Cast Away Analysis Due 9/29 Midnight


Cast Away Analysis.

This movie has concepts from Chapters 1-4.

Watch the movie. Take notes.

Next, write your comment. Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Your comment should be an in-depth analysis of one or more principles from your text. You should use scenes and characters to provide examples of textbook concepts. Your comment should reflect that you are in an upper division, university level Motivation and Emotion course and clearly link elements from the movie to the textbook.  This is a comprehensive assignment (linking course lectures, textbook, and the movie) and you cannot do that in just a few short paragraphs.

BE SPECIFIC. At the bottom of your comment, please put a list of the ME terms you used.


One of most prevalent concepts that I noticed while watching the movie Cast Away was the emphasis on needs. All three classifications of needs can be seen in the movies. These are physiological needs, psychological needs and social needs.

The main character Chuck gets stranded on an island in the Pacific following a plane crash. The most obvious need that Chuck faces is his physiological needs for thirst and hunger. Chuck tries several times before successfully breaking a coconut to get milk. He is also shown in a later scene drinking water from a puddle in a cave. Chuck need for hunger is shown by him fishing and catching crabs.

The psychological needs that are demonstrated in the film are autonomy, competence and relatedness. Chuck clearly did not have a since of autonomy in the environment he was in. He did not feel like he had control over the environment. He did not have volition or freedom in the island where he resided for four years. He also had an external perceived locus of causality. Chuck was initially controlled by the environment rather than having an internal locus of causality over his own behavior. He had little perceived choice over his food source, weather, or health while he was on the island. He did everything he needed in order to survive. At one point in the film he contemplated suicide because he thought that that was his only escape. Chuck tells a psychologist later in the film “I couldn’t even kill myself the way I wanted to...I had control over nothing”. This quoted does a great job of describing that he was desperate for autonomy and control over his environment, but he had none. Chuck had a since of helplessness.

The second psychological need present in the film was competence. When chuck was faced with challenges, he had to develop skills in order to meet his psychological need for hunger. Chuck was able to stab a crab with a stick and threw a spear several feet away in order to catch a large fish. Being able to stab a fish rather that fish using a net demonstrates extreme competence. He would have experienced flow when his skill level was able to properly meet the difficulty level of hunting for food. He received feedback by satisfying his physiological need for hunger.

The need for relatedness is shown my Chucks relationship with the volleyball he names Wilson. Wilson is simply a bloody handprint on a ball that looked like a face. Although most people would not view this as a close and emotional bond, it was the only one that Chuck had while he was alone on the island. He had conversations with Wilson and genuinely cared about his well-being. Chuck found Wilson even after punting him off a ledge and swam after him when Wilson was finally lost in the Ocean. When Wilson was gone Chuck experienced sadness by crying and apologizing.

One social need in the film was Chuck’s need for achievement. Achievement is a desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence. Chuck had one goal while on the island and that was to leave as quickly as possible. Chucks initial idea was to write HELP in the sand so that a plane could discover him. This idea failed to achieve his goal. He knew he would need to work harder and put forth more effort if he was going to be successful at getting home. Chuck was faced with a difficult task so he had to be creative and use the tools that were at his disposal. Chuck used parts of the tree to tie down sticks for a raft and used a port-a-potty that washed up on land as a sail. The reason Chuck was finally successful is that he put forth great effort and persisted for a long period of time.

An overwhelming theme in the movie was Chuck’s social need for intimacy with his girlfriend Kelly. This was arguably the most important motivational factor that kept him alive and determined to return home. When Chuck returned home at the end of the movie many of his needs were satisfied, but he one need that he lacked and desired the most was missing. This was the need for a close, intimate relationship with Kelly. There was one particular scene where Chuck is shown flickering the light and looking and Kelly’s picture. This is reminiscent of when he was on the island and therefore showing that he would rather be in an uncomfortable life with hope of love than a comfortable world where he lacked intimacy.

Physiological needs: thirst and hunger, Psychological needs: autonomy, competence, relatedness, volition, perceived locus of causality, volition, perceived choice, flow, helplessness, feedback, hope. Social needs: intimacy, achievement

Some of the major concepts that are revealed in Cast Away, are the many physiological needs that people need. Those needs are thirst, hunger, and sex. The needs of thirst and hunger are shown highly in Cast Away. The body experiences physiological needs due to the body needing to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is the body's tendency to maintain a stable internal state. One of the first physiological needs that Chuck (Tom Hanks) encounters is the need that deals with thirst. The body constantly is losing water and thirst arises due to this loss of water. Chuck experiences both osmometric and volumetric thirst soon after the plane crash and continually while on the island. Osmometric thirst occurs when cells lose their water and become dehydrated. Chuck's cells most likely got dehydrated when he was swimming in the waters after the crash. He also deals with volumetric thirst from the wounds he receives while on the island and due to sweating from the heat and sun while on the island. Volumetric thirst occurs when water is needs to be replenished after bleeding, vomiting, or even sweating. Being hot and sweating is one of the multiple inputs that Chuck deals with that causes him motivation to find water and cure his thirst. Chuck first attempted to gain water through the coconut milk. He failed at the first few attempts to open the coconuts, but he was so determined to gain water he continued trying till he found a way. His motivation for water got so strong that he drank water the built up on leaves and even drank out of a muddy puddle.
Chuck also deals with the need of hunger. He deals with both short-term and long-term appetites. Soon after the crash, Chuck experiences short-term appetite. This is hunger cues that regulate the initiation of meals, their size, and the termination of meals. When the blood glucose drops people feel hungry and want to eat. When Chuck feels the short -term appetite he goes out on the look and hunt for food. Chuck may have ignored these signals at first or didn't feel the motivation to find food quite at first, but the urges continued to most likely get stronger. He then probably felt the cues of long-term appetite. This is when the fat in cells drops below homeostasis level. The adipose tissue then sends out signals that it needs to gain fat and increases the motivation to find food. This was ost likely the main force that pushed Chuck into looking for food. Chuck first attempted to fish with sticks and rocks but was unsuccessful. In order to catch food, Chuck became motivated to open the Fed-Ex boxes to see if there was anything useful in them that he could use to catch food. He used the skated as knifes or spears to catch crap and fish. He also created a net like thing to help catch fish. Soon after catching some food, Chuck attempted to make fire so he could cook the food, rather than make raw meat. He fails many times at first, but then he creates fire and is able to cook food.
Chuck was on the island for a long time and his homeostasis set-points most likely change. His settling points for thirst and hunger most likely dropped after the cells were deprived of water and nutrients for awhile. The body most likely finally accepted that it wasn't going to get the food and nutrients that it used to, so it dropped it settling points down. This most likely enabled Chuck to finally start feeling somewhat full and satisfied when his set points were dropped to a lower intake amount. The amount of food he was gaining by the end of the movie, probably made his body happy and accepted that amount.

Terms: Physiological Needs, Thirst, Hunger, Homeostasis, osmometric thirst, Volumetric Thirst, Short-term Appetite, Long-term Appetite, Settling Points

The movie "Cast Away" includes many aspects from our class discussion and many contests from the book.
The main things that I could easily observe in this movie is the three principle of needs such as physiological, psychological, and social needs. Also, we see how motivated Chuck is to survive, get food etc.
Physiological needs like hunger, thirst and sex. The first couple days and nights he did not experience the hunger and thirst because of the shock of what happened and where he is, but then the physiological needs was so strong that he had to start looking for something to drink and eat. So, he at first discovered the coconut milk, he struggled how to open it but then he did it and drink this from now on. When he started being really hungry he look for some fish in the water and since he did not have fire and could not cook it he was forced to eat raw food. Once he made the fire he started eating crab. During the movie and when the time passes we can see how much weight he lost due to the food he ate. With thirst, the hypothalamus monitors intracellular shrinkage and release water when the person is low on fluid Also the kidneys create the conscious psychological state of feeling thirsty . The author in the book discusses failures to self-regulate physiological needs and in the movie the main character cannot let that to happen otherwise he will die. He has to do, eat, drink whatever he can to survive so he does not underestimate the powerful motivational force of biological urges.
Another need that we can observe in the movie is psychological needs such as autonomy, relatedness, and competence. Autonomy is the desire choice and decision making flexibility. Our character has to make choices all the time, he has no one else to help him. He has to decide when and how he suppose to get out of that place, how to survive, how to make make that boat that it will go through that huge wave.
The relatedness need we can see when he created a face from a volleyball ball to feel like there is someone with him that he can talk to and do not feel so lonely. We all need that relatedness need and when he found himself in a situation where there are no people, no animals around he had an idea to create somebody who was so special to him, he treated it like the best friend. I think that when he lost that ball in the water was the most sensitive moment in the movie. You can see how much he loves his friend and how much he suffered when he lost him.
Social needs such as achievement power, and affiliation and intimacy. Chuck has that desire to do well, the best as he could relative to a standard of excellence. He wanted to get out of that island and start his life over with his love at home.The biggest achievement of him was that he mad that boat that went through that huge wave an thanks that he get out of that place.
The desire and faith to see his love again keep him believing that he can do it, he can survive and make it home. That such as strong need of intimacy keep him alive. He attended to commit suicide but again Love to Kelly and wanting to be with her did not let him to do it.

physological needs, hunger,thirst, sex, psychological needs, autonomy, relatedness, social needs, power, achievements, hypothalamus.

The movie Cast Away was a great reflection of the concepts we have learned concerning needs. Chapter four teaches us about three basic needs: physiological needs, psychological needs, and social needs. Physiological needs are the basic needs we have in order to survive; these include thirst, hunger, and sex. Psychological needs are autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Finally, social needs are the ones striving for achievement, affiliation/intimacy, and power. Obviously all three types of needs are very important in human nature, but you have to apply certain ones before you can reach the others. You can’t be happy and have competence without food and water in your stomach. Physiological needs are the ones that you have to have before the other psychological and social needs can take place.

In the movie, Chuck gets stranded all alone on a deserted island out on the Pacific Ocean. He lived a pretty normal life before he became secluded. He worked for FedEx, had a significant other, and took charge at his work. He always made sure everything was done right and on time. He was able to eat, drink, and have intimate relations whenever he needed; which soon changed in an instant once the plane crashed. Before the accident he also was able to make basic psychological needs and social needs. In those he strived for achievement in his career, had power over people, shared relatedness with others, and was good at what he did. Although he may not live the ideal life some people would want because he is always on the road and away from family; at least he still could meet the needs that were important in his life. We learned in Chapter 4 that we have a satiated state that then leads to physiological deprivation that will gradually develop. Prolonged physiological deprivation then will produce bodily needs that your body will strive for. The need will continually intensify and gives rise of psychological drive. This then leads to a goal directed motivated behavior. That goal directed behavior makes you consume; eat, drink and meet the goal you wanted to reach. After you have finally satisfied that need then the drive is reduced.

Chuck was forced into a situation where he had to learn how to find and make his own food, he had to search for water when he needed it, and he was not able to meet his sex needs. In the movie chuck struggles when he first met the deprivation of thirst. It took him quite some time to learn how to open a coconut to quench his thirst. He had to search for water by looking in puddles or on leaves because he isn’t able to drink from the ocean. His need for hunger is brought on and has to learn how to catch fish and crabs. It takes him a while to learn how to build a fire out of the friction of sticks. He soon realized he has to make a fire successfully though, if he wants to eat. He gets disgusted when he tries eating a crab right after he catches it without cooking it. His psychological needs are obviously lacking throughout the movie. He was used to having power before the accident occurred, but he definitely had no control over the crash and what occurred on the island. The environment controlled his everyday life… he was only able to do things in order to keep him alive. When it stormed, he could not do anything about it besides look for what seemed like the safest place to sit and wait it out. His only friend on the island was a volleyball that he made a face with from the blood of his hand. This gave him a sense of intimacy that he was lacking. He had now a “friend” that he could talk to. As humans, we are social creatures and all we want is a sense of belonging. If all our friends, family, and love of our life is taken away and your left with nothing that would be extremely difficult. I believe this helped him survive for the four years he was there. He shared relatedness from the psychological need with Wilson (the volleyball). When Wilson was lost he cried and apologized to his one and only friend. He was motivated to stay alive because of the picture he had of his girlfriend in the watch. He would look at that several times a day which pushed him to get home back to her. When he finally arrived home that was another drastic change for him. He was used to his one friend that wasn’t really a person. He met all of his physiological needs again but missed the relationship he had with his significant other, Kelly that he once had and longed for.

Terms: physiological needs, psychological needs, social needs, thirst, hunger, sex, autonomy, competence, relatedness, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, power, needs, deprivation, satiated state, goal-directed motivate behavior, drive.

The movie Cast Away shows a lot of different needs that motivated Chuck’s behaviors. Specifically, when he was stranded on the island he had to find new ways to satisfy his needs. First of all, his physiological needs needed to be met in order for him to survive. Needs are essential for human survival, so he had to find food and drink so that his body could continue functioning. One thing I found interesting is that it was not until the coconut fell from the tree that he remembered to drink. This is an example of his psychological drive. Psychological drive is the conscious manifestation of an underlying biological need. His attention was focused on things other than his hunger and thirst, until he saw the coconut fall which brought his physiological need into conscious awareness. When he became aware of his physiological need of thirst he began to hit the coconut repeatedly in order to break it open and drink the liquid. His first attempt failed because the coconut burst open, so he had to find a new way to open the next one. As he thinks more and more about how thirsty he is, his motivation or drive to get a coconut open increases. This is an example of how a physiological need motivates us and directs our behavior so that we can obtain what is necessary to satisfy that need. What was going on internally before he satisfied his need for thirst was that his brain was monitoring the amount of water levels in his body. Because they were low, his hypothalamus released hormones into his blood stream to tell his kidney to conserve water. His hypothalamus also led to the conscious psychological state of being thirsty. This underlying biological process placed Chuck’s attention on being thirsty and directed his behavior to obtain liquid from the coconut. Obviously hunger is another physiological need that all humans have. In order to meet this need Chuck had to find ways to catch fish for food. Luckily, he had the netting from a dress to use as a net to catch fish. He also had the ice skates which he used to sharpen tools. Over time, and with practice, he learned different ways to obtain food and drink so that he could satisfy his physiological needs.
Chuck’s psychological needs definitely took a plunge while he was on that island. For example, his competence was very low when he was trying to start a fire. He tried so hard that he even made his hands bleed. He was not having “effective interactions with his environment” which meant that he was experiencing low competence. The level of difficulty was too much for him in the beginning. He had trouble catching food and starting the fire but, need for competence and his persistence led him to successfully start the fire. As humans, we have the need for competence. This means that we need to be effective in our interactions with the environment we are in. For Chuck, he struggled for a while with starting the fire, but his motivation to succeed at the task led him to satisfy his need for competence when he lit the fire. You could see on his face and by his excitement how important getting that fire started was to him. Not only would it provide light, warmth, and heat to cook with, but lighting the fire also made Chuck feel successful, and thus competent. When we feel competent we feel happy, and you could definitely tell he was happy after he started the fire!
One of the most interesting things from the movie was that he created a friend. We all have the need for relatedness; that is, we have the need “to form and maintain warm, close, affectionate relationships with others”. Our desire to be close with others is an internal need. For Chuck, making the volleyball into a “friend” allowed him to have a connection with someone, or something. It allowed him to feel as if he had someone to share things with and to talk to. He cracks a joke to “Wilson” when he is trying to get the fire started. Chuck even laughs about it “with” Wilson. The interesting thing about Chuck and his friend is that all Chuck needed was someone or something to satisfy his need for relatedness. As chapter 6 pointed out, having one’s relatedness satisfied “promotes vitality and well-being”. By creating Wilson, Chuck was really benefiting his psychological well-being. The important factor for relatedness is the perception that the other person cares about your welfare and that they like you for your “true self”. Because Wilson was part of Chuck’s imagination, Wilson could be anything that Chuck needed him to be. In this case, Chuck needed a friend. Wilson also satisfied Chuck’s social needs, which are acquired through “experience, development, and socialization.”
When Chuck was trying to light the fire, his effort and persistence were high. Chapter 9 pointed out that people will, exert more effort and persist longer when they have high self efficacy. Self efficacy is a person’s belief that he or she “can do it”. High self efficacy leads people to believe in themselves and their ability to cope with situational demands. Chuck demonstrated high self efficacy when he realized his hands were bleeding, he got very frustrated, but he wrapped them up and continued to persist at the task of lighting the fire. He improvised ways to use his personal abilities to generate effective performance, and this is exactly what self efficacy is. As chapter 9 pointed out, “self efficacy becomes important when circumstances rise to test our abilities”. Chuck being stranded on that island is a perfect example of a situation that became very challenging, but his self efficacy allowed him to persist and succeed. Because Chuck was resilient in the face of failure, his effort and persistence continued and it allowed him to be successful. Another personal control belief that was relevant to the fire scene was that after he finally got the fire started, he felt empowered. Chuck used his knowledge and skills to effectively start the fire, even in the face of failure. That is, he exerted control over “intrusive negative thoughts” that were probably occurring due to failure. Empowerment relies on “having the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives.” When Chuck first woke up on that island, his sense of personal control was very low, but as he persisted in the face of challenges, his sense of control increased, as did his self efficacy.

Terms: Physiological needs, motivation, psychological drive, thirst, hypothalamus, competence, relatedness, psychological well-being, vitality, internal need, psychological needs, social needs, efficacy, resilient, effort, persistence, personal control beliefs, empowerment,

There are many motivational principles we discussed in class that are shown in the movie Cast Away. Physiological needs include hunger, thirst, and sex. In the beginning of the movie, Chuck’s physiological needs are taken care of, so his biggest worry is that people get their packages on time. That biggest worry changes to surviving when his physiological needs are no longer being met as he is stranded on the island. The first need that he feels a deprivation of is thirst. In class, we talked about how you can feel thirsty, but it may not be strong enough that you would need to leave class to get a drink of water and it could wait. It also may not be strong enough that you would choose to drink something you didn’t like if it was the only thing available. This is not the case in the movie, because Chuck becomes so thirsty that he is motivated to try for a long time to get a coconut open, something he probably wouldn’t normally want even if it was already open for him. The prolonged deprivation of the physiological need for thirst caused a psychological drive to get water. This resulted in the goal-directed behavior of attempting to open a coconut to satisfy this drive. He also became so desperate for water that he was motivated to drink out of a muddy puddle. This same process occurred with hunger. His need to satisfy his hunger was so strong that he ate things he normally would never consider eating, such as a live fish. This need for hunger also motivated him to engage in the behavior of creating a fire so that he could cook his food. He works all day and night to start a fire and he would probably never spend that amount of time on anything normally, but his need for hunger was so strong that he was motivated to perform almost any behavior in order to satisfy it. This need also caused him to become incredibly excited when he finally created fire, something that he normally would not care about. His desperateness to satisfy his needs drives him to engage in many behaviors that would be considered extreme to him under ordinary circumstances such as exploring the island even when his feet were bloody, bringing a dead body on shore to use his shoes, and opening peoples’ packages to see if there was anything useful in them.
Chuck is on the island for a long time, so his psychological and social needs are not met either. His need for autonomy was not being met, and this was shown when he admitted to the psychologist at the end of the movie that he felt he had no control over anything, not even his own death. He said that he had power over nothing. His need for competence was not being met at first, however this gradually increased throughout the movie as he spent more time on the island. When he first got there, he could not catch fish, make a fire, or shelter himself from storms. As time went on, he became so good at fishing that he could simply throw a spear at a fish and it would hit it. This need was being met in a different way than before where he felt competence from his job, because he was forced to become competent in meeting his physiological needs in order to survive. He attempted to meet his need for relatedness by creating Wilson. This gave him someone to share his thoughts with when he had no one else. His need for social intimacy was so strong that he becomes very emotionally attached to him, even though he is only a volleyball. This attachment is shown in how upset Chuck becomes when Wilson is lost at sea.
It is Chuck’s need for social intimacy with Kelly that motivates him to stay alive. He has a long term goal of getting back to her, but he does not know how he is going to do that until a port-a-potty washes up on shore, and then he has the specific goal of building a raft to get off the island. Once he has this specific goal, he becomes so motivated to accomplish it that he works all day at it and even does dangerous things like climbing to the top of the summit to get rope. He is persistent and creative in reaching this goal and finally gets off the island.
Terms: Physiological needs, hunger, thirst, sex, psychological drive, goal-directed behavior, psychological needs, social needs, autonomy, relatedness, competence, persistence, creativity, power, long and short term goals.

