Your reading blog for this week is over Chapters 11 AND 12. Your blog should summarize these chapters, but you do not have to write a double length blog.
Next, go out on the internet and research a topic of interest to you that you found in chapter 11 or 12. Report on what you found, and include at least 2 links to that information.
Next, go out on the internet and research a topic of interest to you that you found in chapter 11 or 12. Report on what you found, and include at least 2 links to that information.
Chapter 11 discusses the five questions that are related to the nature of emotion. The first questions discusses is “what is an emotion”. Emotions are explained as multidimensional, subjective and biological. More simply put, emotions don’t just explain a feeling or expression. To fully understand emotions you have to look at the four dimensions and how they relate to one another. These four components include feelings, sense of purpose, bodily arousal and social-expressive. It is important to remember that emotions are not long lasting. They are short feelings which help us to deal with challenges. Next, the chapter explains what causes an emotion. Emotions are brought on when something significant happens. The debate is between biology and cognition. Although both biology and cognition have important findings, both biology and cognition causes emotion. As explained in the book, as humans, we have two “synchronous system that activate and regulate emotion”. Next, the chapter talks about how many emotions there are. Depending on which perspective one picks, will determine the answer to this. From the biological perspective, it is believed that humans have small number of basic emotions. Conversely, from the cognitive perspective, humans are thought to have many rich and diverse emotions. Despite the controversy, there are six basic emotions that we are thought to have. These include: fear, anger, distrust, sadness, joy and interest. The fourth question addressed is what good are the emotions? To put it shortly, emotions are thought to help people deal with their surrounds and are used as coping functions. Finally, the difference between emotion and mood is discussed. Emotions are thought to be short and come about due to specific life events. Moods on the other hand are long-lasting and come about naturally without a specific indicator.
Chapter 12 builds off of chapter 11 and goes into detail about the aspects of emotion. As with many topics in psychology, the biological, cognitive and social/cultural aspects of emotion are discussed. First off is the biological aspect of emotion. The James-Lange Theory explains that the body reacts distinctively to different events. Also, the body will not react if the event is “nonemotion-eliciting”. However, there is a more contemporary belief now. This emphasizes that the autonomic nervous system is activated by anger, fear, disgust and sadness. It is believed that physiological arousal regulates emotions. Next is the cognitive aspect. The core behind this aspect revolves around appraisal. This is defined as an idea of the importance of an event. There are two different forms: primary and secondary. In the social/cultural aspect of emotion, other people are explained as being a big source for emotions. As humans, we are very involved with other people. We communicate and socialize with one another. During this time, we share experiences and while we are interacting many emotions are triggered. Lastly, the chapter explains how to manage emotions.
I decided to browse the internet and find information about facial expressions. On one of the websites I found an article that explained that facial expressions are inherited. This study was done with 51 subjects and consisted of them expressing the following emotions: concentration, sadness, anger, disgust, joy and surprise. The study found that 80% of the emotions were correctly identified. According to NewScientist, human expressions are not universal. This website argues that Darwin’s claim of universal facial expressions is not true. They state that Asians struggle to recognize and relate to the expressions which western society uses. One of the findings in this study was that Asians often times “confused fear for surprise and disgust for anger”.
Chapter 11 talks about what exactly an emotion is. This chapter is based off five main questions. The first question is what is an emotion. An emotion is a short-lived, feeling-arousal-purposive-expressive phenomena that helps us adapt to the opportunities and challenges we face during important life events. The next question is what causes an emotion? There are many things that can cause emotions such things are biological, psychoevolutionary, cognitive, developmental, psychoanalytical, social, sociological, cultural, and athropolgical. The chapter discusses the difference between the biological perpective and the cognitice perspective to emotions. The third question is how many emotions are there? There are many emotions out there, but research has decided that there are 6 basic emtions. These emotions are; fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. The fourth question is what good are the emotions? The main purpose of emtions is to help us adapt to situations in life. They have coping and social aspects to them that help us to function in life. The last question is what is the difference between emotion and mood? Emotions occure due to life situations while moods occu to ill-defined situations. Emotions direct and influence behaviors to a ceratin action, moods just direct what the person thinks. Emotions are short-lived, while moods are long lasting.
Chapter 12 talks about the many aspects related to emotions. It talks about the biological aspects of emotions which are the autonomic nervous system, endorcrin system, neural brain circuts, rate of neural firing, and facial feedback. The chapter also discusses the cognitive aspects of emtoins which is mainly appraisal. Appraisals of emtions follow a certain theory. This theory starts off with a situaiton (life event) which leads to an appraisal (Good vs. Bad, Beneficial vs. Harmful) this leads to emtion (Liking vs. Disliking) which then lead to the action (Approach vs. Withdrawal). Emotions also have social and culutral aspects to them. Emotions occur with interacting with other people. They play a central role in creating, maintaining, and dissolving interpersonal relationships, as emotions draw us together and emtions push us apart.
I decided to do a little more looking into the topic of the facial feedback hypothesis. The facial feedback hypothesis states that emotions are "sets of muscle and grandular responses located in teh face." It states that emotion stems from feeligs that engendered by movements of facial musculature, changes in facial temperature, and changes in glandular activity in the facial skin. Senstations from the face send feed back to the brain to produce emtional experiences. I came across some articles that discusses whether smiles actually make people happy and in better states. Some articles state that smiles do make other happy, while some people feel that people are over using smiles in society. We use smiles all the time, but some believe that people who even smile at thier jobs aren't truley happy, but they do it because they have to and they are not happy.
Chapter 11 talks about the nature of emotion. Emotions exist as subjective, biological, purposive, and social phenomena. Emotions make us feel a certain way. It is very hard to define emotion. To do so the book studies each of emotion’s four dimensions and how they interact with one another. The four dimensions are feelings, bodily arousal, social-expressive, and sense of purpose. By doing this the book defines emotions as short-lived, feeling-arousal-purposive-expressive phenomena that help us adapt to the opportunities and challenges we face during important life events. The book also talks about how emotion relates to motivation. The first way is that emotions are one type of motive. They energize and direct behavior. The second way is that emotions serve as an ongoing “readout” system to indicate how well or how poorly personal adaptation is going. An emotion happens when we encounter a significant life event. In order to figure out how many emotions there are one has to figure out if they are going to focus on a biological or a cognitive orientation. The book says that displays of emotion help adaptation much in the same way that displays of physical characteristics do. They help us deal with fundamental life tasks. They also serve as social functions. They help us communicate our feelings to others, influence how others interact with us, invite and facilitate social interaction, and create, maintain, and dissolve relationships. We have emotions because they help as solutions to life’s challenges, stresses, and problems. There are three main things that distinguish emotion from mood. They are different antecedents, different action-specificity, and different time course.
Chapter 12 talks about the aspects of emotion. The biological aspects include: autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, neural brain circuits, rate of neural firing and facial feedback. The cognitive, social, and cultural aspects of emotion include: appraisals, knowledge, attributions, socialization history, and cultural identities. The differential Emotions Theory endorses the following postulates: 1. Ten emotions constitute the principal motivation system for human beings. 2. Unique feeling: Each emotion has its own unique subjective, phenomenological quality. 3. Unique expression: each emotion has its own unique facial-expressive patter. 4. Unique neural activity: each emotion has its own specific rate of neural firing that activates it. 5. Unique purpose/motivation: each emotion generates distinctive motivational properties and serves adaptive functions. The facial feedback hypothesis says that the subjective aspect of emotion stems from feelings engendered by (1) movements of the facial musculature, (2) changes in facial temperature, and (3) changes in glandular activity in the facial skin.
I found the topic of whether facial expressions of emotion are universal across cultures to be interesting so I wanted to look up different information about it. Dr. Rick Nauert wrote that a study done by the University of London found that humans share the basic emotions like amusement, anger, fear and sadness. He also wrote that “Despite the considerable variation in human facial musculature, the facial muscles that are essential to produce the basic emotions are constant across individuals, suggesting that specific facial muscle structures have likely evolved to allow individuals to produce universally recognizable emotional expressions.” I found this sentence to be very interesting because I never thought about the muscle aspect of emotional expressions. I also found the part when he talks about how when chimpanzees are being tickled they laugh just like we humans do. They did find that not all positive noises for emotions are shared by cultures, they are specific to each group or region. This information was found at:
The website Neuroskeptic also discussed whether emotions are universal. They found that East Asians mixed up fear and disgust. When looking at the photos they were focusing more on the eyes, which may be the reason why they mixed fear and disgust up. I found this information at:
Chapter 11 and 12 discuss emotion and how it relates to motivation. Four components make up emotion and they are feelings, bodily arousal, sense of purpose, and social expressive. An example of an emotion and how these components relate is the emotion of anger. The emotion of anger gives us certain feelings and physiological activation causes bodily arousal when we experience anger. There is a sense of purpose and goal directed motivational state associated with anger, and we show a certain facial expression when experiencing anger that other people can recognize as such. Chapter 11 discusses the relationship between emotion and motivation. Emotions are one type of motive which energizes and directs behavior. Emotions also serve as an ongoing readout system to indicate how well or poorly personal adaptation is going. Emotion is an important part of motivation, because if you take away the emotion, you also take away the motivation. Experiencing a significant life event activates cognitive and biological processes that activate the critical components of emotion, including feelings, bodily arousal, goal-directed purpose, and expression. There are two perspectives for how many emotions exist: the biological perspective and the cognitive perspective. The biological perspective emphasizes primary emotions, such as anger and fear. The cognitive perspective acknowledges the importance of the primary emotion, but it stresses the complex (secondary, acquired) emotions such as frustration or being enraged. Basic emotions consist of fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. The themes of negative basic emotions are threat and harm and the themes of positive emotions are motive involvement and satisfaction. Negative emotions such as fear and disgust are designed to protect us from harm and help us survive stressful situations. Positive emotions such as interest and joy are designed to help us seek out others and be involved in a group. Emotions are good because they can be used for coping functions and social functions. For social functions, emotions help us communicate our feelings to others, influence how others interact with us, invite and facilitate social interaction, and create, maintain, and dissolve relationships. There is a difference between emotions and mood. Emotions emerge from significant life situations, influence behavior and direct specific courses of action, and emanate from short lived events. Moods emerge from ill-defined processes, influence cognition and direct what the personal thinks about, and emanate from long lived mental events. The benefits of positive affects are prosocial behavior, creativity, decision making efficiency, sociability, and persistence. Ch 12 discusses the three central aspects of emotion. These aspects are biological, cognitive, and social cultural. Neural activation is a part of the biological aspect. Neural firing is the pattern of electrocortical activity in the brain at any time. Different emotions are activated by different rates of cortical neural firing. Differential emotions theory says that ten emotions constitute the principle motivation system for human beings, each emotion has a unique feeling, unique expression, unique neural activity, and a unique purpose/motivation. An example of emotional differentiation is shame and guilt. Shame and guilt are closely related emotions but each involve a different feeling, expression, neural activity, and purpose. Shame is felt and shown on the face while guilt is felt in the stomach.
I wanted to learn more about the benefits being in a positive mood has on our brain. I read an article that said the brain doesn’t use all of its resources when we’re in a bad mood. Bad moods limit thinking and we are most intelligent when our frontal lobe are fully activated. This article talked about waiting out a bad mood if working on a project because the bad mood will hold you back as it limits your brain functioning. It stated ways to get out of a bad mood such as think about something else than what put you in a bad mood, put a positive spin on the event that caused the bad mood, and find hidden benefits. I also read an article about a study done where one group of people watched the show “Whose Line is it Anyway” and another group watched news reports on natural disasters or movies about people diagnosed with terminal cancer. Afterwards, everyone performed tasks, and on tasks where it was necessary to try out different hypotheses, the people who were put in a good mood performed better. Positive mood enhanced performance on these type of tasks.
Chapter 11 and 12 focus on emotions. Emotions are a person’s state of mind in certain circumstances. These include anger, happiness, sadness, excitement, etc. Emotions relate to motivation in two ways. First, they are a type of motive. Certain emotions motivate certain behaviors, such as anger might motivate punching. Second, they are a “readout” system to show how someone is adapted to certain environments or situations. Emotions are caused biologically and cognitively. The basic emotions are fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. Emotions are good for survival systems, and to understand how others are feeling to know when behaviors or situations need to change to help people better adapt to their environment. The difference between emotion and mood is that emotions last for a longer period of time, while mood is a lot more temporary.
There are three central aspects of emotion that include biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. Emotions energize and direct bodily actions by affecting the autonomic nervous system and its regulation of organs. The activation of about ten different emotions can be understood from the biological perspective. The facial feedback hypothesis claims that the subjective aspect of emotion is actually the awareness of proprioceptive feedback from facial action. Certain facial expressions activate certain moods and other people can read into emotions one is feeling by looking at their specific facial expressions. Emotion is also embedded in cognition. Emotion knowledge involves learning distinctions between basic emotions and learning which situations cause which emotions. We can often catch other people’s emotions through social situations through a process of emotion contagion that involves mimicry, feedback, and contagion.
I wanted to learn more about the correlation between facial expressions and relationships between humans or animals. I found that facial expressions actually make up the majority of communication. All animals have some sort of nonverbal communication or facial expression, but facial expression is most distinct in primates and humans. Facial expressions are used to show other people how they are feeling so the other person knows how to react or act around that person.
When a person has an angry look on his or her face obviously the other person knows to act a bit cautious so the person doesn’t get even angrier. When a person looks sad obviously the other person knows to act in a sympathetic way so the person doesn’t become even sadder. These facial expressions are even being able to be shown on robots because the expressions are so extremely similar from person to person. Overall, facial expressions impact communication and survival skills between animals and humans, and these expressions are so persistent and similar; scientists are making robots that mimic the ten primary expressions.
