Reading Blog Due 11/1 at midnight


Chapter 10

Read chapter 10. Summarize the chapter. What was the most surprising thing you learned? What does the self have to do with motivation? How does this knowledge help you to motivate yourself towards desired goals?

Provide a list of terms at the end of your post that you used from the chapter.


This chapter discusses the concept of self. The creation of self deals with four main concepts, those are; 1) defining or creating the self, 2) relating the self to society, 3)discovering and developing personal potential, and 4) managing or regulating the self. Once people create a self, they then develop and do things that are consistent to the self. To preserve a consistent self they actively seeking out information that consistent with their self-concept and by ignoring information that contradicts their self-view. A major part of the self is identity. Identity is the means by which the self relates to society, as it captures the essence of who one is within a cultural context.

The thing I found most interesting in the chapter was the concept behind self-esteem. I found it interesting that self-esteem does not increase the likelihood of achievement. I have always been told or seem to have been told that people with higher self-esteem do better at things and have higher achievements in things. I run lower on the self-esteem scale at times so people always have told me to just have higher self-esteem in myself and things will get better or ill do better. The book says that achievement does not increase with a higher self-esteem, but rather the other way. It says that more achievement of things can cause a higher sense of self-esteem for a person. This I found interesting because I have been thinking differently all along.

The self deals with motivation in the creation of self-schemas. Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences. Self-schemas create motivation in two ways. The first way is that it directs an individual's behavior in ways that elicit feedback consistent with the established self-schemas. So if a person sees themselves as a certain way, they will act in those ways to fulfill that self-schema. Also they generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. It pushes a person to pursue things that are goal-directed toward what they want to be.

Chapter 10 focused on the self. This chapter started out with explain that there are four main problems that make up the self. These are 1. Defining or creating the self 2. Relating the self to society 3. Discovering and developing personal potential 4. Managing or regulating the self. For defining and creating the self, self-concept is what energizes and direct behavior. For relating the self to society, identity energizes and directs behavior. As for discovering and developing the potential of the self, agency is what energizes and directs behavior. Lastly, managing or regulating focuses on self-regulation.

An individual’s self-concept is made out of mental representations of themselves. To construct a self-concept, people pay attention to feedback they receive in past experiences. For instance, if one has an experience where she doesn’t talk to anyone at a gathering, has another experience where she during a group discussion she feel uncomfortable and at lunch she would rather sit by herself, she is going to generalize the fact that she is shy. Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences. Domain specific means that for each category of such as socially or academically, a person is going to have a generalization. From the example above, the girl’s social domain is labeled as shy and from her past experiences of getting A’s on all of her papers, her academic domain is labeled as intelligent. All of these different domains make up an individual’s self-concept. Self-schemas motivate people in two ways: 1. Motivate people to act in a way where they will receive feedback that supports their self-concept 2. Self-schemas also motivate individuals to move from their present self towards their future self.

Identity is the second major aspect of the self. Identity is the means by which the self relates to society as it reveals who on e is within a cultural context. People have many different identities. For instance, I have the identities of being a student, daughter, fiancé, sister, employee, director, roommate, friend and much more. In each of these different roles the way I act changes.

Agency deals with intrinsic motivation. Agency describes the actions and developments from within that motivate. The psychological needs such as autonomy, competence and relatedness, foster agency.
Self-regulation is how an individual monitors and regulates how well things are going for them.

Self-regulation is an ongoing process that involves forethough, action and reflection. This cycle is made up of performance, self-regulation and forethought. Even though everyone engages in self-regulation, some people do it better than others. Those who can regulate their goals and obtain good coping strategies, will do better than those that lack the two.

The information that I found to be the most interesting was the content about self- esteem. I have always thought that if one increases their self- esteem, they will feel better about themselves and in return be motivated to do more. However, this chapter states that this way of thinking is totally wrong. This chapter states that there is not research that backs up the statement that with higher self esteem comes higher levels of motivation.

This knowledge will help me obtain my goals through many different ways. Thanks to this chapter I will be more observant and careful as to how I generalize my domains that create my self-concept. I will be away of my different roles that create my identity and I will have a higher level of self-regulation. I think the self-regulation is the element from this chapter that will really help me in achieving my goals. I say that because I feel as if I have been doing poorly with this. When I fail at obtaining a goal, I don’t take the time to understand what went wrong. I also need to spend more time monitoring the process. Usually I pay attention to the beginning and the end and I need to start paying more attention to the middle of the process.

Self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-schema, domain, present self, future self, intrinsic motivation, autonomy, competence, relatedness, self-esteem

Chapter 10 is all about the concept of self and its strivings. There are four main problems discussed at the beginning of this chapter: 1. Defining or creating the self, 2. Relating the self to society, 3. Discovering and developing personal potential and 4. Managing or regulating the self. After defining these problems with self we wonder about who we are and how others perceive us, how similar or different we are from others, and whether we can become the person we want to be in life. Also in the quest to define self we explore what our interests are or are not. Defining self, shapes our self-concept which energizes our behavior. Related to self and society will show us our identity and that will energize or direct behavior also. Agency means the agent of self which has power and intention to act. Last is self-regulation which has a motivational struggle.

I thought this whole chapter was very interesting. One thing that stuck out was about individuals and their self-concepts. Self-concepts are mental representations of themselves. I thought it was interesting because we all have thoughts about how we think certain people or things are. We all have an overview on what we perceive teenagers as, or how a certain city is compared to a small town. Not only do we have a representation about all these other things but also about ourselves. What am I like?? This self-concept is constructed from experiences that occur in our lives and from reflections on those experiences. Reflections are when we aggregate the experiences we have into general conclusions. The multitude of specific experiences is gathered up to define ourselves. I was quiet on the bus, I felt self-conscious at the party = I am a shy person.

The self has to do with motivation in many different ways. Self-schemas are one thing talked about in the chapter. Self-schemas generate motivation in 2 specific ways. The first way it generates motivation is directing an individual’s behavior in ways that elicit feedback consistent with the established self-schemas. Therefore if a person sees’s themselves as shy that person will direct future behavior based on how they think they are developed by the self-concept. The second way self-schemas generate motivation is moving the present self toward a desired future self. This is like the discrepancy in the goal chapter. How this affects motivation is because when you have an ideal state you want to be at this alone will strive you to be more motivated because you are in the present state which isn’t as ideal as the ideal state!

Chapter ten gave me recognition on what self-concept is, and how to avoid staying a particular way. Rather than generalizing how I am consistently by multiple reflections I can understand that I don’t have to be just that one specific way. Also, I now understand the four problems that center the stage for the self. I can examine these four areas and understand how to avoid the problems.

Terms: Self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-esteem, self-schemas, and interpersonal domains.

Chapter 10 discusses the self and what its strivings. The four things that surround this issue are 1. Defining or creating the self 2. Relating the self to society 3. Discovering and developing personal potential and 4. Managing or regulating the self. These four issues define the major topics of the chapter: Self-concept, identity, agency and self-regulation. The self- concept is a collection of domain-specific self-scemas. Examples of self schemas include intellectual ability and athletic performance. People tend to act in ways that confirm how they view themselves and avoid behaving in ways that contradict their self-view. Self-scemas can change when there is low certainty of self-concept or when a person puts for effort to change from the present self to the possible self (desired self). Cognitive dissonance is what occurs when one's self beliefs and actions are contradictory. This creates psychological discomfort and tries to be avoided in various ways. The next aspect of the self is identity. Identity directs a person to pursue some behaviors and avoid other behaviors. People act in ways that confirm their identity. For example if a person identifies themselves as a mom they will act in ways that are supportive of that role. Agency is another aspect of the self. The term agency suggests that people are active. Differentiation expands the self into multiple dimensions while integration brings the different levels of complexity into a single self. The self-concordance model states that self-concordant goals (things we WANT to do rather than things we HAVE to do) express our core values which increase effort and therefore have a greater likelihood of goal attainment. The last aspect of the self described in chapter 10 is self-regulation. Self-regulation monitors and evaluates one's ongoing effort to attain a goal. Self-regulation starts by observing a model, imitation their behavior, and then attain the skills to carry out the behavior independently.

The most surprising/interesting thing I learned in this chapter was about self-esteem. Self-esteem does not lead to achievement, but rather achievement can boost self-esteem. I thought it was very interesting how so many schools adopted the idea that Increasing self-esteem would boost their performance in school when their had been no evidence to support this statement.

The self has a lot to do with motivation and what goals we seek to achieve. Intrinsic motivation derives from self interests and core values while extrinsic motivation arrives from external sources and environmental pressures. This chapter has helped me realize that if I want to do something I will be more successful than if I set a goal that I feel I have to accomplish. I think this relates to a lot of people when choosing a career path. If you choose a path that you have passion for then you will satisfy your psychological needs better than a person who choses a job that others are pushing you to pursue.

Terms: self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-scemas, present self, possible self, cognitive dissonance, differentiation, integration, self-conconrdance model, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation

Chapter 10 is about the motivational analysis of the self. The chapter begins by outlining four problems when it comes to the self: Defining or creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self. Self concept is a cognitive structure, and it is a set of beliefs an individual uses to conceptualize his or her self. It is constructed from experiences and from reflections on those experiences. Self schemas are a reflection of the invariance people have discovered in their own behavior, for example an individual may act completely different in class than they act at home with their roommates. They are domain specifc. People act differently in different situations and they remember how they act in each situation so it becomes a part of their self schemas. It is important to have a well developed self schema because then an individual can process information about the self with ease, quickly retrieve self-related behavioral evidence from the domain, confidently predict their own future in the domain, and resist counter-schematic information about themselves. When we do something for the first time, such as riding a bike, it causes anxiety because we don’t have a self schema developed for that particular behavior. Once a person learns how to ride a bike, they develop the schema of how to do it and what it feels like. Once developing the schema for riding a bike, they will always have that with them and it will not cause them anxiety anymore. Motivational properties of self schemas involve the consistent self and the possible self. People preserve a consistent self by seeking out information consistent with their self concept and ignoring information that goes against it. Self schemas direct behavior to confirm the self view and to prevent episodes that disconfirm the self view. The possible self is when self schemas generate motivation to move the present self towards a desired future self. A possible self represents attributes, characteristics, and abilities that the self does not yet possess. It comes from an individual’s observation of the selves others model, for example maybe a person wants to be exactly like their dad when they grow up because they look up to him, so their possible self may include similar attributes their dad possesses. A possible self is extremely motivating, and people who have a well developed possible self are more likely to succeed in achieving it. The possible self’s motivational role is to link the present self with ways to become the possible self. It is also important in understanding how the self develops and portraying the self as a dynamic entity with a past, present, and future. Recognizing how you developed and changed as you grew up and understanding how to reach the future self is important in attaining it. Cognitive dissonance is also discussed in this chapter and is a state of tension that occurs whenever an individual simultaneously holds two cognitions that are psychologically inconsistent with one another. An example is knowing its against the law to speed and that it could cause you to get a ticket, but doing it anyway. When cognitive dissonance occurs, people are motivated to justify their actions and may cope with the cognitive dissonance by removing the dissonant belief, reducing the importance of the dissonant belief, adding a new consonant belief, or increasing the importance of the consonant belief. So someone who speeds everyday when they know it is against the law might reduce the importance of the dissonant belief by saying, “I probably won’t get caught anyway, but if I do its not really that big of a deal if I get a ticket.” Or, they might add a consonant belief that it is more important for them to get to work on time than to worry about breaking the law. When cognitive dissonance occurs, people will change their beliefs to match their behaviors. Two other important concepts in this chapter are identity, which is the means by which the self relates to society, and self regulation, which is the metacognitive monitoring and evaluating of one’s ongoing effort to attain the goals one seeks.
The most surprising thing I learned was that people who have a well developed possible self are more likely to succeed in achieving what they want than someone who does not have a well developed possible self. This fact highlights the importance of taking the time to really think about where I want to be in my life and what I want to be doing in the future. If I have a clear idea of this, then I will be more likely to accomplish what I want to in life and be happy with myself.
The self has a lot to do with motivation. Individuals are motivated to perform behaviors that are consistent with their self schema and stay away from those that are not. This draws us to things we are familiar with and causes us to have anxiety in situations we have never been in before. Another way the self has to do with motivation is that we are motivated to attain our possible self once we develop it. There is a gap between our consistent self and possible self, so we are motivated to try and reach the ideal self and will engage in behaviors that make it more likely we achieve that ideal self. This knowledge helps me motivate myself towards my goals because I will learn exactly what I need to do to attain my possible self as I develop and figure out what that is. I know I want to go to graduate school, but that also causes me anxiety and makes me question whether or not I can do it. However, I know that the cause of my anxiety is simply that I do not have a developed schema for graduate school yet. It is hard for me to predict how I will do in graduate school because I have never done it before, but not impossible since I do have a self schema for school, and this causes me anxiety. However, I realize that I will eventually develop a schema for grad school and my anxiety will decrease. This knowledge makes it easier to accept the anxiety and work through it.
Terms: Self concept, Self schemas, domain, consistent self, possible self, cognitive dissonance, identity, self regulation

Chapter ten deals with self motivation, identity, self concept and conflicts that can occur within those fields.

The only thing that truly surprised me in this case was the section on the agency concept. It was the only thing in this chapter that was utterly unfamiliar to me and it is perhaps the second time I've seen the concept of tabula rasa critiqued in a way that didn't strike me as utterly ridiculous. The concept of looking at children as creatures with pre-linguistic identities is brilliant. Framing within that context also reshapes how one might think about animals since my previous schema for children had them as closer to their innate biological instincts. While this isn't inaccurate, pre-linguistic is more accurate.

I get the sensation that this isn't fully accurate either, since facial expressions are a form of communication. My initial thought was that they were biologically hard-coded, but I had it backward. They were biological reactions first that later became a method of communication.

The self is the only real source of motivation. Even with major motivating factors, biological attraction toward another or repulsion from harm for instance, it is up to us to decide how to react to them. Certainly, there are the hard coded reflex actions at surprise to sudden injury but those can be overridden. There are subcultures or occasionally cultures in the world that do so. The same holds true of social factors. That they have influence is undeniable, but how the influence affects us is up to each and every individual in that circumstance.

This isn't new knowledge for me, though it is presented a good deal more in depth and better annotated then my previous experiences with these concepts. What reading this chapter made me realize is that maybe I'm past time for sitting on my laurels. I've spent years looking toward the future, coming up with plans and paths but relatively little time moving forward. I need to be more concise in my goal setting, and adhere to strict deadlines to spur myself myself because otherwise I will put it off.