Cast Away is a movie that shows the content that we are learning in Motivation and Emotion very well. Throughout the whole movie one can see examples of the three basic needs that are explained in chapter four. These three needs include physiological needs, psychological needs and social needs.

Chapter four talks about physiological needs. A physiological need occurs when there is a biological condition not being met. When Chuck became stranded on the island, the viewer could see two apparent physiological needs. These needs included thirst and hunger. Due to Chuck not having things to drink or eat, his body's homeostatic level, which makes sure all systems in the body are fulfilled and equal, was off which created the need for water and food. As we learned from chapter 3, Chuck's hypothalamus and kidneys were playing a large role in Chuck's bodily need for water. Chuck was experiencing what chapter four explains to be osmometric thirst. Osmometric thirst which occurs when the body suffers dehydration. We see in the movie that when Chuck's need for water got high enough he did two things he would not have otherwise done if his need for thirst wasn't as high. The first is that he drank from a puddle and the second is when he used energy to crack open a coconut. If his body's homeostatic level was only slightly off, he would have thought drinking out of a puddle was gross. Also if his level was only slightly off, he would not have spent so much energy trying to get the coconut open to only get a few drops of liquid out of it.

Chuck's hunger was also a physiological need. According to chapter 4 Chuck went through short term appetite and long term energy balance. Short term hunger regulates initiation of meals, the size of meals and the termination of meals. This occurs when blood glucose drops. Long term energy balance is when fat cells drop below its homeostatic balance. Chuck went through long term energy balance when at first he was learning how to use his resources, therefor still struggling to find enough food. Chuck's need for food motivated him to learn how to catch fish with only a stick.

The book also talks about psychological needs being one of the three basic needs. These needs include autonomy, competence and relatedness. Autonomy is the control that one feels over his/her life and actions. When Chuck gets stranded on the island, his autonomy significantly decreased. This was due to him not having any control over the environment he was in. For example, he was forced to eat a lot of fish due to the environment not giving him any other choices, he didn't have any other choice of where to live, as the environment doesn't provide any other good options, he was forced to adapt to everything such as the weather that the environment threw at him. At one point in the movie he contemplates committing suicide and later explains that he couldn't even kill himself the way he wanted to. Another big example is the way he wanted to try and seek help. Chuck felt as if he only had one option and that option was to brave the ocean on a man made floating devise (made up of logs and such).

Chuck shows a lot of competence, which is another psychological need. Competence is the need to be effective with interactions with the environment. Environmental conditions such as optimal challenge, clear and helpful structure, high failure tolerance and positive feedback. Chuck's whole time on the island had a lot of challenges. He had to learn how to catch fish with just a stick, build his own shelter, find ways to show life on the island for search units and ultimately find a way off the island. Along with challenge, Chuck showed a very high tolerance for failure. We see that even at first when he struggled with catching fish, he kept at it. When writing 'HELP' in the sand didn't work, he didn't give up. Flow is the term that the book uses to explain when a person uses his/her skill to overcome a challenge. It explains that flow is reached when challenge and skill are perfectly matched. I saw a lot of flow in this movie from Chuck. For example, when he worked so hard at rubbing the sticks together to create a fire. This was a challenge and he matched his skills perfectly to create a successful fire. This showed great competence.

The third psychological need is relatedness. Relatedness is the need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments. Stranded on the island, Chuck had no relatedness. He was lacking the satisfaction of having relationships and bonds. This is when Wilson (the volleyball he turned into a smiley face) comes up in the movie. In any other situation, Chuck would probably not have created a bond with a volleyball but instead another human being. Due to Chuck's need for relatedness being so high, he created such a bond with Wilson. I could also clearly see in the movie that he missed his close relationship to his girlfriend. I observed this every time he was laying down at night and would flash his light onto the picture of her.

The third basic need is social needs. Social needs include achievement, affiliation and intimacy. Out of the three basic needs, I saw social needs the least in this movie. However, Chuck did have a high need for achievement when it came to getting off the island. Through all of his attempts, I would have thought that he was about ready to give up and accept the fact that he would never get off the island. There is a scene in the movie where he is mapped out where exactly he was and discovered that the search area for him was twice the size of Texas. I thought for sure he would give up and fall into learned helplessness. However, he had persistence. The book talks about how those who have persistence, are more likely to have high achievement rates. Chuck's persistence paid off when he finally got off the island.

Chapter 1 discusses internal and external motivation. To me, all along it was Chuck's internal motivation that kept him going. I believe that this internal motivation was his love for his girlfriend. I don't believe it could be external motivation that kept him going because stranded on the island there was no sources that were motivating him to get off. One could say that an external motivator would be to escape the environment of the island. However, he knew that the environment that he had to go through (the ocean) would be even worse!

The key points from the chapter were very clearly shown in Cast Away. This movie does a great job at showing examples of the terms put into daily situations.

I forgot to add my list of terms. Here they are: physiological needs, psychological needs, social needs, thirst, hunger, homeostatic level, hypothalamus, kidneys, osmometric thirst, dehydration, short term appetite, long term energy balance, glucose, autonomy, competence, relatedness, optimal challenge, clear and helpful structure, high failure tolerance, positive feedback, flow, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, learned helplessness, persistence, internal motivation, external motivation

The movie Cast Away shows several motivational principles discussed in our book and in class. Before Chuck was even stranded on the island he displayed an action we talked about in class. Chuck’s friend was telling Chuck how his wife was very sick. Instead of Chuck being emotionally supportive (emotion focused) he was telling his friend he knows this doctor and that he could get him his number so his wife would receive the best help out there(problem focused). What Chuck’s friend really needed was for Chuck to tell him that he was so sorry and that things would work out.

When Chuck woke up after his plane crashed he started searching for help. He took tree limbs and spelt help in the sand with them. He also tried very hard to start a fire so he could use it as a signal for help. Chuck never gave up when he could not produce fire because his drive was kicking in and giving him motivation to keep trying and not to give up because he could die if he did. When Chuck realized he was stranded on this island with no food, water, or other human beings, his drive kicked in again. He was without food, water, or shelter and his drive motivated him to service his body’s needs. This brings us to the physiological needs that Chuck presented in the movie. The first need that Chuck presented was the need for thirst. He finally found coconuts on the island that he could drink juice from. It was not easy for Chuck to get the coconuts cracked so he could drink them. He was pounding them on the ground, throwing them at rocks, and hitting them with rocks. Most people would have given up but Chuck’s physiological need for water kept him motivated until he finally got them open. Chuck also finds a leaf with water in it that he drinks. He also even drank out of a puddle that had murky green water in it because he was so thirsty. The next physiological need Chuck shows is hunger. Chuck became so hungry on the island that he began eating things people would never imagine eating. He ate a live minnow after he caught it with his net he made from things he found in FedEx boxes and tree limbs. He also began eating the coconuts after he drank the juice out of them. When he became skilled enough, Chuck was eating crab and raw fish after he caught them. Chuck also presented a need for shelter. He did everything he could to protect himself. He even opened the FedEx boxes to make a bed for himself and somewhat of a roof to cover him. He also found a cave in which he used for shelter also. In a way Chuck also showed a need for social intimacy or sex. Somehow he finds a way to keep the locket his girlfriend gave him as a Christmas gift. He looks at the locket daily and this motivates him to stay alive so he can see how beautiful his girlfriend is in person again someday. At the end of the movie when Chuck was rescued, he tells his friend that he had planned to hang himself but when the log snapped the tree limb he thought it was not meant to be. However, this scene also made him realize that he had no sense of autonomy, which is a psychological need, on the island since he could not even decide how he wanted to die.

Throughout the movie Chuck expresses his need for social needs. He found a volleyball in one of the FedEx packages and made a face on it with his own blood. He referred to the volleyball as Wilson and held several conversations with him. He would respond to the ball as if it were speaking to him, he argued with the ball, and he even felt terribly guilty when Wilson gets lost in the ocean and he cannot save him. He often asked the ball if he was okay, like it had feelings. When Chuck was trying to start a fire, he said to the volleyball “you wouldn’t happen to have a match would ya?” Chuck felt a need for relatedness and the only way he could have this feeling was by talking to and caring for a volleyball like it was a real human being.

Towards the end of the movie Chuck has a goal, and he decides to build a raft out of trees and other items found on the island to sail back home. This is a source of motivation he was given by external events. He felt that this time of year was a good time to set sail in the ocean on a raft. His motives were telling him to risk his life to sail the ocean so he would not have to die alone on the island he was stranded on for four years. Since Chuck was so motivated and goal-oriented, he was able to be rescued.

Terms: Emotion focused, problem focused, drive, motivation, physiological needs, thirst, hunger, social intimacy, sex, autonomy, psychological need, social needs, relatedness, external events, motives, goal.

The movie “Cast Away” touched on a lot of concepts and terms that we have been learning in this class. One of the main concepts that was very apparent in this movie was physiological needs. First it is important to understand what a need is exactly. As defined in the book, as well as class, a need is a condition that is within a person and is vital for “life, growth and wellbeing” (Reeve, 2009 & MacLin, 2011).

Take thirst for an example. This is a conscious signal we get when our body is below the needed volume of water. Therefore, our bodies are motivated to take any means necessary to refill the water. The any means necessary part depends on the given situation. If I was in class and really thirsty, but I knew if I got up to get a drink I would be scolded by my professor, I probably would just wait until the class is over. However, Chuck was highly motivated because his body was signaling that he needed to replenish his water. He displays drive when he is trying to open up the coconut for the first time. He begins by throwing it countless times at a rock wall. Then he tried to puncture the outside by beating it against a rock. He is finally able to cut it open when one of the rocks breaks and then has a sharp edge. The reason this is an example of drive is because drive is defined as a function of behavior that leads to servicing biological imbalances (Reeve, 2009). A few other examples from the movie that display thirst are when he finds a leaf on the ground that has water pooled up on it, he carefully brings his mouth to the leaf so he can drink the water. Another example is when he is on his raft towards the end of the movie and he uses some coconuts as jugs and collects rain water to drink.

Another physiological need that was displayed in the movie was hunger. Hunger is more difficult to define. As discussed in class, hunger is a complex regulatory system that consists of short-term appetite and long-term energy balance regulation. Short-term appetite is usually what causes someone to eat. Long-term refers to balancing food intake with the amount of energy exerted. One example is the movie is when Chuck uses a makeshift net out of a dress that was in one of the FedEx boxes. He uses this net to catch small fish. As he catches them, he then puts one directly in his mouth and eats it. For most people that would not be appealing to eat. However, given his situation he is highly motivated to eat it. I would assume that during the course of his time on the island his body would have initially released ghrelin into his bloodstream which would have increased his motivation to consume food. Another example when he seems to be very hungry is when he spears a crab with a stick. As he tears off the leg blood and other substances fall out. You could see the disappointment in his eyes. However, once he finally gets a fire started he is able to cook the crab over the fire therefore satiating his hunger.

Another concept that I can relate to the movie comes from the chapter on “The Motivated and Emotional Brain”. I think that Chuck creates a very close bond to his friend “Wilson”. Because the nature of his event and the amount of stress it causes, Chuck is probably getting a lot of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is a bonding hormone that helps people turn to their close friends in stressful situations. Because he is all alone on the island and he creates a bond with Wilson (the volleyball) he begins to see it as a real person. For example, he would engage in arguments with Wilson and respond as if Wilson had said something. Another example is towards the end of the movie when Wilson falls off of the makeshift raft. Chuck begins to swim out to try and save him and risks his life in doing so. He eventually has to let Wilson go because he is not able to swim any longer.

TERMS: Physiological Need, Need, Thirst, Motivation, Drive, Hunger, Short-Term Appetite, Long-Term Energy Balance, Ghrelin, Hormone, Oxytocin, Deprived.

Cast Away was a great movie to have us watch because it relates to our class very well. For me, the line that Chuck says towards the end of the movie really put his needs in perspective for me. Chuck, after visiting his ex girlfriend, says this to his friend over a drink "Now I'm back in Memphis, and all I gotta do is keep breathing. Who knows what the tide will bring in." This line, to me, showed that Chuck had a great sense of internal locus of control. He knew that all he had to do was keep breathing, control only what he could, and the rest would just fall into place, however it is supposed to. The most prevelant needs shown throughout the movie was that of physiological needs. Even more specifically, thirst and hunger. Being stranded on an Island for 4years plus, Chuck really had to become creative to get water and food supply. His whole life became revolved around how he was gonna get food and water to survive, something that most of us in our society rarely think twice about. There was a scene in the movie, one of the first scenes that we see Chuck struggling to get the coconuts open for water. The whole time that he was doing this, I couldn't help but thnk about how motivated and actually thirsty Chuck must have been. He worked extremely hard to get the coconuts open, even though they provided him with very little water, showing us what thirsty actually feels like. By the end of the movie, we see how Chuck was able to become a master fisherman and creative in his water collecting. It takes a very motivated, hungry, and thirsty person to survive the 4 years on that Island as Chuck did.
When Chuck first arrived on the Island he collected the fed ex boxes,as if saving them until he was rescued. Which I believe he thought was going to be soon, which to me, is why he sort have just went through the motions of living when he first arrived. The scene where Chuck finally gives in and opens the boxes, is where I believe he realized that help was not coming and he needed to start getting serious about surviving. He now had a drive at that point. A drive that stayed with him throughout the whole movie, giving him the drive to work towards his ultimate goal of staying alive and getting back to Kelly. This goal would not have been possible if it wasn't for the little, but much needed, feedback that Chuck got after succefully doing certain tasks. The scene where Chuck starts his first fire, was a very happy scene and showed Chuck recieving postive feedback, letting him know that, "hey maybe he could do this, afterall." This scene is also the scene where Wilson the volleyball comes into play. Most would say that Chuck was crazy for talking to a volleyball but in reality, Chuck would have gone crazy if it was not for the volleyball. Just like all of us, Chuck had social needs. His needs were hard to meet, being stuck on an island all alone. Chuck wanted intimacy and relatedness just like any of would. Wilson and the pocket watch reminded Chuck that he was a person and that he was not alone in the world.
The most powerful scene for me, was when Chuck goes out to sea with his new sailbot and Wilson. He knew that he had to give it a try or he would die, alone, on that Island. He did not want to be left with the pilot that he had already burried. The 4 years of being on the Island, gave Chuck a sense of competence. He was comfortable and knowledgeable of the wildlife by now, and he knew what he had to do. Building a sail boat from a door, leaves, and branches is something must of us can never seeing us being able to do, but in the reality of things, we could do it, if we HAD to. Just like Chuck did.

Terms: physiological needs, social needs, competence, thirst, hunger, goal, drive, relatedness, intimacy, and internal locus of control.

The movie Cast Away is a great movie to watch when looking at physiological needs as well as the functioning of brain structures and their mechanisms that tie them to emotion. Much of the movie deals around the main character Chuck Noland, a FedEx employee whom is left stranded on an island within the South Pacific after his plane crashes during a very heavy storm. Being stuck on an un-inhabited island all by himself, Chuck is forced to cope with his physiological needs as well as his emotions that arise while living on the island.

It does not come at any surprise then, that while stuck on this island, Chuck encounters the physiological needs of hunger and thirst. After a couple of days on the island, it is apparent that Chuck is becoming thirsty, and, out of his body’s desire to maintain a level of homeostasis, Chuck’s physiological need to quench his osmometric thirst activates a motivational drive within him to seek out replenishment within his environment. Eventually, Chuck comes across coconuts which he can not only use to drink the coconut milk within them out, but he can also use them to catch rainwater which he can later drink. From here, we are able to see that Chuck has become resourceful and his behavior to satiate his thirst can be seen in the multiple inputs/outputs model where drive is seen as an intervening variable between a thirst condition and the behavioral choices Chuck’s drive can lead him to choosing to fulfill his thirst satiation (can either drink coconut milk, drink rainwater from coconuts, etc.). But what brain mechanism caused Chuck to experience thirst? It is the hypothalamus that is responsible for causing people to experience the state of thirst. Prior to the body reaching homeostasis (an equilibrium through-out the body, prior to this can be seen when there were low-water levels through-out the body), the brain released a hormone throughout the blood plasma that acts as a message to the kidneys telling them to conserve water and to thus, release more concentrated urine (urine with more components of urea than water) so that water is not wasted through the passing of urine. Through-out much of the movie Chuck is in a constant struggle to obtain water in order to satisfy his need for thirst, whether he is satiating his need for thirst through ground-puddles, collected rain-water or coconut milk.

Hunger is also another physiological need that Chuck must overcome through-out much of the movie. There are many scenes through-out the movie where, aside from Chuck’s favorite food/beverage in the movie being coconut milk, he can be seen catching fish and crab in order to feed and survive while on the island. From the glucostatic hypothesis we can see that Chuck’s blood-sugar levels must be getting critically low, resulting in the feeling of hunger and the desire to eat. When the liver notices that blood glucose levels are low it sends an excitatory message to the hypothalamus within the brain, stimulating the motivational drive for one to eat in order to satisfy their physiological need for hunger. Once Chuck has had his physiological need for hunger satisfied , Chuck’s ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) works as a negative feedback system in order to tell Chuck that his hunger has been satiated and that he can stop eating (although with the limited amount of food on the island I am sure it is rare for Chuck to ever reach this state). Aside from the glucostatic hypothesis of hunger, there are also other intra-organismic mechanisms that help play into the physiological need of hunger. For example, when Chuck is starting to feel hungry, his body may be producing a high amount of ghrelin in order to stimulate the hypothalamus to produce a psychological drive to eat. Upon feeling full, the body may release a hormone known as leptin to the VMH in order to produce the feeling of satiety.

Through-out much of the movie, many of Chuck’s brain structures may be creating enhanced states of arousal and emotion in response to Chuck’s environment. For example, when the plane is going down into the ocean and filling up with water, Chuck’s amygdala is responding to a threatening event and is most likely being stimulated to experience the feelings of fear and anxiety in order to help aid in self-preservation (keeping Chuck alive). As we progress through-out the movie, we learn that Chuck had made plans to hang himself from the summit of the island. Chuck could have been suffering from depression when he was making this sort of decision and it is possible that he may have been experiencing decreased functioning within his Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC). This lower amount of functioning within the ACC could have been because Chuck was not given a lot of options and choices while on this island (not having the option of many choices to a particular situation has shown to be correlated with low levels of blood flow in and out of the ACC area).

Aside from these brain structures playing a large part in Chuck’s motivations and emotions while on the island, neurotransmitters probably also played a large role as well. Two neurotransmitters which probably played the largest part were both serotonin and endorphins. Serotonin, which is known to influence moods and emotions probably played a large part in Chuck’s overall mood on the island, as well as his outlook of future events while on the island. Endorphins can be seen playing a number of large roles in the movie, such as inhibiting pain (such as when Chuck had his thigh bashed against the corals when trying to leave the island for the first time, as well as being seen when he pulled his own tooth out) anxiety and fear. These endorphins may have played a key role in Chuck being able to row himself out over the waves when successfully leaving the island four years later, as they inhibited his fear of leaving the island. The final neurotransmitter that Chuck probably experienced a lot of while on the island, and what possibly kept his hopes up, was the neurotransmitter dopamine (the neurotransmitter responsible for providing feelings of pleasure). Chuck probably received this neurotransmitter whenever he received a good meal or accomplished something he had set out to do (such as leave the island or build a raft).

Physiological needs
Osomometric thirst
Multiple Inputs/Outputs
Glucostatic hypothesis
Ventromedial hypothalamus
Intra-organismic mechanisms
Anterior Cingulate Cortex

Cast Away displayed all need types—physiological, psychological, and social—that are all motives that serve the individual’s overall life, growth, and well-being. If these needs are being neglected or frustrated, damage may be produced that disrupts biological or psychological well-being. For this blog, I will focus on the physiological needs, specifically hunger and thirst, displayed throughout the film.

