Reading Blog Due 9/22 @ midnight


Chapter 9

Read chapter 9. Summarize the chapter. What was the most surprising thing you learned? How do personal control beliefs serve to encourage (motivate) or discourage behavior? Provide an example of each (an encouraged and discouraged behavior) and specifically discuss how personal control beliefs would influence those behaviors.

Provide a list of terms at the end of your post that you used from the chapter.


This chapter discusses the topic of personal control beliefs. It discusses the how personal control beliefs are the expectations that people have in producing certain desires and events and preventing undesired ones. People's expectations come in two ways which are efficacy and outcomes. Efficacy is one's capacity to organize the sills to cope with the demands and circumstances that they will face. Outcomes are those predicted outcomes that are expected to occur or achieved after the action. Self-efficacy is the individual's belief that he can do a certain task or demand and has the skills to perform the task. The chapter also discusses learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is when someone views that the events in their lives are uncontrollable and they can't do anything about them. There are three concepts associated with learned helplessness; they are contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is the relationship between a person's behavior and environment. Cognition includes the mental processes to translate objective environments. Behavior is the voluntary coping behaviors.

Personal control beliefs allow a person to control their motivation and determine and decide if they have the accomplishments to achieve goals. They help to encourage behavior when they feel like they have the skills to complete a demand. When a person feels that they don't have the skills to complete or do the task or they feel the outcomes will not be good, this could discourage the behavior. An encouraged behavior may be riding a bike. The personal control beliefs could be that the person feels that they have the skills to perform the task of riding the bike. The person may feel they have the balance skills to ride the bike and keep it in motion. This action can also cause discouraged behavior because a person may feel that they don't have the skills to ride the bike. They may have seen a previous person fall at riding the bike and they don't think they can do if if that person couldn't do it.

Terms: efficacy, outcomes, self-efficacy, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior

Chapter 9 is about motivation to exercise personal control over life events. People try to predict what will happen and when trying to do influence what happens, people try to make desirable outcomes more likely to happen and undesirable outcomes less likely to happen. When people try to control their life events they are working with expectancy, which is a subjective prediction of how likely it is that an event will occur. There are two types of expectancies, efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectations are judgments of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. An outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome. According to Bandura, self-efficacy is defined as one’s judgment of how well (or poorly) one will cope with a situation, given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces. The book states that there are four causes of self-efficacy: first, is one’s personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior; second, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior; third, verbal persuasion or pep talks from others; and fourth, physiological states such as a racing heart versus a calm one. Self-efficacy plays an important role in our lives. Once self-efficacy is produced, people expect that they can adequately perform an action, the more willing they are to put forth effort and persist in facing difficulties when activities require such action. For example if a person did not think they could make a free throw, then they would not be willing to shoot a free throw and end up quitting the challenge. To the book, learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that events in his or her life are uncontrollable. Humans and animals can be taught learned helplessness. The learned helplessness theory has three components which are contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is the relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcomes. This relationship can range from either a random, noncontingent outcome (uncontrollable outcomes) to an outcome that can occur in perfect synchronization with a person’s voluntary behavior (controllable outcomes). The book states that cognition includes all those mental processes the individual relies on to translate objective environmental contingencies in to subjective personal control beliefs. Behavior refers to the person’s voluntary coping behavior.
Reactance theory is how people react to uncontrollable life events. This theory predicts that people experience reactance only if they expect to have some control over what happens to them. This theory and learned helplessness both focus on how people react to uncontrollable outcomes, but they have different ideas on how people act in these situations.

The most surprising thing that I learned was that learned helplessness is similar to depression. In both cases the individual expects bad events to happen and thinks that there is nothing he or she can do to prevent their occurrence. Learned helplessness and depression also share some of the same symptoms, which include passivity, low self-esteem and loss of appetite.

Personal control beliefs serve to encourage or motivate a behavior when people believe they have what it takes to do the particular task at hand. If somebody was challenged to run a mile in under six minutes, they would be encouraged or motivated to take on this challenge if they knew they had already successfully completed this task beforehand. If somebody knew that they could not even run a mile in under ten minutes then they may be discouraged or feel bad when they are asked to complete the challenge of running a mile in under six minutes. Since the person knows they challenge will result in an undesirable outcome, they are more likely to choose not to take on such a challenge.

Terms: efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, noncontingent outcome, reactance theory, passivity, uncontrollable outcomes, and controllable outcomes.

Chapter 9 discusses how motivation exercises personal control and beliefs. What this chapter is trying to do is teach us that we have personal control over the outcomes of what happens in our lives. In a sense, environments are predictable. So if a environment is predictable, we as human beings are able to figure out how to exert control over the predictable aspects of our environment. There are two types of expectancies this chapter covers: the fist is efficacy expectations, and the other is outcome expectations. Efficacy expectation is a judgement of ones capacity to execute a particular act. An outcome expectation is a judgement that a given action once performed, will cause a particular action. The two main questions for both of these expectancies are can i do it and will what I do work? When using these expectations it involves the person, the behavior, and then the outcome to complete the results. Both the efficacy and the outcome expectations must be high before behavior becomes energetic and goal directed. Another way to look at it rather than person, behavior, outcome is self, action, control. Knowing you are the one in control is very key to the outcome. This chapter also discusses a lot about self efficacy. Self-efficacy is a more generative capacity in which the individual organized the skills to cope with the demands and circumstances they will face. Self-efficacy beliefs arise from ones personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior, observations, verbal persuasions, or physiological states.

The most surprising thing I found in this chapter was how much self-efficacy really affected us. There are four sources of self-efficacy that I discussed above. Those sources make up the extent of self-efficacy which then create the effects of self-efficacy which are: Choice, effort/persistence, thinking/decision making, and emotional reactions which are stress or anxiety. once self efficacy is formed there are so many numerous ways it works to contribute to the quality of human functioning. I never realized how big of a deal this was in our behavior!!

Personal control beliefs help encourage the behavior that the person believes they have the right skills to complete it in the end. It is explained just how it is stated, it allows individuals to control their motivation which then helps them decide if they have accomplishments to achieve their goal. If an person has completed a task before and then are asked to complete the task again they feel up to the challenge because they know it is possible. This summer I wanted to loose weight and went on the 17 day diet. While on it I lost twelve pounds in 17 days which put me on top of the world. Now ive gained all that weight back but I know that if I wanted to I would be able to do it again. Before when I wanted to go on diets I always failed so this would have been a discouragement for me. Just like if someone was terrible at math and the professor said that you had to get a B on the test to pass the course then this would be a major discouragement and make them feel as if it were not possible. If a person has discouragement they are more likely to stay away from that kind of situation where they feel like they may fail.

Terms: Personal control, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, verbal persuasion, physiological state

Chapter 9 talks about our motivation to implement personal control over what happens to us. We have the power to produce favorable results and we rely on past experiences and personal resources in order to figure out how to do so. The chapter begins by discussing efficacy expectations and outcome expectations.

Efficacy expectations are a judgment of one's capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. These are an estimate of the likelihood that certain consequences will follow once we behave in a certain way. If a person has high efficacy expectations, we would expect them to be energetic and goal oriented. Outcome expectations are a person's ability to predict how their behavior will produce a certain outcome.
Next, the chapter discussed the idea of self-efficacy. This can be defined as someone's judgment of how well they will cope with situation given the skills they possess and the circumstances their environment has placed them in. Self-efficacy is not the same as ability; it is more about how you use your skills even though there are difficult circumstances. Things that form our self-efficacy include our personal history, observations of others, and our physiological state. I found it interesting and surprising that our physiological state affects our self-efficacy and therefore out performance.

People want to be in situations that they feel they can do well in and therefore self-efficacy affects our choices of activities and our selection of environments. It can also drastically affect how much effort we put into performing a task. Our quality of decision making is affected because our level of confidence in our performance determined by self-efficacy. The level of stress a task or problem puts on us is also related to our level of self-efficacy for that task or problem.

The concept of self-efficacy can also provide us with empowerment and with that empowerment we gain mastery beliefs. Mastery beliefs “…reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcome and preventing adverse ones.” Mastery modeling programs help individuals become masters of their already present skills through to use of the four sources of self-efficacy.

Learned helplessness is the opposite of mastery beliefs and it comes from our own perception that a given situation is uncontrollable. When people think their actions will have little effect on the outcomes they would like to encourage or evade, learned helplessness occurs. There are three key concepts involved in learned helplessness: contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is "the objective relationship between a person's behavior and the environment's outcome". The next, cognition, involves three elements the first being biases or the “illusion of control”. The second, attributions, are an explanation of why we believe we do or do not have control. Finally, expectancies are beliefs about our level of control that we have gained through prior experiences. The last concept of learned helplessness is behavior, or what we do in order to cope with a situation. These responses can be either lethargic and passive (essentially giving up), or active and assertive. Those who have some expectation of control exhibit active and assertive behaviors.

Personal control beliefs serve to motivate or discourage behavior if we feel that we have the ability to be successful then we are more likely to actually do so. One example is how reviewing your notes every day after class is an encouraged behavior for studying for a test. This behavior builds confidence in your chances of doing well, and it is likely that past experiences have provided reinforcement. But when you wait until the last minute and cram for a test you it is likely that you will not feel as though you are going to do well. When you do not do well, you are discouraged from engaging in that behavior again.

Terms: efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, empowerment, mastery beliefs, mastery modeling program, learned helplessness, behavior, cognition, contingency, lethargic response, assertive response, attributions, expectancies,

This chapter was all about personal control beliefs. The basis for which is centered around each individuals sense of control over life's positive and negative events. As people try to control these events they learn two types of expectancies: efficacy and outcome. Efficacy expectations are predictions of whether or not an individual can do a set task. Whereas outcome expectations are predictions of whether a certain outcome will be achieved after the task has already been completed. Self-efficacy is basically an individuals confidence in themselves that they can handle everything a potentially challenging situation throws their way. This is learned through a variety of life experiences. Once someone has developed their self-efficacy it effects their decisions and choices. Learned helplessness is created when people believe they have no control over events in life. If people develop a strong sense of control over life outcomes they then develop mastery motivational orientation. If they develop a weak sense of control or no perceived control they develop a helpless motivational orientation. Expectations of controllability lead to reactance where expectations of uncontrollability lead to helplessness. The combination of self efficacy and either mastery motivation or helplessness determines high or low hope in individuals.
I was actually surprised to learn that depressed individuals have more acurate memories of the number and severity of depressing and happy events in their lives. I always thought depressed individuals might forget the good times and just focus on the bad but in fact they remember everything. This is the reason they are depressed. Undepressed individuals seem to forget the bad times and feel like they have more control over everything in life.
Whether or not we jump in and do something or avoid it depends mostly on prior experiences. If we were previously successful or had previous encouragement we are more likely to believe in our abilities and thus more likely to engage in an activity. If an athletic individual decides to play ultimate frisbee for the first time it is likely they already have the skills and mindset needed to succeed. Even if they fail the first time, they have previous experiences in other sports that have shaped their mastery motivational orientation. If the person is exceptionally athletic and well-liked, they will probably receive positive encouragement from peers even if they do suck the first time. This only serves to motivate and encourage behavior.
On the other hand, if a person struggling with a stutter or lisp is debating whether or not to join a drama class, they will most likely avoid the situation based on previous experiences. They already have a sense on uncontrolability as they were born with a trait that they had no decision in. In previous situations with peers this individual might have been teased and discouraged to speak. This only increases their sense of uncontrolability and helplessness.
I did not read very thoroughly but it seems like once an individual develops either mastery motivational orientation or helpless motivational orientation it would be very hard to change their belief systems. This really sucks for unfortunate individuals especially in american society. Talk about setting someone up for failure.

Efficacy Expectations
Outcome Expectations
Self Efficacy
Learned Helplessness
Mastery Motivational Expectations
Helpless Motivational Expectations

Chapter nine tackles the incredibly complicated subject of, what I would summarize it as, self-control; how much control we all feel we have over ourselves and our lives. The reason we find personal control so appealing to us is because all individuals what to believe they have what it takes to influence the “results” of their lives. Behind all of this desire for self control, we are fueled by our self-perceived likeliness that these events will occur, or our expectancy. There are two different types of expectancy: efficacy expectations (the judgment of whether or not you are capable or doing said action) and outcome expectations (the judgment of, after having completed said action, what the outcome should be). Both of these expectations have to be high before any behavior can become energized and directed. Then we reach a very large subject in the chapter: self-efficacy or “the capacity in which the individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances he or she faces”. However, this is not to be mistaken with ability. Self-efficacy is the thing that makes a person translate their already learned abilities into a sufficient performance. Then, on the other end of the spectrum, there is doubt. When you doubt your capacities to cope with anything unexpected or difficult, feelings of anxiety, tension, and confusion are born and they lead to poor thinking and decision making. Going back to self-efficacy, there are four sources where beliefs on self-efficacy are believed to arise from. The first, and most influential, is one's personal behavior history, or “interpretations and memories of past attempts to execute the same behavior”. Each time you do something well or do something poorly will have an effect on you participating in the activity in the future. The second source, and the second most influential, is vicarious experience. This involves watching someone else model the behavior before you attempt it. This really affects people when the person modeling the behavior is similar to the person watching and when the person is less experienced at said behavior. Both of which have a greater impact on the observer. These two sources are seen in (almost) a different category as the last two; they are seen as “promising therapeutic possibilities”. Number three is referred to as verbal persuasion. This is a fancy word for pep talk. You can convince someone, through the use of inspirational talk, to give something a try. Last one is called physiological state. This refers to any way in which your body reacts to the demands of the task at hand; fatigue, pain, tension, etc. Its our bodily feedback. We refer to these last two sources as “supplemental opportunities to alter pessimistic self-efficacy beliefs”. These acquired beliefs affect our behavior in many ways. First, being that they affect which activities we choose. This also covers the activities we avoid in order to protect ourselves from tasks that are overwhelming. Avoiding activities in this manner can have a very profound effect on our development and is seen as self-destructive. Second, being how much effort and persistence we are going to put into these activities in the face of adversity. If you persist despite obstacles in the way than you show strong self-efficacy and if you give up you show strong self-doubt. Third, being how well we make decisions and think during these activities, “doubt deteriorates, whereas efficacy buffers”. Lastly, being how we reacted emotionally. People strong in efficacy like challenges while people with low efficacy just worry about their personal faults. However! This is not the same as perceived competence although they are very similar. The book also mentions, and I feel is something important to mention, is the concept of empowerment. Since these beliefs are subject to adjustment, empowerment helps give us the tools we need to control our own lives and thus raises our self-efficacy. Moving on to the next capitalized and bolded section in the book: mastery beliefs (the extent to which we think we can control attaining the outcomes we want and preventing ones we don’t). As most things, mastery has an opposite and that is helplessness. People who want to master things don't give up in the face of adversity while someone who sees themselves as helpless they will give up pretty quickly and chop it all up to they couldn't control the outcome anyway (learned helplessness). And yes, helplessness is indeed learned and it has three components: contingency (the relationship between behavior and outcome), cognition (mental events that can cause error between truth and understanding: biases, attributions, expectancies) and behavior (preventing or attaining outcomes). Helplessness can have various effects on ones motivation, learning and emotion but when it really comes down to explaining these effects it can be summed up by saying helplessness makes someone a pessimistic, depressed person who doesn't want to try anything. BUT depressed people are not necessarily more prone to helplessness. You have to watch out for all these loop holes these theories throw at you. Anyway, the last two things to mention about the chapter is reactance theory (basically a “doing the opposite of what you said” thing as a way of exerting their own control) and hope (experienced when you have the motivation to work towards goals and know ways to achieve them). What surprised me the most is the whole study on dogs. They were shocking dogs and when I read the whole thing about how the inescapable dogs just sat there and cried, I got all sad. I know the research is needed and everything, but I feel better not knowing about it. Personal control beliefs encourage and discourage behavior by creating expectancies. Every time we go to do something we search our brains for the last time we did this activity and what was the reaction to that, the reactions of other people who have done said activity, so on and so forth so that when we go to do something we think about all these things or our “personal control beliefs” in order to determine what we are comfortable doing and what we are not comfortable doing. Past events can cause someone to give up more quickly because of failure in the past. For example, if you are learning how to snowboard and the first time you go to slide down the hill you have an instructor telling you that you will be fine and demonstrates for you how it is done and so when you try it you may fall but with the encouragement you feel like you should give it another try. However, if your instructor is being uninformative and rude and you are really cold and have a headache and the first time you go down the hill you fall might give you such a bad association with the activity that now it has become an activity to avoid and you are less likely to try again. Terms: Personal Control, Expectancy, Efficacy Expectations Outcome Expectations Self-Efficacy Doubt
Personal Behavior History Vicarious Experience Verbal Persuasion Physiological State Empowerment Mastery Beliefs. Learned Helplessness Hope Reactance.

