Ray Due 10/27 @ midnight


This week's topical blog will be devoted to your analysis of the movie Ray.

You are to determine which chapters (1-9) are most relevant to this movie.

Watch the movie. Take notes.

Next, write your comment. Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Your comment should be an in-depth analysis of one or more principles from your text. You should use scenes and characters to provide examples of textbook concepts. Your comment should reflect that you are in an upper division, university level Motivation and Emotion course and clearly link elements from the movie to the textbook.  This is a comprehensive assignment (linking course lectures, textbook, and the movie) and you cannot do that in just a few short paragraphs.

BE SPECIFIC. At the bottom of your comment, please put a list of the ME terms you used.


Ray’s interest in the piano began intrinsically. He would sneak into the store just to watch the man playing the piano. When the man began to teach him to play, he did it without any reward or external regulation. This type of interest is referred to as intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation causes an individual to search out moderately difficult tasks. It gives them the motivation to master these tasks. When intrinsic motivation exists within an individual, they will be more likely to persist, be creative, understand and learn better, and function most optimally. In the beginning, Ray was simply interested in the piano because it made him happy. He enjoyed learning this skill and felt the need to master it. He persisted with it even through his blindness. He was able to understand complex music and master it. When Ray began to receive money for his work, extrinsic motivation was introduced to the situation. Extrinsic motivation comes from environmental incentives and consequences. His various managers used incentives to keep him working for them. These incentives were consequences that Ray was aware of before he played a show. They used money to keep him interested. Soon, Ray began playing the piano for external reasons such as money. He began to worry more about what he was getting paid than the music. The Cognitive Evaluation Theory suggests that all external events provide a controlling and informational aspect. This lowers an individual’s Perceived Locus of Control. Ray felt that he wasn’t being treated right by his first managers. He felt used and that he had no control over the situation. Cognitive Evaluation Theory also suggests that events that increase perceived competence increase intrinsic motivation. When Ray was in the studio, he was unable to give his new manager the “sound” that he wanted. He became discouraged and wanted to give up. Ray’s manager suggested a new idea, and Ray was able to achieve what he was looking for. This perceived level of competence caused an increase in his intrinsic motivation. This manifested itself in a greater degree of persistence.
Another important aspect of this movie was Ray’s personal control beliefs. When Ray lost his sight at the age of seven, he felt little was in his control. His mother wouldn’t allow him to give up though. She was determined to teach him to be independent and self-reliant. Two types of expectancy exist. The first is efficacy expectations. Efficacy expectations are the judgment of one’s ability to execute a particular act or course of action. Soon after losing his sight, Ray’s mother tried to teach him to walk down the stairs. She told him that it would now be important to remember where things are so he can make his way around. By working on this, he increased his efficacy expectations. In his day to day life, he felt capable of walking around by himself, even remembering where his hotel was from many blocks away. He did this without the use of a dog or a cane. He used his own techniques (such as his shoes) to get around. This would contribute to his outcome expectation. This would be his belief that what he was doing would result in the desired outcome. He knew that if he remembered the route he was taking, he would be able to get himself home without the assistance of others. Because of this, he was more motivated to use these types of memories to make his way around. This two components contributed to Ray’s large amount of self-efficacy. He relied greatly on his sense of hearing to get through his everyday life. The book states self-efficacy as “that generative capacity in which the performer improvises ways to best translate personal abilities into effective performance”. He used his strengths (his sense of hearing) to compensate for his weaknesses (his sense of sight). The book also sates that self efficacy is the ability to organize and orchestrate our skills to cope with the demands we may face. Ray used the resources he had to function in the world.
There are many sources of self efficacy. The first being personal behavior history. Ray knew that he had navigated himself around successfully many times. At first with his mother and eventually on his own. This led to him being confident that he could ride a boss across the country, to somewhere he had never been, and start a new life there. Self-efficacy can also come from vicarious experience. Vicarious experience involves observing a model enact the same course of action the performer is about to enact. This could be seen when his mother said that she would first show him how to do something the first time, the second time he could ask questions, and the third time he was on his own. The first time he learned through vicarious experience. Verbal persuasion is another source of self-efficacy. When Ray is in the van, the driver asks him how he manages to get around without a dog or a cane. Ray replies that he uses his shoes to determine where doors are. The driver says it’s “cool” how Ray can do that, and that makes Ray happy. This type of encouragement can act as verbal persuasion for an individual. A physiological state is another way to gain self efficacy. When Ray was first learning to cope with his blindness, pain and confusion were obstacles he often encountered. He had to get through these things to be able to practice working on his own. When he fell out of the rocking chair and was crying for his mother, she left him there to figure it out for himself. He overcame this pain and stood up. This worked to increase his level of self-efficacy.

Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, persistence, creativity, conceptual understanding, optimal functioning, mastery, incentives, Cognitive Evaluation Theory, Perceived Locus of Control, perceived competence, personal control beliefs, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self efficacy, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological states

Ray is a very motivational and inspiring movie and it contains many aspects to motivation and emotion. When Ray first went blind I got a feeling he experienced a sense of learned helplessness due to the blindness. Learned helplessness is they psychological state that results when an individual expects that life's outcomes are uncontrolable. Ray, with the help of his mother's explaination, come to realize that there was nothing he could do to stop himself from coming blind and that he just had to accept the fate of him coming completely blind. You could tell this scared Ray at first because he was constantly crying and sad that he was going blind, but then he accepted this fate and was soon motivated to learn how to live in a world of darkness. He strived to learn ways in how to live and perform activites by himself and on his own.
When Ray was younger you could tell that he was highly intrinsiccally motivated. He really loved the piano and he would sneak off into the convience store just to listen to that older gentelman play music, even when he was told he is not to do that. Intrinsic motivations is the inherent propensity to engage one's interests and to exercise one's capactities and, in doing so, to see out and master optiaml challenges. Ray was so intrinisically motivated by music and the piano that he continued to sneek to that gentleman and he kept asking him to teach him how to learn the piano. He conitnued to have a great sense of intrinsic motivation later in life as well, because Ray recieved negative feedback from others many times but he didn't give up his dream of creating music and kept pursing the career that he loved and the action of singing which he adored.
You could also get a sense that Ray was had a high sense of autonomy. Autonomy is when an individual desires the choice and decision-making flexibility. We want to be the one who decides what to do, when to do it, how to do it, when to stop doing it, and whether or not to do it at all. This first is evident when Ray trips of the chair and he falls down and yells at his mom for help. When his mom doesn't respond or help, Ray had the choice to not do anything and wait for his mom or do something and learn how to manuvure around in his world alone. Ray form there on decided to take control of his life and learned how to use his ears to guide and help him. Ray also has high autonomy later in life. When Ray made it to the singing scene and had managers, he did what he wanted usually and not what they wanted. He didn't want to be conrolled by other people and have them make the deicsion for his music career for him, so he took control of his life and the decision he wanted to make. Ray also had a high sense of creativity that was associated with his intrinsic motivations. Creativity is typically undermined by controlling events, in this case Ray controlled the music he created. Ray loved gospel music and current styles of music, so he added those to aspects together and created his own style of music. This brought Ray a feelings of enjoyment, satisfaction, and a challenge to him which he loved.
One things that was a major assest to Ray's autonomy was his mother. Ray's mom had a very autonomy-supportive motivating style. She encouraged Ray not to give up in life and told him to make his own decisions in life. An autonomy-supportive motiviating style is a person's willingness to take the other's perspective and to value personal growth and opportunities during and activity. Ray's mom encouraged him to continue to play the piano and strive to continue to learn how to live life to his fullest. She told Ray to never let somebody make him feel like a handicap.
Ray also experienced the social need for intimacy and relatedness. He meant Ms. Bee and he developed a close intimate relationship with her. Intimacy is the willingness to experience a warm, close, and communicative exchange with another person. Ray found this close relationship with Bee and could relate and share a close feelings with her about things.
Terms: Learned Helplessness, Intrinsic Motivation, Autonomy, Autonomy-Supportive Motivating Style, Creativity, Intimacy

The movie Ray was probably one of the best movies I have ever seen. It was very inspirational. It made me laugh and cry. Ray was a man who had lost his younger brother at a very young age. He felt a sense of responsibility from the death because he didn’t help. Although this happened when Ray was only a little boy he still has flash backs and major anxiety from the past. In this movie there are many things that take place that refer to our readings. A lot of them I found in chapters 5 and 6. Chapter five is all about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In the movie Ray shows both of these traits. At the beginning of the movie Ray is very intrigued with the piano. He has been watching people play it for years before he even got taught by the old man in the shop. One day when Ray snuck in to watch the man play the man asked him if he would like to learn. The man taught him to play three notes; he said that’s all you need to know. Ray was a very gifted and talented person when it came to the piano. He pursued it because that’s what he wanted to do; he thought it was fun. Intrinsic motivation is when a person is innately interested in a task for their own enjoyment. This means that there were no external stimuli pushing Ray to play the piano. As Ray got older and people realized his talent he then was extrinsically motivated because people were paying him for his work. Extrinsic motivation occurs when an outside stimulus is introduced to a task to make it more appealing to a person. External regulations such as incentives, consequences, and rewards are used through operant conditioning. Ray had many incentives that strived him to play; he also had consequences if he didn’t play. Intrinsic motivation is much more effective on people and once Ray was introduced to these extrinsic motivators he was playing the piano not because it made him happy anymore but because of the money and external stimuli that kept him doing it. Once he became completely wrapped up in the music business, Ray felt like he had no control over what he could or could not play. The movie showed some qualities from chapter eight as well. He had plans to have a wonderful wife and start a family but he also had his other life where he was on the road, doing drugs, and trying to find himself in his music. There was a discrepancy between those two different life styles because it is hard to live both lives at once. A discrepancy is a representation of how far we are from our present state to our ideal state. The present state is how we currently perform and our ideal state is where we desire to be.

Chapter six had a lot to do with this movie. Chapter six is all about our psychological needs. The three needs the book talks about are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy is having the choice to do something or the choice of what option to take. Ray shows autonomy in the movie by using his ears for guidance. He wants to be able to do everything on his own and hates it when he cant. When his first girl friend from his first job tries to tell him to not make chicken in the dark and takes more money from him then she is really supposed to he ups and leaves right then and there. It was a choice made by him to take control of the situation. He doesn’t want people to feel sorry for him because he is blind but he doesn’t want people to take advantage of him either! Competence is the psychological need that must feel effective, or feel good about oneself. As humans we need to know that we are being effective and can have that self-esteem. Ray shows competence in the movie because he does feel good about himself when he plays the piano. He knows he is very talented in this area. When he develops his own personal style of music that has a gospel twist to it he shows even more competence. Relatedness is the psychological need to success at creating and maintaining close relationships and bonds with other people. Ray lacked this at first when he started in the music business because the people he was working for were taking advantage of his blindness. When he started his second job on the road he also lacked relatedness because everyone was excluding him from the things they were doing. Ray started doing hard drugs to fit in and get that since of relatedness. Ray learned many things through his journey through life. The hardest thing he had to do on his own was learn self-efficacy. He is a very strong individual, and this was shown throughout the movie. Even as a little boy, scared and alone, he made it through his long and inspiring journey.

Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, incentives, consequences, competence, self efficacy, autonomy, relatedness, psychological needs, and self-esteem.

Ray Robinson or Ray Charles had some very traumatic experiences as a young boy. He saw his younger brother die right in front of him and then he lost his vision completely. He became trapped in darkness and his only visual memories were of that terrible accident that killed his brother. Being blind meant that he would have to become independent and he would have to learn how to survive on his other senses. His mother was firm with him and forced him to become self reliant. It was because of his mother that Ray learned how to do things for himself. She told him that no one would feel sorry for him just because he was blind and that stuck with him.
Ray demonstrated a lot of competence in his music abilities and he knew that he was good at what he did. However, at the same time, Ray struggled to do certain things because he was blind. In these situations his competence was low. He did not have effective interactions with his environment and sometimes the challenges he faced were too difficult. When he fell as a young boy in his house, he cried out for his mother who was watching him lying on the floor. She refused to say anything or to help him because she knew he would have to learn how to do things on his own. At first, he felt helpless and his competence was low but as he stood up and started moving around and reaching out to feel things, Ray became successful in his environment and his competence rose. He did have high self efficacy for his music abilities. He knew that he could play the piano brilliantly and he knew he was talented. This was important because obviously Ray faced a lot of challenges because he was blind, but having this high self efficacy in his music allowed him to be persistent and successful.
I think Ray demonstrated a high need for achievement. He worked very hard to see that he became successful. He had a lot of cognitive influences such as his perception of his musical ability and his high expectations for success that led to him striving for achievement. He definitely took a mastery goal oriented approach behavior to his music. He wanted to make progress and overcome his challenge of being blind. He demonstrated persistence and effort. Ray also showed he valued performance goals. He demonstrated his high ability and competence and he succeeded with little apparent effort. However, he got that way because he worked hard as a young boy which showed that he did have a mastery goal oriented behavior.
Ray’s need for his own personal power was intense. He didn’t want to be pitied by others he wanted to show them that he had control over his environment, even though he was blind. He acted aggressively in order to show that he had control, influence, and power in his life.
He wanted to demonstrate his autonomy and show others that he had self direction and that he had control over his behaviors and environment. Ray had lost his family so he had to learn how to rely on himself instead of others. His need for affiliation and intimacy were very low at the beginning. He didn’t really engage in warm, close, positive interpersonal relationships. He didn’t much care about what others thought about him. He demonstrated that when he started creating music that incorporated gospel and rock n roll. There were people who strongly disagreed with his music, but he didn’t care.
TERMS: competence, self efficacy, autonomy, helplessness, power, aggression, effort, persistence, achievement, mastery goals, performance goals, approach behavior, cognitive influences, perceptions, expectations, affiliation, intimacy,

This movie was very good and it related to several concepts in our book. The first thing I noticed from the book that was in the movie was when Ray would sneak into the store to watch the man play the piano even though he knew he would get in trouble if he got caught in there by his mom. Ray was intrinsically motivated after the man taught him how to play the piano one day while Ray was watching him. Intrinsic motivation is when people act out of interest and do things because they find them fun, and for the sense of challenge the activity at hand provides. Ray also showed persistence with this piano playing. The higher a person’s intrinsic motivation, the greater their persistence is on that particular task. Ray was persistent when it came to playing the piano because he really enjoyed doing this activity. Ray continued playing the piano all throughout his life, even when he was blind. When Ray was offered some good performance and record deals, his intrinsic motivation for his love of playing the piano shifted to extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation arises from environmental incentives and consequences, such as money and drugs for Ray. Ray knew if he continued to become a big shot he could continue using heroin, which he was addicted to. If Ray did not make all this money from doing concerts and recording songs, he would not be able to support his bad habit and buy expensive things for his band members, wife, and kids. In a way Ray used fame and his money as an excuse to do drugs and cheat on his wife, which was a “do this and you will get that” behavioral contract for him. Ray also had many reinforcements in his career, with one being the big paychecks. A reinforcement is an extrinsic event that increases behavior.

When Ray was a young child he started to become blind. Ray’s mother taught his autonomy. Autonomy is the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. Ray’ mother told him that he had to learn fast so he could get around on his own without a cane or a dog. So one day when Ray fell in the house and was screaming for his mom, she just let him lay there and figure it out himself. He began moving towards the fire and felt it was hot so backed away, then he maneuvered himself until he found the cricket he was hearing and then picked it up and handed it to his mother who he heard standing next to him. Ray also learned how to tell if there was a door way or not by listening to the echo of his wood bottomed shoes as he was walking next to the wall. Ray was autonomous or self-determined thanks to his mother to learn how to get around the world by himself.

Ray also showed volition in the movie when it came to cheating on his wife and doing drugs. Volition is an unpressured willingness to engage in an activity. A lot of famous men may feel pressured to act out in certain ways when fame hits them. However, I feel as if Ray wanted to cheat on his wife so he had a woman to be with on the road, and I know he wanted to do drugs. Ray walked into a room where his band members were shooting heroin in their arms, and he asked them if he could join. They told him that it was strong and that he should not do it, but Ray wanted to do it because of his volition.

I see Ray as a very competent man, when many would people would expect him to be less competent than people who are not blind. Competence is the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and it reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges. Ray had more challenges than most people did in life, and he found a way to beat those challenges and become a very successful man in the music industry. Ray may have been as competent as he was because of the feedback he was receiving from his talent of playing the piano and recording albums. Ray received a lot of positive feedback from his fans, band mates, and bosses, which in turn boosted his competence level through the roof. Performance feedback, supplies the information individuals need to formulate a cognitive evaluation of their perceived level of competence.

