Browse through this some articles, look at the pictures...on the evidence page each of those images is actually a video, watch some of those too.
What does the topic of uncontacted tribes have to do with physiological needs? How do they meet their physiological needs? Do you think that they are not meeting their physiological needs as well as we are? What are your thoughts? What is most surprising/intriguing to you?
I think that the topic of uncontacted tribes has a lot to do with physcological needs. Although uncontacted do not meed their physiological needs in the same way that we do, they are still being met. If they were not, then these tribes would not have been able to survive and reproduce for so many years. There was one picture that I saw of a tribe with a basket of melons demonstrated that they aredefinitely able to find a food source in the environment that they are living in. I would view these tribes as a hunter/gatherer society. They go out and find a food source and this is how they survive. In my opinion, they may be far more advanced than us in some sense because if we were living in their environment we would probably not be able to survive. They have been successful in finding food and drink in order to satisfy their needs for food and hunger. They are clearly also meeting their physiological need for sex because they are able to reproduce and thrive as a tribe.
I though this entire website was very interesting! I was most surprised by the fact that we know so little about them, and this is a good thing. If we were to go into their land they would quickly develop diseases and die. The tribes clearly do not want us on their land and this is demonstrated by the video footage of the tribes pointing spears at airplanes flying above where reside. The main message that I carried away from exploring the uncontacted tribes website is that the most helpful thing that we can do for them is to protect their land. Uncontacted tribes are at threat of having their land destroyed by outsiders who want the land for resources such as logging and mining. The one thing that uncontacted tribes want more than anything is to be left that way: uncontacted. This is the only way that will ensure their survival and allow them to continue to meet their physiological needs in the way that they have been successful in doing for hundreds and thousands of years.
are your thoughts? What is most surprising/intriguing to you?
Physiological needs include things such as thirst and hunger. These needs exist when there is a biological deficit. The topic of uncontacted tribes has to do with physiological needs because, to me, these tribes have a different way of satisfying their physiological needs compared to our American ways. I believe that it is important for people to be aware that there are many different ways to satisfy physiological needs.
The uncontacted tribes meet their physiological needs in many ways. In the videos I watched, they explain that the tribes hunt game and how they find Pam Hart plants and eat them. Those are just a couple of examples that on how the uncontacted tribes satisfy their physiological need of hunger. On the topic of thirst, the tribes talk about the rain water in one of their videos. I believe that the uncontacted tribes are meeting their physiological needs. If physiological needs are not met over time, there is damage done to the body and can lead to death. If the tribes were not meeting these needs, they would not still be in existence. I don’t believe there is a way to measure if the tribes are satisfying physiological needs better than we are. I guess the average age of death could tell us which population lives longer which we could possibly correlate to who is satisfying physiological needs better. I personally don’t believe they are satisfying their needs better or worse than us. The fact that we are both satisfying these needs is all that matters. My thoughts on these uncontacted tribes is that I am fascinated by them. I went on a mission trip to Honduras a couple of years ago and there are tribes there that rarely ever come down from the mountain they live on. Watching the videos on this web page made me think of the memories I have from Honduras and how interesting these tribes’ way of life truly is. At first I didn't think I would find this topic interesting. However, once I got on the site I spent a good 20 minutes listening to videos and reading articles. It is devastating to think that their way of life is being threatened. The most surprising thing to me was finding out that some people actually believe that these tribes don’t exist. It is shocking to me how people can deny the facts that are presented right in front of them.
I feel that the uncontacted tribes are just as happy with how they are meeting their physiological needs as we are in our society. It may seem like they are not meeting their physiological based to our society, but the uncontacted tribes are doing well for themselves and possibly do enjoy the life they are living. These people experience the same physiological needs that we do in our society, but they have to go about different ways and methods to meet theirs compared to us. The people of the uncontacted tribes are doing well for themselves. They are most likely what we call a hunting/gathering tribe. Where they go out and look for food, or grow their own food for themselves. In a couple of the articles I read, they talked about how the people go out and hunt for some of their food, mostly for either animals or other fruits and veggies. I also read in many of the articles that the tribes people grow a lot of their own food too. They have crops and garden that they have grown that supply with with certain food and produce that help meet those physiological needs. The tribes meet their need of thirst through gathering the rain water that they collect or the water that they receive from the rivers and streams near by. I feel that they uncontacted tribes feel that they are meeting their needs just as well as we are. It may seem like they are not as satisfied with their needs like our society, but they are in a happy state with the ways and needs they are meeting.
The thing I found to be most interesting is how the tribe works and how society doesn't know much about these people. I find it interesting how nobody really knows their language and that we don't know how to communicate well with them, however we do get the feeling they want to be alone. In some of the articles I read, I read where one guy would warn people to stay away by shooting arrows at them to warn them to go away. Even though they are loosing members and the tribe is dying, these members still want to be left alone and don't want outside help. They are happy with the way things are and want to keep living the life they like and know how to live.
The topic of uncontacted tribes has something to do with physiological needs for many reasons. Some people believe that these tribes are at risk without the contact of outsiders, some believe that they are at risk if you contact them and some people don't even believe they exist. The biggest concern, when it comes to these tribes, is the destruction of their lands, the usurping of their lands from those who want it, and how these things are affecting where they live and their food supply as well as introducing them to diseases they have yet to encounter and thus their immune systems are not capable of fighting. These tribes are very capable of fulfilling their own physiological needs. Although, to modern people, who rely on the luxury of only having to buy food, water and shelter instead of hunting, finding, or building it, it would appear that these people are living archaically and just scrapping by. However, these tribes have developed the skills to hunt and forage food and thus they don't go hungry, they know how to build houses from the things around them so they have shelter, they know where to get water and what is safe to drink so they don't go thirsty and they are still around some they still have sex to reproduce. Do I think that our advanced society meets its needs better than their simple society? No, I don't. I think just because we have a lot of flashy technology and we have people who provides us with food, water and shelter so that we don't have to actually produce it ourselves, doesn't mean our needs are met better than theirs. In the end we are both satisfying our need for food, water, shelter and sex. Plus, if they wanted to join our society, which it is said that they do know about us and chose not to contact, they would. They fulfill their physiological needs just like us but in a simpler way. I bet THEY do it better because their simple lifestyle lessens their chances of obesity, exposure to harmful chemicals and STIs. I do believe that these cultures need to be preserved and the biggest concern for these cultures is keeping outside influences from destroying them. They do have a valuable way of living that could teach us a thing or two about fulfilling our needs. Its a shame that they don't want to contact with us because it keeps these secrets, well, secret. The thing that surprised me most about these uncontacted tribes is the fact that some people, the Brazil government for one, deny their existence and claim them to be the creation of environmentalists so that they can ignore the needs of these people in order to sell rights to their lands. Even if you had a doubt to whether they exist, wouldn't you want to do more research before you risked ruining and killing off cultures that have been there before you and all the things they could teach us about life and survival. Its like people who deny the Holocaust. How? It seems arrogant to ignore such things like a child sticking his fingers in his ears and screaming “I'm not listening!!”
From the outside, tribes that have been uncontacted seem to live a life that is very different from one that we live. But, when we look at physiological needs, it shows that much of their motivation and our motivation overlap. All humans are driven by needs. Need is any condition that is within the person and is essential and necessary for life. Hunger and thirst are two main needs that drive much of our behavior. These tribes had gardens and other food resources. One of the articles discussed a man who was the “last of his tribe”. He lived all alone but had multiple food sources. He dug holes in hopes of catching animals and maintained a garden that was full of produce. This man was literally all alone and uncontacted but was still finding ways to survive and thrive. This shows that although a lot of our motivation comes from our social environment, some of our motivation is still deeply rooted in our physiological needs.
There were multiple ways in which these tribes met their physiological needs. They had tools for hunting, and like the “last of his tribe”, had devised new ways of hunting such as the holes in the ground. They know their resources well and grew gardens that could be maintained in their climate. The plants and animals there meet their physiological needs. They also use the plants as medicine.
I think that these tribes are meeting their physiological needs. If they weren’t, they would be unable to survive. They meet their needs much differently than we meet ours. In our society, we cannot devote the whole day to hunting, gathering, or tending to our garden. We must meet our physiological needs through ways that are less time consuming so we can have time for other things that are “necessary” for survival in our culture. Although we must meet our needs differently, I do not feel that one way is better or worse than the other. The uncontacted tribes are probably eating things that are healthier for them, but we also have the choice to make healthier choices in our culture. Different cultures call for different protocols, so we do what is most efficient for ourselves.
I think that one of the most intriguing things about this is how physiological needs are so relatable across all types of human beings. In the end, all humans are just working to survive and meet our needs of hunger, thirst, and reproduction. The tribes have obviously worked over the years to make their food sources the most efficient for their environment. By making holes that animals can fall in, they take out the long and energy-draining act of hunting. This can also be said for the environment we live in today. Instead of keeping our own gardens and hunting squirrels in our back yard, we go to the grocery store to get food. We have evolved to make this the most efficient choice for our environment. Although from the outside we may not see much that we have in common with these people, our underlying motivational components are very much alike.
This website appeared to be put up to raise awareness about these tribes. Outsiders are encroaching on their land and forcing these tribes out or killing them. When their land is taken, their ability to meet their physiological needs is also taken away. I think that when people look at it from the outside, they are unable to relate to this people and don’t even see them as fellow human beings. Outsiders could better understand their way of life if they took the time to consider that they are doing exactly as we are doing
Physiological needs include hunger, thirst, sex and shelter. The uncontacted tribes are meeting these physiological needs, otherwise they wouldn’t exist. I saw some pictures of the tribe members with a basket of papayas and another walking in the garden with banana plants and annatto trees. This shows that they have plenty of means for food. They also hunt for animals and grow other vegetables and fruit. For thirst, they use rain water and collect water from river and streams. For sex, they can reproduce with other members in the tribe. However, I came across one article of a man who is the last of his tribe. He cannot meet his physiological need for sex because there is no one to reproduce with. These tribes also make intricate shelters, which they need to in order to be safe from weather or intruders (if they make it that far). I think the tribe members are meeting their physiological needs just fine, they just do it in a different way than we do. They are responsible for growing, building and killing their own things for means of survival. They cannot go to the store and buy it all packaged up and ready to be cooked. Our society has the convenience of buying whatever we need all ready to go, whether it be food, shelter or thirst. These tribes probably don’t face the factor of obesity because they grow their own food and don’t consume food that is prepackaged and contains preservatives. They also only drink water which cuts out large amounts of sugar that Americans consume. I think the tribes are successful because they know our society exists, but they choose not to engage in this life. If they were severely struggling, they could join the way of our society. One thing I found surprising was the lack of knowledge our society has about these uncontacted tribes that are all over the world. It is important to know about them because they don’t like intruders and depending on where you are, you may be one without knowing it. It’s also important to know about other ways of life, especially those that are different from our own. I found the whole topic of uncontacted tribes interesting because I had no knowledge about the subject.
When thinking of uncontacted tribes, we are often curious as to how, or if, they are meeting their physiological needs of survival. From the information given through the articles, pictures, and videos, it looks like these tribes are certainly meeting their physiological needs.
They are meeting their need of hunger by either growing food in a garden, trapping animals, or collecting fruits, nuts, and berries from the trees and plants around them. They are probably meeting their need of thirst through the juices of their foods, as well as from the nearby water sources (rivers, streams, lakes, etc.), or through the collection of rain. They are obviously meeting their need for sex, as they have continued to reproduce over the centuries—this is excluding the man who is the sole survivor of his tribe, unless he makes contact with another tribe and joins with them. It makes me wonder whether these tribes practice some sort of planned family building or not, and how big these tribes usually are. If the tribe gets too big, it might be harder to feed and protect everyone. Are there certain times when sex is prohibited in order to keep ideal tribe size?
I don’t believe it is right to judge whether they are meeting their needs as well as we are. That is totally subjective. The people in the uncontacted tribes are probably healthier in that they do not consume any processed or manufactured foods or drinks. Yet, we have more options for food and water than what we are just surrounded by in our home communities, and we have access to modern medicine so we might live longer.
