Procrastination is largely seen as a problem with motivation. But is it really?
Read the following: (you can also check out entries under his blog tab, and other essays tab).
What do you think? If you are a procrastinator, do these concepts ring true for you? What terminology from our study of Motivation apply?
I thought this was a very true article. As I was reading it everything he stated is exactly as I do on a regular basis. I thought it was interesting that someone who has so much to do and is a very smart individual like him would procrastinate just as much as someone like me.
At the beginning of the article he states that he has been meaning to write this essay for months. Why has he just now started it? Because he found uncommitted time? No, it's actually because he has more important things to do now. People always have multiple things to do. Normally there is something that is most important to start on but all the little miscellaneous tasks that follow under that we will start on first to get done and out of the way.
This article relates to my life tremendously right now! I have tons of things to accomplish now that were in the middle of the semester. But my number one priority should be my research paper in research methods of psych. I have been putting this paper off for months and have been doing all the other things that I need to get done before it. right now I am writing this blog; although I have no idea when this is due and yet my research paper is due next Tuesday. This paper is going to be extremely hard for me. I dont like apa style research papers I have discovered... they just are not that appealing to me. It is the number one thing on my list I SHOULD be doing but because of structured procrastination I have been putting it off. Luckily its not like I haven't been doing anything, I have actually been completing a lot of different tasks, and even been getting those tasks done before the due dates.
I think this article definitely put my life into perspective. especially for this week! It helps me recognize that this is something millions of people are probably doing. I think that if we wrote down our goals that we had each week, it would help us out tremendously. short-term goals are easier to accomplish then long-term goals. If we made a plan to get the number one thing on our list accomplished first, then that may help us out. But if we were to get the number one task competed, who is to say we would finish the other tasks we need to get done. It is a very interesting concept. I think that although I have been putting off this paper; I have done so many more tasks that I would normally have been putting off as well.
I love this article! I believe this article could be applied to my daily life. Every day I make a 'to do' list and everyday I always do the smaller, less important tasks first in avoidance of the tasks that I know will take more time and effort. However, I always looked at it as one of my downfalls. I would always be so hard on myself for not just sitting down and being able to complete the task. This article has shown me that my procrastination isn't necessarily a bad thing, I can even go to the extent that it helps me be more productive. I am grateful for this article because I can now start to look at what I thought was my 'procrastination' as just my style for completing tasks. Instead of looking at it as my weakness, I can start to view it as my strength.
Even though this article does not directly talk about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, I believe that these two concepts have a lot to do with procrastination. The tasks that I usually procrastinate on, or in other words, leave as my last tasks to complete, are the ones that I have no interest in. The motivation to complete these tasks comes exclusively from extrinsic motivators such as the consequence of getting a 'F' on a paper or an incomplete. The tasks that I do first in my day are usually the ones that I am intrinsically motivated to do. For instance, working out is always on my 'to do' list. I usually do my work out first thing in the morning because I enjoy working out and would much rather do that than write a paper. I feel as if procrastination would not happen as much if I was intrinsically motivated to do all of the tasks on my 'to do' list.
I believe this article also relates back to goal setting discussed in chapter 8. I find that I procrastinate less when I set goals for myself. Chapter 8 discusses that a goal should be challenging but not too challenging otherwise one will be less likely to reach it. I know that when I have a task on my 'to do' list that I know will be really hard to complete, I avoid it all day. Another main factor in whether or not I procrastinate on a goal deals with goal acceptance. Chapter 8 describes goal acceptance as the person's decision to either accept or reject the goal. A lot of time I put tasks on my 'to do' list but I usually add them while saying 'eh, maybe I'll do this today. Or, maybe I'll do it tomorrow.' This shows a lack of accepting or rejecting the goal which I believe leads to some of my structured procrastination.
Another chapter that I believe my structured procrastination relates to is chapter 6 and the topic of autonomy. Autonomy is the psychological need where one needs to feel as if they have some control over their decisions and actions. Usually the tasks that I complete first on my 'to do' list are the tasks where I have a lot of autonomy. When I find myself needing to complete a task that does not allow me any autonomy, I fight it until I don't have anymore time left.
Chapter seven can be related to the feeling that I feel when I have completed tasks. This feeling is one of achievement. After reading this article, I feel as if structured procrastination leads to a great feeling of achievement. This is because with structured procrastination, one completes more tasks while trying to avoid certain ones.
Overall, I think this is a great article that really relates to my daily life. I am so glad that someone has finally found the silver lining to my tendency to procrastinate!
This article was so amazing because it was so eerily like my life. I am a huge procrastinator and am usually finishing things right before the deadline (like how I just finished by my reading blog an hour before it was due). I often off set things I should be doing with small for attainable tasks and whats funny is I feel accomplished for those menial tasks when I have larger more urgent tasks in the wing. When I am working on those tasks, I find myself walking away and doing something else or doing pretty much anything other than the assignment coming back to it every so often and adding a little more. A three page paper can take me painful hours.
Terminology that best represents this idea is, for one, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I always do the most interesting tasks first because, obviously, I had some urge to do them. When they are awful assignments, I drag them on for days and days or as long as the deadline lets me. Autonomy has a lot to do with it because when I am not given a choice in the matter, I feel much less interested in doing the assignment. However, at the same time, when I am extrinsically motivated by something, I want less options because then I don't have to spend too much time thinking about things I have no interest in. Just give me the topic so I can do it and be done with it. The entire chapter on goals has something to contribute to this subject. It takes me awhile to accept the goal at hand, and when they are something I don't want to do I may exaggerate the goal difficulty. Even the achievement of completing tasks is not enough to push me to finish the tasks sooner.
Sometimes I wish that I had the motivation to finish tasks sooner than they are due (ironically I am finishing this assignment way before it is due and I realize that because it is a simpler task than the ones I have ahead of me) but changing this well developed habit is extremely difficult. But now I don't feel so bad about it.