Chapter 11 begins by discussing what an emotion is. The chapter points out that defining “emotion” is difficult because emotions are multidimensional. They involve subjective, biological, purposive, and social phenomena. Emotions make us feel a certain way and act a certain way. Emotions produce these multidimensional components which work to direct and energize our behaviors. The chapter points out that emotions are short-lived, feeling-arousal-purposive-expressive phenomena that help us adapt to the opportunities and challenges we face. One important thing about this definition is that it does not define what a mood is. Moods differ from emotions in that moods emerge from ill-defined processes, where as emotions arise from specific stimuli. Moods also differ from emotions because they influence thoughts instead of behaviors and the emanate from long-lived mental events instead of from short-lived events like emotions do. There are two perspectives concerning emotion: the biological perspective and the cognitive perspective. The biological perspective believes that emotions occur automatically and involuntarily. They argue that because they are often hard to verbalize, emotions must have come from origins that are “non-cognitive”. The cognitive perspective argues that cognitive activity is a necessary prerequisite to emotions. That is, emotions only occur if there is a cognitive understanding about the situation that elicits the emotion. Both perspectives agree that emotions are complex but they differ on what causes emotions. The biological perspective focuses on certain range of primary emotions. The cognitive perspective acknowledges primary emotions but they believe that different emotions can arise from the same biological reaction. For example, increased heart rate can be a sign of excitement or fear but the appraisal of the situation is what leads to which emotion is felt. Chapter 12 points out that appraisals precede and elicit emotions. It is the appraisal, not the event itself that causes us to feel an emotion. We can make primary appraisals which estimate whether we have something at stake or not. We can also make secondary appraisals in which we asses our coping abilities for the situation eliciting the emotion. The book points out that there is debate about whether or not the emotion precedes the bodily reaction or if the bodily reaction precedes the emotion. The James-Lange theory suggests that emotional experiences follow and depend on how our body reacts to the stimulus. For example, when we see flashing red lights in our rear view mirror, our body reacts and then we feel the emotion of fear. One thing I thought was interesting from these chapters was that there is evidence to support that facial behavior is cross-culturally universal. I thought that was interesting because it suggests that everyone in the world shows basically the same facial expressions for each specific emotion. Facial expressions of emotions are things that have remained constant over thousands of years of evolution.
In class today, I found the benefits of positive affect really interesting. Specifically, I thought it was interesting to think about how just putting a genuine smile on my face could produce a lot of positive effects for not only myself, but for others as well. I chose to search the benefits of putting a smile on your face. I found a website that gave the top 10 hidden benefits of smiling. The ten reasons were 1. Can get people to trust you. 2. It sparks leniency 3. It can help you recover from a slip up 4. It can improve your mood 5. It can reduce negative emotions like embarrassment or distress 6. It can increase your attention 7. It can increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex 8. It can hide what you really think 9. It can make you more money and 10. If you smile, others will smile back at you. This page also pointed out that smiling may help you live longer. I thought these ten reasons were really interesting because they touched on a few things I hadn’t really considered when thinking about what benefits I might obtain from smiling more.
I also found the topic of whether or not we can voluntarily control our emotions to be very interesting. So I searched “how to gain control of your emotions”. I read an article that discussed the importance of recognizing that emotions don’t come out of nowhere and that they are caused by specific stimuli. It is important to understand that fact because it can help a person understand the best way to cope with their situation that is causing the emotion they are feeling. The article also suggests the importance of reappraising the situation. Changing how you look at the stimulus or situation can impact the way you feel and the emotion you experience.
Chapter 11 is all about emotions: what they are, what causes them, how many there are, what their purpose is, and the difference between an emotion and a mood. First off, emotions are very complex and multidimensional. Emotions are subjective feelings, agents of purpose, and social phenomena. They have four components. Feelings are the subjective experiences and cognitions one has. Bodily arousal is the physiological preparation for action. Social-expressive is in relation to the social communications, such as facial and vocal expressions. And sense of purpose is in relation to emotion being a motivator and goal director. According to the textbook, Emotions are short-lived, feeling-arousal-purposive-expressive phenomena that help us adapt to the opportunities and challenges we face during important life events. Emotions don’t just come out of nowhere. They arise from significant life events, such as a loved one leaving, or a tiger running to attack you. Emotions are related to motivation in two ways. First, emotions are one type of motive which energizes and directs behavior. And second, emotions serve as an ongoing “readout” system to indicate how well or how poorly personal adaptation is going. There are several viewpoints as to what causes emotion. The debate is between cognitive processes and biological processes. The biological perspective emphasizes primary emotions, such as anger and fear, which would allow us to live and evolve. The cognitive perspective stresses the complex or secondary emotions – emotions, for example, that are similar to anger but are different “shades” of anger – being frustrated, irritated, and furious are all different types of anger. There are basic emotions: Fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. There are more negative emotions then positive ones, because the negative emotions protect us from threat and harm. Emotions give us coping functions and social functions. There are differences between emotions and moods. Moods emerge from ill-defined processes and involve what the person thinks about. They also result from long-lived mental events. Emotions, on the other hand, emerge from significant life events, and direct ones behavior. They result from short-lived events. We can have a positive affect or a negative affect, and there are many benefits of having a positive affect, like prosocial behavior, creativity, and sociability.
Chapter 12 discusses in depth the different theories of emotion. There are three main viewpoints on emotion – biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. Biological components of emotion are very important, for they are reactions to important life events and allow us to prepare ourselves for any life circumstance that may put us at harm. Emotions affect the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, neural brain circuits, the rate of neural firing, and facial feedback. 10 different emotions can be understood from a biological perspective: interest, joy, fear, anger, disgust, distress, contempt, shame, guilt, and surprise. In the cognitive viewpoint of emotion, the central construct is appraisal. There are two types of appraisal: primary and secondary. Primary appraisal evaluates whether or not anything important is at stake in a situation. Secondary appraisal occurs after reflection and depends on an assessment of how to cope with a potential benefit, harm, or threat. Finally, in a social and cultural analysis of emotion, people are our richest sources of emotional experiences.
I decided to look more into the benefits of a positive affect. The first article I looked at first describes the ways in which you can have a positive affect or attitude. These include positive thinking, being creative, optimism, motivation to accomplish your goals, choosing happiness, and displaying self-esteem and confidence. It lists the benefits of a positive attitude as achieving goals, more happiness, greater energy, more inner power and strength, and more respect from those around you. The second website I visited listed more of the physical benefits of having a positive affect. These include having a stronger immune system, being more likely to live longer, and decreased symptoms of psychopathology – less depression, suicide, and paranoia.
Chapter 11 defines emotion. Emotion is a multidimensional topic that revolves around feelings, bodily arousal and social-expression. These components give a person a sense of purpose and lead to goal-directed behavior. Emotion itself can serve as primary motivation or as a "readout" to how well or poorly things are going. The two perspectives about who emotions are formed are the biological and cognitive perspectives. There has been a debate about which of these perspectives correctly explains emotions. Psychologists have found that both of these perspectives are important to understand emotion. The number of emotions that exists differ if you are talking to someone with a cognitive or biological perspective. The biological perspective says that there are a limited number of emotions that a person experiences while the cognitive perspectives believes that they are many complex emotions that are very different from one another. The basic emotions discussed in this chapter are fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. These emotions have both coping and social functions. Emotions are described as a short-lived event and differ from mood which are more enduring than emotions.
Chapter 12 goes more in depth about the biological and cognitive perspectives of emotions and also adds a social and cultural aspect. The biological perspective of emotions says that neural activation and brain activity can explain the emotions we experience. Biology explains how emotions are universal and can be recognized by facial expressions. Facial expressions are formed when the various facial muscles move and contract. This means that emotions are innate and easy to recognize. The cognitive aspect of emotion emphasizes the importance of an event, or appraisal. Appraisal can either be good or bad and lead to a liking or disliking emotion. The emotions then determines if a person approaches or avoids action. The social and cultural aspect of emotions show that emotions can be valued and interpreted different depending on the context where the emotion is expressed.
I did some more research on if emotions are universal and I found several websites that said that emotions may not be as universal as we might think. One particular research showed pictures of common facial expressions to a group of people from Britain and Asia. The facial expression tested were anger, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, surprise, and sadness.The results showed that Asians had a difficult time distinguishing between fear and disgust. Eye-tracking technology in this study showed that Asian's typically focus on eyes when determining a particular emotion. This research and others like it show that recognizing emotions may not be universal, but rather are attributed to culture.
Chapter 11 is about emotions. Emotions are multidimensional. The four dimensions of emotion are: Feelings, Bodily Arousal, Sense of Purpose, and Social Expressive. The chapter focuses on 5 basic questions: What is an emotion, What causes an emotion, How many emotions are there, What good are emotions, and what is the difference between emotion and mood.
Causes of emotion can be explained by a significant event occuring in our life. The book gives biology and cognition as explaination. For those believing in the biological aspect emotions can and do occur without a prior cognitive event, but can't occur without prior biological event. Cognitively, people tend to think individuals can't respond emotionally unless they first cognitively appraise the meaning and personal significance of an event.
In a biological point of view the focus on how many emotions there are is based off of primary emotions whereas cognitively point of view focuses on secodary emotions, providing a much wider range.
Emotions are good because they help us adapt, help us cope, form relationships, and are social functions.
The difference between emotion and mood is that they arise from different situations. Emotions come from significant life situations, and moods emerge from processes that are ill-defined and often unknown. Secondly, emotions influence behavior and direct specific courses of actions whereas moods influence cognition and diret what the person thinks about. Thirdly, emotions emanate from short-lived events that last seconds and moods emanate from mental events that last for hours or even days.
Chapter 12 talks about is an extension of chapter 11. It goes into detail about the biological, cognitive, ans social cultural aspects. These consist of the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, facial feedback, and neural brain circuts.
The biological aspects of emotion plays off of personal significance such as a threat to the body and how the body prepares itself to cope. Cognitivel aspects of emotions focus on appraisal. There are two types of appraisal: Primary - determining whether something is potentially at stake and Secondary - occurs after a time of reflection and a time of assessment. Social cultural aspects contributes that to understand our emotions having social interaction is one of the best ways to understand it.
I did some additional research on social sharing. I found two articles dealing with social sharing on the web
Chapters 11 and 12 both discussed emotion. Chapter 11 gave a basic overview and background knowledge on emotion, while Chapter 12 discussed the cognitive, biological, and social aspects of emotion. It’s difficult to define an emotion without knowing its 4 components. First, there is the physiological arousal associated with the experience of an emotion. Next, there is the social-expressive component. This is our body language or facial expression. “Feeling” is the subjectively cognitive experience within ourselves. These three components work together to generate a sense of purpose. This sense of purpose is our motivational behavior. It works to direct us towards a particular goal associated with the feeling we’re experiencing. This is how emotion is functional. Emotion is essentially the combination of the four components. As well as being motivational, emotion can also serve as a readout for those around us. People can better understand us and know how to approach us when they’re aware of how we’re feeling.
Emotions are caused by significant situational event. This event will in turn trigger our cognitive and biological processes to action. These two separate processes lead us to look at emotions as biological and cognitive. Certain emotions have certain biological, physical cues. Fear may lead to a rapid heart rate, sweaty palms, or a nauseous stomach. Extreme excitement could also result in the same physical cues. This leads to the cognitive perspective. How we interpret these physical cues can also determine they type of emotion we “feel”. We may know how we’re supposed to “feel” (such as fear during a large test instead of extreme excitement) and this also helps us decipher what we’re feeling.
There are many types of emotions. Once again, the biological and cognitive perspectives explain different types of emotions we may experience. Our biology supports emotions that serve a survival purpose. Some examples would be fear to escape a predator, or anger to fight back against someone. Although these are the purposes of emotions, we also know there is different types and degrees of emotions. For example, we know that we would be more angry if we totaled our car than if we were having trouble with a homework assignment. The cognitive perspective helps to explain these different types of emotion. The basic emotions, such as fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest can be explained into many subtypes. These subtypes help us classify what we are exactly feeling.
Emotions can serve as coping functions or social functions. There is a difference between emotion and mood. Emotion is a short lived feeling while mood is much longer lasting. Mood is generally made up of either positive or negative affect.
Chapter 12 addressed three different aspects of emotion. The first was the biological aspect. This states that emotions are the biological reactions to life events. The James Lange Theory suggests that emotional changes follow biological changes within the body. When our heart races and our palms sweat, our body signals that we are interpreting a threat in our environment. In turn, we say we feel fear. Fear is actually just our body’s reaction to a threat in our environment. There is evidence that bodily functions do play a role in emotions, but they are not the sole cause of them.
A cognitive aspect must also be examined when looking at emotions. Appraisal and perception are large components of this aspect. During appraisal, we decide weather a situation is good or bad, threatening or nonthreatening, happy or sad. We also appraise whether it pertains to us. Our appraisals turn into perceptions. These perceptions decide our emotions. Primary appraisal occurs when we decide whether the situation will affect us. Secondary appraisal occurs only if we decide during primary appraisal that the situation pertains to us. We then use secondary appraisal to assess whether we can cope with the benefit, harm, or threat.
Socialization is another aspect of emotion. Emotion work to integrate and socialize people. Emotional contagion is the process to which people mimic or synchronize their movements and portrayal of emotions while interacting with another person. We are socialized to be sad at a funeral, and happy at a birthday party. We are socialized to control our emotions in a school or professional setting. This socialization results in the management of emotions. We realize that we can’t act on all our emotions. We also realize we have to suppress the natural response we have to a lot of emotions.
I decided to research more about the facial feedback hypothesis. This hypothesis states that simply displaying an emotion on your face will lead you to experience it. One website explained the generation of the smiley face. A cartoonist invented this symbol to cheer people up in the workplace. A curved line was drawn for a smile and eyes were added to prevent people from turning the curved line upside down. The cartoonist believed that this symbol would work to make people feel happier and it has been used ever since. This is a good example of the application of the facial feedback hypothesis. It was also pointed out that the smile grew from grimaces a primate makes. These grimaces are usually out of fear, so essentially they state that they are afraid and in turn friendly. The writer applied this to the smiles people are forced to give at places such as McDonalds or grocery stores. These smiles are fake and do not make us feel cheerier. In actuality, these people are smiling because they’re afraid to lose their job.
I also found a study by Harker and Keltner. These researchers were interested in the smiles of women in their college year book pictures. They were interested in how observers would rate these women on their potential to provide rewarding experiences. They were also interested in their marital satisfaction 30 years after the photos were taken. It was found that women who were determined as having a positive affect (after controlling for extraneous variables such as appearance) were much more likely to be rated as rewarding and were more likely to have marital satisfaction. This shows that appearing happy can also mean that you are actually a happy person.
