Assignment Due 9/7 @ 10pm


Please read chapters 1, 2, 3.

What I would like you to do is to find a topic from one of those 3 chapters that interests you and search the internet for material on that topic. You might, for example, find people who are doing research on the topic, you might find web pages that discuss the topic, you might find youtube clips that demonstrate something related to the topic, etc. What you find and use is pretty much up to you at this point.

Once you have completed your search and explorations (which may include a fair amount of browsing time, and reading websites, links, news pieces, or articles), I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into one fo those chapters, why you are interested in it, and what you learned about that topic from 3 of the sources you viewed/read on the internet (please at the end of your comment include the 3 URLs).

Your comment should be clearly written and demonstrate the time and effort you spent on this assignment.



While reading the chapters I found that chapter three interested me the most. When I was trying to decide what to research I kept coming back to the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans. It is interesting to me that from the scans, researchers could tell what area of the brain is being used during each motivational state. I have always been interested in the brain and what each section does to help us live our day to day lives. Chapter three does not go into a lot of detail about it, but it does discuss how through the scans, psychologists can tell what the brain does during different aspects of motivation.
The first website I found to be relevant to fMRI scans and motivation was a study conducted to see how motivation affected the participants’ behavior (Taylor, Welsh, Wager, Phan, Fitzgerald, & Gehring, 2003). The researchers took 12 adults (six women and six men) and had them hooked up to an fMRI for 12 trials. The researchers believed that by using a financial incentive (motivator) and the fMRI they could see that the same or nearby parts of the prefrontal cortex would be involved with the maintenance of working memory, either directly through the motivation or due to an interaction between memory load and the financial incentive (motivator). The experiment was designed so little manipulation of the participants would take place. It consisted of a simple working memory task with shapes (Taylor, et al.). The participants were penalized by losing money when they got a question wrong but were given money when they were right. The researchers learned that when a motivator such as a financial incentive was present the participants’ cognitive brain activity changed. It activated the prefrontal cortex area that is used in working memory tasks (Taylor, et al.). It is amazing how different sections of the brain do many different functions. A lot of functions that we probably do not even know exist yet.
Another very similar study was conducted using people to see what parts of their brains would be activated if a financial incentive was shown to them before they completed a task (Knutson, Westdorp, Kaiser, & Hommer, 1999). Each participant went through three trials in which they were told at the beginning if there would be monetary reward, monetary punishment, or nothing but their reaction time being recorded. Through this study the researchers saw that when there was monetary reward or a motivator the caudate, thalamus, mesial prefrontal cortex, and left motor cortex all became activated (Knutson, et al.).
After looking at what happened when financial motivation was placed in front of people I became curious about other types of motivations. I found a short article written by John M. Grohol (2005) that discusses when love motivates us. Using 17 men and women who view themselves as being newly crazy in love a study was conducted. The results of this study showed that new love has a lot to do with motivation. The parts of the brain that were activated were the parts that humans share with other mammals that activate with they are wanting a “reward” or are being driven rather than the emotional or sex drive parts of the brain. Therefore, the researchers concluded that new love is an evolutionary drive to “win our mate” despite all the emotions that are occurring (Grohol, 2005).

After reading chapters one through three I decided I wanted to focus on how biological motivations work when a person is suffering from an eating disorder. Reading chapter three taught me that the number one hormone that is secreted due to hunger is known as ghrelin. When a person goes without enough biological needs such as food the stomach and intestines work to secrete ghrelin into the bloodstream. As ghrelin levels rise the hypothalamus receives this message and in turn a person will begin to feel hungry. The opposite of that is when fat tissues can secrete what is known as leptin into the bloodstream, which sends the message to the brain that the person is full and biologically satisfied when it comes to hunger. What I am interested most in is how motivations change due to eating disorders that include both starvation and overeating. Most sources state that the main motivator behind eating disorders is the motivation to be skinny.
In American culture thinness is perceived as beauty, success, and power. Those who are suffering from any type of eating disorder do so mostly because they deal with an obsession of weight control and want to be skinny so in turn they feel they will be more culturally accepted. The psychological motivations are mostly shared evenly across populations of those suffering from eating disorders. For example, most psychological motivators include the “want” to look certain way. The biological motivators tend more often than not to be the “need” to look a certain way. Personally, I would like to focus more on the biological motivators.
The first site I came across was a paper written by a student who mentioned that hormones include some of the biological motivators. Throughout studies, a consensus has formed that those suffering with anorexia or bulimia tend to have abnormal levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Serotonin levels relate to the amount of food one consumes. With lower serotonin levels a person tends to starve themselves more, and with higher levels a person tends to consume more than enough food. Specifically bulimia may also be related to poor satiation response. For a person with bulimia it is reinforcing for what is known as tryptophan to be released by the brain and that occurs by consuming a large amount of sugars. Anorexics on the other hand have an overactive serotonergic response center. Their motivation behind starving themselves could stem from the reinforcement they feel when they are able to decrease the uncomfortable feeling they experience when serotonin levels are too high due to food consumption.
The next site I came across is a less formal analysis of biological motivation and eating behaviors. I found this site helpful because it explained in easy to read terms what biological processes occur that lead to hunger and satiety. It also described the parts of the hypothalamus and which parts work with hunger and what specific parts deal with satiety. This site also mentioned that even though there are biological motivators, psychological motivators are also present and can help explain why some people have eating disorders and others do not.
The last site I visited was a video I found on Youtube. This video is a rap song that uses facts and pictures of real life stories of people with eating disorders to spread awareness of such psychological disorders. What I liked about this site was the fact that it mentioned that eating disorders are not always about food. After reading and becoming informed on the subject of eating disorders it is obvious it is about much more. Understanding the motivations behind disorders like these will help sufferers to hopefully cope and work through their issues with eating. Motivations are so important and once a person understands their motivation they can work to change those motivations so that one day they can eat healthy regularly.

For this assignment, I chose to do brief research on the topic of facial expressions. Facial expressions are first pointed out as part of Table 1.2: Behavioral Expressions of Motivation in chapter 1 of our text book. It fits in with motivation and emotion because facial expressions are a great indicator of how a person is feeling without them having to say anything. Facial expressions also can change the meaning of what someone is saying. For example, if someone is being sarcastic, the facial expression of smiling can give it away of they make a jokingly mean comment.

I am interested in facial expressions because I feel I personally read people better by looking at their faces and their body language. In my experience, people can say one thing, but totally mean another. You can find out if this is true, in part, by studying their facial expressions.

In my brief research, I was sadly unable to learn many new things about facial expressions. Most of what I found was restatements of things I have been told before when studying Psychology. However, I did manage to learn some new and exciting things in an article and two YouTube videos.

In the article, I learned that facial expressions have been discovered on human skulls that date back to almost 3 million years ago. This is an astounding discovery that could possible lead to more possible research about the face and maybe even when homo sapiens finally learned to talk as the skull and face developed in life.

In the first YouTube clip, we see an example of a computer program that can recognize and measure facial expressions. This is a great demonstration of how far technology has come in the past years and how it can help aid us in the future. We could even possibly use these computer programs to help complement other technologies, such as lie detectors.