Awesome article! I am a total procrastinator, which, until I took my psychology of personality class here at UNI, I thought was a trait of laziness within individuals. Within the class though, I learned that it is actually a common personality trait associated with the category of “perceiver” on the Myer-Briggs personality inventory. I would say that I am actually much like the author whom wrote this article, I just judge tasks that I am supposed to do, and therefore forced to do, as less important with other tasks going on in my life. I would not say that I am a lazy individual, I would just say that there are other things in my life that are much more important to me and much more motivating for me to accomplish since they are of more interest to me. I would say that this is mainly due to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of tasks. When I am simply told to do something that is not motivating to myself and does not really hold much of an interest to myself I feel as though my own autonomy and volition are being taken away from me, which takes away from my psychological needs and makes me feel as though I am experiencing a deficit in my psychological needs (eventually leading me to becoming unhappy and unsatisfied). When I am procrastinating I am usually doing something that is actually intrinsically motivating to myself, such as working on music or reading books that I enjoy. These sort of tasks help fuel my psychological needs for autonomy and competence as well as my social need for achievement. Therefore, I feel that I am very much like the author of this article in the sense that, even though I am putting off a task that I should be working on, maybe in a sense I am doing myself a favor by accomplishing tasks that could hold the potential to be much more fulfilling and important in the long-run.
I loved this article! It felt like a I was reading the story of my life. I tend to wake up every morning and think of all the things that I need to do. Things such as homework tend to get put as most important but last to be done, where as run to Target and get stuff seems to always come as first priority. I found it very interesting that even as a grown intellectual man he still found ways to procrastinate and make excuses, like the article he was extremely late on writing, when in fact taking the time to write the letter he could've been working on writing the article. I believe that is something I do.. and excuses are easy to come up with when you continually put things off. This article can be related back to intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. I do what interests me and I find fun first and then go in and do what I have to do because if not there will be some sort of consequences, like a failing grade for example. I also see how this article can relate to autonomy, when trying to complete tasks it's always easier to do things that I know I have control over and can do as I please. Achievement is another area that can be related to this article. By having structured procrastination it's easy to feel that you've accomplished something. It may not be what was number one on your list or what is most important but by getting through so many other items on your list lets you feel as though you have achieved a great deal. This article has made me see the flip side to my procrastination, instead of always feeling bad about how I've avoided things I should be happy that I was able to get some things accomplished.
I really enjoyed this article! I think that many people in college procrastinate including myself. The article starts out with him admitting he has been trying to write this essay for months. He also talks about how procrastinators still get a lot of work accomplished just in a different order. We also will put off the most important things on our plate and work on more meaningless less important tasks in order to put off the important ones. The concept was that procrastinators need to trick themselves when choosing tasks at the top of the list that we are procrastinating. These tasks should appear to have a clear deadline but actually do not and that are also important tasks but really aren't that important. We do this so we procrastinate things that really arent that important so we will actually do the important things.
I could definately relate to this article. If I have important tasks on my list of things to do I will do multiple other many tasts before I even look at what im supposed to be doing. My favorite way of procrastination is by cleaning the entire house. I like it because it is a productive task that is important but not as important as what I should be using my time for. Its really hard to not procrastinate in college because there is so much going on between homework social events and work. I think college students just need to work on time management and scheduling issues. If I have a productive day it is because I scheduled what I was going to do at every point of the day and made a list of everything I needed to get done.
This relates to motivation and goal setting because it is a different approach of getting things done. Even if you are a procrastinator you still need short term goals because those are much easier to accomplish compared to long term goals. For procrastinators we need to prioritize in a differnet way so we are actually procrastinating things that aren't as important and doing things that are and that we really do need to get done.
Great words and thoughts. Being a procrastinator is not so bad then. I can see how does it apply to my every day life. I do make a list of my task for every day or every week and always start from the small ones that will not take so much time and my energy to do them. Then I am "cumulating" my energy for the big tasks. Even task that I know I cant achieve them anytime soon, but like maybe next year I still write them down to not forget and come back to it later. I actually just accomplished something recently what I wanted 2 years ago. But due to many other things going on and knowing that I do not have to have it until my graduation I was procrastinating it until now, my last year of college, but I did it and because it was all the time in the back of my head and on my Big do to list.
Structured procrastination according to this article turns out as a positive thing. Because of procrastinating big tasks we actually make to do many other, smaller tasks instead of doing really nothing. For instance,from my experience when I do not do anything, even not accomplish little thing, something that I suppose to I would feel guilty,so I usually ended up doing at least something which could be other task that I suppose to do, but still it is something; better than nothing. So I definitely agree with the author of this article.
Something procrastinating can brings positive outcomes.
Also, I think doing this assignment right now it is sort of procrastination because I actually suppose to work on something else, but I know it would have to required more time and energy consumed from me than this assignment, so to not feel guilty of doing nothing productive I am writing this comment right now. Is is interesting how this article made me realize those things. I pretty much always been doing this way, avoiding as long as I can the big tasks and doing the little ones first.
I absolutely loved this article! It explains my life of procrastination perfectly. I am a total procrastinator and the fact that I am blogging about this a day earlier than the blog is due is because I have 2 other bigger papers that I am currently putting off. I really like the part of the article where the author talks about how procrastinators are always putting someone off, but yet always doing something productive in the meantime. That is definitely me, I procrastinate (mostly school work) because I always find that my apartment needs cleaning, the laundry needs to be done, I really need money so I pick up another shift at work, groceries need bought, etc. Even though I put the most important things off, I am still always busy and always moving around. Therefore, I am still productive.
I think one of the major reasons I procrastinate is to feel the sense of achievement when I complete something big in a relatively short period of time. When I do well on a paper after I put it off for so long, I honestly feel great about it. That sense of achievement gives me the motivation to complete all of my necessary tasks and the confidence that I am able to perform well when I am under pressure to get something done.