Chapter 9 talks about the different ways people use personal control to improve their lives and other people’s lives. When people have the self-efficacy and the environment will be receptive to what they are going to do, then people are more willing to try and make things happen that are good. Self-efficacy is when the person feels that they have the ability to achieve something. There are four sources of self-efficacy. One of the sources is in the past how the person did when they performed the particular task. Another source is observing other people that have about the same ability as you perform that task. People giving each other pep-talks is also source of self-efficacy. The last source would be how the person is feeling physically at the time. The likely hood that an event will happen is the expectancy. One of the two types of expectancies is efficacy expectation, which is a judgment of one’s knowledge ability to perform a certain task. The other expectancy is outcome expectation which the book says is the estimation of how likely it is that certain consequences will follow once the behavior is performed. It also talks about self->action->control.

The most surprising thing I learned about was mastery versus helplessness. When someone is a mastery motivational orientation the person responds to failure by staying focused on the task and still thinking about how they can achieve mastery. A person with a helpless motivational orientation just gives up when they fail. They feel that the situation is out of their hand. This is surprising to me because I thought that people who were focused on mastering something would become even more discouraged when they failed at something.

Personal control beliefs serve to encourage behavior when the person feels that they have the self-efficacy to achieve that certain behavior. It is also encouraged when the environment will most likely respond in the way that they want it to. Personal control beliefs serve to discourage behavior when the person does not have the self-efficacy to achieve the behavior and when they have a helpless motivational orientation. An example of an encouraged behavior would be for a person to further their education. If that person in particular always performed well in school and their professors told them they would have a really good chance at getting into graduate school they are more likely to go on. A behavior that may be discouraged by personal control beliefs would be not to continue on in school. If the person is not doing as well as they use to do in school and the people around them that have the same ability as them do not make it into graduate school, the person is less likely to continue on. They are less likely because they don’t have the self-efficacy that they use to and because of vicarious experience. The person thinks that if one person couldn’t do it then how could I?

List of words: personal control, self-efficacy, expectancy, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self->action->control, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation

Chapter 9 is about personal control beliefs and how the amount of control we feel we have influences our motivation. Expectancy is a subjective prediction of how likely it is that an event will occur. There are two kind of expectancy: efficacy expectation and outcome expectation. Efficacy expectation is the expectation of being able to enact the behaviors one needs in order to cope effectively with the situation. An outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action will cause a particular outcome. An example of this put together is a person thinking that if they are able to study every night for a week (efficacy expectation) then they will receive an A on the test (outcome expectation). Self-efficacy is one’s judgment of how well (or poorly) one will cope with a situation, given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces. If you have a high self efficacy, you will believe, “I can do it.” Self efficacy comes from our personal behavior history, vicarious experience, which is observing someone model a certain behavior and then believe we either can or can’t do it based on their experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological activity. The level of self efficacy a person has determines their behavior in choice (approach vs. avoidant), effort and persistence, thinking and decision making, and emotional reactions (less stress if high level of self efficacy). Empowerment involves possessing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives. If a person possesses all three of these components, they will have empowerment. Mastery beliefs are the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. When a person feels they have a high level of personal control, they see a strong connection between their actions and outcomes. The level of mastery one possesses influences how they will choose to cope with situations. For example, a high level of mastery might influence a person to choose approach instead of avoidance or a direct instead of indirect way of coping. A mastery motivational orientation refers to a hardy, resistant portrayal of the self during encounters of failure and sees failure feedback as helpful. On the other hand, helpless motivational orientation has a fragile view of the self during encounters of failure and views failure feedback as a sign of personal inadequacy. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. When there is a feeling of helplessness, a person thinks that nothing they do can make an adverse situation better. Learned helplessness was demonstrated in an experiment where dogs would receive a shock. When dogs received an inescapable shock, they did not even try to escape when they received an escapable shock, because they had learned to become helpless and thought there was nothing they could do to change the situation. However, dogs who received an escapable shock first learned that they could push a button with their nose to stop the shock and felt as though they had control. When they received another escapable shock where they had to jump over a barrier to stop it, they were able to figure that out because they believed they could. There are three components to learned helplessness: contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is the objective relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcomes. If you believe what you do matters in the world, you will not feel helpless. Cognition is subjective personal control beliefs, such as biases, attributions, and expectancies. Coping behavior will be demoralized in helpless people. There are also three effects of helplessness: motivational deficits, learning deficits, and emotional deficits. Helplessness will cause people to have a decreased willingness to try and energy depleting emotions. Explanatory style reflects the way people explain the reasons why bad things happen to them. There are two types of explanatory style. Optimistic explanatory style is the tendency to explain bad events with attributions that are unstable and controllable, while pessimistic explanatory style is the tendency to explain bad events with attributions that are stable and uncontrollable. Hope is the combination of self efficacy and mastery motivation. A high self efficacy will lead a person to believe they can accomplish their goals, and having mastery motivation will lead a person to believe there are multiple routes to get to their goal if one does not work out.
The most surprising thing about this chapter to me was learned helplessness. I have heard of the experiment with the dogs before, but I did not realize that the dogs who received an escapable shock the first time had to figure out another way to escape the shock the second time they received it. The fact that they worked hard enough to figure it out the second time, while the learned helplessness dogs would not even try was interesting to learn about. Personal control beliefs encourage a person’s behavior when they have a high level of self efficacy and mastery, and believe that they can accomplish a certain task. They believe that what they do matters, so they will work to succeed at the task. Personal control beliefs discourage a person’s behavior when they have a low level of self efficacy and believe that it does not matter what they do and feel that they have no control over what happens to them. An example of how personal control beliefs encourage behavior is if a person believes that if they study, they will receive an A on their finals, then they will be motivated to study. On the other hand, if a person believes that they are going to perform poorly on their finals no matter what, they will not be motivated to study because they will see that as a waste of time.
Terms: personal control, expectancy, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, vicarious experience, empowerment, mastery beliefs, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation, learned helplessness, contingency, cognitions, explanatory style, optimistic explanatory style, pessimistic explanatory style

Chapter 9 dealt with personal control beliefs. The motivation to exercise personal control comes from expectancy which is how likely it is that an event will occur. There are two types of expectancy, efficacy and outcome. Efficacy expectancy basically asks the question “can I do it?” while outcome expectancy asks the question “will it work”? Both efficacy expectancy and outcome expectancy must be relatively high in order for coping efforts and control to take effect. Self-efficacy is how well or poorly one will cope with a situation given the skills that person has and the circumstances. People who have high self-efficacy are more likely to say “I think I can do it”. Self-efficacy comes from behavior history which deals with learning from past experiences and memories of that same behavior. Vicarious experiences or modeling, “if you can do it, so can I” is a source of self-efficacy. Verbal persuasion or a pep talk provides enough motivation to boost the performer into another try. Physiological activity also affects the performer’s ability to cope with demands. A fast or slow heartbeat would be an example of this. Those four sources of self-efficacy influence the performer’s choice (approach vs. avoidance), effort or persistence, thinking and decision making, and emotional reactions. Self-efficacy then serves as a model for personal empowerment. Personal empowerment is the sense of personal power. This comes from knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy. A mastery beleif is the extent to which you think you have control over something or an outcome. Learned helplessness is that psychological state that results when an individual expects that life outcomes are uncontrollable. As seen in the dog/shock experiment. The dogs that had no escape route basically gave up when they did have an escape route because they no motivation to try and find a route or behavior that would stop the shock. The three concepts of learned helplessness are contingency (behavior and environmental outcomes), cognition (biases, attributions, expectations), and behavior (listless, and coping behavior). The effects of helplessness can result in motivational deficits (why should I try?), learning deficits (pessimistic attitudes inhibit learning), and emotional deficits (depression or apathy). Someone who has an optimistic style is more likely to improved performance and has higher self-esteem. A pessimistic style may be more likely to say “bad things always happen to me” and accept that way of thinking. This in turn affects academic failure, social distress, and impaired job performance. Reactance theory, explains how people react to uncontrollable events, one is “reacting” against something. Hope is made up of high self-efficacy and mastery motivation. Basically saying “I can do it” and “I will find a way.”
The most surprising thing I learned was how important it is to have a positive attitude. I didn’t realize the extent to which a pessimistic attitude could actually inhibit learning. I realize everyone has bad days, but the more bad days you have the more it affects self-efficacy and the ability to empower yourself which can create a learned helplessness type of thing. I would think that would be a hard rut to get out of. Once the opinion is formed about something, it would be easy to say “why try, I have no control”. Not a way of thinking that I want to get into.
Personal control beliefs serve to encourage behavior when people feel that they have high self-efficacy, the ability, and knowledge to do something. If one had low self-efficacy, no knowledge or skill they may feel that they should not engage in a particular behavior. If one had taken a class on rock climbing, acquired the knowledge and skill to engage in the activity one would be more likely to go out and do this on their own if they truly wanted to make it a hobby. If one had never taken a class or learned the skill of rock climbing this activity would probably be discouraged because it would be seen as dangerous and the individual would be more likely to think “I don’t think I can do this” and pass on a trip with friends. The personal control beliefs that would fit into the rock climbing example would be the sources of self-efficacy (behavior history, modeling, verbal persuasion, and physiological activity). A person might also think “can I do this”? Or “will what I do work”.
Terms: Expectancy efficacy, outcome efficacy, self-efficacy, behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological activity, empowerment, mastery belief, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits, optimistic style, pessimistic style, reactance theory, hope.

Chapter nine focuses on personal control beliefs. It talks about exercising personal control over what happens to people. As people try to control their life events they learn expectancies about their control. There are two types of expectations. These are efficacy and outcome. An efficacy expectation is a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. (E.g. Can I do it?) An outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome. (E.g. Will what I do work?) Both of these expectations must be pretty high for a behavior to become energetic and go in a good direction. Self-efficacy is how a person thinks about his or her abilities in a given situation. This isn’t the same as ability, but instead what a person thinks his or her ability is. Self-efficacy beliefs come from one’s personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasions from others, and physiological states such as racing heart versus a calm one. This leads to a sense of empowerment where a person possesses the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives. If a person doesn’t feel good about him or herself, he or she can feel helplessness or a psychological state where a person feels out of control in his or her life. Three components explain helplessness effects: contingency, cognition, and behavior. It’s better for a person to feel mastery beliefs so that he or she feels in control of life and feels more optimism to keep going. Optimism is where a person feels that things will get better and is willing to try. Pessimism is where a person feels that he or she doesn’t have control and would rather just give up. Reactance theory explains how people react to uncontrollable life events. When a person feels in control he or she is more likely to react in a positive way, whereas if a person feels out of control he or she is more likely to feel hopelessness and give up. Lastly, hope puts self-efficacy and mastery together to provide energy and direction for one’s coming efforts. People with high hope are more likely to achieve strong mastery motivation, where people with low hope are more likely to give up.

The most surprising thing I learned was about the study with depressed college students. In the study, the researchers found that people who are depressed actually judged the amount of control they had over things in their lives more accurately than those who weren’t depressed. I find this very surprising, because I would think that people who aren’t depressed would be able to judge more accurately because they are in the right state of mind. I would think that people who are depressed actually would judge their control level much lower than it actually was because they are so unhappy about their lives and would feel helpless.

Personal control beliefs help to encourage or discourage behavior when a person feels that he or she has control over what they are doing in life. A person would need to feel self-efficacy and optimism to be able to perform difficult tasks. These types of control beliefs allow a person to feel that he or she is able to or has the appropriate skills to do whatever task is at hand. If someone doesn’t feel in control or has little self-efficacy, he or she will be discouraged to do the behavior because he or she might feel that failure is the only option. An example of an encouraged behavior is to save money to pay for college. Although this behavior might be hard for teenagers to do, if they feel in control and feel as if they can accomplish that task, they will be more motivated to follow through. This behavior would be discouraged if a person doesn’t have a job or doesn’t feel in control of their behaviors. He or she might feel discouraged because he or she might feel saving money to pay for college is too hard and impossible.

