Check out this animation:
First, how accurate is his information? Any problems compared to your textbook's information on these topics?
Second, how was the experience of watching this? Did it help you understand the material better? If so why?
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?
I believe his information to be very accurate. I did notice a couple spelling mistakes, but obviously that isn't a huge deal. His information did disagree with some of the things that the textbook claims in Chapter Five. According to his information, as long as the task involved only mechanical skill then bonuses or rewards worked as expected in that higher pay resulted in better performance. Also according to his information, when the task involved cognitive processes a larger reward resulted in poorer performance. However the textbook claims that an extrinsic reward enlivens positive emotion and facilitates behavior because it signals the opportunity for a personal gain. The textbook explains this by explaining that receiving a reward results in a dopamine release in people’s brains.
I enjoyed the experience of watching the video. I liked it and I believe it helped me understand the material better for a couple of reasons. One reason is that I think it was neat seeing the pictures and words drawn and written out to explain the material. Another reason is that I think it was a nice change from the ‘typical’ lecture that most professors give. One more reason is that I liked being able to pause it, to write down any notes I wanted to take, and then continue it when I was ready, so I got to watch it at the pace that I preferred.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy for the use of this class I would probably read some of the articles from the course blog page about various health topics. Then I would read a few more articles from the Rod Library related to various health topics, all in an attempt to understand what motivates and drives people to exercise, eat right, and just in general live healthy lives. I would do all this because I enjoy reading in short spurts and because I want to better understand what drives and motivates people to be healthy because I want to go into a field that deals with answering questions such as those.
After looking up Daniel Pink, I decided for myself that the information is accurate. Not only does he have high credentials, but he also included several studies in his speech and even found the replicated studies to make certain that the results were accurate. Since it all moved kind of fast, it was difficult to keep up with what the book said and what he said. However, the book did talk about how extrinsic motivators did not encourage people to work harder. That directly reflects what the video said as well.
The experience was SUPER fun, I thought several times throughout the video “I wouldn’t be listening right now if he wasn’t doing this animation”. What intrinsically motivated me to keep watching was that it was fun and interesting. Overall, I think I learned the information better because I was able to learn by listening, viewing, and being entertained.
If you gave me 24 hours to be autonomous for this class, I think I would do a lot of Internet searches and possibly even begin some research on different topics based on motivation and emotion. Even just thinking about having someone let me have the reins makes me excited. Since I wouldn’t be constrained to exactly which chapters to read, what articles to look at, and when to respond by, I would be more likely to do some more creative searches into the area. On the other hand, I also may take a nap. ☺
After watching this video and taking in all the information given, I thought it was pretty accurate. The money part kind of through me off a little bit. I went back to the book, because I was sure I read in there that with an increased pay lead to higher performers. Turns out he was right and I must have been reading something totally different. Over time, it does decrease simply because they are expecting it (money). Although I can see why someone might lose interest in something when being paid, it kind of takes away some value. When you do something that love you don’t care about money you care about what you do. Getting paid for something, like painting a picture for example, might seem more like a job than a hobby once money gets thrown in. Other than that little moment of doubt, I agree with the information he brought to the table. It lined up with the readings from the book.
I really liked watching the video. I think it helps my understanding on the ideas on motivation and what gets us to do the things you do and what can make us less motivated. I also think that watching a visual help because you can kind of see it all being laid out. I’m really into art, so watching him draw made this video much more interesting to me. The way he put it all together was really neat too, it all seemed to fall into place and flow with the information he was presenting.
Within a 24 hour time frame, I’d get as much done as I could. I’d do some research on motivation using the internet or the class book, possibly even go to the library and see if they had any articles on the topic(s). Plus I’m sure there are a few books in the library based on motivation and emotion. From the chapters that we have read so far I think I would do a little more research over Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations. These two have been the most interesting to me. Since I love to be creative I would most likely make a power point or a poster. Out of the two I think I’d pick the poster. Using a poster would give a visual with some key points added to it, plus it would have some color to make it pop out and pull people in.
This animated lecture by Daniel Pink was very accurate. Though extrinsic motivation like money will make us work HARDER in order to receive the reward, it won't necessarily make us work BETTER, or more efficiently. It is too easy for parents or managerial staff to offer money in order to have their subject do a task. What do we really gain from just DOING a task though? Pink, as well as the textbook authors describe basic psychological needs that drive intrinsic motivation: autonomy, and competence (Daniel referred to this as mastery). Extrinsic motivation does not help us satisfy these needs. When people are intrinsically motivated however, their effort and quality of work greatly improves as they are meeting these psychological needs. Though it may seem like the contrary would be true, people are more persistent and creative in their engagement.
I really enjoyed watching this video. So far, extrinsic vs. intrinsic motivation has been the most interesting part of the class. The research he presented was very interesting and I was easily able to draw constants from the textbook chapter. It definitely reinforced many of the concepts I just learned. The animations during the lecture were very fun to watch as well. It was almost like reading a comic book while consequently learning about a relevant topic from our class.