The very existence of uncontacted tribes in a day where the rest of world has advanced and combined cultures exponentially amazes and intrigues me. I think it is truly incredible that there are people still only using the land and resources God first made available—living a simplistic lifestyle. I bet they are way more knowledgeable and appreciated of these resources than we could ever be. In addition, I think it is horrible that these groups are being frightened and pushed out of their territory by those such as encroaching cattle farmers and their countries’ governments. I think that the countries with these uncontacted tribes need to protect them. They need to enforce regulations to protect their lands and them, not take over the lands and clear them out. They also need to stay away from these tribes because the immune systems of the tribal people aren’t protected from diseases or even the common cold, like we are. They could potentially be wiped out from a stranger’s sneeze. From the evidence, these tribes just want to be left alone, and I think we should respect that wish.
The topic of Uncontacted Tribes has a lot to do with physiological needs. All humans need food, drink, as well as social needs. The videos that I wathcend and articles I read show that no matter where you live, in what conditions we humans have similar needs. Of course, people who live in civilizate world have more extned needs that for instance the people who live in island in India who their main goal is to surive every day, make sure they have something to eat. Us, we go to school, work , make money to travel, have fun, for them their goal in live is to sirvive. The movie about the last six survivors of a genocide shows how they live, and what they do to day by day to survive. They know they are the last people in this tribe alive. Physiological needs: they all need to eat, drink, also have social needs, to be together as a group, to surive. They hunt, fish, look for fruits to make every day.
The article the most isolated tribe in the world discusses people in the Andaman Islands . After tsunami in 2004 Sentinelese are the most isolated tribei n the world. They do not want contact with the other group;s, with people ouside f their group, they are certainly afraid and they do like how they live now. The video shows that they are extremely healthy, alert and thriving. They attact everyone who get clos to their island. The Indian goverment wanted to help them but they feel good about who they are and how they live.
Even though people who have no contact with other tribes they do not live like 100 years ago. All peoples are changing all the time and always have, including uncontacted tribes.They are not backward or ‘Stone Age’, they just live differently. They know things we do not know and they vie of life is very unique.
Like the movie, "Cast Away," the uncontacted tribes are a prime example of the importance of physiological needs. Psychological and social needs have equal importance and play their own role in motivating us, but physiological needs are what help us take necessary action to remain alive. The basic components of physiological needs are hunger, thirst, sex, and shelter. The uncontacted tribes effectively show the importance of physiological needs, as these needs appear to be the more important needs to tend to.
The uncontacted tribes take necessary steps in order to ensure that their physiological needs are met. As you can see in the pictures and picture captions, they grow a lot of their own food, containing mostly fruit. They tend to their gardens in order to satisfy their need of hunger. In order to satisfy the need for thirst, they have created systems to collect rain water for drinking. In regards to the sex need, children are present in the picture so obviously older members of the tribe are satisfying their need for sex. The pictures shown highlight some of the detailed shelters they have created for protection, sleeping and gathering spaces, and to remain hidden from e outside world.
Although Uncontacted tribes don't go about meeting their physiological needs like we do, they still are fulfilled in an effective manner. In their own way, they are able to satisfy hunger and thirst needs, create their own shelter, and utilize sexual encounters for reproduction. How they go about meeting their physiological needs wouldn't be my first choice, but I commend them for finding a way to accomplish what they do without all the assistance we get from different technologies.
After viewing the pictures and articles, I was amazed at how the tribes had remained hidden, but seemed to survive and meet their needs. Although I wouldn't want to cause any traumatic experiences, it would be interesting to see what these tribes think of how we go about meeting our physiological needs. Indent know how they would feel about the different technologies, but they might possibly think we are lazy for the lack of involvement we have in fully satisfying our physiological needs.
After viewing and reading about the uncontacted tribes it definitely shows that it involves a lot of physiological needs. Physiological needs are the needs that you need to have in order to survive: Thirst, hunger, sex. If the uncontacted tribes didn't meet their physiological needs then they wouldn't exist at all. These people were able to live off the bare minimal in life. They created their own shelter that protected them, found and made their own food, and were able to provide sufficient amounts of water. I believe that these people are meeting their physiological needs just as well as us here at UNI.
The uncontacted tribes obviously make it their everyday goal to get food, water, shelter. They don't worry about school, money, or electronics. Their entire lives revolve around surviving day by day. This doesn't mean that they don't meet psychological needs though. they have others that are just like them that they can have relationships with and strive to achieve goals in teams. They reach their physiological need for foods by trapping and killing their pray, making gardens to grow vegetables, gathering fruit/nuts, and fishing. They get their water from nearby streams or rivers, collecting rain water.
Sex is another need in the physiological spectrum. These tribes luckily have other people of their kinds that do the exact same things on a day to day basis. For us on the outside looking in it may seem strange but to them thats all they know. They are meeting the need for sex because they keep their tribes alive by reproducing over time.
I thought that this was a very interesting page. There was a lot of great information and it is intriguing to see how there are still other humans out their that continue to live like this. I thought it was sad reading about the last survivor of his tribe. He was the only one left and no one knew anything about him including his name, the language he spoke, or what tribe he used to be in. I cant imagine being isolated like that. I would prefer to live in the world I do now with all the food I can eat, Television, and tons of people surrounding me everyday. To be the very last of your kind is insane!
Uncontacted tribes go about satisfying their physiological needs a bit differently than we do. Where we can go into a grocery store and purchase anything we want, these people cannot. They are a hunting/gathering tribe and must go out and get their food on their own. People in the tribes play different roles, some are hunters…getting meat and others are gatherers…searching for plants. Some people even produce their own crops. Thirst is fulfilled by gathering water from when it rains or from nearby rivers and streams. These tribes go about fulfilling their needs differently from us, but are still achieving satisfaction and fulfillment from it. Since their tribe is still in existence they are obviously fulfilling the third physiological need of sex and are reproducing. I found it interesting that the countries where these tribes are located do not do anything to protect these tribes. Some even deny their existence. This seems very unfair to me, because these people aren’t out doing any harm to anybody else, and aren’t asking for anything. Why, should they have no rights to land that they live on, just because some greedy person decides they want it and take over it.
The physiological needs that we have such as thirst, hunger and sex are our basic needs for survival and biological functioning. When looking into a culture that is so vastly different than our own such as these uncontacted tribes, it is very important to know how they are meeting their physiological needs, or if they are in fact sufficiently meeting these needs. After looking through this website and reading the different articles and watching some of the videos it becomes clear that these tribes are very capable of meeting their physiological needs if they are simply left alone.
The tribes have become experts at using the things in their environment to meet their needs. Some grow small gardens of food plants so that they have a steady growth of food. The articles discussed that many will simply use the naturally growing food in the forest to gather and eat. There is a plentiful supply of different foods for them such as bananas, papayas, and the manioc which is sometimes used to making bread. Some tribes also fish for food. Many of the tribes are in the rainforests of South America and have systems of collecting the vast amount of rain that falls there to meet their need for water. It is clear that they satisfy their needs for sex like all humans do and are procreating (though they may have different traditions for courting and lasting relationships and their connection to sex).
I think it is easy for us to look at a culture like this and simply assume that because we have grocery stores and refrigerators full of food and water we must be meeting our physiological needs better than they are. They are certainly don’t use the same methods of meeting their needs than we do but from what I saw they are able to fully meet all their needs and have a plentiful supply to live off of. I didn’t read anything about major problems with malnutrition or starvation in the tribes. Really people living well below the poverty line in the United States have a much harder time meeting their physiological needs than these uncontacted tribes do.
I think it’s very sad that so many people consider the uncontacted tribes to be savages and animals. To read about the inhumane treatment that many of the tribes escaped from and are still getting from some outsiders was heartbreaking, and made me understand why they would just want to be left alone to live their own lives. I am amazed that people can still look at another human being and believe that they have no rights and should just die. I firmly believe that we need to work harder to understand the many different cultures that are out there instead of turning to hate and violence when we don’t understand why someone else lives the way that they do. The article even pointed out that these tribes have a vast amount of knowledge about the forests surrounding them that that we with all of our advancements and technology don’t know.
From what I watched and read on this website I think these uncontacted tribes meet their physiological needs in a much different way than we do. They eat fish, berries, and bugs. Their food comes from nature and they find and prepare everything themselves. The topic of uncontacted tribes deals with physiological needs because the way that they satisfy the same basic needs that we have is far far different from how we do. This is not to say, however, that their way is any better or worse than our way. In fact, I think that eating natural foods and gathering the food themselves is a much more healthy approach than what we do. In our society, food is made so easily accessible that it takes little to no effort to obtain it. On the same note, our food is usually processed and lacking in nutrients. For the uncontacted tribes, they not only eat better foods but they also hunt and gather the food themselves, which increases their physical activity. I do think that one important thing to think about is the fact that they are susceptible to so many potential diseases and infections that could easily wipe out their people. One of the videos mentioned that even a common cold could wipe out a tribe. I couldn’t believe how many different tribes there are that have remained cut off from the rest of the world for this long. I think it is so interesting that the things we all take for granted, like medicine and easily accessed food, are things that these people have never experienced. I think these people are happy and content with the way they live and I think it is their own right to remain living that way. It does not affect us in any negative way so I don’t think we should affect them in any negative way. These tribes are obviously extremely intelligent because they know how to survive on their own, completely separated from all other humans. I think it is easy to underestimate these tribes, but when you really think about it, they are very skilled at what they do in order to meet their physiological needs and to survive. One really surprising thing to me was just how unaware we are in America about these tribes. I really had never given much thought to tribes existing like them, but they are really interesting.
I think that the topic of uncontactable tribes has everything to do with psychological needs. Every person experiences the same psychological needs: thirst, hunger, sex, but have different ways of going about them. The uncontactable tribes go about meeting their psychological needs by using the resources in their environments. On the website, there are pictures of gardens that the tribes have grown to produce their own food. The tribes have also had to go about finding their own water source as well. An article also stated that through trade with other tribes, uncontactable tribes do have some weapons and metal. The weapons and metal I’m sure are great use in catching food for everyone. I definitely think that they are meeting their own psychological needs as well as we are because if they weren’t they wouldn’t have survived this long. Articles stated that these tribes have been around for millions of years, so they obviously are meeting their needs just fine. There standards for meeting their psychological needs may be completely different than the standards our society lives in, but they don’t know any different nor do they want to know any different. The most surprising thing to me was that there are uncontactable tribes. I had no idea that there were tribes in the world that honestly had no contact outside of their environments. I’m not surprised but I think it is wrong that people want to go in and invade these tribes. I don’t understand why everyone in today’s world thinks and believes that everyone should live in the same type of environments. I think that we should leave these tribes alone and leave them at peace. Also, it I never would’ve thought that by us trying to contact them, they would most likely die off because of all the diseases we carry that they don’t have immunity for. I wonder what kind of diseases that they are affected by if they are not affected by the same ones we are?
The topic of uncontacted tribes has a lot to do with physiological needs. It seems like a lot of their time would be spent on meeting their physiological needs of hunger and thirst in order to survive and less on psychological needs. They need to spend more time meeting their physiological needs than we do because they do not have a refrigerator full of food that is ready to eat. They have to catch or grow their food, which takes up a lot more time than opening up a bag of chips. They also cannot simply turn on the sink to get water. They have to go somewhere to get it. The modern conveniences we enjoy allow us to spend more time focusing on our psychological and social needs because we do not have to worry about where our food is going to come from, like uncontacted tribes do. However, I think that they do a good job of taking care of their physiological needs. Their need for sex is obviously being met if they are able to reproduce and keep their tribe going. In one of the videos I watched, it was mentioned that they have bananas and papayas to eat. Also, in an article I read about a family who made contact with a white man, biscuits and stew were brought out to them. The uncontacted tribe member, Parojnai said that he tried the food and did not like it. If he was that deprived of his physiological need of hunger, then he would have done more than tried it and ate it all whether he liked it or not. A deprivation of this need would be motivating enough to cause him to engage in the behavior of eating a food he didn’t like without even thinking about what it tastes like. I think that our physiological needs are met better than theirs are, just because we don’t have to worry about it, but I think that they are better at meeting those needs than we are. They have to work everyday to meet their needs, while our food and water comes to us easily. If we were put in their situation, we would not know how to survive like they do. The most surprising thing to me was that even though they haven’t made contact with modern world, they have still evolved and are living more modernly than their ancestors. The website said that some tribes have guns, which they acquired through trading, and use bits of metal they find from shipwrecks, something their ancestors would not have had. Their way of living obviously works for them, since they are still around. It is just very different than the way we live.
