Reading Blog Due 9/8 @ midnight


Read Chapter 5.

Summarize the chapter. What was the most surprising/interesting thing you learned? Is it possible to be intrinsically motivated yet still be paid? What are some examples of how you are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated? How will information from this chapter change how you think about motivating yourself for school/career success?


Intrinsic motivation occurs when someone is innately interested in a task for their own enjoyment. Extrinsic motivation occurs when an outside stimulus is introduced to a task to make it more appealing to a person. Different types of extrinsic motivation exist. External regulations such as incentives, consequences, and rewards are used through operant conditioning. During this, a stimulus in the environment leads to a behavioral response that results in a consequence. In contrast, a reinforcer is an external motivator that is applied after the behavioral response. A positive reinforcer increases the likelihood of the behavior and a punisher decreases its likelihood. The effects of rewards have been widely discussed. Punishers have unintended side effects that make them an inefficient consequence. The way a reward is applied can improve its efficiency. A verbal and informative reward tends to work best with the least amount of detrimental effects. I found that to be the most interesting part of the chapter, because usually we think of money as the most motivating factor. These types of rewards work best with the cognitive evaluation theory that suggests that all external events have a controlling and informational aspect.
It is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still be paid. If someone finds a task that they are extremely intrinsically motivated to do, they will still be just as interested with the introduction of pay. Pay may undermine intrinsic motivation but if high levels of it already exist, it shouldn’t be affected. I think that can also be applied to different types of classes. I have some classes that I am intrinsically motivated to attend. These classes could be early in the morning or a long night class at night and I would still go. I also have classes that I am extrinsically motivated to go to. These classes aren’t very interesting to be, and if the teacher didn’t use attendance as part of their points system I probably wouldn’t go. This chapter made me realize that I need to choose a job based on my interests and less on how much it pays.

This chapter covers what intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are and how they work. Experience is what teaches us that there are two ways to enjoy an activity. Intrinsic motivation is the inherent propensity to engage ones interests and to exercise ones capacities and in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges. Extrinsic motivation arises from environmental incentives and consequences, such as food, money, praise, attention, stickers, gold starts, privileges, tokens, approval, and many other things.
There were many different interesting things I found in this chapter. The most intriguing one was how punishers and reinforcers act in the way behavior works. Reinforcers are any environmental stimulus that, when presented, increases the future probability of the desired behavior. Punishers are any environmental stimulus that, when presented, decreases the future probability of the undesired behaviors. For example, when getting an A on my last exam my mom praised me and took me to dinner. This motivates me to want to continue getting the good grades.
Pay can not always be the best thing in intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes out of a persons interest or for the fun of it, so pay can complicate things but still be possible. If a person really enjoys something why wouldn't they like it when money is included in the opportunity? This is why people need to chose jobs that they will love and keep them going! It wont be worth it in the long run if you are doing a job just for the pay.
There are many different intrinsic activities I like to do. I was intrinsically motivated to attend my old job because I loved doing people's make up and making people feel good about themselves. This class is an intrinsic motivator for me because I find it comparably fun to my other classes. I am extrinsically motivated to work out... I don't enjoy it very much and hate getting the initiative to go but I want the long term results.
I realize that school, work, and everything I do can be based on these two points. I'm doing a good job with picking a major I enjoy and love but need to figure out what will make me happy in the future for my carrier. Money isn't everything and that shouldn't be what drives me back and forth to work on a daily bases.

This chapter defined intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and provided examples of each of these. Internal motivation is an outcome of a psychological need for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This type of motivation leads to persistence, creativity, high-quality learning, and optimal functioning. External motivation i a result of incentives and consequences such as money, approval or awards.
The part of this chapter that I felt was most interesting was the study with the preschool children. Children who expected a reward lost intrinsic interest, while children who received no reward or got an unexpected reward did not show a decrease in intrinsic interest.
It is possibly to be intrinsically motivated and still be paid, however this is more difficult. When you present an extrinsic factor such as money, it is likely to decrease internal motivation. If a person has very, very high intrinsic motivation, then the pay will not disturb their intrinsic motivation. A person with average or low intrinsic motivation will likely lose it when pay is introduced.
I am intrinsically motivated to pursue my future career of physical therapy. I have volunteered over 100 hours and different clinics and truely enjoy spending time with patients, even though I am not getting paid. I am extrinsically motivated to run. I am training for a half marathon and so I am running in order to meet this goal and achieve the reward of satisfaction. I am not a person who runs for fun and it takes a lot of conscious effort to push myself to continue training.
This chapter has allowed me to analyze areas or my life that I am either intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. It has showed me that enjoying work will lead to a much happier life than picking a career strictly for monetary purposes.

Chapter 5 was about intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and how they differ. Being intrinsically motivated means that you are doing something out of interest to yourself. It has no reason outside of the feelings of autonomy, competence, and relation to others and it is a spontaneous behavior. Nurturing intrinsically motivated behaviors has many benefits. First benefit is persistence. The higher the intrinsic motivation the greater the persistence and thus more likely to stay with a behavior. Another benefit is creativity which is best described using the Principle of Creativity: “People will be most creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, enjoyment, satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself- rather than by external pressures”. When people are intrinsically motivated to learn, they are about to integrate the information in a conceptual way that helps the information stay with them. Pursuing goals that are intrinsically motivated leads to a all over better well-being including higher self-esteem and greater self-actualization. Extrinsic motivation is based around environmental incentives and consequences. This means behavior motivated by rewards, money, prizes and etc. An incentive is something that either attracts or repeals a person to or from a behavior. Through this, our goal-directed behavior is shaped. Incentives, however, are different from consequences and the two types of consequences are reinforcers and punishment. The chapter mentions reinforcers which are any extrinsic motivation that increases an action. A positive reinforcer is a stimulus that , when presented, increases the probability that the reinforced behavior will be repeated. A negative reinforcer is a stimulus, when removed, increases the probability that the reinforced behavior will be repeated. A punisher is a stimulus when presented decreases the desire to do such behavior again. An extrinsic reward is anything offered to someone in exchange or a certain behavior and/or service. The difference between a reward and a positive reinforcer is that all positive reinforcers are rewards but not all rewards are positive reinforcers. It does appear that rewards do work as a way of getting a desired behavior, but punishers are not. Research shows that punishment actually creates more negative side effects! When it comes to mixing and matching these terms, we find that when people are offered an extrinsic reward for an intrinsic activity, it undermines the interest in the behavior as well as these rewards having a negative affect on learning. If someone is constantly rewarded for everything they do then they do not develop a motivation to do things when there is no reward. However, the best rewards, the ones the work the best, are verbal praise and they are unexpected. The rest of the chapter goes further into extrinsic motivation and the four categories of it: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation and integrated regulation. It also talks about how in order to motivate people into uninteresting activities one should explain why the activities is worth doing, regardless of the fact that it sucks.
I believe it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still get paid for is as long as there are no deadlines and no one else prying into the business of the creator. For instance, if a person was told asked to write a book but wasn't given a time line or any real regulation, a person has the freedom to make it their own and thus freedom from external events.
I am intrinsically motivated to read, write and listen to music. I do all of these things because they interest me. However, pretty much everything else in my life is extrinsic. I have to find some external motivation to clean my room, do my chores and get up every morning for work.
The information in this chapter will help me with school and career motivation by encouraging me to do something I love. That way even if it becomes slightly undermined its still way more likely to make me happy than something I am only slightly interested in.

Chapter 5 mainly discussed intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when a person acts out of interest. People experience intrinsic motivation because they have psychological needs within themselves. This type of motivation makes us feel autonomous, competent, and related to others. When we say “that was so much fun” or “that is interesting” we are express our intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is when the environment influences us to do something. This would be why a person may work hard to get good grades if their parents are rewarding them with money, praise, and privileges if they get A’s and B’s. When we hear our parents say “if you do this, then you will get that” they are extrinsically motivating us to do whatever it is they are asking of us. The “this” refers to the requested behavior our parents are looking for and the “that” is the incentive or consequence we will receive if we do not accomplish what they wanted done. There are three concepts of extrinsic motivation: incentives, consequences, and rewards. Incentives are environmental events that attract or repel a person toward or away from an action. Some positive incentives include a smile or sound of a familiar voice. Negative incentives include a bad smell, junk mail, or the presence of enemies. Consequences involve reinforcers and punishers. Positive reinforcers could be money or a toy. Negative reinforcers include an alarm clock buzzing. Punishers are what hopefully decrease the chances of an event occurring again in the future, for example a parking ticket. Rewards are offerings given to another person in exchange for his or her service or achievement.

The most interesting thing that I learned from this chapter was that punishment is an ineffective motivational strategy. I knew that punishment caused side effects such as crying, feeling afraid, and impaired relationships but I did not realize this was a negative form of motivation. If I were being grounded on a weekly basis for not doing my homework, I would probably always make sure my homework was done right away after school. I guess this is why I thought punishment was more of an effective motivational strategy.

I think it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still get paid, but I also think this is a very rare situation. There are people out there that do get to do what they love everyday and get paid for it. For example, if someone who loves basketball and travelling were to make it into the NBA they may be a rare person who is intrinsically motivated and getting paid for doing their job.

I am intrinsically motivated when I go volunteer each week at Allen Hospital in Waterloo in the mental health unit. I enjoy spending time in the MHU and it is fun to me. I am extrinsically motivated every time I go into work. I may not have the most desirable job out there but since I am getting paid over minimum wage I am motivated to go to work each time my boss puts me down on the schedule.

Information from this chapter will change how I think about motivating myself for school and career success by helping me choose classes and a job that I am intrinsically motivated about. Now I realize that I do not want to look for a job that pays well but is undesirable for me to spend 40 hours a week at because I will not be motivated for the right reasons to go into work each day.