Hull’s Drive Theory states that physiological deprivations and deficits (lack of water or food) create biological needs, and if they are unmet, they occupy attention and generate psychological drive. The human body is made up of 80% water, so water needs to be constantly absorbed and excreted to maintain a homeostatic level. When the volume of water in our body decreases by around 2%, we feel thirsty. Dehydration occurs at a decrease of 3%. If there were no replenishment of water, a person would only last about 2 days.

Chuck’s drive to find a source that will quench his hunger and thirst originated through his body’s physiological need for water and food. When Chuck first arrived on the island, I imagine he was surprised (that he survived), scared, and eventually he experienced stress. His body went into survival mode and tried to use its stored nutrients sparingly (restraint situation). He didn’t eat or drink anything for a while until he heard the coconut tree dropping coconuts and he realized he could drink the coconut milk. He tried many different methods of breaking open the hard coconuts. When he finally was able to open one, and then a few more, without spilling the contents everywhere, and he was rewarded with the sweet nectar of replenishment...though I wonder if he ever really felt satiated.
He probably didn’t know this, I wouldn’t have known it if I hadn’t read it in chapter four, but he was excreting a lot of water—way more than what he was taking in. He lost water through sweating, urination, breathing, and bleeding—which he did a lot of (when he got cut up on the reefs, when his feet and legs got cut up on his first few days, and when he was trying to make a fire and cut his hand)!

In a few different scenes, Chuck tried to find all of the available water there was. He found and drank the collections of water that he found on some big leaves, probably from morning dew or remnants from a storm. He collected and salvaged the water and put it in a coconut “cup”. He also drank from a pool of water he found in a cave when he was taking shelter from a storm. After the storm his thirst was not satiated so he tried to empty the contents of all of his old coconuts, hoping the storm had filled them with some water…it did not.

A person can go longer without food than they can without water. However, Chuck exerted a lot of energy in trying to open the coconuts, as well as in trying to catch food to satisfy his hunger, and many of the other labor-intensive activities that he does. Chuck used more calories than he took in, which is why he lost weight over the four years he was stranded on the island. His body used its fat stored in fat cells as a source of energy when he ran out of energy from food. At first, Chuck used a lot of energy in catching his food. He ran all over trying to catch fish with a spear, when he was probably scaring them away more so than anything else. He eventually learned to be more patient, to be watchful and wait for the fish or crabs to show themselves and then he caught them more easily. By year four, he was probably an expert in catching seafood. After he learned how to start a fire, it probably tasted better too. He was able to exert less energy (and in turn, less that needed to be replenished) when his glucose levels were low, letting him know it was mealtime (short-term appetite). His metabolism probably also dropped due to prolonged caloric restriction, which decreased his homeostatic balance of his mass of stored fat—so it could be used sparingly.

Though I honestly think I would be a terrible person to be stranded on an island, after watching this movie, and relearning things from the first few chapters, I feel like I am now better prepared if that situation would ever occur—though I REALLY hope it doesn’t!

Terms used from the chapter: physiological, psychological, and social needs, hunger, thirst, Drive Theory, biological needs, psychological drive, homeostatic level, dehydration, restraint situation, satiated, fat cells, glucose, short-term appetite, metabolism.

An apparent motivational theme throughout the movie of Cast Away was that of need. The concept of need is defined as any condition within a person that is necessary for life, growth, and well being. When our needs are met, our well-being is satisfied. If needs are being neglected for some reason, our well being is damaged. Our motivational states work to help us accomplish fulfilling our need states.

There are three different types of needs, the first being physiological needs. A physiological need is a biological need that signals to the brain that it needs fulfilled. Our brain then works to motivate us to satiate it. This creates a drive. When the character first becomes stranded on the island, he must address his need of thirst. His body was trying to fulfill his need of homeostasis, which is the need to stay balanced. His drive was strong enough to make him drink water off a leaf. It was also strong enough to keep him working at breaking open a coconut for milk. He did not keep looking for water forever though, once he was no longer thirsty he paid attention to another need. This is because the body had reached homeostasis. Homeostasis is the state of balance within the body.

The next need he needed to address was that of hunger. Hunger is a more complex need than thirst. Short term appetite is a type of hunger that cues us when to eat, how much to eat, and when to stop eating. When blood glucose levels drop, we feel hungry and want to eat. After Chuck satieted his need for thirst, he began to look for food. At first he was satisfied with eating coconut. This satisfied his short term appetite and restored his blood sugar levels back to their original leve. But soon the coconut ceases to satisfy Chuck and he begins to look for other sources of food. Why would he begin to look for different food when he already had a viable food source? This could be explained by the set point theory. The set point theory ties into the way we maintain our long term energy balance. Set point theory suggests that hunger and satiety depends on the size of ones fat cells. Because the coconut was not calorically high enough to keep up with the rate of his metabolism, he still felt hungry and began to look for other sources of calories. Unfortunately, there were few sources of calories on this island for him and his only other choices were crab and fish. Some people can become subject to environmental influences when it comes to food. These social situations can interfere with our physiological guides. These situations would not apply to Chuck though. Chuck was eating solely for the need of survival.

One of the few things that got Chuck through his time on the island was the thought of his girlfriend Kelly. He kept her picture with him to keep him motivated throughout the 1500 days he was forced to spend secluded on the island. The picture and memory of Kelly could have triggered Chuck’s dopamine. The release of dopamine creates good feelings. The thought of Kelly created an incentive. An incentive is a stimuli that comes before the delivery of a reward. In this case, the thought of Kelly served as an incentive to getting off the island. The anticipation of this reward caused a dopamine release and resulted in pleasure. If this release of dopamine had not occurred, Chuck would have forgotten why he wanted off the island and given up. This left Chuck in a state of wanting. The state of wanting occurs before the receipt of reward.

In contrast, a dopamine release that once triggered good feelings in Chuck was his job. Before he became stranded, Chuck enjoyed life as a business man. It made him feel good to see his business do well. His beeper seemed to be a large source of pleasure for him. This is an example of dopamine release and reward. When Chuck’s hard work over seas paid off, this triggered a release of dopamine. This dopamine acted as a reward. This reward then reinforced the behavior that caused it. Chuck felt compelled to continue travelling due to this dopamine release. This left Chuck in a state of liking. The state of liking occurs after the receipt of the reward.

TERMS: need, drive, thirst, hunger, homeostasis, short term appetite, long term energy balance, set point theory, homeostasis, dopamine, incentives, rewards, state of liking, state of wanting, fat cells, glucose

Motivation involves those processes that give behavior its energy and direction. Energy is when a behavior is relatively strong, intense and persistent. For example, Chuck has the energy behind his motivation when he is learning to survive on the island. When he is trying to start a fire for the first time he is determined to make it work. His motivation is strong, so intense that he cuts his hand and persistent in that the doesn’t give up until he makes fire. Direction is that the behavior is aimed toward achieving a particular goal. This would also be when he is trying to make fire. Every one's behavior varies in intensity because we all are motivated by different things. Chuck is stranded on an island so his motives for hunger and shelter are relative strong for him whereas they would have been weaker if he was not stranded. Chuck was also driven by the internal motive of needs. Needs are conditions within us that are essential and necessary for the maintenance of life and well being, such as food and water as well as competence and belongingness. Chuck has to be competent with everything he does in order to survive on the island. He has to be successful at catching and cooking his fish, building a shelter and in the end a raft. If he was not competent, he would not have survived for four years. He also has a need for belongingness and this is why he develops Wilson, the volleyball. It is his only companion on the island and he talks to Wilson as if he is a real person. There are eight behavioral expressions of motivation. Attention; Chuck has to remain on task and concentrate intensely in order to learn how to do the new skills he isn’t used to do. Unfortunately he has no choice but to engage in the task because he isn’t presented with any other options. His effort is also to the maximum because he wouldn’t survive without food and water. His effort when breaking open the coconuts was extreme. He tried throwing, cutting, pounding and ripping the coconut. This would also relate to his persistence because he didn’t stop until he got a coconut open. Attention, effort and persistence fall under the category of behavior engagement. He doesn’t have emotional engagement because he is not doing these things because they are of interest to him. Motivation is a dynamic process and this is seen in the movie in that Chuck’s motivation is always changing, rising and falling; it never remains in a static condition. This is seen when it is raining and he just sits in the rain because he feels helpless and is not motivated to seek shelter. But then the next day he catches fish, builds fire and a shelter, and climbs a mountain. Drive motivates whatever behavior was instrumental to servicing the body’s needs. Chuck had a drive to seek food and shelter because it was his only means of survival.
The brain also plays a significant role in Chuck’s survival. Chuck did not each much on the island because he got sick of eating fish all the time. However, when he was hungry, ghrelin was produced and circulated in his bloodstream. The ghrelin then stimulates the hypothalamus and tells the body that he is hungry. The hypothalamus is associated with pleasurable feelings regarding feeding, drinking and mating. The septal area of the brain is associated with sociability. This is why Chuck created Wilson, so he could have a companion to talk to and express his feelings to. He also engages in a conversation with Wilson as if he were a real person talking back to him. The anterior cingulate cortex is involved in the control of day to day mood, volition and making choices. When the activity is decreased, Chuck feels sad or depressed. These feelings can be seen when Chuck constantly looks at the picture of his girlfriend. When Chuck first arrived on the island, he probably had greater blood flow when he had many options on the choices he had to make. He had to decide how he would signal for help, and how he would survive. However, as time went on, he fell into a routine procedure everyday and had less blood flow. Chuck’s emotions were also expressed in the movie and this is due to the amygdala. The amygdala is the emotion center part of the brain. When Chuck is angry (i.e. when he cuts his hand), he lashes out at Wilson, his companion. When Chuck is happy or excited (when he made fire for the first time) he yells out as loud as he can to himself. The prefrontal cortex is involved in making plans, setting goals, and formulating intentions. Chuck makes plans to obtain food and shelter when he first arrives on the island. He sets a goal to paddle away from the island in hopes someone will find him. He had to make plans on what to use and how to build his raft, when he was going to leave, how he was going to leave, and how far away he was. He also wanted to eventually be found and held onto an unopened FedEx package to give him hope and motivation to achieve this goal. He thought if he didn’t open this package, it would give him the motivation to live because he wanted the recipient to get their package. Dopamine release generates good feelings. Chuck had a rush of dopamine when he first made fire because he wasn’t expecting to get fire when he did. Dopamine is also released when he anticipated the reward of getting fire. Chuck makes Wilson so he can converse with him and lash out his feelings, this is associated with the release of the hormone oxytocin, the bonding hormone. He confides in Wilson daily, but especially when he is angry about him stranded.
We all have physiological needs that are necessary for life and well-being which includes hunger, thirst and sex. We then have a drive , such as appetite, that energizes and directs our behavior. The environment influences these needs. For example, eating behavior can be affected by the time of day, stress, sight, smell, appearance and taste of food. Chuck probably ate just enough to survive because he was stressed about his situation in the beginning. And the sight, smell, appearance and taste of fish after four years probably lost its appeal. Chuck, as we all, experience the behavior action process. We are at a satiated state, but over time, physiological deprivation develops gradually (due to activity of building shelter for example). A prolonged physiological deprivation produces bodily needs. Our need to eat intensifies and gives rise to our psychological drive. Goal directed motivated behavior occurs as an attempt to gratify drive (Chuck would go catch fish/open a coconut) and then consummatory behavior occurs (Chuck would eat the fish). Finally, our drive is reduced and we are back at homeostasis (Chuck is satisfied with the amount of food he consumed).
motivation, energy, direction, internal motive, needs, behavioral expression of motivation, behavioral engagement, drive, ghrelin, hypothalamus, spetal area, anterior cingulate, amygdala, prefrontal cortex, dopamine, oxytocin, homeostasis, drive, behavioral action process

Cast Away had many parts that we learned about in the book. The parts that I noticed the much was all the needs that were not met. There were physiological needs, psychological needs, and social needs. The main character Chuck had all of these needs after he was stranded on an Island for four years. The main needs you see him trying to satisfy are the physiological needs. These are hunger and thirst. You can tell how serious his thirst is when you see him try his hardest to get coconuts open to drink the milk inside. You see it again later when he is desperate enough to drink from a dirty puddle of rain water in the cave. When he has a serious urge to satisfy his hunger you see him make a spear and a net to catch fish. When he catches a baby fish he is so desperate that he puts the fish, which is still alive, in his mouth and eats it. When that does not satisfy him he stabs a crab and attempts to eat the crab meat out of its claw, which is just mush. That is when he gets the idea of creating a fire.

One of the main psychological needs Chuck was unable to satisfy that was very clear was autonomy. After he is rescued he even told a therapist that he could not even kill himself in the way he wanted. That is made clear when he goes up to the top of the mountain and you see the dummy he made to test what would happen if he hung himself. He did not get any choice of anything. He did not have much choice over what to eat. He got to eat whatever he found. He only could drink when he had coconuts and he could open them, or the occasional rain water he found in puddles or leaves. Another important psychological need was relatedness that he tried to satisfy. This resulted in talking to a volley ball. Chuck eventually talks to a volleyball that was in one of the FedEx boxes he opened. He called it Wilson and he has conversations with it. After Chuck throws the ball with his bloody hand he goes searching for it to find that the bloody handprint kind of looks like a face. He clears of a nose and eyes to make it perfect. Soon after this seen you see him talking to Wilson for the very first time. It was not much, but eventually he will have complete conversations with him. When he sees Wilson floating off he becomes very sad because he knows he will never see him again and Wilson is his only friend, his only form of relatedness.

The main social need he tried to satisfy was intimacy. Several times throughout the movie you just watch him staring at the picture of Kelley. When he is on the plane and it is going on he gets out of his seat to grab the pocket watch that has her picture in it. You see him laying in his make shift tent flipping on and off the flashlight just to look at the picture of Kelley. He falls asleep every night with the picture staring at him. He tells you that coming home to Kelley was the only reason he knew he was supposed to live and survive. When he returns home to find that Kelley had moved on with her life his need still does not get satisfied.

Terms: Psychological needs, physiological needs, social needs, thirst, hunger, relatedness, autonomy, intimacy.

In the movie Castaway, there are many very basic aspects of motivation. The main character Chuck's behaviors fall into attempts to fill physiological needs and drives, psychological needs, and social needs. Obviously, since the movie is about Chuck's attempt to survive alone and unprepared on a small island, most of the behaviors are physiologically motivated. He is experiencing a constant battle against his thirst and hunger, as well as a general need for security and safety. The movie really stays away from the topic of what his sexual needs might be, what with being alone on an island by himself for so long. His longing for his girlfriend Kelly doesn't really fit the bill, since it is more about wanting to be near her and see her, with no mention of any physical aspect.
A huge aspect of what is important to Chuck is the psychological need for competence. Some ways this manifests itself in the movie are how he tracks the number of days he has spent there, the way he tracks the weather, winds, and seasons, the calculated manner in which he tries to figure out the search area for his plane and how likely it is that he will be found, and the immense amount of planning that goes into his venture off the island in an effort to go home. This helps him to feel a sense of autonomy, which is otherwise absent to him. He even mentions late in the film that killing himself was the only real choice he had, and even then he couldn't do it the way he wanted. I would argue that doing those competence-heavy 'chores' or mental exercises served as the best autonomy of all, that he could do more than just survive, he could understand and plan.
I won't go into any major discussion about his social need for intimacy and psychological need for relatedness. His obsessions over Kelly and interactions with Wilson make those needs fairly obvious to the viewer. I will summarize that he found those needs where-ever he could, even though they were some of the most scarce resources available to him.
What I am truly interested to discuss is the dilemma he has throughout the movie between doing all he can to survive and also being able to maintain a sense of humanity. This comes up many times in the movie, and I will list and describe the conflict that occurs and which aspect wins out.
In the first dilemma, Chuck is on the plane during the crash and chooses to go for the pocket watch given to him from Kelly instead of going for his life vest. In this situation, his sense of humanity fully wins over. The object is too important to him and takes priority over something that could save his life. Then again, it was a high-pressure and intense situation, so the decision could have been influenced by the shock of the situation as well. The second dilemma is when he discovers the dead body of a victim of the plane crash, and chooses to bury it but only take two items (shoes and flashlight) from the body. In this case, there isn't the same drama going on as in the plane crash, yet he chooses to only take two usable items from the corpse. I understand if he didn't think about the clothing as being useful, but the belt was too useful to not take. His humanity wins over again, keeping him from potentially 'disrespecting' the body by undressing it to make use of the resources. Finally, when Chuck loses Wilson while floating in the ocean, his sense of survival finally takes over. He refuses to let go of the pull line to go after Wilson, and is left to watch Wilson and his last sense of relatedness drift away. After this (and before the ocean liner finds him), he sinks into a deep despair and seems to give up. Many would say that this is over his sadness in losing Wilson. I argue that it is in large part due to him finally choosing survival over humanity when confronted with a decision between the two. He had chosen to survive the whole time on the island, yes, but this is the first time he had to make a choice between survival and humanity and survival won out. I believe he sinks into a depression because of this loss of humanity, and believes that there is not that much more he can do to survive, if he even wanted to at this point. He realizes a sense of helplessness, gives up his oars, and just drifts through the ocean waiting for something else to take over. Watching him fight over survival and humanity was interesting, but I am still having trouble classifying 'humanity' into one of the psychological needs. I guess it fits into relatedness, but it just doesn't seem to fit right in this scenario to me. Nonetheless, it is a very intriguing aspect of Chuck's journey.

physiological needs, drives, psychological needs, social needs, thirst, hunger, sexual needs, need for competence, competence, intimacy, relatedness, helplessness,

Cast away had to deal with a lot of the turmoil of Chuck when he stranded on an island in the Pacific Ocean with intent to try to get off and get back to his fiancée. While watching the movie what I thought about was needs that he required to survive and not go crazy on that island all by himself, and such needs we have discussed in class like physiological, psychological, and social needs.
I think when it comes the physiological needs (thirst, hunger, and sex) thirst he first runs into coconuts and he has trouble, but he’s so dehydrated that he is persistent at breaking the coconut even though he gets barely any water out of them. Hunger at first he is trying to spear the fish that come near shore, but with no success and then he captures the crab, but when he tries to eat it the meat on the crab isn’t good neither. Sex, I wouldn’t really say that he had so much as a need for that because the movie never really portrays him as a sexual character.
Then when, his psychological needs came into play (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) he had to adapt his mind to accommodate to his new environment. For autonomy I feel like he didn’t feel like that for a long or even at all because his whole world crashed around him and was on this new island starting out new having probably no idea how to start a new life on a deserted island, basically no control over nothing. Competence I feel like was a huge influence here because when you go from civilized life when everything is nearly provided for you and then you are on an island and you basically have to work with what you have around you. For instance, hunting for fish when they show him when he first shows up on the island he is a terrible hunter, but when they show him four years challenge of trying to get a fish is a piece of cake. Relatedness was heavy through the movie to with his relationship with Wilson, how they had conversations even though Wilson could never talk back, Chuck seemed to make it up in his head. Even though Wilson was a volleyball putting a face on it, he had made up Wilson as kind of imaginary friend and was probably a big influence at what kept him going to survive on the island.
Then, probably the scarcest thing that probably affected Chuck was his social needs (achievement, affiliation/intimacy, and power). His sense of achievement probably came for when he is mastering his surviving his survival skills on the island for instance being able to get a fire started easier, hunting for food, taking down trees to use as resources, and to adapt to a more primitive lifestyle, with less needs than we are used to. His social need of intimacy was very high because he had the love of his life stripped away from him and all he had on the island was the picture in the watch of her. Even when he came back to society he still couldn’t have her because she had married a man while he was gone and now that he’s back he has lost her again, so the intimacy thing has gone down the tubes for him. His sense of power was there, but it wasn’t either because he had this whole island to himself and could do whatever he wanted, but he didn’t know what to do with it, it was new to him and he didn’t know how to control it or what to do with it, until he left four years later.
Overall his needs were at basic survival and for humans nowadays we are heavily into social needs and if most of us didn’t have that confront of a grocery store down the street it would probably be extremely hard to adjust very well.
Terms: physiological needs thirst, hunger, psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, social needs, achievement, intimacy, and power.