With 24 hours of autonomy for this class, I would probably look for more videos like this one. The research he presented was very interesting to me, and industrial/organizational psychology is a topic of interest to me. I really like learning about the groundbreaking ideas companies have on how to treat their employees. Who would've thought a free day in the office would produce such great results? I think more ideas like this should be looked in to. It's also interesting to see what isn't efficient in the workplace. I'd create a giant case study on these different approaches and use them as anecdotes on organizational benefits.
Accuracy of information?
I thought it was accurate in the fact that higher pay does not necessarily increase performance. Reeve states that if a person is rewarded for something they have intrinsic motivation for, the reward does not increase motivation more, it will cause it to decrease. The video clip also talks about money as a motivator, but the larger the reward, the lower the performance. The book and video clip are also similar when the video discusses the day of autonomy and how employees want challenge and to feel like they are making a contribution. This relates to the book when it discusses how to build an individual’s interest. That is what that one day of autonomy does for the employees.
Problems compared to textbook?
The only problem I really saw was when the video said that for mechanical skills or straight-forward tasks, motivators work to increase performance. The book talked about how motivators work only when they don’t interfere with intrinsic motivation and if they are unexpected. As we have learned in class, there is not any particular event that you can say will increase performance by adding a specific external motivator; at least not unless you know the person’s internal motivation.
Experience of watching clip?
I liked watching the clip. The artwork was amazing, but I found myself looking at all of the words he kept spelling wrong (He spelled words with an “s” instead of “z” (organization, memorize, maximize)). The pictures he was drawing were relevant to what he was talking about and made the topic interesting.
Help to understand the material better?
Yes, I think it helped me hear it in a different way, which made it sink in more.
24 hours of autonomy?
If I had 24 of autonomy I would get right to the experts. I am really interested in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and want to learn how to motivate many different types of people at the same time. In class we more talked about how to motivate children and that is more like one-on-one. I want to know how organizations motivate all employees when they are diverse. I could do some internet searching, but I think it would be most beneficial to talk to an expert in that area. It could be an I/O professor or someone from Human Resources who have experience with employee motivation. I would love to come up with a plan to help my workplace be more intrinsically motivated than doing everything only for money.
I found the information to be fairly accurate. It describes what our textbook is describing with a few minor differences. It talks about the need for achievement and mastery in individuals. It also talks about Autonomy, which is discussed in chapter 6. Given a choice in what to do, we desire the ability to pick ourselves and have flexibility. Specifically in chapter 5, it discusses incentives and rewards. It talks about how money is not necessarily what rewards people. The movie clip goes into more detail about a particular area of motivation, particularly its application in the real world and observable behaviors. The book talks more broadly about the subjects and speaks more from a theoretical perspective.
I enjoyed watching the clip. I felt that the animation along with the lecture was a unique and eye catching way of presenting the material. I think it would be beneficial of more people would present information that way. The clip helped me understand the material better in that it gave me an example and actual history of experimentation on the subject. It was also verified by testing the same thing in different economic and environmental areas. I found the actual results of the experiment interesting. While it was not what I expected, it does relate to the materials discussed in the chapter. It was similar to what we talked about in class where rewards, in this case monetary may cheapen the experience and what we take away from it.
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?
I think I would use my 24 hours to find out more about positive, negative reinforces and punishment. I would brainstorm ways that we could get that information out to the public. Possibly creating documents to use for that or construct a plan. My motivation is that it is really cool information to know. It can help a lot of people be better communicators, and have better relationships.
I believe the information given in this video is probably very accurate. I think it just expands on what I read in Chapter 5 in our text. In the reading, I learned that intrinsic motivation leads to greater autonomy, competence and relatedness. We get many important benefits from intrinsic motivation and what the speaker in this video was discussing is that self-directed people perform better. They have a greater sense of autonomy and mastery.
I really liked this video, it really drew my attention and the illustrations coupled with the audio helped to demonstrate visually and audibly exactly the message the speaker was trying to relay. It definitely increased my “Aha, I get that!” moments that are hard to achieve when you are reading paragraph after paragraph of uninterrupted text in the book. It also did help me to understand some of the information in the textbook as well. For example, our text states that “the negative impact of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation is limited to interesting activities.” It offered a few examples that made sense. The video, however, really brought that point home when they pointed out the incentives worked for mechanical skills but when it came to incentives for more conceptual and creative tasks the potential reward led to poorer performance. The video did a great job explaining why this happens in a much more simple way than the textbook did.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this course (and I am assuming that I had nothing else to do during that 24 hours) I would pursue more information on what motivates us in romantic and intimate relationships. Perhaps I would read more in the book I am doing my review on “The Evolution of Desire: Strategies in Human Mating.” This would help to satisfy my curiosity AND it would help me to get my report done earlier so this prospect really appeals to me. Additionally, if I could do anything I wanted I think I would maybe interview some couples who have successfully stayed to together for a long period of time and interview some who broke up or divorced. Comparing what works and what doesn’t could go a long way in understanding what motivates us to choose (and perhaps subsequently reject) the people we involve ourselves with intimately. This is the direction I would take if I had autonomy in this class.