Chapter five focuses a lot on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is stemmed from inside a person from their wants and needs, and extrinsic motivation comes from outside sources, rewards, and punishments. Intrinsic motivation is good because with it comes persistence, creativity, understanding, learning, and well-being. Extrinsic motivation comes in different forms. Incentives are prizes that make a person want to do the behavior for the prize. Reinforcers are events that increase behavior and make it continue. Positive reinforcers are environmental stimuluses that increase the probability of a desired behavior, and negative reinforvers are environmental stimuluses that decrease the probability of an undesired behavior. Punishment is also extrinsic as it punishes a person somehow to stop with whatever behavior it is that is unacceptable.

The most surprising thing I learned is that intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic because the behavior is more likely to continue because the person actually wants to do that behavior on his or her own, but with an extrinsic motivator, the person may not continue the behavior once the reward or incentive stops.

I think it is very possible to be intrinsically motivated and get paid. Many people work in jobs that they absolutely love doing, and as a bonus get paid for it. An example of this is athletes. They love playing sports for fun, but when they do it for a job intrinsically, they also get paid for it.

I am intrinsically motivated to go to school because I want to be successful in life. This is one of my goals. I am extrinsically motivated at work because I don’t really like my job much, but I really need money.

This chapter helped me realize how important it is to be intrinsically motivated and like doing what I do. I want to make sure I get a job where I am motivated on my own to go because I enjoy it, and then as a bonus get paid for it as well.

This chapter compared intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when one engages in an interest and to master optimal challenges “for the fun of it.” Extrinsic motivation is when one engages in an activity because of incentives or consequences. Incentives, reinforcers, punishers or rewards can be used with extrinsic motivation. There comes a point when there is too much reward in that someone may not engage in a behavior unless a reward is offered. It can also turn someone away from intrinsic motivation. For example, if one is paid for their paintings, they will lose the idea of painting “for the fun of it.” An unexpected, nontangible reward is the best reward to give (such as praise) because it will not take away from intrinsic motivation. To motivate one to do a boring activity, one should provide rationale for the activity rather than a reward because they will begin to expect it every time they engage in the behavior.
One interesting thing from this chapter was the fact that one doesn’t want to offer a reward for an uninteresting activity to make it “worth doing.” A rationale, a verbal explanation of why putting forth the effort and why it is useful or important, is a better way to go. If one receives a tangible reward for an uninteresting activity, they will complete the task as fast as they can without really comprehending what the activity was about or obtain anything useful from the activity. For example, if a child doesn’t like to read, his/her parents would explain that through reading you gain knowledge and develop reading comprehension. If their parents gave them M & M’s every time they didn’t want to read, the child would not ever read unless he/she got the reward.
I think it would be difficult to be intrinsically motivated and still get paid because it takes away the aspect of one engaging in an activity “for the fun of it.” As I stated earlier, an artist who enjoys painting for the sake of painting would probably lose interest because they are receiving a tangible reward (such as money). By doing this, play become work and therefore not enjoyable.
I am intrinsically motivated to become a speech-language pathologist because I truly enjoy helping others. I obtain observation and assistant ship hours with speech clients without pay, but I have the satisfaction of helping them reach their goals. I am extrinsically motivated to work two jobs while being an over fulltime student because of the money that I receive. With this money, I don’t have to worry about never having money, but I don’t enjoy being at work at 7:30 a.m.
This chapter made me realize that I made the right decision in switching majors because now I do something that I love and don’t dread going to class everyday. Loving your job outweighs the pay that it will bring because it is something you have to endure everyday to get the paycheck every two weeks.

This chapter discussed one of the major divisions in motivation, extrinsic vs. Intrinsic motivational states. Intrinsic motivation occurs when you master challenges based on interests. Extrinsic motivation is a result of external influences, typically including either rewards or punishments. A lot of motivation arises from extrinsic motivation, but scheduled rewards or punishments can also inhibit motivation when things become expected.
Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation don't exist as well together because as rewards or punishments increase, the intrinsic motivation decreases and extrinsic motivation increases. Therefore, it is a little more challenging to be paid and still be intrinsically motivated as rare situations allow someone to be intrinsically motivated while receiving external rewards or punishments.
I found the examples of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in relation to learning fairly interesting. Learning material in order to take a test and get a certain grade is not ideal for actual learning. However, when someone learns something because of interest or to better themselves, a good system of learning is taking place. Unfortunately, with the focus on getting the grade rather than learning for your own benefit, extrinsic motivation will usually reign over intrinsic motivation in education.
I am intrinsically motivated to participate in student organizations as they pertain to personal interests, and are something I enjoy doing without receiving extrinsic rewards or punishments. I am extrinsically motivated to work as a student employee because I work to reduce debt in college and to have some spending money for myself.
For future success in life and my career, I can't focus too much on the the extrinsic rewards like money or else motivation over a long period of time will not sustain. A career that pertains to my interests will ultimately be the best way to continue motivation, as there would be high levels of intrinsic motivation present. Although large sums of money seem extremely motivating right now, those large sums of money won't provide continued motivation down the road if you don't seem to enjoy what you are doing.

Chapter five is about the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivates behavior that is motivated because it is something that is enjoyable from within; you do it because you like it. Intrinsic motivation comes from a person’s psychological needs and makes a person what to grow. Intrinsic motivation comes from autonomy, competence, and relatedness. A person who is intrinsically motivated is often persistent, creative, enhancive learner, has a higher self-image, and has optimal functioning and well-being. Extrinsic motivation rises from environmental incentives and consequences; like trophies, money, attention, etc. It is the desire to gain attractive consequences; “do this and you will get that”. Extrinsic motivation comes from incentives, consequences, and rewards. This chapter also talks about reinforcers, positive and negative. A positive reinforcer is defined as an extrinsic event that increases behavior. An example of this would be paychecks; paychecks are the reason why most people work. Then a negative reinforcer is an environmental stimulus that when taken away, increases behavior. An example of a negative reinforcer would be medicine. We take medicine in order to get rid of the pain we are feeling, and when it works it makes us more willing to take it again when another pain arises. The advantages and disadvantages of awards and punishments were also talked about in this chapter.

The most interesting thing that I learned from this chapter was that being extrinsically motivated to do most things is not as rewarding once you think about it. Before reading this chapter I never thought about how if I get something because I did something else well, how soon it would become a chore instead of something that I actually enjoyed doing. I also never thought about how rewards at school really do interfere with the learning. I remember playing games in school when I was little and most of the time my class would get so wrapped up in winning that we weren’t even thinking about what we were supposed to be learning.

At this moment in my life, I feel like I am extrinsically motivated in most of what I do. I am motivated to study because I want to be able to get good enough grades to get into grad school. Although I do really like my job, I do not like it enough to go without getting paid. I go for run every day because I want to do well in the half marathon I registered for. One of the things I am most intrinsically motivated reading, not from a textbook. Reading is my favorite pastime, I love getting wrapped up in a good novel.

After learning about the information in this chapter about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, when I go look for a job and career that I want to pursue in my future I will make sure it is something that I love to do. I hope to find a job that I truly love doing and would even do without any incentives. And that is the reason why I am going into psychology. I want to be a psychologist because I truly get pleasure from talking to people to try to help them figure out their problems. It makes me feel good when I can help others out, so I hope to turn that into a career.

This chapter was about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how punishment and reinforcement influence our intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. We are intrinsically motivated to engage in activities that we are interested in and enjoy doing. We do not need to get paid or receive other types of reinforcement in order to get us to do enjoyable activities. Activities that we are intrinsically motivated to do satisfy our psychological needs and allow us to feel autonomy, competence, and relatedness. This is why we are motivated to engage in it without any other rewards. People that have intrinsic motivation for a certain task will be more persistent on that task, because they care about it. They will also experience more creativity and high quality learning with that task. This leads to better optimal functioning and well being. Extrinsic motivation involves an environmentally created reason to engage in an activity, such as incentives or consequences. This is more of a what can I get out of it mentality. Incentives, consequences, and rewards regulate external motivation. Incentives are an environmental event that attracts or repels a person toward or away from performing a certain behavior, such as the presence of friends in a situation. The two types of consequences are reinforcers and punishers, and reinforcers can be either positive or negative. A reward is any offering from one person given to another person in exchange for their service. This is different than a reinforcer, however, because not all rewards can be used as a positive reinforcers, because not all rewards increase behavior. A drawback of rewards is that they influence our extrinsic motivation, and therefore decrease intrinsic motivation. It also interferes with learning and we have less of an ability to self regulate our behavior. Research shows that punishment in not an effective motivational strategy because it has side effects, which include negative emotions, an impaired relationship with the person giving the punishment, and it teaches kids negative ways to cope with undesirable behaviors. There are benefits to using incentives, consequences, and rewards because when there is no intrinsic motivation to be underminded, which is the case with uninteresting tasks, rewards can make uninteresting tasks worth doing. However, there are reasons not to use extrinsic motivation since it does undermine intrinsic motivation and interferes with the process of learning.
I think it is very possible to be intrinsically motived and still paid because if the career we choose is something we are passionate about and love doing, then getting paid for something we are intrinsically motivated to do is exactly what will happen. I am intrinsically motivated to run six days a week because it makes me feel good about myself, and I enjoy it. I am also intrinsically motivated to do one of my jobs, coaching 8th grade girls basketball, because it is fun, but extrinsically motivated to do my other job, work at a golf course, because it is boring but I want the money. From this chapter, I realized that I need to make sure the career I am pursuing is something I am passionate about and want to do the rest of my life, because if it is not, then I will not perform it to the best of my abilities.

