Uncontacted Tribes



Browse through this site...read some articles, look at the pictures...on the evidence page each of those images is actually a video, watch some of those too.

What does the topic of uncontacted tribes have to do with physiological needs? How do they meet their physiological needs? Do you think that they are not meeting their physiological needs as well as we are? What are your thoughts? What is most surprising/intriguing to you?



The topic of uncontacted tribes has a lot to do with physiological needs because they are cut off from all the extrenisic motivators that everyone else is exposed to. They are only motivated to meet the most basic needs on maslows hierarchy, they don't aspire to be on the cover of people magazine or own an exotic car because they don't know what any of that is and if they did it wouldn't take presedence over meeting the physiological goals for food water shelter etc..

They meet their needs just as most tribal cultures have with an emphasis on gardening, they grow cotton hunt fish they probably have their own trade system similar to currency just as every civilization does and probably have an established frame for society like the men do the hunting women do child care etc..

I believe the tribe is better at meeting their basic pysiological needs because they are not dependent on outside sources. I really think its so neat how tribes establish customs and ways of living it is almost like a view back to how our society started I wonder if they are matriarichal or how the work is distributed and what personality traits are valued and of course there views on religon/beliefs in general.

The topic of uncontacted tribes has to do with physiological needs because this tribe has to find food, water, and shelter on their own with any use of the technology that we have today. Although they have been around for thousands of years, at one point they had to start the tribe and I’m sure their troubles were similar to Chucks in Cast Away. They had to make weapons to kill animals for food and construct devices to capture water. They also had to make weapons for protection and make homes for shelter. These are all physiological needs.

Even though I would have a hard time surviving in a world like that, this tribe has been doing it for so long that it’s the only way of life they know and it works for them. They haven’t been exposed to many diseases urban people face so a need for current medical technology is not present. I think that as long as Peru does something to protect the tribe from illegal loggers, the tribe could last forever. I find it cruel that the government isn’t doing much to stop these loggers because the tribe has caused no harm to anyone but the loggers have.

The most surprising thing about the tribes is the fact that they exist. I had no idea that there were people out there that still lived the way this tribe does. I think it’s pretty amazing that they are able to do everything for themselves and I hope that the government will stop these illegal loggers so the tribe can continue to exist without problems.

The topic of un-contacted tribes explores the lifestyle of humans that live radically different from the majority. These are people of the human species, like us, that have needs, wants desires, and expectations.
What is so different about them is that they live in a world without the constant communication and entertainment like most people enjoy. Maslow states that all people have needs that they seek to be fulfilled. It starts with Physiological, then Safety, Love/belonging, Esteem, and Self-actualization.
Many people in the United States have their physiological needs met, either by themselves or through the help of friends, family, or the government. Many people have their safety needs met through living in a home or apartment and our government. Love and belonging is a little bit more challenging, along with esteem and self-actualization. Comparing that to un-contacted tribes, all of the needs remain the same, but different activities are used to satisfy them. What is different is the percentage of people that are in each category. Humans are at the top of the food chain with the technology that we possess. The only thing that can stop us from physiological and safety needs are other humans. That is what is happening to these tribes. The ones that thrive have a closer sense of love/belonging than most of the “industrialized” people.
In summary, I there are some tribes that meet their physiological needs as well as we do unless we interfere with them. The majority of them do not, but only because of the modern world’s influence. What surprised me was that there were many un-contacted tribes that lived so close to civilization. It was interesting to think about how those tribes came about and if they are to be like that forever.

Uncontacted tribes relate to physiological needs because their culture and lifestyle is so different from ours. People in our society may find it difficult to believe that surviving without McDonalds, sewer systems, and beds to sleep on is possible. Physiological needs like sleeping, eating, and drinking with the modern facilities and items that are available to us make satisfying these needs much easier. Therefore, people may assume that uncontacted tribes struggle to fulfill their basic physiological needs.
However, it appears that without modern conveniences these uncontacted tribes have lived and flourished just fine. This means that when they were hungry, they hunted and gathered and ate; they also provided for one another. In addition, it looks like the tribes made shelters, grew food, and had traditions that support a culture of people. Yes, it may be easier for them to enjoy the accommodations of today’s world; but that is not for us to say.
As far as meeting their physiological needs, they are doing just fine. However, in relation to keeping themselves healthy when outsiders arrive with unknown illnesses, they are at a disadvantage. In some of the videos on the website tribe members noted that many of their tribesmen/women died because of the illnesses that were brought by intruders. In this case, their bodies were conflicting with new diseases and unfortunately could not recover.
Due to all the evidence noted above, I think that these tribes should be able to be protected. However, I also think that it’s a nice thought that the tribes be kept “uncontacted”, however given the way of progression throughout the world, it is unlikely that the tribes will always remain uncontacted. This may just be another step in the sequence in the development of society. Overall, I think that because these tribes have nowhere else to move to, develop, or relocate to other than where they are, it is impossible for them to remain a flourishing society without contact from the rest of society.