I think all this information is very accurate. It directly relates to what we discussed in class yesterday about how rewarding people to do things they already like to do only decreases their intrinsic motivation. It’s slightly different but if you’re paying someone a large amount of money to do a job that they were already doing for either a lower amount or for their own personal reasons, they lack the motivation to do their best because it almost doesn’t even matter. I think his information agrees with what the textbook says. Being intrinsically motivated to do something leads to better results because the individually has a personal gain from doing whatever the behavior is. Although money can be a great reward, it can greatly affect if someone does something because they have to or they want to, and if they have to do it its likely they won’t put all their effort into it.
I really enjoyed this video. I found the studies he discussed to be very interesting because like he said, most people think that paying more money will give better results, but that’s not true. It helped me understand the material better because it solidified the information that the textbook and lecture discussed.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy for this class, it’s hard to say exactly what I would do. I would probably try to find more information about reinforcement. One thing I think about a lot when learning about reinforcement is how I’m going to raise my kids. I want to do the best job I can and I think being a psychologist will definitely help me in being a good parent. I’ll need to learn what motivates my child, both extrinsically and intrinsically, and know how to use that to help them become great people. I’d use this information to help my parents do a better job at getting my younger brother to do the things he needs to do. He’s highly motivated to go to work 6 days a week and constantly work on his car but it takes a lot of effort to get him to do his homework. I think my parents need to find a way to reinforce him when he gets a good grade so that he’ll continue to do well the rest of his high school life.
After watching this video, I felt this information he presented was fairly accurate. He had good examples and good reasons to make it more clear why he thought what he did. This information did class somewhat with what we read in chapter 5. The idea that performance increases with higher incentives and rewards was consistent. But he points out that performance does not increase with rewards when the task is conceptual. Now, I can understand this. Performance and intellectual tasks are completely different. Intellectual tasks are not the same for everyone and some may struggle more just because it is more difficult for them to accomplish. When we discuss the idea of a job performance increasing with higher rewards, we are trying to push the performance the run into everyday at their job. We are not pushing them in a situation they do not experience often. Overall, it helped to watch the video, I would have been lost if it was just an audio clip. He is insanely into his speech and quite speedy!
24 hours of autonomy would be interesting. I would pursue this idea of positive and negative rewards. I would seek out more information like this, it is always beneficial to see more than one side of the topic and hear others ideas. I would create different situations as he did, it would be helpful to get a hands on idea of how real this is. It is hard to say what I would discover but I feel it would all be along the lines of what he has presented to us. I would honestly say, to use my time I would just experiment and observe. This is a topic that we cannot just read and read about but where the more you see, the more you experiment and adjust concepts, the more you will learn!
From viewing the video, I feel the information he presented was pretty accurate and also consistent with what I read in the textbook. A lot of what the video talked about related to I really like how he drew out pictures of what he was talking about and how everything seemed to flow together. The drawings where fun to see and they definitely kept me interested throughout the entire video. The video definitely reinforced a lot of the information we talked about Tuesday in class which was really nice because I felt more confident in what I was talking about. For me, it’s much easier to comprehend and learn information by using a combination of visual media and textbooks.
One way that the video has a clear connection to the textbook is when it talks about different ways to make people interested in a task via intrinsic & extrinsic motivators. One slight difference between the video and the book was the topic about autonomy, mastery, and purpose being factors leading to better performance and personal satisfaction (in the video). The textbook uses the terms autonomy, competence, and relatedness to describe basically the same thing.
Something else I liked about the video was the business standpoint it took, using the same information we discussed in class using the example of child-rearing. One thing that I thought was pretty interesting was about the study they did with bonuses and higher pay and how as long as the task involved used only mechanical skill bonuses worked as expected (higher pay=better performance). Once the task required cognitive skills bonuses led to poorer performance.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy I think I would work to gain more knowledge on how to motivate, both intrinsically and extrinsically, children that I plan on having in the future as well as practices my parents can do to tame my unruly little siblings. My younger siblings argue all the time and give my parents, mainly my mom, constant headaches. They do their chores but don’t get any enjoyment out of helping others. This could be due to living on a farm and not all the chores we get to do are all that great! I think I would talk to experts in the area of childcare as well as experts in the area of motivation and emotion to come up with ideas on how to become a good parent.
First, how accurate is his information? Any problems compared to your textbook's information on these topics?
His information seemed to be accurate, and it was similar to what we discussed in class and was in the text book. I think the information that extra money does not always produce better work is an interesting concept, and I was glad that it was presented in a fun and entertaining way like this. I also was glad that it was made so accessible by being put on youtube.
Second, how was the experience of watching this? Did it help you understand the material better? If so why?
I enjoyed watching this, and it was an entertaining way to present the material. There were times that I wished it would go a bit slower, because it was difficult to read that fast, but I guess that is why there is a pause button. The visuals and presenting the information this way helped me to understand the parts that had confused me before. The pictures were the most helpful for me, because I am a visual learner. It helped me to be able to add a cartoon to an idea.
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?