I am definitely a person who has to write goals down in order to complete them. Procrastinating honestly helps my goal setting. At the beginning of each week, I write down all of my assignments that I need to complete and when they are due. Then I write a goal of what I want to complete each day, knowing well that I won’t probably complete it until the necessary hours it takes before it’s due. Although I usually do not complete my short term goal on time, I still get it done because I can visually see how long I have to do it until. Goal setting and procrastinating help me stay organized and on top of my school work.
Procrastinating big tasks also helps me to be intrinsically motivated to do something. When I finish a task before I actually have to, I am usually only doing it because I feel like I have to. But when I put something off until the last minute, I want to do it and I want to do it well because I am a type of person who never wants to not do something that I say I’m going to. And, I’ve noticed that the things I procrastinate the most, are the things that I want to do the best on so I get the things that don’t matter quite as much out of the way first.
Procrastinating is definitely a motivational factor for me.
I thought this article was very interesting because I am not a procrastinator. My roommate is a major procrastinator and I never understood her until now. She will be cleaning her room, washing dishes, or doing laundry for hours when I know she has a project due the next day and will have to stay up all night working on it in order to get it done. It didn’t make any sense to me why she would be doing these other tasks that could be done at anytime when she was going to have to pull an all nighter to get her project done by the next day. I now realize that it is because her project is at the top of her list and all the other chores she is doing are also on her list, just lower on it. As a way to avoid working on her project she does these other tasks, so she is still being productive. This is the complete opposite of the way I am. I love getting things done early so that I don’t have to worry about them. I make lists and I work on the tasks that will take the most effort first so I can get them out of the way. I started working on my book report for this class a month before it was due because it was bothering me and I felt the need to get it done.
I think autonomy has a lot to do with why people procrastinate. They want to feel some control over all of the tasks they need to complete and they exercise this by putting off the important things until they don’t seem as important anymore. When I have a lot of things to do, I gain exercise my autonomy by completing the tougher tasks early and getting them out of the way. Also, when I make my list of things to do at the beginning of each week, I set goals for myself and write which day I will work on which task. I feel like goal setting might help procrastinators because it will focus their efforts on the things that need to be completed first. I realize this goes against the way procrastinators work however, so it might not make a difference. It seems like procrastinators have less intrinsic motivation to get important projects done early than nonprocrastinators. I feel good about myself when I get something done early and out of the way. I also feel a sense of achievement getting something done early, while it seems that procrastinators get this from completing many tasks while avoiding big tasks, and then finally completing the big tasks when they move down on the list. The source of sense of achievement and the way the need for autonomy is satisfied are some of the main differences between procrastinators and nonprocrastinators.
This article was very interesting. I myself am not a procrastinator, however, I know a ton of people who are and this article holds true to them! For example, one of my friends has a giant list of things to do (like all of us) and will begin with the thing that is due last instead of working on the assignment that is due the next day. This article points out that we do that because other tasks require less time and effort and we are not motivated to accomplish the large task at hand. I will admit senioritis is catching up to me. In the process of applying for graduate school, working two jobs and taking 22 credit hours, I need some time to just sit and do nothing. I have put off writing my personal statement as long as possible by submitting transcript requests and perfecting my resume. However, I have an appointment with the writing center to look over my personal statement on Tuesday...guess I better actually sit down and write it now! I am rarely a procrastinator because I do not like being pressed for time. I also realize that if I don’t understand an assignment and put it off until the last minute, I will be even more stressed figuring it out. My friends call me an ‘over achiever’ all the time. I am not an over achiever, I just do my stuff in a timely manner because that is what works best for me, unlike them! Intrinsic motivation could be used in that I engage in accomplishing certain things on my to do list based on my interests. For example, I tend to resort to Neuroscience assignments first because they are intriguing, however, it is probably the most difficult thing on the list. Extrinsic motivation comes into play when the environment provides incentives. This would be the example of my meeting for my personal statement. I have a deadline of next Tuesday to get it written, if I don’t, they won’t be able to help me very much. I also have a high need for achievement; the desire to do well. When I get something crossed off my list, I feel a sense of achievement and am motivation to cross more items off the list. I also take pleasure in the physical crossing out the item with a pen..especially if it was a hard task (in that case I cross it out multiple times!) Overall this provided me with reasons why my friends procrastinate so much. It bothers me a lot because they usually complain about all the things they have to do and how busy they are, but watched a movie last night. This article provided me with the knowledge of why they are just starting their ten page paper the day before it’s due.
I appreciated the discussion the author had on procrastination, as he turned a typically negative trait and discussed the positives of the trait, instead. I'm just as guilty about being a procrastinator, in many similar ways that the author is. He wrote this paper in avoidance of other, more demanding tasks. I do the same thing, as I will work on smaller, easier assignments or even add other tasks like cleaning my room or responding to emails instead of working on a project or long term paper. The assignment will get done by the deadline because there is the grade aspect, but it definitely won't be the first thing I work on.
This topic directly relates to the notion of intrinsic vs. Extrinsic motivation. The author is more willing and motivated to work on an shorter essay or play ping pong with students because it's of more interest than working on dissertation drafts or other major writings. The author is more willing to do the more interesting tasks because they are driven by intrinsic motivation, or the motivation to do something that is personally interesting and enjoyable. He ends up completing these other tasks because they involve work and further, monetary rewards. The monetary rewards act as the extrinsic motivator or the reward or gain for completing a task.
Goal setting also is related to the topic of procrastination. It's much easier to create an implementation intention plan for smaller tasks, which may lead to willingness to complete smaller tasks and assignments. Although difficult goals tend ton increase motivation, these goals still need to be specific and accepted by the person to elicit motivation to do them. With major assignments, just saying that one wants to finish a major paper isn't giving specificity to the goal. however, no goal will elicit motivation if it isn't accepted as their own goal.
Procrastination is also related to the need for autonomy. Those who have a high need for autonomy are more inclined to do tasks that they can have more control over. This means that those with a high need for autonomy will be more inclined to do smaller, easier tasks that they know they can have more control over to complete them. Completing a task also plays on someone's need for achievement. Easier tasks and assignments have a much better opportunity to fulfill the need for achievement.