There are many ways in which physiological needs have to deal with uncontacted tribes. First, many people believe that we must contact these tribes in order to increase their quality of living by furnishing them with things that we believe are necessary for life. However, many of these tribes have been living as they are for years so it is a wonder why we believe that we may need to help them out. According to the website, many of these individuals may not be meeting their physiological needs because of people trying to reach contact with them. There was a tribe in the Amazon that I read about, where it was believed that they used to be an agricultural tribe, often times planting their own crops and gardens. However, as they have fled further and further into the forest, they have abandoned their farm lands in order to hide and prevent human contact. It is also to be noted, that as humans continue to move into the area and drive these people further and further into the forest, the humans settling in the area have taken much of the game away from the Indians within the uncontacted tribes. This is because many of the settlers have guns which can kill a larger amount of game than can the Indians within the tribes. I believe that the members of these uncontacted tribes are meeting their physiological needs, even while adapting to humans settling into the area. I believe that it would be hard for these people to not be seen as meeting their physiological needs if they still happen to be alive despite all of the challenges that they are constantly being left to face and overcome, especially still being able to stay alive despite living on the run. My personal thoughts on the issue with uncontacted tribes is that the tribes should be left alone and that the decision should be up to them if they would like to make contact or not. However, the problem in with making contact with these tribes can be seen when dealing with the economic opportunities that can be seized from these areas (especially in the Amazon forest where rubber, mahogany, and fruit are large cash-crops). Hopefully South American governments can find a way to replenish land that is destroyed from these sorts of activities and still be able to set aside and reserve large amounts of the forest for those in the uncontacted tribes.
One thing that I found really surprising was that the Panara tribe ended up suing the Brazilian state for causing “death and cultural harm” to the Panara people. In this case, the Panara people won and were compensated with $540,000 (U.S. dollars). First off, I do not believe this monetary value to be very sufficient, especially since we are talking about the deaths and prostitution of nearly 200 Panara people. That is a very low cost for one individual’s life. Second, money seems like sort of a joke to give these people in compensation for what the state did, as the Panara people do not really have a desire for money, as they refuse to live within society in the first place. I understand that land could be purchased with the money for them to live on privately, however, the whole issue with the small amount of money (which they probably do not understand how small it really is) and the fact that money would be seen as compensation over the idea of land rights (which is probably more in the interest of the Panara people anyways) just seems somewhat absurd to me.
Uncontacted tribes help to explain how physiological needs play a role in life. It helped to show the differences that people have in how to meet those needs or what is needed to meet the physiological needs. Their people seem to have lower levels of physiological need to meet compared to our societies now. They use the things they have around them to meet their needs. They tend to use hunting and gathering techniques from the website and use the streams or rivers as their sources of water. With those the need of thirst and hunger are met. The other need is sex. This one seems to be the problem. They had the epidemics and the massacres that killed a large portion to almost all of their people. They may still be having sex but the repopulation is the problem now.
I do think that they are meeting their physiological needs as well as we are. Our needs have been conditioned to be higher because of the change in our lifestyles and the availability of the resources. Uncontacted tribes have a lower level that hasn’t seemed to change in a while. This doesn’t mean they aren’t meeting their needs, just that it might not take them as much to meet those needs. When it comes down to which group is better at meeting their needs and being efficient about it, I would say that the uncontacted tribes are doing a better job. Our society has too many resources and our ability to stop once we meet our needs is getting worse and worse which is why obesity is such a big problem today.
The most surprising thing to me is the fact that some of the uncontacted tribes want to stay uncontacted. I would think that some of the members would have the need to learn more or seek to fulfill their social needs by having more interaction with people other than just who is in their tribe. I wonder if they teach a punishment or if they is some type of “law” in place to prevent them from seeking out others of if they just all don’t want to change the way they live or are too afraid to try and make changes.
I think the topic of uncontacted tribes relates to physiological needs because people in our society don’t believe humans can survive or meet their needs living in the manor that they do. I think people, such as Americans and obviously Brazilians don’t believe that such tribes can exist. In one of the videos, it explained that the Brazilian Government won’t even except them as being real. I believe this is the case because in this day in age we are very closed minded.
There are many ways they are meeting their physiological needs. One of the videos explained that they have gardens that grow manioc, papaya and bananas. The physiological need of hunger would obviously be met if they have sufficient amounts of food. The reason most of the tribes are diminishing doesn’t have to do with not meeting physiological needs. There are a few other factors that are prevalent. First of all, they have to protect themselves against illegal loggers who threaten the land they live one. Secondly, illnesses and disease are very prevalent. In one video it explained that the common cold could even kill them. One quote from an article that I found very interesting is as follows: "We can’t live anywhere else because here there are forest fruits and wild animals. We couldn’t survive without forest because we don’t know how to live like white people who can survive in deforested areas”. This is a key example that their physiological needs are being met.
One way they are meeting their needs is by growing gardens and hunting animals. A lot of people see these tribal people as hostile and dangerous. However, if we were being threatened for our land and resources I believe we would be the same way. Environmental influences affect people eating behaviors. Because we (modern day society) live in a completely different environment, we believe it would be impossible to survive in such conditions. However, we need to take into account their environmental influences and then assess the situation.
The most surprising thing to me would be that there are still uncontacted tribes out there. Due to the struggles with illegal loggers, disease and no recognition from modern society, I think it is amazing that they continue to live on. I think the best thing we can do is let these people continue to live in the fashion that they prefer. Give them their privacy, but also protect them from getting massacred for their land.
The most surprising thing to me, from all of this, is the simple fact that tribes such as ones seen on this website actually still exist. In our world of rapid technological growth, it is hard to wrap my head around the lifestyle that these tribes live. Hard to understand, but humbling none the rest. I also wonder what the tribes think of when they see outsiders watching them, flying aroung their territory in helicopters, and ultimately invading their property. Where do they think those people are from? Don't they wonder where they get all of their tangible items or ndo they despise their lack of the natural world? To question whether or not these uncontacted tribes get their physiological needs is, in a way, silly to me. They must be getting their physiological needs if they are able to survive. Human beings, no matter their sophistication, all have the same basic needs to survival, along with the same basic brain functions. In a way, I feel as though the uncontacted tribes seen on this website are getting their physiological needs more effiecently than we are. They use only what they need, wasting nothing. They don't struggle with obesesity like we do, they don't take advantage of things given to them, and they work hard for everyday things, raising their apprecation of life. Living in a hunter/gatherting society such as these tribes, they are get their physiological needs through nature: killing animals to eat and make clothes, water from amy source they can get, and timber from the trees to make shelter. Amongst all this, they stil find creative ways to use items found in nature to make recreational items such as face paint and toys for little ones--an accomplish in itself. These uncontacted tribes bring us back to our basic form. They do what they need to survive and thats all. Maybe instead of learning from us, we could learn something from them.
Uncontacted tribes and their physiological needs highlight our own physiological overabundance.
In this day and age, most tribes that still qualify as tribes live subsistently. They grow, gather, or barter for what they need and it is generally enough to support their group. If a group grows too large, members either start to die, they move to an area capable of sustaining their tribe, or their tribe splits off. They are more in tune with the general flow of nature.
It isn't that they aren't meeting their needs, because quite frankly, if those needs aren't met, people tend to die. It's that we exceed our needs so often, so frequently, and with such force that our minds have trouble having an accurate picture of true subsistence living. Consider the amount of food you've eaten in the last twenty four hours. Now chop it in half. Chances are you could survive on that, and it would still exceed subsistence values, especially since the job market tends away from physically demanding work.
I am not all that surprised with much of this. Having done some studying into uncontacted tribes in the past, a lot of this was rehashing information for me. The videos were interesting, and the website was cool. I think a lot of the stories are important and they humanize these people who are often depicted as savages. The only real difference between us and them is that we haven't had to truly battle for survival in many years. Nature is red in tooth and claw, to think otherwise is to have improper conception of the flow of energy in an ecosystem.
These uncontested tribes have a lot to do with physiological needs. These needs would include hunger, thirst, and sex. Although they live a different way of life in a different environment they have been satisfying there needs over time and have been surviving. The article described how they hunted and gathered their food. When water is low on the river they migrate closer in order to hunt for fish and turtle eggs. They also hunt deer and monkeys to survive. When they are not hunting by the river, they are farming bananas and papaya as well as pick nuts and berries. They use seeds from a plant on their land to make red paint as well. I think that they satisfy their needs just as well as we do but in a different way. In our culture we not only satisfy in our needs but we over indulge. The tribes do what they have to in order to survive while we are a material society that overeats and does not use our resources as responsibly. Since they have been isolated for so many years they have not evolved and adapted with the different diseases and threats that we have. A common cold could be life threatening and wipe out their tribe if they were to be come exposed. This is why it is important that the people and their land be protected from the logging and mining that threatens their well-being. I thought it was most surprising that Peru wants to get rid of non contacted tribes altogether. I think that is horrible since we have seen the effect it has one the tribes and how many people have been killed from the exposure. They are apart of a rich history that we should be trying to protect, not destroy.
Uncontacted tribes survive by meeting their physiological needs, everything else comes second. It may be a different way of living but they have food, water, shelter, and the things that they need to simply stay alive. If they were not meeting these needs they would not have existed for this long. One article stated that uncontacted tribes have been around for generations if not millennia. Their needs are met by gathering food such as berries, hunting fish, weaving baskets to transport food and water, having gardens that grow bananas and plantains. They also use the products of the forest; they use tree trunks to make shelter and the palm fronds are sewed together to make a water proof roof. One of the videos stated how one of the uncontacted tribes was thought to be an agricultural tribe at one time, but had adapted to be more hunter gathers and nomads because they are being pushed out of their land due to illegal logging or mining. Even though their habitat was being threatened they adapted and their physiological needs were still met.
I think they are meeting their physiological needs in a different way than we are. As one article stated, it’s not a wrong way of life or backwards, they just live differently. We may have access to health care if we get sick, but they may have a harder time getting over aliments because they do not have the medicines that we have. We are protected from a lot of past epidemics due to vaccinations where they are not. The physiological response of healing from an aliment may be a bigger challenge to them, but then again they may have more knowledge on plant medicine than we do. I think we can learn a lot from tribes like this.
I think it’s awesome that uncontacted tribes still exist today and I think we should try to preserve them in any way we can. If that means protecting their land and leaving them alone we should do it. This is their way of life and they choose to live this way, again it’s not wrong just a different way of living. It is surprising that people would think that these tribes do not exist, especially since one of the videos stated the officials in Brazil didn’t believe that there were tribes in Brazil. Just seems odd. I would be intrigued to see where these tribes are in 10 or 15 years. Did the government make strides to protect these people or let illegal activity that destroyed their habitat continue? A comparison I was making in my head was about endangered animals versus these tribes. It seems like when an animal is put on this list great strides are made to protect it, why isn’t this being done for a human race?
Uncontacted tribes have a lot to do with physiological needs. For one, it shows us that even they are in a whole different world and have different customs than most documented civilizations, these tribes too have needs that must be satisfied to live. They have to hunt and plant food to be able to eat, and have built huts out of grass, branches and other materials found in the woods. Another need is the need for safety, and these uncontacted tribes have to protect themselves. I was reading the article about the “Last of his Tribe Man”, who shot an arrow (into one of the person of FUNAI, Brazil’s Indian Affairs Department). Not because the Tribe Man was dangerous, just that he was doing what he needed to do to survive. He was protecting his home, even if it was a six foot deep hole underground. These tribes live according to their environment. They fish in the Amazon River, picking nuts and fruits and bananas. They farm and plant on the land.