The movie “Cast Away” provides ample examples of motivational state in Chuck Noland’s attempt to survive on the stranded island, but also to attempt to get home. The interesting thing about this movie in relation to this class is that you’re able to get a glimpse at how being on a stranded island first threatens your physiological needs in order to remain alive, then the threatening of your psychological and social needs soon follow. Besides the basic idea of needs, other major concepts can be found in this film such as dopamine release and goal setting. Going back and watching this movie with the material learned in this class allowed me to watch the movie from a different and unique perspective.

In order to survive, our body creates physiological needs that help us to continue to provide for ourselves and remain living. When our needs are threatened, further motivation is elicited to give us direction and energy to gain access to our original needs. By crashing and ending up on a stranded island, Noland’s physiological needs immediately needed to be addressed. At first, it didn’t seem that Noland wasn’t as knowledgeable of how to meet his physical needs. Within our physiological needs are the need for thirst, hunger, and sex. By being the only person on the island, the need for sex would be a little harder to fully satisfy. However, with the drive of motivation, Noland was able to figure out how to eventually catch crabs, crash coconuts, find drinking water, and spear fish. These few actions allowed him to satisfy his needs for thirst and hunger and remain at a level of homeostatis.

Just satisfying your physiological needs aren’t going to allow you to stay on a stranded island forever because one still needs to satisfy their psychological needs. One of our psychological needs is the feeling of competence, or that you possess important capabilities. When Noland was able to utilize different items from the washed up FedEx parcels, like ice skates as an ax, he was satisfying his need of competence and further motivating himself. His ability to allow himself the feeling of competence kept him feeling good about himself.

Social needs also need to be attended to as well when trying to survive on a stranded island. The best example of Noland trying to satisfy his social needs was with his friend, Wilson the volleyball. Other classes have used the friendship of Noland and Wilson as an example to continuing to use your language skills so they don’t slowly diminish. However, the friendship of Noland and Wilson is a simple, but effective example of needed someone to help satisfy your need for affiliation and intimacy. Had Noland not personified Wilson as a friend and talked to him, his social needs would not have been met, and he might not have had the motivation to remain alive. The audience sees Noland’s motivation to survive quickly leave when he realizes that Wilson is lost during Noland’s attempt to leave the island. If Noland had not run into the ship soon after, Noland probably would have entirely given up on his quest to be found.

The photograph of Noland’s girlfriend provided a unique situation with the concept of dopamine release. Prior to the crash, Noland was able to experience pleasure from physical encounters with his girlfriend, Kelly. However, when he was stranded on the island, Noland’s brain then had to re-configure the release of dopamine based on the sight of Kelly’s picture. Because Noland adored his girlfriend, the picture replaced the physical encounters he once experienced and thus became the trigger for the dopamine to be released and elicited the reward of pleasure. Had this picture not been available, I’m curious how his motivational state and experiences of pleasure would have occurred.

Another great example of course material in this movie is the notion of goal setting. Obviously, Noland’s first goal was to be able to remain alive on the island, but then progressed into a goal of leaving the island. He experienced negative feedback when he first attempted to leave the island, but this feedback also taught him that he needed to think his escape plan better. Leaving the island would be considered a very difficult goal, but because it would increase his chances at leaving, allow him to potentially see his girlfriend, friends, and family, Noland remained motivated and the difficulty enhanced his performance when building the makeshift raft. Noland’s first attempt to leave the island was very unsuccessful, but after he thought out his plan more thoroughly, created his implementation intentions, he was able to put together a raft that was better able to handle the harsh effects of the ocean.

Watching this movie gave us a different perspective on the material we’ve learned, but showed us that the concepts discussed within this course are relevant to everyday life. We’re all motivated to do some things, but when your basic needs have to be met and you have the will to survive, then you will experience high levels of motivation to perform necessary actions.

Terms: physiological needs, psychological needs, social needs, dopamine release, goals, hunger, thirst, homeostasis, competence, affiliation, intimacy, reward, pleasure, goal setting, feedback, implementation intentions, goal difficulty

Chapter one talks about needs which are conditions within the individual that is necessary for the maintenance of life and for the nurturance of growth and well-being. A couple biological needs that Chuck shows throughout the movie are hunger and thirst. Being stranded on the island Chuck had not drank any water or ate any food for a long time in the beginning. He kept hearing something like a knocking noise and once he figured out it were coconuts falling from a tree he did everything he could to open up the coconut so he could drink. He repeatedly threw the coconut at hard surfaces, which did not work. He then tried hitting it against a pointy edge of a rock. He finally found an ice skate which he used to successfully break open the coconut. This shows that his need for water was so great that he tried anything and everything just to drink. When it would rain he would also collect the water off of the leaves. For food he tried to spear fish and he was unsuccessful. He then made a net out of material from a dress that was in a Fedex box. After four years he became better at spearing fish so he was able to eat fish. He also ate the coconut. He would even eat fish raw. Chuck did just about anything to be able to drink and eat, which shows how essential these needs are. His hypothalamus played a very big role with his hunger and thirst because it regulates a range of important biological functions, including eating, drinking, and mating. Chapter one also talks about cognitions which are mental events, such as thoughts, beliefs, expectations, and the self-concept. When Chuck made the raft out of logs and part of the outhouse he told himself and Wilson that they had a better chance of being found if they set out to sea. He had expectations of himself to be able to do this. In chapter two drive is defined as motivating whatever behavior was instrumental to servicing the body’s needs. When Chuck was trying to make fire he cut his hand, but because he had the drive to create fire he just covered his cut up and kept pushing through the pain. He knew he needed to be able to make fire to survive. Before chuck was able to create the fire he had a strong want for it. After he created the fire he liked the reward. I would say that he more than liked the fire he was ecstatic. He also had the drive to risk dying out at sea rather than staying on the island and possibly never being found. Chuck always kept the picture of his girlfriend Kelly and looked at it every day. By looking at her picture I believe that some dopamine was released. When dopamine is released good feelings are generated. Her picture is what kept him alive. Chapter three says that the limbic system receives incoming sensory stimulation that activate rather automatic emotional reactions. When Chuck first speared the crab and pulled of its leg he expected to be able to eat it, but once he saw that it was gooey you could tell just by his facial expression that he was immediately upset.

Words: Needs, Cognitions, Drive, Dopamine, wanting, liking, limbic system, hypothalamus

Throughout the movie Cast Away, a plethora of needs are displayed by main character Chuck Noland.

The most prevalent of needs displayed by Chuck are physiological needs. The three types of physiological needs are hunger, thirst, and sex.
The need for sex is not very prevalent in the movie. There is obviously some sexual attraction between Chuck and his girlfriend (soon fiancé) Kelly at the beginning of the movie, as they call each other, eat together, kiss, etc.

The need for thirst, however, is much more prevalent throughout the movie. Thirst is the conscious state of needing to replenish water inside your body. Thirst is activated once your cells indicate that they are depleted of water.
After Chuck’s plane crashes, he is stranded on a flotation device until he drifts up to the island. Once finally becoming conscious the next morning, he spends a good portion of time running around, yelling for help, and finally coming to the realization that he is stranded. It isn’t until he hears a coconut fall that he realizes just how thirsty he really is. This is an example of how thirst is influenced by extraorganismic variables, such as water availability. In this case, his extraorganismic variable of realizing where he is and what is going on was far more overpowering than his need for thirst.
Once he becomes aware of his heavy water depletion, however, he does anything he can to make sure he gets replenished. He desperately tries different ways of opening the coconut; he throws it, hits it on a rock, and eventually makes tools to screw it open. His need for thirst was far too powerful to give up on opening the coconut. He also tries other desperate ways to satisfy his thirst. He tries drinking from a leaf, and even drinks from a puddle in a cave.

Hunger is also displayed throughout his time on the island. Hunger is made up of both short term and long term regulation. Glucose deficiency and shrunken fat cells initiate the need for hunger. After Chuck was on the island long enough, his need for hunger was too powerful. He tried several attempts at catching fish. Once he finally managed to catch one, he had to eat it raw. Usually environmental factors would lead him to never eat a raw fish back in America, but he had no other choice, because his need for survival was too strong. He continues to live off of crab and fish for the next four years.
After going without eating for so long, his body starting to dip into his fat stores (body weight) to intake energy. This caused him to lose approximately 40 pounds of fat over the course of his four years on the island.

Besides just physiological needs, many other needs are displayed throughout the movie as well. The one I would like to highlight briefly is the need for affiliation/intimacy. Chuck has a high intimacy level with his girlfriend Kelly. They are very clearly in love at the beginning of the movie. After Chuck becomes stranded, his locket of Kelly’s picture (and the thought of getting back to her) is what keeps him with the desire to live.
After living on the island for awhile, he turns a volleyball into his island pal, Wilson. He eventually starts to talk to the volleyball, and even have “conversations” with it. After fours years, he actually becomes very “intimate” with the volleyball, in the sense that Wilson is his closets friend. This not only apparent in his conversations with Wilson, but also when Wilson floats away.

Overall, being stranded on a desert island is an excellent example of how needs can control behavior, particularly physiological needs (the need to survive).

Terms: needs, physiological needs, hunger, thirst, sex, extraoganismic variables, glucose, fat stores, social needs, intimacy, affiliation

Cast Away is a great movie which exemplifies many of the concepts we have focuses on in class and our textbook. All three basic needs, psychological needs, social needs, and physiological needs, were shown. While most of the needs are shown after Chuck is stranded on the island, there are several needs that exist before the plane crash. The movie opens with showing Chuck at work. He is leading a team of FedEx employees, telling them how to do their job and what is expected. The very first scenes show his social need for power. He obviously has a high need for power since he enjoys being in that leadership role. He also has a beeper, which he answers no matter where he is. He likes controlling other people, to the point that he will leave important social functions, such as the family dinner, to satisfy this need. For him the need for power does not seem to overlap into his social/intimate life so much. His need for power wasn’t only exemplified pre-crash, however. Related to this need is his psychological need for autonomy.

After the crash, Chuck displayed a psychological need for autonomy. He is on an island that he is unfamiliar with and appears to have no control over anything that happens to him. At this point in his life, he has an external perceived locus of control. It leads him to feel very depressed and he just kind of floats along with life instead of trying to do anything to improve it. Throughout the remaining time on the island, he develops a higher sense of autonomy. It is obvious that his need for autonomy is high, but there is a discrepancy between his current level of control and his ideal level of control. In order to overcome this discrepancy, he is motivated to build his own home, catch his own food, build a fire, and even control when and if he will die. Not only are these behaviors motivated by the need for autonomy, but they fit several other needs that will be discussed shortly. In the end of the film, he explains to his friend how he didn’t have control over much and that he couldn’t even kill himself right. He then shifts to how he gained autonomy by building the raft and deciding when and how to leave the island. Clearly, his perceived locus of control shifts throughout the almost 5 years he is on the island.

Not only does he have a high need for autonomy, but he has a high need for competence. The need for him to be able to do things and do them well drives many of his behaviors throughout his time on the island. Some of the biggest examples were his need for competence when trying to make fire. Chuck is aware that this is a difficult task. He feels like he has the skills necessary and seeks out an optimal challenge of making fire out of nothing. Since this is a difficult task and he feels he has the skills, he will keep attempting the challenge until he accomplishes his goal. Once he completes it and is able to make a fire, he feels a sense of flow. He first experienced flow for a brief bit when he saw smoke the first time and thought a fire had started. This feeling drove him to try again, even though he was tired and he ended up cutting his hand. H knew he could do it and wanted to have that wonderful feeling of competence. It was important that he got that positive feedback of smoke because it allowed him to assess his level of progress and support his competence. He also exhibited these concepts when he was making rope to build his raft. He had to spend a long time making the rope and gathering the bark to make it, but he knew he had the skills and his need for competence helped drive him to make enough rope to build his raft. His need for competence can be exemplified by his drive to catch fish, crack open coconuts, and many more behaviors whilst on the island.

A big part of his time on the island, and also a big part of his behaviors, was his need for relatedness. Being alone on the island, he has no one to talk to, to connect with, to do things for, or bond with. While Chuck was opening the FedEx boxes, he found one with a volleyball in it. He thought nothing of it, until one day his hand was bleeding and he threw the ball. This left a bloody handprint on the ball and he recognized it as a face. His high need for relatedness drove him to draw a face in the handprint and start talking to “Wilson”. Wilson becomes his best friend. He has conversations with him, he takes him with him wherever he goes, and when he gets mad and throws him, he goes outside to find him, screaming his name. He also leaves his raft to try to swim after Wilson when he floats away. He may seem crazy, but his need for relatedness is strong. It is a psychological need that everyone has. He has a view that Wilson cares for him and cares about his well-being. As the book discusses, “people function better, are more resilient to stress, and report fewer psychological difficulties when their interpersonal relationships support their need for relatedness.” (p. 162) Wilson was definitely integral in Chuck’s mental well-being. Having “Wilson” there to talk to definitely helped him be resilient to stress. If something was not going right, he would talk to Wilson. Wilson helped him plan things out and think through concepts. Without that support for his need for relatedness, there is a good chance that Chuck would not have survived. When he finally loses Wilson, he experiences such sadness. He cries and gives up trying to survive. He lets his oars go and goes to sleep. His loss mirrors what someone would probably go through if they lost someone very close to them.

While his psychological needs are some of the more complex needs shown, there are of course the basic physiological needs. One very important physiological need is the need for thirst. This need created a psychological drive to do many things throughout his time on the island. A person’s body can only last so long without water. When he first arrived on the island, his body experienced two types of thirst, osmometric and volumetric. His cells were deprived of fluids from going without for a while. This is an example of osmometric thirst. He experienced volumetric thirst when his fluids outside his cells needed replenished. This occurred because he had to swim and try to stay afloat. He sweated, bled, probably threw up to the point that his body needed to replenish those fluids. His body was not in a state of homeostasis, so he had a sense of thirst activation. In order to satiate his thirst, he did many things. He worked very hard to open the coconuts to drink the little bit of milk they had in them. He was so thirsty that he was drinking bits of water off of leaves on the ground, probably left over from the rain. He also drank from the dirty puddle in the cave. They did not show it, but he probably tried to drink water from the ocean. This would have made his thirst worse because of the salt in the water. The salt would deplete fluids from his cells even more, so in a sense he would have been punished not to drink the ocean water again. Eventually he was at a point where he began to collect water in empty coconut shells. Doing this allowed him to avoid leaving a homeostatic state, to the point of water deprivation.

His need for hunger was strong. He was doing so much each day that his body was being depleted of energy, thus activating his need for food. The book discusses the glucostatic hypothesis that says just that. His body was responding to the rise and fall in plasma glucose. Since he was typically low in glucose, his body stimulated his brain to increase hunger. This created a drive to obtain food, even when the task may have been too difficult. He tried to crack open the coconuts even though they were very tough. He also made a spear to try to catch fish and crabs. His short-term appetite was a strong motivator to catch food. His long-term energy balance was important in that for quite a while he was deprived of food. His metabolism would have dropped to sustain his life. Without satiation, his body began to use its stored fat as energy to satisfy his need. Because of this, he lost quite a bit of weight. This long-term energy depletion drove him to find better ways to catch his food. He made spears, he opened the boxes and used the ice skates to open coconuts, and he used the dress for a net. It also assisted in his drive to create fire. Once he was able to make a fire, he was able to cook food.

Even though he was not in the presence of others, his social needs were activated. I already discussed how his need for power was exemplified in the beginning. He did show quasi-needs throughout his time on the island. Some of the most notable were his need for foot protection and his need for a dentist. His need for foot protection was a short-lived need that motivated him to create “shoes”. His feet were bleeding and in order to stop it, he put his other needs aside and took care of it. Once it was taken care of, it was not a problem and did not require his attention. He also had a quasi-need for a dentist. His tooth had been bothering him since before he was stranded. It got to the point that it distracted him from his main needs enough that he put it in focus. He was motivated to use the skates and a rock to bust his tooth out. Once he accomplished this goal, this need was no longer a need. His focus was back on his main needs.

More importantly than his quasi-needs was his social need for achievement. The book describes a need for achievement as “the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence.” (p. 175) This may be a competition with a task, competition with one’s self, or competition with another. Chuck shows a high need for achievement. He chose mostly difficult tasks instead of easy ones and was energized by the competition. Typically, the competition was against a task or his self; however, he did seem to use Wilson as a motivator for achievement, especially when trying to start a fire. He has many incentives that motivate his need for achievement. Incentives for starting the fire are that he will be warm, get cooked food, and get light. These drive him to try because he knows the consequence of achieving his goal will be worth it. Many times, he has a high expectation for success. He adapts a mastery orientation which leads him to choose more difficult tasks and a lot of the time, he increases his effort in the face of a difficult task. He did not give up many things when they became too difficult. According to Atkinson, he chose a mastery goal most of the time. Since he did not have anyone to show off to, besides Wilson, he mostly did things to develop competence, make progress, improve himself, and overcome difficulties with effort and persistence. He knew that if he wanted to survive, he would have to overcome whatever was thrown at him. In order to do this, his achievement goals were focused on becoming better at whatever it was he was doing. He was very much an incremental theorist and very rarely gave up on a task. Along with the book, the only time he gave up was when the task was very difficult and his skill level was not as high. He saw his tendency to fail was high and thus he was motivated to avoid the task.

One thing he struggled with was his ability to satisfy his need for affiliation and intimacy. This need did help motivate him to leave the island, because he strived to be with Kelly again. His actions with Wilson exemplified his attempt to satisfy this need. He did try to make sure that Wilson “liked” him. He treated him like he was a real person and would go out of his way to make sure that he was comfortable. When he threw Wilson, he had a fear of being rejected, so he went looking for him. He also tried to satisfy his need for intimacy. He would hold Wilson, talk to him, and “listen” to him. It was his one and only close relationship.

The last major theme that ran through this film was Chuck’s process of goal setting and goal striving. There were smaller examples throughout the film to exemplify this; however, the most important was his goal of getting off the island. He experienced a discrepancy when he was on the island. His present state was being on the island and his ideal state was being off the island back with Kelly. This discrepancy motivated and directed him to form a plan and goal to get off the island. Based on the chart on page 226 of our book, Chuck hit on every step of the effective goal-setting program. First he specified the objective to be accomplished; he wanted to be off the island. Second he defined the goal difficulty; he knew it would be pretty difficult. Third he clarified the goal specificity; he decided he needed to get off the island by making a raft and have it ready by a certain month. Fourth he specified the time span when performance will be assessed; he said specifically that he would have to have the raft done by spring because that is when the tide and wind changed. He also specified when he would have to have ropes done by and if he didn’t then he wouldn’t make it in time to leave. All of these steps were vital for goal-setting. As for goal-striving, he checked on goal acceptance; he accepted this goal as his. He discussed goal-attainment strategies; he talked to Wilson and discussed how he would go about getting off the island with a raft. He created implementation intentions; he decided when and where and how exactly he would begin building his raft. He knew how long it would take him to build the ropes, how many ropes he needed, what parts needed what, etc. He also said when he would leave on the raft in order to get away from the island successfully. He figured out what he would need to do if there were interruptions and how many ropes a day were needed. He fully had an implementation intention. Since he had all this figured out, he had a system to create performance feedback. He assessed how many ropes he had done by when and if he was on track. He had a hiccup where he needed more rope, but had figured out that he would use the rope he made to try to hang himself with. With all of these steps completed, his goal-setting program was effective. He left when he needed to and was able to get through the waves. Each step gave him positive feedback and thus a feeling a flow because he had overcome a difficult challenge. It made him want to keep going. If he had not created such a good program, he would not have probably gotten off the island or would have experienced problems that he was not prepared for. He had high self-efficacy which led him to be empowered to get off the island. All of these needs combined motivated and drove him to survive and get off the island back home.

