Recall in lecture on thursday I showed a table that had an environmental stimulus (a book, a Coke) and then listed a possible aroused motive, and then a behavior.
I'd like you to come up with 1 environmental stimuli, list several possible aroused motives, and the resulting behaviors that would be linked to those specific aroused motives.
Be clear in your comment so we can all understand the stimuli, the aroused motive, and the resulting behavior.
If I saw a guitar at a friend's house (environmental stimulus) I could show interest, frustration, curiosity, or excitement (aroused motives). If I was interested I could ask my friend about it (behavior). If I was frustrated because I was horrible at playing the guitar I could kick it (behavior). If I was curious about it I could pick it up and try to play it (behavior). If I was excited about it I would pick it up and play my favorite song on it (behavior).
I've come up with an environmental stimuli of cheesecake. There can be several aroused motives and resulting behaviors from seeing cheesecake or having it around you. Some arounsed motives: hunger, avoidence, goal, and relatedness. Here are the resulting behaviors, in order of the aroused motives: eat the cheesecake, throw the cheesecake away (don't like cheesecake/allergic to it), put the cheesecake away (trying to diet), and share the cheesecake with friends.
For my environmental stimulus, I chose having an upcoming test. Aroused motives might include studying for the test and doing well, ignoring the fact you have a test and just watch TV and not study, you might choose to clean the house and not study, or go workout and not study.
The resulting behaviors that would be linked to the aroused motives would be doing well on the test if you did study, if you chose to watch TV, you would be caught up on all the TV episodes of the different shows you watch, but you would do poorly on the test, cleaning the house would result in a spick and span house, but you might do poorly on the test since you didn't study, and working out would cause you to be in better shape, but since you didn't study, you might get a bad grade on the test.
For my example, the environmental stimulus is talking in class. Possible aroused motives could include the following: achievement, relatedness, affiliation, external motivation, or interest. A student may talk in class because it gives them a feeling of achievement because they have added their part in class in a positive and interesting way. Other students are sharing their opinion and now another student has the same opinion and wants to show support for the previous opinions and because of relatedness may also speak up in class. Affiliation might arouse a student to talk in class because other students are talking and in order to feel part of the group they may also talk. In order to pass this specific class each student must talk in class everyday and if the student is motivated to do so it could be because they were forced to do so which is due to external motivation or an outside motivator. A simple explanation to why a student is motivated to talk in class could be because of interest motivation. A student might find a particular subject exciting so they may want to raise their hand and talk about their interest in the subject. All of these aroused motives can explain why a student might be motivated to talk in class.
My environmental stimulus is a cell phone. Cell phones are pretty much constantly around us and there are many aroused motives and resulting behaviors from this piece of technology. Some aroused motives could be: socialization, boredom, or avoidance. The resulting behaviors for these motives would be: making a call or texting, playing a game, or turning off the phone.
I have come up with the environmental stimuli of a recieving and possibly responding to a text message. Some aroused motives could be; relatedness, avoidance, introjection, and value.
If we are going with relatedness, you would want to read and respond to your text message. The resulting behavior may be that you feel included with your social circle and may have gotten invited to a fun event that you want to go to. You would also feel good that someone feels close enough to you to share some news.
A second option could be that you ignore and avoid the text message all together because you are not in the mood to talk to the person that sent you believe could have sent the message. You could be mad at them or you could just think that the message is trivial and don't want to bothered with it at the moment. This beahvior could result in the person who sent you the message getting upset or having them keep contacting you until you do answer.
Introjection could also be a possible motivator to answering a text message you recieve. Maybe you feel guilty that you haven't talked to that person in a while or you just took too long to respond. As a result, the guilt could keep eating away at you until you finally cave and respond.
The final thing that could be a possible motivator is value. Responding to a text message from certain people could be important to you because you care about them and want to be a part of their life. If it's a family member or good friend that you receive a text message from, you could also be slightly concerned that something could be wrong and that they need someone to talk to. This could especially be the case if the text message comes from someone that normally doesn't contact you. This could result in the behavior of, in the very least, reading the message.
