Motivation to Smoke-Due 9/27 Midnight


Smoking In Movies

Read this article on smoking and the brain:

Summarize the article. What are your thoughts on this piece? What is most interesting to you? Choose one aspect of the article that you want to learn more about and find out some more information about that. What did you learn? How does your understanding of concepts from chapter 3 help you understand this article? What does all this information teach you about the motivation to quit smoking?

Provide a list of proper M&E terms that you used in your blog post.


This article discussed the concern that showing smoking in movies may increase the likelihood that someone starts smoking or may increase the chances of a previous smoker to relapse. The article that scenes within movies that show smoking can activate certain areas of the brain that can cause a person to want to smoke or start smoking. I found this article interesting. I know the media has a huge impact on people and that it can cause people to do many things, but I never thought it could have a affect on a person's brain. Smoking has been shown in television and movies for many of years, so I figured it would be just normal for people to see actors smoking. I did not think that seeing an actor smoking on the television would want to make someone actually pick up a cigarette and start and smoke. I would like to know a little more about the study that took place and how many non-smokers actually started smoking or truly did want to smoke after seeing smoking in a movie or show. I also would like to know if a person was encourage or wanting to smoke in every single scene where they saw a person smoking. I learned from this article how powerful images and context within a movie or television show can be toward a person. Just the idea of seeing someone smoking on television and feeling the need to smoke is interesting. I can see wanting to smoke when you are around others who are smoking because you can smell the smoke and see the cigarettes, but just seeing smoking on television and wanting the urge to smoke is interesting.

The concepts that we discussed in chapter 3 do help to get an understanding of how images of smoking can give someone the urge to smoke. The major concept associated with the need to smoke is the release of Dopamine withing the brain. These good feeling help put people in good moods and help them get through their day.Dopamine release generates good feelings in a person. Certain incentives (a stimuli that foreshadows the imminent delivery of rewards)sets off dopamine release in the brain. So seeing someone in a movie or in a show smoking causes dopamine release in the brain. Its not seeing the image that releases dopamine, but its the anticipation of smoking a cigarette and wanting nicotine inside the cigarette that causes the brain to release dopamine. Addictive drugs, like nicotine, are strong reinforcers because repeated use of them has created an hypersensitivity to dopamine stimulation. Nicotine creates a liking and wanting motivational state. Wanting is the state that occurs before receiving the actual reward, in this case the nicotine. Liking is the state that occurs after the reward has been given. Liking tends to motivate certain behaviors by being a source of information when people are making choices. Wanting can occur without liking, this meaning sometimes people want what they don't actual my like. However, wanting without liking only gives a partial reward that happens when no sensory pleasure is there. Smoking and needed nicotine is this example. A person my not like to smoke, but the have a want and urge to smoke due to the want of nicotine.

Terms: Dopamine, liking, wanting

This article discusses how difficult it is for ex-smokers to remain that way and not relapse. A recent study has proved that viewing smoking, for example in the movies, activates brain structures of the physical act of smoking. This brain activation is suggested to be the cause of relapse of ex-smokers. This evidence helps to further the hypothesis that smoking can be addictive. I have had several family members who has been smokers and tried quitting. My mom used to smoke when she was younger and finally quit. Several years later she reported seeing my sister smoke which caused her to take up the “bad habit” once again. I definitely agree with the article that quitting smoking and refraining from smoking in the future is a huge task. The media is definitely one source of viewing smoking, but viewing others smoking is also a huge source of relapse in my opinion. Smoking, much like drinking, has become a social habit. The most difficult part of quitting smoking is not necessarily quitting itself, but reaming a “quitter” after you are exposed to others who continue to smoke.
I found it very interesting that the article that CFO’s for tobacco companies continue to say that nicotine is not addictive. I have seen several examples of people in my own life who are smokers who refuse to admit that smoking is not addictive. If smoking is not addictive then why is the relapse rate nearly 50% after the first year of quitting? I decided to do more research on this and discovered that nicotine triggers the dopamine or “pleasure pathway”. The environmental act of smoking releases the biochemical agent dopamine. The release of dopamine then acts on brain structures in the limbic system. Once the limbic system is activated, the person experiences a pleasurable felling. Before a smoker has a cigarette they think back to this reward and they want to experience the pleasure again. This can be related back to Chapter three by looking at the steps that are necessary for a reward to be experienced. If a person does not like that they smoke and quit, they are experiencing wanting without liking. Liking and wanting must occur together in order for a person to experience a full reward. If an ex-smoker begins smoking again, they can experience the combined experience of liking and wanting needed to experience the reward of an increase in dopamine release.
This article helped me to tie together the concepts in chapter three with a specific example of smoking. The pathway of dopamine can be related to other neurotransmitters such as serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine. Once you understand the concept of one biochemical agent, such as dopamine, it is easy to see how other chemical can affect brain structures and consequently alter or emotions and mood. We have known for a long time that smoking is harmful to our health, but with the understanding from this motivation and emotion class I am well aware that addiction strongly tied to brain activity. This article has further allowed me to see that the social context we are a part of (watching movies portraying smoking) can lead to activation in the brain.

Environmental act, biochemical agent-Dopamine, brain structures, wanting, liking

The article basically talked about the reasons that people smoke. It gave some new points of view on why people might smoke that I hadn’t heard. It talked about how watching movies that have people smoking in it can cause the brain to develop the areas that control that motion and it can become a common thing for the person watching. It explained that The American Lung Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention think that movies with smoking in them cause more kids to take up smoking later in life. The article then explained that most people realize that smoking is bad for you and is addictive, but tobacco companies still aren’t saying that they are bad. The article concluded by saying that the chances of someone quitting smoking are very slim, about 5% actually succeed. It listed ways to help quit smoking then said that 50% of those using those ways still don’t succeed, and we have a long way to go before we can help smokers quit.
I thought that the piece was pretty good. I know a few people that are smokers and have tried to quit but couldn’t because they wanted the cigarette. I wouldn’t actually know if the movies have a huge role in affecting a person’s choice but I know it does have an influence on someone’s motivation to want the cigarette because of the addiction or learned behavior. I found the statistics to be the most interesting. Only 5% actually quit of smokers that try to quit. I wonder what the actual number of smokers is compared to the number of smokers that quit would be rather than a percent. I feel like that would have a greater impact in how people may react to this article depending on what you compare that number to.
I wanted to learn more about how many movies have smoking in them. I didn’t find that number but instead found that a lot of people are upset that movies have smoking in them. I stumbled upon the article The article was saying that if the movie has smoking in it that it should automatically be rated “R” in order to keep kids away from it. I know this is a good idea but there is no way our society can keep kids completely sheltered from smoking in the world. I feel if they don’t see then they will not be able to know that it is bad.
The concepts from chapter 3 that helped me were mainly the prefrontal cortex, dopamine, and then the fact that we are not always conscious of the motivation of our behavior. All this information helped me realize I don’t want to start smoking because the ability to quit is very low and there are many factors that can play into preventing someone from quitting smoking.
Terms used: motivation, prefrontal cortex, dopamine, wants

This article is about how the area of the brain that drives the body movements a smoker makes as they smoke is activated when they watch movies that contain people smoking. This could contribute to relapses, since the behavior of bringing a cigarette up to smoke becomes such a habit to smokers, and is a new reason certain organizations want smoking banned from movies. The article also talked about how difficult it is for people to quit smoking and that of the 50% who try every year, only 5% succeed and 50% will relapse. I thought this article was good because any information that could be used to keep smokers from relapsing (since it is so common) is helpful information. I thought it was interesting because it offered a new reason why smoking should not be in movies, besides the fact that it might cause kids to think that smoking is cool. It was also interesting that it is even possible for something as simple as seeing a person engage in the behavior of smoking could cause an ex-smoker to want to reach for a pack of cigarettes, and what is even more interesting is how much the brain is involved in this process.
One thing I wanted to learn more about was the medicines that can decrease brain responses to images that remind ex-smokers of their cigarettes. Like we talked about in class, environmental cues that smokers associate with smoking causes the brain to want that nicotine reinforcement, so a medication that would lessen that effect would be helpful to someone trying to quit smoking. I found that one of these medications is called bupropion. It was used in a study and the participants that took bupropion reported fewer cravings than the participants that received a placebo when watching videos that contained smoking cues. .
The concepts in chapter 3 are shown well in this article. Chapter 3 talked about how specific brain structures generate specific motivational states, such as how the part of the brain linked to smoking generates the motivational state of wanting a cigarette when activated. Biochemical agents stimulate these brain structures and day to day events stir biochemical agents into place. So, the environmental event of seeing an actor smoke in a movie causes the biochemical agent of dopamine to be released in anticipation of nicotine and the part of the brain linked to smoking is activated, which causes the person to be motivated to engage in the behavior of picking up a cigarette. Dopamine release teaches us which events in the environments are rewarding, and to a smoker, nicotine is rewarding. This teaches me that the motivation to quit smoking has to be very strong if the smoker is going to have a chance to succeed. To help themselves quit, they should try and stay away from all environmental agents that could cause that part of their brain to activate. Even once they do quit, they should try and avoid situations where people are smoking to avoid relapses.
Terms: biochemical agents, dopamine, brain structures, reinforcement

This article discussed why smoking is a bad habit for several reasons. Smoking activates the part of the brain linked to addiction and watching movies in which people are smoking actually activates brain areas that are responsible for body movements. As this behavior is watched it is also learned. There is a higher potential for people who are trying to quit smoking to relapse for this reason. For quite some time the American Lung Association and the CDC have asked for this behavior not to be shown in movies, as it portrays that this behavior is “cool” and increases the likelihood that children will start smoking. Most people know that smoking is bad for you; it is also the leading preventable cause of death in most countries. Deaths related to smoking surpass alcohol use deaths, motor vehicle injuries, illegal drug use deaths and many more combined. Although tobacco companies may say they believe nicotine is not addictive, there is widespread knowledge and research that proves it is. With about 20 percent of U.S. adults being smokers and half try to quit each year, less than 5 percent will actually be successful at that. There are therapies that can help such as cognitive behavioral therapy, nicotine patches, or medicines. Even with these therapies about half of smokers trying to quit will relapse in a year. There is still research being conducted on smoking relapses.
I thought this was a neat spin on media influence on smoking and I can definitely see why showing people smoking in movies would be a concern of learned behavior for children. There are already enough tobacco influences in different forms of media and smoking in movies just adds to it. I think it’s fascinating how nicotine can activate different brain receptors and activate the part of the brain responsible for addiction. I thought it was interesting by just physically seeing one smoke actually activated brain areas responsible for body movements. The most interesting thing to me was the list of ailments combined did not equal the amount of deaths per year related to smoking. I wanted to learn more about the effects of smoking that are not talked about as much. The example in the article talked about poor wound healing and surgery outcomes. I learned that smoking actually narrows the blood vessels (arteries) and arteries are what circulate oxygenated blood throughout the body. So it makes sense that any type of area that is healing would have poor outcomes. According to, cigarette smoking doubles a person’s risk for stroke and increases that person’s risk for Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD). When it comes to second hand smoke it can actually increase a child’s risk of ear infection along with all the respiratory issues.
Chapter 3 dealt with brain structures and hormones and I can see how smoking relates to both of these. When people smoke dopamine is released and that makes one feel good, generates feelings. The brain structure(s) involved in pleasure are the hypothalamus and medial forebrain bundle. So when one smokes, they get a signal reward and dopamine is released in the synapse. When you apply this to addiction, you can see how smoking is very addictive. If every time I have a cigarette and it makes me feel good, then why stop. When simply watching someone smoke a cigarette, just watching the movement of one take a puff activates dopamine, just by thinking about it for those who may have been past smokers. Then if one is able to have a cigarette the dopamine will continue and so will the good feelings.
I can definitely see why smoking would be hard to quit and many relapses occur. It would be hard to motivate yourself to quit because of those feelings that you would get from the dopamine. Dopamine lets us know which events in the environment are rewarding and a cigarette may be one of them.

Terms: Dopamine, hypothalamus, medial forebrain bundle.

The article begins by discussing a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, that discusses how actually seeing somebody smoke a cigarette (such as in the movies), activates areas of the brain that act on the body movements an individual makes while smoking a cigarette. This can help explain further reasons for relapse into cigarette smoking when individuals may no longer have a chemical dependence on nicotine. This has led to the American Lung Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention asking for a stop in cigarette smoking shown within movies. The rest of the article explains the same old stuff that you hear every day about cigarette smoking – that it kills more people combined each year than homicides, AIDS, alcohol, narcotics, suicides and motor vehicle accidents. It also continues on about how CEO’s of tobacco companies try to pass the idea that nicotine isn’t addictive in contrast to the 5% of individuals whom successfully quit smoking every year.

Out of the article, I found it interesting that there is more than just a chemical dependence behind cigarette smoking, which could be why cognitive behavioral therapy can be so successful in smoking cessation. I decided to look into the non-nicotine factors that influence cigarette smoking and how there may be more to quitting than just a chemical dependence. Through The New York Times, I found an article that discusses how there may be large social factors that influence quitting cigarette smoking. From this article, I found that studies prove that it is often easier for people to quit cigarette smoking in groups rather than individually. This is because smoking often times comes in social networks of individuals. When multiple individuals in a group quit at one moment, those left smoking are often "casted out" of the social group due to the fact that it is hard and inconvenient for those quitting to remain around the individuals whom still have a strong smoking habit. This is important in understanding how social circles often develop around individuals smoking. From here it makes sense to develop the idea that, since it usually takes the impact of another individual to introduce someone to a smoking habit, it makes sense that it may also take that same individual to help them break it.

From chapter 3, you learn that dopamine is released during cigarette smoking within the nucleus accumbens. This dopamine reaction is what causes cigarette smoking to become a pleasurable activity. It is through the dopamine pathway that many prescription smoking cessation drugs work, because they take away the pleasure from nicotine and thus cigarette smoking. However, individuals still can obtain cravings and want cigarettes due to nicotine no longer being released within the nucleus accumbens. The textbook discusses this wanting (and thus nicotine addiction) existing without pleasure resulting in only a partial reward that occurs without the sensory pleasure of cigarette smoking. This wanting can be sparked when an individual witnesses another individual smoking a cigarette, relating back to how there can be social influences within cigarette smoking.

I suppose that both of these articles have taught me that there are just more than chemical influences when it comes to smoking which I have been able to observe through friends of mine – usually if one individual is going to smoke a cigarette two more individuals follow along.

Kolata, G. (May 22, 2008). Study Finds Big Social Factor in Quitting Smoking. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Picciotto, M. (January 19, 2011). Smoking In Movies: Why Your Brain Thinks It’s Cool. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from


Nucleus Accumbens

This article discussed the many reasons why smoking is bad. Most people believe that smoking is just a bad habit that if you have enough will power then you will be able to stop. This article stated that about twenty percent of United States adults were addicted to cigarettes. Out of all those people that are addicted fifty percent will try and quit every year but only five percent will effectively do so. A new study shows that addiction is a major concern. Not only do you get addicted to the nicotine but also when watching videos where people smoke, it activates brain areas that drive the body movements that a smoker makes hundreds of times a day while puffing on a cigarette. Puffing a cigarette is a learned behavior; to reach for it and pull it up to your mouth and breath in. When watching someone on a television screen make these movements the brain areas responsible for movements are more active, which can contribute to people relapsing. Having smoking in movies has been a major debate for some time now. One of the reasons people wanted it to disappear is because of children. Mothers and fathers dont want their children to do it because the characters in movies are portrayed as "cool" and they are the ones smoking. After reading this article I learned that it is not only children who are being affected by cigarettes in movies though. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in almost all countries. It accounts for 443,000 deaths per year! Smoking also ruins your immune system and prevents wounds from healing well and can account for bad surgeries.