This was an interesting read, but I did like it. I procrastinate sometimes, not because I don't want to do anything, but because I have so much to do, that I don't know where to start. When I have multiple projects to do, I get overwhelmed where I'm to the point that for one day I choose not to do any homework, than the next couple of days I make a list of all my assignments, and then I start to get at them. I like what the article said, about how a procrastinator can be motivated to do the difficult things, as long as the task at hand is helping me from doing something more important.
For example of what I just said, I have a lesson plan worth 300 points due next Wednesday, and I have yet to start it. I am not putting it off, but I choose to do all my other hard homework first, because for me once I get everything but the hardest thing done, I feel a lot less stressed and more able to complete this lesson plan. Like the article said, I pick the hardest task and put it on top my list. Although it's not the top, I complete it last.
For me, procrastination helps me get motivated, because if I leave something to do two days before the deadline, I know I HAVE to complete, and have no other choice. When I am in that mind frame, I feel motivated to get it done, so my stress level can come back down. So even though procrastination gets a bad rap, it helps me in the long run, and helps my organize my tasks in a way I feel works for me.
This article made me feel a lot better about my chronic procrastination. I love how the article discusses how most procratinators, including myself, rate their tasks in order of importance. We then essentially pass our time by doing the less important things to avoid the more important things. For instance, I have a pretty good sized paper due tomorrow that I haven't started yet but instead I am working on this blog because it is more interesting than the paper and less pressing also. By doing this, I can still feel productive about my day. However, after I finish this blog I will then start to feel discouragd again. To get rid of this feeling, I will start reading a book for my book report that is due on Monday night. To me this is an example of cognitive dissonance because I know that I am a procrastinator but I don't want to be one. By doing other, less important tasks while avoiding my more important ones, I am able to rid myself of some of the guilty feelings I have about procratinating so much. Also, by making a list like this article suggests, I am able to have a sense of autonomy(which is very important to me). I can motivate myself to work on things I want to work on instead of working on things that I may not want to work on or that I may have otherwise been forced to do in other settings. Overall, I really enjoyed this article and it was helpful to realize that more people than I think are most likely procrastinators....Procrastinators unite!
I thought this article was very interesting. I’m a procrastinator, and I had never noticed that while putting off other tasks, we are actually accomplishing a lot in between. At the moment I was putting off grading literature reviews for a class I TA for and studying for a hard test I have coming up. I decided to do this blog instead which makes no sense at all. I also decided to pay my credit card bill, cash my pay checks, clean my room, do my laundry, and take a shower. I would have eventually had to do all those things, but at the moment they were not at the top of my priority list. For some reason, we would rather do little tasks like these instead of the big ones that actually matter.
While taking this class, I recognized a few things I could do to prevent procrastination. A lot of these came from the chapter on goal setting. A lot of people procrastinate on the tasks that have the largest deadlines or that matter the most to others. This could be a failure in goal acceptance. Goal acceptance is when we take on a goal as our own. When we feel it is externally imposed, we resist it. The big deadlines matter to other people, not us. We didn’t impose those upon ourselves. At the beginning of the class, we were allowed to set our own deadline for a book essay. This is a form of goal acceptance. Implementation intentions must also be utilized by procrastinators. Procrastinators oftentimes have a hard time getting started. Implementation intentions clearly lay out when to start, where to start, and how to start. They are self imposed so they could essentially give a little more control to the procrastinator. Overall, goals are more likely to be reached if they are written down. My problem is actually writing them down, because I procrastinate on that task as well.
I really enjoyed reading this article! It explains my daily thought process to a science. Almost every day I go through this situation. I have a trillion things to do, but end up doing the least important of them. I get a lot accomplished through the day, especially when I have a huge, difficult project or assignment to complete. Most of the time, I have a great since of accomplishment until I look at the importance of the things I completed. However, that doesn’t stop me from taking that small bit of accomplishment and use it to justify all the things I didn’t get done.
One thing that stood out to me was the part when he states, “They try to minimize their commitments, assuming that if they have only a few things to do, they will quit procrastination and get them done.” I am the opposite on this comment. As a procrastinator, I try to pack my schedule as full as I can. I hope that knowing I am so busy will elevate the desire to procrastinate and actually make me finish it on time or ahead of time. I think I also use it as a tool to excuse myself when I don’t end up getting something done.
In some cases, I think that procrastination has an influence on a persons need for autonomy, or a person’s desire to have a choice and control over their actions. For example, an assignment is given to a student; many times the assignment is undesired. The student has no choice but to do the assignment or suffer the consequence in their grade. By being able to procrastinate, one is able to exert autonomy by choosing to put it off. They chose to finish tasks of least importance because many times those are full of autonomy. Along with this, one often choses to finish activates when they are intrinsically motivated instead of extrinsically motivated. Intrinsically motivated people complete a task because they are interested and seek out to finish it on their own. In the case of an assignment, most often a student is extrinsically motivated to finish it because they are receiving reinforce, or a grade, on the assignment. They opt not do the assignment for a significant amount of time because they don’t possess any interest in doing the assignment.
Personally, my procrastination stems from both autonomy and extrinsic motivations. I have high need for autonomy. I often don’t like people telling me what to do or when to do it. I have never considered this to be a reason for my procrastination before because completing assignments is a part of being a student. However, I can now see that when I procrastinate, it is often because I was assigned, forced, or have no interest in finishing. Often, things at the bottom of my list are small things that I am excited to do, or intrinsically motivated to do. This is why I regularly tend to accomplish these instead of the bigger assignment ahead of it.
I liked this article. I definitely am one that has issues with procrastination and how long it takes me to get things done. This article definitely brought into perspective how I can use procrastination to my advantage. I do find myself actually getting a large number of things done even though I don’t always get the main thing done that I want to get done. I had developed a different technique of my own where I separate the larger more pressing tasks into smaller goals that I can achieve easier and don’t seem to have as pressing of a deadline.
