Topical Blog due Tuesday 2/14 @ midnight


Check out this animation:

First, how accurate is his information? Any problems compared to your textbook's information on these topics?

Second, how was the experience of watching this? Did it help you understand the material better? If so why?

If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?


The video was partly consistent with the book, in that it described external motivators as undermining creativity, and that environments that nurture psychological needs tend to produce better results in creativity and persistence. However, there were a couple inconsistencies with the book. First, the video states external motivators are beneficial for straightforward tasks, yet the book claims that external motivators undermine the intrinsic motivation of these tasks. Furthermore, there are better ways to reinforce the behavior than incentives and consequences. The psychological needs were also changed. The video used mastery instead of competence (which is likely meant to be the same thing, because both described the importance of challenge. Also, relatedness was replaced by purpose (importance in providing quality as opposed to making profits). However, purpose links to relatedness, because purpose resembles communal relatedness (have personable qualities), and profit resembles exchange relatedness (lack personal qualities). Finally, the video claimed that money can be used to help the worker focus on the job, instead of worrying about money (increasing intrinsic motivation through autonomy, mastery, and purpose). That’s basically saying larger extrinsic motivations increase intrinsic motivation, which directly contradicts the book.

This video did not help me understand the material better. It was hard to concentrate on what the narrator was saying, because his pictures distracted me, and he talked too fast. Aside from that, the inconsistent information disrupted my following of his presentation. I would have likely understood it better if the information was consistent, or if the inconsistencies were addressed ahead of time.

Given 24 hours of autonomy, I’d learn about motivation by using a real-life simulation on people to get a practical sense of the material. I would direct this simulation at our current material (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation). For instance, I could seek out people who like poetry, and who don’t like poetry and ask them to read a poem. I could judge their performances based on agreement to participate, time reading the poem, insight into the meaning, and engagement afterwards. Then I could compare intrinsic motivation (people who like poetry) to levels of extrinsic motivation (offer people who don’t like poetry small incentives, large incentives, or non-material incentives) and to amotivation (offer people who don’t like poetry nothing).

I found that the information presented in the video was pretty accurate with the information in the book. I have actually seen a video by that guy before talking about the same examples he used with motivation and found that his thinking is very similar to the book. He talks about how intrinsic motivation is better for creative and thinking of new things. Instead of money and other rewards to help engage employees with coming up with a better product, you should give them time to do whatever they want as evidenced by some of the companies that have been very successful, including Google which did this and the idea of Google Mail came out of it. There were some differences that this guy talked about from what we have read in the book. They both talk about autonomy similarly but Pink talked about mastery and purpose instead of competence and relatedness. I think that maybe it was just a change of wording though because competence is very similar to mastery . Also purpose could be replaced by relatedness and they seem to be similar also.

I found the video very interesting because they explain everything very good and the examples they bring up are very cool. Plus I think the guy talking is a very good speaker. But I will say it didn't really help me understand the information better because I felt like going into it I knew the information already. The terms are easy to know and this information is relatively easy to understand. I think the information would be pretty helpful to someone if they did not understand it in the book. The pictures did a pretty good job of showing some of the examples so it did make the speech better because there was a visual aspect to it too.

If I was given 24 hours to do whatever I wanted to do in this class I would probably conduct and experiment similar to the one's in the video but on a small scale obviously. I would like to try and conduct the experiment that involved giving rewards to people for creativity and also not giving rewards for creativity and see which group would be more creative. I don't know exactly what I would use but it would be something that could be done pretty easily.

I felt that the information presented in Drive was very accurate. At the beginning of the presentation he says that there are two ways which we change behavior and that is through rewards and punishments. I believe that these are the two ways which we are able to manipulate and possibly change behavior but I feel that this could be more in depth. Our book and in class us the two same ideas of reward and punishment but also use positive and negative uses of these two incentives for behavior. A slight difference which I felt was significant between the book and clip was the differences between mechanical skills and rudimentary cognitive skill. They did agree on the idea of competence and that when the person’s abilities are questioned the individual’s achievement is very low therefore do not obtain the incentive. According to Pink, the three factors which lead to better performance and achievement are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. In the book they name autonomy, competence, and relatedness. I feel that each informational source has different ways of expressing things but I feel that they mean the same things. The example of the computer software company mentioned in Pink’s presentation was very interesting. It was a great example of how the effects of autonomy can allow a person and the company to have better performance because they have a choice of what to research. Allowing a person autonomy shows their competence and possible enhance their purpose in the company.

I was really intrigued to watch Dan Pink present his information about motivations and incentives though drawings and lecture. It was very easy to watch and stay intrigued with the information because of the creatively drawings. The presentation of the information was very different and interesting. I feel that the reason why I understood this information was because I had already previously read the chapter that was in more detail. Because I had previous knowledge from class and the book that gave me more examples and detail about how we are motivated. I feel that the repetitiveness of the how we are motivated affects how progressive we are in the activities which we participate in. It wasn’t that I understood the material better pursue but I felt that it was just another way to present the information and it just reinforced the book and class initially showed me.

If I was given twenty four hours to take the information I know from class and our reading I would attempt to find ways in which I could personally motivate myself with the activities I participate in. As mentioned in class there are secretly embedded ways in which we are motivated to accomplish the allocated tasks from the professor and I would want to figure out how to personally apply these embedded motivators in my life. I would pursue the use of autonomy, competence, and relatedness with my school, work and personal achievement. I feel that I would use my time to better myself because when I am able to better my own personal motivation then I would be able to benefit others through my ability to be self-motivated. Therefore, I would make some type of schedule where I would be giving myself choices of what to do and how to accomplish things within my daily activities. I would also attempt to incorporate how to be more moment to moment autonomy supportive for other people. Personally I believe that I am a very positive supporter but I know that there are situations I could do better in. In every different environment we may be able to find something that possibly benefits us or assists in satisfying our psychological needs.


I think the information in the animation clip was a good chunk of chapter 6 psychological needs in practice. It touched based on autonomy and the good it does to let employees or people go off on their own to do what they would like in that certain area (obviously it has to be somewhat job related) and they found that by doing this the employees are actually being more productive. In contrast to that the clip also talked about mastery only in our book the term would be competence but the idea behind it is the same. The clip showed a study that when too much a reward is placed on a task where a lot of thinking is involved the productivity goes down. This collaborates almost perfectly with the book because the thinking aspect of this experiment would be considered the individual’s creativity and this is hindered when an external motivator is also on the line or in the mix. Creativity works best with complete internal motivation and autonomy, which again is why when the company left the employees to do their thing a lot of positive outcomes came from this. The other part of the experiment showed that when creativity isn’t in the mix and just simply getting a task done is necessary, external motivators such as money worked great. This is also supported by our book. By watching this clip and analyzing it and relating it to the book and the material we are covering it really helps to but things together and seeing certain behaviors shown in studies makes it easier to relate the covered information to real life. So I feel like this type of exercise is helpful.

If I had twentyfour hours to just look up stuff for motivation and emotion I’d probably do a lot of people watching and see if I could find some of the behaviors we have covered in class just out and about. For example just by sitting at my apartment I could sit down after supper in front of the tv and put out a bag of chips and see if my roommates start eating them or decide they just had supper as well so they are full. Another thing I thought was interesting that I’d try out on my own time would be the will power test with little kids. I have two little sisters at home so I’d tell them they could have one cookie now or two in ten minutes and see if they have will power and can wait to eat the second cookie.

I believe the information presented by the narrator was very purposeful and creative in his use of examples and of course his illustrations. I felt like he touched on various facts that the book made note of as well. Even though his list of three principles of motivation weren't the exact same he meant them similarly. One point that caught me was his explanation of how money affects intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the examples of when they worked. He says that when money is given to people to perform motor tasks the incentive is huge, people try really hard to be the best and get the top prize. However, as soon as cognitive functioning is placed in front of people money no longer takes a hold of motivation. In fact almost all creativity plummets when money is the incentive. This claim, I felt was pretty accurate with the book. Although I felt like he contradicted himself when he claimed that when people in work environments were compensated well that money no longer became a motivator and actually spurred creativity. So to me it seems like not the money itself but rather the amount that got people going. Even though he called it Mastery and not competence he means almost the exact same thing and he portrays it just about the same as the book did. However, when talking Purpose he doesn't seem to hit as much on the importance of relationship, but rather the motive in business to help people out through service, products, etc. Those who have purpose, he asserts, have more intrinsic motivation and thus are much more creative and self directed.

Overall I thought the narrator did an alright job in explaining motivation, I believe it is more of a rudimentary explanation and it has more laments terms for the common individual. Basically any average person could watch this and be a little more knowledgeable about what motivates humans, especially in work. I did enjoy his video. I had seen one like this before and found the illustrations to be helpful when learn because I am more of a visual learner.

If I were given 24 hours of pure autonomy in this class I may conduct my own little study about the motivation for exercise science and sport psychology because that is my major. I want to know the characteristics of motivation when it comes to exercise. I want to learn what barriers prevent people from doing exercise. I would like to focus mostly on ideas of self-efficacy. Why do people believe they can't exercise. Are they afraid of machines, hurting themselves, that their body can't do it, don't know what kind to do. These are the motivations I would look into and hopefully come up with my own insight into the motivated exercising mind.

I think that the information presented in this animation video was interesting, and the animation kept me involved, without getting bored and wanting to exit out of the tab. I think that the visuals really helped me stay focused and listen/watch. I believe that the information presented definitely related and matched the information from our textbook/lectures. A lot of what the narrator was explain agreed with facts from the text, and the principles we have looked at. First, he started out the presentation explain rewards and punishments, which is something we read and learned about already. He stated that these are two ways we can change behavior. Also, he got into the issues of incentives, which we just discussed in class. Our book states that rewards, punishments, and incentives are also ways to change behavior. Some differences that I noticed was that the narrator talked about autonomy, purpose and mastery more, while the book really focused on autonomy, competence, and relatedness. I realize they are probably meaning the same thing, but people using a bunch of different words can get somewhat confusing. Another thing that was slightly different from the book was talking about the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. The narrator explains that extrinsic motivations actually increase the intrinsic motivations; yet from what I remember from the text, it states the opposite. This was something I found very interesting. Overall though, I thought that most of the information matched pretty well, minus a few things here or there, yet everyone is going to have their own opinions, and things can be different depending on the situation.