Chapter five discusses intrinsic motivations, extrinsic motivations, and the differences between them and the way they affect others. People who are intrinsically motivated are basically doing what they want to do, what they enjoy, and not needing any external forces or incentives to get them to do a certain task, whereas those who are extrinsically motivated would not be involved in a certain task without incentives, or the consequences they would have to deal with if they did not partake in the task. The chapter goes on to further explain intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as reinforcement, consequence, incentives, punishers, rewards, and the different ways they can be used to motivate others, and also the negative or positive attributes attached to each.
The most surprising/ interesting thing I learned had to do with the “hidden costs of reward” I had never thought of rewards as something that might be a negative thing. I have grown up doing things for rewards ever since I can remember (i.e. school, sports, home), and never thought anything negative was coming from their purpose. The adverse effect the rewards may have had on intrinsic motivation seem obvious now that I look back at my feelings towards the tasks I had done to receive a simple reward, compared to the reinforcement that was expected by the person offering reward. I can think of many times when I did something quickly to get the reward offered, but didn’t learn from the experience, enjoy the experience, or do it again because I didn’t see any positive outcomes other than the outcome of receiving that specific reward. Being paid to clean the basement or mow the lawn is an example of how I did not do these tasks because I had learned that not making a mess or helping out around the house was the right thing to do, but because I wanted the money. It didn’t help me to appreciate the hard work put into those things, or do it more often if I wasn’t getting paid.
Yes, I think it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and paid. Some people do the things they love and are paid for it—but it doesn’t mean they wouldn’t do those things if they weren’t paid or that being paid is the only reason they are doing those things
An example of how I am intrinsically motivated would be that I go running. I do it, because I enjoy it. An example of how I am extrinsically motivated would be me going to work. I go to work every day, not because I love my job, but because I need the money that I get from going to my job.
One way the information from this chapter will change the way I think about motivating myself is by realizing it is important to not do my work while looking solely at the reward (the grade) but also appreciating the information I am learning and look for the relevance and ways it will impact my life. In other words, rewards can sometimes be blinding/ take away from many other positive qualities of the tasks you are doing.

Chapter 5 discussed what intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are and the aspects that go along with those motivators. Intrinsic motivation emerges freely from psychological needs and engages ones interests in the task at hand. When people are intrinsically motivated they do things “for the fun of it” for the sense of challenge, without a reward expected. Feeling of autonomy (feeling free), competence (effectiveness), and relatedness (social connection) are often associated with intrinsic motivation. The benefits that accompany intrinsic motivation are persistence, creativity, conceptual understanding/higher quality of learning, and optimal functioning and well-being.
Extrinsic motivation comes from the environment in forms of incentives and consequences like food, money, praise, attention, gold stars etc. Extrinsic motivation follows the “do this and get that” attitude or the “what’s in it for me” type of motivation. The concepts that revolve around extrinsic motivation are incentives, consequences, and rewards. Incentives are environmental events that attract or deter a person toward or away from something. Consequences deal with positive or negative reinforces and punishers. A positive reinforcer is an environmental event that when presented increases the likelihood of that behavior. A negative reinforcer is any environmental event that when presented increases the likelihood of that behavior. A positive reinforcer would be money and a negative reinforcer would be an alarm clock sounding. A punisher would be an environmental event that when presented would decrease the likelihood of that behavior. A punisher could be a speeding ticket. A reward is a contribution from one person to the other in exchange for a service or achievement.
Extrinsic events do come with hidden costs of reward, meaning that although they can have positive outcomes they can also have negative outcomes. When rewards are expected and tangible, they undermine intrinsic motivation by decreasing autonomy, effecting the learning process, and can undermine the individual’s development of their own self-regulation.
The Cognitive evaluation theory predicts the effect that any extrinsic event will have on motivation. It describes how extrinsic events effect intrinsic motivation. For example is someone where reading a book because they loved to read and now you offer them money in exchange for reading, it takes away the intrinsic motivation and increases the extrinsic motivation.
The self-determination theory looks at the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation distinction as a continuum of types of motivation. These types being external regulation (obtain reward), introjected regulation (avoid guilt/boost self-esteem), identified regulation (Important) and integrated regulation (Values). The more a person has these things the better the functioning on performance, social development, and psychological well-being. The challenge lies in motivating someone to do something that is not interesting and without engaging in extrinsic motivators. By providing an explanation of why that uninteresting activity is important or useful and by promoting identified regulation you can build interest.
I did not realize the extent to which extrinsic motivators can have negative effects. I knew they were not good to engage in, but did not realize the extent. Especially when you look at positive and negative reinforcers and punishers and how they can be ineffective or not get the desired outcome. Maybe you thought your punishment was effective, but it clearly wasn’t if the undesired behavior continues.
I think it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still get paid. If you love your job and would be doing it regardless of a pay increase or not, then I think you are doing it because you love it and enjoy it.
I am intrinsically motivated to play sports, read, and play trivia games. For example, I love to play racquetball not because it is a good workout/exercise and I am always drenched in sweat when I am done, but because I just have fun doing it and enjoy the challenge. I am extrinsically motivated to do my chores, clean, laundry, for the sake that they are done, but I do not enjoy them!
The information in this chapter is very helpful in terms of motivating others to do things. I am a grad student majoring in health education and I currently work as a health educator. Motivating people to be healthy can be very difficult because there is all kind of barriers to health maintenance. If I can find positive and negative reinforcers to present to people it may help me in my career.

Chapter 5 described a variety of motivational techniques, categorized as either intrinsic or extrinsic, that are used to influence behavior. Intrinsic motivation is linked to Psychological Need Satisfaction and allows people to experience the feelings of autonomy, competence, and/or relatedness, as well as fostering persistence, creativity, conceptual understanding, and subjective well-being. Extrinsic motivation includes various systems of incentives, consequences, and rewards. Both reinforcers and punishers can be both positive (adding something) and negative (taking something away), and both must be used carefully. Using too much extrinsic motivation can weaken the effectiveness of intrinsic motivation, which is the most ideal form for optimal functioning and well-being. And aside from the outcome of manipulating others’ behaviors, motivators also come packaged with subtle, underlying messages (“informational aspect”). Therefore, both immediate behavioral cause/effect and the long-term psychological effects of motivation must be considered carefully.

One of the most interesting ideas for me is the idea of motivational “capital.” Every individual is going to have a different definition of what is desired vs. avoided, so while there is certainly a generally accepted list of standard punishments and rewards, the motivator must take into consideration his audience/subject!

It is most certainly possible to be both intrinsically motivated and paid. For those fortunate enough to get paid to do what the love, the payment is just icing on the cake. For example, I work as a waitress, and while it’s fabulous to get good tips (Dopamine, YES!), I am intrinsically motivated to do the best job I can do just for my own personal sense of pride and satisfaction. Even when I’ve done my best and get either a shitty tip or no tip at all, I can still take pride in the fact that I’ve taken care of my guests’ needs well. In my restaurant, we also have certain expectations handed down from management that go beyond the basic “take the order, deliver the food, pay the check.” For these superfluous tasks, management typically conjures up some lame extrinsic motivators (threats, shame, praise, food rewards, etc.) that are more annoying and aggravating than truly motivating, but they are typically effective. They do nothing for morale, however, and often result in the desired behaviors accompanied by resentful attitudes.

Since I love to learn, I am typically intrinsically motivated to do the work – in the classes that are most interesting/applicable to my area of study. The courses I’ve had to take that are required by not so much relevant to my ultimate career have been harder to pour myself into. Even getting a good grade for the sake of my GPA and eventual admission into a DPT program has not been sufficient extrinsic motivation for me to get the work done. Beyond grades, college offers little in the way of extrinsic motivation, and since the reward (acceptance into a program) is not immediate, it hasn’t had much of an influence on my immediate desire to learn and/or earn a better grade than I do just jumping through the hoops. I am intrinsically motivated to be persistent and NOT do terribly, but not so motivated to do as well as I could if I dug in and spent more time mastering the material.

Chapter 5 gave me a great insight on what things i actually enjoy doing for myself and what things i enjoy, but maybe enjoy due to outside factors. The whole chapter discussed intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations. As you may have guess, intrinsic motivations are things you do out of pure personal interest. For me, i am motivated to join the club on campus called "Active Minds" because it is very important to me and i enjoy spreading the word about mental illnesses. Extrinsic motivations arise from outside stimuli. Many college kids are motivated extrinsically, to go out and celebrate a friend's birthday on a night they would have rather stayed in, if it was just them making the decisions. The book then goes on to describe punishments and rewards. A punishment is anything that provides negative feedback and therefore, ultimately, ending a behavior. For instance, when my cats are on the table, we spray them with a water bottle. They are being punished and soon enough they will stop jumping on the table, hopefully. :) Rewards are anything that provide positive feedback, ultimately reinforcing the behavior. My parents have always rewarded me with money for good grades and this motivated me to keep studying so that they will continue to be proud of me. :)
Many people believe that you can not get paid while doing something for true intrinsic reasons. This always reminds me of professional sports players. They are envied by the whole world for getting paid way too much money for doing something they supposedly love. In this particular case, i feel as though most professional athletes are playing their sport for reasons outside of themselves, i.e. money, fame, and lack of other resources. However, i do believe that there are some players that truly, deeply, love the sport they play. Of course, this debate has a wide spread sunject field. But generally, i feel as though, just like pro athletes, that most of the population acts on extrinsic motivations, while just a few, the happiest few, act on intrsinic motivation. I think i have done a good job acting on intrinsic motivations being that i picked a major i love in pursuit for a job i know i'd love.

