Hustle and Flow


This movie has concepts from Chapters 8 & 9.  You may use concepts from other chapters, but your focus should be on those two chapters.

Watch the movie. Take notes.

Next, write your comment. Your comment does not need to provide an overview of the movie (we have all seen it). Your comment should be an in-depth analysis of one or more principles from your text. You should use scenes and characters to provide examples of textbook concepts. Your comment should reflect that you are in an upper division, university level Motivation and Emotion course and clearly link elements from the movie to the textbook. Some of your comments last time for Ray were far too short. I think you know who you are. This is a comprehensive assignment (linking course lectures, textbook, and the movie) and you cannot do that in just a few short paragraphs.

BE SPECIFIC. No more saying 'she's motivated' need to use correct terminology from the text. At the bottom of your comment, please put a list of the ME terms you used.


Hustle and Flow was a good movie. I do not like rap but it was really interesting to see how DJay heard the music in his head and from there wrote the words. It was different from the previous movies because it was not based off of a real person. While it was playing I kept seeing many examples of motivation and emotion terms from chapter nine in our textbook.
Right away in the movie we see Nola and DJay becoming dissatisfied with the life that working the streets had to offer them. DJay decided that music was the way he wanted to go. Through this we see that DJay’s efficacy and outcome expectations were fairly high. They both must be high in order for behavior to be goal directed. DJay knew he would be able to produce music because he constantly had a beat in his head. What he was questioning was his outcome expectation, wondering if what he would do would work. When he randomly ran into his friend from high school that records music his outcome expectation rose. That gave him the courage to talk to his friend about doing his music. In Nola’s case her efficacy and outcome expectations were low until the end of the movie. After DJay made her say that she was in charge after he was arrested, and made her promise to get his music out there, her expectancies rose. Her self-confidence grew and she knew she could get his music out there. She knew her outcome expectation would work. Nola used her seduction techniques to get the DJs to play DJay’s music.
Self-efficacy is a broad topic that covers a lot of the events that occurred in Hustle and Flow. DJay believed in himself and in his music. He knew he had the skills needed to make it big. He knew with the right equipment and people to help him he could use his skills to his full advantage. DJay’s self-efficacy beliefs were formed from various things. There are four categories of how self-efficacy beliefs are formed and each one of them applies to DJay’s ad Nola’s cases.
The individual’s personal history forms self-efficacy beliefs. Of the four, the personal history is the most influential. From the movie we do not know DJay’s personal history when it came to making music. We do not know if he had attempted to do it before. I would guess that he had, because he was so eager to jump into it after receiving the keyboard. The movie does not describe much about Nola’s personal history either. We do know that she never really had taken charge of her own life until the end of the movie when she became in charge. That is when her self-efficacy rose significantly.
Observations of others can form self-efficacy beliefs as well. DJay watched Skinny Black, a man from Memphis as well get famous in hip-hop music. He observed that happening and decided if Skinny could do it then he could to. Nola observed DJay being in charge of his life, which made her want to take charge of her own life. After DJay made her do sexual favors for a man so he could get a microphone she decided she was in charge of her life. Her efficacy expectation became high because she knew she could take charge of her own life, what was lacking was her outcome expectation. She did not know how to take charge until the end of the movie.
Pep talks from people form self-efficacy beliefs. DJay’s friend from school and the guy they got to do sound for DJay really liked his stuff and they told him that. They also were very kind to the pregnant prostitute when she started singing for them. They told her she did great and that made her perceive herself as being important. That raised her self-efficacy. The verbal encouragement that was occurring at the time of the people trying to record the song It’s Hard out there for a Pimp provided the pregnant woman and DJay with enough self-confidence to push out their voice and record an awesome song. Nola received her pep talk from DJay as he was being arrested he made her tell him that she was in charge.
The fourth way that people can form self-efficacy beliefs is from physiological states. DJay could have been pessimistic about the music but instead he was pessimistic in his music. He used the hard circumstances of his life to create lyrics that tell people how it is and that many people in Memphis could relate to. Nola was shown crying when DJay made her perform sexual favors for a man. She yelled at him and told him she was done with that and that she had a say in what she did. This state of mind strengthened her to take control of her life and get DJay’s music on the radio.
Overall, this movie was made very well. It told a really great story that had a lot of motivational basis to it. Throughout the movie DJay’s efficacy and outcome expectations were high, they had to be in order for him to create his rap music. Nola’s expectations were not high until the end of the movie when she was told that she was in charge and she knew that if she did not do something DJay’s music would never get out there. Many different things formed Nola’s and DJay’s self-efficacy beliefs throughout their lives, some of which we do not see in the movie yet know happened because they are evident from the scenes that occurred in the movie.
Terms: efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, self-efficacy beliefs

Hustle and Flow was overall a pretty good movie. It was different from the other movies we have watched since it dealt with a fictional character. While watching this movie I noticed several motivation and emotion terms from chapters 8 and 9. Two common themes being goals and self-efficacy and the terms related to them.

We see in the beginning two people who are un-happy with the present state they are in. They are experiencing discrepancy. Rather than getting money from the work his prostitutes do for him, D Jay would much rather see himself as a rapper, much like Skinny Black, a local rapper. Nola even states that she wants something different and important in her life like everyone else. This is triggered through an encounter D Jay puts her through in order to get a better deal on microphones. The ideal state the two of these main characters face is what drives them to achieve their goals.

In order to get where he wanted to go, D Jay had to have goals and dreams. Beginning with the keyboard and then running into an old acquaintance, D Jay is provided with opportunities that encourage him to get started on his dream. In spite of difficulties along the way such as the lack of support from one of his prostitutes, or his encounter with Skinny landing him in jail, D Jay is faced with obstacles he must over overcome in order to make his music known. When faced with jail time, D Jay gives his prostitute the opportunity to take control for once and get his music out, which she successfully does in order to resume his lifelong goal of becoming known as a successful rapper.

In order to be fully confident you must receive feedback. We see a great deal of feedback through the two men that D Jay makes music with. Key, D Jay’s old school friend, who helps jump start D Jay’s passion, plays a large role in his success. Key makes it all possible through his support, and reluctance to give up on D Jay even when his marriage begins to fail. When pregnant Shug is brought into the picture to sing a part we see the feedback and support of D Jay. In order to get her to really be confident, D Jay gets in her face and let’s her know that she has more to offer getting her to sing more confidently. Shug thanks D Jay for giving her that opportunity later on in the movie. She stated that it made her feel important for once in her life.

In order to feel confident in situations that may not be so favoring, a person much have a strong sense of self efficacy. We see D Jay’s sense of self efficacy through his drive to succeed and become a rapper even when he was constantly being shot down by the prostitutes he was living with, one in particular. With a sense of power, D Jay felt capable of putting her back onto the streets, knowing that she would only bring down his dreams. He believed that he had what it took and he did.

From the start Nola had very low self-efficacy. Although D Jay encouraged her every now and then to believe in herself, he still had a power and control over life. After being placed in a situation against her will, Nola stood up for herself. This is one of the first examples where we see her desire to change. Her self- efficacy reached its peak after she was told by D Jay to take control and make her music known. He gave her the power, something she had never had since she lived a life of prostitution, where decisions were always made for her. She was finally given a sense of self and became her own person through going around to various radio stations to promote D Jays music.

From the start of Hustle and Flow, we see two struggling characters, just trying to get by and make money in order to pay their rent although it was morally wrong. By having goals, support, feedback and a strong sense of self efficacy, D Jay is able to make his music known, with the help of his prostitutes and Key.

Terms used: goals, self efficacy, discrepancy, present state, ideal state, drive, support, persisting, resuming, feedback, self efficacy and power.

I saw a lot of concepts from chapters 8 and 9 in Hustle and Flow, the first is discrepancy. D Jay and Nola both had many discrepancies shown in the movie. Some of these discrepancies are that presently they are poor, while the ideal state would be that they would have enough money to live comfortably (have air conditioning, being able to buy items for recording). For D Jay the present state toward the end of the movie was that his music was not on the radio, and the ideal state would be that his music was on the radio. This discrepancy was diminished at the end of the movie, thanks to Nola. D Jay showed discrepancy creation when he created the goal of recording and getting his song on the radio. D Jay and Nola tried getting the song on the radio so badly because they wanted a better life, and making it in the music business would definitely give them a better life. Nola shows her discrepancy when D Jay makes her perform sexual favors for a man in order to get the microphone he wanted. She state that she wanted something bigger and better in life than where she was at.
Feedback must be given in order for a person to enhance their performance. D Jay receives feedback from his old friend, Key. Key plays an important role in the movie because without him, the recording of D Jays music wouldn’t be possible. Key knows what he is doing, so when D Jay gets his approval, he is getting his feedback. Another example of feedback is when Shug starts singing her part in the song. She starts our singing softly but after Key makes it known that she is doing really well and D Jay tells her to give it all she has and to sing out…she does, and sounds amazing.
Reeve defines self efficiency as “a generative capacity in which the individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances he or she faces.” D Jay proves his self efficiency when he continues to pursue his rap career even when times are hard. He doesn’t have the best materials for recording, he has no professional training or help, and he doesn’t have the support of one of his “girls,” but he keeps trying and working hard toward his goal of getting his music on the radio. D Jay did what he had to do to make it, even if it wasn’t such a great thing to do, such as kick his one prostitute out on the streets and force Nola to perform sexual favors to get what he wanted. It seems like all the female characters in the movie had low self efficiency. Nola, Shug, and the other prostitute (I can’t remember her name) all demonstrated this. None of them had skills to cope with what was happening in their lives. Nola didn’t want to be a prostitute but she didn’t know how to get out of it, plus she didn’t want to let D Jay down. D Jay cared about Nola very much and encouraged her, but he was still controlling her every move, and she let him. D Jay controlled her until he got arrested when he finally gave Nola the power and control. He had her take charge and get his music on the radio. I can’t see how Shug would be happy about her husband being a pimp, but she dealt with it because she had to.
Of the sources of self efficiency explained in the book, vicarious experience happened, in a roundabout way. D Jay looked at how Skinny Black made it, and tried to mimic him and what he did. Seeing that Skinny Black, who came from the same place as D Jay, was able to make it gave D Jay the confidence that he could too.

Terms: discrepancy, present state, ideal state, discrepancy creation, feedback, self efficiency, vicarious experience

We first see in this movie two people who have a discrepancy between their present state and their ideal state. Nola and DJay are both unhappy with their present state in life. Their ideal state is what drives them to achieve their goals in life. Nola’s present state is being a prostitute and her ideal state is being something more. Nola is tired of being a prostitute. Nola states after having to perform sexual favors for the store owner that she wants something different. She says everyone else has something going for them except her. We see here that this is the point in to where she is ready to do something about her present state to make it more like her ideal state. DJay is tired of hustling and wants to become a rapper. We see this start to unfold when he buys a little piano. We also see another discrepancy toward the end of the movie, when DJay wants to songs to be on the radio. His ideal state is for his songs to be on the radio and for him to become a famous rapper. We see this discrepancy come to an end when Nola gets his songs on the radio, while he is in jail. We also see a discrepancy with Key. He is currently a sound engineer, but he wants to have his own record label. We see this discrepancy start to fade when he finds out DJay has talent.

We also see that goals play a part in the movie. DJay has a goal to become a rapper and have his music on the radio. He runs into Key, who helps him with this goal. DJay encounters many obstacles while trying to accomplish his goal. A major obstacle he faced was getting put in jail after beating up skinny. We see that even in handcuffs that his goal is still to get his music on the radio. We see this when he tells Nola to get his music out there. We see this goal of DJay’s start to form after he buys a little piano. After buying the piano he starts to find a beat and come up with raps and we see his goal start to form. He takes different steps to get to his goal. First he convinces Key to help him lay down a track. We also see him make Nola do things that she didn’t want to in order for him to get a new microphone. He also threw out a prostitute when he realizes that she is not supporting his goal of becoming a rapper. DJay does accomplish his goal when he hears from the guards that his song is on the radio.