Terms: Intrinsic motivation, persistence, extrinsic motivation, reinforcement, autonomy, volition, competence, positive feedback.

I almost wish I hadn't of watched the movie Ray because it made me almost lose some respect for Ray Charles. Ray started off as a poor boy with good intentions. He loved the piano and was intrinsically motivated to learn everything about it. His inability to see enabled him to master the piano through his sense of hear. His mother was the main source of his motivation throughout the entire movie, although it seemed as though he lost touch with the real message his mother was trying to say to teach him. When Ray did become blind at age 7, his mother did not take it easy on him, she forced him to learn how to carry out activities of daily living as though he could still see. A very powerful scene for me in the movie was during a flashblack when little Ray falls down and yells for his mother help. Instead of running over to help him up, Ray's mother stands in silence and watches as Ray explores around the room. When Ray catches a cricket on the floor and tells his mother that he can hear her and points to where she is in the room, they embrace in a very meaningful hug. To me, this showed a great deal of postivie feedback for Ray and shows him that although he may be far away from it, he will eventually become competent in living life as blind person.
As Ray ventures out into the world to pursue his piano career, he is met with many greedy people that take advantage of him.Instead of accepting that that is how life will be for him, Ray stands up for what he knows is right and ventures out on his own, showing a great deal of persistence. Ray finally gets signed by Atlantic Records and this is when we see Ray start his personal downward spiral while maintaing a successful music career. Rays love for music quickly turns extrinsic. Instead of enjoying the simple thrill of music and entertaining others, Ray becomes more motivated by the money he earns froom his music. The more money he has, the more heroine he can do. At first, the money and drugs starts off as a postivie feedback for Ray. Almost as a sign that he made it. However, towards the end of the movie, the drugs turn into negative feedback for Ray. It is a reminder that he messed up what started off as a great intention.
Another thing that I found interesting in this movie was MariAnn's extreme devotion to Ray. Even after they had their two boys together, Ray was still using drugs and cheating. MariAnn knew this the whole time but she still stayed in the marriage. I couldn't help but wonder why she did this? How were the cost not outweighing the rewards in this situation is what I kept thinking? Then in the end, we see MariAnn finally threaten to leave Ray. She makes it clear that he love for Ray is infact intrinsic and not extrinsic, all the fancy things that she has gotten from Ray's success meant nothing to her, she just wanted the man back that she fell in love with so many years ago.
Physiological needs was also played out very often in this movie but not in the same way we learned about them in the book. Ray's body became dependent on his drug use. Instead of waking up and being feeling hunger or thirst like most of us do, Ray craved heroine. He was completely addicted and his body was fully dependent. We see Ray struggle to kick his addiction while he is Rehab, similar to someone who is suddenly taken away from food and water sources.
Social needs were also prevalent in the movie. Ray started off wanting intimacy with people close to him, However, as he starts to betray just about everyone that was every good to him, he becomes more dependent on the need for affiliation. That way he can simply appear to have it all together when in reality, Ray is suffering just about the whole movie.
It isn't until the end of the movie that Ray regains the intrinsic motivation and free spirit that he once had as a little boy and young adult. Throughout the whole movie, it is clear that Ray needs to have a sence of autonomy. He is always wanting to do what he wants and stays that way the whole movie. It is nice to see that Ray finally starts using his autonomy for positive things instead of negative things.

Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, autonomy, affiliation, intimacy, persistence, postive feedback, negative feedback, costs, rewards, and comptence.

Ray contains several concepts related to motivation. First of all, Ray was very intrinsically motivated to play the piano. He was drawn to it at a young age without needing any extrinsic motivation. He became very talented, which only increased his intrinsic motivation to play. Intrinsic motivation increases persistence and creativity on a particular task, which was demonstrated in Ray. He was able to write his own songs and do things with them that no one had ever done before. He did this because it is what he enjoyed doing, and no one had to reward him. However, extrinsic motivation was added to his intrinsic motivation for playing when he began receiving money to play. For the rest of the movie, he goes with whatever deal gets him the most money and he is always concerned about whether he is getting cheated or not. This does not take away his intrinsic motivation for playing, which is shown when he finally becomes convinced to go to rehab by his wife. She does this by telling him they will take away his music, something he loves more than anything. This finally makes him realize that he needs to get clean and the thought of losing his music was the motivation he needed, showing that he still loves it whether he got paid for it or not.
The psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness are some other concepts that are shown in this movie. Ray has a high need for autonomy, probably because he had some unfortunate things happen in his life that he cannot change. His brother drowned, which he could have possibly prevented, but after it happened, he couldn’t change it. The death of his brother still haunted him and caused him a lot of anxiety. He also had no control over going blind. His mother helped him to see this and she taught him that he needed to be responsible for himself and not rely on others, even though he was blind. The scene where he falls down and calls for his mom is when he realizes that he can gain some control over his life by using his sense of hearing. His mom used an autonomy supportive motivational style because she helped him learn to function on his own despite his blindness rather than relying on other people. She kept him from experiencing learned helplessness and realize he did have some control.
At the beginning of the movie, Ray had little control over his career. He had other people controlling him and he realized this when they wouldn’t let him talk to a guy from a record company. Once he realized what was going on, he did something about it and left those people. This was his first step in gaining control over his career. Personal control beliefs are the motivation to exercise personal control, which he was able to increase once he met Ms. Bee, his future wife. When they first went out together at a restaurant, she makes him realize he can write his own songs instead of just doing what the people want to hear. He has low self efficacy with this at first and fears what people will think. He felt that his environment didn’t afford him many choices and that he had to play what people wanted rather than what he wanted. Ray says to her, “When you’re blind, you aint got that many choices.” She makes him recognize his talent and that he does have choices. His self efficacy is increased enough that he does something completely new with his music, because he believes that he can, and he combines R and B with gospel. People love everything new he puts out and as he becomes more famous, his environment affords him more and more control. He is able to play whatever he wants, which is shown when he plays a country song, and people still like it. He is also able to tell the record companies how he wants things done instead of the other way around. Ray never realized how much his actions could affect his environment until he goes to Georgia to play. The concert is segregated and the crowd wants him to do something about it. At first he says there is nothing he can do, then he realizes that he can do something. He refuses to play and makes an impact on the black community.
Ray was deprived of his need for relatedness most of his life. He didn’t develop close emotional bonds with others and people did not treat him very well. He was left at the bar by his band mates because they didn’t want to “babysit” him. This was the attitude many people had towards him, and I think this could have been what drove him to cheat on his wife multiple times and do drugs. He now had women who wanted to be with him and he didn’t want to be alone on the road. His need for competence is satisfied as he keeps getting better and better at writing songs and playing in front of crowds. He was happiest when all of his psychological needs were being satisfied. His need for autonomy was satisfied when he took control of his career and was able to play whatever he wanted, his need for competence was satisfied because he was making a living doing what he was good at, and his need for relatedness was better satisfied once he got married and started a family.
Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, persistence, creativity, psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, autonomy supportive motivating style, learned helplessness, personal control beliefs, self efficacy, affordances.

The film “Ray” encapsulates several aspects of motivation and emotion discussed in material for this course. All of the elements could quite possibly be highlighted in instances throughout this movie and every movie we watch. But for the purpose of this blog, I will explain the concepts that are most obvious to me.
All of Ray’s choices throughout the film can be linked to biology. Because he is human, he has innate, evolutionarily designed, biological systems that function in a natural manner, beyond his control. Having said this, one key, biological, agent influencing Ray’s choices is the neurotransmitter known as dopamine. While his Amygdala is subconsciously assessing threat and danger in Ray’s life, and his hypothalamus is focused on food and water, his dopamine receptors are focusing on moments that generate positive feelings. One very powerful positive feeling Ray begins to dabble in is the sedation and euphoria of Heroin. He first tries the drug with his friend on the road and it soon becomes a major influence on his daily life. He shoots up before every concert, after every concert, and even before trips back to his home. He starts to associate the sensations of Heroin with every positive event in his life. It is for this reason that he has such a hard time coming off of the drug in rehab.
Intrinsic Motivation plays a key role in the film. It is displayed very early on, when he sneaks into the bar to watch the piano man play. He is so motivated that he goes to the back and begins to learn from the piano man. You can tell that he is intrinsically motivated to learn and master the piano because he has no external motivation to aquire such a skill. It will do him no benefit in the circumstance he is in, it wouldn’t necessarily impress his mother or any other authority figure, and no one else is around to tell him whether he is good or bad. He is engaging in the activity purely because it interests him. It is his passion. This is important because it is for this reason that he is able to do such amazing things with his music. He was called a “genius” of his time for his creativity. Creativity is typically undermined by events such as being watched, evaluated, and rewarded. (Reeve 2009) But because Ray was able to do whatever he wanted with his music at every label he signed to, he was able to be as creative as he could possibly be. Intrinsic motivation also caused him to be more persistent in his craft, understand the concepts of the music more fully and achieve nearly optimal functioning and well being in life in general. If it weren’t for the heroin, Ray would have been living the best life he could possibly live. It was important that he loved his music more than the money, fame, and success. If he had been significantly influenced by any of these extrinsic motivations, his art would have suffered as would his life on the whole.
Ray’s need for autonomy was also very apparent in the film. He had a VERY strong need to be the one who decides what he wants to do, when he wants to do it and how he wants it done. I believe this need was strengthened by his disability. Starting in the beginning, he told his band mates and managers how much money he wanted, how it wanted it counted, and when he would receive it. As soon as he got signed he told his agents and managers what music he wanted to make, where and when he wanted to make it and how it wanted it made. He had a very high sense of Volition because everywhere he went his actions were fully endorsed by himself. He refused a concert in Georgia purely because of his personal beliefs, not the pressures of anyone around him.
Personally, I think Ray was a good film but I don’t admire Ray for the things he did. He was a very selfish-self-serving individual for the majority of his life. He accomplished everything for his own selfish wants and needs and turned religious music into music to inspire immorality. He cheated on his wife, abused drugs, and only donated a small portion of his amassed wealth to charity. He turned his entire LIFE into a business. Sometimes extrinsic motivators like family and society are good for people so that they have a better purpose in their actions instead of greed and self-satisfaction.
Extrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic Motivation

From the movie, it was easy to see that Ray Charles was faced with many challenges throughout his life, despite these challenges he still managed to have a very successful career. He had learned early on from his mother that just because he had gone blind, didn’t mean he could just give up, he had to use other senses to get around. Ray was motivated by different things as he went through different challenges.
When Ray had his first encounter with the piano from the man at the store, you could see that he had a definite engagement to listen and to play. There was definitely an emotional engagement; he was interested in what the man was doing at the piano and how he made those sounds. When the man asked Ray to play you could see that he got enjoyment out of learning those three notes and playing them along with the man. As the movie progresses and Ray became successful at playing the piano, it became more about money and the business. He was externally motivated by money to do well. The external event (money) signaled him to produce a particular behavior (play the piano, have a hit record) that would in turn get him his reward (money).
Throughout much of Ray’s adult life he was addicted to heroin. The part of the brain that was activated during his drug use was the Medial Forebrain Bundle/hypothalamus. This is the brains “pleasure center.” When Ray used Heroin this activated the feel good part of his brain and produced positive feelings. It was very difficult for him to stop this addiction due to the way it activated his pleasure center. Ray had frequent flashbacks to his childhood in different parts of the movie and would often feel water because his brother George had drowned. When this happened Ray was very startled and scared. I would think that Cortisol the “stress hormone” would have been released during those times of fear. Ray never had a fear of performing in front of an audience, but it was a past threat that scared him a great deal.
When Ray became blind at an early age he had to rely on his other senses to get him through the day. His hearing became heightened and he uses his hands to feel things to help him get around. Ray’s mother instilled in him a lot of autonomy. Autonomy is the psychological experience to be self-directed and to regulate ones own behavior. I believe she said something like “Ain’t no one going to feel sorry for you just because you are blind” and “don’t ever let anyone turn you into a cripple”. She told him how the real world was not so kind and was very no-nonsense. In some ways it looked like she was being hard on him, but she was really teaching him to rely on himself and that he had to be competent. I think she said several times that the only way out of here is to get an education. She sent Ray to the school for the blind so he could be competent. Competence is the psychological need to be effective with interactions with the environment. One has to use their own skills in doing so and master challenges. I think in Ray’s career he was very autonomous, he knew what he wanted to play and would change up his sound on his terms, very self directed. He also was competent and knew that he had to be in on business meetings so he would not be taken advantage of. He would always ask to be paid in singles so he would not be cheated and would call someone out on it if he was. Another thing he did was wear hard soled shoes so he could hear echoes. He described how he has to hear things differently due to his blindness to get around to the bus driver.
From the film, it looked like every show Ray did or even when practicing with the band that he truly loved music. He was intrinsically motivated, acted out if interest, played for the fun of it, and for the challenge of creating something new. He played jazz, R&B and Gospel, country, and so on. When people are intrinsically motivated they persist longer, are creative, and have conceptual understanding. Ray could have given up when he first went blind, but he didn’t. He learned how to live life without seeing and pursued his music. Although Ray did have to rely a lot on his memory to get around he also used conceptual understanding. He was flexible in how he dealt with his band and mixing up his music style. Ray had a hard time with optimal functioning and well-being. He had anxiety sometimes due to his flashbacks and his blindness, he was a frequent drug user, and all the personal relationships going on caused him a lot of stress.
I think Ray also had the need for achievement, the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence. Achievement motivated him to seek success in competition. When he had great success with Atlantic Records there was another competitive offer from ABC/Paramount records. Even though the people at Atlantic records were like family to him, he had a better offer from the other record company that would make him more successful. I think he also knew as a musician that he had to play a different variety of music for his audience to keep being successful. He also added and took away different staff that would help him with his success.
Ray did have a need for relatedness and affiliation. He had a need to have an emotional connection with someone and intimacy to avoid being lonely. Although he wasn’t the best at maintaining and restoring relationships with others. He had married Della B, but then had an affair with the first female singer, Mary Ann. She eventually left because three more female singers came into the picture and he was seeing one of those three women, Marjorie. On the road he had a relationship with Marjorie and when he was home he had a relationship with his wife, Della B. Both women struggled knowing that they could never truly be the only one for Ray; they each had a need for affiliation and relatedness too.
Ray had a discrepancy from the time he was little till he grew older. He had the state he was in, blind, poor, living in a farming community, and his ideal state, getting out of the south, doing something with music, and being successful at it. I think a lot of his push to be successful came from his mother; she had a lot to do with discrepancy creation. Discrepancy creation captures the essence of goals and goal-setting. There were many flashbacks in the movie where the mother was trying to instill something in him or his brother. She mentioned the importance of an education, to do something even though he was blind, and in a way how to find out if someone is being dishonest. I think she set the foundation for Ray to set and attain goals for himself. A goal is whatever the person strives to accomplish.
Another theme that was apparent was Ray’s ability to display self-efficacy. This is the individuals belief that he “has what it takes” to cope effectively with the demands of the situation. Ray had to initially master this when he first went blind. He received verbal persuasions from his mother about how to get around, he would have to use his memory, feel for things. At one point when he had tripped over the rocking chair his mother let him sooth himself and get around on his own before she intervened. She gave him feedback that she was happy he had figured this out on his own. Ray also advocated for himself much of his life and business, he knew he had to or people would take advantage of him.
Terms: Emotional engagement, external motivation, Medial Forebrain Bundle/hypothalamus, cortisol, autonomy, competence, Intrinsically motivated, persistence, creativity, conceptual understanding, optimal functioning well-being, achievement, affiliation, relatedness, creation discrepancy, goals, self-efficacy, verbal persuasion.

The movie Ray incorporates many concepts of motivation that we have discussed so far in class. I have chosen to highlight just a few of them.

Ray Charles Robinson was a very talented musician. His specialty was the piano, but all types of music was a part of him and that’s what made him great. Ray’s interest in the piano started when he was a young boy. He used to watch an older man playing the piano in a store. The man noticed Ray coming to watch him and offered to teach him how to play. The man was very encouraging in Ray’s “lesson” which gave him positive feedback and a sense of competence. He was intrinsically motivated to play. He wasn’t getting any rewards or compensation for playing, and he loved it. He was overcome with joy as he played. As Ray got older and furthered his career he became a little, and then a lot, more extrinsically motivated to play. His relationship with his managers and recording companies became about who could offer him the most money (as incentives and rewards). Though playing piano became easy for him, he still tried to challenge himself with creating and playing new kinds of music and developing a new “sound”. When he found a sound that he liked and that challenged him, he would enter a state of “flow” as his personal skills and competencies matched his opportunities for challenge.

