Topical Blog 3/10 10pm


This week's topical blog will be devoted to your analysis of the movie American Beauty.

This movie has concepts from Chapters 7-9.

Watch the movie. Take notes.

Next, write your comment. Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Your comment should be an in-depth analysis of one or more principles from your text. You should use scenes and characters to provide examples of textbook concepts. Your comment should reflect that you are in an upper division, university level Motivation and Emotion course and clearly link elements from the movie to the textbook.  This is a comprehensive assignment (linking course lectures, textbook, and the movie) and you cannot do that in just a few short paragraphs.

BE SPECIFIC. At the bottom of your comment, please put a list of the ME terms you used.


Initially Lester is similar in some ways to the average middle-aged father and husband, in that he has plans that he is trying to fulfill. Plans that try to fulfill the ideal life like having a good marriage, successful career, and just in general to provide for his family. Plans such as those were most likely ones that he formed when he was younger. As he reached middle-age, his age during the movie, he realizes many of his plans do not match his ideal life plans. He realizes that where he is at, at the beginning of the movie, that he really does not have control over many of the main factors in his life. He realizes that he is in a loveless marriage, which causes a lack of an important social need in his life, and that the only reason he and Carolyn do not get divorced is because of the affect it could have on their daughter Jane, and because it would be a drastic change in their calm and repetitive lives. Lester also realizes that he is unnecessary or unimportant at his job, meaning that he does not enjoy his job. And although he realizes his ‘quasi-need’ to work to pay their mortgage, send Jane to college, etc. he becomes unmotivated, and eventually goes through a mid-life crisis.
Lester’s natural life not matching his ideal life can be explained by one theory from chapter nine, the ‘Reactance Theory’, which suggests that people experience reactance only if they expect to have some control over what happens to them, and people react to a loss of control by becoming more active, and even aggressive. I believe this theory applies well to Lester’s character because it is clear that Lester desires to and has planned on having control over his life, and once he realizes he does not, he becomes more aggressive to try to change that, meaning that the way he decides to cope with the stressor is to ‘Approach’ it rather than to try to ‘Avoid’ it. So he quits his job, buys a 1970 Firebird, and as I will talk more about later, he begins an unusual relationship with Jane’s best friend, Angela, because he is sexually attracted to her. All the steps that Lester takes are done to try to help him fulfill his goal of gaining control over his life once again. His goal of regaining control is a ‘specific goal’ and because it is a goal that he himself forms, it has high ‘goal acceptance’.
While Lester’s character at the beginning of the movie does not demonstrate this, once he quits his job, buys a car, etc. he demonstrates ‘Empowerment’. Lester’s character performing those actions also shows that Lester shows ‘Achievement’, or the desire to do well. I would associate those characteristics as positive ones, and as another positive for his character, I would say that it is clear that he is a ‘high-hope’ person. I say that because he sets ‘mastery’ rather than ‘performance goals’ because his goals come from a self-set standard, rather than by his wife, boss, etc. telling him he needs to do something. I also say that because by his goals coming from a self-set standard, this shows that he is intrinsically motivated.
As I mentioned earlier, Lester forms an unusual relationship with Angela, which is obviously unusual just based on the fact that he is a middle-aged man and she is a high-school girl. As the movie progresses and as their relationship forms Lester goes from wondering if he can have her, an ‘efficacy expectation’, to that he can have her, but should he? He reaches a point where his morality is being seriously challenged, and that can be looked at as an ‘outcome expectation’ in terms of whatever decision he makes as being the right one. Obviously he realizes that it is not right for him to be with her, especially in terms of the affect it would have on Jane, so he chooses not to have sex with her. Lester looking at the situation from Jane’s perspective demonstrates his relatedness to her.

The topics that are discussed in chapters 7-9 (social needs, goal setting, and personal control beliefs) are seen quite extensively in the movie American Beauty. All four types of social needs are demonstrated by the characters that appear in this movie. The need to achieve can most clearly be witnessed in Carolyn Burnham. She is a realtor who is very success driven in her career. Her tendency to approach success can be seen when she constantly approaches and makes arrangements to meet with Buddy Kane, one of the most profitable realtors in the area where they live. At the same time it can be argued that she has a tendency to avoid failure and gets very upset when she is in a situation that could result in failure (i.e. getting very angry when her open house isn’t as successful as she’d hoped). The profession that Carolyn has chosen to pursue fits in very well with the ability to satisfy the need to achieve. Selling a house is a moderately difficult task, there is competition from other realtors, and there is a great deal of entrepreneurship involved in setting up open houses to sell a home. I think that the main character of Lester Burnham has a very low need to achieve which is in stark contrast to his wife, which is probably one of the big reasons for all of their fighting. Although it may seem like there were a lot of characters that were looking for the affiliation aspect of their social needs, I think that there was really only one. Angela has a very high need for affiliation and she uses her sexuality and stories of her sexual prowess to gain this affiliation. The book mentions that persons high in the need for affiliation were often less popular than persons low in affiliation. This is interesting because as the movie progresses we see that Angela is actually not as popular with some of the other girls at her school due to the way she describes herself. I didn’t initially notice a lot of affiliation needs in the movie because pretty much every single character has a big issue with intimacy and the need to find someone to be intimate with. After reading the definition of affiliation as a lack of social interaction I realized the characters are suffering from a lack of affiliation and intimacy. Jane and Ricky are lacking interaction with their parents and with other kids to some extent and they end up finding intimacy with each other. Lester and Carolyn are lacking intimacy and affiliation with each other so they try to find it in others. Lester fantasizes about being intimate with Angela and Carolyn starts having an affair with Buddy Kane. Ricky’s dad also has extreme affiliation and intimacy issues and tries to express them, unsuccessfully, to Lester in the scene when he kisses him in the garage. Mr. Fitts is also a perfect example of a person’s need for power and wanting the physical and social world to conform to his own image. He physically beats up his son when he behaves in a manner he doesn’t approve of. It can also be seen that he has a lot of power over his wife. Mr. Fitts also doesn’t approve of his neighbors sexuality and often ridicules and makes derogative comments about them to his son. Carolyn also has a pretty high need for power in her family life and Lester even expresses this idea when she doesn’t like that he is speaking up for himself. When she starts shooting the gun, it is a pretty direct implication of her need to feel that power that a weapon can give someone. Buddy even says that nothing makes you feel more powerful than shooting a gun, which intrigues her in the first place because she sees him as powerful and successful.

A couple characters throughout the movie engage in goal setting actions. Lester sets a pretty clear goal for himself which is to get into better physical shape. He states that his goal is to look good naked and he set this goal because he wants to impress Angela. The goal is moderately specific and difficult with feedback coming from Angela noticing that he’s been working out. He seems to have pretty good implementation intentions because as he is working out in the garage he doesn’t get distracted very easily and/or resumes his workout right away. Another long-term goal that Lester had set for himself was to own a 1970 Pontiac Firebird, which he eventually accomplishes. Jane has a goal to have breast surgery and has been saving her money for a long time to accomplish this. One of Mr. Fitts’ long-time goals would be keeping his son from doing drugs again. He tries to monitor Ricky by being very dominant and making him submit to a urine test.

In the movie American Beauty a lot of the characters seem to change their personal control beliefs. Self-efficacy is the capacity in which an individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with demands and circumstances he or she faces. Ricky has very high self-efficacy which is observable when he interacts with his boss and his dad. Even though he is doing something illegal (i.e. selling marijuana) he is very confident that he can do it without getting caught. It is clear that he has dealt drugs a lot in the past and his physiological state reflects that in his calm demeanor. Lester is very envious of this quality in Ricky and he too begins to increase his level of self-efficacy. Lester becomes more confident in his ability to exercise and to stand up to his wife when he needs to. He starts to approach situations more and gives a lot more effort than we had previously seen in him. Carolyn has much lower self-efficacy but tries really hard to portray herself as being much more capable than she is. We often see her giving herself positive verbal persuasion, or pep talks, but then soon afterwards she breaks down in an emotional reaction, such as crying or screaming. Her rollercoaster of emotions seems to indicate that she doesn’t have very high self-efficacy. Angela presents herself as being high in self-efficacy when it comes to being sexually experienced but by the end of the movie we know that she is lying. She says that she has been with a lot of people in the past but her physiological reactions (nervousness) with Lester proves that she has a low amount of self-efficacy. By the end of the movie many characters have also displayed empowerment that comes with having high self-efficacy. Ricky stands up to his father’s abusive threats, Jane quits putting up with her best friend Angela who allows talked down to her and Lester put an end to being controlled by his wife and got a lot of money out of his company when leaving. All of these characters use their knowledge, skills, and beliefs to exert control over their lives. The term learned helplessness can also be applied to some of the characters in this movie. Mrs. Fitts is a perfect example of someone who has succumbed to learned helplessness, or the psychological state that results when an individual expects that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. She is always in a very catatonic, non-responsive state and continually apologizes for random things. We can examine the three components of learned helplessness in the case of Mrs. Fitts. With regard to contingency it is likely that she is not really allowed outside of the house and is not exposed to new environments. Her cognition has probably also led her believe that she really has not personal control over her husband or her actions. Finally, her behavior is very lethargic and passive which is very characteristic of someone who has learned helplessness. I think that it could also be argued that Carolyn has also learned helplessness in some aspects of her marriage. She seems to have a very low willingness to try and fix her marriage, when compared to Lester, and this is an example of a motivational deficit which is an effect of helplessness.

ME Terms: social needs, goal setting, personal control beliefs, need to achieve, tendency to approach success, tendency to avoid failure, entrepreneurship, difficult task, competition, affiliation, intimacy, need for power, goal setting actions, specific and difficult, feedback, implementation intentions, long-term goal, self-efficacy, physiological state, verbal persuasion, emotional reaction, empowerment, learned helplessness, contingency, cognition, behavior, motivational deficit

This weeks topical blog is an analysis of the movie “American Beauty.” American Beauty is a classic movie that depicts the inner struggle that Lester Burnham faces during his mid-life crisis. Lester evolves from a stressed out, unhappy person to a completely new man with new life goals and aspirations.
Early on is the movie, Lester’s wife Carolyn, a real estate agent, shows a high degree of self-efficacy. She receives a house to help sell that is in less than perfect shape. As she initially opens the door to the home, she says, “I will sell this house today!” She continually reiterates this statement throughout the day while she is cleaning the entire house for the open house. She maintains an optimistic outlook throughout the open house in hopes to sell the property but to no avail. But in more cases, being optimistic can improve persistence and the expected outcome of any situation.
Angela Hayes, Jane’s friend also has a high degree of self-efficacy throughout this movie. At the beginning of the movie, upon meeting Lester, she realizes that Lester has developed a crush on her. And while smoking marijuana with Jane outside Jane’s house, the two girls talk about Angela’s aspirations for modeling and her future. Angela also mentions that she loves the attention from guys and realized that guys have been obsessed with her since she was 12. This shows a great deal of confidence and belief in herself. She states that if random guys wanna “be” with her, it translates well for her becoming a successful model. Later in the movie her confidence swells once again when she spends the night with Jane. She purposely initiates an interaction with Lester to “rattle his cage,” and boost her confidence.
Lester’s main association with chapters 7-9 is goal-setting and goal-striving. Since the moment Lester became obsessed with Angela during the dance routine at half-time of the high school basketball game, Lester set a goal of “getting with” Angela. This became even more apparent when Lester overheard Angela joking with Jane about having sex with Lester if only he was more fit. In hearing this, Lester begins to lift weights and starts running to become more fit in hopes of sleeping with Angela. This is the beginning stages of Lester’s goal-striving process. He truly believes that by getting in better shape he will achieve his goal of sleeping with Angela. This could also show signs of Lester needing the social need; intimacy. Lester is feeling a disconnection with his wife and his daughter and is looking to Angela for fulfilling his intimacy needs. Near the end of the movie Lester and Angela’s lives intersect. Angela needs to be reinforced that she is beautiful and not ordinary after she has a fight with Jane; this causes her to give herself to Lester; which is ultimately what he wanted all along. But after realizing that Angela is a virgin, Lester realizes that it’s not Angela he wants intimacy with, he wants his family back.