Two characters in the movie really receive feedback. DJay receives feedback from Key. Key sees that DJay has talent and he lets him know that. He sets up a studio in his house in order to help him lay down some tracks and work toward his goal. Key shows his support for DJay throughout the movie. DJay also gives feedback to Shug after she helps him by singing a part in his song. At first Shug is just singing the part softly until DJay gets in her face and tells her she can do better that she needs to feel the music. After that we see Shug really sing the part and help make the song what it is. We also see the DJay receives support from Shelby, Shug and Nola. They give feedback to DJay just by helping him with his goal and by being there lets him know that they like what he is doing.

Next the movie shows self-efficacy. This is when an individual organized and orchestrates his/her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances he/she faces. DJay believed in his music and the words he raped. He continued to have the drive in him to become a rapper even though he keeps coming up against problems. DJay is tired of the life he is living and so he using his rap skills to improve his life. We see Nola’s self-efficacy increase after DJay made her perform sexual favors for the store owner. We see Nola stand up to DJay and therefore stand up for herself. Then after DJay is arrested he asks/tells Nola to get his music out on the radio. This gave Nola power, something she had never had before and allowed her to do great things. She used her power of seduction on the different radio DJ’s so they would play DJay’s music. Nola finally found a place for herself and something she was good at besides prostitution. We see that all of this really increased her self-efficacy.

Personal behavior history is the extent to which a person believes she/he can completely enact a particular course of action that stems from her/his personal history of trying to enact that course of action in the past. The movie does not tell us much about DJay’s past history with music. We do know that when he was a child he used to have one of the little piano’s that he bought off that guy. We see from that scene that even as a child, DJay had a love for music. We also know that his father died at an early age and he uses his father and his feelings of this death in one of his raps. We see here that part of his past helps him create a better future for himself by helping him accomplish is goal.

Vicarious experience involves observing a model enact the same course of action the performer is about to enact. DJay sees Skinny on TV and says that he wants to be like him. We see that DJay wants to lay down a rap before Skinny comes back to Memphis. DJay thinks that if Skinny can become a rapper than so can he. DJay knew he wanted to be like Skinny but is outcome expectation was lacking. He wasn’t sure that his raps would be good enough to impress Skinny when he was in town. DJay was hoping that by giving Skinny his tape that he would help him on the path to fame, but he wasn’t sure if it would work out this way.

Discrepancy, present state, ideal state, goal, feedback, self-efficacy, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, outcome expectation

Dee, Key, and Shelby each had their own present states and ideal states. All three of them perceived incongruity between their two states and that made them uncomfortable enough to formulate and act on a plan of action to remove the incongruity so that their present state would change and become their ideal state. For example, Dee's present state was being a pimp, hustling drugs, and barely making enough money to get by. His ideal state was to not do those things anymore and to make it in the music business. Key's present state was working and paying rent. His ideal state was to have his own studio and label. Shelby's present state was filling up vending machines. His ideal state was to also make it in the music business. Their plan of action to remove their incongruities was to make a recording, have Skinny Black listen to it, and then have him get them into the music business. This would change their present state and get it to become their ideal state.

Discrepancy is synonymous for incongruity. It creates the sense of wanting to change one's present state so that it will move closer toward one's ideal state. There are two types of discrepancy: discrepancy reduction and discrepancy creation. When Dee went over to Key's to show him his music, Key told Dee that what he had was good. This is an example of discrepancy reduction because Key provided feedback to Dee about how well his music (current performance level) matched to what they thought the music should sound like (ideal performance level) at this point in time. The fact that Dee wanted to make it in the music business and wanted to live a different life is an example of discrepancy creation. He looked forward and proactively set a future, higher goal for himself.

Dee's main goal was to make it in the music business by recording a song. He perceived this goal to be difficult, and that energized him to accomplish his goal. Basically, having a difficult goal increased his effort and persistence. Also, the fact that he didn't want to live like he was helped him to go for his goal.

An example of feedback was when Key interrupted Dee while they were recording. Key told Dee that the music Dee was making was just flow and wasn't enough to make a track. Key suggested they needed a hook in order to make a track. This shows that Dee wasn't progressing very well toward his goal. Another time when Key interrupted Dee while they were recording is also an example of feedback. Key told Dee that the recording was getting distorted because the mics were bad. Key told him that they needed new mics otherwise their recording wouldn't be any good. This also shows that Dee wasn't progressing very well toward his goal. Both of these examples created dissatisfaction for Dee and made him aware of goal-performance discrepancies. To eliminate these discrepancies, they had Shug provide the hook in the recording and got new mics thanks to Nola.

People predict what will happen and try to influence what happens to make desirable outcomes more likely. By exercising personal control this way, people attempt to improve their lives and the lives of others. Dee definitely had the desire to exercise personal control because he believed he had what it took to make it in the music business and that Skinny Black and the music business would accept him and his music. The strengths of Dee's expectancies of being able to exercise personal control can be linked to the strength with which he tried to exercise it. There are two types of expectancies: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation for Dee pertains to his capability/confidence that he can do what it takes to make a great recording. An outcome expectation for Dee pertains to his beliefs that once he makes a great recording, then he can have Skinny listen to it, have him accept it, and get into the music business through him.

Dee definitely had self-efficacy. He had the capability to use his personal resources and skills well when faced with trying circumstances. He was able to translate his skills into effective performance and coped well with most situations. One example of Dee's self-efficacy was when he was having trouble laying a track down, and he used one of his personal resources, Shug, to be the hook in the recording. Having her as the hook, helped him to make a great recording. Another example was when Dee needed new mics to get a good recording. Since he didn't have the money to buy them, he sweet talked (one of his skills) the music store owner into getting friendly with Nola in exchange for the mics. So, he used another one of his personal resources, Nola, to get the mics. Nola showed self-efficacy towards the end of the movie. She used her looks (personal resource) and sweet talk (skill) to get Dee's song put on the radio. She coped well with the demand/situation she faced.

Dee's self-efficacy beliefs mainly arose from two sources: his personal behavior history and vicarious experience. He used to dj and make music so he believed he could do even more with music now (write and record a song). He learned his current self-efficacy from his interpretations and memories of past attempts to make music (personal behavior history). He also observed Skinny Black trying to make music (vicarious experience). Skinny started out making underground tapes and ended up becoming a famous musical artist. Seeing someone similar to Dee succeed in making music, raised his sense of efficacy. Basically, if Skinny was able to get into the music business, then Dee believed he could too.

Overall, this movie was ok. I'm not a big fan of rap so that probably didn't help my liking of the movie. However, it was nice to see someone like Dee strive to make a better life for themselves.

My list of terms include: present state, ideal state, plan, discrepancy, discrepancy reduction, discrepancy creation, goal, goal difficulty, feedback, personal control, efficacy expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, personal behavior history, and vicarious experience.

To start off, I would just like to express just how much I disliked the movie “Hustle and Flow”. I can totally understand how it ties into some of the topics we have been discussing in class, however I feel as though there are other movies out there that would have been much more entertaining and that relate just as well to our Motivation and Emotion class. The best part of this movie was the surprise appearance of one of my favorite actors, DJ Qualls. It was interesting to see that he played such a crucial role in this particular movie. He also added something of a comedic element to an otherwise dramatic and depressing film. To me, that was literally the only bright spot of the movie.
Despite my personal displeasure in the movie, there were great examples throughout the film regarding goals and personal control. In regards to goal setting, the character D Jay was a prime example of this particular topic. When D Jay decided that he wanted to get back into music, there was nothing that would stop him. The lack of money to buy equipment didn’t even stop him and he had to resort to using one of his “employees”, Nola, into helping get a discount on some microphones. D Jay’s goal was to get one of his musical idols, Skinny Black, to listen to his demo. This goal was both specific and difficult to achieve, which made it easier for D Jay to achieve his goal.
Another main factor in the movie that helped D Jay achieve his dream was having a great amount of feedback from his friends Key and Shelby. Key and Shelby gave a fresh and relatively unbiased view of the song D Jay was working on. This helped D Jay change and shape his song for the better. If it weren’t for Shelby and Key, D Jay would never have even added the hook that Shug helped with to improve the song. Feedback is essential in achieving goals because, without feedback, you may not realize if you are on the wrong track. Having positive feedback as well helps improve the chances you have of sticking with your goals and knowing that what you are striving for is worthwhile.
D Jay also had goals for making a lot of money and taking care of the family he had made for himself with his “employees” and his (assumed) little boy. D Jay is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure there is enough money to go around for food, rent, and music equipment. It is because of this need for money that D Jay decides to deal drugs, pimp out Nola, and have the other females he lives with work the clubs. For D Jay and the people he lived with, those were the best and quickest ways to earn money that they had at their disposal. While it may not have been the most desired means of getting what they needed for survival, it was the only option they thought they had.
Nola seemed to have difficulty in achieving her goals. Her goals were not nearly specific enough for her to truly achieve them. Nola’s main goal was to make something more of herself than just working as a prostitute for D Jay. At first, Nola tells D Jay that she wants to work in the strip clubs with the rest of the girls that work for D Jay. You can tell that she wants more though when D Jay starts recording his song. Nola asks if she can sing on the demo when she finds out that D Jay lets Shug sing the hook in his song. Also, Nola starts to get defiant towards D Jay after D Jay offers her “services” to a store clerk in exchange for a discount on the microphones without asking her. Nola clearly gets fed up with her life. Due to her lack of a specific goal and direction, however, she remains stuck in the same spot until the end of the film. Nola also didn’t have much self-efficacy. She never seemed to have a high opinion of herself or where she was at in her life which made it difficult for her to stand up for herself and change her present state. Her present state and her ideal state were so distant from each other. That, combined with her low self-efficacy, made her feel like she was not in control of her life and that she would be stuck where she was for a long time. She had a clear external locus of control, thinking that D Jay was the reason why she was stuck where she was in life. All of these factors combined made Nola really depressed and uncertain of her life. D Jay, on the other hand, had a very internal locus of control. He knew that if he wanted something in life, he had to get it. No one and nothing was going to hand it to him. Because of this, he was a lot more happy and pleased with where he ended up (before landing in jail).
In terms of personal control, Nola is also a great example. In the beginning of the film when she is working for D Jay, it is clear that she lets D Jay be in charge. Nola feels as though she has absolutely no control over what she does, where she does it, and who she does things with. Because of this, it is clear that Nola doesn’t really have a great deal of respect for herself or much self-confidence. In the beginning, every single time she would try and argue with D Jay, she would end up backing down. This is clear when she starts arguing with D Jay about wanting to work the club circuit instead of being in the car with D Jay. Nola constantly goes through her life as though other people were controlling and living it for her. D Jay even controlled when she was able to turn on the fan in the hot house they lived in.
Near the end of the movie, however, it is clear that Nola starts gaining a lot of personal control. D Jay gets sent to prison for his assault on Skinny Black and, during his very public arrest outside his house, Nola and Shug run out to try and defend him. Realizing there was no way around going to jail, D Jay gives in and tells Nola to get his song on the radio so the world can hear what they had all worked hard to create. He tells Nola specifically that SHE was in charge. This is just the confidence boost that Nola needed throughout the movie and we see a dramatic change in both her behavior and even her appearance. Nola has more respect for herself and becomes much more assertive in order to make sure she honors D Jay’s request. Nola becomes highly assertive in making sure that radio stations hear D Jay’s song and it eventually gets played.
In summation, even though detested this movie to the very core and will never be caught watching it ever again unless forced, I can respect how well it illustrated a lot of the ideas we were learning in class. I can also respect the overall meaning and different themes of the film and respect the great acting skills that were involved in it. It seemed as though this movie covered everything from goals and self-efficacy, to personal control and locus of control. There were characters in this film that covered all sides of the spectrum in regards to these particular topics and it was nice to see how lives can be affected by having either extreme of these concepts. This movie also helped illustrate a different genre of music that I have not yet familiarized myself with. Although rap music is not really my particular style and I never really had any desire to listen to it, I can respect the passion and dedication that goes into creating it.
Terms: feedback, personal control, self-efficacy, goals, external locus of control, internal locus of control

Hustle and Flow is a different from the previous movies we have watched for this class because it isn’t based on a real-life person, rather a fictional person. I liked this movie better than the last movie but it wasn’t my favorite overall. I wasn’t sure how I’d like to the movie because I knew it dealt with rap music which isn’t the type of music I like. After the movie started it was clear those examples from chapters eight and nine are shown throughout the movie.

