Check out this animation:
First, how accurate is his information? Any problems compared to your textbook's information on these topics?
Second, how was the experience of watching this? Did it help you understand the material better? If so why?
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?
The animation demonstrates that when there is a higher reward, a person will eligibly do worse on the particular task if it’s a complicated task. There are three types of rewards: small, medium, and the top large reward. Sociologist, psychologist, and ecologists have all created studies to show that the higher the reward is the less good a person will do. If they offer 2 weeks’ salary compared to a month salary a particular person will do just as good on the given task. But if they are offering 2 months’ salary after the 2 weeks and month salary people actually do worse. For simple straight forward tasks; “if then, then you’ll get this”, it works out great. But if a task gets more difficult/complicate, then it requires some conceptual creative thinking; and the rewards will not work! The illustration states that money can be a motivator, especially at work. If you’re not getting paid well enough though, then a person won’t be motivated in the work area.
There are three factors that lead a person to better performance and better satisfaction that excludes money: Autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Autonomy is the desire to be self-directed. The illustration shows that traditional notions of management run foul of autonomy though. Management is great only if you want compliance. Most people want to be engaged in the work that they are doing and this is derived from self-direction. Therefore management can be a problem in some cases. Rather than incenting a person with a 3000 dollar reward which people may think work really well; if you were to give a person an entire day to come up with their own ideas and work on their own project, they work much harder and get a since of autonomy which is overall better in the end. Mastery is the second area the clip talks about. Mastery is the urge to get better at things. They do these things not because it is leading to money but because it is fun and you can get better at it and that is a satisfying factor. Purpose is the last area it talks about in the three factors that lead a person to have satisfaction. When the profit/money motive gets unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things occur. Profit and purpose clash together rather than working well with each other. If we treat people like people then there could be better organizations out there in the world.
In our book it states that an incentive is an environmental event that attracts or repels a person toward or away from initiating a particular course of action. Incentives ALWAYS precede behavior. A reinforcer is any extrinsic event that increases behavior. One of the examples is that if you get a paycheck for going to work and the offering of the paycheck keeps you coming to work, then it is a reinforcer. That said; although it is a reinforcer it is only reinforcing because you NEED the money. It isn’t involving the three other things: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. I thought this video gave a very good outline on all the material. It really did help me understand it better and apply it to real world situations. It gave many in-detail examples of how money and rewards don’t necessarily always mean people will work harder for the outcome. It taught me that autonomy, mastery, and purpose is really what people want and is more appealing than money.
If I was presented with 24 hours of autonomy for this course I would probably want to test the effects of motivation on family members/friends by creating my own theory and study to see if the information I find out is the same as what has been illustrated in our book. I’m sure that a lot of the information would be the same but then I would be confirming that information that has already been presented.
In this video, we are introduced to a study that suggest people, when offered a large reward incentive, perform worse, across the board, than people who are offered a small or moderate reward. It is suggesting, based on studies, that the things that drive our performances most are autonomy (self-direction), mastery (being a master of a certain skill or set of skills) and purpose (a reason for making the difference). Now the first question is whether or not I think his is accurate information and I believe that it is and I think for the most part this agrees with the book on how we perform when allowed autonomy and given the chance to master something we love, however I couldn't find anything that quite encompassed what I viewed to be an exact twin concept of purpose. When I think about what motivates me the most and I compare it with this its exactly my sentiments. I go to college and enjoy my time here because they allow me some autonomy to take control of my education. I try my best in college so that I can master everything I want to know. And, lastly, my purpose for attending is to gain the valuable information I need in order to go out into the world and perform well.
This video is an incredible thing. I had me very interested in the concept, more so than usual, and the visuals were incredibly helpful in understanding the materials better because see it and having it spoken to me in layman’s terms really helped the concepts stick into my mind and find a place that relates to me.
If you were to give me a full day of complete autonomy to pursue something for this course, I would probably conduct some sort of survey or experiment of sorts. I would ask everyday people a lot of questions and test their answers as a way or, well I guess, challenge what I have been told and things I have learned in the course. I would test these established results to see the proof right in front of my eyes or attempt to find a flaw. I would want to be doing field work, test people and seeing the works for myself. I would use what I already know to see if there wasn't something I could improve, like a way an experiment is conducted or suggest a new theory. I would just really want to see the concepts in action.
This animation showed that money is not necessarily the best reward if you want an increase in performance. It showed that when a person is performing a mechanical skill then pay increases performance but hen a person has a more complicated cognitive task then pay leads to a decreased performance. The three areas that were shown to increase performance were autonomy, mastery and purpose. One study showed that a company who allowed their employees to have complete autonomy for one day led to greater success and new ideas that may not have happened otherwise. Mastery is a persons desire to get better at various tasks and purpose is the reason why someone doing the task. At first the information presented in the animation is contrary to thinking: that money does not increase performance. However, based on the material I have read in the text for this class I find this information to be very true! When watching this, I was reminded of the effects of a reward on internal and external motivation. When a person is intrinsically motivated it increase persistence and creativity. The presentation of an extrinsic reward (such as money) may undermine a persons internal motivation (doing a job because you enjoy doing it). Chapter 6 allowed me to understand the importance or autonomy and competence ( or mastery) in satisfying psychological needs so it is logical that this would also increase performance. Our textbook didn't mention much about purpose but it would be an interesting concept to study further.
I thought this animation increased my understanding of the material. It is always nice to hear a topic presenting in a variety of ways (text, lecture, video). The drawings helped to instill pictures in my mind that I can now refer to when thinking about rewards and performance.
If I was given complete autonomy in this class I would like to interview people and ask them what they enjoy doing and what they do for a living. It would be interesting to see if the majority of people have jobs that they love or if they simply have jobs in order to have money to do the thinks they enjoy. I would also be interesting in seeing if individuals life satisfaction may be increased if they do a job that they love rather than a job for sole purpose of supporting themselves and their families.
This animation presented a study, which found that if a task is simple and straight forward, performance goes up with incentives, but when a task becomes more complicated and requires creative thinking, than large incentives do not work. In the study, the participants that were offered the highest reward performed the worst of all. This video also talked about how autonomy, mastery, and purpose increase people’s performance in the workplace. I think this is accurate because in class, we talked about autonomy, mastery, and achievement, (which is similar to purpose motive) and we learned that these components improve performance. If a person feels that they have some control, their task is appropriately challenging and they want to get better at it, and they feel as though what they do matters, then they will be more satisfied with their job. This will create a higher quality of work, so organizations should strive to create this environment for their employees.
I enjoyed watching this video because it laid all of the information out in an easy to follow and creative way. It helped me understand the material better because it provided specific studies that were done that directly related to information I had already learned from class, and it applied the principles to real life. I liked the part when he said that if you don’t pay people enough, they won’t be motivated to work, so you should pay them enough so that the issue of money is off the table and they are only thinking about their work, not money.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy to use for this course, I would want to learn more about how coaches can motivate their athletes. I could do this by finding athletes in schools nearby who are highly satisfied with playing their sport and ask questions about what their coaches do to motivate them. I could also interview the coaches and see what strategies they use. I think it would be interesting to see how they allow autonomy in their practices and also what causes the athletes to feel a sense of mastery or purpose with their sport.
This video stated that a task involving only mechanical skills that had a higher pay led to better performance but a task involving cognitive skills with a larger reward led to poorer performance. Higher incentives lead to worse performance because this is not at all autonomous. When a task gets more complicated, it requires some conceptual, creative thinking and then the incentives do not work. Money is a motivator and if people are not paid enough they won’t be motived, so pay people enough to take the issue of money off the table and then people will focus at the problem at hand. There are three factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. People want to be self-directed, become better at what they are doing, and to feel like they have a purpose in life. Our book states basically the same information the video stated. However, our book did give out more information than the video. The book states that when rewarding money to an individual who is intrinsically motivated in an activity does not give them an increased motivation to do the activity like most people would think would happen. The imposition of an extrinsic reward to engage in an intrinsically interesting activity typically undermines future intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic rewards can have positive effects on motivation and behavior, but they always come with a price. This is why extrinsic rewards can interfere with the process of learning. The offering of extrinsic rewards has been shown to distract students’ attention away from the material they are trying to understand and toward getting the reward.
I enjoyed watching this video clip. It was a different way to learn the material presented to us in class. I thought it was more interesting than reading a textbook and listening to most lectures, which is done in basically every class I have ever taken. This video helped me understand the material better because I was interested in the drawings. Also, the guy narrating this video used a very exciting tone of voice and this was easier to listen to because it was not monotone and boring. I could definitely tell he was excited about what he was presenting, which in a way made me want to listen to him more.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy in this class, I would run research on what motivates people to exercise daily even when they have a hectic schedule that does not allow them much time to exercise. I think I could develop a research design, collect data, and analyze the data collected from my sample. After I found out the results from the research study, I would apply it to myself. I have trouble finding time each day to exercise, so I would try the information out that I found from my study.
This video stated that a task involving only mechanical skills that had a higher pay led to better performance but a task involving cognitive skills with a larger reward led to poorer performance. Higher incentives lead to worse performance because this is not at all autonomous. When a task gets more complicated, it requires some conceptual, creative thinking and then the incentives do not work. Money is a motivator and if people are not paid enough they won’t be motived, so pay people enough to take the issue of money off the table and then people will focus at the problem at hand. There are three factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. People want to be self-directed, become better at what they are doing, and to feel like they have a purpose in life. Our book states basically the same information the video stated. However, our book did give out more information than the video. The book states that when rewarding money to an individual who is intrinsically motivated in an activity does not give them an increased motivation to do the activity like most people would think would happen. The imposition of an extrinsic reward to engage in an intrinsically interesting activity typically undermines future intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic rewards can have positive effects on motivation and behavior, but they always come with a price. This is why extrinsic rewards can interfere with the process of learning. The offering of extrinsic rewards has been shown to distract students’ attention away from the material they are trying to understand and toward getting the reward.
I enjoyed watching this video clip. It was a different way to learn the material presented to us in class. I thought it was more interesting than reading a textbook and listening to most lectures, which is done in basically every class I have ever taken. This video helped me understand the material better because I was interested in the drawings. Also, the guy narrating this video used a very exciting tone of voice and this was easier to listen to because it was not monotone and boring. I could definitely tell he was excited about what he was presenting, which in a way made me want to listen to him more.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy in this class, I would run research on what motivates people to exercise daily even when they have a hectic schedule that does not allow them much time to exercise. I think I could develop a research design, collect data, and analyze the data collected from my sample. After I found out the results from the research study, I would apply it to myself. I have trouble finding time each day to exercise, so I would try the information out that I found from my study.
The information provided in the animation seemed to be very congruent with the information from the textbook and what we discussed in class. People can definitely be motivated by money (or any other type of incentive or reward) but that only works for so long. People are more motivated when they get to do what they like doing, what challenges them, and what makes a difference or contribution to society (goals of autonomy, mastery, and purpose). If people aren’t meeting these psychological needs, then they might seek out possibilities to fulfill them (like the people who worked for free in the lecturers examples). If a company is not using any intrinsic motivators for their employees, then they will have low autonomy in the workplace and will not be meeting their creative potential.