I thought this was a very intriguing article. I have always known obviously known that smoking is bad, but there is so much more that smoking affects that I didnt know about. I was shocked that smoking kills more people than AIDS, illegal drug use, alcohol, motor vehical accidents, suicides, and murders combined. That is a very significant number. I found it most interesting that just by watching a movie that it can trigger brain signals to make people relapse into buying a new back of cigarettes. Whenever I saw movies with people smoking as I was growing up it never triggered me to want to smoke. But I can understand why it would make people and kids curious.

I would like to learn more about how people relapse after seeking treatment and other alternatives to ending smoking. It stated in the article that the majority of people relapse within a year of time, yet fifty percent of people who smoke try to quit. I want to understand why it is so signifantly hard to quit. People believe it's just a mind set in order to quit but that is proven wrong when so many people try with many different options and still end up relapsing. When I looked up the question I wanted to seek into I found that a majority of people avoiding trying to quit all together to prevent relapse from ever taking place. The study researchers examined was whether re-activity exhibited prior to quitting to smoking related images and words might indicate an increased risk of relapse.
I learned that relapsing back to smoking is just a very common thing. Basically you should never start smoking so therefore you dont have to deal with trying to quit later on after being addicted for several years.

Chapter 3 talks about brain activity and how that can relate to smoking for instance. Dopamine is a major factor influenced in this, the reason why smoking is pleasurable is because of the dopamine released in your system. Dopamine is an arousal state that makes you feel good. When you smoke it can then affect your emotions/mood and the chemicals in your brain can be related to the addiction process. You want to feel that sensation so you continue to do it over time. After time; just seeing someone smoke can release dopamine which will trigger you to want a cigarette.

I think this information presented a lot of good information. It makes very good sense why people struggle to quit smoking. Its not an easy thing to do when you have chemical processes going on in your brain pulling you to do it. Luckily you can avoid all these complications if you choose to never start. But for the people that already have; they are in a very tough situation. Wanting to stop is great but getting to be sober free from nicotine is the hard part. If continuing the use of cigarettes then they are hurting their future, possibly resulting in death.

Terms: dopamine, addiction, relapse

Dr. Marina Picciotto discusses problem of smoking and the bad habits of it as well as the reason why do people smoke or continue to smoke. The main thing that she discusses is that smoking should not be allow in movies because people who try to quit and watch movies they want to go back to that habit. Also, movies shows smoking in a positive view as if it is something "cool" or fancy. While watching movie and seeing somebody smoking our brains activate the drive of smoking and the move to reach for cigarette.
Smoking is a main reason of people' death in the world.It is higher than AIDS, drug use, alcohol use and physical injures combined.
The article is interesting, yet it does not surprise me. We all know how bad is to smoke and how big problem in the world it is. As I mentioned above, smoking is the biggest cause of people's death. I can see it true that people who see in a movie somebody smoking want to reach for cigarette. Not only in movies, but if you have friends who smoke you also want to smoke, you look at them and do the same thing.
Young people sort of learn that bad habits by watching their parents, elder siblings, friends. Kids or young adults think that smoking is something cool and something that they can mind of impressed other peers by smoking and that they are "badass". They learn that habit of this movement of smoking and then when they realize that ills them it is too late because they are addicted to both nicotine and that habits of that movement of smoking. remember from my middle school when kids started smoking just to be cool and hang out with the "bad kids" when they can go on every break behind school building and smoke. For them it was something special that not everyone was doing and they feel like by smoking they are perceived better by their peers.
I would like to learn more about the physical movement of smoking, not actually of the addiction of smoking but just the holding cigarette itself.
While searching about this topic I found some website that talk about smokeless cigarettes free of nicotine, so people who feel like they need to hold cigarette and that movement of smoking can enjoy doing this and not hurting their lungs.
"Quitting smokers may find this useful in social situations (e.g at parties or gatherings) and other occasions when they need relief for the habit of holding or inhaling on a cigarette (after a meal for example)."
The concept from chapter 3 helps me understand the article better. Furthermore, the concept of the biological agent such as dopamine we can see how the chemical transmitters can affect the brain functions and then our emotions and mood.


dopamine, biochemical agents,

Also, i wanted to add that I remember when I was a kid I often buy gums that look like cigarettes so when you see your parents or siblings smoking you do the same, you want to fit in social life. But this already gives you the bad habits of holding a cigarette.

This article was about smoking habits and relapses. It talked about why people research smoking when everyone knows that it is highly harmful. Seeing people smoking on TV makes it more likely that you will smoke and relapse. When you watch movies or a TV show where people smoke activates some brain areas that motivates your body movements a smoker makes a lot throughout the day. We have all heard that media plays a huge part in the reasons why people start smoking and other various activities. We have never really gotten a reason why this is the way it is. I found it interesting that just seeing someone on the TV triggers something in your brain. This is why it is so hard for people who are trying to quit to go for even a year without smoking. I also found it interesting that the CEO’s for the tobacco companies are still saying that nicotine is not addictive. I do not see how people can even think that it is not addictive when time and time again we have seen and it has been proven that it is addictive. I have seen it with people in my life. They have tried to quit but only go so many months before they start again. I would like to learn more about how specifically seeing someone in a movie smoke motivates you to start smoking or pick up smoking again. In an article I found it talk about how they are thinking about making any movie that has smoking in it not viewable for anyone under 18. It also talk about how fifteen year olds who saw a movie with smoking in it was 73% more likely to try smoking than a 15 year old who did not see the movie.(

The concepts from chapter three helped to understand how seeing someone smoke can motivate someone to smoke. There is a release of Dopamine in the brain that is associated with the need to smoke. This is why people smoke when they are under a lot of stress or just smoke and feel better. Dopamine is what makes people feel good. This is what makes people like smoking. When you smoke it generates a motivational state of wanting a cigarette when it is activated. This teaches me how hard and complicated it is to actually quit smoking. For a lot of people you cannot just stop smoking, there is a lot of stuff going on in your brain that prevents you to just stop smoking one day. I will never start smoking for this fact. It is not simple to quit and I know so many people that try everything and cannot seem to quit smoking.

Terms: Motivation, liking, wanting, dopamine.

A new study has shown that the actual physical act of smoking leads to changes in the brain’s activity. The behaviors involved in smoking are learned and become so routine that by simply watching people smoke in movies makes movement/physical habit areas in the brain more active. The study suggests that the brain activation caused by seeing actors/actresses in movies smoking, could be a factor in relapse. The article also brings up the argument that actors/actresses smoking in movies portray smoking as being cool, increasing the likelihood that kids will begin smoking. Although there are several treatment options to help people stop smoking, half of ex-smokers relapse within a year of quitting. Some facts that I found to be really interesting were that smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in most countries. I found it interesting that smoking also prevents the healing of wounds and poor outcomes of surgery. One aspect of the article that I would like to learn more about is further information about the best treatment options to quit smoking.

The article tied into chapter three because the chapter focused on the motivational and emotional brain. Nicotine is addictive, so our brain is in charge of our craving for the drug, our need for the drug, our desire for the drug, and the pleasure we reinforced with. The nicotine effects neurotransmitters which are responsible for stimulating different brain structures. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter related to reward. Dopamine generates positive feelings and activates voluntary goal-directed responses. For example, nicotine (environmental event) releases dopamine (biochemical agent), which stimulates the limbic system (brain structure). The stimulated limbic system causes mood elevation, addiction, and depression relieving effect of the drug (Aroused motivation). The limbic system is involved in generating and regulating emotion and emotion. Since nicotine stimulates the limbic system it becomes rewarding, creating a like and want for the drug. If something is rewarding, we are more likely to increase the frequency of that behavior. Nicotine sensitizes the brain structures to dopamine stimulation at a greater degree. The hyper sensitization caused by nicotine can last for years. Nicotine also effects the Medial Forebrain Bundle, which is known as the pleasure center. Nicotine stimulates the Medial Forebrain Bundle causing a pleasure from a feeling of being positively reinforced. The nucleus accumbens plays a role in the experience of pleasure from natural reinforcers as well as addictions. The nucleus accumbens creates a liking for the Nicotine. The reticular formation has a role in arousal and awakening the brain’s motivational and emotional concerns. Nicotine stimulates the reticular formation because it is a stimulant, so it increases arousal, alertness, and consciousness. The medial prefrontal cortex plays a role in the learning of response outcome perceptions of motivation. So, a smoker will believe that when they smoke, they will feel better.

After reading the article and having the prior knowledge about motivation, I now understand that quitting smoking is a lot harder than what I had previously thought. Nicotine stimulates so many areas in the brain causing a feeling of pleasure, reward, desire, and wanting for the drug. On top of all the pleasure, Nicotine is a stimulant so it increases alertness, arousal, and consciousness. It would be hard to quit using something that is so reinforcing. Nicotine makes people feel good regardless of the negative physical effects. The article then suggested that the physical act of smoking also creates changes in brain activity. The brain is such a powerful structure and now that I know how Nicotine interacts with the brain, I can understand why trying to quit smoking is so difficult and why quitting is followed by relapses.

Neurotransmitter, Dopamine, Limbic system, Medial Forebrain Bundle, nucleus accumbens , reticular formation, Medial Prefrontal cortex, reinforcer,

Smoking is bad. Our generation has heard this our whole life. Why is smoking still prevalent in movies and television shows then? Shouldn’t we be trying to curb the appeal to save lives from the leading preventable cause of death in most countries? A new study shows that movies that have actors smoking in them are bad images not only for kids, who we should be setting a good example for, but also for those who are smokers, or those who were but have quit smoking. Watching the act of smoking in a movie triggers a part in the brain that drives the bodily movements a smoker makes many times a day when smoking a cigarette (a movement that has been learned so well by the body as it has done it hundreds or thousands of times). Making this part of the brain more active can lead to a relapse of ex-smokers.

I can totally see how this could be true. The same thing has happened to me when I’m watching a movie (except not with smoking—gross). For instance, when I watch Miss Congeniality, with Sandra Bullock, and there’s a scene when she’s feeling glum and proceeds to eat a pint of ice cream, I usually start craving ice cream too. I see the actor partake in the act, and because I have done this same thing so many times in the past, the areas in my brain are activated. As I empathize with Sandra’s character, I also have the motivational urge to eat sweet junk food.

I think it is interesting that your brain can deeply engrain certain movements or actions of learned behavior from your body into its memory drive, as well as the thoughts and feelings associated with them. It is crazy that if that learned behavior is even seen, the feelings (the good ones in this case) and thoughts, as well as motivations associated with the action can be experienced again.

I wanted to learn more about the prevalence of smoking in movies, since the American Lung Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with other organizations have tried to eliminate the smoking in movies for a long time, citing it as bad model for children, and especially teens to view. I found an article ( describing how actors smoking in movies have significantly decreased in the last 20 years, especially after a spike in numbers in 2005. In 2009, more than half of the top145 movies didn’t show smoking at all, and the smoke-free movie numbers were even higher for child- and youth-targeted movies. Many movie studios are adopting smoking policies and putting anti-smoking messages on movies that have smoking in them. Since 2007, the movie rating organization, the Motion Picture Association of America, has considered smoking as a factor in the moving rating system. Some smoking critics think that movies with any tobacco use should be rated as R, but I disagree. Though I’d rather not see people smoking in movies, if smoking, or tobacco use is an important part of the story line or the time period of the movie, then I think it’s okay that it’s in movies. If this is the case, I do think there should be anti-smoking messages in the pre-movie information or in the credits, as some film production agencies are already doing.

Chapter 3 discusses the brain and its biochemical agents. Smoking releases dopamine, the “feel good” hormone, which can lead to addiction, because the person wants to continue to feel that hormone release. Some other principles that apply from chapter three to this article are that motivation cannot be separated from the social context in which it is embedded, and we are not always consciously aware of the motivational basis of our behavior. In reference to the first principle, environmental events in which behaviors are learned (hanging out with friends in a bowling alley where you smoke while you bowl) act as the natural stimulators of the brain’s motivational processes (trying to quit smoking and you go into the bowling alley and you are surrounded by the environmental events that stimulate smoking, making it very difficult to refrain from smoking). In reference to the second principle, people aren’t always aware of the actions going on in their brain that motivate them to do something (i.e.-smoking).

All this information teaches me that in order to effectively quit smoking one must have a very strong will power and motivational drive. Also, I have heard of how hard it is to quit smoking, especially if those around you are people still smoking. There are two main reasons I have never smoked: my grandmother died from a smoking-related illness and I have always disliked the smell of cigarette smoke. I am glad I have never tried a cigarette because this information just solidifies how hard it is to actually quit, once you start—50% of smokers try to quit each year, while only 5% succeed. To those who are trying to quit, or who have ever thought about quitting smoking, I believe it is definitely possible, and an understanding of one’s motivations behind smoking can help in the quitting process…and I guess staying away from movies that have people smoking in them too!

Terms from chapter used: biochemical agents, learned behavior, hormones, dopamine, motivational drive

This article talks about when people watch a movie with a smoker in it the brain area that is connected to addiction is activated. The brain areas that activate the movement of smoking are also activated. So when ex-smokers watch these movies they are more likely to pick up smoking again. The article also says that about 20 percent of U.S. citizens are smokers and of the 50 percent of them that try to quite only 5 percent succeed. It also mentions some different things that can help people quit smoking. Even with all these different techniques more than 50 percent of the people that quite will start smoking again. I enjoyed reading this article because I didn’t know that actually watching someone smoke in a movie activates certain areas of the brain for smokers. I was kind of surprised to find out that only 20 percent of U.S. citizens were smokers. I always thought it seemed like more people smoked than that. I have never smoked and never will. The smell of cigarettes gives me a headache, so maybe that is why I notice it so much. I do agree that smoking should be banned from movies. As a kid when I would watch a movie and people were smoking I would think that it was cool to smoke. I remember getting the candy cigarettes just to feel cool. If I would not have seen that in the movies I believe that I would have never thought that it was cool. The thing that was most interesting to me was that of the people that quit more than 50 percent relapse. After all the hard work they had gone through to quit in the first place why would they let themselves relapse? I wonder what changed their motivation for not smoking. There are so many different things that the article states that can help people quit.
I chose to learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy. This kind of therapy focuses on identifying negative thoughts and developing new ways of thinking about situations. This therapy can be done individually or in a group. Instead of looking at the problems of the past they look at the present problems. The therapist tries to increase the person’s belief that they can quit smoking themselves and teaches the person different ways to cope with stress and the urge to smoke. I got this information from .
In chapter three we learned that certain areas of the brain activate certain motivational states, Different biochemical agents stimulate those areas of the brain, and that different events throughout the day are what stir brain-stimulating biochemical agents into action. This helped me understand that simply watching someone smoke in a move sets off the biochemical to the area of the brain that activates the movement for smoking.
All this information taught me that even though a person has quit smoking for a while even watching a movie with someone smoking activates the area of the brain that activates the movement for smoking. There is much more to quitting smoking than I thought there was. Little things like watching a movie can trigger someone to smoke. When people say it is all in your head, it literally is. I don’t think people should start smoking in the first place. It is a nasty habit that is bad for you. The beginning of the article talks about smoking being the leading preventable cause of death.
Words: motivation, motivational states, biochemical agents,