Like I have already mentioned, I thought it was nice to watch an animation while listening to a narrator. Sometimes I get very bored reading the book, and start to daydream. Yet, this movie kept me interested and focused, which allowed me to actually concentrate on what I was watching. I think that this movie did not help understand the material better. This could be because of multiple reasons. First, I have already read the text, and had a lecture over the topic, so obviously having more exposure to the issue is going to help me remember the information more and more, and possibly contribute to over learning. Secondly, it could be because I am DEFINITELY a visual person, and any type of pictures, graphs, etc help me better understand the material. The only problem I found was that I was trying to listen to the narrator, read/watch what he is writing on the board, and trying to apply the information. That is a lot of multitasking that can be too much.

If I was given 24 hours of autonomy for this class, there would be multiple things I would try to do. First, I am definitely a ‘people watcher.’ I could sit in the union all day and watch people just interact with each other (creepy? Maybe...). I would try to apply the terms and issues we have read about and discussed to real life situations. I would look for examples of different types of motivators, and see how it interacts with the real world. Secondly, I like how the narrator discussed doing different types of experiments with different companies/countries. I think doing an experiment in a work setting to see peoples different motivators would be interesting, something I could definitely benefit from since I am seeing it firsthand. Now, obviously I know that I would never be able to achieve that in 24 hours, BUT if I could, that is something I would definitely try to accomplish.

TERMS: Rewards, Punishment, Motivation, Incentives, Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation

Most of this video matched with our textbook. In particular, it matched up when rewards were discussed. It was mentioned that performance increases when a reward is being offered for a motor task. In this case, the reward increases competition and results in better performance from everyone involved as long as it as a desirable reward for everyone. Creative tasks, however, decrease greatly when a reward is offered. The pressure of competing for something or doing well for a reward makes it more difficult to be creative. This thought was contradicted when he mentioned that when people were compensated well, money wasn’t a strong motivator any more and creativity increased. That whole concept seemed to contradict his earlier points. One other topic that didn’t match up to our textbook was the three psychological needs. We learned autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This narrator discussed autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Mastery did match up fairly well with competency. It just had a different name. The way it was presented, however, sounded more like a little bit of a mix of autonomy and competency, rather than straight competency.

This video didn’t increase my understanding of the material. Between his talking and the fast-paced drawing, I was overwhelmed. They should have had just the narration and shown the pictures or they should have only drawn the pictures. Trying to listen while watching the drawing was a bit distracting and it made it difficult just to follow along. It would have increased my understanding if it was just his narration (slowed down) and showing images that reinforce what is being said.

If I were given 24 hours of autonomy to enhance my understanding of motivations I would first work on applying the knowledge to myself. I would use it to analyze ways to utilize more of my own intrinsic motivation in completing tasks. Determining what motivates me would allow me to improve my work and contribute to my high need for competence. Also, I will work on understanding when I am in my “flow” when completing tasks. Lastly, I would probably utilize a small portion of the time to determine what tasks I am motivated intrinsically to do and use that information to determine potential careers.

Terms Used: Reward, Psychological Needs, Competence, Relatedness, Autonomy, Motivations, Intrinsic Motivation, Flow

The material presented in the video matched up well with what our textbook discussed. Some of the terminology was different. For example, the book uses the term “competence” and the video clip used “mastery”. Both went in depth on the outcomes of rewards. The video had more information on what to expect when giving a large extrinsic reward. According to him, when the reward is the greatest the performance is the worst. He uses this to explain why intrinsic motivation is most beneficial to the person and to the better of society. If you pay people a lot of money to do something they love and have it benefit others they will perform better. Their motivation comes from enjoying their work and doing it to help others. Letting people have autonomy lead to new discoveries while management breeds compliance and hinders creativity.

The video definitely helped reinforce the material, however I understand it just the same as I did in class. It was a little hard to follow and take notes at the same time because it required visual and auditory demands at a very fast rate. I watched it twice because the first time I wasn’t prepared for how quickly the information was going to be covered. After the second time I had a better grip on the connection to the textbook.

I would dig more into my work bonus plan. Before this class I had never put much thought into it and if it really lit a fire in anyone. I would like to interview managers of different stores (in the same company) and see how they use the bonus plan to motivate their employees. I would talk to the corporate office and see their science behind the incentives. This year will be our first complete year using the plan so I would want to find out the statistics to see if business improved for the whole company compared to previous years. From my point of view the plan needs a lot of improvement. The people doing the most work as far as selling goes (sales consultants) get the least amount of reward. For them it doesn’t even make a noticeable difference in their paycheck. I think the company needs to work on improving intrinsic motivation towards selling before they up the bonus plan.

Terms: competence, mastery, autonomy, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, rewards, incentives

The information presented in the animation seemed to be pretty similar to the information in the book. The animation mentioned that having a large reward on mental tasks lowered the performance. The book explained that this was because extrinsic motivation lowers creative processes. The animation and book also matched up on the fact that offering rewards lowered intrinsic motivation and therefore reduced overall productivity. The animation also pointed out two of the three psychological needs: autonomy and competence (though the animation referred to competence as mastery). We need engagement to make us most productive and motivated. The most interesting thing in the animation was the 24 hours of autonomy that is given to workers at an Australian software company. Those workers produce more ideas for new products and fixes for older products on that day than any other workday. This just shows how much autonomy can impact our cognitive abilities, especially when it comes to creativity.

I enjoyed watching the video. I thought it presented the information in a fun way. I hardly noticed that it was over 10 minutes long. It reinforced what I had learned from reading the book and attending class because it gave good examples of studies done on the subject. Also, it was easy to pay attention to the guy who was speaking because you could tell he knew what he was talking about, but also he was passionate about the information. If I had 24 hours of autonomy related to this course, I would choose to learn more about emotions and the expression of emotions. I feel like we do have the equivalent of the 24 hours of autonomy with our book assignment. We had a very long list to choose from covering many different topics. I chose a book related to emotions and their expression.

Terms: Reward, Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, Autonomy, Competence, Mastery, Engagement

This animation was somewhat consistent with the textbook. While there were similarities with types of punishment and reward, I noticed that the animation claimed the extrinsic motivators increase day-to-day activities. The textbook, however, states that extrinsic motivators decrease intrinsic motivators with daily sorts and therefore can lower creativity and engagement. So how can that help your day-to-day activities. Overall, I felt that he never touched on intrinsic motivation like he did with extrinsic motivation. I also saw that the author of this animation changed 2 of the three psychological needs. He recognized autonomy, but then called competence "mastery," and relatedness "purpose." I can understand the name change for competence because they both involve the importance of a challenge and one has the need to master skill. The theory of Flow still fits in with it in this regards because a person can still reach this state of psychological enjoyment and concentration on the task at hand. The biggest difference I saw was with relatedness or what the author called "purpose." He described it as quality - which I can kind of correlate with relatedness. It was used in a sense of money and profit though business. The textbook discussed this term with more personal and people relationships rather than objects. I think this is the more accurate way to describe it because a person can't necessarily have a communal relationship with a business or money. It is about the emotional bond with other people. I suppose if someone really wanted to stretch it they could argue that a person can have an emotional attachment with money or a profession but that isn't really what the textbook is describing. This is all about the intrinsic motivators to make those connections with people, not the extrinsic motivators.

Watching this animation was a different experience for me. I thought it was interesting to watch him draw but I kept getting distracted by the drawings and wasn't paying attention to the true content. He talked so fast and there were many times I had to stop and go back to catch what was being said and drawn. Overall it did not help me understand the material any better because of all of this and the inconsistencies with the textbook. This chapter was a bit more difficult for me to grasp the overall concepts especially since autonomy was so detailed. If the material presented in the video had been a little more consistent I believe I would have taken more from the animation. I also didn't like how the 3 terms were changed. They were basically the same thing but competence (mastery) and relatedness (purpose) were described in a different perspective than the book again.

If I was given 24 hours of autonomy to use for motivation and emotion course purposes I would totally stake out and people watch. As I was glancing through other people's posts I noticed I am not the only one! But it is extremely interesting to me! It is like being the fly on the wall watching people partake in certain behaviors - some even without their realization. I think I would put together an experiment that looked at different obvious extrinsic motivators. For example, most people in the Union around noon are probably motivated to eat and drink due to their thirst and hunger motivators. But do the extrinsic motivators influence them beyond their satiated hunger and thirst? Of course they do - the presentation of the food, the smell, their friends eating, eating/drinking to be social, are they bored? It is these types of behaviors I would be interested to see and if I couldn't directly see the behavior just from watching I would then have to ask them how they are feeling at that point. I could also examine their autonomy, competence, and relatedness too. This too would probably be something where I would have to ask them what they were feeling because a lot of it (with the exception of relatedness) I wouldn't be able to physically see.

First, I do not know how accurate his information is because I am not going to trace back every study he mentioned to verify his information. I am assuming it is all accurate because I have heard many of these claims in other psychology classes and in reading other literature. Also, a lot of what is presented matches up with what is in our text as far as psychological needs. The terms autonomy is used the same way as it is in the book. The video uses the term mastery which can used in a similar manner as the book term of competence. The idea of relatedness from the text can be likened to the video’s term of purpose in that both describe the need to belong. Attachment can be to a set of people or to a set of ideas as both can be used to satisfy our emotional needs. I did not see any problems comparing to our texts’ information. The text can be seen as the basic presentation of the ideas while the video advances on these ideas and applies them to real world studies and businesses.

The experience of watching the video was alright as none of the information was new and we went over a lot of the concepts last week in reading of chapter six as well as covering the material in class. If this was someone’s first introduction to the ideas and concept in the video I think most of it would not be fully comprehended as the narrator does speak fast and moves quickly from one topic to the next. It would take several views to, as our book would say, gain competence over the material. It went so quickly that I even paused the video at times just to let everything sink in my mind before moving on. The video did help me understand the material better as is gave real examples of the concepts covered in the book. Seeing how the material applies to real life helps me better understand the reading.

If I had 24 hours of autonomy to do things that relate to this course I honestly don’t know exactly what I would do. Perhaps I would take some of the ideas and attempt my own real world study. If I had infinite power and resources I can think of a few things I would like to do. One activity that might be fun would be to assemble a think tank of some of the brightest people in the country from all fields of study and just let them talk about big issues that the world faces and possible ideas that might help. I am assuming they all have enough money that it wouldn’t be an issue in motivation. I would just give them a few topics like global warming, poverty, and disease and just let them talk. Who knows what ideas of plans of action they might come up with in their discussions. Hopefully they would all feel optimally challenged and experience flow, making the experience so psychologically stimulating and satisfying that they would want to do it again.

