Your reading blog for this week is over Chapter 13. Your blog
should summarize this chapter.
Next, go out on the internet and research a topic of interest to you that you found in chapter 13. Report on what you found, and include at least 2 links to that information.
Next, go out on the internet and research a topic of interest to you that you found in chapter 13. Report on what you found, and include at least 2 links to that information.
Chapter 13 is all about personality characteristic. There are three motivational principles related to personality characteristics: happiness, arousal, and control. Situational events can affect any of the three principles. People have different motivation and emotional states based on their personality characteristics. There are many different types of personality characteristics like extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire of control.
Happiness, arousal, and control vary in each situation. A person can become happy when getting an A on an exam. Before taking the exam a person can become stressed which will make the person initially unhappy. Situations vary in how arousing they are. When attending church most people are sedate, while when going to a bar is more stimulating, depending on who you are as a person and what arouses you or does not. Control is something that can happen in certain circumstances but others can not. I Can control my weight (if I wanted to) by working out and eating healthy. If I have a disease that holds onto fat and makes me continually gain weight, then I would have less control over the situation.
People can be sensation seekers or sensation avoiders. This is split up evenly between the two groups at 15% of people in the sensation seekers group and 15% in the sensation avoiders group. The majority of people are somewhere in-between the two groups at 75% most people are in the middle. These personality charactreristics exist with-in every human being. This means that only a few people harbor a high level of the personality characteristic. Most people harbor a moderate amount of the personality characteristic. Just a few harbor a low level of the characteristic.
Sensation seeking in the personality characteristic related to arousal and reactivity. When an individual has a high level of sensation seeking then that person prefers a continual external supply of brain stimulation. A sensation seeker gets bored with routine and is constantly in search of ways to increase arousal through exciting experiences.
I went to two different websites over sensation seekers. I found this very interesting while reading about these types of personalities. I felt like I was a sensation seeker so the first website I went to was a scale on if you scored low or high in sensation seeking. I took the rating scale and was scored high in the characteristic of sensation seeking. This means I become bored with routines which is definitely true. I love experiencing and doing new things constantly. The other website I found was in psychology today. This asked the question if you were a risk taker. This article was particularly interesting to read. In our motivation and emotion book it also talked about risk taking and how that correlates with being a sensation seeker.
Terms: Happiness, arousal, control, personalilty characteristics, sensation seekers, sensation avoiders, extraversion, neuroticism, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control.
Chapter 13 introduces various personality differences. The three personality characteristics discussed in detail are happiness, arousal and control. These characteristics can alter a persons motivation and emotion.
Most people are generally happy but situational and individual differences can alter a persons level of happiness. For example, winning the lottery can create happiness while losing a loved one can decrease happiness. Happiness is also related to personality characteristics. Extroverted people are generally happy, while neurotics are generally unhappy. One reason for this is because extroverts tend to approach rewarding situations more often than introverts. Introverts typically want to avoid situations. There have also been biological differences found in extraverts such as a stronger behavioral activating system.
Arousal is another aspect of personality that is related to performance. The relationship is an inverted-U shape. Moderate arousal levels are ideal while low and high levels of arousal can be problematic. Sensation seekers have a low baseline arousal and seek new and risky activities in order to increase arousal. Sensation seekers also have high levels of dopamine and low levels of serotonin which may account for the reason why they seek new experiences.
Two personality characteristics discussed in the chapter are perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control are beliefs a person has about how they interact with the environment. It is the belief that a person can produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes. Perceived control has been shown to increase effort and performance. Desire control is the extent that a person believes they in control over life events. It differs from perceived control because desire for control individuals want to control outcomes despite how much control they currently have. High desire for control individuals benefit by persisting longer, however they can often create an illusion of control and invest too much effort.
Chapter 13 discussed how extraverts are generally happier so I was interested in what other benefits can come from being extraverted. I found one website that said certain jobs are related to extraversion. For example, in order to be in successful in sales, it is important to be extraverted. The website also stated that many jobs seek to hire extraverts including technical jobs.
Another benefit to being extroverted is that it may increase a persons motivation to attend fitness centers. I found this very interesting because it means that a personality characteristic can affect your health. If being extraverted leads to a healthier lifestyle then it would be beneficial to find ways to allow introverted individuals situation where they can feel comfortable exercising.
Chapter thirteen focuses on personality characteristics. It focuses on three motivational principles related to personality characteristics: happiness, arousal, and control. Happiness is usually seen throughout most people, even low class, low education, and not so pleasant countries are seen with overall happy people. There are two personality characteristics linked to happiness. They are extroversion and neuroticism. Extroverts are happier than introverts. This is because they have a stronger behavioral system that is responsive to reward signals in their environment. Neurotics suffer emotionally because they have stronger behavioral signals that are responsive to punishment in the environment.
Arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. There are four principles that explain arousal’s contribution to motivation. First, a person’s arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is. Second, people engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal. Third, when under aroused, people seek out opportunities to increase their arousal levels, because increases in environmental stimulation are pleasurable and enhance performance whereas decreases are aversive and undermine performance. Lastly, when over aroused, people seek out opportunities to decrease their arousal levels because increases in environmental stimulation are aversive and undermine performance whereas decreases are pleasurable and enhance performance. Human beings differ in their genetic baseline level of arousal and in their reactivity to environmental stimuli. Sensation seeking is the personality characteristic related to arousal and reactivity.
Perceived control and the desire for control represent two more personality characteristics. Perceived control concerns the capacity to initiate and regulate the behavior needed to gain desirable outcomes and to prevent undesirable ones. When perceived control is strong, people engage in tasks with a positive attitude and are more likely to succeed. But when it is weak, people only engage halfway with a negative attitude that usually leads to failure. Desire for control reflects the extent to which people are motivated to control the events in their lives to establish control and restore control high desire control individuals embrace high standards and aspirations and put forth more effort.
I did some thinking on happiness and was wondering what makes people happy compared to others. A couple articles I found explained a lot. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs suggests that self-actualization might be an indicator of happiness. The bottom levels of the hierarchy of needs are the most important and once achieved, the smaller levels build on top. When someone hits the top and absolutely al their needs are being met they are considered to have reached self-actualization. The lowest level is physiological, then safety, love and belonging, esteem, and finally self-actualization. I find it interesting that happiness is this detailed. When thinking about why I am happy I usually think no homework, it’s the weekend, vacation, being with friends. But, I never think about how it’s actually me meeting my needs that contributes to my happiness.
Chapter 13 examined personality characteristics. There are three facets that make up personality: Happiness, arousal, and control. Happiness is the first component. There are individual differences on who is happy and who is not. The first is extraversion. It is believed that extraverts are happier than introverts. Extraverts exhibit a greater ability to experience positive emotions. This stems from their stronger BAS (behavioral activating system). Their stronger BAS enables them to experience rewards in the environment better. This leads to them being more eager to approach potentially rewarding situations. This situations provide them with the ability to be more sociable, exert a greater social dominance, and become more venturesome than introverts. Neuroticism is another key predictor of happiness. Neuroticism is closely related to suffering and this stems from their highly sensitive BIS. People with a highly sensitive BIS are more susceptible to punishment in their environment.
Arousal is another personality characteristic. Arousal occurs along a curve. Low levels of arousal are associated with lower levels of performance and feelings of boredom and restlessness. As arousal increases to the moderate section, performance is at its optimal peak. Moderate levels of arousal are also associated with the experience of pleasure. As the curve approaches the highest levels of arousal, performance once again begins to diminish. This state of being is also associated with increases in emotional disturbance and anxiety. Experiments have shown that low and high levels of stimulation are bad for human beings. We prefer to be moderately aroused. People prefer different levels of arousal. A sensation seeker is an individual who searches for change in their environment. They don’t enjoy routine and prefer variety. They always search for new experiences. Oftentimes, drugs can facilitate these new experiences and alleviate boredom. They also enjoy engaging in risks. These risks can include criminal behavior or physically risky hobbies. A biological basis can be responsible for high sensation seekers. These individuals possess lower levels of MAO. This chemical is responsible for breaking down enzymes in the brain. The pleasurable enzymes of serotonin and dopamine remain in the system longer, therefore making this individuals seek out pleasurable situations. Their inhibitions are lower. Affect intensity also plays a part in arousal. This explains the level to which we become aroused emotionally. Affect intense individuals experience negative events more strongly than they experience positive events. The opposite is true for affect stable individuals.
Control is the last factor in personality characteristics. There are many factors contributing to our personal control beliefs, but Desire for control and perceived control are the two most important. Perceived control is our beliefs or expectations that we are able to interact with the environment in a successful way. A high perceived control individual will seek out more challenging tasks and persist longer than someone with a helpless orientation. Structured environments are best for this. This contributes to the self confirming cycles of high and low engagement. When people are working hard, reaching their goals, and persisting through difficulties (high perceived control) they experience a level of engagement. When individuals are going through the motions, not setting goals, and giving up in difficult times (low perceived control) they experience a level of disaffection. Engagement leads to positive outcomes such as rewards in the environment. This works to reinforce these behaviors in individuals with high perceived control. The opposite is true for disaffection and low perceived control individuals. The desire for control reflects how strongly a person wants to control the events in their life. Individuals with high DC want to take control of their life by preparing for events, avoiding dependence on others, and making decisions for themselves. Individuals with low DC take whatever life hands them and enjoy having others in charge of them. Having a high desire for control comes with benefits. Individuals who want to control their environment are more likely to choose/achieve harder goals, react with greater effort to accomplish these goals,, and work harder to complete these tasks. They will attribute their success to themselves and their motivation level is high. This can also be a bad thing though. They may seek out a sense of control over uncontrollable events. This will result in the illusion of control which will result in a feeling of loss of control in bad situations.
I decided to read more about the desire for control. Desire for control can affect the level to which we are superstitious or believe in luck. An experiment was performed to examine whether superstitious behavior increases under stressful conditions. It was found that an individual with a high DC and an individual with low DC are both more likely to “knock on wood” when presented with a stressful situation. This is believed to be valid because stress is attributed to situations where we feel we have little control. In these times we choose to seek out ways to gain more control, like knocking on wood for luck. The next study I read studied an individuals belief in luck and their belief in their own control. It was found that individual’s belief in luck was a predictor to how much they were willing to wager in a situation where they possessed low control (such as bingo). It was also found that an individual’s belief of personal control was a predictor as to how much they were willing to wager in a situation where they possessed high control (such as black jack).
TERMS: Personal characteristics, happiness, extraversion, neuroticism, arousal, performance, stimulation, sensation seeking, risk taking, affect intensity, control, perceived control, self confirming cycles of high and low engagement, desire for control, losing control
Chapter 13 discusses the topic of Personality Characteristics of people. The chapter discusses individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control. The aspect is happiness, most people in life are happy even when they have not the most enjoyable life circumstances. People who won the lottery are almost just as happy as people who are suffering from debilitating injuries. People have a happiness "set point." This set point regulates their happiness and well-being.
There are two characteristics associated with happiness. One is extraversion and another is neuroticism. Extraversion is being sociable, assertive, and venturous. These people prefer enjoyment and social situations, have a tendency toward social dominance, and a tendency to seek out and enjoy exciting stimulating situations. Extraverts seem to more happy then introverts because they tend to experience more positive emotions. Extraverts also have the motivation function of the BAS, this is the energize approach-oriented, goal-directed behavior.
Neuroticism is the people who tend to be unhappy. They are defined as a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. These people experience greater stress and negative emotions. They are associated with the BIS rating of emotions. BIS is associated with avoidance-oriented, goal-directed behavior. These people stay away from anxiety troubling situations.
Arousal is a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness and activation. There are four principles associated with arousal. 1)a person's arousal is a function of how stimulating the environment is, 2)people engage in behavior to increase or decrease their lever of arousal. 3)When under aroused, people seek out opportunities to increase arousal, 4) when over aroused people seek out opportunities to lessen arousal
Control is who people control their personality characteristics. There is two types of personality controls. First is perceived control which concerns differences in people's preperfomance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive emotions. Second is desire for control which concerns the extent to which people strive to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and enter situations in overly prepared ways.
This webiste discusses the topic of how extraverts are likely more happy than introverts. One study found that their happiness roots in their memories. They hold more positive views and ideas about things rather than introverts. This article also talked about how introverts and slowly be turned into extraverts.
This article discussed they types of jobs available or suggested for introverts. It talked about how they are more shy and not suitable for jobs that deal with people on a regular basis.
Chapter thirteen is all about personality characteristics. The first one that is talked about is happiness. Generally, most people are happy. It doesn’t matter if you come from a low income family or have little education. As the books stated, people who win the lottery and people who were in a car accident, typically rate the same on happiness after two months. It also explains that as humans we have a “set point” to our happiness. Therefore, everyone has a certain amount of happiness which usually is the same throughout life.
Next the chapter talks about arousal. Arousal affects alertness, wakefulness and activation. It is related to motivation is several way. Some examples are: when someone is very alert, they will seek out chances to decrease their arousal and when under aroused, people tend to find ways to increase their arousal. There is a inverted-U curve that explains how arousal works in relation to performance. When someone is under aroused, they are required to increase their arousal. However, when there are high levels of arousal, often times that leads to anxiety.
Finally, control is introduced. There are two forms of control that are active and related to motivation. The first one is perceived control. This is a person’s belief that they can interact with the environment and therefore bring about “desired outcomes”. The other type is desire for control. This is belief that a person is motivated to have control over their lives and what happens to them.
I was interested in what kind of information was out there about “how to become happier”. I came across a website that had several ideas on ways to make you happier. One of the ways of becoming happier was to be optimistic. Under this section, it explains that worrying in general is the biggest enemy to happiness. Another section I found interesting was labeled “consider happiness an obligation”.
Another website I found explained that mot children are either born happy or not. The article on this website then goes on to explain that the frontal lobe also plays a vital role in happiness in children. The author of the article states that although happiness can be a trait children are born with, life experiences also contribute to the happiness of children. I found this interesting because I have heard from several family members “you were always a happy baby, but your sister, she was a terror”. Now that we are both grown up we are both happy individuals. I believe babies are born with certain temperaments, but by experiencing life, this can be manipulated in either a good way or bad way.
Chapter 13 is about personality characteristics. The chapter focuses on three motivational principles related to personality characteristics. These three principles include happiness, arousal and control. Any situation that occurs has the potential to affect any or all of these three principles. The personality characteristics that are discussed in this chapter explain why different people experience different motivational and emotional states when presented with the same situation. These characteristics include extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control and desire for control.