Chapter eight from the text discusses goal setting and goal striving. From the beginning of the movie it’s clear that DJay is experiencing discrepancy. Discrepancy is the mismatch between a person’s present state and their ideal state. The present state is their current status of how life is going and their ideal state is how the person wishes their life was going. DJay’s present state at the beginning of the movie was making money through essentially hustling. He prostituted out women to make money. His ideal state was the career he so desired. DJay wanted to become a rapper and he believed he could do it because there was a local guy that had already succeeded. The textbook states that there are two types of discrepancy; reduction and creation. Discrepancy reduction is based on detecting feedback that underlies plans and corrective motivation. Discrepancy creation is based on feed-forward system in which the person looks forward and proactively sets a future, higher goal. DJay experienced both of these. An example from the movie in regards to discrepancy reduction was when DJay received feedback compared his current state of becoming a rapper to his ideal state of becoming a rapper. DJay experienced discrepancy creation when deciding to set a goal of becoming a rapper. The textbook states that goal setting is first and foremost a discrepancy creating process.

Once the goal was set, DJay began playing around on the keyboard that he purchased outside the strip club one evening. He also ran into a friend from high school that they used to create music together and learned that Key was a sound engineer. Key becomes a main support for DJay in regards to reaching his goal of becoming a rapper. Key provides DJay with feedback in many instances. Feedback is knowledge of the results and allows people to keep track of any progress toward their goal. Key stopped DJay while practicing many times to give him feedback and let him know something wasn’t working quite right and that certain changes should be made in order for DJay to better reach his goal. One example of this was when Key told him the microphones were sounding bad and that they needed to be replaced.

Chapter nine of the textbook discusses personal control beliefs. Self-efficacy is the capacity to use one’s personal resources well under diverse and trying circumstances. It is also defined as one’s judgment of how well or poorly one will cope with a situation given the skills one possesses and the circumstances one faces. DJay portrayed self-efficacy many times throughout the movie. One example is when he is thrown in jail after fighting with Skinny. His goal could have easily gone down the drain, but through his persistence and self-efficacy he continued to push towards his goal. DJay could have easily been dissuaded from becoming a rapper because nothing was easy for him or laid out in front of him. He had to seek everything out for himself. The music equipment is an example. DJay used Skinny as a vicarious experience. The textbook defines vicarious experience as observing a model enact the same course of action the performer is about to enact. Although DJay wasn’t apart of each and every step of Skinny’s experience, he was able to realize that he got from where he was (same place as DJay’s) to becoming a rapper.

This movie was a good choice to show examples from chapters eight and nine of the textbook on motivation and emotion. Even though it wasn’t my favorite movie we’ve watched thus far, it also hasn’t been my least favorite. This movie definitely shows that anyone through goal setting and self-efficacy can reach their dreams if they just push forward even when it seems impossible.

Terms: Discrepancy (present/ideal state), Discrepancy reduction/creation, Feedback, Self-efficacy, Vicarious experience

I liked the movie “Hustle and Flow.” While watching the movie, I chose to focus on the character Nola. I feel she demonstrated some characteristics of motivation that we have read about in the text book and have learned about in class.
In the movie, I picked up on how self-efficacy effects took a toll on Nola’s behavior. In chapter 9 of textbook, Reeve states, “Self-efficacy is that generative capacity in which the performer improvises ways to best translate personal abilities into effective performance” (p. 233). Nola was a prostitute working as DJay’s business partner in Memphis. DJay expected Nola to perform and was willing to sell her to just about anyone for money or possessions. Nola and DJay were both faced with many challenges and did not enjoy how they were living their lives. At the beginning of the movie, I noticed Nola was willing to put forth her effort to help make ends meet; however, her attitude and motivation began to change when DJay found music as his alternative. Nola’s performance situation turned stressful as she felt rejected and was no longer considered his, “primary investor.” Trying to make money on her own, Nola found her situations much more stressful and unpredictable. Clearly, she understood that DJay was a very important business partner.
I also noted Nola’s sources of self-efficacy. Reeve discusses four sources of self-efficacy in the textbook. These sources include: “one’s personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasions from others, and physiological states such as a racing heart versus a calm one” (p. 235). Based on her past performances, Nola knows what it takes for her to make ends meet. Her memories and recollections of past experiences produce a strong sense of efficacy. She knows that she has been successful in the past which helps her continue to make more money. After working with DJay for some time, Nola observed and learned how to execute a financial exchange. Also, DJay seemed to be Nola’s source for verbal persuasion. DJay would give Nola verbal “pep talks” to persuade her to continue to agree to go along with the action. These verbal persuasions seemed to give her temporary efficacy. Finally, the source of physiological state is also evident. Nola continued to feel less eager about performing. Feeling less eager, Nola became less driven to continue. She seemed to be tired and dissatisfied with how she was fulfilling her life.
In the movie, Nola stated that she wanted to be in charge. Nola seemed to understand that her self-efficacy beliefs contribute to the overall quality of her life. She realized that she wanted to be in control and wanted to do something bigger and better with her life. Nola became persistent in providing emotional and motivational support while DJay was creating his music. At the end of the movie, Nola’s effort and persistence led her to overcome her setbacks (and DJay’s setbacks as he was in jail at this time) as she persisted to persuade local radio stations to play DJay’s songs. Her successful attempts in turn helped DJay’s music become more widely known.
I feel that when Nola regained her personal control, Nola felt more desired to pursue the attempts to help DJay’s music become more successful. In the textbook, Reeve mentions that there are two types of expectations: efficacy expectations and outcome expectations (p. 231). Her efficacy expectations led her to favorable outcome expectations. She was confident that she had the skills to sell and persuade the local radio dis jockeys, using her assertiveness and body to fulfill the task. Her behaviors produced positive outcomes— DJay’s music became a big hit. In the end, Nola took charge and was in control of DJay’s musical success and of her own life.
I thought the final statement of the movie was very fitting. In fact, I believe this quote, "You know what they say, everybody gotta have a dream," is also suitable in Nola’s life as well. She had a dream to become more successful, gaining more control in her life. She was in charge. Overall, I thought this was a very good movie. I thought it was a very appropriate movie to watch in terms of relating the movie to what we have learned in the textbook and in this class.
Terms used: self-efficacy, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, personal control, efficacy expectations and outcome expectations

Hustle and Flow was a movie that was very unique, because it also was a story like the first four, in which an individual wants their talent for music to be known to the world. D Jay, is also different because he grows up in the ghetto area and his talent is rapping. I am not a huge fan of rap but I did like his rap songs. Even though Skinny, who is playing the role of Ludacris, throws D Jay’s tape in the toilet, I still liked the song “Whoop that Trick.”
The first term I chose comes from chapter eight,which is discrepancy. Discrepancy can be represented by the magnitude of the arrow below that shows the difference or mismatch between one’s present state and ones ideal state. The present state represents the person’s current status of how life is going. D Jay plays the role of a hustler who is in charge of whores. He is very controlling and tells Nola. ”You will work when I tell you to work.” He acts very arrogant and forces Nola to do things that she does not want to do. Even though D Jay acts as if he is the top dog and in charge, his true feelings come out after he forces Nola to have sex with a man in order to get the microphone he wants. Nola says she doesn’t want to do this anymore and D Jay finally lets out how if he could he would be doing something else. He says he is sick of it and slams his fist against the wall. The ideal state is how the person wishes their life was going. D Jay really wants to become a famous rapper. He wants his music to be well known and making money and hitting the big time. Nola is constantly saying how she wants to do something else that she wants to do. She wants to be in charge of herself. D Jay tries to make her feel this way at one point and tells her to put her hands on the wheel and says we are in charge. This was D Jay’s way of making Nola feel she was important so she would continue to have sex with people to make D Jay more money. Nola does get in charge, but not until the very end after D Jay shoots at Skinny’s gang and is arrested.
The next term is discrepancy creation. This is when a person looks forward and sets a future, higher goal. D Jay wanted to make a record and be made well known. He does get Whoop that trick to reach number one after he is in jail. Discrepancy reduction is feedback of how well or how poorly a person’s current performance level matches with ideal performance level. D Jay is a good rapper and I feel that he could have produced even more records if he would not have gone to jail. His record got good feedback after Nola hits about every radio station in Memphis with his songs.
The next term is goal setting. D Jay had the goal of becoming a famous and well known rapper. Nola had the goal of become independent and to be on her own and away from prostitution. The next term is goal difficulty. This is how hard a goal is to accomplish. It was hard for Nola to accomplish her goal, because she knew she wanted to get out of prostitution because she hated it, but she did not know what she wanted to do. She knew she did not want to do what she was doing for the rest of her life and she had the goal of doing something else on her own. D Jay had a hard time reaching his goal because he obviously had a talent for rapping, but he needed someone famous (Skinny) to team up with him and make his record well known.
The next term is goal-striving. This is when an individual puts forth effort in order to achieve their goals. D Jay not only used Nola for money and spent hours working on his record, but he also admits to lying to Skinny and saying that he knew him in order to help get him famous. He also gives Skinny a sack of weed to suck up to him and get his attention. The next term is mental simulations: focusing on action. This is when a person is focused on the goal they wish to attain. D Jay gets rejected by Skinny when he tells him he does not know him and has never seen him before. After giving Skinny the weed, Skinny again loses focus on D Jay when a girl is put in his lap. D Jay lights a cigareete and turns away and thinks while still keeping his cool.
The next term from chapter 9 is self-efficacy. This is when an individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with demands and circumstances they face. D Jay wanted to become a rapper, but did not have any of the equipment to do so. He finds a friend and talks him into working with him so he can use his equipment. If D Jay would not have gotten him and organized it to work out that way he would have never had the equipment to get started in the rapping business. The next terms are effort and persistence. D Jay put forth a lot of effort and persistence in order to get make his record. There is one point in the movie where they are hitting everything perfect and their neighbors next door are being loud. D Jay does not let that stop them and he bribes them with a bag of weed if they will keep quiet so he can keep working on the record.
The last term is hope. This is when an individual becomes motivated and believes they can achieve their goals. They have a feeling that things can turn out for the best. D Jay felt that he could achieve his goal, this is what motivated him to keep going and do all of these things in the movie.
Overall, Hustle and Flow was a good movie, I liked it because it was similar to the others because it was the story of an individual who wanted to achieve their dreams in the music industry. It was also different because D Jay came from the ghetto and lived a different lifestyle than the others we watched. I borrowed the movie from a friend in the class.
Terms used- Discrepancy, (ideal state, current state) ,Discrepancy creation, discrepancy reduction, goal setting, goal difficulty, goal striving, simulations :focusing on action, self-efficacy, effort and persistence, hope.

I thought that Hustle and Flow had excellent examples of motivation, specfically from Chapter 9. Throughout the move, DJay, Shug, and Nola all possessed great examples of motivation. The first example that I noticed was evident in the movie was that of personal control.