Terms: Self-Efficacy, Optimistic, Goal-Setting, Goal-Striving, Social Needs, Intimacy.

American Beauty is a movie about the life of Lester Burnham, a middle aged man who seems to be going through a mid-life crisis. He is completely burned out of his job and shows little to no effort in it, and his wife and daughter despise him. This movie is about Lester’s change of control over his life and the decisions he makes to be who he wants to be despite the views of his family.

Initially, the viewer sees Lester as being this pathetic man who has no motivation in life. Specifically in regard to his job Lester has low efficacy expectations. He narrates that he is worthless and pathetic; he even refers to himself as “sedated”. Lester’s outcome expectations seem to be low as well because he does not feel that anything he does will result in a positive outcome. He has no hope whatsoever in the beginning and has very little perceived control. He looks back and states that he has not always been this way and does not know what happened/changed. He points out that his wife has changed as well, and his daughter (Jane) is a typical rebellious teen. Jane is a young girl who has a high need for intimacy; she feels that her family is very messed up and desires a warm, secure relationship. Eventually, Jane does get this with Ricky, and she appears to be much happier at that point and even agrees to run away with him in the end. Because her family is so dysfunctional, Jane also seems to have a social need to fit in and be “normal”. However, while watching the movie, I did not feel that Lester was blaming Carolyn or Jane for his situation, but rather just pointing out the facts of contributions and aspects of his unhappy life.

It is also clear that he has a helpless motivational orientation because he views himself in this negative way and feels that he cannot change or control that. He is extremely unhappy and seems to portray learned helplessness. This is seen in that he has worked for the same company for 14 years and is basically feeling that he is going to get “let go”. His past experiences in the company have led him to believe that he is unappreciated by his management, and therefore it is their fault for his current predicament. Lester shows an emotion focused problem-solving technique which is shown by the insulting letter that he gives his management. Additionally, Lester’s personal history effects how he sees his life outside of his work as well. In a scene where he is talking with Ricky he reminisced about a summer where he was young and flipping burgers and partying all the time, this seems to give him a little more drive in the things he wants to achieve (his new goals.

While he acknowledges that he is a “pathetic” person (and clearly depressed), he never states that his job performance is bad because of anything he has done. In this stage of the movie, Lester portrays a very low level of mastery belief; this is seen by the way he is sarcastic on the phone and showing little effort or care for what he is doing. This can also be characterized as a pessimistic explanatory style because his job performance has been impaired due to a variety of things such as the new guy (Brad), an efficiency expert who is there to “cut corners” for budget reasons. One part of Chapter 9 talks about the link between perceived control and depression. As stated, Lester appears to be very depressed throughout a portion of the film. The chapter indicates that depressed people better recognize the things they can and cannot control better than those that are not depressed. I thought this was interesting when I read the chapter and I think it does connect to Lester. He acknowledges that he is not going to be able to control his fate with his company and therefore makes a decision to quit his job so that he can gain more control over his life.

Lester does portray through his behaviors that he does have some quasi-needs such as paying the bills, help support his family, etc. However, after meeting Angela, he decides to give up on them to pursue his own ambitions (which are not exactly difficult). He thrives off goals that are not challenging in any way because he knows he can succeed at them (outcome expectations are that he will be happy and do what he wants. He also suspects that people will not be happy with his behavior but chooses to ignore it). His ideal state becomes attainable and becomes his present state in that he is doing whatever he wants. I think it is also important to note that Lester’s ideal state seems to stay pretty constant throughout the movie; after he changes though his present state becomes much closer to his ideal state. Even at the end when you see Lester die, he has a look on his face that looks like he was happy.

Reactance theory describes how Lester changes after he meets Angela. Angela is someone who is full of ambition and aspires to be a model. It is her goal in life to not be ordinary. Angela appears to have a very high need for affiliation, which is seen in her constant lying about the number of people she has slept with, and a high need for intimacy which is also seen in the way she is lying so that people will like her, and the way she begs for attention from Lester. Reactance theory shows how Lester changed after meeting Angela. For example, when Lester is supposed to write a job description to show the value of his work he decides to write an insulting letter to his management and the organization. This is Lester’s way of showing that he does have control and won’t succumb to what everyone else wants from him. He states “I’m just an ordinary guy, with nothing to lose”. It is also clear that Lester feels intrinsic motivation to his new goals. He wants to live his life the way he wants, be more fit, and have more fun; clearly he accomplishes these things.

He transitions from an avoidance style of behavior to an approach style after meeting Angela. This is shown in his behavior of quitting his job, buying a new car, exercising, and getting a job that is easy that therefore allows him to be successful in it. Lester’s goal becomes to do whatever he wants and to have as little responsibility as possible. He feels good when he reaches goal-attainment, however it should be noted that all of Lester’s goals appear to be short-term goals. They are all to be happy in the moment. I would even go as far to say that Lester experiences a level of empowerment after he attains his goals of being more satisfied. He tells his wife and daughter off, and stands up for himself, and seems to be overall, proud of what he is doing because he is finally doing what he wants.

Lester’s wife Carolyn also portrays many of the concepts from the book. She seems to behave in such a way that shows her drive and desire for control. A good representation of this is seen when she continues to tell herself that she will sell the house today. This represents verbal persuasion and a clear motivation toward her work. However, once she does not accomplish it she starts to cry which demonstrates her reaction to failure or negative feedback. Carolyn also appears to have a high need for achievement and I think a need for intimacy. This is only really seen after Lester catches her cheating on him and then the real estate guy ends it with her in order to preserve his career and image. At the end, she is giving herself a pep talk on her drive home in which she appears to want to kill Lester. Because Carolyn does this a couple of times throughout the movie, I assume that this is an important coping mechanism for her, and is something that she needs in order to accomplish a goal.

Overall, American Beauty encompasses many aspects of perceived control and goal-setting/attainment through different views of several characters with very different personalities, and portrays how they handle the difficulties and failures in their lives.

ME Terms: Efficacy expectation, outcome expectations, perceived control, goal-setting, goal-attainment, difficulty, empowerment, present state, ideal state, mastery belief, pessimistic explanatory style, intrinsic motivation, need for intimacy, need for affiliation, need for achievement, verbal persuasion, negative feedback, failure, reactance theory, social need, depression, helpless motivational orientation, quasi-need, learned helplessness, approach/avoidance, emotion focused problem-solving, coping mechanism, short-term goals, long-term goals.

American Beauty utilizes many of the concepts we have read about thus far. In fact, narrowing down a couple was actually hard because you could go so many different directions in what you want to discuss, especially in the psychological needs (especially autonomy), social needs (especially intimacy) and personal control beliefs (especially learned helplessness) arenas.

Lester Burnham is a middle-aged man who is suffering from depression and lacking many of the needs required in order to have a fulfilling and happy life. As far as social needs go, he is lacking any intimate relationships. He appears to have no friends or social life and has a terrible relationship with both his wife and daughter. He has no one with whom he shares a warm, emotional bond and the closest he comes to that is opening up to Angela in one of the last scenes of the movie. She asks him how he is doing and he smiles and says “no one has asked me that in a long time.” He has little power or achievement in his life and is a self-described “loser.”

As far as personal control beliefs, he very low self-efficacy, meaning that he does not believe he has the ability to do much or that he has what it takes to influence his environment. Rather, it is apparent that his outcome expectancies are that what he does do does not work and that he does not have control over his own environment. However, several key events take place that motivate a desire to change his current situation in life. 1) He meets his daughter Angela, whom he begins to fantasize about. After overhearing Jane and Angela discussing him and Angela saying that if he worked out he would be sexy and she would have sex with him he decides to take more control over his environment and do something for himself. He is extrinsically motivated to begin exercising because he “wants to look good naked.” He begins to run, eat healthier and work-out. Regardless of his motivation, it begins a change in him for the better in order to empower him to gain control over his environment. 2) He meets Rikki, his new neighbor who encourages him to smoke a joint. During their discussion, Rikki’s boss comes out and orders Rikki back inside and Rikki refuses. When Lester questions how he could do that Rikki says I just quit. It is possible that through vicarious experience of watching Rikki refuse to take orders so effortlessly it raised Lester’s own sense of self-efficacy which energized his actions in becoming more aggressive and less passive with individual’s in his own life. Lester began to take actions that made him happy and fulfilled his own psychological needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness.

Learned helplessness is a concept also found in this film. Lester truly felt that the outcomes in his life where independent of his behavior. This is clear in that he no longer stood up to his wife or his boss or fought to be a presence in his daughter’s life. He just went through life being passive. It was as if he had given up even trying to change the outcomes in his life. As the movie progresses, we see that high self-efficacy can be acquired through change and the learned helplessness is not forever and that people can change their personal control beliefs.

Although it is not featured as much, we see glimpses of learned helplessness in Rikki’s mother’s behaviors. Without question, she has led of life rigidity, structure, abuse and emotional neglect. It is clear that she no longer believes she has control of any outcomes in her life and that her environment is controlling her. She seems to have given up on life as well and even as her own son was getting beaten she did not make any effort to stop it. Like the dog experiment we read in our text, she no longer believed there was any use in trying to make the “shock” stop.

These are just a few examples of concepts I noticed throughout the film. In summary, I believe that watching this film forces individuals to examine their own personal control beliefs and self-efficacy levels. At the very least, it made me appreciate my life much more.

ME TERMS: self-efficacy, personal control beliefs, social needs, psychological needs, learned helplessness, empowerment, outcome expectancies, competence, autonomy and relatedness.

The movie American Beauty starts out portraying Kevin Spacey’s character, Lester Burnham, as a depressed father and husband going through a mid-life crisis or something that resembles it. The first thing that stands out in the beginning for Lester is that he doesn’t appear to have a plan and for that matter any goals at all. Goal setting is something that could benefit Lester as well as striving to achieve those goals. Another thing that stands out as well is his low self-efficacy and learned helpless motivational orientation. His lack of fulfillment of his social need of intimacy is also apparent. However, as the movie progresses Lester begins to change.
During the first third of the movie, Lester seems to be on the downward slide of life. He has no plan for the future or even the present. A plan is defined as the means of organizing our behavior toward the pursuit of the ideal state. This becomes even more evident when he goes to work and has a discussion with his boss how he has been with the company so long and hasn’t moved up at all. If Lester had implemented a plan when he first started with the company he could’ve set specific goals such as moving up the company ladder or someday opening his own business with his expertise. Another plan that Lester could have developed, is one that helped him stay closer to his wife and daughter. The family’s relationship doesn’t appear to be very good at the beginning and gets worse as the movie progresses. If about a decade before the movie Lester had made a plan to keep his family’s relationship closer than a lot of the problems that came up in the movie could have been avoided. As the movie progresses, Lester finally does develop a plan. His plan is to work out on a regular basis so he can look good naked to get his daughter’s friend Angela to sleep with him. This plan stems from him overhearing his daughter and Angela’s conversation about how he would be sexy and she would be likely to sleep with him if he worked out. At the end of the movie, Lester has a chance to sleep with Angela but before he does he changes his mind. This is very strange because he has been working towards this goal and following the plan but doesn’t go through with it. My opinion is that his true goal wasn’t to sleep with Angela but to become a person who was desirable by her standards. This would fulfill his need for competence in relation sex appeal. Competence is defined as the psychological need to be effective in interactions with the environment, and it reflects the desire to exercise one’s capacities and skills and, in doing so to seek out and master optimal challenges. The optimal challenge that Lester masters by seducing but not sleeping with Angela is that he has proven that he has the sex appeal to attract a girl he finds to be extraordinary. If Lester would have set specific goals he could have achieved his plan much earlier in the movie.
A goal is defined as whatever an individual is striving to accomplish. Lester was striving to accomplish multiple goals after he got out of his depressed state. The first goal that he strived to achieve was autonomy. Autonomy is defined as the psychological need to experience self-direction and personal endorsement in the initiation and regulation of one’s behavior. Lester begins to achieve autonomy by writing a racy letter to his boss at work and then threatening to black mail him with a sexual harassment charge. The next step he takes in achieving his goal of autonomy is telling his wife he is going to do whatever he wants and isn’t going to listen to her anymore. A scene that I found entertaining was when he told his wife at dinner time that they were going to alternate the music from now on cause everyone was sick of hearing her selection of boring music. Lester didn’t set down and write autonomy as a goal he wished to achieve and the steps to get there. If he would have set goals that were challenging as well as specific he would have accomplished them and fulfilled his need for autonomy much sooner. Another aspect that increased as the movie progressed was Lester’s self-efficacy.
Self-efficacy is defined as one’s judgment of how well one will cope with a situation, given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces. Lester’s self-efficacy starts out very low in the movie and progresses to not reacting in the slightest too finding out his wife has been cheating on him. In the beginning, Lester throws a fit after being questioned by his new boss about his effectiveness and his job being questioned. He then progresses to quitting his job and applying at a burger joint with a smile on his face. It is very remarkable how much his self-efficacy progresses throughout the movie. Another example is when he goes to the party with his wife towards the beginning he reacts rather childishly to how poorly she treats him, where later in the movie he just smiles, shrugs, and tells her off. Another transition that Lester makes is his transition out of learned helplessness. Instead of just sitting back and blaming the world for miserable he is Lester decides to do something about it. As stated before, he quits his job, blackmails his boss, tells his wife off, begins exercising in his attempt to look good naked, and starts a job at a burger joint where he actually enjoys working. Instead of being stuck in learned helplessness it appears Lester has approached a masterful motivation orientation. Lester also had deficits in the socials need of intimacy.
Intimacy is defined as a willingness to experience a warm, close, and communicative exchange with another person. During the beginning of American Beauty, Lester’s need for intimacy is not being fulfilled in any way, shape, or form. He has no intimate relationship with his wife because she apparently loathes him. His daughter despises him because of their lack of communication. A scene that really underlines this is when she is riding in the front seat on the way to school and he is sitting in the back passed out. However, as the movie progresses Lester’s relationship with his daughter and wife continue to deteriorate. He does however seem to establish a slightly intimate relationship with the neighbor boy, Ricky Fitts. The end of the movie also shows Lester establishing a caring and possibly intimate relationship with Angela right before he dies. The way he treats Ricky and Angela it is quite apparent that he has a high need for intimacy that isn’t being fulfilled by his current situation. It is disappointing that Lester didn’t live long enough to completely fulfill this need.
ME Terms – plan, goal, goal setting, self-efficacy, intimacy, learned helpless, competence, autonomy, masterful motivation orientation