This article discusses how watching people smoke can lead to an increased interest in smoking especially in those who have recently quit or have had the habit before. Because of this, agencies such as The American Lung Association and the CDC have been trying to remove smoking from the movie screen. Seeing actors smoke on the big screen, can active the areas of the brain that are tied in with physical habits such as smoking. It goes on to discuss just how bad for you smoking really is by stating it is the leading cause of preventable death in most countries and it kills more people a year than drug and alcohol abuse, car accidents, suicides and murders combined; it also prevents wounds from healing and leads to a poor outcome after serious injury or surgery. Statistically, quitting is incredibly difficult with over 50 percent of those you attempt to quit will relapse within a years times. No matter the technique used to held those quit (nicotine replacement, cognitive behavior therapy, helplines) less than five percent succeed. Even with evidence such as this, the article still claims that tobacco companies still deny that nicotine is addictive and once they are addicted it is near impossible to keep them away forever due to the activity in the brain that is responding the physical act of smoking.
I thought this piece brought up a really interesting theory into why so many ex-smokers relapse. I was once told that it only takes three days for nicotine to leave the body so the physical urge dissipates and the real battle is between the smoker and the habit. This would be reinforced by this article, because its claiming that watching smoking activates the part of the brain that stimulates the urge to act upon the habit. It becomes less about the addictiveness of nicotine (which I do believe it is addictive, but the addictiveness of nicotine isn't the main point of the article), but of how the brain makes it difficult to break the habit or continuing to be smoke free just by seeing it.
What I found most interesting was the statistics on the number of smoking related deaths a year. Not only did I not realize how many people it affected, I had no idea it impaired the bodies ability to heal itself or that it was a major reason for poor outcomes of injuries and surgeries.
Since I was so baffled on the affects of smoking, I decided to look further into the idea of smoking preventing the healing of wounds. I clicked on the link and it took me to the site In this article, it talks about how smoking affects your heart, lungs, and spine. It states that nicotine constricts the blood vessels and increases platelet adhesiveness which can lead to blood clots. I also learned that smoking affects how well one can heal after a spinal surgery, pose serious cardiac risks to anyone especially those who are going to undergo a procedure, and that smoking narrows the airways in the lungs and can increase the risk of collapse and I've had a collapsed lung before and it is not pretty.
The third chapter in the book helped me understand the main article by classifying the habit and the visual stimulus as responses to the brain. Smoking releases dopamine in the brain and thus it becomes a way to stimulate that good feeling you experience from dopamine. This release of dopamine can be very addictive because it generates good feelings. But, not only do you have to worry about addiction in this case, you must also worry about nicotine abuse and how it can cause hypersensitivity to dopamine stimulation. I have heard people claim that smoking reduces stress and it does this by this release of dopamine that calms the release of cortisol, the hormones that responds to stress. It also helped me understand the concept behind being able to want something without actually liking it. Someone may not like to smoke but their body wants it so they succumb.
This teaches me that the motivation behind quitting smoking has to be summoned from all areas of a person. What I mean by this is your brain misses the dopamine release, your brain is subject to seeing smoking and wanting to succumb to the habit again. So the two battles you really have to fight (the addiction of nicotine and the habit formed and reinforced) are all responses from your brain and it takes a strong orientation towards achievement to override your brains tendency to relapses in order to stay off the stuff for good.
Brain, Dopamine, Addiction, Dopamine Sensitivity, Cortisol, Wanting, Liking, Reinforcement, Achievement.

This article discusses smoking, not just the things we already know like how smoking is bad for us and causes problems, but it goes further into that. Discussing on way those watching movies where actors smoke actually increases the likelihood of smokers lighting up merely because the brain is activities by watching. The part of the brain that goes through the motions watches and encourages the person to do the same when watching the movie. And for those that have quit smoking are more likely to feel the need to light up again. So for those that have struggled to quit, it doesn’t bode well with them that they will even fully break from the need or leave behind the motions of smoking. This article helps explain and possibly encourage the motives to get smoking out of the movies for those that are fighting to have that happen.

For me I’ve always disliked smoking and have never been motivated to start. I saw the struggle that my aunt and uncle went through to quiet, remembering how I hated the smell of the smoke; these things motivated me alright. I found it interesting though that just watching others smoke in movies encourages that same behavior. I never really knew how influential it was till after reading this article. The extrinsic motivation is far stronger than I ever knew when dealing with smoking.

What I found most interesting in this article was the knowledge that smoking was not only a risk factor in itself, but also a risk factor in not healing well. I wasn’t aware that when injured or going through surgery smoking actually slows the healing process. Even makes the outcomes of surgery less successful. I wasn’t aware of this and makes even that much happier that I never took up smoking. And the fact that the type of surgery or injury doesn’t really matter, the results are the same, healing will be slower due to smoking. I had heard surgeons and doctors mention that when injured people should stop smoking, like it’s that easy. I didn’t really realize the real reason was that it slowed the healing process rather than just being an unhealthy habit. There was more behind the doctor’s words.

The concepts from chapter three have helped me understand a bit more on just how a smoker gets cooked and why it’s that much harder to quiet. Its more to do I think with not only the nicotine, but also the release of dopamine; that ‘happy feeling’ hormone. People I’ve seen that smoke not only enjoy the nicotine but the reaction they have to it. The pleasurable feeling of dopamine being released gives the action a sense of reward. Mixing the act of smoking with dopamine release creates a wanting and liking motivational state. So taking not only the addiction substance away but the pleasure feeling one gets from it, can be a double whammy. It’s no surprise that its hard for individuals to stop and more common for them to relapse. They relapse they not only get the rush of nicotine to their deprived system but also the happy feeling that goes with it. Making the relapse an almost reward in itself, which probably why there are so many ways for helping individuals quiet and I’m quiet glad I am not one of them. From this article I’ve learned that picking up smoking will affect me in more ways than one.

Terms: dopamine, wanting, liking, motivation, reward, extrinsic,

Personally, I thought it was too short. I just felt like they have left a lot of science out of why people continue to do something that they may even know is wrong. Yes, as human beings we tend to imitate what we see on TV and in movies. It has been proven with aggression so it makes sense that the same also goes with smoking. But I do think that cigarette use in these mediums had gone down significantly in the past 15-20 years.

I think they should have touched more on how the brain is wired for smoking after that someone takes the first hit off a cigarette. Like with other addictions, that brain is almost completely rewired to wanting more and more of the addiction. It wants that rush of endorphins and seeks out how to obtain it.

I found this website: and I think it is a scam. ONLY because I think that if people really want to quit smoking forever they need to treat it like any other addiction. Scientists are finding out now that to truly overcome an addiction you need two things: medication and therapy. You will literally be in a battle with yourself. With medication and therapy, people with addictions were shown to be less likely to relapse then those who were just on one. I think that is why 95% of people who try to quit are not able to. They were just missing the other half they needed to re-write their brain chemistry.

Like I was saying before, addictions create chemical changes in the brain (increased dopamine). When we get this rush of pleasure, we later repeat our actions that got us that same pleasure in the first place (like James Olds’s rats).

It is very hard because you are fighting what your brain is saying it wants. Many people also lack the proper resources that could help them quite smoking for good due to expenses and convenience. It’s not easy trying to re-formulate the chemicals in your brain.

Terms list: science, addiction(s), endorphins, medication and therapy, relapse, dopamine.

This article is about why our brains think smoking is cool. Smoking is a really bad habit, and it is the leading preventable cause of death in most countries. This article states that, smoking activates brain areas linked to addiction and when watching movies with smoking scenes brain areas are activated that drive body movements a smoker makes daily while smoking a cigarette. The American Lung Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have requested to ban smoking scenes in movies. They believe that when actors smoke in movies it looks cool, and this increases the likelihood that kids will begin to smoke. There may also be another consequence of smoking scenes in movies, which is that it may activate brain areas linked to the physical habits of smoking, leading ex-smokers to start again. Even though there are several types of therapies to quit smoking, 50 percent of ex-smokers still start smoking again within a year.

I thought this was a very good article. It was very informative and I learned a lot of smoking facts from it. One of the most interesting pieces of information I learned from this article is that the American Lung Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have requested to ban smoking scenes in movies. I had never heard of this before I read this article and it actually makes sense. Children are always looking up to their peers and celebrities, so if they see their favorite celebrity smoking a cigarette in a movie scene they are more likely to try smoking than they would be if they did not see the movie. Since their idol was smoking it must be an okay thing to do and it must be cool to do, so I feel like they would want to take up smoking. This could be why kids always pretend like they are smoking those fake candy cigarettes. I know I used to do this when I was a child…I’m not sure what my exact thoughts were when I was pretending to smoke a candy cigarette when I was younger but I did it. My grandparents smoked so maybe I was acting like them. I definitely think that watching others smoke when younger plays a role in your desire to smoke.

One aspect of this article I wanted to learn more about was that smoking prevents wounds from healing and is a major reason for poor outcomes of surgery or fractures. I found an article that states that, “smoking inhibits circulation and lowers blood oxygen levels, which can affect short-term and long-term healing in several ways. This includes failure or delayed healing of bone, skin, and other soft tissues; or causing wound site infections.” There are actually hospitals that have a smoking cessation program that requires about two or three hours of support from a nurse. Not smoking before and after a surgery can have significant benefits, such as almost a 50 percent reduction in wound complications. (

The concepts from chapter 3 linked into smoking. Neurotransmitters act as a chemical messenger within our brain’s central nervous system. Dopamine generates good feelings associated with reward, so this could be why when we see our favorite actor smoking in a movie we want to smoke and are motivated to pick up a cigarette too and feel good about ourselves. All of this information teaches me that trying to quit smoking can be very hard when people have motivational neurotransmitters influencing them to smoke to feel good. Since I have never smoked, it sounds like it would be very difficult to just go cold turkey when trying to quit smoking because of the motivation behind it.

Terms: neurotransmitters, chemical messenger, central nervous system, dopamine.

This article discusses how viewing the act of smoking on television and in movies can increase a person’s vulnerability to future smoking behavior. Smoking has long been known as a harmful habit therefore showing it in popular media has been denounced, just as with related vices such as sex, drug use, and violence. This is because exposing children to actors participating in such behaviors could influence them into believing that such conduct is “cool” or condonable. However, this story takes it a step further by citing an actual physiological response to viewing smoking behavior. Watching movies in which people smoke has been shown to trigger the areas of the brain that are responsible for carrying out those physical movements, which could increase the likelihood of starting or relapsing into smoking behaviors.

Though the recent scientific findings are undeniably the most interesting part of the article for me, I also found the timing of this article personally interesting for me. You see, over the weekend I watched a film called The Insider for the first time – completely independent of this assignment. The film chronicles a dramatized version of the trials and tribulations of one Jeffrey Wigand, a one-time tobacco exec at Brown & Williamson who blew the whistle on his perjurious former employers. So it seems that I have inadvertently learned a decent amount about those tobacco CEOs and how desperate Big Tobacco was to keep smoking from being recognized as potentially addictive. Cigarettes were manufactured as a delivery device for nicotine with the premeditated intent of getting consumers hooked on the drug by taking advantage of dopamine reward pathways. These tobacco conglomerates even went as far as to enhance the addictive effects of nicotine through the use of chemical additives such as ammonia.

The concepts from Chapter 3 can help us to better understand some of the psychological mechanisms behind the content of the article. The release of dopamine generates positive feelings that can be associated with a person’s behavior. As discussed in the chapter, drugs such as nicotine can hypersensitize brain structures to dopamine stimulation. The hijacking of these neural pathways can result in addiction to the dopamine-related pleasure associated with acquiring a nicotine fix through smoking. The article shows that the pre-reward motivational state of wanting can inadvertently be induced to some degree by merely observing the physical act of smoking on television. This problem may even be further compounded by the fact that the act of watching movies or TV alone may generate their own pleasurable responses that could also have a subliminal reinforcement effect upon the viewer.

All of this has taught me that the motivation to quit any negative behavior is often more difficult than we realize. Our own body can often be our worst enemy, because we know deep down in our neurons what sorts of behaviors cause us to release pleasurable neurotransmitters. This means that we frequently must remove ourselves from exposure to any shred of the behavior – even impassively viewing it in a non-related medium. Our bodies know what they like, especially the more they have become accustomed to receiving these things. This means that to fully overcome addictions or negative behavior, we must attempt to discover a way to build up our defenses and recondition our neural pathways into finding an alternative behavior to be comparably pleasurable.

Terms: dopamine, wanting, reinforcement, addiction, motivational state

The part of the article that jumped out at me was when it talked about the effects of watching someone smoke as a smoker/ex-smoker and how it stimulates the same part of the brain.

As someone who started smoking pretty young and quit (for the most part) with ease, the idea that watching can tempt people back into smoking seems almost fantastic. The fact that I've never really felt that strong temptation over cigarettes could be a part. I almost think that it's the fact that I smoked non-traditional cigarettes that made it easy.

I prefer cloves, and I only recently finished a pack of them this summer that I'd had for four years. Other than that, I only really smoke out of hookahs, or cigars, and have been thinking about buying a pipe. Conventional cigarettes always seemed too easy and lacking in tradition to me, so seeing a plain white cigarette might not stimulate the same parts of the brain that the other mediums of nicotine might.

This article focuses on smoking, particularly the effects of seeing smoking in movies.
It is relatively common knowledge that smoking is addictive and a bad habit. About 20% of Americans smoke, and of those smokers nearly 50% try to kick the habit each year. However, only 5% of those smokers succeed.

Why is that the case? Well, nicotine is highly addictive, which leads to thousands of tobacco addictions. But more than that, a recent study has shown that smoking in movies can actually INCREASE an ex-smoker’s tendencies to pick up a cigarette pack. According to the article, “This new study shows that our bodies' combined response to the content of cigarette smoke and the physical act of smoking leads to changes in brain activity that can drive the urge to smoke long after [the habit is broken.]”

I found this piece very interesting. The psychological effects of smoking in movies is something I have never really thought of before, especially in regards to ex-smokers. I could definitely see the argument that smoking in movies gives a bad model for children, but it never occurred to me that it could “seem cool” for adults (in the sense that it triggers there brain to want to pick up a cigarette). I am fascinated that simply watching someone else perform that action can powerfully trigger the brain into feeling those same needs or responses.

I would like to learn more about the parts of the brain that are actually triggered in making smoking addictive, as well as why they trigger in response to watching a movie (or activating some other stimuli). I would also like to find out more if the parts of the brain that are used in controlling addiction for smoking are the same in controlling other addictions as well.

This article is a good example of how the brain is an agent for motivation, particularly in regards to pleasure, cravings, needs, etc. One of the three principles of motivation is that day-to-day activities can activate brain stimulating bio-chemical agents. In the case of smoking, watching the smoking on TV can trigger the areas of the brain that control the addictive desire to smoke. Smoking gives smokers that dopamine fix, which they learn to need more and more.

All this leads me to believe that although the desire to quit smoking may be strong, any smoker trying to quit is facing a very uphill battle versus their biochemical agents. Plus, besides just the physiological cravings involved, there are also environmental factors that play a role (in this case, seeing smoking in movies).

TERMS: Motivation, pleasure, craving, needs, bio-chemical agents, dopamine, habit

The article is about how people know that smoking is a bad habit and causes a highly preventable death. Research has gone on to further information about how the brains areas are activated by certain things we see and causes us to want to do this or those who did do this to relapse. Though most people know that it’s addictive and bad for you, there are people who say differently and try to persuade people to think differently. Studies are still being conducted on what helps prevent relapse and why relapse happens so easily.
I’ve heard many things about these studies and currently help my employer research results for the quit-lines and people are continually using them. This is a great article for summing up what new research has found, but it doesn’t really give much information about how they can be helped or why they relapse, because studies aren’t that far yet.
I find it quite surprising that people can know the risks and can hear that smoking causes the most deaths in the US every year and that smoking prevents healing and outcomes for surgeries and still find motivation to smoke. I feel that if I had been a smoker, this would have made me intrinsically motivated to never smoke again (because I would be healthy and happier).
I’m curious as to how effective nicotine patches are in preventing relapse, as my soon to be mother in law just quit smoking, and it’s best for her health that she never smoke again. Due to the fact that her motivation was for the benefit of keeping her alive, she is intrinsically motivated and chances of her succeeding are high. If the patches are used by someone very motivated, they see a substantial decrease in withdrawal, but in a manageable way. Using the patch along with other preventative measures also increases the success rates.
Overall, I feel that if someone really wants to stop smoking and are intrinsically motivated, they will have the better chances in doing so. If there are rewards and incentives through extrinsic motivation, there’s more room for relapse. People are always looking to feel better and since people get a rush of dopamine when they have found their pleasure, why would motivation to quit this kick in? Though something may be bad for you, your brain may still like and crave these negative activities because it’s seeking that reinforcement that makes you ‘feel good’.

Extrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation

The article primarily discusses how movies can prompt a desire in people to smoke. According to this article, watching actors causes people to think that smoking is ‘cool,’ albeit some of it is subconscious. The American Heart and Lung Association has apparently been calling an end to smoking in movies for years, which is being ignored. Additionally, twenty percent of the adults in the U.S. smoke which, to me, is rather astonishing. And of those twenty percent, over half of the ones that try to quit relapse. This could be due to the stimulus caused by seeing actors in movies smoke. According to the article, seeing someone else smoke reminds someone of their past habits.
What was most interesting to me was that seeing people in movies smoke caused a desire in others to do the same. I’ve never really put much thought into it before, but when one does think about it, it makes sense. The only reasons I have ever seen why someone smoked is in relation to others who do the same. If we smoke because we see our friends or our parents do it, why not the famous celebrities who start trends in style, make us all work to look like them, and, unfortunately, serve as role models to a ridiculous amount of our society? It really does make sense, though it is rather ridiculous as to why. To learn more about this I went to the article the Psychology of Smoking at
This article was especially enlightening, much more so than I expected it to be. When reading it became clear that a clear majority of the reasons for people to smoke all stem from relations to other people whether it be ‘asserting your own independence,’ ‘to appear cool, sophisticated or unafraid,’ or because of the influence of people you admire such as actors, friends, family members. This I find especially interesting. If it’s so easy to pick up on the negative aspects of people smoking, why can’t people pick up on the fact that some good people don’t smoke. Granted, it does happen a few times, but not as much. One of the reasons for this is called Pavlovian reflexes. If someone sees something numerous times, it becomes a reflex. This is highlighted when people have already been smoking.
Additionally, it was extremely interesting to find that people with a damaged insula don’t have a strong desire to smoke. As discussed in the article and Chapter 3, the insula is the part of your brain in relation to emotions. If people don’t have emotions, they don’t feel the need to be included with and a part of another group of people. This was particularly eye-opening.

This article is about a research done on how smoking in movies effects people who smoke AND the people who do no smoke. Seeing people in the movies smoke instantly activates the brain area that is linked to addiction in the person’s head. Then that activation leads to drive or to motivate the smoker to go for the cigarette out of habit. When people who don’t smoke who watch movies with smokers, it gives them an idea of how “cool” smoking is and it may motivate them to start smoking. This article also talks about how smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. And, it also states that more people in one year die of smoking than people who die of AIDS, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders COMBINED. 50% of people who quit smoking relapse within a year. This article sums up that there still needs to be more research done on effective ways to get people to stop smoking and an easy first step would be to take it out of movies.
The most surprising piece on information that I learned would be that smoker’s bodies do not heal well. Therefore, when something major happens and they have to have surgery, they have a much less of a chance to heal properly. This could definitely be part of the reasons why so many smokers die each year.

Because I never realized that smoking can affect a person’s healing process after surgery, I decided to research more about the effects of smoking besides knowing already that it is damaging to your lungs. I found out that the reason smokers have a harder time healing after surgeries or other injuries is because when you smoke, it damages your bodies host defense systems. This makes the smoker at greater risk for infections, postoperative pneumonia, and respiratory complications after surgery. Smoking also makes a person more at risk to develop peptic ulcers, which is an erosion in the lining of the stomach or the small intestine. If the case is severe, peptic ulcers can lead to death. People who smoke in general, have higher rates of calling into work sick and they have more outpatient trips to the hospital than nonsmokers. ( I also found that smoking can weaken a person’s aorta, which is a main artery in the body. Smoking can also reduce the circulation of blood by narrowing down blood vessels, this can cause many of different health problems. ( To me, it has been interesting finding out all of the negative effects smoking has besides in the lungs. The media always publishes facts about lung cancer, but not very many facts about what else is damaged in a person’s body who smokes.

This article relates a lot to chapter 3 because being addicted to nicotine from cigarettes releases dopamine stimulation to a higher degree, where it makes a person feel better than naturally occurring highs. The higher release of dopamine keeps the person wanting more and more nicotine and every time they get the high, it is a reward. Therefore, the reward that they are getting from the nicotine in cigarettes is enough for them to start and keep smoking. Seeing people smoke in movies just reminds the person of the rewards of how they will feel after smoking, which will be enough motivation to light up another cigarette.

Terms used: dopamine, wanting, rewards, motivation

This online article explains just how hard it is for smokers to quit smoking, and even when they do smoke how hard it is no prevent oneself from relapse. It has been found that movies that show people smoking actually lead people to smoke themselves. This isn’t only because it looks “cool”, but also because by watching these behavioral patterns over and over the areas of the brain that control these motions are activated. This makes a person more prone to repeating those behaviors and movements. The American Lung Association and Disease Control and Prevention have agreed that movies should stop showing people smoking for a long time. These movies make kids think smoking is cool and actually lead people who quit smoking to relapse because these movies may activate brain areas that are linked to the physical habits of smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States taking about 440,000 peoples’ lives every year in the United States alone! Even though some CEOs of tobacco companies claim that tobacco isn’t addictive, most people know from research that tobacco is in fact addictive. About 20 percent of US citizens are smokers and of these, more than 50 percent try quitting each year with only a 5 percent succession rate. Even of these that do quit, 50 percent of those eventually relapse. Overall, smoking is very addictive and affects many people’s lives. Even those who want to quit have a very hard time and much more research is necessary to figure out how we can help those who truly want to quit.

I found this article to be pretty crazy. I never knew how many people actually die from smoking every year! I found it crazy to see that over 440,000 people die yearly from smoking! It was also interesting to learn that people smoking in movies not only motivates people to smoke because it is shown to be cool, but also because the areas of the brain responsible for those motions and addictions are activated and bring about relapse. I knew a lot about the addictiveness of smoking, but I never really understood how addicting it is. It’s also really crazy how little number of people actually quit smoking and how many of them eventually relapse. This article overall was quite informative.

Because smoking is so addictive and hard to stop, I was interested in learning more about different therapies or ways to stop smoking. I looked at the website listed at the bottom for some information. I found it interesting that hypnosis actually works quite well for smokers and their intentions to quit. People are put into a deep sleep where they are still fully aware of what is going on. Therapists get into the patients unconscious mind and make the person believe that smoking is not desirable. This type of treatment has almost no symptoms or side effects and the success rate is actually quite high at 60 percent!

Chapter three helps understand the reasons why movies would influence behavior to smoke and why it is so hard for a smoker to quit. Chapter three explains how certain brain structures motivate motivation which explains why movies might influence people to smoke because these parts of the brain are activated. Also biochemical agents act on brain structures. If smoking is involved, nicotine actually works on these brain structures and reinforces the person that this is a positive behavior because of the positive effects the person receives. Without these chemicals, the body gets withdrawal symptoms and the person resorts back to the chemicals. Overall, this article and chapter three have helped me better understand why and how smoking is so addictive. It’s not just the affects that the person wants, but the brain is actually programmed to beg for these wants, which in the end become needs essentially.

Brain Structures, biochemicals, needs, motivation, reinforcement, wants

This article discussed how smoking is a bad and highly addicting habit. It is the leading cause of preventable death in America. The research in this article was interested in the effects of observing someone smoking in a movie. The research suggests that observing smoking in movies can trigger cravings and eventually a relapse for someone who has quit smoking. This occurs because observing these motions activates the area in the brain that was active in past smokers. These motions are a habit that a smoker learns well during their smoking history. When these areas of the brain become active again, a smoker may crave a cigarette.

I was interested in finding out more about how we work to pscyhologically break habits. I found an article that discussed how many preventable causes of death are simply bad habits that people are unable to break. Psychologists have also had a hard time assisting these people in breaking their bad habits. Smoking, obesity, and alcohol are the three leading causes of preventable deaths. These are three things that we have certain bad habits with ourselves. This article discussed how when smokers were given a financial incentive, 15% were able to quit smoking. In the placebo group, only 5% quit. This was interesting because this ties into extrinsic motivation. It disagrees with the idea that extrinsic motivation undermines intrinsic motivation.

The article also discussed how social situations and certain behavioral cues can motivate us to want something we know we shouldn’t. This part of the article tied into chapter 3. This is evidence that the brain lives in a social world that works to motivate it, sometimes without us even knowing. For example, people are more likely to eat stale popcorn at a movie theater. This is because they are in the habit of eating popcorn at the theater. Chapter 3 talks about how “liking” and “wanting” are two different states. Wanting occurs before reward reception. Wanting can occur without liking. People who are attending a movie are in a state of “wanting” popcorn. When they get there and their popcorn is stale, they are still going to eat it because they “want” to, not because they “like” it. The article also discussed behavioral economics. Behavioral economics slightly explains why we do things that are beneficial to us such as smoking. Behavioral economics explains that habits are hard to break because humans are resistant to change and have difficulties understanding long term or delayed benefits. Chapter 3 helps this makes sense. Chapter 3 explained how dopamine creates good feelings and activates our pleasure system. Our bad habit (eating, smoking, drinking, tanning) makes us feel good in the moment due to the instant release of dopamine. Simply thinking about the long term benefits of not performing our bad habit doesn’t activate this system. Therefore, dopamine creates incentives, rewards, and motivated action in relation to our bad habits.

In all, this information has taught me that smoking is more than simply a physical addiction. Many people believe they cannot quit smoking because the nicotine has them physically addicted. They may fear the withdrawal symptoms that are associated with giving up their smoking habit. In reality, we have to consider many other aspects when giving up smoking. Taking into account social and behavioral cues that may trigger the need to smoke must also be dealt in a smoking cessation program. These articles work to show that even though we can work to overcome our physical dependency, we must also work just as hard to overcome our social and behavioral dependencies too.

Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, state of liking, state of wanting, dopamine, incentives, rewards, motivated action


The article starts by discussing an article from The Journal of Neuroscience that points out that activating the part of the brain linked to addiction, such as watching a movie where smoking is a common scene activates this part of the brain and triggers it to want to go through the motions of smoking. Seeing the physical action of pulling out a cigarette and putting it to your lips can trigger relapse. Prevention agencies have been calling for stop smoking initiative for years. The argument that not only does it make smoking look cool by being advertised in movies and encouraging the behavior, but that it can trigger relapse is now coming into play. Even with people having the knowledge that smoking is horrible for you and terribly addicting, people still do it. It is estimated that 2O% of adult Americans smoke. Many preventative strategies have been put into place such as: medication, nicotine replacement, cognitive behavioral therapy, and helplines. Even with all of these, relapse is still at 5O%. This helping prove the point that the article is trying to achieve that seeing the act of smoking influences one’s behavior to want to smoke.
I found it interesting that by seeing others smoke, like those in movies, can trigger your brain to want to smoke. I can understand if you are with someone and they smoke, having to smell it and see it in person, but simply seeing a movie and being triggered was extremely interesting to me.
Chapter 3 relates to this article because it discusses how pleasure is a result of dopamine. It uses the example of chocolate chips cookies baking, you’re not eating the cooking but the anticipation of eating the cookie triggers the dopamine release. Kind of like if someone were to smell cigarette smoke, it would trigger the same response if you are/were a smoker. The chapter goes on to talk about how a person’s environments impinge on your senses such as seeing specific people, they can foreshadow some sort of reward. So seeing someone smoking, even if in a movie, can trigger the release of dopamine in your brain.
I wanted to see if there were any movie companies that were for decreasing or eliminating smoking in movies. I found that Disney, Comcast, and Warner Brothers were for decreasing smoking, especially in movies that are directed at children.

I forgot to put my terms!
Terms: Dopamine, addiction, reward, pleasure

This article touched on a couple different topics. First of all, it addressed the idea that people know that smoking is bad. So many people have died because of the result of smoking. Although there are several different behavioral expressions of motivation people who smoke make the choice to smoke which is defined as being presented with two or more options and showing a preference. Now why would anyone chose to engage in such a harmful act? This is answered by another topic brought up in the article. The author also suggests that smoking is considered a bad habit. In the article she mentions that only 5% of people are actually successful at quitting smoking each year out of 50% of people who try. One reason I think it is hard for people to quit is because they have biological imbalance of the nicotine they are use to so therefore they crave the cigarette even more. This concept is known as drive. The article finished up by explaining that a lot more research needs to be done to get more clear answers as to why people relapse so easily with cigarettes. I think it is important to look at physiological needs because people who are addicted to smoking are so dependent on it and it is almost a part of them.

The most interesting thing to me was the statistics on quitting. I was shocked that 50% of smokers try to quit but that only 20% are successful. There are obviously various factors and conditions that lead to 30% of the people to fail. One example could be environmental influences. Depending on how stressed out or tired someone is, it might impact the need to smoke. Also, I feel like individuals trying to quit smoking might lack intrinsic motivation because they are not doing it just to do it, they probably have a reason such as becoming healthier or receiving praise.

I wanted to do a little research about the impact of smoking on children. One article that caught my eye was on the website and it talked about the movie “Rango”. Many anti-smoking organizations and parents were very upset that this children’s movie, rated PG, depicted the main character smoking. The founder of Smoke-Free Movies claimed that children who watched this movie are two to three times more likely to pick smoking up. . I learned that many citizens and organizations are particularly annoyed that smoking is so glamorized in movies. My hope is that something is actually done about this because my uncle was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and the main cause was second-hand smoke (he doesn’t smoke). I think that if smoking can be prevented in any way for children, then the people in charge need to start acting.

The concepts of this chapter make me realize that smoking isn’t just a simple habit people do for the fun of it. It is so addictive that the brain actually craves it. For example, if someone is working at a very stressful job, their hypothalamus might generate arousal therefore causing someone to have less motivation while they are trying to quit smoking. The brain itself causes needs, desires and cravings. Dopamine is also important to bring up. When dopamine is released into the body by neurotransmitters it creates a positive effect. Therefore when a smoker begins thinking about their next cigarette break, they might get a release of dopamine therefore making the habit more pleasurable.

I have learned that in order to quit smoking many aspects such as environment and chemical imbalances need to be taken into account. In the past I have always been annoyed with people who smoke and think to myself “why on earth would you smoke when you know its probably going to kill you someday?” But now I can be more sympathetic. Maybe while growing up they watched a lot of movies which showed smoking and glamorized it. It is important to remember that smoking is addictive and can be very hard to quit.

Terms: Behavioral Expressions of Motivations, Choice, Addiction, Habit, Biological Imbalance, Drive, Physiological Needs, Environmental Influences, Intrinsic Motivation, Hypothalamus, Arousal, Needs, Desires, Dopamine, Neurotransmitters.