I really liked watching this animation lecture. I am a very visual person and all of the graphics and word art that the lecturer presented really helped to enhance and ingrain the information for me. I also appreciated hearing examples of companies (many of which I use their products/services) who actually implemented these techniques.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy for this course, I would research what motivates people to initially enlist in the military, and then what motivates them to continue to enlist, or become full-time. Is it patriotism, challenge, or the large financial incentives/benefits? I would then focus on people who have been in the military the max amount of years they can be and see if their motivations to stay in the military changed over time. My hypothesis is that a lot of people initially enlist for the financial incentives/benefits, but then stay in for the challenge they gain and the contributions they can make through the military.
This motivation animation on YouTube about what motivates us definitely had some concepts that we have talked about in class. It discussed two ideas, 1) If you reward something you get more of the behavior you want and 2) If you punish something you get less of the behavior you want. We know that extrinsic motivation is environmentally created reason to engage in an activity or action “do this to get that.” I believe that exact passage is in our book. Money is a great motivator and this works as an incentive when the tasks are simple and straightforward, but when the tasks require some conceptual and creative thinking the performance is actually worse. The bigger the reward and more complicated and cognitively demanding the task, the worse people do, higher reward leads to worse performance. The three factors that were talked about that lead to better performance and better personal satisfaction were autonomy, mastery, and purpose. In our book these would fall under intrinsic motivation. The benefits of intrinsically motivating someone are persistence, creativity, conceptual understanding, and optimal functioning. When people have self-directed opportunities, get better at something, and have a reason for doing something the performance is better. Punishment on the other hand is an ineffective motivational strategy, it has negative emotional effects, can impair relationships with those involved, and can demonstrate negative modeling. I thought punishers could have been talked about a little more in the video. When the profit motive is disconnected from the purpose motive, bad things start to happen with performance and customer service. When the purpose is lost it affects many different aspects of a company and unethical things can even occur.
I really enjoyed this video. It really put intrinsic motivation into perspective and made it easy to understand. I think visually seeing the examples and then hearing it made it easy to understand. If I needed to go back to hear a passage I could. I also noticed that the only colors used were red and black; I don’t know if that is correlated to anything tied to learning.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this course I would like to come up with an experiment to present to my boss that would motivate my co-workers and me. Present her with something that would allow my co-workers and me to be more self-directed, master our skills, and define our purpose. Some kind of an experiment that lead to better performance and better personal satisfaction. Then (long term) evaluate it to see if we were more productive, creative, increased our own satisfaction, etc. I would like to discover what motivates each of us and how that can be used to make us more efficient, productive, and increase self worth. If this experiment worked, why did it work, and could it be replicated to other departments for the greater good of the company? That is how I would spend my 24 hours of autonomy for this class.
Watching the video really helped apply the concepts from lecture and the book to a real world situation. The video discussed findings from a Massachusetts study, as well as a follow up study in India. The data suggested that when tasks only involved mechanical skill, higher rewards were correlated with higher performance. However, data showed that tasks involving cognitive skills or creativity suggested that higher rewards were associated with poorer performance. The video suggests that there are three factors that lead to better performance: Autonomy, mastery, and performance. Autonomy is the desire to be self directed. According to the video, self direction is better than management if you want higher levels of engagement. A company in Australia allows their employees ever quarter to work on anything they want for 24 hours and then show the result to the company. The company in Australia found that the 24 hrs. of autonomy leads to more innovative ideas and creative thinking. Master is the urge to become better at tasks. Purpose was described in the video as a reason for making a difference. Purpose and profit tend to clash, creating problems in the work place. When people are more worried about the profit, their performance lacks because they are only working to gain the paycheck instead of working to make a difference.
I believe that the video captured the importance of intrinsic motivation, which was also mentioned in our book. Intrinsic motivation involves engaging one’s interests and exercising capacities to seek out master optimal challenges. Both the book and video exemplify the importance of autonomy, which allows an individual to have a sense of freedom and control. I also felt that the term mastery presented in the video was similar to competence in the text. I believe that the video suggests that intrinsic motivation leads to more creativity and persistence, which is also discussed in the textbook. The book mentioned that people are intrinsically motivated, who are given an external reward many times decrease their performance (hidden cost). The idea of an extrinsic reward such as money being damaging to performance was also discussed in the video. The video and book complemented each other; the book was just a more in depth description. The video helped me apply all of the in depth information from the book into a simple real world example. The video also helped to remind me that motivation is involved in every aspect in our daily lives.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy I would do further research on how different cultures psychological and social needs are met. After watching the video about the uncontacted tribes, I realize that there are differences in the way we meet our needs and I think it would be interesting to observe those differences. I would make a documentary showing the differences that I observed. I would also try to come up with some reasons on why the differences occurred.
The information presented in this video was accurate. It showed that “if you do this, you will get that” type of reward system, which is what works. However, if the task is complicated and involves cognitive thinking, performance decreases. To increase performance, autonomy, mastery and purpose. Autonomy is being self directed and engaging in a behavior that they enjoy, that is not deemed as difficult or “work.” A study was done that gave workers autonomy so often to work on whatever they wanted with whomever they wanted. It was found that they produced things that otherwise wouldn’t have been produced. Mastery is the desire to be better at something. We want to have fun and feel a sense of satisfaction when we engage in a behavior. Money as a reward comes into significant play with mastery. Money does not increase performance. We are intrinsically motivated to engage in behaviors that we like to do and external rewards such as money decrease our desire to engage in the behavior. We are more interested in persistence and creativity when intrinsically motivated. Purpose is the feeling that we did something good and feel a sense of achievement. We want to feel that we made a contribution to society through our work.
I liked this video because it reiterated the things we learned in class. I am a visual learner so seeing everything laid out in a fun schematic was great. The guy talked somewhat fast, but because we have learned this before, it was easier to follow. He supplied multiple examples to back up everything he talked about. The book does this as well, but the video provided even more examples to back up this information. The tone of excitement behind the narrator’s voice also kept me interested (not saying that you are boring Dr. MacLin!) He also made sure the viewer understood that money is not everything when it comes to motivation. Many people think this is the case, but this video proves otherwise.
If given 24 hours of autonomy, I would study why people have the careers they have. Is it because of the salary or is it because it is truly what they love? I would interview people of many professions and ask them a series of questions that would lead to this answer. For example, do you enjoy going to work everyday and why, if you were financially stable would you continue with your job, why or why not? I would collect data and come up with a conclusion as to why people chose the career they did. I think it is important to study this question because so many people choose a career based on the salary. They will most likely not enjoy their day to day life if they chose it for money. We need to remember that in life, money isn’t everything.
This animation just proves that money is not always the answer to everything. This animation showed that a money reward or incentive (even a big one) does not allow motivate people to do or perform particular task. There are other factors that are involved that help a person to decide to perform a particular behavior than just a money incentive. Sometimes the little reward amounts of money motivate a person just as much as a large money incentive, but its all based upon the other factors as well.
There are three components to motivating someone to perform a behavior or task. Those three things are autonomy, mastery beliefs, and purpose of task. Autonomy is the psychological need to eexperience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initation and regulation of one's behavior (Dei and Ryan, 1985b). This is when our preferences and interest in certain things motivate our behavior. We may choose not to perform an act or task because we do not have interest in it. Mastery beliefs are those feelings of control that someone has over the outcomes of an event or behavior. When people have strong, mastery beliefs they feel they have the skills to obtain positive outcomes, but the opposite occurs for people with low mastery beliefs. If a task seems to hard to hard for someone to accomplish good outcomes , a person may avoid or resist that task or behavior. The last component is purpose, this is why the person performing this particular behavior. Do people do it for themselves or for others well being.
This animation has helped me to understand that really good rewards don't always encourage motivation to do a particular activity or task. There are many other aspects to take into account to encourage behavior. The reward may be nice, but if the task or behavior is too difficult and complicated some people may get unmotivated to do such a thing. This has showed me that money arise isn't everything. I know of a few people who have been offered better playing jobs or a promotion, but have denied them. They turned them down because its not what they love to do or enjoy doing and rather do something they enjoy.
If I had the free time to do autonomy, I feel I would also whatn to investigate if people grew up working and doing jobs that they love or are they doing jobs for the money. I would ask people maybe what they wanted to be when they grew up or what they enjoy doing now and see how many people are doing jobs associated with past and current likes. I would then possibly investigate why they are doing the jobs they are if they are doing something different then what they want to or like doing.
The video about motivation was very interesting. It illustrates the hidden truth behine what really motivates us at work and in general in life. What motivates us, it it usually money at work to do better job, yet we acutally do not do beter job. If the task is difficult and when we get high reward then we will not do well. In the video, the person talks about three different types fo rewards: small, medium, and high. When the reward is too small people will not do well on the specific task the same as the top reward. So, what else motvates us to perform better? It is autonomy, purpose and mastery. When you have the autonomy while working on the task, you can decided how you are going to work thrugh it and decide on oyur own what kind of strategy use and is going to work the best. Mastery in turn is a motivator like satisfaction. We want to do our best because it will bring the self satisfaction and increases our self-esteem. And purpose, we have goal that we want to achieve and we do the best to do that. Our textbook also discusses rewards and autonomy as well as mastery. Intristic and extrinsitc motivatiors are important in achieving goals. Money is one of the biggest motvatiors for people to go to work every day.
Honestly, while watching this video and trying to understand the material,I felt like the animation bothers me more than being helpful. While just listening or just looking at the animation I could understand better than do it both at the same time.
If you willo give me the autonomy for this course I would probably talk to people, ask them about their jobs and level of satisfaction. Make a survey and see what percentage really do like their jobs and what is the biggest motivator for them to go to work and how well they do if they get offer of low, medium and high rewards.
Watching an animation to better develop what I read really helped me understand what the book wants me to know. Sometimes, I feel authors don’t write for all audiences (people who learn better by doing, not reading) and this animation really helps you understand a lot of information. By using pictures and basic terms, it helps processing textbook information, because it’s laid out in a basic format. The main principle the animated video and book are trying to get across, is that people do worse when creativity is needed and a higher reward is presented. Autonomy, mastery and purpose are the three factors that produce the most production. If a person is not thinking about money (if they were offered enough pay, that they didn’t have to worry about making ends meet), then they will be thinking about their job and doing the best they possibly can. Money and high rewards have always been portrayed as the catalyst in getting the best results, promoting productive behavior and getting people involved. After reading and hearing/seeing the opposite, it’s hard to unravel your previous thoughts of what works and what doesn’t and reform your knowledge about something. It is easy to understand that people will do the best when they are able to do as they wish.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy in this course, I would probably set out to test an aspect of this main theory. I would probably create some form of survey or public outreach that looks at the aspects of how satisfaction in a career actually helps productivity. Creating and proving this research would help me advance some form of practice for helping people get the jobs that will truly help them succeed. I would take the steps of becoming a career counselor a step further: showing employers what they need to do to advance productivity, and showing employees and individuals what they need to seek and overall, trying to find a way to create more opportunities for people to do what they truly love. (Too bad this last part isn’t realistic)
What a cool animation! I feel as though the animation did help me understand the information better and I believe that it did so for two reasons. The animation was not only fun to watch, but Dan Pink’s voice was very passionate and engaging about the topic, because of this I believe that I was intrinsically interested to watch the animation since it was actually fun and sparked interest within me!