American Beauty provides us with prime examples of the variability of one's social needs and how one manifests these needs into their behavior and emotion. The movie follows multiple people and focuses on their dynamic journey to achieve their particular needs. Throughout the story, multiple concepts from our class become evident.

Lester is arguably the most dynamic character in the movie. The film begins with a monologue from him, telling of his life as he knows it. Clearly, he is not satisfied with the current state of his life. He lacks an intimate connection with both his wife and daughter. This is an example of someone failing to meet their need for intimacy. The need for intimacy reflects that need for interpersonal, caring relationships. Throughout the movie, we realize that Lester once had this relationship with his wife and daughter, but as time past he began to lose it. Without his need for intimacy, Lester is depressed and seemingly hopeless. He watches passively as his family drifts away from him. This is an example of learned helplessness, or the psychological state that results when an individual expects that events in his or her life are uncontrollable. Clearly, his passive behavior is a main cause of his current situation but Lester fails to realize this. It seems as though Lester has an abnormally low need for power. He rarely tries to take initiative in his family's life and seems to be a stale point in his life, with no goals or desire to achieve prestige in his workplace.

His wife, Carolyn is quite the opposite. She expresses little need for intimacy, and a high need for achievement. Carolyn comes off right off the bat as a perfectionist. We see her trimming her roses and boasting them to her neighbors. One interesting fact about her however, is that she does not appear to be attempting to achieving mastery, but rather setting performance goals. There is a standard of excellence that Carolyn tries to meet. At home, she gives off the impression that she is living the American Dream. In the workplace, she is constantly trying to outperform another hotshot Realtor, Buddy Kane. Regardless of her motives, she possesses a strong sense of self-efficacy in that she believes she can perform well in every aspect of her life. A prime example of the preceding analysis can be seen in the scene where she attempts to sell a house. We hear her giving herself verbal persuasion by saying 'I will sell this house, I will sell this house'. This is her own pep talk that fuels her self-efficacy in order to meet her short term goal of selling the house.

Both Lester and Carolyn's situation change dramatically at a certain point in the movie. As mentioned, their marriage has reached an unfortunate halt and both are seeking ways to meed their own needs, regardless of what the other spouse wants. Lester's restoration occurs at his daughter's cheer leading event. He catches the eye of her friend, Angela and is instantly obsessed. Angela gives Lester the attention he has been longing for. Angela's behavior however, can be explained by her need for affiliation, rather than mutual intimacy. Regardless, Lester's self-doubt turns in to self-efficacy. As he overhears Angela talking positive about him to Jane, he begins to feel empowered. He begins to work out extensively in order to buff up for Angela. Though he never directly mentions it, it seems as though Lester set a long term goal to have relations with Angela. Suddenly, this burst of confidence transforms him. He no longer feels the lack of intimacy in his life.

His wife Carolyn however, moves in the opposite direction. She falls into an affair with her competitor, Buddy Kane. For awhile, she was okay with the fact that she was cheating on her husband, until he caught the two of them. Suddenly, her careless behavior caught up to her and her life began to spin out of control. Her mastery beliefs quickly turned into learned helplessness. In Carolyn's eyes, it was a series of uncontrollable events that caused her situation, not her irresponsible behavior. She takes a pessimistic explanatory style and feels as though she is losing control.

Their daughter, Jane, comes off as a typical teenager in the midst of an identity crisis. Many would pass her negative attitude off as a hormone imbalance however, it is evident that she too is lacking her need for intimacy. Neither her father or mother give her the meaningful attention she desires. Her friends at school even come off as superficial. In particular, her friend Angela. While the two spend a lot of time together, they desire different things out of each other. Angela has a high need for affiliation and fears social isolation. To compensate for this, she thrives off of her perceived acceptance among her high school peers. Jane's depressive attitude begins to change when she drifts away from Angela and meets someone that listens to her, a boy named Ricky.

Ricky is in a conflict of his own. His father has an abnormally high need for power. He desires complete control in his family's life. He possesses aggressive tendencies in order to have complete control. Ricky finally escapes his wrath, and sets a goal to move to New York with Jane. Ricky has high self-efficacy, and is very confident with his own abilities. He holds an optimistic outcome expectation on his plan to run away. Perhaps Ricky has a high need for autonomy in his life, and was relieved, rather than discouraged when he was kicked out.

This was my first time watching American Beauty and I'll be the first to admit, I was missing out. The outstanding character development portrayed flawless examples of people feeding off of each other in order to meet their own needs. This emotional buildup continued to elevate throughout the entire movie and even after the dramatic climax, I'm still intrigued by the motivation of these characters.

Terms: social needs, intimacy, learned helplessness, power, achievement, standard of excellence, mastery, performance goals, self-efficacy, verbal persuasion, short term goals, doubt, empowerment, long term goal, mastery beliefs, affiliation, optimistic, outcome expectation, autonomy, explanatory style, pessimistic

The first concept I chose to discuss was related to Lester and his social needs. He quit his job that was highly demanding and took a job at a fast food restaurant, one that would be a lot less demanding. In the same aspect, his wife is very controlling and throughout the movie we see him pushing her away. The idea of him “escaping” what is controlling him shows the viewers Lester is high in the need for power, he wants control over things in his life. But I am somewhat hesitant to say Lester is high in the need for power in all aspects of his life because he still lives with his wife even thought they seem estranged and not extremely fond of each other. It is almost like he realizes his needs late in his life and is having a mid-life crisis.
Another big concept brought up in the movie is about goals. Once Lester’s daughter’s friend, Angela, starts coming around the house more, Lester seems a “changed man.” He sees that she is a beautiful woman that gives him the time of a day, which his wife does not. After Lester overheard Angela tell Jane her father would be a hunk if he just worked out a little and gained some muscle, he had a new goal. He made a plan to start working out more and to gain more muscle. In this sense, we are looking at Lester’s present state (lacking muscles) and Lester’s ideal state (muscular) and it currently holds a discrepancy because these two are not the same. For Lester, this is a discrepancy creation because the ideal state is for him and his benefit. Even though Angela mentioned it, she is not giving him direct feedback, he is only gaining that from himself throughout the movie.
As mentioned, Lester has set the goal of losing weight and gaining muscle. This is a goal that has some difficulty for him but he keeps trying. At one point, his wife simply asks what he is doing and he simply replies, “Lifting.” This shows that it wasn’t a goal he shared with her, it is personal for him. It seems, to me at least, his motivator is Angela’s attention and approval. Yet, I also feel it is approval he knows he may never get directly, seeing how it is somewhat forbidden or looked down upon. I didn’t feel he had overcome any obstacles so his implementation intentions were simply getting started and sticking to the plan, which seem to occur without hassle.
Finally, I would say Lester overcame the concept of learned helplessness. It was as if he accepted, at his age, that he was stuck in his marriage, stuck with his job and stuck with his unhappiness. But once Lester heard Angela say he had potential, his attitude changed. This is important for Lester though because he needed to hear feedback from someone that he had this potential. It did seem his helplessness was correlated with his depression but luckily it looked as if he was escaping theses feelings towards the end of the movie.
ME: Social needs, achievement, power, goal pursuit, plans, goal setting, goal difficulty, feedback, implementation intentions, learned helplessness, discrepancy.

This was the first time I have ever seen American Beauty. It was interesting but strange story. The characters have all reached difficult and troublesome stages in their life. Lester and his wife have a failing marriage, engaging in affairs, and a failing relationship with their daughter. Meanwhile Lester is going through a mid-life crisis and is having career problems and drugs problems among a few others. The Burnham family are all desperately faking that everything is fine and normal. Each character has a different reaction to their own personal situation. The movie had a lot of examples of concepts from the book including their social needs, plan/goal behavior, and personal control beliefs.
The first concept I noticed was the mother's goal setting behavior. She was highly motivated to sell a house. She repeatedly said to herself "I will sell this house today" which is her use of verbal persuasion or a pep talk. This represents a difficult and specific goal. Her particular feedback was whether she could actually sell that house on that day. She did not achieve goal attainment therefore she had goal failure and experienced emotional dissatisfaction. The mother makes this apparent as she starts crying and screaming that she was stupid and even hitting herself. This was an obvious expression of emotionality. Her behavior during this scene also leads me to think that she has a high need for achievement. She seems motivated by the discrepency in the fact that she wants to be a top real estate agent(ideal state) and is not(present state). She particularily seeks achievement in her career. She responded with approach-oriented emotions: she was hopeful that she could sell it and she had pride in herself and in the house. She seems to have had self efficacy by using verbal persuasion and believing she could attain her goal but this proves to not be completely true because she could not fully cope with the circumstance of not selling the house. She was actively visualizing a competent scenario when she said over and over that she would sell the house today. She appeared enthusiastic and optimistic. Another example of her high need for achievement is when they attend her work dinner party. It is very important to her to live the "image" that her business is selling, and that they appear as a happy couple. It seems her high need for achievement has resulted in her being overly concerned with her career and neglecting other aspects of her life such as her family.
Lester and his wife are not having their need for intimacy adequately met. They do not have an imitate relationship with their daughter either. It appears that the entire family does not have secure or warm relationships. This results in: Lester dreaming and lusting his daughter's friend, and the wife sleeps with her boss. Lester begins smoking pot which also might have resulted in the discrepencies of his life. He appears obviously unhappy at his present state and it seems to him that quitting his job and smoking weed might lessen the incongruity between his present and ideal state. Quitting his job or rather trying to get fired, and then applying at the fast food place seems to be his plan to obtain his ideal state. I think this also shows his low need for achievement. Lester appears to achieve goal striving. He seems motivated by his unhappiness and his crush on his daughter's friend. His unhappiness leads to him quitting his job, and his crush leads to him eating healthier and working out. He is striving to accomplish: being happy and "look better naked" therefore he has initiated goal setting. The discrepency is discrepency creation. In comparison to his wife, Lester seems to have less of a need for power. She appears to be much more aggressive, expressing anger and as a tough negotiator. Lester and his wife portray an avoidance way of coping by ignoring and avoiding their problems. Lester portrays an autoplastic coping style when he starts working out, running, and smoking pot etc. It appears that both Lester and his wife have strange, defective cognitions. Their beliefs, expectations, plans, judgments, values, and self concepts seem to be askew.
Jane the daughter most likely has a high need for affiliation because she is in high school but she does not seek to affiliate with her parents.She does not seek opportunities to please her parents or gain their approval instead she would rather please her friends and gain her friends' approval. Jane has a great dislike for her parents and seems to believe she has little to no personal control over her parents and her situation. It seems like she has developed some learned helplessness with dealing with her parents. It seems that all the characters face some form of helplessness or having no control in the movie.