The second YouTube video is almost the same as the first, however it shows a different computer program. This computer program, from what we can tell by the video, gives a more clear reading that more people would be able to understand. It even appears to measure the intensity of the emotions the facial expressions indicate.

In summation, my brief research has demonstrated how far we have come in the study of facial expressions. Current technology has made it much easier for us to study facial expressions. Studying this phenomenon is important because facial expressions play an important role in helping us identify a person's emotion. It is much easier for people to tell how a person is feeling by looking at their face as well as listening to what they say. Sometimes, you can even tell how a person is feeling before they say anything by looking at their face. This is very critical in the study of emotion. Emotions also play a key role in what will motivate us as well.




The topic I have chosen for this assignment is drive theory. This fits into chapter 2 because drive is the last of the three aspects (coming after will and instinct) of "grand theory" which is a theory that explains the full range of motivated action. I am interested in drive because I think it is very cool how our bodies are automatically driven to service whatever our body needs, whether it be a drink of water or social interaction.

I found Hull's drive theory to be especially interesting because it says that motivation could be predicted before it occurred. One of the websites I found has a quote from Hull that explains his theory well. It says, "when survival is in jeopardy, the organism is in a state of need (when the biological requirements for survival are not being met) so the organism behaves in a fashion to reduce that need." He took this idea of homeostasis from biology and applied it to psychology. Simply put...if a person is hungry, they eat. If they are thirsty, they drink. And our bodies are driven to do these things to keep ourselves in optimal biological condition. Drive is a stimulus, that arises from a need, which stimulates behavior. Another website I found had these principles, which made Hull's theory easy to understand:

1. Drive is essential in order for responses to occur (i.e., the student must want to learn).

2. Stimuli and responses must be detected by the organism in order for conditioning to occur ( i.e., the student must be attentive).

3. Response must be made in order for conditioning to occur (i.e., the student must be active).

4. Conditioning only occurs if the reinforcement satisfied a need (i.e, the learning must satisfy the learner's wants).

The topic that most interests me is "Origins of Motivational concepts." This topic begins at the start of chapter 2 on page 25. More specifically, I am very interested in the "Instinct" section and the work done by Charles Darwin concerning a deterministic model for human behaviors. I have not believed in "free will" for some time so the idea that there are biological causes for motivation is aligned with my natural way of thinking.

For instance, one website I researched declared that many motivations are learned throughout early childhood in the form of defense mechanisms. As children our brain may become hard wired to associate anxiety with certain stimuli (e.g. driving). This association may come in the form of a car accident. To further explain, as a child we are riding in a car, mom crashes the car. As a defense mechanism our brain learns to recognize cars with being an immediate threat to our life. If we have anxiety around cars, we are more likely to avoid the car, further increasing our perceived notion of safety and survival. In Darwin's line of thought we are simply adapting to our environment by avoiding perceived threats.

Darwin also proposed that humans were created by the same mechanism of natural selection that created other animals (Pratarelli & Mize 2002). This has rather direct implications for how Humans perceive the environment and survive. For survival and motivation in the purest animal sense has existed since the beginning of time.

Obviously Darwin's studies would also indicate that personal characteristics are inherited. Therefore factors such as genes also play a role in understanding what motivates humans to make any action.

We begin to understand that there is no one source for motivation. Everything about our personalities, characteristics and emotions stem from some previous source.

Your point is very well made. However, as a believer in free will, I do believe you missed one thing. Choice. I do agree with you that previous experiences can and do shape our perception, motivation, and emotions, but you don't even mention the choices that people make. That is indictive of human's free will. Some choices may result from previous experiences, but not all do. For example, previous experience tells me when my stomach rumbles, I should eat. But I may choose not to, knowing later that I will have a headache. If I don't have free will, I doubt that I won't eat, knowing that later I will be in pain, which is contrary to survival. Choice also plays a role in other things. For instance, if children grow up in an abusive household, previous experience teaches that the children will fear violence. Experience may also teach them that only the bigger, tougher person will be able to get their way. Either way, the experience teaches the child to stay away from the abusive parent. It doesn't explain why the child may later be close to the abusive parent, and even be able to forgive that parent for the abuse the person received. That involves choice. It involves free will. Also, most of your argument assumes that Darwin's theory of evolution is correct. There are serious doubts to that theory. Although I could quote theological arguments, it's not necessary here. I can use science, which, since Darwin, has done much to discredit his theory. In mathematics, molecular biology, astromony, research about the brain, etc., almost all scientific fields are finding that Darwin's theory is hard to prove. It's even harder to prove when it comes to the fossil record. If evolution isn't correct, and Intelligent Design is (which, by the way, is purely scientific and not theological-the definition is in this link: then it means that free will is possible, because we aren't just some highly evolved primates who learned everything as a survival mechanism. Here's another link; it doesn't have all the sciences, but it gives examples from mathematics and molecular biology: I have actually read a lot of material about this very subject, and I am convinced that free will does exist and it's crucial to choices that we make.

The topic I chose to focus on was the stress hormone known as Cortisol. This term falls into the third chapter of the textbook. There are three primary principals that organize how motivational researchers study the brain, which include; structure, biochemical agents and lastly, day to day events. Biochemical agent is just a fancy name for hormones, which are key driving forces in our motivation and emotion.

Being in situations which include social evaluation whether it be in the form of threats or an audience while performing a task almost always triggers an increased cortisol level within our body. The response our body has to these types of stressors plays a significant role in our health.

In order for the body to function properly and maintain homeostasis, it must produce the hormone cortisol. It is produced by the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland, which can be found right above each kidney. The process of the release of cortisol is very complex but necessary in response to a stimulus.

Too much cortisol can be a health risk that could lead to higher blood pressure, cancers, a break-down of muscle tissue, lowered immunity or an increase in abdominal fat, which could result in heart attack or stroke, and the list goes on. Maintaining lowered cortisol levels can be done so by getting enough sleep, healthy eating habits, focusing on stress reduction techniques and trying to avoid stimulants to name a few.

Being a college student I find myself under a bit more stress than the average person, which drew me to this topic in order to gain a little more insight into its purpose and effects.

The topic I chose to research is the brain structure the amygdala from chapter 3.
The amygdala is a one inch long almond shaped structure in the brain responsible for motivation and emotion. It is a set of subcortical nuclei located in the medial temporal lobe and is part of the limbic system. These nerves are connected to important brain centers.
The amygdala detects potentially threatening or emotional events and responds by activating other brain structures. These structures in turn send out neurotransmitters that induce bodily functions. The amygdala sends signals to almost every part of the brain. The perceived threat stimulates a certain part of the amygdala which controls a specific emotion.
The amygdala controls the emotions related to self-preservation. It plays a key role in the processing of our own emotions. It also processes how we perceive the emotions of others. The amygdala is known for its part in fear and pleasure. It also enhances long term memory of emotional events and learning of new environmental dangers.
Any impairment to the amygdala will change the personality. The impairment can be from damage, neurotransmitter imbalance, or developmental problems. Abnormal functioning is associated with a range of mental conditions such as PTSD, phobias, depression, anxiety, and autism.
The amygdala is important to the study of motivation and emotion because it is the primary brain structure that controls them. It regulates our body and lets us know when there is a perceived danger so we can decide to fight or flee.