Chapter 10 talked about the self and the different elements that comprise of the self. The book listed the six statements of psychological well-being and explained what each meant. These six statements and how one answers the statements help to show how well or how poorly the self is doing its job. And now, the book goes into detail about the problems of the self which are defining or creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self.
The book then defines and relates self-esteem with the self. It basically says that there are no findings that an increase in self-esteem has any effect. Since self-esteem is not the thing directly effecting motivation, an increase in it would not have any factor in the outcome. One should rather focus on the improvement of skills to increase motivation. Although self-esteem and achievement /productivity are positively correlated it does not work both ways. It says that self-esteem is like happiness. One needs to change a skill or develop a relationship in order for it to really cause an outcome. The six statements that the book lists earlier also have the same thing relating to them.
Self-concept is part of defining or creating the self. This shows how it energizes and directs behavior. A self-concept is the individual’s mental image of how they are in their mind. These generally come from experiences and the reflections on those experiences. Similar to self-concept are self-schemas. These are generalizations that one’s mind makes about the self from past experiences that are domain specific. The biggest difference between the two was that the self-schemas are very specific and deal with a more focused part of past experiences while the self-concept is the collection of the self-schemas to create a larger life domain feeling. With self- schemas there are two different motivational things that happen. One is that once a self-schema is formed it directs one’s behavior to get feedback that is consistent with it. The other is to motivate the present self towards the desired future self.
The book then talked about the consistent self and the possible selves. Thing that I thought needed to be known about the consistent self was that one always tries to stay consistent with that self-view and if there is a difference then reacts with the self-verification process by ask things like “how could you say that” and even getting mad. With possible selves, one is always trying to be on track with what they want themselves to be like and if there is a difference, then actions are taken to change that view. Both of these can have a cognitive dissonance involved. What I described above with the different situations of consistent self and possible selves are examples of the things that are involved in cognitive dissonance. There were different ways of how cognitive dissonance can appear then. The book then talked about identity, how the self is related to society; and agency, how the self entails action internally in the body. It also mentions self-regulation. This is a cycle process which involves the forethought, the performance, and the self-reflection and how they are related.
The most surprising thing to be was the information on self-schemas and the difference in thoughts that come up when thinking about them. The self is related to motivation in a big way. If I don’t have a higher perception of my possible self then I might not be as motivated to do what I am doing. I want to become a property owner and own my own business when I am done with school and having that goal helps to motivate myself in regards to my identity and slightly in my self-concept.

Terms: the self, self-esteem, self-concept, self-schemas, consistent self, possible selves, cognitive dissonance, self-view, self-regulation, identity, agency.

Chapter 10 was about the self and its development. The self was introduced with its four central problems. These are defining/creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering/developing personal potential, and managing/regulating the self. When we define or create ourselves we develop self concept. When we begin to relate ourselves to the society in which we live we develop identity. When we find that we have the desire and potential to act, we begin seeing ourselves as an agent in our environment. This creates agency. When we learn to stop acting impulsively we begin to regulate ourselves.

The self concept is made up of self schemas. Self schemas are things that we identify with as being “us”. We learn these from past experiences and they are domain specific. Sometimes it appears that these self schemas aren’t consistent. If we see and individual at a party as an outgoing person, then we see them again on Monday in the library being quiet, this does not mean they have two different “personalities”. Our sense of self is consistent throughout situations that are similar. This individual is probably always loud and outgoing when the situation permits, but they may also take school seriously and therefore are studious during the week when necessary. Self schemas are important in the fact tha they work to motivate us. All self schemas have motivational properties. The individual who likes to be loud and outgoing at parties will be more likely to seek out stimulating or exciting parties. They would avoid parties that involve playing board games quietly. This does not mean that they will always seek out this type of environment. They may prefer having silence when studying, therefore they will look for the quietest place in the library to get to work. Self schemas also work to motivate the present self to a future self. The individual may see their present self as a student, but wishes in the future to be a teacher. Their future self is represented by a teacher, and therefore their present actions are motivated by this. They will sign up for classes that reflect this or work at a school to get experience.

Possible selves are a large source of motivation. Our possible selfs determine our self-schemas and generate action. Our possible selves are mainly determined by social influences. We observe the possiblel selves of others and model ours after theirs. Discrepancies between our possible self and present self are what motivate us to change. We adapt our self-schemas to better fit that of our possible self.

Cognititve dissonance occurs when we hold two conflicting values at the same time. I observe this in myself with my use of tanning. Although I know that skin cancer kills many people, and that the sun causes cancer, I still choose to be in the sun in the summer and tan sometimes in the winter. The tension that arises from holding both these beliefs is cognitive dissonance. Some situations foster cognitive dissonance, and there fore we work to avoid them. Choice is one of them. During a situation where we are forced to evalute different choice, we have to look at the hard facts of the decision we’re making. These provides us with more opportunities to make the “wrong” decision. Insufficient justification can also cause cognitive dissonance. This occurs when we have to explain the actions that we do with little to no thinking. Effort justification is another situation. For my situation, this could occur if it suddenly became very expensive to tan or if I had to drive 2 hours to get somewhere to go tanning. It would suddenly become very difficult for me to justify the effort that I am putting into a bad habig. New information can also provide us with more reasons to not do what we’re currently doing. For that reason, we may avoid it.

The most surprising thing I learned was on the topic of cognitive dissonance. This is because once we realize it, we can see it occur many times in our day to day lives. Everything from not exercising, eating something we shouldn’t, not flossing, etc. can be seen as cognitive dissonance. It’s surprising how much we know we “should do” and even with that knowledge we choose not to. The self works to motivate us through many different ways. The most interesting one I found was that our current actions are aimed at creating our possible self. Many times we do things without even thinking about it. These things that we do are unconcious steps at becoming our possible self. There are also things that we could be doing to reach our possible self more easily. If we make a list of these things, we are more likely to accomplish our goals. This knowledge is going to make me really think about the possible self I want to achieve. In class we learned that a more developed sense of self increases the likelihood that we will accomplish our goals. This will motivate me to do more now so I am more likely to achieve my various goals.

TERMS: self, self schemas, possible selfs, present self, identity, self concept, agency, cognitive dissonance, choice, insufficient justification, effort justification, new information

The main theme for Chapter 10 was the self. As the chapter began the open up explaining the four problems (1) defining or creating the self, (2) relating the self to society, (3) discovering and developing personal potential, and (4) managing or regulating the self. One of the biggest questions that everyone goes through and is “who am I and what is my purpose”, which is a huge struggle that some people go through most of their life.

Later self-concept discusses which are an individual’s mental representations of themselves. The self-concept is constructed from experiences and from reflections on those experiences. To construct a self-concept, people attend to the feedback they receive in their day to day affairs that reveals their personal attributes, characteristics, and preferences. For example, if you’re a leader and an outgoing person with a group project, in a social setting you’re the life of the party and having fun, and if you are apparent of organizations and clubs, people would assume that you’re an outgoing and very extraverted person. Then, following is the concept of self-schemas which are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences. When they say domain specific for each area that someone is thrown in like athletic or social, a person is then usually generalized. Self-schemas generate motivation in two ways. First, self-schemas, once formed, direct an individual’s behavior in ways that elicit feedback consistent with the established self-schemas. Second, self-schemas generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. There is also another concept that it connected with self-schema is consistent self, which is when we actively seek out information consistent with their self-concept and by ignoring information that contradicts their self-view.

Identity is the means by which the self relates to society, as it captures the essence of who one is within a cultural context. People have multiple identities like brother, mother, father, employee, student, friend, and etc. And for these different identities we sometimes have a little different personality with them, for instance the kind of subjects you talk about with your friends, you might not want to talk about in front of family at a holiday.

Agency deals with intrinsic motivation. Agency entails an action and development from within, as innate processes and motivations. In this concept the self begins to advance away from heteronomy (a dependence on others) toward autonomy (a reliance on self), on the way to becoming a “fully functioning person”.

Self-regulation is an ongoing, cyclical process, which involves forethought, action, and reflection. Forethought involves goal setting and strategic planning. It is during this time that the person experiences goal-performance feedback discrepancies and becomes aware of various obstacles, difficulties, distractions, and interruptions.

The thing I enjoyed most about this chapter self-concept that we have this constant understanding of who we are and what role we can play from the feedback that our peers and society gives us. But we also have the ability to change this self-schema and that we can become what we want if we just put our minds to it. This has to do with motivation for the fact that how we view ourselves and how others view us can motivate our actions to become the people we are in the future because if we view ourselves in one way and have a goal of becoming a doctor, but we have the influences of family and others saying that were lazy, were not smart enough, or you don’t have the drive to do it, that it can really determine if we become our goal. This has motivated me to become a counselor because I have people come to me often for advise and my don’t beat round the bush attitude I think helps when I’m talking to others and trying to help them see the truth of the situation.

Terms: Self, self-concept, self-schema, consistent self, identity, agency, self-regulation,

Chapter 1O discusses the Self and its strivings. The four main issues are 1. defining or creating the self 2. relating the self to society 3. discovering and developing personal potential and 4. managing or regulating the self. Some aspects of self-definition are already given to us ie our gender, others however must be achieved through acts of choice ie one's career. How one relates the self to society shows how identity directs behavior. It gives an individual some choice in determining their relationships with others and to society. Once a person inhabit a role the identity directs the person to pursue some behaviors and to avoid other behaviors. Agency means the self having the power and intention to act. Agency shows a natural motivational force that originates from within the person rather than the environment. Managing the self shows how self regulation makes competent functioning more likely. The self can help us not act impulsively, regulate goals, evaluate goals, and make needed adjustments. Our personal strivings represent what an individual is characteristically aim to accomplish in day to day behavior. Self regulation is key in monitoring one's efforts to attain their goals. Some people are better at this. People who are better at it tend to imitate someone they have set as their model, and by doing so receive social guidance and feedback.
I found the section on self esteem really interesting. I never looked at increasing someones self esteem, especially those with low self esteem as a bad thing. In reading the chapter and seeing how in increasing ones self esteem it is easier to increase their motivation. People with low self esteem tend to suffer unusually high levels of anxiety. People with high self esteem buffer the self against things such as depression. With this being said just because low self esteem is bad, doesn't mean inflating it is good. Inflated self esteem has a dark side, people tend to be more prone to aggression and acts of violence when their favorable self views are threatened. Ie, someone thinks they are publicly insulted they usually become aggressive. So with this all being discover, it shows in a sense that self-esteem is like happiness - trying to be happy doesn't get you very far.
This deals with motivation because the self drives our feelings and thoughts on ourselves and on others. It also deals with motivation because we strive to reach our possible self rather than our consistent self.
Terms: Identity, Agency, Self Regulation, Consistent Self, Possible Self, Self Esteem

Chapter 10 starts off talking about the self. The book says that there are four problems that take center stage. The first of these four is defining or creating the self. When trying to create the self people think about who they are, the way people see them, how we compare to the people around us, and whether we can become the person we want to be. This shows how self-concept energizes and directs behavior. Self-concept is the individuals’ mental representations of themselves. The second problem is relating the self to society. To do this we think about the way we would like to relate to others, what place we wish to occupy in the social world, and what societal roles are available to us. This shows how identity energizes and directs behavior. The identity is the means by which the self relates to society, as it captures the essence of who one is within a cultural context. The third problem is discovering and developing personal potential. To do this we look at what interests us and what does not interest us, we internalize the values of those we respect, we strive to create meaning, we seek to discover and develop our talents, and we devote our time to developing some skills and relationships rather than others. Agency is reflected by doing this. Agency entails action. The last problem is managing or regulating the self. We look at what we are able to do, monitor how well we are accomplishing our goals, and make the self-related adjustments that are needed to achieve enhanced self-functioning to regulate the self. This shows how self-regulation makes competent functioning more likely. Self-regulation is the metacognitive monitoring and evaluating of one’s ongoing effort to attain the goals one seeks.

The most surprising thing I learned was that personal strivings are not goals. When I think of personal strivings the first thing I would think of is goals. The book says that personal strivings exist as superordinate aspects of the self that organize and integrate the many different goals a person seeks. I think this sounds like it is one big goal broken up into smaller goals.

The book says that the self-schemas generate motivation in two ways. When the schema is formed it directs the individual’s behavior in ways that elicit feedback consistent with the established self-schema. The second way is the fact that self-schemas generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. Knowing this information makes me want to make a self-schema of myself on paper. If I did this I would be even more motivated to study for the GRE and graduate from UNI. I am motivated now to do those things but I think if I wrote my self-schema down on paper I would see it more and think about who I want to be and do with my life.

Words: the self, creating the self, relating the self to society, developing personal potential, managing or regulating the self, self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation

Chapter 10 discusses The Self, which is one of the most interesting topic to me. First, the author explains what are the six statements that represent facets of psychological well-being. It is: self acceptance, positive interpersonal relations, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, personal growth.He also explains what is The Self. To define or create the self we usually ask ourselves who are we, how other people see us and how different or similar we are with other people. The problem with Self-esteem; people usually to increase self esteem increase motivation. Self esteem and achievement are correlated positively with one another. Low self esteem people usually suffer from anxiety and depression. Saying briefly, self esteem is like happiness. Self esteem exists as an end product of the self's adaptive and productive functioning and that lead to our happiness ( at least to most of people).
Next part of this chapter is dealing with self-schemas. It is a cognitive generalization about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences. Also, self schemas generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self, something like goal setting creating process. Consistent self is when people see us as we see ourselves, we adapt self presentation that announce who we are or at least think we are. Possible self is for example, the rich self, the popular self, the rejected self etc.And people do verify because they want to find who they really are and know themselves better.
Identity is when the self relates to society that captures the essence of who on is withing a cultural context and each of us holds a number of different social roles(student, athlete, daughter, girlfriend, mother etc).
Personal striving is is basically an objective that someone is trying to accomplish that lead to motivation topic. Personal striving could be positive (something you trying to achieve) or negative ( something you trying to avoid). People who try to accomplish their goals they mentally step back and monitor, observe themselves and evaluate how much they already accomplish, what do they have to do to improve, what to make better etc.To develop more component self regulation, you start doing this more often , for example in sport, practice every day, watch an expert first then attempting to do by yourself, more and more often- "Start with your master, finish with yourself"
Knowing those things definitely help me to motivate myself towards my desire goals because I am gonna learn what to do to reach my goals and what steps to take .


the self, self esteem, self concept, self schemas, consistent self, possible self, self verify, identity, personal striving, self regulation, motivation.

This chapter is based around the self (the things you think are you) and four concepts/problems that surround it: 1) defining or creating the self (self-concept), 2) relating the self to society (identity), 3) discovering and developing personal potential (agency), and managing or regulating the self (self-regulation). Once one has developed a mental representation of oneself (self-concept, built from experiences and reflections on those experiences and is based on self-schemas, or cognitive generalizations that are domain specific) and an identity (how one relates to society—includes role-confirming behaviors) then one must use one’s intrinsic motivation (agency, which entails action) to realize and advance personal potential (discrepancies between the present self and possible selves). Finally, because there may become cognitive dissonance between two cognitions (beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and opinions), one must regulate the self (mentally monitor and evaluation how well things are going in the attempt to accomplish personal goals). Self-regulation has three cyclical phases: forethought, performance, and self-reflection. If one lacks self-regulation, one’s goals, implementation intentions, and coping strategies plummet. Sometimes, when personal goals (for a possible self) are large and lofty, a person needs to learn how to develop more competent self-regulation through the social learning process.