Uncontacted tribes have a lot to do with physiological needs. After all, they need food, water, and shelter just like we do. In fact, it is way harder for them to find food. These tribes don’t exactly have a McDonalds that they can go to if they want a fast cheap meal. Most of their time is probably spent on finding and gathering edible food and water resources. They seem to be doing fairly well at it too (at least until the “white men” or loggers came in). They must have been doing well because these tribes have been living in this forest for generations. Therefore, they must be meeting their physiological needs with relative ease.
In some ways, the tribes fit their physiological needs better than most Americans good. For one, they probably have a wider range of fruits and vegetables in their diets. They also appear to get a decent amount of exercise in too. At least it’s safe to say that they are way more active than a lot of people in America. I would also like to point out that none of them appear to be obese. I think it’s safe to say that they have found that healthy balance of exercise and diet that so many Americans strive for. Personally, I think that they have a good way of life. Not a life that I would want necessarily, but they do appear happy.
The most surprising thing to me is that these tribes have stayed away from the influence of the modern era and technology for so long. It’s not too mind-boggling to think that people live of the land I suppose. It’s more like it is too far away from home for me to grasp. I enjoy the comforts that technology gives me. Plus I couldn’t get by with the absence of caffeine in my diet.

Uncontacted tribes can be related to physiological needs for the conditions make their needs harder to obtain, and in many cases different from our own physiological needs. However, I think there is a very small line that separates needs and wants. In the Western world, we have many luxuries that other places cannot enjoy. This why I think we sometimes feel as though we need something but really we just want it. For instance, all humans need food and drink, but for those who can access it feel as though they would need a good particular meal or drink and would not settle for less.

Obviously, these uncontacted tribes feel as though they have different needs. Some of these tribes are in fact extremely close to modern areas, but choose to remain secluded. This was rather surprising to me because it is hard for me to believe that someone would actually choose such a lifestyle.

They have their basic needs met. Food, shelter, exercise, and are also getting other needs met by living in a close social tribe. These include love, belonging, and safety. I think that if these people are not suffering, and are happy with their lives then they should live as they please.

I think that it would be naïve to assume that a tribe like the ones portrayed at this website couldn’t meet the same physiological needs that a more technologically advanced society could. They’re needs are probably much more balanced in terms of the body staying at its natural set point or settling point. The fact that they have to work a lot harder to obtain food and shelter means that they have a lot of physical activity, which is lacking in more developed cultures like the U.S. They seem to have quite a variety of nutritious food. I would image that they are meeting their physiological needs, hunger in particular, with much better results than a lot of people do. Their food is probably exponentially better to consume than some of the food that you find in stores that are loaded with preservatives or pesticides. The lengths that they go through to make the manioc edible is evidence that they need different types of nutrients to stay healthy. I would assume that these tribes have felt the effects of thirst and hunger much more dramatically than any of us could image. I wondered if the red body paint has to do with attracting a mate are a social custom that is viewed as attractive. The surprising thing to me is that people still feel the need to “civilize” these types of tribes that clearly do not want to be in contact with other people. It’s amazing that people still believe that just because a group of people doesn’t want all the new technology that is available today, that they are savages and backward.

Even though these uncontacted tribes seem extremely different than us, we must remember that we are all human. Though the way they interact with their environment is different, they too have the same physiological needs as any other homo sapien does. When their body is deprived of food, they too experience a psychological drive that elicits their food gathering behavior. The same can be said about their thirst and sex needs.
Though our cultures have different taboo, and the topography of the behaviors (hunting vs. McDonalds driv-thru) differ, the function is the same. If these tribes did not meet their physiological needs, they would not be able to survive and it is likely that we would never have heard of them.
I believe that these tribes are meeting their physiological needs just as well as we are, if not better. Resources in this particular area are probably not as accessible as they are in our society. Therefore, meeting these physiological needs play a more dominant role in their culture.
I love hearing about these types of cultures, though I realize that by exploiting their lifestyle through human interest articles their days are numbered. The more contact these 'uncontacted' tribes undergo, the more Westernized ideas will be diffused among them. We must ask ourselves whether we are promoting culture awareness or imperialism by contacting these tribes.

The topic of uncontacted tribes deals with physiological needs the same as we do. They simply have different multiple outlets, or behavioral responses by which they satisfy their needs. Who am I to say whether or not their means is as effective or effecient as ours? I have not lived that life. It is all they know and by the looks of the pictures, videos, and articles, they are a happy people. They meet their needs by going to get water, collecting fruit, insects, and hunting. They build shelters and obviously, procreate. I believe they have found ways perfect for them to meet their physiological needs. In my opinion, they are not met in a better or worse way--just different. Of course, now that I have been living in this culture, I would not want to convert to theirs; however, they seem just as content.
I found myself wandering around the site for a really long time. It is so intriguing to me that more civilized countries have not learned from other countries mistakes, such as taking land from a people already there for thousands of years. I found it ironic that missionary people ended up doing more harm than good by spreading unknown diseases to the tribes and killing many. I do not understand how this is still an issue. They obviously need to be left alone to survive.

The uncontacted tribes have a lot to do with physiological needs. These people are completely cut off from anyone other than their tribe. They don’t have any of the luxuries that we have. They only do the most basic things needed for survival. They gather and grow food, build shelter, and make weapons to defend themselves against invaders. They don’t know anything different than this.

These people meet their needs by growing and gathering their own foods. They make their own shelters and make their own weapons. They do everything from scratch because they have no other resources that what is around them.

I think that they are meeting their needs in the best way that they know how to. They would probably be completely lost if they were to come to our country and see how we do things. Like I said before, they use what they have to meet their needs.

I have a lot of respect for these uncontacted tribes. I would never be able to live the way they do. It was surprising to me that the one man who was the last of his tribe was still living all by himself. I could never imagine being the only person around and having to fend for myself for everything.

