This movie has concepts from Chapters 15, but is also a sort of summary movie from the whole semester. So you may use concepts from other chapters, but you should make sure to include some concepts from Chapter 15.
Watch the movie. Take notes.
Next, write your comment. Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Your comment should be an in-depth analysis of one or more principles from your text. You should use scenes and characters to provide examples of textbook concepts. Your comment should reflect that you are in an upper division, university level Motivation and Emotion course and clearly link elements from the movie to the textbook. This is a comprehensive assignment (linking course lectures, textbook, and the movie) and you cannot do that in just a few short paragraphs.
BE SPECIFIC. At the bottom of your comment, please put a list of the ME terms you used.
The movie Almost famous is also a movie about an individual with a strong passion for music. This movie is also different than the others because of the fact that this is about a young fifteen year old boy who is pursuing his dream to become a rock journalist. William Miller’s mom is very strict, but loving towards her son and daughter. She is against many things in society and wants her children to have good knowledge. William’s sister gets to the point where she does not want to live in the house anymore. She says their mother has robbed her of her adolescence. She does not want to live in the house with her mother anymore and eventually moves out. Her mother says that she is just plain rebellious. Chapter fifteen talks about the term positive psychology. This is the vision of the good life. It uses empirical methods of psychology to understand what makes life worth living. It is easy to say that William loves music. He loves it so much and his sister knows this and she even tells him to follow his dreams. He meets up with rock critique and editor of cream magazine Lester Bang. He tells him people will use him a lot and that these people are not his friends. He wants him to be honest and unmerciful. When William meets up with Stillwater the band they tell him we play for the fans, not the critiques. This does not stop William and he actually persuades them enough to let him come in. This is where his dream begins and he gets to follow along with the band. The next term I chose from chapter 15 is
self-actualization. This is the process of moving toward courage, achievement and become an autonomous person who is dependent on themselves. William is only fifteen years old when he leaves home to be a rock journalist. His mother is very worried throughout the entire movie and we see her calling him and giving William constant reminders of how he should not take drugs. William grows up fast and I think that for how old he is he did a very professional job in how he handled things and how he talked with the band. The next term I chose is deficiency needs. This is when a person has a need for safety and belongingness. William needed to be with the band so he could get their story for Rolling Stone magazine. He really becomes a part of something when Rolling Stone Magazine calls him and wants him to do a story on Stillwater. Russell and all of the other members are all a part of the band. This is what they do and they say that this is where they belong. This is their family and Penny, a girl who William meets up with also tells William that when he wants to go home he is not to leave, but is to stay with them. She tells him that we are your family. The next term is growth needs. This is when a person feels that they need to fulfill their personal potential. An individual puts forth energy into what they are capable of becoming. William put forth effort to become a rock journalist. His mother continues to call him and she then says that she knows what is going on. William loves his mother, but he knows that he is in a very special situation. Not many fifteen year old boys have the opportunity to follow a band and write their story. This was his dream and he was doing it! The band Stillwater wants to grow into an even more famous and well known band. They want to be on the cover of the Rolling Stone magazine, which they do achieve. The next term is helping others. This is when individuals are there for one another and help a person through their good and their bad times. Penny, who William later finds out that her real name is Lady Goodman, is in love with Russell, one of the band members of Stillwater. She asks William why he does not love her back and she becomes saddened and depressed about the situation. Russell is there for her and talks her through it. Near the end of the movie Lady Goodman just about overdoses on what looked like pills, but William calls for help and saves her. There are also many other relationships between band members and members of William’s family. The next term is criticism. This is when someone evaluates and analyzes someone. The band was analyzed by their fans and their critiques. William was analyzed by the magazine on if his story was good or bad. At first the band says that ninety percent of the story is not true, but they then state that it really is true and Williams story is great. The last term I chose is meaning. There are three needs of meaning that are stated in the book. They are purpose, values and efficacy. Purpose is when a person has future oriented goals. William had the goal of becoming a rock journalist, Stillwater had the goal of becoming the best band they could and to get on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. Elaine even has goals for her boy William, which is to get home safely and graduate from high school. Value is what is good and important to someone. Elaine valued her son and daughter. Stillwater valued their band and their image, and William really valued the entire band and all of the friends he met along the way in striving towards his goal of becoming a rock n roll journalist. The last term efficacy is the capacity of producing a desired result. Stillwater again achieved their band’s goals and William achieved his career goals. I think it was awesome how William drew so close to the band members, especially Russell, that Russell actually came to his house to visit him in the end of the movie. Happy endings are always good and this one did end positively.
Terms used- positive psychology, self-actualization, deficiency needs, growth needs, helping others, criticism, meaning (purpose, values efficacy).
I watched the movie on for free.
Almost famous was a really great movie to end on after all of the other movies. It was really entertaining and chalk full of motivational concepts. Here are the concepts that I noticed throughout the movie. Self-actualization was a huge thing for not only William, but his sister, and Penny in the entirety of the movie. Self-actualization is the journey towards realizing your full potential. The two aspects of self-actualization are autonomy and openness. Autonomy is characterized by starting to depend on yourself and realize your own thoughts and feelings. Openness is not repressing or ignoring your feelings, it moves you toward a greater self-worth. William was an aspiring rock journalist. He knew he was talented, and that was reinforced by Lester Bangs, when he offers him money to write a review for a Black Sabbath concert. He eventually gets hooked up with the band Stillwater who he gets assigned to write about from the Rolling Stones magazine. At the very end of the movie, the Rolling Stones tells him how great his story was and that it was going to be on the cover of their magazine. That is a big deal, and William starts seeing how talented he really is at just 15. To establish his autonomy, William left home to tour with Stillwater at just 15, to the dismay of his mother. William’s openness started developing while he was on tour and finally came out when he expressed his love to Penny while she was passed out. He also exploded at Stillwater on the airplane about Penny, not repressing any emotions.
Looking at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, on the tour William was satisfied physiologically. After a while he started not feeling the safety and security. He felt physically safe, but he did not feel job security, even though he was only fifteen. The Rolling Stones magazine was making a lot of demands on him that he mentally could not deal with at that time. Russel kept putting off meeting with him so he could interview him, and he started becoming insecure about the article. At the beginning he also felt a sense of love and belonging from being a part of the “accepted” group that could travel with Stillwater, but towards the end, things started unraveling and he wanted to feel the security and love that he felt at home with his mother. Those things are deficiency needs. When they are missing, we as humans are not growing and developing as we should. This caused deficiency motivation which sent William back home with his mother. Esteem Needs and Self-Actualization Needs are the top two parts of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. All other needs must be satisfied before they move up to those growth needs. These needs force people to become who they can become. William felt the itch to write about rock and roll, he also went on tour with Stillwater because of these needs. At home, his lower deficiency needs were satisfied so he felt the itch to write about rock. This itch pushed him forward to tour with Stillwater and write for Rolling Stone.
I noticed a lot of concepts from chapter 7 were incorporated in this movie as well. William developed a high need for achievement through his writings. That is why he was so upset when Russel would not let him interview him time and time again. He also became very frustrated when he could not find the place or time to write what he needed to. He was writing the biggest article of his life that would make his career, yet it took him until the end of the movie to live up to his standard of excellence. It was obvious that his college professor mother had pushed him a lot in his life to be the best he could be, that is what set the standard of excellence for him. William showed a low need of affiliation. He was brave and set forth right away with he got the Black Sabbath assignment. He knew as a journalist he probably would not be well liked. It never really showed Will’s need for intimacy. He loved Penny, but it never showed much about it. He was friends with Russel and Penny, but that was about the only intimacy he received. His need for power was relatively low. Will wrote about what he saw and what he knew. He did not conform it to what he wanted, he just wrote what he saw.
Overall, this movie was excellent. It was a great way of showing Chapter 15, and many other chapters motivational and emotional concepts. I was glad to end the movie watching on a lighter note!
Terms: Self-actualization, autonomy, openness, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, deficiency motivation, growth motivation, achievement, standard of excellence, affiliation, intimacy, power
“Almost Famous” has to be one of my all-time favorite movies. This movie in particular had a much desired happy theme to it. After all the depressing themes in our other movies, it was certainly nice to have a break. “Almost Famous” is full of humor and creates at atmosphere for music that I simply love. Also, the music is fantastic. Even though I didn’t grow up in the seventies, my parents got me hooked on some of the music from the decade. Personally, this movie makes me feel as though I was born in the wrong era. Not only is this movie entertaining, funny, and have a star-studded cast, but it does great with showing examples of items we have been learning about in our Motivation and Emotion class.
William Miller and his sister Anita, for example, are the perfect manifestation of a term we learn about in chapter fifteen. They both show aspects of self-actualization from the very beginning of the movie. Anita is sick of following her mother’s rules. She realizes that she is capable of living a life she wants instead of always catering to an overprotective mother. To live the life she wanted, Anita had to get out of her mother’s house. This shows great self-actualization because Anita demonstrated a clear inherent developmental striving. Her entire life, she was trying to create her own personality and her mother. By getting away, Anita was able to more fully recognize the different talents and interests in her life. She was able to reach the full potential she wanted of becoming a stewardess.
William was also a great example for self-actualization without even being aware of what he was doing, like his sister was. William got caught up in the glitz and glamour of the music world with the intention of listening to his mother by coming back home soon and not getting into any sexual or drug related activities. For a while, William listened to her. With pressure from the Rolling Stone to get the story finished and the members of the band to keep him on the tour, William defied his mother and stayed on the tour longer than he intended. By staying on the tour longer, William was able to experience the world he never knew he was missing out on. William is able to leave behind the timid world he was living in and, in turn, moved towards courage to create a career he wanted in journalism. He started to depend on himself to get the materials he needed to succeed.
Penny Lane was a great example of holism, which is also a topic covered in chapter fifteen of our textbook. She always thought she was in love with Russell and that the feeling was mutual. Penny was content with living a life of secrets, as she was not even willing to tell anyone her real name. It isn’t until Penny gets a wake-up call from William to realize that Russell didn’t really care about her and that she was capable of a life much better than the one she was living. Penny then discovers her true potential and no longer ties herself down with Stillwater and the rest of her fellow “Band-aids.” After Penny realizes this, she is able to follow her dream and finally go to Morocco like she always wanted.
We also get to see Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. We first see this transformation when Penny gets drunk and takes the medication after learning the harsh truth about Russell. She starts to overdose and the first need that needs to be addressed for her are physiological needs. She needs to get her stomach pumped to make sure she is okay and help her get back to her original healthy state. Penny also needs safety and security needs. William gives her this by being the one to phone the doctors and stay with Penny while she gets medical treatment. Penny also has friends check up on her to make sure she is okay. Love and belongingness also comes from William. After Penny feels downtrodden about the Russell incident, William tells her that she is much better than him and proves he cares for her. Penny is also reassured that she still has a lot of friends that care about her and her well-being. Then, Penny needs self-esteem. She builds her self-esteem by getting back at Russell when he wants to see her and make up for what happened. Instead of giving Russell her address so he can come to her, Penny gives Russell the address to William’s house so he is forced to confront William after he had wronged him. Finally, Penny reaches self-actualization when she makes the final steps to go to Morocco.
Russell is a great example of the concept of incongruence for the vast majority of the movie. Despite the clear signs that he is totally screwing up and blowing off his obligations, he still fails to recognize it. In fact, he ends up getting worse. Towards the end of the movie, Russell even lies to the people at Rolling Stone, saying all of the stories and quotes in William’s article were false. Russell clearly denies the true scope of his actions. During the final scenes of the movie, however, Russell does realize how his actions have had a negative impact on those around him. To make up for all he had done, Russell calls Rolling Stone to admit that what William had written was the truth. He also advises William to call Penny as he knows those two made a deep connection. Russell is finally willing to take responsibility and recognize how his personality and actions affected the outcome of events for everyone and held himself accountable for making things right in the end.