The environmental stimuli that I've come up with is a computer. Some possible aroused motives are: avoidance, intrinsic motivation, external regulation, interest, extrinsic motivation, and socialization. For avoidance, the resulting behavior would be to shut off the computer because you're using it to procrastinate from doing your homework. The resulting behavior for intrinsic motivation would be to play games on the computer because you find them fun to do. Using the computer to do homework because you have to type up a paper, would be the resulting behavior for external regulation. For interest, the resulting behavior would be to surf the internet because you want to look up information on an artist. The resulting behavior for extrinsic motivation would be to complete a survey on the computer because a research company is paying you to do so. For socialization, the resulting behavior would be to go on Facebook or Instant Messenger to chat with friends and other people. These are just some of the aroused motives and resulting behaviors for a computer.
For my environmental stimulus I chose something that hit close to home, Facebook. Facebook could cause several aroused motives, such as affiliation, humor, avoidance, interest, achievement, etc.
Affiliation is a fairly obvious motive because Facebook is designed to connect people together. While on Facebook, you are communicating with friends via status updates, comments, and instant message.
I figured that humor would be a motive because sometimes people just want a good laugh and I'm sure a good number of us have those friends who leave hysterical status updates. So some may sign on to seek out a good laugh.
Avoidance is a motive that some people have. You may avoid those annoying quizzes and events by hitting the ignore option. Or, you may even try to avoid Facebook all together so that you don't procrastinate with your homework.
Interest ties in with humor and affiliation. You may be interested in seeing what fun (or in most cases, trivial) things your friends are up to.
Finally, achievement. Odd motive to include, I know. However, for those die-hard Facebook gamers, you are competing with your friends for the top spot on the scoreboards and are driven to spend a lot of time (sometimes hours) trying to achieve that top spot.
My environmental stimulus is sports. There are numerous aroused motives for playing sports. The aroused motives that I came up with are interest, completion, fitness, challenge, be part of a team, low self-efficacy, and not fun. These aroused motives then lead to behaviors such as playing a sport, joining a team, joining a league, quitting a sport, or never trying a sport.
I chose getting up early as my envoronmental stimulus. Some aroused motives for getting up early would be for a goal. Associated with the goal as the motive would be the behavior of seeing if it is possible to get up so early. Another aroused motive would be introjection. A behavior that would be asociated with introjection is because the person feels that they should get up early because there is no sense in sleeping in or being lazy. One more aroused motive for getting up early could be external regulation. The behavior could be because somebody is making them get up early for possibly school, sports practice, to go to work, etc.
The environmental stimulus I chose was reading a book. The aroused motives that may come along with this include intrinsic motivation, external regulation and avoidance. As a result of these aroused motives you may read the book in full and enjoy it, read bits and pieces of the book and as a result not do so well in a class or not read the book at all.
Coffee is an enivronmental stimulus that I come across daily. It arouses motives in me such as thirst, relaxation, and affiliation.
Thirst, a motivation that many of us can relate to, motivates me in the morning to get up and grab a cup of coffee. It tastes good and most definitely hits the spot!
Relaxation is a possible motivator because I know personally when I smell coffee, it automatically puts me in a mood where I can visualize myself in a little coffee shop somewhere free of noise and full of relaxation. I almost always sit down and relax when I drink my coffee.
Affiliation, which happens to me almost always when I have coffee, is a good motivator because it inspires me to be around good friends have great conversations.
I chose the environmental stimulus of homework. Some of the motives include flow, external regulation, goal, inspired to do so.
Flow is a motive because it is challenging when learning or doing something new in a class. It is a personal challenge to learn and master the material.
External Regulation is a motive because homework is required for some classes in order to get the points and a good grade.
Inspired to do so is a motive because people want to learn more to be more intellegent and possibly a well informed and better person.
An example of an environmental stimuli that I come across daily is the scent of food. The motives that are aroused from this stimuli include: hunger, interest, relaxation, and rest.
Hunger is aroused because of the various odors I sense. Whether or not I find those odors pleasing, determines their effect. I am more motivated if I recognize an odor and can relate that scent to a previous pleasant food encounter. I am less motivated if I find the scent to be unpleasant.
Interest is aroused when I smell food because I often find myself wondering what certain scents are. I find that I am most interested in the scents when I am hungry. As stated above, I become more interested in food if I find the scent to be pleasant and if I can relate it to a previous pleasant food experience.
I am motivated to relax when I smell food. As much as possible, I like to take lunch in a place where I am able to break away from my daily activities. This time period allows me to find relaxation and also to rest. I often pair my meals with relaxation and rest because I find it very personally rewarding and a great way to stay motivated for the rest of my day. This sense of relaxation and rest can be attributed to my parents who would cooked daily and provided my brothers and I with a very relaxing eating environment.