Terms used: needs, psychological needs, social needs, physiological needs, drive, power, autonomy, competence, relatedness, thirst, hunger, deprivation, satiated, homeostasis, perceived locus of control, external perceived locus of control, motivation, discrepancy, flow, psychological drive, osmometric thirst, volumetric thirst, glucostatic hypothesis, short-term appetite, long-term energy balance, quasi-needs, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, mastery orientation, mastery goal, incremental theorist, goal setting, goal striving, implementation intention, goal difficulty, goal specificity, goal acceptance, goal-attainment strategies, performance feedback

The biggest concepts in the movie Cast Away are needs. Separated from society and from easy access to all things he needed, the movie becomes a film about one man's struggle to survive with limited resources to satisfy his physiological, psychological, social and (for this analysis I'm going to make another needs category a major one) quasi needs.
Physiological needs is a major concern in the film. When stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean, like Chuck was, a main concern is what will I eat and what can I drink? The first few days were the hardest for Chuck. His body had gone through a lot doing the crash, floating on the ocean to the island, and being in the hot sun. Eventually his body would start reacting to hunger and especially thirst. Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink. Since ocean water is out of the question because of the salt and other gross stuff in it (which it was awesome that he already knew that) he had to find other things to drink. He finds coconuts and after spending an incredible amount of time trying to open it he eventually drinks what little milk he can get out of the won he managed to open. In these first few days, he attempts to spear fish but since he has no prior skills in such fields that he is unsuccessful and his need for food and water begin to increase drastically. Because his body is sending up red flags, Chuck's incentive to spend a lot of time and energy finding food and water increases. He is seen drinking water from leaves and from puddles in a cave. He still keeps trying with the coconuts, even trying to eat its flesh as well as drink its milk, and he still hasn't given up on spearing a fish. His body needs substance to survive so its making his brain motivate him to do whatever it takes to eat. These crucial first weeks on the island have a large effect on Chuck. Its the point where his body understands that supply is limited and skill is lacking and motivates the brain to learn how and do whatever it takes to obtain drinkable water and food. However, after several years on the island, Chuck has these things down to a science. He can easily hunt and spear fish and we see him demonstrate this skill. He also has developed ways to get water via rain water. He no longer suffers from hunger and thirst because he has pushed himself to figure out ways to satisfy these needs with his limited resources. The need for sex is not played up in this movie (likely due to the fact that its suppose to be family friendly) but I feel there is some subtle reference to it being there and its apparent when Chuck talks about how beautiful Kelly is and how much he misses her and the frequency in which he looks at her picture. Maybe not sex per se but that strong physical attractiveness.
Up next is the role of psychological needs displayed in this film. Right away you see Chuck as someone with a high sense of competence. When it shows him doing his work for Fedex and how everything has to be done to the highest standard and everything has to be on time. They even make reference to him having stolen a child's bike in order to deliver a package. Chuck has to make sure he can do the job correctly and efficiently and this makes him feel good about himself. When Chuck first lands on the island he has a high need for competence because becoming competent at the vital skills necessary to survive is the only way he will live. He fails at a lot of things, but he never gives up. Then, the first time he spears a crab, when he finally starts a fire and when he eats his first cooked meal his need for competence is satisfied. He also satisfies his need for competence at the end of the film when he delivers that one package he had saved through his experience. Eventually, after being on the island for so long, Chuck develops a high need for relatedness. Because of this, he invents Wilson, a volleyball with a bloody hand print that looks like a face. Chuck talks to Wilson like he is a real person and has conversations with him as if Wilson is actually responding back. He carries Wilson with him everywhere he goes and talks out everything he does with him including getting in the occasional fight with Wilson. He resumes responsibility for Wilson's well-being and when Wilson falls off the raft and floats away, Chuck tries to save him but he cannot and losing Wilson was as painful for him as losing a real living friend. I decided to classify this relatedness because he has a strong need for a close, emotional friendship with someone and desired social interaction. When he returns from the island, he still has a high need for relatedness and has grown to be more affectionate towards people now that he knows what its like to have no one; at the beginning of the film he is very problem focused with his friend whose wife has cancer and at the end is is very emotion focused and offers him someone to be there for him. When it comes to autonomy, we don't see much outside what I would consider a normal need for autonomy. I see this as something we take for granted because (at least for me) it is so rarely challenged. He seems to be in control of his surroundings and doing well, but when he gets to the island, he has no control at all and this increases his need for autonomy and I'm not sure it was satisfied until his return to civilization.
Social needs are another need displayed in the film. When it shows him speaking to the Russian workers you see someone who has a high need for power. You can tell he is a man who enjoys being in control and powerful and shows this through his confidence. However, he also shows he has a low need for intimacy in the scene where him and Kelly are comparing schedules. They seem to have to try to fit each other in and if your need for intimacy was high it would be no contest. Going back to the fire and the spearing of the crab, these things also satisfy his need for achievement and also power. He felt he had a power over the situation as well that he had achieve a goal he had set out to make. However, on the hole, he has very little power. His need for power is so high and he has no way of controlling things around him that he considers suicide. He even makes a noose by a test run tells him it wouldn't have killed him. Even at the end he says “I have power over nothing” when describing the way he felt about the island.
Finally, quasi-needs. These are things he only needs until he gets them and that is that. He needs shelter (other than the raft) until he finds the cave, he needs medical attention for the cut on his leg, the cut on his hand, and the sore tooth (which he disgustingly removes with a ice skate and a rock. Guhhhh), and he needs light, warmth and a way to cook his food until he gets fire. These things I see as quasi needs because once he knocks that sore tooth out hes okay to go and once he finds that cave he no longer worries about shelter.
Physiological need, hunger, thirst, sex, psychological need, competence, relatedness, autonomy, social needs, power, intimacy, achievement, quasi needs.

Motivations are intangible thing to describe. It is something that we use every second throughout the day; however, we cannot see or feel. It drives us to do daily tasks and unconscious actions throughout the day in order to survive. Although, one may not be able to pinpoint a motive, we can view someone’s motivation in two ways through behavior and engagement. As we watch Chuck, we can see that through his behavior he is motivated to survive. He fights for his food, and eats quickly once he acquires the food. For instance, he stubbornly tries to break open the coconut. When he finally does, he viciously eats and consumes the contents. This shows his behavior was motivated by hunger. Engagement has four qualities that define it—behavior engagement, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement, and voice. In many instances, Chuck expressed all of these traits alluding that he was fully engaged in surviving. He was behavioral engaged by exerting ample effort and persistence to find food, shelter, and making a fire. Chuck took an interested in his life and making sure all his needs were met such as gathering food or finding a social contact to talk to like Wilson, showing he was emotionally engaged in survival. Cognitively, Chuck surveyed the land and constructed tools to get fish, rocks to cut seams, branches to use as ropes. He also strategized using his cerebral cortex to make a plan on when to have is boat constructed finished by planning when the best time was to sail on the ocean. He also took a great deal in participation, or voice. He spent many hours working on his boat, day after day to make sure it was built on time.
In this movie, Chuck experiences a great deal of internal motives in order to survive on the island. These motives give him the energy and give purpose to his behaviors to find the means to stay alive. One motive that is heavily stress is needs. Needs are necessary component of life and to maintain the wellbeing as an individual. Physiological needs are biological condition that the body experiences such as nutrient deprivation. The two main physiological needs articulated through the movie were hunger and thirst. Without satisfying these needs, a person can put themselves in great danger. In order for our body to know what we need, we experience a psychological drive alerting a person’s behavior on how to act to satisfy this need. Chuck went through various lengths to suppress these needs throughout the movie. Freud also called this the drive theory. This theory suggests that people have psychological needs that must to be met. When they aren’t met, their body is driven, or motivated, to satisfy those needs.
One of Chuck’s physiological needs experienced was thirst. He started to feel homeostasis, which is the bodies desire to be balanced or find equilibrium. He also experienced signals from hypothalamus telling him he needed to satisfy his biological need. He then turned to psychological drives to silence these needs. First, he started out by getting liquid out of the coconut. He worked diligently trying to crack the coconut with many different tactics such as slamming it on the rock and cutting it with the ice skate. In many instances, a person would have stopped after the first time it didn’t break and try to find something else. However, his deprivation, drive and biological signals were so strong that he was insistent in cracking open the coconut. Chuck also used many other tactics to accumulate water such as using the tarp to drain water off, and drinking out of a muddy puddle. Without that deprivation and need to satisfy his biological needs, Chuck wouldn’t have taken part in those actions.
Chuck also experiences this same thing with hunger. His drive to act upon his needs and satisfy his physiological needs led him to act in uncanny ways. In one instance, he caught a tiny fish and ate it without cooking it. In a normal situation, he would have cooked the food first, but his needs were so strong that his behavior reacted in eating the first thing he discovered. Another example was when he stabbed a live crab and broke open the leg to eat what was inside of it. In these situations, Chuck’s energy, blood glucose levels and calories were depleting which was sending a message to the hypothalamus to alert the body. By these messages being sent, we can see that the drive theory produced a drive to respond and satisfy these physiological needs.
Internal motives, needs, behavior, engagement, behavior engagement, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement, cerebral cortex, voice, physiological needs, hunger, thirst, drive theory, psychological drive, hypothalamus

I am not sure if it is too late to state this, but I was just reading through this and I wrote psychological needs instead of physiological needs. Please replace psychological with physiological. Thank you!

Never mind. Forget this message. I am so sorry!

Throughout the movie there were a large number of things that could have been pulled out and talked about. I have picked a few to pull out and talk about. The first one that I want to talk about is the scene where Chuck is first gets to the island. When he wakes up and looks around then he gets up and instinctively starts picking up the FedEx boxes. Why does Chuck go right back to his job? Research would tell us that it is probably because it has become his routine and that his body naturally does it now after the many years I’m sure he has done his job. Another thing that could be bearing down on the reason he is picking up these boxes he thinks that he will be rescued in a short period of time. At first this is the case with the boxes but as the movie progresses on things change. Now he starts to run low on his resources and he is forced to open the boxes even though it is against the code for his job. His need for what is in the boxes is motivated by his motivation to fulfill his physiological needs and his psychological drive to reach the physiological needs. He really needs more things to help with shelter, food, and water so that’s why he is opening them.
Another big one was the one box that he didn’t open. This box helped give him motivation to get off the island and be able to deliver that package. The box though was not the only thing pushing at this motivation. His girlfriend, Kelly, also helped him in that way. I know there was the part about the possible suicide but overall it got helped him through those four years on the island. The reason both the package and Kelly helped was it gave Chuck a social and emotional connection to the real world. It provided him the social needs he no longer had for the time being until Wilson can in later to help with those. They also helped to give him a goal to strive for and gave him a sort of sense of hope.
The next topic that was prevalent was the topic of thirst. There was a big issue with water at the beginning of the movie after he crashes. He has not had to deal with conserving water and has little idea where to get it at the beginning. Quickly though, he develops new ways to gather the water and conserve it. His homeostasis level is very high at the beginning and so the need for water at first is very urgent and he uses a lot of energy in order to fulfill that need. Gradually over the course of being on the island his intraorganismic mechanisms adjust to a lower level so because he can’t fulfill it as often and his body is naturally adjusting due to the negative feedback that the environment is giving the body.

Terms used:
Instinct, will, physiological needs, need, motivation, psychological drive, social needs, goal, thirst, intraorganismic mechanisms, homeostasis, negative feedback

In the movie cast away a central theme I saw was need. He has the need for two of our three biological needs; hunger and thirst. These needs are demonstrated as he tries to break a coconut open multiple times to get the coconut milk. He is also shown drinking from water puddles. As hunger begins to set in we see him create a spear to go fishing and him catching crabs. As we go through this movie his cognitions begin to change. He is in a stressful situation, and his cognitions transfer from "normal" to "abnormal'. He experiences many emotions as this movie shows. He has highs and lows. When our needs are fulfilled, we are satisfied, if these needs are not met our entire well being suffers. A different aspect of needs is his social need that he is unable to fulfill is the need for intimacy. He is stranded and all alone, and only has a picture of his girlfriend to get him through. You see him in many scenes just staring at the picture of her.
Psychologically, we see how relatedness plays into his life, when he finds the volleyball, and names him Wilson. Wilson played a huge role in his survival on the island because he was able to create a "friend" and hold "conversations" with Wilson. The next area psychologically affected is his competence. He is going from a world where anything you need is at your beck and call, on the island he has to come up with his own ways of surviving and getting food and supplies to survive. In the third area of psychological need is autonomy. Crashing onto an island, he is completely unaware of his surroundings and has no control over where he is. The longer he is stranded the higher his autonomy becomes. He learns survival skills and applies them to his life.

Terms: Needs, hunger, thirst, cognitions, emotions, intimacy, competence, autonomy

From the beginning of the movie “Cast Away” we notice constant changes in Chuck’s motivation. After the Fed Ex plane crashed into the ocean, there was a sudden shift in the environment. Our environment is full of unexpected changes all the time. Chuck quickly came to realize after the first few days of being stuck on this deserted island that his motivational state has shifted into a new direction. His motives were demanding he turn his attention to the problem of survival with limited resources. Chuck experienced many aversive situations trying to stay alive on the island. Some examples include: failing to open coconuts, struggling to obtain clean water, and the inability to spear fish. Chuck experienced many emotional changes, high anxiety symptoms, and threatening stimuli from stressors. Chuck chose the motivational approach pathway by staying strong and planning out ideas on how to overcome these unexpected obstacle changes in the environment. There was little Chuck could do to avoid the situation he was placed in, he had to fulfill his physiological needs.
In order to continue to stay alive, biological needs were created from lack of food and water. We are able to understand the drive theory through the first few nights of being stranded. Deficits within his body begin to set in, the need for water becomes greater and greater with each hour that passes. Chuck becomes goal oriented in the sense that he will not accept failure. He takes objects from the floating Fed Ex boxes and uses them as tools for his benefit. He used the blades from ice skates to help cut coconuts for water, and eventually used the tip as a spear for catching fish. After fulfilling these primary needs, Chuck’s drive is reduced from temporary satisfaction. However, it was a viscous cycle that was put on repeat for over four years. Being deprived of food and drink changed Chuck’s state in equilibrium and failing to maintain homeostasis. By being able to temporarily satisfy two physiological needs, his body was able to shift from an extremely deprived state back toward achieving homeostasis. To further expand on reasons for fulfilling physiological needs, it is important to understand the concept of thirst and intraorganismic mechanism signaling the importance of water consumption within two days. Being able to catch fish and eat crabs proved to be very essential in the movie. Chuck’s blood glucose level was vastly depleting which helps explain his lowered energy level. The consumption of food was partially responsible for his being able to climb up on the rocks to view the territory in the beginning, allow him the strength to create fire with wood, and build his raft from scratch. Sure he may have developed some muscle atrophy, but not to the point where he was unable to move.
The third physiological need Chuck experienced was sex. The pocket watch Kelly had given Chuck in the beginning of the movie as a Christmas present was the key to stimulating his needs. The picture of her inside the watch was significant because it provided a visual appearance of her which strongly encourages sex in the situation. Facial metrics tell us Chuck was attracted to the picture of her face which caused a sexual desire, one he was unable to accomplish. This may also relate to his psychological needs being neglected because of lack of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. In my opinion, the most obvious reason he was in deprived of psychological needs was when he made the volleyball into a person, Wilson, and communicated with it throughout the remainder of the movie.
Understanding people’s motivations for doing things can be extremely complicating. In Chuck’s case, envisioning yourself being stranded on an island and experiencing his drama is hard to imagine and understand the thoughts and processes he underwent. We can use the term “will” as the power behind his motivation. Decisions on whether to act on events describe will. Chuck acted on making a raft as his opportunity for being rescued. Free will is associated with the person’s choice. Chuck was intrinsically motivated for his own well-being.
The end of the movie is full of many cognitions and emotions. Chuck’s cognitions are finding Kelly to reunite with her where they left off. Kelly cognitively thought Chuck was still alive. She had hope in the situation that one day he would return, despite what others told her. Kelly was overstruck with emotion when she heard Chuck was still alive. She was unable to function properly, fainted, and even was unable to confront him in person at the airport. Chuck was emotionally distraught and yet motivated to go visit her at her house. His cognitions were being distorted by the events that had taken place while he was gone, but in the end he was motivated to find her and let her go with her family.
Terms: Motivation, behavior, emotion, motivational approach, drive theory, equilibrium, homeostasis, physiological needs, hunger, thirst, sex, will, intrinsic motivation, cognitions

When I really started to see motivated behavior was in the very beginning. Tom Hank’s character was all about time and schedule. Something that has probably gotten him to the position he had with FedEx . But I really started relating the material in the book after the plane crashed. Chuck showed the instinct fear to escape from the plane went down to avoid injury/death. That adrenaline rush helped him move faster and stay aware of his surroundings.

After he first got to the island, Chuck showed latency to what just happened to him the night before. He really stumbled around from exhaustion but besides searching the island there were not many other emotions displayed by his actions or facial expressions. Infect, Chuck even kept to the same flow he was used to before the crash. When he found FedEx boxes he collected them and kept them sorted. He did this a lot in the beginning of the movie for his job. It took a couple days but he soon started to get out of that flow of work and into the flow of what he needed to do to survive. It seemed to start when he first found the body of Albert Miller. The cultural norms he was used to told him to bury the body and mark who was buried there. Not an easy task since he was alone and had only his hands to work with but introjection took over. What showed he was starting to get out of his flow was that he took Albert’s shoes so he would have something to protect his own feet (survival instinct).

Besides being driven to walk on razor sharp rocks that cut his feel while he explored the island, Chuck was also driven by dopamine. The dopamine in his body rose after an extended period of time without sufficient food or water. Because of this drive he was seen trying to satisfy his thirst multiple times. To fulfill his needs for food and water, Chuck adapted to his surroundings. He learned how to get coconuts open through trial and error. When one method didn’t work he moved onto another until he figured out that a broken sharpened rock (tool) could do the job. He learned to use the materials that were available to him to fulfill his needs on the island.

Terms list: motivated behavior, instinct, latency, emotions, actions, facial expressions, flow, cultural norms, introjection, driven, dopamine, thirst, needs, adapted, learned.

As Cast Away is a story about a man who gets stranded on a desert island, it goes without saying that there can be much analysis of the psychological needs of said man. Every human has three basic physiological needs: thirst, hunger and sex. The first of these is obvious and often throughout the extent of Cast Away. The textbook defines thirst as the consciously experienced motivational state that readies the body to perform behaviors necessary to replenish a water deficit. In other words, a loss of water (2% actually), causes us to become thirsty which motivates us to find drink. Chuck, in the Cast Away, is on a plane that crashes in the middle of the ocean during a rainstorm and he floats to the island. The irony is that though he’s surrounded by water, he cannot find anything to drink. He cannot drink salt water, as the salt would absorb the liquids in his body. He cannot really drink the rain water as he has nothing to catch it in. Upon arriving on the island, Chuck begins to explore, looking for water (also food and shelter). He can’t find any pools or ponds or anything like that, so he has to get creative. He drinks some dew off the leaves, he cracks open coconuts, and eventually he even drinks from an absolutely disgusting puddle, one that made me almost sick just watching him drink. To add to the difficulty, Chuck is constantly cutting himself on rocks and coral, which causes him to lose even more water. There are a few reasons for this. The first is the dearth of extraorganismic mechanisms, or outside influences that would cause him to not drink from the puddle. There are no women around he could look piggish in front of, there is no one to tell him he looks stupid, there are no cultural boundaries. Without these, Chuck only relies on his intraorganismic mechanisms which are telling him he is low on water and needs to drink. The fact that he has not had any water is an intracellular deficit which causes osmometric thirst which, in turn, causes cellular dehydration. His sweating, bleeding, urinating and such cause extracellular deficits as he is getting rid of fluid not in the cells; this causes volumetric thirst. That, in turn, causes hypovolemia which is a lack of plasma in the blood. The only way to stop it (which is indirectly through drinking as you replenish intracellular fluid first and then it moves by osmosis to the extracellular fluid) is to drink water which causes hypervolemia. Chuck gradually gets worse until he develops a system for living. Also, his body learns to adjust to his current style of living which affects his thirst activation level (it probably takes a little more for it to happen) and his thirst satiety (it probably comes a bit sooner than before).