TERMS: facial feedback hypothesis, biological aspects of emotion, cognitive aspects of emotions, James-Lange Theory of emotion, social aspects of emotions, emotion contagion, positive affect, emotion, mood, social functions, coping functions, fear, anger, disgust, joy, interest, motivation, readout
Chapters 11 and 12 are all about emotion. These chapters were fun to read because most people think that topics such as emotion are very simple when in reality they are complex. The first question is "what is emotion?" Emotion is a term used every day but it is a term very hard to define. According to the book emotion has four dimensions: feeling, arousal, purpose, and expression. Until this, most of our reading has been focused on motivation. Emotion and motivation go hand in hand because emotion is a type of motivation. Our emotions motviate our behviors, more than our thoughts. For instace, if one is feeling anger they might hit someone, rather than think about much they do not like that person. The most inriguing thing that I learned is that emotion is something that is felt only short term and that that feling of anger will lead to bad moods, which is totally different from emotion and your moods are what are felt long term. The second question to ask is "what causes emotion?" Most agree that emotions come from a mix of both biological and cognitive processes. Two other questions to ask when discuaaing emotion are " what good are the emotions?" and "how many emotions are there?" This part was interesting to read in the book because I didn't know that emotions were so far rooted into our evolutionary pattern. Emotions are great for humans because they let others know how we are feelings and when we need help. I was also surprised when I realized that humans only have two positive basic feelings: joy and interest. I was even more surprised to learn that these postive feelings are helpful when it comes to mating. As with most theories, biological theorists believe that humans have very feelings whereas cognitive theorists believe we have multiple feelings, each subheadings under the biological's list.
Chapter 12 was an addition to chapter 11 discussing the different aspects of emotion. The book says that emotions help humans in coping functioning and social functioning. As mentioned earlier, these functions help humans in very evolutionary ways; hard to imagine in the complex world that we live in. My favorite part of chapter 12 was when it defined commonly used phrases such as pride, shame, guilt, etc.. Very intersting chapters.
The first topic I choose to look up more of on the internet was anxiety. The first website I went to: elaborated more on our class discussin of the difference between fear and anxiety. Both are a result of danger but fear is due to external pressures where anxiety is due to internal pressures. It is easy for one to confuse the two. One might feel anxious when really they are scared and there misinterpertation of this feeling can actually highten the anxiety.
The second thing I wanted to look up more of on the internet was guilt. More specifically, guilt of people who have survived a tragic event that others did not survive. On I learned that the feeling of guilt comes from a feeling of wrongdoing. Surprisingly, guilt can be felt and not known to the person feeling it. Guilt can actually make someone physically ill and it is a term almost always associated with traumatic events.
Chapter 11 and 12 deal with emotions. The author tries to define emotions which are multidimensional. They exist as biological, social, and subjective phenomena. They are subjective feelings but also biological reactions, energy mobilizing responses. For instance, when people eat something that does not taste good, they make the face expression. Emotion could be an motivation and as a readout.Motivation- emotions can energize and direct behavior and readout- ongoing "readout" system to indicate how well or poorly personal adaptation is going.
Thus, what causes emotions? There are two processes: cognitive and biological. Cognitive process talks about feelings and sense of purpose, in turn , biological bodily arousal and social expressive. From biological perspective we have two primary emotions, anger and fear. A 3 week old infant can smile and 2 month old can express anger in respond to pain.
According to cognitive perspective, we have unlimited emotions. Emotion-generating process begins not with the event and not with one's biological reaction to it, but with the cognitive appraisal of its meaning.
There six basic emotions: fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy and interest. Four of them are negative and two positive that brings satisfaction and involvement. Yet, whether they are positive or negative they are all good because they protect us,like fear for example motivates defense, fight or flight response. Emotions help us coping functions, direct attention and behavior where its needed.
Emotions also have social functions, they communicate our feelings to others (when we smile, when we mad people notice that), influence how others interact with us, create and maintain relationships.
We need emotions in our lives because life is not easy, it is full of challenges, stresses, and problems and emotions help us to solve the problems. Emotions affect they way we think, behave, and feel. Emotions are different from every day mood. Mood can change withing a second, emotions last longer.
Chapter 12 deals more about biological aspect of emotions such as autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, neural brain, facial feedback. The author gives the example of facial expressions for five emotions, how our face changes when we feel angry, disgust, distress, joyful, or scared.
In a social and cultural analysis of emotions, other people are richer sources of emotional experiences. When we socially interact we can often catch people's emotions.
The topic I decided to research on is differences between mood and emotions. According to this article mood usually last longer than emotions. Mood can last the whole day, while emotions is the expression, for example when you are angry you express this emotion for couple minutes, hours, then you cool down and might be still be in a "angry" mood but the expression of anger went away. Also, mood is something that person may not express while emotions maybe expressed. Mood can change without any particular reasons, yet emotion does. Emotions are more extreme than mood.
According to another article mood is the way to generalize how someone is feeling without actually naming the specific emotion. Your mood is the stage of emotions, ti can cover all spectrum of the emotional scale.It is more easily to name the mood than emotions.
Chapter 11 is all about the emotions. There are five central questions to understanding the nature of emotion. The first question is “What is an emotion?” The next questions are, “what causes an emotion?”, “How many emotions are there?” What good are the emotions?” and the last question is “what is the difference between emotion and mood?” Emotions are multidimensional. The four emotion dimensions are feelings, bodily arousal, sense of purpose, and social expressive. Emotions can serve as a primary motivation or as a readout to how good or bad things are going. There are two perspectives about emotions: biological and cognitive. The biological perspective says that there is a limited number of emotions that a person experiences. The cognitive perspective believes that there are many complex emotions that are different from one another. The basic emotions in this chapter include fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest.
Chapter 12 is more about the biological and cognitive perspectives of emotions. It also talks about the social and cultural aspects. Emotions energize and direct bodily actions by affecting the autonomic nervous system and its regulation of the heart, lungs, and muscles and the endocrine system and its regulation of glands, hormones, and organs and also the neural brain circuits such as those in the limbic system, the rate of neural firing and therefore the pace of information processing and finally the facial feedback and discrete patters of the facial musculature.
I decide to research more on facial expressions. I found these two articles. One talks about how facial expressions are actually inheritable. Emotions are very easily transferred from one to another. If you’re talking to someone who is angry then you will likely be angry as well. If someone is in a great mood that will transfer to you while you are near them.
In chapter 11, it speaks more about the topic of ‘what is an emotion?’ Emotions are as simply defined or simply put as we all first think. There is actually a lot more that goes into emotions and this chapter discusses that. Discussing the five reoccurring questions that go into defining and understanding emotion 1- What is emotion? 2- What causes an emotion? 3- How many emotions are there? 4- What good are the emotions? 5- What is the difference between emotion and mood? Those are the questions that have stemmed the research that individuals have done. But there’s much more to emotion then just answering these questions, but first what exactly is emotion? Emotions are a mix of feelings; subjective experiences, bodily arousal, social expression/ facial expression, and have a sense of purpose or directed motivational behavior. So the gist is, emotions are short-lived, feeling-arousal-purposeful-expressive phenomena that help us adapt to the opportunities and challenges we face during important life events. There are too purposed perspectives, Biological and Cognitive Perspective, each with a few on and within that perspective, the emphasis of emotions differs. In chapter 11, there is also the social function of emotions. Emotions communicate our feelings towards others, influences how other interact with us, invites and facilitates social interaction, as well as creates, maintains and dissolves relationships. Which leads into the understanding of what a mood is rather then an emotion. A mood is ill defined process; it influences what you think and what about, longer lasting that emanates from a long-lived event of mental nature.
Chapter 12, discuses more of the aspects of emotions rather then what an emotion actually is. The clear focus was the three aspects of emotion; the aspects being, biological, cognitive and social-cultural. The biological pertains to the biological reactions to important life events, and their emotional-related reactions to those events. As much as emotions are rooted in biological reactions there are found to be cognitive responses of emotions that apply as well. The central aspect in cognitive understanding of emotions is appraisal; appraisal being an estimate of a personal significance of an event. The social-cultural aspects tributes to the social understanding of emotion, implying the sociocultural context one lives in contributes to a cultural understand of emotions. As that cultural might change, those that study this aspect of emotion believe you’re emotional repertoire would change as well. All these things go into emotion, all these aspects make up what emotion is, and causes in us.
The topic of interest I found in Chapter 12 was emotional contagion. Emotional contagion is the tendency to automatically mimic and synchronize expressions, vocalizations, postures, and movements with those of another person and consequently to converge emotionally. I found it very interesting and most specifically when applied to myself. Back home, my group of and I are rather unique and rather proud of it. When we get together, we are very often expressive and vocal in our interactions. It was recently appointed to me by my mother that this occurred; sometimes even thinking about my friends I get the rush of excitement. But I had never really knew that it was an actual psychological term for emotions. So when I read in chapter 12 it peeked my interest and I chose to look into it a bit more, learning where its more commonly applied that its mostly used in non-verbal communication but that it isn’t always the case. Another article I read, reminded me of the many times I have been to Disney World, remembering back I can associate myself with those times and the emotions of others. Just watching the crowd, children running and jumping eager to get on a ride, and seeing the smiles and laughter on people’s faces makes a person that much more excited or happy. It sort of brings to mind that emotions are rather addictive, positive emotions more specifically.
Chapters 11 and 12 discuss emotions and different aspects of them.
Chapter 11 begins by addressing the five central questions designed to help understand emotion. First being what is emotion which the books answers calling emotions have four parts to them: feeling (give emotions subjective component that has personal meaning), arousal (biological activity), purpose (goal-directed sense of motivation to take action), and expression (social component of facial expressions). The second question is what causes emotions. This raised the question of whether emotion is primarily biological (arising from bodily influences) or cognitive (arising from mental events such as appraisals). Both perspectives have mountains of supporting evidence and they both accept that they do work together to a degree. Third question is how many emotions are there. From a biological perspective there is somewhere between 2 and 10 basic emotions depending on who you are asking that occur due to neural firing and other systems in the body. Cognitive perspective believe in a limitless amount of secondary emotions that one will gain through personal experiences, histories, socialization influences and cultural rules. However, six emotions that mostly every list acknowledges are: fear, joy, interest, anger, disgust, sadness. What good are emotions is the fourth question. Emotions are seen as biological reactions that help us adapt. This means that they help us cope with life's task and are goal-directed aka helps with motivation. Final question is what is the difference between mood and emotion. Emotions arise in response to a specific event and motivate behaviors. They are also short lived. Moods, on the other hand, arise from sources they are hard to define. They tend to be long lived and affect cognitive processes.
Chapter 12 discusses three central aspects of emotion: biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. Biological analysis is important because emotions are biological reactions to life events. They serve as coping functions and energize and direct bodily actions by affecting bodily systems such as the ANS, the endocrine system, limbic system, neural firing rate, and facial feedback. The chapter goes on to talk about how ten different emotions show patterns in how the body response to them. It also talks about the facial feedback hypothesis where it puts a lot of stock in how fast your face reacts in response to emotions. There is a lot of mixed research on the subject. On the cognitive side, appraisal is the central construct. There are two types of appraisal: primary (evaluates where or not anything important is at stake) and secondary (occurs after some reflection and decides how to cope with the situation). Emotion is embedded in cognition through emotion knowledge (learning distinctions among basic emotions and when they are appropriate) and attributions (explain when and why people experience positive or negative outcomes). Social-cultural states that interaction with people is the greatest source of emotional experience.
Something that interested me was the distinction between moods and emotions. Mostly because I suffer from Bipolar II disorder and I really don't understand it as well as I would like to and since it is a mood disorder it is walking this line. One website said that moods are longer and can't be expressed by emotions can be expressed and are shorter spurts. It claims that moods are hard to explain because they seem to have to birthing point unlike an emotion that has a reason for occurrence. The other link I found was too a scholarly article that talks about research that was done on mood disturbed people in order to see whether emotion and mood had a cause effect relationship.
These chapters discuss what constitutes an emotion. An emotion has four features; feeling, arousal purpose and expression. They are caused by a significant situational event that then leads to a cognitive or behavior process and back to the four features. The basic emotions include; fear, anger, disgust, sadness, interest and joy. The negative emotions are what we feel when we feel threatened or harmed and the positive emotions are experienced when we have involvement and satisfaction. Emotions can serve as a coping mechanism and also as a social function. We can form bonds with others by communicating our feelings and facilitate social interactions. They also influence how others interact with us. By being in a good mood, we have prosocial behavior, more creative, have decision making efficiency, sociability and persist even if we fail. We have emotions so they can serve as solutions to challenges, stresses and problems. An emotion emerges from significant life situations that emanate from short lived events. In contrast, a mood emerges from processes that are ill defined and unknown and emanate from mental events and are more enduring. Biological, cognitive and social cultural also come into play with emotion. Biological reactions are important with life events and affect many systems within the body. The cognitive aspect deals with appraisal that regulate the emotion process. The primary appraisal evaluates if anything is at stake in a certain situation. Secondary appraisal occurs after reflection and revolves around one’s ability to cope. These theorists believe a person showing their appraisals in an emotional episode will yield a prediction of emotion. Social and cultural aspects also come into play. Our mood can be determined by other’s moods and we also share our emotions with others. There are things that are ‘culturally acceptable’ that socializes its members to experience and express emotions in a particular way. For example, in our society it is not acceptable for men to cry. Personal experience suggests we experience an emotion and our felt emotions are followed by bodily changes. The differential emotions serve unique and different motivational purposes. There are then emotions that constitute the principal motivation system. There is a unique feeling in that each emotion has its own subjective quality. There is unique expression in that each emotion has its own facial expression patter. Each emotion also has its own specific rate of neural firing that activates that particular emotion. Different emotions also generate distinctive motivational properties and serve adaptive functions. The facial feedback hypothesis explains that emotions are “sets of muscle and glandular responses located in the face” and also suggests that facial expressions are innate.
We talked in class today about the affects that smiling can have on ourselves as well as others. As a person who works in customer service, I smile almost all the time. It is a pet peeve of mine to see an employee at any store I’m shopping in and in the most depressing mood, therefore I aim to smile at everyone. I looked up the benefits of smiling on It tells us that smiling helps us stay positive, changes our mood, brings happiness, boosts the immune system, reduces stress and blood pressure, releases endorphins, brings us confidence and makes us look younger and more attractive. I have also learned from previous classes that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, so why not do it? Going off the smiling topic more, I looked up the benefits smiling has when communicating with the elderly. Many people have the stereotypes that the elderly are grumpy and hate their lives. However, most are the complete opposite. They tend to put a smile on my face with their old sayings and stories. I hope to work with the elderly who have suffered from a stroke and most likely will not have the ability to speak. I believe that smiling is a universal sign that we will both understand when a client can not express their feelings. Their facial expressions will also aid me in knowing their feelings when they are unable to communicate. In addition to facial expressions, and smiling the website shows many various types of nonverbal communication that can reflect feelings
Emotion is described as a multidimentional process with no singular definition. The four main components that make it up (feeling, arousal, social-expressive, and purposive) work together to form emotions that differ between people. An emotion is a short-lived response to a significant life event that includes each of the four components working together. Emotions can work to motivate and direct behavior. One theory suggests the emotion is the driving force to action and is the primary motivation in humans instead of physiological needs. They suggest that the emotion felt as part of some state is what drives us to act, not the actual state itself. I find that a very interesting concept as we discussed lack of oxygen in my abnormal psych class recently as an arousing fetish like state. In our book, it discusses the need for oxygen and having that cut off leading to terror or fear and thus seeking a way to increase the oxygen flow. With people who do not feel that fear, those who feel arousal at the deprivation of oxygen, there is no motivation to reduce the constriction. That emotion occurring after oxygen deprivation is what changes in the two examples and would seem to agree with emotion being the primary motivation.