Finally, William’s mother shows a great need for control. We see this due to her overprotective approach to trying to raise her kids. At the beginning of the movie, she constantly nags her daughter Anita about the music she listens to and how Anita goes out with men. When Anita leaves the house, her mom shifts her desire for control over William. In order to become a successful musical journalist, William has to spend a lot of time getting close to the bands. He needs to befriend them and follow them on their tour, recording significant events and getting interviews. William also, of course, needs to spend time in the hotels with the bands and endure late nights attending their concerts. In order to attempt to maintain control over William’s newfound lifestyle, his mom constantly harasses him with different phone calls and notes. William’s mother is constantly saying the same thing, which is “Don’t do drugs and don’t have sex.” She also makes William promise to be home by a certain date as well as; call her biweekly, not miss any tests, and attend his graduation ceremony. When she finally realizes she no longer controls the lives of her children, as they are growing up and becoming adults, she starts to get upset.
In summation, I think “Almost Famous” was a simply fantastic movie. It had a much more upbeat feel than any other movie we have watched. It was also very clear that there were some strong motivational themes that related well with what we were learning. I would recommend this movie to any one of my friends who is looking for a movie that has strong themes of motivation, as well has a great soundtrack and a fantastic cast. From start to finish, this move certainly proved itself in my opinion.
Terms: Self-actualization, holism, inherent developmental striving, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (physiological, safety and security, love and belongingness, esteem, self-actualization), incongruence, congruence, need for control.
There seemed to be a lot of emotion shown throughout the movie of "Almost Famous". Most of it was shown through the main characters of William, Penny, and Russel, but in the beginning, William's sister, Anita, also showed great emotion when she decided to leave and move away from her mother because she wanted to be on her own and not under her mom's watch all the time. Anita was very holistic in her decision to move out. She felt that this was the not the life she wanted, and she wanted more for herself. She had a "broken" view of herself in which the image of her ideal self did not match the image of her actual self. In order to complete this image she had of herself, she felt that she had to move somewhere else and become a stewardess. Be holistic is wanting what is best for yourself and your well being, and she thought that is what was best for her at that time.
Both Anita and William also experienced positive psychology. They both envisioned "the good life" for themselves and they wanted to experience it as well. For Anita, the good life meant moving away, and for William, it meant fulfilling his dreams of becoming a rock journalist. Much of what drove William to become better at what he writes was through feedback of his friend Lester. Lester was giving him advice throughout the movie, and it seemed that if William had any questions about what he should write, he would go talk to Lester. William also gained feedback through the Rolling Stones editor. When he first saw what he could write, he gave him positive feedback about his stories. Once he turned in his story about Stillwater, he first gave positive feedback, but then also gave negative feedback when he believed that he had made the whole thing up. William received lots of feedback throughout the movie, even feedback from the band members of Stillwater.
When the band was on the plane and they began arguing, all of the band members developed a sense of self-actualization. They each decided in their own minds that they could no longer be dependent on each other, and they thought it would be best if they all just went their seperate ways. They decided they needed to achieve their need for autonomy by branching off and being independent instead of being dependent on each other.
Basic emotions were also shown throughout the movie. William felt both anger and sadness when he got the call from Rolling Stones saying that the band members denied everything that he wrote. William also felt sadness when him and Penny had to leave each other, and maybe a little anger as well when he discovered that Russel was into her also. Happiness was achieved when Russel arrived at William's house, and he finally got the interview he wanted out of Russel in the last couple of minutes.
In conclusion, Almost Famous was a great movie filled with emotion and emotion combined. It really shows the motivation that one has to have if they want to achieve their dreams someday. William was very motivated to become a rock journalist as it was his life-long dream; so motivated that he toured the country with an up and coming band so that he could write a full cover story on them!
Terms: Holism, positive psychology, feedback, positive feedback, negative feedback, self-actualization, autonomy.
I really enjoyed watching the movie, “Almost Famous.” This movie was full of drama and excitement. While watching the movie I noted various motivational terms that relate to what we are learning in this class.
At the beginning of the movie, viewers watch as William Miller’s older sister left their home in search of a new life. Her behavior demonstrated her strong need for autonomy. According to Johnmarshall Reeve, autonomy is the decision of how we want to spend our time and effort. Reeve’s states, “We desire choice and decision making flexibility” (p. 145). William’s sister was tired to being told what to do by her mother, so she decided to make her own choices and follow her deepest desires. During the scene when William’s sister was saying her goodbyes, she leaned toward him and whispered, “Look under your bed, it will set you free.” It didn’t take long for him to find his sister’s box of music. William’s began to discover a stronger need for autonomy as well. At this time, I noted that William begins to exemplify holism. In fact, he begins to understand his personal growth and self-actualization. According to Reeve, holism is the discovery of one’s human potential (p. 420).
William seemed to demonstrate Reeve’s description of self-actualization. In the textbook, Reeve states, “The two fundamental directions that characterize self-actualization as a process are autonomy and openness to experience” (p. 421). In the movie, viewers watch William following his dream to be a journalist demonstrating his autonomy. I noted that William demonstrated openness when he creates friendships with the members of the rock band, Stillwater. Reeve describes openness as when “One leaves behind timidity and defensive appraisals and moves toward greater mindfulness, the courage to create, and realistic appraisals” (p. 421). William left his mother at home, as he joined the rock band on tour. Everyone on tour seemed to depend on one another. The dependency among the band members created more self-actualization and autonomy for everyone involved. Even Penny Lane, a groupie that traveled with the band, demonstrated a higher need for autonomy and self-actualization as she described her aspirations of living in Morocco.
In chapter fifteen, Reeve states six behaviors that encourage self-actualization. These behaviors include: make growth choices, be honest, situationally position yourself for peak experiences, give up defensiveness, let the self emerge, be open to experience (p 425). An example in the movie that relates to “make growth choices” is William’s movement toward self-actualization. It seemed difficult for him to think about leaving his mother, but William chose to follow his own desire. Next, an example from the movie that comes to mind relating to “be honest” is the scene where William’s mother drops him off at a concert and yells, “Don’t do drugs.” She spoke very honestly and strongly against drugs and alcohol, only trying to protect her son. An example for “situationally position yourself for peak experience” would be that William used his talented writing to become acquaintance with the Stillwater band members. William’s talented writing led him be assigned to write for Rolling Stone Magazine. In addition, the behavior “give up defensiveness” was demonstrated as I noticed William began to take his journal writing more seriously after being asked to write the article for Rolling Stone Magazine. Viewers see his anticipation when he learns about the exciting invitation to be featured, but his seriousness in creating the article became more evident at the end of the movie. The talented writing and creative words became his own. Also, the “let the self emerge” behavior was exemplified as viewers watched William physically separate from his mother while he was traveling with the band. His personal interests led him to emerge and look to others to form friendships. Finally, the behavior “be open to experience” is evident throughout the entire movie. The rock band tour experience was a totally different element that William had ever experienced before. However, William was not shy. In fact, it seemed that he took every opportunity to learn about everyone and to fulfill his journalism dream.
There were numerous scenes in this movie that related to the topics and have learned about in our class. Overall, I thought this was a good movie!
The terms used were: autonomy, holism, self-actualization, openness, six behaviors that encourage self-actualization.
I enjoyed Almost Famous so much more than any of the other movies we watched for class. Not that I hated any of the movies, Almost Famous was just much more happy and not focused on sad and depressing things. The first term I connected to the movie is holism. I think William and Penny are both good examples of holism. Reeve states in the text that “it is the whole organism that is motivated rather than just some part of the organism.” This made me think of how passionate and motivated William was about writing a well written story on Stillwater. He completely immersed himself in their lifestyle in order to write the story for Rolling Stone. William discovered and developed his human potential when he toured with the band. Penny Lane is another example of holism because she did the same thing as William, except her passion and motivation came from Stillwater, specifically Russell whom she was in love with. She dedicated her life to them by following/touring with them.
The next term is positive psychology. Positive psychology is defined as seeking to articulate the vision of the good life and understand what makes life worth living. William demonstrated this by experiencing everything he experienced while he was with Stillwater. Coming from the strict home life he came from, pretty much everything he did while he was on tour was a first for him, even though he refrained from doing drugs like his mother told him. He experienced the whole entire rock lifestyle, which he never would have if he had not met Lester Bangs, went to the Black Sabbath concert, and persuaded Stillwater to let him come in with them. William experienced most of the positive emotions mentioned in the text such as enjoyment, hope, love, passion for work, self-determination, talent, creativity, etc. Positive psychology focuses attention on building personal strengths and competencies, which was William’s reasoning for going…to become a rock journalist. To succeed, people need to possess the characteristics I already mentioned and others…such as optimism, skill, perseverance, etc., which William did.
Self actualization is a term that fits perfectly in Almost Famous that William, as well as his sister Anita both exhibited. Self actualization is the process of leaving behind timidity, defensive appraisals, and a dependence on others that goes along with the process of moving toward courage to create, make realistic appraisals, and achieve autonomous self regulation. Anita shows this by leaving home. She finally decides that she can’t handle her mother’s obsession with making sure her children don’t listen to music, do drugs, or have sex. Anita is fed up with her mother’s overbearing attitudes and behaviors, so she decides to leave home and live her own life the way she wants. She desperately wants to be autonomous and not depend on her mother, so leaving home is the best thing for her to do. Anita shows her openness when she finally blows up at her mother and tells her that she is leaving. None of her feelings are repressed at that time. William also shows self actualization in the movie. He does this simply by leaving home at 15 and not depending on his mother for everything like he was used to. He left his life of being timid and always taken care of by his mother to a life of courageously pursuing a career he knew he was good at, journalism.
Maslow’s everyday behaviors for encouraging growth can be applied to Almost famous as well. These behaviors are make growth choices, be honest, situationally position yourself for peak experiences, give up defensiveness, let the self emerge, and be open to experience. William pretty much demonstrated all of these behaviors. He had to make many growth choices such as leaving home to tour with Stillwater and whether to write about everything he saw or leave things out to make the band look good. Being honest was very important in the movie. Lester Bangs stressed to William to always be honest and be unmerciful, William took his advice and was honest in his story. He definitely lets himself emerge because he is experimenting with his writing and is starting to realize how to be successful in journalism. He is kind of forced to be open to experience because he pretty much has to go along with whatever the band does. William shows his relatedness to others because he becomes emotionally connected and involved with the members of Stillwater and especially Penny Lane. Also by the end of the movie, the band, specifically Russell learns to respect William. I definitely enjoyed watching Almost Famous and will probably watch it again! I watched it on YouTube.
Terms: holism, positive psychology, self actualization, encouraging growth, relatedness, autonomy, openness
I enjoyed Almost Famous so much more than any of the other movies we watched for class. Not that I hated any of the movies, Almost Famous was just much more happy and not focused on sad and depressing things. The first term I connected to the movie is holism. I think William and Penny are both good examples of holism. Reeve states in the text that “it is the whole organism that is motivated rather than just some part of the organism.” This made me think of how passionate and motivated William was about writing a well written story on Stillwater. He completely immersed himself in their lifestyle in order to write the story for Rolling Stone. William discovered and developed his human potential when he toured with the band. Penny Lane is another example of holism because she did the same thing as William, except her passion and motivation came from Stillwater, specifically Russell whom she was in love with. She dedicated her life to them by following/touring with them.
The next term is positive psychology. Positive psychology is defined as seeking to articulate the vision of the good life and understand what makes life worth living. William demonstrated this by experiencing everything he experienced while he was with Stillwater. Coming from the strict home life he came from, pretty much everything he did while he was on tour was a first for him, even though he refrained from doing drugs like his mother told him. He experienced the whole entire rock lifestyle, which he never would have if he had not met Lester Bangs, went to the Black Sabbath concert, and persuaded Stillwater to let him come in with them. William experienced most of the positive emotions mentioned in the text such as enjoyment, hope, love, passion for work, self-determination, talent, creativity, etc. Positive psychology focuses attention on building personal strengths and competencies, which was William’s reasoning for going…to become a rock journalist. To succeed, people need to possess the characteristics I already mentioned and others…such as optimism, skill, perseverance, etc., which William did.