The most surprising things I learned from the chapter were learned through our discussion in class today. I learned why networking is so important. Since my junior/senior year in high school I have heard “Network! Network! Network!” Before now, the most prominent reason I was given as to why I should network was because when finding a job, it’s not what you know a lot of times, but who you know. While I still think this holds some truth, this reason alone never made me go, “Oh, okay! Now I want to awkwardly introduce myself to lots of strangers!” Today I learned that another reason it is important to network is because it helps in the self-regulation process. If I am setting a goal for one of my future possible selves to be a successful executive at a nonprofit agency that works to support military families and soldiers, then I need to network with those in this field. I need to be around them so that I may observe an expert model, imitate them & receive social guidance and feedback, internalize standards to get to my goal, and lastly, learn how to further develop my self-monitoring and self-evaluating. By networking, I will be able to gain more tools to help me reach my possible self.

Another thing I learned in class that supplements the chapter content was that when generating your possible selves, it is important to be big and lofty in your goals. Then, when people ask about your future goals and you relay to them your vision of your future possible self, they might form a different view of you and be able to help you pursue your goal (intentionally or unintentionally).

Both of these “ah-ha!” moments and other concepts I learned from the self explain how people are intrinsically motivated by any cognitive dissonance they may have around their self-concept and identity. This knowledge will help to motivate me to network! ☺ I will also be big and lofty in my future possible self goals and that will help me to get further in accomplishing my goals.

Terms used from the chapter: self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, roles, possible selves, cognitive dissonance, social learning process

Chapter 10 is all about the self and the many self schemas that we have and develop as we progress through the life course. According to the book there are 4 problems/concepts that work in formation of the self: 1.defining and creating the self 2. relating the self to society. 3. discovering and developing personal potential. 4. managing or regulating the self. The first componenet refers to our own self-concept; who we feel we are as an indiviual. The second component refers to what we see our role as in the society, many roles work together to form one ultimate role (our identity). The third component is better explained as constantly challenging yourself and broadening your horizions (agency). Lasty, the fourth component refers to keeping oneself in check and making sure you are on the right track that you want to be on. In other words, these four components lead to four terms: self-concept, idenity, agency, and self-regulation that help motivate the self within. The book describes how the self can be looked at in two different ways: the consistent self and the possible self. The consistent self refers to a cumulation of past and present evens the form a self-schema in particular domains. Meaning, we cognitively see our self as the same person in varying events and once a schema is made we work to keep that schema the same throughout life. The possible self refers to the "someone" that we want to be in the future. Setting a high, reasonable goal for your possible self generally leads to better outcomes than setting lower goals. Similar to ideal and present state, if your consistent self is noticably different than your possible self, you will experience cognitive dissonance. The book says that we work to reduce our dissonance by maintaining consistency in our values, ideals, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. Within the self, if our possible self is far different from our consistent self we have a few different choices in how to reduce our dissonance. We can either change our behavior, change our belief, reduce the dissonance, or create a consance.
The most interesting thing that I learned from this chapter came from our lecture rather than our book. We were discussing how there are underlying domains that connect all of the different schemas that we have. For instance, a girl in class said that her concept has always involved helping people. I have always felt that my mindset has been the very same since I was real little so it was fun learning that there was actual cognitive processes behind that feeling. Even more intersting is that even though I have always felt that way, I really couldn't think of any thing that I would say has been an underlying domain in my self concept. It was very suprising to realize that I had never thought of this until today.
In a way, the self has everything to do with motivation. If we didn't have a self-concept or develop self schemas, we wouldn't care about anything and everything would feel new to us all the time. For me, my self-concept is the basis behind all of my motivation. After reading the chapter, I thought of goals that I made early this year that I have failed to reach/make progress on. I now realized that this is beacuse the goals I made were because I was experiencing cognitive dissonace and wanted to reduce it. As we learned in class, cognitive dissonance isnt enough to change a behavior so rather, I changed my belief. Insteading thinking in terms such as "I must change this," I thought more like "Its okay because...etc." This chapter taught me that inorder to really achieve my goals, I must stick to my original plan because that is theonly thing that will throughoughly reduce my cognitive dissonance.

Terms: agency, identity, self-concept, self-regulation, possible state, consistent self, cognitive dissonance, ideal state, present self.

Chapter 10 revolves around the discussion of the self, which focuses on four different “categories”. These categories include defining or creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self. Reflecting on these four categories allows one to create their self-concept, and more specifically, his or her self-schema. A well-developed self-schema can aid in processing information about self, confidently predict future behavior, and quickly retrieve self-related behavioral evidence from the domain. Developed self-schemas also aid in creating one’s consistent self and possible self. The consistent self is the self that one has created and continues to preserve that self-view. The possible self is an idea self-concept that one wishes to pursue.

One particular topic that I found interesting was the discussion of increasing self-esteem. Many people will refer to increasing self-esteem in order to increase motivation, with the thought that if you feel better about yourself, you’ll be more motivated to accomplish different tasks. However, the book discusses that increasing self-esteem doesn’t really do much, as “there are almost no findings that self-esteem causes anything”. Many different factors can increase self-esteem, but nothing has been found that is influenced by self-esteem.

When one is able to grasp a well-developed idea of their self, they can better evaluate who they are in comparison to the self-schemas they have created. This evaluation is going to allow one to know what their consistent self and determine what they possible would desire to be with their possible self. The different aspects that one desires in their possible self can translate into different goals. Setting goals based on the differences between consistent self and possible self then are going to elicit motivation in order to complete the goals. Lack of knowledge about oneself could result in failure to set goals, lack of ability to set realistic goals, or setting goals that don’t coincide with the possible self.

Terms: self, self-concept, self-schema, consistent self, possible self, self-esteem

Chapter 10 is a detailed compilation about the self, self-concept, identity, agency and self-regulation. As discussed in the book, there are four topics related to the self. These four topics deal with things such as defining the self, relating to society, and developing potential. Self-concept is having a set of beliefs that the person will use to define who they are based on specific self-schemas. Self-schemas are developed by learning from past experiences. Someone’s self-concepts can be comprised of many different self-schemas. Next, the book explains that there is a concept known as the “possible self”. This explains that self-schemas motivate individuals to move from their present self to a desired self, known as the future self. Cognitive dissonance is also brought up in this chapter. This refers to a state of tension that comes about because an individual has inconsistent cognitions. An example of this would be when someone smokes. Most people know that smoking is harmful and leads to death. However, this person is more likely to justify their smoking behavior by changing their thoughts. Such thoughts could be “I drink so I might as well smoke”, or “big deal if I die 10 years earlier”. The chapter goes into detail about the different justifications and motivation underlying cognitive dissonance. Identity and agency are also introduced in this chapter. Identity refers to how an individual relates to society. In general is encompasses all that a person is within their culture. Agency is related to action. This means that agency refers to the internal motivation one has as the action they take with that motivation. Finally is self-regulation. This is explained as the person’s conscious awareness of monitoring how their goal-setting process is going.

The most surprising thing I learned was about self-esteem. The book explained that back in 1996, California legislators wanted to boost self-esteem to improve the lives of their residents. After much time had passed and empirical research was done, they actually found that trying to have self-esteem doesn’t actually cause a person to have higher self-esteem. Many parent, teachers and coaches often times focus on helping students increase their self-esteem but they aren’t aware that research shows there is no connection between self-esteem and motivation. The self has a lot to do with motivation. Because people have many different self-schemas and they can always be changing, they can therefore use these for motivation. People are also able to see themselves in a present self and then are motivated toward the ideal future self or possible self. Personally, after reading this chapter I am more motivated to set goals for myself and actually sit down and think about the possible or ideal future self I want to be. By doing this, I already have an upper-hand and will more likely be motivated to due to cognitive dissonance.

Self, self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-schemas, possible-self, cognitive dissonance, motivation and self-esteem

Chapter ten was focused mainly on the concept of the self. There are four basic things that occupy the self which are, defining and creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self. After we define the problems with the selves we wonder who we are and how others perceive us. We think about how similar or different we are from others and whether we can be the person we want to be. The chapter discusses self-concept which is defining the self. It also talks about identity, which is relating the self to society, and agency, which is developing personal potential, and self-regulation which is managing the self.

This chapter was highly interesting to me. One of the things I thought was most surprising was that self-esteem does not lead to achievement. Achievement may boost self-esteem. I have always thought that if you have more self-esteem you are going to feel better about yourself and will be motivated more. Chapter ten disproves this talking about how there is no research that backs that up. You have more self-esteem from higher levels of motivation. I also thought the part about self-concepts were interesting and surprising. Self-concepts are individuals’ mental representations of themselves. Everyone has this about themselves just like they have these about other people. We make mental presentations of other people like what teenagers are like but we also do this for ourselves. We think about what we are like.

Self has a lot to do with motivation. Self-schemas are one way that is discussed in this chapter. Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences. People are motivated to do things that are consistent with their self schemas and not do things that are not. If someone is shy they are not going to do something like stand up and talk in front of a large crowd. If we have to do something that we would not normally do we will get stressed and have a lot of anxiety. We usually steer clear of these situations. We also are motivated to attain our possible self. Possible selves represent the individuals ideas of what trhey would like to become and also what they are afraid of becoming. This is basically how you want your future self to be. Depending on what you want to be like in the future you will be motivated to do certain things. This basically just helped me better understand why and how I’m more motivated to do certain things. Some of those goals in my life are leading me towards things just because I have those goals.

Terms: The self, Identity, agency, self-regulation, self-esteem, self-concept, self-schemas, possible selves,

This chapter focuses on the self and identity. According to the textbook there are 4 things that define the self 1)defining or the creating the self 2) relating the self to society 3) discovering our potential 4) managing or regulating the self.

Self esteem and achievement are correlated positively, in other words, achievement increases self esteem. Self concepts are mental representations of one's self. Our self concept is constructed from our experiences, and our reflections on those experiences. Therefore, people's feedback can affect our self concept and "what we are like." In addition, we have self schemas that are generalizations about our self that may be domain specific or learned from our experiences.

Individuals want to be consistent with their "self" and will seek out symbols to help us identify with "who we are" in society. Examples of these symbols are clothing, personal possessions, and plastic surgery.

Cognitive dissonance is when beliefs about the self are different than the actual self. Therefore, individuals experience an uncomfortable state.

Identity is the means by which the self relates to society. When individual identifies a role in society they direct their behavior to that role. This relates to motivation because they are motivated to keep this image or identify with this role. Therefore, they will direct that behavior in order to avoid cognitive dissonance. One can feel motivated to keep up with that image that they receive from feedback. For example, celebrities who form an image as role models will identify with the comments or opinions from society. Whether it be negative or positive, the feedback can motivate behaviors, and an individual will identity with that self.

Personal strivings are similar to goals in a way because we aim to achieve this behavior more on a day to day basis rather than long term setting. This also relates to motivation because if we have these strivings, we will continue on our path to accomplish this.

Self regulation is the monitoring and evaluating of ones efforts to attain their goal. Therefore, regulation of ones goal helps motivate our behaviors also. The phases of self regulation are : performance, self reflection, and forethought. Self reflection is the monitoring process or self evaluating that will help you mentally achieve your goals. Forethought is the actual goal setting, and implementation. Therefore, actually acting out on certain behaviors in order to accomplish your goals.

Terms used: self esteem, self regulation, feedback, personal strivings, identity, cognitive dissonance, achivement, forethought, implementation, motivation, self reflection, self evaluation, self concepts, consistent self

When I read the first part of the chapter, I was surprised at my answers to the 6 questions. Apparently my "self" isn't doing a very good job.
The chapter starts off by identifying four problems concerning the self and its strivings.
The first, defining or creating the self, shows how self concept energizes or directs behavior.(Reeve 2009) Some aspects of our "self" are not chosen by ourselves like gender and ethnicity but some aspects we acquire through experience and choice like our major and eventually career.
The second, relating the self to society, shows how identity energizes and directs behavior. (Reeve 2009) This is a responsibility we all have in determining how we relate to others and society. Although some choices are limited, a lot we can choose for ourselves.
The third, discovering and developing the potential of the self, is a problem that reflects agency. Agency means that an agent (the self) has the power and intention to act. (Reeve 2009) It explains a natural motivation coming from within ourselves unaffected by our environment.
The final problem highlighted is that of managing or regulating the self which shows how self regulation makes competent functioning more likely.(Reeve 2009)Instead of working entirely based on impulse, our self can evaluate and regulate its choices and goals leading to more competent functioning.
The next section reviews self esteem. I was surprised to read that self esteem doesn't cause anything at all! While it is positively correlated with achievement, it does not CAUSE more achievement. Conversely, more achievement does cause higher self esteem. Having a fair amount of self esteem is good as it protects you from the negativity of the world but too much may cause you to be more aggressive especially when your self esteem takes a hit publicly.
Self concept is the next topic and it is described as "individual's mental representations of themselves." It is constructed from life events and experiences and self evaluation of those events and experiences. People use these events and evaluations to make generalizations about themselves. These generalizations are usually expressed as a trait such as "shyness" or "adventurous". These generalized traits, if specific to a certain domain and generated through past experiences are called self-schemas. A collection of these self-schemas represent self concept.
If a person establishes a well-defined self schema in a domain, (i.e. relationships) they normally try to act in ways that reflect that schema. If someone "actively seeks out information consistent with their self-concept and ignores and contradictory information, they preserve a consistent self.
Possible selves represent individuals’ ideas of what they would like to become and also what they are afraid of becoming. (Reeve 2009) They might see themselves as the slim self or overweight self, rich self or poor self, or happy self or sad self.
When individuals act in ways contrary to their beliefs they will experience what is known as cognitive dissonance. For example, if someone believes in health and well being, healthy eating, and healthy lifestyle they will feel cognitive dissonance if they go eat McDonalds.
Self regulation is the self monitoring and evaluating the progress and effort expended towards attaining goals. It’s similar to identifying discrepancies when setting goals. In self-regulation the self compares current performance with the hoped for state.
It’s hard to sit back and apply these concepts to my own life because I am examining them so objectively. I can use the mapping that we did in class to try and find my strengths and values so that I can try to attain more cognitive consistency. It is so hard to have everything match up with all of the external pressures. Maybe I just need to try to remove all of the external pressures keeping me inconsistent.
Cognitive Dissonance
Possible Selves
Self Esteem
Consistent Self
Self Regulation
Self concept

Chapter 10 was about the self. There are four ways to define the self; define/creating self, relating self to society, discovering personal potential, and managing/regulating self. Defining/creating self shows how self concept energizes and directs behavior. Some are ascribed to us, such as gender and some are gained through achievement, such as one’s career. The self to society gives us the choice/responsibility in determining one’s relationships to others. The agency has the power and intention to act and creates motivation within the self. Regulating ourselves. A self-concept is the set of beliefs one uses to conceptualize the self. They are usually domain specific; for example, we act differently around our friends than we do our grandparents. We then develop self schema as a reflection of our social behavior. To be consistent, we actively seek information that is consistent with our self concept and ignore information that contradicts the view of our self. Cognitive dissonance can occur when the beliefs about who the self is and what the self does are inconsistent. We try to establish an identity to relate to society as it captures the essence of who we are within context. One thing that was interesting is that self esteem does not boost achievement, but rather achievement boosts self esteem. There is no evidence to support that self esteem boosts achievement when this is what we are taught in school. The concept of cognitive dissonance is also interesting because although we know something is bad for us, we continue to do it. We continue to smoke, drink and sleep around as a society even though we know it results in bad health. Each of us can rationalize these bad things away to make them ‘acceptable.’ This chapter relates to motivation towards goals in that we have a consistent and possible self. The possible self is the motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. We are all at this point in our lives right now. I am in the process of applying to graduate school. My present self is that I am an undergraduate speech pathology major and hope to become a great speech pathologist for the elderly population. In order to achieve this goal, I have to obtain a Master’s degree. Although I am tired of school, I cannot practice without a master’s so my desired future self is a graduate student. I am also using self-regulation in that I monitor and evaluate my ongoing effort to attain my goals. I start with self reflection in that I monitor and evaluate my goals. I need to get good grades, be involved and volunteer to stand out as a candidate for graduate school. This then leads to forethought in my goal setting to get a master’s degree in graduate school and determines my performance. Because I am working for a higher degree, I still have to do well in school and continue to set academic goals. I continue to strive for my possible self instead of settling for my consistent self.

self, agency, self regulation, self concept, self schema, consistent self, possible self, identity, cognitive dissonance

In chapter ten, the focus was on the self and it’s striving. The self, or the self-concept that a person posses, is the set of beliefs that an individual uses to conceptualize his or herself. The self-concept is structured from experiences and from the reflections that a person has on those experiences, creating a mix of the self-schemas. A self-schema being generalization about the self that is domain specific and learned from past experiences; the ones that are the most important to the individual are where the schemas come from. There are four key problems that must be overcome to establishing a self-concept; defining or creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self. The self can also be established through the consistent self and the possible self. The consistent self is preserved through actively seeking out information consistent with an individual’s self-concept by ignoring the information that contradicts their self-view. This is much easier said than done, and in a case of dissonance a struggle can occur and causes problems for that individual. Hence the acts of seeking out information to set right the dissonance in a number of ways. The possible self is representations of attributes, characteristics and abilities that the self does not poses, but would like to in the future, much like an ideal self/state.