Emotion is also a way to assess personal adaptation. If during a motivated action, some emotion occurs, it will either increase or decrease that action based on what it tells a person about their behavior. A positive emotion shows them their action is adaptive or good in some way while a negative emotion indicates some sort of bad behavior and will typically halt action. There is much discussion about whether emotions are primarily caused by cognition or biology but the two-systems view incorporates both into a more highly adaptive model that relies on both our unconscious and conscious reactions to form emotion. In the James-Lange Theory, he states that the biological comes before the emotional and each emotion has its own specific physiological triggers that occur before there is any time for cognition. If our bodies did not have some reaction, James states there would be no emotional connection to the stimulus. Critics proposed that emotion occurs before any physiological reaction has time to activate and that the arousal experienced was not different between many emotions. His theory has been largely disproved, it is more accepted that physiological response does not directly cause emotion, simply supporting behavioral response.
The number of emotions is not agreed upon between the two groups or even between researchers on the same side. The biological side tends to keep the number low between 2 and 10 while the cognitive side believes the number to be much higher because each physiological response has many associated potential emotions based upon the situation and an individuals’ assessment of it. The basic emotions that are outlined in the book include fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. The basic emotions are very general and can be expanded into large families with more specificity. They are unlearned, similar for everyone, distinctive via facial expression, and have a response that is physiologically predictable.
Emotions have many potential uses including coping with life’s many challenges by preparing our bodies to respond in the proper way. Emotions in such a context are always helpful, even when upsetting. They can also help us socially by communicating with others, influencing interactions, inviting interaction, and moderating relationships. Their use to us and the “why” we have them are very similar. They help us cope, so we use them as such and that’s at least in part, what they’re there for. Emotions help us evaluate situations and react accordingly although some would argue that they have no uses. The argument that emotion is unnecessary is based upon past need and an evolution into reason for humans as we are no longer threatened in ways we were in the past so emotion is now obsolete.
The typical layman’s description of emotion is what the book describes as mood. A mood may be positive or negative (which are not opposites) and in some form lasts the entire day with brief emotion incidents that do not greatly affect its normal cycle. Many terms we use to describe mood can be mistaken for emotions on their own. In chapter 12, the book uses the differential emotions theory to distinguish 10 separate emotions that serve varied purposes. Not included are things that could be considered mood, such as irritation.
I was interested in the facial feedback hypothesis (emotion via recognition of facial affect) as discussed in chapter 12 and recognition of emotion based upon facial expressions. Another question that is posed in the chapter is can we cause changes in our emotions? I have heard people say things along the line of, smile and you’ll make yourself feel better when down. One really basic site I found gave facial expressions approximately 6 or 7 categories that coincide with the ones described most in the chapters we read. They were surprise, disgust, fear, anger, happiness, and sadness. They talk about those emotions and how others are possible but the ones listed are the ones that can reliably be identified across cultures and are fairly consistent in appearance. Another article I read said, essentially, that facial expression alone could not predict mood, people have emotion and sometimes no facial expression registers at all. Facial expressions are not the only indicator of underlying emotion and are not a reliable source of information when studying emotion. A facial expression itself does not cause emotion, it is a much more complex process.
Emotions are multidimensional and short lived . The four components of an emotion are feelings, bodily arousal, sense of purpose, and social expressive. The feelings component of an emotion deals with our experience and cognition about a significant life event. Bodily arousal focuses on our physiological responses to a significant event, which regulates our body’s adaptive coping behavior during emotion. An example of a bodily arousal would be an increased heart rate and adrenaline when angry. The sense of purpose component gives goal directed character to our emotions, allowing for coping action to begin. The social expressive aspect describes how we communicate our emotion. Examples of the social expression of an emotion are posture, facial expression, and vocalizations.
Emotions are causes by cognitive and biological processes that activate the four components. Those who are in favor of the cognitive approach believe that individuals could not respond emotionally unless they first cognitively appraised the meaning and significance of an event. In other words, the appraisal of meaning causes emotion. A cognitive perspective states that humans experience a greater number of emotions than just the basic primary emotions. A cognitive approach recognizes that several emotions can arise from the same biological reaction. For example, raised blood pressure could be the basis for anger or fear. Those who are in favor of a biological approach cannot occur without a prior biological event. The biological perspective emphasizes primary emotions. The biological approach states that there are a small number of basic emotions, the basic emotions are universal, and basic emotions are products of biology and evolution. The two systems view states that both cognition and biology cause emotion. Under the two system view, an individual has two systems that activate and regulate emotion. The physiological system reacts involuntarily to an emotional stimuli. The second system reacts socially and makes interpretations based on experience.
There are six mentioned basic emotions in the chapter: Fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. However, the number of emotions depends on the level of specificity. Basic emotions are defined by four components. The first condition is that basic emotions are innate, so they are not acquired through experience/socialization. The second component is that basic emotions arise from the same circumstances for all people. For example, fear is experienced by everyone when their life is threatened. The third aspect is that basic emotions are expressed uniquely and distinctively. The fourth component of basic emotions is that they evoke a distinctive and predictable physiological response. For example, you can predict that fear will cause an individual’s heart rate and perspiration to increase.
Emotions related to motivation because emotions energize and direct behavior, making emotions a type of motive. For example, fear energizes a fleeing behavior to achieve the goal of reaching safety during a threatening life event. Emotions energize and direct bodily functions by affecting the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, neural brain circuits, neural firing, and facial feedback. Emotions serve a coping function by energizing and directing behavior in adaptive ways to cope with major challenges and threats. Emotions also serve a social function by allowing us to communicate our feelings to others, influence how others interact with us, facilitate social interaction, and create/maintain/and dissolve relationships.
Emotion is many times perceived as having the same meaning as mood. However, emotion and mood are not the same. Emotions and mood have different causes. Emotions are causes by significant life events and appraisal of the event in terms of our well being. Mood is many times caused by unknown and poorly defined processes. Emotion and mood also have different action. Emotion influences our behavior and directs action. Mood influences cognition, directing what a person thinks about. Emotion and mood also have a different time course. Emotions are short lived and moods last for longer periods of time.
I decided to further research universal facial expressions. One article that I viewed identified eight universal emotions: fear, interest, sadness, disgust, shame, surprise, happiness, and anger. The article mentioned that although certain emotions can be accurately identified universally, the interpretation of the emotion intensity varies across cultures. The article states that in cultures where strong emotions are looked down upon, individual’s typically rate facial expressions of emotions less intensely. The article goes on to state that individuals who do well interpreting facial expressions are able to tell friends from enemies, allowing them to live longer. After reading the article I found a website where you can test your facial expression recognition skills.
Chapters 11 & 12 discussed the definition, different aspects of emotions, as well as how emotion contributes as a motivating factor in our lives. Emotion is a very dynamic, complex process which is a fundamental part of motivation. It has a bodily component, facial component, and feeling components which encourage and discourage certain behaviors. Emotion energizes and directs behavior and provides information on how well or poorly we are adapting to a situation or environment, as well as information on what behaviors can be anticipated. Great discussion occurs on whether cognitive process precedes physiological processes or the opposite, and whether or not emotion can be manipulated. Several theories attempt to decipher cognitive vs. biological-first perspectives. Biological perspective acknowledges primary emotions while cognitive perspective acknowledges primary emotions as well as complex, secondary, and acquired emotions. Basic emotions include fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. All seem to have evolutionary purposes for survival. Negative emotions are evolutionarily helpful to threat and harm, and positive emotions to motivate involvement and satisfaction. So emotions are useful to cope, communicate, and prompt social interactions. Emotions stem from different stimulus and serve many unique functions. Social functions include communicating feelings, influencing how others interact, inviting and facilitating interactions, and creating, maintaining, or dissolving relationships. Although many understand emotion and mood to be the same thing, they are actually very different. Emotion influences behavior and action and stems from short-lived events while moods stem from rather ill-defined processes and affect cognition more than behavior. These central aspects of emotion include biological, cognitive, and social-cultural aspects. The facial feedback hypothesis says that the subjective aspect of emotion stems from feelings engendered by movements of the facial musculature, changes in facial temperature, and changes in glandular activity in the facial skin. I was interested in learning more about the facial feedback hypothesis, and the first website I found discussed a study where distinct facial muscles were paralyzed, taking away the individual’s ability to frown. The researchers wanted to find the connection, if any, between the ability to display emotion and the cognitive ability to comprehend language. What they found was a significant time decrease in the ability to read and comprehend sentences that were particularly sad or angry, yet found no decrease in comprehension speed of happier sentences. This study shows there may be a connection between comprehending language and the ability to make facial expressions.
Another very interesting article I found discussed a study where participants viewed pictures of men and women making either angry faces or happy faces. What was interesting was, when participants viewed a woman with the same angry face as the man, they were perceived to be more angry than the men, and when they were making the same happy face as the man they were perceived to be less happy than the man. I think this shows a great example of how cultural-stereotypes play a role in emotion-detection.
Chapter 11 describes emotion as having four-parts which include dimensions of feeling, arousal, purpose, and expression. Feeling gives emotions a personal meaning, arousal includes biological activity like hear rate, purposive gives emotion a goal-directed sense of motivation to take a specific course of action, and expression is emotions social component which gives emotion its communicative aspect such as through facial expressions. Emotions are both a cognitive and biological phenomenon. There are between two and ten basic emotions that we have. The six emotions that most people agree on being the basic emotions that humans have include: fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. Emotions serve a purpose. Emotions evolved as biological reactions that helped us adapt successfully to fundamental life tasks, such as facing a threat. Emotions that arise during an important life task serve a goal-directed purpose that has coping and social purposes. Without our emotions we would not survive effectively. There is a difference between emotion and mood. Emotions arise in response to a specific event, motivate specific adaptive behaviors, and are short-lived. Moods arise from ill-defined sources, affect cognitive processes, and are long-lived.
Chapter 12 states that there are three aspects of emotion: biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. The biological aspect of emotions include the autonomic nervous system (heart, lungs, and muscles), the endocrine system (glands and hormones), the neural brain circuits (limbic structures such as the amygdala), the rate of neural firing (pace of information processing and neural activity), and facial feedback, which is how the body prepares itself to cope effectively when faced a situation of personal significance like a threat. The activation and maintenance of about 10 different emotions can be understood from a biological perspective: interest, joy, fear, anger, disgust, distress, contempt, shame, guilt, and surprise. Appraisal is the central construct in a cognitive understanding of emotion. There are two types of appraisal: primary and secondary. Primary appraisal evaluates whether or not anything important is at stake in a situation. Secondary appraisal occurs after some reflection and revolves around an assessment of how to cope with potential benefit, harm, or threat. The social-cultural aspect of emotion is where other people are our richest sources of emotional experiences. This is where we express our feelings to others in specific ways, and catch others emotions from feedback and mimicry.
I was interested in the section of chapter 12 that talked about managing emotions. The first article I found discusses how doctors learn how to control their emotions. Researchers at the University of Chicago indicate that doctors activate a part of their brain that controls emotions during encounters with patients. The next article I found discusses emotion regulation. Some jobs require you to modify your emotions and expressions, such as waitresses, nurses, actors, and doctors. People in such professions must be able to manage their emotions so that they are consistent with organizational or occupational display rules, regardless of whether or not they match our internal feelings. I am sure most of us have experienced this without even realizing what we were doing.
Chapters 11 and 12 are all about emotion. Chapter 11 talked in depth about the background on emotion. Chapter 12 talked about the cognitive, biological, and social aspects of emotion. Chapter 11 starts out by stating what emotion is. Emotion is having certain feelings, bodily arousal, social expressiveness, and a sense of purpose. Feelings involve a subjective experience, phenomenological awareness, and cognition. Bodily arousal refers to the motor responses we use. Social experience is the facial/vocal expressions used and social communication. A sense of purpose evolves from emotion and gives a goal directed motivated state. Emotion can encourage or discourage a particular behavior. Emotions are one type of motive that energizes and directs our everyday behavior. This then shows how well or poorly personal adaptation is going. Smiling is a type of contagious reaction that occurs. A person can communicate information by smiling to other people. This then can give another person a good emotion just by that brief gesture. Causing an emotion comes from a significant situational event that then goes into the cognitive or biological processes which then create one of the four other attributes discusses above.
Emotions in the biological perspective emphasize primary emotions like anger and fear. The cognitive perspective acknowledges the importance of the primary emotions as well as the stress complex emotions. The basic emotions consist of fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. There are many more negative emotions than positive emotions because it goes back to evolutionary psychology to help us stay alive. Negative emotions warn us that there may be threat or harm involved while positive emotions motivate us to stay involved and give us satisfaction. There can also be a readout message involved in negative emotions. For instance, if someone is sad the readout message can be presented to another person to go help that person out. Emotions create a stimulus situation which then creates an emotional behavior which leads lastly to the function that occurs. If the emotion is disgust then the stimulus situation may be a gruesome object. That gruesome object would lead to an emotional behavior like vomiting or running away, which leads finally to reject that object.
Emotions in social functions communicate feelings to others, influence how others interact with us, invite and facilitate social interaction; and create, maintain, and dissolve relationships. This means emotions are used to get in and out of relationships between peers and intimate relationships. I found this very interesting because emotions really do provide us help to get out of relationships. When anger or sadness is present then it helps end the relationship. Although emotions help with these types of situations, emotions are short lived. Emotions are the initial and significant stimulus in the environment that influences behavior. Moods influence how we think and what we think about. They are direct cognitive activity and are long lasting. If someone gives us a sad emotion then we may possibly be in a bad mood the rest of the day. If we are in a bad mood we can even get in a worse mood because we are then thinking about more unpleasant thoughts that keep bringing us down.
Chapter 12 talks about the three central aspects of emotion (biological, cognitive, and social-cultural). The social cultural aspect is where something is socially acceptable or not. An example to that would be at a funeral someone obviously dies and then there is someone attending the funeral who laughs. This would not be a socially acceptable thing to do anywhere in the world. People would think that the other person is crazy. This chapter also talks about gender specific roles: this can include women being more accepted to cry at work whereas men are not.