Self actualization is a term that fits perfectly in Almost Famous that William, as well as his sister Anita both exhibited. Self actualization is the process of leaving behind timidity, defensive appraisals, and a dependence on others that goes along with the process of moving toward courage to create, make realistic appraisals, and achieve autonomous self regulation. Anita shows this by leaving home. She finally decides that she can’t handle her mother’s obsession with making sure her children don’t listen to music, do drugs, or have sex. Anita is fed up with her mother’s overbearing attitudes and behaviors, so she decides to leave home and live her own life the way she wants. She desperately wants to be autonomous and not depend on her mother, so leaving home is the best thing for her to do. Anita shows her openness when she finally blows up at her mother and tells her that she is leaving. None of her feelings are repressed at that time. William also shows self actualization in the movie. He does this simply by leaving home at 15 and not depending on his mother for everything like he was used to. He left his life of being timid and always taken care of by his mother to a life of courageously pursuing a career he knew he was good at, journalism.
Maslow’s everyday behaviors for encouraging growth can be applied to Almost famous as well. These behaviors are make growth choices, be honest, situationally position yourself for peak experiences, give up defensiveness, let the self emerge, and be open to experience. William pretty much demonstrated all of these behaviors. He had to make many growth choices such as leaving home to tour with Stillwater and whether to write about everything he saw or leave things out to make the band look good. Being honest was very important in the movie. Lester Bangs stressed to William to always be honest and be unmerciful, William took his advice and was honest in his story. He definitely lets himself emerge because he is experimenting with his writing and is starting to realize how to be successful in journalism. He is kind of forced to be open to experience because he pretty much has to go along with whatever the band does. William shows his relatedness to others because he becomes emotionally connected and involved with the members of Stillwater and especially Penny Lane. Also by the end of the movie, the band, specifically Russell learns to respect William. I definitely enjoyed watching Almost Famous and will probably watch it again! I watched it on YouTube.
Terms: holism, positive psychology, self actualization, encouraging growth, relatedness, autonomy, openness
William Miller is a boy who simply wants to pursue his passion for becoming a rock journalist. Naive to it all, William sets out in pursuit of fulfilling his dream, not realizing the obstacles he would face. At such a young age, William had an extraordinary talent for writing and a determination and drive, landing him a deal with rolling stone and the opportunity to go on tour with Stillwater. Throughout William’s journey on tour, we see several aspects of motivation and emotion within himself, the band members and the individual’s he encounters.
The idea of humanistic psychology can be summed up as discovering human potential by encouraging its development (Reeve 2009). Growing up William had a very strict mother who stuck to rigid rules, such as the rejection of music, especially rock music as a means of sheltering her children from the realities of the world. William’s love for rock was discovered through the albums he was given by his sister who ran away when he was a teenager in order to escape the life her mother had set before her. Along with ther records, William discovers his love of music and journaling through a music critic whom he seeks out for advice. The critic tells Williams how it is and warns him of the realities of being a journalist. Being a writer for a newspaper, William recognizes his potential.
The advice of the critic throughout the movie provides him with encouragement as a developing writer. Self-actualization, an inherent development striving (Reeve, 2009) strengthens as William’s confidence increases with his experience with the band on the road. We see an autonomous individual, who defies what his mother says and does as he pleases, which is following his dream of becoming a rock and roll journalist. He is free to write whatever he pleases for the Rolling Stone. William becomes much more open to experiences while on the road with the band contributing to his self-actualization and autonomy.
Having self-worth is a key term William’s mom emphasizes throughout the movie. We see her passion for a fulfilling life through the words she speaks to her son and Russell, the lead singer of the band. The mom constantly tells William to not do drugs, as a means of looking out for him. She is consistently reminded by band members of her son’s talent and good character. While talking to Russell on the phone, William’s mother reassures him that it’s not to late to do good and be somebody. She instills worth and meaning within Russell. She provides hope and lets him know his purpose and value.
Interpersonal relationships are essential in our lives. One interpersonal relationship we see blossom is between William and Penny. Relationships such as this are constructive, helpful relationships that function in order to allow people to mature (Reeve 2009). We see a high sense of relatedness between the two individuals. The two share a connection; they respect and value one another. If it were not for William, Penny may have died from a drug overdose. Having a deep concern for Penny’s well-being after she received shocking news, William knew he needed to be there. As a result he sought help in order to save her life.
William’s life was dramatically changed concluding the tour with Stillwater. The growth we see in William as a person was encouraged through the various relationships William made and shared. The self worth of the three primary characters; William, Russell and Penny increases through various challenging experiences and relationships, a more positive outlook on their lives results. It goes to show how much we can grow and learn from others.
Terms used: humanistic psychology, self-actualization, autonomy, self worth, interpersonal relationships, relatedness, purpose, value and meaning
Almost Famous is a movie about a 15 year old boy, William who is hired by Rolling Stones magazine to follow the band Stillwater. William has grown up in a very strict household and has watched his older sister rebel against their mother. This movie has a wide variety of concepts from motivation and emotion. Specifically, chapter 15 in the textbook discusses growth motivation and positive psychology. Positive psychology is a new up and coming field in psychology. Its goal is to show what actions lead to experiences of well-being, to the development of positive individuals who are optimistic and resilient. The concept of self-actualization which is an inherent developmental striving is portrayed by William’s sister Anita at the beginning of the movie. Furthermore, it is a process of leaving behind timidity, defense appraisals and the dependence on others that is paired with the parallel process of moving toward courage to create, make realistic appraisals, and achieve autonomous self-regulation. Anita is tired of listening to the many rules her mother has made her live by including the type of music she’s allowed to listen to. Anita moves out when she turns 18 and plans on becoming a stewardess.
William also portrayed self-actualization to move closer toward his goals and dreams in life. He loved music and his sister helped remind him to continue pursuing those dreams. When William was asked to begin submitting writings while following the band Stillwater, they had no idea that he was a fifteen year old boy because he played it off during the phone conversations by lowering his voice. Throughout the movie, he was encouraged to grow as an adult. He was thrown into the partying and drug scene many times because he became close with the girls who followed the band around. The book discusses the six behaviors that encourage self-actualization. They include making growth choices, being honest, situationally position yourself for peak experience, giving up defensiveness, letting the self-emerge, and being open to experience. Another example from the movie where William showed that he was open to experience was when he lost his virginity. He was staying with the group of women and they wanted to show him a good time. Instead of speaking up and saying no, he went along with them. This may not have been the best decision because he was so young but it was a new experience for him.
Deficiency needs are also depicted throughout the movie. Deficiency needs are physiological disturbances and needs for safety, belongingness, and esteem. The need to belong comes through the movie when William is told that if and when he wants to leave, he should stay because they are his family. At the beginning of the movie William meets Penny who he becomes very close with. He becomes somewhat of a protector over her. At one point he is on a plane ride with the band members and the plane is experiencing a lot of turbulence and is making an emergency landing, but they feel like they may not make it out alive. The band members take that opportunity to get everything off their chest. In another scene they are playing poker and the guys bet the girls in exchange for beer. The next time William sees Penny he flat out tells her that the guys ‘sold’ her for beer. William wanted her to understand that the band members didn’t really think of her the way she thought of them.
Growth needs provide energy and direction to become what one is capable of becoming. William found out that his story for the Rolling Stone magazine was in the running for being the cover story. Learning this information and not being able to tell the band members, gave William the extra little nudge to fulfill the goal for himself. When it actually happened and he found out he got the cover story he was so proud and happy that he was able to reach that goal.
The band members of Stillwater show many signs of motivation throughout the movie. They seek feedback from their fans, more specifically the women that they hang around with. Penny made the statement at the beginning of the movie that they don’t sleep with the members, rather they try to be the stories and meaning behind their songs. The band members are also seeking love and belongingness. A couple of the members have girlfriends or are even married, but while being out on the road all the time, they seek out other relationships to attain that feeling that they are missing.
This movie was an enjoyable movie to watch. I had never seen it before and found it fun to find concepts from motivation and emotion throughout. Some of the movies we’ve watched this semester have been hard to sit through and watch but this movie wasn’t one of them. Almost Famous was a good example of growth motivation and positive psychology.
Terms: positive psychology, self-actualization, deficiency needs, growth needs, feedback
I had seen Almost Famous before, but seeing it again after learning new information from class made me look at the movie in a completely different way. I think the actors in this movie were great and well chosen. It was nice that this movie actually made sense and had more of a plot unlike Sid and Nancy.
The start of the movie got me thinking, what would happen if you treated a child older then he was and who was already ahead in school. Well for William it resulted in getting a head start on what he wanted in life. His adventure taught him a lot about life and people. He experienced things he would not have had until probably later in life. He wanted to try to make it in a job that was unique, rock journalist. While his interest started as situational interest since he was turned into rock by his sister who left him all of her records. His sister also encouraged him to live his life. She gave him a convincing rationale to do something just because you want to, not because it necessarily makes sense. Because of his interest in rock it increased his attention, knowledge and achievement.
A need that William wanted to achieve was autonomy. He was encouraged by this as well from his sister, Anita. Their mother was at first not very autonomy supportive and because of this Anita felt trapped, so she left. She also felt she didn’t have a communal relationship with their mother. She felt this way because their relationship seemed to not have relatedness because her mother was so controlling. Her mother wanted to push her in the right direction, but she did it in a way that misunderstanding of what Anita was going through. She didn’t use informational knowledge or really gave explanatory rationales other then what Anita liked was bad and would lead her down the wrong path. She was not autonomy supportive to Anita and because of it she lost her daughter.
So when William wanted to try to make it as a rock journalist she reluctantly let him do it with guidelines, so he would not lose it but the guidelines still were controlling and not autonomy supportive. She let him do it mainly because she learned from her past with Anita that it might cause him to run away and she did not want this she wanted to have a communal relationship with her son.
This movie provided many examples of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. Starting from the bottom of the hierarchy is physiological needs, an example of this is was when the band is arguing and a member could not focus on the argument because he wanted to go and get something to eat. His hunger took precedence over anything else. An example of safety and security is when William thought Russell was going to die from an overdose so he told everyone to stop giving him acid. Deficiency needs are needed in order for people to be alright. When William felt he wasn’t going to accomplish his assignment for Rolling Stone he panicked because he felt he would lose his esteem needs and even his security needs. This would further inhibit his growth.
Something that William did unknowingly is he encouraged his own growth. He made the choice to do something that was challenging. He was honest about everything that happened while on tour even if at first he wasn’t. He set himself up to experience peak experiences. An example of this is when he went to the party and Polexia told him he was really being used as an excuse for Penny. He realized there was more to people’s actions then what you think at first. He stopped being defensive when he realized he might not be able to do the piece for the Rolling Stone. He let his self emerge and acted how he wanted to and didn’t keep his feelings pent up just because it would be awkward to display in public. He also just let himself experience things just for the fun of it like partying with Russell even though he felt very uncomfortable by the situation.
William had optimism that everything would go right on the tour and he would be successful with his assignment. Because he felt optimistic this helped his well-being and enhanced his performance. It also gave him the sense that he was able to change things. Even though everything did not go as planned he was able to pick him self up thanks in part to Penney and he took this whole journey as a lesson in life. I guess this is what they mean in movie descriptions as a coming of age story.
I think this movie is a great pick for end of the semester because it it has many topics to choose from to discuss. I love some quotes from the movie for example: “You have to take what you want, when you can, while you can.”