I think these concepts definitely have some validity towards procrastination. I’m sure that not all people can mentally be aware of how to get things done or how to arrange their tasks in the right order to get them done in a reasonable time. I do think that this technique can really help some people with their problems of procrastination. When the motivation was talked about, I really found that to be true. It is the brain that puts what is important and creates the motivation to get it done. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivations play a role in this topic. The self and even the person’s need for autonomy and competence play a big role here too.
I really enjoyed this article. The defines me to the T. This assignment was the main thing I had to do today. However, I found myself doing things that, while they did need to get done, could have waited until I was finished doing all my homework. Despite the fact that I am finally sitting down to do this assignment, I did get a lot done today. These were things that had to be done and I am still doing my homework. Procrastination works very well for me. Sometimes I do put off things until the very last minute and then I have to scramble to get it together, but I still get it done. And it still is pretty good.
The part in the article where he states, "Procrastinators try to minimize their commitments, assuming that if they have only a few things to do, they will quit procrastinating and get them done." That is exactly what I do. I try to make it so I have an easy work load and maybe I will get done what I need to. This never works for me. When I have hardly anything to do I will not do anything. I still wait until the very last minute to do whatever it is that needs to get done. My procrastination is a hundred times worse. I find myself sitting in front of the TV or staring at the computer for hours upon hours. I actually work a lot better when I have a lot of stuff to do. It keeps me on track because I know I do not have the extra time to do nothing.
This article was very good at explaining procrastination. Some people just work in different ways and aren't sure of how to organize their time. Or they work better this way. It has helped me greater by writing a list of things I need to get done. I still do them in the least important to the most important but it has helped me keep somewhat organized. This article was really enjoyable.
I found this article and the explanation of one type of procrastination interesting. I can definitely see truth to his hypothesis. At one time this theory probably rang true for me I used to be very bad at procrastinating—especially in middle and high schools. Sometimes I would feel unsure about how to do a project and do not want to do it wrong (I am a little bit of a perfectionist, which is influenced by my need for achievement). Sometimes I just didn’t want to do it, and like the author, would do many other things that needed to get don—clean my room, do my nails, pack my lunch for school the next day…and on and on.
It wasn’t until after my first year in college that I really started to get better on my procrastination habit. I was tired of being sleep-deprived, stressed out, and grouchy. I set a goal to do better in this area and I believe it has been a benefit for my physical and mental health. By using my time more wisely, I am able to be efficient and actually have MORE time to do things that I enjoy doing, like spending undistracted, personal time with friends and family. As I have improved on this personal bad habit of mine (in my opinion), I have realized that I can use my own willpower and autonomous attributes to block out distractions (if only until I am done with ______task) like facebook, email, or catching up on my TV shows that I missed during the week.
I thought it rather ridiculous that the author would be several months overdue on a task. I hate being late on things, which is probably influenced by my need for relatedness. I don’t like making people mad, or frustrating them, and having been on the receiving end of procrastinated, late efforts, I now know how infuriating it can be. Due dates are often set very strategically. Even though the publishers were fine with his article being late, I found it very unprofessional of him. I don’t think all jobs are be that “soft” on deadlines.
I laugh at myself as I write this because instead of sitting down and doing this blog right after work today, I checked email, facebook, talked with my roommates, watched my TV shows, and emptied the dishwasher. I still have procrastinator tendencies—I’m still a work in progress!—but I feel like setting goals for myself, even small informal ones, has helped me a lot to be more productive, efficient, manage my time better, and feel less stress and enjoy life more.
This article was extremely interesting for many reasons. I am definitely a procrastinator myself and find everything he talks about to be pretty true! It is definitely true that when procrastinating I tend to do other things that still actually benefit me even though they aren’t the tasks that are most important to do on my list. When I should be doing homework I usually clean my room, organize files on my computer, run errands around town, or check my e-mails and planner for what I should be getting accomplished and organize my thoughts. It’s very interesting that even though procrastinating is looked at as a bad thing, it can also be good. If I wasn’t a procrastinator, I would probably get everything that is important done right away and then I would feel the need to be lazy and relax the rest of the day, but if I do the least important things first I still feel the pressing need to get the important things done on time and eventually do those also. So, procrastinators can actually get much more don’t than non-procrastinators when looked at in the right way.
I loved how the author started out the article explaining why he was writing the article in the first place, because he was procrastinating more important things! That humor in the beginning really grabbed my attention and made me laugh because it’s exactly something I would do and it was crazy that someone of his profession would actually be the same way!
I think this article has a lot to do with goals, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation. People are more likely to reach their long term or hard goals when they have smaller goals leading to the bigger ones. This relates to procrastination because it is sort of the same. People are more likely to get the more important things done on their list when they do the not so important tasks first. Intrinsic motivation relates because people are motivated on their own to do the more important tasks because after doing the small stuff, they usually are more alert and ready to keep going. Extrinsic motivation also plays a role in procrastination techniques, because people are more likely to get the important stuff done after the smaller stuff because they start to feel pressure from outside sources to get their work done.
The bad thing about this procrastination technique is that sometimes the smaller things on my list aren’t really anything worth accomplishing. I notice that I procrastinate doing homework by cooking food. This is very bad because I catch myself eating five suppers daily! I sit at my computer and think to myself about all the things I should be doing but eventually start to drift off and think about all the food that sounds really amazing at that point. So, I cook another meal or snack, not because I’m hungry at all, but just because I’m bored and it gives me something to do rather than homework or other more important tasks. I notice that on days I have a lot of homework I eat a lot more and feel a lot sicker. I realize that if I didn’t have as much homework, I would be a lot more healthy and skinnier. Also, I catch myself painting my fingernails, shopping, or doing my roommates hair because I feel like I should be doing those things, when really they aren’t important at all. Overall, procrastination does normally get my to do more work than I would if I did the important stuff first, but it can also lead to overeating (not good), over shopping and being broke (not good), and having really cute hair and fingernails (not important).