Happiness is an emotion experienced by all at some point in their life. The chapter explains that everyone has a happiness set point. This means that even after negative situations such as a car accident occurs, after a couple of months, an individual balances back to the level of happiness that had before their accident. Research has found that happiness is genetic. This means that people who are happy in their 20s are more likely to also be happy in their 30s, 40s and so on. The difference between personalities that have a high level of happiness versus a low level of happiness come into play when one looks at the different levels of extraversion and neuroticism in individuals. Individuals who have more extraversion tend to be happier. Extraversion is can be defined as being the result of three aspects such as sociability, assertiveness and venturesomeness. Extraverts engage in social events more, have the tendency to dominate conversations and events and are more likely to seek out adventure. The higher level of happiness for extraverts comes from these individuals being more sensitive to the rewards that can come out of social situations. This means that they pick up on positive feels more than introverts do. There are two types of happiness. These two types are hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic well-being is the total of one's pleasurable moments. Eudaimonic well-being focuses on self realization and is all about one pursuing the things that make him/her happy. This is about self growth. The personality characteristic that defines people who are unhappy is neuroticism. Neuroticism is defined as predisposition to experience negative feels and to feel chronically unhappy. The negatives of neuroticism are experiencing more daily stress, more negative emotions and feelings, and more moods of anxiety, fear and irritability.
Arousal focuses on processes that include alertness, wakefulness and activation. These processes are cortical, which includes the activity in the brain, behavioral which includes the skeletal muscular system and autonomic mechanisms which includes the autonomic nervous system. These three make up arousal. Arousal has four basic principles: a person's arousal level is a result of how stimulating the environment is, people engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal, when people are under aroused, they seek out situations that will increase their level of arousal and when overaroused, people seek out situations that will decrease their level of arousal. These four principles and how they interact with each other are shown in a 'inverted-U' figure. This inverted- U shows the relationship between level of arousal and performance. It shows that when arousal is low, performance is low and when arousal increases, performance and also increases. As for emotions, low arousal produces feelings of boredom whereas moderate levels of arousal produces feelings pleasure and high arousal produces feelings of feelings of stress, frustration and hassle.
Control includes the personality characteristics of personal control beliefs, including locus of control, perceived control, causality orientations, mastery versus helpless orientations, explanatory style, desire for control, type A behavior pattern and self -efficacy. Two of these personality characteristics sum up the majority of the control beliefs. These two are perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control is the beliefs and expectations an individual has for how he/she will interact with the environment in order to produce his/her desired outcomes and to prevent undesired outcomes. In order for one to feel as if they have control over a situation two things must happen. One must feel as if one can obtain the desired outcome and second the situation needs to be somewhat predictable and responsive. Perceived control beliefs predict how much effort one will exert in trying to accomplish the desired outcome. Desire for control is defined as the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over the events in their lives. This is measured by the DC scale.
I chose to research more into the topic of happiness. I found two sources that I enjoyed. These sources were and From these two sources I learned some new things along with reading many things that were also covered in chapter 13. For instance, these websites talked about how a situation such as winning the lottery will only produce short term happiness. Once a couple of weeks or months pass, an individual will return to their level of happiness that they were at before they won the lottery. These websites also stated that money can't buy happiness. This statement supports the finding that happiness, in part, deals with genetics. Another statement from these websites is that you only control half of your happiness level which also confirms the research that shows genetics plays a part of one's happiness level. It was interesting to read the section of 'Does increased income increase one's level of happiness?' section. I think this is interesting because you always hear so much about how people with money must be so happy. People need to understand that the two do not show a high correlation.
Personality characteristics and individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control are the main points in chapter 13. The main personality characteristic in people we can describe as extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived and desire for control. Based on those characteristic we can explain why we are different from each other, why people act so differently in the same situations.
According to our textbook, the researchers found that in general people are happy, it does not matter whether you came from rich family, what is your marital status or whether you are a student or not. In general, people are happy, that is a great thing actually. Yet, there are still differences in happiness. The happiness set point emerges mostly from individual differences in extraversion, and unhappiness in neuroticism. The fact that extraverts are happier that introverts does not depend on how social you are. It is more that extraverts have greater tendencies toward assertiveness and being exciting. They enjoy more frequent positive moods that do introverts. For instance, if something good happen, the reaction of extroverts and introverts are so different; extroverts show more how happy they are. It is due to different levels of sensitivity to an underlying biological motivation system. There are two types of happiness. The fact that someone is introverts does not mean he/she is not happy as much as extraverts, just the reaction and how do they explore the happiness is different. There is hedonic happiness is the totality of one’s pleasurable moments and eudaimonic concerns self- realization, it is the actualization of the self. Usually, hedonic well -being represents pleasant life and it represents what people think of as happiness. Yet, it is not true.
Now, let’s talk about unhappiness and neuroticism. Neuroticism is defined as a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. I have a great example of it, leaving with someone who is constantly unhappy, no matter what happens the person still finds the negative side of the good thing. Neurotics suffer emotionally; they have strong and sensitive biological motivation system.
Arousal represents different kind of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. The behavioral, cortical, and autonomic mechanisms are included. Sensation seeking personality is related to arousal and reactivity. That can explains why some people do extreme sports, travel, constantly change place to live, or even change sexual partners often. They do not like boredom and routine.
Perceived control and desire control represent two personality characteristics. When perceived control is strong, people engage in task with active coping and positive emotion. Desire control is when people are motivate to control the events in their lives. Usually people with high desire for control put more effort in in tasks and overly persist at difficult task.
I chose topic of two different kind of happiness: hedonic and eudaimonic.
The first website that I found is asking a metoric question whether happiness is overrated. Researchers at University of Wisconsin tried to find out whether eudaimonic well- being is better than hedonic. They came to the conclusion that eudaimonic well-being produces more happiness in a long run than hedonic. People who focus on living with a sense of purpose instead focus on pleasure moments tent to have better mental health and even live longer. Eudamonic well-being conferred benefits related to Alzheimer ‘s disease. The researchers said that people focus too much on to be happy instead on setting goals and make your life meaningful- “ Quit sitting around worrying about yourself and get focused on your goals.”
On the website that I looked at, the researchers found out that actually the attainment and pursuit of pleasure many not always lead to happiness. Thus, comparing to the first website, they both agree that eudaimonic well-being produces more happiness that hedonic – “happy moments” in life. They described what events in life could cause hedonic well-being and which ones cause eudaimonic well-being. For instance, hedonic (subjective well being) is presence of positive mood, absence of negative mood, satisfaction with work, school, leisure. In contrary, eudaimonic well-being is the sense of autonomy, feeling of meaning and purpose, competence, self acceptance and personal growth.
Overall, I found is very interesting topics that show the difference between people.
Happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, introversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, hedonic well-being, eudaimonic well-being, unhappiness.
Chapter 13 is focused on three motivational principles that are related to the following personality characteristics: happiness, arousal, and control. We seem to have two emotional set points, which are happy and unhappy. The happiness set point emerges from individual differences in extraversion and the unhappiness set point emerges from individual differences in neuroticism. Extraversion has many characteristics, such as sociability, the preference for and enjoyment of other people and social situations, assertiveness, a tendency toward social dominance, or a tendency to seek out and enjoy exciting, stimulating situations. Extraverts are happier than introverts because they possess different levels of sensitivity to the behavioral activating system (BAS). This brain system detects and regulates signals of reward in the environment. Neuroticism is defined as a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. Neurotics experience greater stress, more negative emotionality, and a steady stream of mood states such as anxiety, fear, and irritability. Neurotic and emotionally stable individuals possess differing levels of sensitivity to the behavioral inhibition system (BIS). All in all extraverts are generally happy, and neurotics are generally unhappy.
Arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. The activity of the brain, skeletal muscular system, and autonomic nervous system constitute most of the motivational construct of arousal. Sensation seeking is the need for varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experiences. To attain such sensations, we seek new experiences, as in sex and drugs, and engage in risk-accepting behavior, as in gambling.
Perceived control is the beliefs and expectations a person holds that her or she can interact with the environment in ways that produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes. People with a strong perceived control have an increased probability that they will attain the outcomes they seek. When a person’s perceived control is weak, people engage in tasks only half-hearted ways as they show passivity and negative emotion. Desire for control reflects the extent to which people are motivated to control the events in their lives. High desires for control individuals have high standards and aspirations, they give high effort when challenged, and they overly persist at difficult tasks. When a person who has a high desire for control feels out of control, they often show distress and depression.
Terms: happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, neuroticism, introverts, behavioral activating system, behavioral inhibition system, arousal, perceived control, and desire for control.
The first thing I found online is a neuroticism test and I also completed it. After you click submit it tells you your percent of neuroticism and an explanation as to why you scored that. I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it.
This article is about why extraversion is not the only thing that matters when it comes to leadership positions and positive evaluations in interviews. Research has shown that extraversion is not all that matters when it comes to these specific situations—socials skills also predict leadership. Only extraverts who possessed high levels of social skills were more likely to be effective leaders. Personality matters, but skills and competencies can matter more when it comes to leadership and other complex social behaviors.
Chapter 13 was all about Personality Characteristics. It separated the characteristics into three main categories: Happiness, Arousal, and Control.
Concerning happiness, the chapter concludes that the level of happiness that one has is greatly influenced by genetics. While some life events effect happiness for some short amount of time, they will eventually return to their "normal" level of happiness. The book examined studies where researchers measured happiness in 20 year olds. After ten years their happiness levels were measured again. The people who were happy in their 20s were happy still in their 30s and the people that were unhappy in their 20s were still unhappy in their 30s. They also did a study measuring the happiness of lottery winners and accident victims. While the happiness and unhappiness might have been immediately impacted and effected for a short time, the levels eventually returned to "normal" for each individual.
The chapter also concludes that happiness and extraversion are correlated. People who are extraverted tend to be happier. People who suffer from neuroticism tend to be unhappy. They are often in a bad mood all day and suffer from anxieties and depression.
When the chapter moves on to arousal, stimulation, emotion, and sensation enter the picture. The chapter concludes that when we are at a medium level of arousal, we perform at our best and this leads to positive emotions. If we are under-stimulated and under-aroused we become bored and apathetic. If we are over-stimulated and over-aroused we become stressed and anxious. If we are at an optimal level of stimulation and arousal we will perform optimally.
Sensation seekers are people who engage in new, risky behaviors to satisfy their need for sensation. They tend to be extraverts and engage in activities that will produce sensation like dirt biking, smoking, drug use, sex, sky diving, etc. Whether or not someone is a sensation seeker is generally genetically determined.
In concluding about arousal the book describes affect intensity which is one's capacity to become emotionally aroused. It is basically the intensity and strength of the emotions one feels.
The chapter finishes with control and highlights two personality characteristics within the category of control: perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control is the extent of belief that one can interact with the environment in such a way that it will produce favorable outcomes and prevent negative outcomes. In order for someone to believe in this way, they have to be able to attain the desired outcome and the outcome must be somewhat predictable and responsive. People with learned helplessness believe that they live in completely unpredictable, unresponsive environments so they have little to no control over outcomes. If someone has a high level of perceived control they will seek out challenging tasks because they strongly believe that they will reach the desired outcome. These levels of perceived control effect the level of engagement that individuals will exert when trying to accomplish something. Again, high sense of control means higher engagement and positive emotion. Low levels of control mean lower engagement and negative emotion.
Desire for control is the level at which an individual wants control over aspects of their life. These people are aggressive and assertive, making sure their opinions are heard and will argue until people lean in their favor. They tend to work too hard in some situations and feel like they have control even in situations determined completely by chance. If these people are placed in a situation where they have no control they will suffer from negative emotions such as anxiety and depression.
This blog reminded me of a couple of documentaries I watched. A lot of the people in power have a very strong desire for control; so strong that they might even be attempting to control the human population in general. In the 1980s, the CIA conducted hypnotic experiments on random civilians, causing some to go as far as to commit suicide! It is pretty interesting to see just how far the government will go to establish control. If you think you haven't been effected my mind control think again...
Chapter 13 is about personality characteristics and how they relate to motivation. Individual differences exist in levels of happiness, arousal, and control. Different people have different motivational and emotional states in the same situations because they differ on those three concepts. When it comes to happiness, extraverts generally experience a greater level than neurotic people because neuroticism causes people to focus on the negative in a situation. Extraverts have a greater capacity than introverts to experience positive emotions and they have a stronger and more sensitive behavioral activating system. This causes extraverts to have an eagerness to approach potentially rewarding situations. Neurotics have a greater capacity than emotionally stable individuals to experience negative emotions. They have a stronger and more sensitive behavioral inhibition system. This causes them to be eager to avoid potentially punishing situations. Arousal also contributes to motivation in four ways. First, a person’s arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is. Second, people engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal. Third, when people are under aroused, they tend to seek out opportunities to increase their arousal levels, such as drinking caffeine. Fourth, when people are over aroused they tend to seek opportunities to decrease their arousal, such as listening to calming music. Insufficient stimulation and under arousal can occur. Sensory deprivation is an individual’s sensory and emotional experience in a rigidly unchanging environment. Heron’s sensory deprivation study showed that the brain and nervous system prefer a continual and moderate level of arousal generated by environmental stimulation. Excessive stimulation and over arousal can also occur. Overstimulation can happen through stressful environments, resulting in emotional disruption, cognitive disruption, or physiological disruption. Sensation seeking is the seeking of varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experiences. Sensation seeking is a personality characteristic that is related to arousal and reactivity. It is related to the extent to which a person’s central nervous system requires change and variability. Sensation seeking people search for new experiences, engage in risk taking behaviors, and have low levels of serotonin, but high levels of dopamine. Affect intensity is another way individuals can differ in their personalities. Affect stable individuals have a mostly neutral mood throughout the day while affect intense individuals moods go way up or down throughout the day. Control also affects our personalities. Perceived control is the differences in people’s performance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes and desire for control is the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over the events in their lives. Individual differences in these result in differences in personality and what we are motivated to do.
I was interested in sensation seeking, because I do not consider myself to be a sensation seeker so I was interested to learn about them. The thought of sky diving or bungee jumping freaks me out just thinking about it, so I wanted to know how someone could actually want to do these things. I read an article in Psychology Today that talked about how engaging in risk taking behaviors is a personality. It talked about the different types of behaviors that sensation seekers enjoy and get excitement out of, such as gambling, drinking, meeting new people, and reckless driving. It mentioned that these behaviors are a health risk and then outlined some of the reasons a person is a sensation seeker, such as the need for novelty, change, and excitement, a link to neuroticism, or expressing anger. I read another article that talked about how risk taking is an evolutionary trait. It said that humans who took risks and responded well to the chemicals released in their brains during dangerous situations lived to pass this trait on to their children.
terms: happiness, arousal, control, extraversion, neuroticism, sensory deprivation, sensation seeking, affect intensity, affect stable, perceived control, desired control
Chapter 13 is all about personality characteristics and how they individually differ between people. People who walk around seeing rewards in every environment they are in, are considered to be extraverts. Extraverts are more often than not, happy people. They see the good in most events and have a strong behavior activating system. Having a strong behavior activating system makes a person more likely to approach potentially rewarding situation. They are more likely to be social, have greater social dominance, and be more venturous. People who are introverts are just the opposite as extraverts. They are not likely to approach potential rewarding situations. Introverts aren’t necessarily unhappy, they just aren’t very assertive. Neurotics on the other hand are people who tend to be unhappy. People who are considered to be neurotic experience much more negative emotion which make them more sensitive to the behavioral inhibition system. The behavior inhibition system is when people avoid potentially punishing situations and have greater distress. Neurotic people are not as emotionally stable as extraverted people. When they walk into different environments, they are more likely to find the negative things rather than the positive.