TERMS: Goal setting, Difficulty/Specificity goal,Feedback,goal attainment, goal failure, emotional dissatisfaction, need for achievement, approach-oriented emotions, self efficacy, coping, need for intimacy, need for affiliation, need for power, pessimistic explanatory style, agressive, incongruity, discrepency, present state, ideal state, plan, cognitions, self-concept, personal control beliefs, learned helplessness, emotionality, avoidance coping, autoplastic coping, verbal persuasion, goal striving, goal setting, discrepency creation, social needs.

The movie American Beauty is centered around a man named Lester Burnham. At the bringing of the movie Lester seems to be an unhappy person, it’s obvious that he does not like his job, is in an unhappy marriage and doesn’t have a close bond with is daughter, Jane. This shows that his social needs are low. His lack of communication with his daughter and the fights with his wife bring him down. It’s not until Lester meets on of Jane’s friends, Angela Hayes to turn his life around.
It’s as though Lester had found a new power. He was able to take his life and turn it around. He “quit” his job by telling his boss what he really thinks, and started to work out, only to impress Angela that is. He also straightens his social needs by making friends with the neighbor boy, Ricky. He gained a relationship with Ricky that he didn’t have with his daughter, even though the relationship they had was more like a client to seller type of relationship. Let’s not forget about Lester wife Carolyn, also seemed to be unhappy at the bringing of the movie with her failing marriage found a way to make herself happy as well, by having an affair with The Real Estate King, Buddy King.
In this movie, it showed that Angela has the most power. She had men obsessing over her, and she was the pretty popular girl. She had a goal in mind, a goal to become a model. Jane was kind of Angela’s puppet, Jane would tell her everything she needed to hear, in a way it was all positive feedback. Angela also had high self-efficacy, and she’s a little bit conceded too. She is always bragging about guys she has been with and that she is oh so pretty! To me, I think this is way Angela become aggressive with Jane. Jane started dating Ricky, and I believe Angela became jealous. The part where Angela starts to become the most aggressive is when Jane is almost begging her not to sleep with her dad. That’s when the fighting starts and Angela storms out of the room. Angela is the type of person that has a high need for affiliation and intimacy, and that’s one reason why I think she goes to Lester, because she knows that he has a crush on her and she is able to get what she wants from him, and he tells her actually what she wants to hear.
Carolyn is the other character in the movie that I believe has a higher self-efficacy, the best example from the movie that reflects this is when she is “going to sell this house today”. This is also the best example for goal striving as well. This house is run down, broken, and not in the best of shape. She puts the effort to make the house look clean for the potential buyers. When she is unable to sell the house she has a little break down. I think that this works well with self-efficacy effects on behavior. She was up to the task of selling that house, she put the effort in preparing it, she took all the right actions of a real estate agent, but due to the failure of the sell, I believe she went through a little bit of helplessness. Carolyn suffered from some stress and anxiety from all the work she did to get nowhere.
Saving Lester for last, as I motioned earlier, he seems to be a pretty unhappy man that turns around but going through his mid-life crisis. After watching Ricky quit his job Lester decided it was time for a new job as well. When in the office with the man that would either fire him are keep him on, he made it quite clear that was really to leave. During this scene in the movie it seems like Lester has all the power in the world, and that he had control over everything that was going on, all due to black mail. After quitting his job and finding a new one he seemed less depressed and much happier. At the bringing of the movie he seemed to be the definition of helplessness. But as the movie went on you could see his competence grow. Even though Lester had an unfortunate end, I do believe that he turned his life around and started to take control instead of being controlled by his wife.

Terms-social needs, power, relationship, goal, feedback, self-efficacy, aggressive, affiliation, intimacy, effort, helplessness, anxiety, goal striving, control, depressed, and competence

Topical Blog 3/10 American Beauty
I relate Lester Burnom choices in the movie to the cognitive mechanism of TOTE from chapter eight. Lester states in the beginning of the movie that in a way he is dead already and this indicates a personal discrepancy where he wants to change his life. Lester has no joy at this point in his life and by stating he is living his last year as though he were dead reflects discrepancy reduction aspect that underlies the corrective motivation to make changes in his life.
It is through the interaction of talking and smoking pot behind the building with Ricky that Lester initially reacts and evaluates his life and he realizes he has lost himself somewhere. This causes Lester’s behavior to reflect frustration about where he finds himself in life, he challenges his wife and daughter as they eat dinner together about how he has been insignificant and disrespected. It seems as though Lester realizes that he has lived his life according to his wife’s goals, standards, and expectations and these are aspects of goal-performance discrepancy. Lester is not getting any appreciation or positive feedback from the important people in his life and he is about to change his meaningless life
Despite the fact that Lester’s initial motivation to become physically fit was based on his fantasy life, we begin to see evidence of some long-term goal setting and he uses smoking pot as a positive reinforcement along the way. Now I realize this may be more of a stretch to attach long terms goals to Lester’s behavior but, there is definitely a pattern and he died before a conclusive connection could be made. I can see that Lester’s short-term goals were not only targeted, but he established a plan to recover his life and the joys he once experienced by way of black mailing his employer.
Lester did not have a wide gap between his goal-directed thinking and his goal direction behavior once his mental simulations allowed him the option of obtaining a plan. Take the example of getting in shape (identified objective) for example, where he just started jogging. Now, he could have quite after the first jog because it was so hard, but he was ensuring this behavior would continue by starting out jogging with his neighbors. This indicates that he knew that changing his lifestyle would need some accountability and encouragement. The text identifies this as defining goal difficulty, persisting when difficult and positive feedback. This was also a specific how and why aspect to changing behavior and then Lester knew that his new job would need to be very low stress with no real responsibility and that is why he took the job of flipping burger; so he could resume his pursuit of becoming fit when home life and relationship interrupted.
It was very interesting to watch this movie and just assume that Lester was lacking in his implementation intentions, because it seemed as though the goal of changing his life and enjoying an earlier period in his life was just a dream. It was like watching a man in a “midlife crisis” and I was not anticipating most of the turn of events in this movie. The movie was complex in that all the characters had personal issues that affected how they dealt with life and you could take any character and identify characteristics that connect with any one of the three chapters of our text.
In conclusion, I have to think that had Lester not been murdered, he would have encouraged his daughters personal control beliefs; because he did, he would have established a positive personal history that would have raised Jane’s self-efficacy in relationships based on honesty and love.

ME Terms: cognitive mechanism of TOTE, personal discrepancy, discrepancy reduction, corrective motivation, long-term goal setting, positive reinforcement, goal directed thinking, goal directed behavior, mental simulations, defining goal difficulty, persisting, positive feedback, resume pursuit, personal control belief history, self-efficacy.

In American Beauty, there are many concepts from the book that can be seen. These concepts are split up among the main characters. All of the characters are associated with social needs.
Lester is a middle-aged man that is stuck in his boring life. He has lost all connection with his wife and daughter and is in a rut. This is a result of his lack of intimacy with his family. Lester's life looks hopeless, and he had attained learned helplessness because he feels like his life is out of his control. However, when he meets his daughter Jane's friend Angela, he has an "Ah!" moment; he becomes infatuated with her and her appearance and starts to have fantasies about her. After overhearing her tell Jane that she would have sex with Lester if he worked out more, this gave him the feedback he needed to set a goal. He decided to set a goal because he realized the discrepancy between his present state (somewhat pudgy) and his ideal state (buff). His goal was to tone up so Angela would notice him. This goal is both mastery and performance because he is improving himself but also proving to her his abilities. He set a plan in place to run with his neighbors and lift weights. He had both efficacy and outcome expectations. Would he be able to do this and if he did would it work to catch her eye? At this point, he acquires a high need for achievement to reach this goal. At the end of the movie, she finally gives in to him, which shifts his self-doubt to self-efficacy and empowers his ability to get the girl. Another person that influences Lester's new attitude and behavior is Ricky, the kid that just moved in next door. After meeting him, Ricky supplies Lester with dope and this allows him to loosen up. Lester reaches a level of reactance where he tries to take back his old life and doesn't have any worries anymore.
Carolyn, Lester's wife, has a lot of needs. She has a low need for intimacy (at least with Lester because their marriage is not doing so well), but a very high need for achievement with her real estate business as well as her roses (but not as high); she follows a standard of excellence in both settings. Her goals in her business are both mastery and performance; she is always looking to make progress but is also trying to prove to everyone that she can make it in the business. In the scene where she is trying to sell the house, it shows that the goal difficulty must be high because she is putting in a lot of extra effort to sell it. She does some self verbal persuasion by telling herself over and over "I will sell this house today." She also has both efficacy and outcome expectations in this scene. Can she sell this house? Will all the extra cleaning work to help sell it? At the business function, she asks her competition for feedback on how to better her business, which leads to an affair with him (hence only the low need of intimacy with Lester). She feels like she is in personal control until Lester catches her cheating. Her mastery beliefs then turn to learned helplessness. She is no longer handling her home situation well so her self-efficacy is gone too. At this point, she is using a pessimistic explanatory style because she believes she is losing all the control she had.
Jane, Lester and Carolyn's daughter, is also lacking intimacy in her life. This explains her depressed and angry behavior. She also believes she is boring and ordinary. She has a goal to get breast implants because she believes there is a discrepancy in her present and ideal state of beauty. These problems are somewhat supported by her friend Angela's behavior. Most of these problems disappear when she begins to date Ricky, her neighbor.
Angela has a very high need for affiliation, not intimacy. She tells the whole school that she is very sexually active to get their attention so she will not be social isolated. This aspect of her life also allows her to fulfill her need for power over her peers. However, we find out at the end of the movie that it is all a hoax and that she is still a virgin. This also explains why she is willing to have sex with Lester; she wants the close relationship, not the intimacy per se. Angela carries all these mastery beliefs about her control over people until Ricky calls her out at the end of the movie and it makes her realize what she is doing.
Ricky is also carrying some conflict in his life. His father has a very high need for power; he is very aggressive towards Ricky and comes off strict to everyone he meets (he was in the Marines). His father also likes to have all the control in the house; Ricky's mother almost seems afraid to move in the movie. Ricky has high self-efficacy. He is confident in all of his actions, and he is not afraid to take risks. He partakes in an optimistic explanatory style, but he also somewhat has a pessimistic style. It was really good to know he had a long-term goal all along to move out of his parents' house for good and move to New York (which ended up including Jane). He had short-term goals, like selling dope for money and keeping up appearances with his parents.

This movie definitely left an impact on me. It was perfect for the class. However, I was definitely surprised by the content and story line especially having no prior knowledge about the plot line.