Control beliefs, efficacy, outcome, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, empowerment, contingency, cognition, behavior, optimism, pessimism, reactance theory, hopelessness, mastery motivation, hope

Chapter 9 is titled "Personal Control Beliefs." As the title says, this chapter was all about personal control beliefs. When i first started reading the chapter, I thought it would focus most of its time on whether or not a person has an internal locus of control or an extrernal locus of control, I was pleasantly surprised that the book, instead of re-examaming things learned in previous chapter, went into a whole entirely different directioin and taught me things I have never even heard about. I especially enjoyed this chapter because there are many things that I often try to avoid and I have always just blamed it on my awful anxiety but after reading this chapter, I was able to learn new ways of coping with my anxiety or redirect it and it allowed me to almost reverse my train of thought, and take back the control that I have been missing in those certain areas in which i try to avoid, I will discuss that further after I summarize the chapter. The chapter starts off describing what self-efficacy is. Self-efficacy is not ability, although it is so commonly mistaken for that. While it is helpful to have naturel ability, self-efficacy has more to do with how well and effective one can make a perfomance, especially when trying or difficult circumstances come into play. An easiter way to think about it is, that the opposite of effifiacy is doubt. Self-effifacy takes into account two things:efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Effifacy expectations refers to the capacity to execute a certain action. The book describes it as this question "can i do it?" Outcome expectations refer to the judgement that once you perform the action, it will cause a particular outcome. The question that the book uses to define outcome expectations is "Will what I do work?" In order for one to become motivated and goal oriented, one must have a pretty high belief that the answer to the two questions will be yes. If not, one will try to avoid that certain act. People draw on 4 things when trying to predict their effifacy and outcome of a certain task they may wish to perform. These 4 things are:
1. one's personal history with that task
2. observations of others
3. pep talks
4. physiological states

If one has succeeded in the past, they will have a hightned sense of self-efficacy. If one sees a similar other performing the task, they will feel as if they can do it too. When one hears encouraging words from someone they respect, they will want to engage in that particular task. And visa versa for the 3 above sentences. Physiological states are more complicated than the first 3 predictors. This is because it works on a 2 way street. The book puts it this way "inefficacy heightens arousal and heightned arousal feeds back to fuel percieved ineffiacy." This really made me re-evaluate all the times that I have avoided certain behaviors, especially talking in the classroom and even moreso, giving a presentation/speech to the classroom. In an early chapter, we learned about approach vs avoidance styles, which they touch on in this chapter, but the quote from the book really put it in perspective for me. Before giving a speech or even raising my hand to answer a question, my body experiences many physiological states such as my heart races, my face turns bright red, i sweat more, and my hands begin to tremor. I have always just blames this on my anxiety. When really, I should have blamed my low self-efficacy for my anxiety. It is important to remember that in the end, I do have personal control and that at any time I can change my experiences of a certain task, such as public speaking, from negative ones to positive ones. The book then describes 4 things that self-efficacy influences:
1. choice of activities and environment
2. extent of effort, persistence, and resilency.
3. quality of thinking and decision making
4. emotional reactions

My anxiety has created a learned helplessness for myself. I avoid all public speaaking, believing that I have no power over my inablity to speak infront of other. However, after the books description of learned helpessness, I feel like I have gained power and will be able to become motivated to engage in approaching styles when it comes to public speaking. The last thing in this chapter that was really fun to learn about was Hope. The book describes hope as a result of 2 things:
1.motivation to work toward goals
2. knowing when and how to do work toward goals
I especailly enjoyed how the book said that high-hoped indivduals, with a high self-efficacy outperform and outcompe those with low hope and low self-efficacy in areas sush as sports, school, and physical illness. It's nice to feel as though my high hopes will get me somewhere.
I've already discussed a discourage behavior (public speaking). Now i will discuss an encourage behavior. First test always suck because you have nothing to compare it to and you have no idea what to expect from the teacher giving the test. However, once you get the test score back and see that it is a grade in which you feel good about, you will continue to study for that class' tests in the same way that you studied for the first test. This is because you will have raised your self-efficacy. You have a postive past experience to look back on, you can see how well your other classmated did, your parents or teachers can tell you great job, and you will not be as nervous for the future test, experiencing less of the negative physiological states as you did on the first test.

terms used: self-effiacy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, hope, learned helplessness, internal locus of control, external locus of control, approach vs avoidance, and behavior history.

Chapter 9 was about beliefs about our own personal control over the things that happen in our lives. The chapter pointed out that what we expect to get out of certain experiences and how we expect that we can cope with certain experiences have a strong impact on our motivation. The two types of expectancies that exist are efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation is a “judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action”. Efficacy expectations address the question, “can I do it?’ Outcome expectancies, however, focus on asking the question “will what I do work?” Basically efficacy is about our confidences in our abilities and outcome expectancies are that our abilities will lead to fulfilling our goal or behavior. The chapter went into detail on efficacy defining it as the way a person “organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances that he or she faces”. The opposite of efficacy would be doubting one’s ability to cope with situational challenges. There are important sources for self efficacy that the chapter discussed. Personal history can provide a person with a sense of accomplishment or it can provide a person with self doubt in his or her ability. Vicarious experiences also influence a person’s belief that he or she can do something. For example, my younger sister were to watch me dive successfully off the high dive at a pool, this vicarious experience would increase herself efficacy because she would think “If she can do it, so can I”. Efficacy is also impacted by verbal persuasion and by a person’s physiological state. I found the physiological state section surprising because it not only matters that you are physiologically aroused but it also matters how you interpret the physiological arousal. If you interpret your fast heart rate as being terrified that you are going to die when you jump off the high dive, then this is not increasing yourself efficacy. BUT if you interpret your fast heart rate as a symptom of adrenaline and excitement, then you will likely interpret the experience as fun and you will probably perform better. When people are low on self efficacy it can have detrimental effects in their life. When you have low self efficacy you will avoid the behaviors and situations that make you feel doubt. By avoiding these situations the person will never improve or learn from experiences because they will avoid ones that they are doubtful of. This will stunt their own personal development in a number of areas. Their effort and persistence is likely to be very low because they are not self assured and they truly do not believe they are capable of succeeding. I thought it was really interesting that the chapter pointed out that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team and Decca Records turned down a Beatles contract because they “didn’t like their sound”. These examples show how important self efficacy is for effort and persistence. If Michael Jordan or The Beatles would have given up after one failed attempt, we would have missed out on one of the greatest athletes of all time and Paul McCartney would be unknown to us. After efficacy the chapter discussed empowerment, which is “possessing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives”. When using a mastery modeling approach involves using the four sources of self efficacy to improve a certain skill or behavior (1. personal history 2. Vicarious experience 3. Verbal persuasion 4. Physiological states). Mastery beliefs are based on a person’s perceived control over attaining desirable outcomes and avoiding aversive ones. Proactive coping means the person will approach the problem and cope with it effectively. Reactive coping means the person will avoid the problem and deal with it later. People who are highly mastery motivated will be resistant to change their image of themselves, even when they fail at a task. These people see failure as a way to learn and grow. However, people who are low on self efficacy and who do not take a mastery approach will interpret failure as indicative of their personal self. Chapter 9 also discussed learned helplessness which is a person’s psychological state that stems from them believing that they are out of control of the events that happen do them. In other words, their outcome expectancies are attributed to things that were out of their control. People who have learned helplessness will believe they have no control over the outcome of things in their lives. The chapter gave the example of how helplessness is learned by discussing a study on dogs being shocked, which we also discussed in class. The chapter then discussed the three components of learned helplessness. Contingency is the first one and it is the *objective relationship between behavior and outcomes. Cognition is the second one and it is the *subjective idea of personal control in a situation. However, cognitions can have biases, attributions, and expectancies that can influence how we think about personal control. The third component to learned helplessness is behavior. Coping can be passive or active and our behavior is based on which coping methods we choose. There are three deficits to learned helplessness: motivational, learning, and emotional deficits. The chapter also discussed reactance theory. Reactance is the psychological and behavioral attempt to reestablish an eliminated or threatened freedom. So, when we feel our control is threatened we “react” usually by being angry or aggressive. Reactance increases performance, but helplessness decreases it. The chapter ended by defining hope as the satisfaction we get when we achieve a goal that we were motivated to achieve.
The thing I found most surprising was the section on depression and learned helplessness. The study on depressed vs. non-depressed people was really interesting. The study found that non-depressed people over estimated their perceived control, whereas the depressed people were more accurate in their memories for positive and negative events and thus, they predicted their amount of control accurately. So, it wasn’t that the depressed people underestimated their amount of control, it was that the non-depressed people over estimated their amount of control. I thought that was interesting and a little surprising.
Personal control beliefs can encourage behavior when we believe we have the ability and resources to successfully complete a behavior. For example, if someone were to ask me to run a mile in under 7 minutes, I would be highly motivated or encouraged to do it because it presents a challenge, that I believe I can complete. However, if someone were to ask my dad to do the same thing he would be very discouraged because his personal control beliefs would be very low. He would not have the control over his body to run a mile in under 7 minutes; therefore, he would not be motivated to even try. Personal control beliefs depend on our past experiences, so for me I know that I have ran a mile in 5 minutes before, so I know I could do it again. They also rely on vicarious experiences, so for me if I were to watch another girl around my age and ability run a mile in under 7 minutes I would likely think that I could too. Also, someone encouraging me to try it would provide verbal persuasion which would likely increase my belief in my ability. And lastly, my physiological state would likely be fired up because I am a competitive person, so I would be excited to take on the challenge. These same four factors that would increase my belief in my ability and sense of personal control would actually be detrimental to my dad, who would likely interpret them all in a different way. These different factors can all increase or decrease the belief in personal control and thus, the likelihood of the behavior.

Terms: self efficacy, expectancy, personal control, 4 sources of self efficacy, effort, persistence, empowerment, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, coping, 3 components of helplessness: 1. Contingency 2. Cognition 3. Behavior, reactance and reactance theory, hope

Chapter 9 discussed personal control beliefs and what motivates a person to have experience personal control. Expectancy is one of the key figures in having personal control. Expectancy is defined as a subjective prediction of how likely it is that an event will occur. There are two different kinds of expectancy; efficacy expectation and outcome expectation. Efficacy expectation answers the question “Can I do it?” and outcome expectation answers the questing “Will it work?” when the task has already been completed. An example of efficacy expectation would be if a person is applying to grad school and send their application and the outcome expectation would be them waiting to see if their application was accepted. Then there is self-efficacy; this is how a person judges themselves on how well or poorly they can complete a task given the skill they possess and the circumstance they are in. A person decides if they have high or low self-efficacy depending on four things; personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological activity. If a person feels good about these four aspects then they are more likely to approach a situation instead of avoid it, they are likely to make more of an effort and stay persistent, they have a good mind set to make decisions, and they won’t feel stress or anxiety when completing the task. They feel like they have empowerment over their lives, so that empowerment boosts their motivation to take the knowledge that they have to take risks. The second part of the chapter was about learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is a psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. People who exhibit learned helplessness think that when they fail, they will always fail. They don’t believe that they are good and can not take failure feedback. Eventually people who by experiences, learn to be helpless, will stop being motivated to learn new things because they just assume that they will fail. The chapter then ends with a discussion on being optimistic instead of pessimistic and having hope. Being optimistic will improve a person’s cognitive performance and hoping for something allows a person to feel like they can do something and will find a way to accomplish it.

The most interesting thing that I learned from this chapter was about a research done on depressed vs. non-depressed people. People with depression are not more prone to learned helplessness deficits. People who are depressed have a balanced memory of both positive and negative things, whereas people who are not depressed remember more good things than bad things. Also, that people who are not depressed often think that they have a lot more personal control than they actually do. Most of the misjudging that goes on in life, is done by non-depressed people rather than depressed people. I can see where this research stands to be true, but I also think that although depressed people may have a bit more grasp on reality, they still dwell too much on the negative things going on in their lives otherwise they wouldn’t be depressed.

Personal control encourages behavior when a person feels that have what it takes to accomplish a task. For an example, in a couple of weeks I am running a half marathon. I am extremely nervous because I have never ran a half marathon before, BUT I am still motivated to do it because I know I will feel in control of my race. I know that I have been training for a long time now, so I know I have the skills to finish the race. Then after I finish my first half marathon, I’m sure I will be motivated to do another one next year because I will have successfully completed my first one. Personal control discourages behavior when a person feels like they don’t have what it takes to accomplish a task. A good example of this would be with my brother. From the first day of school, my brother was told that he was not good at reading. His teachers often called him out on it, so he simply stopped trying. His teachers made him feel inadequate, so it discouraged him from practicing reading. My brother is now 23 years old and will still not read anything aloud and I am not sure if he has ever read a full book to himself.

Terms used: expectancy, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, empowerment, learned helplessness, optimistic, pessimistic, motivation, failure feedback

Expectancy is what we believe we will be able to accomplish. There are two different types of expectancy: efficacy expectations and outcome expecations. An efficacy expectation is what we believe we are able to do or accomplish. An out come expectation is is what we believe will follow our behaviors. An example of a self efficacy outcome is believing that we have the skills and abilities to obtain a college degree. An outcome expectation would be the assumption that we will be able to find a better paying job with our degree. These two aspects of expectancy work together to produce perceived control. When we believe that we “can do something” and that it “will work”, we feel we have control over our outcomes.

This perceived control over our outcomes is referred to as self efficacy. Self efficacy is the opposite of doubt. It is our own personal judgement of how well we will cope with situations using our skills and abilities. We also take into account how well we are at improvising with the skills we have to do well in an array of different situations. This aspect of self efficacy is useful in stressful situations where we receive little instruction or feel we are unprepared. For example, while working towards a college degree we often have to take classes we know nothing about. If we have high self efficacy, we will realize that we have high reading and writing skills. These skills are what we will need in any class to get a good grade. A person with low self efficacy would believe that because they know nothing about the subject area, they will certainly fail the class.

There are various sources of self efficacy. We can obtain self efficacy through personal history. If we’ve been successful at similar tasks in the past, we will have a higher belief that we’ll be successful now. When we observe others accomplish what we’re trying to accomplish, we’re gaining self efficacy through vicarious experience. Self efficacy can be improved by encouragement from our social environment. During a task, our bodies can send us signals. If we can overcome these demands and thrive from them, we can self efficacy through our physiological states.

These levels of self efficacy will then work the effect our behaviors. Our level of self efficacy helps determine the choices we make when choosing activities. If we have low self efficacy, we will choose tasks that we feel won’t overwhelm our abilities or skills. When we believe our skills are low, we will end up choosing easier tasks. If we have high self efficacy, we will be able to choose more difficult tasks since we feel we can handle them. We witness a similar effect in thinking and decision making. Self efficacy is also positively correlated with effort and persistence. Emotionality can be controlled by self efficacy. When we feel we’re in control of sometimes stressful situations around us, we are more likely to be able to remain calm in the face of our emotions.

Knowledge, self efficacy beliefs, and skills work together to create a sense of empowerment. When someone possesses the skills and knowledge to tackle a situation, they must also possesss the self efficacy to know that they are able to complete the task. Empowerment is how much control we feel we have over our lives. We are less likely to be intimidated when stressful situations arise.

This feeling of empowerment is also associated with mastery beliefs. Mastery beliefs are how control we perceive to have over achieving desirable outcomes in our lives and avoiding the aversive ones. There are two different types of motivational orientations. Mastery motivational orientation causes us to have a hardy, resilient view on the world around us. People like this will also view failure feedback as helpful. Helpless motivational orientation have a fragile view of themselves in the face of problems. They see failure feedbak as a sign of personal inadequacy. These different types of motivational orientations will result in different ways of coping. If we lack positive ways of coping we will develop learned helplessness.

Learned helplessness is the psychological state that happens when we believe that life’s outcomes cannot be controlled. This occurs when we do not link what happens to us as a result of our behavior, but rather from outside (uncontrollable) outcomes. Learned helplessness will cause people to not even try to escape an undesirable situation when they have the skills and abilities to overcome it. Because of past situations that they were unable to help themselves out of, people stop trying to achieve what they want to do. There are three componenets of learned helplessness. Contingency, cognition, and behavior. Learned helplessness effects individuals in many ways. They will have motivational deficits, learning deficits, and emotional deficits.

The most surprising thing I learned in this chapter was about the different ways of coping. I found this surprising because we can usually see the various ways to cope with a situation, but it’s difficult to put a name to them. Although there is usually a clear “best” way to deal with a problem, we sometimes choose a different route. I think it’s an important and interesting thing to think about why we may choose a less effective route to deal with a problem.

If we have high personal control beliefs, we will be more likely to choose tasks that are difficult or stressful. We will believe that we have the abilities and skills to overcome the situation. We will also feel that the outcome is in our control, not the control of the situation. With low personal control beliefs, we will choose tasks that seem easy. For example, a person wants to take a class but heard that the professor is very difficult. A person with high personal control beliefs sets a goal of getting an A in the class. They know they have the writing and reading abilities to make it. They know that they have the communication abilities to talk with the professor if a problem were to arise. The professor can let them know what they’re doing wrong and how to improve. A person with low personal control beliefs makes it their goal to simply pass the class. They know that there will be a lot of reading over material that they haven’t learned much about. None of their other professors prepared them to take this course. They also believe that there is little they can do if the professor is a difficult grader. The professor has unreasonable expectations. They also believe that if do poorly, the professor will point out their short comings. These are two different ways of looking at the same situation. The first example would be of an encouraged behavior. The individual’s high personal control beliefs cause them to realize that they have what it takes to do well in a difficult class. They also know that if they do poorly, they have the ability to learn and bounce back from it. This is encouraging. The second example would be of a discouraged behavior. This individual believes that they are under prepared and that it is not their fault. They also fear failure because it will point out how much they don’t know. This individual also feels that because the professor is difficult, they will have no control over which direction their grade takes. This discourages the person from trying or taking the class at all.