People use personal control in order to better the lives of themselves, and possibly to also better the lives of others. DJay exercises personal control when he decides that he wants to change his life instead of being in charge of tricks the rest of his life. Once he runs into his old friend Key, things start falling into place. The book explains two ideas enhance a person to grasp personal control. The first is that the person has to believe that they have what it takes in order to get a reaction out of their environment. Djay definitely knew that he had what it takes in order to please people. He had a genuine gift of being able to spit words from the top of his head, and once Key heard him rap for the first time, he knew that he was going to something big. The second idea of personal control is that the environment will respond to the persons attempts, and they will be motivated to make things happen for the better-ment of themselves. We can see this happening when DJay realizes he needs to get himself and Nola off the streets. He knows that this isn't the life he wants to lead, and he knows he's good at rapping. When Key responds positively to his lyrics, he's motivated to keep working towards his goal in order to make things better.

The second type of motivation I saw in DJay is self-efficacy. In order to have self-efficacy, one must also have competence. Given the situation that DJay was in, he had lots of circumstances to over come. For example, the only resource he had to help him get his name out there was Key, who wasn't well known in the first place. He was just there to help him record. I think that DJay copes well with the situation at hand by reaching out to Skinny-- he is someone that can help him get his name out there. Even when this fails, he turns to Nola and advises her to give his tape to radio stations. He deals well with the circumstances he comes to face throughout the movie, thus giving him a good sense of self-efficacy.

An excellent example of vicarious experience in the movie is the way DJay is influenced by the success of Skinny. He'd been obviously observing and listening to Skinny's work ever since he came out with his demo tape, and ever since then, it motivated him to do the same-- become a famous rapper. He sees Skinny as coming from a somewhat similar background as himself, and from this he sort of realizes that if Skinny can achieve at becoming a rapper, so can he. Skinny served as sort of a "role model" for DJay, even after he threw his tape in the toilet-- he still wanted to succeed.

All of these aspects can also be seen in Nola and Shug. Both of them knew that they needed to change their lifestyle, especially Shug, being pregnant. Once Shug got to sing on DJay's tape, she also felt a sense of personal control. She was trying to better her life, as well as making DJay's record sound better, which would in turn make his life better as well. With Nola, she expresses empowerment. This is especially evident when they take DJay away to prison. She starts to give out DJay's tape to different radio stations, in a promise that she would "be in charge." She fulfills this role very well because in the end, she achieves hers and DJay's goal of getting the radio to play his songs. She exerts her power over radio stations by not giving up, and she expresses her beliefs in DJay to make him happy, and also in hopes to take control of her life as well.

I thought that Hustle and Flow was an excellent movie with great examples of motivation. I think that almost every character in the movie was motivated to do something with their lives, as they were living in bad conditions in the ghetto. It was a good movie, and the music wasn't too bad:) Again, I borrowed the movie from a friend in the class.

Terms Used: personal control, self-efficacy, vicarious experience, empowerment

DJay,Shug and Nola are motivated by the discrepancies in their life in the beginning. DJay's business isn't bringing in the money he thinks it should. Shug is scared of the situation she is in with the baby. Nola stats that she wants something better than what she has; she wants to be important. Discrepancies lead to action from people. Nola's first step is when she finally stands up to DJay after one particular pimping incident. Mostly the film focuses on the actions that change DJay's current life to his ideal state.

DJay is high on efficacy expectiations and outcome expectations. He knows he can do what he needs to achieve his dreams. For his efficacy expectation, he knows he can make a record that will be a hit. For outcome expectations, once DJay gives his tape to Skinny he states " all that boy got to do is play that damn thing, and its gunna be undeniable."

DJay shows his self-efficacy in every task he does whether it is pimping or rapping. Any time either situations starts to go south, he is able to turn it around. He never seems to show any doubt in his ability to get the job done. When one of his ladies starts to doubt him, he does not hesitate to get rid of her because he knows she is bad for business.With his music, when he is faced with the challenge of needing to change his lyrics so they can be played, he is able to work through it to find a new rhyme. When Key asks him if DJay really thinks he can do this he replies "if I can pimp $20 hoes... I can pimp Skinny." This quote examplifies DJays high believe in himself and his skills.

Several times throughout the movie, DJay employs verbal persuasion to convince others to do things. The movie begins with such a speech about men and dogs to Nola to help encourage her to do her tricks. In his mind, doing the tricks will get her the life she wants, and he is trying to convince her of her ablities to perform. He uses the analogy of the steering wheel to help Nola feel like in their lives, they are in charge not the tricks. Toward the end, when he gives Nola the task of getting his music out there, DJay again gives a speech to Nola and he continues to tell her she is incharge. He always uses this technique when he needs to empower someone around him.

Vicarious experience is one reason DJay believes he can suceed. In school, he and Skinny were both doing the same thing with shooting their flow. He has seen how Skinny was selling his underground tapes and cutting records at home. Evenutally Skinny found sucess in the music industry. To DJay, he sees this as an "if he can do it, so can I" type of situations. Although he isn't hustling his tapes at a drive-in, he does try to hustle his tape to Skinny in a similar way. Similarly,when Nola starts to work on pushing DJay's music out there, she gives the same speech that he would give her before a trick. She realized how effective his speech to her was, so now she is employing it to her goal of getting the radio stations to play his music. If the speech worked for DJay on her, then it will work for her on the stations.

During the recording, Shug is shy at first about her ability to sing the chorus. But that changes with DJay approaches her and tells her to sing it out and that she can do better. (this is again an example of his verbal persuasion techniques.) DJay experiences positive reinforcement first when Key actually decided to "walk" with him. Later on he recieves postitive reinforcement again when the jail officers approach him about his song. The jailers not only start singing his song and recognize him, but they ask him to listen to their demo.

terms: discrepancy, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, verbal persuasion,empower, vicarious experience, positive reinforcement

Hustle and Flow is one of the movies for this class that is one of my favorites. Although it is oddly depressing it is a movie that is very real to life. This movie is a great example of how hopes and dreams shape a person’s life. From the beginning on DJay tried to teach others about his philosophy “I’m in charge.” The last line in the movie says it all, “You know everybody has to have a dream.”

It is obvious to see that DJay is a character that displays the action of setting goals. He lives day to day trying to support his goal of becoming a famous rap artist. He strives to be just like Skinny Black. According to research those with goals outperform people who do not have goals. Goals help put a dream in perspective. It helps a person realize the difficulty of accomplishing the goal and what resources are needed in order to achieve it. A goal that has requires a higher level of difficulty to accomplish will require a higher level of performance by the person setting the goal. In, my opinion I would say DJay’s goal to get his music heard on the radio was a very difficult goal for him to accomplish. He had very little money to afford equipment to lay down a track and he had very little experience on how to record music. He instead had to rely on his friend to inform him on how to record an album successfully. Since his goal was so difficult to accomplish DJay put more effort into attaining his dream. He pimped out one of his girls just to get an expensive microphone and he yelled at his girlfriend, Shug, to give it her all when she was allowed to sing the chorus in one of the songs. It could be that his dedication and effort that he put into accomplishing his goal is what led him to finally get his music heard on the radio.

Another aspect of goal setting is the specificity of the goal. A goal has to be very specific in order for the performer to know exactly what it is he is striving towards. I feel that DJay had a specific enough goal in mind, which allowed him to figure out how he was going to accomplish his goal. He understood that he would need more financial resources as well as a person working on the inside that could further his music career. Not only was his goal clear to himself, but he made his goal clear to everyone else around him. As he was being arrested DJay specifically told Nola what it is she had to do for him to see his dreams become reality.
Feedback that comes from setting a goal and working towards it determines the effort and persistence a goal setter expresses. In my opinion feedback was an important aspect to DJay’s goal. Throughout the movie feedback motivated DJay in many ways. One feedback example was when the stripper who lives with DJay begins to tell him he does nothing with his life, but play with stupid toys like his keyboard, while she is out working her ass off in the real world. DJay reacts in a harsh way towards her because he interprets her words as threats to his goal. From that scene on it becomes apparent that DJay is more dedicated because he removes any negativity that threatens his dream. DJay also experiences positive feedback related to his goal. One example is the scene in which Shug sees him off before he meets up with Skinny Black later that night. She helps him dress properly and even bought him a necklace so he would fit in and impress Black. Earlier in the movie she even buys him a lava lamp to put in his studio room because Skinny Black has the same thing in his studio. These acts by Shug show that she is supportive of his goal and will do anything in her power to help him work towards his dream. DJay becomes motivated more in both these scenes because he sees his girlfriend is giving him positive feedback. One of the most explosive examples of negative feedback in this movie is when DJay sees his demo tape in the toilet and realizes Skinny Black is not going to help his music career in any way. This example of negative feedback makes DJay realize his goals are being destroyed fast so he immediately becomes very violent because he is so upset with this negative feedback. It motivates him to beat Skinny Black up and even shoot some people in the bar.

This movie could be broken down by examining each character’s goals in life. Hustle and Flow does an amazing job of portraying each character’s life and what their specific goals are. For example, Shug’s goals were to give birth to a beautiful baby that would be born into a happy world where financial problems were not an issue. Nola’s goals included her ability to do something worthwhile in life. She wanted to do something where she could be individually noticed. Goal setting is the first step towards accomplishing that goal, and this movie shows how goal specificity and feedback can both hinder and energize a person’s motivation level.

Terms: Goal setting, goal specificity, feedback

The depiction that DJay’s life was unpleasant on a daily basis was evident in the first scene. The scene also displayed DJay’s creative viewpoints and gave insight to the viewer that he could potentially use that insight to create lyrics. His speech about the differences between man and animal led me to believe that his cognitive perspective allowed him to be motivated to make life altering changes. The mindset that he was now in charge allowed him to start up his musical career.

Throughout the film, DJay’s expectancies resulted in the formation of new behavior. His view that he no longer wished to sell tricks and wanted to be in charge of his own life created a mismatch between his present state and ideal state. This discrepancy and cognitive dissonance left DJay feeling that change was not only needed but necessary. This new need motivated his behavior and he soon took action. After he possessed the necessary motivation, he began making goals. These goals were obtainable but involved a number of difficult tasks. It was soon evident that the difficulty of the tasks energized him to perform well. His persistence began to show and he was able to begin reaching his goals. With the help of his ladies of the night he was able to save up money in order to invest in his musical creations. He was also able to meet up with an old friend and put together a makeshift studio. This studio would be the cornerstone on which Djay’s musical career began.

Feedback was an essential element in Djay’s creation of rap music. DJay was always surrounded by his friends that continually made positive remarks about his lyrics and how they thought they were powerful. However, some remarks were not viewed as positive, especially those from Key. Key had been able to distinguish between what sounded great and what did not. Due to this, he often voiced his opinion about what changes could be made. This positive criticism often prompted anger initially but would eventually lead to satisfaction. One important step this criticism led to was the obtainment of a new mic. The possession of a new mic was especially important due to the quality of sound it produced. Another aspect of feedback that was important was the emotional support given to him. The emotional support that Key, Shelby, Nola, and Shug allowed DJay to reduce the discrepancy between his present state and his ideal state. This positive environment allowed DJay to feel energized and to work hard to achieve his goals.

An intimate relationship between DJay and Shug resulted from Shug’s contribution to the music. Her powerful vocals resulted in the creation of numerous successful songs and gained the attention of DJay. After she made her contributions and was continually kind to DJay during production, DJay began to view her in a more positive way. This view soon created feelings of intimacy which resulted in a display of affection. The scene where DJay returns to his house before leaving to meet with Skinny Black displayed the affection felt. The passionate physical affection between the two made in quite evident that an intimate relationship had formed. DJay’s thoughts of friendship and the creation of high peer rating of Shug allowed him to form feelings of intimacy. The interactive style between the two went from speaking sporadically to being physically affectionate.

Overall the movie dealt with a lot of variations in expectations. This film depicted how expectations can have a significant impact in the outcome of an individual’s life. DJay’s ability to believe in himself and be persistent with his music allowed him to be successful in the long run. This movie also showed that it is important for everyone to consider how you view yourself and your own abilities. These viewpoints can allow you to accomplish your goals or result in an inability to obtain goals.