I would say that the information is pretty accurate; I watched the video three times and couldn’t pick anything out that did not seem to match with what I knew from the textbook. It is possible that I missed something or that I simply became so entranced by the power of the speaker’s voice that he could have persuaded me to believe the information was accurate anyways.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy for this course I believe that I would use it to research something on the topic of romantic attraction and what draws us to one another. There are currently biological and evolutionary explanations for romantic attraction, but I am more so interested in what really makes us want to become attracted to one another. Does it have to do with fulfilling our need for intimacy? Does it have to deal with satisfying low levels of oxytocin within our brains? Is it simply the need and desire to procreate? Is there an actual component behind “love” and finding that significant other? I suppose these are all questions that I would want to try to answer, I am not really sure why, just a topic that interests me I suppose and one that I would be intrinsically motivated to pursue with my 24 hours of autonomy.
The information presented is fairly accurate and has corollaries with the information presented in the book, as well as talked about in lecture. Extrinsic motivation is limited in a variety of ways where intrinsic motivation has the capacity to be limitless given the right circumstances relative to the individual.
An argument could be made for positive reinforcement conflicting with the information presented. It falls flat because as a reward, money is only a means to an end and has no inherent value. People don't develop personal attachments to money, only the things that money can be spent on or the feeling of security that liquid capital provides.
I actually prefer the lecture above the drawing. While they output the same information in about the same way, I found myself focusing on the art more than the content in this case. It was just neat.
The lecture was pretty good, and shows an important real world interaction. It is a great choice for this course and shows a very creative way in which psychology was applied that has the potential to change industries based around creativity.
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?
Twenty four hours time is not really enough for what I would like to do. Ever since reading the Dahmer chapter in Minds on Trial, I've wanted to look at the census information for his home town around the time that his alcoholism started. I still think that thirteen is a startlingly low age to begin to develop that kind of problem. There almost has to be an enabler and I think that this individual can fill in some of the gaps that we have about how Dahmer became the man he did.
Any police reports around that time about older males distributing alcohol or other substances to minors would also be relevant data that I would want to look into as well. Failing that, I'd speak with males from that area around the same age looking for this enabler. I want to see who underage males went to in order to get hands on alcohol.
The chance that I might find something is extraordinarily slim but I feel compelled to try. It kills me that a question this important might never have an answer.
Were Dahmer alive today, he'd be fifty one. Every day the window narrows. In forty years, the majority of men who lived in the same town around the same time will be dead. With them, any information they might have that they didn't realize was important will be completely and utterly gone too.
The video presented many of the ideas that we have seen in the book. One of the studies in the animation explained how money didn’t serve as an effective reward when the difficulty of the task at hand increased. These more difficult tasks required creative thinking and problem solving. This agrees with the books concepts of performance and mastery goals. Mastery goals are adopted when the person wants to develop a new standard of excellence. This consists of a self-set standard. This was demonstrated in the animation by the Attlasian software workplace environment. Managers there gave their employees 24 hours of autonomy to work with whoever they wanted on whatever they wanted. They simply had to show the managers their results. This left them to come up with their own goals and standards. The managers had never seen such innovation. This is because mastery goals facilitate creative thinking. Performance based goals are achieved simply for the attainment of the reward. This works well for low-achievement, mechanical tasks, as demonstrated by the animation. Autonomy was another component that added to the mastery goals success. This is also supported by the text book. It is a psychological need that works to fulfill engagement. According to the animation, engagement results in better performance and occurs under autonomous situations. The situation that Attlasian created fulfilled all three psychological needs. It allowed the staff to work on their own goal which satisfied their need for autonomy. Allowing the staff to work with whoever they wanted gave them to opportunity to satisfy their need for relatedness. And lastly, by assigning the staff a mastery goal, they gave them the opportunity to develop their feelings of competence. According to the book, these three psychological needs work together to create engagement. And according to the animation, the workplace achieved a state of engagement.
I think the experience of watching this pulled the information together and made it more applicable through a real-life example. After hearing it in class, reading it in the text book, then hearing and seeing it through this animation, I feel that I understand the information a lot better. After having written about it twice, the information is very clear now. I have a lot more examples in my mind to pull information from and make the information more useful.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this class I would use it to research Industrial Organizational Psychology programs. I’m interested in this area of psychology and how it works to find new and better ways to motivate people. It makes this class of motivation and emotion very applicable. I would look for new discoveries in the field. I would see how the programs differ the types of research they are creating. I would like to attend one of these graduate programs after this year so this information would be very useful. It would also help me make my decision on where I would like to go.
Most of the Information in the video was very accurate. When the study was talked about I felt there were a few issues with what wasn’t brought up relating to the concepts. I feel he should have mentioned that the more difficult tasks that cause the poorer performance because of the higher reward is due to the person’s knowledge to do the task and their own ability to learn new things. If someone knows that someone else is a lot better at a certain task and that he or she will be outperformed then the incentive of money isn’t going to help that much either. This factor kind of plays into the concept of competition though, too. One thing that seemed to differ from the video to the book was the definition of an incentive. He kind of used incentives and rewards as the same thing and the book clearly defines each.
I felt that it was a good experience. I have gone on to watch a few more now and they are very interesting and help to reinforce the information I know and to point out some information that I have forgotten about or overlooked. I think another reason this helped to make this information easier to understand now was because it uses a large number of pictures. I have tended to be a better learner from demonstrations and with the use of diagrams so this made it easier for me.
If I had 24 hours, I would like to do a study or research project to find more out about the acceptance verses avoidance motivation. I got to do a few experiments with breaking the social norms in society and this could create a more in-depth study to show the reasons behind why someone chooses to do what they do and also show their motivation behind it. I would have to do interviews then to in order to gain more knowledge of why some of the people in the experiment reacted the way they did. I feel my motivation toward doing something like this is very high because I find it so interesting.
In this video we revisit the importance of autonomy, mastery, and purpose in motivation and performance. Past researchers have found that motivation and performance are directly and positively related. However, recent studies have shown that increasing pay, which typically increases motivation, doesn't always generate higher performance when it comes to tasks that are more cognitively challenging. This idea challenges the thought that harder tasks or goals directly and positively influence level if performance. On page 213 in our textbook it discusses how the harder the goal or task, the more motivation to perform well on the task. However, as discussed in the video, the concept of extrinsic motivation or pay seems to hinder this performance. The book could be referring to just mechanical tasks like what was discussed in the video, but more challenging should also include cognitive tasks as well. This material seems to make sense as the autonomy given to work on ideas that interest you boosts your intrinsic motivation, which seems to be a much more effective way to motivate someone. In regards to the accuracy of his information, the terms that were similar between his presentation and the book seem to line up in definition. The study he quoted had a multitude of credible authors, so I would have to agree that he ismpresenting accurate information.
For the most part, I enjoyed learning the material with the visuals included because it helped give life to the topics and material being discussed. However, at times, the visuals could be a little distracting and I would focus my attention on those rather than the discussion ofnthe topic. Usingnelements of pairing visuals to material could be very beneficial for remembering certain aspects of concepts. Have g those specific visuals could help in recalling information by thinking about the visual associated with it.
If we were given 24 hours of autonomy for this course, I think it would be interesting to look at specific motivators or concepts within motivation that apply to our interests. I'm fairly involved and interested in student organizations, that I would be interested to look into the comparison of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation involved with participation involved with student organizations. The absence of pay with student organizations makes the source of motivation to participate an interesting topic. Are there other sources of extrinsic motivation involved or do student organizations "harness" the intrinsic motivators within us. The Utonomy given might allow me to observe and talk with different organizations about their reasoning behind participating. This potential study would coincide with personal interests so I would be more intrinsically motivated to conduct research on the topic.
This video showed that for the most part, according to plenty of research, that when offerered a small or medium reward people performed their given task quite well but when offerred a large reward people performed poorly. This is quite contrary to popular beliefs. For the most part, I feel as though this video worked hand in hand with what we learned from our textbook, they just presented it in different ways. According to both of these, people are most motivated by and improve their perfomance frive if they have a sense of autonomy, purpose, and mastery. Autonomy refers to being self directed. People are most likely to suceed if they do something because they want to and not because someone is making them. Puprose means doing something for a reason. I did notice that this video focused a lot more on focus than our textbook did. Mastery means mastering your certain task; getting better in that certain area. The biggest difference between this video and our textbook is how our textbook said that when confronted with a harder, more challenging task a person is more likely to rise to the occasion so to speak and have a better performance. However, this video says that this is not true at all. Personally, I feel the same way as the video. But i can see where our textbook was coming from. When i am faced with something a lot harder than I was expecting, I usually get frustrated and give up but when I am faced with something simpler and more realistic, I do better than what was expected for me. I think the main thing that this video was trying to say is that our nation is shifting from a money motivated society to a purpose motivated society. Meaning that more and more people are working hard to better their communities not because they are gonna make more money but because they are doing something for a cause. Just in the last few years we have seen several companies such as TOMS and Redcross that do what they do because they enjoy helping people and they are motivated by the good feeling they get from that; not from the money they make. It is hard for bosses to motivate their employees because everyone is motivated by different things and it is hard to find that happy medium.
Personally, this video was rather hard for me to understand because it went too fast and I am just a not a visual person at all so the extra comics being drawn really just confused my brain while I was trying to listen and read at the same time. Learning from our textbook and class lectures is a lot easier for me. But I realize that there a lot of people who learn better with pictures so more power to them.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy, I think I would do a lot of things. The really enjoy watching movies and trying to understand what motivates each character in each of the movies that we are watching. I would continue to do this and write down my findings. I then would drag my friends into the situation and ask them what they thing about the movies and the characters. My friends are saying that I think too deepy about things but really I see it as, they do not think deep enough. There is more to the world than what we see and I have always been interested in the behind the scenes. After visiting with my friends and asking them questions about what motivates them or what they think motivated characters in the movies we watched, I would then sit down in my room and do my favorite thing on this earth: journal. In my journal I would compare what motivates me to what motivates my friends. My answers would most likely be more complex and accurate than my friends not because I am smarter but because I am intrinsically motivated to do this activity whereas they would be extrinisically. Once I had my comparisons done I would make an outline of things that really motivate me. This would help me better my school and personal life and I could related to a more variety of people because I would have a better sense of how other people think and what motivates them.