The two websites I found were scholarly articles over the differential emotions theory. This talks about face to face interactions. Even in infancy the differential emotions theory can be found. It states that even in infants discrete emotional states are experienced.
Terms: readout, biological aspects of emotion, cognitive aspects of emotions, social aspects of emotions, contagion, positive affect, emotion, mood, social functions, coping functions, fear, anger, disgust, joy, interest, motivation,
Chapter 11 deals with the five questions related to emotions. Specifically, what is an emotion, what causes emotion, how many emotions are there, what good are emotions, and what is the difference between emotion and mood. Am emotion is a four part system that deals with feeling, arousal, purpose, and expressions. Emotion has been debated to be either a biological or cognitive response, and both have evidence to support their position. The answer to how many emotions are there depends on the perspective. From a biological stand point there are about 2-10 basic emotions. According to a cognitive perspective there are an almost limitless number of secondary emotions that occur through personal experience. In class we talked about how the biological perspective could be thought of as the primary colors and the cognitive perspective could be thought of as all the colors in a crayon box. The fourth question addresses what good are emotions. Emotions do serve a purpose, occur during an important life task, is goal directed, and has coping and social purposes. If we didn’t have emotions people would function poorly in the social and physical environments. The final questions address the difference between an emotion and mood. Emotions occur in response to a significant life event, influence behavior/action, and are short lived (like less than 3 seconds). A mood is in response to an ill-defined source, influences what you think about, is long-lived mental events, and tap into memory as good or bad. People who feel good have happy thoughts, positive memories, and prosocial behavior, are creative, have decision-making efficiency, are more social, and persist in spite of failure.
Chapter 12 discussed the different aspects of emotion such as biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. The biological aspects of emotion serve as coping functions and allow the person to adapt to life events. Emotions energize actions via the automatic nervous system, endocrine system, neural brain, the neural firing and processing, and by facial feedback. From a biological stand point there are about 10 different emotions: interest, joy, fear, anger, disgust, distress, contempt, shame, guilt, and surprise. The facial feedback hypothesis appears in two forms, weak and strong. The strong version poses specific facial features such as smiling with joy. The weak version is associated with exaggerated and suppressed facial expressions. The cognitive understanding of emotion is appraisal; there is primary and secondary which regulate the emotion process. Primary appraisal evaluates whether something is at risk in a situation and secondary appraisal occurs after, offers reflection and assessment of how to cope with a potential threat. Emotion is also embedded in cognition through emotion knowledge and attributions. The knowledge part involves learning distinctions and what situation causes what emotions. Attributional focuses on the post-outcome and explains when and why. From a social and cultural stand point of emotion other people are our greatest source of emotional experiences. This can be seen through mimicry, feedback, and ultimately contagion as we “catch” other people’s emotions. We also socially share emotions through experiences and during conversations with others.
I researched facial expressions and emotion. I found an article that stated that facial expressions are innate and not learned. The study was conducted on blind athletes and sighted athletes and it found that both individuals showed the same facial expressions when loosing or winning. This study gives new light into how humans regulate and manage displays of emotion in a social context, suggesting that regulation of emotion is not learned through observations.
I also wanted to look more into the positive effects that facial expressions can have, such as smiling. I found an article that listed 10 benefits of smiling. They were making one more attractive, changing ones mood, smiling is contagious, relieves stress, boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, releases endorphins, lifts the face and makes you look younger. I actually tried making eye contact and smiling at people when I left class today and I actually felt kind of good doing that and was surprised at how many people did make eye contact with me.
Chapter Eleven and Twelve deal with emotions, and the theories and definitions that support them as well as the role they serve in society over time.
The universal nature of facial expressions struck me as particularly interesting. It seems strange that there isn't more of an social impact resulting in a wide difference of expressions. There are a few differences in how the expressions are expressed but at the core they are the same.
I found a few articles that supported expressions not being universal, but within them it sounded as if it was more the fault of the interpretation then the expression. [1] It stated that east Asian people focus more on the eyes and are blind to cues of the mouth that cause the emotions to be tell-tale to Caucasians.
The implications of this study are interesting, but in the end the base expressions are the same even if the interpretations are not. It just seems that there's more to the actual construction of the expression than we noticed in the first place.
The study did have it's flaws.[2] I will say that the small population of the study definitely counts against it, probably the most strongly. It was my first problem with it. A claim as bold as this one requires great substantiation. If the study wants to be taken seriously, it'll require a lot more research, and probably also a significant portion of investigation into other cultures to make a successful refutation of universal emotions.
These two chapters focus on emotions, and how they relate to motivation. Emotion is defined as the choreographic feeling, arousal, purposive, and expressive components that form a reaction to an eliciting event. Emotions relate to motivation in two ways. 1) Emotions energize and direct behavior 2) Emotions serve as an ongoing system to indicate our performance and how our personal adaptation is going. Some researchers argue that emotions constitute the primary motivation system. Causes of the emotion experience stem from a significant situation event and then cognitive and biological processes direct towards feelings, sense of purpose, bodily arousal, and social-expressive.
The biological perspective states how infants respond emotionally to certain events despite their lack of cognitive abilities. In addition, the cognitive perspective states without cognitive processing, emotions disappear. The two-systems view on emotions states that: one system is an innate, spontaneous, physiological system reacts involuntarily to emotional stimuli. The second system is an experience based cognitive system that reacts interpretatively and socially.
Basic emotions in the textbook are defined as fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, interest, negative basic emotions: threat and harm, and positive basic emotions: motive involvement and satisfaction. Emotions serve coping functions such as 1) communicating our feelings to others 2) influencing how others interact with us 3) inviting and facilitating social interaction and 4) creating and maintaining relationships
Chapter 12 states how emotions are biological reactions to important events. It discussed the James-Lange theory which had two assumptions: 1) the body reacts uniquely to different emotion-eliciting events and 2) the body does not react to nonemotion-eliciting events In addition, the differential emotions theory states how our basic emotions serve different, motivational purposes while relates to the first assumption of the James-Lange theory.
Of the 80 facial muscles, only 36 are involved in facial expression. According to the textbook, anger, fear, disgust, distress, and joey are the most recognizable facial expressions of individuals. Chapter 12 discussed how appraisal is an estimate of the personal significance of an event. In addition, this chapter discussed the attribution theory which states that people want to explain why they experienced a particular outcome in their lives.
The topic that interested me was what was defined as the "basic emotions." Different theorists claim that there are primary emotions and secondary emotions. Along with the secondary emotions, come tertiary emotions that compliment the category. For instance, love is said to be a primary emotion, whereas lust is considered secondary. The tertiary emotions that correlate with lust are said to be adoration, affection, and attraction. Also, some theorists state that there are a wide range of basic emotions, while some state there are only one or two basic emotions. Theorists Weiner and Graham claimed that the two basic emotions we express are happiness and sadness. However, theorist Arnold stated that our basic emotions consist of: anger, aversion, courage, dejection, desire, despair, fear, hate, hope, love, sadness.
In addition, another article I found stated that the seven basic emotions are anger, fear, joy, contempt, disgust, sadness, and anger. These are identified as the basic emotions because they can be universally identified whereas an emotion such as shame cannot be defined.
Chapter 11 goes in to depth about the description of emotions. It answers five central questions in the study of emotions: What is an emotion? What causes an emotion? How many emotions are there? What good are the emotions? What is the difference between emotion and mood? Emotions are made up of feeling, arousal, purpose, and expression and are brought on by a significant life event. Emotions can serve as a motive that energizes and directs behavior and help to serve as an indication of how well or how poorly personal adaptation is going. Both cognitive and biological processes cause emotions, though there is a debate of how it all intertwines. There are between 2-10 basic/primary emotions (thought to be hard-wired in a person) and then a number of secondary emotions (that are learned from personal experiences, socialization influences, developmental histories, and cultural rules. Emotions serve a great purpose. They have coping functions (help us successfully adapt to important life tasks, like being threatened) and social functions (they help us to interact with others and create, maintain, or dissolve relationships. Lastly, emotions differ from mood in that emotions arise from short-lived events and influence behavior, whereas moods arise from long-lived mental events, often emerging from ill-defined processes, and influence how and what a person thinks about.
Chapter 12 goes further into the biological, cognitive, and social-cultural aspects of emotion. The biological aspect of emotions aids in coping by the preparation of oneself for life events. Emotions energize and direct bodily actions of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, neural circuits in the limbic system, rate of neural firing, and facial feedback & patterns of facial musculature. There are specific emotions that are connected with the workings of these systems. The cognitive aspect of emotions is based around appraisal, the regulation of the emotion process, but also include emotion knowledge and attributions. The social-cultural aspect of emotion revolves around our interactions/relationships with others. An individual can experience emotional contagion or relive emotional experiences while in conversation with others. Cultures socialize us on how and when to express and control our emotions.
I wanted to find out more about emotional contagion. I found out that the Mirror Neuron System (MNS), a network of brain cells, is what facilitates this phenomenon. Like a high-powered camera, the MNS records facial expressions, body language, pupil dilation, and vocal tones and will signal the same displays on you. So, if you want to be happier, hang out with happy people. The author does not suggest abandoning those who are unhappy people, but rather being understanding to them and trying to be their lit mirror of happiness. Another article, which was cited in the first website I found, discussed how this imitation starts from the age of a newborn, who can discriminate and imitate the facial expressions of a primary care-giver. So, if you want a happy baby, be happy, or at least show happy facial expressions!
Chapter eleven discusses the nature of emotion. An emotion originates when an important life event occurs. Emotion consists of four-parts that are feeling, bodily arousal, sense of purpose, and social expression. These characteristics work together to create an emotion. Emotion can be viewed as a motive or a readout. As a motive, emotion is energizes and directs behavior. On the other hand, emotion aiding as a readout indicates how well or how poorly an individual is doing in life. Many psychologists banter between two processes indicating what causues an emotion to take place. During the cognitive process, it is believe that a person must have a cognitively surveyed the situation in order to respond with an emotion. However, biological prospective states that the cognitive process does not need to take place in order for one to produce an emotional reaction. Cognitive perspective and biological differ in more than just where emotions stem. In the biological perspective, primary emotions are expressed as being the only emotions a person exerts. Conversely, secondary and complex emotions are just as important as the primary. Overall, people of these express a wide range of emotions. These emotions are broken down into six basic emotions that are seen throughout society. In these six basic emotions, an individual expresses negative emtions (threatinging or harmful) as well as positive emotions (motivate involvement and satisfaction). Fear, anger, disgust, and sadness are all negative emotions that we experience. Joy and intreats fulfill the positive emotions category. When these basic emotions are present, an individual experiences good emotions that allow one to exert coping functions and social functions. On the other hand, moods differ from emotion. Mood is a phenomenon that lasts for hours or days at a time, unlike emotions. Moods have three specific differences. Moods derive from process that are ill-defined and influences a person’s cognitive thought process. Moods can exert positive or negivite feelings. Positive feelings are benificial to someones everyday life by improving their creativity, decision-making efficiency, sociability and persistence.
Chapter 12 discusses the aspects of emotion and the theories associated with those aspects. There are three main concepts of aspects of emotion. Those are biological, cognitive, and social and cultural. Biological aspect of emotion identifies the body’s reaction to the emotion. Through an emotion, the body prepares itself to cope with that emotion by activiting the necessary body functions in order to cope with the emotion. Facial expressions also play a role in the biological aspect of emotion. Cognitive emotion conducts an important role in the emergence of emotions. During this, information processing, social interactions and cultural contexts direct the emotion in developing. One conducts an appraisal of the significant event which in turn causes an emotion. Without the apprasal period, an emotion will not occur. Social and cultural aspects of emotion also influence the understanding of emotion. An individual’s sociocultural environment and social interactions impacts the emotion. Some environments express emotions heavily, where others do not. This will influence an individual on their expression of emotion.
I love to smile, and I smile all the time. I really believe that putting on a smile not only brighten someone else’s day, if they don’t think you are creepy, and has a positive influence on your own. When we talked about how beneficial smiling is in class today, I decided to research more information about smiling. I found a very interesting article titled “10 Hidden Benefits to Smiling.” I was really surprised to read about all of them, actually. At first, they seem generic but reading the facts for them are surprising and really making you smile the next time around. The second article I found called “The Emotional & Physical Benefits Of Smiling.” These were more about the body’s reactions and positive effects it receives to smiles which were very interesting. I didn’t know you could improve your health just through a smile. It put a whole new perspective on smiling!
Chapter 11 and 12 focus on emotions and what and why they exist.
Chapter 11 focuses on the questions that are asked when the topic of the nature of emotions are discussed. An example of these questions are “what is an emotion”. Emotions are multidimensional, subjective and biological. Emotions have 4 dimensions to them that relate to each other to make up the emotion. These four dimensions are bodily arousal, social expression, sense of purpose and feelings. The next thing that is discussed in Chapter 11 is what causes an emotion. The chapter states that emotions come into plan when there is a significant event that triggers them. However, this chapter presents the viewpoints of biology and cognition theories. The difference between these two viewpoints is in which order does the situation and the emotion come. Such as which comes first, the chicken or the egg? Next, the chapter talks about how many emotions there are. Again there is the biological and cognitive perspective. The biological perspective states that humans have an unlimited amount of emotions. The cognitive perspective states that we have six basic emotions that are fear, anger, distrust, sadness, joy and interest. The last question that is asked is what good are emotions? The chapter answers this question by explaining that emotions help humans cope.
Chapter 12 strays away from the more general talk about emotions and gets into the details while adding information about social and cultural aspects. Again, chapter 12 points out the biological and cognitive perspective. The biological perspective of emotions says that neural activation and brain activity can explain the emotions we experience. This chapter states that biology explains how emotions are universal and can be recognized by facial expressions. Meaning, a facial expression in America, means the same thing in China. Facial expressions are formed when the various facial muscles move and contract. The chapter explains that emotions are easy to identify. The cognitive aspect focuses on the situation that they believe causes the emotion or appraisal. Appraisal can either be good or bad and lead to a liking or disliking emotion. The emotions then determines if a person approaches or avoids action. The social and cultural aspect of emotions show that emotions can be valued and interpreted different depending on the context where the emotion is expressed.
I decided to research more on the topic of emotions being universal. The research that I found supports the information in our textbook. I was not necessarily surprised by this. It was very interesting to read the different studies that researchers conducted to see if emotions are universal. The fact that two people cannot understand each other due to speaking different languages but they can understand their facial expressions is just very interesting to me. The second website I went to explained the six universal expressions. These six expressions include happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust. These six expressions match up to the information that is explained in our textbook.