I consider myself to be an indecisive person; therefore, I found the section on Orbitofrontal Cortex particularly interesting. In chapter three (pages 56-57), Johnmarshall Reeve describes the orbitofrontal cortex as the structure of the brain responsible for cognitive abilities such as making everyday decisions.
Jonathan Wallis, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, published an article called, “Orbitofrontal Cortex and Its Contribution to Decision-Making.” Wallis described the function of the orbitofrontal cortex is to process a reward. The orbitofrontal cortex works with the other portions of the prefrontal cortex to analyze the options and to decide how pleasing the outcome will be. According to Wallis, the value of the potential outcome “can then be held in working memory where it can be used by lateral prefrontal cortex to plan and organize behavior toward obtaining the outcome.” Finally, the medial prefrontal cortex will assess the effort required to perform this task.
For example, on a chilly day, a girl is at the Maucker Union, trying to decide what she should eat for lunch. The options seem overwhelming; however, she begins to narrow down her cravings between a cold turkey sandwich and a cup of vegetable soup. The girl sees the large cold turkey sandwich and begins to think, “That looks good.” But then she sees the steam from the hot vegetable soup, and thinks “that looks good, too.” With this being said, the brain is analyzing the options to decide which option will provide the best outcome (or which will satisfy the girl’s feeling of hunger). Within seconds, the girl’s working memory in the prefrontal cortex of her brain, plans and obtains the outcome that will satisfy the girl’s needs. Based on a selection process and different incentives, the girl was able to make a decision. She lines up at the register with the hot cup of soup in her hand, thanks to the orbitofrontal cortex.
In this hypothetical situation, you can see that the orbitofrontal cortex is only one area of the brain that is responsible in the decision making process. According to researchers, Antoine Bechara, Hanna Damasio and Antonio Damasio, authors of the research article, “Emotion, Decision Making and the Orbitofrontal Cortex,” components important to the decision making process include: areas of the prefrontal cortex, the amygdala, the somatosensory or insular cortices, and the peripheral nervous system. Together, all of these systems are important in the decision process.
In a research article called, “Orbitofrontal cortex: A key prefrontal region for encoding information,” authors, Stephen Frey and Michael Petrides discussed their findings after conducting a research study using a PET scan to determine the importance of the orbitofrontal cortex while encoding new material. Their conclusion suggested that the process of new learned material weighted heavily on other parts of the frontal cortex, but the orbitofrontal cortex was a critical area in the acquirement of the new information.
In all, the orbitofrontal cortex has been found to be an important feature in our motivation and selection process. Researchers are continuing their studies of the functions of this area.

What drives you? Well, that’s a good question. I’ve taken this opportunity to answer that question and chose to direct my research towards Drive Theory. Drive has a biological basis; our behavior directly services our body with whatever it needs. When biological disparity arises we psychologically encounter bodily deficits as drive. Imbalances in the body can include lack of sleep, sex, food, oxygen etc. Drive motivates the action or behavior that is necessary in replenishing or fulfilling our body’s needs.
“Drive” is a grand theory of motivation and rests behind “Will” and “Instinct”. All three can be said to play a vital role in motivation and all have respective value. Drive is highly biological but it also presents itself in other venues as well. The drive to succeed, the drive to please others, and the drive to better yourself are only a few examples of how drive has a major social aspect as well. I find the social facet of drive more interesting because it exemplifies uniqueness to the individual whereas the biological factors in all of us are static. Drive theory is found on pg. 29, Chapter 2 of the textbook.
Clark Hull formulated an approach to drive that was based on homeostasis; the active regulation of significant biological variables. Hull considered behavior as another way the body regulated itself or kept itself alive and provided it what it needed. In this way behavior could be viewed as an external expression from the individual in its pursuit of overall biological health (i.e. sweating to cool yourself off when you are hot). This action is already built-in to your body but if it fails you are likely to carry out a behavior such as turning the air conditioning on or drinking a cold glass of water.
There are however some contradictions to the idea of homeostatic mechanisms. In certain instances homeostasis is irrelevant in drive and motivation. “The need for speed” or the “thirst for knowledge” aren’t necessarily needed to keep our bodies at equilibrium but they do satisfy a need. Motivation might be present without a driving stimulation. We all eat even when we aren’t hungry and we often fall asleep even if we don’t feel tired. I found these ideas particularly important because earlier I had stated that the non-biological or non-homeostatic drives were of special interest to me and where they were derived from or what in particular separated them from regular biological needs.
What I found was that incentives; external goals or stimuli that have the capacity to motivate behavior, in conjunction with drives are what control most motivated behaviors. Hull believed that when a distinct behavior satisfied a need, the behavior was reinforced and therefore more likely to happen again. Over a period of time if the behavior consistently fulfilled that need it would become a habit. Hull’s drive theory could not explain why an individual would choose to engage in a behavior that would not satisfy a biological need and it neglected the presence of an external stimulus.Essentially drive theories stress how internal states of tension push individuals in a certain direction and incentives emphasize how external stimuli pull an individual in certain directions. So, it seems as though I’ve found the answer I was looking for concerning the disparity between biological and social drive factors. It’s not something from within that drives us to succeed or do better; the source of motivation lies outside the individual in the environment.

The topic that interested me the most was external events. For my assignment I used External motives for three different settings: Smoking, drug treatment and alcohol use. I have always wondered why people drink and smoke, and why it is so hard for them to stop such behaviors. While reading chapter 1, I began to think, what internal and external motivations make a person want to drink or smoke? It got me to thinking about motivation in a way that I had never done so before. I researched two different research articles and one online article dealing with relative topics in order to gain a better understanding of the motivation between drinking and smoking. My focus for this assignment is strictly external cues and events.
The first article I found was Testing the influence of external and internal cues on smoking motivation using a community sample. This purpose of this article was to attempt to establish why people smoke cigarettes. The information I found article dealt with external cues such as pictures of cigarettes and lit cigarettes. External cues such as community smoking, pictures of cigarettes and lit cigarettes trigger behavior to want to smoke. The authors of the article call it “anticipation of pleasure” (Brandon, Erika, 2010). This article relates to what we have talked about in class in a way of applying our newly gained knowledge of external events.
The second article I found was Modeling attitude towards drug treament: The role of internal motivation, external pressure, and dramatic relief. This article dealt with how external cues can play a role in the effectiveness of drug treatment programs. This article opened up my eyes to things I had never thought of before. When I thought of drug treatment I thought about the person having to want to quit on his or her own. However, as I learned, this is not the case. External pressure is a very heavy external event that is vital to drug rehabilitation. Different external pressures can be pressure from family members and/or loved ones, and pressure from the criminal justice system. The amount of pressure a person is getting from people around him or her can be a strong indicator of whether a person is really going to change. Some examples of external motivation that the authors use are “I will get in trouble if I don’t remain in treatment. I don’t feel I have a choice about remaining in treatment” (Anglin, Conner, Longshore, 2009). In summary, higher external pressure may be more important to get someone to quit drugs than internal motivations.
The online article that I read is Alcohol Relapse and Craving. This article also gave me a better insight to other external events that can trigger a person to want to drink. The external cues presented in this article was a familiar bar. The author of this article goes on to say that external events can be a warning sign of relapse. This is because the effect that can have on a person is very strong.