I really enjoyed how this article , instead of focusing on the addiction of nicotene in cigarettes, it focused on how smokers are addicted to the physical ations of smoking. Along with that, the article goes into detail about how movies make smoking looking cool, and not only that, they also activate the brain areas linked to physical habits. The author of the article said that in many cases, this can cause ex smokers to pick up a pack again, or even give new timers the urge to start. I have always known that cigarette smoking is the most preventable cause of death in America, but I did not know that effects of smoking and second hand smoke kill more people yearly than all the deadly diseases we have circulating our country, I found that to be highly interesting and very disturbing. I think removing smoking from movies would be a great idea for our health but at the same time, some movies just simply cannot get their point across without smoking in the plot or as a man characteristic of an character in the movie. America has come along ways on our research dealing with tobacco products, but we still have a long ways to go.
Chapter 3 discusses how the brain works and what areas stimulate ceratain actions. The main thing I kepy thinking about while reading the article and trying to relate it to our textbook reading, was Dopamine and Neurotransmitters, along with simple things just as liking and wanting. Most smokers do not particulary enjoy (like) smoking but they just cannot fight the urge (or wanting) to smoke. Why is thi? Our book explained Dopamine as the chemical released in our brains that produce good feelings, and make us feel happy. For smokers, they often do not feel that effect of dopamine until they have smoked a cigarette. Just the thought of them going to smoke soon can lead their brain into releasing dopamine and if they do not get that dopamine realesing cigarette, they will begin to grow very touchy and stressed. Which brings me to neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters work as messengers for our brain and body. It is the neurotransmitters that send our body into action to get that cigarette, or better yet, to not get the cigarette.
Terms used from our text book: dopamine, neurotransmitters, liking, and wanting.

After readings all this, I was interested in finding out what the cartoon network has done, if anything, about cigarette smoking on their channel. There isn't a lot of smoking, obviously, but I was interested in this because my younger brother who is at a very fragile age, loves his cartoon netowrk, along with the history channel. I could barely find anything about smoking and trying to rid it from the cartoon network, but I did find that a show called Smoking Gun, I show with many marijuanna references, was cancelled. While i was glad that drugs were not allowed on my brother's station of choice, I was rather upset that seemingly, nothing about tobacco products had been done on this network.

The article discusses the effects smoking in movies has on individual’s motivations to smoke. At first arguments concluded that smoking in movies would increase motivation to smoke only because it makes it look “cool”, but now studies are saying that it is not just promoting popularity because of the “cool” factor, but physiological aspects are contributing to relapses as well. Studies show that just seeing the physical act of smoking in the movie scene causes brain activity related to the habitual movements known by previous smokers, making the chances of their relapse more likely. Now this is very comparable to what we learned in chapter three, which helped be to understand this article, about brain functions and how they contribute to our motivational states, and like the chapter discussed, we are not always consciously aware of the motivational basis of our behaviors. In chapter three we learned that day-to-day events stir biochemical agents into action, and those agents stimulate specific brain structures that generate certain motivations. In this case, seeing the movie scene with the smoker is causing biochemical agents (i.e. dopamine), to stimulate certain brain structures (i.e. limbic structures- behavior, emotion) that stimulate specific behaviors (i.e. smoking a cigarette) that will be followed by perceived incentives/ rewards related to nicotine’s affects. Because there are so many smokers in the world and we know the consequences of smoking combined with the difficulty smokers experience when trying to quit, it is important to further study and understand different aspects that contribute to addiction and relapse—one of them being the effect movie scenes with smokers have on those who used to smoke. I thought some of the most interesting topics the article touched upon were simply the numbers of deaths per year attributed to smoking, and the number of smokers that attempt to quit each year. It is hard to believe that the tobacco company’s CEO’s are claiming they believe nicotine is not addictive. Womp, womp, womp… The fact that these deaths are preventable makes me wonder why directors are still showing smokers in their films, even after findings like these are showing that even though we may not be consciously aware of the motivations to smoke coming from movie scenes, they are prevalent, and they are making it more difficult to kick the habit that is proven to kill! I was interested to learn more about the prevalence of smoking in films today.
After learning how they have such an impact on smokers and their likelihood of remaining smoke-free, I wondered just how many films are actually showing scenes with smokers and what big tobacco companies are doing to promote their product in movies. After doing some research, I ended up learning about a law called the Master Settlement Agreement, which bans tobacco companies from paying producers to use cigarettes or their brand in movies, and the use of cartoons in advertising, promotion, packaging or labeling of tobacco products along with several other mandates listed here: However, producers do still use specific brands in their movies. Apparently 87% of top box office movies from the past several years show scenes with smokers which doesn’t surprise me when I see the numbers of people who relapse. Makes you wonder how many of those movies are contributing to those who do relapse. In previous years tobacco industries had a strong business (and possibly still do behind closed doors) with Hollywood and admitted to using celebrities in films to get people (especially teens) to start using their product and smoking.

Overall thoughts on this piece: I thought this article was very interesting and provided an argument against smoking in movies/ TV that I had never encountered before—changing my ideas of the impact movies actually have on relapses. All this information taught me that the motivation to quit smoking is one that is easily distractible especially when it comes to the movies. Motivation to relapse is much more prevalent making quitting a very difficult feat.

M_E Terms: Brain functions, motivational states, biochemical agents, dopamine, emotion, incentives, rewards, addiction.

The article very clearly identifies that smoking is in fact addictive, even though Tobacco CEO’s fail to acknowledge this, and extremely detrimental to health. With smoking as the leading cause of preventable death, it is a wonder how so many people choose to even begin smoking, and what makes it so difficult to quit. The article makes an observation that reveals shocking information, other than the general knowledge of smoking being bad. This information includes findings that people are likely to turn to smoking when certain parts of the brain are activated while witnessing smoking during movie films. There has been long term controversy whether smoking should be allowed in films. However, smoking is portrayed as looking cool and used to fulfill certain stereotypes, so it is unlikely smoking scenes will be cut from movies any time soon. The article was overall informative about smoking. I liked how the article presented its topic right from the start by asking why even bother doing research on smoking since everybody knows it’s harmful to your health. Then they identified activation in the brain (mesolimbic and visuospatial) from visual cues of smoking in movies. There were a few things I found very interesting from the article. The first one was that the CEO’s told congress they believed nicotine was not addictive. The second interesting thing I learned was smoking makes it difficult for wounds to heal, and also causes problems during surgery!
I chose to look for more information on the relation between wounds and smoking. I found an article that researched groups of smoking and non-smoking participants who received incisional wounds and monitored for 2 weeks. Only 2% of non-smokers received infections in their wounds while 12% of smoker’s wounds became infected. Smoking affects tissue oxygen which harms the healing process of the laceration or wound. This information is found in this link:
Chapter three helped me understand the article more clearly by understanding smoking as a motivational behavior. The brain is stimulated because biochemical agents stimulate and send messages through neurotransmitters that cause motivation, such as choosing to smoke. Dopamine receptors in the brain give the want factor, in smoking, because it allows the positive feelings that are associated with a smoking buzz. Smokers look for the pleasure associated with smoking, this causes the dopamine to be released. Once an addiction sets in, hypersensitivity to dopamine becomes apparent. Stimulation becomes much greater with nicotine substances than compared to natural ones.
This information teaches me that the motivation to quit smoking is a complicated and hard one to overcome. There are so many bodily and brain factors that lead smokers to continually smoke, even against better judgment. A shift in motivation to quit smoking, especially after a long period of time, will require much effort and dedication. Probably the best way to do this is through behavioral therapies. Nicotine patches and avoiding negative situations or groups, such as friends who smoke, will also increase the chances of stopping the behavior. Also, motivation must stay high when quitting, because relapse for smokers is at a high rate.
Terms: biochemical agents, neurotransmitters, dopamine, hypersensitivity.

The article very clearly identifies that smoking is in fact addictive, even though Tobacco CEO’s fail to acknowledge this, and extremely detrimental to health. With smoking as the leading cause of preventable death, it is a wonder how so many people choose to even begin smoking, and what makes it so difficult to quit. The article makes an observation that reveals shocking information, other than the general knowledge of smoking being bad. This information includes findings that people are likely to turn to smoking when certain parts of the brain are activated while witnessing smoking during movie films. There has been long term controversy whether smoking should be allowed in films. However, smoking is portrayed as looking cool and used to fulfill certain stereotypes, so it is unlikely smoking scenes will be cut from movies any time soon. The article was overall informative about smoking. I liked how the article presented its topic right from the start by asking why even bother doing research on smoking since everybody knows it’s harmful to your health. Then they identified activation in the brain (mesolimbic and visuospatial) from visual cues of smoking in movies. There were a few things I found very interesting from the article. The first one was that the CEO’s told congress they believed nicotine was not addictive. The second interesting thing I learned was smoking makes it difficult for wounds to heal, and also causes problems during surgery!
I chose to look for more information on the relation between wounds and smoking. I found an article that researched groups of smoking and non-smoking participants who received incisional wounds and monitored for 2 weeks. Only 2% of non-smokers received infections in their wounds while 12% of smoker’s wounds became infected. Smoking affects tissue oxygen which harms the healing process of the laceration or wound. This information is found in this link:
Chapter three helped me understand the article more clearly by understanding smoking as a motivational behavior. The brain is stimulated because biochemical agents stimulate and send messages through neurotransmitters that cause motivation, such as choosing to smoke. Dopamine receptors in the brain give the want factor, in smoking, because it allows the positive feelings that are associated with a smoking buzz. Smokers look for the pleasure associated with smoking, this causes the dopamine to be released. Once an addiction sets in, hypersensitivity to dopamine becomes apparent. Stimulation becomes much greater with nicotine substances than compared to natural ones.
This information teaches me that the motivation to quit smoking is a complicated and hard one to overcome. There are so many bodily and brain factors that lead smokers to continually smoke, even against better judgment. A shift in motivation to quit smoking, especially after a long period of time, will require much effort and dedication. Probably the best way to do this is through behavioral therapies. Nicotine patches and avoiding negative situations or groups, such as friends who smoke, will also increase the chances of stopping the behavior. Also, motivation must stay high when quitting, because relapse for smokers is at a high rate.
Terms: biochemical agents, neurotransmitters, dopamine, hypersensitivity.

The article very clearly identifies that smoking is in fact addictive, even though Tobacco CEO’s fail to acknowledge this, and extremely detrimental to health. With smoking as the leading cause of preventable death, it is a wonder how so many people choose to even begin smoking, and what makes it so difficult to quit. The article makes an observation that reveals shocking information, other than the general knowledge of smoking being bad. This information includes findings that people are likely to turn to smoking when certain parts of the brain are activated while witnessing smoking during movie films. There has been long term controversy whether smoking should be allowed in films. However, smoking is portrayed as looking cool and used to fulfill certain stereotypes, so it is unlikely smoking scenes will be cut from movies any time soon. The article was overall informative about smoking. I liked how the article presented its topic right from the start by asking why even bother doing research on smoking since everybody knows it’s harmful to your health. Then they identified activation in the brain (mesolimbic and visuospatial) from visual cues of smoking in movies. There were a few things I found very interesting from the article. The first one was that the CEO’s told congress they believed nicotine was not addictive. The second interesting thing I learned was smoking makes it difficult for wounds to heal, and also causes problems during surgery!
I chose to look for more information on the relation between wounds and smoking. I found an article that researched groups of smoking and non-smoking participants who received incisional wounds and monitored for 2 weeks. Only 2% of non-smokers received infections in their wounds while 12% of smoker’s wounds became infected. Smoking affects tissue oxygen which harms the healing process of the laceration or wound. This information is found in this link:
Chapter three helped me understand the article more clearly by understanding smoking as a motivational behavior. The brain is stimulated because biochemical agents stimulate and send messages through neurotransmitters that cause motivation, such as choosing to smoke. Dopamine receptors in the brain give the want factor, in smoking, because it allows the positive feelings that are associated with a smoking buzz. Smokers look for the pleasure associated with smoking, this causes the dopamine to be released. Once an addiction sets in, hypersensitivity to dopamine becomes apparent. Stimulation becomes much greater with nicotine substances than compared to natural ones.
This information teaches me that the motivation to quit smoking is a complicated and hard one to overcome. There are so many bodily and brain factors that lead smokers to continually smoke, even against better judgment. A shift in motivation to quit smoking, especially after a long period of time, will require much effort and dedication. Probably the best way to do this is through behavioral therapies. Nicotine patches and avoiding negative situations or groups, such as friends who smoke, will also increase the chances of stopping the behavior. Also, motivation must stay high when quitting, because relapse for smokers is at a high rate.
Terms: biochemical agents, neurotransmitters, dopamine, hypersensitivity.

This blog is about smoking, the reasons why it’s hard for us to quit and that modeled behavior in movies drives us to smoke. Smoking activates a part in the brain that drives our bodies movement to engage in the behavior of smoking. With this stimulation in the brain, those who are trying to quit may fall into relapse. Some are trying to rid the behavior of smoking in movies because it teaches children that smoking is ‘cool’ or acceptable. We all know the health effects of smoking, but still choose to engage in the behavior. A combination of therapies such as cognitive behavior therapy or medication to lower our brain responses are needed, but much more is also needed because of the number of people who relapse within a year. The content of the smoke and the physical act is what leads to changes in our brain activity that drive us to smoke.
I thought this was an interesting article and it brought up issues I never thought of. I think the aspect of smoking in movies is interesting because I don't think movies solely influence one's decision to smoke. I think it is the aspect of modeled behavior that motivates us to smoke. Although I agree that movies can portray smoking as acceptable, a lot of media sources portray things as socially acceptable. For example, models seen on television are very thin and many girls strive to be like this because it is what our society deems as socially acceptable. However, the commercials are still being made and not many are trying to stop this. Sure the movies reflect this behavior, but daily interactions with people and other sources of media also need to be considered.
One thing I found interesting is that "more than 50 percent try to quit smoking each year, but less than five percent of all smokers succeed.". It is important for thse who are trying to quit to remember that they need to combine multiple therapy techinques in order to be successful. Since this study shows that smoking activates the part if the brain related to addiction, medicine may also be an important thing to consider, however it should not be the only option. Many people don't like to use medicine as a solution so research should be completed to discover alternative ways to solve this issue.
I looked up other techniques to help one quit because my brother smokes. I paid him $100 to quit smoking and he did for awhile, but has relapsed. Before I offer more money, I will offer him some new techniques instead. I focused on the non drug medications. Treatment such as acuputure, hypnosis, behavioral therapy and motivational therapies such as self help books can be used. These are not readily known treatments that one thinks of when trying to quit smoking. We immediately think if nicotine gum or patches, medication or don't follow through with our commitment to quit in the first place. Another thing people struggle with is that they use smoking as a way to relieve stress, they don't think of other effective outlets such as running or boxing, etc.
in chapter three, we learned that our brain generates our cravings, needs and desires, pleasure and emotion. In the case of smoking, smokers crave the nicotine, need the nicotine to function, desire the nicotine and the pleasure it brings them. One hormone, cortisol is released when we are stressed. When this is released, one has the desire for a cigarette to relieve this stress. Motivation can also not be separated from the social context. Therefore, if one is around others who are smoking, they are more likely to be motivated to have a cigarette themselves. The aspect of media also comes into play here as well. There is also the aspect of wanting versus liking. One learns to like a cigarette because they have used it as a reward in the past, whether it be for stress relief or social engagement. They have learned they like the way it makes them feel and begin to engage in the behavior regularly and most likely will develop a habit.
This information teaches me to never pick up smoking because it will be very difficult to quit. One has to have the willpower, motivation to stay away from cigarettes, be supported by their loved ones, may have to take medication and so on and so forth. It is important that one sticks with their newly developed habits so they never relapse. I also learned that the brain can be affected which drives some people to smoke and that is an important aspect to remember when someone is trying to quit. One has to be consistently motivated by many things in order to quit smoking and to quit for good.