The topic of uncontacted tribes has to do with physilogical needs in that it is another perspective to look at getting resources. A perspective that is obviously much different from the one that most of us usually use. They meet their physiological needs from consuming whatever they can grow in their gardens, or from whatever means they have access to within their small area.
In my opinion they are meeting their physiological needs even better then we are because they are always eating fresh food and water that is unprocessed. And they are also getting plenty of physical activity, like any human needs to do. In my opinion the average American diet comes nowhere close to meeting what our body's need. The most surprising thing to me from the article is just simply the idea that there are still people out there that are out of contact with the outside world. I'm not saying it's the life I want to live, but they have everything they need and they seem happy. I just hope the outside world leaves them unbothered.

Uncontacted tribes are groups of people in the world that have basically no contact with the outside world. They have the others in their tribes and have what the site refers to as “neighbors”. Typically there is some interaction with the neighbors, however this is minimal and may be either positive or negative. According to this website, there are still many uncontacted tribes throughout the world, they predict around 100.
Uncontacted tribes relate to physiological needs because these people have the same needs that we do physiologically; they simply meet these needs in a different way than we do. Many individuals in western societies would probably suggest that these people’s needs are not being met; however the website demonstrates that many of these tribes are growing, and the tribes that do decrease are actually due to outsiders. One clip showed a man talking about how they came in contact with a group and settled in camps with others; this led to many of the people in the uncontacted tribe to get very ill and even die in some cases. In several areas, the website addresses that there has been genocide of these tribes, and that many outsiders come in contact with these people in order to talk their land from them. It is then that their physiological needs are not going to be met: clearly if you take away someone’s resources of food, water, and shelter they will not survive.
People in these uncontacted tribes meet their physiological needs by gathering what they need from the nature around them. This includes gathering fruits and insects for food, getting water for the collective group, and building shelter out of natural resources like wood, straw, etc. While these people meet their needs differently from how we do, they manage to do this on their own without any sort of technology or outside assistance. I think that these people’s needs are absolutely being met: they would not still be in existence if they weren’t. Additionally, I think they are meeting their needs just as well as we do in developed countries. It could even be argued that they are meeting their needs better than we do because they are meeting their needs as much as needed, whereas we go beyond meeting our needs by over indulging, which arguably is less healthy.
I really liked this website because it brought to my attention something that I was not aware of. Obviously, I knew that there are many cultures around the world that live differently than we do; what I found intriguing was that these people are not interacting socially in the way we do. It is a goal of ours to learn about other people and other cultures; we find this to be beneficial for us as a society. People in uncontacted tribes feel the exact opposite, and through experience find that coming in contact with people is detrimental to their lives. Unfortunately, our drive to learn about them causes negative effects on the way they live.

Uncontacted tribes give us a unique look at how people who are un-corrupted by the pressures and expectations of today’s society live and fulfill their physiological needs. They don’t want or need the most expensive cars, the newest electronics or the most elegant homes; they are satisfied with simply fulfilling their most basic physiological needs (i.e. food, water, shelter, sex). Uncontacted tribes can help bring societies such as ours back to reality and hopefully lower our dependence on living in excess.
These tribes fulfill their physiological needs in the most basic ways such as: gardening, fishing, rain water, fire and using the resources at their disposal for constructing their shelter. They still live as people did hundreds and thousands of years ago in America and Europe and are thriving at it.
In a sense I believe they are fulfilling their needs better than us because they actually have an understanding of what our ground level needs actually are. American society has a completely distorted view of what we “need” as far as food, water, shelter, etc. Therefore we are seemingly always left wanting or “needing” more than we actually do. We can learn a lot from uncontacted tribes and the ways in which they live and fulfill their physiological needs.
The most surprising thing that I found about this website and the idea of uncontacted tribes is that they still exist and that we still believe that there are many more out there that we haven’t found. I would have thought that we have explored every inch of land on this planet by now but that isn’t the case, there is obviously still a lot to be explored.

The curiosity or a group's "need" to ~Christianize a tribe seem to be two major reasons for hunting for uncontacted tribes to be the "first" to "discover" them. Reading these articles and watching these videos elicits anger in me because these people do not have any right to go in and eviscerate the tribes. At first, of course, explorers didn't know they would be killing them off merely by their presence in the tribes' midst, but once that was discovered, they should have stopped right there. It is completely unfair to go in and ruin the already functioning lives of an entire population. I am livid that there are so few uncontacted tribes remaining in the world today.
As evidenced on the evidence page, there are photos taken from a distance of healthy, thriving, uncontacted tribes. The language of the website claims that they are "more than you'd think" around the world, but I maintain that there should be more. We, by which I mean persons from more developed nations, should not have gone in and spread disease among or outright killed these people.
I believe that the people in these untainted tribes have extrinsic motivations from others within their tribes as well as from the world around them--meaning the plants, animals, land, etc. A tribe as a whole, however, is primarily intrinsically motivated to stay alive. Each person in each tribe has the intrinsic pull toward survival, as well. Besides the need to stay alive, I would imagine that each person needs to feel belonging and a sense of community, which is obviously fulfilled by the members of the tribe itself. They have people around them who are family and friends and grew up in the same conditions.
Each of these uncontacted tribes meet their own physiological needs within their own means. Without the involvement of outside influences, they live, eat, find or make shelter, and share camaraderie with the other members of their tribe. I think that they get all of their physiological needs met with plenty of dopamine releases. Sure, they'll have stressors in their environment--who doesn't? But they can power through those because they have the support of others. The introduction of loggers and other people as well as shrinking living spaces causes plenty of stress on the tribes, so they aren't without adversity. However, I believe that with such a community without foreign disease and problems induced by invasion, they have everything they need.
I do not believe that we are meeting our physiological needs in better ways than they are. I believe we meet them in different ways, but no better. These tribes are wonderfully orchestrated, and the members of the tribes aren't missing anything. They know the things in their world and don't need to know much else. What surprised me at first is that there are still uncontacted tribes, and then, once the headline alerted me to otherwise, I became surprised that there are so few. That sounds contrary, but it was my exact thought process. I think it is intriguing slash appalling that people are still intruding on these tribes' land and life. It is unfair to the tribal people.