Terms: intimacy, peer rating, cognitive perspective, expectations, goals, present state, ideal state, feedback

Hustle and Flow chapter nine
Motivation to Exercise Personal Control
Chapter nine is mostly about the desire to exercise personal control is predicated on a person’s belief that they have the power to produce favorable results. When people believe they first “Have what it takes” to influence their environment and two, the environment will be responsive to their influence attempts, then they will indeed try to make things happen for the better, they will be motivated to exercise personal control over life’s outcomes. That is what Djay believed that he could do by making a rapping career and later on Nala started believing in herself that she was the one in charge and making sure that Djay’s music got played in the radio stations.
Two kinds of Expectancy
There are two types of expectancies: Efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. An efficacy expectation is a judgment of one’s capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. An outcome expectation is a judgment that is a given action, once performed, will cause a particular outcome. Efficacy expectations estimate the likelihood that an individual can behave in a particular way; outcome expectations estimate how likely it is that certain consequences will follow once that behavior is enacted. The part of Djay’s efficacy expectation is that he is aware that he can persuade people into giving him what he wants like the microphone from the music shop and outcome was him getting the microphone and the psychological and emotional, plus the musical need that he wanted it.
Self-efficacy is a more generative capacity in which the individual organizes and orchestrates his or her skills to cope with the demands and circumstances he or she faces. The opposite of efficacy is doubt. Doubt can interfere with effective thinking, planning, and decision making to cause anxiety, confusion, arousal, tension, and distress that can spiral performance toward disaster. Nala is used to being pimped off for men who pick her up in their cars for money. However, she was not used to being pimped off in a music shop for a microphone she considered that unacceptable but yet she dealt with the situation and orchestrated her skills to what was demanded of her.
Sources of Self-Efficacy
Self-efficacy beliefs do not just occur. Self-efficacy beliefs have causes and histories. Four of those beliefs arise from ones’ personal history in trying to execute that particular behavior, observations of similar others who also try to execute that behavior, verbal persuasions from others, and physiological states such as racing heart versus a cam one. Djay had obviously experienced all of those by making his song better and better, by looking up to Skinny Black, he actually was doing most of the persuading, and his heart started racing every time he got into his flow while rapping.
Personal Behavior History
Personal behavior history is the extent to which a person believes she or he can competently enact a particular course of action stems from her personal history of trying to enact that course of action in the past. People learn their current self-efficacy from their interpretations and memories of past attempts to execute the same behavior. Memories and recollections of past attempts to enact the behavior judged as competent raise self-efficacy, whereas memories and recollections of past attempts judged as incompetent lower self-efficacy. For example if the performer is less experienced each new competent or incompetent enactment will have a greater effect on future efficacy. This is where learners are trying out new behaviors and new activities. Of the four sources of self-efficacy, personal behavior history is the most influential. While Djay was in prison Nala was taking charge and making sure that Djay’s music was playing on the radio stations. One scene in a radio station Nala remembered the persuasive speech that Djay have given to her on the first scene of the movie and made it work for her.
Vicarious Experience
Vicarious experience involves observing a model enact the same course of action the performer is about enact. Seeing others perform masterfully raises an observer’s own sense of efficacy. This is so because seeing similar other perform the same behavior initiates a social comparison process. But if someone performs clumsily it lowers our own efficacy. For the model’s enactment to have an immense affect on our own efficacy it depends on two factors. The greater the similarity between the model and the observer, the greater the impact the model’s behavior will have on the observer’s efficacy. Also the less experienced the observer is at the behavior the greater the impact of the vicarious experience. In the beginning Djay’s role model was Skinny Black , both of them had a lot in common, they were both from the same town and poor trying to make it big. Djay saw him as successful so he obviously looked up to him.
Verbal Persuasion
When effective, pep talks persuade the individual to focus more and more on personal strengths and potentials and less and less on personal weaknesses and deficiencies. Pep talks shift an individual’s attention from sources of inefficacy to sources of efficacy but verbal persuasion goes only so far if it is contradicted by direct experience. Throughout the movie you see Djay give Nala persuasive speeches and pep talks but one night it back fired on him as Nala said to him “I know when you miss with my head, because I let you, but right now don’t.”

Control, efficacy expectations, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, belief, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion

First of all, let me say that I didn’t particularly like Hustle and Flow. I’m not real fond of rap music, but the biggest problem for me was how depressing overall the movie was. However, it did give me a good insight into how the sources and effects of self-efficacy can work, especially with DJay. Self-efficacy is how someone organizes and orchestrates their skills to cope with the demands and circumstances they face (Reeve, 2009).
The four sources of self-efficacy are personal behavior, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological state (Reeve, 2009). For personal behavior, we see DJay getting the idea that maybe he can rap and get his stuff on the radio. He’s pretty sure he can do it, which is why he invests his time and effort and money into setting up a studio and recording a demo tape. He knows that making it is the only way he can have the success he feels he needs. One of the best examples of vicarious experiences is when he remembers how Skinny Black’s music made him feel. This makes him feel that if Skinny Black can do it, he can too. Verbal persuasion was important to DJay. He actually threw Lexus out because she told him that he was no good and was never going to be anything but her chauffeur. However, Shug, Nola, Shelby, and Key gave him good verbal persuasion. They liked what he did and believed that he could make it. This helps him to keep going even when he had setbacks, like bad mikes. Physiological state was shown in many ways. DJay would tremble and act nervous, but act like he wasn’t, trying to boost his own self-efficacy.
These four sources show that DJay had a good self-efficacy; he pushed himself and reacted to challenges by rising above them. We can see this in the effects of his self-efficacy, which are choice, effort and persistence, thinking and decision making, and emotionality (Reeve, 2009). For choice, he decided to do one of the few things he knew to get out of the rut he was in. He believed that rapping would help him to make more money and being on the radio would bring him respect, so he started rapping. He made that choice. DJay put a lot of effort in his music, making it something that was real but could also be played on the radio. He also persisted – again, I think of the scene where he needed a better mike. Instead of just giving up, he found a way to get the mike he needed (I don’t like the way he did it, but whatever). DJay applied his thinking and decision making skills to getting what he needed to make a demo tape and then to getting it to someone who he thinks will be able to help him get it to the next level (Skinny Black). When that doesn’t work, he empowers Nola (and redeemed himself after that fiasco with the microphone seller), who is able to get his music out and on the radio. Finally, you see emotionality in this movie. DJay tells several people that this music is his heart and soul. He refuses to take disrespect to his music, as shown when he beats up Skinny Black for tossing his tape in the toilet. In the end, he is successful in what he was trying to do, get his music on the radio, because of his self-efficacy.
Terms I used: self-efficacy, personal behavior, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state, choice, effort, persistence, thinking, decision making, emotionality.

The movie Hustle and Flow was interesting to say the least. Not my kind of movie, but it did have concepts from chapters 8 and 9 in our book. Some of the concepts from chapter 8 that were present in the movie are plans, goals, feedback, goal acceptance, implementation intentions, cognitive disparities, present-state-versus-ideal-state, and a few others. First, we see plans being formulated throughout the movie. The first example of a plan is, D Jay’s plan to become a rapper. He has a goal, and the first step is going to Key’s house. This leads to goal acceptance as Key takes up D Jay’s goal as his own. At first he was skeptical about it, but after hearing his music, it becomes his own goal to help D Jay make it big. D Jay and the Key (Who) have not exactly laid it out. But they have started recording (What). They are recording in D Jays house (Where) They brought in someone to play the keys. The (How) is to get Skinny Black to like it. They have extra demos just in case there are label people there when he goes to meet up with Skinny Black. Next, we see examples of positive feedback. For example, we see Key receiving positive feedback when they are recording and both of the girls come in to sing with them. Another example of positive feedback is when the female sings and they say “that is the money track”.
One part of the movie that I have already mentioned is when D Jay went over to Key’s house. This is also an example of an implementation intention, because it translates a goal into action. Furthermore, We see examples of cognitive discrepancies when DJ is motivated by what his life is nothing, to what he wants it to be. He wants to be a rapper, he has nothing. He is motivated and his actions of working to becoming a rapper are obvious.
In Chapter 8 it says, “People who move slower toward a goal get frustrated, whereas people who move fast to a goal receive positive emotions (Reeve, 227). Examples of this are when we D Jay receives positive feedback from Key, he is more motivated with positive emotions to peruse rapping. The next day he has a little tablet and is writing rhymes down. There are times throughout the movie when things go wrong and DJ gets really frustrated as well.
Finally from Chapter 8, we see an example of present-state-versus-ideal-state when the hooker wants to be a stripper. We also see an example of this when D Jay wants to be a rapper instead of living the life he is living. The present-state-versus-ideal-state begins to change as they continue to record, this is evident when they record the first song with the female singer. We see another example of present state versus ideal state when DJ and the hooker are outside of the pawn shop and she says “everyone is doing something except me”, she obviously wants something else. The idea that D Jay doesn’t want to live the life that he is living can also be an example of discrepancy bothering him, which makes him make a plan to pursue rap music.
We also see concepts from chapter 9 throughout the movie. Some of these concepts are efficacy, outcome expectancies, and learned helplessness. First, examples of efficacy are when we see D Jay having efficacy expectations in that he is going to peruse being a rapper. He believes that he can do it. He also observes others who are doing the same behavior. An example of this is the rapper who is now getting famous who started out just like he did. Another prime example of high self efficacy in the movie is when D Jay and Key are walking and D Jay is talking about a beat in his head, he says “its like I cant be stopped”. Furthermore, we see examples of personal behavior history, observation of others doing the same behavior, and verbal persuasion. An example of personal behavior history is when D Jay says, “If I can pimp twenty dollar worth of hoes out of the back of my car, I can pimp Skinny”. An Example of observation of others doing the same behavior is, Skinny Black, and how he had made it. And an example of Verbal persuasion is D Jay receives verbal persuasion from Key. The outcome expectancy that D Jay has are high. He really believes things will work out and he will be famous. Because he is high in both efficacy and outcome expectancies, he now feels in control. A very good example of this is when he is sitting in the car with the hooker and they both put their hands on the steering wheel, then he says “it means we in charge”.
Lastly, an example of learned helplessness is the hooker in the beginning of the movie. She asked to be a stripper and the guy tells her no, it stops right there. She doesn’t believe she has any control over the situation so she has to just do what he says.

This movie was better than I expected. I think the casting director did a great job in picking out the right actors for this movie. The actors made this movie flow.

In the beginning we are introduced to two unhappy people, Nola and Djay. Both want to do more with their lives then what they currently doing but don’t know what. Djay is upset that even his prostitutes think he is nothing. He wants to be competent in something else. Because his need for competence is not being met he is dissatisfied.

Since Djay has a strong need for power he is aggressive with the women. Being aggressive satisfies his need for power. He kicks out Lexus with the baby when she tells him he is just a chauffeur for her. It deeply hurts Shug because she loved the little boy and scares Nola. He showed his control in their lives. He wants to impact others, be in control and have influence on someone other then his prostitutes. He realized things were not going as planned and after finding out local rapper Skinny Black became famous. Djay decides he could do the same. He sets a specific goal to become a rapper and succeed.

Because he wanted to be competent in something, this motivated him to go after his goal of becoming a rapper. He knew there was a discrepancy between his present state and ideal state of becoming a successful rapper. He knew that this task was going to be difficult because he couldn’t get the beat and words from his head to pen and paper. He also didn’t have many people supporting him. Fortunately for him he met Key, a former classmate who was reluctant to help but eventually did.