I chose email as an environmental stimulus. Aroused motives include avoidance, need for socialization, interest, value and interjection.
It resulting behavior of avoidance is not check email from certain people or respond to certain responsibilities.
email allows us to communicate with anyone at any time at our convenience and makes us feel connected to others, so many will check their email and responded to their friends and colleges.
The resulting behavior of interest is to check the email because people want to know what the email contains.
People check email because it may contain valuable information to help someones academic or work success.
Finally interjection results in the response of answering and reading email because it will make the individual feel better for not having responded earlier or from deviating from the social norms of answering messages.
My environmental stimulus is being involved in a club on campus. Persons may experience some of these aroused motives: intrinsic motivation, external motivation, possible self and positive affect, achievement, and/or avoidance.
Everyone has a different opinion about how much time he/she dedicates to an organization outside of the classroom, if any. For instance, joining a club on campus can be an intrinsic motivator for some people. Some people enjoy meeting new people, working with others, and participating in a club’s events. Therefore, joining a club can be very enjoyable to some people.
An example of an external motivation of joining a club on campus may be that a teacher has assigned each student to perform a certain number of community service hours with a specific group. This may seem that each student is forced to perform this task.
For some people, the resulting behavior of being involved in a club with a sense of possible self and positive affect can be rewarding. For instance, if a person joins a group which participates in community service events (working at a food pantry, visiting persons in a nursing home, etc.), a person may feel inspired and may feel good about themselves and others.
Achievement can also be considered an aroused motive in this event. As a member of a group, a person may feel achievement when holding a leadership position within the club. Recruiting more members into a club can also be considered an achievement. A person can feel achievement as he/she is trying to make his/her club successful.
Avoidance is another aroused motive someone may experience. A person may not like interacting with other people or may feel that he/she doesn’t have time to join a group outside of the classroom. Whatever the case may be, a person may try to avoid participating in a club event, altogether.
These are just a few aroused motives and their behaviors for my environmental stimulus of participating in a club on campus.
Environmental stimulus: While driving in your car you see a McDonald’s restaurant.
Aroused motives and resulting behaviors:
positive affect- because you are hung over you stop for comfort food
intrinsic motivation- hunger, convenience and time constraints cause you to go through the drive through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation- hunger and a recently detailed interior pull you to dine-in personal control and avoidance- health-conscious hungries may order a parfait, salad, or skip out on Mickey D’s altogether
avoidance- environmental concerns may push you to go eat somewhere with less packaging—generating less waste
monetary value- hungry and strapped for cash you order solely off of the dollar menu
flow- while sinking your teeth into the dollar burger you just ordered you encounter something unpleasant: upon realizing it was a bone shard you decide to swallow down the rest of the burger simultaneously considering the odds of discovering more fragments external regulation- the play place is currently being disinfected so you order your food to go and take it to the park.
My environmental stimulus is loud music from the apartment next door. The aroused motives include distraction, lack of sleep, wanting to participate.
Distraction is a motive because it's hard to do anything when loud music is blaring next door.
The resulting behavior for distraction could include not getting homework completed.
Lack of sleep is a motive because if the music is being played while you are trying to sleep it makes sleeping potentially difficult.
The resulting behavior for lack of sleep could include not waking up in time the next morning for class because you had difficulty getting sleep the night before.
Wanting to participate is a motive because potentially hearing the music makes you want to go out with friends when you need to stay home to study.
The resulting behavior for wanting to participate could also include not getting school work done or spending to much money going out.
The environmental stimulus I chose was reading your textbook for a class. The aroused motives would include intrinsic motivation, external regulation or avoidance. As a result of these motives, bevahiors such as these would follow; you would end up reading the textbook in full out of sheer enjoyment, as a result you would most likely succeed in that class. Next, you could read bits and pieces of the book simply because you were told to do so, as a result you may succeed but most likely not to your full potential. Latly, you could totally avoid the task. The result from taking this route would be a much weaker grade in the class.
I chose an infected eye as my environmental stimulus. The aroused motives for an infected eye are seeing a doctor for medicine, contacts, glasses, an eye patch, and rubbing or touch it.
Seeing a doctor for medicine is a motive because you use (most of us) your eye to take notes, to see where you are going, and to know our surroundings without taking care of your eye things will get complicated than they really ought to be.
Where your contacts while having an infected eye is not such a good idea, true it helps you see better but if the eye is infected I really doubt you will be able to see anything and you risk infected the other eye or making that same eye worse.