All in all, I loved this article because it relates a lot to my life and is so true! Procrastination definitely does work for some people, me being one of them!
Key Terms: motivation, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, goals
This article rings true for me. For the past couple years, I have been a world class procrastinator. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I used to be fairly on top of things until my senior year in high school and from there it went downhill. I can most assuredly attest to the fact that when I have really pressing things to do, I do something else.
One example is that I have had a speeding ticket I have needed to pay for a while now, and even though that would take maybe five minutes to accomplish, I have cleaned my room, done laundry, wrote countless papers, and have finished the rough draft of my book analysis. Though, this last point is astounding in and of itself, even when I was in high school I never ever had enough time to write a rough draft and have someone proofread it. When I said working ahead, I meant like the afternoon the day before it was due.
In my previous post, I mentioned that I was trying to get to my possible self by starting to work ahead, which is partially true. In conjunction with that, however, I may just be working on stuff ahead of time, because it is not the most pressing. What started me thinking was that after I finished writing my prior post, I realized that though I worked ahead on my paper and some various reading that was not due for a while I had much that was due the next day I had not even started.
I had coined the term the article called “structured procrastination” before reading this article as productive procrastination. I was aware that I have a tendency to do this several years ago. One specific example that came to mind was I skipped one of my classes last year, so I could clean my room. If you have ever been in my room, you would know just how shocking this is. The ONLY times I ever clean my rooms are in my moments of productive procrastination.
Furthermore, I seem to have a reputation as someone who gets things done, as the professor mentioned in his article. This is because I genuinely like to procrastinate, but feel bad about doing so, so I need to have things to work on to make me procrastinate productively. Because if I do not have several things to do that are not the urgent things, I will think that I do not have much to do so will end up wasting more time on Facebook, YouTube, and other internet sites.
Unrelated to the article’s point of structured procrastination, I find that I have been rewarded for much of my procrastination. Several examples come to mind. The first is in high school I was enrolled in an online Introduction to Literature class that I had to turn papers in by 8 a.m. every Friday. For the first couple weeks, I wrote them Thursday night while working at the library. I did well, and usually got at least an ‘A-,’ but one week I just decided to go to school early the next day and write it. I arrived at school around seven, but between my locker and the computer lab I kept running into friends and teachers and chatted for a minute or two with each. I did not arrive at the computer lab until 7:43. Needless to say I rushed through the three page paper to get it in by 8. I turned it in at 8:00 on the dot. I was really nervous when I received the email with my grade, but to my surprise not only did I receive a perfect score the professor asked to keep the paper as an example to show future classes. I decided to keep doing this as it worked once, and I received perfect scores on the rest of the papers for that class. Needless to say, I decided I worked well under pressure and my world class procrastination started then (and hopefully is ending soon…but not today).
This was a very interesting essay that grabbed my attention right from the beginning, structured procrastination! Everybody at some point has faced the difficulty of deadlines and especially with college students getting their work in time. So why does procrastination happen? If we come to realize the important assignments that are due with plenty of time to get them done, it makes it that much harder for a lot of people to motivate themselves to do them. He mentioned all the busy and important stuff he had to get done, and even talked about ranking the importance of his priorities, yet became months behind on their due dates. Such as his reason for writing this structured procrastination essay, we find more less important things to choose to accomplish to avoid the important, top of the list priorities. That is the structured procrastination. “We make the bad trait work for us”. A lot can be said to why I have always been found in the category of procrastination and doing last minute work. Even this blog today, many had accomplished when it was first available and others, such as myself, are pushing the limits, finding smaller and less important things to do, then finally replying to the post much later. I really like how he mentioned procrastination can lead you to be a useful citizen, someone who is seen as getting a lot done. I feel this really does relate to me, because while I find ways to push aside some of the biggest assignments until hours or minutes before they are due, I manage to get my work done and have truly accomplished the task in the end. I do find a problem whether the structured procrastination is accurate in the sense that with minimal time or late work, how well the work is done. Would I be able to write differently on papers and utilize more thoughts having spent weeks preparing verse hours? Maybe. I do, however, manage to obtain desired grades in class with structured procrastination. With procrastination there are always multiple task to accomplish, so there is always something placed highly in relevance to how important it is. I am motivated to succeed on my school work, but as he mentions, finding ways around it to fulfill less important tasks structures the amount of work I get done. Though the important assignments aren’t getting done ahead of time, I am still make use of accomplishing other forms of class work so, ultimately, I am making use of my time. It amazes me how a man of his caliber can write about how much he procrastinates. I would have guessed where he is in his line of work, that he would be the complete opposite. It just goes to show that procrastination and our motivations are all different, but by being labeled a procrastinator isn’t always a bad thing. As for myself, it seem everything usually falls into place where I like it, this is probably why I continue to procrastinate, but in a structured way.
This article definitely relates to me when it comes to procrastination. I definitely agree with the statement when procrastinators minimize the amount of work they feel that they will get things done more timely, when it reality it will be just the same. I also found it funny when he talked about how procrastinators will do unimportant tasks and accomplish alot such as cleaning up, or reorganizing the apartment, rather than doing something important like writing their 10 page paper.
For me, I feel the reason I may put off these important tasks is because I want to delay the stress that will come from completing it. For instance, if I don't understand the material I will dread working on the assignment because of the stress, and the feeling of incompetence. Therefore, I feel threatened by this task because it will make me question my competency. In addition, these tasks may take away the illusion I have of my ideal self. I may have imagined myself to be better at this certain subject, and then come to terms with my mastery of this performance not being as high as I had hoped. Therefore, the thing I am procrastinating may bring me back to my present self, or present state that I am not pleased with.
Also, I feel as though as much as I hate stress, I do better under pressure. Therefore, it is almost best for me to procrastinate because then I know that I have to give it my all because it is my only shot. For me, its all about getting motivated, and once I get in the zone I am determined to accomplish anything. It is like I am in a state of "flow" when I get into this homework mode, and I lose track of time because I am so focused on succeeding.