The information in this animation seemed to be accurate although some of its terms did not match up perfectly with the books descriptions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators or the types of psychological needs. This animation was accurate with the book in that it described our need to be self-directional through autonomy, but it also mentioned mastery and purpose instead of competence and relatedness. Mastery and competence did relate in a way because the animation stated that we want to learn things and become better at them, where competence is our need to seek out challenges. Purpose did relate to relatedness because it talked about having communal relationships (as mentioned by the book being personal, close relationships) and profit related to exchange relationships (those being ‘business’ relationships with no personal relationship). The animator of this YouTube video also explained how rewards do not work unless it is for a straightforward, quick task; but the book said differently. The book stated that although extrinsic motivators are important in completing uninteresting tasks, it still undermines the whole concept of learning those tasks intrinsically.

I enjoyed watching this animation, although at times it would get confusing when the animator would move/draw or explain something too quickly. If I would not have already read this information in the book, I probably would not have been able to follow along as easily as I did. It did put some concepts into more ‘real-world’ terms that I could relate to better when trying to understand, but otherwise it did nothing to help me understand the material better than the book or class discussion did.

If I were given 24 hours to display my autonomy for this course, I would focus on our physiological need for sex and how it relates to its cousins hunger and thirst. My passion/interest right now is sexuality among humans while focusing on why and how our sexual needs/preferences can change, and when tied in with a communal relationship, how that relationship can affect those needs. Today, about 60% of marriages end in divorce and there has been an increase in the LGBT community. Since sex matches our needs of hunger and thirst and we constantly want to change what we eat or drink, does that mean it is the same for sex? Is that why people cheat or become gay? I would want to discover if sex, like hunger and thirst, must be offered in a variety of ways so we have a choice in satisfying our physiological needs. I would begin by surveying anyone who considers them gay, lesbian, bisexual, or a transgender and ask them why or how they think they are gay. I would ask the group several questions on what they order when they go out to eat, how often they order something new, and if trying something new makes them want to try other new things as well. I then would ask them the same type of questions, but with their sexual/intimate life, in hopes that it would relate somehow to the type of food they eat, drinks they drink, and other risks they have taken in life.

Terms: intrinsic motivators, extrinsic motivators, reward, competence, communal relationships, exchange relationships, physiological needs, hunger, thirst, sex

For me the animation seemed pretty accurate although he was approaching it from what seemed an economist view. He talks about extrinsic and instinctive motivation and how monetary rewards for intrinsically motivated skills are then lessened. He mentions autonomy, mastery and purpose. These are almost exactly the same as autonomy, competence and relatedness. The best example i saw of the autonomy was the example of the Australian company that for one day got 24 hours of autonomy and how much actually work got completed. This shows that people really do enjoy being able to decided what they what to do. the other example i like that he used really showed intrinsic motivation by when he said you probably want to do something interesting so i will get out of your way and how offering a reward for being creative lessens the intrinsic motivation.

i did enjoy watching this and all of his examples were very close to what i had imagined and to see real life examples did help me understand. I do not think this would have made me understand on my own if i had not read the chapter and had class discussion but it is defiantly a study aid so to say if you really just don't get it. Since he was not coming at it from a psychological point of view this can be confusing.

If i was given 24 hours of autonomy I think I would try and learn so more about motivation but on topics that interest me and then I think i would try and teach myself and others how to be self motivated. I would try my ideas out on a batch of people and then use the results as a method to teach those how to use these techniques to be better students, and workers. I would especially focus on teachers and show them how is the better way to run a class and give them a test class to use these new techniques on to prove that they do indeed work.

In this animation film I believe it was very creative and informative in the way it went about presenting the three principles. That is for someone who knows nothing about psychological needs would get a pretty good understanding as to what it infers. He presents the three as autonomy, mastery, and purpose still the same meaning but a little different from texts version of competence (mastery) and relatedness (purpose) which is part of relatedness in itself. He starts off explaining that the bigger the incentive the harder one performs in straight forward mechanical tasks, benefiting external motivation. The book claims that any external motivation undermines intrinsic motivation of those same tasks. As soon as cognitive skills are required of people that external motivator no longer has any effect on motivation. According to the book this was pretty accurate. When he started to talk about how if people were paid more it helped them focus on the job instead of worrying about money. That seemed to conflict with the book, because larger extrinsic motivators don’t increase intrinsic motivation, but instead decrease it.

The video did not help me understand the material any better, if anything the text does a better job. It was hard to follow the speaker because his animation was really distracting in the sense of either being behind or ahead of the material. The speed at which he lectured made it hard to follow and comprehend as well. Other than that, I think if the changes in information were discussed prior to the lecture I could’ve followed it a little better.

If I were given 24 hours of pure autonomy I’d learn more about competence. I’d do that by randomly selecting participants for two groups, sports and arts. I would use incentives as an intrinsic motivation. For starters I could lay out art material ranging in skill level, basics to advanced and the same concept for the sports. Then I’d ask them to choose what they would prefer to use or part or participate in. I could judge their selection based on the level of material they choice from. On which I would compare the results within each of the groups to see how far one is willing to push themselves to reach their capacities and skill.

I found this video very interesting and for me I found that it was helpful in explain the information. He talked about how just because you have a bigger reward in front of you doesn’t mean that you are more likely to get it. It all depends on how hard the task you have to complete is, the harder the task the more likely that you won’t achieve the highest reward. He then went into how people that are intrinsically motivated have more creative minds and if you would allow them to have 24 hours of freedom to do whatever they want, but still being work related, they will accomplish more than when they are told what to do and not have any options.

I have seen this guy’s videos before and I like how he explains things and the pictures are there to assist. I for one am a visual learner and I think that it helps having pictures in front of me, so that even if I don’t hear everything I can look at the pictures and see the explanation.

If I were given 24 hours to do whatever I wanted, but keep it related it motivation and emotion, I would first off complete the assignment that were up because I might as well use this time to complete the homework so I wouldn’t have to use my free time to do it. But I also think that when I was doing my homework I would take the time to read other people’s blogs and read what they posted and what they found interesting because I don’t usually take the time to do that because I don’t usually spend time reading them, though I think that it can be helpful reading other peoples. I would watch the movies for class or other movies to see if I can find examples of the things that we are learning in class because I think that seeing examples of things helps me learn because sometimes in lecture you miss important details and to be able to see examples would help me understand better. I would have to say that I wouldn’t necessarily be motivated to want to spend 24 hours on my own, but I would be intrinsically motivated to complete my homework and to allow me more time later for other homework or other activities.

I think this info is very accurate. Incentives and or rewards do not work for everything and for everyone. Larger reward leads to poorer performance when it comes to cognitive tasks. Whether this is at a place like MIT or at a place where one would think that reward, especially monetary, would have much more value. For simple tasks, do this, get that, incentives work great. If people are given autonomy and the chance to be self directed to do what they want, people come up with wonderful results and decisions on their own.
This video made the material make a lot more sense. The drawings made a little sense, but the way he explained things was very easy to understand.
If I were given 24 hours of autonomy for the use of this course, I would work primarily with children. I would want to find out what motivates them to do the good behaviors they usually do all of the time. I would study a preschool class and see what they are supposed to do, and look to find out why for the first part of circle time, they continue to sit quietly, listen, follow directions, etc. I want to find out why the 2nd fifteen minutes they have a hard time listening, regardless of them getting 2 stickers for the second half and only 1 for the first half. I want to know what about the one sticker motivates them so much at first, why they beg for the first sticker, and don’t rarely try for the second and third. What is it about the sticker? I would discover.
Terms used: motivation, self-directed, autonomy, behaviors

I believe the Drive lecture stayed true to what we read in the book for the most part. The speaker addresses the three psychological needs that serve as motivation and applies them to the workplace. He first describes how reward systems do work remarkably well when it comes to mechanistic tasks. But, when the task becomes more cognitive or creative, rewards seem to do the opposite and do not increase behavior or productivity. Autonomy, or our desire to be the one who decides what to do and when we want to do it, is a huge motivator. Pink talks about how a company in Australia, Atlassian, gives their developers 24 hours, once a quarter, to work on whatever they want. They can work on any project with anyone they want and the only requirement is that they submit their work at the end of the 24 hours. That one day led to a number of ideas for new products as well as fixes for existing products. This example supports the idea that autonomy is an important motivator. Pink goes on to discuss mastery which I believe is very similar, if not interchangeable, with competence. Purpose seems to be more applicable to the workplace, whereas relatedness is a more social and relational psychological need.
I'm not sure that watching this video really made me understand the material better than the book but it definitely was helpful in putting the material in simpler terms. I had to listen to it a second time (without actually watching) to catch all of the topics discussed because I found myself getting distracted with the drawings at times. I can see how this video would be helpful to someone not studying the topic and give them a brief overview of psychological needs.
If I were given 24 hours of autonomy with this class I think I would focus my attention on this section. I find it very interesting what psychological needs can be motivators for us. Knowing this, I would probably try to research, design, and implement some kind of motivational program for promoting healthy lifestyles (working out, quit smoking, healthy diet). I think if people were more intrinsically motivated to do these things on their own they would be more successful. I believe the idea of relatedness would help play into the success of any time of healthy lifestyle program.