Wearing glasses is a step for making your infected eye feel better but it does not get rid of the infection.
An eye patch may become useful in order not to stress the eye out, if stressing the eye out too much it may cause the infected eye to become irritated.
Rubbing or touching the infected eye is a no no. You may make the infected eye worse to the point it shuts close or spreading the infection to another person or your good eye.
It's amazing how many environmental stimuli there are around you and the aroused motives that they are linked to.
The environmental stimulus that I have come up with is an alarm clock going off in the morning. Possible aroused motives and resulting behaviors might be:
Rest: You want to continue sleeping because you are still tired so you turn the alarm off.
Avoidance: You ignore the sound of the alarm.
Goal: Turn the alarm clock off and get up because you have a goal of being on time to class.
Introjection: The sound of the alarm clock going off might cause you to feel guilty if you have ignored your alarm and been late in the past, so you turn off the alarm and get up.
The environmental stimulus of employment.
Besides the obvious extrinsic motivation of being paid for working, you also have perceived competence if you have a good day at work.Some may have goals such as getting a promotion or getting a certain amount of work done each day. These motivation would lead to working harder.In some situations it is external regulation because while we don't want to most of us have to work in order to pay for college/other expenses.Likewise, people often don't skip work in order to avoid guilt(introjection). Also you can then have personal control over your finances by going to work and putting in the hours.There is also value in not being unemployed. Sometimes, if you are lucky, there is also the motivation of relatedness if you work with your friends.
My environmental stimulus is watching The Golden Girls. Possible motives and behaviors may be: Positive affect-it is a hilarious show and is sure to make you laugh and put you in a better mood. Relatedness-it is a show about friends, and therefore is a way to spend time with your friends.
Avoidance-what better way to put off doing homework than to kick back and have some laughs with the girls?
Relaxation-if you've had a stressful day, The Golden Girls can help you unwind.
The environmental stimulus that I have come up with is preparing to give a presentation. Several possible aroused motives include anxiety, sickness, fear and avoidance. Anxiety could be because you are nervous about getting up in front and talking. Sickness goes along with anxiety; if you are over anxious and worry you might become sick to your stomach. Fear could occur if you’re worried about doing a bad job on your presentation and thus will get a bad grade. The last one, avoidance, if you get nervous while presentation you might try and find ways to avoid doing the presentation.
The resulting behaviors to the specific motives would be: If you have anxiety, it might make you practice more so you have your presentation down pat or it might make you just worry the whole time and not be able to focus on your actual presentation. If you start to feel sick during your presentation because of nerves it will take your attention off of the presentation and on to your feelings of sickness which will cause more anxiety in turn. If you are fearful of doing well, you might try overly hard to do a good job on your presentation such as being really prepared. With avoidance you might try and forget about your presentation, which could mean you will do a bad job on it. You could wait to the last minute to do your presentation and then not get it done or not be prepared enough. You also might try and find ways to get out of doing your presentation, which could backfire and get you into trouble.
My environmental stimulus is an oncoming cold. Aroused motives could include: external regulation (you take medicine because your mother/doctor told you to do so), value (you take vitamins or cold medicine to improve your health to feel better), perceived competence (when you take a cold remedy you feel better), and personal control (you exercise therefore you sweat and increase your body temperature to shorten the length of the cold, you eat chicken noodle soup to feel better, or supplement with vitamins to relieve stress/headache/cough/nasal congestion).
Stimulus is a window light catcher. The aroused motives would be to see the colors move or to feel the texture of the glass or crystal. The resulting behavior would be to touch it or grab and somehow spin or move it. I know that shiny things are my kryptonite and I can never help but to touch or spin things that catch the light.
When I was walking down College Street I saw a bud light sign. The bud light sign is the external stimulus. When I saw this the aroused motives I felt included a variety( socialization, avoidance,excited, and guilty.
Socialization- because I know when I drink at the bars I can interact with friends by talking, laughing, planning things to come, etc.
Avoidance- because at the time I thought which is better.Do I really need to go in and drink at the time, or are there other things I could be doing.
Excited-because I know when I go into the bars I have a good time and also when I see the sign remember the fun times I have also had in the past.
Guilty-because I know that there are other things I could be doing that are healthier and a better use of my time.
I like how you picked up on a specific example from your daily life instead of picking something broad. The intro to this comment made me laugh. :)