Terms: expectancy, self efficacy expectancy, outcome expectancy, perceived control beliefs, personal history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological activity, choice, effort/persistence, thinking/decision making, emotional reactions, empowerment, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation, contingency, cognition, behavior, motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits

Chapter nine was all about personal control beliefs, how they are formed, and how they relate to the choices people make about what they do. There are many aspects that contribute to actually having the motivation to take part in certain behaviors. There are two types of expectancies that affect our behaviors: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectations are the beliefs about an ability to perform a certain action, and outcome expectations are the beliefs about a successful outcome. Both go hand in hand, because an individual will need to feel strongly about their ability to do the certain behavior and also feel strongly about a positive outcome of their behavior to actually go through with it. The belief an individual has about their ability to do something is also very important when it comes to motivation. Self-efficacy is exactly that, an individual’s beliefs about their abilities. Humans are not likely do partake in actions/activities that they do not feel they are capable of—not whether they can or can’t, but whether they BELIEVE they can or can’t. There are several things that impact a person’s self-efficacy for instance, personal history (whether they’ve done it before and know they can do it again/ or couldn’t do it before and can’t do it this time), vicarious experience (seeing someone else do it, and know they are capable of doing what that person can), verbal persuasion (talking yourself/someone into believing you/they can do something), and physiological state (bodily feedback about beliefs). Therefore, self-efficacy has a great impact on an individual’s choices, effort/ and persistence, thinking and decision making, and emotionality. Self-efficacy along with knowledge and skills are all part of empowerment. The chapter also covers mastery beliefs, which is the beliefs individuals have about how much power they have to impact the events in their life. How someone perceives their control affects how they cope in different situations. People with strong personal control beliefs are more likely to approach a problem to find a solution rather than avoid a problem, and they are more likely to see a stronger connection between their actions and outcomes rather than seeing little connection between their actions and outcomes that occur and feel helpless. Whether someone has a helpless motivational orientation or a mastery motivational orientation it will affect their decisions when it comes to coping. Individuals with helpless motivational orientation are likely to give up easily and not see any point to taking action, because they believe their actions have no impact—they believe have no control and don’t see a point in trying. With the dog experiment, which I thought was one of the most surprising/ interesting things in the chapter, we got to see an example of how helplessness can be/ is learned. In the study there were three groups and two phases. The groups for phase one included dogs not receiving any shock, dogs receiving a shock they could end by touching a button with their nose, and dogs that received a shock they had no power to stop. During phase two, each dog was shocked and had the opportunity to end the shock by jumping over a barrier. The interesting thing was that the group of dogs who had been helpless during phase one did not even attempt to end the shock, even though it was possible, while the other two groups easily learned to jump over the barrier and end the shock. This shows that helplessness is in fact, a learned belief that affects behavior. Components of helplessness include contingency, cognition, and behavior. Effects of helplessness are motivation deficits, learning deficits, and emotion deficits. The chapter ends on discusses pessimistic and optimistic explanatory styles and hope. Optimistic explanatory styles exhibits an inclination to explain negative events that are controllable and unstable, while pessimistic explanatory styles exhibit more inclination to explain negative events as uncontrollable and stable. The last thing discussed is hope, which is a combination of self-efficacy and mastery motivation (I can do this, and I will find a way to do this).

Personal control beliefs serve to encourage and discourage many behaviors and in many ways by allowing or preventing an individual to believe in their abilities. An example of a way personal control beliefs can discourage a behavior would be someone (human 1) who is helpless-oriented may fail a test and decide to just drop the class because they feel they don’t have any control over their grade or their tests. They are more likely to blame their failure on lack of ability, and not focus on what they can do to change the outcome. An example of an encouraged behavior would be someone (human 2) who has a mastery-motivational orientation and failed a test is more likely to change their study habits or talk to their professor and just overall focus more on what they can do to change the situation they aren’t happy with. Human 1’s helplessness may be creating motivation deficits that decrease their willingness to try, because they don’t see their actions having positive outcomes. They are also likely to have learning deficits, weakening their ability and interest in learning new things when pessimism takes over, and emotional deficits which may consist of them forming more energy-draining emotions like apathy and depression. Human 2 is not likely to have the effects of helplessness, because when someone’s personal control beliefs include master-motivational behavior they believe their actions have a great effect on outcomes which makes them feel they have more control and are less likely to give up like Human 1.


MY terms: Personal control beliefs, motivation, expectancies, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, personal history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, persistence, emotionality, decision making, helplessness, hope, contingency, cognition, behavior, motivation deficits, learning deficits, emotion deficits, explanatory style, pessimistic style, optimistic style, hope.

Chapter 9 discuses how motivation can exercise personal control and our individual beliefs on success. The chapter begins by two kinds of predictions or expectancies. The first is efficacy expectations that act between the person and the behavior. It answers the question "Can I do it?". The next is outcome expectation between the behavior and the outcome. It answers the question "Will it work?". The judgement about how someone will cope in a particular situation is known as self-efficacy. Several factors effect an individuals self-efficacy. The first is the personal behavior history, or in other words the experience and memories a person has of past behaviors. The second is vicarious experience. Vicarious experience is observing others do an activity and judging if you are capable of doing the same. This is most effective the more you relate to the person being modeled. Personal behavior history and vicarious experience are the highest predictors of self-efficacy. The final two predictors are verbal persuasion (or pep talk) and physiological activity. Self-efficay can have four different outcomes. These are choice, effort and persistence, thinking and decision making, and emotional reactions. Those with high self-efficacy are more likely to approach a situation, put for more effort and persist longer. It also allows greater focus and less stress and anxiety. Empowerment is what allows people to exert control over their lives. Being empowered involves knowledge, self-efficacy beliefs and skills. People who are empowered also have mastery beliefs. Mastery belief is the perception of control over obtaining desired outcomes and preventing undesired outcomes. A person who does not have mastery beliefs may have learned helplessness. This is a psychological state of not being able to control the outcomes in their lives. The three components of helplessness are contingency, cognition, and behavior. Helplessness can lead to motivational, learning, and emotional deficits. Having an optimistic life view is more favorable to a persons future than having a pessimistic view. The reactance theory describes how people will react in different situations. For example, feeling like you can control a situation leads to reactance while a feeling a lack of control leads to helplessness. The last concept discussed in this chapter is hope. Hope is believing you can do what you want to and that if things do not go your way, you still know that there is a way to get the task done.
The most surprising thing I learned this chapter was that some of the most successful people have failed in their lives, and sometimes in the profession that they are known for! An example of this is Michael Jordan who was cut from his high school basketball team. Clearly he did not let this stand in his way of meeting his goal and had a was able to persist and become one of the most famous names in basketball today.
I have had several times in my life when I have been both encouraged and discouraged. I went to a very large high school and we were well-know for our athletic abilities and our sports teams always made it to state. I played soccer throughout my childhood and continued through high school. High school soccer was a lot more competitive and their were many talented players at my school. I created a learned helpless of believing I wasn't any good. I did not feel like I had control of the situation and I just "wasn't as good" as anyone else. I did not put forth the effort to become a better player and I ended up dropping out my senior year and demonstrated an avoidance behavior. An example in my life where I have been encouraged is my journey to go to grad school for physical therapy. I had both efficacy and outcome expectation. I believed that I would make it and I need I could make it happen with hard work. When I was turned down a job at a physical therapy clinic I remained optimistic and found similar job that was even better! I have continued to persist and study hard. All my hard work has paid off and I found out this week I was accepted to a program for next Fall. Having a positive attitude really does pay off!

expectancy, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, empowerment, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness. reactance theory, hope

In chapter 9, they discuss personal control beliefs. In our life, we have the control to choose if the outcomes of our situation are desirable or undesirable. The underlying factor in achieving these desired outcomes is a person’s sureness of self-efficiency. Self-efficiency is a person’s evaluation on their ability to utilize their skills to spontaneous adapting during unexpected situations or circumstances. By obtaining self-efficiency, a person tries harder and persists when faced with difficult tasks, chooses to accomplish tasks rather than avoid them and it has a positive effect on thinking and mental process. When a person’s lacks a strong sense of self-efficiency, they acquired doubt which produces anxiety, confusion, and negative thinking. One can obtain self-efficiency in three ways. First, their own personal history plays a significant role. If previous memories of the behavior are good, it will increase their self-efficiency; however, if that behavior was judged negatively it will decrease their self-efficiency. Secondly, they can obtain self-efficiency by watching others, and see the results of their actions. Thirdly, experiencing pep talks from others or personally to motivate oneself. This will provide motive to continue in what they are trying to accomplish or to try again. Fourth, their physiological state can affect self-efficiency as well. The feeling of fear, tension, and anxiety, along with many others heightens inefficiency. Self-efficiency can be useful in prediction ways of coping, also known as empowerment. Empowerment can be broken into three areas that allow people to possess the knowledge, skills, and believes to determine control over their lives. When someone is empowered, they obtain feelings of efficiency and acceptance that replaces doubt and avoidance. One way to increase empower people is through the master modeling program. The mastery belief gives the belief of control over things around you to have better outcomes for one. There are two types of orientation in this program mastery motivational orientation and helplessness motivated orientation. Mastery motivational orientation uses feedback and failure as constructive wisdom, whereas, helpless motivation takes feedback as a sign of personal weakness and blames themselves for failure. This can translate into learned helplessness. People believe that they have no control over their outcome. There are three parts to learned helplessness contingence (relationship between behavior and environment), cognition (notions about control through bias, attribution, expectancies), behavior (coping strategies to prevent outcomes). These key factors have an impact on a person’s life through motivation, learning and emotional deficits. Reactance theory was also a key topic in this chapter. This theory suggests that people react when they harbor expectations of controllability, whereas, helplessness exerts from expectations for uncontrollability. Hope comes from a person who has both motivation and knows a way to achieve their goals.
I was surprised to learn how much of an impact one has on their outcomes of life. Many times we go through the day not thinking about how we can change a bad day in a good day, or increase the motivation of an activity. But, we can just by starting to increase our self-efficiency and empowerment. It makes a huge impact.
Personal control beliefs can encourage and discourage behavior by the perceived control over the situation. Through this, they survey the situation and asses themselves if they can accomplish the goal. Their level of self-efficiency plays a vital role in determining if the outcome is positive or negative. When a person feels as though they don’t have self-efficiency, or low skills to complete the activity, their outcomes may be pessimistic. However, when they have high efficiency, or high assessment of their skills, their outcomes may be more optimistic and beneficial for the individual. For example, a person may have self-efficiency may succeed in a class if they enjoy it. It may be difficult, but because of their high assessment that they can accomplish it though empowerment, they will do well in the class. However, if the students go in with a negative attitude that they have no control on the situation and they are going to fail either way, or learned helpless, they may not succeed or do well.

Terms: self-efficiency, doubt, empowerment, master modeling program, master belief, mastery motivation orientation, learned helplessness, contingence, cognition, behavior, reactance theory, hope

Chapter nine is about personal control beliefs and how do we motivate ourselves to exercise personal control. We have two types of expectancy. Expectancy is a subjective prediction of how likely it is that an event will occur, so the personal control is the outcome expectancy that says : "Will it work?" and motivation to exercise is the efficacy expectancy that says :"Can I do it"
Self-efficacy is the judgement of how well or poorly we will vpy with a situation; it is the opposite to doubt. From where do we take self-efficacy? from our personal behavior history, from looking at other's behavior, verbal persuasion, decision making.
Another thing that the author talked about is empowerment that involves the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives.
We also read about mastery versus helplessness. In general, the difference between those two is that mastery beliefs that you feel that you have that control and in helplessness if you fail there is the fragile view of the self.
Also, optimistic and pessimistic style of explanatory are very important in personal beliefs. Basically, people who are optimistic are more likely to success and reach their goals and avoid failure.
Thus, putting it all together, self efficacy and mastery motivation we talk about HOPE.
Personal control beliefs serve to encourage or discourage behavior. For instance, when somebody wants to loose weight for so many times the person tried before having different diets and none of them worked, the person is discourage, pessimistic already about trying to loose wight. Yet, if the person did try before and lost some weight before, then he/she knows that it is possible, she. he will encourage, motivate her/him self to do that because he/she optimistically view this experience.

expectancy, self-efficacy, empowerment, mastery beliefs, helplessness, optimistic explanatory style, pessimistic explanatory style, reactance.

Chapter 9 was about the motivation to control your outcomes in life. Expectancy is a subjective prediction of how likely it is that an event will occur. There are two kinds of expectations: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectation is more of if you think you are able to do it. An outcome expectation is when you think about whether it’s going to work or not. Self- efficacy is ones judgment of how well one is going to cope with a situation with the given skills they have and the circumstances they face. Chapter 9 also discussed empowerment, which is the knowledge, self-efficacy beliefs, and skills. There are two kinds of mastery as well: mastery belief and mastery motivational orientation. Mastery belief is the extent of perceived control one has over getting a desirable outcome and preventing the aversive ones. Mastery motivation orientation is the helpless motivation orientation. Mastery motivation is learned after one learns helplessness, which is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that events in their life are uncontrollable. There are three components of learned helplessness: contingency, the relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcomes, cognition, mental processes the individual relies on to translate objective environmental contingencies, behavior, the person’s voluntary coping behavior. There are three effects of helplessness as well: motivational deficits, learning deficits, and emotional deficits. Then there is the reactance theory which explains how people will react to uncontrollable events in their life.

I thought the most interesting thing in this chapter was how learned helplessness and depression are sometimes related. They are very similar because in both cases the individual expects bad events will occur, and there is nothing they can do to prevent it. They also share common symptoms like passivity, low self-esteem, and loss of appetite. They also share therapeutic intervention strategies.

Personal control beliefs serve to encourage or motivate a behavior when people know they have what they need to do a specific job or task. Someone is going to be more motivated or encouraged to ride their bike for 10 miles if they knew that they can do this and succeed. If they did not think they could do this then they more than likely will not accept this challenge. If they do however accept the challenge knowing full well that they will not succeed they will not put all their effort into it.

Terms: efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, reactance theory, passivity, mastery believe, mastery motivation orientation.