Terms: psychological needs, autonomy, relatedness, competence, intrinsically motivated

This video was pretty similar to the book. Different words were used, but the same thing was meant. The book explains that no reinforcement or punishment is guaranteed to work, whether it’s positive or negative. Going along with the book, the video explains that no matter the size of the incentive, it cannot be guaranteed to alter the performance level. The video clip explained how science shows it’s not true that rewards get you more of the behavior you want and punishment gets you less of the behavior you want. There was a study done with a large group of MIT students. They had incentives based on how well they did. However, when it came to cognitive skill, the students had poorer performance than if the incentive was smaller. An incentive is an environmental event that attracts or repels a person toward or away from initiating a particular course of action. The large money incentive caused too much pressure to do well, which caused them to do badly. However, with the mechanical skill tasks, the higher incentive made them do well. So, everything depends on the situation. Also, the book and the video talks about autonomy. They both discuss how it means to be self-directional. However, competence is termed as mastery in the video. Each defining how a person wants to have challenge in their life. Purpose is explained in the video basically meaning relatedness. A person does things to feel the need to belong.
Watching this video did help me understand the material further. It broke it down and was easy to watch and stay interested. Defining purpose helped me realize that when we do anything we do, it has a purpose. If we are working, trying to do well and make money, that is our purpose. If we are working and not doing well, we just want the money; which is our purpose. If we ground our child from their phone for a week to punish them, then that is our purpose. If we make them do more chores to learn from their mistakes, that is our purpose. It may not be the right way to do it, like in the last example, but people are simply doing what they intend to do. Also, I can apply everyday life to what we learned about incentives motivating us. A perfect example happened the other day actually. My girlfriend asked me to go with her to the doctor with her. When it came time for her to take her clothes off and put on a robe, the nurse told me to come with her while she got changed. I sat in another room the whole time the doctors were examining her, because the nurse never came to get me. It upset me that she didn’t even ask the doctor to allow me in the room, because she is the one who wanted me to join her. I asked her what it would have taken for her to say something, and her reply was, “if the doctor was going to give me a shot.” The incentive of me being there with her could have been received if she would have just asked the doctor to allow me in. I wondered why she wasn’t motivated enough by that to just do it. I thought into it more, and realized her shyness came over her, causing her motive level to decrease.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this class I would do small experiments to learn more about this reinforcement and punishment. I would watch to see what it takes for a person to do or stop a specific action. I would watch and observe kids all day to see how they are punished or reinforced. An experiment could be done with kids I observed to see how their action effected the behavior.
Terms used: incentive, reinforcement, punishment, autonomy, competence, relatedness

I think the information in the film is somewhat accurate. The first problem that I found involved intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In the book intrinsic motivation is defined as the inherent propensity to engage one’s interests and to exercise one’s capacities and, in doing so, seek out the master optimal challenges. This behavior occurs spontaneously and is not done for any instrumental reason. Extrinsic motivation comes from environmental incentives and consequences, such as food, money, tokens, extra credit points, etc. Instead of engaging in an activity to experience the inherent satisfaction it can bring, extrinsic motivation arises from a consequence that is separate from the activity itself. The video focused purely on extrinsic motivation. He made it seem like the only reason people ever do anything, is for money. However, if they are allowed more freedom they are able to work more effectively. For some, this freedom could cause an immense amount of anxiety. They may feel even more pressure to come up with a great idea in social situations. This could also ultimately create a greater amount of work for employers. If the managers/bosses have to motivate their employee to engage in things they find uninteresting (such as being allowed to have a free day) this would be frustrating and could lead to less productivity. Some people enjoy structure and routine. Another problem from this video indicates that when people are given a larger reward, they typically perform better. This may be true in some cases, however, extrinsic rewards have shown to interfere with the process of learning, distract attention away from material because there is too much focus on the reward, and the expectation to receive a bigger and better prize every time you do something correctly.

I enjoyed the experience of watching this video. It was easy to follow along and remember what he was talking about since it was being taught verbally and visually. When it first started I did not think I was going to be interested enough to listen for ten and a half minutes, but it was a valuable video. It helped me understand the material better from an economic standpoint. His perspective shows how motivation works in the business world the majority of the time. After studying motivation in this class, I feel that I have a slightly different view than this video portrayed. From the video I understand better that motivators vary in different countries. Such as the example he used with India. Involving people in studies from foreign countries allows us to pay them less, but they will still be thrilled to be involved. Twenty dollars to a middle class person may not be enough of a motivator to participate in a study. However, twenty dollars to a person in India could be two weeks salary and they would be more than willing to participate.

If I was given 24 hours to take the information I have learned from class and readings, I would like to find a task or activity that I find intrinsically motivating and receive an extrinsic reward. This would be quite a social experiment since I would only be allowed 24 hours. If I was able to paint a few pictures or make jewelry and then attempt to sell it in the Union. By doing something I find intrinsically motivating that increases my creativity, I may get better at the activity and therefore receive more money for it, eventually. By using this time to better myself I would be improving my autonomy, competence and relatedness. Autonomy would be improved because I was self-motivated to continue heightening my creativity level. Competence would be improved through more practice with the task at hand. Relatedness would be improved because of my interaction with others that would potentially buy my product.

TERMS: intrinsic, extrinsic, motivation, engage, optimal challenges, incentive, environmental, anxiety, rewards, distract, economic, middle class, autonomy, competence, relatedness, self-motivated

The information that was provided in the video pretty much supported what we have talked about in class and what Reeve has discussed in the textbook. I found many similarities between the book and the video. In the video he uses autonomy, mastery (competence) and purpose as his main three motivators in the work place. The purpose category is where it differs from the information provided in our textbook. The third category is our book is relatedness. This third psychological need is more based on the relationship from individual to individual. The video did not make this a very important element in being motivated in the workplace. As I previously stated the third object was purpose, which I found to interact closely with mastery. People in their jobs want to feel as thought they are doing something for a purpose and want to become better at what they do. It also was stated in the video about rewards and how they are used sometimes not quite usefully. This is something we didn’t quite get into during class. In the experiment at MIT participants wouldn’t perform as well on tasks if they were offered more money at the end for their performance. It was also found that the higher paying bonuses worked for people when they were doing mechanical tasks, but they would not work as well when the task involved cognitive more critical thinking.

This video helped me in some ways understand certain concepts more because of the animation that was involved. Everything was drawn out for the audience. Even though some of the information was easier to understand through the video, I also started to question whether he did have conflicting ideas with what we have already learned from the textbook. Some of his examples when it came to purpose didn’t make much sense to me. It may because we didn’t focus purely on the workplace and we covered a broader range of information.

If I was given free time to learn more about motivation and how it worked I think I would do a sort of experiment with my friends and find what motivates them and what they believe motivates them. I think it would be interesting to get ideas from other people to see what they thinks motivates them and if it actually does. I would also want to used the techniques discussed in class and try to find internal motivation do some of the things that I normally do not want to do such as homework, work out or clean.

I feel like his information was correct compared to what we learned in class and in the reading. The video reinforced what was said in our book. I really enjoyed watching the video. It was very easy to follow and the animations gave what could be considered a somewhat dry topic. The lecture flowed very well and was easy to understand. The animations were also simple enough that they were not distracting. I feel like I gained a lot of understanding about this topic from watching the video. The only complaint I have is the narration was spoken very quickly.

I really liked the section on autonomy. I find it very interesting that people are more driven when they can direct themselves. The concept of self-direction is very simple but I feel like most employers do not take advantage of that type of motivation. The idea of being paid to do only what you want to do is very motivating on its own.

If I had 24 hours of autonomy, I would watch people interact and observe how the actions of people differ depending on whether or not they are with someone. This is something that has caught my attention since I first started spending time in the union. The main behavior I would watch would be how clean the table is when the student leaves. One of my friends said she only wipes down the table when she is with someone else. I would like to see if others are more motived to clean up more when they are not alone. It would be interesting to watch and try to understand what was driving the cleaning behavior in different people.

Terms: autonomy, drive, self-direction, motivation, behavior

Some of the information was accurate in the animation. They discussed reward and punishment on a rudimentary level saying that one gives a reward to increase wanted behavior and punishment to decrease undesirable behaviors. While this can be true, they don’t take into consideration the individual person. What one individual might look at as punishment another might look at it as a reward. One example of this would be making a child stay in a time out during recess because they were misbehaving. While some children would look at it as punishment, because they can’t play with their friends, another child might see it as a desirable reward, because they can be by themselves and don’t have to be around all the other children for a moment. The child might also look at it as a way to get the attention they desire. For some people money may be an incentive, while for other’s it may not be. The animation takes a look at the incentive for people going to work. While money may seem like the great motivator, it may not be what drives people to an inventive successful new level. The animation also discusses autonomy, saying that it can allow for self direction. This does correlate with our textbook. Autonomy can allow a person to engage themselves and quite possible create new ideas when allowed the time to do so. The animation discussed people’s purpose in life. What they are willing to put in hard work and their free time in order to master what it is that they find fun and satisfying.
I really enjoyed watching this animation. I thought that it was very interesting and the way the information was presented made it easy to follow along even though he talked very fast. While I did enjoy the animation, I don’t believe that it gave me a better understanding of the material. While some of the information was valid, there were other variables that the animation did not take into consideration. I really did like the examples that were given though. They were very interesting and easy to relate to the material.
If I had 24 hours to focus on this class and to develop a better understanding of the material, I would want to spend the time observing and questioning people about their motivations. It’s quite interesting to see what people really are motivated by. It seems that many of us perform tasks or stay committed to things without ever asking ourselves what motivates us to do these things. When asked, I believe that it’s not always an easy question to answer, but when we dig deeper the answers may not always be what we expect. Also, it seems to me that our motivations may not always what takes us to another level. I think more so that it’s what inspires us to move. The animation talked about a company that allowed the employees to work unhindered by rules and expectations, and when they did this, the people’s performance far exceeded their expectations. They were more creative, inventive, and productive during these times, then when they are being held to certain rules and expectations. It makes me to think that when people aren’t feeling pressured to perform and behave a certain way, they are able to relax and excel in their jobs. In addition to observing or questioning other people, I would also take the time to really look at my own life and question what it is that is motivating me to do what it is that I do and make the choices that I make.
Terms: autonomy, punishment, reward, self direction, motivation, purpose, behavior, incentive, expectations

I find the best way to determine the accuracy of Dan Pinks clip, "Drive" is by thinking about it individually. We need to stop being so systematical and start being more creative and inspirational. After watching this clip, I found it to be very accurate, according to me anyway. When I say according to me, I mean within my thoughts as a person. When I think about things that spark my imagination and get me to be creative, it's things that I enjoy doing. Things that I do to satisfy my psychological needs. Things that I do for enjoyment, not money. The text basically interprets this information that Dan Pink explains in the same way, just a different manor. The text says that our environment is what triggers our inherent psychological needs and that our environment will determine how productive we are when it comes to these needs. The environment can either positively affect our psychological needs or it can have a negative impact on them. Pink agrees with this, but he relates the environment to the workplace.

Pink describes how money is often used as an incentive to influence employees to work harder and be more productive. After mentioning/describing various studies it becomes clear that this has a negative impact on performance. It's clear that short and easy tasks are great when paired with rewards. However, the more complex the task gets (cognitive skills), the worse the employee will perform. This isn't all that different from what the text is saying. People in the RIGHT environment will be more creative and produce better results and ideas. People that are thinking about MONEY and not the task at hand will not perform better. They will most likely perform worse because they are worrying about money and creating a lot of anxiety due to a pressure to perform. When people create a stimulating, self-directed atmosphere for employees, they will think up better ideas and be more productive. People have to be into what they are doing, they have to have an autonomy with the task at hand. That's why many of the huge companies and ideas that have taken off were created by people who were motivated intrinsically. They were SELF-DIRECTED and not doing it for the money. This way of thinking causes them to have amazing ideas and be very into what they are doing, trying to master it in every way they can. They are always trying to make it better.