Conner, B., Longshore, D., & Anglin, M. (2009). Modeling attitude towards drug treament: The role of internal motivation, external pressure, and dramatic relief. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 36(2), 150-158. doi:10.1007/s11414-008-9119-1.

Litvin, Erika B.; Brandon, Thomas H. Testing the influence of external and internal cues on smoking motivation using a community sample. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol 18(1), Feb 2010, 61-70. doi: 10.1037/a0017414

Freud has always interested me, so when I found his drive theory I decided to check it out. While looking at his theory, Wikipedia mentioned that he also came up with a "death theory" - which is today called thanatos. Thanatos is basically the desire to move towards an inaminate state. Freud came up with this after seeing many patients. Some would relive trauma from World War I or pervious abuse. Some were masochastic or sadistic. Others had what we today call OCD. Still others had a wish to die. Freud believed this was contrary to Eros, or the life drive. He figured since it wasn't the life drive, it had to be the death drive. He wrote about this drive in the paper Beyond the Pleasure Priciple. Of course, like most of Freud's work, it was criticized heavily. Most other psychoanalytic theorists didn't even embrace this particular theory. However, biology may come to Freud's defense. Scientists studying the life of cells have found that in order to have a healthy fetus, some of the cells had to die, especially in the brain. This is known as programmed cell death. Some researchers of this pheomena claim that it proves Freud was right all along. I think this is an interesting topic and actually, thanatos makes sense to me as a drive. Maybe we can make it a mini-theory.

I chose to research the topic of internal motives. The topic is related to our readings because in chapter 1 on pages 8 and 9 they are discussed. I am interested in internal motives because they are part of our daily life even though we don’t always recognize it. Internal motives include our needs, cognitions and emotions. Our needs include exactly that; the things that are essential and necessary for life. Those include food and water. Cognitions are thoughts, beliefs, expectations and our self-concepts. Emotions are short-lived and subjective physiological events that determine how we react in certain experiences. Through understanding internal motives, we can begin to learn why we do what we do.
The first article discusses positive vs. negative internal motivation. The example in the article states that his child doesn’t want to attend the next swim practice because they have to swim for each team mates mistakes that are made at the upcoming swim meet. The idea behind this is good in theory but when negative punishment is involved people tend to pull away. Negative punishment could potentially harm a person’s internal motivation. Motives direct our behavior and if the child becomes unmotivated to swim because of the consequences of their mistakes, their level of internal motivation will decrease.
The second clip is of Richard Robbins speaking about internal vs. external motivation. He emphasizes how internal motivation comes from within and is related to the answer of the question why we want something. We don’t need to ask how until after you can answer why. Without meaning most everything we do is useless.
The third clip contains 10 motivational quotes. I found this interesting that people can be drawn to specific quotes for motivation. Motivational quotes can help change the way we think (cognition) about certain experiences and they can also influence our emotions. There is a popular website out there that does the exact opposite. They are de-motivational quotes and posters. Motivation has the power to affect us internally or externally. Quotes are external events but have the power to change our internal motivation when necessary.

The topic that I chose to discuss is the neurotransmitter “dopamine”. This topic was discussed in chapter 3. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps to achieve those feelings that make us feel good. This neurotransmitter helps us decide between what we want to do, and what we don't want to do, and in turn, can motivate us to either do the task or not. For example, if a friend asks you to go out with them on a Friday night and you happen to be really bored, chances are you will be motivated to go out with them. This is because the amount of dopamine in your brain increases. If you receive an e-mail from a teacher that same Friday night asking you to complete an assignment, the dopamine levels in your brain will decrease because you will not be motivated to do that.

This topic interested me because I have always been curious about functions in the brain and what causes us to do what we do, and dopamine is a main motivator that we have. Also, in my Drugs and Individual Behavior class, we are also learning about the brain, so I thought this could help my understanding in that class a little better, also. The brain is a very interesting topic to discuss and study, but it’s so detailed that it would be hard to talk about all of the functions the brain does, so I just picked out one that I thought was most interesting.

The first link is a video from YouTube that briefly describes the main functions of dopamine in the brain. It first gives a brief definition and a few functions that it does. It explains how dopamine levels rise, and also how dopamine levels decrease. One thing that was interesting that I learned from the video is how Ritalin and amphetamine help individuals with ADHD to focus and concentrate more.

The next link is a website containing information on foods that can actually increase our dopamine levels. Eating these foods will increase dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, causing us to be happier, have our movements more under control, and also help to regulate hunger. This article is actually really interesting!

The last link is another YouTube video on how dopamine releases in to our brain. It explains how dopamine attaches to receptors in our brain, and how it is then recycled so the process can repeat itself. It’s a very informational video and it’s easy to understand.

Searching for these resources helped me to understand the logistics of dopamine very well. The last video was actually a review for me from this morning in my Drugs and Individual Behavior class, and watching that video helped me to understand the process better. The article about what foods can help to increase dopamine levels was also very informational because it provides you with information on how you can better mood by controlling what you eat. I did not know that eating bananas and apples can help to increase your mood, I’m not much of an apple eater, but I’ll definitely be sure to eat more bananas now, especially when I’m in a sour mood! Now, whenever I’m feeling happy and excited, I’ll know it’s because the dopamine levels in my brain are high! :)

The topic I chose to focus on was the stress hormone known as Cortisol. This term falls into the third chapter of the textbook. There are three primary principals that organize how motivational researchers study the brain, which include; structure, biochemical agents and lastly, day to day events.

Biochemical agent is just a fancy name for hormones, which are key driving forces in our motivation and emotion.

Being in situations which include social evaluation whether it be in the form of threats or an audience while performing a task almost always triggers an increased cortisol level within our body. The response our body has to these types of stressors plays a significant role in our health.

In order for the body to function properly and maintain homeostasis, it must produce the hormone cortisol. It is produced by the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland, which can be found right above each kidney. The process of the release of cortisol is very complex but necessary in response to a stimulus.

Too much cortisol can be a health risk that could lead to higher blood pressure, cancers, a break-down of muscle tissue, lowered immunity or an increase in abdominal fat, which could result in heart attack or stroke, and the list goes on. Maintaining lowered cortisol levels can be done so by getting enough sleep, healthy eating habits, focusing on stress reduction techniques and trying to avoid stimulants to name a few.

Being a college student I find myself under a bit more stress than the average person, which drew me to this topic in order to gain a little more insight into its purpose and effects.