This chapter also talks about how people’s levels of arousal are what motivate them to do things. Arousal has four principles and those principle are put in the Inverted-U Curve, which is a relationship between arousal level and performance/wellbeing. When arousal goes from low to moderate, intensity and quality of performance improve. Then when arousal goes from moderate to high, performance quality and efficiency decrease.
Sensation seeking was another personality characteristic that was talked about in this chapter. People who are sensation seekers are always searching for new experiences and enjoy risk taking. There are biological differences in people who are sensation seeking and who are not. Sensation seekers have lower levels of monoamine oxidase, have higher levels of dopamine, and have low levels of serotonin.
Percieved control and the desire for control were also talked about. When people believe that they have control over their environment, they are much more likely to be successful. They will approach tasks, continue with them even when they become hard, they will work hard, and eventually be successful. Just the opposite happens when people don’t believe they have any control. They are more likely to give up right away or not even begin the task at all. Some people also have a desire to control everything in their environment. This is huge with motivation. If a person feels like they don’t have control over their environment, they will become frustrated and most likely seek control.
This chapter talked a lot about extraverts, so I decided to research more on characteristics of introverts. I found that introverts enjoy activities with a one or two close friends rather than a big social event. They are more likely to want to read and write. Introverts are often craftsmen, artist, defenders, engineers, strategists, confident, and dreamers.
A lot of people believe that introverts are shy, but this isn’t always the case. Most people who are introverts are actually energized by being alone. Being in a big crowd often drains them. This does not mean that they do not have any social skills or have any type of social phobias. They are just more comfortable by themselves with their own thoughts.
Chapter 13 was all about personality characteristics. I enjoyed learning about some of my own personality characteristics along with the personalities of my friends. This chapter starts off discussing the differences between extroverts, introverts, and neurotics. I especially enjoyed learning about neurotic personalities because it is a term that is used so often in our society but often used incorrectly. I learned that in simplest form, neurotic people have emotional instability, but not in a a "crazy" need medicine type of way that is often portrayed in our media. Later in the chapter, we learned about affect-stable individuals and affect-intense individuals. I felt as though affect-intense individuals are very similar to neurotic individuals because both experience a wide range of positive and negative emotions throughout the day. Back in the beginning of the chapter, the book described personality characteristics as individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control. Extroverts are people who are more prone that introverts to feeling positive emotions and therefor have grater socialability and are more likely to approach a group of people, in search for that positive exchange. Introverts are less likely to approach a group of people because they are very prone to finding the negative in everyday exchanges. This part was interesting to learn because the book describes extroverts as generally happy people, which I believe that I am but then I also feel like I am an introvert because I am always scared to approach strangers. However, I feel like my social anxiety is more to blame that my introverted personality. The book the begins to discuss arousal which was also very fun to learn about, especially at this time of the semester. The book discusses how one must have a moderate level of arousal in order to achieve optimum performance.Currently, I have a low level of arousal but interestingly, I feel as though this love arousal level is due to my prior high arousal level that I had earlier this week. I have a huge research paper due at the end of the week that really overwhelmed me this weekend but no it is to the point where it is too overwhelming so I have withdrawn from the situation, putting off the paper even more, which will ultimately raise my arousal level once I actually sit down to write the paper. This feeling of withdrawal from my homework can also be linked to my perceived control of the paper. I am a person who has a high desire for control and I hate to feel as though I am in no control at all. Research papers, especially to this degree, are not my strong suite so I am feeling extra overwhelmed. However, I have acquired skills throughout my college career that have helped me gain a fairly high perception of control over any assignments that come my way.
My favorite part of the chapter was it's discussion of sensation seeking. This personality characteristic is related to arousal. I, myself do not like sensation seeking activities, at all, but my best friend loves them. It was fun to learn that our brains are actually composed differently, with her having higher dopamine levels coupled with lower serotonin levels. I decided to research sensation seeking activities/individuals on the internet for the last part of this blog. On websites: and I learned that there are multiple ways to measure your extent of sensation seeking personalities, although many are disputed. And that for the most part, a person high in sensation seeking already knows it without having to look at a scale...I also stumbled on cool videos such as people riding roller coasters and para sailing!
Fun chapter!
Chapter 13 begins by talking about three motivation factors that relate to personality: happiness, arousal, and control. Extraversion is the personality characteristic that is most associated with happiness. People who are extroverted are social, assertive, and venturesome. Because of these characteristics, people who are extroverted have a higher tendency to seek out situations that promote sociability, assertiveness, and excitement. One important thing about extroverts is that they not only have more frequent positive moods than introverts, but they also are more sensitive to positive social situations and rewards. The important difference lies in the fact that extroverts have a higher sensitivity to positive events than introverts. The chapter pointed out that extroverts have a stronger BAS (behavioral activating system) than do introverts. This is what motivates them to seek out events that have positive rewards. On the subject of happiness, the book describes two types. Hedonic happiness is what most people think about when they think about happiness; it reflects having a pleasant life. Eudaimonic happiness is about self-realization and being happy with one’s true self. On the other end of things, neuroticism is the characteristic most associated with unhappiness. People who are neurotic experiences more negative emotionality and they respond stronger to negative situations and events. They are sensitive to the BIS (behavioral inhibition system). They are motivated to avoid situations that present possible negativity. Because their behaviors revolve around avoidance behaviors, neurotics often feel fear, anxiety, and irritability. Arousal was the next characteristic discussed in chapter 13. Arousal relates to how a person reacts to a stimulating environment. Arousal effects cortical, behavioral, and physiological changes in a person. Without enough arousal, or when in a situation of sensory deprivation, people think less clearly and become more irritable. Being under-aroused as well as over-aroused can be detrimental to human functioning. The inverted-U relationship between arousal and performance demonstrates how too little or too much arousal can be problematic. People differ in their baseline levels of arousal as well as in how they react to it. Sensation seeking is a personality characteristic that involves seeking out novel experiences and being willing to take a variety of risks in order to experience varied and complex situations. Sensation seekers believe that the experience is worth the risks involved. These people have a biological difference from sensation avoiders in that they have lower levels of monoamine oxidase. They also have higher levels of dopamine and lower levels of serotonin. Because of these differences, they enjoy seeking out new environments and taking risks, where as sensation avoiders do not. The chapter then discussed the differences in people’s capacities to become aroused emotionally. Affect intensity involves experiencing emotions very strongly and having high emotional reactivity and variability in a variety of emotional situations. I am definitely one of these people. My emotions, whether positive or negative, are always very strong. I thought it was interesting in class today how MacLin said that once you learn how and why these physiological responses occur, you can better control them. I obviously need to look into this . Control was the next characteristic discussed. Perceived control is whether a person things that he or she can perform the task at hand and if they have enough resources to produce positive outcomes. Perceived control beliefs predict how much effort a person will put forth. When perceived control is high, effort will also be high. Desire for control is a little bit different; it is the extent to which a person tries to make his or her own decisions, influence others, and be a leader. Both perceived control and desire for control impact a person’s engagement. Engagement exists on a continuum and it reflects the intensity and emotional aspect of a person’s participation in difficult situations. Again, high control leads to more effort and engagement, which lead to more positive outcomes and successes.
The most interesting thing to me in this chapter was neuroticism. The book defined it as “a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy”. Neurotics experience more stress, negative emotions, fear, anxiety, and irritability. I was curious as to how a person becomes defined or even diagnosed as neurotic. On this website I read that “neurotic disorders” is no longer a term commonly used. There are a variety of related disorders like OCD and borderline personality disorder which encompass this neurotic disorder idea. I think it is interesting because these disorders are not viewed as negatively as people who are “neurotic” are. I didn’t realize that many disorders are classified as “neurosis” or a neurotic disorder. Some examples are PTSD, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, and OCD.
Chapter thirteen focuses on individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control as well as factors contributing to these differences and ways these differences motivate different behaviors. Any situational event creates potential to affect all three motivational principles related to personality characteristics. Extraverts, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control are all personality characteristics discussed throughout the chapter.
Extraverts are known to be happier while neurotic individuals are less happy. This is partly because their BAS system is more sensitive to positive emotions and holds a greater capacity to experience positive emotions. Extroverts tend to be eager to approach potentially rewarding situations and are more social, more socially dominant, and more venturesome. Neurotics, on the other hand, have different brain activation and have stronger, more sensitive BIS. They have greater capacity to experience negative emotion, and are more likely to avoid actions that are potentially punishing. Although some people are very extroverted and others very neurotic, most individuals are relatively happy and are not on the extreme side one way or the other. Irrespective of life circumstances, most individuals remain generally happy.
People engage in behaviors to increase or decrease their level of arousal, and tend to perform at their best when arousal is regulated. Under-aroused people attempt to become more aroused, while over-aroused people try to decrease their arousal levels. Heron’s sensory deprivation study is an example of how our brain and nervous system prefer a continual and moderate level of arousal. Humans are constantly motivated to control these levels of arousal. Sensation seeking individuals continually search for novel experiences and see them as being worth different risks. They tend to have higher levels of dopamine and lower levels of serotonin, so their biochemistry favors approach and fails to inhibit them from risks.
Perceived control is our belief of whether or not we think we are capable of obtaining and outcome in a situation that is at least somewhat predictable. Perceived control plays an important role in what we are motivated to do, how we do it, and how we feel about what we do. High perceived control is related to more effort and better outcomes, where low perceived control often leads to disengagement. High desire for control has many possible benefits, like achievement of higher goals, more persistence, more motivation, more realistic goals, and more effort than those with low perceived control.
I was interested in learning more about what we can do to control over-arousal. The first interesting
page I found ( was a simple list of signs of over-arousal and steps to take to decrease arousal in a and improve performance in a sports context. A couple things listed to decrease arousal were deliberately slow your breathing and be aware of the “here and now” context and ignore past and future contexts. The second website ( discussed different relaxations techniques and which ones are better suited for certain situations. Six techniques were described as well as ways to implement them into your daily life. I thought this was pretty interesting/ helpful information.
In Chapter 13 it talks all about Personal Characteristics that affect a person’s emotions and motivation. As well as individual differences in those emotional states and motives. The three motivational principles that the chapter focuses on is happiness, arousal and control. Any situation has the potential to affect every single one of these principles within an individual person. At the same time a person has to realize that for each individual each individual situation varies in how stimulating and arousing it is.
In regards to happiness, in most cases on an average day with an average person, people are generally happy, regardless of life events any one person may have. However, for those that are the happiest individuals, that goes to extraverts. Extraverts have a great capacity than introverts to experience positive emotions, stronger and more sensitive to Behavioral Activity System or the BAS. They possess an eagerness to approach potentially rewarding situations. Extraverts have higher in sociability, social dominance, and higher ventures-ness in comparison to introverts which makes them happier individuals. In contrast, the unhappy people are those that posses a neurotic personality characteristic. These individuals have great capacity than emotionally stable people to experience negative emotions, stronger and more sensitive to Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). They possess that eagerness to avoid potentially punishing situations, and tend to experience more emotional stress so making them unhappy individuals.
As for arousal, it represents a variety of process that governs alertness, wakefulness, and activation. These processes are cortical, behavioral, and autonomic mechanisms in the body. When it comes to being moderately aroused, alert but not tense, that is when a person performance is optimal. In the same instant, moderate arousal coincides with the experience of pleasure. There are four principals that go into arousal; arousal depends on how stimulating a person’s environment is, people engage to increase or decrease their arousal levels, when under-aroused, people seek out things to increase their arousal, when over-aroused people seek out opportunities to decrease their arousal. With under-arousal, or in a case of sensory deprivation, this is when an individual’s sensory and emotional experience is a rigidly unchanging environment. So this is more than likely leads to a tired individual which isn’t good for job performance and the work environment. As for over-arousal, this is most commonly experienced with stress which can cause emotional, cognitive and physical disruption in a person.
Control is made of up of two aspects; perceived control and desired control. Perceived control is difference in people’s performance experiences of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. Desire for control is the extent to which an individual are motivated to establish control over the event of their lives; this is always a good thing, could cause large amounts of stress if deprived of that control. In order to have perceived control two conditions have to be met, 1.) self must be capable of obtaining the available desired outcome. 2.) the situation in which one attempts to exercise control, it needs to be at least somewhat predictive and responsive. High perceived control can lead to goal setting, task choice, persistence, concentration etc.
For the topic of interest, I chose sensation seeking. In most cases I wouldn’t consider myself a sensation seeking, but I do like those thrilling moment however, the rush of adrenaline on a ride or driving fast. I was curious just where I was on the scale of sensation seeking, so using a scale available on the web. I like expected wasn’t very high on the sensation seeking scale. However, I was just a bit higher them the moderate average person. It was interesting just where I stood on the scale.
Interesting in a bit more for of the gender differences in sensation seeking, I looked into that. We have the general awareness that men are more engaging in sensation seeking with driving, which explains why car insurance is higher for them then women. Where men have the more brash risky behaviors, women as well engage in risk taking behaviors, some less obvious then others. With woman, it seems that the personality trait of sensation seeking is a key part in why they smoke and continue to smoke. Interesting see that there maybe be slight gender differences there may and be differences in how the sensation seeking is carried out by either men or women.
Chapter thirteen is about personality characteristics. There are three principles that are related to personality characteristics. They include happiness, arousal, and control. There are two personality characteristics related to happiness. They are extraversion and neuroticism. Extraverts are happier than introverts because they have a stronger behavioral activating system that makes them highly responsive to signals of reward. Neurotics suffer emotionally because they have a stronger behavioral inhibition system that makes them highly responsive to signals of punishment. Arousal has a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. There are four principles that explain arousal’s contribution to motivation. The first is a person’s arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulation the environment is. The second is people engage in behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal. Thirdly, when under aroused people seek out opportunities to increase their arousal levels. The fourth one is when people are over aroused they seek out opportunities to decrease their arousal levels. Perceived control and the desire for control represents two personality characteristics that are related to control. Perceived control concerns the capacity to initiate and regulate the behavior needed to gain desirable outcomes and to prevent undesirable ones. When perceived control is strong people engage in tasks with a positive attitude. But when it is weak they engage in tasks in only half-hearted ways. So they show passivity and negative emotion.