The experience of watching this clip was very satisfying. It's easier for me to take something in that is interesting and is engaging the viewer (me) in a visual, auditory fashion. Pictures are worth a thousand words and really help the learning process in my opinion. So, with saying that, I find the drawings very helpful.

Did the video help me understand the material better? Hmm, maybe. If I had to give my honest answer on that I would say that it cemented and made my current understanding of the material more clearer. Naturally, we want to do whats fun for us, which is the way that it should be. So, we try to put ourselves in environments that satisfy our autonomy, competence, and relatedness psychological needs. Money, however, can cause almost anyone to stray away from what makes them happy. People can do things that make them money and its very possible they can be good at those things too. The point here is that when an individual is doing something that they love to do and is in an environment that encourages them to satisfy those inherent psychological needs, they will flourish in whatever they are doing. Individuals will be more productive doing what they love, more creative, and have a psychological drive to master what they are doing because it's something that is interesting and pleasurable to them.

If I was given 24 hours of dedicated time to purely autonomy for this course, I would find various people who are strongly interested (intrinsically) in the same things. I would get them all together (say 5-8 people) and put them in an environment that appeals to their interests, influencing them subconsciously to be extraordinarily creative/imaginative. I would then give them an assignment to think up different ways of how they can turn their autonomous drives into a career. They would be informed that money is not an issue nor a concern. Their main focus would be to better the field that they are involved with as a whole and make it more enjoyable and satisfying for them as well as everyone else who shows an interest in the topic.

I think it would be very interesting to see what these people would be able to come up with. Maybe it would be a good idea to have another group that is composed of people with different interests and have them work on the same topic just like the first group. Then, it would be easy to see which group was more motivated and productive. I'm willing to bet the first group wins that one.

Terms: Psychological needs, Autonomy, Intrinsic motivation, Competence, Relatedness, and Motivation

I found this video to be interesting and somewhat engaging to watch because the video provided some interesting facts that were similar to some of the information the class learned about in Chapter 6. The main information they had in common was about the subject of autonomy, which the video expressed to be the most motivating thing for people to have because it motivated people to engage themselves in their best work, even with few incentives—like more money—because they had the freedom to do the type of work they wanted. However, unlike the book that mentioned that competency and relatedness were factors for motivating people, the video said that purpose and mastery. Although, I do believe that there are similarities seen between the terms mentioned in the book and the video. Another contradiction between the YouTube clip and the book is when it comes to the topic of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The narrator of the clip mentions that extrinsic motivators can help improve a person’s intrinsic motivation, but the book mentions that people will lose interest if they start receiving some type of compensation.

I thought the video was interesting and made some excellent points, but I feel that it didn’t really help me understand the information from the book any better. I was also somewhat distracted from all the movement going throughout the video while the narrator was talking, so I re-watched it just to make sure I didn’t miss anything from the first time I watched the video. Also, I feel like this video could be valuable for people who are trying to understand some things about psychological needs because the video did break down the majority of the information we learned in class fairly well.

If I had to option to do whatever I please for this class for the 24 hour time period, I would try and understand what motivates people to act in violent ways. I have always found crime shows to be very though provoking, therefore, I would like to look into what gives people the idea that committing crimes is okay and that it is acceptable for them to act in such a cruel manner. Therefore, I would probably be spending the most of my day reading about violent crime and the people who committed them, or I would be interviewing or watching interviews with people who are convicted of committing violent crimes.

Terms used: autonomy, competency, relatedness, psychological needs, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, incentive, engage

The information from the video was good quality. It was the same as some of the text book but used some different terms to describe things. The video used autonomy but changed competence with mastery. The video also used the term purpose instead of relatedness. Even though the words were changed the concept seemed to mirror the books. The one thing that I noticed that was different was that the video said that money, if given the proper amount, will motivate people. It really emphasizes extrinsic motivations and how they affect intrinsic motivations, where the book seems to lean more towards intrinsic motivations.

Watching the video was helpful, the information was delivered in a way that I was interested throughout the whole presentation. I did find myself getting distracted from the words because the artist was so good at drawing and the video made the drawings very quickly. I’m not a very good drawer and consider myself to have minimal artistic talent so I was amazed by the sketching on the white board. But even when I wasn’t paying attention to the speaker I was still reading with the drawings. It made me see things a visual way, which is helpful to me because I am a visual learner.

If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this class I would intrinsically motivate myself to read ahead a few chapters to complete more of my knowledge. I would then try small experiments on my roommates to see if I can motivate them to do something they usually would not want to. Such as make one of my roommates workout with me, since she never wants to or make the other one bake something since she complains she doesn’t know how and is afraid to try. I would want to show her the rewards of trying things she is afraid of. I think I would end my day watching some movies and seeing what motivation and emotion concepts I can apply and understand better through watching them. Some movies I would consider would be Disney princess movies, I’d like to see if Walt used some of these theories to reinforce children at a young age. I might also watch an inspirational true story like Remember the Titans, Coach Carter, or possibly Rudy, to see what intrinsic or extrinsic motivations helped their story along the way.

Terms: Reward, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, autonomy, relatedness, competence, motivation

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I don’t think that the information in the video jibes with the text (although Reeve might suggest that the cash incentive was directive and not autonomy-supporting). It is hard to tell though, because the specific nature of the ‘cognitive task’ assigned to the subjects in the video was not disclosed. On the surface, it looks like it would meet the psychological need for competence; and also, since the subjects could choose whether or not to participate (or the degree of their participation), it should meet the psychological need for autonomy. It is possible, however, that the subjects felt coerced or pressured to perform, and that the ‘cognitive task’ was inherently repellant to them.

In other words, I think that there may be something to what was said in the video, but I don't think it is as clear-cut as the speaker made it out to be. Let’s take scholarships as an example. The typical 'write an essay' scholarship would fit the idea of "a cash award for performing a cognitive task," as in the research; basically, it's free money -- if you win. But putting together a scholarship application takes time and resources, which may already be in short supply for a student. So I can imagine that the larger the scholarship is, the more people think, "I don't have a chance at winning that," and so, simply don't invest the effort. I think that this example accords with the research presented in the video.

However, the video also made it sound like the parameters set for the experiment were more straightforward than that: if you do this, then you will get this. I am curious what the results would have been if there were no 'loser' category* (i.e., if everyone won some --not inconsiderable-- amount of money); and also, whether the subjects were told beforehand that there were multiple levels of rewards. The subjects may have associated the higher reward with degree of difficulty, and so not 'wasted' their effort (thinking they would fail).

But maybe the experiment was set up like the cognitive dissonance experiment I mentioned in an earlier post. (The experiment was set up so that the subject would perform a boring task, then be offered an incentive to lie to the next subject about how interesting the task was; all of the subjects cooperated, but those that were paid the larger amount rated their satisfaction with the task lower than did those who had been paid the smaller amount.) If the ‘cognitive task’ that the subjects were assigned was something onerous, the subjects might feel greater cognitive dissonance toward really exerting themselves or investing in the task.

I think that it's easy to get sucked into a video like this. There is the illusion that the artist is actually spontaneously drawing the illustrations in time with the narrative, which is just fascinating. Also, because the information is being presented in two different ways (e.g., voice, illustration), I think that we may (at some level) perceive it as coming from two different sources, which kind of substantiates or lends credibility (through repetition) to the argument. I do think that it is 'easier' to grasp complicated concepts when they are presented in cartoon form, but I don't think that you get the full understanding of the material.("Any philosophy that can be 'put in a nutshell' belongs there" [Sydney J. Harris, American journalist, 1917-1986].)

If I had 24 hours to work on this class (and I'm assuming she means one straight 24-hour period), AND I could choose my workgroup (as in the Atlassian example), I think it would be worthwhile to put together an edited version of the textbook. Assign 2 people to each chapter, have them strip it down to the essentials, then add relevant research & illustrative examples. Eliminate the repetition and ambiguity. This material should be interesting -- I've been a manager, I know how important it is to be able to motivate people. But this lame text kills it.

*I’m assuming that there is a similar basis for the feel-good, autonomy-supporting, 'participation' awards that schools/organizations give out to kids now.

Terms: incentive, directive, autonomy-supporting, cognitive task, psychological need, competence, autonomy, cognitive dissonance

I found this video very interesting. It was directly related to the themes in the text book, Dan Pink just expressed them using different terminology. He discusses the controversy between rewards and punishments and states that our normal association of rewarding for good behavior and punishment for poor behavior may not necessarily be the case. He made the material much more clear so the video really helped me understand and relate to motivation and emotion. Rewards work for simple and straight forward tasks such as ‘if you do this, then you get that,’ and produces outstanding behavior. But, when a task gets more complicated and requires some conceptual, creative thinking, rewards to do work and in fact produce poor behavior. This contradicts everything that we live by in the corporate world. The higher the pay the better performance is only true if the task involved mechanical skills, that is when bonuses work as expected, but when we are expected to perform more cognitive tasks larger rewards actually lead to poorer performance. Higher incentive lead to worse performance and has been replicated over and over again by psychologist, sociologists, and economists. Money is a motivator, but if you do not get paid enough for the task you will not be motivated. What Pink suggests is that we should pay people enough to erase the issue of money completely. Three factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Autonomy is the desire to be self directed, so management is only good if you want compliance. If you want engagement though, self direction is a better method. He proved this by suggesting a 24 hour period of autonomy for software designers where employees could do whatever with whoever. It turned out that in the one day they came up with software fixes and new product ideas that had never emerged before. So instead of almost bribing a person to do something interesting, we should ‘get outta’ their way and let them do so on their own which I can agree with strongly. Instead of competence, Dan Pink uses the word ‘mastery’ in describing our urge to get better at something. This would be like someone playing an instrument for the mere reason of it being fun instead of it giving them love or money as a motivator. Getting better at the task is enough satisfaction. This idea has made organizations strive for a purpose in order to make people want to come to work and increase their talents. But if profit motivators are taken away from purpose motivators, bad things could happen involving ethics and poor products or services. Luckily, we seem to be purpose maximisers along with profit maximisers and still care about mastery and enjoy being self directed. In conclusion, Pink stresses that if we get past this ideology and start treating people like people we can build organizations and work lives that make us better off as individuals and as a world in general.