A similar thing happens with hunger. Chuck arrives on the island very hungry and then uses all the tools at his disposal (though, I will admit, I don’t understand why he didn’t open the boxes sooner, that seems like a no brainer). He lowers his standards for eating and tries to eat raw crab, but it drips everywhere. When he finally starts a fire, and his reaction to that is almost childlike in its gaiety and excitement. He is thrilled to finally have something more concrete to eat. It’s also interesting to see how the lack of extraorganismic mechanics causes him to eat enough to live only. Whereas back in the States he would eat for fun, eat with friends, eat others’ food to refrain from causing offence. This habit seems to remain even when Chuck returns to the state as at his welcome party, he lingers over the food. He just looks at it, probably wondering how people could eat so rich food and take it all for granted.

Aside from these two physiological needs, Chuck also reveals that he has a high intimacy need. As evidence by his creation and loyalty to Wilson, Chuck has a need for intimacy with people. He needs someone to talk to, to listen, to give advice (even though it’s just his conscience). This is also revealed by his devotion to Kelly. Every day he looks at her picture, and then upon returning to the States, he expresses the same devotion. His devotion is so high that he understands she cannot leave the family she has created for herself there. It’s obvious that he puts others’ before himself. His experience with the food and water though prepares him for this. He talks about how hard it was to keep finding drink and food, but he decided he needed to just keep breathing and that’s what he does with Kelly. He understands that he will just keep breathing; things may be difficult but life will go on.

Thirst, thirst activation, thirst satiety, hypovolemia, hypervolemia, extracellular and intracellular deficits, extraorganismic and intraorganismic mechanics, osmometric thirst, volumetric thirst, physiological need.

In the movie castaway, the main character Chuck is involved in a plane crash resulting with him stuck on small island in the middle of nowhere. The movie focuses on his needs and drives of physiological needs and drives psychological needs. Because he is in a stressful situation with little resources, he is highly motivated to find a way back to his home and safety.
For physiological needs, the movie concentrates on his hunger and thirst. Physiological needs happen when there are tissue and bloodstream deficits. While on the island Chuck becomes thirsty when his water volume decreases by about 2 percent. When we experience thirst is can be because either our intracellular or our extra cellular fluids. The human body would only last 2 days without a water supply so Chuck was highly motivated and goal-oriented to find and consume water. He found coconuts on the island that he cracked open and would drink along with drinking out of water puddles. Chuck was also in very hungry in the movie with a food supply of mainly fish and other sea animals. Hunger is much more complex than thirst. His decrease in his blood-glucose levels and his decrease in calories caused his body to alert the hypothalamus to drive him to eat food. This is when he began to kill fish and crab and eat the animals meat raw. Because he wasn’t eating normal amounts of food, his body started to take the from his stored fat cells to create energy and lowered his metabolism rate in order to make the food that he does eat last longer. When his hypothalamus sent messages to the brain that he was hungry or thirsty, it drove the feeling of hunger and thirst so he was driven satisfy that need. The body as a set point of homeostasis and is constantly trying to satisfy his levels of physiological needs.
There are 3 different types of psychological needs that include, autonomy, competence and relatedness. For autonomy, Chuck still needed to feel a small feeling of control since he had little control over his life on the island. This included his day to day routines and activities of catching food, finding coconuts and talking with his friend Wilson. Competence was a big one for trying different way to get off the island. Chucks competence guided him to construct a plan on getting off the island and back home as well as a basic plan of survival. He believed in himself enough to get him through the four years and trying different tactics for getting off the island even if he failed. The last psychological need is relatedness which is a want to form social bonds with others. This was hard for him on the island because he was the only survivor. He then found a volleyball that he called Wilson that was his only companion. When Wilson was lost at see he genuinely grieved for him. Wilson was his companion and the person he would talk to and share his emotions with. He also retrieved a picture of his girlfriend which he also bonded with as a hope to getting back to her.

Motivation, physiological needs, psychological needs, hunger, thirst, intracellular fluids, extra cellular fluids, blood-glucose, calories, hypothalamus, set point, homeostasis, autonomy, competence, relatedness, drive.

The character of Chuck Nolan in the movie Cast Away has escaped a plane crash with his life, but not much else. Of all of a human’s needs – Physiological, Psychological, and Social – his first priority is to get his needs for food, water, and shelter met. The very first thing they show him doing is turning his yellow raft into a shelter, and then creating the giant HELP message in the sand. He knows right off though that while being rescued is possible, it is not likely, and he is going to have to help himself! He doesn’t have to search far for the food, since the coconuts basically fall right into his lap. But what is most interesting about this scene is his determination and persistence. While his survival instincts motivated his behavior to crack open the coconuts, his persistence can be attributed to his unwavering sense of self-efficacy. He tried several methods of cracking the coconut, but all attempts failed repeatedly. Many, if not most, would have dropped to their knees and wept at how futile their efforts were, but Chuck refused to give up. He had both efficacy expectations and outcome expectations that he would figure out a way to succeed in order to survive. You could say that he had HOPE, and that that is what gave him the energy and direction for his efforts.

Through solving the problems associated with getting his physiological needs met, Chuck is able to address some of his psychological needs as well. Given that he is the only person on the island, he is certainly autonomous in that he doesn’t have to answer to anyone, but his autonomy is challenged by nature. In order to feel autonomous in this survival situation, he must feel as if he has a handle on the environment, not that he is at its mercy. He achieves this by creating shelter, fashioning tools, drinking murky water from a natural rock basin, gathering dew and rain water, using the salt water from the ocean to cleanse his wounds, and eating food that he would otherwise not eat (the minnow, crab, etc.). In this situation, autonomy and competence go hand-in-hand. Either you demonstrate competence and achieve autonomy, or you fail miserably and fall to the mercy of the island and the elements. There isn’t much middle ground.

Chuck’s social need for affiliation/intimacy was met through the creation of his friend Wilson. This has been by far the most talked about aspect of this movie since its release, and shows that humans have an innate need for social contact with others. Had Chuck not chosen this object to direct his thoughts, feelings, and ideas toward, he would have internalized them. While personifying Wilson seems like a sign of insanity, it actually may have kept him from going crazy! The first thing he says to Wilson is, “The air got to it!” when he realizes that the fire is starting because the stick he was using was serendipitously split down the middle. Here he had someone to both share his excitement with and to witness his achievements (another social need).

The scenes involving starting the fire also demonstrated a great deal of persistence, and may have also fed into Chuck’s social needs for achievement and power. Regardless of how many injuries he sustained from the sticks, how many failed attempts he had, how exhausted his arms became from trying, he was determined to conquer the challenge of getting the fire started, knowing that it was another way for him to possibly be rescued (not to mention cook some food). This same behavior feeds into his goal-setting processes, which ultimately was to survive until being rescued, and to return to the love of his life.

Chuck knew that he had two choices: die alone on that island or figure out a way to get back out to sea to be found and rescued. When he explained to Wilson that they had four months to build the raft, Chuck was establishing some long-term goals based on his sense of hope for getting out of there. His confidence in his knowledge and abilities and his desire to return home to what he knew and loved was enough for him to take control of his destiny.

Building the raft was his long-term goal (to be completed by the time the trade winds shifted in four months), and the short-term goals included making the ropes, gathering the trees and limbs, and testing it out (for feedback on its effectiveness). In the meantime, Chuck was considering using the ropes he was making for another purpose entirely. He was preparing for the first option, to die alone on the island by choice. As he explained to his friend at the end of the movie, he had lost hope and felt that killing himself was the only real power he had in the face of this descending helplessness. It was his choice to live or die, but when he tried it and it didn’t work, he knew there was a reason that he had to do all he could to try to stay alive.

Sadly, in the end, he finds himself again in a survival situation having lost the love of his life – the one who gave him hope for all those years he spent alone on the island. The silver lining is that the hope inside him is still alive, and as he tells his friend, “Who knows what the tide could bring tomorrow?”

TERMS: physiological needs, psychological needs, social needs, determination, persistence, behavior, survival instincts, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, hope, autonomy, goal-setting processes, long-term goals, short-term goals, control, power, helplessness, motivation, self-efficacy, competence, affiliation/intimacy, achievement, feedback

In the movie Castaway, there were a great number of different concepts that we have recently gone over in class and in the text. This whole movie really encompasses what we’ve all gone over almost. How that there are a great number of different kinds of needs a human has to fulfill in order to survive; psychological, psychological, and social needs. These categories repeatedly show up throughout the movie as we fallow Chuck through his time being stranded on that island.

Physiological needs are pretty basic, but are highly necessary; they are the biological needs that a human body needs to survive. The fulfillment of thirst, hunger and sex are the basic necessities of life. Chuck fulfills thirst with finding water were he can, on leaves, eventually finds coconut milk, which was a struggle to get to but with his motivation of thirst he got the job done. As for hunger, he feels hunger rather soon. So hungry that he caught whatever he could and was forced to eat it raw, if he kept it down or not that’s a different question that was never answered. But through its all, there was a process of learning to survive with what he had and honing those skills to better survive. The need for sex wasn’t so easily for filled with him being the only human on the island, it was a lesser need to fill and he managed.

Psychological needs promote a willingness to seek out and to engage in an environment that we expect will be able to nurture our psychological needs. In this category of needs that a human has to have in order to survive is autonomy, competence and relatedness. Autonomy, the need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement, meaning our choices and what influences them. Chuck had many choices; he could decide to live or decide to die. He even contemplated this when trying to hang himself off the cliff. Rather than just doing it from the get go, he tested the branch and broke under the weight of the log. From there he chose to survive for the next four years. Competence is the need to be effective in interacting with one’s environment and using ones skills to master challenges. I don’t’ think there is a better example of Chuck’s mastery over skills and environment then when he created fire. Doing it in a very primitive way with nothing but friction, by having that fire it made his survival that much easier. So it was no surprise that his competence went through the roof right then. The other psychological need is relatedness. The need to establish close emotional bonds and attachments with other people; creating emotional connection with warm relationships. It was quiet clear that Chuck needed that establishment of relatedness motivation when he created Wilson. A simple bloody handprint on a ball that soon had a face became Chuck’s one companion. Talking with him for so long that when he lost him in the ocean there was a clear sense of loss there. When he was back in America, still missing that relatedness with people, he got himself a volleyball. What he did with it in the end though I don’t know. But there was a need for a connection there that Wilson fulfilled.

Then there’s the social needs, an acquired psychological process that grows out of one’s socialization history that activates emotional responses to particular needs. They are achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. The real focus on these needs that were fulfilled on Chuck’s part was the achievement; he did that continuously with achieving hunting and gathering skills; finding shelter and making fire. Surviving on that island for four years was an achievement in itself, all becomes there was an underlying need for intimacy that motivated him. Kelly his wife, was that target of intimacy…the idea and hope of one day seeing her again kept him alive and surviving, even when he may no longer think of it consciously it was there. To later learn that intimacy was taken from him when he realized she had married again and even had a daughter. He still after that knowledge was very happy to have Kelly there with him on that island. Had he not had that need for intimacy or her picture right there to stare at every day, things may have turned out different; course then there wouldn’t have been a movie.

This movie really shows what a person can do with fully motivated to do something. To just survive under the circumstances that were given to Chuck did, and be rescued later because he tried. Makes one appreciated what they have today in their life a bit more.

Terms: social needs, psychological needs, physiological needs, autonomy, competence, achievement, intimacy, relatedness, motivation, power, affiliation

The movie Cast Away displayed many of the concepts we have been discussing in this course. It was clear to see that Chuck had many motivators and emotions throughout the movie. At some points in the movie he was externally motivated and at some points he was internally motivated. His internal motivation took a front row seat throughout most of the movie. Chucks internal motivators were those of need, cognitions, emotion. When the plane first crashed into the water, Chuck needed oxygen for the maintenance of life and he needed to find some kind of land to avoid the danger of the sea. When he engaged his life raft he expected it to inflate and believed it would work, it actually got hung up for a bit before it got out of the plane. He reacted according to the events that were going on around him. He had feelings of fear and his body physiologically prepared itself for what was currently going on at that moment the plane was going down. He knew he had to get out of the sinking plane or he was going to die.
Freud’s and Hull’s Drive theories can be applied to much of the movie. When he finds the cocoanuts on the island he is trying and trying to break them open. He throws them against a rock, hits them with a rock and eventually cuts them open with an ice skate blade that was in a FedEx box. He is persistent for a long period of time and because of that he succeeded. His behavior was totally motivated for the purpose of opening the cocoanut to satisfy the need of thirst. He also had total bodily needs for what he was deficient in. In another scene he collected water from leaves to keep hydrated and satisfy thirst, he created a spear and speared a crab for nourishment, and he found a cave to sleep in away from the wind and rain.
Throughout Chuck’s time on the island his brain generated appetites, needs, desires, and the full spectrum of emotions. When Chuck was finally able to make fire despite cutting his hand he was very excited. He made a large fire on the beach, danced around, and sang. His hypothalamus/medial forebrain bundle stimulated the endocrine system which stimulated the pituitary gland to release a hormone dopamine which generates good feelings. He had achieved his short term goal of making fire and was clearly happy about it. He also kept the picture of Kelly close by and would often look at it, that made him happy and I would think dopamine would have been released. In the process of making fire, when he cut his hand there was a point where he was very frustrated. He yelled, screamed, knocked things over, threw the volleyball that later became his friend “Wilson”. Cortisol the stress hormone was most likely released in response to that event. Later on in the movie when he talked about how he wanted to kill himself cortisol may also have been released. He felt there was no way off that island and that he would die alone. He stated “I had power over nothing; I couldn’t even kill myself the way I wanted.” Which was by hanging himself off a tree that was growing out of the side of a high ledge, he tested first and the tree limb broke. He had tried to get off the island in the raft earlier and had no luck. Instead he got banged up and was injured by some rock and coral. He had made the letters “HELP” in sand and in logs and that didn’t work. I would think there would have been a lot of cortisol released during those times. Once he made a friend in Wilson, he treated him as if he was a real person. He had conversations with him, took him places, got mad at him one night in the cave area threw him out, and then frantically went looking for him and stated that he was sorry. I would think that oxytocin the tend-and-befriend stress hormone would have been released when you consider Chuck and Wilson’s relationship.
Needs were a trend throughout the movie. Chuck had physiological needs like thirst and hunger. There was one point where he drank water from a puddle in the cave. When he was hungry ghrelin was released by the stomach which created the experience of hunger. When he first arrived he tried making fishing net out of the tool from a dress in the FedEx package and caught a very small fish to satisfy hunger. When he had been on the island a while he speared a large fish and ate it raw. The movie to me never portrayed a need for sex while he was on the island but he longed for Kelly, he missed her and very much wanted to get back to her. Chuck showed the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Chuck had to have a lot of autonomy on that island, he had to learn how to fish, open cocoanuts, build a raft, learn the pattern of the ocean in response to the seasons. He figured out his position in miles in response to where everyone thought the plane went down. He did fail when he initially went out in the raft, but he learned from that and built one himself. By living on that island for 4 years he became competent in how he could get out of there. When he created Wilson there was some relatedness there, he was his friend that he had made due to a bloody hand print. He also kept Kelly’s picture the entire time, in many ways that motivated him to stay alive, the social need of intimacy. When Chuck had figured out how to get off the island, he was very strategic in doing so. He had calculated how many logs and how many strands of bark for rope that he would need for the raft. He would use the half a porta-potty wall as a sail. He figured out when the tide would be right and how to get over those huge waves. The social need of achievement happened when he made it off the island and out to sea. He had used a lot of autonomy and competence to get off that island in hopes of finding relatedness with actual people.
Terms: Internal motivation, external motivation, need, cognitions, emotion, hypothalamus/medial forebrain bundle, pituitary gland, dopamine, cortisol, oxytocin, Drive Theory, physiological needs, psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, intimacy, achievement.

First I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed watching Cast Away it is a great movie and Tom Hanks is a very believable actor. It was entertaining and thought provoking, and it is a perfect reflection of some of the principles and concepts described in the text book. In this movie, Chuck’s (Played by Tom Hanks) motivation is driven by internal and external motives. He is very intensely driven by needs, but he is also driven by cognitions and emotions throughout the film.
In the beginning, we see Chuck at the head of a FedEx company somewhere in Russia. At this point in the film, all of his basic needs are easily met and his motivation is not as much need-oriented as it is cognitively and emotionally. The director shows us that he has an obsession with time. Everything in his life revolves around it and he pushes it especially hard on his employees. Early in the movie he has a high degree of Extrinsic Motivation. He is trying to keep his part of the FedEx company up to par so that he gets praised, earns trust, gets benefits, etc etc. Of course all of that leads back to his motivation to keep his job, which leads back to getting a paycheck, which leads back to paying for and maintaining basic necessities. But anyway, beyond his motivation to keep his FedEx warehouse running smoothly he has a great motivation to get home to America (specifically Memphis) so that he can see his serious girlfriend. This represents his Social Need of Affiliation. He has a strong need for “establishing or maintaining a positive affective relationship” with her and will do just about anything to get home to see her. We see throughout the beginning of the movie that he is constantly looking at the time and in one scene we see both Chuck and Kelly (serious girlfriend) going through their schedules desperately trying to match up times for them to be together. This scene is creatively put inside a bigger scene of thanksgiving dinner where Chuck and Kelly enjoy a FEAST to behold, kind of setting up a comparison for what is to come later.
Chuck’s Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivations eventually pull him away from the dinner and back on a flight so that he can get back to the warehouse. The couple then shares an unsatisfying goodbye before he departs. At this point, Kelly gives him a locket with her picture in it which would become a key item for Chuck when disaster strikes.
Chuck boards the plane back to Russia and goes to sleep only to awaken to trouble in the sky. Probably to satisfy something related to his perceived sense of control, he goes into the cockpit to speak with the pilot so that he can know what’s going on. The pilot informs Chuck of the dilemma and Chuck returns to his seat. Moments later the plane careens downward into the ocean killing most of the crew. Chuck however, manages to escape onto a lifeboat and drifts in the ocean until he washes up on a remote island in the middle of nowhere.
THIS is where the major aspects of the textbook, especially chapter 4, come into play.
Chuck begins to realize his physiological needs more now than at any point before in his entire life. To redefine a need, it is “any condition within a person that is essential and necessary for life, growth, and well-being.” When Chuck first wakes up after landing on the island, he realizes his need for water or “thirst”. Water is a chemical substance that makes up a majority of the human body. A brain structure known as the hypothalamus is in charge of the body’s need for water and it monitors how much water is in the body constantly. When the hypothalamus decides there is not enough water in the body it creates the psychological experience of thirst. Similarly, when the body does not receive food for an extended period of time, a bodily structure (the stomach) detects the depletion of nutrients and secretes a hormone (ghrelin). When the hypothalamus detects increases in this hormone, it creates the psychological experience of hunger. Chuck desperately tries to satisfy his need of hunger by eating the insides of coconuts at first. He eventually adapts to the situation and his mind focuses entirely on his needs. Because of this “hyperfocus” on needs his brain can find the optimal ways to replenish nutrients mostly based on practice and repetition. Eventually, he can fish with ease and starts fire with little difficulty. As for water, he collects fresh water from rain using leaves.
The movie cast away shows lots of examples of needs and it’s really cool that I feel like I can recognize the concepts in the textbook in the film.

