned helplessness, depression, illusion of control, hypnosis, achievement, perceived crowding, and stress and coping.
The topic that interested me was the sensation seeking. Since I am not a high sensation seeker, I was intrigued why someone who make risks that could harm them in multiple ways, just to increase their arousal.
In this article, it talked about the importance of sensation seeking. Research in the communications has found that people who are sensation seekers pay attention to messages better, especially if the message is loud, colorful, and very active. People are hare high sensation seekers will engage in certain predictable behaviors like: abusing substance, unprotected sex, and greater internet use. Students with high sensation seeking will need changes in daily routines, use different ways of teaching styles, and create times for them to be able to get up and move around.
In this article, it talked about when the limbic system in the brain is activated it gives the sensation of thrill and adventure. This is highly active in teenagers. Men take more sensation seeking risks than women, like drinking, smoking, and racing. Also, how old a person is may determine the sensation seeking behaviors. An older person may take risks in their skilled area. And sensation seeking is not related to a person's intellect.
TERMS: happiness, arousal, control, behavioral activating system (BAS), behavioral inhibition system (BIS), sensation seeking, perceived control, desire for control
Chapter 13 talks about personality characteristics. The main ideas of this chapter are happiness, arousal, and control. The chapter explains that two personality characteristics are credited to each idea. The first, happiness, has two different personality characteristics. These are extraversion and neuroticism. Extraversion is how outgoing a person is in different situations. People who possess this trait tend to be happier since they have a stronger behavioral activating system or BAS. The BAS makes extraverts very sensitive to signals of reward in the environment. This means that it doesn’t take much to make extraverts happy. Neurotics on the other hand are naturally unhappy. This is due to their BIS or behavioral inhibiting system. The BIS is very strong in neurotics and causes them to be unhappy. They are highly responsive to signals of punishment from the world around them.
Next, arousals personality characteristics are sensation seeking and affect intensity. Sensation seeking individuals tend to crave dangerous or very risky behavior to satisfy their cravings for extreme sensations. Affect intensity individuals experience different scenarios much more intensely than the average person, who would be said to have affect stable personality characteristics.
Lastly, is the idea of control. Controls’ characteristics are perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control individuals moderate their behavior in specific ways in order to achieve a specific outcome and avoid other outcomes. Desire for control regards an individuals desire to control the environment in which he/she lives in. Individuals with strong desire for control often have high standards and difficult goals in their life. They are very motivated people and do not back down from challenges very easy. Individuals such as these with a high need for achievement often get very uncomfortable in situations where they could potentially lose control.
The topic of interest I decided to research further was arousal. More specifically, sensation seeking individuals. The first person that really pops into my mind is Rob Dyrdek. Mostly everyone has heard of him and his show on MTV. Rob has done a number of crazy stunts and seems to live day to day trying to create/invent new ways to do something absolutely crazy and dangerous. His newest and probably most publicized stunt was kickflipping the all-new Chevy Sonic. I’m sure most of you have seen this commercial.
Chapter 13 is about personality characteristics which are happiness, arousal, and control. Happiness is on a scale of positive to negative and introversion and extroversion play a role in happiness. Extroverts have a “greater capacity to experience positive emotions” than introverts do. However, this is not saying that introverts do not experience happiness. Happiness has a set point that fluctuates up and down with life circumstances. A small number of individuals are consistently unhappy and they are considered to be neurotic. Individuals with high neuroticism have a high capacity for negative emotions and hold a pessimistic view on life.
Arousal is an individual’s degree of alertness. An individual experiences their best performance when they are moderately aroused. Too much arousal causes over stimulation such as extreme stress for public speaking. Too little arousal causes boredom which leads to lack of productivity. Individuals have different rates of sensation seeking. Individuals who are high in sensation seeking needs to have a lot of arousal stimulation, so they do not enjoy routines, and like trying new things. An individual who is low in sensation seeking does not require as much arousal to keep them productive, so these individuals are content with routines.
The last personality characteristic is control. Individuals experience perceived control and desired control. Percieved control is how much control and individual perceives themselves to have, and desired control is the desire to be in control of life’s circumstances. An individual who desires a lot of control will do well in situations where they have/perceive that they have a lot of control. If an individual has a high desired control and they are in a situation with little control, it often causes anxiety.
I found neuroticism interesting. I have taken the big five personality test and I am low in neuroticism which I believe to be true because I tend to be a happy person who is optimistic. Since I am low in this area it interests me because I want to understand how these individuals perceive life and to try and understand them better. The first site that I looked at discussed the basics of neuroticism. This increases an individual’s chance for psychological problems like anxiety, panic attacks, and depressing, and can also lead to substance abuse. Freud believed that neurotic individuals did not properly got through their sexual phases which lead to this neuroticism, which is obviously not an empirically based theory.
The second article was very interesting and discussed why the neurotic trait hasn’t been weeded out by evolution. A study done on couples with low high and medium neuroticism found that women with average or medium neuroticism had the most children. The researched suggested maybe neuroticism leads to more reproductive behavior, or a higher sex drive. However, the explanation that looked more probable was simply the culture/environment the woman was in, so it may not be associated with neuroticism. This study was interesting, and it would be interesting to see more research in this area.
Chapter 13 talks about the many different personality characteristics. One of the main personality characteristics is known as happiness and it has two traits related to it; extraversion and neuroticism. Extraversions are happier than introverts because they have a stronger behavioral system. People who have more neurotic suffer more emotionally. They are so able to suffer from things that happen to the environment. Two other personality characteristics talked about in this chapter was sensation seeking and affect intensity. They are both related to arousal, performance and mood and emotions. People who seek sensation want more complex sensation and are willing to take risks to get that sensation. Affect intensity strength people have strong ways of coping and showing emotions. Perceived control and desire for control are two personality characteristics that are related to control. Perceived control is the ability to get the outcomes they want and not attainable the outcomes that are undesirable. Desired control involves the motivation aspect and what they want in their life. People who have the desired control characteristic want to control exactly what happens to them and strive to restore control when control is out of balance. Distress and depression can come upon a person with high desired control when the person's control is out of their hands. When a person with high desired control goes to the doctor and everything that is happening is out of their control than that person would likely experience distress and/or depression.
This was a very informative chapter for me because I didn't know or ever think about any of this information. In this chapter I found that the most interesting part is that people are becoming extremists. They are taking way too many risks that can injury them or take their life. I would never jump out of an airplane or do anything to potentially kill myself. This is an article that I found that talks about extreme sports and it just makes me think these people have to have the personality characteristic of sensation seeking and are willing to take the risk of injury.
The next part of chapter 13 I found interesting was talking about the controlling part. Controlling people can be damaging to themselves. This is an article I read that talks about signs of controlling people and how to deal with them.
Terms: happiness, extracersion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, personality characteristics, perceived control, desire for control