If I had 24 hours to work on this class, I would do a couple of different things. First, I am enjoying starting to read my book for this class, so I would read more books that have to do with motivation. I think this is the easiest way to study many different aspects of motivation. I think I would also talk to parents about different ways they reward or punish their children. This has been the most interesting topic to me, and I think it’s a big issue for many parents.
This video seemed to be fairly accurate. It presented a lot of information and it backed it up with research. He also did background checks on the research to see who funded it. He also went to find out about similar research to see if it was reliable. Also to see if it worked across cultures (India).Not only that, but he also outlined a real life example from Australia. The book’s info to seem to agree with the information presented in the video. Autonomy, competence, and relatedness are the three things outlined in the book that affect intrinsic motivation. The animation similarly says that mastery, purpose, and autonomy drive people to do better. I would say that the animation has a very good grasp on what factors play a role on intrinsically motivated behavior in the first place. The idea that more money decreases performs also seems to fit with the book as well.
I enjoyed the animation. The cartoon was interesting, and you could probably get the gist of the information from that instead of the guy talking. At any rate, it outlined a lot of material in the book, but I don’t think it deepened my understanding on it too much. I already knew most of the stuff in the book from previous classes.
24 hours of complete autonomy in this class? Interesting question. At the moment I would say that I would probably learn more about the physiological needs of the body and how that relates to motivation. Maybe I could spend the whole day like Chuck from castaway. I wouldn’t exactly be dying of hunger or thirst from one day though. I could attempt to make fire from sticks, stones, and straw. That would be a nice personal triumph. Living like a castaway may not be practical but it would be an interesting experience in which I may learn more about what personally motivates me.
In my opinion I believe the information in this animation is very accurate relative to our textbook. The only minor discrepancy had to deal with the reward system. He agreed that when doing simple mechanical problems or simply following directions, rewards improve overall effort and improve the outcome. But when it comes to more complex problems, and one’s that take a greater deal of cognitive thinking, large rewards have a negative effect. I believe that these different findings would be common because each situation is unique, as well as each individual is unique. So in other-words, different situations may foster one or the other definition, but no one definition is the correct answer 100% of the time.
The animation was a very pleasant experience for me because it allowed me to visually understand the different connections and points that both the book and the animation itself was trying to explain. Pictures allow people to learn quicker and more effectively, that is why most children’s learning software utilizes a picture-to-work association system because that is how our brains function. So by utilizing visual aids, the animation really kept my attention the entire time and made learning “fun.” The “artist” himself also added a lot to the experience because he spoke in a strong, authoritative manner that grasped my attention and didn’t let go. He also utilized pitch and volume well in a way that emphasized key points throughout the entire animation.
If I had complete autonomy for 24 hours I would search the internet for various website’s and articles that had to deal with motivation and emotion. The reason I would do this is because there is a lot of quality/interesting information out there that doesn’t get presented in this class and that would help me to further understand the material that is actually presented in this class. With that said, if I found something very pertinent to this particular class I would inform the teacher of it in hopes of her using it in future classes and helping her to more easily relay the information to her students. Some of the topics that I would pursue would deal with things associated with my future professional career. In working on a college campus some of the things that effect student’s everyday lives would include: study behavior, exercise behavior, relationships and sex. If I were to gain a much deeper understanding of these topics I would be more effective at my job, thus making more of an impact on the lives of the students that I would be serving.
First, how accurate is his information? Any problems compared to your textbook's information on these topics? I found the information presented to be fairly on target in comparison to the book. I didn't find any vast differences except that it was more about how complex the task was that was afffected by rewards.
Second, how was the experience of watching this? Did it help you understand the material better? If so why?
I think it helped to pull together how intrinsic and extrensic motivation works in relation to rewards because I am a highly visual learner and like to see examples of how things work together rather than just reading it plus it helps me to better understand things when they are presented in multiple formats.
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something? I think I would want to look specifcally at what motivates certain individuals with mental illness maybe how depresssion affects intrensic motivation and if it affects extrensic or intrensic more. It would also be intersting to see if sociopaths are affected by extrensic motivation as much as normal indivuals like if praise does anything for them. Or even comparing twins to see how nature and nurture play out in motivation. there are just so many ways to go with it, depending on what intrinsically motivates you.
I do think that Daniel Pink’s ideas align with what the test book is presenting. I think the main point here is large incentives or rewards do not always create the level or type of motivation that employers look for. It really depends on the circumstance. Pink discussed that providing incentives for mechanical activities demonstrates just what we would expect. The larger reward produces the best results. What is less expected is that when it comes to a complicated task the larger the reward actually produces worse results, low performance. The book has the same idea with the exception that it depends on whether the individual is intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated versus mechanical tasks and higher level cognitive tasks.
I did enjoy this video. It does a great job of presenting the information in a way that had me completely engaged, more so than reading out of the text book. The animation of course helps. I did understand the information that was presented in the book but this did a great job of reinforcing that information.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy I would probably look for further research done with extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. This chapter has been the most interesting to me so far. I would like to know how well known this topic is in large corporations. I think it would be interesting to learn some of the innovative ideas that are being pursued and finding out the outcomes. I work at Veridian Credit Union and just as of this year we now have an “motivation team.” It will be interesting to see their plans to keep the employees engaged. Also at VCU we have a drawing board and it is basically just blogging about new ideas. Every employee has access and can blog about their ideas at any time. Once an employee’s idea has so many votes from peers then it is looked further into. It is amazing how many of the ideas have actually been implemented into our system.