ME Terms: social needs, intimacy, hope, learned helplessness, achievement, mastery goals, performance goals, plans, goal (long-term and short-term), feedback, discrepancy, ideal/present state, efficacy/outcome expectations, self-doubt, self-efficacy, empowerment, power, reactance, standard of excellence, goal difficulty, personal control, verbal persuasion, mastery beliefs, pessimistic explanatory style, affiliation, optimistic explanatory style

American Beauty is centered on a family that is going through some difficulties together. The father, Lester, is unhappy with his life; the mother, Carolyn, is attempting to hold together her life but is also unhappy, and the daughter, Jane, is developing through her teenage years amongst these unbalanced individuals. Some major themes included in American Beauty are achievement, competence, intimacy, unachieved goals, and self-efficacy. This movie contains deep interpretive character structure and story development; therefore, the major themes can be discussed at length regarding any of the characters or scenes.
First, like Lester’s family, many families in the world follow a set of societal rules. Lester would go to work everyday, fake a smile over the phone to customers, and suck up to the boss to stay in good graces. At this point in time Lester had developed a social need for money and therefore did everything he could to keep his job. Like her husband, Carolyn also had a high need, but hers was for achievement. Carolyn desired to reach a standard of excellence she put up for herself; being the best real-estate worker in her city and overcoming the King of real-estate that always seemed to do much better than she did. Another thing Lester and Carolyn had in common was a fear of failure. Lester was afraid he would never develop into the person he always wanted to be; someone who could own a sports car, be attractive to younger women, and be rich. He felt that these qualities should come easily to him and he feared not being able to achieve any of them at all. In addition, Carolyn was very afraid of failing and so she created a mask that gave the illusion she was pleased with her outcomes. However, after each failed attempt at selling a house, she grew more and more depressed. Overall, no matter what Lester and Carolyn did the feedback they received was not what they had expected. In the process of both of them attempting to achieve their perspective goals, they both forgot about their need for intimacy; something that everyone has at least a small amount of. Due to this neglect, they neglected one another, which caused Lester to fantasize about his daughter’s friend Angela and Carolyn to have an affair with her real-estate enemy Buddy Kane. For many people it is important to focus on achievement, competence, and intimacy needs throughout life to avoid physical and mental illness as well as disastrous relationships.
Lester one day decides he is overwhelmed with the consequences of continuing his charade at work; he is sick of pretending, being unhappy, not developing, not achieving. Since there was an incongruity between where he currently is and where he wants to be, he decided to make some drastic changes. To ensure he would never have to work again he wrote a profane, but truthful, letter to his boss and then to increase his mood he began smoking marijuana with the boy who sold it next door. In addition, Lester began working out more so that he could be more attractive to Angela. He operated under the TOTE method; test-operate-test-exit. Lester at first did not work out and attempted to lightly pursue Angela to no avail. Then Lester decided to work out and become more fit until he was able to try again, which led to him almost accomplishing his goal of intercourse with Angela.
Since people who create goals for themselves see more results than people who do not, Lester was able to successfully achieve a place where he could complete his goal. Since his goal, to have intercourse with Angela, was a difficult one then he was able to achieve “flow”. Lester was in flow as evidence by working out a lot, eating healthier, creating instances he could talk to Angela, smoking marijuana to stay calm and happy, and doing activities that Angela would see as desirable. Since Lester was able to maintain positive feedback from Angela throughout his goal achieving process, the feedback he received encouraged his behaviors until he reached a place where he goal could be achieved. In addition, since this goal was internally important to Lester he had an added boost of encouragement to achieve his goal.
Achieving a goal is facilitated by many factors including self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is not simply the ability to do a behavior, but the person’s thoughts about how well they can effectively do the behavior. When it came down to it, Carolyn had little self-efficacy in the real-estate business. While she was at a dinner party for realtors she made a point to talk to her enemy about his business practices and discussed with him how ineffective she thought she was. She cited her past history with selling, or lack of selling, and pointed out how he was much more effective. In addition, she was able to withdraw tips from him at a later meeting about how she could be a better realtor and therefore was persuaded to keep trying. Overall, Carolyn’s past history, seeing someone else do the behavior, and persuasion to continue being a realtor, influenced her thoughts about how able she is to sell homes. Unfortunately, the feedback from these resources informed Carolyn that she was inadequate and she began to doubt herself. When someone begins to doubt, feelings like anxiousness, sadness, and helplessness begin to occur. Carolyn often broke out in screams and then slapped herself so she would stop; she would not allow herself to cope with the negative feelings associated with the negative feedback in her life.
After hearing about Lester and Carolyn’s difficulties, it is easy to see that they do not suffer from learned helplessness; the thought that they cannot control their life outcomes. For example, Lester made changes in his life that affected his life outcomes and Carolyn did as well (by meeting with another realtor, having an affair, etc.). However, in the end an uncontrollable action is the one that killed Lester. Without knowing it, the neighbor’s next door had been observing Lester’s family and they had developed thoughts about their life. Due to inaccurate thoughts (that Lester was gay), Lester ended up denying the father next door when he advanced him. Since the father had such low personal acceptance of himself, he felt great anger towards Lester and ended up shooting him. Lester died smiling.

ME Terms: Social need, need for achievement, fear of failure, competence, intimacy, present state vs. ideal state (incongruity), TOTE (test-operate-test-exit), people with goals outperform those without goals, goal difficulty/flow, feedback, only internalized goals improve performance, self-efficacy, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, persuasion, doubt, low self efficacy, learned helplessness

In the beginning, all of Lester’s social needs were very low. His social need for achievement, or his desire to do well relative to the standard of excellence, proved to be low by him voicing how he does not care enough to try enjoying his life anymore. Hi sits in the back seat of his wife’s minivan with his head in his hands slipping further into depression. His social need for affiliation proves to be low when he does not care about, or make an effort to, enjoy spending time with his friends and family. He is annoyed and uninterested when his wife drags him to his daughters cheerleading performance. Lester’s social need for intimacy is currently not being satisfied by his wife or daughter as they both act like they hate him. He has seemingly no impact what-so-ever over others in his life, and therefore a low need for power. His wife Carolyn has a high need for power as she is extremely dedicated and competitive in her real estate job. She is constantly comparing herself to Buddy Kane, “the king” for her standard of excellence. She later goes on to have an affair with him, possibly to satisfy her own need for intimacy or even more power. It is at his daughter Jane’s cheerleading performance that Lester notices Angela Hayes, Jane’s friend. When Angela (who has her own power and intimacy issues) comes over to Jane’s house, she flirts with Lester, enticing him further into his fantasies about her. She mentions how good he would look if he lifted weights. Lester then sets a performance goal to display his abilities to lift and get into shape to show Angela. He chose to do this because he knew he could succeed. He made a plan to change the discrepancy between his present behavior with Angela and his ideal behavior with Angela. When his wife walks in on him smoking pot and lifting in the garage she tells him to do something else, he does not accept this external goal because there is no extrinsic incentive and his wife’s credibility is low. Also, reactance theory is causing him to want to gain back his freedoms. When Carolyn gets caught with Buddy at the fast food drive in, she considers many ways of coping. I would say her decision to shoot him is avoidance as she was avoiding working things out with him by simply wanting him dead. All this time Jane is busy finding herself and falling in love with the creepy boy next door, Ricky. Ricky’s dad is homophobic and eventually kicks Ricky out for fear his son is gay with Lester. He goes over to Lester’s house obviously distraught but tries to kiss him. When Lester rejects him, he comes back and shoots Lester in the head while he is sitting at his dining table looking at a picture of his family during happier times. During that time you could practically see his thoughts of his ideal family situation as they were being compared to his present family situation. After he had gone through this midlife crisis he would have been a better man. You could sense that his efficacy expectations for how his behavior can affect the outcome were beginning to improve as well as his outcome expectations.
Terms: Social needs, standard of excellence, affiliation, intimacy, power, achievement, performance goal, plan, discrepancy, ideal behavior, present behavior, reactance theory, external goal, extrinsic incentive, ways of coping, avoidance, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations

The movie “American Beauty” is a very interesting movie. There are many aspects of chapters 7 through 9 that are in the movie. There are many different types of needs that are addressed throughout the movie. Lester is probably the character that shows the most of the things in these chapters. He has many quasi-needs that he wants and desires, but he doesn’t act on them right away. In the scene at the beginning of the movie when Lester and Caroline go to watch their daughter dance is when Lester first sees Angela. He is attracted to her, but he knows that it is wrong. Angela is in high school and Lester is a middle aged, married man. One part of the reason why he is attracted to Angela is because Lester and his wife’s marriage is on the rocks and he is sexually frustrated. This is what motivates Lester to slowly pursue Angela. In another scene in the movie Lester and Angela are all alone in the living room of his house. They start to come on to each other and almost end up having sex. Right when they are about to have sex Angela tells Lester that it would be her first time and they don’t end up doing anything after that. This shows that one small thing can motivate someone to change their mind about something and make them want different things.

Another scene that is very important in the movie is the very last scene when Lester ends up dying. A part of chapter 8 that can be related to this scene is goal setting and goal striving. Lester talks about how all he wanted was his family to be happy. He wanted his daughter to be happy and when Angela tells him Jane is in love he is happy for her and said it was good. In the first part of the movie Lester had goals. He had a good job and a family that seemed to be happy on the outside to everyone else. When Lester started to change and decided to change his life completely so that he was happy again he made a goal. The goal was simply to be happy again and get along better with his daughter. Another part of this scene was when we find out that Ricky’s dad is the person who shot Lester. This has a little bit to do with social needs. Ricky’s dad seems to be very homophobic throughout the whole movie. He even kicks Ricky out of his house because Ricky tells his father he is gay, even though he really isn’t. It turns out that Ricky’s father actually is gay and is just scared for anyone to find out. He goes over to Lester’s house and tries to kiss Lester. Lester tells him that he has the wrong idea because he isn’t gay. Ricky’s father has a social need to find others that are homosexual because he wants to be with another man and not feel bad about it. I think that the main reason why Ricky’s father kills Lester is because he is afraid Lester will tell someone about what happened that night with Ricky’s father. This is Ricky’s fathers only way he thinks he can solve the problem so he makes the decision to kill Lester. He puts in the effort to come to terms with who he really is and when he was shot down the only way he knew how to cope with it was by killing Lester. He was demonstrating helplessness when he did this action.

Ricky’s father killing Lester is also an example of the reactance theory. Ricky’s father has been told all his life that homosexuality is wrong and that he is not to have anything to do with it. Eventually it has built up in him so much that he feels like he needs to let it out. He is doing the exact opposite of what he has been told to do by going over to Lester’s house and trying to kiss Lester. When he kills Lester it is also an example of the reactance theory. We are all told not to kill people because it is wrong. Ricky’s father decides to kill Lester and so in that moment he is reacting differently than what he knows is wrong.

Terms used: quasi-needs, social needs, motivation, helplessness, reactance theory, goal setting, goal striving

The movie American Beauty begins with narration from the lead character, Lester, which portrays his feelings of helplessness and depression. Lester begins by talking about his life at the present moment. He sums it up in a single sentence in Chapter 1: “In a way, I am dead already”. He talks about his loveless marriage to his wife Carolyn and his strained relationship with his teenage daughter Jane. He talks about how they used to be happy and he doesn’t know what went wrong. He feels that no matter what he does, his wife and daughter will still think he is a loser, he will still feel “sedated”, and will still lose his job (which he hates anyways). This learned helplessness leads to a motivational deficit at work when he does not try to save his job by writing the suggested job description. His lethargic responses to his wife at the beginning of the movie suggest an emotional deficit as well. He has chosen to cope with avoidance and escape techniques. This leads to a pessimistic explanatory style, which is why he started smoking marijuana. I think he was in a “life can’t get any worse” phase and the marijuana gave him an escape from his problems.
After forming a crush on his daughter’s friend (Angela), Lester decides to turn his life around. He now has a goal to “look good naked”. Unfortunately, this goal does not have goal specificity which may not help him accomplish it. He also focuses on the goal, but in an outcome simulation. When he lifts his weights, he takes off his clothes to picture how he wants his muscles to look. He should focus more on the process and how to get there. However, he seems to have developed a specific action plan which includes running and lifting weights. Having a specific action plan will increase the likelihood of achieving his goal.
Towards the end of the movie, Lester begins to feel hope. He feels he can stand up to his wife, he works at a job where he is not so stressed and unappreciated, and he feels he accomplished his goal of building muscles so Angela would notice him. He eventually questions Angela about how is daughter Jane is doing and she tells him that Jane is in love. I think it gave him hope that he did not screw up his daughter and that everything would eventually work out for the best.
ME terms used: helplessness, depression, motivational deficit, emotional deficit, pessimistic explanatory style, avoidance coping, escape coping, goal, goal specificity, outcome simulation, process simulation specific action plan, hope.