As “barbaric” as people in society may think these uncontacted tribes are, we are wrong. We have different ways of meeting our needs, whether its drinking out of a plastic water bottle, going to a Chinese buffet, or enjoying alone time with your significant other. All of these examples are people satisfying needs. The ways the undocumented tribes satisfy their needs are very different. Hunting, fishing, storing water in pots, not wearing any clothing (or very little). Yes, all different than how we do it, but when it comes down to the basic, these tribes have been living this way for hundreds of years and obviously what they are doing works for them. From a historical perspective, we can’t assume that the tribes would be better off living our way of life. In history, when the “white” man had come into contact with a new type of people, those people ended up much worse off than if the white man had left them alone. IE: Indians.
I believe that the undocumented tribes have been living and thriving in their own way, at the same time the world we know has been thriving. Why try and change something if it is not broken? I think the tribe people are meeting their needs just as good as we are. Yes, its on a whole other scale, with less technology, but that doesn’t mean the uncontacted tribes are suffering. In fact, they seem to be suffering more when logging, farming and deforestation by “our” people goes on. What surprised me the most, was at how incredibly different their culture and lives are compared to mine. I think it is safe to say that most uncontacted tribes have no idea what the internet is. They don’t use cars or cell phones. Most uncontacted tribes wear little to no clothing, and in their culture that is 100% acceptable. Sometimes, I think if the world as we know it would be like the world of these uncontacted tribes, everything would be much easier, less expensive and there would be less pressure on everyone and everything to have to buy the newest item on the market. It would de-clutter the world, I think, if everything was more simple like the lives of these uncontacted tribes.
The topic of uncontacted tribes has to do with physiological needs because many people who know about the uncontacted tribes feel that their physiological needs aren’t being met and that outside sources need to help the people. I feel that they are meeting their needs, just not in the same way we do in the United States. People of uncontacted tribes have different needs than we do in the United States because of their environment. People of uncontacted tribes are evolved in a different way because all they know is how they have lived since they ever began. They don’t know that it could be better than it is. To them, hunting and gathering and living in tents or tepees are normal because that’s how they have always lived and that’s all they know. I feel that their needs are being bet though because otherwise they wouldn’t still be surviving. I’m not sure if they are meeting their needs as well as we are because we have many more resources than they do, but I think that they probably are just because their needs differ from ours so to them they are meeting their needs. Many people in the United States need mountain dew and McDonalds on a regular basis and would actually consider them to be “needs”, so our needs are definitely met in a different way because the people of uncontacted tribes only need the basics and those basics are being met for the most part.
I found the website very interesting to know that they are large groups of people out in the world that we know almost nothing about and they know almost nothing about us. I have always thought of the world as a small world because it’s so easy to communicate with just about anyone, so it’s extremely surprising to me that there are people out there who have never been contacted. I feel like we shouldn’t try to contact these tribes because they seem to be fine on their own and like the way they are living. From the video footage, they looked as if they didn’t want outsiders in. Overall, the website was interesting because of hoe different those people live than we do and how we don’t know much about them.
Uncontacted tribes are completely primitive to the modern world we live in. They hunt with spears, use minimal clothing that cover only a minimal part of their bodies, and don’t have the internet, much less computers, cell phones, or cars. And they are the perfect example of how we only need to satisfy our physiological needs to survive.
Physiological needs are the needs that satisfy our biological requirements to survive. The main three are hunger, thirst, and sex. We satisfy this every day, just like the uncontacted tribes. Although there is an enormous difference in technological advances and culture, we all still satisfy our physiological needs. They meet their needs by hunting for food, getting water from natural water supplies, and, well, they reproduce the same method we do.
It is tough to say whether they are meeting their physiological needs “as well as we are” or not. If you think of physiological needs as a scale with no end point, I would say that we meet our needs “better.” We obviously have no problem getting food (look at the obesity rates in America alone). All we have to do is turn the faucet handle to get water, not to mention the hundreds of other drinks we can have. I don’t have to worry about how far the stream is; I worry about what flavor of pop I want today. And sexually, I would assume we engage in activity more easily and frequently for recreation than tribes, but I’ve never lived in an uncontacted tribe so I can’t say for sure.
However, if you think of meeting physiological needs as a “Yes” or “No” concept, than I would say they are meeting there needs just as sufficiently as we are. They are still living, right? One might argue that as long as survival is achieved, then the needs are being met.
The part about the uncontacted tribes is exactly what they are: “uncontacted.” How unbelievable is it that entire communities of people can remain completely detached from the rest of the world, especially after undergoing not only decades of technological advances, but hundreds of years of globalization and exploration. They are living proof that really all we need in life are the essentials (meeting our physiological needs.)
This website and topic is absolutely fascinating to me. I can hardly believe that there are still groups of people unaffected by modern society. I say POWER TO THEM! I watched a couple of videos and even watched a couple documentaries after leaving the website that affirmed my already established belief that these people are living the closest to the best way humans can possibly live. They are ENTIRELY self reliant for the MOST part. Many tribes believe in dieties of the forest that cause humans harm if they not appeased. This belief causes many of the tribes to go to great lengths to appease these "spirits of the forest." A lot of the tribes practice ritual sacrifice among various other ceremonies so that the dieties will bless them or spare them for their wrong-doings. To most people, especially educated, this belief system probably appears ludicrous. But consider this: In some clinical case studies, participants were told that they were receiving a drug that was going to alleviate (x) symptom or condition. Half of the participants received a drug designed and manufactured to do such that. The other half were given a placebo. In some cases, participants receiving the placebo would start to believe they were improving and actually improve! Similarly, in some uncontacted tribes, the ill will visit a shaman or medicine man to help alleviate discomforts. Once the shaman finishes (x) ritual designed for (y) ailment the patient may believe so strongly that they are healed that they are actually returned to a healthy state.
Most of these tribes are hostile and not trusting of outsiders but I would consider this to be a result of the environment. Just as a wild dog will be hostile compared to a domesticated dog, "wild" human will exhibit more hostility than a "domesticated" human. Consider this: When we in america are hungry, we just dial a number place an order and our food is delivered straight to our door. We don't have to go out in a group and find the pizza or have to fight to the death with the pizza guy in order to get it. So naturally we will be more amicable.In a tribe, the men usually sleep lightly for fear of an attack in the night. They rise early and prepare weapons and supplies for the journey into the forest to seek out and fight animals to the DEATH in order to eat. These people have NO IDEA what is coming their way at any moment and in a hostile environment, unpredictability brings hostility.
As far as physiological needs, senses, and general health go, these people are ON TOP OF THE GAME. One passage from an article on the website reads: "The islanders are clearly extremely healthy, alert and thriving, in marked contrast to the two Andaman tribes who have ‘benefited’ from Western civilization, the Onge and the Great Andamanese, whose numbers have crashed and who are now largely dependent on state handouts just to survive." These people are EXTREMELY well in tuned with their senses. Every sound, smell, taste, touch, and texture means something to them because they interact with these things on a daily basis. In civilized society, everything is predictable and decision-oriented. We take for granted how normal and predictable everything is. Again consider this: We arise in the morning in our beds to the fresh awakening smell of nothing. We sleep in the same room every night, so much time that our noses become totally accustomed to the smell and less sensitive to it. We walk out to the kitchen in our soft warm socks on the soft comfortable carpet and prepare our food. While preparing our food, we touch the same smooth countertops, silverware, dishes, table tops, etc etc. The temperature is WHATEVER we want it to be. If its too cold or hot just flick the switch and we will be at our ideal temperature. We watch the news, see there will be rain today, get in our comfortable predictable cars that our noses are again totally accustomed to and drive wherever we need to go for the day. These uncontacted tribe members have a totally different experience EVERY DAY! They awaken to the fresh awakening smell of embers from the fire burning the night before or to the smell of feces from an animal or fellow tribesmember in a hole nearby. They walk outside of their shelter, which temperature can only be controlled to a degree by fire and body heat. It is raining, so while they run in the forest amongst the trees and rough forest floor, they are soaking wet from head to toe. A member may stop and grab a beetle and feels as it runs across their fingers before eating it. This beetles flavor is SO different from the meat they prepare or the berries or whatever else RANDOM thing they decide to munch on.
While in america there are lots of different places to eat and terrains to explore, we are so focused on other things that our senses lose their power and intensity. If we relied entirely on our sense of hearing to EAT everyday, our sense of hearing would be pretty DAMN sensitive.
In two of the documentaries I watched, the tribes were VERY simple people. In the morning they would rise hunt for food and berries, gather water, work in the forest felling trees or gathering branches and then CHILLING ALL DAY. Sometimes a ritual or ceremony would occur depending on the day but for the most part STRAIGHT CHILLING. And the food they eat couldn't be better for you! Lean meats, proteins, grains, berries, what else could we need? In modern society our bodies have a plethora of fat and excess compounds unneeded for survival. Because our bodies have become accustomed to this they develop all sorts of disorders and complications brought on purely by man-made compounds and foods. We inhale dangerous toxins and are exposed to harmful radiation. In the forest there are no cell phone/radio towers or plants expelling who knows what into the air. This life is as PURE as it gets.
In modern society we also suffer from the disease of trying to explain everything and conquer everything. In these tribes the people do what it takes to survive and then just LOVE EVERYONE ALL DAY. Instead of wasting time trying to explain everything they just leave it how it is ONLY taking what is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for survival. Developed cultures are so arrogant and ignorant it amazes me that modern man has lasted this long. I would have loved nothing more than to have grown up in one of these tribes and lived a peaceful life full of just that. LIFE. Instead of worrying about all of the dumb shit that modern "civilized" humans do. Call me a hippy, treehugging, pacifist, but I really do wish life could go back to primitivity.
The topic of uncontacted tribes has to do with physiological in several ways. For instance, some people do not believe these tribes can meet their physiological needs without help from the outside world. Another way it is related is because even though our approaches to meeting our physiological needs differ, our motivations are the same. I suppose it is hard for many to picture life without buying a water bottle or stopping at a drinking fountain to fulfill needs of thirst or without the ability to make a quick trip to the grocery store if they are hungry. I think this is one of several reasons why the topic of leaving these tribes alone and letting them live how they want is difficult for some—since some can’t picture themselves living the way these tribes do, they think these tribes need help to live the way they do. The fact of the matter seems to be that these tribes are meeting their physiological needs without grocery stores and kitchen sinks, and if they are not unhappy with the way they live, why should anyone force them to assimilate and change? They meet their physiological needs in many different ways. Some hunt and farm, and collect drinking water from streams and rivers or even rain water. They also seem to have met the physiological need of sex since they are obviously reproducing and remain existent. I’m not sure that anyone could really say whether or not these tribes are meeting their physiological needs as well as we are or not. I mean, if we are eating, drinking, reproducing, and surviving, it seems we are all doing a good job of meeting our physiological needs—even if we do so in different ways. The thing that was most surprising/ intriguing was just the fact that these uncontacted tribes exist. I mean, it is just something that I never really thought about before. I think this was a very unique topic and is intertwined with some very controversial issues. It is rather sad that many of these tribes live in fear of being forced off their land and that some do not respect the way they live enough to acknowledge their way of life as being normal. If they are not harming anyone else, and they do not want intervention or any help why should anyone force it upon them?
As we know, physiological needs are the conditions within the body that are essential and necessary for the individual to live and survive, along with growth and well-being. For the un-contacted tribes they are clearly having their needs met. The need for food, water and shelter along with reproduction are all available within their current environment. Why does this topic relate to the topic we went over not long ago; it’s the fact that those needs are being threatened.