What does the topic of uncontacted tribes have to do with physiological needs? How do they meet their physiological needs? Do you think that they are not meeting their physiological needs as well as we are? What are your thoughts? What is most surprising/intriguing to you?

Without a doubt uncontacted tribes are not meeting their physiological needs as well as us. Upon browsing the website I saw a picture that I seemed to recognize.. When I was ten years old my family and I moved to Ethiopia for two years, the picture I came across was the Omo people. We were just a few hours north of the Omo people and my father actually traveld there once. People there did not have nearly the luxurys that we do. Hunger and thirst were common feelings among many ethiopians and many work very hard to meet those needs. I know women that would walk 10, 15 miles easily every day to get water and that water was not purified and possibly not safe for drinking. I don't think any of us truly know how fortunate we are and that we are privledged to have such accessibility to our physiological needs. Although sometimes our intentions are good when we interevene with these uncontacted tribes the results have not always been well. I think it is our duty because we are given more we are asked to do more. Many uncontacted tribes struggle to meet basic necessities which is why we should help.

Uncontacted tribes have everything to do with physiological needs. There way of living is based solely on staying alive and satisfying their basic needs for survival: sex, thirst, and hunger. They have no outside resources and live off of the land. They don’t now when they will get fresh water if they don’t have a good source or certain foods. They are threatened by outsiders because every time they have made contact it usually ends in violence of some sort. Many tribes have become extinct because of this violence and contact with the outside world. They are just trying to live in peace and fulfill their basic survival needs from day to day. Some may grow gardens if the area is right for it, otherwise they live off fruits, nuts, and anything that the land has to offer. They make their own tools from the wreckage of ships or whatever they can find.
They may not be meeting their physiological needs as well as us because there is plenty of food and water for us and sometimes they may struggle finding food or fresh water. Everybody else in the world has an overabundance of everything so most of the time we take advantage of what we have and eat/drink more than is necessary. We no longer have sex just for reproduction and to keep society going, we eat food for fun instead of survival, and many brands of bottled water that we could simply just get from a faucet. Society has way overdone it and are going against our bodies natural homeostasis and trying to control how much we put into our bodies when its telling us otherwise.
The most surprising thing to me is how well they have kept to themselves, even being as close to one of the busiest tourist destinations. I think we have a right to try to protect there lands and keep them from outside contact. Obviously in the past it has only brought an end to many tribes so introducing them to ‘our’ way of living would only be detrimental. We would be introducing them to more food or drink then they have ever seen or will ever need, plus with all the diseases and sicknesses we carry their immune systems wouldn’t be able to hold up anyway.

Uncontacted Tribes 2/1/2011
Reading the article about the uncontacted people in Brazil I am intrigued by the fact that these people have never lived any other life. They are healthy, productive and certainly aware that there is “other life out there,” somewhere anyway. I cannot help but compare these people to Chuck in Cast Away where life is lived on the physiological level of food and thirst. The real difference is Chuck has been ripped of all known psychological and social needs and he is left with having to satisfy his physiological needs or die. This tribe knows that they meet the physiological needs or they will die too but within the tribe psychological and social needs are nurtured within their independent social structural system.
The untouched Indian tribe in Brazil may actually be more aware of their physiological needs than any civilized person because they are not constantly bombarded with advertisements that entice us to obtain what we don’t have. These Indians have a close interdependent functioning society where hunger, thirst and sex needs are of ultimate importance and they know the difference between a need and a want. They know how long they will have to plan ahead to provide food from a harvest, make a basket, or obtain clean water according to the natural seasons of growth. They are indeed a rare example adaption and functioning for us. I would like to know what they think of “civilized people” but not enough to want to disturb their lives.
It’s intriguing to me that some people assume that isolated people would not willingly choose to live this way if they were aware of how others live and yet these tribes have surely come across loggers or hunters that have tried to take advantage of them out of greed or may have even tried to “help them” when they need to be free to live as they want. It’s sad that they government there has other priorities.