If I was given 24 hours of autonomy for motivation and emotion, I would conduct observations relating to the effectiveness of rewards and punishments as motivators to behave or perform a certain way. It would be interesting to see the different facial expressions and range of attitudes were present among co-workers depending on amount of salary they made. Are higher up executives in a better mood than the mail room temps because they make thousands more a year? Or can a mail room temp be in just as good of mood simply because they enjoyed the task? It would be an interesting experiment displaying the different motivations and emotions present among different individuals. Unfortunately, to many of us success means a 4.0 and a high salary and they will take whatever it takes to get there. I think it is important allow humans to grow and learn and not take away from that by overpowering them with extreme positive incentives or extreme negative punishments.

Dan Pink’s animate Drive, was a very creative and informative work of art. He presents what motivates us in a “hand’s on” kind of way. The studies done at MIT and India proved that no matter who you are creativity will suffer if the incentives are too high, once the task went above rudimentary cognitive skill, the larger the reward the lower the performance. The material that he presented wasn’t significantly different from the text book, but it was presented in a different way. Money is a motivator and Pinks states that when you pay people enough money it takes the issue of poor performance off the table. Three factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction are autonomy, mastery and performance.
I found the tactics of the software company in Australia to be interesting. The company took the principles in the aforementioned paragraph and applied it to their business model. New ideas came about and profits rose for the company. These tactics lead to a more intrinsic form of motivation which has been proven to have a plethora of better outcomes than extrinsic motivation. This short video helped me understand terms from Ch. 6 better because I could see ideas and concepts develop rather than attempt to form them in my mind.
If you gave me 24 hours of autonomy I would probably read the textbook more thoroughly and look for examples to relate the material too. Due to the interesting nature of the course and subject I would find myself being intrinsically motivated to understand the material. This would provide me time to master the art of motivation and emotion.

Terms: intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, autonomy, mastery, rudimentary cognitive skill, performance.

The information in the Youtube video was pretty accurate to the book. It talked about rewards, a person does more behavior you want, and punishment, a person does less behavior you want. It also talked about extrinsic motivation, and the incentives being mostly monetary rewards. In mechanical skills, paying higher is beneficial, but in cognitive skills, a larger reward is bad. This did not go with the textbook. There are three factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction, and those are: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Autonomy, or self direction in a company is good. Bosses was engagement in their work, which is intrinsic motivation. At a company they give their workers 24 hours to do whatever they want, anyway they want and have to show whatever they worked on at a party. New ideas and fixes were accomplished within these 24 hours. After this the Youtube did not exactly go with what the textbook said. The Youtube called competence mastery and did not talk about relatedness. The Youtube also talked about purpose, when the textbook did not.
I liked the Youtube. I thought the guy talked a little too fast and people would be able to understand better if he slowed down. I enjoyed the pictures, they were entertaining and gave a visual. I learn better with visuals. I understood the concepts better because he gave real life examples, even though some of the examples went over my head because I am not in economics.
If I were given 24 hours of autonomy for this course, I would do research on twin studies and motivation. I have found twin studies interesting and we have not talked about twin studies yet in the class. I would like to research if identical twins have the same motivations or different. Also research fraternal twins and twins that were adopted, especially if they were adopted by different families. I would want to see if motivation is more a biological or environmental.
TERMS: reward, punishment, extrinsic motivation, incentives, autonomy, mastery, purpose, intrinsic motivation, competence, relatedness

Honestly, this video made me even more confused. I would of rather just read the chapter again. I kept getting so distracted by his drawings and he would change subjects so quickly it was hard for me to follow. I had to watch the video a couple different times to understand a few of the concepts. All together though, the video was similar to the chapter. Both the video and the chapter talked about rewards, motivations, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and performance and many other. Those are just a few terms I could come up with off the top of my head. The video did go over a lot of information in only 10 minutes. When I read information I remember it better because I've seen it with my eyes rather than just hearing something and seeing a quick sketch of something. I would of rather liked to see more similarities from the book and video because then the video would have been more of a review for me. I didn't like how the video used different words and concepts but meant about the same thing. One piece of information that I strongly remember from both the video and the book is that they both talked about autonomy and how people work better if they have more autonomy in their life. They are more motivated to get things done on their own time.
This video did not help me understand the information better at all. Like I stated in the above paragraph the information came across too quickly and I was getting distracted by his drawings. Thank goodness, I read the chapter last week otherwise I would have been very confused. I had to watch parts of the video a couple different times to understand what he was saying. I learn better when I can see the information in front of my face and read it on my own time rather than listen to someone talk about it. I will have to admit that this video did not help me understand the information any better.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy in this class I would love to just sit in different places on campus and just 'people watch'. Sometimes I get distracted by watching people anyways so I might as well use it for a class. That might sound bad but I know everyone does it... (I think) I really like to watch people and figure out why they are doing things. I would use the terms from this class to help me come up with reasons as to what is motivating them and why are they engaging in such activities. I love being around people and interacting with people but sometimes I just don't understand why some people do certain things in life. Also, If I had 24 hours worth of autonomy for this class I know I would keep reading my novel for this class because it is rather interesting and I like to read.
Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, autonomy, rewards

After viewing this clip on drive and motivation, I noticed that it did sound a lot like the textbook. In the animation sequence, autonomy is mentioned as being of the utmost importance to people, as it is in the text. The film demonstrated this importance by giving the example of the company in Australia. As we saw, the workers were much more productive when given self-direction, which is also mentioned in the animation as a personal motivator. In our text, we learn of three factors: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The film seemed to have these same ideas in mind when discussing autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Although I feel that purpose is more of a personal motivation factor, while relatedness has more to do with the environment and how one reacts within it.

The principle from our text that intrinsic motivation lessens with repeated extrinsic rewards is touched on in this film, but the film makes the point that the performance lessens as well as the motivation, and it does not mention repeated reward, just amount of the reward. And continuing on with the higher reward, the film then claimed that research found that when the subject of money was deleted from the scenario altogether, people were more productive and motivated. I can’t help but wonder if it just takes a certain type of person to either become extrinsically motivated or motivated by a self-directed attitude. I do believe that all people, due to human nature, yearn for others’ acceptance. With this in mind, the idea that challenge, mastery, and making a contribution are all extremely crucial regarding intrinsic motivation, may not be totally intrinsically motivated after all. Making a contribution not only makes us feel good, but gets others’ attention as well.

My experience of watching this animation clip was that I was a little confused and lost at times. The information seemed to be a bit repetitive at times when compared to our text, but with the drawing and the narrator speaking as quickly as he did, I almost had to go back a few times because I thought I had missed something. It helped to look away and jot down notes and try not to watch at times too. If he had spoken a little slower, I would have understood the material that much more.

If I was given 24 hours of autonomy, I think I would like to find out what makes people more motivated than others? I am not a self-motivator per se, but with the help of a few extrinsic rewards, I may be. Also, what types of rewards are better motivators than others and to what extent? It would be interesting to study various types of individuals and what gets them going.

TERMS: drive, motivation, autonomy, competence, relatedness, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, rewards, performance

I feel like the information in the video matches up quite well with the information presented in chapters five and six. The main themes of his presentation included the concepts of extrinsic/intrinsic motivation, autonomy, mastery (competence), and relatedness. The way he explained them was pretty straightforward and he gave real life examples of how they are used in the workplace. After watching the video, I felt like I had a better understanding of the concepts in the book because of how well that they were explained. I didn’t see any particular problems with the video except for the fact that he focused his lecture on the motivational power of money when in fact there are many other forms of motivation.

I personally enjoyed watching this video because it showed the information in a new way than presented in the book. For me to see a visual presentation such as this helps me learn the information a little easier than from the book and lectures.

If I were given 24 hours to do what I wanted in the field of motivation and emotion I would use it to do things that I enjoy. School puts a great deal of stress on everyone and affects our productivity. As learned in chapter 5, intrinsic motivation is a very powerful thing and I feel like I would use the time to learn more about myself. I feel like that with the information presented to me in class, I could apply it to my life in order to improve my behavior.

Extrinsic/intrinsic motivation, autonomy, mastery, relatedness, motivation, behavior

I feel like the information in the animation went right along with our textbook. He talked about 3 factors that lead to high performance, autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Mastery is really similar to competence at trying to do something satisfactory to ourselves, which is what is the main reason behind behavior that isn't paid or given an incentive. Purpose could be similar to relatedness. Everyone wants to have a purpose and to feel like they are doing something worth while, this could be used in the context of social needs. Autonomy is said to be the most important in both the text and animation, so that matches up. The animation gave the example of the business company in Australia to show that when they get the option to do whatever they want, better use of time creates more productive ideas.

I enjoyed the video. I was surprised to see how entertaining it was with his unique drawings and his explanations. I wasn't sure I was going to make it through a 10 minute video of an informational clip. It was nice to get another view of the information and I do believe it helped me understand it a little better. If he would have slowed down just a tid bit, I would have maybe followed along easier, but other than that I really enjoyed it.

If I were given 24 hours to pursue what I wanted, I would study people. I have found people to be interesting and their behaviors and motivators. I would take the time to observe people's behavior to try and figure out their motivators. I would try and discover where the cut off for rewards is. I found that section in the animation to be very interesting. How rewards work when it comes to mechanical/simple tasks, but when it involves cognitive thinking, the higher the reward the lower the performance. Why is that? Pressure? I would like to study that to see why and how it is so different.

Terms: Cognitive, mastery, relatedness, autonomy,motivation, behavior

Comparing this information to the book, there are few differences. I would say there are more comparisons and that this ten minute lecture briefly discussed the three factors that lead to better performance (autonomy, mastery, and purpose) whereas chapter 6 focused on psychological needs. I thought the information was very accurate given that it cited studies from M.I.T and other universities. In addition, I agreed with everything mentioned. At first I didn’t understand why a large incentive would be effective for mechanical tasks but not cognitive tasks. After explaining when profit motive dominates, people aren’t as creative; it made me think of my personal testimonies. When I worked at a clothing store, I felt like I wasn’t getting paid enough to fold clothes for 6 hours a day. Store managers tried different ways to get us involved and try to come up with new promoting techniques; however we wouldn’t receive anything in the end other than praise. The reason it wasn’t effective was because they weren’t giving us too many options, and in the end it didn’t have a direct benefit to any of the employees. Mainly, I wasn’t interested because I didn’t feel like there was any purpose.