This movie illustrates so many different concepts from chapter 7-9. It was actually kind of difficult choosing which ones to talk about, but I chose to talk about social needs and goals.
Lester is a middle-aged man going through a mid-life crisis. His marriage to his wife Carolyn is an unhappy one. He has no relationship whatsoever with his daughter Jane. Lester is depressed about his home life and also his work and has a very low sense of self-efficacy meaning he doesn’t think anything he does in life matters. In the beginning of the movie, Lester is on the verge of losing his job even though he’s been working for the magazine for over 14 years. The movie illustrates how Lester changes his views on life and how everyone else around him is trying to find their way as well.
Social needs are acquired through experience, development, and socialization. The four types of social needs discussed in our textbook include achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. Doing something well to show personal competence is an incentive that activates the need for achievement. Opportunities to please others and gain their approval activates the need for affiliation. Having warm, secure relationships activates the need for intimacy. Desiring to have an impact on other people activates the need for power.
Related to achievement, neither Lester nor Carolyn has achieved much in their lives it doesn’t seem like. Lester hates his job writing for a magazine and Carolyn isn’t a very good real estate agent. Lester doesn’t really want to achieve more in his job; however, Carolyn is trying so hard to achieve more in her work. For example, Carolyn is given a not so nice house to sell and keeps telling herself “I will sell this house” over and over again even though in the end she doesn’t and is left disappointed and angry.
Carolyn definitely has a high need for affiliation. She is always putting on a front, pretending her life is perfect. This also can be illustrated by her trying to gain approval from a rival real estate agent Buddy. Also, Carolyn seems very obsessed with her possessions (e.g., rose beds, furniture) in an attempt to gain other people’s approval of how she lives. She doesn’t want to feel rejected by anyone. Lester shows a low need for affiliation. This can be illustrated by Lester quitting his job because he doesn’t want approval from his boss any longer.
As for intimacy, almost all the main characters are lacking in this area. Lester and Carolyn’s marriage is down the toilet. Lester doesn’t seem to have many friends either. Lester and Carolyn don’t have a loving, secure relationship with their daughter Jane either which causes a lot of strain on their relationships throughout the entire movie. Before meeting Ricky, Jane really never had any relationships, intimate or otherwise, with anyone except her parents (although it was dysfunctional) and Angela. Throughout the later parts of the movie, Jane and Ricky develop a very warm, loving, secure relationship. They engage in a fair amount of self-disclosure and have many conversations—both of which are characteristics of people have a high need for intimacy.
As for power, the best illustration of this social need would be from Ricky’s dad, Col. Frank Fitts. Frank ran his house according to his military background. Ricky and his mother had to live a life according to Frank’s very strict and disciplined rules. Frank exercised his power by controlling pretty much everything that went on with his family and when something didn’t go his way, he would use physical force. For example, after watching one of Ricky’s films showing Lester in the nude working out, Frank got angry at the thought of his son being gay and he beat Ricky over the matter. Along with the topic of power, Carolyn at the shooting range also illustrates this particular social need. Before learning how to shoot, Buddy had told her that “nothing makes you feel more powerful” than shooting a gun. At the end of the movie, Carolyn repeatedly says “I will not be a victim anymore” which leads one to believe she was trying to gain more control and power over her life—gaining a sense of empowerment.
Terms Used: social needs; achievement; affiliation; intimacy; power; self-efficacy; low self-esteem; competence; empowerment

American Beauty was a weird, but good movie. Kevin Spacey’s character goes through a life change during the movie that fits in well with what we have been reading together as a class. The movie heavily shows examples of social needs, goal setting, and personal control beliefs.
Lester has been going through the same routine for years with not much to show for it. This is him at the beginning of the film. During one day of his life, it becomes apparent that he is bombarded with quasi-needs. The new manager at work is laying people off and Lester is reminded that he needs to keep this job to support and maintain an image to his family. After watching his wife talk to the neighbors, he knows that she and their marriage has changed for the worst. A lot of these little nuances come up to remind him that he has needs to fulfill and accomplish. Lester also has various social needs that need to be fulfilled as well. In the beginning of the film, Lester is pretty much failing at his social needs. He barely has any intimacy, power, achievement, or affiliation. His wife and daughter see him as a loser. He gets no respect from his bosses. He has been going through life without any real purpose or achievement. At least until he blackmailed his boss for a year’s salary and got his dream car and job. He obviously achieved something to fulfill his personal competence. This can be evidenced by the awesome “I rule” statement. Lester does not seem to be deeply affiliated with anyone in the movie. He has a wife and daughter but he has grown distant from both. He becomes even more different during the transition to becoming a carefree pot head. Therefore, it is apparent that Lester has an extremely low need for affiliation. Lester does not show a high need to be intimate either. He strives to have sexual relations with his daughter’s friend, but it does not seem as though he wants to have a meaningful relationship with her. His wife, on the other hand, has a much stronger need to be affiliated and intimate with the “king” and the other people she deals business with. Lester strived for and eventually achieved power. He went from having little control in his life to having a lot of control. His power is based on control his environment. He also bought a car as a prestige possession to illuminate his power and awesomeness.
A large portion of this movie is dedicated to Lester’s goals. I believe that Lester has two goals in this movie. The first is to get inside a teenager’s panties and the next is to gain control over his life. As with all goals, Lester makes some plans. He plans on working out to become attractive to his love interest. He also makes plans on how to get his dream job and dream car to gain more control over his life. Both these goals present their own challenges but they are not too easy or hard. Therefore, they are able to fit in the perfect range of goal difficulty. Lester is also able to receive continuous feedback on his goals which increase his rate of success. He becomes leaner and more muscled and that provides feedback on how well his workout sessions are going. Lester is able to get a years’ worth of salary and quit his crappy job which is a clear indication of success towards his goal of gaining control. He is able to accomplish both of these goals at the end because he makes specific goals, and thinks of realistic ways of achieving them.
At the beginning of the film it appears as though Lester is going through a bout of learned helplessness. He has no control over what is happening to him. He has no idea how to change the way his marriage is heading, and nothing he seems to do matters. He has lost interest in life almost. This all change after he saw the blond cheerleader. He realized that he had to make some major changes in his life over his own personal control beliefs. He took charge and he eventually worked towards achieving a good sense of self efficacy. Before Lester was murdered he had control over his environment and he knew that he could do well on whatever challenge might arise.

TERMS: social needs, goal setting, personal control beliefs, quasi-needs, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, power, prestige possession, plans, feedback, goal difficulty, learned helplessness, self effiecey.

American Beauty follows the lives of a family including Lester, Carolyn, and Jane. The parents are having some major marital issues, and Jane is trapped in the middle along with trying to navigate through her teenage years. Every family member seeks intimacy from others, but they don’t turn to each others to fulfill these needs. We also see the family members all struggling with low self efficacy.
Carolyn has a high social need for achievement and power. We see this with her real estate business. She is very determined to sell houses, and she wants to look like a person of power around other realtors. We also see this in her household. She plays the music that she only likes at supper, because she feels like she deserves this since she works hard. We see aggression coming out in the end due to her need for power. She gets a gun and heads towards her house. Though she does not kill her husband, I assumed that she planned to kill him or at least threaten him. She also has a high desire to avoid failure. She makes her husband act like they are happy when they go to a work event, and she cries when she is unable to sell a house. Jane has a need for intimacy, and she turns to a realtor that she admires rather than her husband. Her husband and her were not getting along for quite some time, and we quickly learn that they have not been intimate physically of emotionally during this time. She tried to end the marriage at one point in the movie before her affair begins, but Lester says he will get half of what she has and chooses not to do this. We also see Carolyn setting goals for herself, mainly in terms of her career. She sets a short term goal of selling a specific house, and she sets a long term goal of having a good career as a realtor. This long term goal would have been more effective if she set up a plan with short term goals and was more specific about how to accomplish this goal. I would say that her goal was difficult though, so this would be m0re motivating for her. She also wants feedback from her fellow realtors and specifically the realtor that she looks up to and ends up having an affair with. I think Carolyn has a low level of self-efficacy, which we seem several times throughout the movie. She cries when she is unable to sell a house, and she tries to pretend that her marriage is not failing. The biggest hint to this was at the end when she is listening to motivational tapes in the car.
Lester appears to have a low need for achievement but a high need for power. We see his low need for achievement when he tries to get himself fired and then gets a job at a fast food place with the least amount of responsibility as possible. However, we see him manipulating to gain power at work by blackmailing his boss. We also see his trying to gain power at home by yelling and showing aggression. He also gains power over his wife by manipulating his wife to stay married to him by saying that he would take of her things. Lester sets a goal for himself of having sex with his daughter’s friend, Angela. Lester sets short term goals of lifting weights, eating healthier, running, and flirting with her. He seems to adhere to his plan, and he reaches his goal, though he changes his mind at the last minute. Other people try to set goals for Lester such as keeping his job, getting a job that will make him more money, or fixing his marriage. However, Lester doesn’t accept these goals, and they don’t work because of this. Lester goes through efficacy and outcome expectations when he sets his goal to have sex with Angela. He seems to be pretty confident in the fact that he can do it and he will get the results he wants from it. Towards the beginning of the movie, Lester has low self-efficacy. We see this when he goes to a work party with his wife and a man doesn’t remember him. Lester says “I wouldn’t remember me either”. He spends the rest of the movie trying to raise his self-efficacy through becoming more attractive, gaining the attention of a teenager, and gaining power in his family. He also tries to disguise his low self-efficacy by using marijuana and manipulating others. It looks like Lester used learned helplessness for most of his life, and the movie shows him breaking from this habit.
Jane is trapped in the middle of her parent’s unhealthy marriage and trying to navigate her teen years. Jane does not have much intimacy with her parents or her friends. Though Angela is her friend that we see her interacting with the most, their relationship gets rough when Angela develops a crush for Lester. Jane finds the intimacy she needs in Ricky, her neighbor. Jane also has low self efficacy. She does not believe she is special or important to anyone, and this is why she struggles so much when Ricky shows interest in her. However, Ricky helps her to gain some self-efficacy, and that is why she is able to stand up to her friend at the end of the movie. I think Jane chooses to participate in cheerleading to raise her self-efficacy. This helps her to make friends that also have the same interests, and people may find her more attractive or appealing since she is a cheerleader. She also is participating in an event that she is good at, which helps to raise her self efficacy.
ME terms: achievement, power, aggression, failure avoidance, intimacy, goal setting, short term goal, long term goal, feedback, goal acceptance, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, learned helplessness

The movie American Beauty demonstrates human social needs and control beliefs in many ways. First, I would like to discuss the character Carolyn Bernam, the striving mother. Carolyn has a high social need for achievement. She strives to keep her lawn beautiful and her realty business thriving. She desires to do well relative to a standard of excellence and places herself in situations that are known to satisfy the need for achievement. Carolyn’s job consists of moderately difficult tasks (selling homes), competition with others (especially Buddy Kane at first), and entrepreneurship (she owns her own business as a realtor). Carolyn wants to better herself or gain competence as with mastery goals; however that doesn’t seem to be her main source of motivation. She seems driven by performance goals because she wants to appear competent, display her high ability, outperform others, and try to make it all look easy. Carolyn also demonstrates a high need for power. She tends to “collect” power symbols such as prestige possessions. She scolds her husband Lester during a rare intimate moment because he was about to spill beer on her “four thousand dollar sofa upholstered in Italian silk.” She learns how to fire a gun and couldn’t get enough of it. She also yells at her daughter claiming to teach her the most important lesson in life, “You cannot count on anyone but yourself!” This character also demonstrates goal setting. Carolyn’s goal, or what she is striving to accomplish, is selling an outdated home quickly. Early in the scene she is chanting, “I will sell this house today!” as if the words will magically make it happen. She knows what the house should look like in order to sell, compared to what the home currently looks like. The incongruity between those two states pushes her to quickly and obsessively clean the house. Carolyn receives feedback from the wretched looks on the clients’ faces and from not selling the home. Afterward she is devastated with her failure. Carolyn’s character is such a stark contrast from her husband, Lester Bernam. Lester does not have a high need for achievement and proves this when he leaves his miserable high paying job and takes a job at a fast food chain. Lester has given up his power to his job and his family for so long that he almost has a sense of learned helplessness. He is depressed and feels that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. Lester reacts to the loss of control by becoming more active and aggressive; this is called reactance. He is having somewhat of a mid-life crisis and adopts the “what have I got to lose” attitude. He demonstrates this when he berates his boss, or “efficiency expert”, Brad Dupree, stands up to his wife and daughter, buys the 1970 Pontiac Firebird that he always wanted, and starts working out for himself (or to attract the young Angela Hayes). Lester begins to gain self-efficacy when he succeeds at fulfilling his own needs. He feels a sense of empowerment when he realizes that he has voice and is able to exert control over his life. Unfortunately, Lester accomplishes this and finds meaning, at the very end of his life.
Terms Used: social needs, control beliefs, achievement, standard of excellence, mastery goals, motivation, performance goals, power, goal setting, incongruity, feedback, learned helplessness, reactance, self-efficacy, empowerment, voice

The first idea that I will discuss relates to social needs. Social needs can be broadly categorized as Achievement, Affiliation, Intimacy, and Power. We see the movie start with Jane Burnham, talking to the camera. This scene shows how much Jane’s social needs are not being met. She is searching for a connection with someone to meet her affiliation and intimacy needs. She is disappointed with her family and friend relationships. What we don’t know is that she later meets those needs through her boyfriend Ricky Fitts.

