I know a lot of people especially girls want to get married someday, and want to find their true love so I researched what motivates us to find true love and found this article which I found very interesting.
Helen Fisher the women who dedicates most of her life on How to find true love believes there are four personality types.
"all of us conform to one of four personality types, which are controlled by different chemicals in the brain. These chemicals mould us, and cause us to be attracted to people who complement our personality types (see panel). There is the Explorer, a sensation seeker ruled by dopamine; the Builder, a respecter of authority driven by serotonin; the Director, analytical and ruled by testosterone; and the Negotiator, intuitive and fired by oestrogen. Negotiators need to connect with others on a deeply personal level, are very trusting and good at talking."
What personality type are you? and if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend are they compatible with you according to Helen Fisher?
It is interesting that a biological anthropologist would somehow end up devoting the majority of her career to figuring out love.
It is phenomenal to me that our predetermined genetic makeup and balance of chemicals could categorize us, and push us to choose a mate that is of a certain "category" .
She also makes a good point about women entering the workforce changing the way relationships have developed. Women having a good idea of what they want to do in the future job-wise definitely gets rid of the stick w/ the high school or college boyfriend trend, especially when compared to the fact that the majority of women simply planned on getting married.
Other contributing factors to changes in romance then to now are: people marry more for love out of necessity now, men are more eager to marry then women, though the divorce rate is higher, the marriages that stay together are more happy, and internet dating.
The article only scratches the surface on everything and doesn't really go in depth on much. I would be interested to read one of her books and find out more.
This was an extremely interesting article. It is fascinating to think that according to Ms. Fisher's research we are genetically inclined to be more attracted to certain individuals. She said in the article that she has always been interested in how people can walk into a crowded room and immediately be drawn and attracted to just one person. Her research has shown her that that occurs due to the four personality types of people.
Explorers, are people who are ruled by dopamine therefore they seek thrills. The Builder is ruled by serotonin and respects authority. The Director is ruled by testosterone and is analytical. The Negotiator is ruled by oestrogen and is very intuitive. All of these people tend to be attracted to other people that fit into that personality category, except for the director and the negotiator sometimes go for each other.
Ms. Fisher called the 21st century, the age of romance, it is hard to believe that it is romantic when the divorce rate is high, yet research has shown that men want to marry more than women do and divorces usually end up in happy remarriages. Women now have more options than they did in our grandmother's era. We have the option to go to college, possibly even get a doctorate and get a job to support our future families. But because of this new found independence women are marrying later in life than they used to.
I found this article to be very interesting. I would not mind reading more about Helen Fisher's research. She seems like a very interesting intelligent woman with a lot to offer the world.