The topic I chose deals with how the psychophysiological environment of the workplace can greatly effect productivity. This directly relates to Chapter 1 because it deals with how psychophysiological states can alter motivation. It also deals with Figure 1.5 in Chapter 1 in the way that the work environment is the Antecedent Condition, the thoughts and emotions of the employees are the Motive Status, and the Urge to Approach vs. Avoid is whether or not employees are motivated to be productive. Also, this topic directly relates to Figure 1.5 because employees are energized and driven when the most appropriate and personally effective conditions and motives are in place.

The first link below takes you to the homepage of the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program(PHWA). Since 1999, this program has rewarded over 300 organizations for administering psychologically sound work environments. Their main objective is to encourage employers of all types to create a work environment that promotes psychological well-being. The site offers various resources to promote this type of environment for employers and employees and also offers free webinars centered around particular topics such as "The Benefits of Psychologically Healthy Workplace". This site also contains a multitude of research revolving around the central idea that job satisfaction is closely related high productivity.

The second link below takes you to an APA article entitled "Occupational Stress and Employee Control". The main focus of this article is to emphasize how high autonomy at work can reduce stress levels and increase motivation. Some significant findings of this article involves a study done by Robert Karasek in 1979. In Karasek's study, he found that the employees who rated their work autonomy as low had higher rates of exhaustion, depression, anxiety, and other negative effects. These effects negatively impacted the psychological well-being of the workers and their level of productivity suffered. The importance of this research is that it can be applied to a multitude of work environments. This research showed that in order to increase productivity, the psychological environment (in this case having autonomy), needs to be viewed as an important factor.

The third link discusses happiness in general as being an important success factor in work, relationships, and health. The article reviews various research and discusses how the results suggest that happiness leads to superior work performance and even leads to a longer life.

What I learned from these three sources confirmed my current viewpoint that job satisfaction directly correlates to life satisfaction. I find it increasingly interesting how employment can have a such a significant impact on the physiological and psychological well-being of an individual. I see psychology as having a tremendous impact in future employment practices.

My topic is based on chapter two page thirty-eight and it is not necessarily the paragraphs but more like figure 2.2 The Relationship of Motivation Study to Psycholgy's Areas of Specialization. It fits perfectly with the chapter because it asks what causes behavior and why does behavior vary in its intensity? Then it shows all these different branches that are connected together by these to questions that may appear simple but really it just becomes some what of a difficult task to solve which may lead to other difficult tasks along the way. Like on the book on page thirty -eight on the continuing paragraph of page thirty-seven "Because of the overlap, it is sometimes difficult to say where the suty of congiton ends and where the suty of motivation begins or vise versa. Well the way that I applied to myself in order for me to grasp the concept, I just browse through online stores, seeing how expensive most things are, then realizing that I don't have the money but what if I got another job instead of just one, but yet keeping in mind that my education comes first but still wanting the money. one of my motivations is that I will keep school first because later on I know I will get paid more than the average person and yet still get another job just to save up, to know that if anything happens I have some in my pocket. One of the things that keeps that motive alive is listening to things like a rap song from called I'm addicted to money by lil scrappy. That is just some of the cause of the behavior, what about the intesity the instensity would be measured by either me applying for another job even though I already have one or just not really apply for any at all, and really what kind of job would it be counts also. One place would be or just go to to apply. Now if it were an emergency and I really needed that money what would intensify the need of money and a job even more is hearing negative things about the economy like how people are going to benefit more will be those with very high-skils and those that will not really benefit are low-skilled people and those caught in the middle will not benefit what so ever. Like the article that I found on google.

For my topic, I chose the to research Tourette's Syndrome. I felt that this was related to Chapter 3 of our text book because there is some research that suggests Tourette's may be caused by an abnormality in a gene that affects the brain's metabolism of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Furthermore, the main symptom of Tourette's (the vocal and motor tics) are described as having a sensation similar to an itch that needs to be scratched which could tie it somewhat into an aroused motive (even though tics are often uncontrollable, it is said that people who have the disorder are aware of them and can suppress them temporarily but eventually the tension builds up and has to be released by acting upon it).
I chose this topic because it hits very close to home. My 6 (almost 7) year old was just recently diagnosed with having a mild case of Tourette's and ADHD. Because I want to be able to provide him with the best environment and support possible, I have been trying to educate myself about the disorder so that I may help him to learn how to cope with it.
Some of the information that I learned from this research was the fact that some of the current research is suggesting that it is tied to an abnormality of a gene that controls the brain's metabolism of neurotransmitters. I also learned that Tourette's is mostly inherited but there are cases where it appears without a family history (this would make sense because my older brother also has a diagnosis of a mild case of Tourette's). Furthermore, Tourette's seems to affect males 3 to 4 times more than females and the disorder is more common than previously thought.
Another interesting fact I found was that Tourette's is often dually diagnosed with other disorders such as ADD, ADHD, and obsessive compulsive disorder. About half of all TS patients have symptoms of ADHD sometime during the course of the disease. Although attention deficit is certainly one of the most common and disabling symptoms of TS, in many patients the inability to pay attention is due not only to a co-existent ADHD, but also because of poor motivation, unwanted intrusions of thoughts, mental concentration exerted in an effort to suppress tics, sedation from anti-TS medications, and associated migraine headaches.
Finally, I discovered that tics can be classified into two categories: simple and complex. From the Baylor College of Medicine website, "simple tics involve repetitive movement of one muscle group such as shoulder shrugging, eye blinking or neck popping. Complex motor tics include coordinated motor behaviors such as touching, tapping, jumping, skipping when walking, or socially inappropriate gestures. Coprolalia, manifested by shouting of obscenities or profanities, is probably the most over-emphasized symptom of TS, and is actually present in only about one third of all patients. Other complex phonic tics include palilalia (repetition of the last syllable, word or phrase in a sentence), or echolalia (repetition of someone else's words or phrases)."
As a parent, it is crucial for me to educate myself on it because I do not want to chastise my son for something that he cannot help. Rather, I want to be able to help him to develop healthy coping mechanisms to help him succeed in whatever goals he sets for himself. Perhaps by posting this, others too will take the initiative to educate themselves not only about this disorder, but about other disorders that may be inflicted upon their loved ones, friends, or even co-workers.

The topic for research that I chose was the mini theory of Self-Efficacy. In our book, the author talks about the three "Grand Theories" of Will, Instinct, and Drive which all embrace what Reeve calls "mini theories"; one of them being the Self-Efficacy theory. Reeve explains in the text that a mini-theory explains some but not all of motivated behavior while a Grand Theory seeks to explain the full range of motivated action. In other words, mini-theories limit their attention to specific motivational phenomenons, particular circumstances, groups of people, or theoretical questions.

The reason why I chose the Self-Efficacy theory was because I find this theory quite interesting. Self-Efficacy deals with one's perception of self, e.g if you feel capable of completing tasks in a certain manner. It has a great impact on people's performances in the work place and in families. Self Efficacy, according to Wikipedia, is one of the center points for Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on factors that create a meaning for individuals which was intersting. It strives to find nurture, genius and talent in individuals and not just treat a mental illness.