While in the beginning of producing his demo he did not have much support other than just Key he eventually gained support from Shelby and the women. A main component to his success of making his demo was that he got feedback from Key and Shelby that was honest. When they first started working together Djay would get upset when someone stopped him, but he learned to accept the criticism because he knew he would perform better if he did listen. At first he was dissatisfied because his performance was not very good but it made him work harder. To make himself sound better he needed a new microphone however how he used Nola to get it really hurt her feelings and she told him she wanted to do something more with her life as well. He realizes he had been neglecting to her so he reminds her that she is the primary investor to his organization.

Djay has efficacy expectations that he can accomplish his goal. He has outcome expectations that once his demo is cut he will get a record deal become famous and live the good life. Even though he thinks he has self efficacy he doesn’t, he losses it when after finally hustling Black to take his demo, Black ruins the tape. He couldn’t handle the change in the environment. His rage caused him to go to jail.

Fortunately for him Nola took him seriously when he said she was in charge. She hustled radio DJ’s to put his music on the radio. She showed self efficacy when she accomplished her task of getting the music on the radio even though in the beginning she wasn’t even sure she could do it. Nola had learned helplessness from the past, she thought she couldn’t control her life. This made her feel unmotivated.

However she experienced hope after realizing she was working towards something and had an idea of different ways to make it happen. This is one of the reasons why she succeeded in getting DJay’s music on the radio. Nola also had a need for relatedness and be competent at something. Her need for relatedness was sort of fulfilled with Shelby, they were pretty good friends because he sees her as a person and doesn’t throw it in her face that she is a prostitute. Her competency need was fulfilled when she became more than just a prostitute and had a major role in helping people hear DJay’s music.

Looking at another character in the movie, Shug who was vey depressed that she can’t help earn money and somewhat hurt that the baby she is having is not DJay’s. She is sweet and also dissatisfied with her life. She was really happy that they let her sing on the demo. They made her realize that she was competent at something else. Her need for relatedness is somewhat fulfilled when she becomes closer to DJay. He shows that he loves her by being kinder and more caring towards her and giving her a passionate kiss.

In the end Djay has hope that he can succeed after getting out of jail now that part of his goal is accomplished, so he should be okay. He has had time to reflect on his mistakes and feels in control. So he sees multiple pathways to getting himself back to the top and he has support from so many. The best thing he did for himself is that he now has real self efficacy. So he will chose activities and environments that he feels will help him accomplish his goals.

M&E terms: aggressive, goal, competency, goal discrepancy, goal specification, self efficacy, efficacy expectations, efficacy outcome, hope, learned helplessness

Terms I Used: plans, goals, feedback, goal acceptance, implementation intentions, cognitive disparities, present-state-versus-ideal-state,efficacy, outcome expectancies, and learned helplessness.

In the movie Hustle and Flow, there were several aspects from Chapter 8 of our text that could be seen. Plans, Goal Setting, and Feedback are among a few of the many.
Plans which are derived from discrepancies between one’s ideal state and one’s current state have a motivational push from three aspects of someone’s life; their environmental state, behavioral state and events that are happening in one’s life. Starting off in the movie, you can obviously tell that D-Jay’s living conditions, along with Nola’s and the other two women, aren’t the best. Ideally D-Jay wants to become a rap artist and make in big, while Nola just wants something other than what she is doing. They demonstrate this through various behaviors they engage in. For instance D-Jay spent some of the hard earned cash his girls made for him one night on a little piano from a drug abuser that hardly could do anything. But D-Jay bought it despite the fact that the girls at home needed air and food in hopes of starting to write some music. Nola demonstrates her need to be something better when she finally stands up for herself and says enough is enough after sleeping with a man for a microphone for D-Jay and that she needs something more. She also towards the end of the movie takes charge and does something productive by getting D-Jays music out on the radio for him and it finally makes her feel like she accomplished something. Another aspect of the movie was the environmental objects that were viewed as a discrepancy or incongruence in their lives. These things were where they lived, and the things they had. D-Jay knew that the house that they all lived in wasn’t ideal. The girls were constantly hot due to the lack of air conditioning and so was he. Also the pregnant woman demonstrated the discrepancy for environmental objects when she went out and bought a lava lamp for D-Jay because she saw skinny black had one and she knew D-Jay wanted to be like him. All and all D-Jay and Nola both demonstrated discomfort with their present states and one of them saw their ideal state. Suffering this discomfort allowed them the motivation to push for something better in their lives.
Goal setting was also something that was demonstrated in this movie. A goal is something that an individual strives to accomplish and therefore engages in goal directed behaviors to achieve that goal. Like plans the motivation for a goal comes from discrepancies between what is ideal and the present level of accomplishment. D-Jay makes the goal the he wants to become a rap artist from a mixture of what he is currently doing, where he lives, and where his life is taking him. He demonstrates goal directed behavior when he meets up with an old friend from high school and finds out that he records music. Keyes kind of gives D-Jay the run around when it comes to helping him out so instead of waiting for Keyes to come around, D-Jay just shows up at his door asking for a few minutes of his time. Another way D-Jay demonstrated his level of unwavering determination was when he went to a fourth of July celebration pretending to know Skinny Black so that he could eventually give him his tape. When D-Jay found out that Skinny had just put his tape in the toilet, he lost it and in turn did some things to land him in prison for a very long time. Nola on the other hand wasn’t really sure what she wanted to do, but she knew she wanted to do something. So when the opportunity presented itself, she ran with it and did what she could to make herself feel important and fulfill that goal of feeling a sense of accomplishment.
As far as Feedback is concerned, it is absolutely necessary for making goal setting affective. Without feedback, there would hardly be any energizing effort and persistence in directing attention and strategy towards certain aspects of a goal. In the movie, D-Jay encountered many aspects of feedback from his friends and his girls. At first, he didn’t think any of his material was any good until he rapped in front of Keyes, a friend from school. It wasn’t until then that he started believing in himself and gave himself a shot at making it big. From there he encountered Shelby, the pianist, who also enjoyed what he was doing, and it in turn encouraged him further. It allowed him to show other people in his life what he was doing and soon others were supporting him as well.
All in all I enjoyed Hustle and Flow. It demonstrated very well what someone is capable of even in the worst situations.
Key terms: Goal Setting, Plans, Feedback

Hustle and Flow was a great movie. The characters are all incredibly complex, and display tons of characteristics discussed in the textbook. The most interesting to me were the characters individual sources of self efficacy.

According to the textbook, “Self-efficacy beliefs do not just occur out of the blue; they have causes and histories,” (Reeve, 2009). DJay, for all his faults, is a fairly self-efficient. He makes a living as a hustler, and is confident in his abilities to do it well. Self efficacy comes from four concepts: personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and physiological state.

Personal Behavior History-DJay hustled for a long time. He had established himself as a small time drug dealer and pimp and makes enough money to get by and support Nola, Lex and Shug as well as their children. However, this is not very satisfying. His negotiation abilities come into play heavily once he decides to break the mold of his life and become a rapper. He is able to get a lot of recording equipment by hustling (Nola is very upset by this, and they subsequently have a very interesting discussion about how much control over her own body/career Nola should have. This is an alternate view of the pimp/prostitute relationship than we usually see, and presents us with the idea that even prostitutes need autonomy), and also hands out several demo tapes using his skills.

Vicarious Experience-DJay’s total experience in this film is predicated by the rapper Skinny Black. Skinny Black was also from Memphis and was able to become very successful. This serves as inspiration for DJay, as he is able to see that people from Memphis (and with the same background as him) can be successful. Skinny Black’s career began by recording demo cassette tapes and handing them out, so that’s what DJay does. DJay also becomes convinced that if Skinny Black heard his own tape, he would love it and somehow get DJay a recording contract and they would go on tour together. All his hopes were invested in the above scenario, which is why he is so devastated when Skinny completely disregards him and throws his tape in the toilet. However, in the end, after DJay’s song has started getting airplay, some prison guards who have formed a rap group ask DJay to listen to their demo, meaning they have a vicarious experience through him.

Verbal Persuasion-starting a career as a rapper can be trying, but DJay constantly perseveres, and when other’s question him he is able to persuade them that he has a legitimate chance of success. The best example of this is Nola. DJay calls her his ‘primary investor’ and does things like have her kiss the microphone before he begins recording so she feels more of a part of the process and is more apt to support him. DJay also has to convince Key to help him record his demo, and has to be convinced by Key to let Shelby play keyboard for them.

Physiological State-“Physiological information communicates efficacy information most when initial efficacy is uncertain (one is performing a task for the first time,” (Reeve, 2009). An example of this is when Shug sings the hook for “Hard out here for a Pimp” for the first time. She is very timid the first time, then louder the second time, and finally she belts out her part of the song like she has been a singer her whole life. She had to get ‘pumped up’ for it. DJay also exhibits this, as some of his recordings are better than other, but when he had a really good one he says his heart is in the song.

Almost all of DJay’s motivation is intrinsic. He has some extrinsic motivation from seeing the success of Skinny Black, but mostly his attempts to become a rapper are motivated by his want to get something more out of life than he currently has. He several innate qualities that help him, such as creativity, perseverance, and the ambition to learn what he needs to in order to make it (such as different types of microphones and other recording equipment). That being said, his song being on the radio is almost entirely due to Nola promoting him and taking his tapes to various radio stations. This just goes to show that no one, no matter how much inner drive they have, can become a star without help.

Terms: intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, self efficacy, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, creativity, autonomy, perseverance, verbal persuasion, physiological state

This movie shows expectancy. Efficacy expectation is a judgement of one's capacity to execute a particular act or course of action. This is seen with DJay. He beleived that he could be a rapper and that he could get away from his life on the streets as a pimp. He also had an outcome expectation, a judgement that a given action will cause a particular outcome. DJay realized that if he got a group together and they could make a good song then they could get themselves out there and become big. When DJay was talking to Skinny Black, he brought his cassette with him, hoping that Skinny Black would help promote it. DJay knew if Skinny Black could do this, it would increase the likelihood of his success in the music industry. DJay had high expectancies because they motivated him enough to give him high energy and he was goal directed.

In the movie, we see self-efficacy, one's judgement of how well or poorly one will cope with a situation. DJay always seems to have high efficacy. When he realizes he has something in rapping, but he doesn't have the equipment, they make a makeshift studio to start out with. When he has problems with his ladies or friends, he shrugs it off and continues to reach his goal of being a rapper. Even after he is arrested, he asks Nola to get his music out to all the radio stations, a sign that he is still determined to make something of himself. It seems like Nola has mixed self-efficacy. She believes that she can be something, but she always has DJay telling her that she can't do anything and that she should just stay a prostitute, he wouldn't let her sing, and made her have relations with the guy who sold microphones. So she was constantly being beat down.

Self-efficacy comes in part from vicarious experience, the observing of a model enacting the same course of action the performer is about to enact. We see this with DJay and Skinny. DJay saw how Skinny came from the same Memphis life as he had and made himself into a famous rapper. Seeing how Skinny could do it made DJay realize that he could to. This increased DJays's sense of self-efficacy.

When DJay was recording his song, he needed a female backup, so he called Shug to sing. At first she was very timid but after the guys gave her a pep talk. The pep talk made her focus on her strength and potential and less on her weaknesses. She got more into it after their encouragement and when she heard herself, she realized how good she sounded and herself sing, her self esteem went up.

The movie also demonstrates emotionality. DJay spent a lot of time thinking about becoming a rapper. He visualized himself being competent in making and performing music. he showed enthusiasm, optimism, and interest.

Empowerment, the possesing the knowledge, skills, and beliefs that allow people to exert control over their lives. For almost the whole movie, Nola had no empowerment, she took all orders from DJay and let him damage her self-esteem. But at the end when DJay was being taken to jail, he told Nola that she was in charge and told her to get his music out to all the radio stations...and she did. She got his music played on a local hip hop station and people started recognizing him.

Overall I didn't care for the movie but probably because I am not a fan of rap music and it was kind of a depressing movie.

Terms I used: efficiency expectation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, vicarious experience, pep talks, emotionality, and empowerment.