It is very interesting that we are watching this video because I actually came across it on my own a few weeks ago. I really like some of the video’s and overall messages from the website that this came from. I even sent this video and a couple others to some of my graduate friends since we are all psychology majors.
I thought that the information in the video was extremely accurate according to our textbook. The way certain things are phrased may at first seem like they are different but essentially he covered a lot of the points in Ch. 5. Particularly, when he talks about the three factors that lead to better performance (autonomy, mastery, and purpose) he is essentially talking about intrinsic motivation. The book even describes intrinsic motivation in almost these exact terms. Some quotes from the chapter define intrinsic motivation as “…to seek out and master optimal challenges”, “…arising out of the spontaneous experiences of feeling autonomous, feeling competent, and feeling related to others”. He is clearly getting at the idea that being motivated by intrinsic purposes is much more effective and satisfying to the individual than extrinsic motivators, such as money. The same example of how extrinsic motivation is defined is even used in both the video and the book: If you do this you will get that. His example of giving money as a reward kind of reminded me of the example of the kid wearing his orthodontic device. The only thing that really differed was that he did not talk about extrinsic motivation in as much detail. Although, if given more time he may have discussed such things as different types of reinforcement and punishment.
This video is extremely helpful in understanding the material from chapter 5. If you can pick out and connect the terminology from the video and the chapter it is very interesting to see the parallels. The video is much more understandable and comprehensible to anyone watching even if you haven’t had a motivation and emotion class. It does a great job at giving a real world example of how these two types of motivation can affect people in a workforce setting, which is very intriguing to me as an industrial/organizational psychology major. In contrast, the textbook is a bit more theoretical in nature and is probably not as easy to grasp the concepts for many non-psychology individuals.
If given 24 hours of autonomy to pursue anything I wanted I would probably try to do or observe some type of social experiment. I think it would be interesting to get a group of people together to observe people’s motivational habits. Observing individuals in different settings and situations and asking them why they behaved in a certain manner. Compiling a list of responses and then having them reflect and really put thought into why they behaved the way they did. I think you would get a lot of interesting reactions from people after they think about why they behave the way they do.
I think the information presented in the video was accurate because the speaker said that the studies he was talking about have been replicated with the same results many times. Something that was different in the video from our text was that the speaker talked about how money as a motivator worked the best for those using mechanical skills but how an increase in money led to poorer performance for those using even rudimentary cognitive skill.
I really enjoyed watching the video and I do think it helped me understand the material better. It was nice to have some of what was discussed in class reinforced by the video. Watching the animation caught my attention and helped keep my focus throughout the lecture. The visual representation of what was being said was a simple way to explain the studies being discussed and I believe the graphics will help me remember the new facts I learned from the video.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy for use of this course, I would probably look for more RSA animation videos about motivation and emotion. I would see if I could find other YouTube videos, shows, or documentaries and articles on topics related to this class. I would probably look for information regarding motivation and relationships as well as seeing if I could find information about how Supernanny motivates the children and families she works with to change their behaviors and work together. I would create a document with all the information I learned so I could apply the basic principles this summer when I am working as a camp counselor and post it on our class blog so everyone else could read about it too.
I think that this video is very accurate. I have written about this previously in a couple of my blogs because I find it very interesting. I actually watched this clip a couple of weeks ago after a friend of mine in my program (Ben) shared it with me. There are actually a few interesting clips on youtube discussing this exact idea. In I/O Psychology, there seems to be a lot of research that demonstrates this theory that incentives do not necessarily lead to better performance. Once again, we talk about the disconnect between research and business practice.
I think that this clip ties in well with Chapter five and they clearly seem to agree on the ideas. There are some differences in the terminology used, however it seems that they are talking about the same thing. Daniel Pink suggests that giving people feelings of autonomy, mastery, and purpose will make them more engaged and better performers; while the book states that people need autonomy, competence, and relatedness. These things are essentially the same thing. I remember too from my I/O psychology classes this is talked about as well but with different terms. Autonomy and meaning are terms used quite frequently along with effectiveness (mastery). In addition to the similar ideas and terms used, this clip also relates to the chapter by talking about the benefits of intrinsic motivation. I like his example of the things that people do on the weekends. He talks about free internet servers like wikipedia and skype that people are simply spending their own time doing because it is rewarding; while at the same time not being as productive at work which is likely due to the nature of the job and the fact that they are getting rewarded (paid) for their work. Chapter five shows that when you pay someone for doing something it causes issues because they are already motivated to do that activity so this intrinsic motivation drops because now it is given a price or worth, whereas before it was rewarding on its own.