Acccording to Bandura from Stanford University, "Self-efficacy beliefs also determine how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave. They include cognitive, motivational, affective and selection processes." He says that people's beliefs about their efficacy can be developed by four main sources of influence but the most effective way of creating a strong sense of efficacy is through mastery experiences. Successes build a robust belief in one's personal efficacy. Failures undermine it, especially if failures occur before a sense of efficacy is firmly established. So going back to this idea of positive psychology, I feel as if it would lead to more people feeling better about themselves and maybe even being able to achieve more simply because someone believes in them.

From this notion I then went to a website which would better explain Positive Psychology because the idea of self-efficacy and how it relates really caught my attention. I found that the aim of positive psychology is to catalyze
a change in psychology from a preoccupation
only with repairing the worst things in
life to also building the best qualities in life. Before World War II, psychology had
three distinct missions: curing mental illness,
making the lives of all people more productive
and fulfilling, and identifying and nurturing
high talent. However after WWII economic reasons changed everything. The National Institute of Mental Health which housed many clinical psychologists found out that they could recieve grants if their research was based on pathology. This made huge strides in other places of psychology but the fundamental missisons of psychology were forgotten; making the lives of all people better and nurturing

In conclusion the theory of Self-Efficacy can be branched off and used to describe many things that we do as human beings. One being our level of achievment and feeling good enough about it to do it again. This level of Psychology (positive psychology) that I have newly discoverd has proven to be very interesting and could maybe lead to more research by myself.

I choose to do my assignment on the self-efficacy theory. The self-efficacy theory is form chapter 2 and its one of the mini theories that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s. This topic fits with motivation and emotion because the part of the course is about why people do or do not do certain things. People with low self-efficacy are not going to do certain things or complete goals like a person with strong sense of self-efficacy. Also the self-efficacy theory is one of the mini theories that helped pave the way for the reemergence of the study of motivation. I am interested in this theory because I sometimes doubt that I can do a particular tasks and it annoys me that I always doubt myself. Once I get over the doubt I can always complete the task, but sometimes I let the doubt get to me and I never even attempt something. I could characterize myself as having a low self-efficacy, which I would like to change. I would just like to know more about self-efficacy and maybe find some ways to improve my self-efficacy.

I learned from my first website that self-efficacy affects every person, because everyone has goals that they wish to accomplish. People with a strong sense of self-efficacy have a set of four characteristics which include they view challenging problems as tasks to be mastered, they develop deeper interest in the activities in which they participate, they from a stronger sense of commitment to their interests and activities and they recover quickly form setbacks and disappointments. People with a weak sense of self-efficacy also have a set of four characteristics which are almost the opposite of the ones just described for people with a high self-efficacy. I also learned that there are four ways to develop a strong sense of self efficacy. The four ways are mastery experiences, social modeling, social persuasion and psychological responses. I leaned that when you fail to complete a task, your self-efficacy weakens. So all the times I don’t finish something that I wanted to do because of doubt or fear I would fail, just lowers my self-efficacy each time. From this article I learned what things strengthen self-efficacy and the things that I can do to start to improve my own self-efficacy.

The second website was actually a study entitled A Self-Efficacy Theory Explanation for the Management of Remote Workers in Virtual Organizations. This article shows how self-efficacy is a part of every aspect of people’s lives. Self-efficacy is not just for personal goals but also for professional goals that occur in the workplace. First of all this article was about virtual organizations and how workers are often in locations remote form their mangers. I learned from this study that an employee’s self-efficacy play a role in their work performance as well as their attitudes towards work and their organizations. In other words people with a high self-efficacy have a better work performance on average than people with low self-efficacy. This article also helped bring into perspective how self-efficacy plays a role in the different aspects of my life.

The third website was actually a you tube video about the little engine that could. It’s actually the little engine singing the song “I think I can”. In this song his friends keep telling him he can make up and he can do anything if he believes he can. This video has a lot of social persuasion, because the little engines friends keep telling he can. I have found that when my friends and family give me encouragement that I am more able to complete a task than I am without that encouragement. This is a cute little songs that can show someone of any age that they are able to do anything they set their mind too. I just might start playing that song every time I doubt myself and see if that song can increase my self efficacy. I learned a lot of new things from these three website and I found some ways to increase my own self-efficacy. I think self-efficacy is an important topic because it affects everyone and without self-efficacy, no one would accomplish anything.

I chose to read more about the hypothalamus, which is discussed in chapter three. The hypothalamus is the brain structure that controls many important human functions, including hunger, body temperature and sex drive.

The hypothalamus aims to keep our body at a set level (or status quo). To do this, it releases hormones which motivate us to eat if we need energy, drink if we are getting dehydrated or grab a blanket if our body temperature is getting to low. It also controls several other important brain structures, including the pituitary gland (which regulates hormones)and the reticular formations (which relays information from the spinal cord about internal temperature, and also helps regulate sleep patterns). I watched a clip about a guy who was stuck in a cave for several days without food. At first, he spent all day searching for something to eat, but when it became apparent no food was to be found, his hypothalamus stopped producing as many hunger hormones and instead went into survival mode. His hair and fingernails stopped grow , and most other non-essential functions were shut down. At some point (obviously…because he was interviewed for the clip) the man was rescued. This is a great example of how efficient our bodies can be when we are in an emergency, and also how much control a little tiny gland can have on our overall functioning.

A lot of research is being done to see how the hypothalamus can be used in reverse, so to speak, to help people lose weight. Our brains are in the business of survival, and historically speaking it has been beneficial for humans to store fat for times of hardship,during which food is less (or un) available. Fortunately, very few of us are faced with the prospect of actual starvation, but our brains have not adjusted and are still compelled to store extra fat we don’t need. By ‘resetting’ the hypothalamus, people are better able to maintain a healthy weight by choosing higher protein foods and less simple carbohydrates which helps us to feel more satisfied after eating and therefore won’t cause the release of hunger hormones (such as ghrelin, which is discussed in the book).

After I read Chapter One, I knew right away that I wanted to write about engagement. Even in the relatively small section I was still fascinated by the idea of engagement. I believe this interest comes from my curiosity about the idea of engagement about how easy it is for some people to feign engagement, yet it is so hard to truly achieve.

I found a very nice video to start off my adventures into engagement that very clearly and simply stated what qualifies as engagement. In the video, Dr. Paul Marciano explains that engagement is a more beneficial, long-term motive. Dr. Marciano also describes that engagement differs from motivation in the sense that motivation involves more strategies for a productive outcome while engagement is more about getting people to be more loyal and committed. All in all I found this short video a perfect intro into the subject.

Next I found an interesting piece about how engagement is increased with age. This article was based on a survey done by AARP where the original issue was the complaint that older employees were too costly. The survey found that not only is the demographic not too costly, but that they were cost efficient. The study found that the older members of the work community were more loyal and wanted to exceed expectations more than their younger counterparts. I liked this piece a lot because it showed a more practical side of engagement and why it is important we take action to increase engagement.