William Peach

The topic of self-efficacy is very interesting to me, because it applies to all people. In general, self-efficacy is the belief people have in themselves to accomplish certain tasks. Our text describes self-efficacy as “one’s judgment of how well (or poorly) one will cope with a situation , given the skills one posses and the circumstances one faces.” As an example, being a student I face constant measures of intelligence. My feelings seem to fluctuate day to day on my ability to do good school work, and those feelings are a measure of my self-efficacy. If I feel like there is no possible way for me to fail a test then I have high self-efficacy, and if I feel that there is no possible way I can get a passing grade in this class then I have very low self-efficacy.
In the movie hustle and flow, many characters have moments were they consider their own abilities. The main character, Dee J, has to decided whether or not he thinks he can make a popular hit song. At first, he seems to have low self-efficacy. It is obvious in the movie that he wants to make music but either is afraid or has no real internal motivation to do so. When he works up the courage to make a song, he goes and sees an old school friend of his and uses verbal persuasion to convince him to help make a song. At some point in between Dee J gained a belief in his ability to make a good song. If he had no belief in him self he likely would not have gone and tried to make music at all.
It is important to make a distinction between self-efficacy and ability. Our text describes ability as simply “possessing skills.” When skills, or ability, are combined with determination and effective performance we get efficacy. The ability to succeed “especially under trying and difficult circumstances.” One person might have a great ability to play football. That person might be very fast and very strong, but in a game situation when the stakes are high and the crowd is cheering loudly that same person may lose their faith in themselves and no longer think they can play football well. In that moment, when it is easy for many of us to lose belief in ourselves, we often lose abilities along with our efficacy.
I found the sources of self-efficacy section of the chapter to be very interesting. I’ve definitely heard of self-efficacy before but never actually realized that there were subtypes of efficacy based on what influenced those feelings. The section on efficacy discusses the factors that attribute to efficacy, they are: personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological state.
Personal behavior history deals mostly with past experiences, our text describes it “People learn their current self-efficacy from their interpretations and memories of past attempts to execute the same behavior.” In general, if I pass my midterm, I will probably expect to pass the final in the same class. At the very least, I will have the feeling that I am capable of doing so. Dee J knows that he can become a good rapper because he is told that he was good in his youth, and he believes it.
“Vicarious experience involves observing a model enact the same course of action the performer is about to enact,” Reeve. This idea takes me back to school yard days, if you jump off this and don’t get hurt, then I will jump too. If you eat this and don’t die, then I will eat some too. In the movie, Dee J envies Skinny Black. Black is a rapper who actually became successful at rapping.
Verbal persuasion seems most obvious to me in sports activities. When a coach tells a team over and over that they can beat the other team, the coaches team starts to believe that they can win. When one person encourages another person to reach any certain task it is verbal persuasion and can be helpful in making a person achieve a certain goal.
Lastly, physiological state concerns mostly bodily changes that take place in us all primarily due to chemical messages from the brain. These changes can range from shaking hands to pain, or even mental confusion.

Terms: Self-efficacy, sources of self-efficacy, ability, personal behavior history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological state

Well, there was a reason that I had not heard of “Hustle and Flow” before this class, because the movie was simply not that good or memorable. DJay did have a goal of one day becoming a rapper and not having to be a pimp, but his goal lacked specificity and logic. How likely is it that some tape that a man records in his house will actually make him rich? Not very, in my opinion. I think if anything this movie showed the ways not to succeed through poor planning and far-fetched goals. However, even though I disliked the movie, it still provides examples of concepts described in our textbook.

First of all, it is clear that there is a discrepancy between DJay’s current state as a pimp and his ideal state as a rapper. Towards the beginning of the movie DJay tells Shug that he feels like he’s having a midlife crisis and that his dad died when he was around DJay’s current age. I think that the fear of not doing anything with his life and dying motivates DJay to consider what other professions he could pursue.

This fear combined with running into an old classmate (Key) who records music motivates DJay to try his own hand at making music. DJay goes to Key’s house with the goal of getting him to record his rapping. I think that because DJay is acting mainly out of fear and boredom (he’s tired of his life) that his goal is not very specific or well developed. Actually, at this point in the movie I wasn’t really sure what DJay was hoping to accomplish because his goal lacks direction. Key gives him a chance, and this positive feedback motivates DJay to try harder to write some rap songs.

Key is able to give DJay the direction he needs to make his goal specific. Key works hard to set Djay’s home up as a recording studio so that they can make a demo, which is a good short term goal. This is where DJay and Key start to display self-efficacy and actually believe that they can accomplish their goals.

DJay draws on vicarious experiences as a source for his self-efficacy. Because he saw how Skinny Black started out making demo tapes himself and is now a big time rapper, DJay believes that this could happen for him, too. This coupled with verbal persuasion from Key, Nola, and Shug gives Key the motivation to stick to recording his demo, even when he gets frustrated.

Key is in the same boat as DJay, ready for a lifestyle change. He tells DJay that he feels like he let his wife down, and that he wants to own a recording studio. For him personal behavior history comes into play in forming his self-efficacy, because he has recorded other people before with moderate success. Even though he hasn’t hit it big, he is able to live comfortably off of his work recording others, so that probably plays into his self-efficacy.

The main thing is that both DJay and Key have high self-efficacy beliefs because they want to believe that they could have better lives, and there is no room for doubt in their minds. Their outcome expectations are high because they need something to believe in. Because of their high self efficacy beliefs Key and DJay put in a considerable amount of effort and persistence to make their record. In the middle of their work, Key tells DJay that their microphone is not good enough. This roadblock forces DJay to problem solve, and eventually persist in getting a better microphone. DJay is willing to use whatever means necessary to succeed, and in this case he has to pimp Nola in exchange for a better quality mike.

Emotionality comes into play when DJay does not succeed in getting Skinny Black to keep his demo. When Skinny throws DJay’s tape in the toilet DJay gets emotional and violent, hitting Skinny Black and shooting his friend. Needless to say, things did not go according to plan when Skinny threw DJay’s tape away. This action shook DJay’s self-efficacy and as a result he became anxious.

In the end DJay empowers Nola by leaving her in charge of getting the demo played on the radio while he is in jail. This action allows Nola to develop self-efficacy through the verbal persuasion of DJay, who expresses his trust in her with this important task. Nola is finally able to do something for herself and has the power to exercise personal control. And in the end, everyone ends up happily ever after with DJay getting out of jail and his song getting played on the radio.

Terms: present state, ideal state, discrepancy, goal, plan, feedback, self-efficacy, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, personal behavior history, outcome expectations, emotionality, empowerment

I thought the film “Hustle and Flow” was very interesting because of the perspective it had following DJay through his crisis and the main message of taking charge. As soon as I started watching the film I realized that the relationship between DJay and Nola is very close and it makes sense that Nola would listen to advice from him. Now I do not necessarily think that DJay is the best person to take advice from, but I found that what he was telling Nola was a very valid, inspirational piece of advice for someone in her position. So I thought I would explore the affects of his advice through a topic from chapter 9 of our text.
Near the beginning of the film we see DJay telling Nola to say out loud that she’s in charge, a very strong piece of advice made all the stronger by saying it aloud. This simple phrase is very empowering and I think that because it was DJay saying it to Nola made it even more powerful because it was showing almost a symbolic acceptance of her as a partner or equal rather than DJay being in control of her. When watching this scene and its dramatic symbolism, I thought back to chapter 9 and the topic of mastery beliefs. Reeve states that mastery beliefs reflect the extent of perceived control one has over attaining desirable outcomes and preventing aversive ones. As I continued to watch the film I paid extra attention to the mastery beliefs that Nola had and I thought it was very interesting that for someone in her position (i.e. prostitute, living in near poverty conditions), who could so easily drift into helplessness (motivational orientation that involves a fragile view of the self during encounter of failure), continue to remain confident and in control. I believe that much of this attitude came from DJay’s assurances and her adopting that goal of remaining in charge. We see this display of mastery over helplessness after DJay has gone to prison and Nola is dressed in a business suit and taking control of the business situation by constantly pushing his music to make the money and gain popularity so that when he gets out she will have everything taken care of. This new image we see of Nola is an excellent example of mastery as described by Reeve as a person responding to failure by remaining task focused and by being bent on achieving mastery in spite of difficulties and setbacks. It was great to see her after she took control, but to get to that place Nola had to cope with DJay’s imprisonment the right way.
There are many ways of coping and, after studying Table 9.1 on page 243 of our text, I identified both the ways Nola would likely have coped and how she did cope. I would have expected Nola to use an avoidance or indirect way of coping which would have ended up with Nola finding someone else to control her business or just continue to turn tricks while keeping her head low and just scraping by. However, in the end of the film we see her using ways of coping that are more direct, solitary, and controlling. It is obvious that Nola has taken DJay’s advice and recognizes that she is in charge when we see Nola no longer turning tricks but attacking the business problem head on by going to radio stations on her own and remaining diligent on getting his name out.
I thought it was really cool and an interesting study to watch Nola cope and take a mastery approach over the issue. It was very cool to see concepts from a our previous chapter about goals and how she had adopted a goal and taken charge of the situation to move on to the next stage of accomplishing those goals after the setback.
Terms: goals, empower, control, mastery beliefs, coping, helplessness

Hustle and Flow, though not a movie I will be adding to my favorites list, had many clear examples of motivation term from chapters 8 and 9. Almost all of the character in this movie showed examples of these terms but I am going to stick mostly to DJay to try for time sake.
When we first meet DJay he is pimping Nola and doesn’t seem incredibly motivated about anything really. In I didn’t start recognizing motivational terms until DJay goes to the store with Nola. He sees a CD of Skinny Black for sale. DJay knew Skinny as a child and thought he was a better rapper than Skinny, which leads to him to feel discrepancy because though he thought he was better but the feedback he was getting said he wasn’t. That particular kind of discrepancy is discrepancy reduction because he is deducing from feedback that he is not performing a well as he should be. Adding to that, DJay runs into Key. Key seems a little surprised at DJays present state because he remembers DJay being a very talented rapper. I think that these two examples of feedback lead DJay to either realize his unhappiness with his present state or spurred him into action to try to change it. Once he had begun to try to change his present state he experiences more discrepancy reduction because Lexus tells him he is a nobody and he will never be anybody. DJay deals with this by throwing her and her baby out. Throughout most of the movie from then on DJay is in a state of incongruity because his present state and ideal state are clashing. His present state is that of a poor man and a pimp but his ideal state is to be a rich and successful rapper.
Another type of discrepancy is discrepancy creation. This is where you goals for the future to relieve the discrepancy. DJay takes his goals one step at a time and an example of this in the movie was when DJay sought out Key to persuade him to help him make a demo tape. His goal was to get Key to help him and he refused to leave until he had convinced key he could walk the walk and not just talk the talk. His next goal is to make a demo tape good enough to give to Skinny when he comes back. He goes to great lengths to make the demo as good as it can be, modifying his house, bribing the neighbors, and taking advantage of Nola to get a better microphone, which causes her serious distress. After this he moves on to his next goal which is to give the tape to Skinny and convince him to watch it. This is where his plans all go downhill; DJay sees that Skinny has torn up his tape and threw it in the toilet and that is when he loses his temper (which he shows throughout the movie is already on the short side) and badly beats Skinny and ends up getting in a shoot out with Skinny’s friends/body guards and lands himself in jail.
DJay has a very high self-concept and a high level of self-efficacy; one might even argue that it was too high. He thought a lot of himself and one particular example of this that irked me throughout the movie was that he kept talking about how hard he was working. Nola argued with him, and rightfully so I think, about “how hard he was working”. Everyone around him, and Nola in particular, were busting their butts for him and all he seemed to be doing was sitting around. Shelby (whom I loved!) was working for a vending company and helping DJay record, Key was working his job and helping set up DJays house and record, poor Nola had to sleep with whomever DJay told her to and all DJay seemed to do was sit in a car writing and rap when the others were able to record . . . hard life . . . His high self-efficacy also ties in with his mastery belief. His high self-efficacy tells him he is a good rapper and his mastery belief allows him to continue to believe he is a good rapper even when he has failed at something or came across an obstacle.
I will also briefly mention the blaringly obvious: DJay has a very high need for both power and autonomy. DJay has to be the one to call the shots for everything from who Nola sleeps with and when to the words in his raps. The way Shug timidly asks for permission to change one word in the hook of the song she was asked to sing in shows both his power and control over her and her understanding that he needs to make the decision about the words.
If I may add to a comment made in a post above from Thea Moe, I also found this movie to have very clear examples of motivational terms we have been reading about for this class, but I also share the same general distaste for the movies we have been watching. I watched the movie Petty Woman this weekend and could just as easily apply what we have been learning about in class to that movie as I could to Hustle and Flow. I understand that watching movies that we would normally not pick out expands our horizons so to speak but I wish that we had the option at least for one or two movies to substitute one of our own choosing . . . just a thought . . .
The terms I used were: Incongruity, Self-concept, Self-Efficacy, Goal, Feedback, Discrepancy, Discrepancy Reduction, Discrepancy Creation, Power, Ideal State, Present State, Control, and Autonomy.