In chapter thirteen, it talks about how extraverts are happier. I decided to look up stuff about this. The first article I found talked about whether extroversion makes people happier, or they are happy and therefore are more extroverted. It also says that extroverts may have an advantage when it comes to getting head because they have a leg up on them when it comes to professional networking. The next article I found talked about extroverts being more creative. They are more likely to be successful at creative tasks because they have higher levels of dopamine. Whether extroverts are in a more positive mood or neutral mood doesn’t make them more or less creative, but just the fact that they are generally more positive makes them more creative.
Chapter 13 was all about personality characteristics. The three main components of personality are happiness, arousal and control. Happiness means something different to different people despite any shortcomings or hard aches one endures. The set point of happiness for every person is unique to that person’s life. The book continues to talk about happiness and it including neuroticism (predisposition to experience negative affect) and extraversion (having a greater tendency toward sociability, assertiveness and being exciting). Extroverts are more inclined to reach out to others because of the rewards inherent in social situations –p. 371.
Arousal is a process that governs alertness, wakefulness and activation. Arousal is very closely linked to activity in the brain and the skeletal muscular system. Within the concept of arousal, is performance and emotion, and insufficient stimulation/under arousal. This happens when someone is either very aroused/stimulated, and would have poor performance or when a person is under aroused/unstimulated; they too will have poor performance efficiency and affect. So to have efficient performance on anything, one needs to only be moderately aroused. This arousal state can be seen using the Inverted U-curve. The last aspect of arousal is sensation seeking. This is a personality characteristic of a person who prefers “external supplies of brain stimulation,” and become bored with mundane routines. I definitely have a very high sensation seeking characteristic in me. I love trying new and risky things/behaviors. I like it because I feel not in control of the outcome, which is a nice change of pace, since I usually need to be in control of everything in my life. Not bad or mean control towards other people; I like being able to control the outcomes of situations in my life.
Control is the last component discussed in this chapter. It is easy to define control; it’s the feeling wanting to be in charge and take charge of a decision or your life. Two types of control discussed in this part of the chapter are perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control is what we believe we can control so the outcome we want to happen will happen. Desire for control is the extent to which people strive to make their own decisions. I would say I have a very high need for control. I need to be able to control the outcome of situations I am in, and I need to control the way things happen in my life, otherwise I feel very overwhelmed and helpless. Whether I believe I can make something happen or not, depends on the situation and can effect whether or not I choose to strive to reach that outcome.
I looked up more information on sensation seeking and came across this Sensation Seeking test. It was developed by Professor Marvin Zuckerman of U of Delaware in 1971. It’s 40 questions and says it will take about 15 minutes. I always like taking personality tests, because it helps me find out more about myself. I thought it was pretty accurate, but the questions were very black and white.
The second article I chose is about sensation seeking in classrooms, because I plan on being an educator, and it is important to cater to all different types of students while teaching.
Chapter 13 talked about personality characteristics. It taught us that every individual has differences in happiness, arousal and control. Happiness is whether someone is an extravert or introvert (neurotic). Extraverts have a greater capacity to experience positive emotions, approach rewarding situations, have greater sociability, dominance and venturesomeness. On the other hand, neurotics have emotional instability and are more prone to negative emotions. They avoid potentially punishing situations and have greater avoidance behavior and emotional distress. It has been found that one is extremely happy when they experience a positive event, such as winning the lottery. However, as time passes, this happiness decreases to a normal level to match everyone else’s happiness. Arousal governs alertness, wakefulness and activation. One’s arousal is determined by how stimulating the environment is, whether people engage in a behavior to increase or decrease their level of arousal. If one is underaroused, they seek out opportunities to increase their arousal level in order to enhance performance. If one is overaroused, they seek support to decrease arousal levels because this undermines their performance. One functions best at a moderate level of arousal. We are also sensation seeking individuals. A sensation seeking individual seeks varied, novel and complex sensations and experiences and is willing to take risks. Affect intensity represents the strength which individuals typically experience their emotions. They experience emotions strongly and show emotional hyperactivity in emotion eliciting situations. Their emotions only middle or minor change in their emotional reactions. Perceived control are the differences in people’s preperformance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. These individuals are better at goal setting, task choice, effort, concentration and performance. or example, if one wants to ace an exam, they will try to control this as much as possible. They may review the notes, study with others, make flashcards, etc. in order to learn the material so when it comes time for the test, they will do fine. Desire for control reflects the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over the events in their lives. For example, one may choose to eat healthy and work out everyday to have a healthy lifestyle.
I chose to look up the differences between introverts and extroverts. This article explains that activity in different brain structures tells us who is an introvert and who is an extrovert. Introverts showed increased blood flow in the frontal lobes, the anterior thalamus and other structures associated with recalling events, making plans and problem-solving. In contrast, extroverts showed more activity in the posterior thalamus and posterior insula, regions involved in interpreting sensory data.
I read another article on why people take risks. A study published in Time Magazine, had an article about this. It was proven that those who take risks do so because they have fewer inhibitory receptors for dopamine (the neurotransmitter responsible for making us feel satisfied). Because they have fewer receptors, when they engage in a risk (i.e., skydiving) they get an unusual amount of dopamine during the activity. Because they like this feeling, they continue to engage in risk taking behaviors.,8599,1869106,00.html
happiness,neuroticism, extrovert, introvert, arousal, sensation seeking, affect intensity, control, perceived control, desire for control
Chapter 13 focuses on happiness, arousal and control. According to the textbook, individuals have a happiness set point. Therefore, those who are generally happy now, will more than likely be happy 10 years from now and vice versa. It also relates extraversion to happiness and the three facets.
For instance, extroverts prefer social situations, such as the company of others or social gatherings. Second, extroverts tend to lean towards social dominance. Lastly, extroverts search out adventuresome and exciting situations that provide a state of arousal. The textbook defines two types of happiness: hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic well being is defined as living a pleasant life. Eudaimonic happiness mean's living to one's true self.
Arousal represents an individual's alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Four things relate to arousal's contribution to motivation 1) a peron's arousal level is a function of how stimulating the environment is 2) people engage in behaviors to increase or decrease their arousal 3) when underaroused people will seek out to increase their arousal level 4) when overaroused they will seek out opportunities to decrease their level of arousal because it undermines their performance.
This chapter also discussed sensory deprivation which refers to an individuals sensory and emotional experience in a rigidly unchanging environment. Sensation seeking is related to arousal. An individual who is a high sensation seeker is bored with routine. In addition, they enjoy exciting new experiences such as risky activities. However, low sensation seekers are content with routine. Various hobbies of high sensation seekers would consist of bungy jumping, skydiving, and gambling.
This chapter also discussed control. For instance, perceived control refers to the beliefs and expectations a person holds that he or she can interact with the environment in ways that produce desired outcomes. High desired control individuals approach situations by asking themselves whether they can control the environment. Low desired control people tend to avoid responsibilities and let others make decisions for them. When people desire control but the environment refuses it, individuals tend to face depression or take on learned helplessness.
I was interested in the sensation seekers because I believe that I am a high sensation seeker. I have gone white water rafting, bungee jumping, and love to travel. Therefore, I was interested in learning more about this topic, along with more information on extroverts.
This article discusses how extroverts have an energy source that flows from out of them. They are interested in things happening around them. Therefore, they are highly receptive and in tune with their surroundings. In addition, it discussed how extroverts would best be suited in careers such as sales, leadership, or in a people oriented environment. Extroverts are said to have more brain activity in the posterior thalamus, and posterior insula. These areas are associated with sensory input such as touch, taste, sight, and smell. Thus, this then relates to these individuals as high sensation seekers.
This article focused more on careers that would be good for extroverts. For instance, it said a career in psychology, public relations, education, or sales. It discussed how extroverts would be good with these careers because of various skills such as working with people, communication, dealing with new activities and relationships.
Chapter 13 is all about personality characteristics and how different personality characteristics relate to motivation and emotion. Two characteristics for each of the following were focused on throughout the chapter: happiness, arousal, and control.
Most people, no matter their life circumstances, are generally happy. Two characteristics affect happiness—extraversion and neuroticism. Those high in extraversion are happier, while those high in neuroticism are less unhappy. Those high in extraversion have a higher capacity than introverts to experience positive emotions. Those high in neuroticism have a higher capacity than emotionally stable people to experience negative emotions. People high in extroversion have approaching behaviors while people high in neuroticism have avoiding behaviors.
Another trait in which there are individual personality differences is arousal. Sensation seeking and affect intensity are the two characteristics associated with arousal. Arousal deals with how stimulating the environment is. People engage in behavior to increase or decrease their arousal level. Under-arousal (insufficient stimulation) leads to sensory deprivation. Over-arousal (excessive stimulation) leads to environmental disruption, cognitive disruption, and physiological disruption. Some individuals have a tendency to seek situations of heightened sensory arousal. This type of individual craves new, risky experiences. Biologically, they have high levels of dopamine and low levels of serotonin. Affect intensity is the strength of which individuals experience their emotions. An affect-intense individual experiences emotions strongly at both ends. A chart of their mood over time looks like a monitor of a heart in cardiac arrest. Individuals who are affect-stable (most people) have less variability in their mood over time—their “heart chart” is more stable.
The last two personality characteristics discussed that affect motivation and emotion are related to control—perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control constitutes the personal expectations one possesses for being able to appropriately perform in a situation to produce positive outcomes and not negative outcomes. Perceived control beliefs form a self-confirming cycle both with beliefs of high control and beliefs of low control. . Desire for control is the extent to which individuals are motivated to extend control over events in their lives.
After our discussion in class today and when reflecting on my book that I read for my book analysis (The Help), I was reminded of how I have a high desire for control. I tend to embrace high standards and aspirations and not having control over certain situations makes me anxious unless I know that the person who is in charge, or has the control in the situation, also has high standards of excellence. I chose to look into more information about the desire for control. On the first website, the issue of choices and control was discussed. We (humans, as well as animas used in laboratory tests) tend to equate having choices as having control and therefore do not like not having choices, even from a very young age.
The second link I found was to an article (that I then checked out through the UNI Online Library site) that discussed the relationship between stress, control, and superstitious behaviors. The author hypothesized that in stressful situations, those with high desire for control tend to exhibit superstitious behaviors as a way of regaining control. The results were that those tested in stressful situations, whether they had a level of high or low desire for control, exhibited more superstitious behavior (in this case, knocks on wood) than those in a low stress situation. Out of all the participants who had high desire for control, those in stressful situations, as opposed to those in low stress situations, exhibited a large increase in superstitious behavior.
Chapter thirteen discusses various aspects of personality including some that link back the key question of happiness that Motivation and Emotion based studies spend a lot of time on. It links these concepts back to the environmental and biological effects of several aspects of personality.
The control domains were the most interesting to me, specifically learned helplessness. It's been an interest of mine for some time, but I haven't ever researched it in depth.
The first document I managed to find dealt with essentially, the heritability of child abuse. Mothers who were abused felt as if they had less control over negative childrearing. When their children became difficult, they were more likely to respond with abuse. They saw their abusive actions as out of their control, but their child's negative behavior as within the realm of the child's choices.
This is just another way of saying that the child is being beat for it's own choices and that the choice to beat the child was never anything but a forgone conclusion. It sets the stage for the child to learn abuse itself, but also to learn more passive behaviors. It develops avoidance reactions when perceived control is less but abusive when put in a position of power and feels utterly helpless either way.
Chapter 13 discussed three motivational principles that are related to personality characteristics: happiness, arousal, and control. According to the chapter, any situation can affect all three experiences. Personality characteristics help explain why people have different motivational and emotional states.
Most people are happy, but the level of happiness varies between individual’s. One aspect that I found interesting in the text was that even after strong situational events, people return back to the same level of happiness they had before the event. Set points regulate happiness and well being. There is one set point for positive emotionality and one set point for negative emotionality. The two set points are independent of one another. There are two types of happiness: hedonic and eudaimanic. Hedonic happiness refers to the totality of an individuals pleasurable moments. Eudaimanic happiness involves self realization or doing what is worth doing. The personality characteristic most associated with happiness is extraversion. Extraverts are happier and enjoy more frequent positive moods than introverts. Extraverts tend to be happier because they are more sensitive to the rewards in social situations, so they approach potentially rewarding situations more frequently than introverts. Extraverts have a stronger and more sensitive behavioral activation system which energizes approach orientated and goal directed behavior. Unhappiness is associated with the personality characteristic known as neuroticism. Neuroticism defined in the chapter, is a predisposition to experience negative affect and feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. Neurotic individual’s experience greater amounts of stress, negative emotions, anxiety, fear, and irritability. Neurotic individual’s have a highly sensitive behavior inhibitory systems, which signals future punishment. The signaling of punishment causes feelings of fear and anxiety, making neurotic individual’s more vulnerable to negative emotions and avoidant behavior.
Arousal is another motivational principle discussed in the chapter. Arousal involves processes governing alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Arousal influences motivations in four ways. First, arousal level is a function of how stimulating the environment is. Second, individual’s engage in behavior to either increase or decrease their arousal level. Third, people seek arousal for pleasure and to enhance their performance. Fourth, when people are over aroused they seek to decrease their arousal. When a person is in an unchanging environment they encounter sensory deprivation. The brain and nervous system prefer a moderate level of arousal and our motives counteract insufficient levels of arousal. Sensation seeking is a trait that is related to arousal and reactivity. High sensation seekers prefer a continual external supply of brain stimulation. High sensation seekers become bored with routine so they are constantly trying to find ways to increase their arousal. However, the problem with some individual’s who are high sensation seekers is that they take risks because they view sensations and experiences as worth the risk. High sensation seekers are also believed to have low levels of MAO, which is an enzyme in charge of breaking down neurotransmitters. High sensation seekers are believed to have high levels of Dopamine which is associated with rewards and approach orientated behavior. However, high sensation seekers are also believed to have low levels of Serotonin which is involved in the inhibition of approach behaviors. Affect intensity is another characteristic related to arousal. Affect intensity relates to people’s capacity to become aroused emotionally. Affect intense individual’s experience their emotions strongly and show emotional variability across many various situations. Affect stable individual’s experience their emotions mildly and show minor fluctuation in emotion across situations.
Control is the third motivational principle discussed in the chapter. Perceived control describes the differences in people’s expectations about their performance creating positive outcomes. In order to have perceived control over a situation, the self must be capable of obtaining the desired outcome and the situation should be somewhat predictable/responsive. Having a high perceived control predicts the amount of effort that a person is willing to put forth. High perceived control is correlated with positive emotional states. People experiencing a low perceived control tend to select easy tasks and set lower goals.