Un-contacted tribes are very vulnerable to the new technology and customs of society that is very unfamiliar and strange to them. These tribes facing those that seek to make contact them with distrust and even violence. And for those that are invading their homeland, it spells disaster for the tribes’ people. Forced out of their homes they are forced to find a new place to survive and seek out their physiological needs of food, water and shelter. But when they can’t find them and find themselves in cities and villages they can be a danger to the residence and themselves. Disease is a serious case when dealing with un-contacted tribes because they may not have the same anti-bodies and immune system that could fight the common flue like a video said on the website. These people are motivated to try and find any means necessary to survive any way they can and when they refuse to leave they can be massacred. Much like a picture depicted there on the website where a man is a soul survive of his people. The need to repopulate his people isn’t even given to him. These people strive on the jungle in the most primitive way and their way of life is threatened by invasion of roads, deforestation, poachers and among other things. They too like the many animals in the Amazon and other places that are hard to get to and discover are threatened. They will become extinct much like the many creatures that they live with.
Their physiological needs are not any different than ours; we are all the same type of organism, all humans. So we all have the same needs of fulfilling, thirst, hunger and reproducing. The thing with the un-contacted tribes and us is that they go about it a different way than we do. They have to go out into their environment that they live off of to search and hunt for food and water. How we go out to find our food and shelter is very different from how they do it. Perhaps there is a bit of a difference in the need of nutrition, we have a lot more options in our society today than they might in their restricted area. As well as the ability to have vaccines and medicine on hand and that’s more affective then what may be found in their environment or what they can provide people. However, aside from the few differences that may present themselves, on the basic of physiological needs, we are not all that different.
A thing I found most interesting through ready all of this, was the fact the governments, especially those that have these individuals within their borders deny their existence. I found it actually surprising that were a number of un-contacted tribes still, but I didn’t deny that. In such a vast area and dense forest like the Amazon and places like it, it’s not surprising to hear that there are tribes we still don’t know about. Much like we are still discovering animals today in a number of areas, why can’t there be people as well. But for government to deny their existence is just stupid if you ask me and the way they are treated, seems to me that they are considered more animal then human. I think more things can be done to help keep these un-contacted tribes from being the victims of advancement.
Uncontacted tribes correlate with physiological needs because subcontracted tribes are composed of humans, who require their basic physiological needs such as hunger, thirst, and sex to be met. A need is a condition within a person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well being. When needs are satisfied, well being is maintained or enhanced. However, when needs are neglected, the needs disrupt biological or physiological well being. Motivation plays a key role, by causing action before damage occurs.
Obviously, since individuals in the uncontacted tribes are still alive, they are satisfying their physiological needs. All uncontacted tribes in the videos I watched, used hunting and gathering techniques to satisfy their need for hunger. Many uncontacted tribes had gardens and hunted game. One video I watched stated that the tribe members ate bananas and papayas. Another video that I watched showed tribe members creating beehives, which provided a food source and a medical use. The need for thirst was being satisfied by drinking rain water and river water. The need for sex was being satisfied by almost all of the uncontacted tribes. The videos showed many children and young adults, showing that the need for sex was being satisfied. However, I did read an article titled “ The last of his tribe”, which was about a man who was the only member left in his tribe. The man lived alone in complete silence, which meant that he could not satisfy his need for sex. I believe that the uncontacted tribes are meeting their physiological needs just as well as we are, they are just meeting their physiological needs without advanced technology.
Although members of uncontested tribes are currently satisfying their basic physiological needs, some factors are endangering the future existence of the uncontacted tribes. Illegal logging has caused deforestation. Deforestation is causing a decrease in the amount of game, which means that food sources are decreasing. One video stated that tribe members in Africa hung up beehives in trees to produce a food source and medicine, deforestation has prevented them from hanging the beehives. Deforestation is also drying up rivers which is the main water source for many of the uncontacted tribes. The rivers would also be the home of fish, another food source. The uncontacted tribes also use the forest for building their homes and for creating firewood, which would all them to cook their food and stay warm. If uncontacted tribes run out of firewood to cook their food, they run a high risk of getting disease/illness from uncooked food sources. Many farmers are destroying the homes of the uncontacted tribes and deforestation prevents tribes from rebuilding their shelter. Another problem mentioned in a video was poachers, who take away food sources from the uncontacted tribes land. Another risk factor is outsiders coming onto the land of uncontacted tribes. Outsiders bring diseases and infections that uncontacted tribal members immune systems cannot fight off. One article mentioned that the Zo’e tribe is slowly growing after many of its members died due to outsiders bringing in disease. What surprised me the most about uncontacted tribes is that the government was questioning their existence. Uncontacted tribes still exist, but won’t exist if we don’t stop the invasion of their land.
I was absolutely fascinated by this website. I knew there were tribes in South America that were isolated, but I had never thought of them as having no contact with the outside world. I also didn’t realize how widespread they are and just how many uncontacted tribes there are in the world.
I believe the topic of uncontacted tribes has a lot to do with physiological needs. While the humans in uncontacted tribes may be very different from humans in the developed world, we are all humans first and foremost and therefore we all have the same basic needs. A need is any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. Members of uncontacted tribes must fulfill their needs for thirst, hunger, and sex, just as members of the developed world do. Members of uncontacted tribes must maintain homeostasis, just as members of the developed world do. The biggest difference is the way the uncontacted tribes go about meeting these needs and maintaining homeostasis when compared to how the developed world does this.
In the developed world we have supermarkets, we have restaurants, we have cooks readily available, we have food given away on a daily basis. Here at UNI all I have to do is go to the dining center and I have all the food I could ever need available to me. We have water available everywhere: in water bottles at the grocery store, in drinking fountains in the hallways, coming out of the tap in our sinks. For the uncontacted tribes, however, attaining food and water to maintain homeostasis and fulfill their hunger and thirst needs is much more difficult. They plant their own crops without our technology. They have fresh, thriving community gardens where the whole tribe pitches together to grow their own food. They collect fresh rainwater to quench their thirst. They must work to grow food to have enough to eat and attain water, for there are no McDonalds just around the corner whenever they are hungry. Yet they have been able to do this for thousands of years without any interaction from the outside world. Yes, this is very different from the way we are used to. But they have survived for a very long time meeting their needs in this way, and they will continue to do so as long as we do not meddle with them. Yet with the invasion of outsiders it is becoming much more difficult for them to meet their needs. In one article it is written that one tribe continually has to move in the middle of the night to avoid the invading bulldozers. Each time they move they must leave their crops behind, as well as their cooking pots and tools. If the outsiders continue to force the tribes to move, they will no longer be able to meet their needs and will face dire consequences. For many tribes this is the reality today.
I believe the tribes are meeting their physiological needs just as well as the outside world is. They have been able to survive for thousands of years. If they hadn’t been able to meet their physiological needs the tribes would have died out many years before.
The most surprising information I found was just how many tribes there are all over the world. I was shocked to look at the world map and see just how widespread these uncontacted tribes are. The number of tribes in South America especially surprised me, as well as the information that there is an uncontacted tribe less than 100 km from Machu Picchu, which attracts thousands of visitors and tourists each year. I am so saddened that these tribes are in danger of extinction all because of us “civilized” people who are taking their lands and demanding to “civilize” these uncontacted people. We are at fault for the deaths of these people, and we must leave these people alone and let them live in peace as they have for thousands of years thus far.
Uncontacted tribes have physiological needs just like you and I do. They have the need for food, water, and sex. A need is any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being. If the uncontacted tribes did not have the motivation to nurture or satisfy their needs, then they would not exist just like you and I would not exist if we did not satisfy our physiological needs.
Uncontacted tribes meet their physiological needs in many ways. Even though these ways are not the same as the way that the citizens of America meet their needs, the uncontacted tribes have their own ways just like Chuck does in the movie Cast Away. From looking at the website I found that the uncontacted tribes have many ways of meeting their physiological needs. They have gardens filled with paw paw, manioc, and corn. They also gather the fruits when they are ripe such as papaya, banana, and annatto. They also fish and hunt to meet their hunger needs. One guy specifically talked about how he could hunt turtle for their meat and eat honey from bee hives because they have so much land. To meet their need of thirst they collect rain water and use the nearby rivers. The uncontacted tribes are obviously also able to meet their need of sex because they are reproducing and starting families as the pictures and videos on the website show.
I think the uncontacted tribes are meeting their physiological needs as well as we are otherwise they would not survive. They may not be living in luxury like we are in the United States compared to the uncontacted tribes, but they are living the way they know how to live. Their physiological needs are being met from day to day in various ways that suit themselves.
The most surprising thing that I learned from this website is that the uncontacted tribes do not want help and hide from the planes when they fly over them. I would think that they would want to be taken to the outside world so they could have more chances of living. If they catch a cold, an entire tribe can be wiped out. Also, since illegal loggers are taking over their reserves you would think they would want to move somewhere where their homes would not be destroyed. One of the videos said that if they loggers or miners were to see the uncontacted tribes they would shoot them. I would also want to wear clothes and be covered up if I were them instead of just wearing feather around their waist and arms. I had not learned about uncontacted tribes before looking at this website, so this was all very interesting to me.
The topic of uncontacted tribes has a lot to do with physiological needs. It is harder for uncontacted tribes to meet their physiological needs such as water loss, nutrient deprivation, and physical injury because they do everything on their own and use the forest as their only resource. Uncontacted tribes have to search the forest for food and water to fulfill their physiological needs. In one of the video clips I watched there was a man that talked about how when he is hungry he has to search in the forest to find some kind of food for example honey and turtles. He mentioned that if he was lucky some of his relatives would be able to eat some as well. This makes me think that the people are not always getting enough food for everyone in their tribe, which means they are not satisfying all of their physiological needs. When the outsiders destroy the forest they are taking away not only the tribal peoples home but also different food supplies. So they would not be getting all of the different nutrients they need to stay strong. They also do not have the most sufficient supplies for healing body injuries. I do not feel that they are meeting their physiological needs as well as we are. I feel this way because we have a better source for getting the nutrients we need. If we are thirsty we can easily find water supply, whereas the tribes have to search for theirs. Our water supply is also filtered. We also have the technology that can help us heal faster when we receive injuries. When they contract the cold virus it can be deadly for them because they do not have the medicine and immunity that we do. When uncontacted tribes are contacted they sometimes contract diseases that their tribe is not immune to and many of them die. I also read an article that talked about there being only one man of his tribe left. I found this to be sad because he has no one to talk to and he feels that he cannot trust anyone. I am kind of unsure which side to choose about this topic. On one hand I believe that the tribes should be left alone and their forest should not be destroyed. They have lived off of the forest for many years so they know it the best and know how to live off of it. When we contact them they may die because they are not immune to the diseases that we carry. But on the other hand I think that maybe if we taught them what we know and helped heal them when the contracted these diseases they would be better off. The fact that there are still uncontacted tribes around is what surprised me the most. I figured that everyone in the world was living in the modern day world and had some kind of technology. So it was really interesting to read these articles and watch some video clips.
Uncontacted tribes have a lot to do with physiological needs. The remote areas that these tribes live in make it much harder to fulfill their physiological needs, primarily of food and water. Uncontacted tribes are at a far greater disadvantage than all of us. At any second of each day, we are able to fulfill our thirst and hunger pains. The tribes in the articles and videos have to actually take the time and work to find drink and food. Take for example the availability of water we have everywhere we look, in our refrigerators, from faucets, and drinking fountains in all buildings on campus. These uncontacted tribes have to find drinking holes or rivers, and if unable to completely heat the water to release bacteria, drink water that is not clean. The same goes for food. Eating is an everyday process that I tend to put little thought about since it comes so naturally. The tribes have to go out and pick their own fruits, pick nuts, and catch their own game every day to provide for their people. It appears that they have been meeting physiological needs, just in great moderation, and acquiring them at very low levels. There were many thoughts running through my head learning about these uncontacted tribes. I was fascinated at first to learn about these peoples I have had no knowledge about. I felt a great deal of pity for them as well. The thought that they literally have to struggle to survive is unimaginable. I was very surprised to learn that pictures were needed as proof that they still existed. This shows how diminished their population and cultural orientation has gotten. It intrigued me how tarnished their psychological needs probably are as well. These people are being killed by cattle ranchers and illegal deforestation causing complete isolation to the remanding tribe members. One article even explained genocide so extreme that only one man was left standing, one that nobody knew anything about him. He has no relatedness to anybody because of hiding the rest of his life. No autonomy. He lacks the physiological need of sex, because everybody has been murdered. These people are struggling with all factors of needs both physiological and psychological because of their forced cultural changes and illness of disease, from intruders, that they have no immunity towards. Those that have been able to stay alive this long and hardly noticed, it is probably best to preserve their land and protect their rights. We should allow them to live without fear so they can continue as a tribe.