Chapter 9 discusses the variables that affect the amount of control we have over our desired outcomes. Because in many ways our environments are “predictable,” we can figure out what all we can control and how. The greatest predictor of whether or not a person will take a course of action that will lead to their desired outcome is their sense of self-efficacy (being able to apply one’s skills effectively in changing circumstances such as stress, difficulty, ambiguity, and unpredictability). Both high efficacy expectations (“Can I do it?”) and high outcome expectations (“Will what I do work?”) will generally lead to positive motivation, where the opposite, “doubt,” leads to avoidance. Of the four sources of self-efficacy, the most influential are our past experiences (“success breeds confidence and confidence, in turn, breeds success”). Observing others’ success, “pep talks,” and physiological states of heightened arousal also affect our sense of self-efficacy. A positive self-efficacy leads to a sense of empowerment (the feeling that we are in control), which leads to the belief that we are in Mastery over our environments and circumstances, as opposed to a helpless observer. Learned helplessness results when we believe that no matter what we do, the outcome is uncontrollable. This results in decreased willingness to try new things, pessimism, and emotions such as listlessness, apathy, and depression. The ultimate result of feeling a high sense of self-efficacy is the attitude of HOPE, that you are both capable and will find a way to create the outcomes you want.
Personal control beliefs will motivate behavior if one has the attitude that s/he will achieve desired outcomes regardless of set-backs, challenges, changing circumstances, and even limited abilities. Even a heightened sense of ability paid with a healthy sense of self-efficacy can be more effective that a realistic sense of abiltity with a low sense of self-efficacy. Feeling like you aren’t good enough, won’t succeed, or might as well not even try is a defeatist attitude that comes from a low sense of self-efficacy and learned helplessness.
An example of an encouraged behavior would be to jump off a railroad trestle 30 feet over a river after watching two other people do it first! I did this one summer in New Hampshire, and even though I almost shit myself, I knew that I was totally capable of doing it, and that I was the only one in control of making it happen. An example of a discouraged behavior would be to choose to avoid certain activities because of a preconceived prediction of failure, such as not trying out for a play because you “know” that you won’t get the part.
Terms: outcome expectations, self-efficacy expectations, avoidance, empowerment, mastery, learned helplessness, hope, control beliefs

Chapter nine discusses personal control beliefs. Self-efficacy describes how well we are able to cope with certain situations. When we have positive thoughts about how we will perform under stressful environments, we are showing self-efficacy. Sometimes self-efficacy is extremely low. Often times we create doubt in situations, such as being able to pass an exam. This creates high arousal and anxiety within one’s self. Self-efficacy has causation because of personal history with some past event. Say, for example, if I want to go swimming right now, I would remember past experiences of having fun swimming without drowning. My self-efficacy would be high since I have a lot of confidence in my abilities to be able to swim again, even though it has been a while since I’ve last done it. However, had I needed to use flotation devices and experienced trauma because of constantly drowning and swallowing water, I would express feelings of doubt in myself. Vicarious experiences also shift our self-efficacy. This may be both positive and negative. If we observe somebody similar to ourselves perform well on something often self-efficacy is strongly increased. On the other hand, self-efficacy may also be lowered if they perform terribly, we may express concern on our own abilities then. One important component to self-efficacy is how it affects our choices in life. If self-efficacy is high we approach situations head on. Sometimes we avoid situations for fear of failure and stop any negative physiological feelings from even occurring. Our control over these events is through empowerment. Going from avoidant tendencies because of low self-efficacy are many times overcome through empowerment. When the situational factors that cause low-self efficacy are worked on to improve something, we increase our personal empowerment over the situation, thus increasing self-efficacy.
The chapter also distinguishes between mastery and helplessness. Mastery involves overcoming difficult obstacles and focusing on the task to avoid failure. Helplessness is the complete opposite of mastery. When people feel a sense of helplessness they give up, take failure as it comes with negative thoughts that they are unable to escape failure, that they were destined to fail. Learned helplessness occurs when people (or animals) feel that the outcome is not controllable. This is a learned concept. It comes from previous exposure to negative stimuli in controlled situations. When the circumstances are uncontrolled, a learned helplessness is formed because of past experiences.
The most surprising thing I found in chapter nine was the importance of hope in motivation. Individuals who hope for things create pathways to seek out accomplishments. People who are hopeful have a belief in achievement. Also, high hoping individuals are thought to perform better than individuals without hope.
Personal control beliefs motivate behavior when individuals feel they are responsible for performance outcomes. Someone who believes they can accomplish a neatly written research paper, for example, gives a sense of high self-efficacy on how they perceive their abilities. Positive beliefs motivate positive outcomes and avoidance to failure. Previous papers that have received A’s may provide the encouraged behavior. Understanding and incorporating skills that have been useful in the past to achieve success continue to encourage behavior. If belief in ones abilities are low, motivation is discouraged. For example, a person who lacks proper computation skills and always writes poor research papers takes a class where, coincidentally, all grades are determined by how well papers throughout the semester are written, they are likely to experience discouraged motivation. Their personal control beliefs might even cause learned helplessness over the situation and all motivation to actually succeed and improve are completely discouraged from previous events.
Terms: Self-efficacy, personal behavior history, vicarious experiences, empowerment, mastery, learned helplessness, hope.

Chapter 9 blog

will I pass the GRE? Will I get into the graduate school of my choice?will I get married? Our expectancies of what will happen and our expectancies of how well we can cope with what happens have important motivational implications. The focus of this chapter is the motivation to exercise personal control over what happens to you. The desire to exercise personal control is predicted on a person's belief that they have the power to produce favorable results.

There are two types of expectancies: efficacy and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectation is a judgment of one's capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. Its one judgment of how well or how poorly one will cope with a situation. It is a more generative capacity in which the individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances he or she faces. Whereas outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome.

Self efficacy beliefs arise from one's personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasions ( such as pep talks) from others, and physiological states such as a racing heart versus a clam one. The second level of self efficacy predicts ways of coping that can be called “competent functioning” or “personal empowerment”. Empowerment is the processing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives.

Three fundamental components explain learned helplessness effect: contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is the objective relationship between a persons behavior and the environment's positive or negative outcomes. Cognition is all the mental processes the individual relies on to translate objective environmental contingencies into personal beliefs. And behavior is the persons voluntary coping behavior and its caries along continuum that extends from active and energetic to passive and withdrawing.
Terms: Contingency, cognition, behavior, self-efficacy, efficacy and outcome expectations, Empowerment,

Chapter 9 summarized personal control beliefs. Person's beliefs are motivated by 1) having what it takes to influence their environment 2) the environment will be responsive to their influence attempts. Two types of expectancies discussed were efficacy and outcome expectancies. An efficacy expectation is whether an individual feels they are capable of executing an action. An outcome expectancy is when an individual performs a certain action, and whether it will produce a certain outcome. Self efficacy is when the performer tries to best judge their abilities and turn into effective performance. Self efficacy beliefs arise from 1) one's personal history 2) observations of similar others 3) verbal persuasions 4) physiological state. In addition, the effects of self efficacy are 1) choice (approach vs. avoid) 2) effort and persistence 3) thinking and decision making 4) emotional reactions. This chapter also discussed empowerment which is when an individual possesses the knowledge, skills and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their life. Mastery beliefs are the perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing others. Learned helplessness is when an individual expects that outcomes in life are uncontrollable. Some people have motivational deficits which decrease their willingness to try and may discourage behavior.

I thought the various parts of learned helplessness were surprising. The three components that were involved such as contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency refers the environments outcomes and the individuals behavior. Cognition deals with biases, attributions, and expectancies. Learned helplessness is similar to like self-handicapping yourself or an individual who is suffering from depression. They have constant negative thoughts and expect negative outcomes.

I believe that certain things such as mastery beliefs can help an individual by giving them confidence in achieving their desired outcome. An example of encouraged behavior is when an individual does well in perhaps a sport, then they will keep performing that behavior. For example, I excelled in tennis in high school and received various awards and medals and because of this it encouraged my behavior to continue to play. An example of discouraged behavior is when an individual receives criticism that may cause a motivational deficit. For instance, I loved playing volleyball but I didn't have a strong relationship with the coach, and because of this he discouraged my behavior to continue the activity. I feel personal control beliefs influence behavior because as previously mentioned, prior history can be a main factor in why a particular behavior is continued.

Terms used: learned helplessness, personal control beliefs, empowerment, mastery beliefs, self efficacy, efficacy expectancy, outcome expectancy, motivational deficit

Chapter nine discussed motivation in terms of personal control, the chapter explained that people are motivated to exercise personal control over outcomes when people believe they have what it takes to influence their environment and that the environment will respond to their attempts. The degree of exercised personal control is associated with the strength of their expectancies. An expectancy is a prediction of the likelihood of an event occurring. There are two types of expectancies: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectations are the judgments that determine if a person can behave in a particular way, determining if the individual can perform the action. Outcome expectations determine the likelihood that after the behavior particular consequences will occur. Efficacy and outcome expectations need to be high in order for energetic and goal directed behavior occurs. Perceived control is another factor important in exercising personal control. The control model of perceived control involves the self (individual), action (means of obtaining control), and control (end result). Perceived control involves determining how the individual can exert control. Self efficacy is another key component in the exercising of personal control. Self efficacy is based on an individual’s judgment of how well they can cope with a situation, involving the translation of personal abilities into effective performance. Factors that affect self efficacy are personal history with the behavior, observations of similar people, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. Personal history is the most influential factor on self efficacy, especially when dealing with situations where the individual has little experience. When individual’s have high self efficacy, they show more effort and persistence in difficult situations. Self efficacy affects the activities and environments we choose, persistence and effort, quality of thinking during the task, and emotional reactions. Self efficacy also predicts the way in which an individual will cope (empowerment). Empowerment incorporates the use of knowledge, skills, and beliefs to exert control over one’s life. Learned helplessness is another factor involved with motivation to exercise self control. Learned helplessness is described as a feeling that one’s behaviors/efforts will produce no effect on the outcome they strive to obtain or avoid. Perceived control plays a critical role in motivating or discouraging particular behaviors. Public speaking is a personal example that is discouraged because of my lack of perceived control. I don’t feel that I have the necessary coping skills to be effective in public speaking, so I have low self efficacy. Since I have low self efficacy in terms of public speaking, I show a lower level of effort and persistence. I also tend to avoid classes or tasks that involved public speaking to guard myself from being overwhelmed. An example of a personal encouraged behavior is serving in tennis. My personal history of playing tennis for ten years and vicarious experience of watching my father play tennis, have provided me with high levels of self efficacy in regards to tennis. My experience with tennis creates a higher expectancy to succeed, which raises my level of effort and persistence increasing my chances of succeeding.

The most surprising information that I learned was regarding different explanatory styles. Explanatory styles are determined by the explanations people give for bad events that happened to them. Optimistic explanations involve unstable and controllable attributions. People who have an optimistic explanatory style tend to take a lot of credit for success in their life but will not take blame for the failures in their life. Optimistic explanatory style also involves the distortion of reality in a way that enhances self esteem. Pessimistic explanations involve stable and uncontrollable attributions. People who have a pessimistic explanatory style are more likely to give up when encountering difficulty.

Expectancy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, perceived control, self efficacy, learned helplessness, empowerment, optimistic explanations, outcome explanations.

This chapter was about personal control and the motivation behind it. There were two things that people think about when dealing with personal control—“ having what it takes” to influence the environment and the environment responding to the influences. This is done through our expectancy or our prediction of how likely an event may happen. There were two types of expectancy—efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy deals with the “can I do it?” type of stuff. Outcome would then deal with the “will what I do work?” or will the action cause the outcome that is wanted. These both can cause behavior to be energetic and goal directed if they are high. Then the book talked about perceived control. Perceived control is basically how one self gets to the control or self to action to control. To get from self to action is the efficacy expectation and to get from action to control is the outcome expectations. Then the book talked about a different type of efficacy—self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the ability for one to cope with a situation using skills he or she has and dealing with the circumstances that are there. Self-efficacy helps to see if someone will be able to approach or become avoidant in situations. The book then listed some sources of self-efficacy and some of the effects. Then the book talked about empowerment or knowledge, skills, and beliefs to have control over one’s life. Then talked about mastery beliefs and how they are used to have a perceived control over getting good outcome and being able to prevent bad ones. The book then talked about coping and the difference between mastery and helplessness. Mastery is the ability to deal with the situation even though it may be hard and realizing it is your fault. Helplessness would be like saying there were outside factors that always cause things to happen to you and so you don’t try to get out of them. Learned helpless was then talked about. It basically said that this is when the outcomes are thought to be completely uncontrollable. As inferred in the title helplessness is a learned thing. There are three components with learned helplessness—contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is the person’s behavior and the environmental outcomes along with that. Cognition is one’s beliefs, attributions, and expectancies. Behavior is mainly dealing with coping. This would be the ability to attain or prevent an outcome. Then, explanatory style was talked about. These styles are the personality variables that explain why an event happened. There are two styles—pessimistic and optimistic. Pessimistic is when because you do poorly then you would give up. Optimistic is the opposite, like trying harder after failing. Then, the book talked of the reactance theory. This is when one tries to reestablish a sense of freedom. Finally the book talked of hope and how confidence can be a big factor in creating more energy and direction.
The most surprising thing I learned was the differences in mastery and helplessness. It brought to my attention a few things that I do and how my behaviors can differ from time to time based off my mood.
Personal control beliefs serve to encourage behavior if we feel we are able to complete a task or be successful at something. An example could be the ability to shuffle cards. If you can do this then it might encourage you to play cards more or when playing cards offer to shuffle the cards more often. If you feel you don’t have the skills to shuffle the cards then you might not because you could be laughed at or it would take a really long time and you may feel judged.
Terms used:
Expectancy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, perceived control, self-efficacy, empowerment, mastery, helplessness, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, explanatory style, pessimistic and optimistic, and reactance theory.

Chapter 9 is about personal control beliefs. Our desire to exercise personal control is predicated by our belief that we have the power to produce favorable results. We believe we have “what it takes” to influence the environment and the environment will be responsive to their influence attempts. An efficacy expectation is a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act. An outcome expectation is a judgement that once an action is performed, a particular outcome will occur. Self efficacy is one’s judgement of how well or poorly one will cope with a situations given the skills you possess and the circumstances you face. We tend to improvise when we face new situations using the skills we have to facilitate an effective performance. Self efficacy arises from one’s personal history, observation of others in similar tasks, verbal persuasions and physiological states. Our self efficacy beliefs affect our choice of activities, our extent of effort and persistence, the quality of decision making and the emotional reactions we face. Mastery beliefs are the extent of our perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. There are many ways to cope such as approach vs. avoidance, proactive vs. reactive or problem focused vs. emotional focused, etc. Helplessness is our fragile view of our self during failure, when we receive failure feedback, we feel inadequate. This leads to learned helplessness if we continue to believe that our outcomes are uncontrollable. Contingency is the relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcomes. Cognition is the actual environment contingencies that exist and one’s understanding of personal control in these environments. Three important elements are biases, attributions and expectancies. When we experience learned helplessness we are unmotivated and don’t see a point in trying, we adapt to a pessimistic way of thinking and our emotions become negative. In self efficacy we develop agentic thinking and believe we can accomplish our goals. With mastery motivation we have pathways that we believe we can generate multiple routes to our desired goals no matter the circumstances.
One thing that was surprising was the sources of self efficacy. One’s personal history influences our actions. We learn from our mistakes and if we learn we can’t do something we tend to try a different approach before giving up. We also learn by viewing other’s who are executing the same behavior we wish to accomplish. This could be a role model that we have and we see that they can do it, so why can’t we? We also learn through them by having them give us a hands on experience. We are also persuaded by others through pep talks from people we look up to. They focus on our personal strengths and potentials and not our weaknesses. Verbal persuasion is effective if we believe the person is credible, an expert and trustworthy. A final source is our physiological state. If we don’t feel confident in what we are doing, we tend to experience physiological symptoms. However, if we are confident, we are encouraged and use these physiological states in a positive way. All in all, to develop self efficacy, we rely on many outside factors.
Personal control beliefs serve to motivate us when we predict how an event will occur. We possess the skills to complete the task at hand and can alter our skills to fit the circumstances we face. For example, if one worked out every day for a week and lost weight like they hoped, they will be motivated to continue this behavior the next week. Or if one reviews their notes everyday after class, reads the chapter and attends lecture, and aces their test as they hoped to, they will be motivated to continue these study habits for the next test. However, our personal control beliefs can also discourage behavior. If we experience learned helplessness in that we expect life’s outcomes are uncontrollable we won’t even bother to try to continue a behavior. For example, if one writes a paper every week for a class and the professor criticizes your paper and takes away points routinely, one will not be motivated to spend a lot of time on their paper. They have learned that no matter what strategy they have learned, they cannot please the professor and their grade is out of their hands. They think “why should I try” when I am going to fail?
personal control beliefs-efficacy expectations-outcome expectations-self efficacy-sources of self efficacy-effects of self efficacy-coping-mastery-helplessness-learned helplessness-contingency-cognition-pessimistic explanatory style-hope

This chapter explains personal control beliefs—basically, how much control does one have over what goes on in his/her life and the outcomes that come from behavior/action. Self-efficacy is the judgment of how well, or poorly, one will cope with a situation, given the skills of a person and their circumstances. There are four sources of self-efficacy: personal behavior history, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and physiological activity. There are also four effects of self-efficacy on behavior: choice (in avoidance vs. approach), effort & persistence, thinking & decision-making, and emotional reactions. Self-efficacy can be learned, and is a great thing. Self-efficacy beliefs foster productive thinking, feeling, and behaving. The opposite of having high self-efficacy is being doubtful, having anxiety, and behaving in an avoidance manner. Chapter nine also discusses helplessness and how it is a learned behavior, where one has a fragile view of the self during encounters of failure. Learned helplessness results when a person expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable—the person has low self-efficacy. One who exhibits helplessness also takes failure feedback as a sign of personal inadequacy, and not as constructive information and an opportunity to learn. Helplessness has three effects: motivational deficits, learning deficits, and emotional deficits. Mastery beliefs reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing undesirable ones, more so than the environmental influences.