Finally, I found an article talking about student motivation and engagement. I was really excited when I saw this article because it was something I could relate to and gave me some answers as to how I can become more engaged. My favorite part about this article is a section about participation and belonging. The article says that there is a correlation between how connected a student feels to the class will directly affect their engagement. For instance, someone who values their class relationships and feels a valid part of that class will be more engaged in that class. Adversely, if a student feels cut-off from the class or isolated, they will likely be disengaged. I immediately recognized this within the context of a class I had last semester. I felt completely isolated and never talked to any of my classmates, which then lead me to become very disengaged and inattentive throughout the class. I loved that I could relate to this article and that it showed me some of the main issues of student engagement.

I find it absolutely amazing just how complex the brain is so I enjoy learning about it. I find it intriguing that specific brain structures generate specific motivations. The amygdala in particular is very interesting. Pages 57&58 of chapter 3 in the book did a good job of explaining this structure. After doing some further investigation I found a website from Dr. Ellen Weber CEO and President of MITA International Brain Based Center for Renewal in Secondary and Higher Education, who believes and has research to back up the claim that people can learn to work their amydagla for them and help them accomplish more by sampling rethinking the way the act when a stressful situation occurs so the amygdala wont have the chance to change your positive mood to a bad one. This is interesting because it reminds people they have the control to get more done by not settling into a bad mood.

An article published on BBC is based on the research of American scientist who think may have figured out that the amygdala is connected to loss aversion. Participants who had damaged amygdalas did not worry so much if they lost money then those with non damaged amygdalas.

It is interesting according to The Scientist that this brain structure has not been researched until about seventy years ago, but now there is constant research being done and showing that the amygdala functions may possibly explain why people could be motivated to do certain behaviors during emotional states and why some people have no fear of anything.

Chapter two examines motivation from nine perspectives, one of which is neurological in its approach. Whereas brain imaging has helped to map the functions of previously-diagramed brain formations (i.e. hippocampus involvement with learning and memory), better understanding the dynamics of adulthood neuronal development may assist in uncovering motivation as it relates to the processes of learning and memory. This topic is interesting because it has only begun to take off in the last ten years—it contradicts prior brain-computer analogies, refuting brain cells as more-or-less static from birth.

Altman developed his theory of neurogenesis in 1962; though controversial, he theorized neuron development in adult mammals. For at least 20 years avian research has acknowledged neurogenesis in songbirds fully capable of learning/recalling up to 2000 songs over the life span. Conversely, mammalian neurogenesis has been contested until relatively recently. Disbeliefs stemmed from large inabilities of the brain and spinal cord to repair themselves following traumatic injury. Other difficulties were rooted in the mechanistic stance: an inability of individually complex neurons to be duplicated in adulthood. The human brain is composed of 100 billion neurons comprising 100 trillion connections. On the conceptual level, how would new neurons incorporate amicably within the existing neuron framework?

Characterized by increasing neo-neuron casualties in comparison to survivors, this gap has likely resulted in the long-held notion of the human brain as comparable to a computer and prolonged the research discovery. Current findings suggest otherwise, thousands of neurons are created in the hippocampus daily. Though the olfactory bulb is also implicated in neurogenesis, the main focus is the hippocampus. In order to survive neurons need blood nutrients, glial cell insulation and connections with other neurons.

Using mice, researchers have found a correlation between the number of remaining neurons and the amount of learning tasks performed. Better learners appear to maintain more new neurons, especially when trained on demanding tasks. Preliminary findings have found stress negatively affects learning and neurogenesis; however, exercise facilitates neuron growth and survival. Compared to a control group, mice allowed to run in a wheel produced almost twice as many new hippocampus neurons.

Reduced neurogenesis has been proposed as a hypothesis to depression. Neurogenesis increases with seizure activity although it is maladaptive, actually contributing to more seizures. Increased neurogenesis has also been identified in response to stroke, Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s— possibly the brain’s effort to repair itself.

Just as such findings have implications for future treatment of dementia, new questions arise as to the function of these new hippocampus neurons? Are they imperative to learning and memory formation? Though some support surfaces to suggest new neurons aid in learning and memory, to what degree? As methods improve and the field expands, will new areas of the brain be identified in neurogenesis? Will it one day become equally difficult to teach a new dog and an old dog the same new trick?

In Chapter 1, it discusses how motivation needs supportive conditions to flourish. One of the examples given is in education. In the educational setting, each person has different motivations for what they do and how hard they work, but it is an environment where motivation is studied and encouraged.There are several aspects that affect the motivation such as the students' attitudes, the teachers' support and the parents' relationships to education.

Several sources I found discuss the self-determination theory (SDT). SDT in education focuses on student's interest in learning and value of educations, and competence in their attributions.Students who have the opprotunities to be autonomous feel they have control over their choices. This lead to them taking more responsiblity for their actions when they know their choices and efforts impact what happens.

Another aspect discussed was that the relationship between student and teacher can improve effort in school. Positive relationships also improve a child's self-determination. Teachers must work to provide for the child's psychological needs through a relationship to help meet their educational needs. Support from an educator can increase value of the material, which also strengthens students motivation to do the work.

The topic that I chose is “Motivation Includes both Approach and Avoidance Tendancies” p. 17 in Chapter 1. I picked this topic because it didn’t occur to me that the desire to avoid things also motivates people. When I decided to take this class I was only thinking about motivating myself positively to achieve a goal, which our text calls approach-oriented motivation. After researching this topic I have learned more about both approach-oriented motivation and avoidance-oriented motivation and that both are powerful motivational tools when used correctly.
Through my research I learned that some psychologists believe that people are more motivated by either avoidance (known as a behavior inhibition system BIS) or approach (known as a behavioral activation system BAS). There are tests, one of which I have included a link to in this blog, which determine if a person is more avoidance or approach-oriented. What this basically means is whether a person is more motivated by goals (approach-oriented) or threats (avoidance-oriented).
The psychlopedia website’s section on approach and avoidance motivation agreed with our text that both are essential for survival. This website claims that approach-oriented motivation comes from the left hemisphere of the brain, while avoidance-oriented motivation comes from the right side of the brain. I found this interesting since in chapter 3 of our textbook on pages 61 and 62 it says the exact same thing. This website went on to describe how there isn’t a consensus on whether the right side of the brain is more linked to positive emotions and the left side to negative emotions. Various studies have had mixed results.
One article I found that was titled “Approach/Avoidance Motivation, Message Framing, and Health Behavior: Understanding the Congruency Effect” by David K Sherman, Traci Mann, and John A. Updegraff used the concept of approach and avoidance motivations to demonstrate that these motivators work differently depending on the person’s personality. Their study took a group of college students who were then divided into two groups: approach-oriented, who according to the article “are more responsive to cues of reward” and avoidance oriented, who “are more responsive to cues of threat and punishment” (p.165). The study than randomly distributed one of these two publications to the students about flossing, one that focused on the benefits and another that described the health risks of not flossing. The researchers found that student who were more motivated by the avoidance-approach responded more to the article about health risks (as measured by self-reported increases in flossing), while students who were more approach-oriented were more motivated by the article about the health benefits of flossing.
Psychlopedia webpage about Approach and Avoidance:
Example of BIS/BAS test:
Article about approach/avoidance and flossing:

I am reposting because I don't like the formatting of my previous post, but the text is the same.