Chapter 5 gave me a great insight on what things i actually enjoy doing for myself and what things i enjoy, but maybe enjoy due to outside factors. The whole chapter discussed intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations. As you may have guess, intrinsic motivations are things you do out of pure personal interest. For me, i am motivated to join the club on campus called "Active Minds" because it is very important to me and i enjoy spreading the word about mental illnesses. Extrinsic motivations arise from outside stimuli. Many college kids are motivated extrinsically, to go out and celebrate a friend's birthday on a night they would have rather stayed in, if it was just them making the decisions. The book then goes on to describe punishments and rewards. A punishment is anything that provides negative feedback and therefore, ultimately, ending a behavior. For instance, when my cats are on the table, we spray them with a water bottle. They are being punished and soon enough they will stop jumping on the table, hopefully. :) Rewards are anything that provide positive feedback, ultimately reinforcing the behavior. My parents have always rewarded me with money for good grades and this motivated me to keep studying so that they will continue to be proud of me. :)
Many people believe that you can not get paid while doing something for true intrinsic reasons. This always reminds me of professional sports players. They are envied by the whole world for getting paid way too much money for doing something they supposedly love. In this particular case, i feel as though most professional athletes are playing their sport for reasons outside of themselves, i.e. money, fame, and lack of other resources. However, i do believe that there are some players that truly, deeply, love the sport they play. Of course, this debate has a wide spread sunject field. But generally, i feel as though, just like pro athletes, that most of the population acts on extrinsic motivations, while just a few, the happiest few, act on intrsinic motivation. I think i have done a good job acting on intrinsic motivations being that i picked a major i love in pursuit for a job i know i'd love.

Chapter 5 focused on the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as what can influence each and how they affect each other. Intrinsic motivation is what's behind our motivations when we do something 'just for the fun of it'. The things we choose to challenge and excite us because we want to do them just because. Extrinsic motivations are what is left, our motivation behind taking a bad job that pays well or being friends with someone because you want to date their brother. It's the stuff we do because we want the reward, the payoff, from doing it.
I was surprised by the section explaining how extrinsic motivations can actually hurt one's intrinsic motivation. It makes sense, I was mainly interested in how the book addressed and explained it. It makes sense that doing something because you love it might be interfered with if someone offers and extrinsic reason to keep doing it. The fact that motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) might not add together as a sum in nevertheless disappointing!
I think you can find a way to be intrinsically motivated and still have well-paid job, you might just have to search the job market to find a variety of jobs you might enjoy. Rather than just picking one you would definitely like, you could evaluate what you would like about that job and try and find something related in some way but would pay better.
One example that is obvious in my mind about both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is exercising to stay fit. The chart from the earlier chapter listed both extrinsic and intrinsic reasons for wanted to exercise. One could want to be fit for their health and the challenge of staying healthy, AND they could do it because their health insurance rates would be lower and they family would stop pressuring them to lose weight. Another example might be a desire to have good grades in school, or do well at a job.
This chapter makes me realize that one should be aware of both their intrinsic and extrinsic motivations and be honest with oneself about which plays a bigger role. If you can be aware of what motivates you (the many varied factors, not just one) you can see if and when your motivations might change and help yourself stay motivated in different ways.

Chapter five talks about different ways in which we are motivate to do something. There are two main types of motivation discussed, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation explains our own personal motivations, why we do things for ourselves. Intrinsic motivation is an inherent desire. Many benefits come from intrinsically motivated people, such as creativity and strong optimal functioning. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, involves motivations based on environmental influences. Something in our social environments motivates us, instead of motivation for ourselves. The chapter also discusses ideas and methods that cause motivation to do, or not do, something. Rewards, Reinforces (positive & negative), and incentives are some methods used to change motivational behavior in individuals.
The most interesting thing I learned was that research findings actually show how ineffective the use of punishment is. The fact that there are better ways to solve these problems than punishing individuals, yet punishment still remains a big concept do most people grabs my attention. We see or hear about parents all the time who use physical punishment as a way to stop a certain behavior. Figure 5.4 in the book shows a great example of how certain unintentional consequences may actually arise from punishing. If used enough, and severely, mental health problems and behavioral changes for the worst are possible.
I think it is possible to be intrinsically motived yet paid, because if I’m doing something I enjoy plus getting paid, all the better. The only problem is you may have to worry about a decrease in intrinsic motivation. Other times you may have to even worry about extinction. People who are intrinsically motivated do something they enjoy, just for themselves and payment may keep their interest, until the payment stops. For example, kids may be intrinsically motivated playing football in a neighbor’s lot, when all of a sudden he starts paying then a dollar each day. After so long, he decides to stop paying them and the kids no long are motivated to play every day. So it is possible to lose intrinsic motivation and in this case cause extinction.
I am intrinsically motivated when I study for test and by deciding to show up for class. I am aware that school is only affecting me, so my grades depend on how much effort I am willing to put into it. I want to receive high grades, so I am intrinsically motivated. I am extrinsically motivated on a lot of things, including when I work out. I almost always have somebody talking me into going instead of on my own.
I always had a difficult time trying to choose a career path and which coursed to take at UNI. I think this chapter will change how I look at my future goals more. I believe I will look more closely at my intrinsic motivations to succeed in a career I will enjoy.

This chapter discussed how a person is influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Intrinsic motivations are the motivation that is driven by the psychological needs of a person. This behavior uses ones interests and enjoyment to accomplish a task, and is completed through autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Extrinsic motivation is affected by the environments incentives and consequences. These motivations can include things such as gold stars, trophies, money, food, and countless other things. Extrinsic motivations are exerted through incentives, consequences, and rewards. Incentives are used before the behavior takes place. Consequences take place after the behavior takes effect through positive reinforcers and negative reinforcers in attempt to increase the desired behavior. Punishers on the other hand, are used to decrease the undesirable behavior. The third extrinsic motivation is rewards. Rewards are used to exchange one entity for another’s behavior. All three of these extrinsic behaviors have a great impact on young kids and should be used carefully.
I think it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still be paid. Society survives through a person succeeding in their job, and the only way to really succeed is though enjoyment and a deep love for whatever one may be doing. If one is lucky enough, their job is what they love to do.
I am intrinsically motivated to read. I love to read and jump into a new book. I would read all the time if time allowed. I am also intrinsically motivated to do well in school. However, I am extrinsically motivated to write papers. I eventually finish them because I know my grade depends on the assignment, but procrastination plays a vital role in accomplishing them.
This chapter actually plays a vital role in my job. I work with kids after school and a lot of them struggle follow more rules and fulfilling requests after a long day. I use incentives, reinforcement, and punishments daily. This chapter gave great insight on how to build a better relationship with my students by using techniques that work better than others to accomplish a task.

Chapter 5 was about the different types of motivation. For example, intrinsic motivation comes from our psychological needs and innate strivings for growth. So, when we are intrinsically motivated this means we seek to participate in activities we are interested in and to seek out challenges for our own growth. We find our own enjoyment in the task which is what motivates us to do it. Extrinsic motivation is different in that it arises from environmental incentives and consequences. So, when we are extrinsically motivated we are motivated to do a certain thing because of the consequences or rewards of the behavior. Things like medals, trophies, and money are things that could motivate us to do a certain behavior. Incentives are things preceding behaviors, like when your car beeps at you to buckle your seat belt. The chapter then went into reinforcement and punishment and explained that there are 2 types of reinforcement, positive and negative. Positive reinforcement means that something is added that increases the likelihood of the behavior occurring again. Negative reinforcement means that something is taken away that increases the chances of the behavior being done again. An example of negative reinforcement would be that you could get out of running at practice if you make all 10 free throws. You take away the running to reinforce making shots. The chapter also discussed that punishment is not an ideal thing for influencing behavior. It can lead to negative emotions between the punisher and punishee. I think you can still be intrinsically motivated even if you get paid for something. It would depend on how intrinsically motivated you are towards that particular behavior. If you are highly intrinsically motivated, the money would only add to that. The chapter does point out, however, that extrinsic motivation can and often times, does undermine intrinsic motivation. I thought it was surprising just how many ways we can be motivated but just how quickly our personal motivation can be interrupted or changed because of external factors.
Personally, I am intrinsically motivated to go to certain classes (like one’s with Maclin ) because I find them interesting and fun. At the same time, I do attend some classes for extrinsic reasons such as getting a good grade. I think it is harder to find things that are entirely intrinsically motivated. I feel like there can almost always be some sort of extrinsic motivation involved in all kinds of behaviors. I think this chapter helped me realize that working towards finding my own individual enjoyment in more things will help me stick to them and work harder at them. Removing some of the extrinsic rewards and focusing more on the personal benefits of doing certain things will help make them more enjoyable and probably increase my motivation to do those things.

This chapter discussed how a person is influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Intrinsic motivations are the motivation that is driven by the psychological needs of a person. This behavior uses ones interests and enjoyment to accomplish a task, and is completed through autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Extrinsic motivation is affected by the environments incentives and consequences. These motivations can include things such as gold stars, trophies, money, food, and countless other things. Extrinsic motivations are exerted through incentives, consequences, and rewards. Incentives are used before the behavior takes place. Consequences take place after the behavior takes effect through positive reinforcers and negative reinforcers in attempt to increase the desired behavior. Punishers on the other hand, are used to decrease the undesirable behavior. The third extrinsic motivation is rewards. Rewards are used to exchange one entity for another’s behavior. All three of these extrinsic behaviors have a great impact on young kids and should be used carefully.
I think it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still be paid. Society survives through a person succeeding in their job, and the only way to really succeed is though enjoyment and a deep love for whatever one may be doing. If one is lucky enough, their job is what they love to do.
I am intrinsically motivated to read. I love to read and jump into a new book. I would read all the time if time allowed. I am also intrinsically motivated to do well in school. However, I am extrinsically motivated to write papers. I eventually finish them because I know my grade depends on the assignment, but procrastination plays a vital role in accomplishing them.
This chapter actually plays a vital role in my job. I work with kids after school and a lot of them struggle follow more rules and fulfilling requests after a long day. I use incentives, reinforcement, and punishments daily. This chapter gave great insight on how to build a better relationship with my students by using techniques that work better than others to accomplish a task.