First thing I noticed was that he pointed out that for mechanical skills, money rewards had a high impact on performance. However, for tasks that involved “rudimentary” cognitive skills, large money rewards actually led to poorer performance. He pointed out that this went against all that they had been taught about economics; which was that high rewards would lead to better performance. When he said that rewards don’t work that way, I started to think about what I learned from reading our book. It isn’t that rewards don’t work that way, it is that rewards only work in certain circumstances. That is, money will increase performance to an extent, but there needs to be some type of intrinsic reward for the individual because money is not always going to lead to better performance. Money is an external reward and these can be detrimental to motivation if used incorrectly. Extrinsic rewards, such as money, can undermine a person’s future intrinsic motivation. Our book pointed out that “extrinsic rewards also interfere with the process of learning” (p 123). Extrinsic rewards, such as money, can distract people from focusing on learning the material, to focusing on obtaining the reward. This can be very detrimental when learning the task is important for the person. In the video the man had it correct that for simple and straight forward tasks, like taking out the garbage, those extrinsic rewards are positively reinforcing. However, for tasks that are “more complicated and require conceptual thinking” those type of rewards do not work.
I thought his statement that employers need to “pay people enough to take the issue of money off the table” was very interesting. He said that this would allow people to think about their work instead of thinking about the money. He is correct on this point as well because it points out the need to have intrinsic motivation because it facilitates better learning, better motivation, and better performance than extrinsic rewards do. The 3 factors that he said lead to better performance and personal satisfaction are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. He said autonomy was our desire to be self directed. He pointed out that in business, management often does not allow for this self direction. He said that is great for compliance but not for engagement. I LOVED the example of the company that allowed its employees to, for one day, work on whatever they wanted with whomever they wanted and to report what they accomplished at the end of that day at a party/meeting. He pointed out that this led to a lot of new ideas and new products because the company allowed their employees just that one day of absolute autonomy. Then he went into discussing mastery as the urge to get better at stuff. He pointed out that challenge and mastery lead to making huge contributions. He said that businesses are working toward having a mission of purpose. He said it makes going to work better and allows for more talent at work. He said that when “motive gets unmoored from the purpose motive, bat things happen”. He pointed out that science shows that we want have mastery and be self directed. He was definitely correct on this. As our book points out, we highly value the need for competence which can be met by having intrinsic motivation and mastery motivation but also having the freedom and the autonomy to accomplish these desires. I think he was pointing out that, for people to be more successful at work, we need to rely on these psychological factors such as mastery and autonomy to better understand how to motivate employees and increase performance. He ends by saying that not only will this make each person better off but also make the world as a whole better off!
I enjoyed watching this because it tied in what we have learned about from our book, to things that surround us every day. He mentioned Steve Jobs and the guy who invented Skype and showed how their “mission of purpose” led to two hugely important advancements for our world. By giving examples of how people use the information we have learned from our book, it was really easy to see how important it can be and how much of a difference it can make. I also think this video made me think a lot broader about these topics. I think when I first read the chapters in our book I was really only applying the terms to myself, I wasn’t really thinking about any world impact or business importance. This video really got me to think about ways that I can use what I have learned in this class to accomplish great things and to motivate others to do the same.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this class I would go to the place that I work out and interview everyone who goes there that day. I would ask them what their reasons for going there were, how they continue to exercise every day, what they do when things get in the way of their exercise, and how would they motivate someone to start exercising. I think it would be really interesting to hear all the different reasons and answers people would give. I am really interested in applying psychology to health and fitness so I would definitely love to create a motivational program and help people become more physically active. I definitely think our world needs this. Obviously, obesity is a growing problem and it is important that we start combating it before it gets any more out of hand.
The video discusses how if you are offered a large reward or the larger a reward the lower the performance is. If the reward is smaller, then your performance will be greater. Basically this video talks about autonomy, master, and purpose driving our performances. Each of those three things, autonomy, mastery, and purpose, drives our performances in the workplace. The video talked about how when you are performing a mechanical skill your performance will increase with pay, but with a cognitive skill your performance will likely decrease with pay. I think for the most part what this guy is saying is very accurate. I think that this video and the book say most of the same things.
I enjoyed watching this video. It provided an alternate way of learning and getting to understand this information. With the drawings it made it easy to focus on, but it also provided specific studies. These studies were related to the material that was being explained. It was just a different when then just reading a text book or something and it is nice to not always be relying on just the text book. I thought this video helped me to understand the material a lot better. In a better way than just reading did. Because I had something to focus on and the studies made it very easily understood. It also helped that the guy was not talking in a boring way that made me drift off.
If I was giving 24 hours of autonomy I would probably use it to look at people who are so motivated to lose weight. Some people are highly motivated to do this. I would ask people how they continue to stick to things like counting calories, or sticking to a diet, working out each day. What motivates them to stick to this and not give up after a few days. After doing this research and collecting all the data I need I would use this to my benefit. I have attempted to do this but I have never lasted for more than one and a half weeks. I get bored and I just stop.
In chapter five’s discussion of Motivation, it states that Intrinsic Motivation “emerges spontaneously from psychological need and innate strivings for growth,” so when given autonomy (the freedom to choose one’s work), people will be work more effectively (as we strive for feelings of competence), be more persistent and creative, and experience a greater sense of subjective well-being. The “happier” we are (or the greater the sense of well-being we have) will result as a continued and perpetuated source of motivation and subsequent accomplishment. This corroborates with the “Drive” Animation’s message that the increasing levels of monetary rewards had diminishing effectiveness. Controlling events such as being watched, evaluated, or rewarded undermine creativity, and as Teresa Amabile states in chapter 5, “People will be most creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, enjoyment, satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself – rather than by external pressures.” It was interesting that the study found that financial rewards WERE effective for mechanical skills that were straightforward and required no creativity or conceptual understanding. You don’t really have to think about much to do these things, so the reward is much like classical conditioning. Press the lever…get a snack. Not much to it!
My experience watching this was a good one! There were times when it was a little frenzied, but it’s amazing how adding a visual component gives the message a more full-bodied meaning than if it was simply a video of a guy standing up in front of a crowded room giving a talk. Incorporating as many of our senses as possible causes us to interpret the information from many angles.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy, I would design and develop a program to help people take control of their own well-being by identifying their wants, needs, motivations, stumbling blocks, resources, goals, and support systems. Several of my friends want to lose 20 pounds, and between this class and my Physical Activity and Nutrition class, I’ve been thinking that what most weight-loss and fitness programs are missing is the psychological and motivational component! The food and fitness components are pretty straightforward, but like the Smoking article we read last week, the hard part is not the biological aspect (i.e. nicotine addiction), but overcoming the neurological and motor “habits” that have become hardwired into our brains. For most people, the key to losing weight is to take control of what caused them to gain it in the first place, and that’s the hard part! Some of the reasons include depression, stress, defeatism, low self-esteem, laziness, and apathy. I think the key to losing weight is to re-focus on one’s TOTAL well-being, not just on the body image. I think the goal-setting component of a weight-loss program has to include a personal evaluation of self-image, emotional state, sense of self-efficacy, and personal control beliefs. Start to feel good about yourself and who you are, and you will start to make decisions that will take care of that awesome person you see in the mirror everyday!
I feel that this information from the animation is fairly accurate, it just depends on the learning style of the individual. This video described autonomy,purpose and mastery in our life. In addition, it discussed a lot about rewards from Chapter 5.
Personally, I enjoyed the creative and visual aspect of this because it caught my attention. Therefore, it helped me learn because I was highly intrigued by the animations and information that was being shared. I think this aspect will inspire students more and get them more involved rather than just taking boring notes in class. Overall my experience of this video is shock, it just amazed me how fast he could draw and speak at the same time. However, for some people I could understand that it may get distracting and that they would be so focused on the images that they would tune out the information that is being taught.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy to focus on motivation and emotion I think I would research more on attraction and various types of love, or relationships and how they drive us to behave certain ways. Also, I would research on motivation when it comes to exercise. I find it interesting how some individuals are more motivated to stay on the track of continuously working out. I think I would like to do a video interview and ask individuals about different things in life that they are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to do.
In this animation clip I found that the motivation dealing with rewards/incentives to be very interesting. And above all else, very informative and laying out the information in a realistic example and one that was easy to understand and clarify. Giving working Americans different levels of rewards for different tasks ranking in difficulty; small, medium and high and rating their performance. By the end of the study showing that the higher the extrinsic reward, the lower the performance in the more difficult tasks. This was proved the same in India, where the same reward was given they did even worse. However the first and second level of rewards and tasks were about even. Compared to the book the information proves accurate and I see no problems.
As for my experience I found it to be a lot of information coming at me at once. It was helpful information and useful. However, if I hadn’t read the chapter prier, I would not have been able to follow nearly as well. The realistic example made sense and as I why it was useful I’m going to be in the working community soon and I would like the pay that I earn to be worth my effort. Suggesting that if the difficult of task equals the pay there is more effort put into the job however that only goes far. The ‘if then, you get this,’ concept works only so much before pressure gives way to the achieve the task. I find it to be a reasonable reasoning. Having to overcome a difficult task to get this incentive, the pressure in actually inhibit performance. This little ten minute clip got down to the nitty gritty of things stated how researched showed these results.
If given 24 hours autonomy….for this class of course, I’m not all that sure what I’d do with it honestly. But as I looked through some of other comments mulling over ideas, I got the idea to perhaps try this same concept in reverse. If people fail under too much pressure of an extrinsic motivation like a reward or incentive, what about being paid for the effort one does. What trade off would there be. Say a person volunteered to do something, let’s say community service. How far would the task have to escalate to the point that the person just slams down their shovel and says “I should be paid for this!” Where’s the equilibrium between pay off and effort? Sure jobs that are more risky may pay more, but I bet window washers for sky scrapers I paid nearly as much as they should be since they are risking their lives daily. Course there would also be the consideration of liking the work. There are obviously a lot of little things that would need to be controlled on a study like this but doing one would prove interesting I think. Even useful if it proved correct or helpful; employers would know where and what level they should pay people for their employee efforts and get the best quality work.. I would this it would be a great payoff for both parties, course that would probably only work in a perfect world. In the current economic age and with people wanting to do less work for more pay due to general laziness and lack of intrinsic motivation, as well as, sense of mastery and autonomy.
The animation had information on how to motivate people the correct way instead of training people like horses with a hierarchy reward system. In the animation he was talking about that when people are high wage makers and require more creative difficulty work they do less work. They conducted a study that there are three levels of getting a reward system and that the higher the pay that less work is put into people’s work. They found that people who got straight forward and easier tasks that they put forth more effort toward their job, compared to a job that is difficult and more creative thinking than people find it harder to put forth more effort. The animation was saying that if people got paid good amount, but at a reasonable amount and not something that is way over the top will work at a better level than those who get overpaid for their jobs.