As Ray’s competence need, which was supported by his fans, his friends, and his success, in his musical ability was fulfilled, he became full of himself. He thought he could do whatever he pleased and he lost sight of the importance of real intimacy and tried to fill his intimacy and relatedness needs (he said he was lonely on the road) with shallow affairs. The only people who truly fulfill his intimacy need were his wife and children (they provided him with reciprocal care, warmth, and love, and motivated him to positively grow), but he often chose his career, and his addiction with drugs, over them.

When he was a member of the second or third band (the first one with Fat Head in it), he felt left out from the rest of the band. They would go out and party with women after shows and would not want him to come with because they thought they’d have to babysit him. Some of the band members, including Fat Head, did drugs. They tried to keep Ray out of their business, but he wanted to feel like a part of the group because he was being socially isolated—he had a high affiliation need at this point—and insisted on trying the drugs…they finally let him. He became addicted to the drugs. A sign of this was when he was about to leave his pregnant wife and they got in a fight because she found his drugs in his shaving kit. He said that if he thought it was bad, he could stop. As his addiction worsened his managers at Atlantic saw his signs of scratching and shaking. He said he felt free when he was doing them, and not alone. I think he was just repressing his painful childhood memories—like his brother dying right in front of him and learning he was going blind—and letting his once high-perceived sense of control plummet. He began to think he was a better musician on drugs and that that external stimuli made him more creative.

Though Ray had been blind since he was seven, his mother taught him to be autonomous. She said that he shouldn’t let others treat him differently, and most certainly not badly, because he is blind. Although Ray was always reminded by others (except his wife) that he was blind, he insisted on doing things on his own. His autonomous ways aided in his belief of perceived locus of self control. His mother taught him to count steps, exercise his memory, and use his other senses to compensate for his lack of sight. She was insistent that he be able to do things for himself, and she pushed him and encouraged him to be independent. The autonomy and empowerment he gained provided him with natural motivation for learning, growing, and developing his new way of life.

Though I respect Ray Charles Robinson as a musician and am a fan of many of his songs, I was really surprised and saddened at how he led his life after he became successful in his career. He let go of the values he learned through his religious upbringing. He lost sight of what was important in life. He became a very selfish man. He is certainly not a role model for me.

Terms used from the chapters: positive feedback, competence, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, incentives, rewards, flow, relatedness, intimacy, affiliation, external stimuli, autonomy, perceived locus of control, empowerment

This movie related a lot to several concepts in our textbook. When Ray was just a child he would sneak into a store and watch this old man play the piano even when he knew that he would get in trouble for going into the store. This proved that he was intrinsically motivated, which is when people do things because of their interests. Ray did not care that he was going to get in trouble for going into the store and watching the man play the piano. He liked the piano and listening to the music. It was enjoyment for him being taught how to play the piano. Because Ray’s intrinsic motivation he had more persistence. This was the one activity that Ray did not give up on; he thoroughly enjoyed playing piano and making music. All throughout his life this is what kept him sane. When he got older the intrinsic motivation turned into extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is when you get environmental incentives and consequences. For Ray he received money, fans, and drugs.

This movie also had a lot of psychological needs as well. Three of the psychological needs are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy is having control over certain aspects of your life. One of the ways Ray shows his autonomy is by listening to all the sounds around him. He may be blind but he uses his hearing to his advantage. Ray does not like it when he has no autonomy. You see this when he finds out that his first girlfriend is taking money from him and he has no say in the anything. He gets up and he leaves right away. Ray does not waste any more time with that situation. Ray’s mother basically told Ray to never let anyone take him for granted or use him. She instilled a lot of need for autonomy in him because of his blindness. Ray also shows a lot of competence throughout the movie. He is very talented at playing the piano and he knows he is very good. Because of this he knows he can basically do whatever he wants with his music. He takes gospel music and puts some of himself into the music. This in turn upsets a lot of people, but it does not stop Ray from continuing on with his music. Ray does not seem to satisfy his need for relatedness. You can see this very much in the beginning of the movie. Ray was feeling very left out with his band members. In one see all his members were about to go hang out with some girls and Ray was sitting at the piano. When Ray asked what they were going to do they all just told him “nothing.” This led to Ray using heroine just to become affiliated with the other band members. Ray also had a huge need for intimacy. He met his wife and stuck with her the whole ride, but when he was on the road he felt like he needed a relationship there too. This led him to cheat on his wife with different girls. One of the girls even got pregnant..

Terms: Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, persistence, psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, affiliation, intimacy.

Ray (the movie) is a great example for showing motivation in many forms within one person. In the movie, Ray shows many of the different terms we have used in learning about motivation. First of all, Ray shows a high psychological need for autonomy. The only visual cue that he is blind is his glasses, he doesn't use a cane or seeing eye dog. I believe this is because he doesn't want to give people a reason to pity or judge him, especially from first sight. He prefers to fend for himself, and tries to do as much on his own as he can. He also has a very internal perceived locus of control, which surprises me. He doesn't let negative things get to him, he believes in himself and works with that confidence to make an impact in his own life.
Ray displays a high level of persistence, and I think this is what helps him to avoid learned helplessness in his condition. When he is a child, he encounters setbacks, such as when his mother resists helping him when he cries out for help. Instead of becoming discouraged and letting that helplessness take over all areas of his life, he takes the time to try harder and learn. This habit of not giving up makes Ray into the man he grows up to be, a man who fights harder when things are challenging and doesn't give up just because the odds are against him.
Ray seems to enjoy an optimal challenge, and finds pleasure in working hard. He has worked hard at music, achieving mastery at imitating other musicians and at the piano. His mastery over music shows that how effective an optimal challenge can be in motivating someone. There is also a lot of flow in his musical interest, he seems to just create music effortlessly and really gets into playing his piano.
All of this ties into Ray's enormous focus on intrinsic motivation. He seems to do things just because he wants to do them. He doesn't let money or fame decide his path for him. He pursues his career because he really loves it, and takes risks in order to keep with his intrinsic motivation such as when he wants to go on the road and play music. He is told that going on the road isn't a successful venture even for bands with a lot of hits, but he makes up his mind that going on the road is what he wants to do, and he pursues it until it happens.
Overall, Ray is a very determined individual and uses a lot of positive aspects of motivation to keep himself going, such as need for autonomy, internalized locus of control, intrinsic motivation, optimal challenge, and mastery.

Terms: psychological needs, autonomy, perceived locus of control, persistence, learned helplessness, mastery, optimal challenge, flow, intrinsic motivation,

The movie "Ray" is related to many topics from our textbook and emotions itself.Also, the movie mainly shows how new kind of music was discovered (jazz,gospel and orchestra combined) as well as changing people' view about segregation.
The movie brings positive and negative emotions. The fact that the main figure, Ray Charles cannot see since he was 7 brings the feeling of empathy, yet some of his behavior makes me feel angry at him and what he does. First of all, Ray was thought by his mother how to be independent and strong even though he is not able to see it does no matter he cannot follow his dreams and be successful in life. When he sees a guy playing a piano he is intrigued by it and wants to try too. Intrinsic motivation to play piano makes Ray to follow his dreams and moved from Florida to Seattle. Then, when he becomes famous and starting making money, extrinsic motivation played a big role in creating and making songs. Also, environmental influences made him act such ways in some situations. Speeking about environment and people who were observing and following Ray's career and music, they also give many opinions, positive or negative feedback that Ray handles very well. Fame and career often follow by good or bad consequences. Ray was observed and always judged by others, he used drugs to help in creating and making his songs, yet the consequences with using drugs were tragic as we could see at the end of the movie.
Another aspect from the textbook is autonomy. He had a big desire for autonomy. Autonomy is when we desire choice and decision making flexibility. Ray, was the boss and could decide what he wants, when and how. Dealing with people around him he were there to help him , he always had the last word to make the decision. His mother raised him in autonomy-supportive style.
Another thing that we can related to the textbook is affiliation and intimacy. He fell in love and wants to have a family that bring him happiness and security. When he is on the road, he wants to know and feel that someone is waiting for him at home that he will not feel lonely.
Finally, self-efficacy is the person's belief in their own competence. We can see that in ray's childhood when he had to deal with every day problems since he got blind and then in his personal and business life.
In the movie, we can observe all these physiological needs, example sex, psychological autonomy, competence, leadership,achievement, and social needs such as intimacy.


Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, environmental influence, negative feedback, rewards, consequences, punishment, autonomy, autonomy-supportive style, affiliation, intimacy,leadership,achievement, self-efficacy.

One of the first topics from our text that came up in this movie was intrinsic motivation. Both Ray and his exhibit intrinsic motivation to play and teach music. Ray sees people playing in the store and listens to them just because he derives pleasure from it. His teacher begins to give him lessons for free lessons just because he wants to help Ray learn. It is here that Ray first begins to form a life long goal for himself to be able to not just play, but master the art of making music. Ray really loves playing the piano. He plays simply because he derives pleasure from the challenge and the beauty of the fruits of his labor. In other words, Ray plays music to feel the inherit satisfaction it gives him. Because Ray’s motivation to play music is intrinsic, he is more likely to be successful at it. Intrinsic motivation helps a person realize their full potential and achieve more. It makes them function optimally and improves their well being. Research also shows that intrinsically motivated people work harder at their tasks, are more likely to persist, have better comprehension, higher-quality learning and that they retain information better than those who are extrinsically motivated to perform the exact same tasks. They also tend to be happier during and after their task is completed, often reporting higher levels of satisfaction than their extrinsically motivated counterparts. Extrinsic motivation comes from our environment and the incentives or consequences it provides us. An incentive could be something like a monetary reward, candy, a raise, a promotion, a higher grade, or even just a gold star. Although it may sound counter intuitive, there is much evidence to support that this type of motivation is detrimental to our success. Even if someone who has been intrinsically motivated starts to get a reward for their performance, this type of motivation does not help them. In reality it hurts them. Studies show that introducing a reward to this type of situation actually undermines their intrinsic motivation. When Ray gets into the music business, he starts to get paid to play his music. Eventually, the extrinsic motivation to receive compensation for his musical performances got in the way. He was unable to stay motivated to function at his optimal potential because of the distraction of the rewards and consequences which were contingent on his performance.
Rays blindness brings up another topic from our text, the idea of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is when the individual organizes and directs his or her skills to cope with the demands of the circumstances they face. Rays mother help teach him how to build his self-efficacy skills. When he loses his sight at the age of seven, his mother does not let him give up. Through tough love and hard work she teaches him that he cannot be reliant on other people. He takes the skills he learned from his mother (using his shoes as one would a cane), and overcomes his circumstances (blindness), and figures out how to organize and orchestrate these skills and problems into a competent performance. Self-efficacy is important when one’s skills are tested and learning how to get around certainly tests Ray’s skills. In important time when his skills are tested is when he falls out of a rocking chair. Ray is confused and disoriented and calls for hi mothers help. In order to increase his self-efficacy, Ray’s mother doesn’t come to help him and forces him to figure out how to do it for himself. When Ray gets a bit older he is completely able to get around without a cane or a dog. His ability to do so is a testament to his self-efficacy and resilience.

self-efficacy, resilience, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, inherit satisfaction, optimal functioning, mastery, incentives, rewards

One of the first topics from our text that came up in this movie was intrinsic motivation. Both Ray and his exhibit intrinsic motivation to play and teach music. Ray sees people playing in the store and listens to them just because he derives pleasure from it. His teacher begins to give him lessons for free lessons just because he wants to help Ray learn. It is here that Ray first begins to form a life long goal for himself to be able to not just play, but master the art of making music. Ray really loves playing the piano. He plays simply because he derives pleasure from the challenge and the beauty of the fruits of his labor. In other words, Ray plays music to feel the inherit satisfaction it gives him. Because Ray’s motivation to play music is intrinsic, he is more likely to be successful at it. Intrinsic motivation helps a person realize their full potential and achieve more. It makes them function optimally and improves their well being. Research also shows that intrinsically motivated people work harder at their tasks, are more likely to persist, have better comprehension, higher-quality learning and that they retain information better than those who are extrinsically motivated to perform the exact same tasks. They also tend to be happier during and after their task is completed, often reporting higher levels of satisfaction than their extrinsically motivated counterparts. Extrinsic motivation comes from our environment and the incentives or consequences it provides us. An incentive could be something like a monetary reward, candy, a raise, a promotion, a higher grade, or even just a gold star. Although it may sound counter intuitive, there is much evidence to support that this type of motivation is detrimental to our success. Even if someone who has been intrinsically motivated starts to get a reward for their performance, this type of motivation does not help them. In reality it hurts them. Studies show that introducing a reward to this type of situation actually undermines their intrinsic motivation. When Ray gets into the music business, he starts to get paid to play his music. Eventually, the extrinsic motivation to receive compensation for his musical performances got in the way. He was unable to stay motivated to function at his optimal potential because of the distraction of the rewards and consequences which were contingent on his performance.
Rays blindness brings up another topic from our text, the idea of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is when the individual organizes and directs his or her skills to cope with the demands of the circumstances they face. Rays mother help teach him how to build his self-efficacy skills. When he loses his sight at the age of seven, his mother does not let him give up. Through tough love and hard work she teaches him that he cannot be reliant on other people. He takes the skills he learned from his mother (using his shoes as one would a cane), and overcomes his circumstances (blindness), and figures out how to organize and orchestrate these skills and problems into a competent performance. Self-efficacy is important when one’s skills are tested and learning how to get around certainly tests Ray’s skills. In important time when his skills are tested is when he falls out of a rocking chair. Ray is confused and disoriented and calls for hi mothers help. In order to increase his self-efficacy, Ray’s mother doesn’t come to help him and forces him to figure out how to do it for himself. When Ray gets a bit older he is completely able to get around without a cane or a dog. His ability to do so is a testament to his self-efficacy and resilience.

optimal functioning, mastery, incentives, resiliance, self efficacy, inrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation

Motivation is not something that we see or touch; however, it drives our choices and desires. We can view someone’s motivation in two ways through behavior and engagement. Throughout the movie, one can see that Ray is motivated to succeed and never let his blindness cripple him. He stands up for himself and strives to do well in his career. For instance, people try to cheat him out of his money. Instead of holding back, he makes sure they know he is upset and demands to be treated equally—be paid the fair amount. This shows his behavior was motivated by the need to be treated fairly. Engagement has four qualities that define it—behavior engagement, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement, and voice. Ray expressed all of these traits alluding that he was fully engaged in being successful. He was behavioral engaged by the effort and persistence he had in making is music. He worked endlessly recording and making sure his music was good. Ray showed his emotional engagement by the countless scenes of enjoyment while he was performing and even recording. Cognitively, Ray worked hard to create new music by logically piecing different types of music together to make his own type of songs. He also uses a great deal of voice to express his desires on how he wanted his music to be.
At the beginning, learning to play music was in an intrinsic motivation for Ray. He learned how to play because he wanted to—it was enjoyable to him. It was his passion. His goal was to master the challenge of learning how to play the piano even when was blind. As time went on, Ray was motivated through extrinsic motivation, or environmental incentives. He continued to perform because of the money he made from playing. We witnessed this in the scene where he changed recording companies. He was not interested in the offer until he was offered more money and incentives that his current recording company could not match. Through those propositions, he was motivated enough to leave his record company that he considered family.
Ray showed a lot of psychological needs. Psychological needs are the way people find themselves within society that supports their needs such as autonomy and competence, and relatedness. Ray shows a great deal to autonomy throughout the movie. He always wants to do what he wants, when he wants it, and how he does it. Throughout his music career, he was very prominent on what happened. He did what he wanted, regardless of what the managers advised. For instance, Ray started to fight against segregation. His manager strongly disliked the idea because of the legal ramifications. Regardless of the recommendation, Ray continued to support it. He also expressed a high level of competence. Competence is the need to do well, and master an optimal challenge. Ray expresses this all through his life on his road to overcoming his “disability” by creating a career in music. He strives to keep at the top of the charts by creating new types of songs, and producing new music. When Ray uses his musical talents to overcome a new situation in his music career, he exerts a state of concentration known as flow. Flow is a great experience that makes people wants to repeat the challenge—bringing Ray back for more. Relatedness is showed through the need to belong, and desired social interaction. At times, Ray was left out due to his disability. To try and overcome this, he used the people that adored him for his stardom and established a friendship—mainly with women.
Ray struggled with his drug addiction. The drugs he consumes create a release of dopamine in his body. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that releases good feelings within the body. These feelings become addiction and establish a need to continue acquiring them. Ray becomes dependent on heroine. At one point, it becomes so strong that he risks losing his family over it.
When Ray first became blind, he toyed with learned helplessness. He started to believe that his blindness was out of his control. From this, he thought that he couldn’t continue and he had no hope. His mother was his ultimate influence to overcome this helplessness. She made sure that he understood that he had full control over his actions. He could do anything he wanted. Ray shows a strong since of empowerment, processing the knowledge, skills and beliefs to exert control over lives. He used his ability to hear to overcome the lack of ability to see. He doesn’t

behavior engagement, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement, voice, intrinsic motivations, extrinsic motivations, autonomy, competence, flow, relatedness, addiction, dopamine, learned helplessness.