M&E Terms:
interest, situational interest, relatedness, communal relationships, explanatory rational, autonomy supportive, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, physiological needs, safety and security needs, controlling, explanatory rationale, encouraging growth, optimism
Almost Famous is a great movie for showcasing the concepts of Chapter 15 in the main character, William Miller. Miller is a 15 year old high school senior who finds that the road to self-actualization can be hard. Miller first starts writing about rock and roll as a hobby for his school newspaper. He enjoys writing so much that he decides he wants to make it his career. This enjoyment can be explained by positive psychology. Writing is an area where he can show competence and meaning. He’s in his element (flow) when he’s working on writing a story. From the enjoyment and satisfaction he gets out of writing about music, we can see why he’s naturally inclined to want to write. Music is his other love, and combining the both gives Miller the best of both worlds. Self-actualization is a process that Miller goes through in the show. According to our textbook (Reeve, 2009) there are two directions that characterize self-actualization. These two directions are autonomy and openness to experience. Autonomy, in the book, is defined as the ability to “move away from heteronomy and toward an ever-increasing capacity to depend on one’s self and to regulate one’s own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.” Autonomy was pretty hard for Miller at first. Part of the reason was that his mother had a very hard time letting her son go. She would call him, tell him what to do, and leave messages for him. This was her way to try to hold him to her, despite her assertion that she didn’t want to do that. Miller finally had to realize that he was able to do what he wanted, and that gave him more confidence to be the person he wanted to be. I think the scene that best showed Miller’s autonomy was when he was walking with Penny Lane and they got into a fight. He told her, “I’m not sweet.” It was then that he realized that he didn’t have to be what everyone else wanted him to be, he had to be what he wanted to be. The other direction of self-actualization is openness to experience, which the book defines as “receiving information (including feelings) such that it is neither repressed, ignored, or filtered, nor distorted by wishes, fears, or past experiences.” I felt the best scene that showed Miller’s openness to experience was when Penny was sick, before the doctor got there to pump her stomach. He told her that he loved her. Once he made that leap, where he stopped repressing that feeling and told her, he realized that he could leave behind the old, shy, William and become totally the person he wanted to be. Both of these scenes culminate in the airplane scene. William accuses all of the bandmates of using Penny Lane and not caring at all about their fans. He tells them that while they were busy with Bob Dylan, he was busy saving Penny’s life, and that he loved her. I think, that in that moment, William Miller realized self-actualization. He left behind all his fears and timidity, and dependence on others and become instead someone who had courage to tell it like it was, make realistic appraisals, and he finally was able to achieve self-regulation. This led to other important self-regulations, like writing the truth about the band, and later, being able to forgive Russell and keep his friendship.
Terms I used: positive psychology, self-actualization, autonomy, openness to experience.
While watching “Almost Famous” I found a lot of motivation and emotion terms that relate to the movie, especially ones from chapter 15. The first term is positive psychology. William needed a different life and he wanted to become a rock journalist. While on tour with Stillwater he experienced a whole new life. He found what made him happy and what make life worth living. He realized that the good life was not the one spent touring with the band, but his life back home. He needed those experiences to help him figure that out.
Another term is self-actualization. This is a process of leaving behind timidity, defensive appraisals and a dependence on others that is paired with an achievement of autonomous self-regulation. Anita shows self-actualization when she realized that she doesn’t want to listen to or obey her mother’s rules any more. She figures out she can live a life without her mom so she leaves to become a stewardess and reach her full potential. She was able to leave behind her dependence on her mother and learn to live on her own and to become her own person. William also shows self-actualization while he is on tour with the band Stillwater. When he first goes on tour he plans on following his mom’s rules and plans to come home on time so he won’t miss any tests and will be there to graduate. We can see that she doesn’t make it back in time for either of these. As William stayed on the tour he was influenced by the band, Penny and Rolling Stones magazine to stay on longer than he was suppose too. So he disobeyed his mother and stayed on the tour longer. While he was on tour he was able to finish his story, which lead to it getting the front cover of the magazine and he was also able to experience a world that his mother would not allow him to experience. These experiences allowed him to grow as a person.
Autonomy was also showed in the movie. Anita shows autonomy when she leaves home. She is tired of listening to her mother’s rules and not being able to do certain things. She needs to become her own person and explore the world so she leaves home to live on her own. Penny also shows autonomy when she finally leaves the band. She had been touring with bands for so long that it had become her identity. After she left the band Stillwater she was able to become her own person and finally work on accomplishing her dreams, like going to Morocco.
Achievement played a part in this movie too. William, Anita, Penny and the band Stillwater all achieve something in this movie. William wants to be a rock journalist and at the end of the movie his story about Stillwater makes the front page of the Rolling Stone magazine. Anita left home to find herself and become a stewardess. At the end of the movie when she sees William in the airport we see that she is happy and is working as a stewardess. We also see that when she comes home she is happier and gets along better with her mother. Penny also achieved her dream or goal of going to Morocco. We see this at the end when she buys her plane ticket to Morocco. The band Stillwater wanted to become famous. They get the front cover of the Rolling Stone magazine because of William which helps them with their status. They were already on their way to become famous, and the magazine helped them even more.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has five parts. Starting from the top is self-actualization, esteem, love/belongingness, safety/security, and physiological needs. We see Penny go through all the stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. When Penny is drunk and then takes pills after she realized that truth about Russell. She then passes out and her health and well-being take priority over everything else. This would be her physiological need. William then talks care of Penny’s safety/security need by calling the doctor that pumps Penny’s stomach. He also stays with Penny until she is better to make sure nothing else happens to her. William then goes on to take care of Penny’s love/belongingness need. He does this when he hugs her, tells her he loves her tells her she can do better than Russell. William staying with Penny after her overdose also helps fulfils Penny’s need for belongingness. Then Penny fulfills her own need for esteem by not telling Russell where she is. When Russell calls her and wants to make up for hurting her she doesn’t tell him her address, but gives him William’s address instead. Another thing that helps with her need for esteem is when she buys her ticket to Morocco. This proves to Penny that the can follow her dreams. The last need, which is self-actualization, occurs when Penny buys her plane ticket to Morocco.
The next term is Holism. Penny is an example of this. Penny thought that she was in love with Russell and that he loved her too. Penny liked the life she was living and was not eager to change it. It was William who showed her that Russell didn’t care for her and that allowed her to leave the band and go to Morocco like she had wanted. Anita is another example of holism. Anita wanted what was best for her and her well-being and knew that living at home was not the best thing for her at that point in time. Anita moved out of her house to become a stewardess and live the life she wanted.
Feedback is the last term in the movie. William receives feedback from Lester throughout the movie. Lester first told William that his articles were good, that let William know he had talent. Lester also gave him advice and answered questions that William had. William also received feedback from the Rolling Stones editor. The first feedback from the editor came when they called William and wanted him to do a story on the band Stillwater. This showed that he was talented enough to write for the Rolling Stones magazine. He received feedback again when his story was on the front cover of the magazine.
Motivation and Emotion terms: Positive Psychology, self-actualization, autonomy, achievement, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, holism, feedback
After watching the movie, Almost Famous, I was able to relate topics from chapter fifteen to it. This movie also related to other major topics that I have learned throughout the semester. In my opinion, the main character, William Miller, shows that he struggles with what is known as holism. William has difficulties living life while combining his actual self and ideal self. It is apparent William’s mother is to blame for some of these struggles. She tries to make William be the perfect child who keeps his distance from every little thing that his mother feels is wrong or unmoral. William is unable to do that because of the lifestyle of people he follows around in order to compose a well written article. William is also unable to maintain a healthy id, ego, and superego because he cannot grow and mature while always fulfilling the expectations his mother demands of him.
One of the hardest steps William has to realize is that he has to make his own decisions and live life according to him instead of his mother. William’s mother hindered her son from maturing because she tried to protect him from everything in the world. Fortunately, William displayed a great amount of self-actualization. He decided he would attempt to be a confident journalist who relied on himself to become successful. Part of the process behind self-actualization is leaving behind shyness and a dependence on others and striving with courage to achieve self-regulation. In school, William was a shy student who depended on his mother. While touring with bands, William became an intelligent and confident journalist who made his own decisions.
Congruence can help motivate an individual to accept their personal characteristics, abilities, desires, and beliefs. Incongruence is the opposite and occurs when a person rejects their personal characteristics. One person who shows a lot of incongruity is character Penny Lane. Her entire life is based on the facade she has created. Her mask makes others publically aware that she follows famous bands around and enjoys attention. Sometimes strangers mistake her as a groupie because her façade is not entirely clear. Penny’s incongruity leads her to doubt herself and feel depressed. She is obviously in love with Russell, but since he has girlfriend she has to fake her feelings and ignore the emotions she has for him.
According to the textbook, I would say that William is a growth seeking individual while Penny is a validation seeking individual. William is moved by his personal motivations that strive for learning, improving, and personal potential. The movie shows that William wants to become a successful journalist and he feels a sense of progress once he is allowed backstage for the first time. He has a sense of worth when he is asked to travel with the band while they are on tour. Penny on the other hand bases her sense of worth on the relationships she shares with others. When her relationships suffer her feelings of worth, competence, and likeability suffer too. That can explain why she tries to kill herself after finding out Russell used Penny in a bet for a case of beer. It is obvious that Penny has a high need of relatedness. Even when she is not allowed to tour with the band she still goes to New York to meet the band on her own. This shows that Penny uses the band and Russell to satisfy her need for relatedness. Without the band she is lost and without Russell’s attention she feels hopeless because it is difficult to see if he cares about her or not.
Terms: Holism, self-actualization, congruence/incongruence, façade, growth seeking v. validation seeking, relatedness
Almost Famous follows William Miller's journey of writing and self-actualization while on tour with the band Stillwater.William's life starts in an environment of a strict mother who feels she is doing what is best for her children. Since she is a teacher, she thinks she has created an environment where they have freedom to learn. However her ideals limit self-actualization for her children by limiting their opprotunities for development of autonomy and openness. His mother doesn't allow rock music, kissing, or the commercialization of Christmas. Her children struggle with their own self-actualization because of her lack opennes to experiences. His mother tries to keep the two inline by using conditional regard. When his sister acts out and leaves to find her own path, her mother becomes distant and somewhat unloving. When Anita questions her mother as to why the same things were not done for her as for William, her mother says "you rejected my love." This reply seems to be projection because it seems obvious that Anita was rejected for her rebellion because it was not desired. Anita finally leaves to be a stewardess in order to have a life of her own away from her mother. William shows his self-actualization first by continuing to submit his high school articles to Creem magazine and eventually his writing catches the eye of Rolling Stones. By taking on the task to write for them, he is truly seeing what all he can be as a journalist. Even when William goes on tour she continues to have impose her conditions of worth onto him by constantly telling him "dont' do drugs," and reminding him of how he is going to pursue law eventually.
This parenting style is spoken of again briefly by Penny Lane about the expectations and belief her mother had raised her with (even naming her Lady Goodman with the hopes of her becoming a lady). The societal conditions of worth that her family probably raised her with are not what Penny wants for herself. This incongruence leads to the facade of Penny Lane. Although through most of the film this facade doesn't seem to be a mask, but actually he true self. However, when Penny states "never take it serious... never get hurt and always have fun" you can tell she is speaking from experience. We even see her fail at this later with her time with Russell. When she is traded by the band, she puts on the facade that she isn't hurt and tries to rationalize Russell's actions by asking "what kind of beer" as if the type would make her being used as an object acceptable.
The band is the same way with conditional regard. When Stillwater first meetings William, they call him the enemy and tell him to "f off." However they change their tune when he starts praising the work and each band members. Suddenly he is just another fan and their friend. However, once they find out he is writing for Rolling Stones, he becomes the enemy again. They feel that writing for Rolling Stones will make him defame them. They continue to let him tour and interview them and even party with them as a friend. Once the fact-checker informs the band of the contents of the article, William is again turned into the enemy. Lester Bangs warms him before he ever leaves about the hidden agendas of the bands and the magazines. Lester states "they'll buy you drinks, you'll meet girls, they'll try to fly you places for free, offer you drugs.I know it sounds great. But they are not your friends. These are people who want you to write sanctimonious stories about the genius of the rock stars."
The first time William meets Penny is an example of the difference between self-definition and social definition. He refers to the girls as "groupies." Which by social standards, that is exactly what they are (girls who follow bands around and give sexual pleasure). However, Penny and the other girls refer to themselves as "band aids," and are offended when called groupies. Since the girls are drawn by an internal love of the music, where as those who are "groupies" just want to be close to the fame.
Russell also struggles with his own self-actualization. He openly admits that he is musically past the other members of the band, but he just can't bring himself to leave. He is denying himself chances to grow and to reach his own potential of what he can be.While on the plane, Jefferey confronts him about this by stating "you have always acted better than the rest of us." This attitude between the two of them is present earlier in the movie when they fight over the position of power as front man.
Penny Lane is very optimistic through out it most of the circumstances. Optimism may be harmful according to the book, but it give people hope for their future. For her, her hope in her future is to go to Moroco. And at the end of the movie she finally reaches that goal.
terms: conditional regard, self-actualization,openness, optimism, social definition, self-definition, growth needs, rationalization, facade
Moalst famous was probably the best movie we have watched so far this year. The overall theme of the movie was happy and up beat, though there were some serious parts, and there where actually times when I laughed out loud which is something I have come to not expect from these movies. The music and the acting were both also awsome, over all I was a happy camper. The first several terms I identified were from the earlier chapters but as the movie progressed I found terms from the later chapters. The very first thing that struck me as the movie started was the difference in the need for autonomy between william and his sister. While William seemed content to do what he was told by his mother his sister was not. While the lay person would say she was rebelious someone from this class would describe her as having a high need for autonomy. While williams need for autona
“Almost Famous” is a movie about a lot of things, but at the forefront is Williams journey of self discovery, as he attempts to write the cover story for Rolling Stone.