Many of these tribes seem to live off of their physiological needs. They put a lot of effort in collecting food and water not because they gain a lot (if any) profit from it but because it keeps them alive. Many cultures around the world now look at how to make a profit (jobs, products) and some major first world countries can do this with the help of technology. These uncontacted tribes go through daily routines so that other members of their tribe will survive and so that the tribe functions as a whole. They grow crops, collect water and have mates. The entire tribe works as a whole with everyone contributing.
No, I think they are meeting their physiological needs better than we are in some sense. In the idea that they work for what they need and focus on basic needs instead of needs that don’t determine their survival. Not just ‘I want a fat-free latte’ but ‘I want a drink (of water) because I am thirsty’. It almost feels like we have put first a lot of ‘needs’ (biggest flat screen TV, big house, best car) that don’t really relate to our physiological needs. While the tribes want the biggest game they can catch because it will provide more food for their tribe.
I think these tribes are perfect for looking at human beings who can live off the land and don’t survive on technology the way many first world countries do. I also think that the tribe paints a very good picture of working together on a daily basis to support the tribe and not a company or single person.
I have heard of these tribes before, but the article about the man that is the last of his tribe was interesting. How he seemed to be the only one left living in a single area and surviving off the land. I was really surprised to read that the researchers that were ‘invading his home’ were once shot by and arrow that was used as a warning sign. He was acting on his fear of what the researchers where going to do to him and he reacted in a self-preserving way. It was also sad to read that farmers who wanted his land were more than willing to kill this one man for a few extra acres.
Terms list: physiological needs, needs, and thirst.
I feel like this has a lot to do with physiological needs. Those needs include thirst and hunger. Uncontacted tribes still have physiological needs, but they are not met as easy as they are with people in our society. These tribes meet their needs just fine. They do not have a problem with their life styles; therefore they are fulfilling their needs well. Some people think because they do not just go and buy their food or anything and that they have to walk or go out of their ways to get the things they need to survive with that they are not. They feel like they would be better off living in a society like ours. These tribes have very developed kills and if most everyone would not be able to survive like them. I do not believe that they are lacking in any way with their physiological needs. Because that is all they know, they do not and have never lived life the way we do, so they know how to fulfill their needs with what they have. Just because we have more resources and easier ways to get things does not mean we somehow meet our physiological needs better. In the end, we are all satisfying our needs, it does not matter in the way just as long as we are fulfilling them. I do not think that we should be trying to get them to change to our ways, just because our way is very successful does not mean that it will be successful for them. They live such different lifestyles and they do not care to change.
I thought it was pretty intriguing that we are not really capable of communicating with some of these tribes. People do not really know their languages and they do not know ours so there really is not a way to communicate with them. And they are happy with their lifestyles, they do not care to live life the way most everyone else is. It is not really surprising, but it is kind of crazy that there are still tribes out there who live like this. If you think about it, it has been a long time since the last time our society has had to live life like that and it is crazy to think that people are still out there with no contact except with their own people. Most of them do not want outsiders coming near their tribes and in one case a man with shoot arrows at strangers who come near his tribe.
Uncontacted tribes have to spend more time focusing on their physiological needs than we do, which makes them a good example for the purposes of our class. Unlike Tom Hanks in Castaway, these people don't have to spend the time adapting to survival. They do have to adapt to changing circumstances in their environment however, including loggers encroaching on their territory or roads going through their lands. These people spend most of their lives focusing on fulfilling their physiological needs, mainly focusing on hunger, thirst, and safety, with sex being less prominent due to a small population of people. Larger groups are able to split up jobs and resources better, but smaller groups have to spend more time and energy on physiological needs since there are less people to do the work. They meet their needs for thirst and hunger by gathering food on their lands by hunting or gathering, and I am unsure but I would imagine there is some level of farming present as well. The physiological need for sex would be reduced since the populations are on the small side so there are less people it is acceptable to choose from, less people available to mate with, and much of their time is focused on satisfying other needs. The physiological need for safety isn't featured in our textbook to my knowledge, but it also plays a big role in how these societies function. The people have to have a safe place to stay and be protected from the dangers of the places they live.
I would argue that as people of developed societies, we meet our physiological needs far better than these people. I think a lot of people on this assignment figured that these tribes must meet their needs better since they eat healthier and are more physically fit. I say that is only a small aspect, plus it does not apply to society at large. I have never had to worry that because I didn't gather food that day I will starve or because I didn't bring my waterbottle to class today I will die of dehydration. We meet our needs much more efficiently because our physiological needs do not take up the majority of our time anymore. I am very unlikely to run the risk of not being able to meet my physiological needs. These tribes could run that risk at any given time if a disease came through their village or if a fire took out their houses or a drought ruined their food supply. Their physiological needs are always being fought for, whereas mine are of really no concern.
I am most interested in what happens to a tribe once contacted. It is interesting that we still try
to contact some tribes, since the possibility that we will share deadly diseases and decimate their population is very high. It amazed me how many stories there were of exactly such a thing happening. I would also be interested to see how a tribe functions internally, what social levels there are, how they work together to provide for each other as a community, and how their psychological needs differ from ours and in what ways their needs are the same.
The uncontacted tribes have to do with physiological needs in how they deal with the physiological needs as compared to ‘modern’ society. In looking at them, we can see how messed up our physiological needs are because of our social norms and society. For example, these tribes have to search and work for their food on a good day. On a bad day, they have to run away from their villages with the gardens and traps and everything else they have in their home to keep safe from the illegal loggers and poachers. The extra effort required to keep and maintain food is much higher than the effort required to walk to the cupboard or the fridge. This causes us to eat too much, which complicates our physiological drive.
I think they’re meeting their physiological needs way more than we are. As I briefly mentioned earlier, as it takes much more work and effort for them to obtain their food and drink. As such, they eat when there is a physiological need for it. They eat when hungry and not for taste or for social influences. Whereas we eat when we need to, when others around us are eating, when we are bored, when something looks good and when we don’t want to offend others. This causes a surplus in food eaten, which can explain our high rates in obesity. The same thing can also be said for sex and thirst. They have sex for enjoyment, yes, but it isn’t advertised throughout the every aspect of their lives. For example, sex is in every part of contemporary society. It’s in our music, our television, our advertising which causes our youth to view sex in an entirely different light than to merely reproduce.
The most surprising thing I found was the man whose village was killed in a raid for cattle. It’s just odd to think that someone is living entirely on their own. With our modern society’s emphasis on social connections, even if one town was entirely obliterated except for one person, other people would rush to his or her aid. I can’t imagine how lonely this man was, or how he motivated to strive for life. If I lost all my loved ones, I don’t know how I would survive. This man has earned a lot of my respect.
Uncontacted tribes have a great deal to do with physiological needs. Without satisfying these needs, a tribe would not be able to survive, or they would be no such thing as uncontacted tribes. I think we often assume that people, who do not live like us, by our standards, can’t survive. We can’t imagine someone living without electricity, pluming or a grocery store that supplies food. However, that is because we are not subject to those rules. We are given the opportunity to use those resources. For uncontacted tribes, they have never experience those resources and their society does not revolve around the goods and services we are accustom too. As humans, including uncontacted tribes, we adapt to our surroundings in order to survive.
In order to important physiological needs such as thirst and hunger, they use different tactics than we might do. I read an article that suggests these people are more violent and ruthless. I feel like this is a defense mechanism to aid their physiological needs. If they weren’t fierce, they would be run out of their habitat and their home which would cause them to not obtain food and water. They also use these skills are used to hunt and protect their food. One article talks about a man who is disconnect from everyone. He used holes to capture animals for hunger. In a few other articles, they talk about using natural resources to find food such as trees for berries and honey. They also describe how tribes meet their need for thirst by using rain water. All of these strategies are motivated to satisfy their physiological needs.
I think they are meeting their needs just as well as we are meeting ours. Because they grew up in that environment, they know how to survive. They find their own way to meet their needs just as we may do in our society even if it is in a different way. Cast away is a good example of this. Although he didn’t grow up in that type of environment; however, he adapted in the best way he could to meet his needs.
I think the whole topic in general is quiet interesting. It is weird to think that people are living in such a different way than how we live. We learn about people in all different types of situations around the world while we are growing up, but to actually read about tribes is surprising. It’s amazing how a human can adapt to their environment and live off of what they have in order to survive.
The topic of uncontacted tribes is very much related to physiological needs. For the reason that in a society like ours that going down the street to get our milk and eggs is much more logical and easier than going on scavenging for our food like the uncontacted tribes that are presented on the website. They meet their physiological needs by scavenging, hunting, growing gardens, and etc. I believe that they are meeting their physiological needs because on the website it had said that some of these tribes have existed for thousands of years, so it seems like they are doing pretty good. I would think that a lot people in our position would probably say no because their way to attain food is more difficult than us, and that we are used to our way of lifestyle, just how they are used to their lifestyle.
My thoughts are that these people are doing very well, I mean I wouldn’t want to all of a sudden thrown into that type of living situation because it would be hard to adapt to that lifestyle when I have become so accustomed to this one. But I would believe that if that would have to them it would take a great amount of time for them to learn how to live in this type of lifestyle. I believe that people get the wrong impression of these people by the fact that technology isn’t huge influence in their life and that basically our society is running on technology, we believe that since our lives are easier with technology, that anything lower is unlivable conditions. What I found most interesting was how hostile a lot of these tribes are because we have interacted with multiple other tribes. I understand that outsiders are a sign of threat to their tribe, but it just makes me wonder if different tribes have been socialized to be more hostile than others.
Uncontacted tribes and humans living in modern society have one huge thing in common: we must satisfy our physiological needs. However, the ways in which we are able to, or sometimes choose to, meet those needs is deeply different. In the case of the uncontacted tribes, the Indians meet their physiological needs by using the tools they have developed or acquired through trade, in terms of satisfying hunger and thirst. Some of them have gardens; others may have become hunter-gatherers in response to a need to evade danger from the outside. In terms of sex, one can only guess.
It would seem as though these tribes are meeting their needs as well as we are. In the photos, they appear to be healthy and robust. We are able to see the food they have grown or gathered. They build shelters, sometimes large ones, against the elements. Merely because their needs cannot be met at the push of a button, should we judge them as inferior? They may go hungry from time to time, or be thirsty. Their sex lives may be impacted by a probable lack of contraception--but they may not have the same "needs" as humans in our society.
Initially, I glossed over the sight of the machete in the young person's hand in the photo that accompanies this blog post. (I played many a game of Amazon Trail back in the day.) Once I read the articles, I realized, Of course that's unusual. Why didn't I realize that? Metal tools have been in use for thousands of years. I took it for granted that a machete is technology.
Uncontacted tribes do just as well meeting their physiological needs as humans who are living within mainstream society today. They are capable of satisfying their need for food in many different ways. Some tribes have large gardens surround their camps and are able to sustain large numbers of people from their agricultural practices. Other tribes simply gather their food from the forest by hunting animals and gathering food like berries and edible parts of cacti. Thirst needs are also satisfied. Uncontacted people can get hydration from the foods they eat such as fruits and vegetables, or they can gather water from streams or precipitation. Tribes are also able to create very elaborate structures for shelter. I also saw a picture of a tribe with a building the size of some ranch style homes I’ve seen. This shows that they are not only capable of building small structures but can also engineer and work in teams as well as any group of people. Uncontacted tribes also may have an advantage from eating all natural foods. They don’t have to worry about side effects from pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals that are used in mass production agriculture. Many referenced shaman or medicine men that allowed their people to live healthy relatively long lasting lives. There were diseases and illnesses that affected them but they had ways of curing them naturally. This means that they were never killed by modern medical practices, something that claims hundreds of thousands of lives per year in civilized societies. Once they were contacted by outsiders diseases that “civilized” society doesn’t have to worry about very much or at all like the common cold or flu wiped out as much as 80 percent of a tribes population. They also don’t have to worry about other communicable diseases like std’s.