The thing that I found interesting in this chapter was the research found on self-esteem had how it relates to motivation. I’ve heard plenty of stories about business and people trying ot increase people’s self-esteems to increase their motivation. Self talks and books even, many ways are common things we hear about. It has been a bit of my own perceptions that higher self-esteem leads to higher motivation. Interesting enough, there hasn’t been any research that has shown that increasing a person’s self-esteem actually increases anything. But people had already started the fad of trying to increases people’s self-esteem through a multitude of ways, and not even realizing that it really did anything. Interesting thing is how people believe what they merely hear and assume its right without any details or research to support the claim. Brings to mind how a person shouldn’t always believe what they hear.

When it comes to the self, it generates motivation in two ways. The first being, directing an individual’s behavior in ways that elicit feedback consistent with the established self-schemas. As in a person seeing themselves as something, extroverted for example, they will engage in future behavior that will produce this same feedback. And when their perceived self is contradicted in most cases they will establish that they are that way and re-obtain consistency. The second way, self-schemas generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. Using goal directed behavior, a person will engage in actives that will lead that person to the desired possible self. This would be particularly true if they are intrinsically motivated to do so because of inner personal interest in that possible self, rather than parental pressure as an external extrinsic motivation. If there are links between the consistent self and the possible self, ways to become that future self become that more easier to follow that goal. I can see this very clear in my idea of a possible self being a therapist or councilor. I have intrinsic interest not only in it, but because of a personal link to wanting to help people through issues that I may have experienced and overcome. By mapping out where and how I want to achieve the goal of reaching my possible self, my consistent self is helping pave the way.

Terms: self-concept, self-schema, consistent self, possible self, ideal self, ideal state, motivation, self-esteem, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, goal oriented behavior,

Chapter ten dealt with the concept of self and its strivings. The four problems associated with self are defining or creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal likelihood, and managing or regulating the self. The problems were discussed as self-concept are (defining the self), identity (relating self to society), agency (developing personal potential), and self-regulation (managing self).

Self-concept is how people mentally think of themselves. Self-concept is derived from experiences and from reflections on those experiences. Self-schemas are mental generalizations about the self that are area specific and are learned from previous experiences. So the self-concept would contain a collection of area specific self-schemas, like academic competence or athletic competence. Self-schemas generate motivation in two ways, consistent self and possible self. Kind of similar to the discrepancy term where you have your present state and ideal state. When one has a consistent self, self-schemas direct behavior that is used to validate one’s self-concept. In terms of possible self, one observes others and creates a view of the future self or what one would like to be like.

Identity is how the self relates to society from a cultural standpoint. Once people have a certain social role like a mother or a father they are expected to behave as a mother or a father would according to cultural norms.

Agency is the motivation that the self possesses. This is an action based activity, is intrinsically motivated, and a development from within. The book gives an example of a newborn and how as they grow physically they also grow developmentally by walking, talking, and being intrinsically motivated. The newborn grows from reliance on others to autonomy and being reliant on self. Differentiation expands the self to a more complex person in terms of the newborns growth and integration creates the emerging complex person into a unified self.

Self-regulation deals with monitoring or managing goals. The individual evaluates the process as goals are strived for through observations and personal judgments. Comparisons are made of past performance in relation to goals. The more a person can self-regulate the better they can carry out the goal-setting procedure.

The most surprising thing I learned was about self-esteem. I was surprised to read that “there are almost no findings that self-esteem causes anything at all” or “there is simply no evidence that boosting people’s self-esteem will boost their functioning.” Seems like we have been conditioned to think that self-esteem is how you feel about yourself and your self worth that it deals a lot about feelings. When in reality it deals more with success and failures. Although it may reflect how things are going, it’s not the source of motivation that allows life to go well. The book offered a view of self-esteem and to think of it like happiness. Trying to be happy won’t get you very far, but happiness rather is a result of life’s satisfaction and overcoming obstacles. I guess I felt like I’ve had the wrong definition of self-esteem after reading the passage about self-esteem.

In terms of self and motivation, we define or create who we want to be. Self-schemas generate motivation by consistent self or possible self as discussed above. These things motivate us to move from the self we are now to the possible self.

I think by having this knowledge about self can help me narrow and focus on my goals. I look at it like here is where I am now and here is where I want to be (in terms of self), what do I have to do to get from point A to point B? What can I use as motivators to help me along the way of becoming my possible self?

Terms: self-concept, self-schemas, identity, agency, self-regulation, intrinsic motivation, differentiation, integration, consistent self, possible self, self-esteem.

This chapter is about the self. There are four problems when analyzing the self and its strivings, and they include: defining or creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self. Self-regulation is a motivational struggle, so a good way to increase a person’s motivation is to increase their self-esteem. However, there is no evidence that boosting people’s self-esteem will improve their functioning. Self-concepts are individuals’ mental representations of themselves. This is constructed from experiences and from reflections on those experiences. Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experience. Self-schemas generate motivation in two different ways: the consistent self and the possible self. People have a consistent self when they actively seek out information consistent with their self-concept and by ignoring information that contradicts their self-view. Possible self is when an individual sees the current self as his or her “present state” and sees the role model as a desire, future “ideal self.” When an individual sees this discrepancy they make an inference that he or she could become just like that desired self. An example of this would be a child seeing their parent drive semi for a living and they too want to drive a semi when they grow up.

The topic I found interesting was the concept of roles. A role consists of cultural expectations for behavior form persons who hold a particular social position. People change how they act every day. For example I may act different in class than I do at work, and I may act different at work then I do when I go home and hangout with my roommates. Even though I am still the same person, I converse in a different way when I find myself in the role of a student or a co-worker or a roommate. Behavior varies to such an extent from one role to the next that it makes sense to speak of a person’s set of identities rather than his or her identity.

The self has something to do with motivation when we are looking at our possible self and what we want to become. If somebody has an ideal image of their self, then they will be motivated to develop and grow towards their sought-after aspirations. This knowledge helps me motivate myself towards desired goals because I have a specific plan for my life, and if I am not successful in reaching this plan I know I will not be happy with life. Therefore, I am motivated to do everything I can right now to get accepted to grad school so I can someday reach my possible self.

Terms: The self, self-esteem, self-concept, self-schemas, consistent self, possible self, roles.

There are four problems that were introduced regarding the self: self concept, identity, agency, and self regulation. Self concept is described as a mental representation of oneself. The self concept is formed from past experiences and from reflections on those experiences. Self concept is made up of several self schemas, or generalizations about the self that are domain specific. For example, I continually perform poorly on math exams. So, I can conclude that I am mathematically inept. However, I typically perform very well on exams in other subject areas. My self concept will generalize to being intellectually intelligent, but mathematically inept. Self schemas generate motivation by directing an individual’s behavior in ways that confirm an individual’s established self view and generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. After an individual establishes a self schema they act to preserve the self view, because inconsistency or contradiction creates discomfort (cognitive dissonance). People develop social environments that will provide feedback that’s consistent with their self view and avoid people who might treat us in ways that are inconsistent with our self view. In other words, we tend to use social interactions to maintain and verify our self view. When an individual receives information that is not consistent with their self view, they tend to distort the information. For example, an individual might provide information that would disconfirm the feedback that was inconsistent with their self view. However, when an individual has a low self schema, feedback that is inconsistent with their self view can cause them to change their self schema. Self schemas also generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self (possible self) by initiating goal directed behavior. Self schemas allow an individual to process information about the self easily, confidently predict their future behavior in the domain, quickly retrieve self related behavioral evidence from the domain, and resist counter schematic information about him or herself.
Identity is another aspect of the self in relation to society. Once an individual has gained a role in society, the identity directs the person to pursue certain behaviors and avoid other behaviors. Our identity in society informs us how to act appropriately in certain contexts. Agency is the component of the self that deals with action. In terms of agency, an individual starts out observing the actions of others and eventually the self moves towards autonomy. Self regulation is the fourth component of the self, which involves monitoring and evaluating personal effort to attain goals. Self regulation involves goal setting and planning, action, and reflection. The development of self regulation involves three phases. During the first phase, gains in self regulation are made from observing the expert. The second phase involves imitation of the skills of the expert. The last phase allows the individual to carry out goal setting and performance monitoring process on their own.

The concept that I found to be most interesting from chapter ten was cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance occurs when beliefs about the self are inconsistent with behaviors. People reduce cognitive dissonance by removing the dissonant belief, reduce the importance of the dissonant belief, add a new consonant belief, and increase the importance of the consonant belief. Cognitive dissonance motivates us to change our beliefs and behavior. Cognitive dissonance theory attributes changes in beliefs in response to an aversive emotional state dealing with cognitive contradiction.

Chapter ten made me realize that I need to gain a clearer self schema. Having a well developed self schema would allow me to process information about myself easily and help me predict my own future behavior in a domain. Chapter ten also helped me realize the importance of recognizing my possible selves, which are representations of attributes, characteristics, and abilities that I don’t yet posses.

Self concept, identity, self regulation, self schema, possible self, cognitive dissonance, agency,

This chapter largely discusses four problems that must be analyzed when dealing with the self: self-concept, identity, agency, and self-regulation. Self-concept involves the ways in which we define ourselves cognitively. In order to form these mental representations we rely on experiences, which we then generalize into self-schemas over time. These self-schemas demonstrate the degree of invariance we observe in our own behavior as it pertains to different situations. All these domain-specific self-schemas combine to form the set of personal beliefs known as our self-concept. Identity deals with relating the self to the cultural context in which it exists. Meeting social expectations allows people to fill a role that provides a relation by which they can interact with society in a manner deemed appropriate. , Agency is the inner motivation of the self through which we develop our respective capabilities. Setting goals that are concordant with a person’s core self (“self-concordant” goals) allows for greater sustained effort in achieving said goals. Self-regulation is simply managing the self by monitoring and directing one’s personal strivings and goal setting.

The most surprising thing I learned in this chapter was the power of a well-defined ideal possible self. I believe most people fail miserably at motivating themselves in this manner simply because they do not take the time to perform careful self-regulation. Because self-schemas have been shown to direct behavior in ways that confirm our self-concept, and this often keeps individuals from venturing outside of their respective “comfort zones.” However, taking the time to define an ideal self allows a person to link the present self with ways to morph into this possible self, which is inherently motivational. As with many people my age, I have had much difficulty concretizing an ideal self simply because I do not know what I want to do with my life. Nevertheless, this chapter has taught me the value of striving to become a possible self whether or not it is ideal – positive motivation is rarely ever bad, and I can adjust my possible self along the way. This knowledge of motivation through an ongoing series of well-defined possible selves can help me reach my goals by means of careful self-reflection and self-regulation. Instead of just wishing things were different or that my life was a certain way, I can now take the time to construct a more meticulous possible self. Thoughtful analysis of this potential future will allow me to find solutions to current problems that are keeping me from transforming into this ideal self. Periodically repeating this process will ensure that I grow ever closer to becoming the person I would like to be.

Terms: self, self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-schema, role, self-concordant goal, possible (ideal) self

Chapter ten discusses the concept of “self” and ways which we describe and define it through motivation. Self is a complex word when it comes to defining and understanding truly how individuals define themselves. One concept typically thought of is self-esteem. Self-esteem is an impression or label of oneself directed by respect. It defines to which extend we feel good about ourselves. Increasing self-esteem is a positive facet, while those who are low on self-esteem lack motivation. Self- esteem is factor of our success, or failure, in life. Self-esteem is dependent upon our achievements. The more we achieve the higher self-esteem becomes.
Our self-concept is a mental illustration to how we perceive our self. You may be timid during class, make little conversation in public places, or avoid situations that include large groups. We generalize these experiences into our self-concept. You might characterize yourself as fearful. Self-concept of others is often times hard to accurately describe people for the fact they may appear one way in particular instances, but away from the situation act completely opposite of our perception of them. Along with self-concept, we develop self-schemas. Self-schemas are the generalized components of self that we categorize into a domain based on life experiences. The generality of fearfulness is our self-schema, because we learned this behavior from previous experiences and it is domain specific. Self-schemas motivate through prompting feedback. Individuals behave accordingly to confirm their view of self. There may be tension that arises from self-schema as well. When others view our self-schema as differently then we view it, inconsistency occurs and we attempt to restore this schema by being consistent and continuous.
The consistency from our personal self-schema domain is characterized by our consistent-self. There are cues we give in order to help ensure others agree with our view of self. This can range from the clothes we wear to the career and lifestyle we live, and everything in between. We tend to conform to friends and social activity that are consistent with our self. Most likely those closest to us will agree with our views in a consistent self unlike people who we have met only once or twice. It is hard to make a judgment based on first impressions, though they may be accurate if we are truly consistent in such things as how we dress and the physical image we reveal.
Another concept discussed in the chapter is our possible self. When someone has a desire to change what they do or do not want to become defines our possible self. This is simply evaluating our current self and looking toward the future, based on social and environmental experience, to possibly become something. If we see a doctor who has helped saved numerous lives, and we are not doing anything remotely accomplishing to the standards we see that person, we might envision a possible self to study medicine and make a change for the better. Some sort of enticement we find motivationally appealing leads us to motivationally change, or become similar, or not similar.
Branching of the concept of self, chapter ten introduces the idea of identity. Identity describes the condition of self in society. Identity can be found in self value amongst individual and collectivist cultures. In individualistic cultures our identity is was separates us from the rest. Collectivistic cultures are identified as a whole unit. It includes behaviors and perceptions as how we characterize the self in our cultural setting.
The last main topic of chapter ten involves self-regulation. Self-regulation involves taking a close look at oneself and assessing it. Self-regulation is a continuous cycle dependent on performance, and inducement of our forethoughts. Forethought is the effort we take in goal setting. Self-regulation is also attained through the social context. They are important as we look toward goals we set. Developing self-regulatory skills involves the phases: lack of self-regulation skill, social learning process, and acquisition of competent self-regulation skill.
The most surprising thing I learned from the chapter was about self-perception theory and cognitive dissonance theory. The self-perception theory exclaims that people change behavior from their own self observations. The cognitive dissonance theory, however, says people change beliefs to a negative emotional state in cognitive contradictions. There was controversy over the two theories, but further research concludes both are accurate.
Self has a lot to do with motivation because it allows us to understand who we really are, along with what it is we want to be seen as. When we understand our self-concept and the domain of our self-schemas, we are intrinsically motivated to keep the consistency and avoid dissonance. When we look at our possible self, we are more extrinsically motivated to make change because of observable life experiences and in turn come to value some aspect of life that leads us to motivationally change behavior. Another important relation between self and motivation is goal setting. Being aware of our current state often leads us to set goals which motivate certain behaviors. I am motivated toward the goals I set last week because of my perceived self. I feel by looking ahead and trying to discover a possible self, I am more strongly motivated to achieve them. I am also motivated to maintain consistency within my self-schema domain to accomplish these goals.
Terms: Self, self-esteem, self-concept, self-schema, consistent self, possible self, identity, self-regulation, self-perception theory.