Extrinsic Motivation
Social Need
perceived sense of control
physiological needs

The movie Cast Away had many great examples of motivation and needs. The main character, Chuck, is stranded on an island where he has nothing but a few FedEx boxes full of random things to keep him alive. His whole adult life, Chuck has lived in a world where he has been able to control what happens in his environment and now in a flash, he has no control over the environment he is in.
Satisfying his physiological needs was the first thing that Chuck was motivated to do in order to survive. Normally, he did not have to think about how he was going to find water to drink or food to eat, but once he got stranded on an island it was something he had to consider. Once he was stuck out in the middle of an island by himself, he had to find the drive within him to learn and accomplish new things. Chuck had to learn how to break open a coconut carefully in order to receive the juices from it. He had to learn how to catch fish and which type of fish were the best to catch in order to eat. Chuck also had to learn how to make fire and shelter for himself. These things were not easy. Chuck had to be motivated to try and try again until he succeeded because more than anything, Chuck was motivated to make it back home to his fiancée Kelly.
Chuck was also driven to satisfy his psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. When Chuck first got to the island he felt as if he had no autonomy. In fact, he felt that he had so little control over the environment that he was in that he tried to kill himself. When his suicide was not a success, he decided that it was time that he took control over his environment. That is what drove him to learn to about the island he was on in order to survive. Chuck was definitely felt competent in his life on the island because every day was a struggle for survival, but then ever day he knew he could make it and in the end he did. Wilson, the volleyball, filled Chuck’s need for relatedness. When Chuck was at his lowest point, it was Wilson that brought him through. He would talk to the volleyball as if it was a real person, helping him figure out what to do. Wilson helped Chuck stay motivated to doing what he had to do in order to get off of the island.
I would say that the social need for intimacy was Chuck’s number one motivation for getting off the island alive. Chuck was in love and wanted to spend the rest of his life with his fiancée Kelly. When the plane was crashing down, Chuck unbuckled his seatbelt in order to get the pocket-watch with Kelly’s picture in it that had fallen on the floor. Kelly’s picture/pocket-watch stayed with Chuck throughout the 4 years he was stranded on the island. Every time Chuck felt like he wouldn’t be able to make it through, he look at Kelly’s picture and that was enough motivation to strive to live.
All of these needs were driven by an external motivation and that would be the reward of going home. Chuck did not choose learn to live in the middle of an island by himself nor did he enjoy it, but the reward of going home to be with his family and friends in the end was well worth the effort.

Terms Used: physiological needs, hunger, thirst, motivation, external motivation, rewards, psychological needs, autonomy, competence, relatedness, intimacy, drive

The movie "Cast Away" is a good representation of the types of needs that exist within an individual: social, psychological, and physiological. Chuck displayed various needs as he was stranded on the island fighting to survive. In addition, different areas of Chuck's brain were highly activated in order to help him adapt to the new and changing environment he was faced with after the crash. For instance, the amygdala deals with fear and anxiety. When Chuck came to a realization that he was stranded on the island this area of his brain would have been highly activated. Also, this movie displayed largely the psychological need of autonomy because Chuck was largely independent being stuck alone on the island and had extreme freedom when it came to his own well being, and survival.

Various examples of the social need of achievement were displayed in this movie by Chuck. First, Chuck needed to satisfy his physiological need for thirst. By satisfying this need, he tried to break a coconut and eventually ended up having to saw open the coconut with a rock. This example also depicts the psychological term of "drive" because he was determined to achieve this to satisfy his physiological need. Second, an example of achievement is when Chuck is trying to build a fire, and he achieves. This also represents a sense of "power" that Chuck achieved after completing this difficult task. Chuck almost brags about building the fire, or wants some sort of recognition by talking to Wilson and saying "I made a fire Wilson." Lastly, a sense of achievement that Chuck felt is when he built his boat out of sticks and is paddling over the ocean waves and gets found by a large ship. This also represents drive because he was determined and motivated to make it back home. It could also be suggested that Kelly his girlfriend was an incentive for him getting back home. Kelly was the love of his life, and he knew that if he worked hard enough and planned out his escape from the island that he would then be rewarded with seeing her face again. Therefore, his drive was extremely strong to fulfill his intimacy need and affiliation needs which had been deprived while he was on the island.

An example of the psychological need relatedness is when Chuck is communicating with Wilson at the fire and is discussing his location and how "they" may never be found. He turned an object into a relationship because he was trying to fill the void of social contact that he had been lacking since he was stranded on the island. Wilson became a best friend to him, and he developed strong emotions and cared about Wilson's well being. The strong bond between them which emphasizes relatedness can be seen when Chuck wakes up on his boat and realizes that Wilson is gone and is floating away in the water. He tries to retrieve Wilson but ends up losing him and that need of relatedness.

An example in the movie of Chuck's physiological need for hunger is when he is trying to spear fish and crabs. His need for hunger eventually takes over when he is forced to satisfy his appetite by eating a tiny fish that tasted awful.

Chuck depicted his need for intimacy when he is the cave getting ready to knock out his tooth with the ice skate and rock. Chuck begins drawing Kelly's face on the cave and starts talking to Wilson about how beautiful she is in person. You see Chuck admiring her picture in the watch while he is in the cave which shows that he is missing the intimate moments that he once shared with Kelly. Therefore, it goes back to previously mentioned how Kelly is an incentive for Chuck to get back home. When Chuck is reunited with Kelly positive feelings and a state of pleasure all of the sudden come back which is associated with the dopamine release. Another example of dopamine release, is when Chuck finds Wilson by some rocks after getting mad at him and punching him into the ocean. He is apologizing and presented with a state of pleasure knowing that his buddy Wilson is still there.

Examples of times when Chuck experiences stress or has a cortisol release are depicted various times throughout the movie. First, when Chuck is having difficulties making the fire. Second, when Chuck is trying to paddle his way through the ocean waves on the life raft from the plan and it gets destroyed. Lastly, when Chuck is trying to open the coconuts and is having complications because he is trying to satisfy his need for thirst. In addition, accomplishing these tasks such as building a fire provided a sense of competence for Chuck which is a psychological need.

Terms used: needs, autonomy, relatedness, cortisol, dopamine, power, psychological needs, social needs, physiological needs, incentives, hunger, thirst, affiliation, competence and drive

The movie Cast Away shows many great examples of concepts learned in class and in the book. A few of these include behavior, motivation, and physiological and psychological needs. In the movie, the main character, Chuck, gets stranded on an island which causes him to behave in many different ways because of internal and external motivations mostly involving his needs for food, water, shelter, and relationships.

Because Chuck is so shocked and confused when he first gets to the island, he doesn’t feel the urge or drive for eating, drinking, or other normal day activities because the main thing he has been worried about it surviving the crash period. After a while, Chuck’s physiological needs came into play. He started to feel extreme hunger but didn’t have anything around to eat or drink. Eventually he found coconuts which he knew would have a little but to eat and drink. Because of the physiological needs to eat and drink, he spent a long time working very hard to open the coconut. Eventually, the coconuts just aren’t enough for him and his need for real food set in. He was driven to catch crab which would be a lot more tasty and nutritious. He was motivated to work very hard at jumping at and plunging into crab with a stick. After finally doing so, he caught one but was grossed out by the raw crab which motivated him to make a fire so he could be satisfied with real cooked food. He had intrinsic motivation to eat good food and feel competent that he did something worthwhile, so he worked extremely hard to make fire even until he stabbed his hand and it bled all over. When he finally created fire, he danced all over and yelled and sung. This was because his need for competence was fulfilled and he could eat good food.

Another need Chuck was deprived of at first was the need for relationships. Chuck looked at Kelly’s photo over and over trying to imagine she was actually there because he needed someone to feel close to. When this wasn’t enough, he actually made a “friend” out of a ball by drawing a face on it and talking to it like it was a real person. This was the best thing he could do to satisfy his need for relationships. When his “friend, Wilson” floated away, Chuck cried and screamed for a while because Wilson was all he had and Chuck had actually become very close with him. His need for a friend was gone again.

Another example of a psychological need Chuck has was the need for autonomy. The only thing that Chuck was seemingly able to control was how he died. He was motivated to try to hang himself just so that he could have a little autonomy in his life. But, when he tested his technique, the branch broke and his idea was unsuccessful. It’s crazy how a person’s need for autonomy could actually lead them to try to commit suicide just for a little control!

Chuck tried to figure out ways to get off of the island because he was almost going crazy with his needs not being met. He was driven to risk his own life by drifting out to sea to try to find help. The first time he did so, he was flipped off of his raft and injured badly by coral on the ocean bottom. He had a goal to come up with a better raft that would let him get over the waves. Because he had a goal, he was personally driven to prove to himself that he was competent and could escape if he tried hard enough. Eventually, he actually did get past the huge waves and made it to a ship which brought him home. If he wouldn’t have set goals to not die on the island, he probably wouldn’t have made it home, but he was determined.

Overall, Chuck was mostly internally motivated to survive and try to get home. I feel that most of this internal motivation comes from his love for his girlfriend and wanting to be with her again. Because there wasn’t much externally around him, he couldn’t be externally motivated much except for when he opened packages and came up with ideas for how to use those items. But, most of his motivation came internally to not die on the island and to be with Kelly again.

Needs, internal motivation, external motivation, drive, competence, autonomy, physiological needs, psychological needs, thirst, hunger, relationships, determination, goals

Cast away clearly depicts the three main types of needs that we learned about in chapter 4, physiological needs, psychological needs, and social needs. These needs are generally easy to satisfy in normal American society, but in Chuck’s situation where he’s stuck on the island, the needs are not as easily met and therefore motivation to satisfy the needs become much stronger.

Physiological needs are the most basic human needs of thirst, hunger, and sex that arise from our biological systems. Before the plane crash it was easy for Chuck to maintain his natural state of homeostasis, but once he is stuck alone on the island his intense need for food and water greatly increase and disrupt this motivating him to satisfy those needs. When we talked about thirst in class we discussed that we are often thirsty, but not thirsty enough to drink warm water or dirty water. Then if we don’t satisfy our thirst for long enough we’ll become motivated enough to drink the warm water and if it becomes too long we’ll resort to drinking whatever we can. This was clear in the movie when Chuck’s need of thirst becomes so great that we see him determined to open the coconuts and spent so much energy getting them open. We also see chuck struggle with finding food and put in a great deal of effort fishing to get food to also satisfy his intense need of hunger.

Psychological and social needs don’t rise and fall in the same cycles that physiological needs do. Instead they are constantly present in our consciousness and take the backseat when physiological needs are not being met. This is why when Chuck is first stuck on the island he is centrally focused on satisfying his physiological needs. Once he finds food and water he is able to work on satisfying his psychological and social needs. Psychological needs are autonomy, competence and relatedness and naturally exist in human nature. Out of these I clearly saw the need for relatedness in this movie. We need people to interact with and relate to, and when this need becomes so intense Chuck goes searching for other ways to meet the need of relatedness. This is where Wilson comes in. The ball that ends up with the bloody face becomes Chuck’s only friend and really only source of relatedness. We see how strong chuck’s need for Wilson is towards the end of the movie when Wilson falls off the raft and floats away. Chuck becomes devastated because Wilson was his friend throughout all of the hardship Chuck had gone through on the island and now he has lost him.

Social needs arise from our unique personal experience and include achievement, affiliation, intimacy and power. Being stuck alone on an island greatly enhanced Chuck’s motivation to satisfy his social needs because he was completely deprived of social interaction, except for the tiny level of social interaction he felt he got from Wilson. Kelly is the social interaction that Chuck strives to have and is most motivated to receive. We can see his desire for intimacy every day he’s there when he looks at her photo. The memory of Kelly and the happiness surrounding the intimacy he had with motivates him daily to work harder towards survival and escaping that island so that he can satisfy that need for intimacy.

Terms: physiological needs, psychological needs, social needs, homeostasis, relatedness, autonomy, competence, intimacy, achievement, affiliation

Cast Away captured the concept that motivation is always changing, motivation has varying levels, and people can have a variety of motives at a certain point in time. Chuck is the main character is the movie that is involved in a plane crash. The accident left Chuck alone on an island.
Several brain based motivation processes were present in the movie. Initially during the plane crash, Chuck’s adrenal glands would have released epinephrine and norepinephrine, triggering his fight/flight response. The crash would have also involved Chuck’s sympathetic nervous system, accelerating his general arousal and alertness. The crash would have caused stimulation to the amygdale causing a feeling of fear. On the Island, Chuck’s hypothalamus regulated his motivations for hunger, sex, and thirst. Dopamine was released in Chuck’s brain after he took appropriate action to secure homeostasis. Chuck’s orbitofrontal cortex would be involved in considering his options to maintain homeostasis.
- The movie showed many great examples portraying needs. When needs are nurtured/satisfied, life, growth, and well being are maintained or enhanced. The three types of needs present in the movie are Physiological, Social, and Psychological. Physiological needs include thirst, hunger, and sex. According to the drive theory, physiological deprivations create biological needs. If the need continues to be unsatisfied, the biological deprivation increases and occupy’s attention and generates drive. Drive energizes and directs our behaviors toward satisfying the biological need. Physiological needs in Cast Away included thirst and hunger. After being deprived of water, Chuck became extremely motivated to satisfy his physiological need. Chuck’s motivation was expressed in the movie when he used what tools and knowledge he had to open up coconuts or when he drank rain water from a leaf. Chuck’s drive to satisfy his need for hunger was expressed when he went fishing. Food deprivation would have caused the release of Grehlin, causing Chuck to feel hungry. Psychological needs were also present in Cast Away. One type of social need is autonomy. Chuck showed autonomy when he worked on building a raft by determining which materials he would make the raft with and when he would work on building the raft. Building a raft would allow Chuck to accomplish his goal of going back home. Competence is another type of a psychological need. Competence is the desire to interact effectively with the environment. An example of competence is when chuck rubbed sticks together to create a fire, used sticks to create shelter, or when he created the raft. Another need present in the movie was social need, including achievement, intimacy, and relatedness. Relatedness is the desire for social interaction. Chuck’s desire for relatedness was shown throughout the movie in his conversations with Wilson. Chuck became devastated when Wilson fell off the raft and rescued Wilson, displaying Chuck’s intense need for relatedness. Intimacy was another social need that was displayed in the movie. The picture of Chuck’s wife reminded him of his warm and secure relationship, which served as motivation for him to work toward getting back home.

Terms: adrenal glands, epinephrine, norepenephrine, sympathetic nervous system, dopamine, amygdale, hypothalamus, orbitofrontal cortex, social needs, psychological needs, physiological needs, competence, achievement, intimacy, relatedness, autonomy, drive theory

This movie provides many terrific examples of the three main needs discussed at the beginning of the year; physiological, social, and psychological. As a man stranded on an island for an extended period of time he realizes how difficult it can be for a person to satisfy all of their needs without any help. The most obvious needs he with struggles at first are the physiological. He has taken for granted everyday things like food and fresh water and now has to struggle mightily simply to eat or drink safely. He is prone to latency and lacks persistence. This could be because he is experiencing an external locus of control and therefore feels as if no matter what he does the outcome of his actions will be purely up to chance. This continues for a while until he finds coconuts. Once he manages to crack some of them open he not only feels more in control but also has satisfied some of his physiological needs such as thirst and maybe even hunger a bit because of the calories in the milk. Over time his physiological needs lead him to become more and more masterful of his environment. He creates tools and shelter. He needs to eat so he spears a crab. Because he cannot eat the crab raw he attempts to make fire. At this point it is obvious that he is beginning to feel slightly more in control (less externally controlled) but still mostly external. He tries for a while to make fire but his attempts prove fruitless. After cutting his hand on the stick he gives up. I believe it is around this point in the movie that his physiological needs are no longer primary because Wilson is created. Wilson plays a major part in satisfying Chuck’s social needs. With no one around to communicate with Chuck improvises. After Wilson is “born” Chuck shows the motivation to attempt fire once again. With another “person” by his side he feels more in control and is able to think better. He is again becoming more internally controlled. With every step that Chuck takes to become more in control of his environment he begins to be able to divert more energy to other needs.

After the time lapse Chuck feels completely in control of his environment. He has enough experience in the tasks he performs that he enters a state of flow. This allows him to perform optimally and leaves more time for other activities. When the camera pans around the places that he has been living it is obvious that he has experienced some type of mastery over his physiological needs because he has taken to other things like painting, building various sculptures around his “campsite”, and has even made himself a calendar to keep track of the time he has been on the island.

Another major component is Chuck’s need for relatedness. When he wakes up after the crash on the island the first thing he does is call out in the hopes that there is someone else on the island. Even when nobody answers he believes that the sound made by coconuts falling could be people. Most of the movie he is looking at the picture his girlfriend gave him and even talks to it occasionally. He creates a partner very soon after arriving so that he doesn’t have to be alone. Wilson provides Chuck a way to feel as if he has somebody to share his experience with and when he loses Wilson he goes to extreme lengths to attempt to save him. For a brief moment Chuck lets go of the rope he has made which is lashed to his raft in an attempt to save Wilson. He shows that relatedness to him is, at that point, almost worth dying for.

The movie also starts with an example of Chuck’s need for power. He is a high level administrative FedEx employee whose need for power can be seen in the way that he interacts with his Russian employees. He is not concerned with whether or not they like him, only whether or not the job is done on time. He identifies himself as a FedEx man so much that one of the first things he does after the crash is go around and being to pick up all of the packages he finds and even sorts them when he gets back to his homemade tent.

Terms: physiological needs, social needs, psychological needs, relatedness, need for power, internal locus of control, external locus of control, mastery, flow

the movie Cast Away definitely revolved around needs. being secluded from society for an extended period of time,you definitely saw his will to survive, you saw his instincts kick in, and his drive. if you recall these are components of the Grand Theory which sees to explain the full range of motivated actions.

we saw his will to survive in various scenes. for example staying alive for four years on a deserted island. or an even better example of will was his tenacity to get off the island. he did everything he could to prepare for his voyage off the island. he kept record of tide patterns, along with wind patterns. the will he had to stay alive and get back to kelly was intense.
almost instantly we saw his instincts kick in, if not by making shelter, finding food, making fire. we saw various hormones being portrayed such as testosterone when out on the raft trying to escape the island and oxytocin which is the bonding hormone such seen when he made wilson a volleyball into his companion, someone who was also there experiencing what he was experiencing, someone to talk to.
drive the servicing of bodily needs. such as making shelter to keep him safe from anything that may have been on the island. acquiring food and water to keep himself alive. and when the coconuts weren't cutting it he started using his environment to make a spear to catch fish, using wood to make fire thus enabling him to cook food and nourish himself. and also a good example his record keeping of wind and ride patterns so that he could be able to successfully leave the island.

will, instincts, drive, grand theory, internal motives, hormones: testosterone, oxytocin dopamine,

Since I had seen it once before, reviewing the film Cast Away through a psychological lens instantly made me think of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. Our readings do not follow Maslow’s model strictly, so I will refer to it as a framework throughout. The most basic human needs are physiological (found in Chapter 4), and then we advance toward psychological needs, which are largely discussed in Chapter 6. As we can see from the exposition, Chuck has a great life that provides for his needs of love & belonging, esteem, and self-actualization – the top three tiers of Maslow’s hierarchy. This is shown by the respect his family and peers have for him and his ability to solve problems and achieve goals in both his job at Federal Express and his relationship with his girlfriend, Kelly.

However, once his plane crash-lands in the Pacific Ocean, Chuck’s world is turned upside down and his needs are back to square one. This is made apparent by the deficiencies he instantly begins to address after washing ashore on a deserted island. In order to maintain his well-being, he first attempts to address his body’s immediate physiological needs of hunger and thirst. After floating on a raft for an indeterminate period of time, we can assume Chuck was severely dehydrated, so he searches for a source of liquid by which he can sate this desire and return his body to homeostasis. He comes across a coconut tree and soon learns to get at the milk inside. We later see that he is clever enough to use the empty coconuts as makeshift canteens in which he can store rainwater. We see a similar increased efficiency in his ability to acquire and prepare food over the four years spent on the island. Chuck initially scares off all the fish and expends a great deal of useless energy doing so, but by the end of his island vacation we see that he has become an expert fisherman who is able to conserve his strength in the process. During his time on the island, Chuck’s appetite also adjusted to his surroundings according to both the glucostatic and lipostatic hypotheses – his food intake adjusts to the amount of food he is able to aquire and his stores of excess fat are used to bridge the difference in his energy gap.

As Chuck becomes more capable of addressing his fundamental needs for hunger and thirst we see a similar progression in his ability to provide for his more advanced need of safety and other psychological needs. There is not a great deal of danger on the island, so initially he just sleeps under a palm tree. However, when a storm arises he is forced to seek better shelter and moves to a cave in another part of the island. Other psychological needs discussed in our book were autonomy, competence and relatedness. Chuck has little control over the forces of nature in his environment, so his sense of autonomy is extremely low…he even feels so helpless that at one point on the island he flirts with the idea of suicide! He is able to counteract this somewhat by boosting his need for competence. Since he is unfamiliar with the environment and completely ill-suited to deal with the challenges it presents, he fails repeatedly and initially has a very low sense of competency. Nevertheless, he is eventually able to master a few basic survival skills that allow him to feel somewhat capable and combat his lack of autonomy. A great example of this is his struggle to produce fire. Chuck repeatedly fails in this process (even slicing up his hands), but is absolutely elated when he is finally able to succeed and stop having to eat raw seafood.