The most surprising thing I learned was about hope. Hope is such a great, big, shining, magical-type construct, that it surprised me that there is actually a definition. Hope is experienced when someone has both the motivation to work toward their goals and when the person knows ways (even if they have to generate multiple options) to achieve the goals. I just thought it was cool that there is a conceptual understanding for it—it even makes hope seem more attainable in tough situations.

If a person believes they have the knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy to do something, they become empowered and thus encouraged (motivated) to do whatever it is they want to do. If a person has high efficacy expectation and high outcome expectation, his/her perceived control will be high and he/she is likely to have control over the outcome of the situation—produce a positive outcome or prevent a negative outcome. When someone believes they do not have control over outcomes, such as in learned helplessness, they are not encouraged to keep trying in aims for goal achievement.

I was able to go backpacking through Europe with my sister because I felt that I could handle the different situations that could occur while traveling abroad. My mom was a good model for what to do in tough situations in a new city. Whenever we would go on family vacations, my mom was the one who planned the logistics and acquired all of the information on the place we were going. Because I look up to her and trust her, I felt encouraged (both emotionally, and verbally from her) that I could have similar travel experiences too. Also, before the backpacking trip, my sister and I spent three weeks in Greece for a class. Through our personal behavior history and our experiences in handling things in Greece, we felt confident that we could handle things on our own for our backpacking portion of our European excursion. If I didn’t believe I could have control over the situations I might encounter while abroad, I probably wouldn’t have gone on that journey and had some of the most amazing experiences of my life. And if I did end up going, I probably would have been scared and wanted to go home most of the trip when frustrating circumstances arose.
An example of a discouraged behavior is not going on a 4-mile run because I “know” that I will be in pain afterwards and will probably have to walk at some point during my run because I am so out of shape. This pessimistic attitude would only prove right if I were to attempt the run. I haven’t been looking into my history with running (on a conference cross-country team, and 4 year track runner in high school) nor paying attention to the modeling behavior of my parents, who exercise consistently. I know I can turn this discouraged behavior around, but I have got to stop having a helpless motivational orientation because I am creating negative effects (deficits) on my motivation, emotions, and learning.

Terms from chapter used: self-efficacy, personal behavior history, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, physiological activity, choice, effort & persistence, thinking & decision-making, emotional reactions, helplessness, hope, empowerment, efficacy expectation, high outcome expectation, deficits in motivation, learning, and emotion

This chapter was about Personal Control Beliefs. Some of the main concepts introduced in this chapter were expectancy, self-efficacy, ways of coping, learned helplessness and reactance theory. First of all, there are two different types of expectancy. One of them is efficacy expectation and this is a judgment that defines whether or not someone can do something or not. The other type is outcome expectation and this answers the question of “will what I do work” (pg. 231). It is important to note that these two types of expectancy are independent of each other. Next the chapter introduces self-efficacy. As defines by the book it is ones belief of how well they will deal with a given situation. There are several sources that go into self-efficacy. These include: personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological state. Although all of these factors integrate with one another the book emphasizes that personal behavior history and modeling are the two stronger sources. The book then explains the different ways of coping. Some examples include approach vs. avoidance and social vs. solitary. Learned helplessness is another big topic in this chapter. The definition for this is “a psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable (Dr. MacLin, Lecture notes”. This can lead to motivational defects, learning problems as well as emotional deficits. Finally is Reactance Theory. This explains how people tend to react to situations in which they have no control.

The most surprising thing I learned was probably what drastic problems learned helplessness can cause someone. I always knew that learned helplessness was not a beneficial belief, but I did not realize the extent to which it could handicap someone and their learning as well as motivation.

One example of how personal control beliefs serve to encourage behavior is empowerment. This involves having knowledge, skill and beliefs which give people the choice to exert control in their lives. A real life example could be that a woman who gets hired at a construction job feels intimidated by her male coworkers. However, after being thoroughly trained on job duties and taking a class in gender equality so has knowledge, skills and belief that she can perform just as well as any of her male coworkers. This would be an example of empowerment.

An example of how personal control beliefs could discourage behavior would be learned helplessness. If growing up a kid is struggling with his math homework and he doesn’t get the help he needs at home and also doesn’t get any extra help in school because he has a classroom size of 30 kids, he will never receiving one on one time. After a while, and after struggling without receiving any help or positive encouragement the child will probably just think they have now control over how smart they are and will eventually just stop trying.

TERMS: Personal Control Beliefs, Expectancy, Self-Efficacy, Coping Strategies, Learned Helplessness, Reactance Theory, Efficacy Expectancy, Outcome Expectancy, Motivation, & Empowerment

The chapter was about how people have certain expectations for what does or doesn’t happen in their life and how much these expectations work to control the ending results. The expectations of personal control are efficacy and outcome, meaning you’re thinking ahead about whether you can do something and whether it will work. Self-efficacy intervenes and tells the person how to feel, given the skills they possess; then creates a coping style to help the person deal with the anxieties that life throws at individuals. One might ask, how is self-efficacy even obtained? People use personal reflections, modeling, persuasion and physiological activity as many sources to obtain it. These sources are great for influencing your choices, effort and persistence, thinking and decision making and your stress levels. When someone feels really good about something and gives them a great amount of certainty it provokes a feeling of empowerment and makes a person feel as though nothing can bring them down. The opposition, helplessness is learned a different way. Helplessness is the feeling that the world is the enemy and you control nothing of what you do. When people are in this mode of thought, they tend to be the more anxious and stressed out causing great strain on motivation, learning and emotions. Hope is the use of both self-efficacy and mastery/helplessness, and depending how high or how low you are will give you outcomes for the direction you will follow. Obviously, you want to be one with high-hope for many positives in your life.

I was quite surprised how much self-efficacy plays a role in our lives. I have been in a low point and life, and looking back, I wasn’t really having much personal reflections, modeling, pep talks or anything coming in, but once I did, my life was complete flipped around. The input you receive and seek plays roles in many domains of a person’s life and I just never really realized how much it influences all my reactions/thoughts/processes.

Personal control beliefs are there to put in to action your thoughts about doing or not doing something. An encouraged behavior, that would be considered a personal control belief, would be to practice at something to get better. I am revisiting my childhood and learning how to swim with proper technique again, and since I haven’t been doing so since age 10, I’ve forgotten a lot and am having a hard time getting back into a groove. Instead of giving up, my belief that practice will make me better serves as a better motivation than giving up, which would be a discouraged behavior.

Terms: Expectations, control, efficacy, outcome, self-efficacy, skills, coping, empowerment, helplessness, mastery, hope, personal control beliefs, encouraged behavior, discouraged behavior

Chapter 9 talks about motivation to exercise personal control. It starts out with the topic of expectancy. There are two types of expectancy: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation is a judgment of one’s capacity to carry out a certain act and an outcome expectation is how well the act will turn out. Next the chapter explains self-efficacy which is how well one uses the skills and resources he/she has in order to carry out an action. The chapter explains that the opposite of self-efficacy is doubt. Sources of self-efficacy include personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and he/she’s physiological state. The level of one’s self-efficacy effects one’s selection of activities and environments, effort and persistence, thinking and decision making, and emotionality. Empowerment is the next topic in Chapter 9. Empowerment is the knowledge, skills and beliefs that help people to take control of their lives. A way of empowering people through self-efficacy training is to use the Mastery Modeling Program. An example of the program is women being empowered by learning self-defense. Another subject discussed in Chapter 9 is helplessness. Helplessness is learned. The Learned Helplessness theory includes three components: contingency, cognition, and behavior. Finally the last thing talked about in Chapter 9 is hope. Hope is defined as when people have both the motivation to work toward their goals and when people know ways they can achieve their goals.
The most surprising thing I learned was that difference between self-efficacy and ability. I didn’t realize they meant two separate things. However, I now know that self-efficacy is different from ability due to it not only requiring the skills needed to complete the task but also being able to translate those skills into effective performance.
Personal control beliefs motivate when one is presented with a challenge that he/she knows they can accomplish. For example, if someone told me to go run 3 miles I would be up for the challenge (motivated) due to my past experience and current training for a 10K. However, personal control beliefs discourage when one is presented with a challenge they do not feel as if they can accomplish. For example, if someone asked me to run 3 miles in 20 minutes I would be very discouraged due to my confidence in being able to complete the task being very low. My confidence would be very low due to not have the past experience or the control over my body to run 3 miles in 20 minutes. I would have the verbal persuasion as I know my friends and family would cheer me on but I would be lacking in the other categories. To top it off, my psychological state would be very nervous and pessimistic which would lead even more to the probability of failing to complete the challenge.
Efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, doubt, empowerment, Mastery Modeling Program, helplessness, Learned Helplessness theory, contingency, cognition, behavior, hope, ability, past experience, verbal persuasion, psychological state

Chapter 9 has a lot of its main focus about personal control beliefs. It talks about how much power we believe we have in certain situations and how we can give ourselves power even though we have none at all.
When people are trying to take control of the certain situations we have two types of expectancy efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation is a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. Outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action, once performed. Then, there is self-efficacy one’s judgment of how well (or poorly), one will cope with a situation given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces. And we learn our self-efficacy through just life experiences that has built our personality as what we do good and bad things. As we grow up and develop our self-efficacy it develops more and more of our personality and effects our decisions. Empowerment involves possessing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people exert power over their lives. Mastery beliefs the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and prevent negative ones. Learned helplessness is the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. There are three components of learned helplessness contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is an objective relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcomes. Cognition are subjective personal control beliefs such as biases, attributions, and expectancies. Then the behavior you have learned is listless, demoralizing, and how you cope with things. Eventually the helplessness will lead you to what psychologists call the reactance theory, which is the psychological and behavioral attempt at reestablishing (“reacting” against) or attempting to get some control back into your life.
The most surprising thing was Prototypical learned helplessness study of how we can basically teach people or animals in a controlled environment that they have no hope or there is some hope to stop the pain if you press this or if you perform this action. Basically you’re manipulating how the animal acts and perceives how to react in that situation. Well I’m the type of person to mess with people or just to make people feel out of their place, but I’ve learned that probably during a funeral or a wedding that it would be bad to be obnoxious or loud in those types of settings because I would probably get very harsh criticisms and probably not make a lot of people happy. A encouraged behavior is that I’m a pretty optimistic person and I don’t let a lot of things bother me because my family are a lot of downers and drives me nuts because they get so pessimistic is anything bad happens to them. A discouraged behavior is that when I’m bored I start to bug people, but not intentionally I just want something to do or just want attention and I usually get people mad at me, but I don’t realize I’m bugging them until they say something.
Terms: Efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, empowerment, mastery beliefs, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, reactance theory.

This chapter focused on the personal control side of motivation. The first main component is expectancy, which (simply) deals with what we expect. The two kinds we discussed were efficacy expectancy, or our expectation of our own ability to cope with a situation, and outcome expectancy or how we anticipate things will turn out from our efforts. A big part of personal control is perceived control, or what we think we have control over, either in ourselves or in situations. Our self-efficacy is the base of efficacy expectancy. Self-efficacy is our perception of how well we will cope with a situation, given our skill set and the circumstances. Some sources of our sense of self-efficacy are our personal behavior history, learning through vicarious experiences, and our effort and persistence. Similarly, empowerment is the feeling of control we have over our life and situations. Empowerment is based upon our skills, knowledge, and self-efficacy. One effect these concepts can have is in our explanatory style. An optimistic style focuses on explanations that are unstable and controllable, so we feel a sense of control. A pessimistic explanatory style is stable is uncontrollable, and is associated with many different negative outcomes. When we don't feel a sense of control in our lives, we can end up with learned helplessness, where we don't bother to try no matter what the situation because we have learned that nothing we do makes a difference. This affects people even when they do encounter situations in which they do have some sort of control. In the end, hope is a good thing to aim for. Hope is a combination of self-efficacy and mastery beliefs, where we think to ourselves "I can do this" and "I will find a way to accomplish this". These two focuses together help us motivate ourselves in positive, beneficial ways.
I was surprised by the different ways of coping listed in the chapter. Mainly, alloplastic and autoplastic struck me, since the option of changing oneself or changing the situation both seem so drastic to me in comparison to my usual coping styles.
Personal control beliefs can either encourage or discourage behavior. An example of encouraging personal control beliefs would be a student who is having a hard time in school, doesn't get along with their roommates, has a hard time in their classes, and generally feels like the world is coming down on them. Optimistic explanatory style and a high sense of self-efficacy would help this student to see that the problems in their life are unstable, such as the bad time with their roommate. This might show itself in their explanation that their roommate is being mean because they are having a hard time adjusting to school life too, and miss their hometown friends. This explanation is unstable, where the root of the problem is a variable factor. Their high self-efficacy or sense that "I can do this" would influence their behavior to make them talk to their professors about getting some help or make them visit the tutoring center to learn better study habits.
An example of how personal control beliefs might discourage behavior would be for that same student, but they have low self-efficacy and a pessimistic explanatory style. This student might use a stable explanation for why their roommate doesn't like them, like that they are innately an unlikeable person and drive people away. An uncontrollable explanation might lead them to not make changes in their classes and assume that nothing they do will make a difference anyway. They don't have the self-efficacy to believe that they can accomplish things, no matter how tough they get. This kind of belief and behavior can influence an individual's whole life, making them go through the same cycle of self-deprecation and feelings of inadequacy, because their behavior influences their beliefs and their beliefs influence their behavior in a vicious cycle of depression.

personal control, expectancy, outcome expectancy, efficiency expectancy, perceived control, self-efficacy, empowerment, explanatory style, unstable, stable, controllable, uncontrollable, coping style, alloplastic, autoplastic, optimistic, pessimistic.