The chapter looked at how individuals look and feel about themselves. Self-perception and one’s view of how they fit into the world they live in. These different views come together to motivate behavior by what someone will and will not do along with how they set goals for themselves.

The possible selves section just because I was able to relate to it so much. I know what I want to become and it has hugely impacted my choices in behavior and how I made decisions. To reach my career goals I knew I needed to make sure to make the right decisions about my actions and behavior. What I was really able to relate to was that I have very strong and specific ‘feared self’s’. By my decisions to accomplish my ‘ideal self’ and avoid my ‘feared self’ have affected my personality and day-to-day behaviors.

The self has a strong personal connection to motivation. The self affects how we see ourselves, if our ‘present self’ is not the same as our ‘ideal self’ then we set goals to accomplish a change. A person’s self then determines who much motivation that person will have when it comes to accomplishing the goal. That same self also affects how one interpreters feedback that can also alter motivation.

It doesn’t as much help me as it does explain other people’s behavior. The most I got out of it was re-naming what I didn’t want my life to be like (‘feared self’). The chapter talked quit a bit about how many people view themselves in a very positive light. I feel like I can relate this to many characters in movies and people I know who overcome obstacles and stick to their beliefs because they believe they are correct when it comes to a specific issue or topic.

Terms List: individuals, self-perception, motivate, behavior, goals, possible selves, decisions, career goals, actions, feared self, ideal self, motivation, present self, and feedback.

Chapter 10 begins with titling the four main problems with our self and our striving: 1.) defining or creating the self (Self-Concept) 2.) relating the self to society (Identity) 3.) discovering and developing personal potential ( Agency) and 4.) managing or regulating the self (Self-Regulation). The chapter states that there is a complete misconception when it comes to self-esteem stating that there is no evidence to assume self-esteem causes anything at all. They chop it up to just a term almost synonymous with happiness.
However, back to the four problems, the book describes each one in full. First off, self-concept are the mental representations of ourselves which are constructed from experiences and reflections on said experiences; most are translated into general representations instead of specific experiences. Within in this category there is the broad topic of self-schema which are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from experiences. The self-concept is a collection of these domain-specific self-schemas. These schemas have certain motivational properties. One being that is directs behavior toward feedback consistent with said schema because consistency and self-confirmation make people more comfortable with who they are. Secondly, the provide motivation towards a desired self.. The consistent self will do what it takes to make sure the self-concepts are consistent and provide the reassurance that they know themselves. The desired self or possible self, is what kind of person you want to be; providing one with goals and models to live by. The chapter than goes on to talk about something that occurs within this called cognitive dissonance which is when beliefs about who the self is and what the self does inconsistent or hypocrisy as I see it. People either gets so uncomfortable with the dissonance that they cease the upsetting behavior or they rationalize their behavior so that they don't feel as bad for the inconsistency.
Identity is how the self relates to society. Its a series of roles in which each of us follow such as student or daughter so on and so forth. Within in this we chose which behaviors and emotions are the most appropriate and this is determined by our identity. Sometimes when we act outside of what we have conceptualized ourselves as, we shock ourselves and act with identity-restoring behaviors which remind us to get back to consistency.
Agency is a view of the self as action and development from within, as innate processes and motivations. Basically it is saying that there is something innate in us as people that prompt what interest and goals we pursue, which talents to develop and other core things about ourselves; these things we strive for have something to do with something more than just what we see and live around but also how we feel towards things at deeper levels.
Self-Regulation is, in short, an evaluation of the effort towards our goals and striving through reflection.
The most surprising thing I learned was how self-esteem doesn't really correlate with motivation. I have seen a therapist before and we spent months on self-esteem issues. I know they didn't help me much and now I know why. The content in this chapter has to do with motivation because it is stating that who we are and what we want to do is something that motivates us. Either we are motivated to becoming something else or remaining consistent in our self-schema or we are motivated to avoid being something or avoid inconsistency amongst ourselves which leads to confusion on who we are as people. This knowledge motivates me towards my desired goals because it exposes to me how I need to examine myself and try to figure out what in my life could be causing me uneasiness. I think I am going to make a self-schema chart to get a better idea of myself so that I can clearly identify by goals so that attaining them will be easier.
Self-concept, self-schema, consistent self, possible self, cognitive dissonance, identity, agency, self-regulation.

Chapter 10 is all about the self. There are four main problems involved with the self; defining or creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self. Defining or creating the self is an example of how self-concept affects behavior. Some aspects we cannot control (age) and others we get from things that we do (job). Relating the self to society shows that identity affects behavior. Developing personal potential shows that we have the power and ability to act. It shows the motivations that are already within the person. Finally managing or regulating the self is important in self-regulation. It allows us to look at others and gain an idea on how we should act and potential goals we can set.

Another important part of the chapter is self-schemas. Self-schemas motivate people in two ways; they help people behave in a manner that will cause others to give them feedback that is consistent with their schema and they motivate people to move from their present self to a desired future self (much like discrepancies). Self-schemas vary from one setting to another and can be very different given the setting. A person will act very differently when they are at a football game in the crowd or tailgating than they do when they are at a funeral or in class. The persons personality does not change from one setting to the next however their self-schemas do. This helps to motivate behavior.

Possible selves are also a strong source of motivation. These arise from what people want to be (successful, wealthy) or what they do not want to be (lonely, out of shape). The possible self comes from external factors and is generally instigated by social factors. When a person sees a role model of what they want to be they develop a sense of possible self, and this helps to motivate their behavior.

Cognitive dissonance is another strong motivator. Cognitive dissonance is when the beliefs a person has about their self conflicts with actions they perform. An example would be thinking that you are a kind person but you are rude to others. When there is enough dissonance to make the person uncomfortable they find ways to eliminate or reduce the dissonance. There are four ways to alleviate dissonance; remove the dissonant belief, reduce the importance of the dissonant belief, add a new consonant belief, and increase the importance of the consonant belief. In order to eliminate the dissonance this person is feeling they may; stop believing they are a kind person, or stop being rude to others (remove dissonance), convince themselves that being kind is not that important and therefore its not a big deal when they are rude (reduce importance), start believing that they are only rude to those who deserve it (new belief), or believe that people have changed and its not their fault that they force her to be rude to them (increase belief).

The most interesting thing that I learned is that there almost no evidence that shows that self-esteem is involved with motivation. The book suggests that self-esteem is more useful as a barometer for how the person is feeling about the tasks they have undertaken.

Terms: Self, self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-esteem, self-schemas, possible selves, cognitive dissonance,

Chapter ten focuses on the self, identity, and self-regulation. The self is pretty much how one views him or herself in life. Defining or creating the self shows how self0concept energizes and directs behavior. Relating the self to society shows how identity energizes and directs behavior. Discovering and developing the potential of the self is also a motivational struggle. Managing or regulating the self shows how self-regulation makes competent functioning more likely. Self-concepts are individuals’ mental representations of themselves. To construct a self-concept, people attend to the feedback they receive in their day-to-day affairs that reveals their personal attributes, characteristics, and preferences. During times of reflection, people put their life experiences into general conclusions. Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and learned from past experiences. Self-schemas generate motivation in two ways. First, they direct an individual’s behavior in ways that elicit feedback consistent with the established self-schemas. Second, they generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. People don’t like cognitive dissonance, so they try to change their present of consistent self to meet their possible self. A second major aspect of the self is identity. This is the means by which the self relates to society as it captures the essence of who one is within a cultural context. Lastly is self regulation. As people attempt to accomplish the goals they have for themselves, they mentally step back to monitor and evaluate how well things are going. This helps people behave how they should and gives motivation to change when they see something is wrong.

I was very surprised to learn how much a person’s self concept actually influences their behaviors and other people’s behaviors around and towards them. When a person has a negative self concept, he or she is likely to act in those negative ways and not want to change much. But, when a person has a positive self-concept, he or she is more likely to act in those positive ways. It’s crazy to think how much a person’s concept of their self actually affects behavior because normally people don’t think about this all that much. A lot of people don’t really even know what they would describe their “self” as, so they don’t really have a basis off of how to act in social situations.

The self has a lot to do with motivation because how a person is viewed or thinks of themselves, they act. If a person is viewed as a caring person, that person is more motivated to act like a caring person. If a person is viewed as a bad student, that person is more motivated to act like a bad student. This is because people don’t like to have cognitive dissonance or an anxious feeling because their views and other’s views don’t match real like situations.

This knowledge can motivate myself towards desired goals by looking into myself and figuring out what I am all about. If I do this, I will know exactly what types of goals I should set for myself and what I am capable of. Once I set these goals, I will be more likely to reach them if I feel confidence in myself and have a positive view of the skills and qualities I need in myself to get there.

Key Terms: self, identity, self-regulation, competent, self-concept, reflection, self-schemas, feedback, motivation, consistent self, possible self, behavior

Read chapter 10. Summarize the chapter. What was the most surprising thing you learned? What does the self have to do with motivation? How does this knowledge help you to motivate yourself towards desired goals?

Provide a list of terms at the end of your post that you used from the chapter.

Chapter 10 primarily focuses on four underlying aspects all related to the self. The first is the self-concept, which is one’s definition of their self. The second is one’s identity, or how the self relates to society. The third is the development of personal potential, known as agency. The final part is self-regulation, though self-explanatory the book also defines as managing the self.

The self-concept is primarily defined through self-schemas people have of themselves. These are ‘cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences.’ In other words, self-schemas are much like the schemas we hold of the world, but for ourselves. So my self-schema would be a series of ideas about myself that I have gathered from various actions and attitudes in my past in relation to specific areas such as relationships and academics. Similar to the concept of ideal state and present states, our self-concept also has a consistent self and a possible self. These are two ways the self directs motivation. Through the consistent self, the schemas create behavior that enforces the view of the self and discourages actions that would negate the self-view. This is called the cognitive dissonance theory. Any dissonance between the view of the self and the behavior is uncomfortable behavior and generates corrective action. The possible self is what a person could be given enough effort and motivation.

The identity of the self relates to the cultural context of the person and the roles they assume, such as a father, teacher, friend, Christian, etc. These identities can contribute to the self-concept and help direct behavior, albeit not always in a positive way. For example, if someone should view his or her identity as a mother, who is generally nurturing and protective, he or she would begin to assume these characteristics. On the other hand, if a mother views her identity as that of a business woman, she may be stricter and pay less attention to her role as a mother. Also, some of the self’s motivation is agency.

The most surprising thing to me was the fact that having a self-concept prompts motivation. I mean, it makes sense now that I think about it, but I’ve never put much thought forth before. An example of this is that I’ve always considered myself a very good student. In high school, I never studied beyond paying attention in class and reading the textbooks and had perfect attendance. Now, in college, while I read most of my textbooks, it is more skimming in nature. And while I receive A’s in most of my college classes, I know that I can do much better on tests and such. This semester I have been a little better as I have been intrinsically motivated to learn the material in most of my classes. Also, I used to work ahead and very rarely procrastinate, whereas recently I procrastinate on everything. If I have any homework, it is MAYBE done the night before. Part of this is because I am fairly decent at working under pressure, sometimes better even. Another part is that I just find it hard to buckle down and get to work before something is due. However, recently I have started thinking these are not the practices of a good student so I have begun to rectify this. I have started working on my Book Analysis, even though it is not due for an entire week. Working this far ahead in college is absolutely unheard of for me. My goals are to keep doing this and read ahead for my classes. We’ll see how it works out. It’s going to take some regulating of myself as well.

Self-Concept, Self-Schemas, Agency, Identity, Self-Regulation.

Chapter 10 is related to the self and its strivings. There are four problems when it comes to the self. The first is defining or creating the self. The second is relating the self to society. The third is managing or regulating the self. And the fourth is discovering and developing personal potential. One important concept when it comes to the self is one’s self-concept. The self-concept is the set of beliefs one uses to conceptualize his or herself. Or in other words, a person’s self-concepts are the mental representations of themselves. These are constructed from one’s experiences, as well as their interpretations and reflections upon those experiences. People form these self-concepts from general conclusions and memories they have, rather than specific experiences. Self-concepts come from self-schemas. Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain-specific and are learned from past experiences. There are benefits of having well-developed self-schemas. It’s a lot easier to process info about yourself when you have self-schemas. You can also predict your own future behavior from these schemas. And you can resist any information that contradicts your self-schema. There are also motivational properties when it comes to self-schemas. Once self-schemas are formed, they can direct one’s behavior to confirm the self-view and prevent episodes that generate feedback that might disconfirm that self-view. This is the consistent self. A second motivational property is that self-schemas generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. This is the possible self. This is similar to the discrepancy between the present state and the ideal state. There is motivation to achieve the possible self. Possible selves are representations of attributes, characteristics, and abilities that the self doesn’t yet possess but you want to possess them. These are mostly social in origin as you see the self modeled by others. The most important thing is that the self is dynamic – it is constantly changing, and it has a past, present, and a future. There can be cognitive dissonance present within the self. This is the state of tension that occurs when an individual simultaneously holds two cognitions that are psychologically inconsistent with each other. For example, a person who smokes knows that smoking can kill them, but they continue to smoke despite this knowledge. Most people are motivated to justify their own actions and beliefs, and rationalize why they do the things they do. Another important concept of the self is identity. Identity is the means by which the self relates to society, and is in a cultural context.
The most surprising thing to me was the fact that self-esteem doesn’t cause anything at all. I’ve always thought that the way to boost someone’s idea of themselves is to boost their self-esteem. So to read that there are no findings that self-esteem causes anything at all was very surprising. Self-esteem is not a causal variable, according to the textbook, but rather a consequence of cumulative achievement-related successes and failures. I will have to keep this in mind now when I’m feeling down about myself. I need to improve my self-esteem but rather improve my skills for dealing with the world.
Your self-concept has a lot to do with motivation. How you view yourself, and the self-schemas you have of yourself, directly influence your actions and in turn motivate you towards certain ends. For example, I have always thought of myself as someone who likes to help people. This self-schema of myself motivated me to apply for my current job now as an RA in the dorms, and is motivating me to apply to grad schools for occupational therapy, for I want to help kids and senior citizens improve their quality of life. I also have a self-schema of being shy. This has motivated me to work hard at my job as an RA to counteract this shyness and get to know my residents. This knowledge motivates me to think about my other self-schemas and how I can apply them to do better in school as well as succeed in the future.
Concepts: the self, self-concept, self-schemas, the consistent self, the possible self, self-esteem, cognitive dissonance, identity

Chapter 10 defines and discusses the self. It begins by talking about the four problems involved in the self; defining the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential and regulating the self. The chapter then explains these problems in terms of self-concept, identity, agency, and self-regulation. Self-concept is made up of self-schemas which are cognitive generalizations. These schemas motivate us by maintaining consistent self, keeping cognitive dissonance low (believing in one thing and acting in a different way) and moving toward possible self. Identity is the social roles that we take on and it motivates us by directing our behavior to fulfill these social roles. Agency is action that occurs out of intrinsic motivation to develop our self, its abilities, and preferences. Self-regulation is described as simply as it sounds; our cognitive monitoring of our progress in reaching our goals. Better self-regulation can greatly contribute to successful goal-setting.