This chapter talked about intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and the cognitive evaluation theory. Intrinsic motivation is the inherent propensity to engage one's interests and to exercise one's capacities and, in doing so, to seek out and master optimal challenges. Extrinsic motivation arises from environmental incentives and consequences. Cognitive evaluation theory says that all external events have both a controlling aspect and an informational aspect.

The book says that intrinsic motivation occurs spontaneously and is not done for any instrumental reason. So I do not believe some one can be intrinsically motivated and get paid at the same time. The only time it may be okay is if the person does not know they are going to be paid before or during the task. If they are paid afterwards I think it is possible.

Something that was really interesting to me is that when people say stuff like, "That's interesting," "That's fun," or "I enjoy doing that" they are expressing their intrinsic motivation. I have said those phrases many different times in my life and I never knew that i was expressing that I was intrinsically motivated. Now when I say any of those phrases I will think of this class. I also found it surprising that there is another kind of motivation. Amotivation is when a person is neither intrinsically nor extrinsically motivated. I thought that you had to be either one.

Some examples of intrinsic motivation would be sticking to an excercise program because you wanted to or attending and staying in school. For me personally I would say I am intrinsically motivated to help people because I like to help people when they are in need and I don't ever expect to get anything in return. Some examples of extrinsic motivation would be getting paid, recieveing an award, or public recognition. I am extrinsically motivated when I am at work because I am a waitress so I want to do my best so I can get the best tips that I am capable of getting.

I learned from this chapter that it is better to be intrinsically motivated during school because you will be able to actually learn and not just striving for the good grade. Once I start my career I will keep in mind to be intrinsically motivated more rather than extrinsically because I will be able to achieve more overall.

Chapter five was about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Chapter five also incorporated many behavioral modification concepts including positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, rewards, incentives, and hidden costs. Intrinsic motivation develops because of personal psychological needs. Examples of intrinsic motivation are doing things because they are fun, interesting, and allow for a challenge. Intrinsic motivation allows a person to develop autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Extrinsic motivation occurs because of environmental incentives and consequences. Examples of an extrinsic motivators are money, tokens, approval, candy, extra credit etc. We do something in order to get something. It is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still receive a reward/incentive. For example, a person could still be intrinsically motivated to paint and receive money for their paintings. However, extrinsic motivation does decrease intrinsic motivation and will effect future intrinsic motivation (Hidden Cost). It’s better to do things for pure enjoyment rather than doing things only because you know you will be rewarded. I am personally intrinsically motivated to play tennis, I get a lot of enjoyment from playing tennis. However, I noticed that when my dad used money as an extrinsic motivator to get me to practice every night instead of going out with friends, tennis wasn’t as enjoyable anymore. Another example of a personal intrinsic motivator is reading. However, now that school has started again and I have to read to pass a class, reading isn’t as enjoyable.

Reinforcement and punishment were two other topics that were important to chapter five. A reinforcer is an extrinsic even that increases behavior. There are two types of reinforcement: positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when you add something to increase a behavior. An example of positive reinforcement is if a mother allows her child to have extra T.V. time if they clean their room. The mother added the extra T.V. time which will increase the frequency and likelihood that the child will continue cleaning their room. Negative reinforcement is when something is subtracted to increase the frequency of a behavior. An example of negative reinforcement is if an individual has a painful tooth and goes to the dentist and has the painful tooth removed. The dentist is increasing the likelihood that the individual will continue to go to the dentist. Punishment decreases the frequency of a behavior. The two types of punishment are positive punishment and negative punishment. An example or positive punishment is spanking a child for throwing a tantrum. An example of negative punishment would be when a mother takes away T.V. time for her child when they didn’t clean their room. The thing that I found most interesting in the chapter was the fact that punishment isn’t as effective as reinforcement. I found the fact interesting because punishment is so widely used in our society and if it’s not effective, then why are we still using it? Rewards and incentives were also discussed in the chapter. Incentives are environmental events that attract or repel a person toward or away from an action. Incentives take place before the behavior. Rewards are described in the chapter as an offer given to a person in exchange for a service or achievement. However, not all rewards increase a behavior.

The chapter will influence my future school and career success because I now know how to regulate others behaviors. I now have the knowledge to get other to do what I want. I now understand the importance of developing intrinsic motivation and I hope to now search for more activities that I find to be intrinsically motivating. I will also remember that punishment isn’t as effective as reinforcement. So, if I ever want to change someone’s behavior I will use differential reinforcement instead of punishment.

Chapter 5 had focused a lot attention on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when a person is good at or just enjoys doing something and challenges themselves in relatable areas because they want to and enjoy it. For example, most people are trying find that perfect job that they want to get up and go to work for because they enjoy it there and it interests them. Intrinsic motivation brings out feelings autonomy, competence, and relatedness when with other people. This type of motivation should be encouraged because it makes people more persistent to keep motivated with a particular task and stick with it. Also, brings out creativity in interests, enjoyment, satisfactions, and challenges that when people are performing a task. Then, there is extrinsic motivation, which we are motivated from the outside influences with rewards or disciplines. For example, when children get gold stars for good behavior or get time outs for misbehaving. Extrinsic motivation is revolves around the perspective of operant conditioning, which are things that we learn behaviors that produce attractive consequences (e.g. money, praise, or approval) and learning not to do behaviors that cause us aversive consequences (e.g. criticisms or rejection). Also, that we have positive and negative reinforcements, that means when you add something to a situation to change it to the desired behavior (positive), or take something away (negative).
What I found most interesting about this chapter is that people’s behavior can be manipulated if you just watch careful enough to notice their needs. Like the negative and positive reinforcement they can be used on about everyone to make them cooperate either with reward or punishment. Another thing that this chapter made me think about is how punishment is used, in that we have evolved as a society that basically any form a physically punishment is extreme and is abuse. What I think about the subject is that people need to use simple means of punishment before any form of physical punishment, but sometimes kids need to get a spanking, I’m not saying to beat the hell out of your kids, but leave them with knowing that certain types of behaviors aren’t going to be acceptable.
Well different ways I intrinsically motivate myself is when it is coming out of my pocket like school, I try to achieve the best possible grade I can get for classes because I’m paying for it. Also, if it benefits me as in if I challenge myself with something and actually put forth effort and I succeed, it makes me feel good. What extrinsically motivates me is if I better someone else from what I do or it is something I get rewarded in the end with. For example, the last thing in the world I want to do is go to work, but since I get paid for showing up, not skipping, or calling in “sick” I get paid and it is nice having money by the end of the week.

Chapter 5 is about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when you are doing something because you are interested in it and enjoy it. For instance, some people like to read just for fun. Intrinsic motivation brings psychological need and satisfaction such as autonomy, competence and relatedness. There are many benefits of this type of motivation: creativity, high quality learning, well being , and persistence which is the key to success because that mean that the person really try to do something to achieve his/her goal. In turn, extrinsic motivation is environmentally created reason to engage in action. Thus, the person does something because there are some benefits of doing this, like rewards.
Another thing that the author talks in chapter five is punishment. Does it really work? Research shows that it does not work, it is ineffective motivational strategy. There are some side effects like negative emotionality, imparied relationship, and negative modeling.
It is possible to be intrinsically motivated yet still be paid. For instance, having a job that you love, like you enjoy what you do. And I am extrinsingly motivated to go to school, take some classes that I think are not necessary, but I know that if that will help in my future, like get a better job or reach some of my goals I will go to school and do it even though I do not enjoy. Also, I think do sport is both intrinsically and extrinsically for me. First of all I love to do it and I enjoy it every day, yet at the same time I know that by doing this I can make my future better or even now, to be paid for doing this. How do I think about motivation according to school and carrer after reading this chapter? I will definately try to find a job that I will love because then I will be intristincally motivated to do it, not just thinking that I have to do it to get money.

Chapter 5 is about two different types of motivation and how they work among individuals. The first being intrinsic motivation, which is the inherit psychological need and interests that an individual engages in. Simply put, intrinsic motivation is when a person is motivated simply because they want to do for the fun of it. The second, extrinsic motivation is environmental incentives and consequences that may encourage a certain amount of motivational behavior. So it’s the do this and you’ll get that concept. The chapter tells how each sort of motivation works, what may influence the other more and the side effects of extrinsic motivation on a normally intrinsic activity; which brings me to the interesting part that I found in the chapter.

The interesting thing I found was that how much extrinsic motivation can have such a bad affect on normally intrinsic behavior. How having an environmental reward for an activity a person already enjoys in actually cheapens it and makes the person want the reward rather than the pleasure of the activity. Before I read the chapter I honestly though having both intrinsic motivations to do something mixed with extrinsic motivation that the activeness in that activity would increase. Interesting thing was, was I was wrong. It’s the opposite, which after reading and looking at it, it’s understandable. Never thought of it that way, and makes me not want that to happen with some of the things I do out of sheer intrinsic motivation. But I still believe that if given the right balance intrinsic and extrinsic can have a possible positive affect. I know when I worked this summer at an assisted living facility that I liked the money, but I liked going to work too. I enjoyed getting up and going to work to help out the employees that were short handed as well as work with the residence of the facility. Given the right incentive to go to work, along with a decent pay for your work effort that both can give a person motivation to do well in their performance.

As for how this chapter has changed my look on school…well it’s changed a decent bit. For instance, I’m doing this right now rather than later. My intrinsic motivation to do well in class as I know I can influences me to do my assignments so I can study later as well, as well as the extrinsic motivation of see a nice A or B at the end of the semester. As for my future career, it brings to mind that if I can find job that enjoy getting up in the morning for and getting paid for my good work, then that’s just an awesome way to live and motivated me intrinsically and extrinsically to meet that goal.

This chapter describes the two categories of motivation sources—intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the propensity for one to do something for the reason of it being fun, enjoyable, interesting, etc. Extrinsic motivation involves an environmental stimulus (incentives and consequences) that motivates a person to do something in order to get the incentive or avoid the consequence. Intrinsic motivation is what we should strive for when self-motivating, as well as trying to motivate others.