wanting vs liking, cortisol, motivational state

This article discussed the ways in which smoking is not just a habit, but that it is actually a behavior so well learned that the mere sight of seeing someone smoking activates areas in our brain related to the movements involved with smoking. The article pointed out that more than 50% of smokers try to quit each year but less than 5% of them succeed. This fact highlights how hard it is for smokers to quit and because there are so many things contributing to the habit, research has a long way to go before smokers can quit successfully.
I found this article really interesting. I especially liked the point about how smoking and even watching someone smoke activates brain areas that are linked to addiction. I think this is really important because, like the article mentioned, kids see people smoking in movies all the time and think it’s cool; not only that, but seeing smoking in movies also effects people who already do or have quit smoking. Seeing the behaviors of someone smoking a cigarette activate the areas in the brain that are related to the habit of smoking. This means that not only are the contents in a cigarette addictive, but the actual behavior involved in smoking is addictive. That means there are two habits that need to be broken in order to quit, the addiction to nicotine and the addiction to the behavior.
I was interested in how cognitive behavioral therapy works to help people quit smoking. So I went to the link and read more about it. CBT focuses on “identifying negative thoughts and developing new ways of thinking about situations.” People work with a therapist to learn and utilize new ways of coping with feelings, especially stress. Stress is one emotion that often scares smokers away from quitting because they think that without smoking they will become overly stressed and will not be able to handle problems. CBT works to identify and change negative thoughts. For example, “the damage is done, why quit now?” is a negative thought that smokers often have that leads to them continuing their habit. CBT helps with a variety of issues like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse. CBT also can help smokers who are trying to quit avoid replacing cigarettes with food, which is a common problem people trying to quit face. CBT is also beneficial because it can be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as medications or nicotine replacement. However, CBT is fairly expensive and it can sometimes be hard to find a therapist in places outside of metropolitan areas.
I think one important concept from chapter 3 that is relative to this article is the wanting vs. liking concept. Chapter 3 pointed out that wanting is “a motivational state that occurs prior to receiving a reward” while liking is “a motivational state that occurs after reward receipt”. For smokers, “wanting” to smoke is due to them wanting to have the reward of positive affect. This wanting can cause problems for someone wanting to quit because even though they can usually remove the liking of smoking, they continue to struggle with the wanting to have that positive affect from smoking a cigarette. Also, chapter 3 discussed dopamine release as a way to increase approach behavior. Dopamine is released not only when people smoke but also when they anticipated having a cigarette. Like the article pointed out, watching someone smoke activates brain regions that are linked to the addiction. This means that when a smoker sees someone smoking it directs their brain towards that behavior and the “want” to have a cigarette increases. This desire and thought of a cigarette leads to dopamine release and positive affect because they are anticipating something that is a reward. This is a circular pattern of behavior because dopamine release motivates us into action, in this case to smoke a cigarette, and the smoking of a cigarette also generates positive affect for the smoker, thus releasing more dopamine and increasing the addiction. This becomes a serious problem for people trying to quit. As much as they try to convince themselves of the dangers of smoking, their brain is constantly telling them that cigarettes make them happy. Who doesn’t want to be happy? This article really points out the different reasons why quitting smoking is so difficult. My mom has been a smoker all her life and I remember when I was younger I would get so mad at her for smoking and I could not understand how she couldn’t “just quit”. Now that I am older I realize that as much as she wanted to quit, it is not as easy as it sounds. It is literally her brain telling her over and over again to have a cigarette, and even the mere sight of seeing someone else smoke will activate her brain to signal to her to have a cigarette. What I think is also important to consider is that even people who have quit for a while, still have the “want” to have a cigarette. That just shows how strong of an association our brain makes between smoking and positive affect. I think it is also important to consider the negative affect people must feel when they are trying to quit. My mom dealt with serious depression issues when she would try to quit. After reading this article and the chapters in our book, I understand that these negative emotions are really hard to overcome especially because simply lighting a cigarette can alleviate the negative feelings. It is as simple as lighting up.
It is crazy to think about how often smoking is shown in movies. I think it would definitely be beneficial, for children and people who smoke, to ban smoking from being shown in movies. I truly think it would help smoking seem less cool for younger people and it could also potentially help smokers keep the thought of a cigarette out of their minds, at least for the duration of the movie. Banning cigarette smoking in movies could potentially save younger populations from ever starting. This is where the first steps need to be made, I think.
Terms: wanting, liking, dopamine, addiction, rewards, motivation, depression, cognitive behavioral therapy, approach behavior, nicotine, stress, anxiety

Summary: While nicotine is in fact addictive, what is even more addictive is the actual “motion” of smoking. Essentially, muscle memory, environment, and observation-imitation trigger behavioral habits more strongly than the body’s “need” for the substance of nicotine.

Having never been a smoker (but growing up with one and abhorring it my whole life), it’s easy for me to question how difficult it actually is to quit. After reading this article, which implies that it is easier for our biological systems to return to “normal”/equilibrium than it is for our minds to overcome conditioning and allow us to do so, really speaks to the saying “mind over matter.” This being said, I judge even more harshly those who try and fail to quit. If you really want to do it, then decide to do it! If you can’t/won’t, then it’s your own lack of determination – don’t blame the addictive substances, blame your failure to want it bad enough to make it happen. True, I have my own “addictions” that if I were forced to give up I would struggle to do so, but if I made a commitment to do it and was determined to succeed, I would succeed.

The only wrench to be thrown into my argument is that the patterns established are not limited to motor and cognition, but chemical as well. According to chapter three in the textbook, dopamine release is associated with events in the environment that are rewarding. If a person perceives the effects of smoking to be rewarding, dopamine will be released upon even thinking about smoking in order to encourage a response that will perpetuate the cycle. Also according to the chapter, addictive drugs produce hypersensitivity to dopamine stimulation. In essence, smokers’ brains are brainwashed.

Is it fair to say that I don’t understand the mystery implied in this article (“…we still have a long way to go before we know how to help smokers who want to quit.”)? Culturally, we are influenced to want to imitate what is considered cool (relatedness/affiliation). Cognitively and behaviorally, we experience muscle memory in forming habits. When I was a rower, we took so many thousands of strokes we didn’t have to think about the motion and we could instead focus on exertion and our connection with the water. A habitual action happens subconsciously, so we must consciously override it through focused thought if we are to form new habits – regardless of the biochemical release responses that occur.

It’s no different than learning something new – condition yourself to change and get used to a new behavior. Dedicate yourself to striving toward a goal – learn something new! Wake up and let logic and reason tell you that no habit is stronger than the knowledge that smoking can and will kill you. What other motivation do you need?

The easiest way to quit is to never start, so I looked up reasons why people start to smoke in the first place. According to, being influenced by family members, peer pressure , and popular culture are three of the top ten reasons people (usually kids under the age of 18) start smoking. Smoking is often a social activity and is a “group” for one to fit into (to identify one’s self as “a smoker”). It can also alleviate social incompetence. (Why else would you randomly approach a group of people standing on a sidewalk outside a bar? Even if you have only one thing in common (smoking), you are “in.”) Other explanations include simply having the personality trait of being a risk-taker, using other drugs, pairing it with drinking, stress relief, and weight control. All of these are situations where the user is compensating for a sense of helplessness in other areas of their life by interpreting smoking as a way to feel in control.

The solution? Choose to exercise that control in more positive, healthy ways that will generate a similar response but with greater benefits. Exercise, focus your energy and attention into something productive, laugh, think about and contribute to the lives of others instead of always dwelling on your own. DO SOMETHING instead of just sitting around and polluting your own life and the lives around you!

Terms: addictive, behavioral habits, equilibrium, cognition, dopamine release, rewards, response, stimulation, imitation, relatedness, affiliation, conditioning, motivation, social competence, helplessness, control

This article was about how people who have smoked or who have just recently quit smoking are influenced to smoke if the watch people in movies smoking. Also, the article talks about that smoking is the most preventable death in most countries and that smoking beats deaths like drug overdose, alcohol related, motor vehicle, suicides and murder combined. Then, the article discusses different statistics about people who smoke currently in the U.S, those who try to quit in the U.S. each year, and those who are actually successful. Well, I can see the logic behind it because for years people have been trying to eliminate actors from smoking in movies because it influences children to smoke, but now their seems like there is some there is a legible reason for people not to smoke in movies, or in popular media in general. What I found most interesting was that the numbers for smoking are so much higher than other well-known deaths and with them all combined smoking still had a higher death count than them.
What I find most interesting is what parts of the brain that get people addicted and what activates this area of the brain. Nicotine is the drug in the tobacco plant that gets us addicted, but it is the other chemicals in the tobacco plant that is most dangerous to us. Nicotine activates the pleasure center of the brain and which gives you a more calming relaxing feel. Eventually people build up a tolerance to nicotine and so people have to smoke more to get the effects and hence why we have chain smokers. The different concepts learned from chapter 3 is relevant to smoking for the fact that it has to do with the physiological dependencies that the brain gets when it is deprived of nicotine if you are a frequent smoker. For instance how I mentioned that reacts with the pleasure areas of the brain like dopamine which is one of many biochemical agents that react with the brain. Dopamine generates people to have better moods and make them relax and so when people fill their need for nicotine it activates the dopamine and the pleasure part of brain the amygdala.
I this teaches me that people need to try every option when it comes to smoking because it is hard to break a habit especially one that chemically messes with your mind. Like patches and the gum are very helpful tools to shy away from smoking and also to have a support system and a coach to motivate you to keep up your confidence and help you to succeed in quitting.

Terms: dopamine, biochemical agents, amygdala

This article discussed how smoking is a crude habit that is extremely hard to break. It is one of the most preventable deaths and obtains various ways to put an end to the habit; yet, many still find themselves becoming an addict or relapsing. Nicotine plays a crucial role in aiding the addiction; however, movies have also become a key topic when looking at starting or restarting the addiction. The article claims that movies have such an impact on people that the motion and repetitive viewing of the action can produce brain activity leading to someone’s to a new or old addition to smoking.
The most interesting thing about the article was the idea of movies having an impact on people smoking. I have done many different research projects on violence in the media and how it is viewed to have an impact on children. As they grow up, the children are more likely to produce more violent behaviors if they play video games or watch a lot of violent TV. Many times children reenact the actions that they see like in the social learning theory. I have never considered that something as simple as watching the action of smoking could have the same effect on a person or child.
I would be interested to research more about how much influence the media has on the social learning theory. I am curious to know if children really do exert actions and want to do something just because they see someone do it on TV. After doing some research, I found that media has an impact on a person’s actions and desires by wanting to be like them on the TV. One of the best examples I found to support this is the copycat criminals. Copycat criminals often use the media to find out about a crime and then committee the same crime to the smallest degree.
Chapter three does a great job at explaining the chemical reaction and addiction in the brain, which in turn is linked to smoking and addiction. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is released in the body, which produces pleasure and good feelings. This positive affect is linked to rewards that can be associated with an object to encounter this feeling repeatedly. Once this object is found, it is labeled to be a deliverer of dopamine and becomes a reinforce. Smoking release these dopamine’s, which makes the person want to experience it again. They have now linked the dopamine release to smoking and it becomes addictive and habitual. Nicotine, in this case, produces hypersensitivity to dopamine. Meaning, the reaction of dopamine in the person is greater and produces more of an effect than regular rewards. In this case, the drug becomes more desired and becomes an addiction.

The motivation behind quitting smoking can be very hard considering the impact these drugs have on a person. Everyone wants to feel that pleasure and great feelings in their life, and once they become accustomed to receiving that through smoking, it can be hard to take away the one thing that gives you such a great feeling.

Terms: Dopamine, neurotransmitter, hypersensitivy, addiction.

This article focused on how your brain reacts to seeing people smoking cigarettes in movies. When we see someone smoking a cigarette in a movie (perhaps in real life as well?), smokers brains lit up in the areas that drive body movements. The idea here is that a smoker’s body is prepped and ready to have a cigarette after seeing someone in a movie smoking, since they have made those movements many times before. It didn’t explicitly say this happened to only smokers, and it also didn’t specify if those areas lit up in relation to nicotine addiction or simply the mimicked body movement. I feel very unclear about the conclusions of this study.

Aside from that, the article also discussed other aspects of the tobacco problem, worldwide. It briefly summarized the death toll of smoking and how it compares to other forms of unnatural death. It also covered general public opinion on tobacco, its addictiveness, and the failure rates of those who attempt to quit smoking. The article was brief and interesting, but too short to draw conclusions or a real sense of purpose from. It was more of a taste of ideas about the issue of smoking tobacco.

I was interested by the fight to ban smoking in movies, since I’ve heard of this fight before. In the movie Thank You For Smoking, (which if you haven’t seen, I recommend) the activists against smoking go so far as to digitally edit out cigarettes from famous movies and photos. I couldn’t find and examples from the film, however I found an article (with pictures!) talking about people actually doing this to images such as stamps.

This works with extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Children don’t have much intrinsic motivation to smoke, but may find extrinsic motivation to smoke because they think it will make them look cool like the famous people they see in movies (and, apparently, on stamps).

The fight against tobacco and its influence on children has also taken other, bigger measures, such as outlawing flavored cigarettes back in 2009. The idea is that the flavors appeal to children and get them into the habit with nice-tasting alternatives to regular cigarettes, which they would graduate to later. The pleasurable flavors play off of our general preference for sweet flavors over any other, increasing our motivation to taste them.

Chapter 3 helped me to understand this article in that our internal physical processes can make it even harder for a smoker to quit. Aside from finding the mental willpower to quit, a smoker must also fight the release of dopamine associated with the imminent delivery of rewards, and any other biochemical agents involved. Plus, addictive substances can create a hyper-sensitivity to dopamine stimulation, which reinforces the likelihood that we will carry through with the desired behavior. Our emotional and thinking brain also set up a sequence of events that topple like dominoes after a stimulus to the arousal of motivation.

I also thought of chapter 4 where it talks about why most people fail at weight loss, including underestimating the motivational force of biology, having unrealistic standards, and failing to monitor our behavior and become distracted. All of that fits perfectly with the issues involved in quitting smoking.

These chapters really helped me understand the motivating force of biology in nicotine addiction, aside from the body’s physical cravings for nicotine. I didn’t realize that our brain could also crave to smoke because of the practiced motion of smoking. It would seem an addictive substance affects us in so many other ways than just the desire for the affecting agent.

Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, dopamine release, biochemical agents, emotional brain, thinking brain, addiction, hypersensitivity.

This article focuses on smoking in movies and how that triggers or influences a need to smoke. Further discussion revolves around the addiction behind smoking and how detrimental the act of smoking can be to your health. Although there are therapies available to aid in quitting, the addiction from the nicotine in smoking makes it hard for people to quit, especially when they start at a young age. This is why several organizations are pushing for production companies to get rid of smoking in their films.

This article was a fairly interesting read and brought up some good points against smoking. I've heard about the move to ban smoking in movies and would completely support this idea. Use of drugs and alcohol usually merits a higher movie rating, so I would support the idea to have smoking elicit a higher screen rating. However, the elimination of smoking altogether could be beneficial, as the article pointed out, because there wouldn't be the trigger that smoking in movies can tend to create.

I had heard about the push to eliminate smoking at an earlier time, so I decided to look up what progress has been made to diminish the amount of smoking that is done in movies. Back in 2007, actions were starting to be made to have movies with smoking involved elicit higher movie ratings. Although many movies include other factors that influence a higher rating, smoking was then starting to be taken into consideration, so that younger minds weren't exposed to the scenes of smoking. This was all done because people were becoming more aware of the portrayalnof smoking as a trigger to smoke themselves.