I think that the most interesting part of this chapter for me was the information on cognitive dissonance. This is partially because I have seen references to cognitive dissonance many times before and never really understood what it was. It’s also because the idea of holding certain beliefs or values and acting differently is very interesting to me. After reading this is starting thinking about how often I exhibit behaviors which are very contradictory to what I want for myself and to the person that I think that I am. Just as the chapter describes these behaviors often make me unhappy or uncomfortable yet I engage in them anyways. I think that knowing this could really help to motivate me in my goals because I can focus my attention on removing cognitive dissonance. With less cognitive dissonance I will feel less discomfort in my actions, this lack of discomfort with act as positive feedback towards my goal directed behavior and therefore motivate me further to accomplish my goals.

Terms: self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-schemas, cognitive dissonance, consistent self, possible self, intrinsic motivation.

Chapter 10 was all about the “self” and how we create our self. There are four issues dealing with self that include defining the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential and managing or regulating the self. When we are creating our self we think about who we are, how others view us, and how we compare with others in society. When we try to define our self we create a self-concept which energizes and directs behavior. Self-definition is a thing that can be assigned to us and that we can also create. An example of this includes if you are a boy or a girl or on the other side if you are a doctor or a certain religion. When we relate our self to society we are also directing behavior with identity. This could be with careers or activities. Agency is when an agent has the power and intention to act. This happens when we are discovering and developing our potential self. We use self regulation to regulate functions. We monitor are goals and values and evaluate our status to create the self. Self schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences. These can be domain specific that one recalls when thinking about certain things. When I think of high school I think of classes, show choir, and friends. However, when I think about college I think of friends, parties, bars, and lots of tests. We associate different concepts with different schemas. When we develop a certain schema we develop a consistent self. If I think of myself as outgoing I’m going to find certain activities and behaviors that preserve that view. If there is a certain way I want to view myself and others to view me I would think of a possible self. When there is something that we don’t necessarily like about ourselves but we don’t want to change we have cognitive dissonance. An example of this could be college students drinking heavily on the weekends. We know its wrong but we do it anyways. This causes inconsistency that we want to fill so we tell ourselves things to make us look better. We could say well I’m trying to be social, or everyone goes out, and I’m young this is what I’m supposed to do in college.
I think the thing I found to be the most interesting is about self-esteem. I think that the general belief among many is that if you have high self-esteem you will have a higher level of achievement. According to the book it is the exact opposite. The more you achieve the higher your self esteem will be.
The text relates to motivation because if you set goals for your possible self you will strive to meet your goals and direct your attention to them. I want to be a successful psychologist which means I need to go to grad school once I graduate. I need to start planning how I will accomplish this and then make short term goals to get closer to being my possible self.

Self concept, identity, agency, self regulation, self schema, domain, present self, possible self, consistent self, cognitive dissonance

Chapter 10 is all about the self; how a person defines or creates their self, how to relate the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and how to manage or regulate the self. It talks about how every person has a self-concept. Self-concept is a set of beliefs that you believe yourself to be. A person’s self-concept is domain-specific; like I am a daughter, a student, a sister, outgoing, friendly, etc. And because people are domain-specific, they act differently in different contexts. People learn how to act in certain contexts and then store it in their memories and that is called self-schema. Self-schemas help illustrate an image of yourself from stored memories that then structure your self-concept. The possible-self was also a big topic in this chapter. This is when a person understands who they are and has a goal of who they want to be. The possible-self is a motivational and its origins usually come from society. An example would be a person sees someone working in a soup kitchen and they then realize how nice and selfless that is, so they are motivated to do more volunteer work. Identity is another major aspect of the self. Identity is directly how the self relates to society; this includes the cultural and social context that people define themselves in. The self’s identity is what makes a person make certain behaviors or avoid certain behaviors. An example of this is when I choose to someday have children; you will not see me going out drinking in the bars on Thursday nights because I have a family at home to take care of. Agency is also a factor that is makes up the self. Agency is what energizes and directs the self to behave in a certain way. It is what intrinsically motivates a person to put actions to their behavior.
The part of this chapter that I found to be very interesting was the section where it talked about self-esteem. When a person is or isn’t successful, our society is very quick to say that it is because of their self-esteem. I hear it all of the time and I know that I have used it for making up excuses for people “Oh they are a jerk because they have a low self-esteem” when in fact a person’s self-esteem has nothing to do with why that person acts the way that they do. There hasn’t been any research findings that have proven self-esteem to change a person’s behaviors. Self-esteem has been proven to be CAUSED by a person’s success or failure, not a person’s success or failures causing their self-esteem.
The self has a lot to do with a person’s motivation, especially a person’s possible self. Everyone has dreams or thinks about the person that they want to be, and it is only you who can make it happen. If you want to become anything, you have to push yourself to do it. Becoming a certain type of person often develops from deep within, so it is an intrinsic motivation which makes it more likely for it to happen. Cognitive dissonance can even motivate a person to change their behavior. A good example of this would be all of my family and friends nagging on me to stop drinking diet pop “because it is going to give me cancer and it’s just not healthy”. Because it is so annoying that every time I open up my beloved diet pepsi, I have someone asking me how many I’ve drank today, I have tried countless times to stop drinking it. I still have it in the back of my mind that I really do want to quit someday because all of the tension I feel when I drink it around them.
Reading this chapter definitely has made me stop and evaluate the person who I am and the person who I want to become. After I read it and after our lecture I made a list of how I define myself. For all of the negative qualities I see in myself, I made another list of what I am going to do to change those aspects of me. Now that I see the list out in front of me, I am truly motivated to start bettering myself.

Terms Used: self, self-concept, motivation, intrinsic motivation, identity, possible-self, agency, self-esteem, self-schema, cognitive dissonance,domain

Terms: Self-concept, self-schemas, personal self, feedback, cognitive dissonance, insufficient justification, effort justification, identity, identity-conforming behavior, agency, identity-confirming behaviors, self-regulation, forethought, performance, self-reflection

The self entails four basic problems which describe how and why the self generates certain motivation. They include self-concept, identity, agency, and self regulation. While self- concept is one’s mental representation of themselves, their identity depicts how the self relates to society and fits into a certain cultural or social context. Self-schemas are the domain specific cognitive generalizations about oneself that are learned from experience and social-feedback. They generate motivation by directing future behavior in a way that is consistent with their current self-schemas by encouraging social feedback-confirming behaviors that work to find consistency and confirmation as well as preventing inconsistent feedback in order to preserve the self-view. Another way self-schemas motivate behavior is by setting goals to behave in ways that encourage the feedback that is consistent with the ideal self. Possible selves are recognized once a discrepancy is found between a present state and ideal/ desired or even a feared state. These are mental representations of qualities the self does not yet possess, but because of their desirable or undesirable possible outcomes the individual is motivated to act to attain or avoid the possible-self that is ideal or feared.

One of the most surprising things I learned was an individual’s self-esteem has little to do with the likelihood they will be more motivated to achieve or be productive, but self-esteem is rather a product of experiencing productivity or achievement. I was previously under the impression that encouraging someone to have greater self-esteem (complimenting them, reminding them of their talent, etc.) would be a decent approach to increase the likelihood of their future achievement, where in all reality, although there seems to be correlation, there is relatively no research to demonstrate self-esteem to be causal. Self-esteem should be considered a product or a reflection of how one’s circumstances are and might be measured comparably to happiness as something that can’t really be possessed just because it is desired, but is possessed by those experiencing positive circumstances in their life.

Because motivated behaviors are a product of one recognizing a need or a goal and they are specific to the individual’s unique experiences and needs, the self is at the core of all recognition of things that need to be done in order to maintain a consistent self or become the ideal self as well as the behaviors that result from this recognition. When dissonance-arousing situations occur the

I feel as if I have a better understanding of the importance and necessity of taking time to recognize and reflect upon my self-schemas. The more I understand myself, the better opportunity I have to recognize the changes I want to/ I need to make happen, and the positive qualities I should continue to implement into my daily life in order to supplement my self-esteem and well-being. In order to successfully attain the goals in my life, it will be helpful to reflect upon my own domain-specific generalizations and recognize the discrepancy between my ideal possible self, and my present self.

The chapter begins with a few questions regarding your satisfaction with life. After reading through and answered these questions, I’ve come to realize that I quite well-off in the satisfaction of my life. I don’t feel I agree with any of the six statements: I feel very confident, can think and make decisions on my own, etc.

When a person takes a look at themselves, they tend to think of aspects that make them who they are, what defines them… what do others see or think of when they are reminded of you. There are four major characteristics that make up “the self”. First, you must define or create the self. Second, is how you relate yourself to society. Then it’s how you discover or develop your potential. Lastly, you must manage or keep yourself in line within the set of norms of life. There are also ideas you have about yourself that are also thought of when you tap into your brain and think about things; these are processes that make you think of one thing and relate it to many other things. These are called self-concepts and they tend to be related to what is especially related to what you do and what you are.

When you are able to have a good outlook on yourself, and can see both the positives and negatives, you generally have a well-developed self-schema. There are many benefits that contribute to having a well-developed self-schema: it’s easier for you to process information about yourself, you are able to recover information about your behavior that is specific to you and the traits you do on a regular basis, you can confidently predict future behaviors based on the knowledge you possess about yourself, and you can oppose what others say about you that contradict what you think.

Also, when you have a well-rounded thought process about yourself, you can see that there are behaviors you work to prevent actions you don’t wish to see or that interfere with your self-thoughts; this is a behavior of a ‘consistent self’. When you see a behavior you wish to increase or create, you are more apt to motivate yourself and produce a ‘possible self’ outlook.

Possible selves are the many different characteristics that your self can eventually possess. These involve the observation of others’, behaviors you are motivated to possess, something that helps us understand how the thoughts have developed and a pay of making a distinction from past, present and future selves.

There are times where people hold two contradictory thoughts at the same time; this is called cognitive dissonances. An example of this would be “smoking is bad for you” and “I smoke”. People cope with these by justifying their actions… “Everyone dies in the end” or “it helps me relieve things of stress in my life”. People are especially great at manipulating their beliefs to encourage a negative behavior or discourage a positive behavior in the eyes of the normal society.

The roles you hold for yourself are what create your identity. These are meant to create an outlook for those who only see you and also for how you develop in society. A way of becoming the “perfect” role you see for yourself is through self-regulation. When you monitor the progress of the goals you set, you are more able to establish and complete these goals.

After processing all this information, I am able to see the positives and negatives I attribute to myself. I am able to work with what I’ve got to become what I want to be. I have a sense of self and know who I am, therefore, I can make my own decisions and fight for what I believe in and what I feel I stand for. Because of my high security with myself, I know what I wish to attain, and it makes me more able to work for my goals of school, successful job and a family in the future. Obviously the self has much to do with motivation, because, if you didn’t know who you were or what you wanted out of life, you would need no motivation. You would be able to free-flow through life. I was quite surprised at just how much a self-identity contributes to motivation and goals, because ‘my self’ tends to be put on the back burner in life. I tend to be a people pleaser and focus on the needs of others before my own needs. After taking all this information in, it’s helped me process a better look at myself and see where I need to shift my focus for now.

Terms: satisfaction, self-concepts, outlook, self-schema, consistent self, possible self, motivation, coping, cognitive dissonance, identity, self-regulation

Chapter 10 was all about the self and how the self relates to motivation. The chapter begins by discussing the four basic problems that occupy the self. They are defining and creating the self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self. In order, these are discussed as self-concept, identity, agency, and self-regulation. This chapter was quite long and at times was hard to understand. It began by discussing self-concept. Our self-concept is made up of many self-schemas. These are domain specific, cognitive generalizations about the self that is learned from past experiences. How we think about ourselves in specific domains guides our future behavior. It is created by our past experiences. I have done well in school, so in that domain, I see myself as smart. I am not very good at athletics, so in that domain, I don’t see myself as athletic. These self-schemas and many more make up my self-concept, or how I see myself. These generate motivation by the consistent self and the possible self. With the consistent self, we have a view of ourselves and we try to maintain that view. If something or someone comes along and challenges that view, we have a sense of cognitive dissonance. We then try to do things to restore the view to our self-concept. With the possible self, this is closely related to goal-setting and striving that we discussed previously. We have a sense of ourselves at this moment, our current self, and a sense of who we want to be viewed as, our possible self. When there is a discrepancy between those, motivation is generated to strive to our possible self. If we do not get where we want to, we either give up or change things to help us attain that possible self. I really liked the discussion in this section. I thought it was extremely applicable to my life and made a lot of sense. I thought it was surprising how much we will fight to maintain our self-concept when provided feedback that disagrees with that. I was surprised at how closely related to the previous information these concepts were. I am highly interested in cognitive psychology so the concept of cognitive dissonance was very interesting to me. We do not like to feel inconsistent with our self-concept, so the very aversive nature of that causes us to do something about it.
The chapter moved on to talk about identity and what that is. Our identity is “the means by which the self relates to society, and it captures the essence of who the self is within a cultural context.” (292). We have roles of who we are, and they vary in different cultural settings. We take on roles of students, daughters, friends, professionals, etc. In each one, we have a different view or identity of who we are. We act differently based on which role we are in. As the book says, people with nice identities tend to engage in nice behaviors, etc. When we have certain identities and we behave in inconsistent ways, we then are motivated to fix those inconsistencies. As the book discusses, when people act in ways that confirm their identities, social interactions flow smoothly.
The chapter also discusses agency, personal strivings, and self-regulation. Personal strivings was an interesting section to read because it constitutes the goals we try to accomplish. We strive for well-being, which in turn generate our motivations and goals. One important part is self-regulation. This is like the feedback portion that we have discussed before. This occurs when we mentally step back and assess how we are doing at attaining our goals. We continually evaluate our processes and decide if we need to change anything. It is self-observational and a self-judgment process. Often times, we learn how to do this through watching others. We observe, imitate, and internalize the skills of an expert so that we can competently monitor and regulate our personal strivings. Only when we can do this on our own can we be successful in the process.