During Ray’s childhood he was very close to his little brother and his mom had to take care of both of them with little pay and hard work. During this time period they all faces rather rough external events in order to put food on the table. After the death of Ray’s young brother, there were a lot of emotions Ray and his mother experienced. There came a time of fulfilling psychological needs after the tragic event. They both became low on relatedness in the world, a need to belong. Conditions were already tough, but now it was up to Ray and his mother to develop more of a connection than ever to stick together and overcome the cultural obstacles of the time period. They were out for themselves. Once Ray’s blindness set in and became permanent he was determined to become competent. He needed to learn how to effectively adapt to his surroundings under new circumstances. The last psychological need was autonomy. Ray and his mother experienced moment-to-moment autonomy when Ray was trying to develop the skills required to survive as a blind child. She motivated Ray to be a strong and independent man, who would never be treated less, or take any pity on him because of his blindness. He learned from his mother how to take control over his environment and prove his self-worth, to achieve control over his environment, and defy the odds.
As Ray grew older and away from his mother, he developed internal motivation to pursue his talent of music. He truly had developed a gift and love for playing the piano and singing songs that everybody enjoyed. He wanted to prove his self-worth because of his own conscious thoughts and motives. Because of Ray’s blindness in Seattle, he was taken advantage of often after his engagement with Gossie and Marlene. They chose to invest in Ray’s gift, but in a deceitful manner. Musicians and producers had motivational approach tendencies towards Ray because of his blindness and for the fact they saw tremendous talent in his abilities. It was because of close relationships Ray was able to understand avoidance tendencies in people who were trying to strictly use him for profit. All the big music corporations took interest in Ray and were highly motivated to get him to sign a deal with their record labels.
Ray also began to turn to drugs to calm and relax with a high. Biological factors such as the nucleus accumbens gave him pleasure during his addiction. Ray used drugs because of the past memory flashbacks he kept experiencing. This is due to the hippocampus, a part of the brain that associates with long term memory. Neurotransmitters were constantly sending chemical messages in Ray’s brain. The most obvious motivationally pertinent neurotransmitter passage was dopamine. Dopamine gives a sense of “good feelings”. In order to fulfill his addiction cravings Ray needed and built a dependency with heroin. He developed a high tolerance for the drug and in order to satisfy his new need, he shot up on a continuous basis, becoming a junky.
Being on the road for almost all his career, Ray developed one of the three physiological needs, sex. Even despite his formed relationship and eventual marriage to the woman he proclaimed was his one and only and wouldn’t ever hurt, he had sex with other women during his tours. Ray had a profound sexual orientation toward skinny women, who he presumed to be attractive by feeling their wrists. Simply by being able to wrap his fingers around a woman’s wrist showed his preference in women. The primary biological factor in Ray was his hormonal level. Being away from his wife for so long and not fulfilling his physiological need of sex, he had increased hormones and in order to satisfy his need, chose to interact in sexual relations with the other women.
Even despite Ray’s unethical actions between drugs and cheating on his wife, he was still able to produce some of the best music of the time. Ray still managed to intrinsically motivate himself to become the best musician he possibly could, at any cost. One factor involved in Ray’s musical motivation became strongly influenced by reinforcement. Receiving cash, or paychecks, after gigs, encouraged Ray’s behavior to produce more and more music to receive maximum wealth. Incentives also attracted Ray along the way such as signals of physically feeling the money and material objects around him.
With all the incentives and rewards record label companies are surrounding him with comes, social needs. Ray’s definitely experienced quasi-needs. Quasi-needs are induced desires, ones he felt under great pressure by the demands of the industry. Ray’s need for achievement was a cause of the pressure and fan based familiarity with his story and music. Ray, however, did not put a standard to achieve as a parent and husband. He was set back because of socialization influences based solely on his career and musical performance. Though he loved his musical aspirations and felt true passion in his talent, pressure to achieve greatness stood everywhere he turned, tearing apart a beautiful relationship he made with his wife and child. Ray Jr. and Bea became low on psychological needs as well, from lack of Ray’s attention towards them.
Terms: External events, psychological needs, relatedness, competence, autonomy, moment-to-moment autonomy, internal motivation, engagement, approach & avoidance tendencies, neurotransmitters, dopamine, physiological needs, sex, sexual orientation, reinforcement, incentives, social needs, quasi-needs, need for achievement.

During Ray’s childhood he was very close to his little brother and his mom had to take care of both of them with little pay and hard work. During this time period they all faces rather rough external events in order to put food on the table. After the death of Ray’s young brother, there were a lot of emotions Ray and his mother experienced. There came a time of fulfilling psychological needs after the tragic event. They both became low on relatedness in the world, a need to belong. Conditions were already tough, but now it was up to Ray and his mother to develop more of a connection than ever to stick together and overcome the cultural obstacles of the time period. They were out for themselves. Once Ray’s blindness set in and became permanent he was determined to become competent. He needed to learn how to effectively adapt to his surroundings under new circumstances. The last psychological need was autonomy. Ray and his mother experienced moment-to-moment autonomy when Ray was trying to develop the skills required to survive as a blind child. She motivated Ray to be a strong and independent man, who would never be treated less, or take any pity on him because of his blindness. He learned from his mother how to take control over his environment and prove his self-worth, to achieve control over his environment, and defy the odds.
As Ray grew older and away from his mother, he developed internal motivation to pursue his talent of music. He truly had developed a gift and love for playing the piano and singing songs that everybody enjoyed. He wanted to prove his self-worth because of his own conscious thoughts and motives. Because of Ray’s blindness in Seattle, he was taken advantage of often after his engagement with Gossie and Marlene. They chose to invest in Ray’s gift, but in a deceitful manner. Musicians and producers had motivational approach tendencies towards Ray because of his blindness and for the fact they saw tremendous talent in his abilities. It was because of close relationships Ray was able to understand avoidance tendencies in people who were trying to strictly use him for profit. All the big music corporations took interest in Ray and were highly motivated to get him to sign a deal with their record labels.
Ray also began to turn to drugs to calm and relax with a high. Biological factors such as the nucleus accumbens gave him pleasure during his addiction. Ray used drugs because of the past memory flashbacks he kept experiencing. This is due to the hippocampus, a part of the brain that associates with long term memory. Neurotransmitters were constantly sending chemical messages in Ray’s brain. The most obvious motivationally pertinent neurotransmitter passage was dopamine. Dopamine gives a sense of “good feelings”. In order to fulfill his addiction cravings Ray needed and built a dependency with heroin. He developed a high tolerance for the drug and in order to satisfy his new need, he shot up on a continuous basis, becoming a junky.
Being on the road for almost all his career, Ray developed one of the three physiological needs, sex. Even despite his formed relationship and eventual marriage to the woman he proclaimed was his one and only and wouldn’t ever hurt, he had sex with other women during his tours. Ray had a profound sexual orientation toward skinny women, who he presumed to be attractive by feeling their wrists. Simply by being able to wrap his fingers around a woman’s wrist showed his preference in women. The primary biological factor in Ray was his hormonal level. Being away from his wife for so long and not fulfilling his physiological need of sex, he had increased hormones and in order to satisfy his need, chose to interact in sexual relations with the other women.
Even despite Ray’s unethical actions between drugs and cheating on his wife, he was still able to produce some of the best music of the time. Ray still managed to intrinsically motivate himself to become the best musician he possibly could, at any cost. One factor involved in Ray’s musical motivation became strongly influenced by reinforcement. Receiving cash, or paychecks, after gigs, encouraged Ray’s behavior to produce more and more music to receive maximum wealth. Incentives also attracted Ray along the way such as signals of physically feeling the money and material objects around him.
With all the incentives and rewards record label companies are surrounding him with comes, social needs. Ray’s definitely experienced quasi-needs. Quasi-needs are induced desires, ones he felt under great pressure by the demands of the industry. Ray’s need for achievement was a cause of the pressure and fan based familiarity with his story and music. Ray, however, did not put a standard to achieve as a parent and husband. He was set back because of socialization influences based solely on his career and musical performance. Though he loved his musical aspirations and felt true passion in his talent, pressure to achieve greatness stood everywhere he turned, tearing apart a beautiful relationship he made with his wife and child. Ray Jr. and Bea became low on psychological needs as well, from lack of Ray’s attention towards them.
Terms: External events, psychological needs, relatedness, competence, autonomy, moment-to-moment autonomy, internal motivation, engagement, approach & avoidance tendencies, neurotransmitters, dopamine, physiological needs, sex, sexual orientation, reinforcement, incentives, social needs, quasi-needs, need for achievement.

“Ray” was a biographical movie that was based on the life of Ray Charles. The movie depicted Ray’s childhood including the death of his brother as well as Ray’s vision loss. The movie then showed Ray’s progression into becoming a famous musician. Ray’s extramarital affairs and drug addiction were also frequent scenes in the movie. Ray eventually overcame his drug addiction and became one of the most famous and well known musicians.

Many concepts in the text regarding the brain could be tied into “Ray”. Throughout the movie Ray was having sexual encounters with various women. The hypothalamus generates wants for and pleasures associated with sexual partners. The orbitofrontal cortex is involved in processing incentive related information and helps with decision making. In the movie Ray had to make various choices when determining where to play his music, what type of music to play, and which record companies to contract with. For example, Ray had to make a decision between staying with Atlantic records or change to ABC records. Ray also struggled for many years with drug addiction. The nucleus accumbens is involved in the experience of pleasure from naturally occurring reinforcers and drugs that contribute to addictions. The nucleus accumbens generates a liking reaction to incoming sensations caused by the drug. Addictive drugs are reinforcers because their repeated use produces hypersensitivity to dopamine stimulation. Dopamine is involved in the want to pursue one course of action over another. Ray also had to learn how to learn using his ears instead of his eyes to interact effectively with his environment. The prelimbic cortex is involved in the learning of response outcomes.

“Ray” also displayed many examples of needs. A need is any condition within the person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well being. One prominent physiological need presented in the movie was the need for sex. The need for sex is influenced by androgens, which play a key role in regulating sexual motivation. Ray clearly had a high need for sex since he had had several extramarital affairs throughout the movie. Ray touched the wrists of women to evaluate how attractive the women were. Compared to men, women value signs of a man’s resources when searching for a mate. For example, Ray’s wife, MaryAnn, and Martha were all attracted to Ray because of his money and extravagant lifestyle. For example, Ray financially supportive his wife and bought her brand new houses. Psychological needs were also present in the movie. Autonomy is the desire to have choice, decision making, and flexibility when deciding what to do. When Ray became famous he had a high level of autonomy. For example, Ray wrote his own music, decided what kind of style of music to play, determined who was going to be apart of his band, and eventually how much money he would be paid. Ray also satisfied the three qualities of autonomy: perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice over one’s actions. Perceived locus of causality is described as the understanding the causal source of motivation. Ray knew from the first time that he played the piano that he had a gift which motivated him to want to continue playing the piano. Volition is an unpressed willingness to engage in an activity. Ray played the piano constantly and was willing to play the piano through stressful times. Ray also displayed a perceived choice over his actions when he would refuse to play music unless he felt that he was being treated fairly or paid enough. Another psychological need is competence, which is the desire to interact effectively with one’s environment. Competence reflects the desire to exercise capacities and skills to gain mastery over optimal challenge. Optimal challenge for Ray was becoming a famous musician, which he accomplished through practice and persistence. Flow occurs whenever a person uses their skills to overcome a challenge. Flow is described as a state of deep concentration and involvement. The movie showed Ray constantly practicing new songs and playing concerts across the world. Relatedness is another psychological goal, which is the desire for social interaction in the form of warm, close, affectionate relationships with others. An example where Ray showed a need for relatedness was when Ray first met his wife and they went on dates or when Ray partied with his band members. There are two categories of acquired psychological needs: social needs and quasi needs. Quasi needs are situational induced wants and desires such as money, secure job, or career progression. Ray’s quasi needs were for a secure job and money to support his wife and child. Social needs are acquired through experience, development, and socialization. The first type of social need is achievement, which is the desire to do well relative to a standard of expertise. When Ray first started performing he looked to famous musicians to motivate himself to write music that sounded similar to their music and started becoming noticed for his musical talent. The second type of social need is affiliation. The need for affiliation is the desire to engage in warm, positive, close, interpersonal relationships with little fear of rejection. Ray met his need for affiliation with his wife and mother. The third type of social need is power, described as the desire to make the physical or social world conform to ones personal image or plan for it. An example of the need for power in the movie was when Ray informed ABC records that he would not sign a contract with them unless he made 75 cents off of every record and would be his own manager. Ray also displayed his need for power when he told Martha to get an abortion, stating that he would pay for the costs. A child from an extramarital affair didn’t fit into his plan, so he tried to tell Martha to get an abortion.

Hypothalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, dopamine, prelimbic cortex, need, need for sex, perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice over one’s actions, autonomy, competence, relatedness, power, affiliation, flow, quasi needs, social needs, psychological needs, physiological needs,

The movie Ray shows a lot of concepts about motivation and emotion. Because Ray is blind, his needs are a little different compared to normal people. Even though he is blind, he doesn’t let it affect his life and becomes an extremely popular musician. This shows that he has a very high need for autonomy. He doesn’t like when others do things for him, and even though he is blind he manages to get through life on his own as best as he can. Even from a young boy he tried using his other senses to get around on his own when others weren’t there for him. He doesn’t even have a cane which shows he wants to be in control of his own life and do things his own way.

Ray also has a high need for competence and achievement. He does everything he can to feel like he is getting better in life. This need was fulfilled by his talent with music. His family and friends backed him up and supported him through the whole thing even when things got bad. This need actually got him in some trouble because he started to feel like he knew what was best for him and only listened to himself. He got into drugs very deep and started to lose everything he worked so hard for. His family got very frustrated that he was never there for him, his singers got frustrated that he was using them, and his employers got angry that he wasn’t listening to them and creating a bad name for himself. In this end he chose drugs over everything else in his life.

Another need Ray had was the need for relatedness. He liked to feel like everyone knew who he was and like him, so he worked very hard to perform great music so he could become more and more well-known. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much of a high need for intimate relationships because he wasn’t there much for his friends or family and started to only think about himself and his needs which were mostly feeling famous and doing drugs.

Ray had a lot on intrinsic motivation to do things for himself, but also had extrinsic because of all of his fans and the money and incentives he made while performing. He could do almost anything he wanted with the amount of money he was making and had so many friends and family that supported him. These extrinsic motivations drove him to work harder and harder and become as successful as possible, but his intrinsic motivation started it all because if he wasn’t to internally motivated to succeed even though he was blind and lived a rough childhood, he probably wouldn’t have.

Overall, Ray had a lot of motivational factors and needs that led him to become an amazing musician, but unfortunately, other needs were developed such as drugs that led him down a bad path to destruction. This movie is a good example about how needs and motivation can, at times, actually be a bad thing and lead people to lose sight of what’s real in their lives.

Key Terms: needs, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, incentives, autonomy, competence, achievement, relatedness, intimacy, motivation,

The movie Ray shows great example of the very fact that motivation varies over time and is a constant , ongoing stream of behavior, not just a trait someone possesses. Because of Ray’s environment, influences, and experiences are constantly changing, so are his motives and behaviors. I am going to discuss some of the psychological factors that seem to have contributed to Ray’s motives.

First, beginning with Ray’s childhood, there were several scenes depicting Ray’s motives, results of those motives, or reasons for those motives. For instance, his love for the piano began as an intrinsically motivated interest/ hobby. His intrinsic motivation to play piano gives opportunity so satisfy Ray’s psychological need for competence, and his love for the piano really exemplifies the power of intrinsically motivated individuals to not only enjoy what they are doing, but to be more persistent and creative as well. The extrinsic motivators that seem to take over when Ray begins performing for a pay check depict some of the “hidden costs” of rewards discussed in chapter five. For example, Ray becomes much more obsessed with the reward of how much he will be paid, rather than focusing on his thirst to challenge himself and the enjoyment he originally found when performing. At times Ray seems to lose his enjoyment for achieving a mastery goal, and begins obsessing over achieving a performance goal instead, and much of this seems to do with the distraction rewards have on Ray, especially when they are intertwined with so much power.