William is only 15 years old, and about to graduate from high school. He is very intelligent, but is in many ways a stereotypical geek, and therefore not really liked at school. Despite his mother’s constant attempts to get him interested in law, he loves music, and starts to write articles and sends them to Lester Bangs, the editor of Creem magazine. Lester repeatedly tells William he isn’t cool, and says it is lame guys like them whose job it is to write about the cool rock stars. William acknowledges this, and Lester becomes his mentor.
William goes to see a Black Sabbath concert, and then things start to change for him. Despite his apparent ‘uncoolness’, Penny Lane decides to be his friend. Penny is a groupie (of sorts) and basically knows everyone worth knowing. She tries to help William get backstage, but eventually he gets in due to some smooth talking with the band Stillwater. Though William continues to view himself as kind of a loser, there is something about him the band likes, so they agree to let him come on tour with them to write an article for Rolling Stone. This sets up a very interesting situation, where viewers of the film can begin to see how members of the band are mostly whiny, weirdo losers even though to their fans they were rock gods. Conversely, William, who to all outward appearances is a loser, is able to stay calm in tense situations and always seems to say the right thing, making him much cooler than the guys he is following around. This is a great example of how social definition and self-definition can be at odds with each other.
William uses the experience of travelling around with the band as a growth opportunity. According to Maslow (and our textbook) there are six behaviors that encourage self-actualization. First, William makes growth choices. Going on tour with Stillwater was not the safe choice, but he took a risk and did it anyway, and very obviously matures and grows as a person throughout the film. Next, he is honest. The best example of this is during the almost airplane crash. He berates the band for the way they treated Penny and points out the hypocrisy of their philosophy and how they actually act. While this has very little impact on the band overall, it does change Russell, though not immediately. William really enjoys rock and roll music, so going on tour with the band was a great setup for him to have a peak experience. While this is not specifically discussed in the film, it is likely that it happened at some point. William is defensive when he first begins the tour, but as he begins to fit in more with the group, he is more able to let down his guard and just be himself. At first he tries to write the Rolling Stone story in a way that makes the band look good, but when the editors tell him his story sucks, he revises the whole thing and writes about his own personal experience (he lets himself emerge), and the story ends up being on the cover. Finally, William does everything he can on the tour. He really immerses himself in the culture of the band, and is very open to new experiences.
My favorite part of this movie, however, is William’s ridiculously neurotic mother. “Day in and day out, neurotics experience greater stress, more negative emotionality, and a steady stream of mood states such as anxiety, fear, and irritability,” (Reeve, 2009). Elaine is constantly worried that William will do drugs or get into some other type of trouble. Before he leaves, she makes him promise to call twice a day (which he never does) just to check in. Every other character who has contact with her (usually over the phone when she is trying to talk to William) generally reacts by saying “Your mom kind of freaked me out.” She is a psychology professor, and is so sick with worry at one point she has to stop teaching in the middle of class. Her overbearing nature has already caused a rift between Elaine and her daughter, and the general impression is that if she keeps it up she will drive William away too. When William and his sister return home near the end of the film, Elaine does seem to relax, even allowing Russell to enter her home and talk to William.
Terms used: social definition, self-definition, growth opportunity, self-actualization, peak experience, neroticism
"People who chose to devote their life to the pursuit of the American Dream suffer more psychological distress than others" The members of Stillwater were living a life of popularity, fame, and money. Their lifestyle began to wear on them after time and cause them distress. They argued about what everyone had done to eachoter and the band. They had secrets that they had to keep from eachother, their families, and their fans. After William gives Rolling Stone the article he had written on them, the band freaks out because they don't want the whole world reading the truths that he had exposed.
Self Actualization is the process of leaving behind timidity, defensive appraisals, and a dependence on others. It is paralleled by the process of moving toward courage to create, make realistic appraisals, and achieve autonomous self-regulation. In the movie, William shows self actualization. He is timid and does what his mother says and relies on her advice and opinion. As he gets older he gets interested in music and follows it as a journalist even though his mother disapproves because it would interfere with him becoming a lawyer. He leaves home to tour with Stillwater and write an article on them. He continues to go with them for a while after his mother kept calling. But he was still able to gain some autonomy by controlling his actions while being away from her for such a time. William knew that he wanted to write about music and that he could write something great if given the chance. He was able to realize his talents and potentials. It ended up with an average band making teh cover of Rolling Stone. Without his mom influencing his thoughts and information he gained more openness.
Deficiency Needs are physiological disturbances and needs for safety, belongingness, and esteem. Penny expereienced deficiency needs when Russell didn't bring her to New York with him. She lost her sense of belongingness which made her feel safe and have a high esteem. After dinner and Russell not acknowledging her, Penny went back to her room and took a substance. Doctors had to come pump it out of her stomach so she wouldn't die.
Conditioned Regard is shown in the movie as well. The mom socializes her children through creating internal compulsions. William always listened to his mom when he was young and she viewed him as the good child and showed him affection through out the movie. Her daughter was rebellious and had different ideas and values than her mother and therefore received less affection from her.
The band showed a control causality orientation because they relied on external guides. THey made decisions based on incentives, rewards, and social expectations/concerns. They felt pressured to get antoher manager if they ever really wanted to be big. The manager talked about how Mick Jagger, convincing them that all big bands needed one. At first they all had wanted to keep their original manager and continue to travel by bus because it wasn't about the money, it was about the fans. But they ended up giving in.
Relatedness is the need satisfying experience in which one feels emotionally connected to, interpersonally involved with, liked by, and respected by another person. Penny and William showed relatedness because they were interpersonally involved with eachother. They liked and respected eachother. Penny felt close enough to tell William her real name. She had never told Russell and had been following him for quite some time and she had only known William for a short time. William cared enough about Penny to leave the band dinner, chase her to her room, take care of her, and call a doctor to save her life.
The need for achievement is the desire to do well relative to a standard of excellence. Toward the end of the movie, Russell began to achieve being a better person. He tried to mend his relationship with Penny and helped William by telling Rolling Stone that all his comments were true. THe band went back to traveling by bus. When William asked him what he loved about music and he answered everything, where do I begin? instead of his earlier response of the chicks. After being in chaos for so long and almost dying in the plane, the band was energized to get back on track and focus on their music and fans like how they started out.
The band shows intrinsic motivation because when they started playing it was for fun and enjoyment. The members had a need to produce music because it was interesting to them and they were good at it.
Once the band became more known, they showed extrinsic motivation because they played for money and women and fame. They needed money to survive and get better equipment for their shows.
Terms I used: Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, Need for Achievement, Relatedness, Control Causality Orientation, Conditioned Regard, Deficiency Needs, Openness, Autonomy, Self Actualization, Distress.
William Peach
Motivation and Emotion
The movie Almost Famous displays a wide variety of emotions, some good and some bad. The more I watched the movie, however, it became evident that the section of our text entitled “The Problem Of Evil” (Reeve pp. 439-440) related itself nicely to the movie’s characters and central theme. That’s not to say that all the movie’s main characters and plotlines were evil. In fact, a wide variety of characters and plotlines are available for careful, if not tedious, nitpicking. The text actually describes evil very specifically as “the deliberate, voluntary, intentional infliction of painful suffering on another person without respect for his or her humanity or personhood” (Reeve p. 439). I’m not going to be as specific with my thoughts on what evil is, because honestly, doesn’t it ultimately get decided on by the individual?
For example, near the beginning of the movie, when William Miller meets the editor of Cream magazine(Lester Bangs), Bangs warns young Miller of the evils of Rock and Roll. Bangs gravely declares that rock and roll will become an “industry of cool.” I think he is making the argument that rock and roll is becoming less and less about the music and more about being a certain “rock” imagery. Also, I think he makes a good point. It’s easy to argue that when something becomes so superficial it has some evil tendencies.
Throughout the movie many situations, generally associated with evil, arise. Bangs offers Miller a job assignment which takes Miller to a rock concert. When he first meets the band Stillwater, they (opposing Bangs) describe the rock and roll critics, or journalists, as being evil or being “the enemy.” Which I thought was an interesting contradiction. Inside the dressing room of Stillwater, Miller takes notes as the lead singer of the band gushes about the vices that come in excess when in a successful band, I.e. “women, money, drugs.” These types of comments certainly make the singer appear to be extremely evil. It also plays into Bangs earlier comments on how rock and roll is doomed to turn into an “industry of cool.”
Miller attends more concerts, and spends more time with the band. In one of the more humorous scenes the band is delivered a box full of Stillwater t-shirts with their band picture on the front. It turns out that in the picture three, out of four, of the band mates have been blurred out in order to make the one certain band member stand out. I thought that the part of the scene that related to evil was the lead singer’s reaction to the appearance of the shirt. He seemed to feel that he was more attractive and therefore, more deserving, of being in focus. He actually didn’t seem to care at all that the other band mates were out of focus. He is very selfish and childish about the situation. Most people would tend to link such extreme jealousy and selfish behavior with the “evil side” of human beings.
Also, the text asks the question, “what if human nature is malevolent, selfish, and aggressive? What if human nature is evil, or at least partly evil” (Reeve p. 439). When considering the movie, it is easy to feel that human nature is partly evil. The band members seem pretty terrible, Miller’s family situation is kind of a mess, and rock and roll in general is becoming an “industry of cool.” Although, Miller manages to stay a sort of constant source of righteousness throughout the movie. He is almost always the voice of reason in about every situation. For example, When Russell ingests acid at the party Miller attempts to talk Russell out of jumping off the roof of the house into the swimming pool. Eventually however, Russell decides to jump of the roof of the house into the swimming pool.
Even though there's not a specific section on the psychological need of belongingness, it was still mentioned in our textbook. Belongingness is the need to have warm, interpersonal relationships. Throughout the movie, William had a high need for belongingness and struggled to satisfy it. He didn't really fit in at school or have any friends and this concerned him. He just really wanted to fit in, be considered cool, and to have a sense of belonging. Thanks to Penny, the other band-aids, and Stillwater, he was finally able to satisfy this need and feel like he actually belonged. The need for belongingness is also considered a deficiency need. William had a high need for belongingness because not having a sense of belonging inhibited his growth and actualization. So, once he satisfied this need, by becoming friends with Stillwater and the band-aids, he was able to grow and acquire some self-actualization.
Some external events are environmental sources of motivation that can bring about and direct behavior. For Anita, William's sister, their mother's parenting style was an environmental source of motivation. Their mother was very overprotective and banned many things from their house including rock 'n roll. Anita became fed up with their mother and her beliefs and decided to leave with her boyfriend. Their mother's parenting style motivated Anita to rebel and leave home.
The movie seemed to take on a humanistic perspective (based on humanistic psychology) especially in regards to William. The humanistic perspective deals with striving towards growth and self-realization and away from fakeness, self-concealment, and fulfilling the expectations of others. Being on the road with Stillwater and the band-aids, allowed William to learn more about himself (self-realization) and grow by being away from his mother and seeing the world in a sense. William also learned from Lester Bangs to be honest (no fakeness) and to do what he wanted to do. Lester also advised him to not become friends with the band and band-aids because they'd use him to further themselves (don't fulfill the expectations of others). Basically, Lester had a humanistic perspective because he strove to do/not do those things and wanted William to have the same perspective.
Russell never reached his full potential because he didn't have a supportive internal or external environment. He was a great musician who could've made it really big on his own but continued to stay with the band. It didn't seem like he had the guts to be on his own (nonsupportive internal environment). He also didn't have anybody telling him that he could become big on his own (nonsupportive external environment). He said he became part of the band to avoid personal responsibility. By avoiding the personal responsibilities that come with being on his own (solo musician) and remaining with the band, he wasn't able to grow and reach his full potential.