The animation had three concepts that talked about different incentives that get people to do better work (autonomy, mastery, and purpose). Autonomy is when we feel like we have control or direction in our work. In the animation they talked about a management team in Australia gave their employees of anything that they wanted to work on for 24 hours and that it could be anything as long as they had some work to show for it after 24 hours. They found that the workers had created better software and fixed more bugs in other software on these days, which proves that adding autonomy to workers is a huge incentive. Mastery is when we want to learn something to get better at it. For this they didn’t give the employees some huge cash reward with those who do the best, but told them to use what they know and make a final product that will show their skills. Purpose which is basically that we find something in our work that feels like it’s worth something and not worth just a paycheck. This goes with work like charity that we put all this work into something even though we are not making a profit, that it was put to a better purpose to help others.
I feel that the book and the animation like contradicted each other for the fact that the book gives us that if we put something front of someone and tell them “if you do this you will get this” and the animation seemed to give the impression that rewards are good to a point, but they need other key components to keep them as good work. Extrinsic motivation in the book explains that it is outside influences that give us a consequence and reward system that “Do this and you will get that”. In the book the first two things they say are rewards are food and money which, are basic necessities that we need to survive and it makes me think that all it is that we go to or jobs for the fact that we get a paycheck at the end of the week. But in the animation it is saying that we should go to work with a sense of doing a good and have the environmental incentives that prove that our work is actually worth doing and we enjoy it. I would say that it make me understand it more and at a different perspective because work does need a reward system that make gives us a reason to show up to our jobs on time and do a good job. Also though, that our jobs need fulfillment than a reward dangling in our face, that our work is worth something and that it challenges us to a level that is understandable.
If I had 24 hours to do something that was what I wanted, but could contribute to this class, I think I could get a lot done and have fun doing it. For this fact that I can control what I want to do and I could learn about areas that I find enjoyment and could show the information that I can find and like. I would want to learn about to how to motivate people, but in a more subtle way that you aren’t blatantly show them a reward, but teach them that if they do things sometimes they can get some personal reward for themselves without the obvious reward thrown into their face.
The video appeared to be very appealing by drawing out pictures as he talked through motivations. When watching the video, I was interested to learn how credible this source actually proved to be. Comparing it to the class book, a trust worthy source of information, I feel he did a pretty nice job of describing motivational behaviors accurately, especially on the topic of the workforce. The MIT study claimed cognitive skill lead to poorer performance, where only mechanical skill led to better performance. The study provided the extrinsic reward, money, as the motivational factor in the equation. According to the book we understand that rewards do not always work. The study of incentives and reward, similar to the one MIT conducted, showed different results in India. The small and medium reward individuals showed equal results, while the people offered the top reward did worst of all. This is a prime example that money is not the only facet to predict job performance in a work industry. Money is a motivator, but personal satisfaction appears to be the greatest indicator of job performance. The video explained three key factors that will lead to job performance. The first is autonomy. From the book we learn that autonomy provides the control over situations, and helps reduce stress. The second factor is mastery. The ability to achieve a particular goal through mastery boosts self-efficacy, proving one’s self-worth. The last factor is purpose. Purpose is accompanied through autonomy and mastery. Purpose gives meaning to the work provided. These three factors control job performance. The only complication I had with the video compared to text material was about task. The video explained simple tasks with guidelines and right answers to be great if than rewards, whereas, some conceptual thinking doesn’t work as an effective motivator. The book exclaims motivation more in the terms of moderate challenges, and this hold true for the work environment as well. Too simple of tasks aren’t necessarily lead to job satisfaction the way to hard of tasks wont. Being able to conceptually think for self and being able to provide mastery and purpose entail moderately challenging tasks. The experience of watching this video was good because it did help me understand motivational concepts such as autonomy, mastery, and purpose. I also enjoyed the video because it challenged me to validate whether the information provided was credible. If I had 24 hours of autonomy for the course I would be interested in researching more on cultural aspects of job satisfaction. I would want to find further studies across culture that deal with workers performance and how it relates to job satisfaction. I would like to find information on incentives and rewards as factors for individualistic vs. collectivistic cultures, and whether or not autonomy, mastery, and purpose are relevant. Given free autonomy, I would conduct a small research assignment preferably gathering all research online through UNI. I would provide a list of references and include an annotated bibliography of my selected research designs on cross culture variations of job performance. This would help increase my knowledge and understanding of what motivates people all around the globe on a larger scale.
I think that this animation was pretty consistent with what we have learned from our textbook. The animation discusses how incentives, specifically money, work to increase or decrease motivation and performance. The author states that when we are presented with mechanical tasks, the presentation of a monetary incentive increases performance in a linear fashion. The more money offered the better performance exhibited. However, when tasks become more complicated and involve cognitive and creative thinking, those offered small and medium amounts of money as an incentive do the same performance, and when they are offered the largest monetary incentive, they actually decrease in performance. I think that this was a really good point and fits very well with what we learned in our book. In our book, we learned about extrinsic and intrinsic incentives and rewards. Offering extrinsic incentives can have a positive effect on performance and motivation as long as it is too incongruent with the task at hand. Extrinsic incentives can undermine intrinsic motivation since the person is focused on simply getting the reward. It can also hinder learning and future intrinsic feelings toward the task. With this information, it is understandable that when it comes to cognitive and creative requiring tasks, large incentives result in decreased performance. As our book discusses intrinsic motivation, they discuss how we do the best when we have the same things the animation talks about, autonomy, mastery, and purpose. When we are allowed to be autonomous, as the animation showed, we are more creative, more determined and motivated, and perform much better than if we are controlled by a boss or external pressures. We are also better when we have a mastery goal, because we are doing something because we WANT to in order to be the best we can at it and improve our skills. The animation did a good job at showing how these, along with our purpose for the task, come together to create better performance and solve the problem that extrinsic incentives create. When the software company allowed it’s employees to do whatever they wanted for one day and then present it at an informal, fun meeting, it was clear that the products were more creative, innovative, and beneficial to the company versus when they are told what to do and when. The author concluded by stating how these beneficial factors could come together to create a better workplace and world.
I really enjoyed this animation. I felt that it helped me to understand how incentives, both intrinsic and extrinsic, work. When I read the textbook, I applied the reading to myself mostly, and this animation allowed me to apply it to other people and different contexts across the world. I am, and always have been, a better visual learner than just reading the material. If I had just heard the lecture presented in the animation or read it, I doubt I would have truly grasped what it was saying. There were a lot of technical jargon used, but seeing it drawn out into things that we can all relate to. I liked it enough that I found myself actually watching more of them. I think this is an interesting way to learn, although some of the time it would be nice if it slowed down a bit.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this course, I would want to focus on something that is pretty complicated: the motivation to lie. I have always been interested in why people lie, why they lie so much/little, why they start/stop, if they don’t stop, why not, etc. I think it would be interesting to look at lies in the workplace. It is obvious that people lie all the time, especially if your boss asks you if you have started a project and you haven’t, etc. I think that it would be interesting to see if there is a relationship between the level of incentive for a task and the level of a lie when asked about the progress of it. To me it seems that the higher the incentive, the more likely someone will lie when asked about how far they have come in the specific project/task. I would probably use my time to figure out what exactly I wanted to find out about this relationship and form some sort of research proposal. If I had time, I would begin to research it. If people were given autonomy to perform tasks, I think they would be less likely to fabricate the progress they’ve made. This would be a complicated thing to study because another variable that may confound it would be the perception of punishment if they are not at a certain point when asked about it. I think the motivation to lie is something that is not very well researched because it is difficult to figure out, but it is very intriguing to me and probably what I would discover if I had 24 hours of autonomy for this class.
The video suggests that people, when offerered a large reward incentive, perform worse, than those who who are offerered smaller rewards. Based off of the study or motives for behavior are autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
This video was easy to eatch because it was presented in an easy, creative, and easy to follow way. It provided other studies that were directly related to class and class topics. The video brought up a gareat point about money. If a person isn't working for what they find an equal amount of money.. they aren't going to be hard worker... whereas if you pay people a suitable amount of money, the person is focused on their work and not their money.
If i had 24 hours of autonomy in this class my mind would wander of to health/and working out goals. How people, even though with busy/hectic schedule find the time and motivation to go and work out. I would come up with some sort of reasearch design and follow through with the methods to see what ways worked best with certain people. and apply the information closest to me to myself.
This presentation gave me slightly more insight to our class by being presented to us in various different ways. Always seeing images tend to still to words/or thoughts that you need to know and related to things.
There were many points in his presented through the YouTube video were mentioned in the book. First, he talked about reward and punishment. Rewards are used to attain a desired behavior, where as punishment are used to decrease an unwanted behavior. His explanation of reward compliments much of what we learned in the book. However, I feel as though he left out an important topic about the negative effects of rewards. The book discusses how rewards can decrease intrinsic motivation when they are expected or tangible. In turn, leads a person to finishing the work faster and less efficient in order to receive that reward. It also limits creativity and persistence when they are able to tangibly receive the reward. Secondly, he discusses the importance of anatomy, mastery, and purpose in the work place or an organization. The book and video go hand in hand when talking about autonomy. However, the textbook talks little about purpose. I thought it was a great addition and had good points to tie in with the rest of the video.
I really enjoyed watching the video. It was a great way to sum up what we learned from the book and in class. It was slightly fast, so I had a difficult time keeping up and not getting dizzy. But, overall I enjoyed the pictures and seeing a visual for what we learned. The material became more real with this video because it brought it to life. When they mentioned how organizations can use these things, I was able understand how these concepts can be applied to real world situations and think out of the box, instead of a typical school setting that is usually referenced.
If I had twenty-four hours of autonomy I would use it to inspect a real life situation. I would investigate what makes people bring hostility towards each other, or shut others out of their life. In some instances, these two go hand in hand. I feel that everyone is a good person deep down. So, what makes them hide that? Is it because they are jealous, bad past or just flat out mean person? What makes someone so scared to push everyone that cares about them out of their life? Maybe, with these answers, I can help someone someday.
I think the information was fairly accurate, there weren't any glaring issues with it, at least to my only partially-trained eyes. It didn't really get into why people might not do as well with highly incentivised cognitive tasks, and I kept waiting to hear their hypotheses. Either way, it involved external motivation and incentives so I imagine that the higher the external motivation the lower the internal motivation. That is really my best guess based on the class material.
I enjoyed watching this video, but it was hard to watch and keep the class topics in mind. I kept expecting to hear some things and waited for the video to go more in-depth on the topic of motivation. When it got to mastery and autonomy, those sections gave me what I was waiting for. I feel like the examples used fit nicely with my understanding and cemented it in my mind better. The example of playing a musical instrument was great, and the situation of giving employees a day of full autonomy was really neat. It really tied up the ideas brought together in the video.
If given autonomous time dedicated to this course, I would love to research how someone (aka psychology students) can motivate themselves knowing what we know about motivation and psychology. I know there is research on how to manipulate and motivate people without their full knowledge. What I want to find out is how a student like myself can use the knowledge I have gained to help my own motivation. I would also like to pursue the idea that the more aware you are of this knowledge, the more it affects your own life and motivations. I just don't know whether it would have a positive or negative impact. I feel like I wouldn't know where to start to motivate myself with the knowledge I have, or at least do it with optimal effectiveness. So not only would this contribute to my knowledge and interests, but it would have a direct impact on my own life!