The topic of uncontacted tribes has to do with physiological needs because that is all they live for. In our society, our physiological needs are automatic and can be satisfied in an instant. It is interesting to contrast their lifestyle to ours. We don't spend our day searching for food sources and finding materials to add to the shelter we have built ourselves. We focus our lives on attaining our wants because we know that we do not need to be concerned about satisfying our basic physiological needs. The people that live in the uncontacted tribes spend almost all of their time working to make sure their physiological needs will be met for themselves and the rest of their family and tribe. There isn't any reason for them to be thinking about anything else because they live simply to continue surviving. It seems that the people in our society work so that they can play. The people in uncontacted tribes work so they can live to the next day/week/month, etc. They are simply meeting their basic needs by living off of their surroundings and not striving to achieve much else but to make sure their tribe continues to exist. I believe they are meeting their physiological needs just fine when they are on their own because some tribes have only just recently been discovered. It appears that it is once people from outside their community come in contact with them that they begin to have problems with sustaining the way of life they had before. I was intrigued to see the shelter one of the tribes had built in a video I watched. I also thought it was interesting to hear a tribe member talk about the different roles people had in their tribe such as artists and people that held roles similar to a doctor. I was surprised and very disappointed to learn that many of the tribes are being pushed out of their area, especially after hearing a man talk about how his tribe wanted to continue raising their children in the forest. They seem to be content with what they have and the way they live. This assignment made me think about the extreme amount of excess people in developed countries live with when it is obvious that we really only need very little to survive.

Physiological needs?
The topic of uncontacted tribes shows that physiological needs are present in every human. Just because these tribes live far in the jungle, doesn’t mean they don’t have needs of food, water, and sex. Besides food and water, reproduction is very important in these tribes because of their limited numbers. To maintain a tribe, they need to have people to pass on their skills and knowledge.
Meet physiological needs?
The tribes meet their physiological needs with fruits and vegetables grown from their own garden, hunted forest animals, and water from nearby water sources. They have bows and arrows, pots, machetes, and baskets to help obtain the food and water.
Are they meeting their physiological needs as well as we are?
I think tribes are meeting their physiological needs better than Americans. Each member looked well nourished and not emaciated like I would have thought they would be. They looked healthy, which makes them different from many other countries, including America. I did not see any obese members and they all looked pretty muscular. The only reason their healthy bodies can’t fight off diseases is because of their lack of immunity to our common viruses.
It is amazing to still see people living off the land without any technology. Many of these tribes do not even have a canoe for fishing. Yet, they survive without any help from the outside world.
Most surprising/intriguing?
My biggest shock came when I learned that people are illegally bulldozing land. How does that seem right that someone with a bulldozer can just start flattening the land without some sort of permit. The lack of regulation is unreal. Also, I thought it was funny that tribe members call white people “cojñone”, which literally means “strange people”. They see us as strange just as much as we see them as strange. The other interesting thing, related to strange, was how they described the bulldozers. They had no clue that it was a piece of machinery, and they felt it was coming to eat them. It just shows how isolated they have been and why contact with anyone new can be so frightening for them.

Chapter four discusses motivation in terms of physiological needs. Needs are essential for survival and can be categorized in three types; physiological needs, psychological needs, and social needs. There are several processes that interact with each other to create a psychological drive which in turn create biological needs. Your body is continually attempting a state of homeostasis, a balance between the different physiological processes and needs. First your body experiences a deprivation or deficiency, this creates a biological need. The biological needs becomes intensified as time passes which finally creates a psychological drive. This psychological drive creates a motivation to initiate behaviors which satisfy this need/deprivation. Once the need is fulfilled drive decreases and your body enters a state of satiated state or an equilibrium. Negative feedback allows for the body to activate inhibitory response. This feedback realizes that the body has reached its satiated state. Psychological drive is also affected by the individual’s environment. The chapter goes on to talk about sexual drives and how sex orientation is formed.

The concepts from this chapter are easy for me to understand. It takes a couple times reading through to completely distinguish the different processes because they are all closely related. The most interesting concept of the chapter is sexual motivations. The differences found between men and women are interesting. Men’s physiological arousal is directly related the psychological desire, where women do not show the same correlation. They found that women’s vaginal lubrication is not related to their sexual desire. Women’s sexual desire is more related the status of the relationship and level of intimacy. Another part that I found to be interesting was sexual attractiveness drives sexual motivation. Sexual attractiveness is not determined by an individual’s opinion but based on specific features that are found to be attractive to most everyone. In other classes I have learned that research is finding the more symmetry of an individual’s face displays a positive correlation with level of attractiveness. It is very interesting to find that beauty is determined by science.

Physiological deprivations create biological needs which create motivation to satisfy these needs and deprivation. This satisfaction creates a homeostasis, which is ideal because this allows the body to grow and develop.

The physiological mechanisms communicate the deficiency to the brain. Brain mechanisms then interpret messages from the body and environment to make executive decisions on what needs to be done to relieve the discomfort.