I decided to further research ways to increase happiness. The first webpage that I found offered five ways to increase happiness. The first recommendation was to write down negative feelings, which is similar to the idea that people tend to feel better after talking about their problems. Second, people should purchase experiences over goods. For example, traveling creates experiences which increase happiness. So, rather than purchasing materialistic objects, people should aim to purchase experiences. Third, people should give to receive. Giving doesn’t have to involve money, but can be things like donating blood or donating your time. Fourth, the webpage recommends that people write about someone they care for. The webpage stats that engaging in affectionate writing increased happiness. The last recommendation that the webpage offers to increase happiness is to sit up. Apparently, individual’s who sit up straight tend to be happier. I then viewed a webpage that discussed the benefits associated with being happy. People are happy have better health. The webpage mentioned that happy people had stronger immune systems and higher pain tolerance. Another benefit of happiness is a longer life. A third benefit of being happy is having successful relationships. People who are happy have fulfilling social lives. Happiness is also shown to benefit work. Happy people tend to be more satisfied with their jobs which increases their job productivity. One last benefit of happiness is better mental health. Happy people obviously have less depression, suicide, and lower levels of paranoia.
Chapter 13 dealt with personality characteristics. There are three questions that are posed about personality and they are for which motives are there individual differences? How do these motivational differences between people come about? What are the implications of individual motivational differences? This chapter examined personality characteristics related to happiness and well-being, and arousal and control. By looking at these correlations, the three questions above were addressed.
The two personality characteristics related to happiness are extraversion and neuroticism. Extraversion answers the question to who is happy. An extravert is happy because they are very responsive to rewards in the environment. Because of this an extravert is happier than an introvert. Neuroticism is the answer to the question who is unhappy. People who are neurotic have a hard time emotionally and are very responsive to punishment in the environment. Extraversion is associated with approach-oriented behavior and these people tend to have a positive emotionality. People who are neurotic tend to have avoidance behaviors and a negative emotionality.
Personality characteristics associated with arousal are sensation seeking and affect intensity. Those who are sensation seeking have a need to take risks and seek intense sensations. Examples of these risks could be new experiences in sex, drugs, gambling, and thrill seeking activities like sky diving or roller coasters. Affect intensity is how individuals experience emotion. Affect intense people tend to experience emotions very strongly and show emotion hyperactivity. Those who are affect-stable have only mild changes in emotional reactions.
The two terms associated with control are perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control deals with starting and regulating the behavior that is needed to get the desired outcome and to stop the unwanted outcome. People with high perceived control are more likely to have their efforts produce a positive outcome which increases perceptions of high control. The desire for control is the degree to which people are motivated to control things in their lives. People who have a high desire for control want to control what happens to them, so they seek to establish this and renew it when it is lost.
I wanted to find out a little more about extraverts, introverts, and happiness. The first article I found discussed the typical attributes of being extroverted versus being introverted. It also want onto say that introverted people can actually be happier by faking being extroverts. Introverts may fake the characteristics of an extrovert and project happiness and it actually makes them feel happier.
The second article I found discussed the difference between an introvert and an extrovert and went even further to say what fuels an introvert is like poison for an extravert and vice versa. It also discussed seven ways that an introvert could be happy. These tips included to really enjoy your quiet time whatever that may be, Try to have a conversation goal when in a large group, promote strength (example writing) through social networking sites, don’t be afraid to meet new people even it is one per day, practice saying your introduction when meeting new people, be the person people go to on whatever your area of expertise is, and be a matchmaker for someone else so the spotlight isn’t necessarily on you.
Chapter thirteen discussed the three profound personality characteristics which are happiness, arousal, and control. We can explain and estimate how multiple different people will react in the same situation through these three features. First, happiness is experienced in all types of people in all types of lifestyles. Whether a person is poor or rich, most people will identify themselves as being happy. Extraversion is highly correlated with happiness. Extraverts bring forth three facets to describe them, sociability, assertiveness, venturesomeness. People that possess extravert qualities tend to be happier in their life than introverts because they are open to rewards in social situations. These interactions allow positive feels to flow through them. Extroverts possess a stronger behavioral activating system (BAS) which allows the brain system to detect and release signals to alert one of the rewards in the environment. This system is designed to motivate one in approach-oriented, goal-directed behaviors. On the other hand, neurotic people suffer emotionally. They experience negative feelings from environments that create an unhappy lifestyle. Instead of having a strong BAS, they are highly sensitive to BIS, or behavior inhibition system. These encourage negative emotions such as fear and anxiety. Unlike extraverts, situations make them sensitive to the negative emotions, encouraging them to not participate.
Arousal is in charge of alertness, wakefulness, and activation. The relationship between arousal and performance efficiency and affect can be seen in the inverted-U curve. On the left end of the graph, one experiences low levels of arousal. This produces boredom and restlessness which produces negative affects. An individual can also acquire sensory deprivation that alludes to a person’s sensory and emotional experiences in the environment. On the right end of the spectrum, is overstimulation. This also causes negative effects such as stress and frustration. When we are on either the high or low end, we strive to find things to bring us back to the middle where we are at a great spot for productivity. On the other end, overstimulation produces upset cognitive states, impaired cognitive activity and accelerated physiological processes. Individuals can also harbor a sensation seeking personality. These individuals get tired of doing the everyday activities and seek out to increase arousal through new, exciting experiences. These people are often risk takers.
There are two types of control: perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control is the belief one has on how they will execute themselves to produces their desired outcome and avoids undesired outcomes. The amount of effort a person will exert in a situation depends on their perceived control. When they believe that they have a lot of control over to effect the situation, they will try harder. On the other hand, they produce little control and become pessimistic with they perceive they have little control in affecting the situation. The desire for control is the amount of effort one will put forth in order to establish control over an event. People with high desire for control favor choosing their own decisions, relying on themselves for things, and take leadership roles. They tend to control a situation, speak loudly, explosively, and rapidly. High desire for control individuals will persist longer on a task than a low desire for control individual. Sometimes a desire for control can be negative. They tend to set goals to high, invest too much time on something that won’t be accomplished, and can also develop an illusion of control.
I was interested to learn about whether I am an extrovert or introvert. This is a concept that I should just know about myself. However, I find that I can be extremely extroverted, but I am also introverted depending on the situation. I was curious to find out what an outside source would say. On the first website, I took a survey. If you had more “true,” than you is an introvert. My numbers were almost identical. I had nine “true,” or nine introverts compared to eleven “false,” extroverts. I think this definitely describes me.
The next website describes an “ambivert.” After discovering I was neither an extrovert nor an introvert, I decided to research what I was classified as. I learned that I am an “ambivert.” An ambivert is someone who falls in between the two concepts and cannot fully classify as either.
Chapter 13 focused on personality characteristics, more specifically their relation to happiness, control, and arousal.
Happiness focuses on two personality characteristics: extraversion and neuroticism. Researchers found that those who are extroverted tend to be happier people because they tend to have more positive emotions, be more social, and they are more responsive to rewards. Those high in neuroticism have a high degree of emotional instability and more apt to have negative emotions. They tend to have higher inhibition in behavior, which makes them more responsive to potential punishment. By being more responsive to potential punishment, those high in neuroticism will avoid different situations and have a tendency to have more negative emotions.
Arousal is a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation and these processes are cortical, behavioral, and autonomic mechanisms. One’s arousal is reflective of how stimulating the environment is and the behavior one engages to increase or decrease this arousal. A moderate level of arousal is ideal so under aroused people will seek environments or opportunities to increase arousal, whereas those that are over aroused will seek opportunities to decrease arousal. This relationship is best described by the inverted-U hypothesis that shows that a moderate level of arousal is preferred. In regards to arousal, we are a sensation-seeking individual, which is the seeking of different, complex, and unique sensations and experiences and the willingness to take risks to obtain the experiences. In regards to emotional arousal, those that are able to stronger emotions are affect-intense, whereas those who experience mild emotions are affect-stable.
Control is best characterized by the division between perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control is the differences in people’s expectancies to produce favored outcomes. Desire for control is the capacity to how people strive to make decisions, influence others, assume leadership, and enter situations prepared.
Desire for control and stress don’t seem to work simultaneously with each other, as high amounts of stress can inhibit one’s desire for control. In order to gain control, people will try and do different things to reduce the stress. Gloria Keinan looked at how superstitious behavior could be used to can more control over a situation and reduce stress. She found in her study that those who have a high desire for control but were experiencing a high amount of stress, were more willing to “knock on wood” to attempt to gain more control and combat the effects of the high stress. (
Those who have a higher desire for control tend to seek out success because they have higher levels of aspirations, higher expectancies for performances and set more realistic expectations to achieve these aspirations. Burger (1985) also found that these individuals also were able to respond to a more challenging task with higher effort and more persistence than those who were low in desire for control. Although these individuals seem to seek out more successful situations, Burger wasn’t able to find a pattern between high in desire for control and success or failure. (
Chapter 13 discusses the characteristics of personality. The author focuses on three main components; happiness, arousal, and control. A study done by Diener & Diener (1996) found that most people are happy and that has little to do with what is going on in their lives. Lottery winners and car accident victims report on average equal amounts of happiness a short time (2 months) after the event. There are two main components to happiness, extraversion and neuroticism. Extraversion has three facets, which are sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness. Extraverts are happier than introverts because they are better at experiencing positive emotions. They have a stronger behavioral activating system, which leads to more intense reward signals. Neuroticism is a predisposition to experience negative affect and feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy. Neurotics have more negative emotions, feel stress more intensely, and often experience negative mood states. Neurotics hold on to bad thoughts and feelings longer than an individual who is low in neuroticism. There are two different types of happiness. Hedonic happiness is related to a pleasant life. It is the one that is usually thought of when a person thinks about happiness. Eudaimonic happiness is similar to self-actualization. People who are high in this engage in activities they believe to be meaningful and work towards personal growth.
Arousal is a name given to many different components that effect alertness, wakefulness, and activation. Arousal has four basic components that are tied to motivation; a person’s arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is, people engage in behavior to increase or decrease the level of arousal, when underaroused people seek out opportunities to increase the arousal because it is pleasurable and enhances performance, and when overaroused people seek out opportunities to decrease the arousal levels because increases in environmental stimulation are aversive and undermine performance whereas decreases are pleasurable and enhance performance. People perform optimally at moderate levels of arousal. It follows an inverted U shape. This means that low levels of arousal and high levels of arousal effect efficiency and affect negatively. Arousal also effects emotions, low levels equate to boredom and high levels create anxiety and stress.
In this chapter control is talked about in two different ways, perceived control and desired control. Perceived control has to do with beliefs and expectations a person has about the outcome that interaction will produce, mainly that it will be a desired one. Perceived control is a way to predict the amount of effort an individual will exert on any given task. It is related to other psychological constructs like perceived competence, self-efficacy, and perceived ability. It is the concept upon which these others are based. Desired control is about how motivated a person is to have control over their lives. It is different in that it doesn’t matter how much control they actually have, as it does to someone with high perceived control.
After doing the reading and listening to the lecture I wanted to figure out about ways to control neuroticism. This article states that antidepressants may help to treat neuroticism as a mechanism for curing depression. It also states that people who are highly neurotic are at a higher risk to suffer from depression. This article discusses some non prescription options for treatment that include various types of psychotherapy, art/music therapy, and relaxation exercises like meditation or yoga
Chapter 13 was focusing around the personality characteristics. The chapter talks about how three main perspectives which are happiness, arousal, and control. Any situational event offers the potential to affect all three of these subjective experiences. Also, personal characteristics presented in this chapter—extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control—explain why different people have different motivational and emotional states even in the same situation.
For happiness, most people are happy, and this is true almost irrespective of their life circumstances. People react strongly to life events, and they react very strongly to events like lottery luck and life-threatening accidents. When researchers monitored the emotions of victims with spinal-cord injuries, they found that these persons felt very strong negative emotions and only rare positive emotions 1 week after the accident, as you would expect from the circumstances they faced.
Arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. These processes are cortical, behavioral, and autonomic mechanisms. Thus, the activity of the brain (cortical), skeletal muscular system (behavioral), and autonomic nervous system (autonomic) together constitute most of the motivational construct of arousal.
Many possible personality characteristics could be included under the category of personal control beliefs, including locus of control, perceived control, causality orientations, mastery versus helpless orientations explanatory style, desire for control, type A behavior pattern, and self-efficacy. Perceived control refers to the beliefs and expectations a person holds that he or she can interact with the environment in ways that produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes. Desire for control reflects the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control over the events in their lives.
For my first website it was an interesting way to look at perceived control, which the article was about how we can have control over the asthma that people have. That if we realize that we have more control over the asthma symptoms that arise that we can take more control over it, so it doesn’t have as control over us. My second article was about how people can attain happiness and that it is hard to find happiness because we don’t even know what it is. They continue on in the article in which a lot of us have heard of that money really can’t buy you happiness and that us Americans spend vast amounts of money to make themselves happy, but that really in the end doesn’t create everlasting happiness.
Terms: Happiness, arousal, control, perceived control, and desire for control
Happiness, arousal, and control are the three motivational principles related to personality characteristics that chapter 13 talks about. It says that most people are happy even when they don’t have that great of a lifestyle. The people that are most associated with “Who is happy?” are extraverts. Extraverts are sociable, assertive, and venturesomeness. When people usually tend to stay away from those three things they are considered to be introverts. Because extraverts experience more positive emotions they are found to be more happy than introverts. Extraverts experience more positive emotion because they have a stronger BAS. When people are asked to associate something with “Who is unhappy?” people think of neuroticism. The book defines neuroticism as “a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy.” Because neurotics tend to notice the bad things in life and don’t let go of them they suffer emotionally. Arousal represents cortical, behavioral, and autonomic processes that help determine alertness, wakefulness, and activation. When someone is not very aroused their performance level is not very well. As the level of arousal moves from low to moderate the performance improves, but as it moves from moderate to high the performance decreases. People perform better at a moderate arousal because they are not too tired or bored(low arousal) or they are not frightened or stressed like crazy(high arousal). The characteristic of personality that relates to arousal and reactivity is sensation seeking. Someone that is a high sensation seeker doesn’t like to do the same thing every day, likes to try new exciting things, and would rather have a continual external supply of brain stimulation. Affect intensity is defined in the book as “in the terms of the strength with which individuals typically experience their emotions.” People that have a low affect intensity tend to stay in the same general vicinity of mood, whereas people with a high affect intensity have their mood all over the place. The book says that “perceived control concerns differences in people’s preperformance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes.” The desire of control looks at how often people try to make their own decisions, make an influence on other people, take charge, and take on things that seem like a lot to handle.
I found the topic on sensation seeking to be very interesting. I feel that I have a medium to high sensation seeking personality. I find myself wanting to do more dangerous things because I think it would be fun. I don’t get very aroused off of roller coasters anymore. The first link I found was . This website talked about kayaking and the thrill of white water kayaking. When I read this sentence it made me think of “whoo she has a high sensation seeking personality” : “When we first met, even though the river was running high, her sunburned face told me that there was absolutely nothing that could happen that day that could get her excited.” This article goes on more to talk about sensation seeking personality itself. It was very interesting.