This animation talks about a study done in Cambridge, Ma. They found that as long as the task involved used only mechanical skill, the bonuses worked as expected, but once the task called for rudimentary cognitive skill a larger reward led to poorer performance. They wanted to make sure this was true so they did the study at Madurai, India as well. They found the same thing there as well. This study has been replicated by psychologist, sociologist, and economists over and over again. Because of this I think that his information is very accurate. For tasks that involve “if you do this then you get that” the incentives are great. This is an extrinsic motivation which the book talks about. I do think that this video captures what the book talks about pretty well. I didn’t notice any differences.
When I saw how long the video was going to be I got a little discouraged because it seemed like a long time. After watching it for a while I lost track of time because it pulled me in. I thought it was a very interesting way to explain everything. I liked all the different drawings. It kept me engaged; because of this it did help me understand the material better. I am more of a visual learner so actually watching him draw and write the information out helped me understand better. It kept my attention very well. I also liked how he used different examples.
If you gave me 24 hours of autonomy for this course I think that I would try to figure out what motivates me in everything that I do. I would also try to do a study on the different motivation types between people that get a four year degree compared to no college degree at all. I would also try and see the different backgrounds that could affect whether they go to college or not. It also interests me to look at the people that are forced to go to college and how motivated they are compared to the people that choose to go college themselves. I think that the people that choose to go to college are more likely to finish with a good gpa than the people that are forced to go to college. If I found this to be true I would publish it so that parents or whoever is forcing the person to go to college can see that it is not effective to do that.
Watching this video clip surprised me very much because I always thought that the bigger the incentive, the better work a person will do. I even believe that for myself the more I would be offered to earn, the harder I would work for the benefit. The video explained that a person has to be paid enough that it encourages good behavior but doesn’t distract the person from working hard. I think this information is pretty accurate because the author had seemed to have a lot of knowledge about the topic and really explained what he was talking about well. He also had examples from real life that make it more reliable. I think the information from the video corresponds a lot with the information in the textbook, but it is a little different. The textbook does explain that incentives and reinforcers promote behavior better than punishment, but the whole idea about having too big of an incentive actually causing a behavior to fail seems weird to me because the book doesn’t make it sound this way.
Watching this video was very interesting because of all the drawing going on in the background. It made the text easier to understand because he drew out pictures to help explain the information in more detail, but sometimes the pictures were just distracting. The animation made it easier to understand that intrinsic motivation can be more important that extrinsic because it explained that autonomy, mastery, and purpose were the better concepts to encourage good behavior. People are more likely to perform better if they are doing it for themselves for their own internal incentives rather than bribes and pay. That does make more sense to me and the pictures helped better understand how the book explained this.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this class I would research into what motivates people to turn into criminals such as murderers, thieves, and abusers or what motivates people to commit suicide. I would like to learn more information about both of these topics because to me I don’t understand at all how someone could be in that terrible of a mindset to actually go so far as to doing these terrible things. I would like to research into the topics and maybe try to find solutions to prevent it in the future.
I thought the research behind it was kind of interesting, especially when they replicated the study and found the exact same results. They were right about autonomy and that it is the want for a person to control their own life. Besides that, I didn’t find anything that stood out as being different from the book.
The animation helped in the sense that it was able to illustrate studies done and examples where it can be applied. It was more interesting than just sitting down to read a book. I have actually heard of this being used in two other examples. One was by another computer company and the other was a US president. I know the computer company was a US company. Instead of giving people 24 hours, it provided outdoor areas to work in and allowed for the employees to work at their own pace. Don’t quote me on this but I think the US president was Roosevelt, buy I’m not sure. Anyway, I know that he would work for only a couple hours in the day, take a nap in the afternoon, then do what he wanted in the evening. For as lazy as this sounds he was actually a very efficient working and got a lot done in office. I just can’t remember is name. I think this kind of leniency is great. In the animation video the computer company was able to come up with their own ideas of what could be improved on or created. Because they were self-motivated they were probably more willing to spend more time and energy on their project because it really interested them. I kind of wish that this knowledge could be applied to more than just software companies. When I was in high school I was in a lot of art classes. I really enjoy art and was quite good at drawing (the one class I never took was the sculpting class). What I learned from those classes was that even though I showed potential, I didn’t enjoy HAVING to draw. I think some of my best work was done when I just sat down and drew what I wanted. I was able to use what I learned in class but I had more fun and was more focused on doing my best when I didn’t have to show my progress, have a time limit, or have someone hovering over my shoulder telling me how to improve what I was working on.
Honestly, even though I am a criminology and psychology major I would probably look at more animal psychology and motivation. It is something that has always interested me but not enough for me to pursue it as a career. The two sources I would use for motivation would have to be websites/videos from Discovery Channel and the History Channel and research papers I could find on the Rod Library website.
His information is actually very accurate and is exactly what was described in the book. At first, I thought he was going to mess up a little bit, but then he further clarified himself. This was when he was talking about how a higher salary caused a higher performance, and then when he explained that it was only in simple problems that had no need for cognitive performance, I understood.
This was a very interesting way of explaining the concept. The combination of visual, written and oral presentations was exceedingly helpful. I felt that I had understood the concept fairly well, previously, but it was definitely an affirmation and would be hugely beneficial to someone who did not understand as much.
If I had twenty-four hours of time to use for this class and only for this class, I would spend it talking to people. I would talk to them about what motivates them. Why do they hang with the friends they do? Why do they trust some people, but not others? Why do they go to work every day? Why do they work while at work? Why do they study four hours for a test, but do not spend time hanging out with friends? What motivates them to lie? To steal? Why do some people play video games instead of reading? Why do some students become so involved at school? Why do others stay active during high school and then do absolutely nothing in college? Following this, I would ask others what they think motivates so and so. Then, I would observe the original people to see if what they said motivates them, lines up with how they act. Talking to people about the whys of their actions and desires is what truly interests me. I would then apply the information I found to dealing with those people if they are ones I know and or interact with frequently. I could also apply it to dealing with people that seem similar to the ones with which I had talked.
This video seemed to be pretty accurate with its information. The content seemed to agree with what is in our textbook very well. The first section of the video discussed two studies that were administered first with students at MIT, and then with people in rural India. The studies found that for simple straight forward tasks, rewards work well. But, these studies also found that rewards do not work when trying to motivate people to do their best on conceptual, creative tasks. This would agree with the information presented in our textbook which tells us that extrinsic rewards generally do not produce increased motivation. The next section of the video discussed how autonomy can create better performance and more satisfaction, especially in the workplace. Information in our textbook would certainly agree with this statement. When the video mentioned autonomy, they said that management works well if you just want compliance, but companies now are looking to promote engagement in their employees. The presenter said that providing employees with more opportunities to express their autonomy is the best way to create and promote engagement. The example used here about the Australian company that gave their employees 24 hours to work on anything they wanted illustrated this point well. Giving them this time lead to the creation of many new innovative ideas, projects, and products that really helped the company do better.
I think watching this video definitely helped me understand the material better. The cartoon like drawings were fun and interesting, they really kept my attention. This video was easy to understand and although it covered the topics relatively fast, it still made sense. The presenter used examples that apply to the real world, especially in the second section concerning autonomy, mastery, and purpose. I really think the part about how and why highly trained professionals work for non-profit companies like Wikipedia in their spare time really made sense of a difficult concept. It was a concept that at first glance did not make sense and the examples they used really helped me understand it.
I believe that if I was given the 24 hours to create or discover something pertaining to motivation and emotion I would honestly be at a loss for what to do. Although I am interested in the material for this course, I don’t think I would be able to find much intrinsic motivation inside of me to discover more about it. The people who worked for that company were deeply involved in their work, for many people their career is an enormous part of their life and identity. I think that made it much easier for them to not only come up with good ideas to pursue, but also to find the motivation to work on them. It seems with the success the company had with the 24 hours free-work period, the employees must have been really excited about the opportunity that they were given.
This video seemed to be pretty accurate with its information. The content seemed to agree with what is in our textbook very well. The first section of the video discussed two studies that were administered first with students at MIT, and then with people in rural India. The studies found that for simple straight forward tasks, rewards work well. But, these studies also found that rewards do not work when trying to motivate people to do their best on conceptual, creative tasks. This would agree with the information presented in our textbook which tells us that extrinsic rewards generally do not produce increased motivation. The next section of the video discussed how autonomy can create better performance and more satisfaction, especially in the workplace. Information in our textbook would certainly agree with this statement. When the video mentioned autonomy, they said that management works well if you just want compliance, but companies now are looking to promote engagement in their employees. The presenter said that providing employees with more opportunities to express their autonomy is the best way to create and promote engagement. The example used here about the Australian company that gave their employees 24 hours to work on anything they wanted illustrated this point well. Giving them this time lead to the creation of many new innovative ideas, projects, and products that really helped the company do better.
I think watching this video definitely helped me understand the material better. The cartoon like drawings were fun and interesting, they really kept my attention. This video was easy to understand and although it covered the topics relatively fast, it still made sense. The presenter used examples that apply to the real world, especially in the second section concerning autonomy, mastery, and purpose. I really think the part about how and why highly trained professionals work for non-profit companies like Wikipedia in their spare time really made sense of a difficult concept. It was a concept that at first glance did not make sense and the examples they used really helped me understand it.
I believe that if I was given the 24 hours to create or discover something pertaining to motivation and emotion I would honestly be at a loss for what to do. Although I am interested in the material for this course, I don’t think I would be able to find much intrinsic motivation inside of me to discover more about it. The people who worked for that company were deeply involved in their work, for many people their career is an enormous part of their life and identity. I think that made it much easier for them to not only come up with good ideas to pursue, but also to find the motivation to work on them. It seems with the success the company had with the 24 hours free-work period, the employees must have been really excited about the opportunity that they were given.
This video seemed to be pretty accurate with its information. The content seemed to agree with what is in our textbook very well. The first section of the video discussed two studies that were administered first with students at MIT, and then with people in rural India. The studies found that for simple straight forward tasks, rewards work well. But, these studies also found that rewards do not work when trying to motivate people to do their best on conceptual, creative tasks. This would agree with the information presented in our textbook which tells us that extrinsic rewards generally do not produce increased motivation. The next section of the video discussed how autonomy can create better performance and more satisfaction, especially in the workplace. Information in our textbook would certainly agree with this statement. When the video mentioned autonomy, they said that management works well if you just want compliance, but companies now are looking to promote engagement in their employees. The presenter said that providing employees with more opportunities to express their autonomy is the best way to create and promote engagement. The example used here about the Australian company that gave their employees 24 hours to work on anything they wanted illustrated this point well. Giving them this time lead to the creation of many new innovative ideas, projects, and products that really helped the company do better.