I think that this video does an excellent job in exlpaining types of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, while still being interesting to watch. Pink offers many good examples that make the ideas and theories more clear. While reading some of this in the book was interesting as well, seeing it "animated" like this and giving really good examples is helpful. Although, it did help when reading the book that I had already seen this video and a couple others. Obviously, because I am an I/O psychology major I just really like this type of information and research and really want to put it into practice.
If I were given 24 hours I would want to make a presentation of this information for a business. When I first watched this clip I immediately thought about the place I intern at. I am in the HR department at a company that has a very strict commission/incentive program. Employees are paid a, in my opinion, small base wage then told that the better they perform the more commission they receive (it is a clear structure). Also, employees are given goals for each month/quarter. If that employee reaches that goal 2 out of 3 segments they receive a 50 cent raise, if they do not meet their goal twice they get a 50 cent deduction. Needless to say, this industry and company has very high levels of turnover and employees that are disengaged from their work. I would even make the claim that employees see very little meaning/purpose in their work. What I would do is try to take the research and put it together in a way to present it to this company so that it would show exactly what this system does to employees (adding in some statistics about the company itself would be beneficial as well). I've said this several times already throughout the semester but I really think that we need to get business in line with research, so for that reason I would absolutely spend my 24 hours trying to fix that issue.
Animation 2/10/11 (Daniel Pink: What really motivates workers)
I think this information about workers motivation is very accurate and is describing the psychological needs of intrinsic motivation. It supports what we had learned in chapter five about how rewards or incentives can have the unintended side effect of undermining intrinsic motivation because in interferes with the quality and process of creative learning, autonomy and self regulation.
Thinking about the chapter content and the information presented I can easily make the connection between autonomy, competence and relatedness to Pink’s terms of autonomy, mastery and purpose. I loved watching the animation and the piece was cleverly put together and kept my attention. However, it did not help me understand the material any better than when I read the text. It was interesting to see it applied within the fields of economics and business fields.
If I were given 24 hours of autonomy to study or pursue whatever you wanted I would have to look into the motivation of criminals or why good people are capable of doing bad things. I have worked with women in abusive relationships and I cannot understand why the abusers are so obsessed with control, power or changing their coping strategies. I would use my 24 hours of autonomy to see how mandatory behavior programs for those convicted of abuse work. There has got to be a problem within the programs, budgeting, the laws and the follow-up with those who abuse. I would then look for ways to influence motivation within the individual, the couples and the family to find better coping strategies within relationships.
The information he has presented in the animation is very accurate. I did think that he was wrong when saying that the larger amounts of money incentives offered to people would make them less likely to do the task well. But it turns out that he is completely right when it comes to this. You would think that the more money offered, the harder people would work to get that money, but this isn’t necessarily true.
The animation video did go kind of fast, but after reading the text before watching the animation it made things clearer for me. Because I read the text I was able to think more about why these things work the way they do and what influences people to work hard. People definitely want to have a purpose in what they are doing and I think this is why sometimes the money doesn’t matter when it comes to certain types of work for different people.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this course, I would read more of the articles and what different people have said about them on the website. I would also be interested in watching more videos like the one we watched for this blog. They are interesting to watch and you are still learning from them. I would do some research other than what is in the book about what drives us to do the things we do.
First, how accurate is his information? Any problems compared to your textbook's information on these topics?:
I believe the information was very accurate. I found it interesting that the people receiving a lower reward amount did the same work as those receiving a medium reward amount. It made me think that, obvioulsy, those on the low end want more but those in the middle seem satisfied enough with the reward for the work they are doing and would need to have more intrinsic motivation to work harder and smarter to get to that top level. In which case one would need to provide incentive such as building interest and providing rational. I believe that this animation was a very interesting and slightly different way of viewing the information we learned from chapter five; however, in the book mastery, as the animation calls it, is simply referred to as competence.
Second, how was the experience of watching this? Did it help you understand the material better? If so why?:
The experience of watching this was great. I find this stuff highly interesting! I was not too confused about the information before but now I have more of an understanding of how rewards and incentives and the like can be applied to EVERYlittleTHING any living organism does.
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?:
If I had 24 hours of autonomy (if money were no object) I would want to travel to different countries and watch and learn of peoples' different incentives and rewards and compare them to our own. Incentives or something that seems rewarding to one group of people may seem ridiculous to us--kinda like that, "one man's trash is another man's treasure" saying.
The information presented in video proved to be rather accurate and compliments the chapter well, especially when it comes to speaking of the needs of intrinsic motivation. This video also helped create a better understanding for how people react to incentives and rewards.
It helped me better understand it because the visuals were fast and gave quick good connections. I think it was a different way of learning and was an easier way to keep focus. Also, I think that by seeing the visuals you were able to quickly relate them to the chapter.
If I was given 24 hours of autonomy to study or pursue whatever I wanted I would like to observe children and see what motivates them to act with different behaviors. I would especially like to look at relational aggression and why a child would be motivated to do so. I think by observing children it would be easier to connect later motivations and see reasoning behind their acts.
First, how accurate is his information? Any problems compared to your textbook's information on these topics?