Chapter 9 focuses on expectations and control over one’s life. There are two different types of expectations. Efficacy expectations are based on your how likely you are to complete something based on your abilities. In other words, it answers the question of “Am I able to do this?” The other form of expectations are outcome expectations, which is based on the likeliness you think the outcome or event will occur. This answers the question of “What are the odds of this happening?”

Self-Efficacy is a personal belief about your abilities (“Do I have what it takes?”). This is based on personal behavior history, observations of similar others, verbal persuasions (pep talks), and physiological states (like heart beat rate). Self-efficacy can impact a lot of areas, particularly a person’s empowerment. Empowerment is a person’s belief on how much control they have over their outcomes. If they do not have empowerment, then they have learned helplessness. This is when people think the events of their life are uncontrollable. This psychological state is learned from contingency, cognition, and behavior.

A person’s level of hope is determined by both their self-efficacy and their level of mastery vs helplessness.

I really enjoyed this chapter, because it gave me some new perspectives by putting definitions to some very common things. For example, hope is something I have always known what it is, but have never defined. Before reading the chapter, I would have defined it by something like “optimistic thinking.”
Also, I was “surprised” by the difference between self-efficacy and self-esteem.

I think personal control beliefs play a huge part in encouraging or deterring motivation. If someone feels like they are able to do something, they will think the desired outcome is much more within grasp. If they feel something is actually attainable, then they will be more motivated then if they do not think it is.

An encouraged behavior would be getting good grades. Personal control beliefs can affect this behavior in both positive and negative ways. If a person has high self-efficacy and control belief, then they will be more confident in their abilities and be more willing to keep exerting their efforts. However, if they get some bad grades and begin to feel hopeless, they will begin to think there is nothing they can do to get better grades, and eventually not try as hard.

A great example of a discouraged behavior would be usage of drugs. If one get addicted, then control beliefs play a huge part in their future outcomes. If they become too addicted that they do not think they can overcome it, they will give up. However, if they have hope, they will strive to overcome the addiction.

Terms: expectations, control, efficacy, outcomes, empowerment, helplessness, hope

Chapter 9 outlines our beliefs about and motivation to exercise personal control. Both of these concepts are intimately connected because a person’s desire to manipulate outcomes in their life depends greatly on the amount of influence they are able to exert on these events. Throughout our lives we develop interpretations of our own personal abilities called expectancies. Expectancies come in a pair of varieties: efficacy expectations about our ability to perform certain tasks and outcome expectations about whether the tasks will be successful. These expectancies are gradually strengthened to the point where we believe ourselves to have a deal of perceived control over certain outcomes, a judgment we call self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy united with acquired knowledge and skills in a certain area can lead to a sense of empowerment over our lives because we have built up mastery beliefs about our ability to bring about preferable outcomes and prevent or avoid undesirable ones. The opposite end of this spectrum is learned helplessness. These sorts of beliefs are strengthened when the converse phenomenon occurs – a person believes outside events have a greater power over the events of their lives than they themselves do. The concept of hope ties in the agentic worldview of self-efficacy with mastery motivation in much the same way that behavior was energized by setting specific and difficult goals in the previous chapter – self-efficacy provides the motivation, and pathways thinking gives it direction.

Once again, I was surprised and impressed by the power of positive thought in this chapter. As before, it all comes down to a person’s mindset. Both helpless- and mastery-oriented individuals fail in exactly the same manner but they are taking home a different message from the experience. One focuses on the failure itself, while the other tries to find a way to keep from repeating the failure in the future.

Personal control beliefs serve to encourage motivated behavior based upon our own self-efficacy. If were to I go to lift weights for a month and see no subsequent improvement to my physique, I would not be very likely to return to the gym. However, if I received a compliment from one of my peers about my body, this would build a sense of confidence in my ability to achieve the desired outcome.

Terms: expectancy, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, learned helplessness, mastery motivation, hope

Chapter nine is all about how our personal control beliefs and how the individual views control over life events. There are two types of expectancies associated with a person’s sense of control and those are efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectations have to do with the individual’s perceived ability to perform a task, in other words do I believe that I can do it? Outcome expectations on the other hand have more to do with what final product completion of the task will bring. In order for behavior become action both efficacy and outcome expectations need to be reasonably high. Self-efficacy is also discussed and it is the belief that one possesses the knowledge and skills to perform a task or meet a demand. There are four main sources from which self-efficacy stems; one’s personal history is trying to execute that particular behavior, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasion from others, and physiological states. Individuals with high self-efficacy expect success and therefore put forth more effort and have higher levels of persistence when performing a task. Low self-efficacy can lead to learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is the belief that outcomes in life are completely random and therefore the individual has no control over them. There are three main components associated with learned helplessness; contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is the “objective relationship between a person’s behavior and the environment’s outcomes.” Cognition is all about how the individual perceives environmental contingencies. There are three main elements to cognition and those are biases, attributions, and expectancies. Learned helplessness can lead to motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits and even depression. The other side of self-efficacy is mastery motivation. Mastery motivation develops when an individual possesses a high level of perceived control over their environment. Self-efficacy and mastery motivation determines hope in a person.

The most surprising thing that I learned was the amount of control people have over their abilities just by how they feel about themselves. It is all one big cycle. Simply by believing in yourself you greatly increase your chances of success. Once you have achieved success you believe in yourself more and take on new challenges. Success in these challenges leads to more confidence and higher belief in self. Once a person is on this track the possibilities increase greatly. On the other hand if someone doesn’t believe in their abilities performance suffers leading to even less confidence and even poorer performance.

An example of personal control beliefs motivating behavior can be seen in school. If a person believes that they will do well in school they may choose to continue after high school. Once they get to college this confidence inspires them to set high goals and work hard to achieve them. Having high self-efficacy could lead a person to study more, which leads to a perceived better understanding of the course content, which may lead to better scores on tests. However if a person doesn’t feel they will do well in school simply because of a random environment and little control over the outcomes, they may not choose to do anything after high school, or may even drop out.

Terms: personal control beliefs, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, personal history, observations of similar others , verbal persuasion, physiological states, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, biases, attributions, expectancies, mastery motivation, hope

Chapter 9 deals essentially with control or perceived control. There are two parts to this. The first is self-efficacy which deals with whether you think you can accomplish something. For example, if I think that I can get an ‘A’ on a psychology test, than I would have a high self-efficacy for that. The second part is outcomes, which is if what you do will work. Will the ‘A’ cause me to get an ‘A’ in the class as a whole? A better example would be if I thought that I was a quick runner, did I think it would cause me to win a race? Another part of control, is helplessness, which is the feeling of a complete loss of control. This can result from a lower self-efficacy, which increases anxiety, doubt and avoidance. Three parts to helplessness can be looked at to help explain it: contingency, cognition and behavior. Contingency is the relationship between the person’s behavior and outcomes of the environment, both positive and negative.

Personal control beliefs affect motivation greatly. If someone should think that they’re good or skilled at a given task, they would be more apt to do it. For example, I am fairly decent at programming events, so I usually volunteer to help out with it, but if someone would ask me to be part of a show choir I know I am AWFUL at singing, dancing and acting so I would have very little motivation to do that.

Another example that causes a feeling of helplessness for me is when my financial aid was having difficulties earlier in the summer. I didn’t know exactly what was needed, but I didn’t even know where to start or who to ask so I just didn’t do it. My helplessness created an utter lack of motivation.
Helplessness, self-efficacy, outcomes

This chapter discusses self-efficacy and how our expectancies influence our behavior. An expectancy is a subjective prediction of how likely it is that a event will occur. This can be an outcome or a course of action that allows the outcome to occur. There are two types of expectancy, efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Efficacy expectations are described as “Can I do it?” This is the expectation of being able to enact the behaviors. Outcome expectations are described as “Will it work?” This is the expectation that one’s behavior will produce the outcome. One’s perceived control is the relationship between the self, action, and control. The self leads to the action, based on the efficacy expectation. The action then leads to the control, based on the outcome expectation. Efficacy expectations aren’t quite the same thing as self-efficacy, however. Self-efficacy is your judgment of how well – or poorly – you will cope with a situation, given the skills you have and the circumstances you face. It’s important not to just have certain skills, but to be able to transform these skills depending on the situation you are in. An example is when you are driving. You may have the skills to drive well on the interstate in perfect weather. But what’s important is being able to translate these driving skills to bad weather, such as icy roads and a snowstorm. How well you cope with the stressful situation of driving in bad weather is an indication of your self-efficacy. The opposite of self-efficacy is doubt. If you have very low self-efficacy, you will doubt your ability to drive in the snow and ice. There are many sources of self-efficacy. These include: personal behavior history; vicarious experience; verbal persuasion; and physiological activity. Self-efficacy has an effect on behavior. These effects include choice; effort and persistence; thinking and decision making; and emotional reactions. Self-efficacy then influences one’s empowerment. Empowerment involves possessing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives. Self-efficacy beliefs, knowledge, and skills all influence and contribute to empowerment. Mastery beliefs are very important to one’s behavior. Mastery beliefs is the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and perceiving adversive ones. The opposite of mastery is helplessness. Helplessness is when one expects that their life outcomes are uncontrollable. Helplessness is learned, not innate.
The most surprising thing I learned was that helplessness is learned. I had always assumed that helplessness is a quality we are all born with and there is no avoiding it. Upon reading the chapter though I was very surprised that I learned how to feel helpless. In situations where I could have either persisted and felt more in control of the situation, I instead felt that my outcome was too uncontrollable and therefore I felt helplessness. This will definitely cause me to think more in difficult situations and to realize that my beliefs have a huge influence on how well I do and how I feel about the situation. I need to stop feeling like my life is so uncontrollable and recognize the control that is present in my life. This will lead me to not feel as helpless in many situations.
Personal control beliefs serve to motivate behavior because when you feel like you have some degree of control in your life you feel much more motivated to follow through with a behavior than if you feel like you have no control. An example of an encouraged behavior is when I workout. I prefer working out in the morning, preferably around 6:30. While many people think I am crazy for doing this, I have control over my workout environment then. While the rest of the day may be crazy and hectic and unpredictable, when I go for a run first thing in the morning I have complete control over my workout. There is nothing to get in the way of my run. At this time of day I have high self-efficacy because I know I will have a good workout, as I have control over my workout situation. I am able to make my desired outcome more predictable. This is also related to a discouraged behavior. The discouraged behavior is sleeping in late. By waking up early I have control, and I don’t let my sleep patterns fall out of their set schedule. While at the moment my alarm goes off I may be very unhappy, once I get out of bed I am motivated to keep getting ready and go workout. Therefore my personal control beliefs in regards to working out early discourage my sleeping-in.
Terms used: self-efficacy, expectancies, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, perceived control, self, action, control, doubt, sources, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological activity, effects, choice, effort and persistence, thinking and decision making, emotional reactions, empowerment, mastery beliefs, helplessness, personal control beliefs

Chapter 9 deals with our behaviors in exercising personal control over a situations outcome. Learning how to control the outcomes of an event deals with our own expectations of how we can control that event. These expectations that we hold come in two different types. These two types of expectations include efficacy expectations, which is how well can an individual enact a particular course of action (“Can I do this?”) and outcome expectations, which are the expectations that a particular outcome will be achieved (“Will it work?”).

From here, chapter 9 moves into discussing self-efficacy, which is the personal judgment a person may experience with how well they may cope to a situation. People may face having to ask themselves the question of are they competent in their skills to face the situation or is the situation is too much for them to handle and out of their control. Self-efficacy is made up of an individual’s past behavior to the situation, modeling behaviors of others whom have gone through the situation, verbal persuasions and the individual’s physiological state. From here, self-efficacy can have an effect on many of your behaviors including your choice to approach or avoid the situation, your effort and persistence, your thinking and decision-making as well as your emotional reactions to a situation. The concept of empowerment is also brought up within chapter 9 as self-efficacy helps serve for the model for empowerment. Empowerment is defined as having the knowledge, skills and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives. This can be seen in empowerment being made up largely of knowledge, skills and self-efficacy beliefs.

Further on in chapter 9 the book discusses mastery versus helplessness motivational orientation. This ties into the concept of learned helplessness, which is the psychological state that arises when an individual feels that events within their own life are uncontrollable. If an individual feels as though their behavior has little or no effect over the outcome of an event (outcome lies on external influences which controls what happens), they have learned to develop a helpless motivation orientation. However, if the individual feels as though their behavior has a strong influence over the outcome of a certain situation, they have learned to develop a mastery motivational orientation. Going back to the topic of learned helplessness, the book moves into the components that make up the psychological state of learned helplessness. The three main components include contingency (objective relationship between a person’s behavior and the environments outcomes), cognitions (subjective personal control beliefs an individual holds such as biases, attributions to an event and expectancies of an event) and exerted behaviors (can range from motivational and energizing to withdrawal). Learned helplessness can produce negative effects on motivation, learning and an individual’s emotions.

The reactance theory model within chapter 9 is very similar to the learned helplessness model in that it explains how people react to events within their life that are beyond their control. When individuals are presented with a situation that may be questionable to control, they become reactant to the situation and try to become assertive in their efforts to re-establish control. Chapter 9 closes out with what happened to be the most surprising thing that I learned from the chapter and that was the concept of hope. Hope is the concept of self-efficacy and mastery orientation when confronted with a situation that one hopes to produce a desirable outcome. It makes sense that hope would be built out of this concept of agentic (“I will find a way”) and pathological thinking (“I can do this”). It is, however, not a topic that one happens to think about (it’s construction and how it is made up) too often on a day-to-day basis.

I believe that personal control beliefs serve to encourage or discourage behavior largely through the concept of self-efficacy. This can be seen within the sources and effects of self-efficacy model, where self-efficacy (depending on the extent and amount of self-efficacy an individual has) can lead to individuals making a choice about how to approach or avoid a situation. I believe that this has a large effect on our behavior through approach and avoidance strategies. I also believe that self-efficacy can have a large effect on our own effort and persistence with a task (which can be seen as an effect of an individuals self-efficacy within the source and effects of self-efficacy model). When looking at a situation where an individual must perform a improvisational speech in order to pass a communications class (we will say it is the first day of class and they are reading this over on the syllabus), the extent of the individuals self-efficacy comes into question, leading to the individuals behavior being enacted on by the extent of their self-efficacy. This can be seen in the individual making a choice to either an approach oriented vs. avoidance oriented approach to the entire class (choosing to continue on in the course vs. dropping the course). The individual’s self-efficacy also plays a part in how much effort they will put into the speech as well as the decisions they will make when going about and obtaining knowledge on the subject matter of the speech. The extent of the individual’s self-efficacy may also play into emotional reactions the individual may face such as stress and anxiety towards the situation.