Chapter 11 talks about emotion, and the five big questions surrounding emotion. These questions are A) What is an emotion? B) What causes emotions? C) How many emotions are there (six basic biological ones vs. unlimited number of cognitive ones) D) What good are the emotions (how to cope with different emotions, whether its fight or flight, cower away, reach out for help, etc) and E) What is the difference between emotion and mood (emotion is brief, comes from significant life events and influences our behavior, whereas mood is more of a long term chronic feeling that influences our thoughts).
Chapter 12 takes a more in depth look of emotion and its different biological aspects (different theories of emotion, facial feedback hypothesis, the testing of these theories, etc) and cognitive aspects (appraisal-the complexity of it and it’s attributions.) This chapter also divulges into the social and cultural aspects of emotion, how it helps us interact and manage our emotions.
I decided to look on the internet for more information on the different number of emotions, both biological and cognitive. The first site I looked at was pretty simple…it had lists of both the positive and negative emotions, but made the point that something as simple as “happy” can be broken down into more specific emotions depending on the experience (thrilled, ecstatic, overjoyed, etc). The second site I visited talked about the importance of emotions and why humans should even bother with dealing with them, especially the negative emotions. The article mentioned evolution in regards to negative emotions, which we discussed in class. I never knew really why we were given negative emotions, because it makes my world two times harder. But now I realize by looking at the evolution standpoint, it makes sense to me.
Chapter 11 and 12 main focus was emotions. Emotions are short-lived, feeling-arousal-purposive-expressive phenomena that help us adapt to the opportunities and challenges we face during important life events. When we encounter a significant life event emotion, an emotion comes to life, people’s mind (cognitive processes) and body (biological processes) react in adaptive ways. We have a basic set of emotions that we have adapted to use when times of need. Fear is the emotional reaction that arises from a person’s interpretation that the situation he or she faces dangerous and a threat to one’s well-being. Anger arises from restraint, as in the interpretation that one’s plans, goals, or well-being have been interfered with by some outside force. Disgust involves getting rid of or getting away from a contaminated, deteriorated, or spoiled object. Sadness is the most negative aversive emotion, and arises principally from experiences of separation or failure. Joy include desirable outcomes—success at a task, personal achievement, progress toward a goal, getting what we want, gaining respect, receiving love or affection, receiving a pleasant surprise, or experiencing pleasurable sensation. Interest is the day to day shifting from events, thoughts, or action to another.
There are three aspects of emotions that we have categorized, which are biological, cognitive, social and cultural. Biological aspect is an also a part of emotions that are reactions to important life events. Facing a situation of personal significance the body prepares itself to cope effectively activating the following (1) heart, lungs, and muscles (autonomic nervous system), (2) glands and hormones (endocrine system), (3) limbic brain structures such as the amygdala (neural brain circuits); (4) neural activity and the pace of information processing(rate of neural firing); and (5) discrete patterns of the facial musculature (facial feedback). Emotions do emerge from biological processes. But they also emerge from information processing social, cultural contexts. As appraisal contributes to a cognitive understanding of emotion, social interaction contributes to a social understanding of emotion.
In my first article it explains on how the intellect and decision-making relies a lot on a person’s emotion. So, they scanned brains and put people into different situations and would look for activity in the brain with certain emotions to what areas are activated. For instance they were measuring the activities of people gambling and the brain images revealed the amygdala, a neural region that processes strong negative emotions such as fear, fired up vigorously in response to each two-second (on average) gambling decision. The brain stores emotional memories of past decisions, and those are what drive people's choices in life.
My second was how happier people live longer and happier lives. People with higher life satisfaction, optimism, and positive emotions, causes better health and longevity. Moods and emotions are biological markers such as blood pressure, cortisol, and inflammation. Pessimists have higher blood pressure and anger/hostility we’re related with cardiovascular disease, but also disease progression and inflammation. Positive emotions were related to lower pain and greater tolerance for pain, and patients suffering from fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis reported less pain with positive mood induction.
Chapter 11 essentially deals with what is emotion. It answers five critical questions when thinking of emotion. The first is “what is emotion?” It tells the readers that there are four parts to emotion: Feeling, arousal, purpose, and social expression. Feelings give emotion personal meaning. Arousal includes physical or biological actions that your body subconsciously undertakes such as a quickened heart pace or pulse. Purpose creates a sense of motivation, which in turn, energizes and directs behavior. This is generally goal-oriented. Social expression is the facial expressions given when a person is experiencing a certain emotion.
The second question addressed by the textbook is “what causes emotion?” There is an ongoing debate between a biological or cognitive cause. Proponents of the biological cause for emotion state that emotions “arise from bodily influences such as neural pathways in the brain’s limbic system.” The cognitive prospective believes emotions arise from appraisals of life events and the personal meaning behind each and every event.
The third question asks “how many emotions are there?” Again, there is a difference is position. The biological position is that there is no more than ten, but no less than two basic emotions, from which all other emotions are derived. The cognitive belief is that “human beings possess a richer, more diverse emotional repertoire than just the basic emotions.”
Fourth, the textbook answers the question of “what good are emotions?” It states that emotions serve a purpose, which is to keep us alive (from a biological perspective). Fear keeps us safe, sadness teaches us to connect with others, disgust protects us from poison and disease, and so on and so forth.
The fifth point explains the different between emotion and mood. An emotion is a reaction to a specific occurrence and generates motivations. They are therefore, generally, rather short lived. Moods, in turn, can be positive or negative and are ill-defined. They also last longer and can greatly the clarity of the mind.
Chapter 12 primarily deals with the aspects of emotion, of which there are three central ones: biological, cognitive, and social cultural. The biological aspect is to help the individual with life, for mamy of the reasons that was stated for the use of emotions previously. For example, helps us to run or to fight or to avoid something. As mentioned earlier, the cognitive aspects of emotion revolves around appraisal, both primary and secondary, which serves to determine if anything important or deemed worthy is at risk at a specific event. The social and cultural aspect discusses how “other people are our richest sources of emotional experiences.”
I decided to research this last aspect of emotion more in depth. One website intrigued me right away, entitled “How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions,” it can be found at's-Emotions. The article discusses how not to absorb other’s emotions, as stated by the title. It addresses prevalent emotions in a crowd and emotions of your close, intimate friends. I understand where they author is coming from, but there are some things with which I disagree. First and foremost, while I understand the need to not drown in the negative emotions of others, their emotions can sharpen your sense of morality and your clarify your definition of right and wrong. Granted, the article does not state to completely ignore the emotions of others, but it fails to address there is a very thin, very fine line between the two. I also vehemently, most emphatically disagree with the statement that “the intimacy of close relationships can feel like suffocation or loss of your own self.” The acknowledgement and understanding of a friend’s emotions can only go so far in helping them. True empathy is the feeling of the actual emotion felt by a loved one, at least in my humble, uneducated opinion. Granted, there is some loss of self, but that is the beauty with intimate relationships.
The following website,, stresses the importance of emotional intelligence, stating that even those with high IQ’s need to understand their own emotions and other’s emotions to truly be successful in this world. Daniel Goleman summed it up quite well in my opinion, “If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.”
Chapter 11 and 12 focus on the nature and aspects of emotion. Emotion, as described by the book, is as much a subjective feeling as it is a biological reaction, energy-mobilizing response that prepares the body for adapting to whatever situation it faces. There are different cognitive and biological causes for emotion and there are a few basic emotions that we are aware of. The basic emotions we know are: Fear, Anger, Disgust, Sadness, (Basic Negative Emotions: Threat and Harm), Joy, Interest, and (Basic Positive Emotions: Involvement and Satisfaction). Emotions can be used as coping and social functions and are evolutionarily designed to help us survive. Emotions differ from moods in that they are very quick, response-like feelings whereas moods last for an extended period of time.
One theory about emotion argues that the body reacts uniquely to different emotion-eliciting events and that the body does not react to nonemotion-eliciting events.(Reeve 2009)Another states that there are ten emotions that constitute the principal motivation system for humans, each emotion has unique quality, each emotion elicits unique facial expression,each emotion has specific neural firing, and each has unique purpose/motivation. (Reeve 2009) One theory states the the face has specific reactions and muscle movements that fire in unique responses to each emotion. In order to determine how significant an event is and which body systems to activate, the body needs to appraise each situation. We first perceive something, then we appraise it, then we feel the emotion and finally act.
One thing I looked at was an article about facial expressions. It was trying to find out if emotional facial expressions were really reactional and unconsciously controlled. They did a study where participants were unconsciously exposed to different emotional facial expressions. They found that even though they were not consciously viewing the faces, their own facial muscles were firing almost mimicking the emotional facial expressions.
Here are some examples of emotional facial expressions:
Chapter 11 and 12 are both all about emotions. Chapter 11 focuses on what emotion is while chapter 12 focuses more on the three central aspects of emotion. Emotion consists of cognitive based feelings, body arousal, social expressiveness, and a sense of purpose. An example of an emotion is if you were just told you won the lottery; you would feel a rush of happiness, your heart would start beating rapidly because it was unexpected, you would instantly get a huge smile on your face, and you would hurry to go pick up the money you won. Emotion is short-lived and emerges from a significant life event; it influences a person’s behavior. Emotion is a lot of the time mistaken from mood, but mood is the state of cognition you are in. Mood is long-lasting, and directs a person to think about a situation. An emotion like sadness can lead to your mood being depressive, but mood and emotion are two different variables. Researchers still debate on whether emotion is biological or cognitive. Theorists with a biological perspective believe that emotions come from bodily influences and theorists with a cognitive perspective think that emotion comes from mental events. There are many psychologists who think that emotion comes from both the biological and cognitive perspective. Biological and cognitive theorists on emotion also have a different perspective on how many emotions a person has. From the biological perspective, people have 2-10 basic emotions. Then from a cognitive perspective, people have an unlimited amount of emotions because emotions are complex. Some psychologists also believe that a person has 6 basic emotions; fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. Fear, anger, disgust, and sadness are all thought to be negative emotions, but it is these negative emotions that keep us alive and stay away from harm or threat. Joy and interest are positive emotions and they motivate us to stay involved and give us curiosity to try new things.
The three central aspects of emotion that are talked about in chapter 12 are biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. The biological aspect is how the body reacts to life events. Because of the biological reaction; a person is better able to adapt to the environment they are in. Emotions serve as energizers to the body’s action potentials. The cognitive aspect is the emotions appraisal. Appraisal then divided up into two different divisions; primary and secondary. Primary appraisal evaluates the importance of the situation and the secondary appraisal asses how to cope after reflection of emotion. Then the social-cultural aspect of emotion is learning what emotions are “social acceptable” in certain situations.
When I read about the social-cultural aspect of emotions, I began to think about what emotions are “social acceptable” to display in our culture that wouldn’t be in another. So, I looked up cultural differences in displaying emotions. One research that I found discussed how some cultures try to have total control over their facial expressions while other cultures don’t. Russians were found to have the most control over their facial expressions and Americans were found to have the least amount of control. It was also found that in “collectivist” cultures, not many emotions were socially acceptable to display. It is okay to display more types of emotions in “individualist” cultures. Then I found a website that talked more about the differences of expression of emotions in “collectivist” vs. “individualistic” cultures. Because collectivist cultures are based on relationships with one another, it is also assumed that everyone goes through the same emotions in all life situations. There are strict expectations of how one should display their emotions in collectivist cultures. Individualistic cultures have more loose rules on emotional expression. Individualistic cultures focus more on each individual then a whole group. They realize that 2 people going through the same life crisis can feel 2 completely different emotions and it is okay to express them differently.
Chapter eleven is concentrated around what the word emotion means. Emotions are actually much more complex than one might think, because they are multidimensional. There are four components of emotion: feelings, bodily arousal, social-expressions, and sense of purpose. Emotions relate to motivation in two ways. Emotions energize and direct behavior, as well as indicate how personal adaption is working. When there is a significant life event, there are two processes that are activated. One is a cognitive process, and one is a biological process. The biological perspective emphasizes our primary emotions. Emotions such as joy, anger and fear are due to unconscious brain systems during either pleasurable or aversive experiences. The cognitive perspective consists of a much higher count for emotions, ones that arise in response to different structures. The chapter lists fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest as the six basic emotions.
Emotions are relevant to coping functions. They are essential in dealing with fundamental life tasks and survival as well as solutions to our daily stressors and life problems.
One of the more common misconceptions people have, include distinguishing emotions verse moods. Emotions come from significant life events that are short term. Moods come as a process, and often time unknown. They influence cognitions and thought. They are also much more long-term than emotions. Both emotions and moods can be either positive or negative.
Chapter twelve is structured around aspects of emotions. There are similar concepts such as biological ones that further relate to material presented in chapter eleven. The James-Lange Theory suggests that bodily changes are immediately followed by the onset of an emotion. This has become a popular theory, but like many met with criticism. Other research suggests the psychological changes are so small they are virtually not important. Emotions can be noted through our facial changes. Movements, temperature, and glandular activity are all causes of expressed emotions in the face. These facial expressions such as images and appearance of joy, anger, and fear are cross-cultural expressions. Emotions are hard to harbor and involuntary actions often occur that are uncontrollable. Emotions may also vary across people where individuals differentiate on what emotions are experienced. Someone who experiences a happy emotion, for instance, may be opposite for someone else who perceives it in a more negative aspect. Emotions are found in cultural and social contexts. Through social interaction experience of life events produce emotions.
I found a lot of interest in the facial feedback hypotheses. One particular article explained the importance and relation between smiling and mental state/emotional benefits. Smiling may have some benefit in altering our psychological and physiological states in a beneficial way. This is important in incorporating nonverbal cues that influence the emotions of others. There have been research studies that evaluate the correlation between smiling and life satisfaction. Typically, those who smile more have a greater probability of long term life satisfaction. Along with the theme of facial feedback, I found an article that researched whether botox, paralyzing the frown muscles, would lead to happier lives. One study found that there is disruption in cognition and the understanding of emotion. When the brain signals the physiological action to smile, botox interjects the ability of the immediate response to do so but there is a disruption that occurs and the emotional intensity is altered.
Chapter eleven is all about the nature of emotion and how we define it. Emotions are subjective, multidimensional and biological. When talking about emotions you have to look at all four dimensions of emotion and how they relate to one another. The four dimensions include feeling, sense of purpose, bodily arousal, and social-expressive. The book also talks about how emotions are short lived feelings that come about from a certain stimulus and not long term feelings. Emotions are caused by certain life events that we adapt through biological and cognitive ways. Altogether biological and cognitive activate components of emotion including feelings, bodily arousal, goal-directed purpose and expression. With the biological perspective it is believed that humans have a small number of emotions. With the cognitive perspective, humans are thought to have several diverse emotions. We have decided on 6 different emotions that include fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. Emotions help us to deal with the events in our lives and our environment. A lot of the times we confuse emotions and moods. Emotions are short term and come about due to specific events. Moods are long term and arise without a specific event.