There are six behaviors that encourage self-actualization. Some of them are evident in William. One of the behaviors is to be honest. Lester told William to always be honest and he took that to heart. By being honest, he was able to grow and further himself in his aspiration to become a rock journalist. For example, when he tried getting in backstage to interview Black Sabbath, he was denied entry by everyone even Stillwater. However, once he told them that he really liked them and what they're doing with their music, he was able to get in backstage. So, by being honest, William was able to get in to get some good information to put in his article, thus, furthering his potential career. Being honest encouraged growth. Another behavior that encourages self-actualization (growth) is to let the self emerge. William listened to his own interest in rock 'n roll and his aspiration to become a rock journalist. He didn't look to others to tell him who to become. For example, his mother and Lester suggested he become a lawyer. He didn't listen to them and instead listened to his own interests and aspirations. So, by letting his self emerge, that encouraged him to grow. Another behavior that encourages self-actualization is to be open to experience. For example, William left home and skipped school to go on the road with Stillwater thanks to "Rolling Stone". He went to parties and allowed the band-aids to deflower him. He also opened himself up to Penny and Russell. Basically, he was spontaneous and open to new experiences. So, by being open to experience, that also encouraged him to grow.
Penny seemed to be a self-defined individual. Self-defined people are autonomous and maintain independence in their interpersonal relationships and social roles. This definitely describes Penny. She did her own thing and lived a pretty nontraditional life. In other words, she lived her life how she wanted to and accepted her internal definition of herself.
The relationship Lester had with William supported William's actualizing tendency. The relationship was a helpful and informational one that let William become more mature and more open to experience. Lester's helping involved letting William discover and be himself. For example, William always called Lester for help and advice and he was always willing to help him out. Lester told him to stay away from "Rolling Stone" and to not become friends with the rock stars. Even though William didn't heed his advice, Lester was still able to help him in a way. That is, William discovered himself the hard way by not heeding Lester's advice. He discovers that he remains uncool even after becoming friends with the rock stars since they befriended him to use him. Basically, Lester and William's helpful relationship supported Williams' actualizing tendency.
A discrepancy existed between William's present state and ideal state. His present state was that he was uncool, didn't feel like he ever belonged, and didn't have any friends. His ideal state was to become cool, feel like he belongs, and have friends. Since his present state didn't match his ideal state, a discrepancy existed. This discrepancy made him want to change his present state so that it would match his ideal state. To get rid of the discrepancy, he became friends with Stillwater and the band-aids. This allowed him to become cool, feel like he belongs, and have friends, thus, his present state now matched his ideal state.
Penny had a high need for autonomy. One scene that shows this was when she told William that she was going to New York for Russell. William told her that Russell didn't seem to want her to go to New York because his girlfriend would be there. She ignores that fact and goes to New York to see Russell anyway. This shows that Penny doesn't like being told what to do. Her behavior was autonomous since her wanting of Russell guided her decision to go to New York. Another scene that shows Penny's autonomy was when she was getting her plane ticket to Morocco. This shows that she does what she wants when she wants.
Overall, this movie was really good! I loved the storyline and the music that was played throughout the movie!
Terms that I used: belongingness, deficiency need, self-actualization, external events, humanistic psychology (perspective), growth (internal and external environment and potential), self-definition, actualizing tendency, discrepancy, present state, ideal state, and autonomy
Out of all the movies that we have watched this semester, “Almost Famous” was definitely my favorite. I enjoyed the fun, upbeat plot and quirky characters. While watching this film, I enjoyed seeing Will grow up and become more autonomous. In this movie I saw a very clear connection between William’s personal growth and concepts from chapter 15.
First of all, Will’s growth in this film really paralleled Maslow’s Need Hierarchy. In the beginning of the film we see how much William relies on his mother. As a child, Maslow would say that Will’s mother is fulfilling his needs for physiological, safety, and love. When Will’s sister Anita rejects their mother by telling her “Feck you” he stands by his mother and takes her side. If you ignore the five-level hierarchy and Maslow’s idea that age dictates the stages of needs (as our textbook advocates), then it is evident that throughout the movie Will acts out of a need to fulfill these deficiency needs, especially belongingness once he is on tour with the band (more on that in a bit).
As William grows up he begins to experience a need for actualization, which our textbook defines as “the source of that energy that motivates development ‘toward autonomy and away from heteronomy’ ” (p. 426). Even though his mother forbids him to listen to rock and roll, William does so anyways. In fact, he falls in love with the music and decides that he wants to write music reviews for a living. This example shows how Will has an autonomy causality orientation, because he openly admits that other kids think he is uncool, yet he writes movie reviews anyways because he enjoys it. This is also an example of how Will is growth-seeking, because he chooses to do something that he loves, even though his mother really wants him to be a lawyer. If Will were validation-seeking, he would not have listed to rock in the first place, because his mother disapproved of it.
Will continues to be motivated by his growth-seeking strivings throughout the movie. An example of this is when he accepts the offer from Rolling Stone to write an article for them, and suggests that he tour with Stillwater and write about the band. This is a big step for Will, because from the way his mother behaves it is evident that he has never been away from home for long periods of time. As our textbook points out, “the actualizing tendency motivates the individual to want to undertake new and challenging experiences” (p. 427). In an effort to continue to pursue his career goals and quest for autonomy Will jumps on this opportunity and embraces the chance to grow as a person.
During the tour Will gets caught up in the need to be a part of the band. He puts off his interview with Russell time and time again in an effort to satisfy his need for belonging. And Russell reciprocates by making Will feel like he is his friend. During one of the first times that Russell opens up to Will in Tempe, Az Russell says he is “telling secrets to the one person that you don’t tell secrets to (Will)”. Will tells him that they can do the interview tomorrow, and Russell responds by calling them friends. This interaction and many others where Russell sticks up for Will and says that he isn’t the band’s enemy makes it hard for Will to continue to be growth-seeking. Will begins seeking validation because he is the newby and he wants the band to like him. This gets in the way of his job, which was to write an article that discloses info about the band.
In the end of the movie, Will gets help from his friend Lester, who points out that Will has been seeking validation from the band, which is hindering his writing abilities. Lester tells him that “If you want to be a true friend to them, be honest, and unmerciful.” This advice serves Will well in the end, when he finally rejects his need for the band’s acceptance and writes a truthful piece about his experiences with them. By rejecting popularity, Will is able to begin growing as a writer again.
Will’s journey for actualization was very entertaining to watch and analyze. I enjoyed seeing him seek different needs from Maslow’s Hierarchy, as well as strive for opportunities for personal growth. This movie demonstrated how growth can motivate an individual to seek new challenges and autonomy, especially when that individual is motivated by a clingy, controlling mother like Will was. Ah, but that is a whole other issue.
Terms: Actualization, autonomy, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy, autonomy causality orientation, Validation-seeking, growth-seeking
Almost Famous has to be one of the premier rock n’ roll films of the last few decades showcasing the lifestyle of an up and coming rock band in the seventies. The story the film tells is remarkable in itself but the character depiction of William Miller is impossible not to love. Williams a tremendously bright individual you develops an affection for music through his sister. We find William as a 15 year old senior and mainly a loner. He finds his counterpart in rock journalist and head of Creem magazine Lester Bangs.
Self actualization is a process of leaving behind timidity, defensive appraisals, and a dependence on others and is paired with the process of moving towards autonomous behavior and self-regulation. Two fundamental directions that typify self-actualization are autonomy and openness to experience. Both work to relieve dependence on others and the ability to move towards great mindfulness and leave behind timidity. When we first see William at the Black Sabbath concert we perceive him as timid as he has his first interaction with Penny Lane. But by the end of the show and the end of the film we see William achieve self actualization. He’s much more open to new experience such as life on the road accompanying the band, sex, parties, hotel lifestyle, and the lifestyle of a working journalist. He really embraces the whole situation and becomes very independent at the mere age of 15. He gained autonomy as he left his mother’s watch and toured with the band. He was patrolling himself in one of the most high-risk situations imaginable. He was very autonomous as he was writing his own story for Rolling Stone magazine, making his own life decisions while being responsible, and in his growing perceptions of the band and Penny Lane.
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy includes; Self-Actualization Needs, Esteem Needs, Love and Belongingness Needs, Safety and Security Needs, and Physiological Needs. Self actualization Needs are included in the Growth Needs and Esteem, Love, Safety and Security, and Physiological Needs are included in the Deficiency Needs. People require deficiency needs because their absence inhibits growth and development. William was deficient in belonging and esteem. He was much younger than his peers and never fit in which lead to decrease in esteem having few friends. Although we never see these two being major issues. Growth needs propel individuals to fulfill personal potential. William had an immense amount of potential which his mother was worried he would waste if he embarked on his trip. But he knew he was an excellent writer and had an enormous opportunity given to him which he needed to fulfill. His growth needs were met by the end of the story; he wrote a story that had enveloped him for the past couple of months and it was what he wanted to write even though initially it was discredited.
Positive psychology looks at people’s mental health and the quality of their lives to ask “what could be”. It searches to build people’s strengths and competencies. Anita showed positive psychology and discrepancy when she was living and home and made the decision to move to San Francisco. She knew she was destined for more than the average life and was tired of being controlled and manipulated by her mother. She had a strong desire to rebel and was unhappy with her current state. She achieved her ideal state as she left home and became a stewardess. She knew she wanted to obtain independence and live on her own terms. Her mother was extremely neurotic and uptight which conflicted with Anita’s attitude towards life. Elaine was very conservative and restricting which didn’t seem to bother William as much. It drove Anita away and she felt like she drove William away when he left for the tour and wasn’t keeping in constant contact with her.
Neuroticism can lead to higher levels of stress, anxiety, fear, and more pessimistic emotions. Optimism on the other hand is a positive attitude that is associated with what one expects to happen in their life. Penny Lane is very optimistic in all aspects of her life. She sees positivity in her relationship with Russell, she’s always very eccentric and outgoing, she goes on tangents about adventures to Morocco as well as other destinations, and isn’t worried about what’s going to happen in the future as she holds the idea that everything will work out as it should.
Self-definition and social definition are personality processes related to how individuals conceptualize who they are; socially defined persons accept external definitions of who they are. Self-defined individuals resist external definitions and favor internal definitions of the self. William is perceived as a social defined individual and even discusses with Lester Bangs about how “uncool” they both are and that rock stars will treat you as a friend and as cool but that he should know better. He subscribes to the social expectation that he’s “uncool” and reiterates the fact several times to Penny Lane. Russell and Penny Lane on the other hand are self-defined individuals. Penny Lane is very free spirited and isn’t the least bit concerned with how she is perceived by others. As long as she’s pleased with her self and with the way she is living that’s all that matters. Russell does play for thousands of fans and is somewhat defined by his personal image he’s always done what he wanted and saw himself as a much better musician than the rest of his band mates. He isn’t influence by and band member, manager, or fan (besides Penny Lane).
Almost Famous was a great movie to watch and analyze. The main story lied within William’s self-actualization and growth through touring with the band. The diverse set of characters and unruly circumstances made it an easy task.
Terms used: Self-Actualization, Self-definition and Social-definition, Discrepancy, Positive Psychology, Neuroticism, Optimism, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy
Almost Famous was probably the best movie we have watched so far this year. The overall theme of the movie was happy and upbeat, though there were some serious parts, and there where actually times when I laughed out loud which is something I have come to not expect from these movies. The music and the acting were both also awesome, over all I was a happy camper. The first several terms I identified were from the earlier chapters but as the movie progressed I found terms from the later chapters.
The very first thing that struck me as the movie started was the difference in the need for autonomy between William and his sister. While William seemed content to do what he was told by his mother his sister was not. While the lay person would say she was rebellious someone from this class would describe her as having a high need for autonomy. While Williams need for autonomy starts out low it grows throughout the movie. His need for autonomy with his mother seemed consistently fairly low but with others, especially when rock journalism was involved, he showed a higher need for autonomy. William wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of his goal of becoming a rock journalist.