The main character of the story, Lester Burnham better demonstrates the lack of meeting these social needs. All of his needs are not being met. This causes him to slip into the midlife crisis that we observe. His need for achievement is not being met as he cannot be successful at work. His need for affiliation and intimacy is very low. He does not relate to his daughter Jane, and he also does not have a good relationship with his wife. Finally, he has no power in any of his relationships or any aspect of his life. Instead of dealing with the problem by taking a performance-approach to his issues, we see him exhibiting performance-avoidance behavior. An example of performance avoidance behavior is when he is sleeping in his car as his wife and daughter drive to school.

Lester is in a state of learned helplessness. He did not always behave or believe the things he believes now. His behavior has been reinforced and learned throughout the years by his daughter’s struggles, his wife’s failed real estate business, and his lack of success at work. A series of events in his life have caused to believe that he has no control over what happens to him. His view at his job is an example of this. The boss asks him to write a job description to justify his role at the company. However, he views this as himself eventually getting fired. In other words, he feels that he cannot control any event, even when it is clearly under his control.
Moving to a later part of the movie, Lester is with struck with desire for one of Jane’s friends Angela. This event triggers multiple things. Lester begins to meet his needs and set goals. He also increases his self-efficacy. He begins to believe that he has the skills and the ability to control his life again. Also, his affiliation and intimacy need is being better met through Angela. Even though there is very little connection in the way of actual interaction, there is enough that helps stimulate Lester. He overhears the two girls taking about him and this causes a discrepancy in his image of himself and his ideal image. He creates a discrepancy himself by unconsciously undertaking discrepancy creation to build muscles and work out. He sets a goal to get into shape so he can pursue Angela. He accepts the goal because he created the goal. It was not imposed or suggested to him by a manager or boss. He gets feedback of his goal by being able to increase the amount of weights that he can lift, as well as the distance that he can run. He gets feedback that Angela wants to be pursued when she touches his arm and continues to flirt with him every chance she gets. He sets up implementation intentions by telling himself that he can do what he wants. This way when his wife says no or tells him he is crazy, he knows what to do already and continues on toward his goal.

One last thing I want to discuss is a sub theme in the movie. We see Ricky Fitts and his father Col. Fitts struggle with their relationship. Col. Fitts has a negative view of Ricky, however he wants the best for him. Ultimately he shoots Lester and gives up on his son. We see this played out through the reactance theory. The theory states that we react to real or perceived threats to our freedom. This stems from the ability and desire to control events and outcomes in life. When we feel that we are losing control, we are activated to change the situation so that we are in control. After enough time goes by and enough unsuccessful things occur, we give up and fall into helplessness. Col. Fitts had tried to put Ricky in military school to learn discipline, but he gets kicked out. Subsequently, he goes to a mental hospital and is released but his father monitors him through semiannual drug tests. Finally this explodes as Col. Fitts believes his son is a homosexual. He “gives up” on Ricky and falls into helplessness and eventually shoots Lester.

Terms: Social needs, achievement, performance-approach, performance-avoidance, Affiliation, Intimacy, Power, Discrepancy reduction and discrepancy creation, feedback, goal acceptance, implementation intentions, Self-efficacy, learned helplessness, and Reactance theory.

In the movie American Beauty, there were many concepts from chapters 7-9 that were rather relate able to the character throughout the movie. Since chapters 7-9 discussed different aspects of self motivation, needs, and worth, these concepts can be best through each individuals role.

Lester Burnham, the main character, throughout the movie is reacting in a way that many would label as a "mid-life crisis". However, you are looking at it from a psychological stand point you can say that he is reacting to discrepancy reduction. His environment, middle class suburbia, has set a standard for him and he has lived by its standards. He has always stuck to the plan based model and was reactive to his environment. However, because so many other things are lacking in his life his ideal state changes causing his behaviors to change. His first major need that is not being fulfilled is intimacy and affiliation. Lester no longer feels attached or close to his wife both emotionally and physically. They are not having sex and conversation is always lacking real substance. His job is no better, and he has no real connection with his daughter either. He is needing to fulfill his social need but is not getting it from those closest in his environment. In many ways, he feels powerless. The need for power is the desire to make the physical and social world to conform to one's personal plan or image for it. His social world is not conforming and his physical world no longer is exciting him. This is why he went and bought a new car, one that represented his youth rebellion. Also, he befriends his newfound pot dealer, and tries to create some sort of sexual relations with his daughter's best friend. He no longer wants a challenge so this causes a change in his behavior. He wants a something he is capable of but does not have to exhibit too much effort and can be easily solved. By doing this he wanted to have a positive emotional reaction. He does all this by quitting and extorting his other job and picking up and easy, yet fun job in the fast food industry. Much of his behavior sets off quiet the emotional reaction in his wife.

Caroyln Burnham (wife) seems to be the exact opposite of her husband which is mostly why their marriage is in such bad shape. She has a high need for self efficacy. She is in the business of real estate and her choice in this career is because she feels determined and capable of her job. Her wants and desires stem much from socialization influence. Those around her who are successful are the most happy so she wants to experience this. Her high need for achievement can also be seen as having cognitive influences because she has perceptions of high ability. Due to this she engrosses herself in her work always persisting at doing her best and has a high need for achievement. She actually becomes aroused by achievement. This is why she was attracted to the successful real estate agent and ultimately started an affair with him. He can be seen as achieving mastery and this is what she yearns for as well, to master her life all around. He provided her with the feedback that she needed, that she was smart, successful, and sexy. She was not feeling those things with Lester because he could honestly careless about her job and the way it made her become so materialistic. By dating this successful man and doing well in her career she is receiving the emotional satisfaction from goal attainment. Her affair can also be said to be triggered by her emotional reaction to her husband. By him quitting his job and his obvious expression for lack of concern infuriates her for he is not living by her principles.

Jane Burnham is the result of someone who experiences low self efficacy. She has much doubt in her performance and for this she does not have high expectations of herself and therefore rarely will set any types of goals. In a way, you can say she suffers from learned helplessness. She views her situation, prettier friend, twisted parents, and her feelings of loneliness as uncontrollable circumstances. She is too young and lacking in too much control to change her environment. She becomes intrigued by the new student, Ricki Fitts, at school, but she expects he will like her best friend and not even notice her like most boys. Her outcome expectation of her thinking he will reject her causes her to remain quiet and no proactively interact with him.

Ricki Fitts is another character that exhibits many concepts discussed in the book. He acts the way he does in rebellion to what the world expects of him. He does this because through the observation of others around him, he sees that those who conform are truly not happy with themselves. His father is also extremely controlling, so by Ricki being sneaky he creates perceived control. Since he deals drugs, smokes weed, and can get away with passing drug tests empowerment and control. He is controlling how his father views him and for this he feels empowered. Ricki is able to influence Jane into seeing that she is beautiful and that he wants to be with her. By verbally persuading Jane, he actually helps raise her own self efficacy and efficacy expectations. This is because she becomes more confident in herself, and therefore more confident in her ability to execute a particular course of action. Because of Ricki, she wants to rejects her parents and her friend's wants. For example, her being on cheerleading team so she can prove to all of them that she is more normal.

Terms used: discrepancy reduction, feedback, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, perceived control, self efficacy, empowerment, mastery, learned helplessness, doubt, observation of others, verbal persuasion, choice of activity, extent of effort, quality of thinking, emotional reactions, social need, achievement, socialization influence, cognitive influence, affiliation and intimacy, power, control, influence, goal attainment

Lester was the main character that American Beauty focused on. The basically went through a mid-life crisis that entailed numerous types of motivations. He was very intrinsically motivated to sleep with Angela. He was pursuing his basic physiological need of sex. She was the positive enforcer that lead him to drastically change his lifestyle. Since the first time he met her he had a strong desire to have her and overheard her saying that if he got into shape she would sleep with him. This triggered a goal in his mind to work out and get into shape. This was an intrinsic motivation to fulfill his desire of being with Angela. On the other hand, an extrinsic motivator was to feel enjoyment from his life. He had a dead end job that was an extrinsic motivator to quit to find something that made him happy. He wanted to do this to gain competence in himself and not have a worthless job hold him back.
Lester had a high need for intimacy as well as power that he strived to fulfill during the whole movie. His need for intimacy was initiated by meeting Angela. Lester’s need for power was high because he felt he needed to gain control and power over his situations, whether it be at work or his home life. The need for achievement was in the medium range. He had goals, but when it came to work he didn’t need to feel successful because he hated his job and knew he wasn’t going anywhere if he stayed. His need for achievement was in his personal life by working out and gaining a body image to take control of his life and be seen as the head of the household.
He had an efficacy expectation of achieving the goal of getting into shape. He knew he could do it and worked everyday towards it. Lester felt like he had control in the movie after he set a goal to work towards. He took initiative in his household and told the family how to act instead of just sitting back and being told what to do.
Carolyn has a high need for achievement. You can see this because the house always looks tidy with a home-cooked meal every night. She has perfect roses and makes her family seem like a perfect suburban lifestyle. She has a very demanding career that she puts everything into and strives for perfection. Her needs are more focused on the social aspect rather than the psychological or physiological. Carolyn just wants to impress everybody rather than put her family or her own needs first.
Terms: Intrinsic motivation, Extrinsic motivation, positive enforcer, Needs, need for intimacy, need for power, need for achievement, goals, motivation, goals, efficacy expectation, social needs, psychological needs, physiological needs, sex

The movie “American Beauty” has many examples of social needs. Social needs are learned through experiences. Although they are not innate, they are still important needs that have to be met in order to accomplish learning, knowledge and overall well-being. There are four main social needs: achievement, affiliation, intimacy, and power. This movie displays all four. The first one I’ll discuss is achievement.
The need for achievement is accomplished by doing well relative to a standard of excellence (pg. 175). People have to meet this need because it makes them feel good about themselves and we enjoy succeeding in something. People vary on their level of this need. In the movie, Caroline has a very high need for achievement. She’s always working hard to sell a house and to be viewed as a successful business woman. This need, however, is not usually met because she fails to sell the houses as well as she’d like. She also tries very hard to have the “perfect” family and life but this doesn’t happen either. When these things don’t go as Caroline plans, she breaks down. This is because she has low self-efficacy, which is a person’s capacity to use their skills to do well in situations, especially difficult ones. When Caroline is in a very difficult situation dealing with her husband, she comes very close to killing him. Someone also high for achievement is Buddy. Buddy is the “Real Estate King” so he’s very successful. I think the reason he’s so successful is because he has a high self-efficacy. He knows how to handle difficult situations and his ability to work through them led him to a good career. Caroline tries to increase her self-efficacy by vicarious experience, or learning/watching from Buddy. Someone with a low need for achievement is Lester. Lester didn’t care at all about doing well with his job. We he realized he could bribe the company into giving him a lot of money, he quit. He began working at a fast food restaurant because he wanted to least amount of responsibility. He did, however, have a goal to get in shape. His standard of excellence was the approval of Angela. This goal was good for Lester because it was difficult and specific. He said he wanted to look good naked. He received feedback when Angela told him she thought he was sexy. This met his need for achievement.