I don’t know if anything really surprised me. I did find it interesting when they talked about self-esteem and how boosting self-esteem does not actually boost well-being. It is actually the other way around. Well-being causes higher self-esteem. Many programs have been built and based on raising others’ self-esteem. It was a big movement years ago even when there was no evidence that it would work. Research now shows that altering self-esteem can have some serious complications. Raising self-esteem in others can result in more aggression. If that person has higher self-esteem, and that is challenged, the person will often get angry and aggressive in order to protect themselves. We either learned about this before in this class or I learned about this Psychology of Violence. So it wasn’t really surprising to me, but still very interesting. It is more important to teach kids the skills necessary to have a better well-being which will in turn lead to higher self-esteem.

This knowledge does help me motivate myself, especially when I think about cognitive dissonance and how I view myself and my schemas. If I can better recognize when I am experiencing cognitive dissonance, I may be able to better utilize the skills to competently fix what is wrong. Instead of getting angry or feeling like crap, I can actually say, “Hey, I know what this feeling is and I know how to fix it!” Not only does this help with my consistent self, but it helps me motivate myself toward my possible self. I have high strivings for my possible self, so knowing how the discrepancy affects my cognition will highly assist me in changes in my motivation to achieve my goals. I also will be able to more effectively manage my different identities and roles so that I will be able to move toward my goals more efficiently.

Terms used: self, self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-schema, cognitive dissonance, domain, motivation, consistent self, possible self, role, personal strivings, well-being, self-esteem

Chapter 10 talks about the self and its strivings. There are six dimensions of psychological well being which reflect a distinct contour of self functioning and psychological well being. Self acceptance- positive evaluations of oneself; positive interpersonal relations- close, warm relationships with others; autonomy- self determination; environmental mastery-sense of reflectance in mastering circumstances and challenges; purpose in life- a sense of meaning that gives ones life a sense of direction and purpose; personal growth- harboring a developmental trajectory characterized by improvement.

In Motivational analysis of the self four problems take center stage and they go as follow; 1) defining or creating the self, 2) relating the self to society, 3) discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating the self.

Self concepts are individuals mental representations of themselves, and are constructed from experiences. To construct a self construct, people attend to the feedback they receive they receive in their day to day affairs that reveal their personal attributes, characteristics, and preferences.

Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences. Self schemas generate motivation in two ways, first schemas, once formed, direct individual’s behavior in ways that elicit feedback consistent with established self-schemas. And secondly, self-schemas generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self. Self- schema consistency is that if a person is told she is introverted when she believes she is extraverted, the contradictory feedback generates a motivational tension. Therefore people behave in self-schema consistant ways to prevent feeling an aversive motivational tension.

The theory of cognitive dissonance theory illustrates one way the consistent self maintains its self-view. The basic tenets of cognitive dissonance theory are that people dislike inconsistency, the experience of dissonance is psychologically aversive, and people seek to reduce dissonance by striving to maintain consistency in their beliefs. When facts or behaviors are in opposition to ones beliefs and values, people will find a way to reconcile them. Ways to reduce dissonance are remove the dissonant belief, add a new consonant belief, decrease the importance of dissonant belief, and increase the importance of consonant belief. Identity is the means by which the self relates to society.

Terms: identity, self-schemas, cognitive dissonance, self acceptance, positive interpersonal relations, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, personal growth, self concepts,

Chapter 10 focused on the self. The self deals with four main issues: 1) defining and creating the self (self-concept) 2) relating the self to society (identity) 3) discovering and developing personal potential (agency) 4) managing or regulating the self (self-regulation). Self-schemas make up self-concept, and self-schemas as mental generalizations about the self that are specific and learned from past experiences. They basically serve as a cognitive framework to the self-concept. They also provide motivation by creating cognitive dissonance between the consistent self and the possible self, thereby functioning in the same way present state and ideal state help to motivate us as explained back in chapter 8. I was surprised by the overlap, since it is somewhat pleasant to relate one aspect of a psychological topic to another, different aspect of the same topic.
Identity is how the self relates to society, and the self does this by assuming social roles. These roles help the self to know how to behave. The self also contains it's own motivation, or agency. It has personal strivings, which are the goals it is trying to accomplish. These personal strivings can help foreshadow the emotional well-being of a person, as well as their underlying goal system. Finally, self-regulation monitors how the process of achieving a goal is going, which as we discussed in chapter 8 is important to goal success.
In motivation, the self is very important. The self has its very own sense of motivation, and the perceptions we have of our "self" have a way of motivating us all on their own. Knowing that how I perceive myself can motivate or demotivate me seems like an interesting start to using the self to motivate me towards my goals. I suppose I should analyze the dissonance between my consistent self and my possible self, and use that cognitive dissonance to power myself towards the goal of reaching my possible self.

Self, self-concept, identity, agency, self-regulation, self-schemas, cognitive dissonance, consistent self, possible self, social roles, personal strivings.

Chapter 10 discusses the concept of the self and how it relates to motivation. The first issue with the self, discussed within the chapter, is that of how to not only define the self, but also how to create a sense of self through developing a self-concept (cognitive structure of whom you are). Developing a self-concept is often times done through creating self-schemas (cognitive generalizations about the self that are learned from past experience and are domain specific). The chapter goes on to discuss how self-schemas can work to motivate individuals through their own concepts of their consistent selves as well as possible selves. The consistent self is defined as self-schemas that direct behavior to confirm one’s self-view and to prevent dissonance (since people tend to dislike inconsistency which is seen as aversive in guiding behavior) of one’s self-view. People are motivated through self-schemas when they run into their possible-self, which is a self-schema that motivates the person to become the person they would wish to be further down the road in the future. This portrays the self as a dynamic entity made up of the past, present and future and is constantly motivating us until we become our possible selves.

The second issue of the self is that of identity of the self. This refers to how the self relates to society and how it captures the essence of the self within a cultural context. When people assume new social roles, such as that of a mother or father, they direct their behavior in a way that it is supposed to be directed in the sense of a cultural value. Individuals acting with identity-confirming behavior allows for social interactions to flow smoothly.

The third issue brought up within the self is that of agency, which is the motivation that the self possesses within itself. Agency leads to action through intrinsic motivation and the processes of differentiation and integration. Intrinsic motivation causes the self to develop and apply it’s own inherent capabilities. After developing and exercising these inherent capabilities, differentiation occurs where the self’s capabilities and interests continue to grow and manifest as time continues. Integration occurs when all of these sorts of characteristics within the self and agency are brought together in unity leading to a further and ongoing development of the self.

The fourth issue brought up on the self and self-concept within the chapter is the issue of self-regulation. Self-regulation involves an individual’s own monitoring of how his/her goal-setting process. Monitoring one’s own goal-setting process involves self-judgment as well as objective self-observation in comparing one’s present state with their ideal state.


Consistent self
Possible self
Cognitive dissonance theory

Chapter 10 is all about the Self, and the components that make up the self. The first part of the chapter looks into the six dimensions of psychological well-being. One section that I found particularly interesting is when the four problems surrounding the Self were explained. These problems are 1) defining or creating the self, 2) relating the self to society, 3) discovering & developing our potential, 4) regulating the self. This was interesting, because I know whenever I think about it, I always wonder “why do I think I am think way” or “Why do I define myself this way”. Throughout the process of discovering the self, we think about how we are different/similar to others, how other people see us, if we can become the person we want to, how and why we relate to others and other questions like that.

The next part of the chapter discusses the Self Concept: which is an individual’s mental representation of themselves, and how we see and describe other people. The book spends a good amount of time on Self Schemas, which are “cognitive generalizations about the self that are domain specific and are learned from past experiences.” (p. 268). The self is very important when it comes to talking about motivation. Our Self Schemas helps motivate people by directing one’s behavior in ways that would generate feedback consistent to that person’s already established schema. IE: (and this was taken from the book). A shy person would act in a way that makes them appear shy, and in return would get feedback from other people that the person is in fact shy. Lastly, self-schemas also motivates a person to move away from the present state, and get them on the road to becoming he future desired self, also know as the ideal self.

Cognitive dissonance was also mentioned in the book. Cognitive dissonance can be defined as the uncomfortable feeling people get, when their beliefs about themselves and what their self is REALLY like does not match up; believing one thing, but acting a different way. I knew this guy who claimed he was a vegan for the past two years. I worked with him at my summer job for three months, and although he told campers/customers that “Yes I am a vegan” he would on a weekly basis eat meat, cheese, eggs, milk, etc. Obviously this guy had some cognitive dissonance going on. I think he was just trying to make himself feel better and look better in other people’s eyes.

The last thing I want to mention about chapter 10 is about Identity; how we define ourselves to others and to ourselves. It’s how we relate to society, and can be different for every person depending on the culture they are in. For example, I define myself as a college student, hard worker, daughter & girlfriend, conservative, etc. Other people may describe themselves in terms of the physical environment (student, employee, mother, member of the UNI basketball team, etc.), while still others may use adjectives and describe themselves with more personal terms (compassionate, loving, hardworking, funny, smart, etc.). However we define & describe ourselves, it is important to realize that the Self has a big role in our relationships in the world, and with motivation.

This chapter helped me understand & motivate me to want to be a better person. I paid attention to the part about self-schemas, and how the state of myself I have now could be better, and I want to work on moving towards my ideal state: a teacher with a college degree who is confident that she can do a great job. I also have this habit of comparing myself and my traits to other people and seeing how I compare to them. That is sometimes good, because it allows me to see my positive attributes, but at the same time, (most of the time) I usually get discouraged when I do that, which ends up motivating me to make myself better. Confusing to put into words for me, but hopefully I made my point at least slightly! When I do try and get better and meet my goals, I do a lot of self-regulation. I have to take a step back and look at how I have been going about things. If something is not working out for me, than I will change my behavior or my beliefs (something that goes right along with cognitive dissonance: I can change my belief that is causing the dissonance to feel better). Self-regulation motivates a person & helps them to meet their ideal self, which is important for everyone to do now and then. All in all, this was a pretty good chapter, and I learned more about the self & all the components of the self that I have ever known before.

Terms: Self, Self-schema, Cognitive Dissonance, Self-concept, Identity, Self-regulation

This chapter covered the self, our self-concept, our identity, agency and our self-regulation. It began by discussing the problem with self-esteem: increasing someone’s self-esteem does not necessarily increase their motivation. Although it is widely believed by teachers, coaches and employers that an increase in self-esteem will lead to a definite increase in motivation and therefore productivity or achievement, there is no empirical evidence to support that claim. In fact, there is little evidence to suggest that an increase in self-esteem does anything at all. Researchers say that self-esteem is more like a score card that shows someone’s wins (or successes) and losses (or failures) during a given time period. In 1986, the state of California set a long-term goal to boost the self-esteem of all residents as a strategy to reduce crime, welfare dependency, unemployment, unwanted pregnancy, and drug addiction. They seemed to follow the logic that the root of nearly all psychological problems is low self-esteem. Programs like Upward Bound, Head Start, and the Early Training Project came about in this way. But once social scientists began researching the effectiveness of these programs, they found that the programs failed at achieving their desired effect.
There are two types of ways we create our self-definition or self-concept. The first are those definitions that are given to us at birth. These are things like our sex; we are not able to choose the anatomy that we are born with. Other aspects of our self-concept we can choose and create from our experiences with the environment. These are things like our values, friends, religion, or career path. Unlike our biological sex, we are able to able to make a choice on which of these aspects we want ourselves to be. But a simple choice is not enough, to become these things we have a responsibility of achievement which motivates us to set and accomplish our goals.
Relating the self to society shows how our identity motivates and guides our actions and choices. In many ways, society will allow us little or no choice in the roles it encourages us to pursue, while in other ways it is more flexible. Society gives people the ability to choose our relationships to others (friends or partners), and society (our careers). The ability of choice and the internalization of responsibility to follow through on those choices make our effort to relate the self to society a motivational factor. Self-schemas are cognitive generalizations about the self that are learned from past experiences. These are also domain specific which means they are specific to a particular area and do not generalize across to other areas. An example of this would be the schema of being shy. It is specific to the domain of relationships with others and is learned from past experiences such as group discussion or lunchroom conversations. There are two ways self-schemas generate motivation. The first is how once they are formed a person behaves in ways which confirm their schema while in that domain. Second, they generate the motivation for a person to want to change from their present self and become their desired self.
Agency means that a person has the power and intention to act. This makes discovering and developing our potential self a motivational factor. Agency is a natural force that motivates us from within; it is beside environmental or cultural factors of motivation. The presence of agency in a person creates a motivational struggle throughout life.
Self-regulation is our efforts to manage or regulate our behaviors based on environmental factors. The self does not act impulsively; instead it monitors its goals and evaluates its goal progress as well as its resources. This allows the self to make the necessary changes it needs to in order to achieve optimal functioning. The self also finds it helpful to observe and evaluate themselves in comparison with

others, as well as emulating what works for them. This makes self-regulation a motivating factor for the self.
One of the things I found surprising in this chapter was self-concordance. I think this is a really interesting topic and I was surprised to find out that people study what makes some people strive for getting married and having a family, while others want to have a career. The knowledge found in this chapter on self-perception theory helps me motivate myself toward my goals because it made me think about how I change my behavior based on my observations of it. When I observe that I am not putting in a full effort on something I would like to accomplish, it motivates me to try harder than the last time.
List of terms: the self, self-concept, identity, agency, elf-regulation, self-schemas, desired self, present self, optimal functioning, self-condordance

Chapter ten’s main focal point was the self. In order to acquire one’s self concept, one encounters four problems: defining or creating self, relating the self to society, discovering and developing personal potential, and managing or regulating of self. The pursuit throughout life is to discover or create ourselves.
In establishing ourselves, we use a foundation called self-concept. This is how an individual views themselves mentally. We create our self-concept through self-schemas which are established from past experience and are domain specific. In different situations that are domain specific, we asses ourselves by taking past events and observing the overall idea of those events creating a generalization in a specific area. Those generalizations then become a collection of domain specific self-schemas creating ones self-concept. Self-schema in turn motivates one’s behavior in two ways. First, a person desires to be perceived by others as how they view themselves. When someone views them as introverted instead of extroverted, they are motivated to change their behavior to produce feedback that is consistent with their personal view of themselves. Secondly, self-schemas motivate one to obtain their desired self. They seek to act in a way that will assistance them in reaching their future self. Self-schemas can also influence a person’s actions to accommodate their desired possible self. One’s possible self is much like their desired future self—they type of person one would like to be or what they are afraid of becoming. When ones actions are not consistent with their beliefs, tension occur called cognitive dissonance. When this takes place, a person is motivated to reduce this discrepancy through removing or reducing the dissonant belief, or adding and increasing the importance of the consonant believe.
Three other major fundamentals to self is identity, agency and self-regulation. Identity is who one is within society. A person can hold many identities. Each of those identities establish how one acts in their situation. For instance, a student exerts behaviors such as being attentive, listening, and following directions in the classroom. However, at a job, that student may identify as an employee who exerts behaviors consistent with an employee. In these situations, identity-confirming behaviors are displayed. We can predict and understand ones behaviors when we understand their identity. Agency is a concept proposing that people are active. One begins to develop personal potential through agency. Self-regulation is managing one’s self is attain their goals. In doing this, there are three steps: forethought, performance and self-reflection. Forethought is the initial setting of goals, which flows into performance. Lastly, self-reflection is evaluation one over the performance.
The most surprising thing I learned was about self-esteem. I thought that self-esteem would increase your achievement because you would do better with a high self-esteem. I was always encouraged to increase my self-esteem and I would produce better results on a test, or some other aspect of life. However, the book points out that it is the other way around.
This chapter really taught me the overall picture of self-concept. I didn’t realize how many parts there were to establishing a self-concept and how it can motivation one to do something. I also didn’t realize how important ones identity can be in establishing self-concept. It’s interesting to understand the concept of the people you associate with, or the way you present yourself can motivate you. I think this will help me set goals on who I want to be in the future. It will give me guidance to becoming my possible self.