Uncontactd tribes completely isolate themselves from the outside world. They don’t trade with other countries to get goods like the rest of the world. They don’t have bottled water or running water for that matter to drink from. To meet their physiological needs, uncontacted tribes must grow, catch, and kill their own food supply to survive. They have to make things that will catch water for them to drink, or they might just drink straight out of another water source (e.g., river, spring). Uncontacted tribes don’t have the luxuries that we do like beds, sewage systems, fast food chains, grocery stores, etc—they find and/or make everything themselves. I don’t think the majority of humans could possibly imaging wanting to live in an environment where you have to build a home from trees, sleep on the dirt ground, or go hunting for food everyday with just yourself and a spear.
I think they are meeting their physiological needs just fine. They seem to always find ways to meet their basic needs (e.g., food, shelter, etc) even in the mist of having to deal with loggers, oil companies, and cattle ranchers destroying their lands. A lot of the tribes have survived through mass killings, forced relocation, and introduction to various diseases. Tribe members are definitely more active compared to a lot of people in the United States. They also don’t have the opportunity to eat at fast food chains and other places that serve unhealthy food—not everyone needs to have a Big Mac to survive believe it or not! Obviously their needs are extremely different than ours, but it goes to show that people can live happy, healthy lives without asking for much. We expect so much these days that I think most people wouldn’t last one day without modern conveniences to help them along the way. I think if these tribes could be left alone, as they have been for many years, they will continue to make it work. As much as we’re all curious to learn more about these uncontacted tribes, I think making contact with them could be the worst thing that could happen. We could unintentionally introduce a disease which ends up killing off the majority, if not all, the tribe. Learning of their locations could also lead loggers and oil companies to target specific locations just so they can get rid of the native people and start doing business as usual.
One thing that I found interesting was in Peru, the country’s president has officially denied the existence of uncontacted tribes living in Peru. The Sentinelese tribe is one of the most isolated in the world having lived on Sentinel Island for up to 55,000 years—that’s a heck of a long time! I was very surprised by the statement that “it’s not unusual for 50% of a tribe to be wiped out within a year of first contact by diseases such as measles and influenza”. This really illustrates the devastating effect first contact can have on a tribe. It makes me question whether or not we should locate and come into contact with groups of people who simply want to live in peace by themselves.

What does the topic of uncontacted tribes have to do with physiological needs?
These tribes fulfill their physiological needs in ways that are completely different than how most people do it today. If I am hungry, I walk to the freezer, get a frozen meal, stick in the microwave, and then usually sit down in front of the television to eat it. They do not have this type of technology, and they must use more primitive ways to fulfill their needs, and this is probably a large focus of their life. Finding food and reproducing to keep the tribe alive is most likely one of their only goals. On the other hand, we have many other extrinsic motivators, because our basic physiological needs are easier to fulfill. These tribes reminded me of the movie “Cast Away”. However, there are some major differences. These people have others to communicate with, so they can fulfill their social and intimate needs. They also have been living like this for their entire lives, so they do not know any other way.
How do they meet their physiological needs?
These people have gardens where they grow such things as manioc, bananas, maize, sweet potato, pumpkin, peanuts and papaya. They also hunt and fish to fulfill their hunger needs. Though I never found it on the website, I assume there is a stream or river nearby that they get their water. They also grow cotton to make clothing, and they would get plenty of exercise from their daily tasks. They also live in tribes to fulfill their sexual and social needs.
Do you think that they are not meeting their physiological needs as well as we are?
I think they are meeting their physiological needs as well as we are just in different ways. Our ways are obviously more convenient. I can walk to the faucet and get water or drive to McDonald’s to get food, and they search and gather their food and water. However, we are becoming unhealthy and obese due to places like McDonald’s, our extrinsic motivators, and lack of exercise, but we have the doctors with technology to help us when we are sick. They do not have the technologically advanced doctors, but they also may not need them as much. They eat healthy since a lot of their diet is fresh fruits and vegetables, and they get plenty of exercise. They are also contained, so they would not be exposed to as many illnesses. I don't think one way is really better, but they are just very different.
What are your thoughts?
I think it is their right to live how they choose to, and obviously this path is working for them. I think the government should respect that and protect their homeland. Forcing them into society would cause worse lives for most of them and may even lead to their deaths. They would be exposed to illnesses that their bodies are not immune to, which would probably kill many of them. They website also said that many of them would end up as prostitutes or beggars. I think it is best to protect what they have and let them choose how they live.
What is most surprising/intriguing to you?
What surprised me the most was the large number of people ignoring this problem or pretending they don’t exist, including the government. I think the government officials need to go along on one of the plane rides to see the tribes, if they do not believe their existence, and then they need to protect what they have. It surprises me that they are able and willing to ignore this problem when it is destroying these people’s homes and way of survival.

The topic of uncontacted tribes demonstrates how different cultures meet their physiological needs differently. In addition, it shows us that in different parts of the world, meeting physiological needs differs greatly in the manner in which they are met. It also demonstrates that everyone, regardless of whether they live primitively or in an urban setting have basic physiological needs that must be met and maintained in order to stay healthy and for the bodies to obtain homeostasis.

These uncontacted tribes meet their physiological needs by growing gardens, harvesting food and living entirely off the land. Although it is not specifically explained in any of the articles or videos I read or watched, they obviously must have some means of collecting fresh water to meet their thirst need and they have pans in which to cook food and boil water. The difference is simply that we meet our physiological needs with far more convenience than they do. For example, they go out and chop wood for a fire while we go turn the furnace on with our thermostats.

I think these tribes meet their physiological needs just as well as we do. If they were left undisturbed, I have no doubt that they would continue to thrive and survive the way many tribes have for thousands of years. The problem is that settlers, loggers and technology are encroaching on their territories and bringing with them unfamiliar ways and potential problems. For example, it mentions diseases that have been introduced to indigenous tribes that have wiped out entire populations. These tribes do not have vaccines and have not built up immunities to foreign diseases. When this happens, they cannot meet their physiological needs but that is a result of invasion not of their own lifestyle choices. When loggers cut down trees in their territories they are also threatening the manner in which they meet their physiological needs because they live off the land and hunt. Farm land is ruined and animals are driven out or face extinction thus endangering these uncontacted tribes.