A lot of the links for sensation seeking were for sensation seeking scales. I decided to take one and my result was a 53% which is average. The scores are 00-27% = Very Low 28-41%=Low 42-70% = Average 71-84%= High and 85- 100%= Very High I would recommend doing one of these scales to see where you are at on the sensation seeking side of your personality. It was pretty interesting. The scale that I took was found on:
Chapter thirteen covers the broad topic of personality characteristics. There are three main subtopics that branch from personality characteristics: happiness, arousal, and control. Happiness is one emotion that comes to mind when we experience something euphoric. Typically, most people, if asked, would say they are happy individuals. Regardless of level of income, educational background, cultural orientation, people tend to be happy with their lives. Happiness appears to continuously follow across the life, even negative and tragic live events do not tarnish ones happiness across time. Sure there will be unhappy and saddening moments, but generally speaking, people will have other life satisfactions that continue to give them a positive outlook. Extraverts are considered to be happy. They engage in more social conversation, seek a dominant role, and find gratification from pleasurable and stimulating events. Extraverts differ from introverts because they are more sensitive to rewards, as well as the ability to familiarity of more positive emotions. There are two types of happiness, hedonic and eudaimonic . Hedonic happiness includes the whole of one’s pleasurable moments. Eudaimonic happiness, on the other hand, involves self-realization. The reality of ones well-being and growth experienced through meaningful events. While extraverts are seen as happy, on the opposite end of the spectrum we find a relationship between neuroticism and suffering. Neurotic people are more emotional and have a greater likelihood of experiences negative emotions. They are highly sensitive to punishment and feel much greater fear and anxiety, especially when compared to extraverts. Extraversion and neuroticism are two of the big five personality characteristics model that shows complete opposite components.
Arousal includes components of alertness, wakefulness, and activation. The inverted U model is helpful in gaining a visual concept of where arousal is best. A moderate level of arousal results in the best outcome for performance efficiency and affect, where too low or too high of arousal are detrimental. Sensory deprivation occurs when the brain doesn’t have a moderate level of arousal and due to sufficient under arousal. Overstimulation and excessive stress from environmental experiences, such as death in a family, cause over arousal to occur. Everybody has a different sensation seeking component to arousal as well. High sensation seeking individuals strive for greater brain stimulations and are seen as “risk takers” who love to experience highly arousing situations. Low sensation seeking individuals are the opposite. They have a tendency to avoid any over stimulation and like experiences that are low in arousal.
Control can be characterized by perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control holds a belief that one is in charge of their environment. The greater one can predict their situational environment leads to higher perceived control. They also predict the effort one is likely to employ. Someone who is high in perceived self-control is more likely to challenge themselves and set higher goals compared to individuals with low perceptions of self-control in their environment. Perceived control also involves the amount of engagement one is likely to have. Highly engaged individuals focus more and pay attention to events more thoroughly when they have a perceived sense of control. Low engagement in activity is associated with individuals with low perceived control. Desire for control is the motivational factor an individual will have to enforce control over a situation that they may not have over. This can be found though interactions and communication to obtain a desired sense of control. Losing self-control is associated with low autonomy. Certain situations in our environment are uncontrollable such as natural disasters or accidents. It may be harmful or lead to learned helplessness if and individual desires control in a particular situation but is unable to fulfill control over the event.
One article went over topics of how to manage emotions during athletic events. Stress affects mental and physical abilities during competition. One the basis of control, it is important to have both a perceived sense of control over the situation as well as a desired control to perform. Fear, anxiety, and anger are all aspects that occur in sporting events, but those who are able to suppress these feelings are more likely to have greater results. There is an important mental aspect when playing sports that controlling emotions puts athletes at and advantage over others. Another article studied the effects of sensation seeking. In a study, results showed sensation seeking individuals showed early and stronger stimulation in the brain when showed both pictures of mild pleasant and unpleasant material. The anterior cingulate, a portion of the brain, showed different results for low sensation seeking individuals. Their brain activity was less reactive and strong. The article also related this sensation seeking phenomena as an evolutionary trait. Genetic variations, supporting evidence from twin studies, such as level of receptors and dopamine influence who has a high or low sensation seeking style. How the brain responds to fear also influences sensation seeking. Someone may interpret something as fearful, such as an amusement park ride, but understand there is little chance of injury.
Chapter 13 focuses on three motivational principles related to personality characteristics. They are happiness, arousal, and control. The chapter begins by discussing happiness and why some people are happy and some are not. The author discusses how happiness is a personality characteristic that is at a set point in each person, as is weight discussed previously. In studies that have been conducted, people who experience both happy and unhappy situations may experience extreme ends (happy or unhappy) of the mood scale in the beginning, but will flatten out to a consistent level of happiness later on. This is why it is believed that we each have a set point of happiness. Because of this, people’s happiness levels and thusly their likelihood of approach/avoid behaviors can be anticipated quite successfully and accurately. The chapter discusses how our happiness and unhappiness set points can be explained by our personalities, or our likelihood of extroversion or neuroticism.
Our personal characteristic of happiness is associated with extraversion. Extraversion can be split into three facets: sociability, assertiveness, and venturesomeness. Basically, the book says that those who have the characteristics consistent with extraversions are happier than those who don’t because they have more positive moods than introverts. This is due to our BAS or behavioral activating system. Those who are happy have a stronger BAS than those who aren’t. This means they are sensitive to situations that signal a forthcoming reward. When their BAS receives this signal, they anticipate situations with excitement, approach behaviors, and happy feelings. These situations only mildly activate the BAS of individuals who are introverts. The findings of extraversion being heritable are enhanced by twin studies who perform similarly on extraversion questionnaires when reared apart.
On the other hand, our personal characteristic of unhappiness is associated with neuroticism. This is when there is “a predisposition to experience negative affect and feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy.” (p. 372). Neurotics experience more negative feelings, such as stress, anxiety, fear, irritability, etc. On the opposite end of extraverts, neurotics have a sensitive BIS or behavioral inhibition system. This means that they are sensitive to situations that signal a forthcoming punishment. Because of this, they experience negative emotions. They anticipate that situations will bring them fear and anxiety. This results in them emitting avoidance behaviors, thus being unhappy more often than extraverts.
The next section discussed arousal. According to the book, “arousal represents a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation.” (p. 374). The activity of the brain, muscular system, and autonomic nervous system constitute the motivational construct of arousal. The authors say that there are four principles that explain arousal’s contribution to motivation: 1) a person’s arousal level is mostly a function of how stimulating the environment is, 2) people engage in behavior o increase or decrease their level of arousal, 3) when underaroused, people seek opportunities to increase arousal levels, because increases are positive, 4) when overaroused, people seek opportunities to decrease their arousal levels, because increases are aversive. These together make the inverted “U” shape that describes the relationship between arousal level and performance/well-being. Low levels of arousal produce poor performance. Moderate levels of arousal produce optimal performance. High levels of arousal produce poor performance again. Because of this explanation, low stimulation causes boredom and restlessness, which is aversive. High stimulation causes stress and tension, which is aversive. People try to escape these situations so they will do what I said previously; seek out the opposite level of stimulation. Those who are underaroused may even participate in risk-taking because they want to avoid the boredom. Those who are overaroused may participate in calming environments. In a study performed, it was discovered that sensory deprivation actually resulted in terrible performance, even of tasks that seem easy in everyday life. We are naturally enabled with processes to combat these bouts of boredom produced in sensory deprivation, we make up stories with our mental capabilities. When we are overaroused, we get stressed and it can turn into anger, anxiety, and irritability. We may have cognitive disruption that ends in confusion, forgetfulness, and impaired concentration. These often result in our autonomic nervous systems coming into play. Our blood pressure and pulse may rise and we may be vulnerable to headaches.
This section also discusses sensation seeking and how that is related to arousal. Sensation seeking is a personality characteristic associated with arousal. High sensation seekers get bored with routine and try to find ways to continually stimulate themselves through exciting experiences. Low sensation seekers tolerate routine well and prefer low stimulation. Those who are high sensation seekers often ignore possible risks when trying to participate in stimulating tasks. The book describes them as “risk accepting” instead of risk taking. Sensation seeking is tied to biological bases. It is found that sensation seekers have low amounts of MAO or monoamine oxidase. This is the enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine acts on the pleasure centers of the brain, facilitating approach behaviors, while serotonin acts as the brains inhibition system. Sensation seekers have higher amounts of dopamine and lower amounts of serotonin, explaining why they are sensation seekers in many facets of their lives.
Lastly this section discusses affect intensity. This is peoples’ ability to become emotionally aroused. There are some people who have affect-intense personalities and some who have affect-stable personalities. How you react to certain situations and events defines your affect intensity. If you react significantly or intensely to events and situations on a day to day basis, you are probably more likely an affect-intense individual. If you react rather well and do not have extreme reactions during day to day events and situations, you are probably an affect-stable individual. This can be explained because affect-intense individuals are more sensitive to changes in arousal than are affect-stable individuals.
The last part of the chapter discusses control. There are two personality characteristics included, perceived control and the desire for control. They aren’t hard to understand. Perceived control is when someone views themselves as having the capacity to produce certain outcomes. Desire for control is when people strive to make their own decisions, assume leadership roles, enter situations in overly prepared ways, and influence others. In order for someone to perceive control, they must be capable of obtaining the desired outcome and the situation needs to be somewhat predictable and responsive. Those with a high perceived control exert more effort and seek out relatively challenging tasks. They will also set high goals and plans about how to succeed. They will persist in the face of difficulty and be concentrated. When someone has a low perceived control, they will seek out easy tasks, quit if things go wrong, have low attention, and low confidence. People always say that if you believe you can do it, you will be able to and vice versa. The section discusses this. They call it the self-confirming cycles of high and low engagement. Basically this means that high effort will produce positive outcomes and a perception of control which will then produce high effort. It is a cycle. The same is true for low effort and low perceived control. Using this knowledge, we can help ourselves realize how to do better on situations and how negative it is to have low perceived control.
The last part of the chapter discusses the desire for control. This is the extent to which individuals are motivated to establish control. Those with high desire do not just take what is thrown at them. They assume leadership roles and avoid dependence on others. Those with low desire are the opposite. Those with high desire want to control their fates even if they actually have no control currently. They have a high desire to both establish control and restore lost control. There are many situations where people have no control, yet those with high desire will do what they can to try to establish it. They will speak loudly, rapidly, and explosively and interrupt or talk over their partners. They will often end conversations when they want to and are done saying everything they needed to say. Those with high desire will persist in the face of difficulties. This is how the desire of control can become negative. Those with high desire will often persist too long on tasks even when they are unsolvable. They also may attempt tasks that are overly difficult, exhibiting hostile reactions with failure. They may overestimate their perceived performance and overinvest their energies.
When those who have a desire for control begin to lose control or have no control at all, such as living next to an airport, etc., they may become anxious or angry. They may become vulnerable to learned helplessness and depression.
The thing that interested me most from this chapter was the discussion about low MAO and high sensation seeking. I found two sites that discuss this and how it relates both to gender differences in sensation seeking and age differences in sensation seeking. The first is part of a book and the part that interested me was the explanation of why teens and early adult males are sensations seekers and interestingly why they listen to loud rock music. According to Harry Witchel, sensation seeking is biological. A study they did found that when individuals were presented with a loud noise, their body’s arousal levels changed. Those high in sensation seeking actually had a sudden decrease in heart rate (calming) when presented with the loud noise, while those low in sensation seeking actually had a sudden increase in heart rate (arousal). I find this very intriguing. This may help to explain why older generations also are lower in sensation seeking. They prefer much quieter music than younger generations. According to Marvin Zuckerman, levels of MAO actually decrease as you get older. This as well can explain why there is a difference in age and sensation seeking, also explaining possible causes of “aging-out” of crime in the mid 20s. Males also have lower levels of MAO than women, again explaining why adolescent and young adult males have more experiences of sensation seeking and criminal activities. Because low MAO results in higher levels of dopamine, younger males are not able to assess risks properly. They are very impulsive and the levels of neurotransmitters and MAO actually are similar to those with psychopathy. Those who are drug users are also similar because many drugs act on the pleasure centers of the brain through the breakdown or activation of dopamine. I think it is interesting that the last article goes on to discuss how without sensation seekers, we would cease to exist. While it seems like it would only end negatively, sensation seekers are the ones who have made progress throughout thousands of years for us by seeking out new areas, experiences, hunting, procreating, etc. Unfortunately, our society has adapted so much that there is little left to explore and sensation seeking is now more harmful than helpful.
Article 1:
Article 2:
First off, chapter 13 discussed the personality characteristics associated with happiness. Extraversion is positively associated with happiness because the behavioral activating system is stronger in individuals with high extraversion. What this means is that people with high extraversion are more sensitive to signals for rewards in their environment, and are thus more likely to seek out and encounter rewards. Neuroticism is negatively associated with happiness because the behavioral inhibition system is stronger in individuals with neuroticism. Neuroticism basically has the opposite effect of extraversion; people with high neuroticism are more sensitive to punishers in their environment. They spend more time avoiding punishment than seeking out reward.
Next is sensation seeking, which is the personal need for complex, interesting, novel, and intense sensations in order to feel satisfied. People with high sensation seeking behaviors will often by-pass many risks to get to their experience, including social, physical, legal, and financial risks. Affect intensity is the degree of strength that people tend to feel their emotions. Someone with high affect intensity (affect intense) would rate their normal emotion highs and lows much more extremely than someone with low affect intensity (affect stable). Although these two people experience the same events, one perceives the experiences with a much higher degree of emotional intensity.
Finally, control beliefs are covered at the end of the chapter. Perceived control is our perceived capacity to regulate behaviors needed to produce certain outcomes. This can apply to an individual, their social circle, their environment, and pretty much anything else they feel they can control. People with strong perceived control generally cope better in life, and experience more positive emotions. People with weak perceived control are generally more dissatisfied and experience more negative emotions. A person's perceived control is similar to the explanatory rationales of stable/unstable, global/specific. In both cases, people look at how the events in their lives are occurring and what level of control they have in those events. With perceived control, one's own beliefs cycle around to influence our lives, and thus influence our beliefs. Unfortunately for those with weak control perceptions, this becomes a cycle of negative emotions and unhappiness. The desire for control is a separate concept, which deals with the extent to which people feel motivated to control the events in their lives. In general, people with high desire for control feel anxious and depressed when control is lost in their lives. They tend to have a harder time adjusting to losing control in a situation, such as being unable talk after throat surgery or being stuck in an elevator. Both of those situations take away control from a person, and those with high desire for control would have a harder time dealing with that loss.