The information given in the video seems to be accurate when compared to information provided in class discussion and reading Chapter 5. The performance levels of test subjects who were doing cognitive tasks was interesting compared to the test subjects who had to do the mechanical tasks. The fact that the higher the money the poorer the subjects did was interesting because it contradicted what the book said about more money causing higher extrinsic motivation
Second, how was the experience of watching this? Did it help you understand the material better? If so why?
I really enjoyed this video because it was a different and creative way to learn the material covered in class. I think that it helped me to learn the material better than just reading the textbook and taking notes. The drawings that he does keep my attention but also helped me remember the content better.
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?
I think that I would work on an idea that I have for a motivational research project. There are a lot of college students who struggle with motivation in there first year or longer. There are also those who are very motivated right away and maintain that motivation throughout there college career. In the 24 hours of autonomy that you gave me I would create the experiments, surveys, and other types of tests to measure the difference of motivation in these students. I believe that a research project like this would have great benefits for preparing high school students for success at the collegiate level. Also, I would learn a lot about the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that drive the successful students to their level of success.
I loved the cartoons with the speech! His information seemed very accurate. Including rewards and punishers. He also noted that using rudimentary cognitive skills with rewards was opposite and this seems to go along a little with what we were talking about as far as intrinisc motivation and then adding extinsic motivation could possibly kill the intrinsic motivation. More complicated tasks cannot be motivated by just money is what the study he spoke about.He also spoke about the 24 hours of having your own autonomy that things emerged that never would have. I enjoy graphics and art so I thought it did help seeing the pictures. The speaker had a very different way of teaching things and I thought it was very cool. I learn pretty well by not only hearing but seeing as well so it was really easy to follow and it was distracting either! He also spoke about mastery or intrinsic motivation, why do people do things for no money? etc.
I think for 24 hours trying to figure out other ways to intrinisically motivate people to do the right things. To get more people not so focused on money but to be able to be motivated by other things besides possessions. Getting more people to volunteer and such. I think that would be really cool. How to intrinsically motivate people to help third world countries or starving kids or other causes.
After watching the video, I felt his information was very accurate. It made a lot of sense and matched a lot of information from our textbook. It also helped that he had more than one study to back his information. The main point I caught that was different in the video from the textbook was the fact that only mechanical skills can be positively influenced by a motivator (i.e, money). The textbook did not specify whether the amount of cognitive skill determines if you're more or less motivated by a motivator. It only specified if the external motivator affects intrinsic motivation, and you can never truly know if someone is just intrinsically motivated.
I really enjoyed watching this video. It helped me understand the info even more because it gave me a visual along with the description. I learn the best when I have visual to go along with what I am hearing. He also made the information more fun with the cartoons he added to his lecture.
If I had 24 hours, I would search some of the blog pages in the archives especially ones focusing in the areas of my major and supplementary areas (i.e, teaching, culture, music, etc). I would also watch more of these videos by Daniel Pink because I feel he can help me understand even more things in life not just motivation and emotion in particular. After researching some of these pages and videos, I would use the information I obtained and created a presentation I could use when I start teaching especially if I teach a psychology class. I think it is a great idea to educate students on motivation and emotion; this is even more important with high school students. It might help them understand why their peers and themselves do the things they do.
First off let me say that I have never seen a RSA animate video before and it was pretty awesome. I enjoyed the whole drawing in action thing. I feel like this information in the video is highly accurate. Also, it’s what we talked about in class. When a task is simple and follows certain steps to accomplish, extrinsic motivation will be enough to increase the quality of the job. As soon as any cognitive, creative, or innovative thinking skills are required the quality of work decreases with increased rewards. This is because the rewards take away from a person’s intrinsic motivation to do better and succeed. The video doesn’t really use terms from the text like extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. These terms used in the text are helpful in explaining why performance changes with rewards. This is important to fully understand what the video is trying to say. We get that he is trying to show that people enjoy being creative and being given room for autonomy but the text just adds helpful terms and explanations.
I don’t think that this video helped me understand the information. Class, however, was very helpful at understanding the text. I think that if I had no previous exposure to this material then I might not have understood the video as well. Since I knew what he was going for I knew what concepts to include where from my knowledge on the topic. This video was very interesting and held my attention but it just didn’t do the best job at explaining why. At the end he touched on things like autonomy but it wasn’t very helpful. I think this video might be good to watch before reading the chapter and then again after reading the chapter to see how one views the video really is changed or if it changes.
If I had 24 hours of autonomy for this class, I would research why people are motivated to do possibly dangerous things. This is something I’m interested in because I’m kind of a thrill seeker. I just would learn more about why some people are like this and others are completely opposite in that they hardly ever take risks. Obviously we don’t always know what motivates us to do something which became completely clear after reading the first chapter in the book. I guess the only reason I can give for wanting to do things like bungee jumping is that I think it would be fun. I can’t put much depth or explanation to the topic but I would like to.
First, how accurate is his information? Any problems compared to your textbook's information on these topics?
The information given in the video seems to be accurate. He has many researchers and experiments that were done to back up the his theory. It goes along well with the book well when discussing rewards and punishment.