The topic that I chose is “Motivation Includes both Approach and Avoidance Tendancies” p. 17 in Chapter 1. I picked this topic because it didn’t occur to me that the desire to avoid things also motivates people. When I decided to take this class I was only thinking about motivating myself positively to achieve a goal, which our text calls approach-oriented motivation. After researching this topic I have learned more about both approach-oriented motivation and avoidance-oriented motivation and that both are powerful motivational tools when used correctly.

Through my research I learned that some psychologists believe that people are more motivated by either avoidance (known as a behavior inhibition system BIS) or approach (known as a behavioral activation system BAS). There are tests, one of which I have included a link to in this blog, which determine if a person is more avoidance or approach-oriented. What this basically means is whether a person is more motivated by goals (approach-oriented) or threats (avoidance-oriented).

The psychlopedia website’s section on approach and avoidance motivation agreed with our text that both are essential for survival. This website claims that approach-oriented motivation comes from the left hemisphere of the brain, while avoidance-oriented motivation comes from the right side of the brain. I found this interesting since in chapter 3 of our textbook on pages 61 and 62 it says the exact same thing. This website went on to describe how there isn’t a consensus on whether the right side of the brain is more linked to positive emotions and the left side to negative emotions. Various studies have had mixed results.

One article I found that was titled “Approach/Avoidance Motivation, Message Framing, and Health Behavior: Understanding the Congruency Effect” by David K Sherman, Traci Mann, and John A. Updegraff used the concept of approach and avoidance motivations to demonstrate that these motivators work differently depending on the person’s personality. Their study took a group of college students who were then divided into two groups: approach-oriented, who according to the article “are more responsive to cues of reward” and avoidance oriented, who “are more responsive to cues of threat and punishment” (p.165). The study than randomly distributed one of these two publications to the students about flossing, one that focused on the benefits and another that described the health risks of not flossing. The researchers found that student who were more motivated by the avoidance-approach responded more to the article about health risks (as measured by self-reported increases in flossing), while students who were more approach-oriented were more motivated by the article about the health benefits of flossing.

Psychlopedia webpage about Approach and Avoidance:
Example of BIS/BAS test:
Article about approach/avoidance and flossing:

My topic is facial expressions. I found the topic of facial expressions to be very interesting. According to Chapter 1 page 11 of our textbook, facial expressions are one aspect of behavior that express motivation. Facial expressions or the lack thereof can indicate the presence or absence of a motive. I find facial expressions interesting because they're one way to determine how someone's feeling and the extent to which some people portray their facial expressions is intriguing. Some can be extremely goofy while others can be very subtle. Another reason why they interest me is because my friends say I have a lot of facial expressions and some call me "the girl of a thousand faces". So, I thought I could get some insight on myself by doing some research.

My first source, an article from a psychology magazine, said that facial expressions aren't always an accurate way to tell how someone's feeling and should be used along with other tools. The face is one way to tell emotion, not the only way. The article also says that facial expressions forecast people's future actions and can be used for influencing social interactions. For example, a smile may attract someone to approach you while a scowl may deter them from doing so. From this source, I learned that there is a link between facial expressions and emotions, but it's not a one-to-one relationship.

My second source said that the meaning behind facial expressions depends a lot on the situation. They can also depend on culture. For example, some facial expressions are similarly recognized across the world (they're universal) while others are not. Smiling is a universal facial expression. Besides varying between cultures, many facial expressions are person-specific (vary from person to person). From this source, I learned that a facial expression here may mean something completely different in another culture.

My third source, a psychology news article, discussed a study about microexpressions which are a form of facial expressions. Microexpressions, such as a flash of fear on someone's face, aren't likely to be consciously noticed but are still picked up by the brain and sent through to the visual system. Since microexpressions can get past your consciousness, they can alter perception and influence social judgments. From this source, I learned that some facial expressions like that of microexpressions aren't always consciously noticed and may influence your decisions without you knowing it.

First source:

Second source:

Third source:

The topic I chose to write on is effort. This is found in the first chapter of the book. The reason I chose to do the topic on effort is because I have been interested in how and why people put effort into the things that they do. Different people have different goals and in order to achieve them, they have to put a lot of effort into what they are doing if they want good results and want the to do the best that they can do. The book explains that an individual puts forth efforth when they really want to achieve something. There is both physical effort and mental effort.
The first source is from
The article is titled “Make your marketing efforts work for you.” When I read this article it explained that when you are sending out a marketing message you should really make sure you are focusing on the right audience. The article explained how it takes a lot of effort to make your add work. If the audience you are focusing on is not interested in what you have to say you are wasting your time and effort. The reason I chose this article is because I wanted to show that putting forth effort into the things you want to achieve can take a lot of time and money. This article was good because it shows you must first target the right audience before putting forth all of this effort. If you are targeting the wrong audiences it is just a waste of your time.

The second source is from When I read this article it explained that campaigns such as the American Cancer Association put forth a lot of effort to explain to individuals that they may need help in order to quit smoking. Some individuals may feel they have put forth a lot of effort and have failed to quit many times. They may need additional help from a supportive group. This article talked about the effort that it takes for individuals to quit smoking and the additional help from another group can help them even more.

The third source came from a newspaper article in the sports page. The globe gazette. The Cincinnati Bengals recently defeated the Dallas Cowboys 17-16. The Bengals put forth more effort towards the end of the game. This means finishing a game strong. When observing athletes they are in practice constantly almost every day. Typically, athlets have to put forth a lot of effort as individuals and as a team. This does not necessarily mean they will win, but it does help their chances.

The topic I chose to write on is effort. This is found in the first chapter of the book. The reason I chose to do the topic on effort is because I have been interested in how and why people put effort into the things that they do. Different people have different goals and in order to achieve them, they have to put a lot of effort and hard time into their work. The book explains that effort is put forth when an individual wants to achieve something. There is both physical effort and mental effort.

The first source is from
The article is titled “Make your marketing efforts work for you.” When I read this article it explained that when you are sending out a marketing message you should really make sure you are focusing on the right audience. The article explained how it takes a lot of effort to make your add work. If the audience you are focusing on is not interested in what you have to say you are wasting your time and effort. This shows that you must first target the right audience before putting forth effort. Otherwise it is just a waste of your time.

The second source is from When I read this article it explained that campaigns such as the American Cancer Association put forth a lot of effort to explain to individuals that they may need help in order to quit smoking. Some individuals may feel they have put forth a lot of effort and have failed to quit many times. They may need additional help from a supportive group. This article talked about the effort it takes for individuals to quit smoking and the additional help from another group can help them even more.

The third source came from a newspaper article in the sports page. The globe gazette. The Cincinnati Bengals recently defeated the Dallas Cowboys 17-16. This article fits into effort because the Bengals put forth more effort until the end of the game. When observing athletes they are in practice constantly almost every day. Typically, individuals who have worked as a team and have put forth more effort will have a chance to play better in the game. This does not necessarily mean they will win, but it does help their chances.

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