I found it interesting in this chapter, as well as in our class discussion, when we talked about which forms of motivation are most effective (short- and long-term) and which are not effective at all. I was also surprised to learn about all of the many unintended consequences of each motivational type—especially the consequences from spanking! I was a pretty good kid growing up, but I admit, I was spanked a few times when my behavior was out of line (in my parents’ perspective). I don’t believe I am more aggressive or antisocial (of have any of the other long-term effects) because I was spanked. Perhaps there is a minimum number of times being spanked that begins the production of the long-term side effects and I was just fortunate to be spanked under that minimum number…I do understand how important it is to explain rationale behind doing something when modeling behavior for and “motivating”/manipulating a child. I feel like I have already learned a lot about parenting in this class and am excited to learn more! I don’t have any younger brothers and sisters and so didn’t get to experience the manipulation tactics of an older sibling.

I was hoping to get a chance to ask a question at the end of the lecture in class today about the possibility of being intrinsically motivated yet still being paid—what the research says—but in my opinion I think you can. I think the initial amount of intrinsic motivation decreases some, especially if you aren’t doing any of the actions just because you enjoy it anymore. For example, if a person loves to design clothes and is intrinsically motivated to do so, I think that as long as they are still doing some of the work just for themselves, or others (with no payment motivation), I think they can still have intrinsic motivation. It would definitely be hard, but as long as the clothes designer is still doing some just for his/her own enjoyment, I think it is possible to be intrinsically motivated yet still be paid.

I am intrinsically motivated to read non-textbooks. I used to not like reading when I was younger because I was slow at it compared to my lightning-fast older sister. As I developed my reading and comprehensive skills over the years and was highly successful at those sections on those irritating basic skills tests, my competence in my reading ability grew and I got more intrinsic motivation from it. I also enjoy watching movies and old episodes of some of my favorite shows (including Grey’s Anatomy, NCIS, and Bones). Even though I have previously seen the episodes, I still enjoy relaxing and getting immersed into the action and story lines (as is the same when I read great books). I am extrinsically motivated to run. When I am in good shape I love getting that runner’s high, or the endorphin release after a good workout. I also like how healthy and fit my body is when I am consistent in working out. I feel like I have to pull my own teeth out sometimes to get myself to work out—mostly because I feel like I should be getting other stuff done, like homework.

I will definitely think more about what my motivations are behind my actions now. When I am in a situation where I don’t have any initial intrinsic motivation I will try to find reasons of how it could develop into becoming intrinsically motivating. I know that a lot of my motivators currently are extrinsic—because I am looking toward what I want in the future, but I am interested in seeing if that will ultimately let me be intrinsically motivated in my future career, or will I just continue to be extrinsically motivated because we, as a society, are so used to it? I hope it’s the former.

Chapter five was about extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic comes from an environmentally created reason to do an action. Extrinsic motivation has three main concepts: incentives, consequences, and rewards. Incentive is and environmental event that attracts or repels someone toward or away from an action. Consequences include punishers and reinforces. With that there is a positive reinforcer and a negative reinforcer. A positive reinforcer increases the probability of any action in the future. A negative reinforcer then decreases the probability of an action in the future. Reward is anything from one person to another to get them to do something you want them to do. This chapter also talks about the negative effects extrinsic events can have when you do not want them to. The whole incentives, consequences, and rewards also may undermine motivation. It gets complicated when you want someone to read you try to reward them but you don’t want them to only start reading because they get a reward. Intrinsic is when you do something because you really enjoy doing an activity. Some people love to read so when they get to read they are excited. They don’t have to be rewarded or anything to get them to read.

I think it is pretty possible to be intrinsically motivated and yet still receive a pay. It may undermine you motivation a little bit. However, I do not think that being paid to do something you love will change your motivation by much at least. Chapter 5 really made me think about whether I’m doing what I love or not. I never really didn’t think about all of this stuff until reading it. I know that the more I am interested in a class or something the better I’m going to do it. I can really understand that now. All the classes I have never really enjoyed I never tried my hardest in, but classes I absolutely loved I did my best in them. The same will be for a job. If I’m doing something I love to do I know I’m going to do very good at it, but if I’m doing something just because I have to or I was told to I’m going to be less motivated to do it to my full potential.

Chapter 5 discusses intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Intrinsic motivation is when you want to do something of your own accord, without any tangible or concrete benefits to yourself, such as money, prizes, praise, etc. It’s something you do, because you enjoy doing it. For me, such a thing would be reading, helping a friend, or being involved in an organization. I love reading, I absolutely love helping people and being involved. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, would be the outside motivations such as money, praise or prizes of any variety. Some classifications of extrinsic motivators were positive and negative reinforcers and punisher, also, incentives, consequences and rewards.

I mentioned earlier what I was intrinsically motivated to do, which was reading, helping friends, and being involved. There are some times when I am extrinsically motivated to accomplish certain tasks or do certain things. An example of this is when I worked at Target. I absolutely loathed the job, but as a poor college student, an income was essential to get through the year. Another example would be cleaning the hallway or bathroom at my home. I cleaned so my mother would not yell at me, which would be a negative reinforcer.

In light of this, I do think it would be possible to be intrinsically motivated, but still receive pay or another form of extrinsic motivation. For example, last October I was looking to write for the Northern Iowan, the student newspaper, so I talked to the editor and went to some meetings. It wasn’t until after I had written a few articles that I was asked for my payment information. This shocked me, as I had planned on VOLUNTEERING to write for the paper, not get paid for it. Though, obviously, I wasn’t exactly opposed to getting paid. That being said, it’s a year later and I still sometimes am surprised to see the deposit into my bank account every two weeks. I write for the paper, because I enjoy it, not because I get paid. Therefore, I tend to forget it’s an actual job and not something I just do for fun.

Ideally, this chapter will remain in my memory for many years to come. Well, at least the knowledge and information contained in it. There were several instances in class during the lecture and while reading that I thought to myself I needed to remember that for raising my own kids (even typing that is a rather scary thought), and any future people under my supervision. I also may put some of the reinforcement/rewards aspects of the chapter into practice in various student organizations when trying to get students involved. It was also very interesting to hear that rewarding kids isn’t necessarily the best way to get them to learn. As a former (officially, still) education major, I tried to think of a way to put a stop to this. No clear option came to mind. But perhaps I’ll be intrinsically motivated to continue to find a solution to this problem…who knows.

The "hidden costs of rewards" are really surprising to me. To get paid to do something that is originally intrinsically motivated would seem to me to only really reinforce the behavior as opposed to replacing intrinsic with extrinsic motivation.

I don't see why it would be impossible to maintain intrinsic motivation while receiving extrinsic motivation as well. It doesn't make sense to me that the brain would work that way.

I am intrinsically motivated by my competitive nature. It isn't as bad as it used to be academically, but as far as physical goes I still dislike to fail at doing something especially if there is someone doing better. Even when it's something that doesn't really have a lose scenario, it always feels like a loss if I don't do well. I'm employed, and my classes for the most part work on a point system serving as major extrinsic motivators.

I'm still digesting this chapter. I got the feeling that there was something out of place or that didn't quite work for me about the interaction of the effects of extrinsic motivation on intrinsic motivations. I'm going to end up fixating on it until I puzzle it out, which isn't necessarily a good thing. As for the effects of this chapter on my academic and eventual career, I'm not so certain.

I usually manage to remain pretty motivated in both realms so I don't anticipate a major change, but I think I learned more about childrearing from it then anything else.

Chapter 5 was about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, except most of the chapter seemed to focus on extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation occurs when the person is motivated because the behavior is fun to them. It appeals to them because they simply like it or satisfy their psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. There are some benefits of intrinsic motivation such as persistence, creativity, conceptual understanding, high-quality learning, and optimal functioning and well-being. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation occurs when the person is motivated by outside sources, such as incentives, consequences, and rewards. There are some problems with extrinsic motivation in that they may undermine intrinsic motivation. Someone who does something because it is fun then gets offered a reward for doing it, will likely start to view that behavior as one that deserves a reward and they will lose intrinsic interest in the activity. They also interfere with the process of learning. When someone is offered a reward for doing something, they will most likely do it as quickly and shoddy as possible to simply get that reward. They are not internalizing the behavior and learning the material. They are more about memorizing facts if they are taking a test instead of understanding what it is talking about. More importantly, extrinsic motivators impair the individual’s autonomous self-regulation. They are being told what to do and how to do it and when the motivator is removed they will not have the intrinsic motivation to do it and will not be able to do these things on their own. The chapter goes on to discuss how we can combat these negative effects of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation can be a good thing if the goal is not just to control behavior but to inform the person that they are competent and doing a good job. If you can the latter with external events, they will internalize this and feel better about themselves and their work, therefore want to do the behavior/activity more next time. One extrinsic motivator that is a good example of this is praise. The book discusses how there are tangible extrinsic motivators such as money, trophies, stickers, etc., and there are ones like praise and information. The latter is the way to improve people’s behavior while retaining intrinsic motivation even if the behavior/activity is an uninteresting one.

I thought pretty much all of this information was interesting. I never thought about how there are different motivators before besides the basic rewards and praise. I definitely didn’t think of them in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic. I also didn’t realize there were so many different kinds of extrinsic motivation, such as the four types listed in the end of the chapter: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and integrated regulation. I did find these somewhat confusing and had to read through them several times to get them straight. Having the names so similar makes it difficult to discern the differences. I did find it interesting though that I fit into most of those categories at the same time.