Chapter 12 goes on to talk about aspects of emotion. There are three different aspects of emotion that include biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. Our emotions energize and direct bodily actions by having an affect on the autonomic nervous system. For the biological perspective there are 10 different emotions which include interest, joy, fear, anger, disgust, distress, contempt, shame, guilt, and surprise. The cognitive perspective deals with the construct of appraisal. There are two different types of appraisal, primary and secondary. Primary appraisal evaluates the importance of a situation. Secondary appraisal occurs after reflection and depends on an assessment of how to cope with a potential benefit, harm, or threat. Finally, in a social and cultural is our emotions while interacting with others and our environment.
A topic that I found interesting was positive affect and how it affects our lives. The first website I found talks about research that they have done with positive affect. If one is happier and comfortable in their current environment they are more efficient decision makers, more creative problem solvers, and have a better use of memory. The second article was about a study done with positive and negative affect and reactions in the lab. Basically it was measured using stress tests under different conditions and ones with positive affect did better on the tests. I think this just adds on to what we discussed in class where if you are in a better mood then you are more productive and also more creative in your work.
Chapter 11 and 12 are all about emotions, one focuses on the nature of emotions and the other on aspects of emotions. Chapter 11 discusses the nature of emotions by answering 5 major questions. The first “what is emotion” is answered by explaining that emotions have four working components; feeling, arousal, purpose, and expression. The second question “what causes emotion” is split into two sides of an ongoing debate. Some believe emotion rises out of cognitive response to an event while others believe it rises out of a biological response. Either way we can tell that emotion is caused by a significant situational event that sparks either a cognitive or biological process in us. The third question, “how many emotions are there” also has two answers. From the biological perspective we only have a few primary emotions that are hard wired into our brain. On the other hand cognitive see’s an unlimited number of emotions possible because outside forces such as personal experience diversify emotions. The fourth question “what good are emotions” is answered by explaining the social and coping functions of emotions which motivates behavior. The fifth and final question asks what the difference is between emotion and mood. It is explained that emotion is a very short appraisal of a situational event that influences behavior. Mood on the other hand lasts a much longer amount of time and influences how we think and what we think about, but it is often difficult to define mood, meaning we often don’t know exactly why or what caused the mood that we are in.
Chapter 12 talks about the three aspects of emotion: biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. Discussion of the biological aspect explains that emotion is at least partially a biological process; emotion energizes bodily reactions, and how some emotions are known to be activated and maintenance by certain biological systems. Discussing the cognitive aspect of emotion includes explanations of appraisal, both primary and secondary. It’s also discussed that knowledge of emotions can help a person to appraise emotions in a positive manner and help them to respond to the emotion better. Social-cultural can influence the way in which we deal with and express our emotions as well.
I was most interested in learning more about facial expressions so I choose this to find further information on. I searched for facial expressions and found this website which had lots of interesting information on it the topic. The majority of the information that it discussed on emotion and facial expression was very similar to our text. I found it more interesting to read the information on just facial expressions because it talked more about the importance of reading others facial expressions and had a link to another cite that talked about how exactly to interpret facial expressions that was very interesting too! Although I think it’s interesting that because we experience all our own emotions we can often understand and recognize them in others.
These two chapters are related to one another, they both work to describe and explain emotion. Motivation obviously, is having the will to do something. There can be a negative or positive outlook on this motivation, which creates emotion.
But what’s an emotion? Emotions are a combination of things: feelings, social expressions, bodily arousal and a sense of purpose. All of these things work together to get to a behavior that’s goal directed. These four components can be seen in happiness, sadness, etc. Emotion can either direct a behavior or adapt to something. People wonder how emotions happen, and there’s no specific answer, just that the biological and cognitive aspects of our life both contribute to it.
There are many emotions: fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, interest (curiosity). These emotions are what keep us alert, satisfied and alive. They help us cope and also communicate in social settings. These social functions are: communicating with others, influence how others interact with us, invite and facilitate social interaction and create/maintain relationships. Some might think these things are described as your ‘mood’, but there is a difference between emotion and mood. Moods are vague, they influence thoughts and usually are long lasting events. Emotions are from significant events, they influence behavior and are usually pretty brief.
When a person feels good, there are many benefits: they are usually better situated in social settings, more creative, more effective decision makers, more sociable, and they tend to persist more often. As a persons emotions are varied, they tend to have a unique way of feeling, expressing themselves and a unique neural activity. Their sense of purpose is often more advanced.
I decided to research the body’s ability to cope. I found it quite interesting that you must upkeep your health in order for that coping mechanism to stay strong. Getting an adequate amount of sleep, avoiding alcohol and drugs, exercising, eating a balanced died and keeping stress low all contribute to treating trauma and helping your ability to cope. ,
These two chapters serve to define emotion and its various functions and then provide an in-depth analysis of the aspects involved therein. Emotions provide a physiological arousal and subjective feelings that motivate human behavior. Paying attention these biological responses within the larger social context allows us to interpret how well or poorly we are behaving in certain situations and adapting within our respective environments. Emotion influences behavior and action and stems from short-lived events while moods stem from rather ill-defined processes and affect cognition more than behavior. There is an ongoing debate about whether or not emotions are primarily caused by biology or cognition and just how these factors interact. The biological crowd limits the span of emotional responses to just the basics: interest, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, and joy. These all appear to be adaptations for survival, with the negative emotions being especially helpful in avoiding threats or physical harm. In addition to this survival mechanism, emotions serve a social function that allows individuals to communicate with others, influence and facilitate interaction, and make and break social bonds.
For my extracurricular research, I checked out two articles pertaining to mood and emotional states. The first study went against our book a bit in saying that “fake” smiling at work throughout the day can negatively affect a person’s mood. I think this is an important distinction because our physiology can only provide positive affect for so long. If we are not genuinely happy, smiling may brighten our day for a bit, but it cannot replace true positive affect. The second article provides a deeper understanding of what sorts of behaviors are enhanced by having a positive mood. The increased cognitive flexibility found with positive mood is associated with the prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulated cortex, two structures that are crucial in hypothesis testing and rule selection. Therefore, the study looked to see if tasks that relied on these behaviors would be enhanced by performed in a positive mood. They found that this was indeed the case – individuals with a positive mood performed better on these tasks than those in a negative mood.
In chapters 11, the focus was on the nature of emotions. Emotions are made up of four components; feelings, bodily arousal, sense of purpose, and social-expressive. Emotion can serve as a motivator, and energize and motivate behavior. Emotion can also serve as a readout for other people, indicating to others so they can react and respond to us appropriately.
The chapter debates over emotion as a cognitive or as a biological process, and whether one is more important than the other in emotion. Biological perspective focuses on the body's side, and cognitive processes focus on the mental side. One aspect on which they differ is on the number of emotions they focus on. Biological perspective focuses on the primary emotions (fear, anger, joy, sadness, etc). and cognitive perspective focuses on primary emotions and complex secondary emotions that aren't necessarily easy to read.
The social functions of emotions are varied, and include communicating our feelings to others, influencing our interactions with others, and helping to create, maintain, and dissolve relationships. Overall, they make a big impact on our social experiences. Affect is like whether a person is optimism and pessimism, where you can either have positive affect and be pleasant and reward driven, or have negative affect and be punishment driven.
Finally, mood is often confused with emotion. Emotions are generally fast and short-lived, whereas moods last longer. Moods are more general, and can really influence our thoughts and behavior. A mood can also be hard to define, whereas an emotion is more specific.
Chapter 12 was also about emotion, specifically aspects of emotion. The main aspects of emotion are biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. Biologically, emotions can active the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, the neural circuits, the rate of neural firing, and facial feedback. Cognitively, we appraise emotions primarily or secondarily. Primary appraisal looks at whether anything important is at stake. Secondary appraisal looks at how to cope with the situation, and comes about after some reflection. Socially, other people are our main source for our emotional experiences. We learn from others, observe them, interact with them, and generally learn about the expectations in our culture from those around us.
For my individual research, I found an article that looked at whether or not honeybees experience pessimism, or negative affect. The experiment found that bees might experience negative affect after being exposed to a negative situation and then ambiguous stimuli. I have read some other articles about animals experiencing emotion, but this was the first to look at general moods rather than emotions. I think this is a much better approach, since it would seem to be much easier to evaluate moods than emotions, since they last longer and are general enough to observe.
Chapter 11 discusses five questions that give a better understanding of emotion. The first question, “What is an emotion?” helps give basic information about what makes up an emotion. Specifically, feelings, arousal, purpose, and expression are the four parts of an emotion. The second question, “What causes an emotion?” focuses on the source of emotion, whether it is biological and cognitive influence. The third question, “How many emotions are there?” discusses the potential for the amount of primary emotions. Different researchers have developed a range of 2-10 basic emotions that encompass the basic facial expressions and other emotion indicators. The fourth question, “What good are the emotions?” which discusses the purpose or function of an emotion. Different functions highlighted include biological reactions, coping and social purposes. The final questions, “What is the difference between emotion and mood?” examines the comparison between emotion and mood, as the two seemed to be interchanged. The best way to separate the two is to look at how the two arise. Emotions arise in response to a specific event, whereas moods arise from ill-defined sources and are long lived.
Chapter 12 discusses the three aspects of emotion: biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. The biological aspect of emotions is a result of emotions energizing bodily actions and affecting the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, neural brain circuits, the rate of neural firing, and facial feedback. The cognitive aspect of emotion is found through appraisal, knowledge, and attributions. Appraisal helps regulate emotions, knowledge involves learning differences between emotions and the situations that elicit different emotions, and attributions focus on analyzing why different outcomes influence different emotions. The social-cultural aspect focuses on how we interact, interpret, and display different emotions in various situations with different people.
I found the discussion on facial expressions interesting, as people look to analyze facial expressions to determine one’s emotion. However, determining the meaning behind the facial expression can be challenging. An internet post by Daniel Leberge ( focused on the importance of facial expressions, but determining the emotion behind the facial expression can be difficult. He discussed that various researchers have differing ideas on the amount of facial expressions, but that there are in infinite amount because within each emotion, there are numerous facial expressions that are possible. A further search of facial expressions, elicited a website on drawing facial expressions ( This website had 50 different drawings that described different emotions, but further reflection supported the idea that these 50 drawings aren’t the only way to facially express these emotions. For drawing, eyebrows, image of the mouth, and other features of the face are emphasized to convey an emotion, but when interacting with someone, emotions can be conveyed without as much emphasis.
Emotions. Not only are emotions fascinating; they are the other half of the title of this course!
Emotions have four components: subjective feelings, physical arousal, a goal-directed purpose, and social-expression. The cause of emotion is debated to be either biological or cognitive. Biologically, emotions arise from bodily responses such as neural pathways. Cognitively, emotions arise from mental events with personal meanings, like appraisals. There are several different kinds of basic emotions. These basic emotions have been formed over time as adaptive to our survival. Basic negative emotions are fear, anger, disgust, and sadness. The basic positive emotions are joy and interest. Emotions serve several purposes as well. As I mentioned before, the biologically help us adapt to fundamental life tasks. They also give us goal-directed purposes in the social world we live in.
Chapter 12 explains in further detail the three central aspects of emotion: biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. Biologically, emotions affect the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, neural brain circuits, the rate of neural firing, and of course, facial expressions. The facial feedback hypothesis has a weak version and strong version. The strong version insists that facial expressions activate emotions, whereas the weak version says that facial expressions enhance pres-existing emotions. There are two types of appraisal: primary appraisal determines if a situation is important or at stake, whereas secondary appraisal involves reflection and coping with a situation. Finally, in our social-cultural world, our emotional experiences come largely from other people; both “catching” other’s emotions and sharing ours with them.
I was particularly interested in the Facial Feedback Hypothesis theory. One article I found was called “Fake it till you Make It: Can Smiling Improve Mental State?” The overall consensus on whether fake smiling can improve mood is unclear. However, many experts argue that just the physical act of smiling can release endorphins, and maybe even combat anxiety and depression! While the data is still up for debate, several self-reports still emphasize the health benefits of humor.
On a similar topic, I read “Better Moods Through Botox—Injections Improve Anger Management.” A University of Wisconsin-Madison student did an experiment to see how quickly 40 participants could respond to statements as either “happy,” “sad,” or “angry.” They then did the same test two weeks later after their first injection of botox. The participants responded at the same pace with the happy, but much slower for angry and sad. This further fuels the facial-feedback theory: facial expressions can help dictate your mood.
Maybe I will just wear a smile around all day now! :D
Emotions. Not only are emotions fascinating; they are the other half of the title of this course!
Emotions have four components: subjective feelings, physical arousal, a goal-directed purpose, and social-expression. The cause of emotion is debated to be either biological or cognitive. Biologically, emotions arise from bodily responses such as neural pathways. Cognitively, emotions arise from mental events with personal meanings, like appraisals. There are several different kinds of basic emotions. These basic emotions have been formed over time as adaptive to our survival. Basic negative emotions are fear, anger, disgust, and sadness. The basic positive emotions are joy and interest. Emotions serve several purposes as well. As I mentioned before, the biologically help us adapt to fundamental life tasks. They also give us goal-directed purposes in the social world we live in.
Chapter 12 explains in further detail the three central aspects of emotion: biological, cognitive, and social-cultural. Biologically, emotions affect the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, neural brain circuits, the rate of neural firing, and of course, facial expressions. The facial feedback hypothesis has a weak version and strong version. The strong version insists that facial expressions activate emotions, whereas the weak version says that facial expressions enhance pres-existing emotions. There are two types of appraisal: primary appraisal determines if a situation is important or at stake, whereas secondary appraisal involves reflection and coping with a situation. Finally, in our social-cultural world, our emotional experiences come largely from other people; both “catching” other’s emotions and sharing ours with them.
I was particularly interested in the Facial Feedback Hypothesis theory. One article I found was called “Fake it till you Make It: Can Smiling Improve Mental State?” The overall consensus on whether fake smiling can improve mood is unclear. However, many experts argue that just the physical act of smiling can release endorphins, and maybe even combat anxiety and depression! While the data is still up for debate, several self-reports still emphasize the health benefits of humor.