Efficiency expectations
Outcome expectations
Mastery orientation
Helplessness orientation
Learned helplessness
Reactance theory

This chapter discusses motivation of self control. This is done in two ways, thinking that you "have what it takes" and how the environment responds to your influences. This is done through two types of expectancies 1)efficacy expectations and 2)outcome expectations.An efficacy expectation is a judgement of ones capacity to execute a particularact or course of action. An outcome expectation is a judgment that a given action that was once performed will cause a particular outcome. self efficacy is when an individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with demands and circumstances he or she faces. basically it is your confidence of knowledge on handling given situations. This would also coinside with mastery belief where you feel you have control over the outcomes in your life. you link your actions and outcomes together. The opposite of this would be learned helplessness where you believe that you have no control over things in your life. An example would be if you grew up with little money and resources and you think you will never go to college because of where you come from and your money situation. This theory has three different components, 1. contingency 2. cognition and 3. behavior. contingency is the relationship between a persons behavior and the environments outcomes including controllable and noncontrollable events. cognition is a persons understanding of personal control in environments. this is broken down into 3 categories biaes( illusion of control) attrubutions(explanations of why we think we do or do not have control) and expectancies(subjective personal control beliefs we carry over from past experiences into current experiences. lastly is behavior. This is how well you cope with your experiences. Reactance theory is where we try to control something when we feel it is threatened.

control encourages people when they have some kind of skill which they use in a given situation and feel confident and incontrol of their outcome. This could be a teamwork project at work. the person works well with others and may lead their team to accomplish their goal which results in a positive outcome. This may discourage their goal because they feel like the environment in the situation will control the outcome and that there is nothing they can do. with the same example, they might not be comfortable in the teamwork environment and working with others. they may feel there team does not have what it takes and they wont succeed no matter what so why bother to try.

efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self efficacy, mastery control, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior,reactance theory

Chapter 9 was definitely a more complex one than the previous. This chapter focused on personal control beliefs. There was a lot of information in this chapter, so I will try to hit the high points. It starts by talking about how our expectations of how well we can do and cope affect our motivation. We have a desire to have control over our lives and what happens in them, so we have certain expectations about our behaviors. There are two kinds of expectancies. The first is efficacy expectation. This is where we judge our ability to do things, or “Can I do it?” These kinds of expectations refer to how confident we are that we will be able to enact a behavior. The second kind of expectancy is outcome expectation. This is where we judge if certain consequences will happen once we enact a behavior, or “Will what I do work?” This is to say that once we do a certain behavior, this or that will happen. In order for behavior to be energetic and goal directed, both expectations must be reasonably high. We have to know we can do it and that it will pay off.
The next section focused on our perceived control. Self-efficacy focuses on if we have the resources to cope with things if they do not go as expected. This is similar to efficacy expectation except that self-efficacy focuses on how well we can do especially under trying and difficult circumstances. The book gives a good example that if we are driving a car, we might do well on the interstate, but self-efficacy is important when something tests our abilities, such as a snowstorm, unfamiliar road, or rain. If we don’t have self-efficacy, we have doubt. This results in anxiety in the face of surprises, setbacks, and difficulties. Having either one will help determine motivation to do something. We may not even attempt to drive if we doubt we can handle surprises, setbacks, and difficulties. If we have self-efficacy, we will be more likely to attempt something. There are four sources of self-efficacy. They are our personal behavior history, whether we have done well on the task before or not, vicarious experiences, how well others perform at the task when we see them do it, verbal persuasion, how well someone convinces us to perform the task, and physiological state, our physiological signals that the task exceeds our ability to cope with them. The first two are the most important when deciding whether or not to try something. Self-efficacy beliefs affect our choice of activities and selection of environments, the extent of effort and persistence put forth during performance, the quality of thinking and decision making during performance, and our emotional reactions. Self-efficacy expectations also provide the foundation for personal empowerment. To empower ourselves, we need more than just skills and the knowledge to use them, we need to know how to make these skills into effective performance when threatened and exert control over intrusive negative thoughts.
The next section the book discusses is on mastery beliefs. These reflect the amount of perceived control we have over attaining desired outcomes and preventing aversive ones. When we have strong personal control beliefs, we feel that our actions have control over the outcomes. If we do not have strong personal control beliefs, we feel that our actions and the outcomes are unrelated. We have different ways of coping, either being proactive or reactive. If we have a mastery motivational orientation, we will respond to failure by remaining focuses even in spite of difficulties and setbacks. With a helpless motivational orientation, we respond to failure by giving up and withdrawing because we feel the situation is out of our control. When situations are difficult and challenging, the difference between the two orientations becomes clear. Those with mastery orientations will become energized by setbacks, while the helpless orientation causes people to doubt their ability and give up.
Learned helplessness occurs when people make a subjective forecast that their actions have no control over the outcomes. Helplessness is learned. The book gave good examples of studies showing how helplessness is learned, especially the dog one. If the dogs do not seem to be able to affect the cessation of shocks by their actions, when they do have the opportunity, they will have learned helplessness and not even try. There are three components to learned helplessness theory: contingency, cognition, and behavior. Contingency is the objective relationship between a person’s actions and environment’s outcomes. It ranges from controllable to uncontrollable. This is not how you see your control, but how you see an average person’s control in certain situations. Cognition is how you controllable YOU think the outcomes are. It also deals with explanations of why we think we do or do not have control. Behavior is how passive or assertive we are in our voluntary coping responses. Learned helplessness has three deficits associated with it: motivational, learning, and emotional. Motivational deficits are decreases in our willingness to try. Learning deficits consist of an acquired pessimistic set that inhibits our ability to learn new response-outcome contingencies. Emotional deficits occur when those with learned helplessness exhibit depression-related emotionality. They become lethargic and depressed. An explanatory style is how people explain the reasons why bad events happen to them. There are optimistic explanatory styles and pessimistic explanatory styles. An optimistic style explains things as unstable and controllable. A pessimistic style explains things as stable and uncontrollable.
Reactance theory is similar to learned helplessness. This theory explains why people do the opposite of what they are told to do, why they resist another’s well-intended favor, etc. People do these things because they feel a perception of a threat to their personal freedom. They feel they are losing control over what happens to them so they react in a way that lets them reestablish this control. If after several attempts to regain control fail, it leads to learned helplessness. They begin to learn that their actions have no control over the outcomes.

I think the most surprising thing was that like the other chapters, personal control belief is so complex. I didn’t realize that there were so many components in play on whether we feel we have control or not and what happens if we do not feel we do. I also thought it was interesting that people with depression remember more accurately all events in their lives, while people without depression tend to overestimate the good times and not remember the bad as well. It seems as though depressed people would overestimate the bad.

Personal control beliefs motivate behavior if we have high self-efficacy. In order to motivate behavior, we must have done well in our personal behavior history, seen other people do well at it, have verbal persuasion, and not be in a detrimental physiological state. We also must believe that our actions have control over outcomes. A behavior that would be encouraged would be driving a car. This would be encouraged by our personal control beliefs if we have driven a car before and done well first off. If we haven’t driven one before, it becomes even more important that the person who is showing us how to drive is a good driver. Seeing this would raise our self-efficacy. The person would also be telling us that we can do it and providing good verbal persuasion. It would help if we were not nervous or shaking. This behavior could also be discouraged if we had never driven a car before or had gotten into an accident whilst driving before. If we ride with someone who is a terrible driver, we will likely feel afraid to drive and thus be discouraged. The same goes if our friends are telling us not to drive. If we feel frightened and are nervous, tired, shaky, in pain, etc., we will be much more discouraged to drive. We will not feel like we can do it and can cope in the face of difficulties.

Terms used: personal control beliefs, expectancies, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, mastery beliefs, mastery motivational orientation, helpless motivational orientation, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits, optimistic explanatory style, pessimistic explanatory style, reactance theory

Chapter 9 focuses on the notion of personal control beliefs, but more specifically the concepts of self-efficacy, learned helplessness, and the reactance theory. Self-efficacy is the belief of one's capabilities and the use of those capabilities in different situations. Self-efficacy develops from past experiences, others capabilities, and current situations/conditions. One's self-efficacy can influences choices of activities, effort, and reactions. Learned helplessness is the notion that we believe something is out of their control. The reactance theory is how we react to those events that elicit learned helplessness or are uncontrollable.

I had never really thought of how mastery of outcomes and coping are related, but found the relationship fairly interesting. It makes sense that if you have more experience with outcomes, you are more capable of handling the experience or a similar experience again. I can direct relate to this idea, as I tend to get anxious with situations where I don't really know what's going on or don't rally have as much control.

Personal control beliefs, like self-efficacy help motivate one's behaviors. The level of self-efficacy you possess can influence whether you believe in your capabilities and can behave in a certain way. A higher self-efficacy can be more motivating to take more action, but a lower self-efficacy can discourage one from acting or behaving in a different way. Learned helplessness would act in a similar way as low self-efficacy, as if you have the perceived notion that you aren't capable of doing something or it is out of your control, then you would be discouraged from or unmotivated to act or behave in a certain way.

When I took research methods my sophomore year, I felt fairly confident in my writing capabilities, so I was more apt to stay motivated to finish my two major writing assignments. The higher self-efficacy kept me persists to staying on track with the writing schedule and I always put full effort while writing. With the paper writing, I had an efficacy expectation that I was capable of finishing the major paper and a outcome expectation that I would be able to finish the major papers on time.

When I took Molecules in Life, I had a lower self-efficacy about my capabilities with the material and was a little more tentative to put full effort with the class. If it wasn't a liberal arts core course, I probably wouldn't have chosen the class and the environment of the science building. If I wasn't driven by grades, I probably would have gone into the class with learned helplessness and could have struggled even more.

Terms: self-efficacy, learned helplessness, reactance theory, mastery, coping, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation

Chapter 9 focuses on one's personal control, and how that person can control what happens to them. Expectancy, which is the prediction of how likely it is an event will control. Two types of expectancy are efficacy expectations: the judgment of one's ability to act a certain way. "Am I able to do this?" and out come expectations: this is the estimate of how likely it is something will happen after acting on a behavior. The chapter goes on to discuss Self Efficacy, and how included in Self Efficacy is our skills to cope with circumstances, our judgments of how good or bad our coping skills are and how Self Efficacy helps us motivate our behaviors. How good one's Self Efficacy is can come from different ways: a person's history in trying to do that particular behavior, and any observations of others trying to do that behavior themselves, positive self talk (pep talks), and actual physiological states our body is feeling (sweating, heartbeats, adrenaline, etc).

Self Efficacy helps with decision making, and helps a person feel in control. Our personal empowerment, or the wanting to overcome a fear/behavior, depends on whether we are high in Self Efficacy, or not. Self efficacy helps a person believe that they can use their knowledge and skills to do a behavior effectively, and empowerment gives us a feeling of control that we are in fact able to do anything we put our minds too.

The opposite of Self Efficacy is doubt, which is negative thinking and believing we can't do it. When we doubt something, it interferes with our "thinking, planning, decision making" and cause all sorts of negative cognitive thoughts such as anxiety, depression, sadness, anger or stress. I can relate to this, because when I started my new job, I had no previous experience with it, and it caused me a lot of anxiety because I was so used to mastering things right away...but this new job took me many months to feel comfortable with.

The most surprising thing I probably learned was how much our current behavior and current Self Efficacy is based on our previous behavior. Behaviors that were successful in the past, people are more likely to try again and have high Self Efficacy with it. Behaviors that were nerve-racking and not successful, hinders people from trying that behavior again in the present. Our experiences can be Vicarious Experiences, where we want to watch another person do that behavior before we do it ("You go first, Ill watch and go second"). This helps us to decide whether or not we'll do that certain behavior, depending on if the person we are observing was successful or not. Another way we can control our beliefs, is with verbal persuasion (positive self talk, or positive talk/feedback from others). If we have positive personal control beliefs, we'll be motivated to try a behavior (such as rock climbing for a second time, singing karaoke).

Hearing our friends cheer us on, and tell us "You can do it!", and making us feel sure of ourselves will result in us getting up on stage and singing Karaoke. That is a encouraged behavior by verbal persuasion by people we regard as close and friends. I would be in control of the situation, because I can take the positive talk from my friends, and use that to help me overcome my fear of singing. A discouraging behavior due to verbal persuasion, would be seeing my friend get up on stage and sing, but hearing the crowd boo and make fun of her singing. I wouldn't go up and sing now, because I don't want people saying that about me. I would not be in control of the crowd, or their actions, and because of not being able to control their responses, it'd hinder me from singing.

Terms: Self Efficacy, Expectancy, Efficacy Expectations, Outcome Expectations, Vicarious Experience, Verbal Persuasion, Doubt

Chapter 9 discussed personal control beliefs. The motivation to exercise personal control comes from expectancy. Expectancy is how likely an event will occur. There are two types of expectancy, efficacy and outcome. Efficacy expectancy is how well you expect that you can do something while outcome expectancy is how well you expect something to work. Both efficacy expectancy and outcome expectancy must be relatively high in order for coping efforts and control to take effect. Self-efficacy is how well or poorly one will cope with a situation given the skills that person has and the circumstances. It is developed through past experiences and memories of similar behaviors. Watching or hearing about others’ (whom you can relate to) experiences (vicarious experiences) are another way to develop self-efficacy. Verbal persuasion or a pep talk can also help motivate a person to attempt certain behaviors. Physiological activity also affects the performer’s ability to cope with demands. Those four sources of self-efficacy influence the performer’s choice (approach vs. avoidance), effort or persistence, thinking and decision making, and emotional reactions. Self-efficacy then serves as a model for personal empowerment. Personal empowerment is the sense of personal power. This comes from knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy. A mastery belief is the extent to which you think you have control over something or an outcome. Learned helplessness is that psychological state that results when an individual feels there is no other options available and has lost hope. The three concepts of learned helplessness are contingency (behavior and environmental outcomes), cognition (biases, attributions, expectations), and behavior (listless, and coping behavior). The effects of helplessness can result in motivational deficits (doesn’t see the point in trying at all), learning deficits (negative attitudes towards learning will prevent further learning), and emotional deficits (depression or apathy). Someone who has an optimistic explanatory style is more likely to have improved performance and higher self-esteem. A pessimistic explanatory style may be more inclined to accept negative outcomes as being normal. This in turn affects academic failure, social distress, and impaired job performance.
The most surprising thing that I learned was the amount of control people have over their abilities just by how they feel about themselves. By believing in your abilities, you are able to greatly improve your chances of success. Achieving these successes will enhance your belief in yourself and lead you to take on new challenges. Achievement in those challenges again raises your belief in yourself and propels you further and further. With that being said, if a person has a negative view in their abilities, they are less likely perform well which leads them into a downward spiral into low self-efficacy and poor performance.
One example of how personal control beliefs serve to encourage behavior is empowerment. This involves having knowledge, skills and beliefs which give people the choice to exert control in their lives. In Waterloo, the Family and Child Council has a program called Women’s Empowerment Group. This group helps to educate women on different life skills to help them better their life. Some of the subjects that the program covers is parenting tips, financial education (like how to raise your credit score and budget your money), and the power of believing in yourself. After completing the program, the women in the group feel more empowered in their abilities to be successful within their life.
An example of how personal control beliefs could discourage behavior would be learned helplessness. During my internship, I sometimes saw people who were obviously suffering from this. They were told daily that they would amount to nothing or that they were monsters. Soon, they internalized this negative belief and gave up trying to be any better.

Terms: personal control beliefs, self efficacy, expectancy, efficacy expectancy, outcome expectancy, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, mastery belief, learned helplessness, coping, motivational deficits, learning deficits, emotional deficits, optimistic explanatory style, pessimistic explanatory style

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