I believe that for the most part these tribes are meeting their needs equally or even better in some cases as civilized people. They have closer relationships with those around them because there only entertainment is social interaction. We have things like television, video games, books, etc. They also have advantages in physical fitness. I did not see any tribal people who appeared obese or physically unfit. The fact that they are surviving and some of them even thriving is evidence enough that they are meeting their needs as well as we are.
The most surprising thing that I came across was the fact that these tribes are being harassed openly and there is very little that is being done to stop it. Many of the articles referred to tribes people being forced to give up their land and even murdered with little legal recourse. There are many government agencies who are working with these people but they also have trouble prosecuting people who commit crimes against these people because of language barriers, lack of knowledge, and a general lack of interest in what is going on. It can also be very profitable for these governments to destroy their land. They gain revenue off of the trees harvested and the roads built can decrease shipping costs of the goods they are transporting. All in all because it is not in the best interest of these governments to address problems there has been little to no effort to protect these human beings.
The topic of uncontacted tribes has a great deal to do with our ongoing discussion of physiological needs. It may seem a bit counterintuitive, but the best way for these peoples to continue fulfilling their needs is by remaining isolated and not being introduced or integrated to the global society at large. Though they may not do so in the same way that we or most other people do, it is clear that these natives are able to adequately fulfill their physiological needs, if only for the fact that they are still alive and well after many thousands of years. In fact, it is clear that these tribes should be able to maintain their way of life for years to come – so long as the rest of the world’s activities do not dramatically alter their environment or way of life. The Amazon rainforest is one of the most diverse areas on the planet in terms of its natural resources and wildlife, and they have learned to make use of them in ways that we are likely not to even know.
As expected from perusing the website, it seems that these tribes meet the physiological needs of hunger and thirst largely through the common practice of hunting and gathering foods such as fish, annatto plants, bananas, and nuts. This is not the only method of providing food however - one of the articles even described a tribesman’s garden, which was filled with produce such as paw paws, manioc, and corn! This means that they are advanced enough to not be strictly reliant on their environment alone for sustenance. Likewise, collecting rainwater or gathering water from nearby rivers and streams satisfies the natives’ thirst. Another physiological need that is clearly being met is the need for sex – if this were not the case, these groups would have died off long ago! Though not a physiological need per se (we’ll call it a “requirement”), another necessary condition for these peoples’ survival is a maintained isolation from our smorgasbord of diseases to which they have never been exposed. Their immune systems are not equipped to deal with most of our sicknesses, even the ones we find most common such as measles and the flu.
I believe these uncontacted tribes are meeting their physiological needs as well as can be expected, and not necessarily any better or worse than we do. Because they do not share our contemporary knowledge of nutrition, they are likely to be deficient in several different vitamins and minerals. However, we “advanced” humans are not always feeding ourselves in the right manner either. Because these people sustain themselves on foods we would consider to be ‘organic’, they are not being exposed to the harmful chemicals or genetically modified fare that can be found throughout our diet. They also do not consume the unhealthy processed foods that are all too accessible in our society. This is made apparent on the website by the fact that you do not see any excess fat on any of the tribespeople – because they must work to acquire their food, they only eat as much as it takes to survive.
The most surprising part of the website for me was a random fact that was generated: “An uncontacted tribe lives less than 100 km from Machu Picchu, one of the busiest tourist destinations in the world.” This basically blew my mind. I realize that when tourists visit the ruins of Macchu Picchu, the local Peruvian government does its best to maintain the integrity of the site and the surrounding areas. However, it amazes me how close a constant stream of first-world humans comes to a tribe of people that have largely had no contact with the outside world over the years.
I believe the topic of uncontacted tribes has to do a lot with physiological needs, because the tribe has no contact to the outside world thus having to use available recourses to meet their basic physiological needs. The uncontested tribe meets their physiological needs by using the forest ( trees, plants, fruits) around them. For example all the materials they use to make their cottages they get from the forest. They eat bananas, plantains, and manioc, all gathered in baskets ( made from plant fibers ) which are found in the forests. I believe if they have lived this far without any contact with the outside world, and still living, I would think that they are meeting their physiological needs very well. They have food, have shelter, kin so yes they are meeting their physiological needs well. What I thought most intriguing was that they are slowing becoming extinct because loggers are driving them off their land.
It seems as if the WAY a population meets its physiological needs defines to what extent its people can be considered human – at least to most civilized people. According to chapter four in the textbook, physiological needs include “any conditions within the person that are essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being…When needs are nurtured and satisfied, well-being is maintained and enhanced. If neglected or frustrated, the need’s thwarting will produce damage that disrupts biological or physiological well-being.” The basic physiological needs involve thirst, hunger, and sex (clean water, food/nutrition, and propagation), and beyond that, freedom from disease. Just because the uncontacted tribes live a primitive existence, they are still meeting their physiological needs – just differently than how we do. As long as they are “surviving” (food, water, shelter, and a stable to increasing population), then their needs are being met – how “well” is simply a matter of opinion. In the article “Astonishing Photos of One of the World’s Last Uncontacted Tribes,” Survival’s Director Stephen Corry said, “The people in these photos are self-evidently healthy and thriving. What they need from us is their territory protected, so that they can make their own choices about their future.” Many if not all of these tribes are hunter/gatherers, which means they depend on the land for their survival. If their land is taken, altered, or threatened, their physiological needs will begin to suffer – jeopardizing their survival. The most shameful account I read was of the New Tribes Mission, whose single-tracked purpose of evangelizing the natives failed to take into consideration the more complex ecosystem that they were encroaching on by forcing their way in. The article, “Uncontacted Tribes: The Threats” describes the affects the missionaries’ arrival had on the Zo’e of Brazil. “Following their first real contact in 1987, 45 Zo’é died from epidemics of flu, malaria and respiratory diseases transmitted by the missionaries….The New Tribes Mission was totally unprepared and did not provide proper medical care to the Zo’é. Their policy to sedentarise the Zo’é around the mission meant disease spread rapidly, and the Indians’ diet suffered because the game they hunted became scarce due to the concentration of Indians in one area. As the Zo’é’s health suffered, they began to lose their self-sufficiency, and became dependent on the missionaries for everything. In response, the government expelled the missionaries in 1991. Since the Zo’é have been left in peace and now receive proper medical care, their population is increasing.” I feel this account is the best illustration of how these native peoples have survived just fine for thousands of years but then began dying off as soon as more “civilized” groups attempted to refine them. Their needs already ARE being met if we could just accept that they do it in their own ways. In the article “Astonishing Photos of one of the world’s last uncontacted tribes,” Brazilian Indian leader Davi Kopenawa Yanomami said (in reference to the uncontacted BrazilianIndians living near the Peruvian border), “The place where the Indians live, fish, hunt and plant must be protected. That is why it is useful to show pictures of the uncontacted Indians, for the whole world to know that they are there in their forest and that the authorities must respect their right to live there.” The only catch, it seems, is that in order for them to survive, the DO need the help of authorities to protect their land (no differently than wildlife needs concerned people to fight to protect its habitat). This implies that the natives are defenseless against the civilized, and I question to what extent Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” takes this variable into account. On an equal playing field (if all people had to live off the land), the natives would surely be likely to survive, but shouldn’t they also have to adapt to a changing environment? They can’t expect life to just be a jungle paradise forever, can they? I’m just being the Devil’s Advocate here, but if they want to survive, they better make some adaptations. More importantly, however, they should be given the opportunity to make that choice for themselves – to not have their land stolen by poachers, developed by cities, or invaded by well-meaning disease-introducing missionaries.
I feel this article about these uncontacted tribes proves that we all have certain physiological needs that need to be met, however we go about different ways in order to satisfy them. I feel these tribes have adapted to their environment, and discovered different options in order to provide these needs for their families and themselves. Physiological needs are described as sex, food, hunger, thirst. Therefore, why should the setting matter in order to satisfy these needs as long as they are being satisfied. The forests provide more vitamins and minerals to leading a healthy lifestyle rather than our lifestyle the popular fast food that causes heart problems and obesity. Furthermore, I feel that their needs are being met, but the path may be more strenuous or difficult for them to achieve versus our lifestyles. It is easily accessible for us to obtain food, and water by going to our local grocery store, or a fast food restaurant whereas these individuals have to hunt and search for their meals. I feel our lifestyle is more gluttonous, whereas these tribes people only consume what they need to survive. For instance, these articles discussed that they are rather healthy, compared to our high obesity rates.
What is most surprising to me is just the lifestyle of these tribes people. I find it fascinating how they have established their own way of survival. It makes me feel as though I have taken for granted things such as food, water, and shelter because they are easily accessible to me. It is amazing how everyday of their lives is a struggle, or unpredictable because they never know what the forest may bring. For instance, they may have difficulties finding food or water, or the estimated time of finding these resources may take longer than our demanding lifestyle. In addition, I found it rather interesting how some of these tribes, including the one near Machu Picchu have managed to keep away from the outside world considering this area is a huge tourist destination.
Uncontacted tribes are all about physiological needs. Their entire existence revolves around their ability to provide for their base needs of hunger and thirst. The physiological needs of the uncontacted tribes are being met, if they weren’t they’d probably be entirely wiped out. They meet their physiological needs in a much different way than we are used to in societies such as America. We’re used to having anything we need immediately available and with the uncontacted tribes; they have to work hard for every little thing. While they may be meeting their needs differently, they’re meeting the same needs as everyone else. I feel like they meet their needs just as well as we do, if not better. Instead of overwhelming their bodies with unnecessary calories, they grow and consume only what they need to survive and they rely on themselves to do so. If we did not have grocery stores, people would be at a total loss as to how they would survive. In these uncontacted tribes, they have the skills necessary to live on their own and maybe not flourish but at least survive.
The most interesting story, in my opinion, was of the man of the holes. The last of his tribe, he survives alone and entirely un-contacted. He collects and grows all his own food and collects rain water and such to satisfy his physiological needs. It’s scary to think about the cattle ranchers that killed his tribe and some that killed other tribes mentioned on the site. When those people expand their land to better meet their needs, they are extinguishing the necessary land and human resources needed for a tribe to flourish. They must have enough land untouched to hunt and gather from. In the last of his tribe story, the organization in Brazil that protects him and other indigenous tribes expanded the land around him to protect him from the danger those people present to his way of life. It is sad to me that such lengths are necessary to protect this poor man’s way of life, his entire family and tribe extinguished by people who were greedy and dangerous. The fact that he’s still alive is a huge testament to his ability to provide for him and meet his own physiological needs. Many higher level needs may not be met but he can survive without them. Unfortunately, many of these uncontacted tribes are being wiped out by more “modern” societies and I find it very sad. I feel that their lives are somehow more pure than ours with how wrapped up we have become in all our fancy technology. They have no need for Facebook and neither do we but we have it and they do not.
The uncontacted tribes are something I haven’t ever really given much thought about. With the technology and daily advancements we have today, it’s hard to think of ‘the way of life’ in any other way than the way I’m used to. It fascinates me that people still live in somewhat of the ‘stone age’. The uncontacted tribes have many things to do with physiological needs, because they don’t use all the resources we have at our disposal, how do they get everything they need to survive? These people gather food that grows deep in their surrounding jungles and also hunt for the food they consume. The wilderness leaves many resources to collect food, but there is also room for error - poisonous plants, infected animals, etc. I feel that the uncontacted tribes have an advantage over us, because they aren’t seeking nourishment from processed foods, they are au natural by skinning and preparing their foods themselves. They also have a disadvantage because the weather and other environmental hazards contribute to loss of habitat for animals, making it so there aren’t even enough animals for them to hunt or plants that have grown. In many of the articles, it talked of how people were trying to rid the jungles of these people, or try talking to them, but just as Amish have the right to do as they please, so do these uncontacted tribes. Though, I feel it would be beneficial and more healthy for them to come around to the 'real world', they should have the right to stay as they are.