Throughout the movie Ray does seem to have a high need for achievement and uses generally approach-oriented motivation rather than avoidance-oriented motivation. This might have a lot to do with Ray’s success. His psychological need for autonomy is prevalent in almost every scene. Even at such a young age he seems to lose some of his perceived autonomy because of the challenge of losing his eyesight, but because of his mother’s persistence as an autonomy-support provider for Ray, he seems to see past his challenges and focus on the power he does have to make decisions and determine his actions. Deciding to play the piano is one example of this. Another example of Ray’s need for autonomy within his career is clear when he demands higher pay, and more control over what music he does play. Ray shows a great need and often lack of relatedness in his life. I think there are several factors contributing to Ray having a harder time satisfying his need for relationship, especially once he started to find fame within his career. First, he lacked the social bond necessary to satisfy relateness while he traveled for his work and was forced to be apart from his family. This is when he seems to search for others to interact with and establish bonds with. I think once he had so much fame it was much more difficult for him to accept that other people really like him and cared for his welfare, and not just cared about his talent. One scene shows Ray tell his manager(who notices he is getting caught-up in drugs and trying to confront him about it)that he will still sell the records, and he is never late even though he is on drugs. He says that as if the only reason his manager cares about his addiction is because he is worried about losing the money Ray makes, and not worried about losing him as a friend. Ray often describes himself as being alone, even though he has many social interactions. What is most important, however, is the quality of these social interactions that are supportive of satisfying relatedness needs, and not solely the quantity of these social interactions.

Terms: motivation, behavior, intrinsic, extrinsic, competence, persistence, creativity, hidden costs, rewards, mastery goal, performance goal, acheivement, autonomy, power, autonomy-support, relatedness, social bond, social intereactions

Music was everything to Ray Charles Robinson, and for a long time music was his sole motivation for going through life. When Ray began to go blind after his brother’s death, he turned to playing the piano. Playing the piano soon became Ray’s life. The reason that Ray was so remarkable at the piano was because his motivation to play was intrinsic. Ray started off playing the piano out of pure enjoyment and it was something that he knew he was good at. It could be argued that Ray eventually became extrinsically motivated to play because he started to receive rewards such as fame, money, and women. But, I think that Ray without all of those rewards, Ray still would have continued to play. Playing the piano was his love and passion. When it came to playing, Ray was persistent at practicing or coming up with new music. Ray was extremely creative when creating new music, he created music that no one had ever done or will ever do.
Although there was nothing more Ray loved than his music, it didn’t take long for him to get into illegal drugs. Soon the drugs took over his life. Ray was a heroin addict. When Ray shot up heroin it released an abundance amount of dopamine in his brain. This much amount of dopamine release gave him such a great high, that he felt like he couldn’t go without it. His friends and family tried to approach him about his addiction, but he always reminded them how he never missed a show or rehearsal because he was too drugged up. The reason that Ray probably never missed anything is because playing music naturally released dopamine because it was something that made him happy, but the heroin amplified his happiness—making Ray feel that much better while playing.
Throughout the movie, Ray was with more women than just his wife. His multiple affairs were because when Ray was on tour, he needed to feel connected to someone. Relatedness and intimacy were needs that were very important to Ray. I believe that Ray felt like he always had to have a woman close was because he thought it would make him forget about all of his troubles; being blind and from the guilt of his brother’s drowning death. His affairs did not make him feel better because he was not truly satisfying his need for relatedness and intimacy, he never let himself get too close.
Eventually, Ray’s addiction to heroin put him in jail and took him away from everything that he loved. He had to go through rehab and he had a dream about his mother and brother that made him motivated to put his life back on the right track. Ray wanted to make them proud, so he stopped shooting up heroin.
Terms used: motivation, relatedness, intimacy, dopamine, persistence, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation

The movie Ray is about the life of renowned musician Ray Charles Robinson, better known as Ray Charles. Throughout the movie several themes or terms from our textbook and class lectures are prevalent.
For example, one of the more prominent, easier to recognize themes is Ray Charles’ high psychological need of autonomy. Ray wants his perceived locus of causality to stem from his own personal desires. He has an adverse feeling towards manipulation, as most people do, but also against any form of persuasion or influence. This is evident when Ray’s wife, Bea, tells him to quit the drugs, and when he says no, informs him she should be going on the road with him to take care of him. Though Ray originally suggested she go along, when she say this he was adamantly opposed. This is for two reasons. The first is that this time it was her idea, not his. Secondly, she was going to control him which he did not appreciate.

Furthermore, Ray’s dealings with his various record companies showed his high need for autonomy. He didn’t want to leave Atlantic for ABC, but when they accepted his offer of controlling his own music, he did so. However, it is ironic that his agent manipulated him into the deal, by creating the illusion that they were very interested in him, for him, and not for the money he could bring them.

His need for autonomy seems to originate from his mother’s style of rearing her children. She always told them not to take crap or be swindled by anybody. This was when her employer tried to shortchange her. Even after Ray was gradually turning blind, his mother emphasized the fact that blindness JUST meant he couldn’t see. “You ain’t stupid, you just blind.” Ray took this to heart and learned to traverse his daily journeys without the aid of a walking stick or a seeing-eye dog. He constantly amazed people with this ability. He learned to play the piano so well that he could play without having to look. He was also concerned with providing for his family, which also lead to a desire for autonomy. He wanted to be able to provide the best life as possible for his family, and in order to do so he had to be in control of his own life.

I would also say Ray had a relatively high social need for affiliation. He always wanted to seem ‘one of the guys’ and always had several women fawning over him. This is what caused him to start his drug addiction, which lead to several, and I mean several, problems down the road. Additionally, Ray hurt several women by having sex with several of them, but never giving them more importance than his wife.

Also, Ray seems to have a high social need for achievement. His constant push to succeed and do well is evidence of this. His mom always told him to never settle, and Ray didn’t. When he conquered one genre, he moved to another. He accomplished quite a lot.

Social need, psychological need, achievement, affiliation, autonomy, perceived locus of causality.

Ray was definitely an inspirational movie, it made me both laugh and cry. The concepts we discussed in chapters 1-9 were definitely seen all throughout the movie. Subjects seen in the movie were subject matter: internal motives and external events. We also saw different expressions of motivation throughout the move such as persistence, intensity, bodily gestures, effort, attention.

The theory of subject matter tries to explain what gives behavior its energy and its direction. Energy implies that behavior has strength where as direction implies that behaviors has purpose and that its aimed or guided toward achieving some particular goal or outcome. Internal motives are an internal process that energies and directs behavior. Internal motives include needs, cognitions, and emotions.

Needs are conditions within the individual that are essential and necessary for the maintenance of life and for the nurturance of growth and well being. We saw this toward the beginning of the movie when ray demanded to be paid in single dollar bill. Being paid in single dollar bills made it easier for ray to keep track of how much he was making. Because he was blind ray needed to take such precautions to not be taking like a fool.

Cognitions refer mental events such as thoughts, beliefs, expectations and the self-concepts. We saw this all throughout this movie with Ray’s piano, music making abilities. The fact that he didn’t let his blindness get in the way of him and his piano playing was outstanding. He knew that he could either let his sight deficiency get in the way or go above and beyond and do the unexpected. Which was move his hands swiftly along the piano like no one else could.

And lastly we come about emotions, which are short lived subjective physiological functional expressive phenomena that orchestrates how we react adaptively to the important events in our lives. Emotions were wide spread throughout the movie happy sad emotions. We see a recurring emotion within Ray, sadness. It all started when he was a young boy witnessing the death of his younger brother. He seems to see or feel water when having flashbacks feeling guilty for not helping or not know to help his younger brother. Opposed to external events which are environmental, social and cultural sources of motivation that have the capacity to energize and direct behavior.

We also saw various examples of the expression of motivation such as persistence in one of the scenes Rays mother tells him “ I will show you the first time, I will guide you the second time, but on the third try you are on your own.” this was said when he first knew he was blind and his mother telling him that things wouldn’t come easy and he would have to fend for himself no matter his condition.

We also saw facial expressions and bodily gestures. Especially when Ray would play the piano. He swayed, sang with a huge smile on his face, sang like no one was watching, he moved his hands across the keyboard as if he weren’t blind. He played piano with such a passion that others fell in love with his music.

Terms: persistence, facial expressions, bodily gestures, external events, needs, cognitions, emotions, internal motives, motivation, subject matter, intensity effort, attention

The touching story of Ray was not only a joy to watch, but was also an excellent example of terms we have been learning throughout the book so far. Ray clearly shows strong motivations, many of which are a result of either being blind or from past life experiences.

Right away, I could tell Ray has a need for autonomy. Autonomy is “the need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior, and it reflects the desire to have inner resources, rather than environmental events, determine one’s actions.” All throughout the movie, Ray has to stand up for himself against people who would try to take advantage of him for being blind. As taught by his mama, “I may be blind, but I aint stupid.” This need for autonomy is shown when he leaves his the women that he has his first gig with for Atlantic Records. He continues to move to better record deals, usually with the stipulation that he gains more control over his music.

Similar to his need for autonomy is also his psychological need for competence. Competence is “the need to interact effectively with the environment. It reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges.” Even with his disability, Ray still seeks out to be the best “If you think in pennies, you get pennies. If you think in dollars, you get dollars.” His mother also helps him develop his strong work ethic. Even as he is in the process of becoming blind, she reminds him “no one will have sympathy on you just because you’re blind.” She does exercises with him to learn how to interact with the world around him, which gives him a drive to be better.

Finally, Ray is an example of the power of drug addiction. He takes heroin more and more throughout the film. The drug releases the neurotransmitter of dopamine in his brain, causing him to feel good. However, the more he takes the drug, he begins to develop dopamine-induce hypersensitization. This is when the brain has become sensitized to dopamine, due to the use of addictive drugs. As the brain becomes much more sensitized to dopamine, it takes more and more dopamine for the brain to be satisfied, causing an addiction. Ray deals with his heroin addiction for many years.

TERMS: Psychological need, Autonomy, self-direction, competence, neurotransmitter, hypersensitization, dopamine

Ray begins to play the piano because he is intrinsically motivated. He is fascinated by the store manager playing the piano and learns how to play. Intrinsic motivation is engaging in an interest, exercising one’s capacities and mastering optimal challenges. It is done spontaneously for the fun of it, which is what Ray did at first. Once this activity was promoted, it lead to persistence, creativity, high quality learning and optimal functioning. Persistence was in that he continued to practice and listen to the piano player. He also persisted in that he continued to play the piano despite his blindness. He had creativity in that he created his own music and lyrics, which later went on to be popular and famous music. He had high quality learning in that he learned all the notes of the piano, rhythms and could improvise easily. Optimal functioning also came into play when he because a well known artist. When his talent was discovered, Ray began to become extrinsically motivated. This is when the environment provided incentives/rewards for him to play. He was given money for his talent to be shared with the world and at one point became more fixated on the money than his music. The money attracted him toward performing and making music. I would also say that his physiological need for sex was also an extrinsic motivator. He believed it was “acceptable” to have a “road wife” (or wives) in that he could carry out his sexual desires with. With his reward of money, his intrinsic motivation is decreased because he is performing in order to gain the money versus the challenge of playing the piano and showing his creativity. In a sense, what was once play, became work for Ray. Ray experienced volition in that he was coerced into producing music and playing at shows and the amount of money he would make was determined by others. He showed true choice when he refused to play for a segregated audience. The choice was not offered by anyone because they would lose out on money, but he made the choice and showed his need for autonomy. He reflected his values, goals and interests in that he was an African American artist, but African Americans didn’t receive the same privileges. He had a high need for relatedness; or close emotional attachment. He would constantly touch women on the wrist to see if they were desirable to him. He got married and had a family to fill the place where his mother in a sense, abandoned him. He also had a “road wife” to fulfill his need for emotional attachment. Ray experienced goals discrepancy; the present state falls short of the ideal state, when he first started out as an artist. He wanted to make a number one record when he only had a couple of songs. Because his goal was difficult, he was energized to produce more songs and work harder for longer periods of time. He would improvise with his backup and magically produced new songs quickly. Because his goal was also specific, he had direction for his behavior and focused his attention on it. He would send people away if they were distracting him from making his music. Feedback then defined his performance in making a new record and acted as a reinforcer. He would play his new songs at a show to get the audience feedback. He then put his new songs to a new record which then became a new hit. Ray had high self efficacy; one’s judgement of how well one will cope with a situation, given the skills one has and circumstances one faces. He would improvises ways to translate his abilities for an effective performance. This is evident at the show when he had twenty more minutes to play, but no song material to perform. He and his band then improvised on stage and created a new hit that everyone loved. Ray was comfortable with going with the flow because it usually yielded positive feedback from all. He has high self efficacy from personal behavior history in which his mother told him to never let anyone treat him as a cripple and spent his whole life living it the way he thought his mother would want him to live. He was given verbal persuasion from his wife, managers, road wives and fans. This drove him to keep going in producing an effective performance. He had incredible effort and persistence towards making music. The music world is a hard one, especially back in Ray’s time, but his effort and persistence drove him to become famous. He also had to deal with emotional reactions of everyone around him and himself. He was stressed at times, but turned to heroin to decrease his stress. He also had to deal with the emotions of his wife and his road wives if he “wasn’t treating them the way they should be treated.” He never allowed the emotions of his road wives affect his success. Ray could have experienced learned helplessness; one expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable, but refused to do this. He had no control over his blindness and could have developed learning deficits in that he became pessimistic, experienced emotional deficits and motivational deficits. However, with the encouragement of his mother, he chose to overcome his blindness by using his ears as his eyes. He had to compensate for his loss of vision with his other senses. His mother refusing to help him when he fell, or feeling sorry for him also helped him steer clear of learned helplessness. He made the most of what he had and developed a successful career.

intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, optimal challenges, sex, volition, perceived choice, relatedness, goal discrepancy, feedback, reinforcer, self efficacy,effective performance, positive feedback, verbal persuasion, effort, persistence, emotional reactions, learned helplessness

Ray begins to play the piano because he is intrinsically motivated. He is fascinated by the store manager playing the piano and learns how to play. Intrinsic motivation is engaging in an interest, exercising one’s capacities and mastering optimal challenges. It is done spontaneously for the fun of it, which is what Ray did at first. Once this activity was promoted, it lead to persistence, creativity, high quality learning and optimal functioning. Persistence was in that he continued to practice and listen to the piano player. He also persisted in that he continued to play the piano despite his blindness. He had creativity in that he created his own music and lyrics, which later went on to be popular and famous music. He had high quality learning in that he learned all the notes of the piano, rhythms and could improvise easily. Optimal functioning also came into play when he because a well known artist. When his talent was discovered, Ray began to become extrinsically motivated. This is when the environment provided incentives/rewards for him to play. He was given money for his talent to be shared with the world and at one point became more fixated on the money than his music. The money attracted him toward performing and making music. I would also say that his physiological need for sex was also an extrinsic motivator. He believed it was “acceptable” to have a “road wife” (or wives) in that he could carry out his sexual desires with. With his reward of money, his intrinsic motivation is decreased because he is performing in order to gain the money versus the challenge of playing the piano and showing his creativity. In a sense, what was once play, became work for Ray. Ray experienced volition in that he was coerced into producing music and playing at shows and the amount of money he would make was determined by others. He showed true choice when he refused to play for a segregated audience. The choice was not offered by anyone because they would lose out on money, but he made the choice and showed his need for autonomy. He reflected his values, goals and interests in that he was an African American artist, but African Americans didn’t receive the same privileges. He had a high need for relatedness; or close emotional attachment. He would constantly touch women on the wrist to see if they were desirable to him. He got married and had a family to fill the place where his mother in a sense, abandoned him. He also had a “road wife” to fulfill his need for emotional attachment. Ray experienced goals discrepancy; the present state falls short of the ideal state, when he first started out as an artist. He wanted to make a number one record when he only had a couple of songs. Because his goal was difficult, he was energized to produce more songs and work harder for longer periods of time. He would improvise with his backup and magically produced new songs quickly. Because his goal was also specific, he had direction for his behavior and focused his attention on it. He would send people away if they were distracting him from making his music. Feedback then defined his performance in making a new record and acted as a reinforcer. He would play his new songs at a show to get the audience feedback. He then put his new songs to a new record which then became a new hit. Ray had high self efficacy; one’s judgement of how well one will cope with a situation, given the skills one has and circumstances one faces. He would improvises ways to translate his abilities for an effective performance. This is evident at the show when he had twenty more minutes to play, but no song material to perform. He and his band then improvised on stage and created a new hit that everyone loved. Ray was comfortable with going with the flow because it usually yielded positive feedback from all. He has high self efficacy from personal behavior history in which his mother told him to never let anyone treat him as a cripple and spent his whole life living it the way he thought his mother would want him to live. He was given verbal persuasion from his wife, managers, road wives and fans. This drove him to keep going in producing an effective performance. He had incredible effort and persistence towards making music. The music world is a hard one, especially back in Ray’s time, but his effort and persistence drove him to become famous. He also had to deal with emotional reactions of everyone around him and himself. He was stressed at times, but turned to heroin to decrease his stress. He also had to deal with the emotions of his wife and his road wives if he “wasn’t treating them the way they should be treated.” He never allowed the emotions of his road wives affect his success. Ray could have experienced learned helplessness; one expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable, but refused to do this. He had no control over his blindness and could have developed learning deficits in that he became pessimistic, experienced emotional deficits and motivational deficits. However, with the encouragement of his mother, he chose to overcome his blindness by using his ears as his eyes. He had to compensate for his loss of vision with his other senses. His mother refusing to help him when he fell, or feeling sorry for him also helped him steer clear of learned helplessness. He made the most of what he had and developed a successful career.

intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, optimal challenges, sex, volition, perceived choice, relatedness, goal discrepancy, feedback, reinforcer, self efficacy,effective performance, positive feedback, verbal persuasion, effort, persistence, emotional reactions, learned helplessness

The movie Ray is an inspirational story of Ray Charles who overcame his blindness and become a famous piano player. When Ray was younger, he would sneak into a local store to watch the owner play the piano. He was facinated by this and developed intrinsic motivation to play the piano. Intrinsic motivation is defined as the inherent desire to engage one's interests to exercise and develop one's capacities. Ray wanted to learn to play the piano simply for enjoyment purposes. The benefits of intrinsic motivaion include persistence, creativity, high quality learning, as well as optimal funcioning and well-being. When Ray is older and gets discovered for his talents he is extrinsically motivated. He persues playing the piano at clubs in order to get paid. The money that Ray receives serves as a reward. When Ray learns that he can get paid for his talent he looks for deals where he can earn more money. This desire for more money concequently undermines his initial intrinsic motivaion. When Ray earned more money it in tern increased his compliance to keep playing. He knew that the more he performed, the more money he would make. Money served as his primary source of motivaional drive. One of the psychological needs that Ray strives for in the movie was his sense of autonomy. Autonomy is the need to experience self-direction and personal endorcement. Ray was not successful in producing an album when he first began performing because his voice was too familiar and sounded like every other performer. Ray had enough autonomy to produce a unique sound that he created by mixing gospel music with R&B. This proved to be highly successful and he gained even more fame. Ray also demonstrated autonomy when he decided that he was not going to play in Georgia because they were segregated. Ray demonstrated volition because he felt free to make a choice for himself and not do what was expected. I believe that ray showed a high social need for achievement because he did not let being blind get in the way of persuing his dreams. Achievement is a social need that is aquired through socializaion. Ray's mother socialized Ray to not let his condition handicap him. A powerful scene in the movie that demonstrated this is the clip where young Ray trips on a chair and cries out for his mom. Ray's mom was silent and allowed for Ray to depend on his hearning alone to get around the house. The need for achivement is the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence. Ray's mother set the standard of excellence very high and believed that Ray could live his life without letting his blindness hold him back. Ray satisfied is physiolocial need for sex not only with his wife, but with several women while he was on the road. However, his need for intimacy was only satisfied by his wife Della Bea. Intimacy is the need for a warm, close, and enduring relationship. The only relationship that Ray was concerned about retaining was with his wife. When Ray first meets Della Bea he opens up to her and is honest with her in way that he isn't with any other woman. The one thing that stands in the way of Ray's marriage is his addiction to heroine. Our text says that when addiction occurs, it can lead to a release of the biochemical agent dopamine. Ray continues to use heroine even though he discourages others from using the drug. He likes the way the drug makes him feel and becomes dependent on obtaining more and more heroine. At the end of the movie, it becomes clear that Ray's love for performing is stronger than his addicion and finally quits for good.

Terms: intrinsic motivaion, persistence, extrinsic motivaion, reward, drive, psychological need, autonomy, volition, social need, achievement, socializaion, physiological need, sex, intimacy, addiction, dopamine

In chapter one the expressions of motivation is discussed. Rays mother told him never to go into a store, but he hears music and is curious. So he chooses to go into the store, he sees and older man playing the piano. One of the expressions of motivation is behavior. There are eight aspects of behavior that express motivation: attention, effort, latency, persistence, and choice, probability of response, facial expressions, and bodily gestures. When the older man notices Ray watching him play he offers to teach him how to play. You could tell by Rays’ body gestures and facial expression that he was motivated. He payed attention and did what the guy told him to do. The fact that Ray’s mother did not want him to go into the store but he still did shows that he put in the effort, chose it himself, and was persistent. When Ray became blind his mother was persistent with helping him learn how to do stuff on his own. It was hard for her to watch him get hurt and just leave him, but she knew that if she helped him all of the time he would never learn. Her motivation to help her son was seen by this. She externally motivated Ray by saying “Never let anybody turn you into a cripple.” Her motivation was also shown by her engagement. Chapter one says that engagement refers to the behavioral intensity, emotional quality, and personal investment in another person’s involvement during an activity. She stood by her son even though he became blind. She knew that at this time she needed to be there for him even more than before. She started to teach him all the different things he would need to know. She took a lot of time out of her day to help him learn.

Chapter two talks about drive, if Ray did not learn how to do everyday things he would not be able to fulfill his drive. It would be harder for him to find something to eat and drink because he wouldn’t have been able to find his way to food by himself if his mother did not teach him how to find his way around a room by sound.

Chapter four discusses the need for sex. Within the sex discussion facial metrics is brought up. It says that many stimuli arise from a sexual partner- chemical(smell), tactile(touch), auditory(voice), and visual(sight, appearance). It is said that one of the strongest stimuli is physical attractiveness. Because Ray cannot see if women are beautiful by their face he would feel their wrist to see if the woman was beautiful. This shows that physical attractiveness is important to people even when they are not able to see.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is discussed in chapter five. When Ray was first learning how to play the piano he was intrinsically motivated, but when he started to get paid to play I think that he became extrinsically motivated. He was also extrinsically motivated to start writing his own music and style so that he did not sound like other people. He was told that if he didn’t he wouldn’t be supported by the people he wanted to be supported by. Ray also found out that Marlyn and Garlyn had been playing him. He was not being paid the amount he thought he was, so he was extrinsically motivated to leave them.

Words: expressions of motivation, choice, attention, effort, latency, persistence, choice, probability of response, facial expressions, and bodily gestures, externally motivated, engagement, drive, need, sex, facial metrics, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation

In the movie Ray, it is obvious that there are a lot of motivational factors going on. When he was younger he began becoming blind. This forced Ray to change his way of life, and as a result he became a sensational piano player and performer. Because he was faced with the problem of being blind, I believe that Ray showed exceptional competence. When I was about 14 I began to learn to play the piano. It was very difficult so I can imagine the difficulty in not being able to see. As stated in the book, when people are faced with challenges, they tend to give that given moment 100% of our attention. In order to learn the piano, Ray had to give his undivided attention in learning just by hearing. Ray also desires to perform his ability. He is waiting at a bus stop and convinces the drive to take him to Seattle. When he arrives he is given a chance to audition. Ray was not expecting to audition at this time so given this situation; I believe Ray is facing an optimal challenge. He is able to master this challenge by going on the stage and getting everyone in the bar out of the chairs to dance. With competence comes flow. The book explains flow as a state of mind that is comprised of total fascination in the activity. An example from the movie would be when he is performing on stage at one of his shows. Some people come barging in yelling things such as “this is devil music”, “you’re going to hell”. It takes a while for Ray to respond. I think this shows that flow is a deep concentration and often times you don’t realize what’s going on around you.

When it comes to relatedness, I believe Ray has good intentions. When Ray meets Della (aka Bea) he is very infatuated with her. I think that when he is with her he genuinely cares for her and is emotionally engaged. At the beginning of their relationship I also believe they were experiencing intimacy. A good example of this is when Ray writes a song for Della and after he plays it he says he loves her and that “there’s nothing more natural then that”. However, when Della found Ray’s heroin things began to go downhill. Della also knew that Ray was sleeping with other women and had actually got another woman pregnant. During this time, she was still emotionally connected with Ray and just wanted him to get help because she cared about him.

It is obvious that Ray is intrinsically motivated to play his piano and perform. Intrinsic motivation is when a person engages in challenges because they genuinely care for the activity and also strive to get better. Because Ray has such a talent he is getting paid and makes a lot of money. This would be a form of extrinsic motivation. Things such as money, awards and privileges are extrinsically motivating because they are given something to do a certain activity. However, I believe that Ray would have continued to play piano and perform even if he wasn’t extrinsically motivated. It was just very convenient given that he needs money to survive.

Terms: Competence, optimal challenge, relatedness, intimacy, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation.

Chapter six, about psychological needs, are shown through the entire movie. Ray is a very autonomous individual, his mother taught him to be like that so he could make his way in the world only relying on just himself. When he has the flashback of falling down after going blind, his mother does not help him when he cries out. He must learn to find his way alone or he never would in the future. Throughout the movie, people offer him help and many times, he refuses it. He does not want people to pity him for his disability, he just wants to be able to do normal tasks like everyone else. He adds into his contract with the bigger label that he keeps his masters and he can play whatever kind of music he wants. His music is very important to him and he wants to be the one to control it on every level.

There is a lot of competence in the movie as well. He plays the piano very well and he knows that. He does what he is good at, imitating other artists’ styles. When he meets Bea and is getting flack from his label for not being original, he finds his own style and blows everyone away. He is willing to take chances because he knows he is good at what he does, however he does it. He has the love of a good woman to support him in all he does and he has the drive to succeed. His performances and recording probably enduce a flow state for him where he is challenged to make amazing music that engages his listeners and expresses himself. I would assume his failure tolerance is fairly high as he grew up without sight and probably got things wrong a lot. There doesn’t seem to be much about the movie where he fails but when his record label is selling him off and he signs with a new one, they want a new sound from him, not the imitation he does so well. He listens to that criticism and rises to the challenge.

He is a lover throughout the movie, finding lovely ladies by feeling their wrists. He spends his time with many women until he finds Bea and then he is fulfilled in a way that the other women were not able to do. He was just with those women for a night but Bea fulfilled his need for relatedness, she formed a close emotional bond with him and they began a real relationship. At the beginning of the movie, his friends that he had trusted turned out to be swindling him and he walked out on them, feeling that close emotional bond broken. He and Bea got married and had their issues where they were no longer close and Ray strayed while on the road with first one backup singer, then another. He was constantly seeking that connection wherever he was even if his wife was at home with their children. Ray formed many friendships after becoming famous and it eventually was at the cost of his close friend, Jeff. He let new bonds take the place of old ones and let an argument and possible misunderstanding, end their long time friendship. With Fathead, he let his friendship internalize the ease of drug usage. Instead of being against it like his mother would have wanted, he decided that his friends were using and it wouldn’t be a big deal if he was. He internalized their social values as his own and it ended up almost ruining his marriage and his life.

Terms: autonomy, competence, flow, failure tolerence, relatedness, internalization

I found that the movie focused a lot on concepts from chapter 5. Chapter 5 focuses on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. At a young age Ray became infatuated with the piano, for years he watched people play and finally was taught how by an older man after watching him many times and finally asking him to teach him to play. Ray had no "need" or specific reasoning why wanted to learn and after he learned kept playing, he just enjoyed it. In this way he was intrinsically motivated to learn and to continue playing. The older Ray got, he learned that he had a true talent and other people did as well, this he began to get paid for doing what he loved and became extrinsically motivated. Once Ray's intrinsic motivation transformed into extrinsic motivation playing lost the fun that he once felt and it became a pressure. There now were consequences for what he loved to do and people relying on him to play what they wanted, not what he wanted. He lost his sense of control.
We see in the movie how Ray learns autonomy, especially as he gradually loses is vision. His mother made him learn quickly and didn't make it easy for him. When he fell and screamed for help she left him. Ray had to learn to function on his own with out help from others. His mother in a sense was preventing him from learned helplessness.
In the movie Ray shows volition with various choices he makes. He choses to cheat on his wife to not be lonely, he does drugs on his own freewill, and he refuses to play at a concert because it goes against his personal beliefs.
Relatedness, affiliation, and intimacy are central terms in this movie. Ray had two main women in his life: Marjorie when he was away and his wife when he was at home. These two women fulfilled his need for intimacy. Ray's need for affiliation leads him to doing drugs - the members seem to leave Ray out in the beginning and to feel less of an outcast Ray joins them while they are doing heroine. As far as relatedness goes, Ray wanted to be known. He wanted people to know how great he was. He worked hard to get his name out there and to get the "fame" that he desired.
This movie does a great job of portraying various different motivational factors that made Ray a star. It also pointed out how these factors had a negative impact on his life as well. This movie shows that your needs/wants that help you strive so much for success sometimes have serious and negative consequences.
ME Terms: Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Autonomy, Learned Helplessness, Volition, Relatedness, Affiliation, Intimacy

The movie Ray is a great movie that shows great examples of motivation, especially intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from one’s interest. Once can see that Ray has the interest in the piano through the scene that shows Ray sneaking into the store just to watch the man play the piano. One can see that when the man started to teach Ray how to play the piano, it made him very happy. The benefits of intrinsic motivation include higher level of persistence, creativity, optimal understanding and overall wellbeing. Ray was intrinsically motivated to learn how to play the piano, even though he had the challenge of being blind. He showed a great amount of persistence. At first when Ray was going blind, he showed a sense of learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. One can see this through Ray constantly crying and feeling as if his life was over. However, learning how to play the piano showed that Ray got over the hump of learned helplessness and took on the challenge to live in a world of darkness. Before he was able to get over the hump, Ray also had trouble with personal control beliefs. With losing his sight at the age of seven, Ray felt like his life was out of his control. However, Ray’s mother played a huge role in the fact that he did not give up. Ray had low efficacy expectations. This means that his judgment of his own ability to complete a task was low. However, his mother was determined to change this. One can see the example of this in the scene where Ray’s mother tries to teach him how to go down the stairs. This was the start of Ray increasing his efficacy expectations. Ultimately Ray wanted to the outcome to be him learning how to live in darkness. The fact that his mom did all the activities with him to help him learn how to do so increased his outcome expectation. Outcome expectation is the belief that what one is doing will result in the desired outcome. He knew that if he kept practicing, the chances of him obtaining the outcome he desired would increase. Through these acts of learning how to live in a world of darkness, Ray also learned the importance of autonomy. Autonomy is having control over your actions and such. With learning how to do tasks by himself, he gained autonomy. Although the process of learning how to play the piano started out by intrinsic motivation, it wasn’t long until extrinsic motivation came into the picture. Extrinsic motivation comes from environmental incentives and consequences. One can see an example of an extrinsic motivator in the scene where Ray’s managers gave him incentives, such as money, for him to keep working. Ray demonstrated a lot of competence in his music abilities and he knew that he was good at what he did. However, once the external motivator of money was brought into the picture, Ray started to focus more on what he was getting paid versus the enjoyment he felt while he was playing.
Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, persistence, creativity, conceptual understanding, optimal functioning, incentives, personal control beliefs, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, autonomy

Having never seen Ray before, or known about the man that it was about, it was indeed a very motivating and inspiring movie and fits the class well. There were many components and concepts that were applied from class in this movie. From the start, it’s very clear that Ray has always been intrinsically motivated to learn the piano and play music. There was the inherent desire to engage one’s interest and to exercise and develop one’s capabilities. It was even more evident of this intrinsic motivation when he became blind and continued to play and learn. Eventually he learned to master the piano and different forms of music and artists, playing now had an extrinsic motivation; money. Extrinsic meaning there is an environmentally created reason and or incentive to engage in an action or activity. Ray gradually learned that he could be paid to play and later, he was more worried about the money then the music he was creating. It was a constant balancing act it would seem that was battling back and forth in the movie from his intrinsic desire to play and create his own kind of music, and the extrinsic motivation of more money. But in the end he seemed to balance it out well. And when it was at its best point of balance, he was able to highly creative with his music. Creativity is usually undermined by extrinsic motivations.