For my outside research, I found a research article that dealt with desire for control and advertisements. It looked at the controllability of an ad and what effect that had on people with various levels of desired control. The study found that those with higher desire for control were interesting in exerting control over the ad, such as sending interesting ads to friends online and promoting the advertisement themselves. They also found that people with higher desires for control enjoyed exploring the advertisements and learning about them. In general, when the person was not familiar with the product or brand, they preferred less control over the advertisement. I didn't realize that control was an option in advertising, but I can definitely see how it would be beneficial in appealing to different kinds of people.
Chapter 13 is focused upon personality characteristics. The major “motivational principles” affected by personality characteristics are happiness, arousal, and control. Those characteristics that have an impact on the main three principles are extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control. The majority of people fall into the middle of any given characteristic while a small number fall on either extreme end of the spectrum.
In regards to happiness, those who are extroverted tend to be happier than introverts for a number of reasons. They are more likely to engage in potentially rewarding situations and are actually more sensitive to their positive moods and thus have more positive moods than introverts. People high in neuroticism tend to be unhappy when compared to those low in the characteristic, the emotionally stable. Neurotics are similar to extroverts in that they experience heightened capacity to experience emotion, however, for the neurotic, that is negative affect.
With arousal, the greatest balance, and best performance, will occur at a moderate level. When under and over aroused, people seek to change the environmental stimulus that affects arousal to reach a more moderate level. Sensation seekers fall into this section; they require a greater amount of stimulation to reach a satisfying level of arousal even at much risk to themselves or others.
Control is described in terms of perceived control and desire for control while many other psychological concepts would fit into the category. Perceived control is limited by a person’s ability to actually achieve their goal and a semi-predictable and responsive environment. When both of those are present, a high perceived control belief is present and people are more likely to set larger/harder goals and generally challenge themselves as opposed to those with low perceived control who would only seek simple tasks and goals that were easily achievable. Those high in desire for control want to take what’s given and make it what works best for them instead of just settling for what life hands them like a person with a low desire for control would do. Those with high degree of control attribute their success to themselves but failure as someone else’s problem. They are better off motivationally than a person with a low degree of control who would take failure more internally and lose their motivation to continue with further goals and more difficult tasks.
While reading this chapter I couldn’t help but think about the “big 5” personality traits and where those came from. I went online and took a short quiz to tell me where I fell on each trait, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Included in that list are the reasons I associated the big 5 with this chapter, extraversion and neuroticism. I already knew approximately where I fell on those two spectrums from reading the chapter but I wanted the information it gave at the end, telling me what it could about my personality based upon my scores on the quiz. I felt like the conclusion was fairly accurate, although that could be similar to the people reading the same horoscope in the cold reading experiment (Dutton’s?). I also found another test that used different criteria to categorize personalities, extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. The two sites agreed upon the area of extraversion alone, everything else had varied to some extent. This site was very similar in its evaluation of me. I suppose this is an area of psychology like many others where there is some level of agreement and a certain level of difference in opinion.
This chapter addresses different personality characteristics found in people. In doing so, it features three different subtopics: happiness, arousal, and control. Happiness is a central question in the lives of human beings, so it is good to know what sort of characteristics tend to produce happier people. The main distinction that has been shown to determine these differences is extroversion. People who prefer social stimulation and assertive behavior have been shown to display higher levels of happiness. These people are happier because they have developed a stronger behavioral activating system which heightens their perception of potentially rewarding situations in their environment. Neurotic people, on the other hand, tend to employ avoidance-oriented behavior. This is because their behavioral inhibition system causes them to be more aware of potentially punishing scenarios around them. Likewise, there are two different categories of individuals in relation to arousal. is a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness and activation. There are four principles associated with arousal – affect-intense people tend to have strong emotional responses to the environment, while affect-stable individuals experience more regulated sequences of emotionality. Going with our theme of duality, there are two different types of people in each of the two topics outlined for aspects of control. Individuals either have high or low levels of perceived control, which governs their emotional response to expected outcomes. They also have either high or low levels of desire for control, which concerns the extent to which people strive to make their own decisions, influence others, assume leadership roles, and to be fully prepared when entering a situation.
The first study I examined confirmed much of what we learned in Chapter 13. Extroverted people do not typically have to work as hard at being happy – they can just give in to their natural social tendencies. More neurotic individuals are not as inclined to party or socialize like their more outgoing counterparts, but they can overcome this by maintaining positive social bonds with close friends and family members. The study claims that these sorts of students can also overcome the potential unhappiness induced by their social avoidance tendencies by engaging in positive thinking and other cognitive strategies.
A second article I found discusses neuroticism among newlyweds. The authors found that the happiness gap between neurotic couples and more extroverted ones can be bridged by…you guessed it…more frequent sexual relations. I found this interesting in and of itself, but also in relation to our discussion of the textbook’s material. It seems that frequent sexual activity is not associated with marital satisfaction EXCEPT in relationships featuring spouses with high levels of neuroticism! I would infer that this is due to the fact that sex is typically not a potentially punishing situation which neurotic individuals would be likely to avoid, so their behavioral inhibition systems are not activated. This would allow them to establish a better emotional connection with their partner and increase their level of happiness.
Chapter 13 is about individual differences in happiness, arousal, and control; aka our personality characteristics. The chapter first discusses two personality characteristics related to happiness; extraversion and neuroticism. Extraverts are very sensitive to good things in the environment, more eager to approach potentially rewarding situations and because of this more likely to be happy. Neurotic people are not as emotionally stable (but generally not completely unstable), have a much greater capacity to experience negative emotions and see any negative or even neutral feedback in their environment as punishing, and thus show greater avoidance behavior and emotional distress.
Next this chapter discusses two personality characteristics related to arousal; sensation seeking and affect intensity. Sensation seeking is a personality characteristic in which the individual show high need for varied and intense sensations and is willing to take on high risks to achieve the intense sensations. Affect intensity is the level at which individuals generally feel their emotions. Finally the chapter discusses two personality characteristics related to control; perceived control and the desire for control. Perceived control is our view of whether we possess the ability to get the outcomes that we want or avoid the ones that we don’t. Desire for control is the extent to which we are motivated to control events in our lives.
Something that I thought was interesting in chapter 13 was the concept of perceived control and the benefits that are linked to having high perceived control. I wanted to look further into the topic because I think that perceived control is so very interesting to me because I far too often don’t feel in control of school or my future, or life in general and I was hoping that by learning more about the topic I would be able change my cognitive thoughts about situations and increase my perceived control. I found two different articles talking about perceived control; one an overview of the topic with much of the same information that was in the book and discussed in class, and the other a study actually done about the effects of perceived control. Both were very interesting to me, however I found it especially interesting to read the study. It found that perceived ability is closely linked to perceived control. It also discussed that feedback seeking was affected by the perceived ability and perceived control. When perceived ability and perceived control are low we seek negative feedback and ignore positive feedback. I found this to be especially interesting because this would only decrease a person’s perceived ability and perceived control. And I think that this is one of many things that I can work to cognitively change when I’m feeling low levels of perceived control. I will force myself to look for any form of positive feedback I can to build back up rather than focus on negative feedback and make myself feel worse.,%20gervey,%20and%20bolger%2099.pdf
Everyone is different. People have different personalities, different interests, and different motives. That’s what makes us human! But why are people different? This chapter focuses on the study of personality and individual differences.
Everyone wants to be happy. But who is happy? This question is obviously very complex, but a very quick and simple answer from the book is that extraverts are happy and neurotics are unhappy. Extraverts are “highly responsive to signals of reward in the environment” whereas neurotics are “highly responsive to signals of punishment in the environment.” Similarly, extraverts are predisposed with positive emotionality whereas neurotics are predisposed to negative emotionality.
Sensation seekers are people who have a need for “varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations,” as well as taking new risks. They will try new things to attain that thrill. These people can be anything from drug addicts to comedians. Affect intense individuals are people who experience their emotions in an intense way. They experience many ups and downs, but not in the same way as bipolar people do.
Control, specifically perceived control, effects behavior and personality as well. If someone has strong perceived control, then they will engage in on-task and positive activities. If perceived control is low, then these activities are only half-hearted. If people have a high desire for control, then they have a high desire to control the events in their life, to know what will happen to them, and to reduce risk.
Ironically, one of my best friends and roommate (Student Body President) Spencer Walrath posted this on my facebook wall earlier today:
It is talking about how introverts may come across as grumpy, rude, or unhappy. When in fact, introverts just re-energize by taking time to themselves, rather than being around people like extraverts. I often jab at Spencer for being a “grumpy old man,” when in reality he is just an introvert. Introverts are not any less happy than extraverts, they just experience and approach the world in a different way!
Chapter 13 covers personality characteristics and how they relate to motivation. There are three motivational principles related specifically to personality characteristics: happiness, arousal, and control. Any situation has the potential to affect all three of these motivational principals, and this in turn affects our personality.
The first motivational principle is happiness. Those who are extraverts report experiencing a happiness feeling more often. This is because they are more sensitive to the feelings of those around them, and are able to pick up on positive feelings more easily. Extraverts have a greater tendency towards sociability, assertiveness, and greater venturesomeness. Extraverts are also in positive moods more frequently than those who aren’t as extraverted – they have a greater capacity than introverts to experience positive emotions. They have stronger and more sensitive Behavioral Activating Systems. They also have a greater eagerness to approach potentially rewarding situations.
Neuroticism is very different than extroversion. Those who are neurotics exhibit a greater capacity to experience negative emotions in comparison to emotionally stable individuals. In contrast to extraverts, who have stronger and more sensitive Behavioral Activating Systems, neurotics have stronger and more sensitive Behavioral Inhibition Systems. Neurotics have an eagerness to avoid potentially punishing situations and have greater avoidance behavior and emotional distress when compared to emotionally stable individuals.
The second motivational principle is arousal. A person’s arousal level mostly depends on how stimulating their environment is. If the environment is not stimulating the person’s arousal level will be much lower than if the environment provides high stimulation. People then engage in behavior to either increase or decrease their level of arousal so it will be at more of a moderate level. So when a person is under-aroused, they will seek out ways to increase their arousal levels, which enhances pleasure. And when the person is over-aroused, they will seek out ways to decrease their arousal levels, because too much stimulation and arousal can be averse, and decreasing the high arousal levels will be pleasurable. Sensation seeking is related to arousal level. It is a personality characteristic, and is related to the extent to which a person’s central nervous system requires change. Those who are sensation seeking are always looking for new experiences and enjoy taking risks. There is a biological basis to this, related to low levels of monoamine oxidase and serotonin, and high levels of dopamine.
The final motivational principle is control. Perceived control is the differences in people’s pre-performance expectancies of possessing the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes. And desire for control is the extent to which a person is motivated to control the things that happen in their life. High perceived control is a very positive thing, and is related to goal setting, positive emotional states, and persistence in the face of difficulty.
I looked up websites on neuroticism to find out more about the topic. According to the first website, those who score high in neuroticism are very emotionally reactive and have a higher chance of feeling threatened or being in a bad mood in a normal situation. Employees with high neuroticism may have difficulty concentrating and are easily distracted from their work. In the second website I visited I took a test to determine my level of neuroticism. My results say that I score 92.5% on the neuroticism index. This seems awfully high, and while I know I definitely have some characteristics of neuroticism, I don’t think I am quite this high. It is good though to be aware of the negative sides of being neurotic, and this is something I will work on.
Chapter 13 discusses three motivational principals related to personality characteristics. These are happiness, arousal, and control. The personality characteristics covered are extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control.
Most people are happy regardless of their life circumstances. Studies how shown that even those in low income brackets, those with little education, and people in almost every nation generally say that they are happy. Studies also show that those with an extroverted personality are happier than those with an introverted personality. Extraverts have a greater capacity to experience positive emotions and are more sensitive to their Behavioral Activation System (BAS) than their introverted counterparts. This leads to a willingness to approach potentially rewarding situations which in turn allows them to generally have higher sociability, social dominance and venturesomeness than introverts.
The personality trait that is associated with unhappy people is neuroticism. This personality trait is characterized by “…a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied and unhappy.” Neurotic people experience more stress, irritability, negative emotionality, anxiety, and fear than those who are emotionally stable. They suffer emotionally because their strong and highly sensitive Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) produces a greater capacity to experience negative emotions within them. They chronically retain troubling thoughts after experiencing bad life events; substantially more so than emotionally stable individuals. Neurotics are more likely to show avoidance-oriented behavior (such as withdrawal and escape) because of the sensitivity of their BIS. When they are in a potentially punishing situation like a job interview, their BIS gives them more feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear than emotionally stable people.
Studies have shown that a moderate level of arousal fosters optimal performance. When people are under aroused they are unable to function optimally and performance and efficiency is low. Studies on underarousal have been performed where participants were placed in a Sensory Deprivation Chamber for 12, 24, or 48 and then given simple math questions. These studies showed that performance is highly effected by underarousal because participants could not even complete relatively simple equations like 18 x 75 after 48 hours. Studies on excessive stimulation have yielded similar results. Stress and strain cause us to think negatively, leads to lowered mental efficiency, and heart rate and muscle tone are increased.
A sensation seeker is a person who is always trying to find ways to increase their arousal level with new experiences. These individuals easily become bored with routine and are willing to take part in risky behaviors. They will eat spicy foods, go parachuting, engage in illegal activities, many sexual experiences, and abuse drugs and alcohol. It is believed that sensation seekers have lower levels of monoamine oxidase(MAO) than others. This enzyme is involved with the breakdown of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin at the synapse. They have high levels of dopamine (the brain’s ‘feel good’ chemical) and low levels of serotonin (the biological inhibition chemical of the brain).
Affect intensity is people’s ability to become aroused emotionally. It is the strength that people experience their emotions. Affect-stable people experience mild emotions and don’t show much change in their emotional responses. Studies show that the daily mood of these kind of people stays neutral. Affect-intense individuals are just the opposite they experience strong emotions and show extreme fluctuations in their emotional reactions. Individuals who are affect-intense have great variation in their daily moods. Although their daily moods differ greatly, research tells us that affect -intense and affect stable people do not differ physiologically.
Perceived control is the beliefs and assumptions a person has about their ability to interact with the environment to produce the effects they desire. Perceived control beliefs tell us how much effort a person is inclined to exert. Those with high levels of perceived control set high goals for themselves and seek out challenging tasks for themselves. They are also persistent in the face of difficulty. This attitude of persistence and high expectations as well as organized planning helps these individuals be successful.
Desire for control is the amount of effort people are will to put into establishing control over their life events. People with a high desire for control do not just accept whatever life throws at the; they actively engage in behavior that will lead to their desired effect on their environment. This idea differs from perceived control in that individuals with a high desire for control attempt to effect their environments regardless of how responsive of structured their environment is. The desire for control often feeds into and creates an illusion of control. Individuals who are high in DC often set goals that are to difficult for them to accomplish or work to long on tasks they cannot solve. Many also have strongly hostile resistance to failure. But there are up side to being high in DC. Their high levels of persistence and aspiration often leads to higher goals being achieved and more difficult goals being realized.