I think it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still be paid. Take a job for example. Our book discusses how you can work and receive a paycheck, yet be praised verbally from your boss. As long as the praise and money is informative and not just controlling, you should be able to retain intrinsic motivation. Many people love what they do and are paid, yet they would still continue to do what they do even if they weren’t paid. This shows that when the extrinsic motivation is removed, the intrinsic motivation is still strong; therefore they can exist at the same time. It also depends on the strength of both kinds of motivation. If you have really strong intrinsic motivation and some extrinsic motivation (pay), your chances are better to retain that intrinsic motivation than if you have medial to low intrinsic motivation and some to high extrinsic motivation (pay). I, personally, also believe that the length of extrinsic motivation plays an important role on retaining intrinsic motivation. If you do your job for years and like it, but are paid pretty well, you get used to getting that pay. If after 20 years, you are fired or laid off, that pay stops and you may no longer feel the intrinsic motivation to continue pursuing a job in that field. To me this is a kind of satiation of extrinsic motivation which definitely affects your intrinsic motivation. It is all about balancing and if done right, the answer is yes, you can be intrinsically motivated and still be paid.

There are definitely several ways that I am both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated. Some examples of intrinsic are that I enjoy school and learning and therefore want to work hard to achieve my educational goals because I enjoy it. I also enjoy watching TV, so a lot of time, the intrinsic motivation of doing this will overpower my intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of doing homework. Along with this example is my example of extrinsic motivation. I am the person who procrastinates terribly. I am definitely often extrinsically motivated to do homework because I do not want to fail. I want to get A’s, praise, and achieve certain career goals that alter my behavior when I am uninterested. This is how I felt I fit in with most of the types of extrinsic motivation.

Well, this chapter definitely made me realize what kinds of motivation are altering/affecting my behavior/actions every day! I knew that I did things for external reasons, but I did not realize how much of our daily behavior was due to extrinsic motivators. I now realize that I need to change how I think about homework and studying. It explains why I have continually procrastinated so terribly. The thing I don’t get is that I do love school and learning, yet I still seem very uninterested in sitting down and reading chapters from books. As we discussed, it may be due to the fact that I used to be very intrinsically motivated to read, then was forced to read uninteresting things for school. It soured my intrinsic motivation to read and every time I had to read became a chore. I think something that will help me is to try to recapture my intrinsic motivation for reading and learning and quit thinking about it so much in terms of I have to get this read by such and such, etc. I think this chapter was quite helpful in my academic career.

intrinsic vs. Extrinsic motivation was the main topic chapter 5 focused on. Intrinsic motivation it the inherent propensity to engage ones interests and exercise ones capacities and in doing so to seek out and master optimal challenges. Whereas Extrinsic motivations arises from environmental incentives and consequences, such as food, money, praise, attention, stickers, gold starts, and so on and so forth. Intrinsic motivation in the work place In which It revolved around Autonomy, the urge to direct ones own life, Mastery, the desire to get better at something you are good at, and Purpose, yearning to do a service larger than oneself. We learned that extrinsic motivators weren’t always the way to go, because it lead to the errors in the work place to increase, because incentives were far more important that doing an adequate job.

Chapter 5 focuses on Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is one’s own inclination to engage one’s interests and to exercise and develop one’s capacities. In other words, it is one’s own desire to do what they are inherently interested in doing without any outside motivation. Intrinsic motivation arises from three main areas: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. It is the type of motivation that comes from satisfying one’s own psychological needs. The benefits of intrinsic motivation are persistence, creativity, conceptual understanding, and optimal functioning and well-being. On the other hand there is extrinsic motivation. This is an environmentally created reason to engage in an action or activity. In other words it’s a “what’s in it for me?” type of motivation. Forms of extrinsic motivation include incentives, consequences, reinforcers, punishers, and rewards.
The most surprising thing I learned was that rewards can be negative. I always thought of rewards as a positive thing, but when it comes to interfering with developing one’s intrinsic motivation it can be a bad thing. I also found it interesting how many different forms of extrinsic motivation there are. I knew of rewards, reinforcers, and punishers, but I was previously unaware of how incentives, consequences, praise and competition are extrinsic motivators as well.
I believe it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still paid if you are working not for the pay but for the personal enjoyment of the work. When the pay is all that matters to you, the work is not intrinsic motivation. But when you are most interested in the work and could care less about how much you are being paid or if you are receiving a raise, this is when you are being intrinsically motivated.
An example of how I am both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated is my job. I am an RA in one of the dorms on campus. When I was originally hired, the free room and board was not what motivated to take the position. Rather it was the opportunity to meet new people and influence the lives of residents that really motivated me to take the position and do the job well. This is an example of intrinsic motivation. But now that I have started my second year in the position, I honestly am motivated more by the free room and board, especially when I find myself stressed with schoolwork and the job requirements. In this instance I am extrinsically motivated to keep the RA position.
This chapter will make me more aware when I continue my education about how motivated I am to pursue a career. If I find myself in graduate school not excited about classes or the subject material, and dreading working in the future, this is a sign that I am not intrinsically motivated to pursue a career in occupational therapy.

This chapter focused on extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation revolves around incentives, consequences, and rewards. Therefore, certain events can make a situation appeal more to us than other. Also, certain reinforcers whether positive or negative will increase the likelihood of our motivation and the amount of effort we put forth. Whereas, intrinsic motivation is something we do because we enjoy doing it. An example of intrinsic motivation that you get paid doing would be a professional athlete. The majority of these individuals continue to play in this sport because they have enjoyed doing it throughout their lives and find all the hard work and dedication worth it. However, some of these athletes may be more extrinsically motivated by the money and fame that comes from this sport. These individuals continue to participate because they have the talent rather than the dedication and enjoy the results. An example of intrinsic motivation for me is travelling. I enjoy doing it and would love to have a job that would require me to move around with it and experience new places. In addition, exercise is something I enjoy doing and I am intrinsically motivated to continue living an active lifestyle. An example of extrinsic motivation for me would be my job. I don't necessarily enjoy being a waitress but I continue because I enjoy the tips I earn and the job experience it provides me. In addition, another example of extrinsic motivation is making myself go to my research methods class which I am not extremely interested in, but have to take in order to get my degree in psychology. Information from this chapter will help me realize what it is I truly enjoy and narrow down careers that intrinsically motivate me, rather than extrinsically.

The most interesting thing that a learned in this chapter is how creativity is actually stifled by controlling events like being watched, evaluated, or rewarded. For many tasks, having someone do these things would likely help motivate you to do your best. But studies have shown that these things do not help with creativity. Intrinsic motivation is required for creativity to blossom.
It is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still be paid, as long as they are truly motivated by interest, enjoyment, or satisfaction of performing the work. But on days when someone does not feel like going into work but goes anyway so they don’t get fired, they are no longer intrinsically motivated. Also, research shows that if someone is intrinsically motivated to perform a task, adding a reward like money actually hurts their ability to be intrinsically motivated in the future.
I am extrinsically motivated most of the time. My motivation for going to class, work, the gym, the library is usually extrinsic. I find extrinsic motivation to do most of my daily activities. There are a few things that I am intrinsically motivated to do. One of those is reading books. I love to read just because i enjoy it, not because I need to do it to pass a test or study for a class.

Chapter 5 focuses on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. It explains how to increase or decrease peoples’ behaviors by using their personal motivations. Intrinsic motivation is typically the best motivation, when people want to do things, they will do them. If it happens to be a helpful behavior, like public speaking, it can be very beneficial. When there is no intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation can be utilized. For example, people do work to get money. There are a few forms of extrinsic motivation. You can positively or negatively reinforce or punish behaviors. Positive would be some sort of addition and negative being some sort of subtraction. Reinforcement would mean to increase the likelihood of that behavior happening again and punishment being the opposite. The chapter also discusses rewards and whether or not they actually work. The most interesting part of the chapter was honestly the whole thing. The entire concept of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is very interesting with a lot of possible use in everyday life.

It would be possible to be intrinsically motivated and be paid. There’s a saying that goes something like this, do what you love well enough to get paid for it. If you really enjoy something that involves some sort of compensation, then you can be intrinsically motivated to do it. You would do it even without the money but you happen to get paid, which just seems like a bonus.

My personal intrinsic motivations would be creative things. I love to write, to read, to paint, to bake strange things, etc. If I had a choice, I would be reading books of my own choosing all day instead of books for class. That’s one reason I like the book report assignment and being able to choose our own books. I am extrinsically motivated to go to class (college in general), if I didn’t have to go for a good grade, I wouldn’t (not this class, though; it’s actually fun). With my personal extrinsic motivators, I now have some good ideas for how I can set goals and have friends help with my reinforcement of positive behaviors. When I do well on an exam, I can do something fun with friends and when I’ve done a chapter or two of readings, I can take a break and spend time browsing online.