Self-concept, self-schemas, personal self, feedback, cognitive dissonance, insufficient justification, effort justification, identity, identity-conforming behavior, agency, identity-confirming behaviors, self-regulation, forethought, performance, self-reflection

Chapter 10 is about the self, self-concept, identity, agency and self-regulation. The book discusses topics related to the self such as defining the self, relating to society, and developing potential. Self-concept is having a set of beliefs that the person will use to define who they are based on specific self-schemas. Self-schemas are generalizations about yourself in certain areas that you have developed over time from past experiences. Someone’s self-concepts can be comprised of many different self-schemas. For example, I know that when it comes to singing and performing on stage, I feel as though I am a natural and in my element. However, when it comes to public speaking, I am a nervous wreck and will ultimately come across as a babbling moron. Next, the book explains that there is a concept known as the “possible self”. Your possible self is what you desire to become or what you are afraid of becoming. If our possible self differs from what we perceive our self-schema as being, it can motivate us to change our self-schema by initiating goal-directed behavior. Cognitive dissonance is when your thoughts differ from your actual behaviors. When this happens, it creates a psychological tension which motivates people to engage in certain ways to reduce the tension. They can remove the dissonant belief, reduce the importance of the dissonant belief, add a new consonant belief, or increase the importance of the consonant belief. Another concept found in the book refers to identity and roles. Identity refers to how an individual relates to society and who they are within a cultural context. Even though people are placed into various cultural of social groups, they have individual identities which set them apart from others. These people adapt roles which help them to direct their behaviors in certain ways. People can have numerous different roles (each with its own set of behaviors) in society and can change our behaviors according to which role we currently inhabit. Examples of roles are mother, father, student, worker, brother, sister, professor, therapist, etc.
The thing that I found interesting in this chapter was the research found on self-esteem had how it relates to your level of achievement. It is a common misconception that raising one’s self-esteem will help increase one’s level of achievement. However, it’s the exact opposite. Increasing your level of achievement helps to increase your level of self-esteem. It really makes sense when you think about it. When you are achieving goals and challenges, you tend to feel better about yourself and your abilities. You can’t really feel better about yourself when you fail. What’s the point in building up your self-esteem when you’re only going to knock it back down when you fail at what you are trying to be successful at?
The self has a lot to do with motivation. Individuals are motivated to perform behaviors that are consistent with their self-schema and stay away from those that are not. This draws us to things we are familiar with and causes us to have anxiety in situations we have never been in before. With that being said, when we develop a gap between our consistent self and our possible self, we are motivated to attempt to reach our ideal self and will engage in behaviors that make it more likely to achieve that. This knowledge helps me motivate myself towards my goals because I have had the opportunity to experience what it would be like to be a probation officer through my internship. Knowing what to expect and engaging in the behaviors first hand, I was able to develop a self-schema of how I would be able to handle myself on the job (I know I have strong organizational skills which my supervisor described as a “true asset” in this field). I was also able to see first-hand what areas and skills I need to strengthen before I achieve my goal (developing more confidence and self-efficacy in my ability to communicate with offenders one-on-one and in a group setting). Being able to develop these self-schemas has helped me to reduce the anxiety that stems from not knowing what to expect. However, the anxiety to perform well in my communication skills still exists but I am motivated to change that.

Terms: self, self-concept, identity, agency and self-regulation, self-schemas, possible selves, cognitive dissonance, identity, roles, self-esteem, consistent self,

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” - Dr. Seuss. As evident throughout this entire book, everyone is unique. These unique qualities are part of what determines “The Self.” The Self has to go through four basic steps. These problems are identified as “Self-concept (defining the self), identity (relating the self to society), agency (developing personal potential), and self regulation (managing the self).”

How would you describe the self? Generalizations that you form cognitively from past experiences are defined by the book as “Self-Schemas.” These self-schemas are specific to areas and domains of one’s life. They are then collected to create one’s self-concept. A person’s self concept fuels motivation in two ways: the consistent self and the possible self. Self Schemas direct behavior to keep confirm who the self is (consistent self), while shcmeas also direct you to who you want to become. (possible self). Through cognitive dissonance theory, this leads people to get aspirations and goals.
Identity is how the self relates to society, in a cultural context. People assume social roles and stick to these behaviors. For example, I am a “theater major,” so I might find that I am overly animated when I tell stories, interact with people, etc.
Agency is the self’s motivation. Intrinsic motivations cause the self to differentiate preferences and interests, and then untie itself with integration. The self tires to get self-congruence, when its goals enhance well-being and self confidance. Self regulation is how a person keeps tabs on how goal-setting and goal-striving is going.

One thing that struck my fancy in this chapter is how much of The Self and the actions deriving from them are subconscious. The book discusses how The Self is motvated by self-concept, identity, agency, and self-regulation. However, most of these are not conscious processes. In today’s society, there is always so much push to “be whatever you want to be.” While I am firm proponent to that concept, I think it is fascinating how little conscious control we have over the motivations derived from self. Take for example, identity. Many identities we claim are not from a conscious decision: son, nerd, etc. We can’t control the past, we have little conscious control over our self-schemas either. So I still firmly advocate for “being who you want to be,” I would say a more accurate phrase is “Be whoever you want to be, within the context of the opportunities and Self that you already are.”

As evidenced by the chapter, the self has everything to do with motivation. Our self-concepts and shcemas drive our behavior to stay who we are or become who we want to be. Our self agencies entails us to take action towards goals and aspirations. This knowledge helps me understand better how motivation works. Many of the actions and behaviors of my life that I engage in are based on forming and maintaining my Self.

Chapter ten begins by describing 6 key points about psychological well-being: self-acceptance, positive interpersonal relations, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. Each of these factors contributes to a person’s over all well-being. The chapter then discussed the motivational properties of the self. Self concept, identity, agency, and self-regulation are all motivational properties of the self. Self-esteem, however, does not increase motivation. People have a mental representation of themselves which is called their self-concept. They construct their self-concept through experience and reflection of their experiences. In order to do this they must attend to feedback that they receive in their daily lives. The feedback provides them with a sense of their attributes, characteristics, and preferences. People also have self-schemas which are cognitive generalizations about the self that are “domain specific” and also learned through experience. Domain specific means that for different situations, their self-schema may change. For example, I am athletic and intelligent and I have made these generalizations about myself through being a successful athlete and student. These self-schemas can motivate my behavior by directing me to situations that will elicit positive feedback from others. They also motivate me to move my present self towards my ideal self. For example, being a successful student in the past motivates me to continue working hard and getting good grades. Feedback, however, is not always consistent with our beliefs about our self. Inconsistencies between feedback from others and our self-concept lead to a discrepancy and a motivational property. We may either, take what the person says and discredit what we originally believed about ourselves, or we can have “self-concept certainty” and discount the feedback we were given. Self-concept certainty is basically how confident we feel that our self-concept is a valid one. Working towards a “possible self” means realizing that there are attributes, characteristics, or abilities that we do not yet fully possess but would like to in the future. When we reach our ideal possible self and it becomes incorporated as our new current self, we will adapt our self-schema to fit our new self. There are situations where a person does not act in accordance with his or her self and they experience a psychologically uncomfortable feeling called cognitive dissonance. However, this dissonance between what one believes about the self and how one behaves can be removed. A person can remove or change their dissonant belief, reduce the importance of that belief, add a new belief that is consonant with the behavior, or increase the importance of the consonant belief. There are certain situations that elicit dissonance. For example, when people make a difficult choice they feel dissonance afterwards. To resolve the dissonance people will usually view their choice more positively and view the other option as more negative. What I found really interesting about this is that people who are still in the decision making process have less confidence in their ability to make the decision than people who have already made their decision. If a person has insufficient justification for a behavior they will often add a new consonant belief for the behavior. For example, if someone were to donate a large amount of money to a charity, their new consonant belief could be to think “I am generous”. One other very interesting thing from this chapter was that “the attractiveness of a task increases as a direct function of the magnitude of effort expended to complete it”. The cognitive dissonance theory argues that people will change their beliefs when there is a negative emotional state of dissonance. However, the self-perception theory argues that people change their beliefs because of self-observations of their own behavior. This theory argues that we come to believe whatever it is we do or say. I think I agree more with the cognitive dissonance theory because it is less extreme. I don’t think that just because people alter the way they look at a situation, in order to feel better, means that they actually come to believe what they did or said. The chapter then discussed identity as the means through which the self relates to society. Every person has many different roles at one time. Roles are the cultural expectations for specific social positions. So, for example some of my roles would be student, daughter, friend, girlfriend, and sister. Each role has its own cultural expectations that can either complement each other or contradict each other. It is important to understand which roles are appropriate for which situation. For example, when in class I am not going to act like I would with my friends on the weekends, instead I will act according to my role as a student. The chapter pointed out that my identity is what determines which behaviors and emotions are right for certain situations. Agency is a person’s intrinsic motivation which leads them to certain actions. The process of integrating the complexities of our roles and our self into a coherent whole is important for two reasons. First, because it allows us to satisfy our need for relatedness and second, because it helps us satisfy our need for competence. Integration of the whole self allows us to have meaningful relationships with others and to interact effectively with our environment. The chapter also discussed self regulation and self monitoring as important motivational features. When we evaluate the quality of our performances we make a judgment about our abilities and our current self. These are important because they can either cause cognitive dissonance or they can be identity-confirming behaviors. We learn to self regulate at a young age by watching what others do and imitating that behavior. Then we learn to monitor our own behavior and make sure that it is consistent and appropriate. The last think I thought was interesting was that subjective well-being is more about what a person is striving for than it is about what a person actually attains. I thought this was interesting because life isn’t about having the most money or the highest status; it is about the things that have actual meaning. Intrinsic motivation is key to being happy in life, and that is what we all should strive for.
TERMS: psychological well-being, autonomy, self-esteem, agency, identity, self-concept, self-regulation, self-schemas, self-concept certainty, possible self/current self, cognitive dissonance, cognitive dissonance theory, self-perception theory, role, integration, intrinsic motivation, personal strivings

“The Self and its Strivings” is an analysis of domain-specific self-schemas, or a set of beliefs an individual used to conceptualize his or herself in settings such as school, work, family, and as an individual. The Self is a dynamic entity, with a past, present, and future. And as something that is “created,” there are four main areas that contribute to its manifestation: (1) defining or creating the self, (2) relating the self to society, (3) discovering and developing personal potential, and (4) managing or regulating the self. Once a self-concept has been established, this is the baseline by which all future change is measured. In this way, having a well-developed self schema can actually facilitate change, while having a weakly-developed self schema can cause personal confusion and instability. A well-developed self-schema (or confidence in “who” we are) helps us make decisions and confidently predict our own future behaviors, resist counter schematic information about our self, and can act as a motivating factor via cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is “a state of tension that occurs when an individual simultaneously holds two cognitions (ideas, attitudes, beliefs, opinions) that are psychologically inconsistent with one another.” In other words, it is the warning sign of hypocrisy. Those who have a strong sense of self will either change their beliefs or change their behaviors in order to remain consistent. Most people will justify their actions, beliefs, and feelings in a rationalizing way. Those with a weak sense of self have a lesser awareness of hypocritical behaviors and beliefs. Self-schemas also generate motivation to move the present self toward a desired future self, making one more likely to achieve goals and succeed in endeavors. This “future self” is often based on one’s observations of others and then is aspired toward.

This idea of a dynamic self in a constant metamorphosis is further described by the concepts of differentiation and integration. Differentiation “expands and elaborates the self into an ever-increasing complexity, while integration synthesizes that emerging complexity into a coherent whole, preserving a sense of a single, cohesive self.” Much of our identity is based on the society in which we live, therefore, some self-structures reflect the core self, while others only reflect and reproduce the society we exist within.

Self-Regulation (or “metacognitive monitoring”) is just as important in our strivings for self as it is in striving for any other achievement goals in life. The process of Forethought to Action to Reflection is a dynamic motivational system that establishes goal setting and strategic planning, provides feedback via discrepancies (obstacles, difficulties, distractions, interruptions), and self-monitoring and self-evaluation allow the reflection necessary to make judgments that compare current performance to the possible or expected goal state.

The most surprising to me is the link between self-worth and being open to experience. I would have never drawn a connection or correlation between the two. I, personally, fit 5 of the 6 descriptors of those who are open to experience, and therefore “value the self for who one is.” And yet, I often think of myself as somewhat insecure and in need of others’ approval. I am honest and self-disclosing during interpersonal interactions (to a fault!), I take responsibility for my behaviors and do not hide or distort information to deceive others, I engage in few activities to escape self-awareness (I don’t watch much TV or many movies or play video games), I rarely take experience altering substances, and I prefer interactions with others who fulfill innate needs rather than with those who promote extrinsic goals such as image or wealth. The only one I’d question is in showing less defensiveness, including criticism of others. While I don’t much care what others think of me, I DO tend to be highly critical – often because I wish others were more like me! This sounds conceited, but it’s just that I feel like I’ve got a few things figured out that I wish others could understand! On the flip side, I would have never figured that the opposite of all of those statements indicates one who has a weak or low sense of self-worth. That explains the behaviors of a lot of people I know, and how sad that is! It reminds me of the Dr. Seuss Quote, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind, don’t matter, and those who matter, don’t mind!” I’ve always said, “I learn, therefore I am.” And that any experience we can learn from is worthwhile. Part of my sense of self-worth is in knowing that I am free to change – to make mistakes, change my mind, be wrong – and in the process to learn and grow. There is no shame in that, only strength.

ME terms used: Domain, self-schema, dynamic, personal potential, cognitive dissonance, rationalizing, motivation, present self, future self, differentiation, integration, identity, society, self-regulation, discrepancies, self-monitoring, self-regulation, reflection, expected goal state, self-worth

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