I looked up MAOs and their affect on thrill seeking individuals. I found an article about how men are genetically programmed to take more risks than women. It cited Mike Zuckerman, one of the psychologists our textbook also cites.
I also looked up personality tests. I took the Big five personality test and scored high in extroversion (70 percentile) and low in neuroticism (11 percentile)
happiness, arousal, control, personality characteristics,extroversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire for control.
Chapter 3 discusses happiness, arousal, and control. It mentioned that extraverts have a higher rate than introverts, because they have a stronger behavioral activating system. This isn’t to say that introverts are not happy, just that they are more content that actually happy. Also, neurotics, people that have a strong behavioral inhibition system, have higher tendencies to be unhappy.
The chapter also discussed two personality characteristics relating to arousal: affect intensity and sensation seeking. Affect intense individuals experience very strong emotions, both positive and negative. Bipolar disorder is an extreme form of affect intensity. Another example would be people under the age of twenty, as they have not learned to master their emotions as of yet. However, most individuals are affect stable. Sensation seeking refers to people who have a high need for varied, novel, complex and intense sensations.
The book also discussed to personality characteristics in reference to control. The first is a desire for control, which is something I have. Desire for control “reflects the extent to which people are motivated to control the events in their lives.” This is true for me, because I like to know what is going on and do not like others to make decisions for me. In relation to this, I loath ambiguity as it makes me feel like I have no control. Perceived control is the second characteristic, which is the “capacity to initiate and regulate the behavior needed to gain desirable outcomes and to prevent undesirable ones.”
The point discussed about introversion versus extraversion made in regards to happiness piqued my curiosity, because in every personality or skill test I have taken my highest skills or personality characteristics are interpersonal and intrapersonal skills or extraversion and introversion. They are always tied. So I never really know what exactly I am or should be considered, which makes me very interested in the differences. I came across a website,, that discussed some of the differences and how to deal with each type. The author emphasized that they are merely differences between the two and that neither were better nor worse than the other.
Also of interest was a website about Carl Jung’s interest in introversion versus extraversion, Jung, whose name seems familiar, stressed that until someone had tried being both extraverted and introverted, they had not had the capacity to be truly content or happy.
Chapter 13 is about personality characteristics. Happiness, arousal, and control are the three motivational principles. There are various other personality characteristics that people can have such as extraversion, desire for control, perceived control, neuroticism, sensation seeking, and affect intensity. Different types of situations affect ones personality characteristics. People’s happiness can be based off of specific personality characteristics, for example: extraverted people are typically happier than neurotic people.
Arousal is based off an inverted U. Moderate levels of arousal are considered ideal, where as too high or too low of levels can cause issues. Arousal represents people’s alertness, wakefulness, and activation.
There are two types of control discussed: Perceived control – The belief that one has the ability to make a difference in the course or the consequences of some event or experience; often helpful in dealing with stressors and Desire for Control- is the extent to which an individual believes they have control over their life. Desire for control can become an issue because individuals with this want to control all outcomes, regardless of the actual amount of control they have.
The concept I wanted to look further into was Arousal. I just watched the movie Love and Other Drugs last night, which I thought about while reading this chapter, as the movie’s central drug is Viagra. I wanted to look up non-drug arousal treatments. What I found were:
This article made me want to look further into mindful meditation and arousal the article that I found was:
Chapter 13 is about personality characteristics. There are three motivational principles that relate to personality characteristics which include happiness, arousal, and control. Situational events can affect any of the these principles. These principles influence peoples motivational and emotional states. There are many different types of personality characteristics including extraversion, neuroticism, sensation seeking, affect intensity, perceived control, and desire of control.
An example from the book talk about taking an exam for a class. The outcome of the test can make you happy or unhappy. Taking the test could arouse us and we also have control over how much we study for the test and in result the outcome of the test. When we go to star bucks to study we are sedate while if we were to go out on Saturday night we would be aroused. With happiness we have two set points. One point is for happiness and the other unhappiness. Studies show that people who win the lottery and people who were in a horrible accident obviously were at different points of happiness at the time but asked later they had gone back down to their normal set happiness level. Control is something that can happen in certain circumstances but is different for everyone. When losing weight, for some you can shed off weight just by eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis. In the same case other do not have as much control and no matter what kind of dieting they try it is extremely hard to even lose a pound.
Two types of personality characteristics that were discussed in chapter 13 were perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control are beliefs a person has about how they interact with the environment. It is the belief that a person can produce desired outcomes and prevent undesired outcomes. Perceived control has been shown to be able to increase effort and performance. Desire control is the extent that a person believes they are in control over their life events.
For my topic I choose to look for set points for happiness. The first website I found talks how we have a set point of happiness and different situations make are happiness level rise and fall. After time however, you will always gravitate back down to your set happiness level. It also talks about how happiness levels are genetic. 50% of our happiness is already determined when we are born. The second article I found was from the university of Minnesota twin studies. It also talked about how your socioeconomic status, job title, or social position are not correlated with happiness. 87% of their sample in the study were questioned now at middle age and were reported to be above the average of happy. Are happiness level is moved up or down by activities and certain situations. These can be different from person to person.
Chapter 13 covers individual personality characteristics. It begins with talking about happiness. It asks the question “who is happy?”. The characteristic associated with this question is extraversion which is the enjoyment of other people and social situations. Extraverts have a tendency to seek out exciting situations. Emotionally, extraverts are happier than introverts because they are more sensitive to rewards that are inherent in most social situations; they possess a greater inherent capacity to experience positivity. There are two different types of happiness: hedonic (well-being is the totality of one's pleasurable moments) and eudaimonic (concerns self-realization and engaging oneself in meaningful pursuits). The next question to be addressed is “who is unhappy?” The personality trait that is best associated with this question is neuroticism which is a predisposition to experience negative affect and to feel chronically dissatisfied. Neurotics suffer emotionally because they chronically harbor troubling thoughts and have a great capacity to experience negative emotions. They have a tendency to feel an oncoming punishment even in situations that don't call for it. The chapter than changes the pace to arousal which is a variety of processes that govern alertness, wakefulness, and activation. These activities involve the brain (cortical), skeletal muscular system (behavioral) and autonomic nervous system (autonomic). Arousal coincides with happiness or pleasure. When someone has low stimulation boredom is produced. When it is high stimulation tension and stress are produced. The chapter than goes on to explain the inverted U curve to predict increases and decreases in stimulation. Understimulation or stimulation deprivation can cause distress. Overstimulation can also cause emotional disruption. Most humans can only be happy with a moderate amount of stimulation. Sensation seeking people have a high need for constant brain stimulation. They see sensations and experiences being worth the risks that are involved. The chapter then moves on to the concept of affect intensity. Affect intense people experience emotions strongly. Affect stable people experience emotions only mildly and show only minor changes in emotions. The last section of the chapter covers the concept of control and how it affects our happiness. It discusses the concept of perceived control which is the differences in peoples preperformance expectancies of possession the needed capacity to produce positive outcomes or in other words the amount of control a person feels they have over the situations. It also discusses the desire for control which is the extent in which people strive to have control over their decisions and those around them as well as their leadership roles and to be prepared in situations.
After reading this chapter, it helped me answer some questions I had about myself. I suffer from bipolar disorder and, although I am treated for it, I feel like I don't really understand it and its frustrating being unhappy all the time or easily wounded and I never understood how to fix it. Knowing that I have a predisposition towards neuroticism helps me understand all the articles I read about bipolar disorder. I have pasted a link to a sight that is discussing bipolar disorder. I find the article interesting because although it isn't using the same vocabulary it seems to be talking about the same thing and even has a graph like the ones in the book that describe the waving emotions. To make things even better, I looked up neuroticism and it came up with an interesting test to see how neurotic one is. I scored 100%! This chapter has opened my eyes a bit. I need to make sure I don't let myself get the best of me!
Chapter 13 discusses a number of different personality characteristics including extraversion and neuroticism, perceived control and desire for control, as well as affect intensity and affect stability.
Extraversion and Neuroticism
Chapter 13 discusses how extraverts are usually happier than introverts due to a stronger behavioral activation system, which makes extraverts highly responsive to signals within the environment related to rewarding behavior. This causes extraverts to tend to have an approach temperament and positive emotionality. This is opposite to those high in neuroticism, which tend to have negative emotionality and an avoidance temperament due to a strong behavioral inhibition system, which makes individuals highly sensitive to signals of punishment within their environment.
Affect Intensity and Affect Stability
Chapter 13 also discusses the topic of affect intensity and affect stability, as well as sensation seeking. Chapter 13 defines sensation seeking as, “the need for varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experiences.” A biological basis for high sensation seeking individuals is that they tend to have low levels of MAO and serotonin, while having high levels of dopamine. Chapter 13 describes affect intensity as the strength to which individuals experience and feel their emotions on a day-to-day basis. Affect intense individuals tend to experience their emotions very strongly with large fluctuations in their emotions over long time periods. Affect stable individuals tend to experience only mild levels of emotionality with mild fluctuations from day-to-day.
Perceived Control and Desire for Control
Chapter 13 spends a great deal of time discussing the topics of perceived control and desire for control. Perceived control is an individual’s pre-performance expectancy to produce positive outcomes and prevent undesirable outcomes. Individuals with high-perceived control end up having better performance, concentration, and effort, as well as showing positive emotionality. When an individual does not have a high level of perceived control, the opposite of this occurs, with individuals showing poorer performance, half-hearted effort, poorer concentration, and negative emotionality. Desire for control refers to the extent to which an individual is motivated to establish control within his or her own life. Individuals with a high desire for control tend to approach situations with high standards and aspirations, put forth more effort than low-desire for control individuals, and also tend to show more effort than low-desire for control individuals.
For an outside research topic for this chapter, I chose the topic of happiness and how it relates to introverts and extraverts. I found an interesting article from Fox News Health, which discusses how the key for happiness may be due to how different personalities view past experiences. The article said that studies have found that extraverts, whom are normally happier than introverts, view the past in a positive light instead of within a negative light. The study says that, although personality traits are hard to change, individuals can work on becoming happier by remembering positive past experiences and viewing negative past experiences in a more optimistic light. The second article I found listed the advantages of being an introvert and made me begin to question just how extroverts are happier than introverts. Since we live in an overly extroverted world, with introverts being in the minority, what many define has happiness could simply be an extroverted viewpoint of happiness. Some of the advantages of being an introvert that the article listed are indulging in life’s simple pleasures more often, less social complications, and greater freedom in their actions. The article got me thinking about how introverts may instead, actually be misunderstood in how they tend to view happiness.
Chapter 13 divides Personality Characteristics into three categories: Happiness, Arousal, and Control.
Happiness if further dissected into the categories of Extraversion and Neuroticism, generalized as “extraverts are generally happy and neurotics are generally unhappy.” Extraverts have a stronger Behavioral Activating System (BAS), which makes them more responsive to rewards in the environment and therefore are more likely to be motivated to obtain them (and subsequently achieve happiness). Neurotics have a stronger Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS), which makes them more in tune with punishments in the environment, and therefore are more avoidant. (Essentially, when looking at the same situation, extraverts focus on the rewards and approach while neurotics focus on the risks and avoid.)
The effects of overarousal, underarousal, sensation seeking, and affect intensity are explored in the arousal section. The inverted-U curve of arousal vs. performance shows that both low and high levels of arousal produce poor performance/emotion, but moderate levels of arousal lead to optimal performance/emotion. Low stimulation results in boredom and restlessness, moderate arousal produces feelings of pleasure, and high stimulation leads to feelings of tension and stress. The results of sensory deprivation studies further proved the brain needs a certain level of stimulation in order to function, and when deprived it loses the ability to perform otherwise basic tasks. Overstimulation, including dealing with stressful situations, can also lead to impaired function. Cognitive and Emotional disruption results in confusion, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, anxiety, irritability, anger, and physiological changes (heart rate, muscle tone, headache, etc.).
Sensation seekers, by definition, seek “varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences, and are willing to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experience.” The biological explanation for this behavior includes higher levels of dopamine (which results in approach tendencies) and lower levels of serotonin (resulting in reduced inhibition from taking risks).
There is no physiological difference between affect-intense and affect-stable individuals, instead, affect intense people are psychologically sensitive. They experience their emotions more strongly and show greater emotional reactivity and variability compared to affect-stable people.
Our degree of Desire for Control affects our level of engagement in a task or in life in general. High perceived control beliefs lead to goal setting, choosing difficult tasks, high effort when challenged, concentration, persistence in the face of difficulty, positive emotional states, problem solving strategies, and high performance. Low percieved control beliefs lead to low effort, feelings of doubt and discouragement, giving up easily, or showing passivity, anxiety, or even anger. While those with high perceived control tend to accomplish more, those with a strong Desire for Control are in danger of overestimating their abilities and attempt overly-difficult tasks -- persisting with too much effort for too long in denial of accepting failure/defeat. When put in uncontrollable situations, high Desire for Control people reported higher levels of post-task depression, exhibiting additional reactions such as distress, anxiety, dominance, and assertive coping.
In synthesizing the three main concepts in this chapter, I wonder where I fit in, and how I might make adjustments to find the “perfect blend” of personality characteristics that will provide extraversion, optimal arousal, “safe” thrill seeking, heightened affect (somewhere between stable and intense), and ideal levels of both perceived and desired control. As I am, I’d say I have a pretty good balance, and yet still feel, well, that I “feel” too much. I often envy those who are more stable, who don’t get as worked up about or involved in things as I do, who are content to sit around and think about nothing. I am extraverted (but experience anxiety), need high levels of arousal (potentially contributing to my anxiety), am a sensation-seeker (but not typically at the risk of financial or social loss), am affect-intense (also contributing to my anxiety), and have high perceived control beliefs as well as high Desire for Control (further contributing to my anxiety when faced with situations where I have little or no control). I appreciate time I have to myself, but I enjoy being in social situations. I skydive, ride a motorcycle, drive fast, travel to new and foreign places, and seek out challenges (but have no desire to BASE jump or proximity fly, or travel to places high in crime). I feel deeply...cry with empathy...and wish I knew what it felt like to be as insensitive as the men I’ve known. (Bitter? Yes.) I make plans and decisions, take charge when I see fit, prefer to do things myself (instead of fixing what others have done “wrong”: i.e. not the way I would have done it), and feel desperate and helpless (anxious) when in situations where I have no power or control over the outcome (specifically how other people feel/unrequited love or when powers-that-be abuse that power and make terrible decisions that are blatantly damaging to many (e.g. Ben Allen, Gloria Gibson, and the Board of Regents). The bottom line in finding happiness is finding balance. According to Positive Psychology experts such as Martin Seligman and author Rhonda Byrne (The Secret), you CAN make adjustments to your personality simply by changing your thoughts -- and in doing so, finding the right balance for optimal functioning.