After meeting these lower areas of Maslow’s hierarchy, we see that Chuck may be faced with an impossible situation – how can you address a need for relatedness when you are completely alone on an island? It is made absolutely clear to us that he misses he girlfriend desperately – he sleeps beside a photo of her in his watch every night. He turns out to address this need in a rather unexpected way…by creating a companion out of a blood-stained Wilson volleyball. Through Wilson, Chuck is able to craft an intimate relationship that would not otherwise be available on a desolate island. By becoming so closely attached to this inanimate object, Chuck may even be breaching the third tier of Maslow’s hierarchy, love and belonging. This is shown by his sorrow upon losing his best island friend to a watery grave toward the end of the film.

Terms: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, physiological needs, hunger, thirst, sex goal-directed behavior, psychological needs, social needs, autonomy, relatedness, competence, glucostatic and lipostatic hypotheses

A person’s needs are conditions that are necessary for life and growth. When all needs are met the person is satisfied and content. When the needs have not been met the body is in danger and damage can be done biologically and psychologically. In the movie Castaway, Chuck experiences needs in a very extreme way. The three main types of needs are physiological, psychological, and social. When first deserted on the island Chuck must find a way to meet all three of these needs or else he faces death.
Physiological needs are those that involve biological systems, and when these needs are not meant it can be life-threatening. These include thirst, hunger, and sex. Homeostasis is crucial to body functions, for the body must stay in a state of equilibrium. When not in equilibrium the body generates motivational states to achieve equilibrium once more. When Chuck first washes up on the island he must find a way to meet these needs with very few resources. Drive is the psychological motivation that directs his behavior to meet his needs. He faces the drive to find fresh water, and resorts to drinking from a muddy puddle and sipping drops of water off leaves in order to quench his thirst. By finding fresh water in these unlikely sources he is slowly reaching homeostasis. Just as he faces immense thirst, Chuck faces immense hunger. He is driven to satisfy this hunger by eating food he most likely would not eat at home in Memphis. He hacks into a coconut just to sip on the coconut milk, eats raw fish straight from the sea, and cooks the little bit of crab meat he can get. This drive forces him to find sustenance from wherever he can, even from sources that are unpleasant. Sex is the third physiological need. Chuck’s need for sex is not addressed in the movie as often as his need for water and food. It is, however, seen in the end, when Chuck and Kelly embrace and kiss and Chuck finally lets his sexual urges come over him. These three physiological needs are all crucial to Chuck’s well-being, and his thirst and hunger in particular must be addressed immediately when Chuck washes ashore the island.
Psychological needs are also very important. Competence is a psychological need Chuck faces, and is the need to be effective in one’s environment. As he has never been in a situation like this before, he is not competent in his environment. He has no idea what he is doing or how to survive on a deserted island. He becomes frustrated when he cannot get a fire started – this is an example of how he is not competent in his environment. Yet by persisting he eventually becomes competent and learns how to get the fire started. This causes him to exhibit very positive emotions and meet his psychological need for competence.
Social needs are very much related to psychological needs. We are social beings and need social interaction to be psychologically stable. When Chuck is stranded on the island, he is by himself for years with no other human being there to socialize with him. He is presented with a lack of relatedness, which is actually a psychological need. Relatedness is the need to form close emotional bonds with others. And while Chuck does not have another human to form a close bond with, he finds this connection in a volleyball that he names Wilson. He becomes very close to Wilson, having conversations with him, dressing him up, and taking him everywhere with him. When Wilson is lost to sea after a storm Chuck is very emotional and seems to lose the will to live.
Many needs are present in the movie Castaway. Instances of physiological needs, psychological needs, and social needs are all shown in Chuck’s quest towards survival on the desert island.
Terms: Needs, physiological needs, psychological needs, social needs, thirst, hunger, sex, homeostasis, motivational states, drive, competence, relatedness

I hadn’t seen this movie before but I understood the general concept, or so I thought. Now, after watching it, I get more than the simple concept of Chuck crashing on a deserted island. There are so many concepts from our chapters (the first 4 chapters and beyond) throughout this movie. Physiological needs are the most overwhelming concept that I saw in this movie, it was constant through his stay on the island and into his return. We take for granted the things we have easily available to us. Chuck’s physiological needs were so difficult to meet on the island.

His thirst became so overwhelming that he was drinking from stagnant pools in his cave and leaves on the ground as well as coconut milk. In order to get his need for thirst met, he had to do hard work. In the time before his crash and especially evident on the plane after his crash upon his return, thirst is easily assuaged in ordinary society. Hunger is the same way. He had to work insanely hard to satisfy his need for hunger. He had a drive above and beyond what we can comprehend to get sustenance. Sex is the other physiological need and was less involved in the movie. It wasn’t mentioned at all on the island or even loosely eluded to except at the very beginning.

His needs and the hormones and brain structures controlling them were involved in a very intense process during his stay on the island. His hunger and thirst were caused by specific brain structures that were activated by biochemical agents. Those biochemical agents were started by his environmental events, being stuck on the island caused many environmental events he had never experienced before. His lack of food kickstarted a series of events in his brain that ended in him feeling hungry and his needs motivated him to express a goal-oriented approach. He needed food so he started a fire first to cook his crab and he made a net to catch himself some fish. His drive for food was so great that he even ate live fish before (and after) he built himself fire. That event, the first time he made fire, was a very rewarding experience for him. It released a lot of dopamine because it was a major accomplishment that would be explained a lot by further chapters on competence and achievement. The difficult task finally reached his goal, starting the fire, and it was very helpful.

His goals were very evident at certain points and you find out in the end what his long term goal was; to get off the island (for a specific purpose, of course). When he needed to build a raft that would make it over the giant waves, he set himself tasks and broke the long term goal into smaller goals, making it more accomplishable and easier to feel accomplished over. He was getting feedback as he went on more than just that task. His entire stay on the island gave him certain levels of feedback on his main goal of escape. He made shelter and fire and had containers for water; his survival was the first step. Once those basic needs, food and water, were met he could continue on and make his escape. Honestly, I’m impressed he didn’t die of infection but he seemed to take care of his wounds fairly well. There were quite a few queasy bits that I turned away at but overall, it was a great movie and a great example of many concepts we have discussed in our class thus far. Many more were present than what I touched on but I tried to stay within the context of the first 4 chapters.

Terms: physiological need, thirst, hunger, need, drive, hormones, goal-oriented approach, dopamine, competence, goal, feedback

In the movie “Cast Away”, Tom Hanks’ character, Chuck Nolan is ultimately driven by time. His job is so strict about time deadlines on package and mail delivery that you see an unusual instance of warehousing – they divide the trucks and repack on the street just to meet a deadline. You also notice that when he calls his girlfriend, he mentions exact times of his arrival; he is constantly looking at his watch or pager, and even buys his girlfriend one for a Christmas gift. When they get to their Christmas dinner, an unexpected business trip causes them to have to rearrange their times of being together just to make things work. Finally as he is about to board the plane, Nolan states “I’ll be right back,” as if he were just going to another room for a couple seconds.
When Nolan crashes, and finally reaches land, he ultimately wants help and to go home. It shows repeated attempts of him first trying to scream help, then writing “HELP” in the sand and then using logs in the same format. After a while of being stranded on the island, he finally sees a ship. Automatically, he reverts to old instincts – scream for help, use a flashlight. Realizing these will not help him, he decides to make a break for it on his half blown up air raft. As he is injured and drifts into shore, you can tell he starts to give up hope. The concept of time is still apparent when you see his cave writings – a calendar – and he can tell how the tide is by the sun and weather. Timing is still the key as he works to make his deadline for building the wooden raft and take off. After being home, it seems as if time is nothing as he starts to realize it really got him nowhere with his ultimate goal – Kelly. He has to tell himself over again not to give up and to keep breathing. At the end of the movie, he doesn’t really have a plan of where he’s going, as if it’s a complete fresh start… again.
Another focus for motivation was his needs. His motivation is always changing – rising and dropping. The most needs you see are the will to live, die. You also see his needs for survival – thirst, hunger, intimacy, achievement, power and relatedness.
When he first lands on the island, he collects packages and keeps them organized. He then explores his surroundings and realizes he needs proper clothing to survive the lay of the land – coral and rocks. He finally gets desperate and opens the packages to see what he has to work with. One package, he leaves untouched, which ultimately gives him a sense of hope and the will and persistence to survive. His survival skills are continually put to the test as he first only has coconut milk, puddle water, and raw fish to eat. When he created the fire, a good event, dopamine released in his brain and caused positivity and achievement. As he begins to really develop loneliness, he seeks out friendship in a volleyball, Wilson, to reinforce relatedness and other psychological needs.
Over the span of 4 years, he becomes quite skilled in survival. His shelters are more advanced and this gives him a better sense of getting off the island. His will for his love, Kelly, continually motivates him to do the things he’s doing to go home. Since Wilson is his only friend, you see common relationship actions as they fight when they begin to make rope and apologies when he throws him away. When Wilson is washed away at sea, Chuck is filled with great sadness; he loses his sail, then Wilson, his raft is messed up and he flushes away his oars. He ultimately gave up, just as he is finally rescued.
After his return, a celebration party just seems a bit overwhelming. All he really wants is Kelly. She doesn’t talk to him initially, and his celebratory food is what has kept him alive and he shows a sense of disgust and anger. He finally sees Kelly and there’s a sense of hope as she ends up kissing him, but he’s shot back down as she “goes home”. He ends up talking to his best friend about how he couldn’t even kill himself the way he wanted to, and how he has lost her again. A seemingly endless cycle for this man, he just can’t catch a break. Every odd working against him and his motivation and emotional well-being. Though he shows determination and persistence as he says he must continue to breathe.

Terms: drive, instinct, hope, trial and error, persistence, goal, needs, motivation, psychological, physiological, intimacy, relatedness, positive, dopamine, psychological, determination, well-being, emotion

Cast Away show-cased a lot of motivational concepts that we have learned throughout the course so far. The most prevalent concepts that I noticed were the ones surrounding needs and goal-setting.
The first, and most apparent, concepts revolve around physiological needs. When Tom Hank's character first got on the plane, his physiological needs for thirst and hunger appeared to be in a satiated state. However, after the plane crashed and he found himself on the deserted island, these physiological needs began to increase in intensity. After being on the island for a little while, Tom Hank's physiological need for thirst became intense enough to produce a psychological drive for him to find something to drink. After searching the island, he found some coconuts. Because of the hard leaf surrounding the coconut, getting to the liquid inside of it was extremely difficult. His thirst was so intense that it produced the goal-directed motivated behavior of throwing and pounding on the coconut to attempt to crack it open. After several attempts and various methods, he managed to crack open the coconut and drink a few drops of the liquid. In the Model of Need-Drive-Behavior Sequence, this is the consummatory behavior. However, his physiological need for thirst was not relinquished so continued to search for liquid. Had the need been satisfied, the drive to seek out more liquid would have been reduced and he would have returned to a satiated state.
Because of the length he was on the island, Tom Hank's character needed some extra motivation to stay alive. Therefore, he saved one package throughout his entire stay. This package provided the character extrinsic motivation to keep going and to try and get off the island so that he could deliver the package.
Another example of extrinsic motivation was when the main character saw a small blinking light out in ocean. The small glimmer of light sparked hope and desperation to be rescued. At first he jumped up and down and waved his arms around. When he realized this would not work, he jumped onto the raft and began to paddle towards the light. While paddling, he kept having waves splash against him. His intrinsic motivation to be rescued kept him motivated to keep fighting the waves. Unfortunately, he was met by a huge wave and could not overcome it.
With the first attempt for him to get off the island resulting in a failure, Chuck (the main character), decided that he needed to figure out a way to survive. From a motivation stand-point, trying to survive would be a goal that the main character set for himself. To do this, he needed to master certain skills like fishing and creating fire. In the scene where Chuck was trying to get a fire started, we watched him sit for a long period of time rubbing sticks together. When this was unsuccessful for him, he developed a new method of rubbing a stick on a piece of drift wood with some sort of straw on the end of it. The movie gave the impression that the time spent on this task could have been hours, maybe even days. This persistence in the effort to create fire is indicative of a mastery belief that Chuck possessed over his ability to start a fire. As he was rubbing the stick across the piece of driftwood, he started seeing smoke. This was feedback that his method was working. When he actually got the fire started, he celebrated and danced around because he had achieved the goal of setting the fire. There were a couple of other needs that were met by his accomplishment as well. By succeeding in the task, he fulfilled his psychological need for competence and his social need for achievement.

Needs, goal-setting, physiological needs, thirst, hunger, satiated state, psychological drive, goal-directed motivated behavior, Model of Need-Drive-Behavior Sequence, consummatory behavior, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, mastery belief, feedback, psychological need, social need,competence, achievement

“Cast Away” had many different types of motivation examples in it. In the beginning scene, with (Chuck) at the Fed Ex building, he was yelling at the workers, because they were not meeting the goals Fed Ex has for packages. He had goal setting on his brain, because he knew the importance of meeting these goals and getting packages delivered efficiently on time. Jump to the plan crash and him being on the island. The first types of motivation seen are those physiological needs. These are needs that are essential for life. First off, Chuck realized his need for water, the need for rescue (writing HELP in the sand, first with his foot, than with drift wood), the need for shelter, etc. He saw the cave, but the need for shelter was not as strong as the need for water. Chuck had a drive inside him to survive, and this drive was reinforced by the pocket watch of Kelly, he kept with him throughout his whole ordeal on the island. This drive is the feeling inside him that directs his behavior to fulfill these needs.

The uncomfortable knowledge of having no food, no water, and no human contact drove Hanks to change his behavior; he became motivated to survive. The drive Chuck experienced was to stay alive; fulfill what his body needed him to fulfill (getting food and water to maintain bodily functions). Throughout the first part of the movie, where Hanks is just getting used to this new island, we see him try many different ways to fulfill the different needs. He needed water/liquid, so begins his quest to open a coconut. After trying many different times, he finally succeeds, which in turns motivates him to keep going. He begins to collect the packages left floating in the ocean, and see him to try and spear a fish unsuccessfully. However, as hard as Chuck was trying, he became very demotivated many times in the movie as well. We see his hopes jump to a high when he sees what appears to be a ship light on the ocean…He gives himself a false sense of security that he is going to be rescued. Another de-motivational time Hanks experiences is his first time trying to get off the ocean.

Psychological needs are also evident in “Cast Away”. Chuck had to adapt to the new surroundings, figure out ways to get around without cutting his feet (tore up shirt to make shoes). In the beginning part on the island, Chuck is very unskilled and not competent in anyway. Four years later, we see Hanks has mastered many skills, such as fishing & spearing, getting water from leaves and coconuts, and having an effective ‘house’ (the cave, which is inside away from the elements). There was failure and frustration in the movie, when Hanks trying to make fire, cut his hand open. Chuck experienced a difficult, new task in creating a fire, which led to this failure and his avoidance behaviors in trying to make fire again; he did not want to cut his hand open again.

The last type of need in “Cast Away” that Chuck strives to fulfill is that of the Social Need. He knows he is all alone on the island, but we see him light when he sees a body in the ocean. Despite being dead, this body leads Hanks to open up the packages, where he finds ‘Wilson’, a volleyball who Chuck begins to converse with and talks to throughout the movie. This is one relationship on the island which fulfills Hanks social need; the need to be around people-this is called Relatedness (a psychological need). We see Hanks relationship and social need tested first when Wilson gets chucked outside of the cave after an argument between Hanks & the volleyball happens. Chuck, at first, is unaffected by Wilson being gone, but then averts directly to sadness and worry when he can’t find Wilson. The social relationship between Wilson and Chuck finally comes to an end, when Wilson pops off the raft and begins to float away. Chuck had to make a decision, one that would have fulfilled his social needs (saving Wilson, the only contact/relationship he’s had in the past four years) or fulfill his physiological needs (keep a hold of the raft, his safety, so he can live). Chuck chose to satisfy the physiological need, showing up he was more driven to survive. This came with a price however, because we see Hanks crying and feeling very depressed after losing Wilson. We see him lose all motivation after losing Wilson, when he tosses into the ocean the paddles to his raft. He had lost hope, and the will to live. One piece of motivation he had throughout the entire movie, even after losing Wilson was his love and memories of Kelly; that is what kept him alive, was the pocket watch with her picture, and that is what he whispered towards the end of the movie when the ship is sailing by him. There were at times in the movie when Chuck blamed Wilson for things going wrong (the scenes when he and Wilson were talking about the size of the search area), and that was one example of an external locus of control. Jump to the end of the movie, when talking to his friend after visiting Kelly. He tells his friend that “I should not have gotten on that plane…I lost her all over again”. He was blaming himself for losing Kelly, not blaming the plane going down or blaming her for moving on. This was a prime example of an internal locus of control.
Throughout the whole movie, we see Chuck experience all sorts of different needs, and using trial and error in satisfying those needs. He has mastered skills and became competent to help him survive, and had mastered the skill of Autonomy-a need to experience personal endorsement in one’s behavior. He had to let his wants & needs guide his behavior, which in turn helped him to survive four years alone.

Terms: Motivation, Goal Setting, Goals, Drive, Physiological Needs, Hope, Social Needs, Mastery, Psychological Needs, Depression, Failure, Avoidance Behavior, Competence, Will, Hunger, thirst, Relationship, Internal Locus of Control, External Locus of Control,

The movie, Cast Away, told the story of Chuck Noland’s struggle to survive fours years on a deserted Pacific island after a plane crash and his efforts to return home. Throughout the movie, Chuck struggled to achieve his needs, which are the essential and necessary conditions for an individual to live, grow, and maintain a sense of well-being. Some examples of basic physiological needs that I saw Chuck strive for include hunger and thirst. Those two basic needs are controlled by the hypothalamus, which also monitors and controls other various parts of a person that motivates them to engage in certain acts or experience certain sensations.
Thirst, is a motivational state that makes people aware that they need to replenish their body with water. Chuck experienced thirst early on and had no means to a fresh water source. Luckily, Chuck was able to eventually come across coconuts and managed to open them, however, the sweet milk didn’t fully replenish his thirst. It wasn’t until Chuck started drinking and collecting water from leaves after it would rain. Later on in the movie, Chuck adapts to his new environment on the raft as he collects water into coconuts by using his makeshift sail as a funnel during the rain. By adapting to those various conditions, Chuck was able to manage his thirst and allow his body to achieve some level of homeostasis.
Chuck also experienced hunger while he was stranded on the island. Hunger is experienced when gherlin, a hormone, is created and released by the stomach into the blood stream. Once gherlin reaches the hypothalamus, the hypothalamus sends the body a message that makes a person aware of their hunger and they feel the urge to eat. However, in Chuck’s case it was difficult to find food without proper means to get it. Chuck became resourceful, by using ice skates he found in one of the washed up packages to carve a spear. From then on Chuck was able to find an adequate amount of food by spearing crab and fish to keep up his blood glucose levels, and have an efficient amount of energy to live.
Another reason Chuck was able to continue living and make it off the island was because of his girlfriend Kelly. During his whole ordeal, Chuck managed to keep the keep the pocket watch she gave him with his favorite picture of her inside of it. By looking at that picture he would receive a rush of dopamine into his system. When the dopamine was released, it triggered Chuck to experience positive feelings, which he would then associate to looking at the picture and think of how good he felt around Kelly. Chuck also experienced a huge release of dopamine when the scrap of material washed up on shore and he discovered it could be made into a sail/shelter that could help him make a more efficient mechanism to leave the island.
All of these examples, along with many more examples throughout the movie show that Chuck had a strong amount of intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external) motivation to go on to eventually escape the island. Overall, I felt that this movie was perfect for showing the class examples of what we covered in chapters 1-4. I feel like this movie was also great for showing everyone that they have the ability to be motivated even under some of the harshest conditions.

Terms Used: needs, physiological, hunger, thirst, hypothalamus, motivation, homeostasis, gherlin, hormone, blood glucose level, dopamine, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

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