On a similar topic, I read “Better Moods Through Botox—Injections Improve Anger Management.” A University of Wisconsin-Madison student did an experiment to see how quickly 40 participants could respond to statements as either “happy,” “sad,” or “angry.” They then did the same test two weeks later after their first injection of botox. The participants responded at the same pace with the happy, but much slower for angry and sad. This further fuels the facial-feedback theory: facial expressions can help dictate your mood.
Maybe I will just wear a smile around all day now! :D
Chapter 11 is titled “Nature of Emotion: Five Perennial Questions” and it is just that, five questions over the understanding of the nature of emotion.
The first question asks, “What is an emotion?” According to the chapter, there are four dimensions to emotions: feelings, arousal, purpose and expression. Feelings are subjective and give an emotion it’s meaning. Arousal deals with biological activity that prepares the body to react to the emotion causing event. The purposive component uses the emotion to guide and help understand how to take a specific, goal-oriented approach in responding to the emotion causing event. The social component of emotions deals with what the emotion communicate to others.
The second question asks, “What causes an emotion?” This question, asks if emotions are a biological or a cognitive phenomenon. The biological theory states that emotions arise out of a bodily reaction to the environment and activate neural pathways within the limbic system of the brain. The cognitive theory behind what causes emotions states that emotions rise out of a personal feeling about an emotion-based event occurring within the environment.
The third question within chapter 11 asks, “How many emotions are there?” According to each different theory behind emotions there is a different number of emotions one can feel reported and they range from 2 different expressions to 10 different expressions. Most of the basic emotions recognized are fear, anger, distrust, sadness, joy and interest.
The fourth question within chapter 11’s “five perennial questions” is “What good are emotions?” Or in other words, what purpose do emotions serve? Emotions can come from an evolutionary perspective where they served as non-verbal communication for us to communicate to one another when we may have been at a loss for words. Emotions can also help within social environments by helping to communicate our wants and needs as well.
The final question within chapter 11 is that of, “What is the difference between emotion and mood?” The answer is that emotions are generally short-lived and come from a specific event that can be defined. Moods however, are longer in duration and come from a source that is difficult to define.
Chapter 12 is titled, “Aspects of Emotion” and states that there are three primary aspects to emotions – they have a biological, cognitive, and social-cultural aspect.
According to the biological aspect of emotions, emotions direct bodily actions through the autonomic nervous system (regulation of heart, lungs, and muscles), the endocrine system (hormones and organs), neural brain circuits, neural firing, and facial feedback of the felt emotion. According to this aspect, there are ten different emotions that can be felt by an individual and these include: interest, joy, fear, anger, disgust, distress, contempt, shame, guilt, and surprise.
The cognitive aspect of emotions states that there is both primary and secondary appraisal in regulating the emotion process. Primary appraisal judges the severity of the emotion causing event and judges whether or not it puts the individual in any sort of risk (physiological, self-esteem, etc.). The secondary appraisal deals with how an individual should cope with a situation or threat.
In the social and cultural aspect of emotion we look at how we interact with others. Emotions are usually picked up from an individual and involve a process of mimicry, feedback and contagion. The cultural aspect lies in how we express our emotions to one another, as every culture is different in it’s own expression of emotions.
I decided to Google, “facial expressions and emotions” and came up with the first link reading, “Facial Expressions of Emotion are Innate, Not Learned”. The link led me to a page that discussed how facial expressions are built into our genes with a study to back this idea up. The study, which used both blind and sighted participants, measured facial movements and expressions to emotion causing events, with many of the blind individuals showing the same facial expressions as those whom were sighted. The second link that I clicked on lead me to the American Psychological Association’s page with a news article discussing how studies are finding out that the face actually IS NOT a mirror of our emotions. The news article discusses how facial expressions are not necessarily a mirror to how individuals feel on the inside, but that they simply push social interaction forward, whether or not it is truly how the individuals feel within themselves. The news article continues saying that, sometimes emotions can occur without any facial feedback and sometimes, facial feedback can occur when there really is no emotion for the face to be receiving feedback from. The news article even mentions a study where infants were studied with cameras and their facial expressions were recorded, some occurring in the absence of any emotion. However, I found this study to have a bit of a flaw, and that was that it is a little hard to measure an absence of emotion, since after all, emotions can be seen as a subjective experience, therefore, how can you really tell when somebody is truly feeling an emotion or not? Therefore, a photo taken with a blank facial expression, could actually be portraying an emotion within the individual that they cannot verbally report back on.
Chapters 11 and 12 discussed emotions, specifically what they are, what they are not, and how they relate to motivation. The chapter first looked into the question of what an emotion is. Psychologists often use the term ‘emotion’ differently than the general population. Many people confuse emotions with our mood states and use these terms almost interchangeably, when in fact they are separate concepts each with their own characterizing criteria. Emotions are brought about by a significant situational event during which we experience a brief change in our psychological state. From an evolutionary standpoint, we have this feeling of bodily arousal in order to ready our body to do something. For instance, the body’s reaction to fear, one of our strongest and most basic emotions, prepares the body to fight or run away. The sympathetic nervous system is stimulated (biological process) by a threat we perceive in our environment (cognitive process), and the result is the chemical changes that are the emotion of fear along with sweaty palms, increased heart and respiratory rates, increase in blood flow to the extremities, ect. The biological reaction we have prepares us to take action; this helps to explain why emotion is closely related to motivation.
It is also important to mention how emotion differs from mood states, since they are often confused. While we typically experience mood states for an extended period of time, we only experience emotions for around 3-5 seconds. Mood states define what we think about, they encourage rumination. Emotions, on the other hand, typically lead to action and behavioral changes.
Emotions not only energize and direct our motivation; they also serve an important social function. They have a social-expressive aspect to them, meaning they encourage us to interact with others through body language and other forms of communication. A prime example of this is the effect our facial expressions have on those around us. When one is truly experiencing an emotion, it is usually clearly recognizable on their face. The emotion of disgust is often hard to hide and communicates a fair bit of information to those around us. Emotions communicate our feelings to others, influence how others react to us, instigate and facilitate social interaction, and direct the routes our relationships will follow.
Another important topic discussed in this reading was the types of emotions deemed important by the biological perspective as opposed to the cognitive perspective of emotions. The biological perspective sees the primary emotions of anger, fear, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest as the most important. The cognitive perspective acknowledges the primary emotions, but stresses the importance of secondary emotions as well. Secondary emotions can typically be categorized under a primary emotion but they are more specific.
I was interested in facial expressions and how people use them during interaction. I found a really cool website that has a picture of a robot that you can get to express different emotions by mousing over them on a chart. What’s really neat is the chart and how its organized to show the grades or intensities of emotions. The link is:
Another cool site with good info on this topic was: This link will take you to a journal article titled: The role of facial expressions in social interactions. Here I learned that when we see someone make a face, it leads us to engage and a number of cognitive processes. This means that facial expressions get us to think about the situation and the person making them, which is a good explanation on how they influence behavior.
Mood state, cognitive process, biological process, emotion, primary emotions, secondary emotions
Chapter 11 discusses emotions. Emotions make us feel and act a certain way. They are a short-lived, feeling-arousal-purposive-expressive phenomena that help us adapt to the opportunities and challenges we face. To break it down further feeling gives emotions a personal meaning, arousal includes biological activity like heart rate, purposive gives emotion a goal-directed sense of motivation to take a specific course of action, and expression is emotions social component which gives emotion its communicative aspect through things like facial expressions. It is difficult to define emotions because they are multidimensional. They involve subjective, biological, purposive, and social phenomena. The multidimensional components work to direct and energize our behaviors. Moods differ from emotions in many different ways. They emerge from ill-defined processes, where as emotions arise from specific stimuli. They influence thoughts instead of behaviors and they come from long-lived mental events instead of from short-lived events like emotions do. There are two perspectives concerning emotion: the biological perspective and the cognitive perspective. The biological perspective believes that emotions occur automatically and involuntarily. Because it is sometimes hard to verbalize emotions, the biological perspective believes that emotions come from origins that are non-cognitive. The cognitive perspective believes that cognitive processes are needed before we can experience emotions. This is because we need to have a cognitive understanding about the event, circumstance or situation before we can elicit an emotion. Both perspectives agree that emotions are complex but they differ on what causes emotions. The biological perspective focuses on certain range of primary emotions. The cognitive perspective acknowledges primary emotions but they believe that different emotions can arise from the same biological reaction. Various studies have concluded that there are between 2 to 10 different basic emotions. The 6 primary emotions that all researchers tend to agree on are fear, anger, disgust, sadness, joy, and interest. Emotions serve a purpose. Emotions evolved as biological reactions that helped us adapt successfully to fundamental life tasks, such as facing a threat. Emotions that arise during an important life task serve a goal-directed purpose that has coping and social purposes. Without our emotions we would not survive effectively.
Chapter 12 discussed the 3 different aspects of emotion. The biological aspect believes that emotions are the biological reactions to life events. The James Lange Theory suggests that emotional changes follow biological changes within the body. When our heart races and our palms sweat, our body signals that we are interpreting a threat in our environment. In turn, we feel fear. Fear is actually just our body’s reaction to a threat in our environment. The cognitive aspect acknowledges that appraisals and perceptions are a large component of determining emotions. During appraisal, we decide whether a situation is good or bad, threatening or nonthreatening, happy or sad and whether it pertains to us. Our appraisals turn into perceptions which decide our emotions. Primary appraisal occurs when we decide whether the situation will affect us. When we decide it is pertinent to us we then use secondary appraisal to assess whether we can cope with the benefit, harm, or threat. Socialization is another aspect of emotion. Emotions work to integrate and socialize people. Emotional contagion is the process to which people mimic or synchronize their movements and portrayal of emotions while interacting with another person. The socialization process results in the management of emotions. We realize that we can’t act on all our emotions so we learn how to suppress our emotions in certain situations.
After reading these chapters, I started thinking about the socialization aspect of emotions. Specifically how facial expressions allow us to communicate our feelings to another person. Without facial expressions and other nonverbal cues during social interactions, people can misinterpret the meanings or the intent behind the communicator’s message. With the digital age now upon us, the majority of people spend a lot of time communicating through various digital media. The use of text messaging and Facebook has nearly replaced “old fashion” telephone conversations and some human-to-human contact. I know from my own experiences and with speaking to others, a good portion of society (especially the younger generations) prefer texting to actually speaking on the phone. With this switch in the method of human interaction, how exactly do we express our emotions through the seemingly cold, emotionless world of technology to avoid misinterpretation of our messages? The answer….emoticons. The use of emoticons further solidifies the importance of humans needing to use emotions to convey and interpret messages while communicating. Without emotions, it is easy to misunderstand someone’s intent thus causing a person to produce their own emotional responses (which could be anxiety producing emotions) that are unnecessary. I found this site: which further discusses the needs and uses of emoticons. It was really interesting to read because it went into further discussion about how emoticons have evolved to include cultural modifications. Western society uses to express the message as being happy while Eastern societies use (^_^) or (^.^). It also talked about how the general emotions used during messages were happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry, and neutral which are similar to the basic 6 emotions that researchers tend to agree upon. Another study that reaffirms the use of emoticons to express emotion and discusses the cultural differences is by Young-Joo Cha from Indiana University ( This study discussed the emotional responses people have when viewing emoticons. I found it all very intriguing and is worth the time looking in to. All though both of these websites do not further discuss a topic within the chapters 11 and 12, I still think they are related because emoticons are just another way for people to convey emotions.
Chapter 11 is an introduction to “Emotions,” describing them as more than just feelings, but complex reactions to life events. Emotions are subjective (generate feelings), biological (arouse the body to action), purposive (generate motivational states), and social (produce recognizable facial expressions). Because emotions function to energize and direct behavior, they are considered a type of motive. They also provide feedback (success/failure) for personal adaptation. Both cognition and biology cause emotion. According to Ekman (1992), “Emotions have rapid onsets, brief durations, and can occur automatically/involuntarily. Emotions happen to us.” Cognitively, an emotional reaction can occur after an event has been evaluated for its relevance and potential impact on one’s personal well-being.
The Biological Perspective can identify 10 separate emotions and their biological origins/causes. The Cognitive Perspective identifies more than 10, because several different emotions can arise from the same biological reaction. For example, a rise in blood pressure is the basis for fear, but also for anger, jealousy, and envy. Emotions are ALL positive, functional, purposive, and adaptive organizers of behavior. “Moods,” are more long-lasting than emotions. They are less reactive and more an affect state (positive or negative). Our moods (or affect states) influence our information processing flow – what we think about, the decisions we make, creativity, judgments, etc.
Chapter 12 looks more in depth at the various aspects of emotion (biological, cognitive, social, and cultural). According to Ekman, beyond the 10 fundamental emotions (interest, joy, fear, anger, disgust, distress, shame, guilt, surprise, contempt) are “derivatives,” including moods, attitudes, personality traits, disorders, “blends” of emotions, and specific aspects of a basic emotion (such as what elicits the emotion or how a person responds to an emotion).
Facial Feedback hypothesis states that our own facial expressions activate specific emotions. For example, by smiling, one activates joy. It also suggests that people can intensify or reduce their naturally ongoing emotional experience by exaggerating or suppressing their facial actions.
Regulation of emotion is done through primary and secondary appraisal. Primary Appraisal determines whether or not anything important is at stake in a situation (that will affect the well-being of one’s self or a loved one). Secondary Appraisal involves reflections and assessment of how to deal with a potential benefit, harm, or threat. Learning the distinctions among our many emotions help us to respond with highly appropriate emotions in future situations. Beyond biology and cognition is the social influence on our emotions. A culture socializes its member to experience and express emotions in particular ways, and we “share” others’ emotions during conversations through mimicry, feedback, and contagion.
The question of whether or not we can voluntarily control our emotions is not easily answered. Emotions are primarily reactions, which mean we need some event to react (involuntarily) to before expressing an emotion. However, if emotions are governed by thoughts, beliefs, and ways of thinking, then we can control our emotions to the same extent as we can control our thoughts.
I found it interesting that the topic of LOVE is not addressed or included in either of the two chapters on emotion! I found a few different sites of interest on topics such as love and fear/anxiety. Helen Fisher is a Biological Anthropologist who studies the brain in love. She says, “It begins when someone takes on special meaning. The world has a new center, then you focus on him or her…People can list what they don’t like about their sweetheart, but they sweep these things aside and focus on what they adore. Intense energy, elation, mood swings, emotional dependence, separation anxiety, possessiveness, a pounding heart and craving are all central to this madness. But most important is obsessive thinking. Someone is camping in your head.” She quotes Plato, who 2000 years ago said, “The god of love lives in a state of need. It is a need. It is an urge. It is a homeostatic imbalance. Like hunger and thirst, it is almost impossible to stamp out.”