Hustle and Flow was a relatively raw experience of what struggles we ourselves aren't exposed to on a day to day basis opposed to those shared within poor southern communities. We find all our characters struggling to cope with their current conditions and why constructs like goal setting and striving, discrepancy, and self-efficacy are so vitally important in achieving success.
Discrepancy creation is a primary concept shared throughout the movie through D Jay, Nola, and Key. We see this most notably in D Jay who is entering a self declared mid-life crisis and sees outlying opportunity beyond hustling in the streets of Memphis. Nola isn’t quite sure where or who she’d like to be; she does understand one thing though and that is that she’s unhappy and uncomfortable with where she’s at. Key currently exists in a white picket fence lifestyle and while he has few complaints he discloses to D Jay that his real dream isn’t over. His life as producer has yet to come to fruition and he hasn’t forgotten nor given up on his dream. All three are in a current state in which none are satisfied (present state); a loftier goal or result lies within each of them (ideal state).
D Jay set a rather difficult and specific goal; produce a mixtape and successfully have it played on a radio station. As we have learned difficult, specific goals enhance performance. D Jay had the necessary components to successfully accomplish his goal. Because he knew it would be difficult to get anyone to listen let alone play his music it compelled him to perform his absolute best and nothing less than perfection was acceptable. Because he knew the specifications of his goal he knew how to go about getting exposure to someone with influence; Skinny Black. If he hadn’t had an idea or direction in mind post production of his tape it would have been very difficult for him to keep faith that his blood and sweat that he put into the production process was going to pay off.
Efficacy expectations estimate the likelihood that an individual can behave in a particular way or can an individual perform well on that particular task. Due to the fact that D Jay displayed high self-efficacy or the belief in your own abilities and resources to accomplish a certain task under certain circumstances; the efficacy expectations correlated positively. He was confident in his measures and was convinced those abilities would lead to a fulfilling outcome. The more individuals expect that they can adequately perform a feat the more willing that person is to put forth the effort and persistence while oncoming difficulties flourish. D Jay had a goal in mind and when he ran into obstacles such as the debilitating microphone he was more apt or willing to put Nola in a compromising position with the shop owner to get the microphone he needed. He was also more willing to accept the opinions of others in the process because he believed in their abilities.
Verbal persuasion accompanied D Jay’s high self-efficacy and complemented his hustler mentality. He was able to persuade others in drug deals, prostitution, trades, as well as believing in him. He persuaded Key with his idea and lyrics, he persuaded Shug the first time she sang the hook that she had more to give, and continually persuaded Nola in believing she was in charge. Nola even used the persuasive speech D Jay gave her in the first scene of the film to push D Jay’s tape on radio station DJ’s. Verbal persuasion is one of the key components in hustling and D Jay had to be skilled in the art if he was going to succeed.
Effort and persistence were tremendously strong throughout D Jay’s process of producing a mixtape. The effort from Key and Shelby contributed to the outcome expectations which estimate how likely it is that certain consequences will follow once a behavior is enacted. The reinforcement from those two increased the expectation of success. The amount of effort and personal investment in the project is very apparent when D Jay discovers Skinny Black discarded his tape into the toilet in the restroom and the sheer fury and resentment that exudes from D Jay. The way D Jay speaks to the bartender about how much he appreciates his help exemplifies how grateful he was to even be given an opportunity.
As stated in the book outcome expectancies are the building blocks of learned helplessness. Individuals create a subjective idea of how controllable an outcome is or can be. When people’s actions have no effect on the outcome or are independent of their behavior they develop a learned helplessness which makes an individual expect that life’s outcomes are uncontrollable. It’s blatantly apparent that Shug and Nola have a learned helplessness. They have very low self respect and have succumbed to a life of drugs and prostitution. They’re oppressed by D Jay and are forcefully put back in their place. When no matter how they behave or what they believe has any resonance with life’s outcomes they believe it’s uncontrollable. They take the abuse, punishment, and oppressive orders because they truly believe “that’s just the way things are”. External sources decide what and how they act instead of internal beliefs. The fact that their voluntary actions repeatedly have no effect on desired outcomes is the root of their learned helplessness brought on D Jay.
This film amongst all others was the easiest for me to clearly fit concepts and ideas that we’ve been talking about into specific situations. Many have even been left out and almost each construct is applicable somewhere in the film. Each character displayed a dimension of efficacy, discrepancy, goal setting and striving, effort, commitment, and persistency.
Terms Used: Discrepancy (present state, ideal state) Self-Efficacy, Effort, Persistence, Learned Helplessness, Goal setting/difficult/specificity, Verbal Persuasion, Efficacy expectations, Outcome expectations

Growing up in the streets Djay has been exposed to everything; he has either seen it or done it. Hustling is the only option readily available to approach meeting Djay’s physiological needs regardless of his psychological need for competence—a developmental constant not fostered in the drudgery of his routine day-to-day. To top it all off, he can rarely find a decent song on the radio. His perceived control and self-efficacy as a pimp-hustler have afforded him street credibility and an impoverished standard of living—rims on his jalopy while apparently subsisting on cigarettes; he is a survivor with no realistic way out, the short term goal of seeing another day and the dream (long-term goal) of getting radio play. Though he has mastery of Memphis street life, Djay longs for something more empowering; he is not the only one.

Djay’s self-efficacy in the streets is supported by his long personal behavioral history of hustling as passed on by his elders (vicarious experience coupled with verbal persuasion). His perceived control is confined to domineering his sex workers and his ability to coerce customers into their services and/or his marihuana. His self-efficacy, paired with unequal access to resources and the physiological needs of his dependents, affords him severely compromised goal-setting and-striving opportunities. His effort and persistence on the grind ultimately transform Djay into a slave to the game: "squeezin' a dollar out of a dime and I don't even have any cents right now." Though he longs for competence in another arena the streets are all Djay has ever known; with growing exposure to Skinny, he has realized his self-efficacy, skills, and knowledge in note pads and beats that will empower him through goal-setting strategies.

After repeatedly seeing Skinny Black on the tube, running into Key at the store, and sitting in on a recording of Key’s church choir, Djay has vicariously experienced all he needs to bolster his intrinsic motivation to the point of initial plan implementation. As an artist, Djay’s self-efficacy sources are initially underdeveloped; however, his long term goal of radio play eventually becomes the internalized aim of the group. Key is the first to realize similar creative aspirations as a way of approaching his own childhood dreams; his wife exerts power over many life facets. As the “light-skinned brother”, Shug, and Nola recognize Djay’s lyrical and vocal competency they similarly contribute skills and knowledge, energy and direction to master the new challenge. His personal behavioral history rapping is sparse: “I was doin’ the same thing over at my school.” Soon his limited prior experience yields to Djay “hearin’ the beat all day.”

Shortly thereafter, his precious time, energy, and resources are pooled almost entirely into fully developing artist agency. What he cannot afford is given, or if necessary, taken by any means: his social capital provides multiple pathways to attaining/obtaining short term goals (building blocks towards ultimate goal). This is made particularly apparent when Nola exchanges her oral duties for the studio-quality microphone; Key begins choosing to record in the majority of his free time, even skipping supper with his wife. Djay’s cognitions and behavior revolve around cataloguing choices and activities regularly experienced in his daily life, though somewhat sensationalized. Djay’s notepad and microphone, with Key as sound technician and DJ Qualls on keyboards and percussion, empower him through expression of present-ideal inconsistencies constructing the bleak livelihood choices available to him. Music is his scenario for success: in the studio Djay has mastery over lyrical composition. Group effort and persistence are vital in accessing the resources to make the demo possible and, ultimately, in reaching mainstream radio.

As Djay’s sources of self-efficacy expand, his efficacy expectations settle and his outcome expectations as an artist become increasingly self-assured. In achieving outcome expectations Djay’s coping mechanisms and optimistic explanatory style keep him intrinsically motivated never to give up. Congruent with his long-held street mentality— in thinking and decision making—he focuses undivided attention to the present task; calm, cool and collected in all of his handlings. Djay’s seeming lack of emotionality in favor of a problem-focused approach is obvious in his perceived, and exercised, control over desirable outcomes—likely a product of desensitization to abject conditions and acceptable gender roles. Two instances emerge when Djay is momentarily out of his element, allowing emotion-focused coping to takeover: he initially hesitates in approaching Skinny and his reactance to the sight of his demo in the toilet subsequently; aggressive opposition results as the pathway is blocked. However, in the face of his incarceration Djay has the presence of mind to reiterate the goal, delegating tasks to the group. His social network provides multiple pathways to various ends.

Empowerment is experienced by all group members to some degree. As Djay wholeheartedly shifts his attention to music, he genuinely distinguishes the instrumentality of each group member. In doing so, the dominant power structure endorsed by Djay’s authoritarianism is challenged; Key and DJ Qualls have control over the track’s direction, except for vocal contributions; though minimal, Shug's background vocals offer her autonomy in adapting the words and the liberation to sing out, truly feeling it. As Lex and Nola realize their skills and knowledge, even as docile sex slaves, the fog of learned helplessness lifts to reveal self-esteemed, unwavering feminist demands. Lex, the overwhelmingly negative thought-brewer, oversteps her boundary and is given the boot; this marks the first, most influential blow to Djay’s omnipotence as breadwinner and decision maker. Similarly, Nola addresses Djay after the final straw of exploitation: throwing the newly-acquired microphone on the ground she responds, “Don’t ever do that again! From now on I gotta have a say."

Each individual actively searches for competent functioning in new arenas. The reciprocal relationship between feedback and competence enhances goal striving and successful implementation of goal intentions start to finish. Self-efficacy, explanatory style, and coping mechanisms work to instill mastery beliefs and the hope that ‘he (we) can do it and it will work’. Empowerment is made possible only through collective efforts. Individual agency becomes internalized by the group and these pathways provide the means to the end, radio exposure. Through verbal persuasion Djay entrusts Nola to his position: “I’m in charge”; the difficulty and specificity of hitting every station in Memphis to spread the demo and seek radio play becomes Nola’s endless mission; her skills and self-efficacy provide the pathway to win over 107.1’s dee-jay. Finally, Djay can hear his shit in the yard. This film delivers the overall theme of hope even in maladaptive environments, developing agency and discovering multiple pathways to achieve desired ends.

Terms: competence, mastery, empowerment, agency, efficacy and outcome expectations, perceived control, self-efficacy, goals-setting, striving, short-term, long-term, personal behavioral history, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, present-ideal inconsistencies, coping, optimistic explanatory style, emotionality, reactance, learned helplessness, autonomy, feedback, implementation intentions

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