Another heavy motivation factor that I found to be a constant in this film was Ray’s psychological need of autonomy. Psychological need is a willingness to seek out and engage in an environment that we expect will be able to nurture our needs. In Ray’s case was once leaving school he was able to find work in Seattle and gradually become a famous and successful musician regardless of the many bumps in the road. Autonomy is the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in decision making and regulation of one’s behavior. Due to his blindness he had a rather odd case of mixed autonomy, he learned to use his ears and memory so that he had more autonomy rather than using a sick to dog. But at the same time because of his blindness he still has less autonomy then the average person. In the beginning he didn’t have that autonomy essentially; when he had first become blind, learned helplessness came up. Learned helplessness is they psychological state that results when an individual expects that life's outcomes are uncontrollable. He couldn’t control his blindness his mother told him so he just had to accept it and learn. While learning to deal with the darkness he was constantly said and frustrated calling for his mother when he kicked the chair and fell over. When she didn’t come he eventually made the choice of getting up and using his ears to direct him. Due to his mother’s autonomy-supportive motivational style, encouragement on identifying his ability to take care of himself, Ray learned to move about on his own. His mother told him to never let himself be treated like a cripple; he kept those to heart which was clear in the first scene of the movie. Though he made some bad choices, he was able to get his autonomy back in more ways than one.

There was also a defiant presence of social needs, acquired psychological process that grows out of one’s socialization history that activates emotional responses to a particular need. Those particular needs being intimacy and affiliation. At first it was affiliation with others, particularly his band mates; opportunity to please others and gain their approval, even a little. Trying to get to know them and engage them in interactions, which in a around about way led him to his drug problem. Though the few first cases didn’t turn out the greatest eventually he was able to have affiliation with his band mates and could be called friends. Then there was the need of intimacy, engaging in warm, secure and close relationships. Ray seemed relatively interested in woman eventually and had several relationships going on at once. His dominate relationships being with Bee his wife and his sons. With his mother and brother gone he had no other family really, never knowing his father they were all he had and for them gain control of his drug addiction.

Terms: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, intimacy, affiliation, creativity, autonomy, psychological needs, social needs, autonomy-supportive motivation style, learned helplessness,

One of the sadder parts of the movie was Ray’s addiction. One of the aspects of addiction that I couldn’t find in the book was how addiction really takes a hold of a person and grows. In the movie they did a really good job of showing how addictions start and how addicts act. Ray’s addiction really started when he took that first hit of pot. His joy from the dopamine opened him up to the idea of harder drugs for a more intense dopamine rush. The book talked about how the brain becomes hypersensitive to dopamine. What I vaguely remember from introduction to psychology (my teacher for the class was psychologist that worked at a mental hospital for years so he had more stories and insights then what I could remember) was how the brain then becomes used to that state and craves another rush. As addiction grows (addict’s brain becomes used to the hypersensitivity) those addicts who are exposed to other forms of drugs (dope was used in the movie) seem to be more easily addicted to them. The scenes of Ray in the hospital as he goes through withdraw were close to the ones you can sometimes see on Rehab with Dr. Drew. Watching this made me think of a study that had been published this year about how patients are able to better overcome addictions when they have medication and therapy.

I saw a lot of power play in the movie. Ray didn’t like it when he was being played just because he couldn’t see. His manager and the ‘lead’ of his first band did this blatantly as a team and even sometimes right in front of Ray without saying a word. Even when many people were trying to take advantage of him, Ray showed a lot of persistence when it came to business and making money. His self-efficacy played a big part in making it to where he wanted to be (having a lot of money) because I was able to make changes to his career and not worry about needing anyone’s help. Even though Ray was always looking for the best deal in the business he never compromised his power of control of his music. Unfortunately when it came to his personal life, Ray had only perceived control through most of his life. His addiction caused him miss important points in his son’s life and threaten his marriage. He thought he had control until the signs of his addiction became noticeable through the ‘addict’s itch’ he had. It took until the death of Margie Hendricks to make him see how much control his addiction had in his life.

Terms List: addiction, addicts, hypersensitive, dopamine, brain, withdraw, medication and therapy, power play, persistence, self-efficacy, power of control, perceived control.

The movie, “Ray”, allows the audience to travel through the life of Ray Charles, highlight the successes, struggles, and conflicts from a music loving boy to a paid musician. This change highlights one of the main motivation topics portrayed in this movie: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Throughout the movie, the audience also is able to see the portrayal of Ray’s various psychological and social needs.
Initially, the passion that Ray had for playing the piano was a great example of intrinsic motivation. He was driven to play the piano for his own interest and enjoyment. The book discusses that those who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to be creative and persistent with their efforts. Ray exemplified this statement, as he was able to compose very interesting and catchy songs, and wouldn’t lose interest from his continued playing and composing. At first, it was inspiring to see Ray able to make money off his talents, but soon after starting earning money, his intrinsic motivation level soon dropped as well. This isn’t surprising, as the textbook gives support to the notion that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation aren’t able to exist very well, as when extrinsic motivation levels increase, intrinsic motivation levels decrease. The reception of monetary rewards for playing the piano started the increasing onset of extrinsic motivation. Ray started to be motivated by the pay check, rather than his love for playing the piano. When he would play would be based on what establishment would give him the bigger paycheck, rather than the desire to play based on enjoyment of playing piano.
Ray’s psychological needs were very apparent in the movie. His need for autonomy was evident throughout his life, as he felt the need to always prove his independence despite the challenges as a blind man. His mother supported him as a child to develop into an independent person, as when he grew up he would have to be able to support himself. His drive to find the best gigs could possibly be attributed to his need for autonomy, as Ray didn’t want to have to depend on others for his future. His need for competence was very evident in his piano playing, which at first was the ability to show that he was very talented at piano, but later translated into the need to show that he could continue to get people to pay him for playing the piano.
Ray’s social needs, specifically the need for achievement and need for power, were also evident in the movie. As Ray became more motivated by the pay check rather than the playing for enjoyment, he felt the need to establish his power as a professional piano player. He felt the need to continue to prove himself as a piano player to continue to receive hefty pay checks and have repeated gigs booked. The need to establish himself as a valued piano player also was evidence of his need for achievement, especially when he became more dependent on pay checks to continue playing the piano. The evidence of Ray’s social needs became increasing apparent when his motivation switched from intrinsic to extrinsic.
As the audience travels through Ray’s life, they are able to see how his goal of becoming a top-notch piano player alters and adapts to his current situation. When he first began playing his current state didn’t include the playing level he sought, as the playing level he sought was his ideal state. To become a better piano player wasn’t necessary a specific goal, but it gave evidence to goal difficulty. This difficulty provided the opportunity to motivate Ray to increase his piano skills.
A more specific goal that seemed to be set by both Ray and his mom was for Ray to have the ability to function more independently despite his blindness. His mom helped Ray develop different strategies to cope with his blindness and also gave him feedback along the way. The “tough love” she exhibited when he was trying to get himself up after falling down, but also the hug they had afterwards gave Ray good feedback for being successful at be autonomous. This could also be described as an autonomy-supportive motivating style.

Terms: extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, creativity, persistence, drive, need for autonomy, need for competence, need for achievement, need for power, goal setting, goal difficulty, autonomy-supportive motivating style

Ray Charles was a highly intrinsically motivated individual. He was not forced into learning the piano he chose to learn it out an internal yearning. Many of the actions that we see him taking are because he wants to, not because of the rewards that he will receive from some external source. The music he chooses to play, the tours he chooses to go on, and the venues he chooses to perform in are all a function of his intrinsic motivation. He does receive outside rewards (or penalties in the case of him not playing in Georgia), but they are not what motivates him. He is often told that his decision is the wrong one yet chooses to pursue it anyway because he is doing these things for his own reasons.

Ray also has a strong need for relatedness. Very rarely do we see Ray alone, the exceptions being at the beginning of the movie when the band he is in is excluding him and at the end where the drugs are starting to take over his life. In both of these situations he still longs to be close to others but is unable to due to forces in his life, which he is not in control of. When the band is excluding him he turns to using heroin. I’m not sure if this is to dull the pain of being alone or to become one of the group. Whatever the reason it shows how important it is to Ray to have people with which he is close. We also often see Ray hitting on women after the shows. Once he starts becoming successful he is rarely alone. He meets Bea and after they are married he is eager to start a family. When he goes on the road he goes through a string of mistresses and always seems to be sleeping with someone. This all reinforces his need for relatedness.

Ray also has a high need for autonomy. He does not let people tell him what music he will perform. Nearly every time he wants to try something new musically somebody tells him that it is a bad idea and that he will fail. He does not listen and tries anyways. The person that instills this into him is his mother. She constantly insists, after he looses his sight, that he make his own decisions and be his own man. She creates an autonomy supportive environment for him and he thrives within it. His mother also insists that he has a high level of competence. When he first becomes blind and trips over the chair she clearly wants to help him but refrains because she knows that he will have to learn to take care of himself. At this point in his life Ray learns to start using his other sense to make up for his lack of sight and becomes more competent. We also see this later in life after he first meets Bea. She offers to call him a cab after Ray walks her home. He refuses and demonstrates to her that he is completely competent of getting around on his own by reciting the exact directions back to his hotel.

Ray is also a highly creative individual. We do not find this out until a little bit into the movie. At the beginning he is not really himself in his musical career. He gets noticed because he can imitate other artists quite well. Only after Ahmet encourages him to start creating his own sound do we find out how special Ray Charles really is. After this he branches out to many different musical genres and is successful in all of them. The best example of this is when he is playing a club and the promoter tells him that he has 20 minutes left to fill. Ray is creative enough to play a song that everyone loves and fill up the rest of the time. Although I’m sure he had been thinking about this song for some time, it is the first time he has ever played it and manages to pull if off with great success.

Finally Ray’s need for achievement is another attribute that made him such an amazing musician. He is constantly pushing the envelope because it seems that he has conquered some section of the music industry. With every new album he puts out he has the chance to achieve something new. This need pushes him throughout the movie. He is never satisfied and always strives to achieve more. It is impressive that he achieves as much as he did because I cannot recall any part of the movie where he sets goals related to his career. The only goal I can recall him setting is to get clean.

Terms; need for achievement, autonomy, relatedness, creativity, intrinsic motivation, goals, competence

“When you’re blind, Miss Antoine, you ain’t got that many choices.” Ray Charles Robinson turned to the piano for a sense of perceived competence. Losing his vision at the young age of 7 took away much of the autonomy in many areas of his life. His mother trained him to rely on his acute sense of hearing, and this allowed Ray to be about as competent in everyday life that a blind man could be. Though he may not have been able to do many of the things sighted people take for granted, music was one area that he considered an equal playing field (though he soon outstripped many of the best sighted artists of the time). In a strange way, Ray’s disability may have been a blessing in disguise in this regard. The task of achieving mastery over the piano proved to be an optimal challenge for him because his sole limitation was not being able to see the keyboard. His persistence

Ray Charles originally took to the keys out of pure intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation arises from a person’s psychological needs, and Ray’s needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness were all drastically increased by his disability. Therefore, the higher Ray’s psychological needs, the higher his intrinsic motivation, and the higher his intrinsic motivation, the higher his persistence in accomplishing his goals. He surely viewed the old man who taught him to play piano as a possible self initially, but after surpassing his original mentor he had to find new possible selves to emulate. These came in the form of established piano players of the time, who Ray found he had a knack at imitating, in both style and substance.

Ray’s remarkable ability to copy a multitude of singers and play nearly any genre allowed potential bandmates to overlook his physical disability. This versatility gave the record executives at Atlantic the confidence just to let Ray “do his thing.” This autonomy within the studio nurtured his inner motivational resources and allowed him to flourish creatively. This effect was also enhanced by the fact that Ray no longer had to worry about scratching out a living gig to gig – his popularity made money much less of an issue and reduced its power as an extrinsic motivator to reduce the potency of his innate motivational resources.

Ray is about the life of Ray Charles (Robinson), a very talented musician of the 1950s all the way to the 2000s. Ray experienced many tragic events as a young boy: the death of his brother, going blind, and being parted from his mother. These events held a great impact over his life and it is seen through the flashbacks of the movie, and are reasons that contribute to his cheating and drug use. He experienced a learned helplessness due to his early childhood blindness. His mother never wanted him to be dependent on anyone and taught him to look out for himself. She finally reached her own helplessness in teaching him, that she had to send him away to learn more, in order to make a life for himself. You can also see a sense of that helplessness when his brother drowned. He just stood there watching, unable to move. His mother even lashed out at him for not helping. The death of his brother bothers him his entire life. They were close and played together in nearly everything they did. You saw flashbacks and fears of being in water and touching his brother, and Ray tenses up and experiences fear. This loneliness and loss of relationship creates a hole, and he detaches himself by drug use. He also cheats on his wife, because he has a hard time with people.

The people in his life all tend to take advantage of him, and he knows this. They treat him as a nuisance, and he consistently persists on to bigger and better things. He first establishes himself and his “manager” and band mate take a lot of his profit; they also con him out of good deals. He is searched by a label, and takes the deal behind his manager’s back. This label makes him famous and lets him do his thing. As this contract winds down, another record label gives him a better deal and he takes it only after trying to get this deal from his current label. He constantly progressed into better opportunity. His new label gives him a great sense of autonomy, which he has always needed to put his music in motion. Even criticism about his music being devil music couldn’t bring him down. He had the skills to achieve and did what he needed to make his successful music.

His music was all from an intrinsic motivation. He was truly motivated because he enjoyed and loved every aspect of music. He snuck into a music shop as a small boy just to learn how to play the piano. He loved coming up with new ideas and incorporating new instruments and singers into his own abilities. These aspects are what made him one of the most influential and inspiring musicians ever.

Learned helplessness
intrinsic motivation

Ray had lived a harsh life that gave him great highs and many lows, which was well represented in his music. He also lived a difficult life after he had become blind, but with becoming blind he had achieved a great talent of learning music and listening to what is around him to create great music. But in Ray’s difficult life he had represented many concepts that we had learned in the previous chapters.

For instance, Ray’s drug addiction was very similar to the physiological needs of food and thirst because he had been doing drugs since he was young and been addicted for years. At first his addiction was just minor and had more control over it, but as the years went by the drug had started to affect his body from him having the shakes or scratching at his body. So, eventually the addiction had become so strong that he needed it as much as he needed food or water and showed how bad it had gotten when he is in rehab and he is freaking out because of the withdrawals from the drug and begins to have visions of his past.

Also, Ray had the major physiological need for sex. Before Ray became big, he had gotten married and just got his wife pregnant and things were good for the couple, besides the drug habit that had mad her very angry. But then his band had hit the road and he had started having sex with Mary Ann and their fling was in secret and it seemed that he had no guilt that he had a wife at home with his newborn child. Also, he started having sex that was singing in his band, which pisses Mary Ann off because he cheating with both of them, which she throws a brick through his window. As years go on he has more kids with his wife and his secret relationship with the singer was going, until she had told him that she was pregnant and wanted to keep the baby, but he wanted her to abort it, so she leaves him too.

Even with all of this cheating though he seems like he has a clear distinction between his social needs of affiliation and intimacy. His wife I feel is his intimacy love because he had actually fallen in love with her and gotten married and wanted to have children with her. He seemed like his marriage was important because when the girl he has been having a fling with calls him at home, he waits for his wife to leave the room because he cares for her and doesn’t want to wreck what they have and lose his children. Then, his affiliation is obvious with the girls he is cheating with because he shows them a good time and knows how to get into their pants, but when things get serious and one of them tells him that she is pregnant with his baby, he would rather her get a divorce than bother taking care of the issue as an adult and not just try to simply erase it.
Though his life was not something that most people would want and would respect, I think that he was a good person at heart and would do anything for the people he loved and took care of for so many years.

Terms: Physiological needs, food and thirst, sex, social needs, intimacy/affiliation,

“When you’re blind, Miss Antoine, you ain’t got that many choices.” Losing his vision at the young age of 7 took away much of the autonomy in many areas of his life, so Ray Charles Robinson turned to the piano for a sense of perceived competence. His mother trained him to rely on his acute sense of hearing, and this allowed Ray to be about as competent in everyday life that a blind man could be. Though he may not have been able to do many of the things sighted people take for granted, music was one area that he considered an equal playing field (though he soon outstripped many of the best sighted artists of the time). In a strange way, Ray’s disability may have been a blessing in disguise in this regard. The task of achieving mastery over the piano proved to be an optimal challenge for him because his sole limitation was not being able to see the keyboard. In fact, not being able to see became a positive because he found artistic freedom in not having to rely on sheet music as most sighted people would!

Ray Charles originally took to the keys out of pure intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation arises from a person’s psychological needs, and Ray’s needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness were all drastically increased by his disability. Therefore, the higher Ray’s psychological needs, the higher his intrinsic motivation, and the higher his intrinsic motivation, the higher his persistence in accomplishing his goals. He surely viewed the old man who taught him to play piano as a possible self initially, but after surpassing his original mentor he had to find new possible selves to emulate. These came in the form of established piano players of the time, who Ray found he had a knack at imitating, in both style and substance.