Chapter 3 highlighted how biochemical agents play an important role in our states of motivation. One of the things that commonly motivates people is something that pleasures them. The feeling of pleasure then perpetuates someone to continue to do that act that causes the feeling of pleasure. This feeling of pleasure is elicited by the dopamine release. We actually learned that the anticipation of the feeling of pleasure tended to elicit the dopamine release, which makes sense in relation to this article because the dopamine will be released when you watch someone in a movie smoke. However, smokers have to watch out for continued smoking because as the body becomes desensitized to the dopamine release from smoking, more amounts of smoking are needed to get the same feeling of pleasure. This sense of a reward of feeling pleasure can also be described as an extrinsic motivator to smoke because the brain will think that if you smoke, you will then experience the feeling of pleasure.

From the article and another look at chapter 3, I can see how it is a difficult process to quit smoking because you're having to get rid of a feeling of pleasure, which no one really wants to do. Somehow, with the therapies mentioned in the article, you have to create a stronger motivational state to want to quit smoking or else your motivation to smoke will still be greater. Fortunately, with some of the research done, therapies and other treatments have been created to aid in the cessation of smoking.

Other article can be found at:

Terms: extrinsic motivation, dopamine, biochemical agent, reward

So the article talks about addiction. It specifically discusses addiction to tobacco and how smoking in movies causes activation of brain areas related to addiction as well as activating areas related to the movements smokers make when puffing on a cigarette. The article states those facts and then goes into detail about smoking in general; how many deaths it causes, long term effects on health, how many failed quitters there are, and more general smoking facts. I thought it was pretty obvious that seeing someone smoking in a movie would make you want to smoke ESPECIALLY if you are an ex-smoker. If an ex-alcoholic goes into a theatre and one of his favorite actors is drinking and having a good time OF COURSE he’s going to want to drink. If a ex-heroin addict sees someone shooting up in a film OF COURSE they’re going to have memories of the good times and feel a little pull to shoot up again.
I was surprised and kind of discouraged to learn that less than 5% of people who try to quit smoking actually succeed. There are plenty of ways to try to stop but generally the people who smoke do not have a very positive outlook on life and have a low sense of control. Instead of believing they can quit they think it’s just impossible. If you have a pessimistic outlook on life in general you will not want to make all the effort that quitting takes. You have to actually LOOK UP THE NUMBER and then GET THE PHONE then CALL THE QUITLINE. Then you have to SIT THERE ON THE PHONE and probably receive what some people deem “preaching” and then hang up the phone, feel guilty about being a smoker, pick up a cigarette and smoke the pain away. I can almost guarantee the smokers who quit are not pathological smokers and don’t have the same kind of psychological issues that I would imagine the majority of smokers have.
After reading this article I came up with the hypothesis that the majority of pathological smokers have psychological issues like depression and it is for this reason that it is hard for them to quit. I have a lot to do in all my classes so I didn’t look up all that I could and really delve into this issue but I surfed the web and found this article. I learned a few things but I will put in a few quotes that sum up the main points that I got out of it. “Individuals with underlying or current depressive symptoms are more likely to experience mood disturbances when they attempt to quit. Furthermore, it appears that smoking may mask an underlying depression in some smokers.” “…there may be something in cigarette smoke that has antidepressant properties, which explains why cigarette smoking is much more common among depressed patients.” “…lifetime frequency of major depression was more common among smokers than nonsmokers (6.6 vs. 2.9 percent) This study also demonstrated that smokers who reported at least one episode of major depression were less likely to succeed in smoking cessation programs than smokers without depression (14 vs. 28 percent).” This article confirmed my hypothesis to an extent and makes me kind of depressed about why cigarettes are so popular and so advertised.
Smoking is an act that attempts to satisfy many physiological and psychological needs. Not only does the body feel a need for nicotine but it also feels a need for the dopamine that is released when nicotine is introduced. When nicotine enters the picture, it sensitizes brain structures to dopamine release more so than normal. The book describes some drugs that are designed to take the dopamine related pleasure out of smoking but a lot of the time the “liking” goes away but the “wanting” sticks around. Smoking is also used as a way to make friends in social situations, used as a way to validate one’s self especially if a role model smokes, and maybe used to numb some of the anxiety and/or depression some individuals feel. Smoking is very much a biological habit as the chemicals cause brain structures to react in a way that releases more chemicals influencing motivation but I believe it to be just as much a psychological habit. If someone who smokes were to go out in the woods and get lost for months, I would imagine their drive to smoke when they get back would be significantly less.
Brain Structures Motivation Sense of Control Psychological Needs Dopamine Wanting Pessimistic Outlook Social Needs Addiction Liking Physiological needs

This article discussed how seeing an individual smoke in a movie can trigger areas in the brain which can cause someone to relapse into their smoking addiction. In addition, it talks about how smoking in movies can have a social influence or impact on the younger generations who want to portray the image of their favorite celebrity. Therefore, they want to "look cool" and feel that smoking is a trend. The American Lung Association apparently has made many pleas to eliminate smoking being shown in movies. Also, it discussed various statistics of individuals who try to quit smoking, and different techniques used in quitting. For instance, over 400,000 deaths in the United States are caused by smoking. This is the leading preventable cause of death in many countries around the world.

What I found most interesting in this article was when it stated that smoking prevents wounds from healing and affects individuals outcomes that have surgery. In addition, my thoughts about this article overall was that it was a very interesting read and provided some new research on smoking addictions from an angle I haven't heard anything about before. If I was a smoker, I could understand how seeing an individual smoking in a movie could trigger a response. It would remind me of that feeling I received from smoking, and make me relapse into smoking.

An area I wanted to focus on and learn more about was some statistics on smoking in general. I discovered that women account for 39% of deaths related to smoking. Also, smoking costs $150 billion in health care costs. Then I looked into the history of smoking and discovered that Christopher Columbus took back tobacco leaves to Queen Isabella of Spain. Also, I found it completely interesting that during World War I and II that soldiers were given cigarettes as part of their rations.

In relation to Chapter 3 and smoking it discusses dopamine. Dopamine release generates positive and good feelings to individuals. Therefore, individuals who smoke receive a dopamine related pleasure from the nicotine, and when they quit they lose that positive feeling they had. In addition, this relates to liking and or wanting. These individuals may just take pleasure from smoking, and that is why they partake. Also, wanting because they may not necessarily enjoy smoking but that positive feeling they get from it which then relates to reward. Smoking can be related to the "stress" hormone cortisol because individuals believe smoking will take away that feeling of stress. Therefore, smoking produces that positive feeling which is linked to dopamine release. This article taught me that quitting smoking would be hard when you receive such a positive feeling that produces a state of pleasure for an individual. As I previously mentioned, the lack of smoking which habituated a positive feeling would then return to the state of stress. Therefore, an individual would want to get rid of the large cortisol release and give in to receive that dopamine release from nicotine.

Terms used: Wanting, liking, reward, dopamine, cortisol

People claim with enough willpower smokers should be able to quit but the numbers say otherwise. An astounding number of people who try or even succeed in quitting simply fall back into the habit within a year. Even watching someone in a movie or television show smoking can trigger the thoughts of smoking and make quitting very hard. With so many people trying to quit, why is it so difficult and why is there not more help? Popularizing smoking and showing it in mass media is thought to increase the likelihood of children and teens picking up the habit. Those people attempting to quit are also being adversely affected as seeing a scene of someone smoking activates brain signals of cravings, even for ex-smokers who have effectively kicked the habit. Simply wanting to quit and having help is rarely enough to give up smoking for good and there hasn’t been a definite answer as to why that is yet.
I find this piece very interesting. It gives staggering numbers associated with deaths and rate of quitting/attempts making it easy to see how prevalent this issue is. If even seeing someone smoking on t.v. is enough to trigger craving, and there are so many people dying every year from tobacco related causes, I wonder why there isn’t more research being done. The part I found most interesting would be the issue with simply seeing smoking on television triggering a feeling akin to that of craving even after quitting. And there are a lot of Mad Men references with this subject! (which is not surprising, I watch it myself and am still impressed by how much smoking goes on)
I found another article about the same study that goes more in depth on the activation of the brain and the methods section of the study. They used a movie that honed in on smoking alone without sex, alcohol, other drugs, or violence to increase validity. The activation in the brains of the smokers who watched the movie was in the area that controlled hand movements involved with smoking, such as holding and raising a cigarette to one’s mouth. Their brain connected seeing the smoking and planning out the body itself doing that same action. People who watched the movie that had not been smokers did not have that same brain activation. In another study, researchers set up 24 video clips, each 30 seconds long, and had smokers watch them. The subjects’ blood pressure rose in response to the 12 smoking clips in comparison to the 12 ordinary task videos. They also had higher body temperature and galvanic skin response as well as self-response craving upon viewing smoking clips. Oddly enough, the effect was more evident in male smokers than in female smokers.
Seeing the smoking on screen would induce goal-directed approach behavior in the body’s attempt to satisfy the wanting by activating the brain areas involved in motor functions involved in smoking. The body still has wanting, the unsatisfied feeling before dopamine reward occurs, even if the person has been an ex-smoker and no longer has liking for the behavior. Simply seeing the smoking occur acts as a natural stimulator, an environmental/social cue that induces motivational processes. Also, addiction (or former addiction) leads to hypersensitivity of the brain structures involved in the reward pathway and dopamine release for that specific action. The three principles talked about in chapter three are also very highly involved in this example. The environmental event, the day to day occurrence, would lead to biochemical agents being activated. Viewing smoking would lead to activation of dopamine and the reward pathways. With that biochemical agent at work, it would stimulate specific brain structures involved in the addiction process. With those brain structures stimulated, they would induce a specific motivated state such as the craving in this case, the desire or attempted action to smoke. In order to quit smoking, your entire reward system would have to be retrained. The pleasure one would feel from smoking is much more intense than any other form of dopamine release and that needs to be disassociated with smoking behavior. When the addict’s brain has changed due to the process it takes between neurotransmitters and specific brain structures, it can be very difficult to break that connection and become an ex-smoker.

Terms: goal directed approach behavior, wanting, dopamine, liking, natural stimulator

the article was about how peoples behaviors can be influenced by the social media to engage in behaviors they see others doing such as smoking. they stated that individuals who've attempted to quit smoking and watch others engage in such behavior will trigger brain activity and thus will want to engage in similar behavior.
i was interested to see what brain activity and where the brain activity occurred in smokers when they see others engage in smoking behaviors. said that smokers showed greater activity in left anterior intraparietal sulcus and inferior frontal gyrus, regions involved in the simulation of contralateral hand-based gestures, when viewing smoking versus control scenes. These results demonstrate that smokers spontaneously represent the action of smoking when viewing others smoke, the consequence of which may make it more difficult to abstain from smoking

This article discusses how smoking in the movies increases the chances of people mimicking the same action. The article states that smoking in the movies increases the chance that ex smoker viewers will go back to their bad habit of smoking. It also states that young people will be encouraged to start the bad habit. I agree with many of the statements made in this article. First of all I believe that smoking is a bad habit and that it activates different brain areas that are connected to addiction. I also agree with the statement that smoking in movies increases the chance of people relapsing and also starting up the habit of smoking. However, I am not sure if it is possible to change the fact that characters in movies smoke. The most interesting thing to me is the fact that this topic is being discussed. I have always felt that things such as smoking should not be in the media due to the influences it can have on young people. However, I did not know that actual articles have been written on this topic supporting the idea of taking smoking out of movies. The thing I would like to learn more about from the article is the 1994 case where the tobacco companies stated that nicotine is not addictive. I learned more about this topic from reading the article titled “Hearing on the Regulation of Tobacco Products House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health and the Environment” I was not aware of this hearing. By reading this article I learned that each day 3,000 kids start smoking. This fact and also the fact of how many Americans die due to smoking, is why this topic was brought to congress. This article shows the dialogue of the executives at the tobacco company. I am shocked to see that these leaders in the tobacco company would deny the fact that nicotine is addictive. In my opinion, they are denying this just due to greed and the fact of making a profit.
Chapter 3 discusses how the brain works when there is a need. Through this chapter I can connect different topics to the need to spoke. Dopamine is released in the brain when there is a need to have cigarette. Dopamine releases hormones that create good moods. This is what makes the nicotine addictive, the good moods that follow having a smoke. This goes back to the fact of how shocked I am that the executives can claim that nicotine is not addictive.

Dopamine, addiction

This article describes a study that was done recently that describes how the physical habit of reaching for a cigarette and puffing on it becomes so intense that simply seeing someone else in the movie triggers our brain to desire to go through the motions of it, and therefore makes us want a cigarette. The article then discusses that this could be a contributing factor for relapse which has an extremely high rate for smokers.

I thought that this article was incredibly interesting. It’s extremely well known that cigarettes are awful for a person’s health and very addictive. From the time we were in elementary school this was drilled into our brains. We are shown pictures of the disgusting black lungs and told that smoking will lead to holes in our throats and death. Because of this I never grew up thinking smoking was cool or ever thought that people in movies look so cool when they smoke, and never had the desire to smoke. Now I will admit that since I turned 18 I like to have a cigarette every now and then, mostly just when I’m drinking. It’s very interesting because since I started smoking I do feel like I want a cigarette when I see people in movies smoking. This has always bugged me because it’s not the smell of the cigarette or alcohol in my system or stress or any of the normal reasons a person suddenly has that desire to have a cigarette, it’s just seeing someone else smoking! So it’s incredibly interesting to have this question answered and know that it’s the physical movements I’m seeing that make my brain want to smoke.

After reading the article I started to think about how often I actually see smoking on movies, or TV in general. It seems that most of the time I see smoking in movies now it’s only in the older movies or portrayed a negative way, so I wanted to find out how often smoking is actually in new movies and shows and what the rules are (if there are any) for having smoking in movies and TV. After looking around a little I found this article . According to this article the amount of smoking incidents in movies was on the decline, then steadily peaked in 2005 and has drastically decreased since then. I’m not surprised it has steadily decreased since 2005 but I was surprised there was a high peak in 2005. I really thought smoking in movies was rare and declining, but clearly I’m not watching the same movies, or not paying close attention. After reading both of these articles I think that there should be more restrictions on how much smoking is shown in movies. There is clearly evidence showing that seeing it motivates people to smoke.

Chapter three talks about dopamine release which is a big part of addiction. Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters that motivate us to do the pleasurable things that we do including things like smoking. Chapter three also discussed the fact that things in our environment trigger the brains basic processes. This chapter was very important in reading these two articles because as we read cigarettes are extremely addictive and that the motivation to smoke can be caused by cues in our environment like scenes in movies.

Looking at the big picture I can see that it would be extremely hard to smoke because it would come down to the constant short term motivation to smoke and fulfill the desired dopamine levels. This short term motivation would be battling with the long term goal to quit smoking and make it incredibly hard to quit. Then once a person has quit they are still battling the short term motivation to pick up a cigarette and regress back to becoming a smoker. It seems the only thing a person can do to be successful at quitting is to delete most if not all of the environmental cues that trigger their brain to smoke, which may be impossible because we don’t always know what exactly is causing our motivation.

Terms: Dopamine, neurotransmitter, short term motivation, long term motivation, addiction

This article discusses the addiction to smoking and what types of things trigger that addiction and drive us to smoke. There is a new study published in The Journal of Neuroscience that shows that watching people smoke in movies both activated brain areas linked to addiction and activates brain areas that drive the body movements of smokers to actually smoke a cigarette. We see people actual reach for a cigarette and move it to their mouth so much that watching this in movies makes those areas of the brain responsible for that movement active. Not only can smoking in movies motivate kids to start smoking, but this research suggests that it may lead ex-smokers to relapse.