A second need is affiliation. The need for affiliation is satisfied when someone interacts with others in order to avoid negative feelings. Everyone has this need because people like to be around others for support and to avoid loneliness. In the movie, Jane has a low need for affiliation. She doesn’t have a large group of friends and she’s fine with it. She also has a strained relationship with her parents because she doesn’t care to share much information with them. One example of her showing her need being met is when she takes off her clothes for Ricky. She had just gotten into an argument with her mother and wanted to feel close to someone to feel better. Taking her clothes off was her way of interacting with Ricky to feel approved and to rid her anxiety. Caroline has a high need for affiliation. She cares a lot about what people think and she works hard to make it seem that she has a perfect life. If she feels rejected, she gets very anxious and upset. Another character high in the need for affiliation is Angela. She desperately wants people to like her so she makes up stories to make herself sound better. After her and Jane got into an argument when it seemed that Jane didn’t like her, she was very upset and went to find Lester in order to feel approved by someone again.

A third need is intimacy. The need for intimacy is fulfilled by having warm, loving relationships. We fulfill this need because we enjoy feeling loved and knowing that people care about us. With Caroline, Lester, and Jane, this need is not being met. They’re not very close and their lives have become a routine rather than a relationship. Since this need is not being met within the family, they look elsewhere. Caroline becomes close to Buddy and they eventually have sex. After this happens, she is much happier. Lester wants to have a closer relationship with Jane because he knows he hasn’t tried in the past. This doesn’t happen, though. He also tries to have an intimate relationship with Angela. Although this doesn’t happen, he is still happy. Right before he died, Lester’s need was met because he realized that even though his life isn’t what he wanted, at one time he had a loving, close relationship with Jane and Caroline. Jane meets this need by her relationship with Ricky. He’s a loving, kind person who truly cares about her. She is much happier after their relationship begins. Ricky has a high need for intimacy and he meets this need by not only having a relationship with Jane, but by seeing the beauty in everything in the world. It seems that he has a close relationship for all things because all things are beautiful. Frank’s (Ricky’s dad) need is not being met. His wife seemed to have a mental disorder and doesn’t seem to have much of a personality. Also, Frank is gay but pretends he’s not and that he hates gay people. When he tries to meet his need by kissing Lester, he’s rejected and this was so hurtful to him that he killed Lester. Frank was probably a very unhappy man throughout his life.

The fourth need is power. Fulfilling the need for power consists of having some level of control and impact over people. Frank had a very high need for power. He was constantly trying to control Ricky’s life by giving him drug tests and not allowing him to lock his door. He also searched through Ricky’s room and belongings. He believes he is the leader and when someone doesn’t do as he wants, he’ll do what he can to restore that power. Leadership is a way in which this need can be fulfilled. An example of this is when Ricky goes through his cabinet. It was a rule to stay away from it and when Ricky disobeyed, Frank hit Ricky. Aggressiveness is another way that people fulfill their need. Frank is very aggressive. He also hits Ricky when Ricky acts like he’s gay because Frank says he hates gay people. Another example of Frank’s aggressiveness is when he kills Lester. Because Lester denied Frank, he was basically not agreeing with him. This wasn’t okay and in order to feel powerful and in control, he killed Lester. Caroline also has a high need for power. She needs to have control over her life otherwise she becomes very upset. The way she fulfills her need is by being the leader. She is the leader of the house and is basically her own boss by being a real estate agent. When Caroline felt powerless, she would shoot a gun because you have complete control over a gun.

Terms: social needs, achievement, affiliation, intimacy, power, self-efficacy, vicarious experience, feedback, control, impact, leadership, aggressiveness, goal, difficult, specific

The film, American Beauty, is about a 42 year old man named Lester who seems to be unhappy with everything in his life: his job, his marriage, and his relationship with his daughter. The movie is Lester’s narration of the changes that take place within his family during the last months of his life before he was murdered by his next door neighbor. American Beauty has many examples of intimacy, power, and self-efficacy.
Lester and his wife clearly have a lack of intimacy in their relationship. Our textbook describes intimacy as, “a willingness to 'experience a warm, close, and communicative exchange with another person'” (192). Lester and his wife, Carolyn, appear to be completely disconnected and Lester even becomes infatuated with his teenage daughter's friend. There is a scene in the movie where Lester and Carolyn have an argument about their relationship in the middle of the night. Lester comments, “This hasn't been a marriage for years but you were happy as long as I kept my mouth shut” and says that he believes that his wife thinks of him as unnecessary. Carolyn is obviously not pleased with the state of their marriage either and responds by having an affair with a man that she had previously seen as her competition in the real estate market.
Power is a condition that satisfies affiliation and intimacy needs. Lester expresses his desire to impact, control, and influence another person when he blackmails his employer for a year's salary and benefits when his job is terminated with an agreement of secrecy on information he knows that could get the company into serious trouble. He also asserts power when he throws a plate of asparagus against the wall during dinner with his family, yells at his daughter that she is not excused from the table, and tells his wife that she cannot tell him what to do. It appears as though Lester had been suppressing his emotions for many years at his job and in his marriage and it had taken its toll.
Lester shows a strong desire for self-efficacy when he ends his job and stands up to his wife. He is showing that he is taking back control of his life and trying to turn things around so that they are more to his liking. He makes rash decisions, like buying an expensive sports car, begins smoking marijuana regularly, and constantly works out in order to be more attractive to his daughter's friend. He appears to feel empowered by his new way of living and regains his sense of joy for life.

Terms: intimacy, power, self-efficacy, affiliation, control, empowerment

American Beauty is a movie about a family who appears to have the perfect relationship and life, in their perfect little town. However, it all becomes this sort of lie. The father (Lester) seems to be going through some sort of mid-life crisis and his seemingly perfect life doesn’t exist anymore. He starts to hate his job and, as a result, his wife and daughter begin to not like him as much anymore. He then becomes determined to be the kind of father and husband that he should be; he wants to make it right.

There are a ton of different concepts from chapters 7 through 9 that you could apply to this movie. In chapter seven it talks about the different social needs that every person has: Achievement, Affiliation, Power, and Intimacy. It seems that Lester does not have the need for achievement… at least when it comes to his job. He doesn’t really work hard towards his job and has no motivation to do well. That is the exact opposite of achievement, which is the “desire to do well with a standard of excellence”. Lester also seems to be lacking in the “intimacy” department throughout this movie. Intimacy is a very common need of all humans, and Lester’s need is not being met at all, in any area of his life. He seems to have terrible relationships with the people in his life, including his wife and daughter. Also, he doesn’t seem to develop closeness with anyone throughout the movie…until Angela (his daughter’s friend). That is the closest he comes to having a close/personal relationship with someone, and that isn’t even until the end of the movie. It could be one of the main reasons why he is the way he is. When our needs are not being met, we tend to become different people and act out in different ways. The way Lester acted in his life could have been the cause of him not meeting his intimacy needs.

Another reason why Lester could be acting this way is the fact that is wife seems to be the exact opposite of him. She has a very strong need for Achievement and a fairly low need for intimacy. This can cause major problems in any relationship. She may not recognize his need for a close, personal relationship because she herself doesn’t need this. His lack of need for achievement would also cause problems, because his wife would not understand this. It would be a very different need for him than it is for her.

Chapter nine mentions self efficacy, which is one of the personal control beliefs that means he doesn’t think he has any ability to do much of anything in his life. He seems to be this way in every part of his life—work, family, etc. He is just all around a not happy guy. Learned helplessness is another personal control belief found in chapter nine. Lester was one of the kinds of people that just went through life without really doing anything, or enjoying where they were at. He never really tried anymore with anything in his life including his job and his family. At first he didn’t really see his behaviors as having any effect on how his job life and family life were going. He soon realized that there actually may be a connection between the two. Throughout the movie we see him changing in all aspects of his life and becoming more confident (his self efficacy is rising).

Overall, I thought this movie did a good job of tying in chapters 7, 8, and 9. There was a lot of good information and “examples” throughout the movie.

TERMS: achievement; intimacy; self efficacy; personal control beliefs; learned helplessness;

taedium vitae is a Latin expression that describes the feeling of repetition of what-it ends up being dominant, all past and future is only awaits the ever-same death. I remember the scene in Scarface where Tony Montana is already a crime magnate and influential power, but still not happy. "This is all, money, restaurants, sex ...... this is why I've struggled so much. " There are moments in life when you stop to think and say is this what I expect to be?, life took me happy?, there is something interesting in my life?. To my american beauty is a desperate cry against a seemingly perfect life but that hides a big failure ...... a child with emotional problems, a woman who cheats on her husband, an apathetic man unable to enjoy life ... a life model which apparently is really a disaster. The question is, why the woman's husband cheating?, why the girl is a rebel?, why spacey start taking drugs? In my opinion the answer is very simple: they are lonely, feel that although part of a family really are alone.
People need to feel loved, respected, feel it is important to someone, feel the secure of a friend if you have problems with someone. The affiliation and intimacy are the reasons that motivate the characters to try to fill the void that his monotonous life produces. What other reasons can lead a man of 50 years to make friends with a 17?, why would a woman cheating on her husband with his professional rival principal?, is there another reason to feel only interested in a girl 30 years younger than you?
Affiliation was conceptualizad as "Establishing, Maintaining, Restoring or a positive, affective Relationship with Another person or persons" (Atkinson, 1954).
In my opinion this movie is about the search for someone who can make life more enjoyable, an escape from loneliness.

Quasi needs are fairly evident throughout this movie, the most prominent scenec in reference to this aspect is the scene where Lester essentially black mails the effiency manager guy into giving him 1 years paid salary and benifits. After Lester is financially secure he no longer worries about work, but instead spends his money on a fancy car and pot to satisfy his social needs.
Social needs are the main affliction on Lester's wife, she is obssesed with her apperance and her family's The scene that most strongly displays this is when her daughter comes outside to get a ride to school and she asks her is dhe is trying to look horrible and tells her she is succeding admirably, she forces her importance of social needs on others (which also demonstartes her high need for power) she also posses a somewhat destructive high need for achievement as seen in the scene where she literally beats herself up because she did not sell a house, and the whole concept where she sleeps with the top selling real estate guy because it makes her feel more succesful.
Jane, Lester's daughter, seeks out Ricky because she is in a stage of social isolation after she realizes how much she does not like her only friend Angela This is a condition that elcited affiliation /intamacy needs.
Each main character possed some sort of discrepancy between who they were at the begginng of the movie and what they actually became. The entire movie is about the American dream and the actual discrepancies that exist within it. Lester has a discrepancy creation after he meets Angela, his daughters friend,. He creates this goal to live actively instead of passively by working out and standing up for himself. After he realizes that he can win an argument with his overly controlling wife and goes to bed smiling, he gets the feedback that he can change and he doesnt posses that learned helpless aspect so much anymore. In the first 20 minutes of the film Lester is just starting to exhibit efficacy expectations "Can I do it?" the rest of the movie he realizes he can exert an influence over his enviroment so it then becomes an outcome expetaction "Will what I do Work?".and overall his Self efficacy rises. Lester used his personal behavior history of being happy while flipping burgers to builf his self efficacy and go back to work flipping burgers. Ricky Fitts is where he gained his viacrious experience from because its as though Ricky represents his lost youth and ability to live actiley and rebel.
Lester does not really recieve any verbal persuaion in fact just the oppsite , unless it came from himself. Physilogical state was also a contributing factor to efficacy. AS lester increased his self efficacy he broadned his activites such as running and smoking pot. He also persisted in both of them. His whole demeanor changed after he began to work out. All of the other characters experienced this phenomen for example, Jane was not happy with herself and was saving up money for a breast augmenatation, Angela tols everyone she was basically a whore when in reality she was a virgin, Ricky was percieved as a staright arrow but in fact was a drug dealer hiding it with various jobs, His dad was homosexual but masked it with hatred towards gays.

Terms used: Quasi need, social needs, high need for achievement, high need for power, intimacy /affiliation, discrepancy creation, efficacy expecatation, outcome expectation, learned helplessnesss, goal , personal behavio history, self efficacy, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state

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