I am a visual learner, so I thought this material was more informative because it was more enjoyable to watch, rather than reading a book. I also think it accurately summarized a complex study into a short lecture.

If I had a self-directed day to research anything I wanted related to this class, I think it would focus on purpose. As mentioned in the video, purpose was a leading factor for better performance. What I am interested in finding out, is what do people see as purposeful? Is it volunteering, organizing a fundraiser or accomplishing goals? Along with drive, motivation and incentives, I would like to find out why people think their behavior has a purpose, and what is more purposeful than other things. Considering I would only have a day, I would start by interviewing people directly for a quick response and hope to gain insight about the topic. Perhaps a study like this could also help employees figure out what they would do if they had one day of autonomy.

Overall, the main point can be associated with intrinsic motivation. One day of autonomy produced new and more creative ideas. These results prove that intrinsic motivation was at work, because there was no extrinsic motivator such as money. It also mentioned that rewards elicit more desirable behavior, whereas punishments elicit less undesirable behavior.

Terms: autonomy, purpose, mastery, psychological needs, mechanical tasks, cognitive tasks, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivator, reward, punishment, incentives, goals

The information in this video seemed fairly accurate. He discussed the impact that rewards have on behavior, in the experiment that was done with giving people a cash reward for performance. He discussed the effects that a money incentive has on individuals which would be considered extrinsic motivation, which was discussed in a previous chapter.He discussed a lot about autonomy and how is something that motivates behavior and can even improve certain behaviors especially creativity. He described the positive impact that it can have, and as we learned in previous chapters, autonomy can be a very good thing for individuals and their motivation. The information all tied in with this class because it discussed different scenarios and studies that have been done that are about an individuals motivation.

I enjoyed the animation that went with the dialogue, but I did find it a bit distracting. Some of the time I felt like it enhanced the presentation and made things clear with the pictures and words. I thought that it was done very well and that the man drawing and writing was very talented, and matched what was being presented. However, half of the time I was focusing on the pictures and how he was drawing the different pictures and what he was doing and looking at the previous things drawn as he went across the white board.

If I were given 24 hours of autonomy for this class I would probably do a lot of people watching. People watching is something I often find myself doing when I have nothing else to do, and it can really keep me entertained. I would likely go to a variety of places that are heavily populated and observe different behaviors of individuals and really analyze their behavior. I think it would be interesting to look at different types of interaction like same-sex friendship, cross-sex friendship, dating relationships, family relationships, differences in generations interactions. I think this would be really interesting to take a look at. I could take this information and try to make some vague generalizations about interactions amongst different types of relationships. I think this would help me be more observant in my everyday life as well as understand different types of relationships.

Terms: Autonomy, extrinsic, motivation, reward, incentive

In general, I found the information presented in the video to be accurate. The narrator illustrated how incentives increase compliance in extrinsically motivated tasks (or "sticks and carrots" or mechanical tasks) and while he did not explicitly state it, he demonstrated how extrinsic motivation tactics (such as a bonus) are not effective on tasks that require intrinsic motivation, such as cognitively advanced tasks. In fact, the money undermined the intrinsic motivation and actually made performance drop. He did use another term for competence ("mastery"), but the concept was still the same.

I found that the video did help me understand the material from the past two chapters better because the author was able to draw (quite literally) a coherent picture between different types of motivations (i.e. intrinsic vs. extrinsic) and elaborate on what psychological needs are incorporated in intrinsic motivation. The two psychological needs he mentioned were autonomy, or the need to be self-directed, and mastery (aka competence), or the need to effective or capable. The video was a nice way of summarizing the last two chapters covered in class.

If I was given 24 hours of autonomy for this class, I think I would read the text I choose for my assignment, which is titled “Learning & Motivation Strategies: Your Guide to Success" by Bruce Tuckman. I would choose to do this for two reasons: 1) it would help satisfy my need for competence by allowing me to learn more about motivation and emotion and 2) there are many tools that allow you to pinpoint your specific motivators to help you in everyday tasks such as doing your homework or doing the dreaded laundry. It seems like a great resource to learn more about the field as well as get some valuable tips on how to improve your own motivation (which I could use right now).

Terms: incentives, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, psychological needs, autonomy, competence

This video was really interesting to me! It seems that all of my psych classes have been/are currently talking about motivation in some way. In org psych, we're talking about job satisfaction, job performance, and workplace affect. We, obviously, talk a lot about salary as a motivator, but we spend a lot of time discussing why there are things hat are MORE motivating than money. Just today in class we did an informal poll. When asked "You're presented with two job offers. One pays a LOT but you know you'll hate the work. The other doesn't pay very well but you know you'll love it and feel fulfilled. Which do you choose?" All but two people chose the second. I know that if I were somehow able to win the lottery and never need to get paid again for the rest of my life, I'd be willing to work as a school psychologist for free. In the class I'm a TA for, we talked about a study done on kindergarteners about creativity. One group was told to draw pictures, and when they were done they all received a prize for participating. The other group was told that their drawings would be shown to judges and the top-rated drawers would get prizes. All the drawings were rated by art professionals and the first group was significantly more creative in their drawings. So, that also works well with what the video had to say about performance and reward.
I disagree that extrinsic motivators are the best way to get somebody to perform well. According to the book, intrinsic motivators will always produce better results, but the trick is getting the person to be intrinsically motivated. If someone truly wants to do something well, they'll do better at it than someone who's simply trying to get it done to get a reward. I think that the second situation would yield more bare-minimum-work results.

I think this did a great job of describing the need for autonomy as well. This is another topic we've recently discussed in org psych and ME. When people have autonomy, they enjoy their tasks more. Granted, when they do not feel competent enough to complete said task, autonomy negatively affects them. In both of my classes we've talked/read about how autonomy and competence combine to make one heck of a motivator. When a person's psychological needs for autonomy and competence are met, they can excel and are uninhibited with their creativity.

If I were given 24 hours of autonomy for this class, I think I would first be a little overwhelmed with possibilities because it's not something I'm used to. Then I would borrow my Intro students and experiment on the best way to motivate them to study/do homework/ask me for the help I know they need/etc basically just find ways for them to feel personally invested in doing well in the class. Partially because they just had their first test and some of the students who did the worst are the ones who never come to study sessions or come see me when I leave notes on their homework asking them to meet with me. Am I completely guilty of using extrinsic motivators (extra credit points) to reward the students who show up to our study sessions, but the points are only mentioned after the session, so the ones showing up aren't the ones that need extra motivation.

Terms: intrinsic/extrinsic motivators, psychological needs, autonomy, competence, reward

I found that the animation had slight discrepancies with the book. They both talked about psychological needs, but they used different terminology. The animation talked about autonomy, mastery, and purpose. The book talks about autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Mastery and competence seem to be the same thing. Purpose and relatedness did not match up well enough for me to say that they are the same thing. In the animation, purpose was seen only in a job context. I think purpose is an extension of mastery and competence. If you are able to do something well, you will often find a purpose for it. Relatedness is about interaction with others and the quality of your relationships with them. I think the animation focused too much on the external motivator of money and not enough on internal motivators. However, I liked the part of the video where he talked about creative ideas stemming from autonomy. That seems to match up pretty well with the book. It makes sense that the motivation and performance decreased with the increased amounts of money because external motivators lessen internal motivation.

The animation did not help me understand the material better. I was too busy trying to follow the animations and piece them together with the words he was writing and the words he was saying. There was too much going on for me to focus as well as I would have liked. However, I did find his animations entertaining. I was more focused on his artwork than anything else.

If I had a day of autonomy to experiment with motivation and emotion, I would interact with as many people as I could. I would have conversations with them and try to figure out what was motivating them in that particular instant or in a particular situation. I would also monitor myself and evaluate my needs and motivators throughout the day. I would take the information I had discovered and reflect on how I could help those people both with particular situations and with their life in general. I would evaluate their differing levels of psychological needs. I would reflect on my personal experiences throughout the day and figure out what that means for me. How can I use the information I have collected to motivate myself in the future and what motivates me in general? I would also sit down and evaluate different career paths and see how my motivators would apply to those jobs.

Terms: autonomy, competence, relatedness, purpose, mastery, psychological needs, internal motivators, external motivators

Wow, that video was cool. I was disappointed when I didn’t get to see the whole video after the whole thing was drawn. I would totally agree with the information laid out on the whiteboard and I believe that our textbook would also support these ideas. The studies that he mentioned regarding performance tasks and monetary rewards were very interesting and built upon what we had already learned in class. People performed better when receiving rewards when they were performing physical tasks and their performance increased with the reward size. However, when people performed ANY kind of mental tasks they did not do better and even did worse in some cases. Our book backs these thoughts with its talk of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation, most often occurs, at least when I think of examples during physical activities. Such examples include running, reading, and skipping. When the narrator took a look at case studies and mental exerting tasks it was clear that intrinsic motivation was present in mental tasks. The three things he stressed and looked at in depth were autonomy ,mastery and purpose. These were closely paralleled to the three aspects our book talked about: Autonomy, Competency, and Relatedness. Although this video did not specifically focus on relatedness, it spoke of making a contribution to something bigger than ourselves, which can certainly include other people. Mastery and competence are basically the same thing in that we may do something, not because we want to make a living that way or that we will become famous, but solely for the fact that we enjoy learning and getting better at it. The last most important component they mentioned was autonomy. I thought the case study of the Australian software computer company was incredible! Give the employees a whole day to work on something semi-work related that interests them and just report their findings. The quote that stuck with me was, “One day of autonomy produces things that never emerge”. This video, our book, and Kim all put most of the emphasis on autonomy and I am inclined to agree with them that it is one of the most important factors of intrinsic motivation.
This video greatly added to my appreciation to what we are covering in class. That and the cartoons were funny and memorable. I understood the material just fine after class and reading but this added many practical examples. Not that the textbook didn’t but this gave me a break from reading the book, which is always greatly appreciated. I even checked out some more of these videos just because I was curious about them. Keep em’ coming…if possible.
If I had 24 hours to do a mot & evo based project I think that I would observe people and take notes and observations of their behaviors. I would probably sit down right in the middle of the union, get a basket of chicken strips and fries and watch. I may eaves drop on people at other tables while pretending to read just to hear what they deem valuable conversation, fret about, or what life issues they have going on. Hearing a little about this would probably perk my interest and I could speculate on what their underlying motivation is. I would also people watch like crazy. I am always under the illusion that I am being watched by others so I think it would be funny to make it true for other people. Just pick out a person and follow/watch them as long as they are in the union. What do they do? Who do they talk to? What are they wearing? What do they look at? I know this all sounds a bit creepy but I think that by observing other people it gives us a look into what they value and beneath that is what motivates them.
Terms: extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, mastery, autonomy, competency, relatedness

I believe that it is accurate as it seems to be proven through tests and retest by highly accredited individuals and associations around the world (not just in the U.S.). The study was originally constructed at MIT, University of Chicago, and Carnegie Mellon. Though the tests show that the information presented in the video is accurate and proven on multiple occasions and situations as, when it comes to cognitive work, the larger the reward, the poorer the work quality. This is problematic in terms of our text because the book clearly states that rewarding something is a reinforcer that will increase that behavior. A punisher is something that decreases the behavior. However, in the case of the studies and video it shows that no matter how big the reward or the reinforcer, there is a point when it huge, but people’s performance or their positive behavior doesn’t increase or improve.