This is where goal setting was shown in this movie. When William’s sister left him all of her rock albums his love for writing merged with his new love for rock and roll and he set a goal for himself to become a rock journalist/critic. I think his idol at this point was Lester Bangs, famous rock journalist from his home town. William sent Lester articles from his school paper he writes for and when he meets Lester in person he gets his first feedback. Lester says William is a good writer and pays him to do and interview with Black Sabbath for experience. Though he doesn’t get that interview this is where he meets Penny Lane and the band Stillwater, setting into motion the rest of the movie. The article he wrote for Lester gets him noticed my Rolling Stone Magazine and they offer William $1,000 to write a piece for them. William uses his connection with Stillwater to write his piece. Throughout the movie they give him feedback that he was trustworthy and make him feel cool. Being cool was another of William’s goals. He was two years younger than all the kids in his grade and was picked on for this in combination with the fact that he was exceptionally smart. When his sister leaves home she kneels down, looks him in the eye, and says “one day you will be cool.” This is why he valued others feedback about his “coolness”, he had a goal to be cool.
Williams goal to be a cool rock journalist lead to two different kinds of motivation for his writing. In the beginning he was intrinsically motivated to write. He was not being paid and he said that it didn’t make the kids at school like him so he really had no reason to do it other than he liked it. After he begins to be paid for it, first by Lester with Cream Magazine and then with Ben from Rolling Stone Magazine, his motivation shifts from intrinsic motivation to extrinsic motivation because there was a reward for writing. If he wasn’t being paid however he would have probably been more relaxed throughout his trip with Stillwater.
I felt that the entire movie revolved around the process of William’s self-actualization. Self-actualization is part on an individuals’ developmental process or book describes as “. . . a process of leaving behind timidity, defensive appraisals, and a dependence on others . . .”, which was evident in Williams behavior throughout the movie. In the beginning he was very timid, probably due to his mother’s disapproval of rock, but his interactions with Lester gave him the confidence to go to a show as a journalist where he is just happy to be included. As the movie goes on however William becomes bolder with standing up to others. An example that sticks out in my mind is when he yells at the girls who ask him to take the laundry down with him. His self-actualization seems to be complete in the scene in the airplane when the all thought they were going to die (which was absolutely hilarious!) where he stands up to Russell about the way he treats Penny. He is no longer timid about his opinions but stands up boldly for what he believes.
At the end of the movie when William and Lester are talking after Stillwater told Rolling Stone he made everything up William says “I knew I wasn’t cool, even when I thought I was cool I knew I wasn’t cool.” This statement along with the sad emotion he is displaying is a product of the incongruence between his ideal self and his actual self. His Ideal self is a cool rock journalist but his actual self is a nerdy 15 years old. This is why the girls give him the nick name Opie, like the wholesome little boy Opie from the Andy Griffith show. That statement also shows that he is a self-defined individual even though while with the bands and Penny he seemed like more of a socially-defined individual. He is Self-defined because ultimately he knows he is not a cool guy that’s with the band, but a journalist who is not that cool, and the way the band and the girls act around him doesn’t change his mind.
Terms used: Autonomy, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Self-Actualization, Ideal Self, Actual Self, Incongruence, Self-Defined, Social-defined
I just realized that my blog got cut off and only a paragraph was actually posted. This is my full blog:
Almost Famous was probably the best movie we have watched so far this year. The overall theme of the movie was happy and upbeat, though there were some serious parts, and there where actually times when I laughed out loud which is something I have come to not expect from these movies. The music and the acting were both also awesome, over all I was a happy camper. The first several terms I identified were from the earlier chapters but as the movie progressed I found terms from the later chapters.
The very first thing that struck me as the movie started was the difference in the need for autonomy between William and his sister. While William seemed content to do what he was told by his mother his sister was not. While the lay person would say she was rebellious someone from this class would describe her as having a high need for autonomy. While Williams need for autonomy starts out low it grows throughout the movie. His need for autonomy with his mother seemed consistently fairly low but with others, especially when rock journalism was involved, he showed a higher need for autonomy. William wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of his goal of becoming a rock journalist.
This is where goal setting was shown in this movie. When William’s sister left him all of her rock albums his love for writing merged with his new love for rock and roll and he set a goal for himself to become a rock journalist/critic. I think his idol at this point was Lester Bangs, famous rock journalist from his home town. William sent Lester articles from his school paper he writes for and when he meets Lester in person he gets his first feedback. Lester says William is a good writer and pays him to do and interview with Black Sabbath for experience. Though he doesn’t get that interview this is where he meets Penny Lane and the band Stillwater, setting into motion the rest of the movie. The article he wrote for Lester gets him noticed my Rolling Stone Magazine and they offer William $1,000 to write a piece for them. William uses his connection with Stillwater to write his piece. Throughout the movie they give him feedback that he was trustworthy and make him feel cool. Being cool was another of William’s goals. He was two years younger than all the kids in his grade and was picked on for this in combination with the fact that he was exceptionally smart. When his sister leaves home she kneels down, looks him in the eye, and says “one day you will be cool.” This is why he valued others feedback about his “coolness”, he had a goal to be cool.
Williams goal to be a cool rock journalist lead to two different kinds of motivation for his writing. In the beginning he was intrinsically motivated to write. He was not being paid and he said that it didn’t make the kids at school like him so he really had no reason to do it other than he liked it. After he begins to be paid for it, first by Lester with Cream Magazine and then with Ben from Rolling Stone Magazine, his motivation shifts from intrinsic motivation to extrinsic motivation because there was a reward for writing. If he wasn’t being paid however he would have probably been more relaxed throughout his trip with Stillwater.
I felt that the entire movie revolved around the process of William’s self-actualization. Self-actualization is part on an individuals’ developmental process or book describes as “. . . a process of leaving behind timidity, defensive appraisals, and a dependence on others . . .”, which was evident in Williams behavior throughout the movie. In the beginning he was very timid, probably due to his mother’s disapproval of rock, but his interactions with Lester gave him the confidence to go to a show as a journalist where he is just happy to be included. As the movie goes on however William becomes bolder with standing up to others. An example that sticks out in my mind is when he yells at the girls who ask him to take the laundry down with him. His self-actualization seems to be complete in the scene in the airplane when the all thought they were going to die (which was absolutely hilarious!) where he stands up to Russell about the way he treats Penny. He is no longer timid about his opinions but stands up boldly for what he believes.
At the end of the movie when William and Lester are talking after Stillwater told Rolling Stone he made everything up William says “I knew I wasn’t cool, even when I thought I was cool I knew I wasn’t cool.” This statement along with the sad emotion he is displaying is a product of the incongruence between his ideal self and his actual self. His Ideal self is a cool rock journalist but his actual self is a nerdy 15 years old. This is why the girls give him the nick name Opie, like the wholesome little boy Opie from the Andy Griffith show. That statement also shows that he is a self-defined individual even though while with the bands and Penny he seemed like more of a socially-defined individual. He is Self-defined because ultimately he knows he is not a cool guy that’s with the band, but a journalist who is not that cool, and the way the band and the girls act around him doesn’t change his mind.
Terms used: Autonomy, Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Self-Actualization, Ideal Self, Actual Self, Incongruence, Self-Defined, Social-defined
Almost Famous Chapter 15
From the beginning William’s mother has focused on the whole telling others that they can do better and still turn their lives around. The Holism focuses discovering Human potential and encouraging its development (Reeve, pg.420). Two things need to be done in order to achieve this; the first thing is to strive for growth and self-realization and second is to get away from self-concealment, and the pleasing and fulfilling of the expectations of others (Reeve, pg.420). Penny and Russel mainly connected to that, William at a point lost himself while trying to do his job but he remained true to himself. William’s sister and mother remained true to their selves also. Penny gave out her fake name and supposedly the “Band Aids” didn’t exploit their bodies and heart but she was really contradicting herself and when she almost died she fell out of love with Russel becoming her true self. Russel constantly lied to himself, like William have told the whole group during their flight in the end that he cares about Penny or his wife but he didn’t care about neither of them.
Positive Psychology
William’s mother was always using positive psychology on every person that she spoke with. She did it with Russel through the phone telling him that he could do more and with her children, while in the car she told her son that he was genius and to her daughter that she loves her. The Band’s manager also used positive psychology on Russel while he was on acid to get him under control. Positive psychology seeks to make people stronger and more productive, and positive psychology seeks to actualize the human potential in all of us (Reeve, 421).
During the plane incident, everyone was getting the courage and putting down their defenses and being open before (so they though) they crash and die. One member of the band yelled that he was gay, two that slept with the ex-girlfriend of the manager, the new manager that did a hit and run, and Leslie and the other band member that slept together, Russel did not really admit what he has done wrong but did tell everyone that he loved them and finally William told them all how it really was.
Terms used: Self-Actualization, positive psychology, Holism, productive,open, encouraging, stronger, defense, fulfillment and strive for growth.
William's mother, Elaine, socializes his sister and him in a private world detached from, and devaluing of, mainstream culture's hedonic approachto life. Popular culture to Elaine symbolized the unclean, unfulfilling approach, opposite the structured, seemingly manageable lifestyle she provided for her and her kids. However, her overemphasis on education and denial of creative development manifest in conditional regard for traditional pathways of social mobility and utter rejection of other means is apparent from scene one (or two). Neglecting her children of a "normal" childhood, she chooses instead to rationalize the logic underlying her behavior and share her "insight" with them. As opposed to allowing her children to develop personal meaning in their own lives, she fabricated their identities to a mold in her own ideal image. Discovery and accomplishment were to flow from these rigidly constructed archetypes. In her own expectations, personal striving was reduced to the self-actualization of conditions of worth she had imposed on the children.
Part of William’s emergence of self relates to his advancement in the school system because there is “too much padding in the grades” according to his mother; he learns at age twelve he is in fact eleven. This explains so much: why he does not need a comb for his upper lip; why his peers call him a narc; ultimately, the robbery of his adolescent years. Lucky for him, “adolescence is [only] a marketing tool,” his mother reassures. The need for positive regard is only realized among his mother and sister. Crediting rock and roll solely with its relationship to drugs and promiscuous sex, Elaine saw her "cliff notes" on how to live life as the socially defined way to well-being. The "no environment" was fashioned to teach the children all of the things she had learned over her lifetime in an attempt to help them avoid such unnecessary obstacles along the way: she did not realize this was all a part of the process, part of the journey on the way to discovery and accomplishment. Her impositions of purpose, values, and efficacy on her children—paired with conditional regard as a socialization strategy—largely worked to undermine the personal control she had exercised over them in their youths. While William largely internalized the values and efficacy through integrated regulation, existentially speaking he was searching for meaning beyond the proscribed pursuit of practicing law. Though his mother half-heartedly encouraged his growth as a journalist, the musically fashioned environment his sister fostered prior to her exodus pushed him towards searching for eudaimonic well-being.
Elaine’s parentally defined conditions of worth reduced William’s strivings to a saturated education-sponge; nose deep in the classics, retaining his naiveté appeased his mother, his eventual occupational prestige even more so. Along these lines, not doing drugs was also central to Elaine’s strivings for Little Willy. In such environs, the conditions were such as to push William away from the self and towards the external, away from the actualization tendency—the forward thrust of life. The motivational conflict arising within William’s identity was made ostensible in the phone tag and limited contact he and his mother "enjoyed" while touring; he had to journey elsewhere for a more supporting environment for his personal strivings to materialize.
Upon meeting Lester Bangs, and showing up in time for the “death rattle” of rock n’ roll, William begins to understand how branching out to new relationships will support this actualizing tendency. Bangs informs him of his honest face before telling William that nothing about him is controversial. At any rate, the initial extrinsic motivation of 35 bucks for a thousand “honest and unmerciful words” does little to undermine William's intrinsic motivation. Getting through the first show, “Oppy” meets Penny and quickly gains rapport with Stillwater. Instead of gaining privy to an interview in the beginning, William takes on the role of Russell's therapist/mentee/friend as he struggles with his perceived lack of band talent surrounding him. Through helping others the fifteen year old gains maturity (some of this may stem from the deflowering experience as well), at one point he becomes better integrated into the band than its own members, and he is more open to experience as a result. With Penny’s help, he begins introjective regulation of his “coolness”. Though he is cast as the enemy throughout, the band develops increasing relatedness to William, especially Russell. The journalist becomes a good citizen of the road, yet he is always listening. The emotional connection to the band increases largely unabated until Penny Lane is sold off as livestock. He is involved, respected, and valued by other(s) more than they ever realize: he is the intermediary between the band and the cover of the Rolling Stone. His unfaltering presence is exemplified in Russell’s dismissal of an interview: “go away I’m in too truthful a mood.”