Chapter 5 covered intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when you engage in a behavior or activity for pure enjoyment or pleasure. When you are intrinsically motivated, you do things because you want to, not because you have to. This type of motivation is the most persistent and effective type of motivation a person could have. People who are intrinsically motivated tend to engage in an activity/behavior longer, are more creative in the activity, have a higher quality of learning or conceptual understanding, and have a better functioning and level of psychological well-being.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, extrinsic motivation is when you engage in a behavior or activity because of an external event or stimuli forces you to do so. These external stimuli or events can be in the forms of incentives or consequences. When you are extrinsically motivated, you do things because you have to, not because you want to. Extrinsic motivation is not the most robust form of motivation. If the incentive or consequence is not present, a person is not inclined to engage in the particular task.
There are 4 different types of extrinsic motivation: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, and integrated regulation. The main difference between these 4 types is the amount of autonomy or perceived locus of causality one feels in doing the task. External regulation is the least autonomous. A person who uses external regulation to motivate their behavior does so to obtain or avoid something. Introjected regulation's perceived locus of causality is somewhat external and a little more autonomous than external regulation. People who engage in a behavior using introjected regulation do so because they belief they should. In other words, they do so because of internal rewards in punishment (i.e., feeling good about yourself vs. feeling guilty for not doing it). Identified regulation has a somewhat internal perceived locus of causality. People who engage in an activity or behavior using identified regulation do so because the see the value or importance in doing it. The final type of extrinsic motivation and the most internalized is integrated regulation. People who use integrated regulation engage in an activity or behavior because it reflects their values. A good example of this would be somebody donating to a charity. Even though they may not exactly want to part with their hard, earned money, they do it anyway because they value or believe in being charitable or helping out those who are less fortunate.
Honestly, I found this entire chapter very interesting. There is so many uses I have for all the information provided in the chapter. The information about negative and positive reinforcers, punishments, rewards, incentives, etc is all very helpful for me as a parent. Additionally, with the career field that I am choosing, this information is incredibly useful to learn different ways that I can try to motivate others into accepting and valuing the rules that they need to follow. By understanding the different forms of extrinsic motivation (i.e. external, introjected,identified, and integrated regulation), I can develop different ways to approach clients to help or guide them towards a more positive or socially (and legally) accepted lifestyle.
I think that it is possible to be intrinsically motivated and still be paid. According to the cognitive evaluation theory, if the external event is given in an informational way it will increase intrinsic motivation and decrease extrinsic motivation. One way that money can be provided in a way that would be informational is giving an unexpected bonus or pay raise to somebody because their quality of work exceeded expectations. With it being unexpected, the quality of their work is not affected because the bonus or pay raise is not being used to force them to comply to certain standards. Rather, it is being used to give them positive feedback on the quality of work that they are doing. Thus, it is fulfilling their psychological need for perceived competence.
When my brothers and I were in grade school, my parents made the huge mistake of trying to motivate my brothers and I to do well in school by assigning a monetary reward for each letter grade above a C. When we reached junior high and high school, this monetary reward system was switched from each letter grade to a flat $20 rate for each time we made honor roll. This motivated me extrinsically to perform well while in school but not master the material. In turn, when I graduated high school and began my college career, I initially flunked out my freshman year. This is because I had no intrinsic motivation to go to class and do well (the monetary reward system had been stopped). Additionally, I quickly discovered that because I was focused strictly on performance rather than mastery of material, I missed out on obtaining critical studying and time management skills that I still struggle with today.
Furthermore, the initial reason for my parents incorporating this monetary system was because my brothers would not complete their homework and would not work hard at earning better grades. I,on the other hand, did not initially have that problem. I initially was intrinsically motivated to do well because I enjoyed learning. However, once I started being paid for grades, my motivation switched from intrinsic to extrinsic.
Now lets fast forward to today, my motivation to return to school and do well is still extrinsic to an extent. However, it is much more identified/integrated regulation. Because I was able to see how unsuccessful I was without a college degree, it motivated me to want to achieve one so that I could obtain a career that I enjoyed (identified regulation). Additionally, I started to integrate the external motivation of returning to school because I felt that it was reflective of my beliefs in a higher education and I wanted to model my beliefs to my children (integrated regulation).
Another form of intrinsic motivation that I have is genealogy. I love, love, love, researching my family history because I find enjoyment out of knowing the stories of my ancestors. To me, there is something truly amazing and inspiring to hear about the struggles and obstacles my ancestors had to overcome in order to succeed in life.
The information in this chapter will help me significantly in my career field. I want to become a probation/parole officer and part of my duties is to not only get clients to comply with the rules of their probation/parole but to also lower their recidivism rates by helping them with the issues that are leading to or contributing to their offenses. Motivation plays a major role in both aspects of the field. I have to motivate them to comply with the conditions of their probation/parole, and I also have to motivate them to take advantage of the referrals and advice I give them to help them tackle their underlying issues.
In terms of my career, forcing clients to comply with the conditions of their probation/parole is very externally motivated. Unfortunately, the system uses the imprisonment as a punisher for failing to comply. After reading this chapter, I can see how faulty this is in getting clients to internally adapt these rules and regulations as their own. Additionally, the chapter has also given me a lot of valuable insight as to how extrinsic and intrinsic motivation works and I was able to develop some different methods of how to help clients internalize the rules, regulations, and motivation to change.
All of this in itself is helping me to change my extrinsic motivation for taking this class (i.e., simply fulfilling a requirement of my major) to become more integrated to the point where I'm engaging in at least identified regulation of it (i.e, this class if valuable to me because the information I learn is needed for me to be successful in my career field).

The chapter discussed intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when you are motivated to do something out of interest for yourself, such things as your wants and needs. Extrinsic motivation is when the environment influences our actions from things such as rewards and punishments.
I think it is possible to be intrinsically rewarded. When you wake up and are able to do what you want and love every day you are being rewarded. As most people have pointed out being an athlete is the perfect example of this.
I found it most interesting that intrinsic motivation was the better motivation of the two. When you are relying on others for rewards as you do in extrinsic motivation you always have the worry that you won’t be rewarded anymore, but when you are doing something for your own needs and wants it motivates you even more.
After reading this chapter it makes me realize that I need to look at school as a whole, not just the long term goal of getting a good grade and graduating. It also makes me realize when I want to go and work out and think that I can reward myself after with a scratch cupcake, that it is defeating the purpose and that cupcake shouldn’t be my incentive to work out, it should be to feel better about myself and to look better.

I think overall what I found interesting about this chapter is the distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, not by definition necessarily, but in the sense of distinguishing people’s actions and how they are motivated. Are people doing something because they TRULY want to, or does it just seem like they have to? The chapter goes on to prove why intrinsic motivation is much better than extrinsic. Overall, their actions are will be more sincere, they will have better performance and learning, etc. It really got me to think about my actions and what are truly intrinsic versues just extrinsically motivated.
Yes, I absolutely think it is possible to be intrinsically motivated yet still be paid. This is why people always say “Do something you love for a career; then it feels like you aren’t going to work.” I am actually an example of that in a few of my positions I’ve had. For example, I was an RA last year, and throughout the year I forgot that I got paid to hang out with my residents, etc. Also, I was on the Summer Orientation Staff this past summer, and I woke up everyday with a smile on my face and excited to meet the day. There were several occasions I had to say to myself “I can’t believe I get paid to do something so rewarding and fun.” It’s jobs like this that I would have done regardless of the pay.
There are many examples of how I am intrinsically or extrinsically motivated every day. Since there are so many examples I could give, I will give an example of something I do that is fueled by both. Going back to my Orientation job, for example. I was intrinsically motivated to help new freshman. That is one of the best feelings one can have; knowing that you have put someone on the right track, and helped them out for the better. I had so much fun meeting new people everyday, that I would have done it for free. Extrinsically, however, it was still my job, so I was still motivated by the pay. I was also motivated to impress my boss and other university workers as well. These would be my incentives, as well as if I ever got a “good job” that would be my “reward.”
This chapter helps further the advice of “do something you love.” I want to be very adamant about making sure that I enjoy the job I am doing and that it is work that is fueled by more than just money or other reasons. I have seen first hand how much of a different that can make Even with my own dad, he works as an engineer for a local factory. He earns a pretty good annual salary, but he always comes home stressed. However, he and his brother have started a second business. It is an archery shop (bow and arrows), which is one of my dad’s favorite hobbies. Although he is doing more work now (because he still has his engineering job), he is much happier because he loves what he is doing at the archery shop.

Chapter 5 was all about Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation. The first type of motivation, intrinsic, is all about doing something because it is fun and they want to. No one if forcing them, and it can help that person become more creative and enjoy the activity more. Extrinsic motivation is when there are external incentives or consequences...stickers, stars, raises, points, certificates, freebies, etc. An incentive, to give a brief description is anything in the environment that attracts a person to act a certain way, or that repels a person and stops them from acting a certain way. The chapter then goes into depth about both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, and what complies them: incentives, rewards, punishments and the benefits of each of those. The thing I learned most is about how incentives can be bad, like a punishment. I had always thought incentives and rewards will get a person to do a behavior again and again. I didn't realize that if you go the other way around, incentives (bad ones) will stop a behavior from occurring.

Yes it is very possible to be intrinsically motivated and still get paid. Currently I am not a fan of the place I work at right now. I get paid, but one of the main reasons I am still there is because I like to make the customers (regulars and new ones) happy, and seeing them being happy is worth me being stuck at a job (regardless of pay). When it comes to school, I am 50% intrinsically motivated and 50% extrinsically motivated. I like to get my homework and completed because it makes me feel good and helps my grades, and I know with a college degree I will have more options for a career. At the same time, I am partially in school because I know it makes my parents happy. So I am in college because I like feeling good about my accomplishments, but also I know it is good for having more career options and it makes my parents happy.
I will keep working hard in school, and get good grades because if I just don't care about anything, I get too stressed out and life just sucks. Knowing I am doing something that definitely makes my parents happy makes being in college better too. I will try and do things not because of others, or because of pay/incentives, but I will try and do things because I want to, and it would make me happy.

This chapter gave basic information on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a type of motivation that occurs when someone is doing an activity they enjoy. This type of motivations focuses on a person seeking out opportunities to engage in behaviors in which they like. There is no payment or alternative motivates. Conversely, there is extrinsic motivation. This occurs when a person engages in a behavior or activity because they are getting some sort of a reward. This could be getting paid, better grades, or attention. Both of these types of motivation are powerful; however, people who engage in intrinsic motivation are more motivated. The most interesting thing I learned in this chapter was that extrinsic motivation can have “hidden costs of reward”. This was interesting because most times people assume that getting paid for something will increase the motivation behind the behavior. I believe it is possible to be paid and still be intrinsically motivated. For instance, a musician obviously loves to sing or play instruments. Because of their talent they will most likely get paid. I don’t think that this would cause them to be less interested in playing music. I am intrinsically motivated to scrapbook and play sports. However, I am extrinsically motivated to do well in school. Information from this chapter will help me to reorganize the way I think about certain behaviors and encourage myself to be intrinsically motivated versus extrinsically.

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