Ray’s remarkable ability to copy a multitude of singers and play nearly any genre allowed potential bandmates to overlook his physical disability. This versatility gave the record executives at Atlantic the confidence just to let Ray “do his thing.” This autonomy within the studio nurtured his inner motivational resources and allowed him to flourish creatively. This effect was also enhanced by the fact that Ray no longer had to worry about scratching out a living gig to gig – his popularity made money much less of an issue and reduced its power as an extrinsic motivator to reduce the potency of his innate motivational resources.

Terms: perceived competence, autonomy, competence, relatedness, mastery, optimal challenge, psychological needs, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, persistence, possible self

I had never seen this movie before, but always was curious about it. After watching it, I really loved it and of course I saw many different areas of emotional & motivational psychology in the video. One theme that stayed persistent throughout the movie was Ray’s need for autonomy. Ever since he had gone blind, his mother was always telling him to not let anyone make him into a cripple, and that Ray would have to learn and do things for himself. Autonomy is when someone wants to be in control of their life, by making their own decisions & being able to choose what & where they would like to go. It’s that having a sense of personal control that no one can take away. Ray definitely had this, from the scene with the bus driver not wanting to allow Ray to go on the bus, because the driver did not want to take care of Ray, even though Ray insisted he would not need assistance. One other scene that shows what strong sense of autonomy Ray had was the flashback scene when Ray was a boy. He had tripped and hurt himself on the chair, and was calling out to his mother. Realizing that his mother was not going to help him, Ray choose to get up and walk around, getting used to his surroundings as opposed to just lying there and not helping himself. Not only did Ray grow up with a good sense of autonomy, he continued that throughout the rest of his life. During his career, he would not let anyone take advantage of him, and wanted to be in charge of producing his own songs.

Another theme in the movie related to psychology was the need for sex, intimacy and relatedness. The need for sex was satisfied when he met his wife Della Bea, and sex while on the road with Margie, whom Ray had grown close to (physically). The need for intimacy, I think, was different between the two women, because Ray’s relationship with Margie was much more physical and shallow, than the one with his wife. We know the relationship between Margie and Ray was not a true intimate one, because when she had told Ray she was pregnant, Ray said she needed to get rid of the baby. The intimacy feel could only be felt in Ray when he was with his wife and son. They were the ones that provided unconditional love and support, and his wife continued to motivate Ray to keep on with his musical career. Ray had a different type of relationship with his manager throughout the years. Joe Adams had been with him for the four years he was on the rise, seeing the goods and bad of Ray’s life. Having this closeness with someone is called relatedness. Ray wanted/needed to be around someone like Joe. When it came to his band members, Ray wanted to feel included and part of the group (affiliation), but was left out many times because his band mates did not want to have to take care of Ray while out on the town. This need for affiliation with his group members could have been a factor that led Ray to get into drugs.

Throughout the years Ray continued to make music, and every time he had an idea or thought, he put it down and played it, and if it was a hit, that would be an intrinsic motivation to keep making music. With this career came money and pay checks, which were also extrinsically motivated rewards. Ray knew that to get paid, he would have to produce good music that would please his managers. Although there was all the good in Ray’s rise to fame, there was clearly a downside to it. His addictions to women, sex & drugs got the best of him. He began to cheat on his wife, get into drugs to the point where it was affecting his playing (scratching and shaking). One possible reason Ray began to do drugs was to suppress the memories of his childhood, and the only way he could feel like he was in control is if he got rid of the memories; hence the drugs took him away from those memories.

I could not find a summary of how the last part of the movie ended…after he was seen in the hospital bed, maybe at detox? If anyone could tell me the last part of the movie, that would be great! Summing up everything I had said, Ray from the young age had to grow up quickly and become independent and in control very fast due to his blindness. He took control of his life, did what made him happy, and tried to live a good life. However with fame, like most celebrities/musicians, there are always going to be temptations with sex & drugs. Ray had fell into those temptations, and loss control of his life.

Terms: Autonomy, Intimacy, Relatedness, Sex, Intrinsic Motivation, Rewards, Extrinsic Motivation, Addictions, Affiliation, Control.

The film Ray is a film about the life of legendary pianist Ray Charles Robinson. Prior to watching the film, I did not have as much of an appreciation of Ray Charles’ music as much as I did coming out of viewing the film. For this reason, I am really glad that I was able to watch the film and gain further appreciation for Ray Charles and his musical career.

The first chapter that I believe is important to mention in regards to the movie Ray is Chapter 3 and the section dealing with neurotransmitters and endorphins. Within the movie Ray, Ray is often seen using a wide amount of drugs, two of which I believe are important in mentioning within this assignment. The primary drug that Ray develops a problem with within the film is that of heroin, a drug belonging to the opiate family of narcotics. Ray eventually develops a problematic addiction to this drug, but it is important to note the way that drugs such as heroin, an opiate, act on the brain. Opiates do not affect the brain through dopamine, but instead through opiate endorphins that are naturally occurring throughout our body. When opiate drugs are used, the brain releases these endorphins giving the user an inhibition in pain, anxiety and fear by creating an overall euphoric high. The second drug that I believe is important to mention is that of nicotine within cigarettes, which Ray is seen smoking throughout various scenes within the movie. These cigarettes, which Ray is often times seen smoking, work on the brain through dopamine and acetylcholine receptors throughout the body. This dopamine release within the brain tells us that certain acts we have committed are rewarding and beneficial to our survival because they make us feel good, often times becoming problematic and leading individuals to suffer from nicotine addiction.

The second chapter that I believe is important to mention in regards to the film Ray is Chapter 5 dealing with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It is obvious that Ray is intrinsically motivated to play the piano, as it fulfills many of his psychological needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. I am sure that for Ray, it was hard for him to get many of these psychological needs satisfied with certain activities, due to him being blind and being limited in many of his activities that he could engage himself within. Since the piano was a tool that allowed him to become competent in his skills as well as exercise his need for autonomy through musical creativity (as well as feeding Ray’s need for relatedness by allowing him to fit into social groups of musicians), it is no surprise then why Ray fell so in love with the piano and what it could do for him musically. Since Ray was so intrinsically motivated to play the piano he was able to benefit from many of the great benefits of being intrinsically motivated to engage in an activity. The benefits Ray gathered from his love for the piano was enhanced creativity when playing the piano, optimal cognitive functioning and greater self-esteem, as well as greater persistence in following his musical career.

The third chapter that I believe is important to mention in regards to the movie Ray is that of chapter 4, physiological needs. The main reason I choose this chapter is because of the physiological need of sex, which Ray is seen engaging in quite a bit throughout much of the film. When on tour, Ray was often seen engaging in sexual activites with many other women, despite the fact that he was married and had a family back home. It is interesting to point out how Ray discovered if a woman was attractive or not. Often times, Ray would feel their wrist while shaking their hand in order to study whether the woman was thin or not. This is important because Ray was not able to judge whether an individual was attractive based off of facial metrics, which is what many people use to judge the attractiveness of an individual. Instead of relying on visual stimuli to judge attractiveness, Ray was often times left to rely on tactile, chemical, and auditory stimuli from the environment to rate and gauge attractiveness.


Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Physiological Needs
Facial Metrics

Ray is a truly inspiring film and it depicted a various range of terms from our textbook.

First, an example of mastery in this film is when his mother told him he was going to be blind. She was trying to help him adjust by making him figure things out on his own. For instance, his mother wanted him to get familiar with his environment, such as counting the number of stairs that it takes to get into his house. In addition, when Ray is asked how he gets around so well, he explains that he has mastered using his ears as his guide. For example, he wears loud shoes so he can hear his footsteps, and the echos his shoes make on the wall. Ray has developed a routine or a sense of competence to help him get through his day to day to life. In addition, another example of this which is the main focus of the movie is his mastery of playing the piano, and how talented of a musician he was.

Though Ray struggles with some issues because of his lack of sight, he depicted a large sense of autonomy. This was due in large part to his mother, who was fiercely independent, and wanted Ray to succeed. Ray's mother wanted him to take on the world, and not let people treat him like a "cripple." It can be stated that Ray has a lot of drive because he is determined to get famous and play his music regardless of being blind. For instance, when he joins his first group and performs, and then things don't work out he decides to go out on his own and find his own path to make it out there in the world. This exemplifies autonomy, and drive because he refuses to give up and has faith in himself to succeed.

Throughout this movie a sense of achievement can be exemplified from Ray becoming a talented blind musician. He gets a recording with Atlantic records and influences jazz, blues, and gospel music. In addition, as previously mentioned, a sense of achievement is how he adjusted to life as a blind man. He experienced a lot of hardships, but he managed to make it extremely well on his own.

In addition, Ray experienced a large amount of guilt when his brother drowned in front of his eyes and he did nothing to save him. He experienced learned helplessness by the flashbacks he would have of his brother drowning, of his mother, and of his childhood in general. It can be suggested that his childhood affected his life greatly, and made Ray deep down feel extremely vulnerable.

Ray had a heroin addiction, and he seeks the release of dopamine he receives from this drug. Therefore, he struggled throughout this entire motive with addiction because he couldn't give up that feeling of pleasure the release of dopamine produced for him.

Ray shows various stages of intimacy throughout the movie, when he meets a variety of women at bars. He would feel their wrists/arms to find out whether they were attractive. I feel as though he used his impairment, and the fact that he was famous to manipulate women. Apparently his intimacy needs were not completely fulfilled, because Ray expressed infidelity within his marriage.

Lastly, Ray displays extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. He displays intrinsic motivation by playing his music, because he loves playing the piano. However, it can be suggested that he was extrinsically motivated to play the piano because he wanted the fame, and money which he used to support his heroin addiction.

Terms used: extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, dopamine, intimacy, addiction, mastery, competence, mastery, autonomy, achievement, guilt, learned helplessness, drive

Ray Charles’ story is one of true greatness. Not only did he have to overcome his own individual roadblocks to succeed in life, but he also had to overcome the roadblocks society placed on him as well with his race. Through perseverance, strength, and courage, Ray Charles was able to pull himself up into legendary status and will forever be known as one of the great musicians of all times.
The movie covers Ray Charles’ plight through life starting with how he became blind and how he learned to deal with it. At first when Ray was going blind, he showed a sense of learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. This concept is quite evident when we see a young Ray exhibit sadness and hopelessness over his situation. His personal control beliefs were extremely negative and he was ready to live in a world of despair. When Ray was able to learn how to play the piano, it helped him to overcome this enormous hurdle in his life and gave him the self-efficacy to believe that he could take on the challenge of living in a world of complete darkness. With losing his sight at the age of seven, Ray felt like his life was out of his control. However, Ray’s mother played a huge role in the fact that he did not give up. Ray had low efficacy expectations meaning he did not believe that he could achieve the challenge placed before him. However, his mother was determined to change this by using verbal persuasion. In the scene where Ray’s mother tries to teach him how to go down the stairs, she is adamant about him learning how to do this on his own. She continuously reiterates to him how the world will not always be sympathetic to his needs and how he can’t always rely on somebody to help. Although her methods seemed cold and harsh, it started helping Ray to increase his efficacy and outcome expectations. Outcome expectation is the belief that what one is doing will result in the desired outcome. Ray knew that if he kept practicing, the chances of him obtaining the outcome he desired would increase (the outcome being total independence).
By learning how to cope with his blindness, Ray also learned the importance of autonomy. Autonomy is having the choice to do something or the choice of what option to take. Ray exhibits autonomy in the movie by using his ears for guidance. Ray wants to be totally self-reliant. When he is unable to, he struggles with accepting any help. During the first relationship shown in the movie, Ray’s supposed girlfriend takes advantage of his disability by stealing his hard earned money. When he discovered what she had been doing, he chose to take control of the situation by leaving immediately. It was exactly the type of situation that his mother had warned him about while growing up and he refused to be a victim of another person’s selfish greed.
Ray begins to play the piano because he is intrinsically motivated. He is fascinated by the store manager playing the piano and learns how to play. Intrinsic motivation is engaging in an interest, exercising one’s capacities and mastering optimal challenges. It is done spontaneously for the fun of it, which is what Ray did at first. Because learning the piano was intrinsically motivated, it led to persistence, creativity, high quality learning and optimal functioning. We can see the persistence Ray had because he constantly practiced his craft, even when he went blind. His creativity was shown through the composition and lyrical brilliance of his music. His ability and ease to learn and improvise music seemingly so effortless displays the higher quality of learning he possessed. And when he finally became famous, he showed optimal functioning.
As his fame grew, Ray’s motivation to perform became more extrinsically motivated. Extrinsic motivation is when the environment provides rewards or incentives to engage in certain behaviors. There came a point in time where the money Ray earned provided the motivation for him to perform more than the joy of performing itself.
Because of Ray’s own internal struggles and to fulfill his need for affiliation, he began to use drugs with some of the other band members. Biological factors such as the nucleus accumbens (which is the “hot spot” for liking) gave him pleasure during his addiction by releasing a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine provides our body with the pleasurable sensation. This pleasurable feeling led to Ray craving for more and harder drugs. Inevitably, Ray became addicted to heroin and his life spiraled downhill. Recovering from his addiction was an extremely long and painful process.

Terms: learned helplessness, personal control beliefs, self-efficacy, efficacy expectations, verbal persuasion, outcome expectations, autonomy,intrinsic motivation, persistence, creativity, high quality learning,optimal functioning, extrinsic motivation, rewards, incentives, affiliation,nucleus accumbens, neurotransmitter, dopamine

Ray Charles Robinson certainly had a tumultuous life, and his early experiences affected his adult personality, character, and decision-making. Witnessing his brother’s drowning (and feeling guilty for not saving him) and going blind at a young age proved to influence many of his later thoughts, philosophies, and behaviors. His mother played a huge role in helping Ray overcome not only his disability (blindness), but also the “woe is me” attitude that would be natural to sink into when faced with such circumstances. In a “tough love” style of parenting, she taught him to have a strong sense of self-efficacy (the ability to apply one’s skills effectively in changing circumstances such as stress, difficulty, ambiguity, and unpredictability), because nobody was about to take him by the hand and lead him through life, and there is nothing like blindness to make situations stressful, ambiguous, and unpredictable! Her parenting and encouragement worked (maybe too well, as I’ll discuss in a moment), and he developed strong personal control beliefs that motivated him to go out and become a professional musician. He believed himself to be in “mastery” over his environments and circumstances, in spite of set-backs, challenges, and limitations. One example that stands out to me is when he demanded that he be paid in one dollar bills so that he could be sure he wasn’t being cheated out of his due pay. He knew that it would be easy for them to cheat him out of money because of his inability to see whose face was on the bills, so in order to maintain that sense of control over that situation, he insisted on being paid in ones so that he could count every dollar he was being given.
It seems to me as if his inflated sense of self-efficacy contributed to unhealthy obsessions with meeting his social needs for achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. The need for power -- or to have influence over those around us -- often manifests itself in leadership roles, desire for recognition, impulses of aggression, “trophies,” and a low need for intimacy. His focus on fame/recognition, desire for “artistic control” and to be in charge of all of his dealings, and obsession with what I would call “trophy tramps” (resulting in low levels of genuine intimacy but high levels of affiliation) are all clear indicators of a man who is trying to prove himself via displays of power (not at all uncommon in the music industry -- especially now-a-days). The fact (according to Wikipedia) that he had 12 children with 9 different women over the course of 37 years shows that he put a lot of time and effort into his search for relatedness, affiliation, and intimacy. My evaluation, however, is that he never truly grasped what “intimacy” is, and instead repeatedly got sidetracked or fooled by the easy exchange of shallow, sexual relationships (thinking, perhaps, that that’s all there was). Based on the movie, it seems as if he did have a genuinely intimate relationship with Della (the wife the movie focused on), and perhaps even with Margie (the lover), as he seemed distraught over her death. Why he would compromise this intimacy by continually sniffing out other affairs is beyond me!
One explanation might be that his psychological need for relatedness, which is a growth need, was never nurtured or developed. Our textbook states that communal relationships are necessary to satisfy the need to feel connected, and “emotions such as sadness, depression, jealousy, and loneliness exist as telltale signs of a life lived in the absence of intimate, high-quality, relatedness-satisfying relationships and social bonds” (p. 163). His addiction to both drugs and sex may have been his misguided attempts to (unsuccessfully) fill the emptiness left by his lack of genuine relationships.

Terms: self efficacy, personal control beliefs, mastery, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, power, relatedness, exchange relationships, aggression, communal relationships, psychological needs, growth need, sadness, depression, jealousy, loneliness, social bonds

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