Out on the road, William’s self-initiated freedom to learn is apparent in his countless, seemingly meaningless post-it notes and his ability to separate himself from the vices of life on the road; like the band, he is solely responsible for the writing process and ensuring a desirable outcome. As a touring adolescent, cooperation within the context of his peer group (the band) is essential to gaining interview access. He is much more than a journalist, as he proves when he and Russell check out a fan’s house party. Russell enjoys a few too many hits of acid and William becomes his babysitter.
Though William employs autonomy as his causality orientation, the band seems to govern itself with control-based causality; in the same vein, William is growth-seeking while the band is validation-seeking in their personal strivings. The young journalist does everything in his power, after countless rejections by Russell, to conduct a meaningful interview, a real think piece; his personal strivings are related to learning , improving, and reaching his personal potential as a journalist and an intimate being. Situations and opportunities for personal growth are not confined to writing, they also surface in relationship development and exploration of the unknown in fashioning his own self-identity. Learning and self-improvements accompany him as he patiently follows the mid-level band and its journey to stardom; a sense of progress revives his efforts as he writes through the night upon arrival in San Francisco.
Conversely, the band is increasingly concerned with behavioral incentives (i.e. sold out shows, ganja and girls) and meeting social expectations; simply put, the band just wants to be portrayed as looking cool. Validation seeking characterizes the interactions of band members, critics, managers, band-aids, and the rock and roll public. Interpersonal situations are always used to measure personal worth, competence or likeability in relation to the social yardstick, Russell. Yet, William and the band are both forced to confront the pressures to comply with the demands of what should be done. Whereas Stillwater adheres to imposed social definitions of themselves William's favoring of self definitions privilege him into more autonomy and independence in his actions--minus his brief laundry duties; this also explains his decisive and successful goal-oriented actions and subsequent outcomes. He is constantly working towards something larger than himself; the band internalizes his "taking notes with his eyes" as a threat to their existence will failing to understand that individual sentiments and secrets within the group would cause their temporary demise.
Stillwater is merely a facade: there is no consensus on the reality of their individual, perceived abilities, desires, characteristics, and beliefs. No one is on the same page; the band is a back-stabbing dead end with a manager to manage their original manager. Though the band will regroup, William is already two steps ahead: he has attained self-actualization; first of all, through his incessant developmental striving--he has experienced the nuances of "the good life". Much to his mother's delight his achieving of autonomous self-regulation saves him from the bitterness and petty bull shit which serves to undermine group cohesion (i.e. drugs and alcohol as sustenance). As he becomes related to, and intimate with Lady Goodmen his autonomy and openness are delved into and assigned significant meaning . William has become the existentialist of eudaimonic meaning seeking challenges, fully engaged, and experiencing FLOW as he and Russell sit down for one last interview.
Terms: hedonic, conditional regard, pathways, rationalization, personal meaning, discovery and accomplishment, self-actualization, conditions of worth, positive regard. Purpose, values, efficacy, encouraging environment, personal strivings, actualization tendency, extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, introjected regulation, relatedness, self-initiated freedom, autonomy, control, growth-seeking, validation-seeking, self definitions, social definitions, facade, eudaimonic, engaged, FLOW
After joining up with the band Stillwater, William was quickly referred to as “The Enemy”. This was due to his status being socially defined by the rock scene. The members of the band had stated that media killed rock and that Rolling Stone magazine was a large part of its death. This definition greatly influenced his conception and allowed him to see how he was viewed in the eyes of a different population. He accepted this only to be partially true and took it in to consideration. He did not, however, accept this external definition as who he was. He accepted who he was by means of his self-definition. He defined himself as a curious individual seeking meaning through music, not the enemy of music. The social definition of his role allowed him to create his self-definition based on his own personal beliefs and values. His positive and optimistic viewpoint allowed him to get Stillwater placed on the cover of Rolling Stone.
Although “The Enemy” reference remained throughout the film, his relatedness to others changed how he was viewed. William expressed his like for particular songs and offered appealing comments that sparked the interest of the band members. He displayed his great passion for music and related to the lives of the rock stars by discussing his life. Relaying the information about his mom not supporting rock music and his sister leaving the house because of her mom formed a relationship between him and the band members, particularly Russell. That part of the film showed that William was a growth seeking individual. This was due to his
continued strive for learning new information about music and his yearning to become a successful writer in order to reach his own personal potential. His likability and passion to know more about music guided his success.
Although William’s mom Elaine was viewed as a constraint in his sister’s life, she was the individual that enabled him the freedom to learn. She enabled him by allowing him to go to a concert to interview a band. After success working with Stillwater, he was asked to tour with the band. This request was contested by his mom but after he made strong arguments and compromised about missing no tests in school, she agreed to let him go. The agreement was that he would always notify her where he was and that he was not to do any drugs.
The band displayed aspects of positive psychology when they began working together at the end of the film. Although all of their confessions about their dark secrets caused problems, they worked them out together to continue to tour. During these confessions, it was revealed that the majority of the band had concluded that Russell was a validation-seeking individual who wished to prove himself constantly and wanted to be liked by everyone. Although it was important for the band to be liked, Russell was viewed as a selfish individual when he continually placed himself as the front man of the band. His striving for power was obvious and this led to discrepancies in how the band members viewed their individual roles. This discrepancy motivated each member to make a change and voice their negative opinions. The members used their criticism towards one another to strengthen the band and create high-quality relationships. These high-quality relationships allowed the band’s unity to be stronger than it had ever been. Forming unity resulted in optimistic thinking and general well-being for the group as a whole.
Earlier in the film, it was displayed that William had struggled throughout his life to find his place. He was two years behind every one in his class and often was depicted by himself. Observing his sister allowed his viewpoint to be broadened. He observed that she was not satisfied with her current life and often expressed it verbal. These verbal expressions of dissatisfaction allowed William to learn how people wish to change their present state of mind to an ideal state. After his sister left behind records for him to listen to, it was only a matter of time before they influenced his behavior. This behavior would lead him to use masterly learning skills. These skills soon transformed from listening skills to journalistic skills. He was acting on his own interest when he pursued a career in journalism and that intrinsic motivation allowed his work to be creative and engaging.
Terms used: discrepancy, optimism, positive psychology, freedom to learn, validation-seeking, social and self-definition, growth-seeking, relatedness, present state, ideal state, mastery learner
The movie Almost Famous was my favorite movie of the year for this class. I am glad to end on this note. While watching the movie after reading chapter 15, and the entire book, I watched the movie from a perspective which included what I have learned throughout the semester. It is interesting to think about how I watch movies differently now. I was able to pick out concepts from chapter 15. Furthermore, I picked out concepts from chapters 1, 3, 10, and 11.
The concepts I used from Ch 15 are, personal fulfillment, Humanistic psychology, Positive psychology, self-actualization, autonomy-oriented, relating to others in authentic ways, and interpersonal relationships. First, examples of personal fulfillment were present in the movie. The most obvious one to me is at the very end when it shows Penny leaving for Morocco. Next, there were also examples that jumped out to me that reminded me or humanistic-psychology. William saw potential in himself to be successful no matter what. He knew had potential and he was going to prove it. We also see examples of positive psych in the movie. The example that jumps out most to me is when William’s sister tells him, “One day you’ll be cool”. This to me tells William of what could be. Next, self-actualization is a concept that is evident throughout the movie. William learns to embrace who he is. There are times when he struggles with it, but throughout the movie he comes a long way. One example of this is when William had to accept his real age. He says, “This explains so much.” Another example of self-actualization is when they are in the hotel and William tells the girls “What am I to you”? At this point William has to accept that he really is not what he thinks he is to them. There is also a lack of self-actualization in Penny. She lacks embracing who she really is the whole movie; no one even knows her real name. Next, there are examples of autonomy-oriented things trough out the movie. One of these is when the guy tells William to be “Honest and unmerciful.” Another example of autonomy is when Russell tells William, “Write whatever you want”. There also examples of relating others in authentic ways. One example of this is when the Penny tells William “You’re one of us.” This implies to me that they are relating to each other in an authentic way. I also believe that there is another very good example of this when Russell tells the guy who wants to be their new manager, “It’s not about making money, it’s about making music and turning people on.” To me this means Russell is trying to connect with his fans in an authentic way. Finally, from chapter 15 the last concept that stuck out to me is interpersonal relationships. A very good example of this is when William tells Penny, “I love you”. The connection that is made between the two is shown when William is running in the airport alongside Penny’s airplane.
There are also concepts from chapter 11. Feelings are obviously played out through out the movie. There are both bad and good feelings present in the movie. There are bad feelings when William just wants to go home. There are also good feelings when everything is going right for the band. Expression of course are also very present throughout the movie.
Concepts from chapter 10 are present throughout the movie. The concept that stuck out to me the most from this chapter is identity. William finds his identity early on in the movie, as “the Journalist”. Then William picks up the nickname as “the enemy”, which he embraces. There is also an example of identity with Nick, who is “The Lezplin fan”. The last concept from this chapter that I noticed was self-regulation. The example of this that sticks out to me is at the end when Williams’s sister tells him, “Your living your life, you’re free from mom.”
The final example from the book comes from chapter 3. The example I would like to talk about is Dopamine. Anytime any movie has drugs involved, dopamine is bound to play a factor. When Russell I on drugs he says, “He is taking notes with his eyes.” Russell also tells everyone, “you’re real” when he is at the party. That was an example of dopamine.
The concepts I used form the book are, personal fulfillment, Humanistic psychology, Positive psychology, self-actualization, autonomy-oriented, relating to others in authentic ways, and interpersonal relationships, feelings, expression, identity, and dopamine.
Almost Famous was an awesome movie and one of my personal favorites by far. There were many emotions shown in this movie shown by William, Anita, Penny and Russell. There were other people that showed emotion as well but these were among the prominent ones.
Emotion is derived from feelings, bodily arousal, sense of purpose, and social-expressiveness. Feelings are that of subjective experience, phenomenological awareness, and cognition. Anita showed strong feelings of discontentment toward her mother in the beginning of the movie because she felt she was being oppressed in her home. She had an understanding of why she felt that why because she stated “I am a yes person and you a raising me in a no environment” You could see that her body was aroused by her movements; stomping around, storming off and you could see by her facial expressions that she was upset. The purposive component to her emotions was when she decided to leave due to her mom’s oppression and Anita’s feelings toward her. In accordance with Anita leaving the house and displays of emotion, she also showed a great deal of autonomous related behavior. Autonomy is the decision of how we want to spend our time and effort. Anita decided she no longer wanted to live the way her mom wanted her to live and made a very big decision to leave the house and make something of herself. As she was leaving she told William to look underneath his bed because it would set him free. As he did he found some of her old records which started to increase his autonomy which eventually led to him leaving and going out on an adventure of his own.
William after he left his mother’s house and was traveling with Stillwater, he showed a great deal of self-actualization which is the process by which we integrate autonomy and openness to experience into our behavior and allow those components to direct it. William really wanted to be a journalist and was a very smart kid. He left home and let his wants and openness to new experiences direct him as he traveled with Stillwater. He showed openness through creating new friendships with many different people on the road as well as creating a new view of himself. Other people in the movie also demonstrated a higher need for autonomy. One being Penny Lane as she expressed her aspirations to move to Morocco and live on her own for a year.
Characters in the movie also demonstrated Positive Psychology. Positive psychology is defined as seeking to articulate the vision of the good life and understand what makes life worth living. All throughout his life William’s mother dictated what he did. After he left home and traveled with still water, everything he encountered was pretty much a first for him. He never had had sex, done drugs, or really left home for an extended period of time. He experienced love, hope, talent and creativity which are most of the positive emotions. Positive psychology focuses on building personal strengths which is exactly what William did. He developed a sense of himself and grew into someone different and more positive than before. He fulfilled his dream of becoming a journalist and did great work for the rolling stones magazine.
All in all this movie was a fun one to watch; very different from the others we’ve been watching all semester long. I rented this movie and ended up buying it so I could have it to watch anytime I wanted. Terms I used for this assignment were Positive Psychology, Autonomy, Positive Emotions, Emotions, Feelings, Self-Actualization, and Openness to Experience.