Second, how was the experience of watching this? Did it help you understand the material better? If so why?
I loved this video. I found it to be very interesting and entertaining. The fact that he kept drawing and adding more things to the board kept me wanting see more. I felt I got a better explanation of things by watching this video. The silly little cartoons put things in a better perspective for me. I was a little disappointed that they did not show the whole board in the end.
If I gave you 24 hours of autonomy (for use for this course though!) what do you think you could do? What information would you pursue? What would you make? Or create? Or discover? How would you use your time to learn more about motivation or emotion, or use your knowledge to do something?
If I were given 24 hours of autonomy I would probably try and find a way to motivate people to be more successful, because it is something that would benefit everyone. Being successful would, overall, make people more happy, help the US advance, and even possibly benefit the world.
The information in the video seems quite accurate. Intrinsic motivation is more useful than extrinsic motivation in getting people in a workplace environment to work harder and come up with greater ideas.
While watching this video, I was overwhelmed trying to listen and watch at the same time--despite the simultaneity of the presentation. The drawing was so fast and the cartoons mixed with the words nearly gave me a seizure. Then, on top of that, with each new drawing and narration, the last one was out of frame, so it was highly difficult to remember what the last point was and then tie anything together. But that's probably just me. If I wasn't trying to get information out of it, it would have been entertaining. However, I was trying to learn something from it. This didn't make for a positive viewing experience.
If given a 24 hour span of autonomy for Motivation and Emotion learning, I would probably find some things that I wouldn't find in the textbook or suggested reading/viewing materials. I don't know how much creating or discovering I would do, because I don't have much of a springboard from which to jump, nor do I have much idea what would be expected of me.
If I were given a 24 hour period to autonomously do anything, I would master the four songs I've begun to teach myself on the ukulele. If I had more time in a day, I would be practically pro at the uke, and I would have all the time I wanted to choreograph, rehearse, and perform any dance piece I wanted. That would be wondrous.
First, I think the video describes how it works, that is, we need just to stay motivated.
Second, I believe the video has helped me to understand how external incentives act on our behavior. I understood that so far as personal motivation and simple, but this video has taught me the complexity of the people time to adjust their motivations with the outside world.
Thirdly I can not imagine 24 hours thinking about this subject, unless I'm forced as Alex in A Clockwork Orange!. For me the best way to learn something about motivation and emotion would be looking for all kinds of tests and experiments that have a bearing on motivation and emotion, that is, go to the library, put the words motivation and emotion in the form and read the articles and books to appear.
For the most part, Daniel Pink’s information is quite accurate. Much of what he explained follows the textbook. For example, our textbook pointed out how extrinsic rewards distract the person’s attention away from learning and toward getting a reward. This idea coincides with the animation’s findings that when cognitive skill is involved, large monetary (extrinsic) rewards led to poorer performance. If a person’s mind is thinking about the money they’re going to get, it would be more difficult to think about the task at hand. However, if you’re thinking about the money but only have to use your physical body, not your mind, the results showed the offering of extrinsic rewards did increase performance. This adds a slight twist to the textbook’s information. I also found it interesting that he pointed out how the results of the experiment on the affect of monetary rewards on performance initially sounded counter-intuitive and left-wing, and then went on to reveal the study was funded by the left-wing federal reserve bank. It makes me think he really did his research on the research he was presenting. He also went further to describe how the study was redone a little differently and then replicated by many others. This shows a desire for accuracy. In the end, Pink’s animation spoke of how the psychological needs for autonomy and mastery (intrinsic motivators) seem to be stronger motivators than extrinsic rewards, which also coincides with the textbook.
I enjoyed watching the video. It helped me understand the material better because I’m a very visual learner. I picture things and map concepts out in my mind. The arrows and visual flow as he explained the concepts helped a lot. Also, pictures are easier to remember for me than just words, and the animation was full of them. It did, however, move along quickly, and I had to re-watch some parts to catch it all. Also, it would have been helpful to me if he had zoomed out and shown the whole whiteboard when he was done so I could look at the information as a whole and wrap my mind around it a little better.
If I had some autonomous course time, I would likely spend most of my time reading. I would browse the library and the internet and read a lot. I also would love to meet up with interesting and informative characters for discussions over coffee or out on the streets. I really enjoy discovering new ideas and contemplating how these new ideas fit in with what I already know and perceive. I would journal about these discoveries in a stream-of-consciousness style, taking the information and then going off on tangents all over the place, discovering wide implications of the knowledge I’m obtaining. While I have no desire to use all this controlling information to rule the world, I do currently possess an intense desire to be in control of my own life. I would find trends in my own life that I’ve always been fighting, find out what is really going on, and how to change things and make my life better. I’m constantly enthralled about creating a newly shaped perspective in my mind about life, people, culture, and all the factors affecting everything in life. Eventually, when I am even more knowledgeable, crazy, happy, healthy, and free, I would love to somehow use my knowledge as a means of empowerment for countless people. For now, however, I’ll stick to information gathering and rapidly changing my perspectives on life.
This is my April 5th Freebie, thanks!