I have always known that seeing others smoke has an impact on wanting to smoke. I have known plenty of smokers in my life, my dad and boyfriend included. Often times when my boyfriend and I walk by someone who is smoking or see someone outside smoking, he will say how bad he wants a cigarette. He quit smoking 2.5 years ago and it still has the same affect. I thought that this article was very interesting because I never really realized that the reason behind those urges was because our brains get activated in the areas that are responsible for the physical movement of smoking. I always figured when we walked past someone it was due to smelling the smoke, which part of it probably is, but it makes a lot of sense that it has to do with the physical addiction of moving certain ways. I think this is especially important if the person in the movie/TV that is smoking is an actor that you like and relate to. I think that the attempt to cut smoking in movies and TV is really interesting and is something that I looked up a bit.

I found an article talking about how China has actually ordered makers of film and TV shows to limit the amount of smoking depicted. According to the article, China has the largest number of smokers in the world, so it only makes sense that the change would start there. It is ordered that producers must minimize plot lines and scenes involving tobacco and can only show smoking when it is necessary for artistic purposes or character development. One thing that I found really interesting is that they have outlawed minors under the age of 18 to be shown smoking or buying cigarettes. They also made it so they cannot be shown smoking in public buildings or other places where smoking is prohibited.
I think this is interesting that they are actually taking the steps to hopefully help people stop smoking or prevent kids from smoking. I do think that it is great that they will not allow minors to be shown buying cigarettes or smoking. This was probably a big factor in kids starting. Understanding how watching someone smokes affects our brain and motivation is a huge component and passing bans such as these. For once, I think China got it right.

I think chapter 3 really helps me to understand this article. Day-to-day events, such as seeing someone smoke, stirs biochemical agents into action, which then stimulate our brain areas. Understanding this part helps understand how watching someone smoke creates certain biochemicals that stimulate the part of the brain associated with the physical movement of the addiction to smoking. Having those areas activated then creates specific motivations to smoke. This is the first basic principle of chapter 3 and is the most helpful in a broad sense. Another part that helps is the release of neurotransmitters associated with certain behaviors. Smoking is associated with certain neurotransmitters, like dopamine, that are released when the behavior is emitted. Those neurotransmitters, which are the same as the ones that relieve stress and anxiety, are associated with smoking. When we see someone smoke, it acts as an incentive. The neurotransmitter is released, and our brain knows that smoking is something that further releases it. Thus when we watch someone smoke, our brain says “if we do that, we’ll feel good”. It is rewarding to us. At least that is what chapter 3 makes me think in association with this article.

I think it teaches us that quitting smoking is hard and in order to successfully do it, we must be very motivated. We also must try to avoid watching people smoke or situations where our brains may be activated to smoke. I personally know how this is. I think it teaches us also that we must be knowledgeable about all the possible setbacks and things that will make us want to smoke again. Being more knowledgeable will allow us to say no to the urges, even when they are strong. It will also help us to understand why we may not be doing as well as we want and help others to understand that we may have the motivation, but that it really is much more difficult and relapse is a part of the process.

Terms used: drive, motivation, biochemical agents, biochemicals, neurotransmitters, dopamine, incentive, rewarding

This article discusses smoking cigarettes and how it really is a bad habit, not just something one can stop at any given time. In particular the article discusses how watching characters smoke in movies has a negative effect. Watching actors smoke lights up the area of the brain that drive the body movements smokers make constantly when they are smoking. So watching the actors puff away can drive smokers, as well as former smokers, to pick up a cigarette, even if they quit years ago. This is yet another piece of evidence that points to how cigarettes and nicotine are addictive and can subsequently have detrimental health effects.
If found this article to be very interesting. I am not a smoker, and I view smoking to be a terrible and nasty habit. So this is yet one more reason why I can’t stand it. It also makes me wonder yet again why there isn’t more regulation about smoking and why it isn’t illegal. It has such negative health effects on the body that I don’t understand why there isn’t more outrage by the general public and a push toward making smoking illegal or at least even more expensive.
The most interesting aspect of this article to me cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to help smokers quit. I have never thought of smoking as a reason to see a therapist, but when thinking about it more, it makes sense. One must change the way they think about smoking, as well as their behaviors, to quit for good.
The above article discusses cognitive behavioral therapy and smoking, this therapy allows smokers to increase their confidence in their ability to quit smoking and teaches the smokers other ways to cope with stress than picking up a cigarette. According to the article, in one study cognitive behavioral therapy was found to be 45% successful in achieving smoking abstinence, while it was only 29% for those in the telephone support group.
The above website provides a chart so the users can do cognitive behavioral therapy themselves to identify their thoughts and change their behaviors.
Chapter 3 is very helpful in understanding this article. Different brain structures give rise to different motivational states. This helps explain why one brain structure lights up when the smoker watches an actor smoke. Seeing the act of smoking, even when it is just on the screen, activates the brain areas that motivate people to smoke. Just as brain structures cause the smoker to become motivated to smoke, biochemical agents have an effect as well. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine are released, and this generates good feelings. The good feelings associated with smoking then motivate the person to light up again. The environmental event is watching the actor smoke in the movie. The biochemical agent is dopamine. The brain structure is that which is activated when viewing the smoking. And the aroused emotion is wanting to smoke in order to feel good.
All this information teaches me that it is a lot more complicated to quit than to just make your mind up about it. You have to mentally prepared and fully motivated to quit, for there is a lot going against you when giving up the habit. Environmental events, biochemical agents, and your brain structures are all pushing you to pick up a cigarette, so you have to be completely motivated to quit in order to succeed.
Terms used: brain structures, neurotransmitters, dopamine, environmental event, biochemical agent, aroused emotion

This article is about a new research study that correlates watching movies with smoking and activity levels in the areas of the brain associated with smoking. If ex smokers or people who are trying to quite smoking watch movies with smoking, a certain area of the brain that deals with the actual action of lighting a cigarette and putting it up to your mouth will have a higher level of activity. This being said it would be easier for someone to relapse smoking after watching a movie with the act of smoking in it. So not only is the nicotine addictive but the act of smoking is really a bad habit. I was really surprised by this study because I thought it was merely just chemicals in your body reacting to the levels of nicotine and chemicals that you get from smoking cigarettes. I also thought it was interesting that children that are allowed to watch these movies are more likely to pick up smoking. It makes sense just because movies put smoking in a good light making the smoker look cool while doing it. I agree that smoking should be banned from movies because I don’t think it really serves a purpose besides to show someone doing it. I looked into it further and found an article from abc news that looks at both sides of the issue. There is an estimated 390,000 kids who are affected by smoking in movies and they predicted that making movies with smoking rated R would decrease these numbers by 200,000. In opposition, they said that there are many other outlets of the media that have smoking and that influence children. Another main point was that there are many other factors in children’s lives that would affect if they picked up smoking or not.
Smoking causes a release of dopamine in the brain that generates positive feelings. Cigarettes produce a hypersensitivity to dopamine stimulation so that while smoking a cigarette a larger amount of dopamine is released in the brain than normal stimulants like food. The book also discusses likes and wants. Wants are a motivational state that occurs before you actually receive the reward while likes are a motivational state that occurs after the reward. These two states for the most part go hand in hand. There for the lack of dopamine in your brain triggers your craving for the cigarette and causes you to “want” it. When you satisfy your craving by smoking a cigarette a large amount of dopamine is released and you feel happier and more relaxed. Afterwards you “like” the cigarette because of how it makes you feel.

Likes and wants, dopamine

The thing that if found most interesting about this article was the results of the study. They stated that seeing someone smoke it might activate the brain areas which are linked to the physical act of smoking. The stimulation of this link might influence an ex-smoker into picking back up their old habit. The American Lung Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been calling for a stop to smoking in movies because it makes smoking look ‘cool’ to young people. The results of this study may provide sound empirical evidence that ex-smokers can also be negatively affected, and the ALA and CDC may be able to supplement their argument with these results.
I wanted to know more about the effectiveness of quit line smoking secession services. I always thought that these kinds of programs were highly ineffective. But research shows that they may be more effective when they are supplemented with products that alter brain chemistry, like nicotine patches, and when they are well advertised as available to the public. The state of Oregon had a free quit line for many years. In order to get better results, they started an extensive ad campaign and added free nicotine patches to their free 30-minute telephone counseling session. Although this cost the agency a lot more money significantly increasing their expenditures from $1.97 to 2.25 million, the results were phenomenal. In one year the number of callers doubled and the state’s quit rate shot up from 8.2 to 15.7%. Also, the number of people attempting to quit quadrupled, going from only 527 quitters to 2142 people trying to quit added the new dimensions to their program. The information provided by this study shows that while quit lines may not be very effective alone, they may be able to help many more people when they are supplemented with free nicotine patches. Also, people need to be aware this kind of free help is available through aggressive advertisement.
In Chapter 3 how specific brain structures produce specific motivational states was discussed. An example of this is how the part of the brain linked to smoking produces the motivational state of craving a cigarette when it is activated. Dopamine is one of the biochemical agents that excite these brain structures. Dopamine is released in response to environmental events which we find rewarding such as the high your body experiences from nicotine. When someone sees an actor smoking a cigarette in a movie, the part of the brain linked to smoking is activated and dopamine is released. This causes the person to be motivated or encouraged to pick up smoking. In order for someone to quit smoking, the motivation to do so must be very great. This study shows that they will find it easier to quit if they avoid seeing others smoking in real life, in movies, and on television because seeing it could cause those parts of their brains to activate.
This article discussed how smoking is a behavior so well learned that the sight of seeing someone smoking activates areas in our brain linked to the bodily movements involved with smoking. Therefore smoking is more than just a bad habit; it is connected to brain function of which we have no conscious control. The article says that more than 50% of smokers try to quit each year but less than 5% of them succeed, demonstrating that smoking is a though habit to kick. These results show that the reason it is so hard may be because of these areas being activated when we see people smoking. This information tells us that someone’s level of motivation to quit smoking is highly contingent on the stimulation they are receiving form their environment. Being in an environment where smoking is tolerated or accepted can lead too many relapses and may make it impossible for some people to quit.

The article discussed how smoking in movies can actually contribute to an ex-smoker relapsing. According to the study conducted, when an ex-smoker watches a movie that has an actor smoking, certain parts of the brain are activated that trigger the body movements of smoking.
Being a smoker for the past 10 years, I know exactly what they are talking about. Just last year, I worked very hard at trying to quit the "habit" only to fail at it a few months later. Just about anything could trigger a craving for me. Whether it be the smell of someone smoking, the timing of the day, doing certain activities (like eating a meal or driving in my car because I would always have a cigarette during or after it), or even the simple act of putting my hand to my mouth.
While trying to quit, one of the suggestions my doctor made to me was before I actually quit, I should start changing up my routine because part of the addiction is that my brain had been accustomed to certain behavioral habits. Instead of carrying my cigarettes in my right pocket, I switched it to my left pocket. Rather than smoking after I had a meal, I smoked before I had a meal. Even though these small little changes seem really benign or insignificant, they did throw me off. Try it for yourself sometime, take a simply normal routine and change it up a bit and see how weird it feels.
I found this article very interesting and wanted to find out more about the study they conducted and other studies that were similar to it. I found that the study included 17 smokers and 17 non-smokers. They made them watch the first 30 minutes of the movie "Matchstick Men" while they were hooked up to a fMRI. What the study found was that there was "greater brain activity in a part of the parietal lobe called the intraparietal sulcus, as well as other areas involved in the perception and coordination of actions" (
In addition to the previous study, I also found another article from the same journal about a study that was conducted on mice that eliminated a certain protein which blocked the anxiety-reducing effects and reward that nicotine has. The study found that nicotine works by binding to protein called nicotine receptors in the ventral tegmental area. From Chapter 3 of our text, we learned that the ventral tegmental area (VTA) is connected with the medial forebrain bundle which is associated with pleasure and reinforcement. The VTA is also responsible for releasing dopamine into other brain sites which reinforces a person to seek out a certain behavior over another because of the rewards and pleasure they gain or expect to gain from it. As this relates to smoking, people reach for a cigarette because they have learned over time that the nicotine helps them to reduce anxiety and generate pleasurable feelings through the release of dopamine from the VTA.
The study found that a specific alpha4 receptor located on dopamine brain cells were responsible for the reward feeling associated with smoking. They made this discovery by developing mice who had a mutation that left them unable to produce the alpha4 receptors but only on the dopamine brain cells. What they found was that the mice with the mutation spent less time seeking out a nicotine reward than normal mice. They also found that nicotine failed to reduce anxiety-like behaviors in the mutated mice than in normal the mice (
After reading all the information and from my own personal experience, quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do. Obviously, there is a chemical reaction going on within the brain structures that are inhibiting a person's desire and motivation to quit smoking. Because of the changes within the brain, it becomes increasing difficult to ignore the cravings for a cigarette as it would be difficult to ignore a craving for food or water. The difference between the two is that with the right behavioral, cognitive, and nicotine-replacement therapies, and the avoidance of not only people but movies that show smoking scenes, you can eventually overcome nicotine addiction. At least, I'm still hopeful about it.

This article is about studies done on smoking, and how it is more complicated than the typical stereotypes smoking gets (1. It’s bad for your health. 2 You can quit if you really want too). I always had my thinking along the lines of that it just takes will power and discipline to quit smoking; that yes nicotine is addictive, but if you really REALLY wanted to, just put down a cigarette and don’t pick it up again. This article talks about how just seeing the actions of smoking activates something in our brain, and results in us wanting to pick up a cigarette, take a puff, see the smoke go in and exhale it. The feel good sensation smokers get comes from the dopamine sent by neurotransmitters from the brain. This dopamine is the chemical that ensures the smoker will smoke again…they like the good feeling a cigarette brings, and wants more and more. Hence, the term addiction. The dopamine is felt as a release and reward: a person smokes a cigarette, the nicotine hits the brain and releases dopamine, and it makes them feel calm and good. So two days later, when they are stressed, they think back to that good feeling they got from the cigarette, and reach for the pack. It’s a cycle of behaviors. The study showed that if smoking is shown in movies, it will more than likely make an ex-smoker want to smoke again. Scary, huh? The article then moves on to talk about the deaths and numbers that come from smoking

The most interesting thing to me in the article is when it mentioned behavioral therapies, more specifically Quitlines; a number a smoker can call and get positive feedback from someone to help them quit smoking. I looked more into these Quitlines, because I am very skeptical that just talking to someone will help a person get over an addiction. The first site I looked at surprised me, because along with a 30 minute telephone call, callers received a free two week supply of Nicotine Replacement Therapy. The data shows that with intensive counseling plus this NRT, they ended up quitting and not relapsing. However this counseling and NRT treatment costs money, lots of it, but that didn’t seem to matter in to the participants, because they NRT worked and they were smoke free. What is the magical NRT that you get with a counseling phone call? It’s the Nicotine patch or Nicotine gum…WOW that surprised me. I thought it was actually going to be something different, that is even MORE effective than the pill or patch. Guess not.1)

Chapter three helped me realize more that addictions are not just mental, but there is a lot of biological and biochemical events going on in your head. No matter how strong willed or disciplined a person might be, they need to remember that addictions are not just actions, but are internal problems the brain has to deal with, and we have no control over the brain’s way of coping with addictions. Chapter three really helped me realize this. A person can be strong, but if the brain wants something, or signals a chemical to turn on and go into the body, that person cannot control what the brain is doing. That’s where cognitive behavioral therapy and other anti-addiction drugs help. Still, I am a little skeptical. As bad as this sound, I often wonder what an addiction would be like, and if I would be smart enough and strong enough to overcome my brain activity and put the responsibility of ending that addiction into my own hands.

Terms: Addiction, Dopamine, Neurotransmitters, Release and Reward

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