In addition, a reason I feel myself and others procrastinate big assignments or tasks is because we may not be intrinsically motivated to do them, rather extrinsically because we want the rewards. Therefore, the pure fact that we don't enjoy doing them, makes us dread following through, and waiting until the last minute. Also, depending on whether our goals are long term or short term, we may be able to procrastinate some of the tasks in order to achieve this desired state.
Terms used: goals, competence, mastery, rewards, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, flow, present self, ideal self
I am amazed by this article. I feel like it describes exactly what I do on a daily basis! I am always making very large to do lists with the “most important” things at the top of the list followed by another ten things that seem important to get done but I really don’t need to do them and should be spending my time on other things. Then of course at the bottom somewhere are the things I never end up doing until something else more important is due and these things because the new way to put off the more important things. My worst problem is cleaning. Anytime I have a lot of homework to focus on I suddenly feel like I really need to do the dishes and get my apartment spotless because I haven’t done it in so long and think that when the apartment is clean I’ll focus on my homework better. The problem is my apartment gets dirty again within a few days and then my homework is days late. Clearly structured procrastination hasn’t worked out that great for me, but it still surprises me how motivated I can get.
I think that intrinsic motivation has a lot to do with structured procrastination. When I am procrastinating I am putting off doing the things that I am extrinsically motivated to do by either a grade or a paycheck. Instead I want to do the things that are interesting to me, especially things that give me positive feedback and make me feel like I’ve gotten a lot accomplished (especially when I really haven’t). I also think Autonomy has a lot to do structured procrastination. I make these huge to-do lists with way more things than I could possibly accomplish in one day and suddenly instead of feeling like I’m being forced into doing a certain homework assignment I have lots of choices of what I can do with my day.
As i read this article I found myself developing a strong connection with the author. I have at many times in my life done many of the same things that he is outlining in this essay. I however have not managed to make my procrastination as efficient as he has. I believe that I should try to fill up my schedule more. I, as a procrastinator, also thought that if I engaged in fewer commitments then maybe I would be able to get all of them done. However, I noticed the same problem that he outlines, it leads to me not really doing anything at all. I believe that this could be very helpful for me.
There have often been times where instead of writing an essay or studying for a test I find myself doing less important things like cleaning my house or getting some laundry done, even though neither one of them are that urgent. I usually manage to get the more important things done but sometimes it feels as if I haven’t given them my best effort. Many times in this class I find myself writing the blogs only hours before they are due when it would have been just as easy to sit down and write them on Sunday when I have no commitments. However, I have done fairly well and because I have not been punished for my behavior it continues.
One thing about this article that does not apply to students is the ability to just blow off deadlines. When you are a student you cannot procrastinate past the deadline. If you do many professors simply will not accept the assignment. This means that we probably experience a lot more added stress than does the author. While we can procrastinate for a while there comes a time when you simply have to sit down and not get up until the assignment is done. This can be very stressful and lead to subpar performance. As we learned a person performs best when the task is moderately difficult, however they cannot be overly stressed or creativity takes a serious hit.
I believe that procrastination may have to do with autonomy. When I am doing other tasks instead of the most important ones it makes me feel as if I have more control. It also feels as though I am being intrinsically motivated. I feel as if I am doing these things simply because I want to, when in reality it is just the opposite. The extrinsic motivation of not having to engage in an important, and usually difficult, task is what is motivating me at that time.
I also wonder what type of effect setting goals in the manner that we have outlined throughout the course would have. These goals should be specific and have deadlines that the individual sets. Does it help to have deadlines that one sets for their self? I don’t know that it would unless their discrepancy was constantly high enough to motivate them into action. Also what are the differences in tolerance for discrepancies between those who procrastinate and those whom do not?
This article was very insightful and gave me some things to think about in my everyday life. By engaging in more activities maybe I can help myself to get more done. However it did raise some questions for me as well that I would like to investigate further.
I’ll start out with a question. If the structured procrastinator does things to avoid other, more important tasks, how does one then finish that most important task? I agree with him though, I find myself doing this. I don’t do the dishes unless I have a paper due or a reading assignment I don’t want to do. Even now, doing this assignment, it’s difficult since I’ve waited so long to do it and have other things on my mind. This is what is important now but I have a strange urge to clean my room and do laundry. I think that this principle is highly related to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Those things that one is not intrinsically motivated to do, that one wouldn’t normally do if they weren’t required to, are the things that fall into structured procrastination. If you are extrinsically motivated to do something, such as doing an assignment on time to receive a good grade, that will not be as good a motivator as an intrinsically motivated task. Those things you enjoy are put out of the way first so all that’s left are the extrinsically motivated tasks. When those are categorized, desire to do the task will be based upon what is most difficult or what is the most daunting task. If something is difficult, you might choose to do an easier task first to give yourself “free” time where you don’t have to do that one really not pleasant task. It’s an avoidant behavior, to find other things that will put off the imminent tough task.
Autonomy may also play a big role in procrastination in general. I prefer to do tasks of my own choosing, not something that someone else has told me to do. The tasks that I leave until last, those that I really procrastinate, are typically one’s that I find to be out of my control. I’ve been told to do it by a parent or teacher, or it’s just something that must be done, like cleaning the shower or grocery shopping. Tasks that we are not able to avoid, those we have no control over, we tend to not always like as much as those tasks we enjoy and can choose to do. There is a lot to be said about when you choose to do something, the structure to the procrastination. If there is something you really don’t want to do, you’ll do everything else first even if you find it to be annoying or difficult. You get to choose those tasks, setting your own schedule of when your set task gets done. That control on time is helpful to autonomy and helps describe why the structured procrastinator still gets their work done.