I think watching this video definitely helped me understand the material better. The cartoon like drawings were fun and interesting, they really kept my attention. This video was easy to understand and although it covered the topics relatively fast, it still made sense. The presenter used examples that apply to the real world, especially in the second section concerning autonomy, mastery, and purpose. I really think the part about how and why highly trained professionals work for non-profit companies like Wikipedia in their spare time really made sense of a difficult concept. It was a concept that at first glance did not make sense and the examples they used really helped me understand it.
I believe that if I was given the 24 hours to create or discover something pertaining to motivation and emotion I would honestly be at a loss for what to do. Although I am interested in the material for this course, I don’t think I would be able to find much intrinsic motivation inside of me to discover more about it. The people who worked for that company were deeply involved in their work, for many people their career is an enormous part of their life and identity. I think that made it much easier for them to not only come up with good ideas to pursue, but also to find the motivation to work on them. It seems with the success the company had with the 24 hours free-work period, the employees must have been really excited about the opportunity that they were given.
1) The information presented in this video clip is about what does and doesn’t motivate us. It is made clear that money works as an incentive for mechanically type skills but that performance actually decreases when rewarded with money for complicated, conceptual and creative thinking. I think this refers to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Obviously if someone is told that if they perform in a certain concrete way they will get a bonus it is easy to understand that they will be motivated. However, when someone is told to be creative it is important to give them control over their autonomy. Autonomy is the desire o be self-directed. People don’t want money or other incentives when it comes to conceptual tasks. They want to master and have purpose for whatever they are trying to accomplish. For example, many people will engage in an activity over the weekend that requires time and dedication, but because they want to master this activity and have purpose, they don’t see it as work. It becomes enjoyable and therefore the joy itself is enough to reward them.
2) I enjoyed watching this video clip. The only problem I had with it was having to pause it every now and then so I could write down some of the material because he talks very fast. However, it was nice to be able to pause the clip because sometimes is classes professors talk too quickly and you are not able to pause them for a few seconds without having to raise your hand and disrupt the lecture. It was easy for me to understand what he was explaining. He used simple terms that made sense. I also liked the visual aide of him writing on the white board. I learn much better visually so it helped me to keep track of what he was talking about.
3) If I was given autonomy for 24 hours I would probably survey students on campus. I would ask them questions about why they are in school, why they go to class, if they are getting incentives from their parents to go to college. My main goal would be to figure out what motivates them to attend college. For most people, they have to pay for their own education and it is very expensive. So for many people it’s not motivating because it hurts you financially. Also, it is very time consuming. Most people are pursuing at least a four year degree If not longer. There are many aspects to going to college that can turn people away so I would just ask people around campus why they decided to go to college and what motivates them to continue attending.
This animation video was very accurate and I think definitely supported what we have learned from our book and in-class lectures. The visual that I got from the information that the narrator was talking about really helped me understand the material better. Receiving rewards does not always motivate a person to complete a task to the best of their abilities, a lot of the time it actually does the opposite. It has been proven by many different areas of professions that the higher the incentive, leads to the least amount of effort put into a task. This is where our society goes wrong. We believe that we can motivate our workers to come up with more creative, new, and exciting things if we offer a higher salary. If employers realized that the people are internally motivated by autonomy, mastery, and purpose then they would be much more satisfied with their employee’s work and their employee’s will also be much more satisfied. When completing a task, people need to feel like they are in control, they need to feel like the need to accomplish something, and they need to know there is a good reason completing it, so in reality incentives and rewards do nothing. This animation video just proves the facts in our book about how people are much more satisfied when they are intrinsically motivated to do something instead of extrinsically motivated because it is what they WANT to do, not what they HAVE to do.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy to use towards this course, I would go around to businesses and survey them on how satisfied they are with their jobs and what they believe that their employers could do to better their employee’s satisfaction. I would then present the results to the employers and explain everything what motivates people to do well and what does not. I would show them studies that back up all the information that I presented. I would do this because I would guess that 95% of people do not realize that incentives and rewards are not the way to motivate people; I would never have known it without taking this course. In today’s world people are so wrapped up in giving out and receiving rewards that they forget about what truly satisfies people. If they learned what motivates and satisfies their employee’s then we could advance in so much more.
The information shown in the motivational video clip seemed corrected and was pretty much the same as the information given in out text book. the video clip essentially talked about motivations in the work force and how rewards can affect your performance if you are doing a cognitive oriented task. and the only way rewards work would be if you were offered a large sum of money where you dont have to worry about your financial situation and only focus on your task at hand. the video discussed the 3 factors that better performance and satisfaction in the work place are Autonomy ( desire to be self directed) mastery ( the urge to get better at stuff) and purpose.
When watching this video clip I seemed to have understood the information at lot better than I would have just reading it from the text book. The information was presented not only orally but visually as well. I would have to say that the video indeed helped me learned the material better because I have seen the material, ive heard the material, ive taken notes over the material, and ive read the material.
If I were given 24 hours of autonomy for the course of Motivation and Emotion I would do some sort of motivational research or at least attempt to come up with a study. Or I would probably write my experiences in a hybrid class opposed to non-hybrid classes from a students perspective. I would probably study more on the physiological and social needs and the effects they have on the brain if denied such needs.
terms: autonomy, mastery, purpose
I thought the information in the video was very accurate as well as very similar to that of the information of the text. I think the video helped me to understand the material when it discussed a specific and everyday situations. For instance, the greater part of the video was discussing studies of motivation regarding the workplace, and how using money as a reward can hinder performance. This was very surprising--even after already learning about how rewards can hinder performance/ motivation which is discussed as the hidden costs of rewards. The text and video also discuss and the positive effects of providing individuals with autonomy. Autonomy was one of three of the most important factors that are essential to providing a positive workplace. Like in Goodwill Hunting, without autonomy Will’s creativity and interest was dulled. The other two factors involved in the video were mastery and achievement. Using the example of humans playing guitars in their free time was something I never really considered. Why would people want to do that? They enjoy learning, improving, and choosing what to do with their time. The video also discussed some rather famous creative minds who have greatly changed our world because their abilities were nourished with the ability to remain autonomous, their interest in improving, and their focus to achieve. Some of the examples were Steve Jobs, and the creator of Skype.
What would I do with 24 hours of autonomy for this class? That is a very interesting question. I think I would be very interested to conduct some research on campus or just in the community especially regarding businesses/classrooms and the amount of autonomy they allow in the workplace, why they do or don’t allow their employees/students with autonomy, how satisfied their employees/students are, and how the students/employees would feel if they were allowed more autonomy. It would be interesting to compare their satisfaction with the achievements of the businesses/classrooms as a whole, and even maybe with more time compare these businesses/ classrooms to others. I think it would just be fun to discuss this research and it’s findings with employers/ professors and hear their ideas on ways the classroom could be more autonomous or why they believe it shouldn’t. I don’t think many realize the hindrance sole focus on reward can have on not only the individuals they are offering the rewards to, but to those offering the rewards as sole motivation. I think many are scared to trust one another with any more autonomy, but would find themselves pleasantly surprised if they did!
This animation was about motivational studies and different ways people are motivated. In the beginning of the animation he talked about a study that consisted of a sample of students with designated tasks that measured performance with different rewards. They found that higher rewards does not always lead to higher performance. There have been many other studies that have shown that the higher reward is not achieved just because there is a higher reward. This follows what our text says as well with internal and external motivation. If someone is internally motivated and likes what they are doing, they are going to have better performance ratings as opposed to someone influenced by environmental factors. Also, the animation talked about higher performance based on autonomy, mastery, and purpose. If you let someone be and let them come up with creative new ideas by themselves they can and will. The example that they gave was leaving a group of employees alone for 24 hours to come up with new ideas and present it at a casual party with beer and pizza. The employees came up with multiple quality ideas in the time period. With mastery, a person likes the activity and wants to practice and practice to constantly improve their performance. Finally, with purpose, if someone knows what they are working towards and have goals set in place they are going to strive to achieve these goals. These three things are all internal motivators and will result in high performance. This animation definitely helped me to understand the information of the text better. It was nice seeing it in a different way and in such a creative way.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy, I would go around to different companies and interview staff (both upper and lower levels) in order to see how they motivate their employees. A lot of companies go off of a pay reward system and do not let there employees give much input into the company. I have worked for a company that wasn’t open to different ideas besides their own and it was not only not fun to work their but it cramped our creativity and performance while at work. It does not motivate employees to do the same thing day after day with no goal. I think it would be interesting to compare the different rewards systems companies have in place and see if I could suggest new ways to improve their performance in the different environments.
The animation discusses the evolution of motivation methodologies in the workplace. For a long time, employers paid their workers in a way that seems fairly intuitive – according to the quality of their performance. Those who performed decently were paid a decent wage, those who performed a little better were paid a little better, and those who performed extremely well were paid extremely well. Paying in this manner is quite common and has been shown to be especially effective in jobs that mostly involve mechanical functions and require little thought. However, recent research has turned this line of thinking on its head when the work involves even rudimentary cognitive skill. Studies have shown that there is actually an inverse relationship between the amount you pay someone for this type of work and the performance achieved as a return on this investment!
The video features three concepts that are discussed in length in our textbook: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. These factors have been shown to lead to increased performance at work. The benefits of autonomy (a sense of personal choice) were demonstrated in the example of the Australian software company that gave its employees 24 hours of complete autonomy. This lead to an array of new ideas and programs that likely never would have otherwise existed! Mastery and purpose are shown to have gone hand-in-hand with open-source technologies such as Linux, Apache, and Wikipedia. The individuals involved in producing this content took on a challenge they intended to become proficient in (mastery), and in doing so, would be making a contribution to the greater global good (purpose).
In general, the animation seems to match up fairly well with the concepts we learned about in our textbook. Rewards can be used as incentives, but often come with unintended costs. Our book taught us that if these rewards are expected and tangible (such as with a employee’s biweekly paycheck) reduce the intrinsic motivation for performing an activity. The video goes a bit more in depth, showing that this stipulation does not really matter when the behavior does not require much cognitive thought. However, with tasks that involve higher-level thinking, extrinsic motivators reduce our both our internal motivation to perform a task and our ability to effectively learn while doing so. Though this reality may not be apparent initially, it is quite intuitive once you follow this deeper rationale.
I think the animation makes it much easier to stay engaged while listening to the material. Not only does it provide a fun complement to the words that are being spoken, but it also allows for an active visual interface, like some sort of advanced PowerPoint presentation. I think a big reason this sort of experience benefits learning is that a viewer never feels that he or she is at risk for getting lost if they do not actively pay attention – the words are there on the whiteboard as a sort of security blanket, so your mind is free to wander a bit.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy, I would set up a study involving the times in which people post their blog entries. The study would be somewhat similar to the information provided by the animation in that it would be a motivational analysis regarding those who post extremely early, somewhat early, and right at the last minute. For the sake of the experiment, I would restructure the blog grading system to award earlier posters with higher points and the latecomers with lower marks. This would be interesting because I am sure that many of the students who routinely post at the last minute would not deviate from this behavior unless the penalty was extremely severe.