The idea of people living in relatively small groups isolated from all outsiders is a very fascinating topic. It certainly brings their ability to meet their physiological needs into question. It is pretty amazing to think that they are able to adapt to their situation and survive. Humans truly are amazing creatures in that we are able to do so. Our need for water, food, and sex are our basic needs for survival and it goes without saying that the way they meet their needs is very different than how we do in our culture. We have the work of so many other people behind the foods we eat and the materials we use on a daily basis. Many things we have are produced by a global effort of individuals all relying on each other. It takes a global network of people to provide the raw materials, process them into something usable, manufacture them into a good or product, and them get them on the shelves for people to buy. None of this matters to these isolated tribes of people. Everything they produce they make themselves. They have to work for everything they eat, drink and own. When comparing our society to theirs, it becomes obvious that we truly take our modern convinces for granted. It certainly makes the overabundance found in our society glaringly obvious.
These people have become experts at using the land to fulfill their physiological needs. They grow and gather their own edibles straight from the jungle they call their homes. Bananas, papayas, and manioc are plentiful in the areas they live. Some tribes also have some weapons to help them hunt. They also use the local rivers and waterways to fish for another source of food. These peoples have also figured out how to procure water despite their limited resources of standing fresh water. Rain is plentiful in this region and they have been able to figure out ways to procure water from the abundant rainfall. As far as sexual needs go, nothing was mentioned in the articles I found, although one can assume they do meet this need because they have children.
Some of the articles also talked about how there have been tribes who survive without contact like this for millions of years. Therefore it must be possible for small groups of people to meet these needs and survive as long as they are not significantly disrupted. It was surprising to learn that people are actually trying to kill these un-contacted tribes. They should be protected from outside harm and allowed to live as they please on their traditional lands. Although much could be learned from studying them, the ethics of that kind of study would be questionable. Disrupting these people and their lives when they are so fragile seems extremely wrong. It would likely be terrifying to encounter strangers if no one in generations had made contact before. Also, we could carry diseases that they have never been exposed to before. Although we might be immune to them, the unexposed tribes would not have that immunity, and would quickly succumb to infection. It would be much like what happened between the Native Americans and Europeans with diseases like smallpox.
I truly think these peoples are meeting their needs as well as we are, just in a different way. Their diets when food is plentiful, is arguably better than ours in American society. They are in relatively better shape because of their needs to stay extremely mobile and fit in order to survive. They have sharper senses and although we likely understand abstract concepts better, these people are extremely well adapted to survive in their environment. All in all, this website proves that human beings are amazing creatures and can survive and adapt to many diverse environments.
The idea of people living in relatively small groups isolated from all outsiders is a very fascinating topic. It certainly brings their ability to meet their physiological needs into question. It is pretty amazing to think that they are able to adapt to their situation and survive. Humans truly are amazing creatures in that we are able to do so. Our need for water, food, and sex are our basic needs for survival and it goes without saying that the way they meet their needs is very different than how we do in our culture. We have the work of so many other people behind the foods we eat and the materials we use on a daily basis. Many things we have are produced by a global effort of individuals all relying on each other. It takes a global network of people to provide the raw materials, process them into something usable, manufacture them into a good or product, and them get them on the shelves for people to buy. None of this matters to these isolated tribes of people. Everything they produce they make themselves. They have to work for everything they eat, drink and own. When comparing our society to theirs, it becomes obvious that we truly take our modern convinces for granted. It certainly makes the overabundance found in our society glaringly obvious.
These people have become experts at using the land to fulfill their physiological needs. They grow and gather their own edibles straight from the jungle they call their homes. Bananas, papayas, and manioc are plentiful in the areas they live. Some tribes also have some weapons to help them hunt. They also use the local rivers and waterways to fish for another source of food. These peoples have also figured out how to procure water despite their limited resources of standing fresh water. Rain is plentiful in this region and they have been able to figure out ways to procure water from the abundant rainfall. As far as sexual needs go, nothing was mentioned in the articles I found, although one can assume they do meet this need because they have children.
Some of the articles also talked about how there have been tribes who survive without contact like this for millions of years. Therefore it must be possible for small groups of people to meet these needs and survive as long as they are not significantly disrupted. It was surprising to learn that people are actually trying to kill these un-contacted tribes. They should be protected from outside harm and allowed to live as they please on their traditional lands. Although much could be learned from studying them, the ethics of that kind of study would be questionable. Disrupting these people and their lives when they are so fragile seems extremely wrong. It would likely be terrifying to encounter strangers if no one in generations had made contact before. Also, we could carry diseases that they have never been exposed to before. Although we might be immune to them, the unexposed tribes would not have that immunity, and would quickly succumb to infection. It would be much like what happened between the Native Americans and Europeans with diseases like smallpox.
I truly think these peoples are meeting their needs as well as we are, just in a different way. Their diets when food is plentiful, is arguably better than ours in American society. They are in relatively better shape because of their needs to stay extremely mobile and fit in order to survive. They have sharper senses and although we likely understand abstract concepts better, these people are extremely well adapted to survive in their environment. All in all, this website proves that human beings are amazing creatures and can survive and adapt to many diverse environments.
The idea of people living in relatively small groups isolated from all outsiders is a very fascinating topic. It certainly brings their ability to meet their physiological needs into question. It is pretty amazing to think that they are able to adapt to their situation and survive. Humans truly are amazing creatures in that we are able to do so. Our need for water, food, and sex are our basic needs for survival and it goes without saying that the way they meet their needs is very different than how we do in our culture. We have the work of so many other people behind the foods we eat and the materials we use on a daily basis. Many things we have are produced by a global effort of individuals all relying on each other. It takes a global network of people to provide the raw materials, process them into something usable, manufacture them into a good or product, and them get them on the shelves for people to buy. None of this matters to these isolated tribes of people. Everything they produce they make themselves. They have to work for everything they eat, drink and own. When comparing our society to theirs, it becomes obvious that we truly take our modern convinces for granted. It certainly makes the overabundance found in our society glaringly obvious.
These people have become experts at using the land to fulfill their physiological needs. They grow and gather their own edibles straight from the jungle they call their homes. Bananas, papayas, and manioc are plentiful in the areas they live. Some tribes also have some weapons to help them hunt. They also use the local rivers and waterways to fish for another source of food. These peoples have also figured out how to procure water despite their limited resources of standing fresh water. Rain is plentiful in this region and they have been able to figure out ways to procure water from the abundant rainfall. As far as sexual needs go, nothing was mentioned in the articles I found, although one can assume they do meet this need because they have children.
Some of the articles also talked about how there have been tribes who survive without contact like this for millions of years. Therefore it must be possible for small groups of people to meet these needs and survive as long as they are not significantly disrupted. It was surprising to learn that people are actually trying to kill these un-contacted tribes. They should be protected from outside harm and allowed to live as they please on their traditional lands. Although much could be learned from studying them, the ethics of that kind of study would be questionable. Disrupting these people and their lives when they are so fragile seems extremely wrong. It would likely be terrifying to encounter strangers if no one in generations had made contact before. Also, we could carry diseases that they have never been exposed to before. Although we might be immune to them, the unexposed tribes would not have that immunity, and would quickly succumb to infection. It would be much like what happened between the Native Americans and Europeans with diseases like smallpox.
I truly think these peoples are meeting their needs as well as we are, just in a different way. Their diets when food is plentiful, is arguably better than ours in American society. They are in relatively better shape because of their needs to stay extremely mobile and fit in order to survive. They have sharper senses and although we likely understand abstract concepts better, these people are extremely well adapted to survive in their environment. All in all, this website proves that human beings are amazing creatures and can survive and adapt to many diverse environments.
The topic of uncontacted tribes has everything to do with physiological needs. Their entire survival and existence is dependent on meeting their physiological needs. Their everyday behavior is in attempt to meet the needs of hunger, thirst, and sex. Many of the videos and images on the website focus on how they satisfy their needs. There were many images of different tribes in their gardens. In their gardens, they grow papayas, melons, bananas, and many other fruits and vegetables. One tribe will burn palm trees to eat the palm hearts. They also showed how tribes know what bees are not dangerous and how they collect the honey from the hives and trees. There was one video about the last man of his tribe. He had dug a hole about 6 feet deep where he would most likely trap animals after he had caught them. This type of behavior, along with the tools they build to hunt, show how well the uncontacted tribes are at meeting the physiological need of hunger. Even though I’m sure they have deaths in their tribes due to not meeting physiological needs, it is obvious they are doing an adequate job because they seem well fed and continue to prosper for thousands of years. This also makes it obvious that they are meeting their need for sex. They are able to reproduce enough to continue the tribe throughout the years. One tribe on the Sentinel Islands has been there for more than 55,000 years according to the website. If they weren’t able to fulfill their physiological needs, this would not be possible. It is extremely interesting to learn about societies like this. I have always been extremely interested in this sort of thing. I took Cultural Anthropology and we discussed different tribes and I found it fascinating that there are still societies living in such a manner. I actually think that sometimes it would be nice to live like that. They do not worry about all the tiny things that we do, such as losing cell phone signal, traffic jams, etc. They don’t have to compete for jobs and money just to survive. They get to worry about the basics and that is how they live, not having so much capital to afford the basics. They don’t have to pay the forest a certain amount to eat the food. We have to rely so much on secondary reinforcers to even get access to food and water.
In discussing this, I think that they meet their physiological needs very well. They hunt and gather and do what they need. Sometimes I do think they meet them better than us, because of the things I discussed above. Another way I think they meet them better is that if we suffered some kind of huge disaster that destroyed all the ways we get food (fast food, grocery store, restaurant, etc.) we would absolutely parish. It is sad but there have been activities I’ve read about where people had to survive on their own, such as the zombie apocalypse games, where people have no idea how to do the basic things. Now-a-days barely anybody knows how to hunt and gather and build things and do other essential activities such as leatherwork. In these ways, I think they do meet their needs better. They can go many places and survive because they know how to utilize the environment to meet their physiological needs, therefore they are better equipped to survive in any part of the world; we are not. While we may have easier, quicker access to meet our needs, it is not always better. Without tribes such as these, none of us would be here. They are the building blocks of us, and sometimes I think they have it right.
I think the most surprising thing to me is that there are some tribes that are not afraid of contact. There was a video of first contact with a tribe and they were very welcoming. They kept trying to touch the camera and play with it. They were laughing and smiling and were not threatened in any way. I would think that they would be scared and hostile no matter what because the technology is so different. It really makes me want to be a cultural anthropologist (I almost changed my major to that once). It is just so fascinating how different uncontacted tribes react to outsiders. It makes me wonder about their mentality and how they live day to day. What makes them react so differently? All of this is so intriguing to me! It is just so sad that they are dwindling so much. I think they actually fare worse after being contacted. Then they have to compete for resources because they have to live in our societies where we say you have to have paper money to get basic resources and meet our fundamental physiological needs. Maybe we should all take lessons from them!
The topic of uncontacted tribes has to do with physiological needs. Some people struggle with the fact that people are able to live a satisfactory life of total self-reliance. However, these tribes are able to provide their own food and water to meet their basic needs without the help of others. They meet their physiological needs in many different ways. Some hunt and farm, and collect drinking water from streams and rivers or even rain water. They also seem to have met the physiological need of sex since they are obviously reproducing. They seem satisfied with the way they live and they continue to thrive so who is to say their physiological needs are not being met? Nothing bothers me more than when people “with good intentions” try to pry their way into the business of others and force them to live the life that they see “fit.” People survived for thousands of years living the way that these tribes do, I feel very certain that the uncontacted tribes will manage to survive for thousands of years more without outside help.
I think it’s amazing that uncontacted tribes still exist today and I think we should try to leave them alone and let them live their lives as they see fit. It is also surprising that people would think that these tribes do not exist, especially since one of the videos stated the officials in Brazil didn’t believe that there were tribes in the country. But when you think about it, they are called uncontacted tribes for a reason.