The most intriguing part of this subject is the people who think that these tribes just “don’t know any better” and if they did, they could be “helped” with technology and modern ways. I think this is completely false. These people have thrived in their natural environments. You can see how physically fit they are. There is no obesity. In many ways they are far more healthy than many other modern cultures.

The topic of uncontacted tribes demonstrates how different cultures meet their physiological needs differently. In addition, it shows us that in different parts of the world, meeting physiological needs differs greatly in the manner in which they are met. It also demonstrates that everyone, regardless of whether they live primitively or in an urban setting have basic physiological needs that must be met and maintained in order to stay healthy and for the bodies to obtain homeostasis.

These uncontacted tribes meet their physiological needs by growing gardens, harvesting food and living entirely off the land. Although it is not specifically explained in any of the articles or videos I read or watched, they obviously must have some means of collecting fresh water to meet their thirst need and they have pans in which to cook food and boil water. The difference is simply that we meet our physiological needs with far more convenience than they do. For example, they go out and chop wood for a fire while we go turn the furnace on with our thermostats.

I think these tribes meet their physiological needs just as well as we do. If they were left undisturbed, I have no doubt that they would continue to thrive and survive the way many tribes have for thousands of years. The problem is that settlers, loggers and technology are encroaching on their territories and bringing with them unfamiliar ways and potential problems. For example, it mentions diseases that have been introduced to indigenous tribes that have wiped out entire populations. These tribes do not have vaccines and have not built up immunities to foreign diseases. When this happens, they cannot meet their physiological needs but that is a result of invasion not of their own lifestyle choices. When loggers cut down trees in their territories they are also threatening the manner in which they meet their physiological needs because they live off the land and hunt. Farm land is ruined and animals are driven out or face extinction thus endangering these uncontacted tribes.

The most intriguing part of this subject is the people who think that these tribes just “don’t know any better” and if they did, they could be “helped” with technology and modern ways. I think this is completely false. These people have thrived in their natural environments. You can see how physically fit they are. There is no obesity. In many ways they are far more healthy than many other modern cultures.

Even though this tribe is out of contact with the world they still have the everyday needs that we have. They need food and water to survive. If they don’t get it they will die of dehydration and/or hunger. Since they live on a small island where outsiders aren’t well liked, it’s not like they can hope on a bus and ride down to Wal-Mart and pick up some meat and candy bars. They have to do it the old fashion way, hunting and gathering.

I’d bet they meet their needs as best as they can. Since they have been around for a long time, I can only guess that they know which tree has the best fruit, when it’s the best time of year to pick it, were the animals are to hunt and the best fishing spot. It might not be much, but it’s enough to get them through.

I don’t think they are keeping up with their needs as well as we are. We have access to hardware stores to fix up our houses when needed, grocery stores to get food and pharmacies to get medicine. They might not get to eat everyday or have clean water like we do. They try their best to get what they can.

I watched the video about the genocide, and the tribe’s last six survivors. It’s sad to think that a unique culture like this may be coming to an unfortunate end. We may never fully understand the tribe’s way of life. It’s also surprising that the language barrier is so different. We may never truly know what these people have lived through or their history.

An uncontacted tribe still has physiological needs to meet. They still need food, water and mating rituals. This website is a good reality check to those who think their needs are high end clothing, cars and butlers. The uncontacted tribes meet their needs by using what is around them. A lot of their shelter is made from the surrounding trees and a lot of their food is found in the forest. But with that said, I believe they are meeting their needs just fine. We cannot compare ourselves to a completely different society. But they eat and drink just like we do. We are more likely to take advantage of what we have because we often have others prepare our food, and they do not though. It's very interesting to me to see these pictures. For some reason, I get the vibe that they are so much more carefree than we are. That their worries aren't about being able to afford the latest hottest jeans. I am somewhat conflicted about the idea though. It's obvious they are surviving but I wonder if they live comfortably or if they worry about food and shelter a lot. I wonder if they like the life they live of if they even know any different. It's sometimes hard to imagine something you will never experience.

The uncontacted tribes have to do with physiological needs because they get their needs met differently than what we view as normal. These tribes live unindustrialized. Their basic needs are more conscious than ours. If we are hungry, we go to the fridge or the store. If they are hungry they need to already have made plans for food. They needs to have already collected fruit or hunted and cooked. They have to prepare for the needs they know they will have. There is not much room for instant gratification like our society is used to. If we were put into their environment we may find ourselves struggling to survive and meet our needs. Similarly, if we were to force them into our environment they may not adapt well and may struggle to survive, at least socially.

I think they are meeting their needs as well as we are. I say this because they have food, shelter, and a community. Also, there is one picture of right after a hurricane showing survivors. This proves that they are able to survive in their environment. I think we should protect their environment. It is their choice if they want to be in an industrialized world or not. They should not be forced into a lifestyle they are not comfortable with or may be harmful to their wellbeing. The thing that’s most surprising to me is the number of uncontacted tribes there are in South America. They seem really prominent there when I looked at the map on the page. Another thing that is a little surprising to me, but maybe shouldn’t be, is that there are people who want to force their lives on these tribes. I think that if these tribes want to be a part of our world then we should help them but I think if they want to be left alone then they should be.