Comparing the information in this video to the information we have read in the book and learned in lecture, they are a lot alike. This leads me to make the assumption that the content in this video is accurate. The main point I got from this video is that extrinsic motivation is not the answer which is exactly what our book tells us. I did not find any problems when comparing the information from this video to the information in our textbook.
I really enjoyed watching this video. I thought it was a creative way to help us understand the material. I believe it helped me understand the material because it used a different learning strategy. I am a visual learner so while I am reading the material in the text book I usually try to think of examples in my head so that I can better understand what I am reading. However, this video drew the examples out for me and that is I believe this video helped me.
With 24 hours of autonomy, I would want to put the information I have learned into my own experiment. I would put together my own experiment comparing internal and external motivators with people’s overall well being while researching the results of experiments that are similar. The external motivator that is very interesting to me, and that was talked about in this video, is money. I feel as if the majority of college students use money as one of their deciding factors for what career they wish to pursue. I would want to dedicate my time on researching and doing experiments on how strong the external motivator of money actually is compared to internal motivators and how the level of well being correlates to that over a person’s life time.
I didn’t really find much in the video as being inaccurate, the info seems to be in line with the things we learned in class, especially the ideas of autonomy, mastery, and purpose. The differentiation it gave between skills used in tasks that received reward was also talked about in the book. There are certain things that work well and not so well as incentives or motivators in specific situations.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video, I feel that his presentation was very good. The information was easily understandable, well explained, and given an amusing visual aid that assisted with how much attention I paid to it. I typically enjoy the lectures we had in class but this goes above and beyond (I’m sure he gets paid to make such things interesting and has plenty of training and experience). I feel that because I was interested and attentive, the examples helped with that a lot, I actually paid more attention and got more out of it than typical lectures.
Well, the 24 hours of autonomy for this class could be used for so many things. I suppose it would depend upon what was going on. If I had other things going on, it might limit what I did for the class during those 24 hours. If I was allowed to do other things, I might not really work on class work the entire time. Like we do class now, we have autonomy of time, if not of study. Things can still get in the way even when setting time aside for class. If I was set up to only do class work or things involved with the class and nothing else was distracting me, I might begin to delve into the area of goal-setting with emphasis on unwanted behaviors. Why is it so hard for people to break their habits and addictions? How are goals and habits connected? I’ve never been good at goal-setting and I know some people who kick butt at everything they set their minds to and set goals like crazy. I would find that connection, what causes those people to do the goal-setting and how I could tap into it. Also, to benefit some close personal relationships, how can people overcome difficult challenges by using goal setting? Are there incentives or ways to help set goals and achieve them to get clean or to stop/start some behavior? Those are questions that I would find as many possible answers to during my 24 hours.
The animation discusses how money is not the best motivating factor, despite popular belief that it is. The best motivating factor, in fact, is autonomy. Giving people freedom to do what they want motivates them to do what they are interested in and will enjoy doing. Mastery is also a big motivator. People want to master and understand the world they live in, and mastering a particular task is very motivating. While it may seem that monetary rewards are the best way to motivate people, in fact they are not, especially when it comes to even rudimentary cognitive thinking. This supports the information that the textbook gives us. Autonomy and mastery are great motivators, and more and more companies are beginning to realize this. The animation pointed out one company in Australia that lets their employees, for 24 hours once a year, do whatever they want. They have complete freedom for 24 hours to work on whatever they want, at whatever pace they want, with whomever they choose. They then get to present their findings at a fun party, not a boring presentation. More work and discoveries are accomplished in these 24 hours than any other 24 hours the rest of the year. The employees are given autonomy to do as they please. This motivates them to do what they want, and they really enjoy doing the work.
I really enjoyed watching this animation. It made the whole concept make a lot of sense. I liked the animations and examples used. I was interested in the topic originally, but watching the animation made the topic even more interesting. The pictures really helped, as just reading straight through the textbook can be dull for me and I have a hard time focusing. The animation moved fast, constantly adding pictures and switching it up, so I was focused and the 10 minutes passed by quickly.
If I had 24 hours of complete autonomy, related to this course, I would learn more information about motivation and emotion. Reading through the textbook isn’t very interesting, so I would browse the internet for cool videos like this one, interesting articles and applications of motivation and emotion. I would take the information I learned to my daily life and see how it applies there. I may even try to do my own research and see how the people in my life are motivated, and possibly try to motivate them to do certain tasks and activities by applying the information I learned. I would learn a lot more through these 24 hours of complete autonomy than I would just through reading the textbook.
His information is accurate. While I didn't do an in-depth analysis of book information compared to the animation, I can surmise that the information and evidence presented is similar. His conclusions are based on research studies conducted at MIT and by various other reliable sources for the sole purpose of generating usable results. He describes our needs for Autonomy and Mastery in a way very similar to that of the book and while he does deny that all rewards increase behavior it is nothing that modern science would disagree with.
I have watched this before but not for a class so I was interested to see that it was an assignment. I think that the pictures behind the verbal explanations REALLY helps me understand the information. I don't think that I am the only one who feels this way. Sometimes it's hard to put things together in my head when someone is explaining complex ideas. In this day and age especially where word of mouth and reading is not so heavily focused on, and images/visual media are emphasized, pictures and words together really help us new age individuals put two and two together.
I think I would be able to pursue things that I am uniquely interested in. In the animation, workers at their job (software company) were given 24 hours to do whatever they wanted, work with whoever they wanted blah blah blah and then give their presentation at the end of the session. During this session they accomplished remarkable things; things even more inventive and useful than things they came up with after years of time spent as a workhorse. However, these individuals were most likely near MASTERS of their trade. If you have years of experience in a trade under your belt, years of thinking about work subjects OUTSIDE of the workplace, and years of education pertaining to your discipline before even entering the work force, your brain is probably STACKED with ideas just WAITING to come out in a creative BURST of spontaneity during a free thinking, work brainstorm party.
I don't think about this class everyday so I think that it would be harder for me to come up with an idea as creative or innovative as the individuals at the software company. But the ideas that I would come up with would none the less be useful. If I decided to devote 24 hours to this class I would probably just try to apply all of the aspects discusses to my life. I would try to determine my intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, goals, everything! After I was fairly knowledgeable of my own motivations and emotions I would try to notice them in others around me.
I think the ideas in this video should be applied in systems all around the world. I think the systems adopting this idea would have brilliant success. I have very strong opinions when it comes to these sorts of things. This animation only brushes on ONE way that society cold be improved. The idea that he proposed is nothing new to individuals who think about the world from a Utopian perspective. Why don't we just have everyone sitting around doing their own thing at every business? Why don't we ONLY have industries designed to improve our human experience? Places like McDonald's? WHY DO THEY EVEN EXIST? Money makes the world go around. We are SO dependent on it that it can ALMOST be considered a BASIC need to a degree. Interesting stuff though.
This animation was fascinating and fun to watch! The information presented Mr. Pink is very accurate to the information we have previously learned in class. He talks about incentives, and what motivates us. He explains that money is a primary incentive, especially within the business world. People want and need money. But when we pay enough money that money is longer an issue, than three major factors lead to better performance: Autonomy, mastery, and performance.
Autonomy, explained by both the book and the video, is the need for self direction and control over your own life. When one has autonomy, they essentially do what they WANT to do, rather than what they feel like they have to. Studies have shown that within a work setting, autonomy leads to better performance.
Mastery is the ability to continue to get better at something. Improving one’s self can be satisfying, and even a little fun. This is very related to the book’s concept of competence. Competence, as defined by the book, is the need to interact effectively with the environment. This is what creates personal goals and challenges, and helps achieve those goals and challenges.
This all gets tied into the point of having purpose, particularly within the work setting. Maintaining a purpose is what helps people get out of bed and excited for their job. When purpose is removed from profit within a business, then the business not only can lose its direction, but also create bad products and poor work environments. However, if someone is driven by purpose, they naturally want to go above and beyond.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching this. This really helped me understand some of these major concepts better by putting them in real life scenarios. Hearing the comparisons of mastery with Wikipedia is a great example. It made me really start to think about my own actions in life, particularly with my job.
My current job is as the UNI Student Body Vice President. It is a lot of work. I also like to go above and beyond my usual duties (one reason I am submitting this at 3:30 AM!). Why do I try to perform exceptionally? Well, I get paid fairly well (full tuition for the year), so money is not a factor to worry about. But what about other factors? I have a decant amount of autonomy. Sure, I have to attend specific meetings, but besides that, how much or little I want to contribute extra is entirely up to me. Since I have this autonomy, anything I do extra comes entirely from my inner desires, which makes me want to follow through and achieve. Otherwise I feel I am letting myself down. Also, competence plays a huge role in how I perform at my job. I knew going into this job that it will be a major challenge, but one that I am able to accomplish.
If I were given a full day of autonomy and freedom, for the pursuit of endeavors related to this course, I would study the motives of students who are highly involved. I would likely conduct a survey of other students who are very involved in organizations and extracurriculars, like I am, and ask them why they choose to go above and beyond. I would then take their answers and try to correlate them with needs (need for competency, need for power, etc.) I think it would be interesting to really get to know what reasons people have to be engaged in above average involvement.
This video is talking about rewards and our behavior when it comes to motivation. The study had three different types of rewards: small, medium and large reward. The video summed up is this: when someone is doing a task that is rudimentary and easy, a big reward will encourage the behavior and increase performance. But if someone is doing a task that is complicated and it requires “creative thinking” the large rewards do not increase performance and does not affect the behavior. Three terms mentioned in the video were Autonomy (being able to control our own behavior, be self-directed), Mastery (wanting to get better at something) and Purpose (why we do a certain behavior).
Our book basically said the same thing the video does, about hard tasks and rewards verse simple tasks. The book goes more into depth about rewards by talking about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. A person very intrinsically motivated will be able to complete both simple and complicated tasks, regardless of the size of the reward (it helps though to have a nice big incentive though!) For me, if I am at a task that is harder, but I know inside that I want to and I can get it done, then I will complete it, regardless of an external reward. Having autonomy and being in control of what I get done definitely satisfies my psychological needs (the need to succeed, for example).
I liked watching this. It was not my first time watching a RSA Animate video. I watched one in my history class pertaining to teaching and the students learning. I liked it because I am a visual person, but at the same time I can listen to what the narrator is saying at the same time. It was a tad bit confusing, because there were times in the video where the narrator talked fast, and I had to stop what I was doing to fully listen. I knew a lot of the information already, but the video was just a good reinforce.
If I had a full 24 hours of complete autonomy, I would ask every person I interact with, to explain something they did today and why they did that task. I’d want to know why they did they task, if there was a reward for it, and then I would ask them if they had another task they could have done, & why they chose doing one task over another. IE: I would ask my sister why she went to her 9:30 class…did she have to? Want to? Could she have done something else instead? Was there a reward for going to class? Etc. I am always interested in why a person chooses to make a decision/do a specific task/act a certain way. I would like to find out a lot more information on people’s reasoning for their behaviors.