The experience of watching this was actually pretty fun. I really enjoyed the sketches. They added to the experience and helped make it more fun to learn. I honestly believe that if the guy was just a recording without the fun, comic like images I would not have listed or paid as close of attention. It helped me to understand the information. It was also good to have the words on the page for a couple seconds after he finished talking. Having the words on the page helped things to sink in my brain more. They also made it so that if I missed something, I could still see it on the screen for a few of the seconds that followed.

I would pursue more information about why people do what they do in terms of addictions. I would also look for ways to motivate people to kick addictions. What can be done to encourage people to control their personal health because they want to and not because they are constantly told that it is what is right and good for them. I know that people who are told to quit don’t want to and are most likely to relapse. Also, they don’t usually want to quit on their own because they enjoy doing what they are addicted too. I would like to come up with a way to motivate people to improve themselves and their health because they want to and not because they have too. Is there a way to make rehab more effective? How can we help prevent relapse in individuals who quit drug and alcohol addictions? I would try to create a study that would help addicts want to kick their habits through behavior and autonomy. I would use studies of addiction and survey individuals with addictions on what they think would be most effective (or ex-addicts on what was most effective) in the journey toward quitting. I would create a method for helping addicts of harmful chemicals, lifestyles, or behaviors to desire to improve themselves by getting rid of something that is harmful to them.

I would learn more about the motivations and emotions that addicts have. Additionally, I would look into what psychological needs thet feel that are fulfilling by taking part in the addictive behavior. Are they extrinsically motivated or intrinsically motivated to consume or take part in the harmful behavior. Is it different between other people and what purpose does the behavior serve? I would love to learn what motivations cause the behavior and what behaviors what would help to change or end the behavior. I would use the knowledge that I acquire to create a behavior centered treatment plan that works with addicts to help them change their lifestyle for the positive. Currently, the addiction reinforces their use as they enjoy it and their behavior increases. Perhaps there could be a way to reinforce and increase the behavior of not taking part in the addiction.

Terms: motivation, emotions, positive, reinforcements, punishers, negative, increase, decrease, addiction, cognitive, autonomy, purpose, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, effective, improve, psychological needs

I think the video was pretty consistent with the information presented in the textbook. The video discussed many of the same topics in the video such as how autonomy works and why it is effective as well as incentives and rewards. External motivators were also explained during the video. The video talks about how if you reward something, then you get more of the behavior that you want and if you punish something you get less of the behavior. The video and the book aren’t exactly the same but I think they have similarities. For example the book emphasizes the need for autonomy, competence and relatedness and the video discusses the importance of autonomy, purpose and mastery. I think they could possibly mean the same thing, the description was very similar. One topic I found different from the book and was confused about was the idea of a larger reward leading to poorer performance .In the book it talked about money being used as an incentive and reward but the movie made it seem like it was a negative thing to get more money. One thing I did find quite like the book was the description of autonomy; people want engagement and self-direction. I did the think the example In the video of the company allowing its employees to work on whatever they want with whom they want was pretty accurate to the books definition of autonomy. The employees just had to present their ideas and work in a fun office party environment. This resulted in innovative ideas and new products being produced. This was very much alike the book in that when we are allowed to make our own choices we usually produce better work.
No, it didn’t help me understand the material better. I think Dan Pink spoke to fast and drew too fast. I feel like it was just distracting. I’m usually visual but the pictures were just annoying, I think it was just a bit overwhelming to try to pay attention to the audio when all these random pictures are being drawn. I would rather read the chapter than watch a video. It was just difficult for me to retain the given information.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy I would want to see what motivates people. I would probably provide 2 people with rewards and incentives and ask them to help me do something like help me decorate for a event. I would ask another group of two people to do the same thing but not give them an incentive. I would want to see if this would make a difference in the quality of the work they presented and how they decorated.

I found the information from the video “Drive: Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us” somewhat accurate to what the book discusses of these motivators. The narrator discusses an experiment done with MIT students where they were given different tasks and were told they would be rewarded based on their performance. The results of the study showed that when the task involved more cognitive skill, the larger the reward produced poorer performance. This issue involves money as an incentive, which is also discussed in the book as an extrinsic motivator for employees. However, the narrator explained that if you pay people enough then they won’t think about the money and instead focus on the work. The book states that extrinsic motivation still undermines quality of performance, so even if the person doesn’t acknowledge the money issue, they still are not working to their highest potential. The book also states that using rewards, such as money in this case, distracts attention away from asking why a person is being asked to do uninteresting tasks in the first place, which may be what the narrator was getting at. The narrator of the video also brings up psychological needs, only he words them autonomy, mastery, and purpose, only slightly different from the book but still discusses the same issues. He stated that in order to satisfy autonomy needs, employers should encourage more self-directed behavior such as giving employees a day to do whatever they want as long as its work related. This type of example of giving people the choice to make their own decisions is the main way to satisfy our needs for autonomy. To satisfy mastery, he gave to example to let educated people commit to their own volunteer work that they are interested in, which will satisfy peoples desires to challenge mastery and to make a contribution. Even though the book calls this competence instead of mastery, it still focuses on the key to satisfy the need to challenge oneself. The last factor the narrator discusses is the purpose motivator. To satisfy this factor, he explains that we should treat people like people instead of robots, or horses. By doing things for a purpose instead of for money, people will develop better talent in organizations. This doesn’t directly correspond to the books last factor of relatedness, but it does bring up the fact that we do need to have a perception of a social bond and to treat others better. It also brings up the fact that we need to have communal relationships, purpose motivators, instead of exchange relationships, money motivators.
Watching this animation did help understand the material in a way that was more oriented in the workforce. The book brings up different examples of extrinsic motivators, but this video helped bring one top example into clearer analysis. However, it was hard to compare my notes from the book to what he was saying because it didn’t match up most of the time. To fix this though, I wrote out the notes from this video and compared them with my notes from class to see the differences so I wouldn’t get confused. I also thought it was interesting that the narrator drew out all his examples while explaining them. Not only could we listen to him, but also see these examples, which help certain people learn things better, like me. However, I did have to stop the video multiple times to understand what he was saying since he was going pretty fast.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy to do whatever I wanted that pertains to this class, I would take what I’ve learned in class and apply it to my own life and motivations in order to understand the real-world problems. I would observe what my extrinsic motivators are for doing HW or working out. Once when I find and analyze these extrinsic motivators, I would work with them in ways, or drop them, in order to satisfy my intrinsic needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Once when I develop a new way to go about adapting a new behavior using more intrinsic motivation strategies, I would observe my new behavior and compare it to my previous behavior of using extrinsic motivators and observe the different in my well-being, flow, and interactions with others. By looking back on my old behavior, it will reinforce my new positive behavior.

TERMS: Incentive, Extrinsic motivator, Psychological needs, Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose, Competence, Relatedness, Communal relationships, Purpose motivators, Exchange relationships, Reinforce

I think his information is really accurate. I really don't understand the concept of more complicated work causing people to gain more incentives for crappy work. He completely lost me on that. But I really think the end of his presentation on the three motivations autonomy, mastery, and purpose was very accurate and made a lot of sense. I think the only big problem with this information and the book was the ideas that if you pay people enough they will no longer focus on the money and will focus on the work. Getting paid is an extrinsic motivation and most often people do their jobs because they want the money, not because they just love what they do. I just can't see that people are satisfied with their salaries and just forget about the money aspect of the motivation. Personally, I think I'm paid pretty shitty for the physical and mental effort I put into my job and I often complain that I am not being paid enough. And even if I was being paid what I thought was appropriate, I would still think that I should be getting paid more than people that just sit at a desk for eight hours. I think for the most part his information on autonomy and purpose lines up with the book and made sense with what the book talked about with motivation, but the money example did not line up with the book.

I actually really enjoyed watching it. I am a very visual person, so it was nice to see pictures and charts and people to really understand what he was talking about when he was talking. I thought it was a great play on words and very understandable, unlike a long complicated chapter. I think it did help me to understand the material better. i think that mastery and purpose both fall into the category of autonomy so it helped to understand how autonomy exists in the workforce. You want to be self-motivated in order to get better at what you are doing while fulfilling the purpose of your job. Overall, I really enjoyed the way the information was presented.

If you gave me 24 hours of autonomy I think I would take all the information I have learned thus far in the class and apply it to my life. I have been struggling with self motivation and encouraging those around me to be self motivators to improve their lives, so I think I would break down all the information I have learned and apply it to trying to put my own motivation back to get and use techniques from the class to motivate those around me. I think I would learn more about and use more behavior modification techniques like positive and negative reinforcement in a tricky way to motivate those around me to do the things I want them to that would benefit them. I think through this class I have learned extremely important information about motivation, but I think if I was given 24 hours to learn more, I would want to learn more about emotion. I think some times we realize that we are emotional being, but we don't really recognize what emotions we are feeling and what those feelings really mean.

Terms: incentives, autonomy, mastery, purpose, extrinsic motivation, self-motivated, behavior modification, positive and negative reinforcement, and emotion.

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Welcome to Motivation & Emotion! All of your assignments are here; you will only go to eLearning to check your…
Using Movies
Please read the following link: as well as the 3 resource links at the bottom of that article.This semester's movies:Teen DreamsCast…
Ch 1 & 2 Introduction and Perspectives
Read Ch 1 and Ch 2 in your textbook. Don't worry so much about your answers being beautifully written (yet!); focus on reading…