I enjoyed this article a great deal, and yes, I also fall into the procrastinator category outlined by the author. I tend to be motivated strictly by deadlines and what people tell me to do and then dawdle away potentially productive time in between. Like the author, I tend to use these in-between times to be productive in all the wrong areas. Procrastination often does not mean that a person is not getting anything done; they just tend to be fighting to do everything but what they know they should be doing.
As expected, this discussion relates very well to the motivational concepts we have gone over in class. I believe that one of the most obvious connections to our textbook is the sections about intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. As we learned, a great deal of extrinsic motivation tends to kill innate motivation – this is why college too often boils down to forcing oneself to meet a constant series of deadlines. Many students do not feel inclined to do work on their own timetable because one has already essentially been created for them. If I were better at setting clear and easily attainable goals like our book says, I would likely be much better at finishing my work consistently without having to constantly press up against the time at which it is due. A great way to circumvent my bad habits would be simply to set a regular 2-hour period at the same time each weekday in which I do nothing but write. This is a simple goal, and accomplishing it would mean that I would get a TON of writing done throughout the week BEFORE deadlines approach! This would also dramatically increase my autonomy over the work that is to be done and could help to negate the ill effects of the externally-motivated environment that I otherwise would be working in.
I enjoyed this article a great deal, and yes, I also fall into the procrastinator category outlined by the author. I tend to be motivated strictly by deadlines and what people tell me to do and then dawdle away potentially productive time in between. Like the author, I tend to use these in-between times to be productive in all the wrong areas. Procrastination often does not mean that a person is not getting anything done; they just tend to be fighting to do everything but what they know they should be doing.
As expected, this discussion relates very well to the motivational concepts we have gone over in class. I believe that one of the most obvious connections to our textbook is the sections about intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. As we learned, a great deal of extrinsic motivation tends to kill innate motivation – this is why college too often boils down to forcing oneself to meet a constant series of deadlines. Many students do not feel inclined to do work on their own timetable because one has already essentially been created for them. If I were better at setting clear and easily attainable goals like our book says, I would likely be much better at finishing my work consistently without having to constantly press up against the time at which it is due. A great way to circumvent my bad habits would be simply to set a regular 2-hour period at the same time each weekday in which I do nothing but write. This is a simple goal, and accomplishing it would mean that I would get a TON of writing done throughout the week BEFORE deadlines approach! This would also dramatically increase my autonomy over the work that is to be done and could help to negate the ill effects of the externally-motivated environment that I otherwise would be working in.
I think that this is a wonderful article which articulates many of my views on procrastination that I only had in my head. I really like how he describes structured procrastination in the first paragraph as “…an amazing strategy I have discovered that converts procrastinators into effective human beings, respected and admired for all that they can accomplish and the good use they make of time.” I think that there is some real value in the idea that a procrastinator can get difficult and time consuming tasks done as longs as they are doing that instead of a more difficult task. He also says that procrastinators tend to turn themselves into couch potatoes by minimizing their commitments with the assumption that if they have little to do, they will get things done more efficiently. But this goes against their nature because the few tasks on the list will obviously be the most important and then the only way to avoid doing them is through doing nothing. Basically, for procrastinators to be effective human beings, they need the challenge of a long list of tasks which includes all levels of difficulty which motivates them to always be doing something, even if it’s the wrong thing.
In think this article relates to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. As procrastinators, we are extrinsically motivated to perform our tasks by the deadline. Something like a dock in your grade for a late assignment motivates people to turn things in on time. But in order to avoid the important task of turning homework in on time, we move to a task that we are more intrinsically motivated to perform. This could be something like cleaning the house, reorganizing the closet, or working on balancing your checkbook. And although it is probably not as important as the homework, it gets done with more passion and effort because we choose to engage in the activity.
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
"Structured Procrastination" is simply a method of maintaining productivity and avoidance simultaneously. It requires a fair amount of prioritization skills as well as the ability to deceive one's self in order to be effective. While I could nod my head in agreement with much of what the author presented in this piece, I disagree with a few of his points.
"All procrastinators put off things they have to do."
I disagree with this statement. Procrastinators put off things they don't WANT to do. We gladly spend time doing things that we enjoy or are "fun." It's the things that are dauntingly challenging, boring, or judged as trivial or unimportant (a "waste of time") that we tend to put off or avoid. Any time I hear someone give the excuse of, "I didn't have time..." I always respond with, "Bullshit." Last I checked, every single one of us has 24 hours a day to spend doing as we so choose. We all HAVE time, it's a matter of what we prioritize to spend that time doing. There are certain obligations we must fulfill that are generally non-negotiable (at the risk of facing serious consequences), and there are times when we are so "busy" we have to eliminate certain things from our schedules in order to allow ourselves the time for what we have judged to be more important (prioritized).
Personally, I need 9 hours of sleep a night in order to feel rested. Because of this, I have fewer hours available in which to be productive, and yet I choose sleeping over doing many things others consider to be fun, like going out or watching movies. Eating, to me, is a necessity that takes up time I'd rather use to do something else. While I eat regularly, there are times when I choose not to, because I'd rather spend that time doing something else.
"Procrastinators seldom do absolutely nothing; they do marginally useful things."
I agree with the author that procrastinators are often highly productive people, just not in the right ways. I have an ongoing list of projects and "things to do" that I have titled, "Things I'd Rather Be Doing When I'm Supposed To Be Doing Something Else." I would find myself wasting so much time by dawdling on the internet or doing random odds and ends things around the house, that I finally just told myself that if I wasn't going to do what I was supposed to be doing, I might as well utilize that time working on one of my various projects (similar to the author's "Structured Procrastination") and have something to show for it.
"Structured procrastination requires a certain amount of self-deception, since one is in effect constantly perpetrating a pyramid scheme on oneself."
Fooling myself is not something I am very good at. What he calls "Structured Procrastination" is simply a way to maintain productivity while still avoiding what ought to be made a priority. It doesn't make it any easier for me to perceive that avoided task as something that is fun, manageable, or worthwhile. These tasks one must perceive as simply necessary -- obligations that we do because we have to. Bottom line.