The topic of uncontacted tribes as a lot to do with physiological needs! They are just as human as people living in “civilized” places, and every human has the same basic physiological needs: hunger, thirst, and sex. Obviously the people in these uncontacted tribes are meeting their physiological needs because they have been surviving for a long time, so they must be eating well, finding water, and reproducing. They are just the same as humans in civilized communities, but they go about meeting their needs in different ways.
How do they meet their physiological needs?
They seem to meet their needs just as well as we do, but in very different needs. In our “civilized world”, we have many of our needs easily provided for us…we don’t have to go searching for it. For instance, you could pick any road to drive down in Cedar Falls and find somewhere to meet your hunger needs. There are a variety of restaurants to choose from. In these uncontacted places, they have to go in search of food and water, but they probably eat healthier (more fruits and vegetables) than we do. So, the whole process of these tribes meeting their needs is much different from ours. In reality, we have become somewhat lazy and these tribes work hard to meet their needs.
Do you think that they are not meeting their physiological needs as well as we are?
It seems as though they are meeting just as good as we are. They have been living under the same conditions for a long time, and are still around so they must be doing something right. I think that, even though they way they live is very different, they are still meeting their physiological needs in a way that best suits them. So, why should they change?
What is the most surprising/intriguing to you?
I think the whole idea of how they live is intriguing to me. It’s just so out of the norm compared to how I live. Looking at them makes me realize how easy I really have it. I am able to have my physiological needs met, while never having to worry that I won’t be able to eat. That would be different for me, to have to go in search of food and water. I think that was the most interesting/thought provoking thing I read about.

Uncontacted tribes have everything to do with physiological needs. These needs are the most important thing in their survival; they hold most of the tribes' focus. These tribes don't have the luxuries that we do. They meet these needs by hunting and gathering on their own as well as gardening. These people use natural materials to build what they need for shelter and supplies. They rely on each other for support and reproducing.

I think these tribes meet their physiological needs better than we do. All of their food is supplied by them; they do not rely on outside sources to just hand it to us like our society does. Their food is also all naturally grown and their water is either from rivers, ground, or rain. With all of these factors, they are still quite healthy. They also get the benefit of self-reliance and can rejoice in that.

The most intriguing part is the fact that these tribes have been isolated from our world for so long and no one knew they were there. I am very fascinated with these tribes and their way of life. It makes me appreciate the life I have because their entire lives day in and day out revolve around staying alive. I think it is our job to keep these remaining native tribes safe from danger and being destroyed.

These uncontacted tribes have a lot to do with physiological needs. Physiological needs are the same for every human being, whether you are an extravagant millionaire in the “civilized” U.S. or a member of a remote tribe humbly living off of the land. Every human’s body has physiological needs of thirst, hunger, and sex. You can tell that these uncontacted tribes are meeting their physiological needs because they have been able to thrive and live for generations just the way they are. Under evidence there were aerial photographs that showed baskets of different foods suggesting a fairly well-balanced diet. They are obviously able to get enough water to survive and are healthy enough to reproduce. I am sure that the tribe members work hard in order to meet their survival needs. I often think about how much of our time and energy in our world is spent on things that ultimately are not necessary. For example, how much time to I spend taking care of and cleaning my possessions that I don’t really need. On the other hand, I feel blessed that I do not have to worry or wonder where my next meal is coming from. While the tribes meet their physiological needs just as well as we do, I’m confident that our priorities and means for meeting those needs are very different. The most surprising thing to me from this site was that the president of Peru is denying the existence of the uncontacted tribes. According to the article the government is doing nothing about the loggers that are threatening this tribe’s existence. It saddens me that through history human beings have constantly fought each other for land and resources, when ultimately there enough here to meat everyone’s physiological needs.

The uncontacted tribes demonstrate meeting physiological needs in an environment completely unfamiliar to ours. Uncontacted tribes are evidence that although environment influences psychological needs, basic physiological needs are the same in any environment. These tribes also demonstrate that the environment can have a huge impact on how motivations directs/initiates behavior.

These tribes appear to be meeting their physiological needs. They will hunt and gather for hunger and thirst. It becomes obvious that these individuals have been able to meet their physiological needs because they have survived thousands of years. More and more these tribes are losing their ability to meet basic needs especially safety and shelter. Are their sex physiological needs being fulfilled? As their populations diminish it becomes evident that they are not successfully reproducing for a variety of reasons. Therefore they might not be able to fulfill all of their physiological needs. Also as these tribes lose their shelter, as forests are destroyed, they will also be deprived of food due to lack of access.

For thousands of years these tribes were meeting their physiological needs, and probably better than we do. However because the environment as changed so dramatically the needs they can’t fulfill have fatal results. One of the big examples of this is their immune system has not built antibodies for the diverse pathogens that now exist because of our diverse population. Because they are being forced out of their home they have no choice but to try to adapt and fulfill their needs in order to survive.

It is very interesting that these tribes have remained uncontacted for so long and that they still exist. It was also surprising that some of these uncontacted tribes had once lived within civilization and had to isolate themselves in order to survive. This is ironic because now in order to survive they will be forced back into civilization.

In my opinion, in relation to this matter, we must ask two questions. The first is, do the uncontacted Tribes the same physiological needs than us? I would say that yes, sexual motivation and the motivation to eat is the same in its most basic form, ie they need to breed and feed. But, and this is the second question, are they still the same rules as us to eat and choose a partner? I think not, I think these people have their own rules that are not similar to those of our civlizacion. For example, Mocovíes tribe, which lives in northern Argentina has a custom of marriage in which the husband must buy the bride and the claimants must prove their skills as fishermen and hunters to the father of the bride. Also most of them are overweight, which would not be well seen here.

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